A probable terrorist attack in Manchester…if it turns out to be Islamic terrorism who ‘enabled’ them?
Nicky Campbell & Co are at the scene and sounding very concerned, talking to relatives and locals, giving out phone numbers…how long before that turns to condemnation…of the security services, of British foreign policy…the bomber a victim of racism, marginalisation and Islamophobia? Remember these guys are the new Churchills, Mandelas and Ghandis (© Mark Easton).
The BBC has fed into the terrorist’s narrative of Islam and Muslims under attack by the West.
Only a couple of days ago Jeremy Bowen was telling us that the ‘duplicitous British’ are to blame for everything that is going on in the Middle East today….words have consequences…perhaps the government should start looking at the words the BBC pumps out excusing and cheerleading for terrorists.
Oh yes…vote Corbyn…who loves the IRA, Hamas, Hezbollah and wants to negotiate with ISIS. And of course would not shoot a suicide bomber.
I wonder if these people were known to the police and who was the home secretary at the time
Wonder no more because they were known to the authorities.
I’ve been following this on the site all day and trying to come up with a worthwhile addition to the thread.
When something like this happens we should be allowed to be angry and allowed to grieve. Later on we should start to be comforted by the actions of the community and also concerned about the backlash that might be felt by, telling it like it is, the Muslim community.
But the general public are allowing themselves to be lead by the media. We’ve fast forwarded through the event, the anger and the grieving as if it was just a prelude to what really matters, the media being able to talk about inclusivity and the wonderful actions of the general public.
Ten minutes ago I got off the phone from my wife. A friend of our Son who we’ve known since they were in nursery school together, and his girlfriend were at the concert last night. They haven’t contacted anybody since then, no one can get in touch with them. I started the car to drive off after I hung up and I heard a smiling radio presenter gushing about how it makes her so proud to hear the stories of the community opening up their houses, giving lifts etc to each other.
I felt angry and sick listening to her. She’s fast forwarded over the appalling tragedy of the night to be able to tell a warm cuddly story about human goodness which to be honest isn’t exceptional, it’s what we would all do for anyone if we found ourselves in a similiar position.
I can’t think of anything else to say.
I’ve just heard the sad news, on an already sad day, that Sir Roger Moore has died aged 89. A true gent of the old school. A genuinely decent man, officer and gentleman who brought joy to millions – the absolute antithesis of ISIS and all their kind. RIP.
When my dad went to London to study back in 1947, Roger lived with his parents in the flat above in Albert Square in Stockwell. They were the same age, so used to be pals. Roger’s dad was a policeman, and dad’s family kept in touch with the Moores for a long time. Roger eventually bought his parents a retirement home in Frinton.
Strangely enough, Joanna Lumley now lives in the same building, though I expect she paid a bit more for it. Everything changes.
This is the way of the UK media these days. Divert from the real events and promote something else instead. It is if the media are trying to cancel out the bad events by mentioning another persons good deeds.
It seems like the BBC have a swing-o-meter which swung to number 22 on the “bad muslim” side. For each story of a Muslim at the concert escaping the bombing / free taxi ride from a Muslim taxi driver etc the swing-o-meter swings one point towards “good muslim” side.
Here is a perfect example of what I mean
Second paragraph of his statement quickly diverts to how great the emergency services and the last paragraph mentions that word “divide” yet again.
The same as the statement from the PM , Treezer, who managed to get a line in about British values.
Usual crap about those who want to divide us.
Instead, they want to kill us.
And we want the right to speak freely and openly about the enemy
My reply to the tie-less Emir is much shorter, and the second word is “off”.
Just sick of this reflex crap re Manchester.
The bomber was NOT a Manc in any sense other than the literal.
He was a Muslim…and he himself would think himself a Muslim in the House of War and jihad…certainly not some ponce from the Happy Mondays or the Stretford End.
To remove them to where?, simply, “follow the money” – back to the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia
I agree with you Woolwich 100%. All the media do is encourage people to group hug, light candles, hold vigils etc. The true problem is brushed aside. It is almost like they are trying to brush aside the terrible truth/facts. I really and sincerely do hope your son’s two friends are found and they are OK. I feel we need to start seeing what is truly happening in this country and start acting on it instead of holding hands and praying.
When V!s and V2s were landing on London, the RAF had to find the launch sites and destroy them. I don’t recall that holding hands and lighting candles were part of the civil defence procedures back then.
When an implacable enemy is trying to kill you, the best course of action is to kill him first.
I agree with you
I don’t know whether you should be concerned about whether you are adding anything to this . Al beeb seems to have policy about cohesion being more important than anything which might adversely affect the Muslims in Manchester or anywhere else. This policy will only hold for so long .
