True to form, the BBC Today programme was busy this morning making it clear that the real danger from the Jihad bombing of Manchester arena is — yes, Islamophobia. They had an interview with a Muslim teacher from a girl’s school (sic) who warned us that one of her pupils (in Islamic veil) had been…shouted at! Oh no. Never mind 22 dead kids and their parents – no, the REAL story here is how Muslims are victims. The BBC makes me nauseous.
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Surely you know the rules by now? Anyone mentioning anything at all that’s negative about the RoP, even if they’re just reporting stuff that happened, is responsible for any attacks on any RoPers anywhere, but the state broadcaster carrying unverifiable stories of persecution supplied by axe-grinding activists? Why, that’s just responsible journalism.
Remember, the BBC is worried about the backlash, but never the actual lash.
Meanwhile, I can’t help noticing that the Croyden asylum seeker attack story seems to have dropped off the agenda like a rock. We’re just lucky there’s nothing provocative about reporting phoney stories about white supremacists attacking Muslims…
“They had an interview with a Muslim teacher from a girl’s school (sic) who warned us that one of her pupils (in Islamic veil) had been…shouted at! ”
And I’m sure that somebody walking through Coventry on the morning of November 15th 1940 dressed in Luftwaffe uniform might have been shouted at as well!
It really makes my blood boil how in the name of political correctness the cock suckers out there have emasculated the very people who stood up to the French/Spanish and the Germans.
Instead of lighting fires in which to warn of the approaching enemy. We import them by the hundreds of thousands and pay for them to live like lords.
Instead of fighting back whilst idiots murder death kill across the land, the left defend their actions by disparaging the victims., screaming “Racist, Islamaphobe, Nazis.”
Instead of closing our borders the left demand we open them further: “Think of the (30 year old )children”
Instead of locking up the terrorists amongst us, the left demand they are freed to strut their stuff
Instead of deporting terrorists, the left opine about their human rights
Instead of stopping Islam being taught in our schools, the left push for the banning of Christianity.
I for one can’t believe how the left continues to defend the erosion of our Christian based society at the hands of such a racist,bigoted, xenophobic and evil gang of thugs .
Al beeb seems to have skimmed the issue about the dead Libyan have worked at an airport in security. Unless this is false news I would have thought alarms should be ringing . What sort of vetting do muslims working insecurity get? Is that how he got his device into Blighty?
All that stuff they do about limiting liquids and stuff going through airport security can be meaning less if it’s an inside job. Seems like a subject msm doesn’t want to touch . Move along….
I thought that was the murderer’s father. Came here as an asylum seeker because he didn’t like living in Libya, then was given a job here in airport security.
It was probably his human right, and the airport equality/ diversity officer had a quota to meet.
Yes Sir Arthur and now he’s in Libya…the very place he was so afraid he had to flee…
I find it quite alarming the number of ROPers who are in positions of trust.
Go to any large corporation’s or banks IT department and look at who is programming their systems..we are already infiltrated by the enemy in waiting..waiting for the right moment to strike from within.
Its too late for closing the borders. Its time to repatriate all Muslims.
Jihadis are not the problem. In fact, they are alerting us to the coming existential crisis. Muslim population growth is several times larger then European rates. In less then 50 years, Muslims will be a majority. And that’s that. Sharia, and the end of Western civilisation.
As the Muslim population increases, attacks will get more frequent, with “moderate“ Muslim demands that the state give more to the “marginalised” Muslim youth, or they will become even more radicalised. And so on. The more you give to the so-called moderates, the more our society will become Islamic. Moderate and radical Muslims play the good cop bad cop routine.
As the late Laurence Auster wrote:
Islam is a mortal threat to our civilization. But we cannot destroy Islam.· · Nor can we democratize Islam.· · Nor can we assimilate Islam.· · Therefore the only way to make ourselves safe from Islam is to separate ourselves
Amber Amber Treezer’s appeasing Home Secretary is pissed off over the US leaking the name of the Moslem bomber in Manchester.
Shame, the cops and media here wanted to play down the Moslem angle and possibly suggest it could be far right.
People have to realise that the cops, politicians and media are on the other side
G.W.F – Amber is in all probability pissed off as she could not announce the news herself thus proving that the Government is “doing something” Lets face it when you have consecutive Governments who privately pride themselves on being “Soft on terror and soft on the causes of terror” Any little bit of info you release can be utilised as proof to show that you really you are “on the case” even though in practical terms the only thing you really want to achieve is “Jack Shit”
I am afraid there will be lots of hot air, and emotional incontinence (both MSM and Government generated) And lots of warnings and hounding of the “far right” to prevent this terrible backlash. But nothing in essence will be achieved other than shooting of the messengers (such as K Hopkins and T Robinson) and declaring we are “more united than ever”.
