Well, not so much BBC bias but you have got to love Nick Clegg. He opens his mouth on the TODAY Programme and destroys a Remoaner myth! It has been thought, in post EU Referendum voting analysis that only the old voters voted to Leave and the Young voted to Remain. To explain away the young faces in the Leave Campaign team and the actual result of a win for Leave, it was necessary to claim that the young who registered to vote actually stayed at home on the day or did not bother to turn up at a Polling Station.
Nick Clegg now claims that the analysis that young voters disproportionately stayed away from voting is a myth. There was no challenge or subsequent questioning of that statement by John Humphrys. John has in the recent past, together with some BBC colleagues, been keen to stress on TOADY and other BBC News & Current Affairs programmes, that ‘the country is divided’. Now we know for sure.
Thanks to Nick Clegg, we now know that a majority of young people voted to leave the EU.
Thanks, Nick. Thanks BBC. You have re-united the Kingdom.
Clegg followed the dipsy shadow education minister, Angela Rayner on the Today programme. Humphries did point out gently that most young people don’t ever earn enough to pay back their student loans and therefore cancelling them was only of benefit to the rich. But it was ever so gently – not the attack dog method he uses with Conservatives. Angela came slightly off message – those over £100,000 income would pay a little bit more, ‘not asked to pay a little bit more’ ie the suggestion that it was optional – no reference by Humphries what else this little bit more would be used for (like everything if you listen to the BBC and Labour) or indeed how much this ‘little bit more’ comes to.
From all of the comments about the BBC learning about the Rotherham paedophile rape gangs and then passing the evidence to the Police who prosecuted Nick Griffin for speaking the truth (unsuccessfully) I never saw any evidence to support the claims. Now I can present this evidence that this is exactly what the BBC did in a Panorama documentary called “The Secret Agent” broadcast in 2004. Worse than all this though was the fact that the BBC agent was actually from the town of Rotherham herself !
But it wasn’t just the surveillance and prosecution of the BNP which the BBC actioned, it actually attempted to spin, or change the findings of the Casey report.
It seems that the rotten BBC are far more rotten than even we suspected, prepared to allow Pakistani Muslims total freesom to carry out what ever depraved crimes they please against us, and imprisoning anyone who objects to that. Alas I suspect they are not alone.
Do have a read of this because it certainly will give you the evidence of BBC complicity in the rape of thousands of children (it will also make you boiling mad)
Your right Thoughtful – Definitely got the blood boiling.
Still the BBC has certainly learned some useful lessons from this whole saga.
To All BBC Staff – Some Lessons for you
Lesson 1 – If the perpetrator of a gang rape is a member of your “most favoured” minority and the victim is a working class, female, minor. She was probably a slag and had it coming anyway (and probably as an adult would be unlikely to work for the BBC anyway). Therefore being deliberately vague about the identity of the perpetrators is in this instance justified. Maybe using descriptions such as “men of Asian heritage” or ideally just describing them as men should be considered in all cases.
Lesson 2 – When any investigating sexual crimes committed by your “most favoured” minority and the victim is a working class, female, minor -( Slag for short). If you discover that certain individuals in relevant agencies have made little effort to get to the facts because of PC considerations then it is imperative to blame the agencies as a whole and not single out any particular individuals. This is because you want these people still in place in the future in case there are any further investigations. They would then be very useful to protect the reputations of your most” favoured” minority.
Lesson 3 – If you are informed of a credible sexual abuse allegation by a member of an organisation you are politically opposed to. It is recommended that the informant must have his reputation destroyed as quickly as possible so the information can be swept under the carpet thus protecting the reputations of your most “favoured minority”.
Lesson 4 – Leave any media coverage (drama or otherwise) as long as possible after the event so people get more used to these sort of crimes and just see it as a natural adjunct of living in a big city cheek by jowl with members of your “most favoured” minority. If you feel you can ignore the issue no longer (as some people may start to think you are an organisation which is totally biased, and prides itself on being an apologist for muslim sexual offenders). It is wise to act and talk as if you are totally horrified by what went on and of course the offenders must be punished. However at the same time remain suitably vague about their cultural/racial origins identity. Thus protecting the reputations of your ” most favoured ” minority.
Lesson 5 – When forced to report crimes of this nature . Be sure to make the point that more sexual crimes committed by white UK nationals even though when considering the actual numbers of men of “Pakistani heritage” committing these sort of offences a far greater proportion of them appear to be involved in crimes of this nature when compared to males of the indigenous population. Remember it is essential to protect the reputations of your “most favoured minority” so that the indigenous population feel that they are far less important than your “most favoured minority” And therefore are less likely to report crimes of this nature in the future.
Lesson 6 – Even though acting this way may seem wrong . Dont worry about it as there will be little serious criticism by Government departments and Ministers as they also wish to protect our ” most favoured minority” And would much rather prosecute those who protest about these crime.
So there you have it – BBC editors and scriptwriters and managers. “Go back to your studios and prepare for creating even greater lies on scale that in the past you could only dream at. Remember “creative people” should always be creative.
Superb piece. I can hear in my head Paul Watson delivering it and placing a repetitive descending tone to , “most favoured minority.” Of course he would be forbidden from reading it on the BBC.
The bBC and its open contempt for the British people:
The bBC has no problem reporting and condemning those it feels have been intolerant towards the feelings of others. Be it Boris taking about Whiskey , A UKIP candidate tweeting (Have a look at the tweets and ask yourself are they offensive?) or even asking questions about Islamic terrorists Misguided criminals . The bBC has become the standard bearer when it comes to exposing those amongst us who don’t care about been insensitive. Yet for all that moral righteousness the bBC doesn’t appear to stick to the very same rules its demands of others:
Unbelievable. I still cannot bear to hear anything about Brady and Hindley. Those of us who have children and grandchildren would never dream of doing what BBC Leeds has done. These people are usually childless,have no stake in the future and no real morality.
More evidence of the calibre of those being employed by the BBC (and all channels come to that). They think if they speak at 100 miles an hour, talk like a mockney or pronounced regional accent, and laugh at their own puerile jokes, they’re home and dry.
I can’t fathom the thought process of someone who could treat the Moors Murders in a lighthearted way. I can only assume that they are of the ‘snowflake’ generation and believe that nothing really existed before they were born; to them the 1960s is probably just as far away in mental terms as ancient Rome. It’s the ‘Horrid History’ generation I suppose.
So, breaking the habit of a lifetime this actually made stirred me into complaining to the BBC directly. I went to their website ticked all the boxes and just at the end my complaint “timed out”
So it won’t be recorded unless I go through the whole process again…
I suppose it would have been easier to tweet Nathan Turvey with my disgusted reaction instead. The BBC really is a vile organisation, full of vile people.
Similar topic 4:30 Today on BBC Red-io4 : Religion in Germany
As President Obama (yes not Trump) joins Angela Merkel to celebrate the Reformation 500 Anniversary, Ernie Rea and guests discuss the religious climate in Germany.
The Reformation left Germany with a predominantly Catholic South and Protestant North; but today the scene is much more nuanced. The legacy of Communism means that religious affiliation in the former DDR is much lower than in the West; the number of Muslims in Germany now nudges five million, following the recent arrival of Syrian refugees, and debates around Islam and multi-culturalism are likely to play a prominent part in elections later this year.
‘President Obama’ … and the BBC are supposed to be leading lights in the campaign against fake news!!!!!
Yet again, ‘Is it true or did you hear it on the BBC’?
Okay, not as important as the political stuff, but hold on maybe it is?
Ahead of George Gently (reliable Sunday evening viewing) being aired last night I’d mentioned to a friend that I wouldn’t be surprised if Gently’s original sidekick Bacchus (a delightfully non PC 60’s throwback) would in these final episodes be usurped and shown up by the bright, newly promoted female Detective Sergeant and portrayed as a belligerent, closed minded, not very bright individual, in spite of him being promoted to DI and having had some of the best lines in previous series.
I’ll leave it at that, you know what happened.
Same conversation in our house.
Mexican wildlife also somehow failed to mention the obvious BBC open goal that is “climate change” and ” hispanic migration”.
Well done for once.
Thought the cowboys a bit runty though-hardly Lee Van Cleef or Clint were they?
Gonna need more popcorn for this election.. the fool presenter on daily politics defending Corbyn for supporting terrorism which our Chuka sits there in disrespectful silence .
I think if the conservatives want to limit the damage from their stupid Social Care plan then they should concentrate on Corbyn’s voting record and support for terrorist groups.easy.
Al beeb pushing voting registration too – in order to get the yoof who apparently vote left. Unfortunately for al beeb it’s a nice day so the yoof will have better things to do than look for their NI number to vote .
The bBC, its coverage of the Election race and its very open bias:
So the bBC reports on the speech by the PM where she attempts to clear up the confusion regards paying for old age: General election: Theresa May changes social care plans Theresa May has said proposed changes to social care funding in England will now include an “absolute limit” on the money people will have to pay. The Conservatives ruled out a cap on total costs in last week’s manifesto, instead saying no-one would see their assets fall below £100,000.
So really no change at all which is actually stated by the PM and reported by the bBC: “The prime minister denied that it was a U-turn, insisting that “nothing had changed” and “the basic principles” set out in the manifesto remained in place.”
So with that in mind, here is how the bBC reports this: Analysis By Health Correspondent Nick Triggle This represents a complete U-turn. The cap was ditched last week with the Tories briefing they wanted to set a “floor” not a cap – hence guaranteeing everyone in England will be able to keep £100,000….And where will the money come from? The cost of the original cap was estimated at £6bn over five years.
