Sam Kriss, a prominent pro-Corbyn journalist for Vice has tweeted “it’s good that we’ve got soldiers on the streets now because it means I won’t have to go all the way to the base to burn poppies at them”
If you leave a rasher of bacon outside a mosque you get arrested and sent to prison but this man walks free, spouting his foul, anti-British hate.
What a strange, Harriet Harman type of world we live in.
Yes its completely disgusting how the minority are more supported by OUR UK Government more than us (freedom of speech). These people coming from Syria and war torn places are not Refugees, they are economic migrants as they travel through so many countries to get to here so if they were that bad off they would get help at the first place possible? Thats what I would have done in that position. 3/4 of MUSLIM WOMEN do not work in this country and 1/4 of MUSLIM MEN do not work costing £8.6 Billion a year(according to an article in the Telegraph). So what are these people doing here about leeching off the taxes paid by hard working British people. We need a points based system where we are able to get people who will benefit our country both socially but economically. Therefore we can cut costs on overpaid jobs like interpreturers and but that towards the NHS. Also we should make non British citizens pay for healthcare and operations. What are your thoughts?
Holds s the Quran aloft in Parliament
“So long as there is THIS book!, there will be no peace in the world”
Then – William Ewart Gladstone (1809–1898) was Prime Minister of Great Britain four times: 1868–74, 1880–85, 1886 and 1892–94. He called the Qur’an an “accursed book” and once held it up during a session of Parliament, declaring: “So long as there is this book there will be no peace in the world.”
Now – An Islamic reading room is being set up at the library Gladstone founded near his home in North Wales. In this BBC audio report, Gladstone’s great grandson Christopher Parish and Professor Richard Aldous, head of history at University College Dublin, tie themselves into knots trying to come up with a reason why Gladstone would have approved of this particular reading room
Muslim responsible for Manchester jihad attack identified as Salman Abedi, a mass murderer known to authorities but “not thought to pose immediate threat”
Liar May vows to “defeat the ideology that fuels this violence,” while simultaneously refusing to name what it is
“so you will never defeat this ideology, since you refuse even to admit that it exists, much less formulate effective ways to counter it. You will never comprehend these warped and twisted minds, because you refuse to admit that they’re warped and twisted because of religious teachings that you insist are wholly benign.
And so you will be overwhelmingly elected, and you will continue to lead your country to ruin.”
R Spencer
Meanwhile, the Al BBC News … News of a terrorist attack is always frightening, but for parents there is the added dilemma of what to say to their children.
Should I shield them from the news? Is it best just to turn the television off? Will the images they see traumatise them?
Or should I tell my child exactly what’s happened?
Talk about the news -The advice from professionals is that talking about these issues is sometimes better than avoiding them.
The BBC has deftly removed the mass murderer his Islamic imperative way out of the news
Then – Sir Winston Churchill on Islam:
“The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property—either as a child, a wife, or a concubine—must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it.
… No stronger retrograde force exists in the world”
Now – D Cameron on Islam (“Asian “as per usual used instead of Islamic)
Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around.”
‘We must be careful about the language we use,’ he writes. ‘Many Muslims … are deeply offended by the use of the word “Islamic” or “Islamist” to describe the terrorist threat we face today
Now – Theresa May says ‘Islamist’ Westminster Attack was ‘Not Islamic’ , appoints duplicitous Islamists to Sharia Law review committee, insisted that “what a woman wears is a woman’s choice” when quizzed about the issue. Her remarks follow moves in a string of countries including Germany, France, Austria and Belgium to ban the wearing of full-face veils in public. May described bans on veils as “divisive” ?????? when asked about the moves at Prime Minister’s Questions in the Commons
Britain’s Theresa May in the U.S.: Islam is Peaceful, Globalism Good, and Climate Change a Priority
Here she is looking pious and reciting Quran for apologists, no compulsion in religion
Punishing apostasy by death (or imprisonment, for females)?, and the institutionalized discrimination against religious minorities under Islamic rule that is sometimes referred to as “dhimmiitude.”?
Islamic law explicitly prohibits non-Muslims from sharing their faith and even includes the extortion of money from them in the form of a tax called the jizya. ?
Those who refuse to pay this arbitrary amount are put to death. If this isn’t compulsion, then what is?
Take any group of people ; they can be teachers , nurses , lorry drivers , trade unionists , Catholic , Protestant , Sikh , Muslim , travellers , remainers , City of London workers , the under 25s , the over sixties , lawyers , carers , single parents , computer workers , any single group will do .
Give more time and consideration to the special group’s needs or aspirations .
Tell then they are a bit special
Speak directly to self appointed leaders
Adapt policies slightly to accommodate the special group
Speak to the self appointed leaders again who praise you , guardedly because they want more .
Adapt more policies to the favoured group , get more guarded praise from most of the self appointed leaders , although other self appointed will start condemning because you haven’t gone far enough .