I think we have to face up to the reality that this Government (just like the french and other European countries) – In the long term is willing to sacrifice thousands of us on the alter of compassion and political correctness. Just for the appearance of being in control of events, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
God Emperor Trump trolling
Amber gave the USA a piece of her mind – so the DM tells us.
From the spectator:
Even after all these years, all these attacks and all these dead, the West still keeps asking the same question after events like those of Monday night: ‘Who would do such a thing?’ The answer is always the same. Sometimes the culprits are home-grown. Sometimes they are recent arrivals. Sometimes they have been in the West for generations, eat fish and chips and play cricket. Sometimes — like last month’s attacker in Stockholm, or last year’s suicide bomber in Ansbach, Germany — they arrived in Europe just a few months earlier. Sometimes people claim the perpetrator is a lone wolf, unknown to the authorities. More often it turns out (in a term coined by Mark Steyn) to be a known wolf, on the peripheral vision of the security services.
Yet still our society wonders: what would make someone do such a thing? The tone of bafflement is strange — like a society that keeps asking a question, but keeps its fingers lodged firmly in its ears whenever it is given the answer.
Only last month this now traditional national rite was led by no less a figure than the Dean of Westminster, the Very Reverend Dr John Hall. At the beginning of April, Westminster Abbey was the venue for a national act of mourning for the victims of the previous month’s terrorist attack. The Dean used his sermon — at what was billed as ‘a service of hope’ — to announce that Britain was ‘bewildered’ by the actions of Khalid Masood.
‘What could possibly motivate a man,’ asked the Dean, ‘to hire a car and take it from Birmingham to Brighton to London, and then to drive it, fast, at people he had never met, couldn’t possibly know, against whom he had no personal grudge, no reason to hate them and then run at the gates of the Palace of Westminster to cause another death? It seems likely we shall never know.’
Actually, most people could likely make a guess. And had the Dean waited just a few days, he could have joined them. Masood’s final WhatsApp messages, sent to a friend just before he ploughed his car along Westminster Bridge, revealed this Muslim convert was ‘waging jihad’ for Allah. The Dean was hardly going to get back up into his pulpit and say: ‘Apologies. Turns out we do know. It was jihad for Allah.’ The impossibility of that scenario speaks to the deeper disaster — beneath the bodies and the blood — of the state we’ve got into.
For their part, the Islamists are amazingly clear about what they want and the reasons why they act accordingly. You never have to read between the lines. Listen to Jawad Akbar, recorded in the UK in 2004 as he discussed the soft targets he and his al Qaeda-linked cell were planning to hit. The targets included the Ministry of Sound nightclub in London. What was the appeal? As Akbar said to his colleague, Omar Khyam, no one could ‘turn round and say “oh they are innocent, those slags dancing around”.’
It is the same reason why ten years ago next month Bilal Abdullah and Kafeel Ahmed (an NHS doctor and an engineering PhD student respectively) planted a car bomb outside the glass front of the Tiger Tiger club on London’s Haymarket on lady’s night. They then planted another just down the road in the hope that those ‘slags’ fleeing from the first blast would run straight into the second. It is why when Irfan Naseer and his 11-member cell from Birmingham were convicted of plotting mass casualty terror attacks in 2013, one of their targets was — once again — a nightclub area of the city. In familiar tones, Naseer speculated on these places where ‘the kuffar [a derogatory term for non-Muslims], slags and whores go drinking and clubbing’ and ‘have sex like donkeys’.
Where does it come from, this hatred the Islamists hold — as well as everyone else they loathe — for half the human species? Even moderate Muslims hate it when you ask this, but the question is begged before us all. What do people think the burka is? Or the niqab? Or even the headscarf? Why do Muslim societies — however much freedom they give men — always and everywhere restrict the freedom of women? Why are the sharia courts, which legally operate in the UK, set up to prejudice the rights of women? Why do Islamists especially hate women from their faith who raise their voices against the literalists and extremists?
Do people think this stuff comes from thin air? It was always there. Because it’s at the religion’s origins and unlike the women-suspecting stuff in the other monotheisms (mild though they are by comparison), too few people are willing to admit it or reform this hatred, disdain and of course fear of women that is inherent in Islam. It is a constant of Islamic history, along with the Jews, the gays and the ‘wrong type of Muslim’: always and everywhere, the question of women. It’s our own fault because we have been told it so many times. As the Australian cleric Sheik Taj Aldin al-Hilali famously said to 500 worshippers in Sydney in 2006: ‘If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside without cover, and the cats come to eat it, whose fault is it — the cat’s or the uncovered meat’s? The uncovered meat is the problem. If she was in her room, in her home, in her hijab, no problem would have occurred.’
