I agree Kaiser. When will the masses wake up and protest! It makes my blood boil that these traiterous bastards can kill innocents in cold blood, disrespect Lee Rigby, rape and hideously abuse white girls and women, get off with light sentences, get reprieves from deportation etc etc etc. And we have to sit meekly and worry that ‘muslims might feel scared’.
No. I don’t think there ever will be a ‘tipping point’; our society is so rotten it does not have the weight and mass to tip over, it will simply crumble into dust. Look at the French and Belgians; hundreds and hundreds slaughtered, a priest murdered at the altar of his church, children mown down by lorries, people tortured and mutilated in nightclubs. And they elect Macron! We are no different.
If that’s at me, I can assure you I was not being ‘funny’.
Ironic is another matter.
‘Infuriated from W. Wales’ would be a better description.
Pi**ed Off with ‘our’ metro elite would also be accurate.
No, not at you. Comments in general, some quite humorous (not a criticism of anyone!). But I mean this is not tolerable, and deeply serious.
I hope I’ve clarified that!
The traitors in our midst describe a “Manchester blast.”
So is that a gas main a petrol tanker or maybe mass murder by Islamists? Probably no the latter they surely would have informed the public of the truth and over for concern for their safety in going anywhere near the place in case of a secondary attack.
I am watching non stop coverage on fox in the USA. I felt embarrassed when they commented on what the police commissioner had failed to say….here they are openly discussing reports of a suicide bomber and how security prevented him from entering. In the uk they are clearly keeping facts from the public until they can spin no blame story. I hope this is the straw that breaks the camels back. We must be allowed to be outraged and demand appropriate action.
Teddies and Candles at the ready
Calls for more “control of “hate” sites and organisations which spread “hate” Which I take to mean the likes of Tommy Robinson and Breitbart.
Usual Condemnation from the MCB,
More platitudes from from MPs and celebs (and maybe even a few “stunts” to show how unbroken and united we are).
Woken up this morning to the news of a blast in Manchester which has killed 19 and wounded many more. The bBC are currently reporting (TV) that if this was a terrorist blast it will have been the worse attack since 2005. The Guardian are reporting this: At least 19 people have been killed and 50 injured after what is being investigated as a suspected suicide bombing of a crowded pop concert in Manchester, the most deadly attack in Britain in a decade.
Nice to see the bBC carrying out damage limitation for the gay death cult.
The bBC news website are now reporting this crap: “Unconfirmed reports from two unnamed US officials suggested the attack was carried out by a suicide bomber.
The bBC studios are around 3 Kms away from Manchester Arena and they have to go to the bloody US in which to come out with a supposition .
I cannot afford it anyway, but I am increasingly thinking that I can never have children and bring them into a world like this. It is only going to get worse, isn’t it?
As to all the nonsense we are told about the vast majority being peace loving, surely they are all cancelled out by the minority of monsters like this. Nails were in this bomb to deliberately cause as much pain to as many innocent children as possible.
Imagine how pathetic Amber Rudd’s self-serving statement is going to be.
“We must remember our shared values of just tolerance and just having a hash tag until the next one happens.”
Why force this insane experiment of open borders and multiculturalism on us? The Beeb have been at the forefront of ushering in this brave new world. I wonder if in their heart of hearts they feel any shame for facilitating our enemies like they have.
If they dare warn about a nonexistent ‘backlash’ against ‘communities’ I will scream.
As for all the Trump bashing, he is the only Western leader who will even confront the biggest problem we have faced since the thirties. Frankly most would not care if he grabbed pussies and colluded with Russians all day long if he were still willing to confront this terrible evil head on. Obama was a disgrace, refusing to even say the words ‘Islamic terrorism.’
Trump could go down as the greatest Western leader since Churchill. We need strong men like him in a world that has been so enfeebled by political correctness. This scene at Manchester is hell on Earth I cannot even listen to it anymore. May the liberal elite rot in hell for allowing this to happen.
The Beeb are spinning how local taxi drivers gave free service! Isn’t that fantastic!
They have someone from a Muslim foundation on Toady saying how they have been offering free taxis and food.
They must have thought they were in heaven – a load of vulnerable teenager girls! Let’s hope none of the girls had watched Three Girls last week or they probably would have preferred to die than go down that road. It is beyond parody.
Bbruv – I am supposing the free food consisted of kebabs!
Listening to R4 I actually felt thoroughly nauseated when the BBC was waxing lyrical about all this community pulling together shit.
Yes I am sure it is what most decent people would do this anyway, and yes I am sure there also many decent people within the muslim community – but the point surely is – is that there are also some thoroughly evil bastards there as well, who truly hate us – yet no-one will discuss it.
But the R4 overspin is incapable of stopping there – it is almost as if the the free food and taxi rides IS the story rather than the fact that nearly twenty youngsters were blown to shit by an evil bastard (who probably was a signed up member of the BBCs “most favoured minority group).
Maybe the website will read
” FREE TAXI LIFTS AND FOOD SUPPLIED BY LOCAL MUSLIMS TO CONCERT GOERS DEMONSTRATING LOCAL UNITY” and twenty columns down on page six after latest reports on Nadias latest recipie it will say Also 18 teenagers and died and 59 were rumoured to have died in blast at Manchester – Cause unknown.
I know this sounds flippant but I truly am beginning to think that these days are not too far away. I expect Amber is already straining at the leash and the Governments complete inaction as regards BBC bias suggests to me that they are totally relaxed with the scale of news manipulation this rotten organisation undertakes.
I suspect it will be an incident like, that will be used by Sharia May to undertake something similar to when the the Reichstag was burnt down in 1933 and the communists and jews were blamed.
We will see – but for now the BBC journos will be buzzing around like blowflies who have just found the back door to the butchers shop. And once the bullshit subsides it will be business as usual -“shoot the messengers” and pretend every thing is spammy!
BB, “The Beeb are spinning how local taxi drivers gave free service! Isnât that fantastic!”
Extremely unwise of them to do that, for obvious reasons. You would have thought between the news Presenters, backroom staff and all the ‘Editors’, one Senior News Editor or one of the Producers would have connected the dots to last weeks TV output and said “Just the one mention of that and no more.”
No mention of the racial background of the taxi drivers? Most of the attendees at the concert were young girls apparently. Just thinking about this act of generosity…………
Ramadan doesn’t officially kick off until this Friday (26th). It runs until 24th June. Security services know this; governments know this and the msm know this. Don’t expect any one of them to mention it once.
Be careful, everyone, and remember that situational awareness is everything.
Along with the usual feelings of horror, compassion and concern for those actually affected directly by this attack, I also feel sorry for the BBC News people, Matthew Price especially. He’s on the spot and has to waffle away endlessly saying the same things over and over again, all the while no doubt dealing with his own feelings and thoughts.
Yes, I know a professional journalist should be able to swing into standard operating mode, using resources and contacts, trying for that extra bit of information and so on. Much of it though will just have to be repetitive waffle and the reporter will know that. That has its own impact on them as well.
Contributors here have in the past put up both genuine and comedic re-enactments of on-the-scene reporters ‘blowing-up’ at the sheer vacuity and repetitive nature of their pieces to camera or radio reports.
In the studio, it must be tough for presenters, too. Dominic McConnell made a reference to that at the start of his first business report on TODAY programme. And how do you come on to cover sport or show business or the arts meaningfully, with news of the terrorist attack going round and round and round.
We, in our homes, cars and offices who have no connection to this event are fortunate. We can switch off.
Please stop it! Otherwise, you’ll have me in tears just thinking about the lying bas****s at the BBC having a difficult time in having to repeat the story of the “lone attacker” endlessly.
G, I was being serious but some ‘black humour’ does help at times like this. I can make an educated guess at conditions in A&E in Manchester General last night and this morning.
I was actually feeling genuinely sorry for the Beeboids. They cannot all be stupid, brain-dead liberals. The ‘muggings’ must be starting to wake them up. More on this later, perhaps.
Sorry Up2, I can’t share your sympathy for beeboid bastards. You’re saying we should feel sorry cos they’re paid good money – our money – to waffle platitudes and avoid the M word or the I word at all costs? We should feel sorry cos for decades they’ve ignored, excused, downplayed, aided and abetted Islamic terrorism by refusing to acknowledge its true nature (Islam), its causes (Islam) and its objectives (the establishment of Islam worldwide through Jihad).
They’ve lied and dissimulated and buried the truth, and vilified, mocked or derided the few brave souls who’ve tried to tell the truth about that evil ideology.
On the contrary, each new atrocity I hate and despise the beeboids more and hold them partially responsible.
(Or perhaps you were being sarcastic in which case apologies.)
That’s OK, Charlie. We agree, disagree, debate, add knowledge, share ideas, junk ideas, take up others, think, bring life experience on here into the melting pot, generally politely now and without insults, denigrating others and generating bad feeling. OK to disagree.
Shame that ALL communities are not as united as B-BBC! đ
No I genuinely felt sorry for the Beeboids. See my other posts.
Point taken Up2, covering A&E at times like this can’t be pleasant. But I see it as them having their noses rubbed in to the mess they’re partially responsible for. Sorry, no pity from me. The scales just might begin to fall from their eyes, even for those dimwits.
Yeah, I’d rather not have any more ‘muggings’ but, very sadly, that is what it will probably take to wake up the lefties and the liberals and all the Beeboids and media mess.
Radio 4 were interviewing some Home Office Terror ‘expert/adviser’ at about 7:15am today.
Interviewer, “certain communities are going to feel persecuted and isolated following this incident”
so-called-expert, “yes. Terrorism’s purpose is to divide communities. If we continue with the war on muslims then some young ones from those communities will choose a path they wouldn’t normally take. It’s at times like this we all need to come together”
The BBC is a f’ing disgrace. There are children missing with frantic parents up all night trying to track them down and the BBC accuse everyone, apart from Muslims, as being responsible.
Get me in those BBC studios as an “expert” and I’ll tell it as it is.
Tabs: ” Radio 4 were interviewing some Home Office Terror âexpert/adviserâ at about 7:15am today.