If isis wants to ratchet up the horror in order to elicit a response then it is only a matter of time before it succeeds somewhere in the West.
No doubt the BBC and certain politicians aided by the left wing media ,will now go out of their way to allow more appeasement to Muslims in this country, under the guise of multiculturalism as they will not want the white population getting to upset about Islamification of the UK,, the Muslims in this country must know who these neanderthals are that are hell bent on bring chaos to the UK but seem reluctant to tell the authorities,
I think Stefan Molyneux summed up for me about the media’s pointing out the acts of support and kindness. It was along the lines of yes, it is good and fine. However some support before something happens would be better still.
This guy is so out of touch it’s sad. The reality is that if you do speak out as he suggests then you run the very real risk of arrest and imprisonment without trial, if you speak out at work then you are likely to be sacked, and if it’s the public sector then no chance of re employment.
He clearly doesn’t know anything about the oppression which exists in the UK today.
No he is not out of touch. He is not British so looks at things his way. That he is right is indisputable .Also he does not hide behind an alias but uses his own name.
We know he is right but lack his courage that is all.
I can’t get my head around this tweet:
According to her bio, Pounce, she reports on terrorism. Hope it’s not her day job!
Reporter, Philadelphian abroad. Terrorism, foreign affairs, Syria, Iran, big boats, @grasswire. Tips/cabal invites: joannemstocker@gmail.com
What the f**k did she think it was then. November 5th?
so some nut job blows himself to pieces and kills a load of innocent kids, and this joanne stocker, tries to blame the press for calling it a terror attack, well what else would it fecking be ? she needs to get out more often.
First thing is when you are LibMob then TRUTH isn’t the most important thing
She’s doing her job and her priority is
#1 to signal that she is in the right tribe ie a Mail hater
#2 to confirm to her audience that tabloids are scum
Job done ..tht’s why she didn’t delete the tweet
and she was wrong later on ,..tweeting 14 hours after it happened that it was not a suicide bombing
Now her original tweet was early 27mins after the attack, so things were not confirmed, but she should have known not to be certain the other way.
But you know how over confident American students types are.
AS Woolwich mentions above
* constructing narrative *
is the most important thing to them
With Stocker it’s ‘Daily Mail is evil’
an with Beeboid’s it’s “Look it’s not Islam : love trumps hate, look how people are signalling love”
But they shouldn’t be constructing the narratives for us
I was wondering if I should lend my vote to my local Tory MP in the GE as he is a ‘leaver’, I was going to do my research on him to see if he was a decent leaver or a wet one.
However I have made up my mind now to vote UKIP again.
We have to stand by our principles and UKIP are far closer to my ideals than Amber Rudd and T May and the other apologists and wet wipes.
The Tories will win but I urge a UKIP vote to let the bastards know they haven’t ground us down, let them know we haven’t gone away and we will punish them badly if they don’t change the music and sort this bloody mayhem.
We’ve been here before and we’ve heard the same pious platitudes from the politicians and other members of the elite. They are terrified of a white backlash. That’s more important than some deaths every few years.Islam will continue to be defended and protected. The proportion of Muslims in the UK population will continue to grow. The number of terrorists will grow likewise. The security services cannot watch them all. Already it’s clear the strain is too much. Until a backlash begins or better still our leading politicians tell it as it really is, nothing will change.
Yes – we are in the final stages of the implosion of the British Empire. I see parallels now with the last days of British rule in India and other colonies – a ‘thin red line’ of troops and edgy officials managing to keep order over vast populations of people who, while not violent, are resentful and do not want to be British, with occasional spectacular outbreaks of violence by ideological zealots. The difference now is there is nowhere for the Brits to ‘go home’ to.
“not thought to pose an immediate threat” That statement bothers me. “not thought to pose an immediate threat”
“not thought to pose an immediate threat” X the hundreds of thousands of rubber-dingy invaders we invited
to live with us in 2015-16 equals an awful lot of “not thought to pose an immediate threats. ”
Which as we know convert to sudden deaths.
Eventually Muslims will have to give up their religion or be deported . Or our civilisation will be finished and we will forcibly or otherwise convert to Islam. It’s one or the other . If a majority Muslim country will not take them we will have to scour whatever islands across the world we still possess to find somewhere as a destination .it shouldn’t have come to this but politicians since the mid 60s have failed us.
Has any country been de-islamised in modern times? (Serious question)
The Bosnian Serbs tried it a few years back, Lobby, wasn’t a success ISTR.