Now have a look at the graphic the bBC uses:
The bBC , the propaganda arm for labour, paid for by you.
BBC – respected journalists. Really: Disciples of the High Priest of distorted/massaged truth and misinformation – ‘The Worlds Most Untrustworthy Broadcaster’?
Nice little PC touch Pounce – where poor little old white granny is being looked after by someone “of colour” Mrs Oak also used to undertake homecare of the elderly. I think her arms and hands were white last time I looked. Maybe she has had them changed for different ones – I must check!
Just goes to show what a burden on the system all these selfish, house owning little old white grannies are. Surely they should be made to give up their bedrooms so we can adequately house all these new doctors and nurses who love us so much they keep on crossing the Mediterranean just to give us service!
Toobiwan was the first to post this story (Unfortunately he posted it on the weekend spot ) just thought it needed a little more coverage:
Which JV claims is a great debate:
Great debate on whether it would be fair for younger voters to have TWO votes each "as they have more years left to suffer" @BBCRadio2pic.twitter.com/M2apjlaGxD
The liberal left fail to realise that the young may vote for Liberal Left policies but they grow out of it as they get older. Once they get a mortgage, full time job and kids and can no longer talk bollox all day in the Student union room drinking a subsidised pint of beer for £1 they will soon be drifting toward more right wing politics.
Perhaps older people should have 3 votes to undo their misguided voting mistakes when they were younger.
I watched Vine’s video on youtube, Rob, what a total entitled, arsehole! Said he had to ride in the middle of the road to keep a car door width, this on unoccupied vehicles! He then went on the stop in the middle of the road, where it widened, blocking the road for the right charmer he was obstructing. One of those cases where, if there was any justice, both parties should have had a slapping.
So what happens when the people with two votes get “old” or” ill”? Will they just hand it over willingly? Or will their viewpoint still be superior to others?
What the f**k is going on in this country? Why should we non-savage ‘normal’ human beings have to put up with this continual abuse of our common sense? And nope, I didn’t spot anything in the manifestos to indicate that a Government, either existing or prospective, appears in any way inclined to do anything about it.
Ah well, lets look forward to the Gatestone Institute’s May (forgive me) bulletin of juicy islamic tit-bits (forgive me again…..).
As the saying goes …
“Know Islam and NO peace – NO Islam and KNOW peace”
Objectively there is no benefit to our nation, or so minimal to be of no consequence by having any Islamic community here, furthermore virtually any other community would integrate much better if so replaced
although in actual fact … surplus to requirement.
think about it …
There would be no issues with,
Halal being impositioned,
Sharia being impositioned,
Mosques being impositioned,
Child Rape Epidemic,
Growing Home Grown Terrorism,
Breast Ironing,
Illegal Bigamy,
Non Community Integration,
Epidemic of Jew hatred,
Epidemic of inbreeding
Tax corruption, shops, taxis, the erm “night time economy …
50% men unemployed, 79% women unemployed.
Massively over represented in prison,
a “norm” in widespread Benefits abuse and corruption
… an aim of 4 or 5 children to erm … propagate islam.
Some clever clogs, will spout NHS Drs … there is an abundance of NON Islamic Dr s in the world,
we should be training our OWN anyway, and not syphoning them off from countries that need them.
AND so now to the the Benefit of having Islam here
The bBC loves to opine about the state of child care in the UK and how we should import loads of bearded men children because its the so called right thing to do. (In fact a bBC couple were in the news only yesterday about how they liked to entertain children) I wonder how the bBC will rewrite this in which to blame the Uk for this young girl with a fag in her mouth: Child care in the Middle East
If the BBC was so concerned about child care its a pity the BBC didnt blow the whistle on what was happening to youg girls in places like Rochdale, Rotherham and half a hundred other places like them………..Oh wait it involves the BBC’s beloved muslim vermin who according to the BBC are not only cultural enrichers but are always the victims. Yeah BBC tell that to the real victims
Can you really see any ‘reporter’ at the bbbc having to go to one of these awful places, and research deeply, a proper readable and usually disgusting story among the sort of depraved people there?
Of course not! Their charter forbids racial discrimination, and that means it is not a ‘story’,.
But aren’t our investigative, important bbeeb ‘reporters’ brave? They’ll ‘report’ the story much later, probably from a Google search or maybe a chat with a mate from a pub nearby, who used to know someone with a van who saw something once, but can’t remember…
Keep the nondescripts coming bbbc, you get us to turn off every time you spout drivel like you do!
Checking today’s Radio4 Virtue Signalling
5:45am Farming Today :”one mum tells us that school closures are ruining village life.”
9am STW : British being terrible to Indians
“The Indian MP Shashi Tharoor looks back at the history of the Raj in Inglorious Empire, a searing indictment of the British and the impact on his country.”
10am Woman’s Hour kept reminding us that the GREEN Party leader is on the show on Wednesday
never spoke of a Conservative or UKIP rep being on.
2:15 Play : Set in Zimbabwe “black civil servant, Charles, tries to persuade white landowner, Guy, to sell his farm”
4:30pm Religion in Germany : will spend some time covering
“the number of Muslims in Germany now nudges five million, following the recent arrival of Syrian refugees, and debates around Islam and multi-culturalism are likely to play a prominent part in elections later this year.”
2:15 Play : Set in Zimbabwe “black civil servant, Charles, tries to persuade white landowner, Guy, to sell his farm”
Which is strange as allafrica reported this version:
In 2000, Zimbabwe began its “fast track” land reformprogramme, ostensibly to correct colonial imbalances in which a small minority of 4,000 white farmers held the bulk of arable land. Under the programme, white commercial farmers were evicted to make way for thousands of new, black, subsistence farmers. http://allafrica.com/stories/201605241056.html
Heard a bit of the Marr and Rea shows…very similar in terms of trashing religion, patriotism and perping the pro-Islamic position in both cases.
Usual hate for Britain from our Commis Indian with a book to see-and no mention of Cologne or Berlin, Christmas markets or Augsburg from our German experts. Let alone any mention of the mass migration of Merkels muslims…beyond the pale I expect.
The BBC-forever trashing our country, forever scorning Christianity and buffing up the Musselmann.
Great to see Trump standing shoulder to shoulder with the King of Saudi Arabia against those dreadful, terrorist supporting Iranians; after all who can forget from which country the vast majority of the 9-11 hijackers came and the funding for the worst Jihad attack on the West?
I see a bbc page is making much of the low proportion of female candidates.
It’s 13.4% for UKIP ..but surely it’s fair to mention that one reason it’s not higher is intimidation from LibMob making it hard to open about being in UKIP or even Conservative.
They always complained how there was nobody black at Trump rallies. It was largely because black Trump supporters felt too intimidated by left wing agitators to show their support; they risked being ostracised and even beaten up.
GCooper – Answer: gazillions, but they’re all too busy making up negative stories about Brexit, or racism, or islamophobia, or the so-called far-right.
Here is the “Easy Meat” Author interview re the Islamic child rape gangs http://traffic.libsyn.com/jongauntshow/JG_19-05_Pod_One_FINAL.mp3?dest-id=494266
Peter McCloughlin is an author who started out taking the MSM’s liberal narrative on Muslim rape gangs.
Before someone he knew was groomed …This led to him writing a book investigating the grooming gangs in his book “Easy Meat”. Peter told me how the mainstream media are still covering up the extent of Muslim grooming that’s happening in this country
24 mins 40
The grooming/rape gangs are terrorists. It may be ‘cultural’ terrorism, but it is terrorism nonetheless. They should be charged with rape AND acts of terrorism. The BBC/MSM, police, CPS, government etc. etc. etc. are all complicit in these acts of terrorism.
How the bBC spins a story in which to attack the Tories:
The bBC version on how a Scottish nurse was attacked for complaining about the NHS to NS of the SNP: Election 2017: Apology for TV debate food bank nurse An SNP parliamentary candidate has apologised to a nurse who confronted Nicola Sturgeon over the NHS during a televised leaders debate. Claire Austin told the SNP leader that she had been forced to use a food bank and that working in the health service was “demoralising”…In her first contribution she said she was a nurse who could not manage on her salary and had to use food banks. In a second intervention she raised the issue of nurses’ pay rises – which have been capped at 1% since 2008. Ms Austin asked Ms Sturgeon:”How do you expect someone to live on that?” She added: “You have no idea how demoralising it is to work in the NHS. “Don’t come in on your announced visits, come in the middle of any day, into the middle of any A&E department, come on in and see what we’re up against.” In response, Ms Sturgeon said the policy was in place because of a “really difficult period with public spending”.
So reading that bBC article and watching the attached video (found in the article) do you get the impression that the Nurses in Scotland have to suffer food banks due to the Tories.? That’s the impression i got from the article:
A totally different account from what the bBC promotes as the news.
The bBC, we give you a bespoke news service , which is edited by our impartial political activists in which to promote our own agenda every chance we get.
The nurse says she can’t manage on her salary and has to use food banks.
A nurses starting salary, the minimum, is £21,652 and in Scotland it’s £300 more.
Emmanuel, that may be FakeNews. If the rules of my local Food Bank are standard across most in the UK, you cannot access the Food Banks services in the normal run of things if you are working in a paid job. I believe there may be some exceptional circumstances provided for in Food Bank rules. The new nurse would be entitled to Working Tax Credit anyway. I take that claim with a substantial dose of scepticism.
I see the bBCs BBC Environment and Energy expert has a new post out:
The firm suggests a 5p plastic straw tax, in the footsteps of the plastic bag tax, which has radically cut the use of single-use bags.