This view is itself barely covered over. Such disdain is what led to the abuse of hundreds of girls in Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxfordshire and elsewhere across this country in recent decades. The fear is what led to the Pakistani Taliban beheading Shabana — one of the region’s most famous dancers — in the Swat Valley in 2009. And to the stoning of Ghofrane Haddaoui in Marseilles (yes, Marseilles) in 2004.
Solid post.
“OK everybody at the Diversity and Positive discrimination department here at the BBC you are doing
a fine job. Muhammed getting the Imans to lay the flowers was a terrific idea. Seamus your” apprenticeship” in Belfast
and Derry dressing up folk to look like British soldiers could be very useful. I want somebody wearing a burka depositing
some flowers as well. Prepare the camera crew. Listen Assad if there are no women available try and get one or two of the boys
who have got through security at Heathrow dressed up in burkas.
Now as far as presenters and reporters are concerned . I know we have to have one or two indigenous Brits otherwise the
viewers will think they are watching news from some other continent. BUT I want as many ethnic presenters and reporters
as possible presenting this story about the collateral damage in Manchester as possible. Asma I have told you before in the
next series of Master Chef ,in the jungle, on ice. I demand that there is very fairy amount of ethnic contenders. Is that understood?”
Spot on F.
Many taxi drivers in Manchester are Muslims. We also know that Muslim taxi drivers transported young white girls as sex slaves.
I note they have been doing sterling work transporting young girls to their homes free of charge.
I see Mend’s crowdfunding appeal “Muslims for Manchester Victims” is now at a stunning £4136.00!..a huge 4% of the way to target.
To me that speaks volumes!
To be fair the average Muslim doesn’t have much money to donate after buying tickets to Syria and after buying bomb parts.
the total has now jumped to a much more generous £14,366.. contributed by a huge number…well er 149 people. Despite the pretty specific title of this particular crowdfund I note that quite a few with non-Muslim names have contributed..maybe they are converts to the rop or just contributing in a “sort’a solidarity way” with the believers that were asked/ supposed to be contributing here.
Doing the maths the average contribution is £96.41 right now (£14366/149). I scrolled down looking at the individual contributions and saw only one that was above £50 and that was for £200 (I did not search all of the 149) “muslims”. By far the most common contribution was, as you might expect, between £10 and £30. I can only surmise that a few individuals have dug pretty deep?..someone or group embarrassed by the frankly derisory and pathetic response I referred to earlier today??
the total has now jumped to a much more generous £14,366.. contributed by a huge number…well er 149 people. Despite the pretty specific title of this particular crowdfund I note that quite a few with non-Muslim names have contributed..maybe they are converts to the rop or just contributing in a “sort’a solidarity way” with the believers that were asked/ supposed to be contributing here.
Doing the maths the average contribution is £96.41 right now (£14366/149). I scrolled down looking at the individual contributions and saw only one that was above £50 and that was for £200 (I did not search all of the 149) “muslims”. By far the most common contribution was, as you might expect, between £10 and £30. I can only surmise that a few individuals have dug pretty deep?..someone or group embarrassed by the frankly derisory and pathetic response I referred to earlier today??
I note that the total for Mend’s crowdfunding appeal “Muslims for Manchester Victims” has now jumped to a breathtaking £14,411.. contributed by a huge number…well er 152 people. Despite the pretty specific title of this particular crowdfund I note that quite a few with non-Muslim names have contributed..maybe they are converts to the rop or just contributing in a “sort’a solidarity way” with the believers that were asked/ supposed to be contributing here.
Doing the maths the average contribution is £94.80 at 18.02 hrs (£14,411/152). I scrolled down looking at the individual contributions and saw only one that was above £50?.. and that was for £200 (I did not search all of the 152) “muslims”. By far the most common contribution was, as you might expect, between £10 and £30. I can only surmise that a few individuals have dug pretty deep?..someone or group embarrassed by the frankly derisory and pathetic response I referred to earlier today??
In 2014 the total population of Muslims in Great Britain was estimated to have increased to 3,115,000, of which about half (1,554,000) were born overseas.
