A probable terrorist attack in Manchester…if it turns out to be Islamic terrorism who ‘enabled’ them?
Nicky Campbell & Co are at the scene and sounding very concerned, talking to relatives and locals, giving out phone numbers…how long before that turns to condemnation…of the security services, of British foreign policy…the bomber a victim of racism, marginalisation and Islamophobia? Remember these guys are the new Churchills, Mandelas and Ghandis (© Mark Easton).
The BBC has fed into the terrorist’s narrative of Islam and Muslims under attack by the West.
Only a couple of days ago Jeremy Bowen was telling us that the ‘duplicitous British’ are to blame for everything that is going on in the Middle East today….words have consequences…perhaps the government should start looking at the words the BBC pumps out excusing and cheerleading for terrorists.
Oh yes…vote Corbyn…who loves the IRA, Hamas, Hezbollah and wants to negotiate with ISIS. And of course would not shoot a suicide bomber.
As of now, there is not any proof that islam is to blame…….. But, what other organisations/individuals-related-to-such-organisations are going around committing mass-murder? Right-wing fascists? No way – they might go around beating up people but mass-murder? No. The state? ie, to blame others? Very, very doubtful. Which leaves our very own, ROP.
As has been commented by others on online articles: people will hold hands; they’ll light candles; swear it will never happen again……….. etc etc And ignore the whole thing and hope it’ll go away…
I’ll post this up again in case others haven’t read it. (the meat, so to speak, starts a third of the way through) http://www.newenglishreview.org/custpage.cfm?frm=184244/sec_id/184244
A very interesting article. It goes a long way to explaining what is happening in the UK.
My only question would be – why?
Because the goal of the politically correct groups is nothing less than the destruction of Western civilisation.
They see it as an evil white Christian patriarchy, and they are full of resentment and hatred for it, and they don’t even have a shred of gratitude for what it has created over the past 400 years, including enabling the comfortable lives they lead while trying to tear it down.
They are truly like people on a tree branch, sawing it off near to the trunk. They think that the destruction of the patriarchal Judaeo-Christian west will lead to an egalitarian utopia. They couldn’t be more wrong, bad cess to all of them.
Now here is something that will assure us all
Advice for children affected by the Manchester attack
Posted at 17:53
Follow it
If you are reading about what’s happened in Manchester and it’s making you feel anxious or sad, it’s important to know that you are not the only one and it’s OK to have those feelings.
?You can rely on Newsround to tell you the important facts about a story – but some things you hear might be scary or make you feel worried.
Its the BBC’s deliberate withholding of the facts about Islam, fostered by complicit politicians, that tens of thousands of girls were raped, and now 22 young people slaughtered.
But never mind.Muslim birth rate is at least twice as high as any other demographic. In less then 40 years, what is happening to Christians in once Christian countries in the ME, will happen in Europe.
Unless Islam is banished, I dont see how we can get out of the fatal cul-de-sac that our idiot politicians have put us in.
With the continuous detraction of Pres Trump by the liberal/marxist media, I was beginning yo have doubts. I now I’m sure that Pres Trump at least gives us a chance. With Hillary, we would be gone.
Thanks for this-quote it below, expains plenty.
The sad thing about the whole state of affairs in the UK (Never mind the West) when it comes to Islam. Is if the left had defended the rule of law when it comes to Islam:
Supporting terrorism and carrying it out.
Rape Gangs
Voter fraud
Religious intolerance
If instead of defending the indefensible (Usually by playing the ‘R’ card) which has resulted in watering down the law when it comes to Muslims, the left had respected the letter of the law, maybe the message would have been sent that in the UK everybody is treated equally and you will be punished. Instead by defending the use of ‘Islamophobic’ card for any slight going, we have allowed the religious agitators to legally play the victimcard which is the excuse used across the world by Islamic zealots in which to promote their cause. You only have to see what Alan has written above by Jeremy Bowen regards Britain and the victimhood mindset of the Muslim to see what I mean. In fact Mr Bowen has come out with a radio history of Israel.
Part 6: Crossing the Divide
Here Bowen rewrites, omits the history of Israel in which to promote his hatred of the Jew. Go to 11.40 of the above link. Whilst the Arabs, Muslim world and their sycophants have no problem opining about the Nakba (Palestinian exodus, ) they leave out or whitewash the same number of Jews kicked out of nearly every Arab state going. Yet to Bowen, they simply did’t want to live in their own countries. With lies like that the bBC spreads anti-Semitism.
0655 and bBC news 24 is now discussing of a rumour that the blast in Manchester may have been the work of a suicide bomber. But the emphasis is on ‘Rumour’.
Now the same prat is claiming that 19 people have died in Manchester. Silly me, and there was me thinking that they were murdered.
It became even more absurd, insulting and disrespectful to those killed and injured when one BBC idiot suggested the nuts, bolts and washers scattered around the blast area may just have been shaken from the structure of the building.
Its all about appeasement.
Tragic event and prayers said for the dead injured and their families.
The next issue will be ( with the assumption of no further attacks ) how soon the identity and background of the bomber is disclosed. Then it will be a matter of how media ( and politicians ) deal with it. No doubt there will be a focus on any incident which they say is a ‘hate’ crime. Someone will say something considered not appropriate and focus will shift from the enemy to them.
If it turns out that the bomber is foreign then there will be more ( justifiable)” told you so” and let’s get control on on this – borders – and the rest.
Fed up, we will be told the bomber is Asian, just like in the IRA days when the BBC always called the bombers European (didn’t they?)
The blowing up of the Brighton Grand Hotel was done by Europeans.
Next, it will be said that it was a lone wolf attack (from the many ‘lone wolf packs’ we now have)
Today will be tea light, teddy bear and I heart day.