Naturally like all decent journalists , instead of using the quality of his post in which to spread his message, he makes sure the usual suspects are included into that tweet in which to get those zealots to spread his message.
The bBC, we lie,bully and intimidate in which to get our message across. And if you complain we will write to your boss, in which to get you sacked.
Not the bbc but sky news at 3 we had burley and faisal islam going big on the dementia tax. Lots of mentions of u turns, shambles etc. Labours nationalisation of services in their manifesto last week was shown up to be a load of old pony with just a bit of questioning by andrew neil last week on barry gardiner but its just been ignored. We then cut to jezza giving a speech in scarborough with john prescott in the background going big on mental health and tuition fees and basically promising the earth. Cut back to burley and not one question or thought on how hes going to be affording his fairytale utopia just straight back to attacking may over the dementia. Jezzas and mcdonnells IRA connections should be front and center as well but its been played down in their zeal to attack the tories. Both networks have been on their knees today begging the young to register to vote to save them from all the madness and brexit. Desperate stuff indeed.
You do wonder why the Left are so keen to keep their mental health meds and rehabs so protected from Tory cuts don`t you?
Anybody would think that the likes of Prescott, Kinnock and Corbyn have cost us all a mint in their worthless lives-and feel obliged to continue to do the same now in their dotage.
Hope Theresa builds a Lefty workhouse so these wasters , at least , are made to grind some wheat or unpick some dreadlocks in the workhouse…the least that they could do by way of putting a bit back into the nation they`ve so debauched.
“Anybody would think that the likes of Prescott, Kinnock and Corbyn have cost us all a mint in their worthless lives-and feel obliged to continue to do the same now in their dotage.”
And their ‘achievements’?
Absolutely nothing. They sucked money from the public teat for years, spouting gibberish, and claiming huge expenses for absolutely bugger all.
No wonder Kinnock whispered in his son’s ear to get on the gravy train as soon as possible before the EU collapses. The pensions are eye-watering boyo, and the ‘work’ is non-existent. Sorry Aberavon, but please ask yourselves, why on earth do you want to keep backing losers?
Wheeliebin’s been covered elsewhere – mainly by the bbbc, but why is that stupid fool Prescott still a ‘voice’? Totally useless, thick, and the guy who demolished thousands of houses because he thought it may be a good idea for his dream of socialist thinking – er – dogma – er booger off, i’m off to ‘t chippy…
Corbyn is playing Santa. The oldest trick in the political Bible. He knows Labour will lose on the 8th so making idle promises doesn’t matter just as long as this erodes the Tory lead. Later on his media disciples (and it is clear that the BBC are in this group) will resurrect all his bumph smokescreen 24/7 just to show us what we are missing by voting for the nasty party. Same pattern as for the Brexit vote. Same divisive collusion.
Labour are now promising every man woman and child in the UK, £100,000 tax free cash.
This will be paid for by a rise in corporation tax for businesses.
#MyFirstVote: ‘Nobody is representing young people’
Eleanor Wemyss, 20, is concerned about Brexit, healthcare and education.
BBC South East has been speaking to first-time voters to find out about their key issues as part of the #myfirstvote series.
You can guess the direction this interview takes without any more information needed!
BBC six o clock news and its full on attack mode on May with keunsberg sounding like a right old harpie shouting at politicians and sneering at the camera. Lots of shots of labour activists shouting tories out etc. Then we are shown corbyn alighting from a bus to adoring fans with presscott sharing a joke about May which stinks of collusion with the media in the timing.His connections with the ira are seen as something trivial with jeremey ‘fending’ off questions with may having to ‘defend’ all the time. Its all roses for labour but the worry comes when they go to middlesbrough a labour stonghold for decades where they interview the locals some who will vote labour but dont know why, whilst crying about the deprivation and others telling us that they have voted labour for years but not anymore as labour are finished.
Trump gets the usual negative bashing from sopel whos face is getting more twisted by the day with all the hate. Apparently trump is going to fail at everything that happens on this trip.
then onto bbc london news where they are crying about more diversity in candidates in london and they talk to some black rapper who tells us politicians do not know about his ‘struggle’ and he wants to see more who look like him in the house of commons as they are none there.
“…some black rapper who tells us politicians do not know about his ‘struggle’ and he wants to see more who look like him in the house of commons as they are none there.”
They just don’t have the answer to plain common sense, so they try and manufacture it – mainly for the kids who are first voters.
After registration deadlines tonight, they’ll shift their bile to the ‘plight’ of ‘pensioners’, and tell all the old folk that they’ll die without anything, probably in Tesco, or a food bank.
I’m a pensioner, and have been living the best years of my life so far, so I automatically warn kids/grandkids/chums/neighbours and the rest that ‘Is it true, or did you hear it on the bbc’!
BBC “3 Girls” News – Appears the Al BBC missed out this bit
Victims of Three Girls gang were quizzed by ELEVEN different defence lawyers
Hey Relax … “their prosecutor says that could never happen again” … sheesh! is he Islamic?
“There will be people being abused today who will get a lousy service tomorrow, because this is a really tough area to prosecute”
“Fury in Rochdale as “Three Girls” grooming gang member spotted back on the streets”.
Apparently police have had to go and visit the family home of one of the gang, as feelings ran high during the three-night run of Three Girls.
Did they have to hold his hand?
“feelings” eh, … goodness me … all anyone need s to be concerned about?
Tuned into the World at One at lunchtime. Was expecting to listen to a news and current affairs programme. Must have made some mistake – what I heard was (mostly) a Labour Party political broadcast.
Well, well, well. Breaking news. A ‘U turn’ the media call it. May clarifies the position as regards care for the elderly. What a shambles the Tories are: join in: “three wheels on my wagon……..etc. “. You know the words. Who (“stable and strong Government”) decided to include in the uncosted manifesto withdrawing or changing significantly the Winter Fuel Payment et al. All that would detrimentally effect their core voters – the OAP’s. Just plain stupid. Confirmation yet again that they, as a Government, have no idea what they are doing. At least there is some small consolation in that the Red’s (sorry Liebour) are even worse. But, I don’t really want to vote for the best of a bad bunch.
I watched the Brillo interview earlier. Than goodness it was Brillo. May came over as a chancer working off well-used sound bytes alone. I’ve made my mind up about June the 8th. For the first time, I’m abstaining. The mad house can go sort itself out when the whole system collapses. If May occupies No. 10 on a healthy majority I predict the next U turn – May declares Brexit dead on June 9th and the Government is writing to the EU to revoke our Article 50 notice. Far fetched? Not really on current behaviour.
Best of luck – we’ll all need it because luck is perhaps all we have in this increasingly uncertain World it’s certainly not a ‘strong and stable Government’.
Actually, we here at ‘The Turrets’ hardly ever watch any TV these days, there’s so much to do, and so little time for gardening, buying a few comestibles, and helping neighbours with their chimney fire yesterday, which was a worrying time!
And the little dog needs walking twice a day, and our allotment needs a good hoeing too – the manure heap needs a good seeing-to as well! I must have some more exercise, and a good long (electric) bike ride beckons too! May get even as far as Benenden Hospital – only because it is on the periphery of the battery’s limit)!
As for the BBC, well, we don’t even bother to listen to them much these days, the tomatoes need planting out, the zinnias are bursting forth, and Mrs Scroblene has fifteen sunflowers to display somewhere peculiar round the garden as well.
Election? what election? Bbbc tells me all I need to know, at a time when I really want to know, so blood pressure is normal (despite a couple glasses of red), (maybe a couple more – the night is young), and so we continue!
G, just hang in there!
Scrobs will be the first elbow on the bar with a crisp fiver to buy you the biggest pint you’ll ever have on June 9th!
What is puzzling me at the moment is their continual Trump obsession. Folks, you know the Komodo Dragon – it’s a huge lizard thingy that gives a poisonous bite to its prey and then follows it around until it finally croaks and the eating can commence. Our friends @ bbc news seem to be “following” Trump 24/7 & making headlines of every action/word – pointing the finger & sneering. Are they hoping he will drop an almighty clanger they can seize on or he makes the move that will lead to his (fervently hoped for) impeachment/leaving office. I can’t remember any previous POTUS being subjected to this concentrated negative reporting. I guess we all know why. They really, really hate him.
BBC’s Knell reports on Gaza power crisis – without the usual distractions
On several occasions in the past we have documented the BBC’s repeated misrepresentation of the perennial electricity crisis in the Gaza Strip as being connected to Israeli counter-terrorism measures
BBC2 Chelsea Flower Show tonight had a BBC biased moment.
Monty Don was interviewing some woman about why there are less big show gardens this year. The woman replied “the gardens represent the country and when the applications went out to garden designers last year we had just had Brexit…”
WTF? Garden designers have decided to make smaller show gardens for the Chelsea Flower show because of Brexit?!?
I was watching that myself. The Chelsea flower show has gone for the full diversity mother load this year. It’s full on political and green propaganda. It used to be about the flowers and plants but no the Beeb agenda has soaked In to this as well. Plus we get the righteous lot at radio 2 taking it over this year as well. Another show Ruined by this crap.
If the BBC really were impartial that comment would have been edited out. Moreover, if Uncle Monty was impartial he would have challenged that statement. And then THAT would have been edited out.
Something the BBC doesn’t seem keen on mentioning – odd when they just ran a drama on it, but now all but two of the Rochdale rapists have been allowed out after serving less than half their very lenient jail terms.
Sometimes the BBC don’t even seem to realise just how biased they are. Take this profile of Labours campaign director Seumas Milne.
