It didn’t take long for the BBC to marshal the troops gathering together a veritable army of voices ready to spin us the usual platitudes and lies. The Today show rolled ’em out one after the other.
There was Richard Barrett, ex-MI6, who told us we need to understand and engage with the Muslim community and understand what the intention was behind the attack….really? After all this time we’re still having to ask that? C4 just told us…ISIS is Islamic and want to Islamise the world. Not hard is it? He went on to say the answer was to let the Muslim community inform us on how to deal with the threat…yep, that’ll work. Just who does he think in the Muslim community will be the credible voices we should listen to? Mo Ansar, Cage, MPACUK, anti-Semitic Labour MP’s, or maybe the Muslim Council of Britain which, as the BBC tells us, is the most representative body of Muslims in the UK?…and yet it is an extremist organisation which in 2007 drew up what is seen as a blue print for the Trojan Horse plot and the man who drew that up, MCB official, Tahir Alam, was central to the actual plot…never mind numerous other concerns about the MCB such as how they portray Ahmadis.
The BBC insisted that the Trojan Horse plot was fake, a hoax….Phil Mackie declared it was the result of racism, Islamophobia and paranoia..
Trouble is it was real, all too real….and perhaps one fact, that Muslim pupils were being taught that non-Muslim white women were ‘prostitutes’, might help inform us as to why a concert full of what were mostly girls is deemed to be a suitable target for fundamentalists.
Today the MCB laughably suggest Muslims alone have been battling extremism…and that Islam has nothing to do with any of this…We Muslims can’t combat the poison of terrorism alone.
The BBC knows Barrett is a ‘reliable’ voice…but just why do the Intelligence Services spin us this lie about there being no connection between Islam and extremism?
The Telegraph tells us of the truth…
People in MI5 tell me that denying the connection between Islamism and terrorism derives from the belief that if you accept it, there’s no hope for a multicultural society in Britain: we would just have to recognise that part of the population is permanently liable to become terrorists.
We know the Establishment is lying to us about Islam, that ‘religion of peace’…nice to have it confirmed.
After Barrett we had Tessa Jowell and Nick Robinson doing a double act attacking social media for giving a platform to people who spread hate and division, people who have already decided who is to blame and know what should be done…er…the BBC has already admitted it was ‘Muslim’ and decided we should let Muslims get on with policing themselves….hmmm…perhaps we should really be looking at that other ‘social media’…the mosques, madrassas, faith schools and the ‘dinner table’ test where anger about British foreign policy, Israel and Western decadent culture is acceptable.
Then we were told that the real problem is the Far Right and the mythical ‘backlash’….apparently Le Pen welcomed such attacks and wanted to benefit from them…the Far-Right must be dealt with. Perhaps we shouldn’t focus though on the identity of the attacker. Hmmm….maybe, actually, we should be angry, enraged, furious, and not just with the bomber and those who peddle his ideology….maybe we should say we’ve had enough, we’re sick of this, we’re sick of being blamed, we’re sick of being blackmailed…sick of being bombed and told it’s our own fault…by the Muslim community and the BBC….
After Manchester: it’s time for anger
After the terror, the platitudes. And the hashtags. And the candlelit vigils. And they always have the same message: ‘Be unified. Feel love. Don’t give in to hate.’ The banalities roll off the national tongue. Vapidity abounds. A shallow fetishisation of ‘togetherness’ takes the place of any articulation of what we should be together for – and against. And so it has been after the barbarism in Manchester. In response to the deaths of more than 20 people at an Ariana Grande gig, in response to the massacre of children enjoying pop music, people effectively say: ‘All you need is love.’
As part of the post-terror narrative, our emotions are closely policed. Some emotions are celebrated, others demonised. Empathy – good. Grief – good. Sharing your sadness online – great. But hatred? Anger? Fury? These are bad. They are inferior forms of feeling, apparently, and must be discouraged. Because if we green-light anger about terrorism, then people will launch pogroms against Muslims, they say, or even attack Sikhs or the local Hindu-owned cornershop, because that’s how stupid and hateful we apparently are. But there is a strong justification for hate right now. Certainly for anger. For rage, in fact. Twenty-two of our fellow citizens were killed at a pop concert. I hate that, I hate the person who did it, I hate those who will apologise for it, and I hate the ideology that underpins such barbarism. I want to destroy that ideology.