The politicians will collectively come out with the usual “our thoughts and prayers are with …..etc” as they do every time this happens.
The sympathy will go to the Asians in case there is a backlash.
It’s the same procedure every time yet nothing changes.
You can print this again and again for future atrocities carried out by the rop.
Nothing will change.
Well, maybe the government I’ll use it to cut down some freedoms for our own safety of course.
Good summing up. Particularly the last point. Rudd and her henchmen cannot wait to impose censorship on us. She must be taking lessons from Merkel.
We lose free speech and we really are finished.
A terrorist’s bomb detonated in Manchester, dead bodies torn to shreds by white-hot metal.
Such a sense of romantic nostalgia will surely bring a tear to Corbyn and McDonnell’s eyes.
Got to say that the poetic lyrical license and subtexts are worthy of McGonnigal and or Thackray, of Dickens himself at times.
Think this florid refuge of sub-Hardyean syntax approaches Bard-like melodrama at times-avoiding speaking the truth, loving state euphemisms and a bit of Jane Austen or Barbara Cartland and Jilly Cooper seems to have had the effect.
Enjoy the word twistings, count the weasel words and take glory in Britains best living romantic fantasistas and fiction writer spout their chocolate fountains into champagne flutes-or dead wonens shoes and princess style slippers as the cameras roll and the onions get whetted.
Yes Emmanuel,
I when these incidents happen they doesn’t seem to be much of a rush by the Muslim communities to turn up on albeeb and elsewhere to damn the bomber to hell. I suppose it must say that in their book somewhere. There seems to be a collective “ducking of nuts” by the followers of Islam.
We’ll hear about it if someone sticks a bit of bacon in a mosque letterbox though….
As the house monitors are doubtless logging the only thing they can distract with, first up may I say I am horrified by the events of last night and cannot imagine the pain of survivors and the families of those murdered.
Meanwhile, the BBC has this, retweeted by other channels:
Good old Daniel eh?…all those years in the Blue Peter Garden being a linen suited pith artist for Saviles Fellow Travellers weren`t wasted then. Savile and Rochdale, Oxford, Blackpool,Derby and Rotherham…anybody care to see how Sir Jimmy of Wood Lane and the MCB might in any way have common heritage?
Answers on the back of a nine year old virgin please to…
10 Hours after the attack and the BBC headline is still . A BLAST has killed 22 people. What is it a burst gas pipe ?. Fact that Manchester police confirmed over 5 hours ago its a terrorists attack that slaughtered children means nothing to a BBC headline. But they are more than happy to run with a crazy headline about trump pee party in Russia with 0 PROOF.
We all know the next BBC headline ” Rise is Islamophobia and how Muslims are afraid”. Even when the facts and the dead bodys show its none Muslims that should be afraid. Yep lets light some candles and talk about how we are all coming together and how this will not divide us , even when we know the enemy is now within and its growing day by day.
Can’t believe my ears, Nick Robinson on Toady managed to find someone called ‘Imran’ who brought his daughter to the concert. The BBC strategy after every attack by Muslims is so obvious they don’t even try to hide it: Go to scene of attack and find a Muslim to interview to prove ‘ordinary’ Muslims are victims too. It really is disgusting.
The media always set up the false dichotomy of “the majority of peace loving Muslims of the true faith” and “the tiny minority of evil muslims, followers of a perversion of Islam”. I happened to tune into LBC to hear that fat cunt Nick Ferrari explaining in condescending terms to a caller that there were millions of muslims in Britain who would never think of murdering anyone. This is true, but in the same way it was true that the vast majority of the Irish nationalist community in Northern Ireland never murdered any British soldiers during the Troubles. The IRA and others did the murdering and the Irish nationalists cheered every time a British soldier was killed, Then, you were expected to believe the fiction that Sinn Fein was all for peace and the ballot box and the IRA were the violent thugs. Now, we are expected to believe the fiction that there are “peace loving Muslims 100% behind “western values” and “renegade Muslims who want the Caliphate”. SinnFein/IRA both wanted the same thing – a united Ireland, Muslims and so called Islamists also want the same thing – the Caliphate in the west. Sinn Feinn never has and never will condemn IRA violence. Muslims will never condem “Islamic” terrorism outright as their actions are sanctioned by the Koran and loyalty to brother Muslims is more important than dead kuffar. The Corbyn defence of condeming violence on all sides is adopted. The feeble minded interpret this as a love of Gandhian nonviolence, but it is simply a ploy to deflect criticism from your terrorist friends and set up a moral equivalence between mass murderers and the state which is supposedly trying to stop them.
ID, the radical muzzies are the ones launching the gays from high buildings, the moderates are the crowds clapping and cheering at the bottom.
During WW2 the number of nazi mass murderers were a tiny minority in comparison with the number of nazi party members. The BBC would never prattle on about “peaceloving nazis” or “a violent perversion of nazism”. All the followers of nazism had “signed up for the programme”. The same is true of Muslims.
And not all Germans were Nazi’s but we know what happened.
Same person was interviewed on the bbc news channel about 0500 as well. We all know why.
Same thing happened after the Nice attack last year, Cassie, BBC bimbo found a local RoPer and asked him how that attack had affected him and his community!
And Robinson asked yet ANOTHER clogger of the First Responders on his show whether or not the shrines and solidarity events are in place yet-and (because they weren`t) maybe it might be a good idea for us all to take the day off and show up-you know, implied like?
How many BBC reporters ARE there grieving and feeling for us all-every time I hear a Beeboid doing a “two way”-it`s yet ANOTHER new name.
Talk about overmanning…drain that swap Donald!
To think that Richard Dimbleby did “Belsen” on his own…if only the BBC had had cBBC and Newsround back then huh?