His father was the former BBC director general Alasdair Milne, and he attended Winchester College and Balliol College, Oxford before going into journalism.
He started out on a small Communist-backed paper, Straight Left, and spent three years at The Economist before joining the Guardian in 1984.
He wrote extensively on industrial issues for the Guardian, being promoted to labour editor and later comment editor, and represented the paper in the National Union of Journalists.
His tenure as comment editor in the early 2000s grated with some of his fellow journalists, with colleagues complaining he was too ready to defend Hugo Chavez and Vladimir Putin, and that he commissioned too many pieces on Palestine.
His detractors say he is too far to the left, too dogmatic and unwilling to co-operate with the demands of the 24-hour news cycle. Some have also suggested he appears to exercise too much control over Mr Corbyn at times. Some within the party accused him of “sabotaging” Labour’s remain campaign.
He enjoys the advantage, from his supporters’ point of view, of being an experienced journalist as well as being very close politically to the party leader.
Most times in life children follow their parents political beliefs & it is unusual for them to be polar opposites, so it really does look as if yet another Ex DG has been outed as a leftie (but then thats no surprise at all!)
Am I the only one that is mystified? If the BBC were to cut all their election-related claptrap to two simple accurately reported choices, they would tell us that we can either have a tax and spend, anti-austerity, pro-mass immigration government from Theresa May, or a communist one from Corbyn. You would think they would be delighted.
For many, it was a historic and poignant moment – topped off when the president posted a note into the wall, as many worshippers do with prayers and supplications.
Others, however, were more interested in just what the note said – and the internet quickly flooded with speculation as to its exact content.
And while they are certainly not a true reflection of what was written on the note, they certainly raise a few smiles…
Oh, my aching sides. A procession of puerile tweets follows. BBC cutting edge reporting.
I was disgusted with Sopel on 10pm BBC1 news describing Trump leaving a ‘note’ in the Wall. It is a place for prayers and it is written prayers that are left in the cracks, not a shopping list. No respect by Sopel either for Trump or the holiest place for Jews. Would he be so dismissive about Mecca?
Today marks 4 years since UK soldier Lee Rigby was murdered on a London street by Islamist barbarians. Please take a moment to remember him. pic.twitter.com/whb80GHDm2
— Raheem ???????????????? (@RaheemKassam) May 22, 2017
4 Years since Cameron lied to parliament and the nation, that there was nothing in the Qur’an to justify the killing, when everything the two did was supported by the Qur’an, and yet no one called him out on it.
During their trial, Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale asked to be known respectively as Mujaahid Abu Hamza and as Ismail Ibn Abdullah. Yet the BBC website returns more than fifty hits for the name ‘Michael Adebolajo’ (I stopped counting at fifty), and a mere five for ‘Mujaahid Abu Hamza’, all of the latter dated around the time the request was made. I wish I knew why the BBC makes an editorial distinction between a US soldier’s wish to be known as Chelsea Manning and the similarly self-determining request of two devout individuals up for murder.
And yes, they were devout, in their own terms. When, during sentencing, The Hon. Mr Justice Sweeney opined that the views of the convicted were a ‘betrayal of Islam’, Abdullah shouted ‘That’s a lie’, and Hamza shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’.
Someone really should let Sir Nigel Sweeney know that his qualifications as a scholar of Muslim theology have been mischievously omitted from Wikipedia.
The BBC are already playing this one down. They are not far from suggesting mass suicide.
Im watching the BBC News channel at midnight. The lady newsreader asks the guest expert “we still don’t know how the fatalities have occurred.”. Man replies “initially we thought the fatalities may have been caused by others trying to get out quick …. some said it might have been a balloon or a speaker but we now think it is more serious than that”.
WTF? more serious than a balloon or a speaker? How much more serious can it get?
As I write this the BBC are calling it “Manchester Incident”. I really hope it is no more serious than a cap gun or maybe a wallpaper pasting table legs collapsing and making a loud sound as it hit the ground or whatever utter shite the BBC will suggest it could be.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the BBC suggest the “bang” was Brexit backfiring.
Anniversary of Lee Rigby, defaced memorial … now this. double figures fatalities
And this
Another Kebab shop gang rape? – 4 Men used 16yr old girl as “entertainment device”
Taken to a room and raped on a “grubby mattress” whilst men physically restrained her and stood by the door “so she knew there was no escape.”
“Takeaway workers Tamin Rahmani, 37, Shershah Muslimyar, 20 and Rafiullah Hamidy, 24, and a 16-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, all deny three counts of rape.
Prosecutor Simon Taylor accused the co-defendants of then ‘plotting’ and ‘lying’ their way out of the evidence held against them. He said: “Every single orifice had been penetrated by the group of men, while others watched, laughed and joined in themselves” http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/four-men-accused-gang-raping-10478157
BBC News channel expert just said “The police say an explosion happened in the foyer …… but we don’t know if that explosion is an accident or criminal intent”
‘criminal intent’?!? I wonder if someone was trying to blow open the condom machine in the toilets to get to the pound coins?
I think was can safely say, in BBC land, this is NOT a terror attack.
This was an ‘incident’ waiting to happen. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened at a football match before now. A young people’s concert, with fatalities – nothing could be worse. Our gates needs closing, now.
BBC News interviewing someone on the telephone, “some people say there might be injuries can you confirm if you saw anything that can suggest if this is true?”. AT the same time the caption at the bottom on screen said “Police confirm fatalities” – ffs!
The BBC might as well just stop transmitting and call it an early night instead of the constant playing down of terrorism. The outside broadcast vans are leaving London right now to get to Manchester to interview local Muslims asking them “do you feel persecuted and more unwelcome after these recent events?”
Terror no doubt, awful, terrible, despicable your heart goes out to all those poor innocent souls and their families concerned
… will this wickedness be, the “critical mass” moment?
I do not want to hear, backlash, “fears”, rising tide, spike in from the BBC, or any of the enemedia.
wwfcMar 4, 12:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 With everything going on in the world a lighter note some idiots in a field dancing to Benny Hill lol…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Same with that euro pop thing – shows every year the descent of Europe
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I identify as someone who doesn’t feel right paying taxes. Don’t try and sublimate my being.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “… sublimate someone’s natural way of being” … Harriet Harman condemns paper’s ‘smear campaign’ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-26320942 The Daily Mail has questioned…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:34 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC Culture — “Edward II: Did a gay love affair spark a 14th-Century royal crisis?” RSC co-artistic director Daniel Evans:…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Missile that struck Poland grain silo and killed two people in 2022 was fired by Ukraine Immediately following the explosion,…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Not BBC Wondering what the true president will announce tonight – about 2AM london time when he speaks to Congress…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Asia News — “USAID cuts shutter India’s first clinic for transgender people” “Vyjayanti Vasanta Mogli, a trans woman who has…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 At some stage these characters develop i kind of ‘ royal’ delivery which i think is based on the way…
Well, not so much BBC bias but you have got to love Nick Clegg. He opens his mouth on the TODAY Programme and destroys a Remoaner myth! It has been thought, in post EU Referendum voting analysis that only the old voters voted to Leave and the Young voted to Remain. To explain away the young faces in the Leave Campaign team and the actual result of a win for Leave, it was necessary to claim that the young who registered to vote actually stayed at home on the day or did not bother to turn up at a Polling Station.
Nick Clegg now claims that the analysis that young voters disproportionately stayed away from voting is a myth. There was no challenge or subsequent questioning of that statement by John Humphrys. John has in the recent past, together with some BBC colleagues, been keen to stress on TOADY and other BBC News & Current Affairs programmes, that ‘the country is divided’. Now we know for sure.
Thanks to Nick Clegg, we now know that a majority of young people voted to leave the EU.
Thanks, Nick. Thanks BBC. You have re-united the Kingdom.
That’s another beauty, right there!
Clegg followed the dipsy shadow education minister, Angela Rayner on the Today programme. Humphries did point out gently that most young people don’t ever earn enough to pay back their student loans and therefore cancelling them was only of benefit to the rich. But it was ever so gently – not the attack dog method he uses with Conservatives. Angela came slightly off message – those over £100,000 income would pay a little bit more, ‘not asked to pay a little bit more’ ie the suggestion that it was optional – no reference by Humphries what else this little bit more would be used for (like everything if you listen to the BBC and Labour) or indeed how much this ‘little bit more’ comes to.
From all of the comments about the BBC learning about the Rotherham paedophile rape gangs and then passing the evidence to the Police who prosecuted Nick Griffin for speaking the truth (unsuccessfully) I never saw any evidence to support the claims. Now I can present this evidence that this is exactly what the BBC did in a Panorama documentary called “The Secret Agent” broadcast in 2004. Worse than all this though was the fact that the BBC agent was actually from the town of Rotherham herself !
But it wasn’t just the surveillance and prosecution of the BNP which the BBC actioned, it actually attempted to spin, or change the findings of the Casey report.
It seems that the rotten BBC are far more rotten than even we suspected, prepared to allow Pakistani Muslims total freesom to carry out what ever depraved crimes they please against us, and imprisoning anyone who objects to that. Alas I suspect they are not alone.
Do have a read of this because it certainly will give you the evidence of BBC complicity in the rape of thousands of children (it will also make you boiling mad)
Your right Thoughtful – Definitely got the blood boiling.
Still the BBC has certainly learned some useful lessons from this whole saga.
