I haven’t watched the BBC’s three part series on the events in Rochdale, I know what happened and why…and I know why the BBC has produced this programme as it comes so late to the party….Do we need pious, self-serving BBC shows to teach us anything?
The Authorities, and that includes the BBC, buried their heads in the sand for years as hundreds of white girls, maybe up to 2,000, were abused by mostly Pakistani men….the reason? Maybe because first they just didn’t care about what they undoubtedly saw as ‘poor white trash’ and second they baulked at having to tackle something that had obvious undertones of race or religion….they would rather see these girls get raped and abused than have to ‘upset’ the Muslim community…this of course has resonance now in a parallel scenario as the BBC has a similar cultural cringe in regard to Muslim political violence and its connection to Islamic teaching.
Now the BBC has leapt nobly to the girls’ defence and has brought their plight to our attention…years too late. What is the point of this programme now? It is little more than some kind of perverse entertainment, a horror show exploiting the very real abuse and suffering those girls went through. It is in reality a ‘political’ programme as the BBC presents itself as an exposer of abuse and Establishment indifference and cowardice, holding Power to account….neglecting to mention that the BBC was part of that itself.
The Sunday Times believes the BBC is ducking the issue of race and is indeed engaged in massaging the truth for the ‘good of the community’….it also doesn’t think the programme was particularly brilliant, ITV’s ‘Little Boy Blue’ being better….‘superior for having sharper pacing, more efficient use of characters and more obvious moral knots’.
As said not seen either of these but maybe you have…comment below.
The Times goes on…
‘As a document it was noble; as a drama, a little dull. Three Girls left me morally uneasy…placing the story of the victims front and centre but the other key aspect of the case, the profile of the abusers, remained secondary. Only at the end of the final episode did we see a somewhat stagy face-off between members of the local Pakistani community. The reason this case was exceptional was because the culprits were exceptional too. This was what made your eyes twitch, your mouth tighten, whenever you read about it, regardless of your political persuasion. By sidelining the race issue the show also sidelined a whole community: the British Pakistanis, good and bad, remained peripheral yet agaiin. I’m not sure this helps anyone in the long run.
This was very much Auntie placing a calming hand over proceedings. She couldn’t stomach anything else, for now.’
Auntie always the same…Islam ‘The Religion of Peace’….ducking the issue….until it is forced upon you…and then what? No good producing a programme showing how it all went wrong when the Extremists have won and now rule the roost.
Give the BBC a break .
They’ve ” opened ” at least eight and “finalised” eight investigations into my property alone in the last year , with promises to visit and be in the area . How can they have time for anything else ?
Nibor – I too am currently subject to another investigation!
They even sent me yet another letter telling me what I could expect if I am summoned to court – W#####s!
With all these investigations on my property I reckon when it gets to court they will have to book the judge for a whole week- just for me.
I too didnt see Three Girls . However after reading reviews and talking to those who have seen it. Most people I talked to about it felt that basically it was “too little – too late” And the fact that the BBC were too shit scared to really mention the PAKISTANI or MUSLIM words shows how far they have disappeared up their own arses when it comes to political correctness.
If you cant be truthful about what happened/is happening – How can you start a debate to try and prevent it happening further?. The BBC at their best, again being totally disingenuous and dishonest regarding anything to do with the “Religion of Peace”
At some point I suspect things will blow up because people will be frustrated about the the establishments lack of openness and unwillingness to honestly deal with this issue. When it does the left (including the BBC) will have no-one to blame but themselves.
Re: And the fact that the BBC were too shit scared to really mention the PAKISTANI or MUSLIM words shows how far they have disappeared up their own arses when it comes to political correctness.
…let a Sikh leader show them how..
A Sikhs Response to Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs in Rotherham – Sikh Awareness Society
Wonder if my fellow Sikh will get arrested for so-called hate crimes according to the pro muslim mindlset that pervades our unfit for purpose joke of a police force and the joke that is the BBC. But there again us Sikhs do have centuries of dealing with muslim master race ambitions and could tell anyone from the BBC, Al-Guardian, leftards, the joke that is the labour party or our unfit for purpose joke of a police force the reality of dealing with peadophile muhammad’s islamic death cult
Meanwhile, on a different channel, the BBC is running Masters of the Pacific Coast in which:
“In the second episode, Jago reveals how a cultural tradition that began over 10,000 years ago managed to survive against the odds. Following European contact, the indigenous peoples of what is now southeast Alaska, British Columbia and Washington state suffered disease, theft of their land and oppression. But Jago argues that northwest coast culture has an extraordinary resilience. Its connection to the land has been developed over thousands of years, which meant that it was able to adapt and transform when faced with threats and disruption. These qualities make it one of the longest continuous cultures in the Americas.”
The message here is that invasion by a foreign peoples isn’t good for the natives, a message that doesn’t apply to the UK, according to the BBC. How do we resolve that dichotomy? White British = Bad; Black, Brown, Yellow or Red = Good?
“Zo ven did you verst start hatings your vater und your muzzer und youself?” “When I started watching the BBC Herr Doktor!”.
Having watched the programs, I am very surprised the immigrant loving BBC actually aired it, I got the impression through out that the biased BBC was trying to make out that it was all the fault of the girls, while trying to making out that the Pakistani grooming gang were all innocent,, most people now know what happened and is still happening in towns and cities in this country, but the BBC are afraid to report this as they cannot go around upsetting certain ethnic groups,
You’re right Minion,
These third worlders have come to Blighty and taken easy advantage of non Muslim ‘ chaotic – lifed’ English victims.
There doesn’t seem to be any organised monitoring of this by the main stream media even if al beeb does i tick the box job on 3 hours of drama ( which I won’t watch) .
I guess it’s done in the interest of community cohesion ( whatever that means) and is guaranteed to end badly. Think of brexit as a start.
Ps – I am fully aware that there is no direct link between eu and commonwealth immigration but withdrawal from the echr and hra will help get rid of these criminals