I was amused by the BBC running an item of how Gypsies might vote in the forthcoming General Election. It seems that Labour (natch!) has a policy in its manifesto aimed at “reaching out and helping them” so naturally the Today programme thought it was worth a punt to push this for Comrade Corbyn. But what struck me was the way the BBC framed the point when highlighting the problems facing the “travelling community” – it said “Gypsies go to prison a lot”. What – like it is a choice??? Do they MEAN gypsies commit crime and are convicted a lot? Is that what they are saying but in words designed to make them seem like victims?
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Gypsies are “no income tax, no VAT” sort of people. The idea that they are going to register to vote only makes sense if you are part of the W1A bubble and view them as “noble savages” rather than as people who will charge a pensioner £6000 to tarmac his drive.
Here goes the BBC trying to get people registered to vote if they think the new voters will vote liberal/left .
A bit racist of them i would have thought , that they assume ” travellers” would vote Labour . But then the BBC likes to pigeonhole people . A token traveller conservative was interviewed just in case we see through Al Beeb .
The travellers are supposed to be entrepreneurs but also suffering from poverty .
The BBC aren’t concerned that trades such as lorry drivers might be away unable to vote , but then those sort of people would vote the wrong way , like for Brexit .
Note that the BBC in cahoots with Labour are leading on Corbyns ” no tuition fees” piecrust.
This is soley because youngsters are being begged to register by the end of today, so they can get Labour back in.
No other reason.
So no tuition fees this Septemeber as long as you register to vote for Progresso by tonight.
AND-if not enough sign up-we can expect an extension much as they tried to get more Remoaning types to register for the Referendum vote LAST year. And noted that iran does the same in its recent elections too…how apt.
Any chance of the Libscum giving themselves a few days off to honour Joke Coxbird -don`t really feel that an hour was long enough for the Progresso scum to reflect on how lovely they all are.
Hoping for 150 landslide for May on June 8th, and let`s campaign to get old Steptoe a care home package in Islington that suits his idiocy and hypocrisy…I`m sure Mays policy has his sad likes in mind.
Ian Bradys ghost for next Labour Leader.
What Liebour carefully omit to say and the bBBC never, ever brings up is that Tuition Fees were introduced under Tony Blair and were only necessary because of Liebour’s ridiculous policy that fifty percent of students should attend University and get a degree.
What that meant, in effect, was that even people of mediocre intelligence would be allowed into Universities meaning an obvious massive increase in the numbers of people attending Universities to an extent the country could not afford to finance. It was because of that nonsense, which was only done so Bliar could preen himself before the public as the PM who improved, meaning dumbed down pass levels, the level of people in Britain with degrees.
The whole exercise was carried out purely for bragging rights in order to claim Britain has a higher level of people with degrees than other countries proving, much like the old Soviet falsified figures for Tractor Production, that Our System must therefor be better than Your System and it was me what done it.
Even with the fees created by Liebour the University System finances were groaning under the weight of students attending leading to the Tory/LibDem Coalition having to increase fees even further to prevent it from collapsing completely. The myth was then created, and pushed by the bBBC, that it was the Nasty Tories who created tuition fees and not the real culprits, Blair, Brown and the Liebour Party.
Then there is the small matter of having these, not fit for higher education types, under the wing of lefty “Academics” for three years. Mostly away from home from the first time. Encouraged to join various clubs and associations. Like the NUS, a hotbed of white hating, Western reviling, Marxist nastiness.
Together with the millions of imported Blair voting Muzzies. That’s how to win elections.
If you were asked the question “Which political parties trebled university tuition fees” at a university I feel sure that the Tories and Lib Dems would be correctly identified, but somehow Labour trebling them from £1000 to £3000 will be “overlooked”.
“What that meant, in effect, was that even people of mediocre intelligence would be allowed into Universities ” Sadly, this does not just apply to the students, AL
ah… victims they are
Just how many did Eire actually €thnically cleanse with cash bounties for taking the ferry to the land of milk and honey ?
Is there anything that the BBC does that doesn’t involve victims?
Very few travellers go to prison because in truth they operate above the law because the police are terrified of them. Just another case of politicians in their little bubbles that have never come across a group of crime spreading, environment destroying travellers.
In their mind they are all harmless tinkers moving around in hand paint horse drawn caravans offering to read palms and helping farmers when their ploughs are buried in the ground.
During the glorious days of the “Troubles” any IRA terrorist on the run would receive a warm welcome from the travellers who would shield them from detection and arrest.
The same travellers who would leg it back to the Republic when there were any, let us say, legal problems. Returning under an, another, assumed name when it was deemed to be safe. Another name, another UK NI number. Another entitlement to benefits which they claimed with alacrity, having taken a few hours off from the cash jobs, to register as unemployed.
Had a group of these, surprisingly static, “travellers” camping on private land for years near where I used to live. Wrecked it for everybody else.
Yet another group of unwanted, unrequired, freeloading lawbreakers who hate the British, well the English at least. Superb examples of immigrants who should be shown the door.
Forgotten the figures but the proportion of Protestants, in what became the Republic dropped by about 90%, they were “encouraged” to move.
Their descendants in Ulster will ensure that the “united” Ireland dreamt of by the Corbyn type traitors, will remain a dream.