To All BBC Staff – Some Lessons for you
Lesson 1 – If the perpetrator of a gang rape is a member of your “most favoured” minority and the victim is a working class, female, minor. She was probably a slag and had it coming anyway (and probably as an adult would be unlikely to work for the BBC anyway). Therefore being deliberately vague about the identity of the perpetrators is in this instance justified. Maybe using descriptions such as “men of Asian heritage” or ideally just describing them as men should be considered in all cases.
Lesson 2 – When any investigating sexual crimes committed by your “most favoured” minority and the victim is a working class, female, minor -( Slag for short). If you discover that certain individuals in relevant agencies have made little effort to get to the facts because of PC considerations then it is imperative to blame the agencies as a whole and not single out any particular individuals. This is because you want these people still in place in the future in case there are any further investigations. They would then be very useful to protect the reputations of your most” favoured” minority.
Lesson 3 – If you are informed of a credible sexual abuse allegation by a member of an organisation you are politically opposed to. It is recommended that the informant must have his reputation destroyed as quickly as possible so the information can be swept under the carpet thus protecting the reputations of your most “favoured minority”.
Lesson 4 – Leave any media coverage (drama or otherwise) as long as possible after the event so people get more used to these sort of crimes and just see it as a natural adjunct of living in a big city cheek by jowl with members of your “most favoured” minority. If you feel you can ignore the issue no longer (as some people may start to think you are an organisation which is totally biased, and prides itself on being an apologist for muslim sexual offenders). It is wise to act and talk as if you are totally horrified by what went on and of course the offenders must be punished. However at the same time remain suitably vague about their cultural/racial origins identity. Thus protecting the reputations of your ” most favoured ” minority.
Lesson 5 – When forced to report crimes of this nature . Be sure to make the point that more sexual crimes committed by white UK nationals even though when considering the actual numbers of men of “Pakistani heritage” committing these sort of offences a far greater proportion of them appear to be involved in crimes of this nature when compared to males of the indigenous population. Remember it is essential to protect the reputations of your “most favoured minority” so that the indigenous population feel that they are far less important than your “most favoured minority” And therefore are less likely to report crimes of this nature in the future.
Lesson 6 – Even though acting this way may seem wrong . Dont worry about it as there will be little serious criticism by Government departments and Ministers as they also wish to protect our ” most favoured minority” And would much rather prosecute those who protest about these crime.
So there you have it – BBC editors and scriptwriters and managers. “Go back to your studios and prepare for creating even greater lies on scale that in the past you could only dream at. Remember “creative people” should always be creative.
Good luck!
Superb piece. I can hear in my head Paul Watson delivering it and placing a repetitive descending tone to , “most favoured minority.”
Superb piece. I can hear in my head Paul Watson delivering it and placing a repetitive descending tone to , “most favoured minority.” Of course he would be forbidden from reading it on the BBC.
The bBC and its open contempt for the British people:
The bBC has no problem reporting and condemning those it feels have been intolerant towards the feelings of others. Be it Boris taking about Whiskey , A UKIP candidate tweeting (Have a look at the tweets and ask yourself are they offensive?) or even asking questions about
Islamic terroristsMisguided criminals . The bBC has become the standard bearer when it comes to exposing those amongst us who don’t care about been insensitive. Yet for all that moral righteousness the bBC doesn’t appear to stick to the very same rules its demands of others:Pounce – Just when you think that they can’t possibly sink any lower, they prove you wrong.
It’s totally beyond belief!
Unbelievable. I still cannot bear to hear anything about Brady and Hindley. Those of us who have children and grandchildren would never dream of doing what BBC Leeds has done. These people are usually childless,have no stake in the future and no real morality.
I meant to add apologies are not acceptable but dismissals are.
No chance, you only get dismissed by the BBC if you play an old recording of “The Sun has got his Hat on”.
More evidence of the calibre of those being employed by the BBC (and all channels come to that). They think if they speak at 100 miles an hour, talk like a mockney or pronounced regional accent, and laugh at their own puerile jokes, they’re home and dry.
I can’t fathom the thought process of someone who could treat the Moors Murders in a lighthearted way. I can only assume that they are of the ‘snowflake’ generation and believe that nothing really existed before they were born; to them the 1960s is probably just as far away in mental terms as ancient Rome. It’s the ‘Horrid History’ generation I suppose.
This is so horrific – shows you what Liberals think qualifies as ‘funny’…..
So, breaking the habit of a lifetime this actually made stirred me into complaining to the BBC directly. I went to their website ticked all the boxes and just at the end my complaint “timed out”
So it won’t be recorded unless I go through the whole process again…
I suppose it would have been easier to tweet Nathan Turvey with my disgusted reaction instead. The BBC really is a vile organisation, full of vile people.
I think in this instance the word “Perverts” does not do justice to these warped individuals.
BBC News – Charlene Downes murder detective forced to resign
BBC News – Troubled teenager Paige Chivers groomed then murdered …. There are striking similarities with the case of Charlene Downes , another Blackpool teenager…
Tommy Robinson in court today, (my bit to keep it in the public eye)
This is new BBC and Islamic child rape gangs … it is an eye opener
The “Easy Meat” Author interview appears to be gone, from the net … how, why, who knows.
Free Speech in Germany? GOING, going, Gone! [The Hitler Youth would have been so pleased]
Similar topic 4:30 Today on BBC Red-io4 : Religion in Germany
(BTW The Archers just ended with the farmer on a horse cart shouting “On you go Assiz ” to his horse)
‘President Obama’ … and the BBC are supposed to be leading lights in the campaign against fake news!!!!!
Yet again, ‘Is it true or did you hear it on the BBC’?
You vill be islamicised wedder you like it or not! Sieg Heil!
Okay, not as important as the political stuff, but hold on maybe it is?
Ahead of George Gently (reliable Sunday evening viewing) being aired last night I’d mentioned to a friend that I wouldn’t be surprised if Gently’s original sidekick Bacchus (a delightfully non PC 60’s throwback) would in these final episodes be usurped and shown up by the bright, newly promoted female Detective Sergeant and portrayed as a belligerent, closed minded, not very bright individual, in spite of him being promoted to DI and having had some of the best lines in previous series.
I’ll leave it at that, you know what happened.
My Husband last night “Oh George Gently’s back”
Me “Have you forgotten the episode they showed just before the last General Election”
Husband “Shall we watch the Mexican wildlife programme instead ?”
Same conversation in our house.
Mexican wildlife also somehow failed to mention the obvious BBC open goal that is “climate change” and ” hispanic migration”.
Well done for once.
Thought the cowboys a bit runty though-hardly Lee Van Cleef or Clint were they?
The bBBC won’t tell us about this. Elections in the Birmingham Ladywood constituency are so crooked that a group of international observers has been called in to monitor them next month.
I wonder why.
Gonna need more popcorn for this election.. the fool presenter on daily politics defending Corbyn for supporting terrorism which our Chuka sits there in disrespectful silence .
I think if the conservatives want to limit the damage from their stupid Social Care plan then they should concentrate on Corbyn’s voting record and support for terrorist groups.easy.
Al beeb pushing voting registration too – in order to get the yoof who apparently vote left. Unfortunately for al beeb it’s a nice day so the yoof will have better things to do than look for their NI number to vote .
The bBC, its coverage of the Election race and its very open bias:
So the bBC reports on the speech by the PM where she attempts to clear up the confusion regards paying for old age:
General election: Theresa May changes social care plans
Theresa May has said proposed changes to social care funding in England will now include an “absolute limit” on the money people will have to pay. The Conservatives ruled out a cap on total costs in last week’s manifesto, instead saying no-one would see their assets fall below £100,000.
So really no change at all which is actually stated by the PM and reported by the bBC:
“The prime minister denied that it was a U-turn, insisting that “nothing had changed” and “the basic principles” set out in the manifesto remained in place.”
So with that in mind, here is how the bBC reports this:
Analysis By Health Correspondent Nick Triggle
This represents a complete U-turn. The cap was ditched last week with the Tories briefing they wanted to set a “floor” not a cap – hence guaranteeing everyone in England will be able to keep £100,000….And where will the money come from? The cost of the original cap was estimated at £6bn over five years.
Now have a look at the graphic the bBC uses:

The bBC , the propaganda arm for labour, paid for by you.
BBC – respected journalists. Really: Disciples of the High Priest of distorted/massaged truth and misinformation – ‘The Worlds Most Untrustworthy Broadcaster’?
Nice little PC touch Pounce – where poor little old white granny is being looked after by someone “of colour” Mrs Oak also used to undertake homecare of the elderly. I think her arms and hands were white last time I looked. Maybe she has had them changed for different ones – I must check!
Just goes to show what a burden on the system all these selfish, house owning little old white grannies are. Surely they should be made to give up their bedrooms so we can adequately house all these new doctors and nurses who love us so much they keep on crossing the Mediterranean just to give us service!
That’s OK, Lord Faulkener will be along shortly with a hypodermic; that’ll sort out the problem with Snowflake Jemima’s student debt…
Toobiwan was the first to post this story (Unfortunately he posted it on the weekend spot ) just thought it needed a little more coverage:
Which JV claims is a great debate:
Apalling comment, apalling idea. Why not go the whole way and have statutory euthanasia ?
What’s Vine’s next bright idea? Additional MPs for university towns, to be elected by the students?
Used to be like that back in the twenties apparently.
‘OK Yaaaah, just a half of bittaaaaah and a fag, and then we’ll vote Whig or something…’
‘Where’s the Scout’?
The liberal left fail to realise that the young may vote for Liberal Left policies but they grow out of it as they get older. Once they get a mortgage, full time job and kids and can no longer talk bollox all day in the Student union room drinking a subsidised pint of beer for £1 they will soon be drifting toward more right wing politics.