Compare and contrast – Family of murdered hero policeman Keith Palmer ‘overwhelmed’ as fundraising appeal in his honour smashes more than £500,000 in just ONE DAY
Fundraisers help loved ones of PC Keith Palmer who was stabbed in London
His family are ‘overwhelmed’ amid an outpouring of emotion for the father
At its peak a record £417 a minute was being donated to JustGiving page
Compare to the current Mend crowdfunding appeal!! Frankly the response to Mend’s appeal is a disgrace to their communities..but it’s clear to me at least what British “believers” really think. Asked to “put your money where your mouth is” they have already failed miserably to exhibit any real compassion for the victims of the Islamist political ideology.
They just make me want to puke.
Read more:
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That is the same dodgy MEND as mentioned in this article
Zakat is for Jihad first, then for Muslims. Infidels come last if ever, unless there are political reasons.
A few years ago a weekend whip round in the Blackburn (I think it was) Muslim ‘community’ raised something like £150,000 in CASH to pay a ransom in Pakistan for a relative of a family living in the town.
And yes, that was CASH.
A pathetic response from muslims imo.
a whole 160 have responded with donations..I bet a third of them aren’t from the rop!
Let us henceforth be aware that on the whole the muslims don’t actually give a flying f*ck about the deaths of kuffars do they?..this is real evidence of that?!..they won’t put their money where their mouths are..and most will not even do that!
add to the fact that many of the (very few) donations on the “mend” crowdfund from the Muslim “community” are labelled “anonymous”!..are they too scared to put their names to a donation…go figure!
and quite a few on this appeal to muslims have british names! mmm..!nuff said
Just watched the DP which was focused exclusively on the Manchester attack and deaths, all the usual platitudes were trotted out,but there seemed to be some sort consensus that education was the key. One chap said that it was key to try and educate young Muslims in the values of democracy and Western values in general. But surely the problem is that Islam does not value democracy . How many Islamic democracies are therei in the world? It is a valid question to ask if democracy and Islam are compatible and leading on from that , is Islam compatible with Western values in general. Many would say unhesitatingly the answer is No , Islam and Western values are mutually incompatible. But The likes of the BBC and all our politicians would fudge the issue and pretend that with time etc Muslims can live in harmony in the West. But even these ostriches types must acknowledge that they cannot be certain that they will be able to create a harmonious and peaceful society comprising large numbers of Muslims and westerners.
So given the enormous cost of failing to produce harmony why did the fools promote mass migration in the first place and why are they still hell bent on continuing it? These idiots are leading us to disaster .
Did someone say “Education is the key” to preventing islamic terrorism? errrrrr no.
“Ten years ago next month Bilal Abdullah and Kafeel Ahmed (an NHS doctor and an engineering PhD student respectively) planted a car bomb outside the glass front of the Tiger Tiger club on London’s Haymarket on lady’s night. They then planted another just down the road in the hope that those ‘slags’ fleeing from the first blast would run straight into the second.” (thanks Pounce)
These are the pair that also tried to drive a car bomb into the departures hall at Glasgow airport.
Embolden ,
Yes the tired old education line is being rolled out by the normal al beeb suspects . Poor Brillo had an awful job with some es copper who is now an “expert “on counter terrorism plus a labour girl thinking more about getting re elected than saying anything of value as well as a fool labour ex home office minister who is famed for getting her cheque book out and writing one for £17000 when she got caught on the expenses.
No one could saying anything practical like banning overseas travel , internment , capital punishment ( waste of time locking them up( I mean the ones caught aiding Isis )) .
Trying to be optimistic perhaps a big majority Tory govt could look at actually doing something instead of lighting candles the next time they fail to protect the innocent .
Naturally you won’t hear any of my extreme views voiced on al beeb. Talking of which it must be time to roll Diane sums Abbot out soon for some false sympathy .
I respect your moderate views, shame we live in a country where they cannot be openly discussed anywhere near power.
It’s the old rights and duties argument . If muslims come to Blighty and expect to benefit from the protection of the law then they have a duty to self police their offspring . I left out not accepting refugees anymore ( yes I know I sound a bit like Trump) and that maxi creature will pop up sooner or later ..
“why did the fools promote mass migration in the first place” In the case of Blair and Nu Labour, DT, it was to guarantee a large pool of greatful voters, who would keep Labour in power for ever and rub the right’s nose in it at the same time. He seems to done OK out of the deal though.
Islam and Western values are mutually incompatible.
That is precisely the issue we are facing, and the likes of the BBC will never, ever examine or debate it.
In ten or so years’ time when we are having to do some really serious firefighting, the army should go into the BBC, round the traitorous lot of ’em up then shut the whole place down.