Yes, The Clinton Administration put that to an end by bombing the Serbians.
They won’t divide us! They won’t divide our heads from our bodies!! Honestly.
Religion of peace?
Religion of pieces (of bodies)
“Muslims will have to give up their religion or be deported”
Someone once called that; “Thought Crime”, and here you are begging for it….
about two thousand miles of the Cornish coast about mid Atlantic would be an ideal place for them
Greater Manchester Police Chief Constable warns the rest of us not to get upset.
Or else.
Yes and this bomber is apparently a Libyan according the the Americans who identified him about an hour before uk msm did. Can’t hold back facts .
Tell Mama is funded by the Governdment and cited by the BBC ad Home Office as a reliable source for details of Islamophobia.
Please inform them if anyone pulls at your hijab or offends you with a bacon sarnie. Our Government will lock them up and they may die in jail
Tell Mama UK
2 hrs ·
In the early hours of this morning, local communities were attacked in Manchester. The attack is a sickening reminder of why extremism and violent extremism need to be robustly challenged.
Young children and families were attacked and the peace and stability of local communities in Manchester have been deeply affected. But we will go on and ensure that terrorism does not fracture or destroy the openness of our society.
Today is a time of reflection, prayer and solace. It is a time for us all to come together.
If anyone needs to contact us because they are targeted for anti-Muslim hatred, we are here to help. You can contact us by e-mail: info@tellmamauk.org , 0800 456 1226, by Whatsapp: 0734 184 6086 or through this form: https://tellmamauk.org/submit-a-report-to-us/
Remember, we must stand together to tackle hatred and extremism. Only together, can we overcome this cancer.
“If anyone needs to contact us because they are targeted for anti-Muslim hatred, we are here to help.”
“And if anybody is targeted by anti-kaffir hatred, piss off and annoy somebody else.”
Is Tell Mama back in HMG’s good graces?
Last I heard even the wets there knew an albatross when they were hitched to one.
Have they been quietly re-embraced with no fanfare, as the BBC did favoured son Frankie Boyle?
“Please inform them if anyone pulls at your hijab or offends you with a bacon sarnie. Our Government will lock them up and they may die in jail”
“Shabby racist’ kicked pregnant Muslim woman in the stomach causing her to miscarry”
Just a bit of ‘hijab pulling’…
What a series of the great and good of Manchester queuing up to speak to the nation from the top of the town hall. All summonsed by Huw Edwards in his best funererel lilt, all unctuously getting the deepest voice.
Burnham-Bishop-expert #1…and so it goes. “Solidarity” “Unity” and “nothing to do with Islam”.
But solidarity seems to be the word they choose-very EU, very Labour.
Such crap, and all to big up some empty vigil coming up soon. Basically this is pornographic grief surfing for Eurovision audiences…sorry BBC, we`re with Katie Hopkins (The Mail)and Brendan O Neill( Spiked).
And the BBC are barely worse than the Islamic butchers…at least Islam has its logic and some excuses for it all( we let them)…the BBC have none.
Alicia – Totally agree – It seems to me the snowflakes just lurv this sort of thing. Instead of getting angry and demanding our leaders start looking for real answers – They are out on the streets indulging themselves in vigils and candles and maybe some mass crying into teddy bears.
I found this mornings R4 coverage quite nauseating with the BBC appearing more hooked up on the wonderful “community response ” rather than what went on and why.
Those who have a right to mourn should be allowed to mourn and rightfully so – But it seems to me these sad cretins cannot wait for any sort of emotional bandwagon to bring a little bit of self justification to what are must be very sad and vacuous lives.
Holding a candle and singing pop songs on the street after an incident like this only demonstrates surrender and weakness and demonstrates that you are more interested in emoting rather than demanding solutions. It also says to the terrorists – This is the best we can do!
For whatever reason this is not the best we can do – And it is time all of us started to do it!
Is this the sickest tweet you have ever seen? How the hell can she twist the terror attack into Nazi’s?
Louise Mensch- “Muslim brothers & sisters”.
Has she taken the Islamic declaration of faith then? Has she put her forehead to the ground in submission to the false Arabian god? Does she know that she wouldn’t be considered worthy of Muslim “sisterhood” without becoming Muslim herself? Dumb broad!
Unfortunately I think Louise hasn’t realised who openly promotes killing of Jews – first it was the Nazis, now it is Islam.
The picture brought to mind by all this turgid breast-beating is like a Francis Bacon painting of an old, overweight and geriatric John Bull, trousers round his ankles, busy emasculating himself with a broken bottle.
