Journalists apparently are enthusiastic, work hard if not smart, and are dogged to the point of stupidity….
Journalists drink too much, are bad at managing emotions, and operate at a lower level than average, according to a new study
Journalists’ brains show a lower-than-average level of executive functioning, according to a new study, which means they have a below-average ability to regulate their emotions, suppress biases, solve complex problems, switch between tasks, and show creative and flexible thinking.
The study, led by Tara Swart, a neuroscientist and leadership coach, analysed 40 journalists from newspapers, magazines, broadcast, and online platforms over seven months. The participants took part in tests related to their lifestyle, health, and behaviour.
It was launched in association with the London Press Club, and the objective was to determine how journalists can thrive under stress.
Got to say that is a pefect description of the Liberal journo…just look how their emotions rule and shape their reporting on everything from Trump to Brexit and Islam. Can’t regulate emotions, can’t suppress bias, can’t solve complex problems, are inflexible and non-creative. Yep, pretty much outlines the BBC approach….unwilling to contemplate any information that undermines their fixed ideas on any subject, unable to suppress that bias, and completely unable to control that emotion….Jon Sopel for instance…nears meltdown whenever having to speak about Trump….where is Spitting Image when you need it?
Just look at this complete tosh from the BBC….reporting or student level trash-talk about Trump? It’s nothing more than a long patronising list of sneers and jokes at Trump’s expense…Trump’s just an illiterate, uneducated, vulgar Redneck…imagine…Ketchup!!!!
Steak and ketchup: Homebody Trump ventures abroad
Donald Trump sets foot on foreign soil on Saturday for the first time since he was elected, marking the start of a nine-day trip fraught with pitfalls for a president known to depend on home comforts.
Wary of spending as much as a night away from his own bed, Mr Trump has kept even domestic travel to a minimum….the evidence suggests the 45th president has always been a homebody.
“Trump is a man who likes to be on the couch with a good cheeseburger,” Roger Stone, a long-time friend and former adviser, told Reuters during the campaign. “He likes being in his own bed, even if it means coming into (New York airports) Teterboro or LaGuardia after midnight.”
But it’s a long way from the Vatican to the White House. So, unable to bring Trump back to the US, the president’s staff has made plans to bring the US to Trump. In Saudi Arabia he will be served steak with tomato ketchup – his favourite meal.
“This is an enormously complex undertaking, there are so many things that will be challenging for Trump it’s headspinning,” said Daniel Benjamin, who travelled extensively on Air Force One as Bill Clinton’s foreign policy speechwriter….” it requires tremendous energy and focus – not his strong suit.”
The president’s team has reportedly attempted to build downtime into his schedule wherever possible, and instructed foreign delegations that he prefers short presentations with lots of visual aids.
His limited attention span is said to have already affected preparation for the trip. Aides threaded the president’s own name through the paragraphs of a two-page briefing memo in order to hold his interest, the New York Times reported on Friday.
Mr Trump’s team will be expected to respond from the road to breaking news and political developments at home and abroad, as well as shepherd the president around any potential own goals or gaffes in front of his hosts.
“At these summit meetings you might have 28 heads of state and government and they all want to say something, and the president has to sit and listen to all of them. That will tax any world leader, let alone one who finds it hard to sit still.”
Ah yes, a rather stupid, narcissistic, unsophisticated, simple President who doesn’t do detail, can’t focus for long and needs ‘visual aids’ to understand things…not to mention he likes ketchup….FFS!!!! Savage heathen.
Actual footage of a bBC reporter working on a cutting edge news story:
I laughed out loud at both pictures – even though I have worked in journalism! (Mind you, that was thirty years ago, when journalists were trained by inky-fingered, no-nonsense old editors, rather than taking media studies degrees.)
Whereas all immigrants who have moved into our country have jettisoned all the food , dress and culture of their country of origin .
I am really enjoying Sopel’s misery every time he expresses it in my hearing.
Never in the field of political reporting was so much deserved by so few. In this case, just one: Jon Sopel.
Nice one, Up!
Sopel’s delivery is just appallingly naive. You really sense that he’s been sent out of the room where real journos work, and has to peek at their notes to get a ‘story’. He’s pathetic.
But then, what does the bbeeb care, the taxpayer picks up all his expenses and inflated wages.
We deserve better in the UK. The US is the ally we rely on – as they do us, and a silly unimportant report by an insignificant little chap like Sopel, which is usually of no consequence, could easily say to President Trump ‘ Sod these Brits if this little prat keeps whining at my door’!
Of course, that’s another agenda to investigate, but we’ll never be told by W1A.
Ta, Scrobie, but it was the Donal who marked his card and set it in motion. Am not a Trump fan but he did us all a favour by calling out the BBC from Day 1. We had to put up with their endless pro-Hillary bias in the Primaries and then the Presidential campaign so I count it as payback, a small consolation.
A real pro, in this situation would go for a spot of self-examination and then seek to sharpen up or ship out.
Over to Jon.
Clearly who ever produced this report about journos being lazy, drunk, having low intelligence, being unable to think for themselves, being unable to solve problems, lacking analyitical skills and generally being unable to tell fact from fiction must have studied journos from the BBC and Al-Guardian