I was interested to see the BBC afford Brendan Cox, the husband of murdered Labour MP Jo Cox, the media time to push his “time for remembrance” agenda yesterday on the Marr programme and then throughout the day. Marr expressed his best wishes to the campaign being pushed by Cox. Today marks the anniversary of the savage murder of Lee Rigby. The BBC makes no mention of it and no time is provided by the BBC for anyone seeking to mark that murder. It is almost as if the BBC feels whilst all murders are equal, some are more virtuous than others. Surely not?
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I’m fed up of hearing about ‘saint’ Jo Cox – because one of their own has been killed. Some lives are more important than others obviously.
Brendan Cox is a member of the left elite and will always get BBC airtime. I find him creepy and disingenuous and instead of using his wife’s death for political purposes he should go away and mourn privately. His back history is revealing. A henchman of Brown he moved seamlessly into a well paid charity job after 2010 and was forced out on accusations of inappropriate behaviour towards women. As I said, a creep.
I understand that politicians, including Treezer, stopped campaigning for a short period on Sunday out of remembrance of St Jo.
It would have been nice if she had acknowledged the murder of Lee Rigby. Not a Tory favourite I guess.
Not a pro-islam Tory favourite I guess.
Never a mention of 15 year old Kris Donald, tortured and murdered in a horrific manner by a gang of muslims.
A question I haven’t asked before but one that I genuinely want to know the answer too. How noteworthy a politician was Jo Cox before her murder?
My grasp of politics is at the man on the street level, so while I recognise the main cabinet and shadow cabinet members along with the other leaders that’s about it.
I genuinely don’t know what office she held, how high up in the Labour party she was, what body of work she built up that became her legacy, or if she was recognised for her skills and seen as a “go to” MP within her party and spoken of in terms that suggested she’d go a long way.
If she was any of these then my question points to my ignorance and I’ll appreciate being put straight. If she was none of these then the use of her name after her murder is significantly more tasteless than me asking the question is.
From the little I have read, she was a typical collectivist; she loved the world in general ( particularity the non-white, non-Christian world) but didnt care much about real people; eg young white English girls who were being systematically abused by muslims not too far away from her.
Woolwich I had never heard of her before, and while her death was ghastly, as much as I deplore everything she stood for, it was very distressing to read about. As to her career I can genuinely say I had never heard of her until her untimely death.
That being said the day before she was murdered she was out on the Thames in boat, alongside that nasty old relic Bob “Non Dom” Geldorf, harassing hard working fishermen who had took to the Thames to protest, it seems if you have Nigel Farage on your boat, you are fair game to be mocked by “caring” left wing. This leads me to conclude that she might not have been a very nice person.
Hi Shelly, I did see that footage on the boat, but only after her death along with her husband commenting upon what a lovely day the family had together on the Thames that day.
Yes what a lovely day, taking your children to mock a group of people who were holding a legitimate protest as they’ve seen their industry decimated, are in fear of their livelihoods and don’t have anyone standing up for them, and dressing it up as some kind of “play fight”. Very inclusive.
The wait continues for information on her political achievements.
That wasn’t Jo Cox on the boat, she was in her constituency for her monthly surgery.
So who was it? The family nanny? Some lady friend from the charity?
“A question I haven’t asked before but one that I genuinely want to know the answer too. How noteworthy a politician was Jo Cox before her murder?
Well she was in the news when NF sailed down the thames:
I don’t know about you, but I would never take 2 young children on a rubber dingy out onto the Thames in which to make a political statement. That is bad parenting. Can you imagine the outcry if a Tory MP took his children out onto the Thames on a rubber boat?
Thanks Pounce. What should have been a demonstration or protest, was turned into The Battle Of The Thames by Remain activists.
At the risk of sounding like a cracked record, imagine the outcry if a legal demonstration being held by a largely left leaning organisation was attacked by a right leaning organisation.