Tommy Robinson has more news than the entire BBC
Gwf – thanks for the post . Despite the understandable emotion and anger Tommy is very eloquent in the cause. Msm has labelled him as extreme so therefore any thing he says will not be reported. His truth is powerful but very difficult to remedy.
The MSM are really nothing more that a bunch of snobs. You can say the things Tommy Robinson says if you have a public school background like Douglas Murray, or Christopher Hitchens etc, but not if you’re an oik like Robinson who actually has first hand experience of Islam then they will go for you.
Tommy was amongst the great guests on the Jon Gaunt Show this afternoon (23rd).
You can catch up on https://jongauntshow.libsyn.com/ once the podcasts have uploaded.
Tommy is someone who says it how it is.
The Biased BBC would never back him.
Thank goodness for Tommy.
Thank you Tommy for putting your and your family’s lives at risk. One of so few voices telling the unpalatable truth. I can’t do that.
Tommy Robinson nails it in four minutes. I have watched the BBC, ITV and Sky News all day, and just been served the usual platitudes.
GWF – thanks so much for posting that, great stuff. TR is the real deal.
Well said Tommy. This is one man who is brave enough to stand up and tell it how it is.
Al beeb will be trying to move to a less sensitive event as soon as they can now that the enemy bomber is identified as a Libyan refugees son.
Even they might have their work cut out distracting joe public from this one. As I’ve said elsewhere earlier here they’ll be itching to report some so called ‘ hate’ incident reported by a member of the ‘ community ‘.
Yes I agree Fedup. Utter bollocks.
Pull – yourself,
Having been awake since 0400 today I thought I’d see how albeeb is reshaping this story ( it’s not a story because of the dead and suffering taking place now). So Christian Fraser – al beeb – grammar school educated – Burnley supporter – is standing in Albert square Manchester with 4 Asians behind him holding up some sort of “Islam is love peace “banner for the last hour . They look like the muj. I’m guessing some ‘ Asian ‘ restaurant thinks it’s not getting business tonight ..,
Cops and Owen Jones see Katie Hopkins tweets as more important than the murder of children.
“Cops and Owen Jones see Katie Hopkins tweets as more important than the murder of children.”
No one has said it’s; “more important”.
Do stop making stuff up, ‘G.W.F.’.
Pathetic. She calls for a final solution to a problem that’s all.
It really is sickening to hear liberal fascist politicos and assorted hypocrites talking about things they clearly haven’t got the first insight into.
We will not let this divide us !
Well clearly they have never been into a town like Rochdale, Oldham, nor areas like Longsight or Gorton where the Muslim community has actively distanced itself from all others with many of them not even needing to speak English at all!
Here is the view of the Ritchie report following the Oldham riots:
Glodwick, an area south-central to Oldham town had become increasingly ethnically polarised. The area which is predominantly home to people of Pakistani origin had been for many years a no-go area for local white people for fear of possible attacks, a problem highlighted by a Today report on BBC radio. Although this label was challenged by community leaders as a purely minority view, this negative reputation still held at least five years after the original disturbances.
I do not believe anything has changed since then either.
At the vigil of hypocritical snowflakes notable by their absence were the Muslims, and one person tweeted that they didn’t see a single one present there tonight – so much for togetherness and not being divided.
Save in Birmingham where an arrest was made of ‘men’ carrying a large bat and a knife !
But why doses no one challenge these obvious lies? Well try it and see what happens. Your comments will either never get posted or be quickly removed. Broadcast media will not broadcast your comments either, the illusion must be maintained.
“…hypocrites talking about things they clearly haven’t got the first insight into”
“Here is the view of the Ritchie report following the Oldham riots:”
That’s not from The Ritchie Report, ‘Thoughtful’. That’s something you ‘copy&pasted’ from the Wiki page on the ‘2001 Oldham riots’ [the full extent of your ‘self proclaimed’ insight]. You also left out this sentence from the same section:
“…Similarly, areas of predominantly and polarised white inhabited areas had the same perception of no-go to members of the Asian community.”
That was 16 years ago, but…
“I do not believe anything has changed since then”
So no evidence then; just your own ‘belief’.
“At the vigil of hypocritical snowflakes notable by their absence were the Muslims… so much for togetherness and not being divided”
“Muslims unite to condemn Ariana Grande Manchester terror attack”
“But why doses no one challenge these obvious lies?”
Your post is nothing but one obvious lie after another.
You are the liar, ‘Thoughtful’.
Case closed.
So what if the white areas are also polarised, it just adds more weight to the fact that we are not ‘united’ in any way at all!
So no evidence then; just your own ‘belief’.