Where’s the rage? If the massacre of children and their parents on a fun night out doesn’t make you feel rage, nothing will. The terrorist has defeated you. You are dead already.
Certainly no rage on the BBC….just attempts to cover the tracks and downplay the reality behind this terrorist attack. Nothing to see, move along, we will survive. So brave.
Then we had a Bishop on who blessed us with his insights…we must not be divided by this, we must not lose trust in each other, we must make sure there is no blame by association, no blame beyond the killers….any critic of Muslims is a racist troll who needs to be isolated along with their message of hate…oh…and love wins.
Then we had the politicians wth the same messages….we must not let them change our way of life. May told us that ‘our country, our way of life, our values will always prevail’. And yet that’s nonsense. The real threat is not the violent Jihad but the cultural one that slowly forces Society to Islamise in order to accomodate and appease Muslims…our culture, our society, our values are being gradually erased and replaced….Islamised.
We keep hearing that the intent of the terrorists is to sow fear and division…well that may be a welcome side-effect for them but the real intent is to Islamise Europe…they know that the effect of an attack is to send politicians and the Media into angst driven narratives about Muslims, asking what could have driven them to do such things….‘One lesson well understood in both Stalin’s Russia and Nazi Germany was that propaganda is most effective when it is backed by terror’. The answer?…discrimination, disaffection, marginalisation and Islamophobia…the solution…help Muslims integrate, feel more at home, feel more welcome. How to do this? By ‘Islamising’ society…making everything that ‘offends’ Muslims disappear, making society fit into Muslim demands and values rather than tell them that if you want to live here you change.
The MCB provides the perfect illustration of this with their 2007 Trojan horse ‘blueprint’ as it demands schools adapt to suit Islam….making Britons ‘virtual Muslims’…
The MCB’s contribution in publishing its report, Towards Greater Understanding, is wholly consistent with the government’s “Every Child Matters” strategy, and complementary to it. The result of meeting Muslim needs in mainstream schools is that Islam and Muslims become a normal part of British life and that we become fully integrated in this way.
Or as another Muslim group said…basically surrender or maybe angry Muslims will be radicalised and…..
“If you give us religious rights we will be in a better position to convince young people that they are being treated equally along with other citizens.”
Or how about changing our foreign policy to suit the bombers…who aren’t Muslims of course but somehow represent Muslim opinion…..
The group of prominent Muslims who penned an open letter suggesting Muslim youths are alienated by Britain’s foreign policy, so it should be changed.
Why exactly? To placate a handful of home-grown terrorists and terrorist sympathisers?
In other words the rest of us can only be safe if THEY get a foreign policy that suits them. The Mafia would call this extortion. Give us what we want and we’ll do our best to stop the baddies blowing you up.
The loud cries about the danger of such attacks being used to divide us are hopelessly off the mark. The attacks don’t divide us, the attacks are a result of the divisions that already exist, divisions created by an ideology that puts a vast, unbridgeable gap between Muslims and non-Muslims…Trevor Phillips has already spelt that out..the Muslim ghettoes, the parallel societies growing bigger and further apart, the closed societies breeding fundamentalism which has been growing since the 1980’s.
Britain is well on its way to Talibanisation in many said, the violence is not the real problem..the intent behind that violence is an intent shared by the ‘non-violent’ as well…. Islamisation….
The rapid spread of rigid, diehard Islam [In the UK] is deeply worrying. Yet those in power, focused on terrorist cells, seem oblivious to this other peril…. our politicians and Muslim ‘leaders’ allow their twisted ideology to spread across Britain.
Make no mistake, Taliban devotees are in our schools, playgrounds, homes, mosques, political parties, public service, private firms and universities.
And if we are to have any hope of combating them, we need to stop this attitude of appeasement and understand why so many Muslims are attracted to the most punishing forms of belief, suppressing women and children.
If this was happening in any other nation, we would be condemning it loudly.
Yet here, curtailed and deficient education endured by many Muslim children is seen as a religious entitlement, which, if opposed, apparently confirms Islamophobia.
Why are we fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan and indulging Taliban values here?