F Off BBC…Grief Thieves and Foreskin blunt blades of the lowest kind.
Can this be the result of Brendan’s bringing together?
It rather sidelines the whole idea ? Or will aljabeeba use it to promote St Jo?
Is this the far right the al-beeb have been warning us about, they are all around us blended in, its just awful, brothers sisters mothers fathers, you just cannot trust any of them.
Or could it be the one percent of home grown bearded persons, bombing the other 95% of home grown none bearded brits, its a mystery.
” Ok positive discrimination and diversity department , I want you to make me proud here at the BBC. It is paramount that we
bring in to the studio as many “experts” of Islamic appearance to tell the viewers that this collateral damage has nothing to
do with Islam. “
Do wonder now if the BBCs Media City is already being kitted out with Premier Inn type facilities so all those Muslim apologists can stay 24/7 at the BBC as they revolve around to tell us that the LATEST atrocity is ALSO “nothing to do with Islam”…but a stain on the Tories funding of psychiatric services.
Some revolving door there-and what with burkas etc, we`ll never learn that it`s the same two blokes and Lauren Booth who do all the talks.
If only the 60’s centre right establishment had listened to Enoch Powell so much rape, fear and bloodshed could have been avoided . But they didn’t and now we have a liberal left establishment in most western countries which seems hell bent on throwing petrol on this flaming fire. Why are they allowing , indeed in some countries actively encourging , more Muslim migration? As EP said we must be mad ,literally mad, to allow this migration to continue. And yet in the UK there not a single politician who will publically oppose mass Muslim migration. The very best we will get from the those who lead our country is a bit of talk about combatting extremism. In France Mde Le Pen was defeated but at least over there one third of the votes were for her. If you fear Islamification in France you have a party to vote for. Here we have no one , all we have are stupid teddy bears, candles , hash tags and vigils and the BBC et al telling us that Muslims are concerned about Islamophobia and we must be nice to them. To continue with EPs Roman theme , it really is fiddling while Rome burned.
I read in Christopher Caldwells peerless book re Europe, Islam and The West that Powells predicted figures re number of migrants who`d be living in Leicester and London in 1998 was correct to less than than the 5% significance level.
In short REAL, QUANTITATIVE proof that he was a REAL prophet.
All he got wrong was that it would be Muslims and not black Carribeans who`d comprise the cuckoos in the UK nest.
I paraphrase and am relying on memory-but there`s no better book on how Europe has got to here…and why France, Germany and the UK are three failed efforts re Islam..but compared to Sweden and Belgium/Holland are being destroyed more slowly.
Wonder if the E.U has that Lancaster Plan as citeed on this site today?
Saw this online and it just about sums up the procedure:
1. This has nothing to do with Islam.
2. The guy was a mentally ill ‘lone wolf’.
3. Those who object to points 1 and 2 are racist bigots.
4. Change Facebook profile to flag of inflicted country.
5. Light some candles, hold a vigil and go on a peace march.
6. Wait for the next slaughter to happen.
7. Repeat.
This after years of proud peacock feathered BBC bastards bragging about how brilliant and integrated our muslim ”community” is and that is the reason we aren’t getting jihaded as much as the French and Germans.
Looking forward to reading about how a muslim called mean words on the bus in the coming days is the real victim of this.
Justin Webb interviewing a retired counter intelligence officer, firstly encourages the interviewee to say they were short of money (nasty Tory cuts implied) but then Justin Webb pleads with him to say how important the outreach work is. As far as I understand what outreach work was it used, under Labour, to include taking young Muslims to major football matches, pouring millions into community centres and the like (I know of a Somali community centre in north London which was burnt down where the locals suggested the Somali community did it themselves and they got a sparkling, all dancing and singing new one, paid by us the tax payer). Whether it is still at that level, I don’t know. But the importance the BBC gives to sympathy for the Muslim community after any attack, probably causes more intolerance than otherwise.
Deborah writes:
“Justin Webb interviewing a retired counter intelligence officer, firstly encourages the interviewee to say they were short of money”
and yet the wonderful EU (which I keep getting told would make the UK much safer if we remained in) has suffered 10x the number of attacks
Some of our £350 million a week might help to sort that out. A bit more useful than building roads to nowhere and paying the Mafia subsidies for non-existent olive groves.
Not as much intolerance as should be caused by a Muslim taxi driver on PM Radio 4 calling out the “bad apples” in our society. By this he meant those islamophobic bad apples tarring all Muslims with the same brush as terrorists. How large does the pile of mutilated bodies have to be before the BBC realises that it’s the whole Islamic orchard that should be dug up and burnt.
It takes this for the media to mention it was the anniversary of the slaying of Lee Rigby yesterday.
There will be repercussions for this outrage, murdering children is the lowest of the low.
It’s absolutely heart breaking.
I heard there were reports of the Lee Rigby memorial being vandalised.
Really? There’s not been much repercussion after the thousands of child rapes has there?
Apart from the Rotherham sheep re-electing the people who conspired to suppress the whole thing, no, nothing at all.
Expect part time actors hired by the BBC in Manchester who will be appearing as concerned Moslems who want to help.
BBC Update:
Doubtless many wise heads in W1A and Salford are trying establish lines to take too.
The usual bleeding hearts being wheeled out on radio 4 and not one of them capable of addressing the truth.
This morning we have been told the usual excuses that it’s a tiny minority, without any supporting evidence. The reality is that it is a very sizable minority, and the studies done show around 25% of Muslims believe Jihadist attacks are justified.
No other ideology or religion or political group uses suicide attackers to further its aims, this is undeniably a part of Islam and inseparable from it, indeed Jihad is the sixth pillar of Islam, how can it be anything other than a part of Islam and of Muslim life?