Do you have any evidence other than left wing Fascist Bigotry to show I might be wrong? I clearly stated that it is my belief and so it is !
“Muslims unite to condemn Ariana Grande Manchester terror attack”
And as per usual the Fascists quote Ahmadi sect ‘Muslims’ who are regarded as heretics by mainstream Muslims , in fact one hated them so much he even traveled from Bradford to Glasgow to murder him!
You are very desperate maxincony to have to turn what is all provable FACT by the usual twisted Fascist logic into something you feel is acceptable to you, because obviously reality is not acceptable !
“So what if the white areas are also polarised, it just adds more weight to the fact that we are not ‘united’ in any way at all!”
Thoughtful, you ‘copy&pasted’ something from Wikipedia and claimed it was part of the ‘Ritchie Report’ when it was not.
You were lying.
“And as per usual the Fascists quote Ahmadi sect ‘Muslims’”
I quoted a newspaper report, which said;
“The Muslim Council of Britain called the Manchester attack ‘horrific’ and ‘criminal’. Harun Khan, the Secretary General, said: ‘May the perpetrators face the full weight of justice both in this life and the next… I pay tribute to the police and emergency services who have worked valiantly to save lives last night.”
“You are very desperate maxincony to have to turn what is all provable FACT by the usual twisted Fascist logic into something you feel is acceptable to you, because obviously reality is not acceptable !”
Which ‘provable FACT’ is that, ‘Thoughtful’? The one you’ve tried to prove by lying?
How interesting to hear the Fascist view which consists of “you copied and pasted from Wikipedia therefore it isn’t true”!
Well here’s a challenge maxincony I know for a FACT that these Muslim areas in our towns and cities do exist, and you have not been able to provide one shred of evidence to prove they do not. If you are trying to tell me that areas like Sparkbrook in Birmingham are havens of peace and tranquillity where multi culturalism has produced a near paradise then your a bigger liar and delusionist than even I thought!
As for the point I made that there were hardly any Muslims attending the so called ‘peace’ vigil last night you have produced zero evidence to refute that, and a mealy mouthed quotation by the Muslim Council doesn’t prove anyone attended.
The only thing you have done is to question sources, you have not produced anything of any value nor disproved anything I have said.
You must be very smug in your rose tinted bubble and I’m still none the wiser as to what your point actually is !
I live in the shires and whatever you say nothing is going to change what is now our view of London and the cities. They are not for us or our children any more. Those days are in the past and there they will stay. I cannot take my grandsons to London now. Their parents will not allow it and why ? Fear of the terrorists.
Only a foolish man fails to adapt his behaviour to a new reality but the progressive mind does nor understand that concept preferring to create a fictional and comforting false reality of it’s desire.
We can see our future and it is not one I would wish on anyone but that is the way it is and we will have to live with it. Those who allowed it to come into being , to facilitate it and crush those who warned against it bear the greatest guilt. The future will judge them .
Dave S,
“I live in the shires and whatever you say nothing is going to change what is now our view of London and the cities. They are not for us or our children any more.”
Yes, Dave, you live in the shires. Not any particular shires, just the shires. And you speak for everyone in the shires. Not some of the shires but all of the shires; even the shires you don’t live in, because you are the voice of the shires. And does anyone in the shires know that you’ve elected yourself as the voice of the shires?
maxicony does the same arguement follow then for the secretary for the Muslim Council of Britain when he `speaks` for all muslims like he did in a post you linked to earlier???
I already knew you were an a$$hole who was willing to lie in order to produce a false narrative, however if you must insist on doing so, could you at least remember not to be a hypocrite? If you must insist on being a pathological liar then at least remember ur s**tposts from earlier on… Imbecile!!
The argument is over. London and other cities are no longer safe for our children. i live with that so must you and those who enabled this need to know just what they have done in the name of what exactly?
I really would like to know.
Soldiers on the streets and heavily armed police. Do you really think this was how England was when I grew up .? What world do you come from ?
Sooner or later reality will assert itself and this will end. An old and proud people do just not roll over and give up their way of life to satisfy a hotch potch of transitory fancies and fetishes.
…and there speaks the voice of the BBC
Maxincony ….. I looked at the link you posted and I noticed that there was a lack of actual photographic evidence to back up your claims that the Muslim community far from being absent, were in fact at the forefront and actively participating in the condemnation and support of the victims of yet another disgusting attack upon innocents, this time innocent children…
One spokesperson with a f**king TWEET speaking for an entire countries Muslims (MCB Harun Khan ) one of a few getting mentioned in an article written by a Muslim doesn`t mean s**t!!! Now you can go fist yourself you disgusting excuser of the inexcusable…. Go take your therapy dog for a walk, lose yourself in your safe space, punch yourself in your own face until you knock yourself out!! Really I don`t care what you do as long as you do it elsewhere!!!!!