A member of my family who is not in the least bit political told me that they saw on the news the story of the homeless man who’d rushed to people’s aid after the bomb blast. They then went on to say the thing I was surprised to hear them say, “funny that, it was the first person with a white face that the news has shown doing some good to help”. We then had a discussion about how they were certain white taxi drivers would have been there helping but only Asian taxi drivers where shown on news reports.
Perhaps an exaggeration in absolute terms, but if that was their perception of the coverage so far it speaks volumes.
In France it seems that they just go back to sleep after every terrorist atrocity, as evidenced by their voting for Macron in the recent elections. I wonder if it will be the same here? This is the second major attack this year, and it does seem as if there are murmurings of discontent this time about the system that allows these attacks to take place (as evidenced by the desperate attempts to show Muslims helping the victims etc). I wrote yesterday that I thought Britain would never wake up to the threat facing it, but I’m not so sure now. I do think though that many more will die before any major change in public opinion occurs.
The problem is i have no one I can think of to vote for, as MP, leader, party or government.
And NotA seems a short route to anarchy, only a bit quicker.
Dom wants to hear from you. Get in before he deletes the thread…
Had a look at the four entries on view – looks like our Dom will have to write a lot of ‘Dear Employer, …’ letters.
I also see BBC QT has moved to Salford, ‘to reflect Manchester’.
Surprised they did not go for the full bunker in London… just in case.
I predict that QT will have a largely Muslim audience, with lots of men with moustache-less beards, and lots of hijab wearing women with broad Manc accents, angrily intoning variations on ‘You ain’t no Muslim, bruv’, about the bomber, to loud applause. These sentiments will be echoed by carefully selected whities of the Jeremy Kyle class, to show solidarity. Then some semi-intelligent middle class lefties – probably teachers or clergy – will go on about not being divided and not giving into hate etc.
I wonder who watches that waste of air. It’s just a ritual. Has ever changed anyone’s view?entrenched positions re inforced . Talking heads delivering a reliable message – chami- Diane – Toynbee – o jones – the usual suspects all ganging up on the brexiter – it’s not even comedy value
Martha Kearney was enthusiastically emoting all over BBC World At One (R4) – the focus was very much on ‘fears’ in the Manchester muslim community regarding attacks on mosques, etc. The ever-willing Martha went all outside broadcast on us (remember this is now just down the road for the otherwise lazy BBC staffers ‘oop North) and visited a mosque ‘just a mile or so’ from where the suicide bomber randomly murdered children and young people. There she (and thus we) listened to concerned muslims explaining how they ‘live in fear’ after the attack – helpfully reminding listeners that a local mosque was attacked not so long ago. No word on who attacked it or why.
The BBC continues to disfigure an already outrageous tragedy with its constant disingenuous obfuscations and its waving of the false flag of so-called ‘Islamophobia’. A plague on all their houses.
An Islamic suicide bomber attacked a hall full of kids with a nail bomb on Monday.
In Iraq the IS has committed a genocide against Christians in Mosul and on the Nineveh Plains within the last 5 years.
Why wouldn’t the majority of people in the UK fear Islam?
The threat to the Uk from the bBCs followers of the religion of peace who can only be f-ing victims:
Whilst the bBC reports that 3 more people have been arrested following the peaceful Islamic act of murdering British children. The Manchester Press have aired pictures of that so called Police action.

Have a look at how the Police now have to deal with the peaceful followers of Islam in the UK.
Whilst most people will concentrate on the body armour and weapons on show, they really should be more concerned about that bag of tricks the guy with the camo helmet is wearing.
Those photos show what “reaching out” to Islamic extremists really means.
Whilst this reaction is understandable and not warranted:
WE should be pointing the finger of blame at the likes of the bBC for how they have allowed known terrorists to walk the streets instead of been jailed/deported due to their so called human rights.
The bbC, the defender of Islamic terrorism in the UK
Well said that man. It is only the Muslim community that can sort out these extremists because that is where they hide.
Exactly how is the Muslim community going to sort it out? Criticise the Koran and Hadiths and Mohammed, which would mean becoming apostates.
But let us suppose they went that way.
Let us consider the hypothetical situation that ALL Muslims at present living in the West, accepted the call to clean up their communities of extremism, and became as moderate as we would like. They even went further and made the changes in their teachings of the Koran and the jihad. Such an outcome would no doubt come as a relief to many on this site, the government, the MSM, and elsewhere. But I counter, that all such changes were being done merely to protect the ummah while it grows at ever-increasing pace in the West. Once a near majority is achieved, that future generation of Muslims will simply revoke any changes, and return to the traditions of the unchanging and unchangeable Koran i.e., the canonical texts of Islam that cannot be changed, but only protected when under duress. That future generation of Muslims, far more numerous then now, will even praise this generation of Muslims for having done what was necessary to protect Islam.