In my experience, the left get very shirty about right-wing demonstrations. They seem to think that ‘demos’ can only be for left wing causes and anyone else doing them is like some sort of black mass, a satanic inversion of a holy rite.
Well said. Didn’t Gummer get hammered for feeding his kids a burger even though he felt the burger was perfectly safe. How dreadful to use your kids to make a political point everyone said. But taking your kids out in a boat on the Thames where there will be other boats jostling around is hardly the safest place is it?
Interesting that she referred to it as a “battle” which is certainly a gratuitously inflammatory expression from someone who claimed to dislike people who cause division and believed we have #moreincommon…….
The tweet does not necessarily claim that is her.
It says “My hubby and children” with no mention of herself
Jo Cox was a fanatical anti semite who frequently posed with Islamic terrorists and was often fund raising for Hamas.
She didn’t care about the innocent people who would be murdered by her efforts and therefore I couldn’t give a damn about her. As far as I’m concerned the world is a better place without her.
200 countries in the world and she called for a boycott of Israel, only Israel.
Nobody I knew of had EVER heard of her. Until the career move.
St Jo left behind a fund to support Hope not Hate and those cuddly White Helmets.
They do not seem to be nice people and I would not put anything past them
By the way, I wonder what happened to the man who killed her.
I see the BBC is broadcasting massive coverage of the memorial anniversary parade to mark the murder of poor Lee Rigby.
Sorry, Jo who?
Note no mention on the BiasedBBC that a protestor against hunting carried a sign that said ‘save our wildlife, kill May’. Because Liebour politicians need to be protected against death threats, but a Conservative female PM is fair game.
Sorry, mis-hit the report button.
The BBC’s failure in ‘reporting’ the actual facts has been noted, not least because other media most certainly have.
Jo Cox was murdered on 16th June 2016. The anniversary of her death falls after the election, which is of no use to the Labour Party. Is that why we are hearing about her anniversary now, rather than when it actually falls?
This too has been noted across social media. To port this event as a sick version of her ‘official’ offing anniversary versus the actual event, especially when it coincides with that for Lee Rigby, is about as low as Mr. Cox, Labour and the BBC can stoop.
That the other cretins went along with the charade comes as no surprise, but their capacity to disappoint seems limitless.
Only adoration from jones and cox goes into overdrive with his agenda. Just cannot shake the creepy vibes he gives off.
Sorry Katie, I only managed 8 seconds of that. When the opening gambit is “was murdered by a facist terrorist” I decided not to keep viewing as my blood pressure is important to me.
“Murdered”, when the word usually used for actual terrorist atrocities is “killed”. Even though I’d prefer it if they did say murder because that’s what it is.
“By a fascist terrorist”, when the man who did it was acting alone, not allied to any groups and not under any orders, and mentally unstable I believe.
Sorry Owen Jones (whoever he is) and Brendan Cox, by spouting such rubbish you haven’t changed the narrative of division at all. Actually you have but not in the way intended. I don’t want to be thought of as being like people like you, so yes I’m happy that there’s a narrative of division between us.
Was there anything worth hearing in the remaining 14 minutes and 10 seconds or have I correctly read a book by its cover.
This also illuminates even further Rob In Cheshire’s comment about the actual anniversary being almost a month away. Sickening.
I didn’t think she actually took part in the demonstration on the Thames but that seems to show her afloat, so I presume I’m wrong. What really rankles about that is this was a pretty spontaneous demo by fishermen with a genuine grievance and these people are trying to silence them. That really is totalitarian. It is an MP treating people with contempt. Of course she did not deserve to die, but she wasn’t much of an MP.
I recall a discussion on the internet last summer with people trying to identify the woman in that boat. I’m pretty sure it was not Jo Cox – perhaps a very close friend of Brendan maybe 🙂
I think we have a right to know.
If you [apparently] chose to manipulate the timetable of your wife’s murder for political gain then you set yourself up to rather more scrutiny than that currently afforded by the bBBC.
Come on then, if you’ve got nothing to hide.
Oh, remind us again why you had to leave that charity….