Even if it offends liberal principles, the powerful must find a way of stopping Islamicists from promulgating their distorted creed.
The Mirror way back in 2006 understood the problem and understood that ‘Community leaders’ were not the answer…indeed they were part of the problem…
AS the country vexes itself over how to deal with the radicalisation of British-born Muslim youths, it’s revealing to know some of their leaders believe they have the answer.
The introduction of Sharia Law in Britain along with important religious days in the Muslim calendar becoming public holidays for followers of the faith should do the trick, or so claims the secretary general of the Union of Muslim Organisations in the UK and Ireland.
As Dr Syed Aziz Pasha says: “If you give us religious rights we will be in a better position to convince young people that they are being treated equally along with other citizens.”
This sounds perilously close to blackmail.
In the end if politicians and the media keep lying to people the people will take things into their own hands.
‘Backlash’ might not be a word that fully describes what might happen as the great experiment finally fails.
“Violence can only be concealed by a Lie, & the Lie can only be maintained by Violence.“
It can’t end well.
Unfortunately, dealing logically with these people is like trying to say what day of the week the taste of the colour seven is.
What we are seeing is the death by a thousand cuts of our once tolerant and peaceful society.
Every little act of appeasement to Islam is another nail into the coffin lid of our once great democracy.
Our leaders certainly know what is going on but have sold their souls to maintaining the globalist status quo and retaining power (at least in the short term) and giving the illusion of being in control (even if they plainly are not).
In typical cowardly fashion they are constantly backing down to the more focused pro islamist/SJW bullies. It is basically taking the line of least resistance. Islam is like having a cuckoo in the nest it is insatiable and in the end only total submission will stop the attacks.
Maybe after this peoples eyes will start to open, maybe not and they will all hold on even harder to their teddies, hashtags and candles , hoping it will all go away, I care not.
What will certainly not resolve the situation is our Prime Minister wasting time penning personal letters to the people of Manchester congratulating them on their “unbreakable resolve” – This certainly wont breathe life back into the dead or re affix blown off limbs to children and teenage girls.
Maybe her time would have been better spent penning arrest warrants or deportation orders. But I am afraid this is not in her character. It is the same old trick play as all as fools and play for time and expect to return to business as usual.
They do it because it works. Whether people will eventually stand up to this Islamic power grab remains to be seen. But the one thing we cannot expect our leaders to supply in these worrying times is leadership. Which of course is the one thing we need. Instead all we will get is the usual naive liberal suspects preaching unity and tolerance – Which in effect only achieves to strengthen the hand of the forces ranged against us as these viewed as weakness.
Sometimes in life you reach a crossroads, where you have to make difficult choices. Whether the snowflake generation is able to do this I am not sure. The generation which was told it can have it all, will soon have to do this or it will end up with nothing but ashes.
“They do it because it works. ” –
An excellent post. Thank you.
I look at my young relatives and wonder how they can continue to believe this ‘ all you need is love ‘ stuff when people all over the world die every day at the hands of Muslims who are determined to impose their religion across the globe and have been doing so for years and years. The young Brits show all the signs of being indoctrinated , at school, university and by the BBC et al and by dim wits in the entertainment industry. What will it take to wake young people up to the massive threat that they face to their whole way of life in the coming decades? I suspect that even if we had repeats of the Manchester massacre it wouldn’t be enough to overcome their deeply indoctrinated values. They would much rather believe it was their own fault and be happy , as you say above, to make concession after concession to Islam rather than confront it. Of course things would be different if we had leaders who were willing to confront the threat posed not just by radical Islam but by Islam in all its forms. But in the UK there are none who dare to do this. That is why I believe that our hope rests with France and Eastern Europe. In France those who oppose Islamification and voted FN are predominantly young , they give me hope that in the next French election the FN can win. I am trying to research why things are so different amongst the young on the other side of the channel.
Churchill was the only one banging on about Germany arming themselves in preparation for war. Few in Parliament agreed. Same now but less the Churchillian figure. [I won’t repeat Churchills views on islam]
DT – I hope the french youth do set us an example – It is almost as if our young are wondering around and as soon as they hear something they dont like they put their hands in their ears and go la la la!
At times like this the only thing that seems to motivate them is all this hashtag and candle bollocks.