Islamic ideologues take the long view – in several decades or centuries, or more. It is only right that we as well consider options keeping in mind Islam’s long-term goals. Therefore, from a practical viewpoint, a “reformed” Islam sometime in the far future, is meaningless as far as our survival as a historic nation is concerned.
Islamisation of the West is a one-time deal. There is no turning back without a very nasty civil war. Muslims and Islam have no place in the West, which has been formed by Christianity. Our fore-fathers knew that very well. It is only our idiot politicians who seem to think they know better.
22 children NO LONGER EXIST.
Here the wisdom of Katy Perry Via Rolling Stone “We need to coexist”
Singer Katy Perry’s Solution to Terrorism: ‘No Barriers, No Borders’
Presumably, Ms Perry’s residence has free access to all and sundry…
I’m perplexed. The Manchester murderer’s parents were refugees / migrants (I notice the beebistan avoids using either word, just that they ‘had fled’ Libya – wouldn’t want people making the connection with today’s ‘migrants’ would we?).
But I thought all migrants/refugees became doctors and engineers, and felt nothing but gratitude for their host countries; and that anyone trying to stop the flood (like Trump, Farage, Le Pen etc) were heartless racists and fascists.
If the Manchester murderer’s parents hadn’t been let in, there’d be 22 people alive today, and dozens out of hospital.
How many of today’s ‘migrants’ will kill, or their children or grandchildren?
They “fled Libya” because Colonel Gadhafi (Tony Blairs erstwhile chum) didn’t tolerate Islamic extremists and pursued them with extreme prejudice…he knew a lot about Islam you see.
If John Lennon’s imagine no religion was true I’m sure there would be more than 22 people alive today…
Yesterday I noticed on the BBC1 news a group of Sikhs attending the vigil in Manchester being highlighted . I assume the BBC cannot tell Sikhs from Muslims or in the absence of many Muslims attending the vigil, the Sikhs (in the BBC’s eyes) were the next best thing.
And I heard this morning the Headteacher at the Islamic school being interviewed – this follows the time frame so predictable in the BBC; first morning after an attack – always the horror. Usually we don’t know the perpetrator’s name so can probably get away by the BBC saying that police don’t know the reason for the attack. Day 2, after the name is released (and it is nearly always a Muslim name) comes the plea not to blame the Muslim community, that the number of attacks on Muslims has grown hugely. The pattern is now so predictable and it doesn’t work. As was posted above – murdering 22 young people cannot be likened to shouting at a Muslim. In spite of all that the BBC’s claims, as far as we know, there have not been any serious incidents carried out by others on Muslims after these deadly attacks – so why does the BBC keep pretending that there are?
“…murdering 22 young people cannot be likened to shouting at a Muslim. In spite of all that the BBC’s claims, as far as we know, there have not been any serious incidents carried out by others on Muslims after these deadly attacks – so why does the BBC keep pretending that there are?”
You put it very simply, but very powerfully. The problem is that the regressive left don’t like to let the facts get in the way of their professional concern signalling.
Sikhs V Muslims is an interesting feature of Indian history.
World at One and Martha Kearney suggests to Lord Dannett:
‘I guess it could be argued that it’s playing the terrorist’s game by making it seem like a war.’
Isn’t this a reactionary and divisive statement and shouldn’t Kearney, who publicly suggests that terrorist slaughter is only ‘playing a game’, be described as a peddler of hate? Is there really much of a difference between Kearney’s statement and Katie Hopkins quickly corrected ‘final solution’ tweet? Both expressions are unfortunate and both can be turned to mean something that was unintended by the user. Somehow, though, I can’t see the MetPol arriving at Kearney’s front door.
Suicide bombing a hall full of children in the cause of Jihad is an act of war.
Kearney is a peddler of stupidity and denial.
Anyone who is a British citizen and has any part in these attacks is guilty of treason and needs to be charged with that and we need to reinstate the death penalty for it.
In addition we need to prevent any citizen who travelled to fight for ISIS which is now at war with us from returning to the UK and to cancel their papers and revoke citizenship. If returning illegally then immediate arrest and imprisonment should follow. Parliament makes our laws and these need to be done. There must be no override from the human rights lobby and the international courts.
Simple measures but a start and I doubt if many will raise an objection ( forget about the BBC now ) or the usual suspects.