Children were targetted!! Some of those children have still not been identified, some haven`t even made it to the mortuary, let alone be identified by their parents… You are vermin!!!! You are also make a case for eugenics!!!! F*cking lowlife….
Justin Casey,
“You are vermin!!!! You are also make a case for eugenics!!!!”
It’s rather sad to observe that;
“Jo Cox was married to a NONCE!!!”
seems to be the high point of your many contributions to this site,
Former glories, nothing more than a distant memory as you slowly sink into insignificance…
“F*cking lowlife”
Give it a rest maxi. On a day like today wouldn’t your energies be better spent considering the 22 innocent young people that were callously murdered in the name of a non-indigenous religion? 22 heart broken families, lives changed forever, needlessly.
How can these attacks be prevented, or don’t you want that? Next time it might be you, your family or partner. They won’t stop, because our governments are giving the wrong signals.
If a bully keeps punching you in the nose each day, sooner or later you have to punch back, or it will NEVER STOP.
“On a day like today wouldn’t your energies be better spent considering the 22 innocent young people that were callously murdered…”
NO! What’s really important is pointing a finger at Jeremy Corbyn. There is truly no tragedy that Alan and Vance won’t leap upon for nothing but their own benefit.
Perhaps your oh so noble sentiments would be better directed elsewhere…
I think it is wrong to say that Jo Cox was married to a nonce. The women who complained he had harrassed them, so that he had to leave his job, were all adults. So he was a sex pest, not a nonce. I am happy to clear that one up.
A simple question for you to answer .
Why do you post here – What is your motivation ?
So maxi, before you knock off, why do you visit this site ?
Max, feel free to walk through one of our muslim ghettoes holding hands with another man. You will soon see if things have changed.
Milos take on it all
How about this fella for PM?
A lot of people are saying Muslims are not standing united with non Muslims or doing anything to distance themselves from Islamic terrorism.
Take a look at this fund raising website for Muslims to donate to victims of Manchester bomb. The target is a bit low at £100,000 but it will prove once and for all how normal and caring Muslims are when there is a terror attack…
…..oh hang on….. just £2600 raised by 60 people and most of those people donating have English names.
I wager good money that not many Muslim’s are buying tealights either.
Time for the much-heralded right-wing backlash.
A bacon sandwich thrown at every mosque in the land – yeah!
And leave the crusts on too, and no brown sauce (oops, sauce of colour I mean) – yeah!
That’ll show ’em.
Are you with me?
What is the most jaw droppingly bat shit crazy job anyone could give to a Libyan refugee (who now turns out to have a Jihadi son)?
Anyone want to guess what the job of this man was?
Ramadan Abedi, is a former airport security worker !
Can you believe that? A fucking Muslim from one of the most dangerous terror sponsoring countries in the world, the ones who allegedly brought down PanAm flight 103 over Lockerbie and Libyan national Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi.
And can you guess where Mr Abedi is now? That’s right, he’s back in Libya the country he claimed asylum from !
If we operated a reasonable asylum policy like other countries, then Abedi’s case would have been reviewed at regular intervals, and he would have been returned there as soon as his life was not in imminent danger as he clearly believes he is now.
Worth 6 mins of your time
Meanwhile, BBC anchor Katty Kay told viewers that Europeans must “get used to terror attacks because we are never going to be able to totally wipe this out.”
Kay made the comments on MSNBC’s Morning Joe:
“As ISIS gets squeezed in Syria and Iraq, we’re going to see more of these kinds of attacks taking place in Europe and Europe is starting to get used to that.” Kay added, with the caveat that no one is “used to having children targeted.”
Kay’s comments echo those of London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who before the Westminster attack in March said that terrorist attacks are ‘part and parcel’ of living in a major city.
If all the do gooders just piss off we could solve this overnight.
Who was it on here a while ago who gave the solution?
Tell the bastards that any of them who commit these acts we will bury their remains with pig carcasses and they will therefore not enter their “heaven”.
Job done.
May said 5000 troops could be deployed, have we got that many left.
Make it 10,000..This needs to be ongoing prob for a decade at least..a sort of home defence force or home guard…
Is it just me or has anyone else made the connection?
Lots of teenage girls still missing after taxi drivers doing good deeds and picking them up out of kindness.
After watching “3 girls” I am apprehensive.
I’m with you on this one. I posted last night that it will be a long night for the Police if the taxi drivers are of a certain “Rochdale-ly” types.