I don’t know which is worse, the murderous Islamic attacks, or the craven denials of reality by the compromised politicos only interested in ‘peace in our time’ with Muslims who should never have been allowed into any civilised country, and a rather nice payout from the Middle East on semi retirement.
It’s a bit sad isn’t it ?,Thoughtful, when I sit listening to al Beeb Today programme listening for the word ‘Islam ‘or ‘Muslim terrorist ‘ to be used. Although the animal who carried out this crime has not been identified there aren’t many terrorists you use suicide belts apart from Islamic terrorists in the war again non muslims. (Sunni / Shia I could care less )
Al Beeb presenters were obviously under orders not to mention Islamic terrorism . Instead some al Beeb monitor type person advertised the names of Muslim Isis magazines available on line in case listeners want to see them! Gut churning ( and yes I know people who want to find these evil documents can find them but I could not see the need to name them on public service British broadcasting ).
I’m worried about how cynical any politician might be in exploiting this evil event for their own purposes. I always remember that they are ,in the main, politicians first and humans second.
I heard about the bomb explosion late last night from MSN while working on the internet, so reluctantly I broke my rule this morning and actually turned on ‘Today’ on Radio 4, just before 8 a.m.
I might be wrong but I don’t think there was ANY mention of Muslims or Islam between the headlines at 8 and the piece around 8:45 when ISIS and Al Qaeda were mentioned. Shortly after that, we had the usual nauseating tripe about unity triumphing over division, not letting the outrage divide us, etc., up to 9 a.m. No analysis of the obvious root cause of attacks like this: Islam and its facilitation by mass immigration into Britain.
Absolutely brilliant!
If you are over 19 you may not know of Ariana Grande whose concert was the place where the bombing took place
The hypocrite of Manchester has been interviewed by the BBC (yet another Fascist in the CofE) bleating about white people demonising an entire community.
The end of the church of socialism cannot come quickly enough for me.
What sickens me is how these attacks will soon be forgotten; we are like goldfish, circling round in our little bowl unable to remember or understand what it means when the big nasty cat dips its paw in and grabs one of us. Yet we are made to perpetually remember, and feel guilty for, the so-called crimes of colonialism and slavery which happened centuries ago.
Indeed Cranmer, but I believe that in recent times schooling in history doesn’t go much further than colonialism and slavery – and the holocaust, of course. They’re also taught the overwhelming contribution to the sunny world we live in of non-whites through Black History Month etc. I once saw a survey that a large percentage of young people knew nothing about the Civil War (that’s the 17th century English one, so I guess they know nothing about the several medieval ones either).
The Lefties I know bang on about colonialism and slavery, yet know little about the crucial turning points in English history – Magna Carta (with abolition of serfdom, a practice that continued across the Channel for centuries), Peasants’ Revolt, the break from Rome, the profundity of Elizabeth I’s reign and the blooming of science that followed, the Industrial Revolution – to name but a few. To my mind the referendum vote is just another of the British people’s daring to undergo profound change.
Despite all that, aren’t we an evil race?
A parody of Ariana Grandes song Dangerous Woman, retitled Dangerous Muslim – how apt.
Watched a few UK news channels this morning…………..all to a penny trying to excuse this murderous terrorist attack…..SHAME ON THEM ALL! Quite frankly enough is enough!
It is like the ‘wrong place wrong time’ lie. I refuse to listen or watch them now.
Solzhenitsen- let them bring the lie into the world but not through me.
Watch Fox, they are not afraid to say and discuss things that all the others won’t. Hannity spent a great deal of his programme last night discussing how Islam is not compatible with the west. It is so refreshing. They were also reporting a suicide bomber well ahead of the Brits, who were keeping it shtum.
Gormless Amber Rudd: “They are trying to divide us – they won’t” They’re not trying to divide us. They are trying to kill us.
“They are trying to divide us – they won’t” – Yet the brainwashed morons who still believe this shit, cannot pull their heads out of their own cowardly, self-hating, white man hating arse, for even a few seconds, to realize they are being lied to relentlessly…all whilst the blood of our young flows on our own streets.
Protest marches, riots and violence, rallies….they divide us. Leaving a car bomb and calling the police before it goes off…that terrorizes us. Blowing yourself up and purposely murdering as many people as you can is Islamic. What statement other than his Islamic statement to Allah, is a Muslim making when taking his own life???
Rudd is a hobbyist. alongside Patel and all manner of New Tories. Brexit divided them all, and we know who`s principled and who`s one of Camerons jacuzzi floaters. At least Soubry`s like your pissed angry nan-compared to Rudd, she`s honest.
How did we get Greening, Morgan, Miller and Rudd?…having no brains or principles is not only a Labour problem, and now we`re reminded of this.
Still though-gets May off the hook re her U-turn.
Result for Team Maylibando…
The other day the bBC had no problem screaming out that Corbyn is not a pacifist, I wonder if after last night somebody will remember this:
Every reference to the bomber from the Breakfast sofa this morning has been: ‘The man involved….’ ‘He detonated an IUD in the foyer…’ and so on. Since the creature was almost certainly vaporised, how do they know what sex it was?
IUD?..puts a new spin on shuffling off this mortal coil!
Was that a Freudian slip? Anyway, well spotted P and my retreat is red-faced.
There there…
Just popped in my head for some odd reason…
Just brilliant – “What do we want?” “Baaa!” “When do we want it?” “Baaa!”
I’m still laughing!
If that twat turns up in Manchester he’ll be eating his fucking piano.
Did they all shout the line, ‘And no religion too’, at the tops of their voices? Probably not.