First our children are turned into sex slaves and now they are being killed. if we act decisively now much future pain will be avoided for all.
In addition we must name our enemy and make clear that there will be no concessions , no special treatment and no mercy. . There will be one law in this country and it will be enforced on all and it will be our ancient law .
Raping terns of thousands of girls of a supposedly defeated enemy, is a war crime. As France, so too Britain, is now a defeated nation, pleading the best terms of surrender.
Well sweetie, it’s like this. Once upon a time there was this man called al who no one had ever seen. He was such a great man they wrote a book about him and all his followers read it. In the book everybody had to obey his commands. Unfortunately the book also included lots of instructions that commanded the people who followed al to go and kill those who didn’t. Long ago there was a great distance between those who followed al and those who didn’t so not many people were killed. But one day some very silly people decided that it would be safe to allow the followers into our country even though the great book says they will kill us. They kind of forgot about the killing thing, like when I let you off if you’ve been naughty. Eventually the followers decided that they would become naughty again and started killing the people who weren’t followers. The silly people who let them in pretended the naughty people were nice. All those people who died on Monday were killed by the naughty people. All those people you see on the TV saying the naughty people are nice – those are the silly people. The end.
Now go and brush your teeth and I’ll tuck you into bed.
Thanks seismic I will use that one to explain to my kids.
Shame the BBC wouldn’t understand.
Is there a book “Islam for Dummies”?
Video on the BBC’s live feed ( at 15.44) lists the terrorist attacks in Europe since Charlie Hebdo. No mention of Stockholm, because of course nothing ever happens in Sweden. No mention of the many German and French towns & cities targeted by ‘lone wolf attackers’ who were not of course jihadists. Seem to remember a concert was targeted in Germany but people were saved by the suicide bomber accidentally blowing himself up before he got in. Can’t recall exactly where that one was; there have been so many.
Breaking news on the BBC – a Moslem community worker has told the BBC that he reported the murderer to the police several years ago.
So we have reached the ‘blame the cops’ stage.
Shame it is turning out bad forthe cops; they have made every effort to promote multiculty tolerance
Note in the picture how the cops have removed their shoes.
As I said – a defeated nation.
I can honestly say for the first time in my life and I remember well the IRA bombings in this country, especially of course in the closest city to me, Birmingham, that I am scared.
I was planning to go to Brum this weekend with one of my oldest friends who always comes home to attend Pride which takes place over Saturday and Sunday, he emailed me this morning saying he is having second thoughts about going, bearing in mind we have been going since the late ’90’s, but with the terror threat being raised, the amount of Muslims arrested in Birmingham, a thing that makes me deeply ashamed, Pride may well be targeted this year.
I haven’t replied yet, but I admit, I see a Muslim when I am out and about with my dog, I pull her close to me, someone gets on the bus with a large rucksack and I’m nervous until they get off. I never, ever felt like this while the IRA bombings were happening, so what has changed?
I have mentioned this on BBBC before.
I was in Birmingham on the night of the pub bombings.
At the theatre, watching Spike Milligan.
During the interval we were intending to visit one of the pubs which blew up.
Bars very busy in theatres, expensive, beer always ****.
Changed our minds.
A very funny evening, until we went outside.
The IRA usually left warnings.
Some IRA members demonstrated their devotion to the cause by starving themselves to death.
Many people were warned to leave an area by the IRA, rather than just being shot.
There is no comparison in quantity or quality between the Troubles, anyone’s troubles, and Islamic history.
The Muzzies win the Gold medal at the Olympics of Evil every time, and the silver medalists are many laps in arrears.
Except the next time. when, when not if, the Muslims are expelled from Europe there must be no mercy
whatsoever. Ditto for the £4,500,000,000:00 funded fifth columnists at AlBeeb.
Ditto for all the friends in high places.
Prosperity needs to be at the bottom of the list for a generation or so whilst the survival of Western society and civilisation is assured.
TruthSeeker – I like your remarks. I too have come to the conclusion that the only way to save our civilisation is to expel all the Muslims from Europe. But I’m more of an “if” man rather than “when”. At the moment it is impossible to imagine this policy even being discussed never mind implemented. I cannot see any other solution to the problem. These people will never assimilate, every terrorist outrage intimidates and demoralises the native population that little bit more, and the Muslim birthrate is ensuring that the demographic timebomb is the one that will truly subjugate the infidel in the end. Perhaps if we realised we are in a war and that we need wartime politicians, not peacetime politicians – more Churchills, fewer Chamberlains – we might have a chance. But I am not optimistic.
As the late Laurence Auster wrote:
Islam is a mortal threat to our civilization.