As the BBC are making so much of the free taxi rides you can tell its going to bite them in their arse a few days time.
All I have been hearing all day from the lefties and libtards is how wonderful diversity and multiculturalism is and this is not in the name of Islam.
Anyway, just pulled this up from the Telegraph. Sort of proves it had nothing to do with Islam. …. not….
Salman visited the mosque on a number of occasions to pray, but the imam insisted “he was not my friend, he is not close. I could understand that he was not happy with me because I did combat Isis in that Friday sermon sometimes”.
The imam added: “When he passed by me, we Muslims greet each other and you know he is not happy with me if he doesn’t greet you.”
At the Abedi family home in Elsmore Road, a non-descript red-brick terrace, neighbours told how Abedi had become increasingly devout and withdrawn.
Lina Ahmed, 21, said: “They are a Libyan family and they have been acting strangely. A couple of months ago he [Salman] was chanting the first kalma [Islamic prayer] really loudly in the street. He was chanting in Arabic.
“He was saying ‘There is only one God and the prophet Mohammed is his messenger’.’
A family friend, who described the Abedis as “very religious”, said most of the family had returned to Libya, leaving only Salman and his older brother Ismail behind.
The Americans have an expression:
“When you are up to your neck in alligators, it’s easy to forget that the goal was to drain the swamp.”
Whose bright idea was it to put alligators in the swamp in the first place? And why are we still putting them in?
We need an Idi Amin, (“goodbye Yasmin Alibhai-Brown”). We got Tim Farron, (“We will take in 50,000 Syrian refugees”).
Nearly every single major zone of conflict in the world right now is either where a majority Muslim country borders with a non Muslim one, the ones which don`t are the different sub sects of Islam killing and maiming each other!!! First
they wipe out all non Muslims than they turn on themselves…
Example: Lebanon…..
Christians in 1985 numbered just 25 percent of Lebanon’s registered population compared to 51 percent in 1932 (according to the last official census)
People assume that Lebanon has always been a Muslim majority country… It has not… Had it not been for the Isreali invasion of Lebanon there would be even less…. At the moment thier population has remained stable, however this is only due to the various islamic militant groups decision to involve themselves in Syrias` internal conflicts fighting a proxy war on behalf of Iran and Saudi Arabia as they attempt to wrest control from Assads Government..
Yet they state the religion of Islam is one of peace….
Not every Muslim is a terrorist, yet it is an undeniable fact that just about every terrorist turns out to be a Muslim…
The so called `peaceful` muslims for the most part either actively support and fund and excuse those who carry out violence in the name of Islam… Those who do not enable it by ignoring it or by refusing to accept that there is a problem within the core of thier beliefs and the leadership of thier religion… Until Muslims themsellves start to actually deal with the violent nature of thier idealogy and its` culture of grievance, tribalism, and culture of revenge they will never civilise… Somehow the entire Islamic culture has over 1400 years left most of thier region of the world bereft of any kind of infrastructure and in some cases they have a standard of living predating thier adoption of Islam…. as for the Arab States which have in some part modernised, only the ruling classes enjoy the living standards they offer.. Were it not for the Oil these countries would be just as backward as the others… Typically, even though they are sat upon vast mineral wealth the Oil rich states ruling classes are unwilling to share with thier populations and are so lazy they employ Westerners to drill thier own wells… What kind of culture after 1400 years results in an a premise where a parent willfully promotes and encourages thier children to strap on a suicide vest and detonate themselves in an attempt to kill as many people as possible so they can go to a `rape heaven` and a promise of 72 virgins?? There can be no common ground with such a culture, ISIS is not a perversion of Islam, rather it is a form of Islam which is actually a closer interpretation of Islam.. Just look at the life of thier prophet and tell me what it is they`re doing that is not Islamic according to thier Books, and also how thier actions differ from those of thier prophet…
I’ve really got no problem pointing the finger at the religion that is the connecting strand between all these attacks.
Instead of bleating about harsh words, the imans and mosques need to get their house in order. Stop repeating empty nonsense and start enforcing policies that drive these hate filled morons from the corners of your mosques and communities.
Instead of berating the outside world for not understanding you, start virulently hunting down those that are embarrassing you and shaming your religion.
The Catholic Church has much to answer for but investigative journalism and films like Spotlight and Philomena are allowed to expose their shameful actions.
Unfortunately the same is not true of Islam is it? This religion of peace doesn’t tolerate open criticism either through the direct action of killing film makers who make inconveniently critical films or the indirect action of PC apologists not allowing the religion to be exposed to the same levels of criticism that other faiths are.