Corbyn wouldn’t condemn the IRA bombing in Manchester, will he condemn this one, I hope someone asks him to explain the difference?
“Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has paid tribute to the victims of a terror attack in Manchester.
Mr Corbyn said the suicide bombing which killed 22 people and left dozens injured was a “terrible incident”.
He also praised the emergency services for showing “bravery and professionalism” in their response.
Mr Corbyn said in a statement:
“I am horrified by the horrendous events in Manchester last night. My thoughts are with families and friends of those who have died and been injured.
“Today the whole country will grieve for the people who have lost their lives.
“I have spoken with Andy Burnham, the mayor of Manchester, who has fully briefed me on the operational response in the city.
“I would like to pay tribute to the emergency services for their bravery and professionalism in dealing with last night’s appalling events.
“I have spoken with the Prime Minister and we have agreed that that all national campaigning in the general election will be suspended until further notice.”
All of the UK’s political parties have suspended General Election campaigning in the wake of the attack. ”
Couldn’t see any condemnation there.
And if by a stroke of luck the police had shot the bastard on his way to the Arena, this communist pissant would be wringing his hands about the loss of life. Utter twat.
Recall the Jo Cox crap was also used to snuff out electoral biddings. Hope to God that UKIP and the Tories get nasty and refuse to shut up until the softies choose to cry at this latest predicatable crap, as required by the media, the pop and footy lobbies and the emasculators of the political process.
This is exactly what the globalising scum want-no politics, emotings, shrines, pink balloons and Imagine at the white piano( Grande has no songs as yet to make us hum them at the cathedral steps).
In short-no Islam, no Commie connivings and no thought for how we got here via Libya and Merkel etc. Von Rumpoy or Jenkins, Heath or Prodi.
Did he not use the word “terrorism”? I am shocked, shocked!
And the Manchester chief constable, Ian Hopkins says, “we musn’t speculate as to the identity of the attacker!”
Not before you’ve had the chance to prove he was suffering from mental issues and nothing whatsoever todo with Islam, Ian?
From the likes of James Anderton and John Stalker to Ian Hopkins via Peter Fahey by way of policing in Manchester.
From Katherine Ollerenshaw to Andy Burnham via Tony Lloyd by way of civic leaders in the self same great city of old.
No further questions yer honour….
I really do not want to hear a word from the BBC about this. Silence would become them now. As for Corbyn the same silence would be the only worthwhile comment from him.
Ditto for the maxicnut
Treezer is chairing a Cobra meeting
Meanwhile the plan will go into effect
As yet un noted by BBC is the prominence of pink balloons at the event, and the fact that Ms Grande is spoken of as a gay icon. One wonders what could possibly make this concert a target for certain people.
As I write this Graham Stringer, Labour candidate is fretting about a “backlash” on Al Beeb. True to form!!
He’s worried about his core voters, DB.
Maybe it was a lone protestor who grumped at the sale of merchandise-surely the pink balloons and posters should be FREE. Corbyn already offering this I expect.
Still though-enjoy the popcorn as Ariane has to decide whether to play at the O2 on Thursday.
Any refunds?..or is this lamentable given that some people will get no refunds on the lives of parents or kids? Would YOU ask for your money back-and isn`t this only giving in to the terrorists?
Must the Show Go On-especially, when the broadsheets and their spawn will want to know how she goes down in Capital City, having toured the provinces?
AND-you`ve free tickets to review the show?
Oh yes-well worth a watch, far better that the godawful portashrines that the BBC seek at the moment.
This happened four years after the murder of Lee Rigby-another Mancunian.
Had it been the anniversary of Jihadi John getting turned to oil, then the BBC would already have joined the dots…but, being Lee Rigby-they`d rather we NOT link these events.
But I have-so fuck off BBC!
Yes, I thought that when watching the pics, especially of middle aged men coming out (!) injured. Didn’t connect the pink balloons. But manchester, big thriving gay community, and big thriving ‘Asian’ community, and I don’t mean Chinatown.
The BBC is adopting standard procedures for what I would put money on is an attack carried out by the RoP. They never speculate on incidents like this where we all know who did it. Perhaps if they were loathe to speculate every time an attack happened I might accept the BBC was merely being responsible, but they are not. The slightest hint of this being carried out by the mythical far-right would have been screamed from every web page in the largest font possible.
Have carried out my usual trawl of the HYS pages and, guess what, all but one that I can see has been closed. (There is one open in the Science section banging on about Brexit destroying science so get over there quick.) That is true fascism of the modern sort. Previously it would have been an oxymoron to label it left-wing fascism but that is what it is.
PS. Have edited this to say the comments section mentioned above has now been closed. The last comment was ‘Did the BBC forget to close this comments section? ‘ Might that one be removed?
The BBC are on the case:
The Today Programme
Police say a lone male suicide bomber detonated an improvised explosive device, and died at the scene
See, factually correct (bar a few surprisingly fast confirmations). Done and dusted. Police say. Apparently.
Lone wolf you say?
See below. 🙁
Well, at least we can all see the patterns now surely.
History may well recall that the Fort Hood murders of 2009 was the apex of how power responds to its own workplace violence…and all the lapdogs down below in Obamaland took the hints, the courses and the money. Eight years on, and we`re still muted fools.
To me, the pattern is the same.
a) Muslim commits atrocity
b) Media emotings and feel good blitz type of narrative to show how we`re not defeated by the needless deaths.
c) No namings or images, until the Islamic Reputation Managerial Classes have a homogenous mush of piety and smokescreen confected that they can all agree on-all have leared well at Common Purpose type events on how to restrict their codes and language to the Shoesmith-type of inanity and offense.
d) Rest of us go online to find out the truth.