Interviewer, âcertain communities are going to feel persecuted and isolated following this incidentâ
so-called-expert, âyes. Terrorismâs purpose is to divide communities. If we continue with the war on muslims then some young ones from those communities will choose a path they wouldnât normally take. Itâs at times like this we all need to come together.â ”
Good post. You are right to highlight that. Hopefully, someone at the BBC will read it. The BBC are starting to demonstrate real stupidity at times over terror attacks and Islam. (We do not yet know for sure who did this or why. The modus operandi tends to speak for the perpetrator, however.) I do not think it is a desire on the part of the BBC to Islamicise the UK. For one thing they would be at least partially out of business under an Islamic regime. If people keep talking about ‘unity of communities’ eventually you will have a unity of thinking people: everyone against this terrorism and this particular cause of terrorism.
I think the BBC realise there is a potential volcano of massive proportions building up to an eruption but they are out of ideas while liberally and literally overflowing with liberal platitudes.
Melanie Phillips has an expression to describe the start of this future eruption: liberals mugged by reality. At the present time the liberals are very divided in beliefs, opinions and responses.
What can one say?
You have to appreciated the difficulty the BBC News Editorial staff are faced with yet again. Can’t call it a “lone car” or “lone lorry” wot done it. No other option but to call it a “lone suicide attacker” until we, the BBC, pull out all stops to establish (which we will) that he/she suffered some mental illness or breakdown a form of which is only suffered by devotees to the cult of islam.
I have to disagree with the Chief Constable of Manchester when he asserted that this is the worst atrocity Manchester has ever experienced. No, CC, it isn’t. The Blitz of Manchester in 1940 was, when 684 people were killed and 2634 injured. I suppose the big difference is that we were in a declared war with Germany and the foe was known whereas the current war is not de facto declared. One thing the British public can be assured of is that the “suicide attacker’s” replacement is on the way probably through Heathrow or Victoria Coach Station as I write this comment. Visualise it, the public awaits with anticipation with placards declaring, “We want more refugees” and, “Welcome Refugees”. “The public can be assured……”. The only thing the public can be assured about is that islam will not stop whether ISIS exists or not.
The other big differences from the WW2 blitz was there wasn’t Nazi appeasers saying the German bombers were acting as lone wolves, mentally ill bomber pilots. No candles lit in vigils, no #westandwithhitler etc.
Even during the IRA mainland bombings there was a strong public unity in fighting back (not Jeremy Corbyn though).
But now the public have been conditioned to just accept whatever happens to you and your country and not to fight back. It’s gone so far the wrong way now that if you show any signs of patriotism then you are labelled the problem and not the solution.
Too right, Lobbie, and the Germans & Austrians who were here were 1. genuine refugees, 2. grateful, and, 3. on our side and willing to do all they could to help fight the Nazis.
Tabs, there were some before before the Blitz. Can’t remember enough WW2 history right at this moment to know whether the appeasers or even Nazi sympathisers or fellow travellers carried on beyond the Blitz or whether, by then, most had been rounded up by the authorities.
I do recall that Mosley and his thugs were at work right into the early months of the war. And there were those in Parliament (and in the US Government at the time) who were not totally in political disagreement with Hitler. But I’m picking up on a technicality there.
Your last para makes a vitally important point: where we are now. I doubt that that situation will persist if the number of these atrocities continue. The Beeboids and liberals and lefties will be starting to sound a little bit desperate soon. If they keep on with ignoring reality, the future pain for them – probably us, as well – will be worse.
The bBC comes out with the life of Brian sorry JC The Jeremy Corbyn Story: Profile of Labour leader
Jeremy Corbyn’s election as Labour leader in September 2015, at the age of 66, was one of the biggest upsets in British political history
If the veteran Labour MP was stunned by his sudden elevation to rock star status, among new and returning Labour supporters, he rarely showed it.
After his surprise victory, many “moderate” shadow cabinet members returned to the back benches rather than serve under him, but he was able to put together a top team that reflected a broad range of opinion within the party.
If Corbyn wins, as the bBBC so obviously hope, he will need a state broadcaster to do the announcements about record factory output of widgets on a regular basis. So they are just cosying up in anticipation of an even freer ride than they get now.
In the first hour of the TODAY Programme, someone let slip something that has not been covered by BBC Radio or on the BBC web-site AT ALL – as far as I can see or hear – in its news coverage: the Police are arresting terrorists in the UK on a near-daily basis at present.
When some time has passed after this atrocity, some serious questions should be asked of senior BBC people about news censorship.
Yes, it was briefly mentioned after the Westminster Bridge killer, I think, that we should be reassured because the Police are arresting suspects daily. Somehow I wasn’t reassured. What would reassure me is more proactive measures like taking away citizenship and passports from those that went to join ISIS in Syria.
Also happening daily is the conviction of Muslim rapists and child abusers. Also buried by the BBC.
BBC North East
Colin Briggs just announced on the 8.30 news that traveling to Manchester today will be a “headache ”
I cannot believe the insensitivity of the people who work at this vile organisation.
For gods sake 22 young people have just lost their lives and they are concerned about the inconvenience of travelling.
Perhaps BBC Radio Leeds could come up with some jaunty musical clues about the bombing.
After their Ian Brady stunt last week they should be well up to speed…….
Some good input at last from Meena Alammi (sorry – phonetic spelling may be wrong) of the BBC’s Jihad Monitoring group at about 8.40am on TODAY.
That’s a revelation to me. The BBC has a Jihad Monitoring group. Did not know that. So one little bit of the BBC HAS been mugged by reality. Already, so soon?
The feeble contributor after the 8.10am main interview (man speaking, IIRC, before Tessa Jowell) deliberately skirted around the I word. Meena was rather more forthcoming without obviously skirting around it and being mealy mouthed.
Sooner or later, the BBC are going to have to acknowledge that we are at war.
Unlike any other conflict in our history, in this present war with Islam we are expected, for the sake of cohesion, to see, hear and especially speak no evil.
The advice from across the media: Fingers in ears and la, la, la.
The overwhelming meme this morning is “they shall not divide us!” This well honed and hackneyed phrase has come from Amber Rudd and Andy Burnham etc. It seems for our politicians to be the most important thing.
At least 22 people, predominantly youngsters by the sound of it, murdered by shhh, you know who…and our politicians immediately head to their box of handy cliches.
Christ, I can see it all already. Masses of flowers, heaps of hearts and teddy bears, weeping scchool girls, eulogies and condolences from foreign leaders and a call for “unity”…
This comes weeks before our election but unlike the French we don’t have a political party that offers us some hope of resistance. Who have we got? Theresa the Appeaser and the terrorists’ friend, Jezza Corbyn! What a bleedin’ choice. Pinky or bloody Perky!
Theresa will do sweet FA and Corbyn will invite ISIS round for tea and sandwiches and lecture us about the evils of British foreign policy. Please spare us!
And now on Radio 4 There’s some waffling excuser explaining to us that some communities feel as though they are being picked on! Well, I wonder why that might be?
I think that the actual community being picked on, murdered, abused and vilified is ours. The indigenous peoples of our islands.
If we complain we’re racists or “phobic”.
A few short years ago we were constantly being told that we had to celebrate multiculturalism. That mass, unparalleled levels of third world immigration, enriched us. That diversity was a huge, vibrant, buzzing party.
Let’s be honest. Collect your coats, burkas and hijabs. The party’s over
Mr Brendan “hope not hate” Cox has tweeted his usual bollox to lecture to us if we don’t unite with Muslims then the terrorists win. I think what he has been trying to say for a long time is “convert or die”
People who use this to push hatred are doing exactly what the terrorists want. Division&hate make us weak, Unity& Resolve make us strong.
Maybe someone could tweet back ‘You are right Brendan. Time for peaceful Muslims to unite with us against the terrorists in their midst.’ but that is probably too many characters for the Twitterati to cope with.
Brendan, luv, nobody is ‘pushing hatred’. You don’t hate a mad dog when you shoot it – you do it because it is the quickest and most humane way of dealing with the problem for all concerned. The equivalent needs to be done to the causes of radical Islam.
Has Amber Rudd ever visited a muslim ghetto in Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale or any of a hundred towns in Britain? We are divided. There is an unofficial apartheid. They don’t mix, they are here to live among their own kind and claim as much social security as they can, along with driving cabs, running kebab shops, “Indian” restaurants and any other cash business you can think of, up to and including control of the heroin trade.
Personally, I can live without rapist taxi drivers, halal meat and heroin. Can Amber Rudd suggest any other reason I should wish to be enriched?
Someone needs to inform Brendan Cox and the like that Jihad attacks are not “pointless”
They have a very specific and openly stated purpose of establishing Islamic rule globally.
I’m convinced now that politicians and celebs are connected to highly sensitive earthquake monitors in most major cities. If a blast goes off, it trips a switch on their Twitter feed to automatically send out a looped series of messages. ‘Will not divide us….communities united…hate will not flourish…religion of peace…’ etc.
Not forgetting the arm in arm walk by politicians with members of ‘the community’ to show they are as one !
In the past when atrocities have occurred, thankfully its never affected so many young people in this country. Now its happened outside of London, and normal families being affected, then it maybe the wake up call that’s needed. If they think that stamping out racism is a priority, then they need to think again, this will stoke the flames like nothing else.
Platitudes and clichĂŠs are not what’s needed now, words are easy to say. Slebs tweeting how ‘heartbroken’ they area, oh well, so that’s alright then, I’m sure the grieving families will appreciate that. Concerts, football grounds, theatres in the West End, are they next ? ‘They will not defeat us’ will ring hollow if they are targeted, there is only so long that these paraphrases will be accepted before the population will turn nasty. Give it a couple of weeks before Alibaba Brown and those on the Big Question will be whining about how ‘their community’ has had racial hatred and abuse directed at them. Its all so predictable.
The socialist left have no idea because they refuse to research & learn anything outside their own box.
No idea that they have taken upon themselves the very attitude prescribed by the false-prophet.
To insist that Muslims are a superior group who are in the right no matter what.
Muslim acts of violence are ALWAYS justified. Muslims are ALWAYS victims.
Any simple resistance to Muslim demands, the spread of Islam or refusal to convert is considered an aggression toward that Allah they worship. Thus in the mind of the devout Muslim he cannot be in the wrong. A Kaffir simply fighting for his life is considered an aggressor.
Yes, it really is beyond unacceptable. We are a very easy going bunch people, at times far too slow to anger, and were this somewhere like Turkey we would not be constantly urged to put our children up for slaughter for sake of some fantasy of a touchy feely harmony.
As said, half measures and being nice have brought us to where we are.