Perhaps older people should have 3 votes to undo their misguided voting mistakes when they were younger.
How about two votes for drivers stuck behind a middle aged BBC ponce on a push bike?
I watched Vine’s video on youtube, Rob, what a total entitled, arsehole! Said he had to ride in the middle of the road to keep a car door width, this on unoccupied vehicles! He then went on the stop in the middle of the road, where it widened, blocking the road for the right charmer he was obstructing. One of those cases where, if there was any justice, both parties should have had a slapping.
Cheers Pounce, many thanks. 🙂
So what happens when the people with two votes get “old” or” ill”? Will they just hand it over willingly? Or will their viewpoint still be superior to others?
“Breast ironing”? Thought I’d heard it all but far from unexpected from the humane Cult of Peace!
For those interested in learning a little more about “breast ironing” –
What about a BBC documentary on the subject?
What the f**k is going on in this country? Why should we non-savage ‘normal’ human beings have to put up with this continual abuse of our common sense? And nope, I didn’t spot anything in the manifestos to indicate that a Government, either existing or prospective, appears in any way inclined to do anything about it.
Ah well, lets look forward to the Gatestone Institute’s May (forgive me) bulletin of juicy islamic tit-bits (forgive me again…..).
As the saying goes …
“Know Islam and NO peace – NO Islam and KNOW peace”
Objectively there is no benefit to our nation, or so minimal to be of no consequence by having any Islamic community here, furthermore virtually any other community would integrate much better if so replaced
although in actual fact … surplus to requirement.
think about it …
There would be no issues with,
Halal being impositioned,
Sharia being impositioned,
Mosques being impositioned,
Child Rape Epidemic,
Growing Home Grown Terrorism,
Breast Ironing,
Illegal Bigamy,
Non Community Integration,
Epidemic of Jew hatred,
Epidemic of inbreeding
Tax corruption, shops, taxis, the erm “night time economy …
50% men unemployed, 79% women unemployed.
Massively over represented in prison,
a “norm” in widespread Benefits abuse and corruption
… an aim of 4 or 5 children to erm … propagate islam.
Some clever clogs, will spout NHS Drs … there is an abundance of NON Islamic Dr s in the world,
we should be training our OWN anyway, and not syphoning them off from countries that need them.
AND so now to the the Benefit of having Islam here
……………………………………………….. (fill in as applicable)
I’ll just add one more to your list which is relevant to now:
“He who is not a socialist at 20 has no heart. He who is not a Conservative at 40 has no head.”
George Bernard Shaw.
I wasn’t a socialist at 20. Then again, I have a brain.
I wasn’t a socialist at 20 as I had to keep my job.
The bBC loves to opine about the state of child care in the UK and how we should import loads of
bearded menchildren because its the so called right thing to do. (In fact a bBC couple were in the news only yesterday about how they liked to entertain children) I wonder how the bBC will rewrite this in which to blame the Uk for this young girl with a fag in her mouth:Child care in the Middle East
If the BBC was so concerned about child care its a pity the BBC didnt blow the whistle on what was happening to youg girls in places like Rochdale, Rotherham and half a hundred other places like them………..Oh wait it involves the BBC’s beloved muslim vermin who according to the BBC are not only cultural enrichers but are always the victims. Yeah BBC tell that to the real victims
Can you really see any ‘reporter’ at the bbbc having to go to one of these awful places, and research deeply, a proper readable and usually disgusting story among the sort of depraved people there?
Of course not! Their charter forbids racial discrimination, and that means it is not a ‘story’,.
But aren’t our investigative, important bbeeb ‘reporters’ brave? They’ll ‘report’ the story much later, probably from a Google search or maybe a chat with a mate from a pub nearby, who used to know someone with a van who saw something once, but can’t remember…
Keep the nondescripts coming bbbc, you get us to turn off every time you spout drivel like you do!
Checking today’s Radio4 Virtue Signalling
5:45am Farming Today :”one mum tells us that school closures are ruining village life.”
9am STW : British being terrible to Indians
“The Indian MP Shashi Tharoor looks back at the history of the Raj in Inglorious Empire, a searing indictment of the British and the impact on his country.”
10am Woman’s Hour kept reminding us that the GREEN Party leader is on the show on Wednesday
never spoke of a Conservative or UKIP rep being on.
2:15 Play : Set in Zimbabwe “black civil servant, Charles, tries to persuade white landowner, Guy, to sell his farm”
4:30pm Religion in Germany : will spend some time covering
“the number of Muslims in Germany now nudges five million, following the recent arrival of Syrian refugees, and debates around Islam and multi-culturalism are likely to play a prominent part in elections later this year.”
2:15 Play : Set in Zimbabwe “black civil servant, Charles, tries to persuade white landowner, Guy, to sell his farm”
Which is strange as allafrica reported this version:
In 2000, Zimbabwe began its “fast track” land reformprogramme, ostensibly to correct colonial imbalances in which a small minority of 4,000 white farmers held the bulk of arable land. Under the programme, white commercial farmers were evicted to make way for thousands of new, black, subsistence farmers.
Heard a bit of the Marr and Rea shows…very similar in terms of trashing religion, patriotism and perping the pro-Islamic position in both cases.
Usual hate for Britain from our Commis Indian with a book to see-and no mention of Cologne or Berlin, Christmas markets or Augsburg from our German experts. Let alone any mention of the mass migration of Merkels muslims…beyond the pale I expect.
The BBC-forever trashing our country, forever scorning Christianity and buffing up the Musselmann.
I am getting worried about President Trump, the BBC and the Saudi’s. This glowing orb stuff is creepy
A Palantir !!!!!
So that’s how Trump and Putin communicate with their friends.
Great to see Trump standing shoulder to shoulder with the King of Saudi Arabia against those dreadful, terrorist supporting Iranians; after all who can forget from which country the vast majority of the 9-11 hijackers came and the funding for the worst Jihad attack on the West?
I see a bbc page is making much of the low proportion of female candidates.
It’s 13.4% for UKIP ..but surely it’s fair to mention that one reason it’s not higher is intimidation from LibMob making it hard to open about being in UKIP or even Conservative.
They always complained how there was nobody black at Trump rallies. It was largely because black Trump supporters felt too intimidated by left wing agitators to show their support; they risked being ostracised and even beaten up.
Now here’s a story you won’t find on the BBC… Yet.
It appears the Tories have bought up a large swathe of Google advertising space to counter the bad publicity Treezer’s Dementia Tax has been getting.
The story is from the tiny and much derided Breitbart. Remind me someone, please, how many ‘reporters’ the BBC employs…
GCooper – Answer: gazillions, but they’re all too busy making up negative stories about Brexit, or racism, or islamophobia, or the so-called far-right.
Here is the “Easy Meat” Author interview re the Islamic child rape gangs
Peter McCloughlin is an author who started out taking the MSM’s liberal narrative on Muslim rape gangs.
Before someone he knew was groomed …This led to him writing a book investigating the grooming gangs in his book “Easy Meat”. Peter told me how the mainstream media are still covering up the extent of Muslim grooming that’s happening in this country
24 mins 40
The grooming/rape gangs are terrorists. It may be ‘cultural’ terrorism, but it is terrorism nonetheless. They should be charged with rape AND acts of terrorism. The BBC/MSM, police, CPS, government etc. etc. etc. are all complicit in these acts of terrorism.
Very interesting thanks Nogg. Guess they won’t be listening to that in Germany.
How the bBC spins a story in which to attack the Tories:
The bBC version on how a Scottish nurse was attacked for complaining about the NHS to NS of the SNP:
Election 2017: Apology for TV debate food bank nurse
An SNP parliamentary candidate has apologised to a nurse who confronted Nicola Sturgeon over the NHS during a televised leaders debate. Claire Austin told the SNP leader that she had been forced to use a food bank and that working in the health service was “demoralising”…In her first contribution she said she was a nurse who could not manage on her salary and had to use food banks. In a second intervention she raised the issue of nurses’ pay rises – which have been capped at 1% since 2008. Ms Austin asked Ms Sturgeon:”How do you expect someone to live on that?” She added: “You have no idea how demoralising it is to work in the NHS. “Don’t come in on your announced visits, come in the middle of any day, into the middle of any A&E department, come on in and see what we’re up against.” In response, Ms Sturgeon said the policy was in place because of a “really difficult period with public spending”.
So reading that bBC article and watching the attached video (found in the article) do you get the impression that the Nurses in Scotland have to suffer food banks due to the Tories.? That’s the impression i got from the article:
Here is what the nurse actually said about NHS Scotland (which is funded by the Scottish government and not London )
“Do you think your perceived obsession with independence might actually cost you your seat in the election? “Take the NHS: you say that you’ve ploughed millions into it. I’m a nurse, I can’t manage on the salary I have. “I have to go to food banks. I’m struggling to pay bills. I want you to explain to me: do you know where any of that money has gone?”
Nurse puts Nicola Sturgeon on the spot over SNP claims of extra millions for the NHS
A totally different account from what the bBC promotes as the news.
The bBC, we give you a bespoke news service , which is edited by our impartial political activists in which to promote our own agenda every chance we get.
The nurse says she can’t manage on her salary and has to use food banks.
A nurses starting salary, the minimum, is £21,652 and in Scotland it’s £300 more.
Emmanuel, that may be FakeNews. If the rules of my local Food Bank are standard across most in the UK, you cannot access the Food Banks services in the normal run of things if you are working in a paid job. I believe there may be some exceptional circumstances provided for in Food Bank rules. The new nurse would be entitled to Working Tax Credit anyway. I take that claim with a substantial dose of scepticism.