So as things stand-forgive me if I blame it on another Muslim nutjob who chooses to put nuts in his rucksack…whilst Nicky, Victoria , Huw and Mark, Amber and Kirsty seek out imagined nut-allergies in prisons on which to campaign upon.
Of course we must not speculate or leap to conclusions-aren`t the GMP under such titans as Tony Lloyd and Andy Burnham(good name eh?) on the trail.
If only to cover up the flip flops and dried sandals with hideous curled toenails.
But here are MY suspects.
1.Pensioners For Brexit
2. Countryside Alliance Against Climate Change.
3. Andrew Wakefield and the Homeopathic Tendency
4. Tories 4 Austerity and Fox Hunts.
And I can tell you NOW who it`s got “nothing to do with”- Islam or NHS Talking Therapies and Outreach…whci I think you`ll find are one and the same thing, unless it`s Jo Cox to which you`re referring.
Interesting chat with the Shia Muslim shopkeeper who reckons that not only will this be a Sunni Muslim who has carried out the attack, but that it will be a Salafist – something we never hear about.
Of course both Salafism & Wahabism are being promoted by Saudi Money which the politicians love so much, we are dying so they can enrich themselves.
He also said that if I spoke out I would be arrested. but he would be stoned by the Muslim community, until they found he was a Shia, at which point they would shrug their shoulders and say what do you expect he’s a Shia !
None of this is being pointed out by the media, who almost certainly don’t even try to find out because they don’t actually venture out into the Muslim communities and probably don’t like them very much. Puts me in mind of a groups of leftie liber political correctness merchants who I once took to a genuine Pakistani café – and they hated it, and the people in it! They had no experience of reality, nor did they want it. For them it was all theoretical and bullying name calling , the real thing scares them rigid.
Thoughtful, the media does not generally report on internal strife in immigrant communities. I believe this to be because it goes against the pseudo-marxist narrative of globalism. Immigrants are ‘labour’ against ‘capital’ (the native culture) and pointing out internal divisions in their ranks only weakens them. Multiculturalists are terrified that if native British people find out immigrants don’t get on with each other, the Brits will start wondering why they should get on with the immigrants.
Having worked in a multicultural office once in the 90s, I can say that they come out with racist comments against other ethnic minorities that I would never have dared to say for fear of being sacked.
“Make sure you have something to say, choose your language carefully..”
Who – Victims… brief mention, moving on. Perps… immediate full bio if suits, watertight oversight if not. Perp families – hound if it suits, full community empathy if otherwise. Look for anything by association that serves.
What – Inanimate death-dealing ‘thing’.
When – Safe ground. Well, journalistically, and even then not if reporting rather than ‘reporting’ by running it upstairs first. Avoid any awkward anniversaries, though. Push other ones nearby if poss.
Where – Safe-ish, ground (see above). Depends on symbolism that may not be immediately apparent.
Why – Where to start? Best go with lone madness, lost in a blast. Ensure what it is not, cannot be and never will be, ever, trotted out endlessly.
How – A Who (see above) brings a What (see above) to a Where (see above) to do inanimate third party death (possibly cult based) stuff to other Whos. As to Why (see above)… don’t go there.
Ditto politicians… of all hues. I see ‘security has been tightened’ at public venues. Shame there was not a lone rozzer on the door with his Taser after the warning of Paris or Westminster, or…. Ah well, give it a few months and the bang-bang, ram-ram, boom-boom brigade will have forgotten all about it and such measures can be stood down. Again.
It’s what Sadiq would want, all neatly wrapped up.
There are over 200 million moslems in the world who did not commit the bombing attack in Manchester.
You see, this proves that Islam is a religion of peace.
Apologies for my failure in logic here. I am filling in for Maxicony who is taking the day off
If even 1% of muslims worldwide are radical then they have more men than the Wehrmacht in World War Two.
And we all know the number is far more than 1%
If even 1% of muslims worldwide are radical then they have more men than the Wehrmacht in World War Two.
And we all know the number is far more than 1%
According to an ICM Research poll in 2006, 20% of British Muslims felt sympathy with the July 7 terrorist bombers’ “feelings and motives”, In another poll by NOP Research, almost one in four British Muslims believe that the 7/7 attacks on London were justified.
A 2005 Daily Telegraph survey showed that 24% of British Muslims showed some sympathy with the people who carried out the attacks.
A 2008 study, produced by Gallup, found similar results with 38.6% of Muslims questioned believing the 9/11 attacks were justified.
36% of 16- to 24-year-olds British Muslims believed that those converting to another religion should be executed.
These are enormously significant numbers of people either sympathising with or prepared to carry out violence in the name of their religion. More worrying is the demographics with the young being far more radical than the older people. I believe that this is yet another pointer to the influence Saudi money has brought to our country through Madrassas and Mosques taking money in return for the promotion of Wahabist & Salafist teachings.
How wonderful to hear that Nicky ‘I found myself when I found MY MUM’ Campbell, a man so proud of his family and young daughters, feels himself able to offer crumbs of comfort to grieving relatives. I’m sure that those who have lost their own young daughters, and lost them beyond finding, will feel very comforted by his ‘concern’ and the ‘concern’ of the BBC.
What a very dreadful and sad day. Children murdered and maimed for life at a pop concert. What on earth has allowed this to happen and will it continue?
Let me be clear, our Politicians are 100% responsible for this and all the other atrocities here in our country, in Europe, America, across the Middle East, Africa and the rest of the world.
Thousands are now dead and thousands have been maimed for life. Yet our politicians do not threaten revenge or even promise to stop the evil perpetrators, they just speak words. They condemn in the first sentence and in the second tell us that these terrible acts will not divide us. Divide who? We all know who, but the cult of evil is not mentioned is it?
So what are they frightened of?