CartD – Dont be too critical as they are speaking from the truth as they see it. But I think the “us” refers to their Islamic friends who they they want to fill the country up with not the UK indigenous UK population. Who may have tattoos and vote UKIP.
I’m sorry to sound flippant but why are the media so surprised at this bombing. The BBC won’t condemn Islam. The Labour leader won’t condemn the bombing terrorist group the IRA.
I’m saddened for the families but the hypocritical contempt I have for the politicians and the BBC is immense. Blame them alongside the ROP Islam.
Theresa May. Allow me to put my detective hat on, and point you in the direction as to who is responsible for these terrorist attacks,- as you don’t seem to know!!
Do Hindu’s bomb our communities-NO
Do Sikh’s bomb our communities- NO
Do Muslims bomb our communities-YES
Yet the narrative from out political leaders and the BBC is we must integrate and embrace Muslims.
Wake up Theresa May. Wake up you stupid,stupid woman.
“Wake up Theresa May. Wake up.”
That’s the thing, unlike some, she is not deluded. She is well aware of how things are, so not to acknowledge the truth and act accordingly for the sake of some fantasy of multicultural enrichment is despicable.
Again it brings to mind, following 9/11 and R4 Today had a daily Islamic Panel to run things by.
Essentially Humphries et al just kept asking, how can we bend over even further in order to stop you killing us?
Nothing has changed.
All we need now is that little pipsqueak Khan to say Islam is a religion of peace (in a muffled voice as he hides under his bed wearing a tin hat and flak jacket)
The Toady 7am news was interrupted by a live feed of the GMP chief constable’s briefing. He advised everyone not to speculate.
This was immediately followed by a lengthy Toady interview with a security expert………speculationg.
About the terrorist attack.The method, the type of explosives, where to find bomb making stuff on the internet etc.
But strangely after 20 minutes speculation there was no mention of the possible motives and religious persuasion of the perpetrator.
Personally I think he could well be some anglo saxon christian with mental health issues, quite probably brought on by his unexpected redundancy from a senior engineering role. but I could be wrong.
News channels tripping over themselves trying to establish if the murderer was ‘british’. One look at all the green shirts and green flags at Lords will tell you all you need to know about how ‘british’ these people are.
What would be a suitable prize for the first imbecile to utter the phrase ‘right wing backlash’?
Of course, we’re still waiting for one in response to the London underground bombings, but that never seems to stop some CP policedrone, politician, actor or other form of intellectual lowlife from trying it on.
said this last night
Anniversary of Lee Rigby, defaced memorial ⌠now this. double figures fatalities”
My erm “guess” turned out right … what s the chances of that eh?
Also this
“Do not want to hear, backlash, âfearsâ, rising tide, spike in from the BBC, or any of the enemedia.
or see the usual erm âconcernedâ faces”
… Enter Amber Dudd, misleading the public, Brendan Cox and …. the Muslim Council of Bullsh-t
And this
Another Kebab shop gang rape? â 4 Men used 16yr old girl as âentertainment deviceâ
Taken to a room and raped on a âgrubby mattressâ whilst men physically restrained her and stood by the door âso she knew there was no escape.â
âTakeaway workers Tamin Rahmani, 37, Shershah Muslimyar, 20 and Rafiullah Hamidy, 24, and a 16-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, all deny three counts of rape.
Prosecutor Simon Taylor accused the co-defendants of then âplottingâ and âlyingâ their way out of the evidence held against them. He said: âEvery single orifice had been penetrated by the group of men, while others watched, laughed and joined in themselvesâ http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/four-men-accused-gang-raping-10478157
Final erm “prophecy” (irony) from last night … “will this be a “critical Mass” moment?”
………. shakes head, Can you get your Twitterfarties – with “Appropriate” Hashtag BBC?
NNM … As the BBC new Islamic weathergirl, passes over to the Hijabi on the sofa, to go to Sadiq Khan and Brendan Coxs vigil for peace
Fatima Salaria says next songs of praise will be delayed out of respect , for a candle service?
Will Nadiya will be asked to cook halal “comfort food” before another yet Islamic BBC “puff piece” series this time on the Hajj?
Apologies, I m just so aghast at the same old MSM po faced crap, we MUST think of the young victims, the poor families their sad loss to such Islamic evil.
After “appropriate” BBC Twitterfarties, “Hashtag”, Did the BBC ask if the MCB, have any ideas on the obligatory search for, “Motive”?
Noggin, only this weekend I tried to tell my brother and my sister- in-law that it was time for them to stand up for the future lives of their 3 granddaughters and for our country and culture. I’m not sure whether the message got through but perhaps it has hit home today.
The Manchester Terror Attack (I think it’s a fair assumption) has disturbed me in a much deeper and profound way even than the other UK attacks. It is much closer to home for me being in Lancs and at a gig (I’m from Leeds). I am attending a gig and a football match soon, now with a great degree of trepidation. Devastated for the people affected by those brutally murdered over there and of course those that have lost their lives. I actually work with the somebody who knew somebody who was there. I will not change my tolerant attitude to individuals but I am now of the firm belief that this is quite a widespread and increasingly disturbing problem.
CL I applaud your tolerant attitude to individuals, and I confess that I was of a similar mindset for most of my life. Admittedly, ‘the most of my life’ never included the situation we now find ourselves in from foreign peoples. Yes, we did face bombings from the IRA, and indeed as they increased on the mainline there was a backlash against the Irish community that lived here, but in an age long before social media and travelling distances to work, we had to rely on information from newspapers and the tv/radio, so attitudes were somewhat different and more localised.
Now I am older, and see the damage that mass migration, the joke that is multiculturalism, and the disintegration of our culture which has occurred in the past 30 years, I have become far less tolerant. Some may say I’m racist or a bigot, comments generally made by the young and those who have no knowledge of what our country was like before the influx of foreign peoples; but have grown up in diverse communities and perhaps married into another culture, which brings its own problems. My generation may not have got it right on many levels, but at least it never bothered us if we needed a Visa to travel abroad.
Sadly ‘tolerance’ has got us to where we are now, – forget the ballot box, its all useless when our enemy within is a religion.
Woman’s Hour just opened CHOOSING to play a tape of VICTIM Imrhan whose daughter had been in the arena at the time
..apparently he had been on R4Today ealier.
The expert advised
“If you have young children at home, it’s best to hold your tongue in front of them and save stressful discussions for after they’ve gone to bed”
Ah BBC News picked up Imran last night about 1am and has been running with his story since then
“BBC now talking to Imran about his partner and 12yo daughter who were at #Ariana concert.
‘My wife is lying crying in bed – she’s in bits. Daughter cried self to sleep’
“Tickets were a Christmas present”
The interviewer was Karin Giannone @KarinBBC
BBC World News TV & BBC World Service presenter.
Twitter search sometimes hides tweets
I t shows me only 3 people named Imran condemning the attack, and maybe 20 calling for prayers
(There were number earlier ones saying “oh we don’t know it’s muslim terrorists)
The Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) tweeted
“Strongly condemn shocking Manchester Arena concert attack targeting.”
You just know May’s statement writers are franticly blitzing their thesaurus to write something that sounds different to the same old shite we always get.
Just listened to her words of wisdom gaxvil. It would appear that the old thesaurus let the team down badly, as the usual string of entirely predictable, anodyne and utterly meaningless platitudes gave us the reassurance that only strong and stable leadership can offer. The same strong and stable leadership that has offered the same message of hope in Brussels, Paris, London, Nice, New York, Madrid, Bali, Nairobi and suitable venues between.
There will, inevitably, be a turning point, a straw to break our backs, but not yet, apparently, not yet….
Meanwhile, local sources report: ‘Surprise candle price rises.’
Yep! she s checking which way the winds blowing so she can change her mind, at a moments notice
… when another piece of her agenda gets exposed.
Can t bear to listen to Liar May … not today, I caught a few seconds of equally insincere Amber Dudd
before I switched off.
They ve halted campaigning apparently, no point really … none of them will take decisive action.
The terrorists have obviously got someone now who knows how to make a bomb. Maybe a returner from Syria? The point is, he is important, the bombers are expendable, by definition. As long as the bomb maker is at large, then the chance of a repeat performance is very high.
Tomorrow night Manchester United play in the Europa Cup Final. Normally, the pubs and bars in Manchester would be packed. This means they would be an ideal target. Surely killing kuffars drinking alcohol will earn 72 very nice virgins? For myself, I shall give it a miss. It is not a sensible risk to take.
When the network is eventually uncovered I expect it will have been based in the North West, and no-one in the “community” will have had an inkling. I can only hope this happens soon, because otherwise there will be more bombs.
Manchester 2016 May 10
BBCnews said
“Police who staged a mock attack featuring a bomber shouting “Allahu Akbar” have been forced to apologise for stereotyping.”
BBC News – Greater Manchester Police sorry for 'Muslim terrorist' mock blast https://t.co/IXqUgrQoWG
— Martian Lobotomy (@MartianLobotomy) May 23, 2017
BTW I can see @BBC_HaveYourSay is tweeting people “can we use your video”
all 15 people they tweetedseem non-Muslim
Pleased to see that on a non-campaigning day the BBC have amended their pro-Labour propaganda on this news item “Review to order zero-hours overhaul”
Earlier today the website photograph was of the PMs bus screened by a Unite trade union banner demanding an end to zero hours contracts. It has been replaced by an almost abstract photograph http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business
A glance at Twitter shows earlier tweets of the story with the
UNISON union propaganda stunt photo
(I don’t know the editorial guidelines rules on using such stunt photos)
A UK government inquiry is set to order an overhaul of zero-hours contracts https://t.co/QuuMyky6F8
@NISA The BBC use a clickbait technique
They often use 2 images for a webnews story
The page is coded such that #1 a shocking image comes up on LINK pages
yet #2 on the actual page a less shocking image is used.
So now on this story #2 is a McDonalds pic , whereas from what you say #1 was the Unison stunt photo, then supermarket warehouse (Google cache 10:34am), now a ready meal production line
Anyway the fact that the link has changed is an admission of guilt.
Unfortunately newssniffer doesn’t pick this one up
…….the PM said there would be difficult days ahead but Britain’s “spirit would never be broken… terrorists would never win and our way of life would always prevail”.
