A Labour Party shadow cabinet member tweets this fake image [h/t Guido]…I’m certain the BBC can spell compassionate even if Trickett can’t…..
And the BBC has its own failure of judgement…..on the same subject…..
BBC criticised for ‘shockingly insensitive’ Ian Brady playlist
A local BBC station has come under fire for their lighthearted ‘guess who it is from the songs’ game – in which the answer was Moors murderer Ian Brady.
On BBC Radio Leeds, listeners were told to look out for clues in the songs to see who they were about.
During the Sunday morning show, guest-hosted by BBC York’s Nathan Turvey, he played music including the theme song for The Brady Bunch, and The Smiths’ song Suffer Little Children.
They also played All The Young Dudes by Mott The Hoople and Psycho Killer by the Talking Heads.The post with the clip has been deleted from Facebook after outcry, and has been removed from iPlayer.
A spokesperson from the BBC said: “This is clearly unacceptable and we apologise.”
Jeremy Vine on R2 gets away with similar bad judgement as he always plays music that is somehow linked to a news report he is covering….his choice of music is not far off the above when it comes to bad taste….he had one father on who lost a child and the music chosen just seemed to mock the father and make light of the loss. I guess that sort of thing from Vine is ‘acceptable’ as it slips under most people’s radar and hasn’t been complained about as far as we know….and it’s not a one off or the odd day that he makes these sly connections…it’s every day so there must be many, many more examples of poor judgement and music choices that seemed funny to Vine and his producer but wouldn’t be to the subject of the report had they heard the music.
Eastenders and the Denise character and the food bank narrative.Those nasty conservatives!!!
When I saw this first I thought it was a sick spoof of albeeb but it seems al beeb really did it.
I take it this Nathan Turvey is no longer an al beeb employee… Shurely ( as well as the producer )?Wonder what would have happened if he’d done a Jo Cox quiz or someone else albeeb collectively holds as close to sainthood .
Ah yes Fedup we are coming up to St Jo’s anniversary. That will be a sight to behold.
It seems pretty clear what motivates them…
She really is obsessed.
I posted : May 17, 2017 at 4:59 pm
Yesterday Vine was in the Primeminister’s area
– Music chosen : Eton Rifles which mocks Posh Tory boys
Today in Corbyn’s area
– Music chosen : True Faith
Glad you are here to enlighten me Stew.
Due to my ignorance, having never heard of either of these songs, this example of AlBeeb bias would have remained unknown to me.