Ashraf Miah Illegal immigrant rapes girl didn’t see her snatch photo of him.
Jailed now
I see the bBCs BBC Environment and Energy expert has a new post out:
The firm suggests a 5p plastic straw tax, in the footsteps of the plastic bag tax, which has radically cut the use of single-use bags.
Naturally like all decent journalists , instead of using the quality of his post in which to spread his message, he makes sure the usual suspects are included into that tweet in which to get those zealots to spread his message.
The bBC, we lie,bully and intimidate in which to get our message across. And if you complain we will write to your boss, in which to get you sacked.
A bit more islamic news that I hope will not come as a sudden shock to the British security services. ‘All the more the merrier’ I say.
some of the hysteria in america over the don. Bordering on madness
What do they mean ‘any more’? I don’t know anyone who has trusted CNN to tell the truth for years and years.
Not the bbc but sky news at 3 we had burley and faisal islam going big on the dementia tax. Lots of mentions of u turns, shambles etc. Labours nationalisation of services in their manifesto last week was shown up to be a load of old pony with just a bit of questioning by andrew neil last week on barry gardiner but its just been ignored. We then cut to jezza giving a speech in scarborough with john prescott in the background going big on mental health and tuition fees and basically promising the earth. Cut back to burley and not one question or thought on how hes going to be affording his fairytale utopia just straight back to attacking may over the dementia. Jezzas and mcdonnells IRA connections should be front and center as well but its been played down in their zeal to attack the tories. Both networks have been on their knees today begging the young to register to vote to save them from all the madness and brexit. Desperate stuff indeed.
You do wonder why the Left are so keen to keep their mental health meds and rehabs so protected from Tory cuts don`t you?
Anybody would think that the likes of Prescott, Kinnock and Corbyn have cost us all a mint in their worthless lives-and feel obliged to continue to do the same now in their dotage.
Hope Theresa builds a Lefty workhouse so these wasters , at least , are made to grind some wheat or unpick some dreadlocks in the workhouse…the least that they could do by way of putting a bit back into the nation they`ve so debauched.
“Anybody would think that the likes of Prescott, Kinnock and Corbyn have cost us all a mint in their worthless lives-and feel obliged to continue to do the same now in their dotage.”
And their ‘achievements’?
Absolutely nothing. They sucked money from the public teat for years, spouting gibberish, and claiming huge expenses for absolutely bugger all.
No wonder Kinnock whispered in his son’s ear to get on the gravy train as soon as possible before the EU collapses. The pensions are eye-watering boyo, and the ‘work’ is non-existent. Sorry Aberavon, but please ask yourselves, why on earth do you want to keep backing losers?
Wheeliebin’s been covered elsewhere – mainly by the bbbc, but why is that stupid fool Prescott still a ‘voice’? Totally useless, thick, and the guy who demolished thousands of houses because he thought it may be a good idea for his dream of socialist thinking – er – dogma – er booger off, i’m off to ‘t chippy…
Corbyn is playing Santa. The oldest trick in the political Bible. He knows Labour will lose on the 8th so making idle promises doesn’t matter just as long as this erodes the Tory lead. Later on his media disciples (and it is clear that the BBC are in this group) will resurrect all his bumph smokescreen 24/7 just to show us what we are missing by voting for the nasty party. Same pattern as for the Brexit vote. Same divisive collusion.
Labour are now promising every man woman and child in the UK, £100,000 tax free cash.
This will be paid for by a rise in corporation tax for businesses.
I had the Scarborough speech on while doing some computer work.
Corbyn – “25% of us will suffer from mental health illness.”
No7 – “I think he is confusing the future and past tenses.”
#MyFirstVote: ‘Nobody is representing young people’
Eleanor Wemyss, 20, is concerned about Brexit, healthcare and education.
BBC South East has been speaking to first-time voters to find out about their key issues as part of the #myfirstvote series.
You can guess the direction this interview takes without any more information needed!
Yes – and you can also guess why the BBC is so anxious to recruit these callow infants as voters. Transparent isn’t in it!
BBC six o clock news and its full on attack mode on May with keunsberg sounding like a right old harpie shouting at politicians and sneering at the camera. Lots of shots of labour activists shouting tories out etc. Then we are shown corbyn alighting from a bus to adoring fans with presscott sharing a joke about May which stinks of collusion with the media in the timing.His connections with the ira are seen as something trivial with jeremey ‘fending’ off questions with may having to ‘defend’ all the time. Its all roses for labour but the worry comes when they go to middlesbrough a labour stonghold for decades where they interview the locals some who will vote labour but dont know why, whilst crying about the deprivation and others telling us that they have voted labour for years but not anymore as labour are finished.
Trump gets the usual negative bashing from sopel whos face is getting more twisted by the day with all the hate. Apparently trump is going to fail at everything that happens on this trip.
then onto bbc london news where they are crying about more diversity in candidates in london and they talk to some black rapper who tells us politicians do not know about his ‘struggle’ and he wants to see more who look like him in the house of commons as they are none there.
“…some black rapper who tells us politicians do not know about his ‘struggle’ and he wants to see more who look like him in the house of commons as they are none there.”
That’ll please Abbot!
BBC London News seems to be the Beeb at its cultural Marxist, virtue signalling worst. You cannot even call it news – it is pure far Left propaganda.
It’s pure panic in W1A. BB!
They just don’t have the answer to plain common sense, so they try and manufacture it – mainly for the kids who are first voters.
After registration deadlines tonight, they’ll shift their bile to the ‘plight’ of ‘pensioners’, and tell all the old folk that they’ll die without anything, probably in Tesco, or a food bank.
I’m a pensioner, and have been living the best years of my life so far, so I automatically warn kids/grandkids/chums/neighbours and the rest that ‘Is it true, or did you hear it on the bbc’!
They know how to make enemies in W1A don’t they.
Or maybe they’re so thick they don’t…
BBC “3 Girls” News – Appears the Al BBC missed out this bit
Victims of Three Girls gang were quizzed by ELEVEN different defence lawyers
Hey Relax … “their prosecutor says that could never happen again” … sheesh! is he Islamic?
“There will be people being abused today who will get a lousy service tomorrow, because this is a really tough area to prosecute”
Link – http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/victims-three-girls-gang-were-13067330
“Fury in Rochdale as “Three Girls” grooming gang member spotted back on the streets”.
Apparently police have had to go and visit the family home of one of the gang, as feelings ran high during the three-night run of Three Girls.
Did they have to hold his hand?
“feelings” eh, … goodness me … all anyone need s to be concerned about?
Tuned into the World at One at lunchtime. Was expecting to listen to a news and current affairs programme. Must have made some mistake – what I heard was (mostly) a Labour Party political broadcast.
Well, well, well. Breaking news. A ‘U turn’ the media call it. May clarifies the position as regards care for the elderly. What a shambles the Tories are: join in: “three wheels on my wagon……..etc. “. You know the words. Who (“stable and strong Government”) decided to include in the uncosted manifesto withdrawing or changing significantly the Winter Fuel Payment et al. All that would detrimentally effect their core voters – the OAP’s. Just plain stupid. Confirmation yet again that they, as a Government, have no idea what they are doing. At least there is some small consolation in that the Red’s (sorry Liebour) are even worse. But, I don’t really want to vote for the best of a bad bunch.
I watched the Brillo interview earlier. Than goodness it was Brillo. May came over as a chancer working off well-used sound bytes alone. I’ve made my mind up about June the 8th. For the first time, I’m abstaining. The mad house can go sort itself out when the whole system collapses. If May occupies No. 10 on a healthy majority I predict the next U turn – May declares Brexit dead on June 9th and the Government is writing to the EU to revoke our Article 50 notice. Far fetched? Not really on current behaviour.
Best of luck – we’ll all need it because luck is perhaps all we have in this increasingly uncertain World it’s certainly not a ‘strong and stable Government’.
Please don’t go!
We need you as a bellwether for common sense!
Actually, we here at ‘The Turrets’ hardly ever watch any TV these days, there’s so much to do, and so little time for gardening, buying a few comestibles, and helping neighbours with their chimney fire yesterday, which was a worrying time!
And the little dog needs walking twice a day, and our allotment needs a good hoeing too – the manure heap needs a good seeing-to as well! I must have some more exercise, and a good long (electric) bike ride beckons too! May get even as far as Benenden Hospital – only because it is on the periphery of the battery’s limit)!
As for the BBC, well, we don’t even bother to listen to them much these days, the tomatoes need planting out, the zinnias are bursting forth, and Mrs Scroblene has fifteen sunflowers to display somewhere peculiar round the garden as well.
Election? what election? Bbbc tells me all I need to know, at a time when I really want to know, so blood pressure is normal (despite a couple glasses of red), (maybe a couple more – the night is young), and so we continue!
G, just hang in there!
Scrobs will be the first elbow on the bar with a crisp fiver to buy you the biggest pint you’ll ever have on June 9th!
What is puzzling me at the moment is their continual Trump obsession. Folks, you know the Komodo Dragon – it’s a huge lizard thingy that gives a poisonous bite to its prey and then follows it around until it finally croaks and the eating can commence. Our friends @ bbc news seem to be “following” Trump 24/7 & making headlines of every action/word – pointing the finger & sneering. Are they hoping he will drop an almighty clanger they can seize on or he makes the move that will lead to his (fervently hoped for) impeachment/leaving office. I can’t remember any previous POTUS being subjected to this concentrated negative reporting. I guess we all know why. They really, really hate him.
“They really, really hate him.”