This is rapidly BECOMING our way of life !!! Can the cretin not see that? She shot herself in the foot with the Dementia Tax. She aught to take care of the one remaining.
Armed police are clearing the area beneath the Arndale Food Court windows after a man was arrested. Sniffer dogs have gone in. pic.twitter.com/JgC8J2QxYR
“It’s our fault” said ironically but it really is our fault for allowing us to get to place where this can happen.
People continuing to fall over themselves to make this possible and devoting their lives to defend a foreign ideology and make this latest atrocity the ‘acceptable’ norm. They strive to silence any criticism never mind the unthinkable – a call for action.
Churchill’s speech about the Battle of Britain is the greatest oratory I have ever encountered.
“What General Weygand called the battle of France is over. I expect that the battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization. Upon it depends our own British life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire. The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us.
Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this Island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science.
Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, âThis was their finest hour.â”
Even having identified the enemy and vowed to defeat it, victory would be extremely hard. What chance do we stand if our leaders refuse to even name the enemy?
“We shall surrender in the courts! We shall surrender on our screens! We shall arrest anyone who dares not surrender! Even as children are butchered we shall lie in abject prostration before our enemies. We shall never offend!”
When I was a wee lad one of my favourite authors was the brilliant HG Wells. I’m so ancient when I picked up the book from my local library the print was still damp!
One of his best, I think, was The Time Machine. The hero of the story is never named and is always referred to simply as The Time Traveler. In the 60’s they had a brave stab at making it into a film with the rugged Aussie actor, Rod Taylor in the lead role.
Anyway, our hero goes forward in time to an era where humanity has been divided into two clear species; the Eloi and the Morlocks. The Eloi are an enfeebled race, puny, interested only in vacuous pleasure and, revoltingly, preyed upon by the carnivorous Morlocks. It was a startling story for a young lad but depicted a time so far in the future that I never thought I’d experience anything like it. But is it so terribly dissimilar to the western “civilised” society we inhabit today?
Western man has done everything he can to please and placate peoples from Muslim countries. Our politicians bend over backwards to accommodate them. If the indigenous people complain we”re called names. The newcomers make little to no attempt to integrate and live in self selected apartheid communities. ; somehow that’s also our fault.
Gangs of them rape our daughters and the police, politicians and media cover it up. They kill army officers and policemen, the innocent are stabbed on our streets and we’re met with the mantra “Islam is a religion of peace” and the other old chestnut “we must all stand together.”
And now, horrifically but predictably, there’s the mass murder of teenage girls.
And what do I hear on Radio 4 this morning? Some pathetic priest whining because he had been abused by “Twitter trolls” when he defended Islam and spoke of ” our enriched multi-faith diverse city” and (yawn) “coming together.” This fool fretted that members of the Muslim faith might find themselves vilified. He was concerned at our lack of “tolerance” and worried about “hate crimes.”
I’m worried about hate crimes too. Not the ones where there is some perceived grievance. “I didn’t like the way he looked at me” or “she said something rude.” I mean the real hate crimes.
The sort that murder 22 innocent people!
Jeff, good point – I often think of our situation today as being similar to that of the Eloi in ‘The Time Machine’. The real horror, of course, was not that the Morlocks preyed on the Eloi, but that the Eloi made no attempt to fight back or even acknowledge there was a problem; they just shrugged and carried on as before.
Holds s the Quran aloft in Parliament
âSo long as there is THIS book!, there will be no peace in the worldâ
Then – William Ewart Gladstone (1809â1898) was Prime Minister of Great Britain four times: 1868â74, 1880â85, 1886 and 1892â94. He called the Qurâan an âaccursed bookâ and once held it up during a session of Parliament, declaring: âSo long as there is this book there will be no peace in the world.â
Now – An Islamic reading room is being set up at the library Gladstone founded near his home in North Wales. In this BBC audio report, Gladstoneâs great grandson Christopher Parish and Professor Richard Aldous, head of history at University College Dublin, tie themselves into knots trying to come up with a reason why Gladstone would have approved of this particular reading room
Then – Sir Winston Churchill on Islam:
“The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute propertyâeither as a child, a wife, or a concubineâmust delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it.
… No stronger retrograde force exists in the world”
Now – D Cameron on Islam (“Asian “as per usual used instead of Islamic)
Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around.”
‘We must be careful about the language we use,’ he writes. ‘Many Muslims … are deeply offended by the use of the word “Islamic” or “Islamist” to describe the terrorist threat we face today
Theresa May says ‘Islamist’ Westminster Attack was ‘Not Islamic’ , appoints duplicitous Islamists to Sharia Law review committee, insisted that “what a woman wears is a woman’s choice” when quizzed about the issue. Her remarks follow moves in a string of countries including Germany, France, Austria and Belgium to ban the wearing of full-face veils in public. May described bans on veils as “divisive” ?????? when asked about the moves at Prime Minister’s Questions in the Commons
Britainâs Theresa May in the U.S.: Islam is Peaceful, Globalism Good, and Climate Change a Priority
Here she is looking pious and reciting Quran for apologists, no compulsion in religion
Punishing apostasy by death (or imprisonment, for females)?, and the institutionalized discrimination against religious minorities under Islamic rule that is sometimes referred to as âdhimmiitude.â?
Islamic law explicitly prohibits non-Muslims from sharing their faith and even includes the extortion of money from them in the form of a tax called the jizya. ?
Those who refuse to pay this arbitrary amount are put to death. If this isnât compulsion, then what is?
Love may conquer all. Very well. Let’s love our children, our land & our way of life enough to defend them eh?
There is a time for everything and everything is correct in it’s time. Loving someone does not mean accepting ongoing abuse as normal. Do you demonstrate love to an alcoholic by buying him drink continually & never suggesting that he tries to overcome his addiction? Is it good for him if you LOVE him by avoiding confrontation while you help him to drink himself to death? Is that love? To deny the problem. Or is it stupidity?
It’s the same kind of moral blindness that afflicted Lord Longford and this pathology seems to have infected the whole of the political and media elites since then. Longford thought that Hindley was redeemable and was always telling people that Myra was misunderstood and had been turned into a monster by the press.
The BBC seems to think that Islam is redeemable in the same way. Muslims are just aching for a “reformation” and eager to adopt the progressive values expounded by the BBC. A little less Islamophobia, more cuddliness, switch off your critical faculties and everything will be fine.
Bet he couldn’t (or wouldn’t) answer the question: What can we give the muslim population that would make them feel happy? Treezer will know the answer to that question – “consultation, consultation, consultation” and, lets give them all they want including our servitude which they are really after.
What`s the opposite of helium? Listening now to the cow-eyed Krishan and all manner of BBC stumpies, seems to me that they`re all talking into a slow lead lined bag with marsh gas…so sincere, so deep and glottal stopping. Reminding me of the Sylvie Gollum Drama School in White City, with a cheeky soupson of Partridge/Blair.
Next years Baftas are already s a shoo in. Jon Snow at 7pm tonight should be a pearler…
Wonder if parents who took their kids out of school today will be prosecuted for failing to ensure their entitlement to beef up the OFSTED data today?
Or will they be given their exam certificates instead, so the poor lambs don`t have to sit any tests until PTSD has been signed off on them.
Forgive my cynicism-but this galling show of hypocrisies and double standards on a daily basis pisses me off. God help all the little mites and their mums-but to have the BBC Cox-sucking yet again(instead of naming that which kills-ISLAM) makes me grumpy.
Cheap rolling emoting and media massages for Anjem…sick of it.
AND-if Trump condemns it all-surely the libs and BBC will be trashing it…or won`t they?
What`s all this crap about “not being divided” by the BBC and Tories.
Thought Brexit, being old and Trump had already divided us fatally-the liberal scum seems not to like these groups and wishes them dead.
Wonder if I should get a refund on my Wurzels ticket or my Saga trip up to watch jim Davidson?
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It would appear that a number of people are being treated for ‘shrapnel’ injuries.
A COBRA meeting has been called – That’ll sort it! đ đ
a direct attack on children! a crowd of mainly teenage girls
has everyone finally had enough yet??
no…. really how odd
wake me up when you have people/politicians/police/plonkers i have some suggestions on how to sort it
till then i will just watch my birth city go up in smoke
19 dead ffs
even the ira only blew up the hated ugly fuckin arndale
I agree Kaiser. When will the masses wake up and protest! It makes my blood boil that these traiterous bastards can kill innocents in cold blood, disrespect Lee Rigby, rape and hideously abuse white girls and women, get off with light sentences, get reprieves from deportation etc etc etc. And we have to sit meekly and worry that ‘muslims might feel scared’.
Chwarae teg (fair play). Manchester always was a bit rough but it was big blokes knocking lumps out of other big blokes, a bit like Liverpool.
What happened?
it became a leftie liberal lgbt paradise full of fuckin ology students
⌠will this wickedness be, the âcritical massâ moment?
Do not want to hear, backlash, âfearsâ, rising tide, spike in from the BBC, or any of the enemedia.
or see the usual erm “concerned” faces
No. Lethargy prevails OK?
No. I don’t think there ever will be a ‘tipping point’; our society is so rotten it does not have the weight and mass to tip over, it will simply crumble into dust. Look at the French and Belgians; hundreds and hundreds slaughtered, a priest murdered at the altar of his church, children mown down by lorries, people tortured and mutilated in nightclubs. And they elect Macron! We are no different.
PS I laughed at many of your comments, but it isn’t funny.
If that’s at me, I can assure you I was not being ‘funny’.
Ironic is another matter.
‘Infuriated from W. Wales’ would be a better description.
Pi**ed Off with ‘our’ metro elite would also be accurate.
No, not at you. Comments in general, some quite humorous (not a criticism of anyone!). But I mean this is not tolerable, and deeply serious.
I hope I’ve clarified that!
Strange – US sources are now saying it was a suicide bombing.
BBC keen to claim “panic” may have caused some deaths and injuries
The traitors in our midst describe a “Manchester blast.”
So is that a gas main a petrol tanker or maybe mass murder by Islamists? Probably no the latter they surely would have informed the public of the truth and over for concern for their safety in going anywhere near the place in case of a secondary attack.
I am watching non stop coverage on fox in the USA. I felt embarrassed when they commented on what the police commissioner had failed to say….here they are openly discussing reports of a suicide bomber and how security prevented him from entering. In the uk they are clearly keeping facts from the public until they can spin no blame story. I hope this is the straw that breaks the camels back. We must be allowed to be outraged and demand appropriate action.