A good example of this double standard would be Scientology. Everyone is happy to laugh at those loons, sneer at Tom Cruise, Louis Theroux can interview and mock some believers and the BBC carry out some investigations but dare to turn this critical ‘spotlight’ on the numerous stupidities of Islam and they suddenly evaporate away without even the courage to admit that they are too physically or politically scared to tackle them.
Our naive desire to be so accommodating, our embarrassment at our culture and our desperation at being tolerant to the point of marginalising our own hard won values are the very things that gives this insane cult the oxygen it needs to thrive.
You are seeing the symptom and not the cause.
The fact is that so many mosques & Madrassas are built with Arab oil money, on the proviso that the backwards intolerant and violent versions of Salfaism and Wahabism are promoted above all others. Mosques simply cannot ‘get their houses in order’ .
Politicians are also recipients of this money and are not going to do anything about it what so ever!
Younger second generation Muslims are more radical, violent and committed to Islam than their parents were, and the reason for that is this teaching.
Until the Saudi influence is exposed and accepted as probably fact by people nothing is going to be done.
One other thing…….If the people supposedly trying to protect us, knew about this t****r before he set this bomb off, why didn’t they lock him up beforehand? I do not follow the gushing and outpouring of bilge for our police force….if they knew something, then heads should roll, simple as that.
Like I said in an earlier post….any stranger committing more than a speeding fine should be thrown out.
Andy Burnham, think he might have been something, somewhere, sometime.
Anyway, he has just told me – firmly and definitely – that the suicide bomber, Salman Abedi, was not a Muslim.
Has-been Andy Burnham?
Aah! Must be authoritative.
Got it now, he’s the new Iman of Manchester.
After watching some RT News this morning, I switched over to see what the BBC News was doing.
They were LIVE IN MANCHESTER. (This is my mother’s home town & was the birthplace & home of my maternal grandparents, great grandparents & so forth. I was born in Rochdale Lancs.
So I was interested to hear what people being interview live by the BBC had to say.
I must have just caught the last seconds of a chat with two Mancunian women. Then over to………..
09:57 The Imam of The Central Mosque of Manchester
10:05 A young Muslim man in a white cap (obviously religious)
10:12 Sadiq Khan
At that I gave up in disgust. Over to Sky.
I paid a licence tax this year to have my face rubbed in promotion of Islam directly on the deathbed of my own people.
ENOUGH!! Shut down this heinous corporation. Specialists in Islamic intimidation.
This hasn’t hit the press yet, but given a little mischief making on my part I’m sure it will.
In the run up to the Mayoral election, Shadow Home Secretary Andy Burham met with extremist Muslim group MEND and made moves for Muslims to bypass the Police reporting crimes and terror suspicions. He has also attempted to have the governments anti Islamic terror program ‘prevent’ neutered.
MEND is recognised as a front organisation for Islamic extremism and has openly been pushing for the UK to allow Muslims to travel to Syria to fight for ISIS there. The suicide bomber Abedi had reportedly travelled to Syria, joined ISIS, been trained and returned to the UK.
The manipulation of parliamentary candidates through the corrupt bankrupt democratic process is evidenced in this Andrew Gilligan article.
The fact that Manchester Mayor is meeting with Islamic extremist groups is an alarming development in an already alarming story
Emir Khan of the caliphate of Londonistan has it right, his approach is, ‘get used to it’. That’s a really responsible approach is it not? On that basis, cast your mind forward into the future when bombings, murder and terrorism become the norm in the UK. What, 5 or 10 years away? Not difficult to imagine on current trends, what with a Bradford “man” (another taxi driver would you believe) travelling to Glasgow and killing another muslim [ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3678547/Taxi-driver-pleads-guilty-killing-Glasgow-shopkeeper-Asad-Shah-wished-Christian-customers-happy-Easter.html ] I don’t rate a Christian’s chances on that basis. Never mind, I resume my line of thought: eventually, the British population rise up, become armed and start killing muzzies on sight on the basis that ‘I kill him before he kills me’. Lebanon Mark 2. For the next 30 or 40 years that maybe a workable option but once the critical mass is in favour of the muslim that will be the end of the British. We’re talking sedition, social unrest at such a magnitude that the Government will not be able to control it. Within the latter, I suspect that many of the security services would fight shy of either taking a side or what is more likely, joining the Brits. Just what islam wnats: a permanent state of war per the Quaran. Apocalyptic maybe, far-fetched? I don’t think so – we all have a breaking point when the cherished “fairness” of the Brit is abused just that little too much. Watch SSGB to get the picture of what happens if nothing changes.