Which achieves precisely F All – except to send a very strong message that we are incapable of making hard decisions (if it offends the liberal ideas of compassion) and certainly will not defend ourselves.
Its not the WW2 bulldog spirit coming to the fore because we actually fought back against Germany,
Its actually the “pussy” spirit, honed by years of liberals telling us our society is worthless and evil and we should all be ashamed of ourselves. Maybe its really our fault those poor bloody kids were blown up.
BBC tv are now in full pious community cohesion mode
That’s the post-terror tactic all common purpose-trained public sector operatives have drummed into them
Our nice chap Charlie Stayt rather gives the game away when he ad libs about those attending last night’s vigil:
“They wanted to be amongst like-minded people”
As usual the BBC presents a veritable wall of sound of like-minded voices – without a hint of dissent from the narrative.
Despite all the calls for teachers and parents to ‘explain to children’ one watches countless BBC emoting journos and seemingly endless BBC news reports without so much as a hint toward the likely motivation or context of this terror act.
Is it all to be simply taken as read?
Perhaps Mayor Little Man Khan had it right afterall – terror is just a fact of life of living in a big multicultural city.
I have to confess that I have not watched the tv or listened to the radio since I heard the first hand-wringing statement from Treezer: “We will not allow them (the terrorists) to divide us”. There’s a time and place for blatantly lying and Treezer knows no bounds to her lying. Why? Well, the simple question for me is, ‘how cohesive is the public’s relationship with islam in the UK such that we should be worried that a divide should open up’?
Fact is, there is zero cohesiveness. Islam hates the way we live the way we work, the way we enjoy ourselves, the whole fabric of our lives. In fact, islam simply hates us and all we stand for. Muslims are aliens and that’s the way I am happy for the relationship to remain until the public decide to do something about it.
Just one small caveat: the statement – “We will not allow them (the terrorists) to divide us” can only work if Treezer is already a convert to islam.
Our leader:
I’d be rather more impressed with a statement, “We will obliterate every single example of Islamic hate preaching and education in this country. After all, better divided than dead.”
We see the main concern yet again are the projected, possible, hurt feelings of Muslims as we are urged to, “Combat bigotry and reject hatred”.
So around 400 jihadis have returned to the UK – not sure if those are included the 3500 on the watch list but anyhow, it’s apparently up to all of us to bend over but this time with a candle in our hand and a flower up our arse.
AsISeeIt Perhaps Mayor Little Man Khan had it right afterall – terror is just a fact of life of living in a big multicultural city.
I would if iman khan would still stand by that statement if someone started torching the London mosques
Radio 5 live reporter in Manchester near Albert Square last night tells us he was talking to a group of young muslims who vehemently claimed the MEN Arena bombing was perpetrated by the UK government. The reporter says these views shocked him. Why was this not put on record? Why no follow up on other bBBC news programmes? Who were these individuals? We have a massive problem, but we cannot discuss it openly. We need strong leadership who will put out a statement that the religion of peace is no such thing. Our freedom of speech laws will allow this, it will also allow Muslim leaders to join the debate to refute it, if they can. WE ARE NOT HAVING THIS DEBATE!!!
I woke up to Radio 4 and about 7:15am to hear an interviewer ask a Muslim head teacher about the usual imaginary backlash that never happens…
The BBC introduction went something like “Well there were indications yesterday of what this would mean for the Muslim community and the Police patrolled outside the central mosque …. arguably the most vulnerable are Muslim schoolgirls who wear the Muslim headscarf in Albert Square…”
“arguably the most vulnerable…” WTF? Just last week the BBC said wearing the so-called ‘headscarf’ was a sign of freedom now its a sign of vulnerability.
The 22 dead and 50 injured are not vulnerable?!?
“General! We are being slaughtered in the field. The candles, flowers and love is not working.”
“Very well Captain. Time to deploy ……….. the poet!”
….there is always the piano too!
Ahh…The piano……..bliss…..
gaxvil can I play a tune on the stalin organ instead a tune played on a stalin organ would be more effective
Snuffy likes to think that a lifetime, to date, of experience of news and politicians has resulted in the equipping of various critical faculties and alarm systems, not always necessary for immediate survival but just making Snuffy wordly-wise in the every-day sense.