Yes, always watch Fox – a foreign news service but they say the things that the people in charge here are all to afraid to utter.
Teddies and Candles at the ready
Calls for more “control of “hate” sites and organisations which spread “hate” Which I take to mean the likes of Tommy Robinson and Breitbart.
Usual Condemnation from the MCB,
More platitudes from from MPs and celebs (and maybe even a few “stunts” to show how unbroken and united we are).
Now’s a perfect time to wheel in the bereaving Mr Cox isn’t it? Wait for it……..
Woken up this morning to the news of a blast in Manchester which has killed 19 and wounded many more. The bBC are currently reporting (TV) that if this was a terrorist blast it will have been the worse attack since 2005. The Guardian are reporting this:
At least 19 people have been killed and 50 injured after what is being investigated as a suspected suicide bombing of a crowded pop concert in Manchester, the most deadly attack in Britain in a decade.
Nice to see the bBC carrying out damage limitation for the gay death cult.
The bBC news website are now reporting this crap:
“Unconfirmed reports from two unnamed US officials suggested the attack was carried out by a suicide bomber.
The bBC studios are around 3 Kms away from Manchester Arena and they have to go to the bloody US in which to come out with a supposition .
The bBC, a bloody disgrace to journalism
I cannot afford it anyway, but I am increasingly thinking that I can never have children and bring them into a world like this. It is only going to get worse, isn’t it?
As to all the nonsense we are told about the vast majority being peace loving, surely they are all cancelled out by the minority of monsters like this. Nails were in this bomb to deliberately cause as much pain to as many innocent children as possible.
Imagine how pathetic Amber Rudd’s self-serving statement is going to be.
“We must remember our shared values of just tolerance and just having a hash tag until the next one happens.”
Why force this insane experiment of open borders and multiculturalism on us? The Beeb have been at the forefront of ushering in this brave new world. I wonder if in their heart of hearts they feel any shame for facilitating our enemies like they have.
If they dare warn about a nonexistent ‘backlash’ against ‘communities’ I will scream.
As for all the Trump bashing, he is the only Western leader who will even confront the biggest problem we have faced since the thirties. Frankly most would not care if he grabbed pussies and colluded with Russians all day long if he were still willing to confront this terrible evil head on. Obama was a disgrace, refusing to even say the words ‘Islamic terrorism.’
Trump could go down as the greatest Western leader since Churchill. We need strong men like him in a world that has been so enfeebled by political correctness. This scene at Manchester is hell on Earth I cannot even listen to it anymore. May the liberal elite rot in hell for allowing this to happen.
The Beeb are spinning how local taxi drivers gave free service! Isn’t that fantastic!
They have someone from a Muslim foundation on Toady saying how they have been offering free taxis and food.
They must have thought they were in heaven – a load of vulnerable teenager girls! Let’s hope none of the girls had watched Three Girls last week or they probably would have preferred to die than go down that road. It is beyond parody.
Bbruv – I am supposing the free food consisted of kebabs!
Listening to R4 I actually felt thoroughly nauseated when the BBC was waxing lyrical about all this community pulling together shit.
Yes I am sure it is what most decent people would do this anyway, and yes I am sure there also many decent people within the muslim community – but the point surely is – is that there are also some thoroughly evil bastards there as well, who truly hate us – yet no-one will discuss it.
But the R4 overspin is incapable of stopping there – it is almost as if the the free food and taxi rides IS the story rather than the fact that nearly twenty youngsters were blown to shit by an evil bastard (who probably was a signed up member of the BBCs “most favoured minority group).
Maybe the website will read
” FREE TAXI LIFTS AND FOOD SUPPLIED BY LOCAL MUSLIMS TO CONCERT GOERS DEMONSTRATING LOCAL UNITY” and twenty columns down on page six after latest reports on Nadias latest recipie it will say Also 18 teenagers and died and 59 were rumoured to have died in blast at Manchester – Cause unknown.
I know this sounds flippant but I truly am beginning to think that these days are not too far away. I expect Amber is already straining at the leash and the Governments complete inaction as regards BBC bias suggests to me that they are totally relaxed with the scale of news manipulation this rotten organisation undertakes.
I suspect it will be an incident like, that will be used by Sharia May to undertake something similar to when the the Reichstag was burnt down in 1933 and the communists and jews were blamed.
We will see – but for now the BBC journos will be buzzing around like blowflies who have just found the back door to the butchers shop. And once the bullshit subsides it will be business as usual -“shoot the messengers” and pretend every thing is spammy!
BB, “The Beeb are spinning how local taxi drivers gave free service! Isnât that fantastic!”
Extremely unwise of them to do that, for obvious reasons. You would have thought between the news Presenters, backroom staff and all the ‘Editors’, one Senior News Editor or one of the Producers would have connected the dots to last weeks TV output and said “Just the one mention of that and no more.”
A stupid mistake.
No mention of the racial background of the taxi drivers? Most of the attendees at the concert were young girls apparently. Just thinking about this act of generosity…………
Ramadan doesn’t officially kick off until this Friday (26th). It runs until 24th June. Security services know this; governments know this and the msm know this. Don’t expect any one of them to mention it once.
Be careful, everyone, and remember that situational awareness is everything.
Obi – very true. Will be interesting to see how the bbc handle it. They usually announce the start of Ramadan with much fanfare!
Think of it as a pre-season “friendly”, a time for the squad players to make their mark before the main event..
Along with the usual feelings of horror, compassion and concern for those actually affected directly by this attack, I also feel sorry for the BBC News people, Matthew Price especially. He’s on the spot and has to waffle away endlessly saying the same things over and over again, all the while no doubt dealing with his own feelings and thoughts.
Yes, I know a professional journalist should be able to swing into standard operating mode, using resources and contacts, trying for that extra bit of information and so on. Much of it though will just have to be repetitive waffle and the reporter will know that. That has its own impact on them as well.
Contributors here have in the past put up both genuine and comedic re-enactments of on-the-scene reporters ‘blowing-up’ at the sheer vacuity and repetitive nature of their pieces to camera or radio reports.
In the studio, it must be tough for presenters, too. Dominic McConnell made a reference to that at the start of his first business report on TODAY programme. And how do you come on to cover sport or show business or the arts meaningfully, with news of the terrorist attack going round and round and round.
We, in our homes, cars and offices who have no connection to this event are fortunate. We can switch off.
The BBC and its people do not have that luxury.
Please stop it! Otherwise, you’ll have me in tears just thinking about the lying bas****s at the BBC having a difficult time in having to repeat the story of the “lone attacker” endlessly.
G, I was being serious but some ‘black humour’ does help at times like this. I can make an educated guess at conditions in A&E in Manchester General last night and this morning.
I was actually feeling genuinely sorry for the Beeboids. They cannot all be stupid, brain-dead liberals. The ‘muggings’ must be starting to wake them up. More on this later, perhaps.
“They cannot all be stupid, brain-dead liberals.”
I don’t see much evidence to show that they aren’t.
Sorry Up2, I can’t share your sympathy for beeboid bastards. You’re saying we should feel sorry cos they’re paid good money – our money – to waffle platitudes and avoid the M word or the I word at all costs? We should feel sorry cos for decades they’ve ignored, excused, downplayed, aided and abetted Islamic terrorism by refusing to acknowledge its true nature (Islam), its causes (Islam) and its objectives (the establishment of Islam worldwide through Jihad).
They’ve lied and dissimulated and buried the truth, and vilified, mocked or derided the few brave souls who’ve tried to tell the truth about that evil ideology.
On the contrary, each new atrocity I hate and despise the beeboids more and hold them partially responsible.
(Or perhaps you were being sarcastic in which case apologies.)
That’s OK, Charlie. We agree, disagree, debate, add knowledge, share ideas, junk ideas, take up others, think, bring life experience on here into the melting pot, generally politely now and without insults, denigrating others and generating bad feeling. OK to disagree.
Shame that ALL communities are not as united as B-BBC! đ
No I genuinely felt sorry for the Beeboids. See my other posts.
Point taken Up2, covering A&E at times like this can’t be pleasant. But I see it as them having their noses rubbed in to the mess they’re partially responsible for. Sorry, no pity from me. The scales just might begin to fall from their eyes, even for those dimwits.
Yeah, I’d rather not have any more ‘muggings’ but, very sadly, that is what it will probably take to wake up the lefties and the liberals and all the Beeboids and media mess.
Radio 4 were interviewing some Home Office Terror ‘expert/adviser’ at about 7:15am today.
Interviewer, “certain communities are going to feel persecuted and isolated following this incident”
so-called-expert, “yes. Terrorism’s purpose is to divide communities. If we continue with the war on muslims then some young ones from those communities will choose a path they wouldn’t normally take. It’s at times like this we all need to come together”
The BBC is a f’ing disgrace. There are children missing with frantic parents up all night trying to track them down and the BBC accuse everyone, apart from Muslims, as being responsible.
Get me in those BBC studios as an “expert” and I’ll tell it as it is.
We’ll hear that “Terrorismâs purpose is to divide communities” a lot.
Seems incorrect. Islamic terrorism’s stated purpose is to kill as many infidels as possible and to destroy the infidel way of life.
Tabs: ” Radio 4 were interviewing some Home Office Terror âexpert/adviserâ at about 7:15am today.
Interviewer, âcertain communities are going to feel persecuted and isolated following this incidentâ
so-called-expert, âyes. Terrorismâs purpose is to divide communities. If we continue with the war on muslims then some young ones from those communities will choose a path they wouldnât normally take. Itâs at times like this we all need to come together.â ”
Good post. You are right to highlight that. Hopefully, someone at the BBC will read it. The BBC are starting to demonstrate real stupidity at times over terror attacks and Islam. (We do not yet know for sure who did this or why. The modus operandi tends to speak for the perpetrator, however.) I do not think it is a desire on the part of the BBC to Islamicise the UK. For one thing they would be at least partially out of business under an Islamic regime. If people keep talking about ‘unity of communities’ eventually you will have a unity of thinking people: everyone against this terrorism and this particular cause of terrorism.
I think the BBC realise there is a potential volcano of massive proportions building up to an eruption but they are out of ideas while liberally and literally overflowing with liberal platitudes.