Is it fear of a very violent and nationwide backlash from the five million or more people who belong to the same cult and who reside in our midst? After all everywhere else where they reside in the world and have a majority they exterminate any other faith or opposition. I am sorry to say that is where we are headed.
Or is it genuine belief that the terrorists committing these mass murders are a very small minority and can be eventually be routed out? If this really is the policy it is clearly not working, is it? This has been going on for decades now, all across the world, and is getting worse. Can they not see this policy is a sign of madness? If they cannot then I think most of the country now can but stand up and say so and you are vilified or even sent to prison.
However could there also be another reason? Is cash is the answer? Have our politicians received their 30 pieces of silver to allow this invasion, rape and murder of our countries children? Enoch Powel told the truth, he saw the start of the invasion and spoke out, he knew the type of people who were coming and was frightened for us all. He was sacked for speaking the truth and condemned for it.
He was sacked by Edward Heath, the son of a carpenter and a maid, who were, I have no doubt, honest hard working people but Ted Heath however became very rich and lived the life of a multi-millionaire. He had a fine house and sailing yachts that any oligarch would be proud to own. It is said he received very large bribes from the EU when Britain joined and it is true the EU’s books have still not stood the scrutiny of an audit, so that is very likely.
But was there another source for the millions of £’s that accounted for his wealth? Can we join the dots here? He got rid of the man who saw the future and the danger and then created laws to stop further criticism. He was clearly helping and protecting the invaders and for large wads of cash.
There was one nation in particular that was larger and richer than the rest and has been in the news this very week. They, the Saudi’s, were flush with cash at the time of Prime Minister Heath’s three day week and needed help to lift oil sanctions. They also wanted to build thousands of mosques and spread their cult across the world. Heath and the Saudi’s were a match made in hell that has condemned this country to seeing thousands of its children raped and now many murdered.
That Heath was a greedy traitor in exchange for cash is not really in doubt. What is not known, by me at least, is how far it infiltrated the then government and how much it still does infect current governments across Europe? Judging by the actions of the EU and the mad German Chancellor it explains much of our problems and it does not look as if it is stopping any time soon.
And Heath was not the only Prime Minister to become extremely rich by doing the exact same thing was he? A man who became a ‘Middle Eastern Advisor’ allowed millions more invaders in when he was in power than this country has ever seen?
And he, the criminal Blair, is still strutting the world stage despite making the situation a thousand times worse by going to war against peaceful sectarian Middle Eastern countries with his idiotic friend Bush. I know they were run by dictators but look at the situation now. Those pair of clowns stirred up the biggest hornets nests of crazy idiots in nations that are now invading us and the rest of Europe by the hundreds of thousands. Many I know are genuine refuges but many are not and are a terrible danger to us. Blair is not only a war criminal but he must be the maddest man on this planet for not foreseeing the results of his crazy actions.
So, do we have faith that our current government can stop this carnage in our green and pleasant land? Not from the reaction this morning from our police and our main stream media headed up by the Islamic terrorist appeasers the BBC. And nor from our politicians. All we get are words. They stick their heads in the sands, they have no shame, they admit no guilt. To hell with all of them and they can keep their bloody candles.
Suffer the little children.
Old Timer, I do believe in ‘cometh the hour, cometh the man’ and trust that a strong man (or woman) will come to fore as has happened before in our country’s darkest times.
It is said ‘good times produce weak men, weak men produce bad times, bad times produce strong men, strong men produce good times’ and the cycle continues.
At the moment we are in the bad times with the weak men, but I think it will change. The tragedy is that there will be so much needless suffering in the process.
Both Bliar and Bush were in the pockets of the Saudis, and the only reason we have fought successive wars in the Middle East is because Saudi willed it. Every single war we have fought has been in either Saudis direct interest, or those of their allies in the Arab league.
In a region where bribery is a way of life it is inconceivable that Western politicians have no been offered cash to do the Saudi’s bidding, and indeed we know that Rudi Giuliani may of New York was given a $10 million cheque by Prince Alwaleed to hush up the Saudi involvement in 9/11, save that he tore it up & sent it back. If that is the case then there are undoubtedly other occasions when the cheque has been offered and not sent back in pieces. Odd that both George W Bush and Barak Obama should be so opposed to the truth about Saudi involvement being revealed if they are clean don’t you think ?
It would have been better to have cashed the cheque and distributed the money amongst the families of the victims. It’s not as if the Saudis can’t afford it.
Even the Times is in emergency anti-Islamophobia manoeuvres this morning in its comments section with this unusual notice. God forbid that anyone should indulge in speculation. The media wouldn’t – ever.
“We’d like to remind readers that at this stage we simply don’t know anything about the identity of the attacker or their motives. We will not tolerate any racism or discrimination in these comments. Please report any abuse using the flag function. ”
Curious really. I read a lot of comments and none of them were racist. Bit anti-RoP perhaps, but surely, that’s different?
Isn’t it strange? When I was young being ‘discriminatory’ was seen as a good thing and being described as ‘discriminating’ was a compliment.
That the Times can’t see the stupidity in ordering its readers not to discriminate shows how far down the road to ruin we have been led.
Well the attacker is meant to be called Salman Abedi, and as for his motives… can’t think what they might have been..
As I wrote this morning:-
……and strangely enough, not once has anyone broadcasting mentioned, even once so far, the awful truth that this will be a MUSLIM terrorist attack.
Interviewers and reporters alike, they tread and speak so carefully to avoid pointing fingers at the ONLY source of terror, which is Muslim murderers who kill in the name of their ‘Effing allah, whose name I deliberately spit upon.