Listened to Amber Rudd, interviewed by Sarah Montague on this morning’s BBC R4 TODAY Programme. Snuffy’s Filter Alarms were showing a red light on the Control Panel.
It was alongside the label : FLANNEL ALERT
Did anyone see the Six O’Clock News last night. There were two people, looked like snowflakes, with a board saying “Free Hugs” and the man said we’re giving out free hugs to anyone who wants them, to show humanity or something like that. As if that is going to make the slightest bit of difference. Words fail me.
Straight on to the next piece, the usual suspects, telling everyone to come together, they will not divide us, blah blah blah. FFS they haven’t even finished identifying the poor souls yet and already the Ministry of Truth is at work.
Yep I saw that and thought exactly the same as you. After every terror attack the BBC like to show the many different ways the ordinary people cannot make a difference.
The BBC may as well film someone changing the spark plug on their petrol mower whilst they say “the terrorists want to divide us but I’m still going to cut my grass”. Then cut to a Muslim man also cutting his grass to show “unity”.
It’s a farce. It boils my p!ss to think how many people gave their lives defending this great country and now it’s trendy to be a Cuckold and hand our culture, identify and self worth over to Islam.
In 1941 my grandfather received a letter from HM Government, informing him that his presence in World War II was required. He was issued with a rifle and a bayonet. At that time, it was not considered likely that hugs would defeat an enemy determined to destroy us. Clearly, times have changed.
I am starting to feel that the defeat of our society and way of life is a growing certainty.
So why the ‘critical terror alert’ rating now? Could the imminent arrival of Ramadan, which begins on Friday and runs for a month until June 24th, have anything to do with this? We all know how the Annual Ramadan-Bomb-A-Thon plays out across the world.
Strange how the msm fails to mention this curious coincidence in all of its ‘reporting’.
I believe that the public feeling has changed after this, I really bloody hope so.
Round up those that are ‘known’ deport them, close down the ‘radical’ ( code for extreme ) Mosques. Ban the burka, ban Halal meat not just from schools but from this country as it is a barbaric act anyway. English must be spoken at all schools. Ban Sharia ‘law’. This is just for starters, we then proceed to delve further into Muslim ghettoes and weed out all the fifth columnists and tag them.
Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures, it is either us or them, no if’s, no but’s. it is a stark choice.
I am not prepared to love someone’s hate, I want to survive so I will ‘hate someone’s hate’.
On the tired old cliché of ‘they will not win’ does anyone think for one minute that Lee Rigby thought he was on a winning side as he was having his head hacked off? Does anyone think any of those youngsters on Monday felt they were on a winning side as they were shredded to pieces?
I cannot vote tory at the next GE ( I never have yet but I was thinking about it ) with idiots like Rudd and May, my vote now goes to UKIP regardless.
I guarantee you all that no extra measures will be introduced by the end of the week by our quisling government, by then of course this latest horror will be fading and the hashtags will disappear the candles will burnout… just until the next time, and their will be one.
Islam has been at war with the west for centuries, it’s about time we woke up and joined it.
Jerry, your solutions wouldn’t work for a simple reason: the forces of leftist regression are simply stacked against you. To take just one example – education. I work in that sector and I can tell you from many years of first-hand experience that our schools and universities are 99% in thrall to the regressive agenda (which includes everything from multiculturalism to a vehemently pro-EU agenda and everything inbetween). When you have a situation where entire generations of young people are being ‘activated’ to follow the regressive doctrine from a very early age it seems obvious the scale of the challenge ahead for anyone seeking to alter the narrative. Most people – most parents – simply don’t appreciate just how politicised education today is – and almost exclusively Marxist in tone and aim.
I haven’t even mentioned the self-same problems present in media and government – even, increasingly, in the corporate sphere. Regressives have all but gained total dominance over the past 30 years. At this point we can’t even call the Conservatives right wing, for goodness sake, so closely do they hew to typical regressive dogma.
The left are a dying force as their multiculti pretty much sole agenda has been shown to be a failure, their downfall was putting all their eggs in one basket, ie ignoring their bedrock working class vote, supporting the banks and multinationals and Islam as and when it suits their ever changing quick sand.