Melanie Phillips has an expression to describe the start of this future eruption: liberals mugged by reality. At the present time the liberals are very divided in beliefs, opinions and responses.
But after a few more muggings?
What can one say?
You have to appreciated the difficulty the BBC News Editorial staff are faced with yet again. Can’t call it a “lone car” or “lone lorry” wot done it. No other option but to call it a “lone suicide attacker” until we, the BBC, pull out all stops to establish (which we will) that he/she suffered some mental illness or breakdown a form of which is only suffered by devotees to the cult of islam.
I have to disagree with the Chief Constable of Manchester when he asserted that this is the worst atrocity Manchester has ever experienced. No, CC, it isn’t. The Blitz of Manchester in 1940 was, when 684 people were killed and 2634 injured. I suppose the big difference is that we were in a declared war with Germany and the foe was known whereas the current war is not de facto declared. One thing the British public can be assured of is that the “suicide attacker’s” replacement is on the way probably through Heathrow or Victoria Coach Station as I write this comment. Visualise it, the public awaits with anticipation with placards declaring, “We want more refugees” and, “Welcome Refugees”. “The public can be assured……”. The only thing the public can be assured about is that islam will not stop whether ISIS exists or not.
The other big differences from the WW2 blitz was there wasn’t Nazi appeasers saying the German bombers were acting as lone wolves, mentally ill bomber pilots. No candles lit in vigils, no #westandwithhitler etc.
Even during the IRA mainland bombings there was a strong public unity in fighting back (not Jeremy Corbyn though).
But now the public have been conditioned to just accept whatever happens to you and your country and not to fight back. It’s gone so far the wrong way now that if you show any signs of patriotism then you are labelled the problem and not the solution.
Tabs – Also in WW2 there weren’t huge numbers walking about the streets in the equivalent of SS uniforms.
Too right, Lobbie, and the Germans & Austrians who were here were 1. genuine refugees, 2. grateful, and, 3. on our side and willing to do all they could to help fight the Nazis.
Tabs, there were some before before the Blitz. Can’t remember enough WW2 history right at this moment to know whether the appeasers or even Nazi sympathisers or fellow travellers carried on beyond the Blitz or whether, by then, most had been rounded up by the authorities.
I do recall that Mosley and his thugs were at work right into the early months of the war. And there were those in Parliament (and in the US Government at the time) who were not totally in political disagreement with Hitler. But I’m picking up on a technicality there.
Your last para makes a vitally important point: where we are now. I doubt that that situation will persist if the number of these atrocities continue. The Beeboids and liberals and lefties will be starting to sound a little bit desperate soon. If they keep on with ignoring reality, the future pain for them – probably us, as well – will be worse.
Reality bites.
The bBC comes out with the life of
Briansorry JCThe Jeremy Corbyn Story: Profile of Labour leader
Jeremy Corbyn’s election as Labour leader in September 2015, at the age of 66, was one of the biggest upsets in British political history
If the veteran Labour MP was stunned by his sudden elevation to rock star status, among new and returning Labour supporters, he rarely showed it.
After his surprise victory, many “moderate” shadow cabinet members returned to the back benches rather than serve under him, but he was able to put together a top team that reflected a broad range of opinion within the party.
If Corbyn wins, as the bBBC so obviously hope, he will need a state broadcaster to do the announcements about record factory output of widgets on a regular basis. So they are just cosying up in anticipation of an even freer ride than they get now.
A top team? Most of them couldn’t find their arse with both hands.
PC bingo for Amber Rudd’s statement:
-‘Shared values.’
-‘Not let this divide us.’
-‘Opened their homes.’
In the first hour of the TODAY Programme, someone let slip something that has not been covered by BBC Radio or on the BBC web-site AT ALL – as far as I can see or hear – in its news coverage: the Police are arresting terrorists in the UK on a near-daily basis at present.
When some time has passed after this atrocity, some serious questions should be asked of senior BBC people about news censorship.
Yes, it was briefly mentioned after the Westminster Bridge killer, I think, that we should be reassured because the Police are arresting suspects daily. Somehow I wasn’t reassured. What would reassure me is more proactive measures like taking away citizenship and passports from those that went to join ISIS in Syria.
Also happening daily is the conviction of Muslim rapists and child abusers. Also buried by the BBC.
BBC North East
Colin Briggs just announced on the 8.30 news that traveling to Manchester today will be a “headache ”
I cannot believe the insensitivity of the people who work at this vile organisation.
For gods sake 22 young people have just lost their lives and they are concerned about the inconvenience of travelling.
Perhaps BBC Radio Leeds could come up with some jaunty musical clues about the bombing.
After their Ian Brady stunt last week they should be well up to speed…….
Some good input at last from Meena Alammi (sorry – phonetic spelling may be wrong) of the BBC’s Jihad Monitoring group at about 8.40am on TODAY.
That’s a revelation to me. The BBC has a Jihad Monitoring group. Did not know that. So one little bit of the BBC HAS been mugged by reality. Already, so soon?
The feeble contributor after the 8.10am main interview (man speaking, IIRC, before Tessa Jowell) deliberately skirted around the I word. Meena was rather more forthcoming without obviously skirting around it and being mealy mouthed.
Sooner or later, the BBC are going to have to acknowledge that we are at war.
Unlike any other conflict in our history, in this present war with Islam we are expected, for the sake of cohesion, to see, hear and especially speak no evil.
The advice from across the media: Fingers in ears and la, la, la.
The overwhelming meme this morning is “they shall not divide us!” This well honed and hackneyed phrase has come from Amber Rudd and Andy Burnham etc. It seems for our politicians to be the most important thing.
At least 22 people, predominantly youngsters by the sound of it, murdered by shhh, you know who…and our politicians immediately head to their box of handy cliches.
Christ, I can see it all already. Masses of flowers, heaps of hearts and teddy bears, weeping scchool girls, eulogies and condolences from foreign leaders and a call for “unity”…
This comes weeks before our election but unlike the French we don’t have a political party that offers us some hope of resistance. Who have we got? Theresa the Appeaser and the terrorists’ friend, Jezza Corbyn! What a bleedin’ choice. Pinky or bloody Perky!
Theresa will do sweet FA and Corbyn will invite ISIS round for tea and sandwiches and lecture us about the evils of British foreign policy. Please spare us!
And now on Radio 4 There’s some waffling excuser explaining to us that some communities feel as though they are being picked on! Well, I wonder why that might be?
I think that the actual community being picked on, murdered, abused and vilified is ours. The indigenous peoples of our islands.
If we complain we’re racists or “phobic”.
A few short years ago we were constantly being told that we had to celebrate multiculturalism. That mass, unparalleled levels of third world immigration, enriched us. That diversity was a huge, vibrant, buzzing party.
Let’s be honest. Collect your coats, burkas and hijabs. The party’s over
It’s time to go home…
Mr Brendan “hope not hate” Cox has tweeted his usual bollox to lecture to us if we don’t unite with Muslims then the terrorists win. I think what he has been trying to say for a long time is “convert or die”
Maybe someone could tweet back ‘You are right Brendan. Time for peaceful Muslims to unite with us against the terrorists in their midst.’ but that is probably too many characters for the Twitterati to cope with.
Brendan, luv, nobody is ‘pushing hatred’. You don’t hate a mad dog when you shoot it – you do it because it is the quickest and most humane way of dealing with the problem for all concerned. The equivalent needs to be done to the causes of radical Islam.
They shall not divide us?
Has Amber Rudd ever visited a muslim ghetto in Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale or any of a hundred towns in Britain? We are divided. There is an unofficial apartheid. They don’t mix, they are here to live among their own kind and claim as much social security as they can, along with driving cabs, running kebab shops, “Indian” restaurants and any other cash business you can think of, up to and including control of the heroin trade.
Personally, I can live without rapist taxi drivers, halal meat and heroin. Can Amber Rudd suggest any other reason I should wish to be enriched?
I’m not sure it is possible to use the words ‘Amber Rudd’ and ‘reason’ in the same sentence without a negative.
Someone needs to inform Brendan Cox and the like that Jihad attacks are not “pointless”
They have a very specific and openly stated purpose of establishing Islamic rule globally.
Exactly. Children have been killed and maimed and the best our politicians can do is phone in their off the peg post Islamic terror attack platitudes.
Absolutely disgraceful!
I’m convinced now that politicians and celebs are connected to highly sensitive earthquake monitors in most major cities. If a blast goes off, it trips a switch on their Twitter feed to automatically send out a looped series of messages. ‘Will not divide us….communities united…hate will not flourish…religion of peace…’ etc.
Not forgetting the arm in arm walk by politicians with members of ‘the community’ to show they are as one !
In the past when atrocities have occurred, thankfully its never affected so many young people in this country. Now its happened outside of London, and normal families being affected, then it maybe the wake up call that’s needed. If they think that stamping out racism is a priority, then they need to think again, this will stoke the flames like nothing else.
And they’re asking if he acted alone or was part of an organization? Well yes, he was part of a ‘organisation’ – it’s called Islam.
In a few day’s time there will be a candlelit ceremony
Andy Burnham. Sadiq Khan. May, Corbyn, Farron.
They will give their speeches. light their candles and say:
Maybe that’s true- Our corrupt elitist politicians who on a daily basis prove how out of touch they are with the British people.
They are not defeated But the British people are the victims
How long can this madness go on?
Platitudes and clichĂŠs are not what’s needed now, words are easy to say. Slebs tweeting how ‘heartbroken’ they area, oh well, so that’s alright then, I’m sure the grieving families will appreciate that. Concerts, football grounds, theatres in the West End, are they next ? ‘They will not defeat us’ will ring hollow if they are targeted, there is only so long that these paraphrases will be accepted before the population will turn nasty. Give it a couple of weeks before Alibaba Brown and those on the Big Question will be whining about how ‘their community’ has had racial hatred and abuse directed at them. Its all so predictable.
The socialist left have no idea because they refuse to research & learn anything outside their own box.
No idea that they have taken upon themselves the very attitude prescribed by the false-prophet.
To insist that Muslims are a superior group who are in the right no matter what.
Muslim acts of violence are ALWAYS justified. Muslims are ALWAYS victims.
Any simple resistance to Muslim demands, the spread of Islam or refusal to convert is considered an aggression toward that Allah they worship. Thus in the mind of the devout Muslim he cannot be in the wrong. A Kaffir simply fighting for his life is considered an aggressor.