· · But we cannot destroy Islam.
· · Nor can we democratize Islam.
· · Nor can we assimilate Islam.
· · Therefore the only way to make ourselves safe from Islam is to separate ourselves
Muslims are expelling Christians from Muslim countries anyway. So it will be an exchange of populations.
I know what you mean, BCW
We are made to feel like this but they are of course the victims..
What has changed? That’s easy to answer – When MUSLIM terrorists carry out atrocities on behalf of ALLAH, if any non-muslim mentions either ISLAM or MUSLIM in connection with said atrocity, they can now be prosecuted in a British Crown Court for a so called hate crime…
The pressure’s building, powder keg is waiting to be lit, soon…
Albedi’s brother has had his collar felt in Libya after his dad, RAMADAN, posted a picture of him posing with some serious hardware and called him “a lion in training”
I heard Frank Gardner, on the Jeremy Swine Show this lunchtime discussing the recent “occurrences” and what he knew about Salman Albedi. Frank revealed that a neighbour of Albedi had said of him that he had taken to: “Walking in the street reciting the Koran.”
Though Frank quickly informs the listener that: “There’s nothing extreme about that.”
No, of course there isn’t Francis, all perfectly normal and above board.
WTF! I could scarcely believe my ears, until I remembered who I was listening to and the organization he works for.
Begs the question…if “radicalisation” is supposed to be a “twisted interpretation of Islam” then why would someone who has learned every verse by heart be susceptible to “radicalisation”?
Radicalisation must mean simply learning what the Quran actually teaches?
Idiot reporter on R4 6 pm News said that Albedi’s father while in the UK was a member of a group supporting the restoration of Sharia Law to Libya, and quickly added there’s nothing radical about that. Fool. But we are not anymore.
…..Nicky Campbell this morning having a discussion with a guest discussing radicalisation in the Muslim community….. He says to his guest ” once a seed of doubt has been placed into a youngsters head it’s then hard to remove”…..ok so far.
He then says a few minutes later in what seems to be an off the cuff remark to his guest and listeners….” On the way here this morning I met and interviewed to young Muslim men who said to me that they believed that it was the government who were to blame for the bombings….
That’s what I call planting a seed..!!!!!
The Marxist prick never ceases to amaze me
20.55 hrs
BBC news interviewing a muslim lecturer. Muslim lecturer says the following
‘what we as a society should ask ourselves is, why would a man born in Britain feel like he wants to kill people?
What, as a society have we done to this man ?’
Give me strength!!
Someone please sack the Chancellor of the University who employed him.
Is it any wonder that the students these days, are such a buch of immoral,pathetic wimps when their taught by such sick in the head muslims..
No response from the BBC interviewer, although he did say that ‘at this place of pilgramage it is full of muslims paying their respects.’
I couldn’t see many on my television.
….at such an awful time it was decided all political difference’s were to be put aside and the election campaign suspended for a few days as a mark of respect, but alas the Marxist left wing oinks from the BBC must be excempt from this……
Asked by the presenter in the studio who would benefit most from the break in the election campaign the reporter gleefully announced ” well because of the deep cuts in the police numbers and budgets the government had no option but to put the army on the streets, a point the biggest police union will promote tomorrow or Friday ” he said…very impartial
Even in this catastrophic time the BBC still can’t help themselves…. pathetic
“Political correctness is a war on noticing.” Steve Sailer.
That is precisely what we are living through in the aftermath of this Islamic mass murder; it reinforces that any deviation from the vacuous platitudes which the progressive elite deem are acceptable responses to malevolent Muslim activity within our society, will be ignored; restricted or silenced.
If you are prevented from naming your enemy, how on earth can it be defeated?
A friend of mine accurately described, that we aren’t the silent majority but rather the silenced majority.
Just in case we have forgotten who are the real victims of the Manchester bombing!
Theresa May is a complete joke. After Westminster attack she does nothing but back the religion and the people that commit these crimes, instead of helping the poor innocent families who have been heartbroken by people who follow a religion that clearly does not fit into British society. Then the horrendous Manchester attacks which was directly aimed at young children and teenagers like myself. Why will no one with power stand up and say the honest truth about why they did it and about the Korans teachings as seen in 2:191-193 where muslims are supposed to fight and kill unbelievers until “religion is Allah’s”. Yet all journalists and the biased BBC do not report it as scared to be called racist by pathetic lefties. How far is the political correctness going to go? To scared to report the raping of 1400 girls and the 1200 girls victim to FGM absolutely vile…
Well said. This is going to be a young person’s fight.