I well know the dark forces of the left as I was a member of the SWP in my youth ( and so things can change ) , however my post above was my solution without actually waging violence. It was a rather diplomatic solution I thought 😉
The people of this country did not ask for a multicultural society ( why I left the left ), out political liberal elites did, unfortunately they are not paying the price.
Any solution will be difficult, as this problem has been allowed to ingrain itself deeper and deeper into the fabric of British society. My solution would of course mean some Muslim families being torn apart as some are deported, but our elites are the ones ultimately to blame for this scenario.
Listening to LBC yesterday pm a mother was proudly on saying that her little girl said to her hearing of the attack that ( I paraphrase ) .. ‘ he wasn’t doing it for Islam, he was mentally ill’. So, yes our work is cut out, paradoxically the more attacks there are the easier our work is. I feel change in the air, do our political elites though?.. I doubt it, even if they did they don’t have the organizational guts to do anything about it.
ObiWan, I can point to a couple of glimmers of hope. A few years ago, a mosque in Oxford applied for permission to have the call to prayer broadcast via loudspeakers from its minaret five times a day. There was a tidal wave of protest about it – I have seriously never seen anything like it. A few regressives started moaning and saying what about church bells etc (which of course is nonsense – church bells get rung at most twice on Sundays with a practice night in the week, and most don’t get rung nowadays at all) but the mosque backed down and even tried to claim they’d never actually proposed the call to prayer.
Another is concerns about halal slaughter. One thing which is guaranteed to anger even the gentlest snowflake is cruelty to animals. Just think back to the people – old grannies included – hurling themselves in front of the lorries in Brightlingsea at the live animal export protests twenty odd years ago. Cruelty to animals it seems will always trump fears of ‘racism’ with British people.
ObiWan – it’s for all those reasons you mentioned that I reluctantly think the only way out of our predicament is some kind of military coup. Otherwise you could project forward 70 years or so and the UK will look like a rainy Pakistan/Somalia.
The alternative is that everybody with brains and the wherewithal to do it should move to Eastern Europe, or some other place where the majority hasn’t gone utterly insane.
Idi Amin had the right idea back in 1972 when he threw them all out…just a shame they ended up here…welcomed with open arms in Birmingham etc.
Oh its relentless on MSN all the talk of Manchester together. Who are they trying to kid?
Have they never been to Oldham?I despair.
Andy Burnham, think he might have been something, somewhere, sometime.
Anyway, he has just told me – firmly and definitely – that the suicide bomber, Salman Abedi, was not a Muslim.
Has-been Andy Burnham?
Aah! Must be authoritative.
Got it now, he’s the new Iman of Manchester.
Burnham? If he weren’t Mayor he’d be selling newspapers – badly.
Naturally, it could happen to anybody just going about their normal lives –
First steps:
1. Ban Sharia Law in all its forms.
2. Ban halal food from all public catering, e.g. schools and hospitals. Those who demand it will have to make their own arrangements at their own expense. All halal food in shops to be clearly labelled (as well as Kosher).
3. Place the blame exactly where it belongs. Until we do we can never win the fight. Force the BBC and other fascist broadcasters to tell the truth about it.
4. Ask all ROPers whether they can justify attacks like this, or if as Northern Dreamer says they claim that it wasn’t their people committing these acts. All that don’t outright condemn the attacks to be deported to an appropriate ROP hellhole, irrespective of where they were born.
5. All ROP teachers and Imams to have maximum vetting, and then watched. Expensive but worth it. All whose vettings give rise to doubt as to their intentions to be deported.
6. Scrap all implications that Islam is a race. It isn’t.
It’s harsh but not to do the above will lead to more atrocities like this, and could lead to full-scale civil war. The future is vastly unpleasant but the longer we leave dealing with the problem the worse it will become. It’s not fair either to the Muslims who are here in good faith; the ones who work hard and want to get on in life and are law-abiding.
“Scrap all implications that Islam is a race. It isn’t.”
That’s a bit generous. It isn’t even a religion.
You’re right. Those are options available to the Government and after all, what is the prime purpose of Government if not to safeguard the welfare of it’s people?
Better Divided Than Dead.
