Zilch from Zurcher


There’s no evidence, no source, no documents…just phone calls in the night to newspapers that hate Trump and yet the BBC reports…

Evidence mounts – Anthony Zurcher, BBC North America reporter

Donald Trump called the ongoing Russia investigation a “witch hunt”, but reporters have just found a boiling cauldron and a closet full of broomsticks.

The key takeaway from these latest blockbuster stories – there have been so many this week it’s hard to keep count – is there’s now further evidence of Mr Trump’s intent to dismiss FBI Director James Comey because of his handling of the ongoing Russia investigation.

That this revelation came as a result of a meeting with Russian officials, one of whom is a key figure in the investigation, is just the icing on the cake.

What the BBC doesn’t report is that the Russians deny it all and say that the latest ‘sensational’ revelation is nonsense…

Comey’s dismissal not discussed at meeting with Trump – Lavrov

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has denied recent media claims that US President Donald Trump mentioned the dismissal of FBI head James Comey during their meeting in Washington DC.

“We did not touch upon this issue at all,” Lavrov said, speaking to journalists in Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, on Saturday.

Lavrov already mentioned before that the issue of Comey’s dismissal was not discussed during the meeting with Trump.

“It is not our issue, it is his [Trump’s] prerogative,” he said during interview with Russian Channel One on May 14.

The Russian foreign minister met the US leader in the Oval Office on May 10. One day before the meeting, Trump fired James Comey.

The New York Times claimed on Friday that it obtained some quotations from the meeting provided by an unnamed official. According to them, Trump mentioned firing “crazy, a real nut job” Comey as he was speaking to the Russian officials.

Shortly after the Trump and Lavrov meeting, the Washington Post came up with a story claiming that Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian officials. Both the White House and the Kremlin refuted the report.

President Vladimir Putin described the US media claims as “political schizophrenia” and said that Russia could provide the transcript of the conversation.


So far the BBC is reporting what amounts to highly biased nonsense as fact.  Quality journalism…obviously gone out of the window.  The ‘evidence mounts’?……So far the evidence amounts to no more than a hill o’beans and Zurcher’s reporting is all piss and wind.




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8 Responses to Zilch from Zurcher

  1. john in cheshire says:

    On so many issues, the far-left bbc’s collective mind is seriously unbalanced. But they are just one of many on both sides of the Atlantic and none of them can be trusted to report honestly and truthfully on any subject.


  2. GCooper says:

    There is only one clear thing about contemporary US politics. The self-apponted oligarchy (Republicans as well as Democrats) are aghast at Donald Trump’s election victory and are willing to do anything (even advocating assassination in some cases!) to remove him from office.

    Their means of achieving this is by unleashing a constant barrage of unproven smears from the mainstream media, which they almost wholly own. At some point they hope to unearth something that will justify an attempted impeachment.

    Instead of reporting this curious state of affairs objectively, the BBC has chosen to throw in its lot with the American political caste and has become part of the campaign. It is a perfect measure of how worthless and corrupt the Corporation has become that no one at the top it is willing to take a step back, identify what is going on, and put a stop to it.


  3. RJ says:

    “The Russian foreign minister met the US leader in the Oval Office on May 10. One day before the meeting, Trump fired James Comey.”

    Thank God Trump didn’t fire Comey the day after the meeting. Then the BBC would be screaming that Lavrov ordered the dismissal.


  4. Rob in Cheshire says:

    I don’t think that the BBC will ever understand that people voted for Trump precisely because he was hated by the MSM. They know that Trump hates the MSM. They hate the MSM too. They voted for Trump so that they could vote against the entire smug liberal establishment which despises them as white trash of no value. But one person who lives in a trailer still has a vote, the same as one New York Times reporter.

    The MSM are just the most obvious manifestation of the liberal elite, yet they seem to think that they can smear Trump to his supporters. They don’t get it, and they will never get it. People don’t so much love Trump, they hate the establishment and its MSM media whores.


  5. John Bull says:

    As I understand it Bill Clinton fired an FBI director, when his sexual scandals were going to be investigated. I don’t remember one tenth of the “Who Ha” surrounding that incident as we have now with President Trump and little talk of impeachment. How come the BBC don’t make a comparison? anybody would think its the first time a director has been fired!


  6. Up2snuff says:

    Before this hit the airwaves and my consciousness, courtesy of the BBC R4, I would not have thought an American would use the phrase ‘nut job’. I would have said that it was a Brit expression.

    Any of our US resident posters on here able to shed light on that for me?

    It seemed a bit like an American President saying “go to the back of the queue” in May/June 2016.


  7. The Highland Rebel says:

    ‘Unidentified sources say’…..this is getting more and more common on the BBC as they spout their shite and bile expecting people to believe them.
    Unidentified sources say the greatest contribution The Highland Rebel made to draining the swamp in this country was on the day he stopped paying the licence fee.