BBC’s Knell reports on Gaza power crisis – without the usual distractions
On several occasions in the past we have documented the BBC’s repeated misrepresentation of the perennial electricity crisis in the Gaza Strip as being connected to Israeli counter-terrorism measures
BBC2 Chelsea Flower Show tonight had a BBC biased moment.
Monty Don was interviewing some woman about why there are less big show gardens this year. The woman replied “the gardens represent the country and when the applications went out to garden designers last year we had just had Brexit…”
WTF? Garden designers have decided to make smaller show gardens for the Chelsea Flower show because of Brexit?!?
I was watching that myself. The Chelsea flower show has gone for the full diversity mother load this year. It’s full on political and green propaganda. It used to be about the flowers and plants but no the Beeb agenda has soaked In to this as well. Plus we get the righteous lot at radio 2 taking it over this year as well. Another show Ruined by this crap.
If the BBC really were impartial that comment would have been edited out. Moreover, if Uncle Monty was impartial he would have challenged that statement. And then THAT would have been edited out.
Something the BBC doesn’t seem keen on mentioning – odd when they just ran a drama on it, but now all but two of the Rochdale rapists have been allowed out after serving less than half their very lenient jail terms.
It makes the blood boil
Sometimes the BBC don’t even seem to realise just how biased they are. Take this profile of Labours campaign director Seumas Milne.
His father was the former BBC director general Alasdair Milne, and he attended Winchester College and Balliol College, Oxford before going into journalism.
He started out on a small Communist-backed paper, Straight Left, and spent three years at The Economist before joining the Guardian in 1984.
He wrote extensively on industrial issues for the Guardian, being promoted to labour editor and later comment editor, and represented the paper in the National Union of Journalists.
His tenure as comment editor in the early 2000s grated with some of his fellow journalists, with colleagues complaining he was too ready to defend Hugo Chavez and Vladimir Putin, and that he commissioned too many pieces on Palestine.
His detractors say he is too far to the left, too dogmatic and unwilling to co-operate with the demands of the 24-hour news cycle. Some have also suggested he appears to exercise too much control over Mr Corbyn at times. Some within the party accused him of “sabotaging” Labour’s remain campaign.
He enjoys the advantage, from his supporters’ point of view, of being an experienced journalist as well as being very close politically to the party leader.
Most times in life children follow their parents political beliefs & it is unusual for them to be polar opposites, so it really does look as if yet another Ex DG has been outed as a leftie (but then thats no surprise at all!)
Am I the only one that is mystified? If the BBC were to cut all their election-related claptrap to two simple accurately reported choices, they would tell us that we can either have a tax and spend, anti-austerity, pro-mass immigration government from Theresa May, or a communist one from Corbyn. You would think they would be delighted.
More bBBC bias by omission.
News just breaking (not on BBC)
A SWEDISH airport has been evacuated after a bag with “traces of explosives” was discovered in the departure hall.
So, just what did Trump’s note in the Western Wall say?
Oh, my aching sides. A procession of puerile tweets follows. BBC cutting edge reporting.
I was disgusted with Sopel on 10pm BBC1 news describing Trump leaving a ‘note’ in the Wall. It is a place for prayers and it is written prayers that are left in the cracks, not a shopping list. No respect by Sopel either for Trump or the holiest place for Jews. Would he be so dismissive about Mecca?
He wouldn’t be allowed in Mecca. That’s reserved for the followers of the Peaceful Religion only. Mind you, perhaps ……
Four years already!
“Please take a moment to remember him.”
Which is more than the BBC did.
Lobster – al Beebus didn’t remember him and also neglected to report this, as far as I can tell.
Doesn’t Saint Stephen of Lawrence’s memorial have a CCTV camera pointed at it 24/7?
Its all about appeasement .
A reminder …………………….
4 Years since Cameron lied to parliament and the nation, that there was nothing in the Qur’an to justify the killing, when everything the two did was supported by the Qur’an, and yet no one called him out on it.
Its all about appeasement .
A reminder ……………………………….
During their trial, Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale asked to be known respectively as Mujaahid Abu Hamza and as Ismail Ibn Abdullah. Yet the BBC website returns more than fifty hits for the name ‘Michael Adebolajo’ (I stopped counting at fifty), and a mere five for ‘Mujaahid Abu Hamza’, all of the latter dated around the time the request was made. I wish I knew why the BBC makes an editorial distinction between a US soldier’s wish to be known as Chelsea Manning and the similarly self-determining request of two devout individuals up for murder.
And yes, they were devout, in their own terms. When, during sentencing, The Hon. Mr Justice Sweeney opined that the views of the convicted were a ‘betrayal of Islam’, Abdullah shouted ‘That’s a lie’, and Hamza shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’.
Someone really should let Sir Nigel Sweeney know that his qualifications as a scholar of Muslim theology have been mischievously omitted from Wikipedia.
How will they play this one down ?………….
A gas explosion ?
BBC way behind the other news media as usual. Manchester Evening News has a live update page at http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/manchester-arena-explosion-evacuated-ariana-13075807. BBC playing catch up and doing it badly.
That said, condolences to the bereaved. Sadly, it would have been mainly children and teenagers at this concert.
The BBC are already playing this one down. They are not far from suggesting mass suicide.
Im watching the BBC News channel at midnight. The lady newsreader asks the guest expert “we still don’t know how the fatalities have occurred.”. Man replies “initially we thought the fatalities may have been caused by others trying to get out quick …. some said it might have been a balloon or a speaker but we now think it is more serious than that”.
WTF? more serious than a balloon or a speaker? How much more serious can it get?
As I write this the BBC are calling it “Manchester Incident”. I really hope it is no more serious than a cap gun or maybe a wallpaper pasting table legs collapsing and making a loud sound as it hit the ground or whatever utter shite the BBC will suggest it could be.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the BBC suggest the “bang” was Brexit backfiring.
Sky News – confirmed fatalities – huge explosion.
Even the ‘Tory’graph are giving live updates.
In the meantime, the BBC editors are working out how they can blame this on Tommy Robinson and ‘Right Wingers’.
Anniversary of Lee Rigby, defaced memorial … now this. double figures fatalities
And this
Another Kebab shop gang rape? – 4 Men used 16yr old girl as “entertainment device”
Taken to a room and raped on a “grubby mattress” whilst men physically restrained her and stood by the door “so she knew there was no escape.”
“Takeaway workers Tamin Rahmani, 37, Shershah Muslimyar, 20 and Rafiullah Hamidy, 24, and a 16-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, all deny three counts of rape.
Prosecutor Simon Taylor accused the co-defendants of then ‘plotting’ and ‘lying’ their way out of the evidence held against them. He said: “Every single orifice had been penetrated by the group of men, while others watched, laughed and joined in themselves”
BBC News channel expert just said “The police say an explosion happened in the foyer …… but we don’t know if that explosion is an accident or criminal intent”
‘criminal intent’?!? I wonder if someone was trying to blow open the condom machine in the toilets to get to the pound coins?
I think was can safely say, in BBC land, this is NOT a terror attack.
NBC are saying 20 have been confirmed killed and possibly hundreds injured.
This was an ‘incident’ waiting to happen. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened at a football match before now. A young people’s concert, with fatalities – nothing could be worse. Our gates needs closing, now.
………and a big exit sign arrow erected in ‘certain areas’.
Sky news on the manchester incident ‘Maybe a baloon’.
I think you are a bit behind the time – @ c.11.45pm ‘toilets’ Maguire (Trinity Mirror) tried that with no success.
I meant that sky news is a free joke as opposed to bbc news that is an expensive enforced tax joke
It’s worrying if plod can’t distinguish between the lack of injury caused by debris from a balloon explosion and shrapnel wounds
If it’s not a terrorist incident, why are armed police being deployed?
Number 7
To prevent ‘hate crime’ . 😀
Possibly (sadly) the case. They do look to be ‘locked & loaded’ though from the Sky feed.
To safely deliver the “backlash” story?
BBC News interviewing someone on the telephone, “some people say there might be injuries can you confirm if you saw anything that can suggest if this is true?”. AT the same time the caption at the bottom on screen said “Police confirm fatalities” – ffs!
The BBC might as well just stop transmitting and call it an early night instead of the constant playing down of terrorism. The outside broadcast vans are leaving London right now to get to Manchester to interview local Muslims asking them “do you feel persecuted and more unwelcome after these recent events?”
Have they retired to bed in Salford?
Interviewee suggests (Sky) a suicide bomber – police now saying a ‘possible’ terrorist attack.
Get real FFS.
Number 7
Its all about ‘multiculti’ appeasement .
Anyone seen maxinconey?
He’s in an editors meeting – awaiting instructions.
19 dead so far!!!!!!
I’ll give the BBC a night off from all this carnage and state unequivocally that “it was nothing to do with Islam!”
Repeat as nauseam for the next Terror attack, sorry, Unannounced Bang Incident, and the next one, and the next one, and the next one…
BBC reporting taxi drivers are offering free lifts to the children and also takeaways are offering free chips.
It’s going to be a long night for the Police if those taxi drivers and takeaway workers are a certain “Rochdale-ly” local types.
Terror no doubt, awful, terrible, despicable your heart goes out to all those poor innocent souls and their families concerned
… will this wickedness be, the “critical mass” moment?
I do not want to hear, backlash, “fears”, rising tide, spike in from the BBC, or any of the enemedia.
Why oh why do they not impose nail-control measures?
Shut all nail bars down…NOW!
I make no apologies for this-if it only saves one cuticle from being prematurely judged then it will be worthwhile.