Strange you should mention Richard Barrett. He’s my all time favorite. He was in charge of world counterterrorism or something similar. When he gave an interview on C4 some time ago he seemed to think any measure to combat muslim terrorism was counterproductive. What did he do all day? He also seems to suffer from moral blindness on a Lord Longfordian scale. Longford was always saying “if you met Myra you would like her”. You can’t help conclude that he sees muslim terrorists in the same way. Open dialog blah, blah. Misunderstood. He always trivialises the death toll of muslim terrorism. More of my operatives have been killed by ill-judged autoerotic practices, than by muslim terrorism. Has he undergone some kind of religious conversion that colours his world view? We all deserve redemption.
Even the IRA terrorist bombings led, eventually, to a accommodation. What would be the shape and form of any accommodation with islam in the UK? I ask myself.
As a matter of fact they didn’t. The IRA was losing and losing badly having been infiltrated by the security services. It was the weasel politicians like Blair and co that came to the accommodation to further their own self aggrandisement.
As far as Islam is concerned there can be no accommodation in any shape or form. Toe the line or be deported would seem to be the answer. It really is time that our politicians stopped the mealy mouthed appeasement of this paedo death cult and put law abiding citizens first. They could all take a few lessons from President Duterte of the Philippines, he tells it how it is when it comes to Muslims and he’s not afraid of direct action to prove his point.
Sorry Stu, I didn’t realise that the, up to recently, so-called ‘power sharing’ was not an accommodation. Partly to end the terrorism. I stand corrected.
No worries, I think you could call it an accommodation in truth, just not the one portrayed by the Blair government and the BBC MSM.
No worries, I think you could call it an accommodation in truth, just not the one portrayed by the Blair government and the BBC MSM.
We hate and fear those that threaten us, those that kill us and no amount of weasel words will change that.
Aliah Braheemi (sorry, more phonetic spelling so may be wrong) adding some much needed insight instead of phlofflewaffle on the BBC R4 TODAY Prog right now. She was speaking of Libya.
What she may not know, and certainly did not say this morning, was that Libya always was a training and supply resource for terrorism even in the time of Gaddaffi, especially in his early years. Do I recall correctly that there were strong rumours and accusations that Libyans trained and supplied the IRA in the 1970s and 1980s? Prior to that various small groups that were growing in size and activism probably used Libyan resources: various ‘Red Brigades’, Black September, and so on. Then, after the 9/11 attack in New York, it was fairly obvious that Osama Bin Laden went to ground somewhere other than Afghanistan. Libya would have been one of my choices as a prime candidate for that particular honour.
Or am I wrong and memory is defective and I am mistaking Libya for another country?
Might be the Corbyn wing of the Labour Party , U2S . Same welcome given .
There is a relevant long historical tradition, empirically based.
This tradition involves the replacement of weak leaders, whose weakness endangers the whole community.
Replacing them with strong leaders, who act in defence of the community.
Our whole community, in my definition, totally and permanently excludes all Muslims.
It also excludes many prominent people in the UK whose very existence, let alone their prominence, is a danger to us all.
By replace I do not mean voting for more of the same. The status quo is run by traitors, for their own benefit.
Yasmin Ali Kebab Brown was on with Piers Morgan this morning, she was very quick to point out that she is a Shia not a Sunni, and Sunni’s are the main problem according to her (wonder how this would have been received if a non Muslim said it)
She also blamed the Saudi’s, then said that it is not just angry young Men, but their Grandfathers, Parents and the local Iman who are responsible. She then went on to say that when you see a girl of 4 covered from head to foot in the full Muslim garb, you can pretty much tell that the family background is a radical one. She didn’t use those exact words but that was the gist of it.
She wasn’t saying anything we didn’t already know, but of course she gets a free pass to say it.
My own personal view is that the families of these vile pigs should take the consequences, so that if they blow themselves up, they go straight to Hell in the knowledge that their Grandparents, Parents, Siblings etc, will take the punishment for them.
I accept this is a fantasy that will never happen though, maybe not until someone who is influential gets killed or their kids get blown to smithereens.
I can’t watch any of the tv channels for too long, as that ranting poet, touchy feely clergy man and the empty gesture of holding a vigil, are making me feel queasy.