Yes, it really is beyond unacceptable. We are a very easy going bunch people, at times far too slow to anger, and were this somewhere like Turkey we would not be constantly urged to put our children up for slaughter for sake of some fantasy of a touchy feely harmony.
As said, half measures and being nice have brought us to where we are.
CartD – Dont be too critical as they are speaking from the truth as they see it. But I think the “us” refers to their Islamic friends who they they want to fill the country up with not the UK indigenous UK population. Who may have tattoos and vote UKIP.
Juncker has condemned the bombing. Rightly so.
Did he condemn speaking in French?
I’m sorry to sound flippant but why are the media so surprised at this bombing. The BBC won’t condemn Islam. The Labour leader won’t condemn the bombing terrorist group the IRA.
I’m saddened for the families but the hypocritical contempt I have for the politicians and the BBC is immense. Blame them alongside the ROP Islam.
Theresa May. Allow me to put my detective hat on, and point you in the direction as to who is responsible for these terrorist attacks,- as you don’t seem to know!!
Do Hindu’s bomb our communities-NO
Do Sikh’s bomb our communities- NO
Do Muslims bomb our communities-YES
Yet the narrative from out political leaders and the BBC is we must integrate and embrace Muslims.
Wake up Theresa May. Wake up you stupid,stupid woman.
“Wake up Theresa May. Wake up.”
That’s the thing, unlike some, she is not deluded. She is well aware of how things are, so not to acknowledge the truth and act accordingly for the sake of some fantasy of multicultural enrichment is despicable.
Again it brings to mind, following 9/11 and R4 Today had a daily Islamic Panel to run things by.
Essentially Humphries et al just kept asking, how can we bend over even further in order to stop you killing us?
Nothing has changed.
Our Government has already surrendered, passed laws in favour of the invaders, allowed them to rape our children, and still they bomb us.
Time for a new Government, one that is committed to the protection of the UK and its people.
Much as I agree with you, you really do need an urgent visit from the Apostrophe Police.
Agreed Sluff, I must start using a grammar/punctuation software check.
All we need now is that little pipsqueak Khan to say Islam is a religion of peace (in a muffled voice as he hides under his bed wearing a tin hat and flak jacket)
The Toady 7am news was interrupted by a live feed of the GMP chief constable’s briefing. He advised everyone not to speculate.
This was immediately followed by a lengthy Toady interview with a security expert………speculationg.
About the terrorist attack.The method, the type of explosives, where to find bomb making stuff on the internet etc.
But strangely after 20 minutes speculation there was no mention of the possible motives and religious persuasion of the perpetrator.
Personally I think he could well be some anglo saxon christian with mental health issues, quite probably brought on by his unexpected redundancy from a senior engineering role. but I could be wrong.
News channels tripping over themselves trying to establish if the murderer was ‘british’. One look at all the green shirts and green flags at Lords will tell you all you need to know about how ‘british’ these people are.
Always seems an odd point to make. We shouldn’t oppose more immigration because most terrorism is caused by people we let in decades ago.
What would be a suitable prize for the first imbecile to utter the phrase ‘right wing backlash’?
Of course, we’re still waiting for one in response to the London underground bombings, but that never seems to stop some CP policedrone, politician, actor or other form of intellectual lowlife from trying it on.
said this last night
Anniversary of Lee Rigby, defaced memorial ⌠now this. double figures fatalities”
My erm “guess” turned out right … what s the chances of that eh?
Also this
“Do not want to hear, backlash, âfearsâ, rising tide, spike in from the BBC, or any of the enemedia.
or see the usual erm âconcernedâ faces”
… Enter Amber Dudd, misleading the public, Brendan Cox and …. the Muslim Council of Bullsh-t
And this
Another Kebab shop gang rape? â 4 Men used 16yr old girl as âentertainment deviceâ
Taken to a room and raped on a âgrubby mattressâ whilst men physically restrained her and stood by the door âso she knew there was no escape.â
âTakeaway workers Tamin Rahmani, 37, Shershah Muslimyar, 20 and Rafiullah Hamidy, 24, and a 16-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, all deny three counts of rape.
Prosecutor Simon Taylor accused the co-defendants of then âplottingâ and âlyingâ their way out of the evidence held against them. He said: âEvery single orifice had been penetrated by the group of men, while others watched, laughed and joined in themselvesâ
Final erm “prophecy” (irony) from last night … “will this be a “critical Mass” moment?”
………. shakes head, Can you get your Twitterfarties – with “Appropriate” Hashtag BBC?
ps I keep saying, “it won t be long”
Yes, how many deaths will it take till they know
That too many people have died?
NNM … As the BBC new Islamic weathergirl, passes over to the Hijabi on the sofa, to go to Sadiq Khan and Brendan Coxs vigil for peace
Fatima Salaria says next songs of praise will be delayed out of respect , for a candle service?
Will Nadiya will be asked to cook halal “comfort food” before another yet Islamic BBC “puff piece” series this time on the Hajj?
Apologies, I m just so aghast at the same old MSM po faced crap, we MUST think of the young victims, the poor families their sad loss to such Islamic evil.
After “appropriate” BBC Twitterfarties, “Hashtag”, Did the BBC ask if the MCB, have any ideas on the obligatory search for, “Motive”?
Noggin, only this weekend I tried to tell my brother and my sister- in-law that it was time for them to stand up for the future lives of their 3 granddaughters and for our country and culture. I’m not sure whether the message got through but perhaps it has hit home today.
The Manchester Terror Attack (I think it’s a fair assumption) has disturbed me in a much deeper and profound way even than the other UK attacks. It is much closer to home for me being in Lancs and at a gig (I’m from Leeds). I am attending a gig and a football match soon, now with a great degree of trepidation. Devastated for the people affected by those brutally murdered over there and of course those that have lost their lives. I actually work with the somebody who knew somebody who was there. I will not change my tolerant attitude to individuals but I am now of the firm belief that this is quite a widespread and increasingly disturbing problem.
CL I applaud your tolerant attitude to individuals, and I confess that I was of a similar mindset for most of my life. Admittedly, ‘the most of my life’ never included the situation we now find ourselves in from foreign peoples. Yes, we did face bombings from the IRA, and indeed as they increased on the mainline there was a backlash against the Irish community that lived here, but in an age long before social media and travelling distances to work, we had to rely on information from newspapers and the tv/radio, so attitudes were somewhat different and more localised.
Now I am older, and see the damage that mass migration, the joke that is multiculturalism, and the disintegration of our culture which has occurred in the past 30 years, I have become far less tolerant. Some may say I’m racist or a bigot, comments generally made by the young and those who have no knowledge of what our country was like before the influx of foreign peoples; but have grown up in diverse communities and perhaps married into another culture, which brings its own problems. My generation may not have got it right on many levels, but at least it never bothered us if we needed a Visa to travel abroad.
Sadly ‘tolerance’ has got us to where we are now, – forget the ballot box, its all useless when our enemy within is a religion.
Woman’s Hour just opened CHOOSING to play a tape of VICTIM Imrhan whose daughter had been in the arena at the time
..apparently he had been on R4Today ealier.
The expert advised
“If you have young children at home, it’s best to hold your tongue in front of them and save stressful discussions for after they’ve gone to bed”
Yeah, it makes the point – Muslims are happy to kill anybody – well done BBC.
Ah BBC News picked up Imran last night about 1am and has been running with his story since then

“BBC now talking to Imran about his partner and 12yo daughter who were at #Ariana concert.
‘My wife is lying crying in bed – she’s in bits. Daughter cried self to sleep’
“Tickets were a Christmas present”
Christmas? Imran? A mixed Muslim-Christian marriage/partnership then?
The interviewer was Karin Giannone @KarinBBC
BBC World News TV & BBC World Service presenter.
Twitter search sometimes hides tweets
I t shows me only 3 people named Imran condemning the attack, and maybe 20 calling for prayers
(There were number earlier ones saying “oh we don’t know it’s muslim terrorists)
The Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) tweeted
“Strongly condemn shocking Manchester Arena concert attack targeting.”
@JamesDelingpole 2 hours ago
1. Be offended by something @KTHopkins or @TRobinsonNewEra said on Twitter.
2. Candles, we’ll stay strong etc.
3. Pretend it never happened
You just know May’s statement writers are franticly blitzing their thesaurus to write something that sounds different to the same old shite we always get.
Just listened to her words of wisdom gaxvil. It would appear that the old thesaurus let the team down badly, as the usual string of entirely predictable, anodyne and utterly meaningless platitudes gave us the reassurance that only strong and stable leadership can offer. The same strong and stable leadership that has offered the same message of hope in Brussels, Paris, London, Nice, New York, Madrid, Bali, Nairobi and suitable venues between.
There will, inevitably, be a turning point, a straw to break our backs, but not yet, apparently, not yet….
Meanwhile, local sources report: ‘Surprise candle price rises.’
Yep! she s checking which way the winds blowing so she can change her mind, at a moments notice
… when another piece of her agenda gets exposed.
Can t bear to listen to Liar May … not today, I caught a few seconds of equally insincere Amber Dudd
before I switched off.
They ve halted campaigning apparently, no point really … none of them will take decisive action.
This is not the end of it.
The terrorists have obviously got someone now who knows how to make a bomb. Maybe a returner from Syria? The point is, he is important, the bombers are expendable, by definition. As long as the bomb maker is at large, then the chance of a repeat performance is very high.
Tomorrow night Manchester United play in the Europa Cup Final. Normally, the pubs and bars in Manchester would be packed. This means they would be an ideal target. Surely killing kuffars drinking alcohol will earn 72 very nice virgins? For myself, I shall give it a miss. It is not a sensible risk to take.
When the network is eventually uncovered I expect it will have been based in the North West, and no-one in the “community” will have had an inkling. I can only hope this happens soon, because otherwise there will be more bombs.
Manchester 2016 May 10
BBCnews said
“Police who staged a mock attack featuring a bomber shouting “Allahu Akbar” have been forced to apologise for stereotyping.”
BTW I can see @BBC_HaveYourSay is tweeting people “can we use your video”
all 15 people they tweetedseem non-Muslim
I see Google has a black ribbon today.
So that’s alright then.
No doubt Ikea will be cleaned out of tea lights too.
The kitchen section may be under lock down.