The great liberal lefty lie that Muslims are all peaceable, cuddly and non-threatening will be trotted out, and all will be invited to remember that nothing has been proven to indicate that the ragheads blew up the concert. All the pious bleats that the ragheads are always blamed unjustly will be trotted out; but don’t be fooled. Our fearless political leaders, cushioned behind their armed protection, seated in their armoured limousines, have made this attack possible, yet you will not read of their involvement, of their treason against the people.You will not read the truth, excepting maybe from the BNP website.
The pious BBC will never, ever, point the finger at the Islamic killers behind the Manchester carnage, but they laud to the skies the ‘multicultural diversity’ of an Labour-inspired immigration policy which seeks to do only one thing, to dilute the indigenous white Christian population with the overwhelmingly-MUSLIM clowns who have swarmed in from the cess-pits of Asia.
As I wrote this morning:-
……and strangely enough, not once has anyone broadcasting mentioned, even once so far, the awful truth that this will be a MUSLIM terrorist attack.
Interviewers and reporters alike, they tread and speak so carefully to avoid pointing fingers at the ONLY source of terror, which is Muslim murderers who kill in the name of their ‘Effing allah, whose name I deliberately spit upon.
The great liberal lefty lie that Muslims are all peaceable, cuddly and non-threatening will be trotted out, and all will be invited to remember that nothing has been proven to indicate that the ragheads blew up the concert. All the pious bleats that the ragheads are always blamed unjustly will be trotted out; but don’t be fooled. Our fearless political leaders, cushioned behind their armed protection, seated in their armoured limousines, have made this attack possible, yet you will not read of their involvement, of their treason against the people.You will not read the truth, excepting maybe from the BNP website.
The pious BBC will never, ever, point the finger at the Islamic killers behind the Manchester carnage, but they laud to the skies the ‘multicultural diversity’ of an Labour-inspired immigration policy which seeks to do only one thing, to dilute the indigenous white Christian population with the overwhelmingly-MUSLIM clowns who have swarmed in from the cess-pits of Asia.
“12:31 Some more information has emerged about the bomb used by the attacker in the Manchester Arena attack.
Police have said it was a “home-made” improvised explosive device.
Witnesses have told the BBC there were nuts and bolts packed into the bomb.”
BBC, stating the obvious…
Police have said it was a “home-made” improvised explosive device.
Well no shit Sherlock! And there was me thinking they might have used a shop bought one!
The bBC is reporting that a 23 year old man has been arrested. This means that the old bill know all the known players, yet due to arse holes like Corbyn, these murderous terrorists are allowed to walk the streets of the UK simply waiting for a chance to murder death kill.
Well Pounce……It is not Albert’s fault yet is it? He hasn’t been seen walking towards No.10 yet. But having read over the last week or two, some of the posters on here are willing to give him a chance or not vote for Mrs May. Before any of you get on your high horse about Mrs May, has everybody forgotten the meeting she had with Drunkard and Barn Door at Downing Street the other day? You know, the details of which were leaked by Drunkards left hand man? It didn’t go too well for the two EU bribers did it? They went away with tails between their legs didn’t they? I think David Davis will be at the heart of the negotiations anyway, and he doesn’t like the EU at all!
As I see it, there are only two people who can carry through on Brexit and these are Nigel Farage and like it or not, Theresa May….any of the other would just bend over and let the EU shaft us. Nigel is not in UK Politics at the moment, but he is still causing mischief in Brussels (thankfully). There’s the choice really. I think somebody yesterday said that this is a five year plan and has to be taken in two stages…..Brexit by Mrs May and then if this does not happen over the next five years, then we can vote somebody else in who will get Brexit pushed through and will bring in punative new rules for strangers breaking the law in the UK (following yesterday’s atrocity). Any law broken which inflicts harm in the person or using weapons or visiting a prohibited country etc should be immediate deportation. If I did any of those over here, I would expect deportation back to Blighty as a matter of course.
But back to Pounce’s point, we cannot blame Albert yet because as you know, we are unable to remove the overseas murderers and law breakers because of THE EU and their Court of Human Clowns in Strasbourg.
So extract ourselves from the EU asap and then vote in someone next time (maybe Nigel will come back?) to carry out the law changes needed to stop these barbaric acts ever blighting our landscape again and remove ALL trouble makers pronto.
And here we go with the tiresomely predictable ‘there is no connection with the perpetrator of this incident and the religion of peace’.
Instead of worrying about people saying nasty things to them, when details of the perp eventually come out (with the beeb trying to insert some western names into the full name of the perp to remind us all that really he is one of us) the muslim community leaders should hit the ground running and talk about how they are tired of people committing acts in the name of their religion. Talk about purges and how these animals can’t find solace or support in the corners of their mosques or communities. But of course, none of this will happen.
There will be the usual outrage that somebody dared to point a finger at the Muslim community rather than the atrocity that has taken place.
Personally I think we need a real wake up call that an event like this is more than empty facebook posturing. We should see the blood, see the bodies and shock people of the dangers of these incidents. The MSM and elite were more than happy to use the picture of a dead child (carefully repositioned of course) to push their agenda but aren’t prepared to wake people up about what is going on.
I only found out today that the French authorities deliberately withheld details of the torture inflicted on victims of the Bataclan with genitals being cut off and fed to people and eyes pushed in because they didn’t want to shock the general public. Oh god forbid that the terrorists should be portrayed in an even worse light…
Salman Abedi is the name of the Manchester bomber
It that a Norwegian name?
I heard the news on Radio 4 where the Police were quoted as saying “we know the bombers name and ask the public who also know it not to share it on social media”
No reason given why the name should be controlled. Can we all just brush this under the carpet and move on?
Can someone put it on the internet then and share it
interesting that it’s on the internet, but not on any of our major media sites. Hmmm.