The authorities need to remember that this is not the 2nd World War, they can’t just feed us propaganda, tell us everything will be ok if we all stick together, and expect us to believe they have our best interests at heart, because they obviously haven’t.
“..not until someone who is influential gets killed or their kids get blown to smithereens.”
I recall the murder of the Commandant General of the Royal Marines, Louis Mountbatten, by the IRA. You won’t find it anywhere on the internet but, there were strong rumours that a possibility of a coup existed. That came from within the ranks rather than without.
Although I feel that being lectured by a depressingly ugly junior school teacher will not affect the CIA, Amber Rudd has ‘criticised the US security services’ for revealing details like the name and ethnicity of the bomber, numbers killed and injured etc. Tells you a lot, doesn’t it? In other words she and the police prefer to trickle the information they feel the public ought to know in little easily swallowed, inoffensive sound-bites. Just in case, eh?
The words ‘despicable manipulation’ spring to mind – though not for the last time, I’m sure. It would be fascinating to know just how all these experts assess the long term situation, and how it will be successfully answered.
Candles don’t seem to work.
It didn’t take long for the favourite coloured liberals to turn up on albeeb . However I was shocked to see the formerly independent head of Liberty – now a Labour as a result of saying labour isn’t anti Semitic -,namely Chakrabit – on the Newslight programme last night.
I only saw the guido extract. I’d never watch it live. Discussing whether there really is a likelihood of whether the torys are using the current Islamic murders to affect the election campaign in favour of the Tories.
That happy little shit – e Davies and the back room al beeb staff are really in a hateful little Corbin world arnt they .,?
A 5.56mm rifle round can go through quite a lot before stopping.
In the urban warzone of a city bridge or arena foyer, brave is the squaddie letting one loose in an arrivals hall at Glasgow Airport if camera phones and media are to hand as a minimum wage bouncer is berated by a crowd of Millets tents at the X Ray machine for faithist profiling, as they turn up to greet a near relative back from holidaying where they had escaped from. Apparently.
Ironic that HMG has to use the military. When the boys and girls in blue shoot criminals or suspected terrorists ( inc menendez at Pimlico after 7/7) albeeb is the first to throw the accusations at the shooter.
Which is one of the reasons there might be a reluctance for coppers to be gun trained . I understand they don’t get any more money for carrying either .
I leave this here without comment other than to ask whether Mr Hughes truly knows what he’s saying, given he is himself gay?
Gay, you say?
Explains his warm-up message to his boyfriend Salem.
Salem I’ll lick ’em.
If one were to assume, charitably, that he was insightless into the nature of his stance then I find myself wondering if insight would assert itself as he looked at the pavement rushing up to meet him?
There is simply no projection I can come up with that ends with the current societal engineering being benign. I say this as a convert from being a former full-on SJW leftie…. Honest. I’m actually embarrassed now that I was, myself, so insightless….. Forgive them Lord….
What a complete appeasing mess…..
Hughes is associated with the Gandhi Foundation which awarded Corbyn the 2013 Gandhi International Peace Prize for supporting Gandhian nonviolence. The BBC’s Sir Mark Tully has also delivered lectures, presumably on Gandhian nonviolence. Tully started training as a priest but found his priestly vows incompatible with his lust for women. Rather than gayness, it seems that some quirky religious belief may be the root of the lack of moral insight. Although I can’t imagine Corbyn being a secret born-again christian or hindu.
Gandhi used to sleep with his (female) cousin. This was of course merely a spiritual exercise to help him resist base urges. Gandhi also had the loopy idea that a village cotton spinning industry would make India rich. Vince Cable is also a luminary.
I haven’t seen this clip for years… it still makes me cringe!
Does anyone else wonder if these missing people were so close to the epicentre of the blast that they were smashed into such small pieces that all that will be found will be tissue? I dearly hope not but I would have thought the police would have identified most of the dead and injured by now.
If you are referring to the ‘missing’, I first thought that but I think you will find that it is the fact that many of the injured, probably unconscious or are too ill to communicate are in lots of different hospitals which means their loved ones can’t locate them.. I pray that is the case anyway!
Or maybe the teenage girls that are missing where whisked away in taxis from Rochdale and Oldham. Bit convenient how all the taxis just turned up to “help” out…almost as if they were briefed…just saying…