Pleased to see that on a non-campaigning day the BBC have amended their pro-Labour propaganda on this news item “Review to order zero-hours overhaul”
Earlier today the website photograph was of the PMs bus screened by a Unite trade union banner demanding an end to zero hours contracts. It has been replaced by an almost abstract photograph
A glance at Twitter shows earlier tweets of the story with the
UNISON union propaganda stunt photo
(I don’t know the editorial guidelines rules on using such stunt photos)
@NISA The BBC use a clickbait technique
They often use 2 images for a webnews story
The page is coded such that #1 a shocking image comes up on LINK pages
yet #2 on the actual page a less shocking image is used.
So now on this story #2 is a McDonalds pic , whereas from what you say #1 was the Unison stunt photo, then supermarket warehouse (Google cache 10:34am), now a ready meal production line
Anyway the fact that the link has changed is an admission of guilt.
Unfortunately newssniffer doesn’t pick this one up
@NISA I just ran a test
when I tweeted the newsstory URL
That same Unison propaganda photo comes up as the link image !
…….the PM said there would be difficult days ahead but Britain’s “spirit would never be broken… terrorists would never win and our way of life would always prevail”.
This is rapidly BECOMING our way of life !!! Can the cretin not see that? She shot herself in the foot with the Dementia Tax. She aught to take care of the one remaining.
Manchester bombing? – maybe a calling card from people recently moved in down the road in Birmingham –
about 11:20-25am
Tommy Robinson was inside there and had a live video
see his Twitter
Timing seems to be 10:58am First evacuation tweet
Only mention before that was 10:30am “armed police police patrolling area”
Tommy Robin didn’t put his Arndale live stream video on his own feed It’s here
Thought we were dealing with a ‘lone wolf’ as the msm keeping banging us over the head with it.
Arndale Centre in Manchester has armed police in situ as crowds run screaming from the area. Man arrested.
Can the BBC find a Muslim in shock, quickly to languish airtime on
“It’s our fault” said ironically but it really is our fault for allowing us to get to place where this can happen.
People continuing to fall over themselves to make this possible and devoting their lives to defend a foreign ideology and make this latest atrocity the ‘acceptable’ norm. They strive to silence any criticism never mind the unthinkable – a call for action.
BBC platitude mill running at full speed ahead.
They will not divide us. They will not divide us. They will not divide us…… ad inf
It’ s like a Tibetan prayer wheel!
If “us” means the people living in the UK, even a congenital idiot could deduce that another mass casualty atrocity means we are already divided.
Andy Burnham even thinks it might be extremists wot done it.
…..Itâ s like a Tibetan prayer wheel!…….
Its a tad inappropriate at this time, but I had to chuckle at this comparison.
Robert Spencer in FrontPage:
Yet Another Jihad Massacre in UK;
Theresa May Should Apologize and Resign
She’s an Obama – we need a Trump.
Excellent summary of the problem by Spencer.
Churchill’s speech about the Battle of Britain is the greatest oratory I have ever encountered.
“What General Weygand called the battle of France is over. I expect that the battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization. Upon it depends our own British life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire. The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us.
Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this Island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science.
Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, âThis was their finest hour.â”
Even having identified the enemy and vowed to defeat it, victory would be extremely hard. What chance do we stand if our leaders refuse to even name the enemy?
“We shall surrender in the courts! We shall surrender on our screens! We shall arrest anyone who dares not surrender! Even as children are butchered we shall lie in abject prostration before our enemies. We shall never offend!”
Well said.
When I was a wee lad one of my favourite authors was the brilliant HG Wells. I’m so ancient when I picked up the book from my local library the print was still damp!
One of his best, I think, was The Time Machine. The hero of the story is never named and is always referred to simply as The Time Traveler. In the 60’s they had a brave stab at making it into a film with the rugged Aussie actor, Rod Taylor in the lead role.
Anyway, our hero goes forward in time to an era where humanity has been divided into two clear species; the Eloi and the Morlocks. The Eloi are an enfeebled race, puny, interested only in vacuous pleasure and, revoltingly, preyed upon by the carnivorous Morlocks. It was a startling story for a young lad but depicted a time so far in the future that I never thought I’d experience anything like it. But is it so terribly dissimilar to the western “civilised” society we inhabit today?
Western man has done everything he can to please and placate peoples from Muslim countries. Our politicians bend over backwards to accommodate them. If the indigenous people complain we”re called names. The newcomers make little to no attempt to integrate and live in self selected apartheid communities. ; somehow that’s also our fault.
Gangs of them rape our daughters and the police, politicians and media cover it up. They kill army officers and policemen, the innocent are stabbed on our streets and we’re met with the mantra “Islam is a religion of peace” and the other old chestnut “we must all stand together.”
And now, horrifically but predictably, there’s the mass murder of teenage girls.
And what do I hear on Radio 4 this morning? Some pathetic priest whining because he had been abused by “Twitter trolls” when he defended Islam and spoke of ” our enriched multi-faith diverse city” and (yawn) “coming together.” This fool fretted that members of the Muslim faith might find themselves vilified. He was concerned at our lack of “tolerance” and worried about “hate crimes.”
I’m worried about hate crimes too. Not the ones where there is some perceived grievance. “I didn’t like the way he looked at me” or “she said something rude.” I mean the real hate crimes.
The sort that murder 22 innocent people!
Jeff, good point – I often think of our situation today as being similar to that of the Eloi in ‘The Time Machine’. The real horror, of course, was not that the Morlocks preyed on the Eloi, but that the Eloi made no attempt to fight back or even acknowledge there was a problem; they just shrugged and carried on as before.
Holds s the Quran aloft in Parliament
âSo long as there is THIS book!, there will be no peace in the worldâ
Then – William Ewart Gladstone (1809â1898) was Prime Minister of Great Britain four times: 1868â74, 1880â85, 1886 and 1892â94. He called the Qurâan an âaccursed bookâ and once held it up during a session of Parliament, declaring: âSo long as there is this book there will be no peace in the world.â
Now – An Islamic reading room is being set up at the library Gladstone founded near his home in North Wales. In this BBC audio report, Gladstoneâs great grandson Christopher Parish and Professor Richard Aldous, head of history at University College Dublin, tie themselves into knots trying to come up with a reason why Gladstone would have approved of this particular reading room
Then – Sir Winston Churchill on Islam:
“The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute propertyâeither as a child, a wife, or a concubineâmust delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it.
… No stronger retrograde force exists in the world”
Now – D Cameron on Islam (“Asian “as per usual used instead of Islamic)
Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around.”
‘We must be careful about the language we use,’ he writes. ‘Many Muslims … are deeply offended by the use of the word “Islamic” or “Islamist” to describe the terrorist threat we face today
Theresa May says ‘Islamist’ Westminster Attack was ‘Not Islamic’ , appoints duplicitous Islamists to Sharia Law review committee, insisted that “what a woman wears is a woman’s choice” when quizzed about the issue. Her remarks follow moves in a string of countries including Germany, France, Austria and Belgium to ban the wearing of full-face veils in public. May described bans on veils as “divisive” ?????? when asked about the moves at Prime Minister’s Questions in the Commons
Britainâs Theresa May in the U.S.: Islam is Peaceful, Globalism Good, and Climate Change a Priority
Here she is looking pious and reciting Quran for apologists, no compulsion in religion
Punishing apostasy by death (or imprisonment, for females)?, and the institutionalized discrimination against religious minorities under Islamic rule that is sometimes referred to as âdhimmiitude.â?
Islamic law explicitly prohibits non-Muslims from sharing their faith and even includes the extortion of money from them in the form of a tax called the jizya. ?
Those who refuse to pay this arbitrary amount are put to death. If this isnât compulsion, then what is?
That idiot concluded with ‘love conquers all.’
No it doesn’t. These people only respect strength and are empowered by our pathetic appeasement. Love would not have defeated Hitler you chump.
Love may conquer all. Very well. Let’s love our children, our land & our way of life enough to defend them eh?
There is a time for everything and everything is correct in it’s time. Loving someone does not mean accepting ongoing abuse as normal. Do you demonstrate love to an alcoholic by buying him drink continually & never suggesting that he tries to overcome his addiction? Is it good for him if you LOVE him by avoiding confrontation while you help him to drink himself to death? Is that love? To deny the problem. Or is it stupidity?
It’s the same kind of moral blindness that afflicted Lord Longford and this pathology seems to have infected the whole of the political and media elites since then. Longford thought that Hindley was redeemable and was always telling people that Myra was misunderstood and had been turned into a monster by the press.
The BBC seems to think that Islam is redeemable in the same way. Muslims are just aching for a “reformation” and eager to adopt the progressive values expounded by the BBC. A little less Islamophobia, more cuddliness, switch off your critical faculties and everything will be fine.
Bet he couldn’t (or wouldn’t) answer the question: What can we give the muslim population that would make them feel happy? Treezer will know the answer to that question – “consultation, consultation, consultation” and, lets give them all they want including our servitude which they are really after.
What`s the opposite of helium? Listening now to the cow-eyed Krishan and all manner of BBC stumpies, seems to me that they`re all talking into a slow lead lined bag with marsh gas…so sincere, so deep and glottal stopping. Reminding me of the Sylvie Gollum Drama School in White City, with a cheeky soupson of Partridge/Blair.
Next years Baftas are already s a shoo in. Jon Snow at 7pm tonight should be a pearler…
Wonder if parents who took their kids out of school today will be prosecuted for failing to ensure their entitlement to beef up the OFSTED data today?
Or will they be given their exam certificates instead, so the poor lambs don`t have to sit any tests until PTSD has been signed off on them.
Forgive my cynicism-but this galling show of hypocrisies and double standards on a daily basis pisses me off. God help all the little mites and their mums-but to have the BBC Cox-sucking yet again(instead of naming that which kills-ISLAM) makes me grumpy.
Cheap rolling emoting and media massages for Anjem…sick of it.
AND-if Trump condemns it all-surely the libs and BBC will be trashing it…or won`t they?
Will the snowflakes and SJW fraternity now be re-defining the meaning of the phrase ‘safe space’?
What`s all this crap about “not being divided” by the BBC and Tories.
Thought Brexit, being old and Trump had already divided us fatally-the liberal scum seems not to like these groups and wishes them dead.
Wonder if I should get a refund on my Wurzels ticket or my Saga trip up to watch jim Davidson?