Tell the rest of the country how beneficial the special group and the new policies are .
Get other groups to talk about dialogue with the special group .
Explain away some of the special groups more extreme acts and personages .
Adapt more policies . The self appointed now expect it as a right .
Have a go at any individual who doesn’t think the special group should be special
Keep saying how good the special group is to the rest of the country , but privately have doubts .
Keep meeting the self appointed , who claim victimisation from the state and individuals .
Make laws against victimisation . Witch hunt individuals who don’t buy into the policies .
Start hiding from the general public some of the baser things the special group is doing .
Keep turning a blind eye while you can .
Eventually deal with certain practises , asking the self appointed to police it .
Keep explaining away the worse aspects of the special group .
Privately wish the special group would go away , tell everyone how welcome they are .
Come to a fork in the road , crush the special group or succumb to their way .
At first it’s only the big mouths of the special group who you speak to , but others in the special group see how special they’ve become . They think ” well XxxxxX told the government , and got his way . Imagine if we all did . So more of the special group join in with demands , win more , and the process rolls on faster .
I so wish the BBC and their brethren could be dragged from their safe little enclaves and forced to view the dead and maimed and then explain to the relatives their actions in their reporting.
I’d settle for sending them to the centre of the muslim faith – Saudi Arabia for 6 months to get the feel of what’s to come in the UK and the West in General unless, of course it is stopped, dead in its tracks! (dream on ZZZZZzzzzzzzz)
Yesterday at 13.31pm Sky News reported that IS had claimed responsibility for the attack.
Almost 24hrs later and the BBC have still not reported it.
Sky obviously reported it then moved on so as to not give too much attention to the terrorists. Obviously the BBC are doing everything to detach it from Islam.
The photos being used by the BBC are once again crass beyond belief.
A Sikh taxi driver and Musilms laying candles and flowers at the vigil. Were there no white people who gave their all in the hour of need or who layed flowers?.
In the rawness of their unimaginable grief I suspect such pc images are the last thing many of the bereaved want to see knowing, as we all do, where this terror is coming from.
The narrative the BBC are trying to push of “love” and “we are one” is hollow beyond words.
As gaxvil says, the BBC should be dragged and made to see face to face what they’re defending
The root of this is Islam and it needs to be dealt with.
Bumped into a very short, very tanned old boy walking our dogs today, and got chatting.
Turned out he was in the Paras in the 70s. Seems he will not be voting Labour or Lib Dem. And Treezer looking iffy for him too. Guessing it’s the Greens for him then.
Look, Islam is, a dangerous ideology, our grandfathers knew it and acted on it.
What s with this religion of peace crap, this a post 9/11 bullshine course?
It hasn t changed, will not change … our politician s have the resources at hand, scrap the self serving, party before country, breakneck political elites election, there is no need for it.
Act in unity now …. do what no one in Europe is doing, take decisive pro active steps for our security, let our nation
lead FOR our nation, not politicians disgraceful self servitude.
The BBC have brought us “fake news”, “fake analysis” and now they are bringing us “fake Blitz spirit”.
The BBC’s Positive Stereotype Generation Unit should not have taken those WWII films showing the general public pitching in to clean up after a German bombing raid as a template. The women in headscarves with mops and buckets were not Muslims. Parading a bewildering number of muslimas wearing niqabs, no matter how floral, will not create the “good muslim” stereotype the BBC want because the public see the niqab and burka as the uniform of female Jihadists. I think it was Marius Goring who took on the role of the cultivated “good German” in those old films in which the powers-that-be were trying to wean the postwar public off the idea that every German was a nazi. He would not have been very convincing if he had worn a stahlhelm as a prop -even if someone had painted it with pretty flowers. It’s also not very effective to have model muslimas claiming that they are totally baffled by Muslim terrorism. This evokes memories of Germans claiming not to have noticed the death camp on their doorsteps.
See Breitbart runs a story about a Nottingham law firm who are using delaying tactics to prevent the deportation of 4 convicted muslim men over the Rochdale debauchery.
Checked BBC Uk news to see if they were running the story………….I couldn’t find anything.
Irrespective of which stories they choose to highlight and on the assumption that the Breitbart story is correct the it only serves to highlight that the UK has a mighty big pond to drain. Someone had better step up soon.
s.trubble, when I heard the name of the firm of solicitors, Burton and Burton, I expected it to be run by well meaning white liberals. But it looks like Burton and Burton have long since gone for a Burton. The Law Society website shows all eleven employees to have Muslim names.
Home Secretary Amber Rudd has said she is irritated with the US for releasing information about the Manchester bomber before UK police would have liked.
Ms Rudd said the British had wanted to control the flow of information to “keep the element of surprise”.
What was the surprise supposed to be? “….and the terrorist was……[drum roll]……Reverend John Smith from the Cotswolds” ?
There is no surprise ever – It’s always Islam every time.
Have they given up with the, ‘lone wolf’ thing? I guess they’ll have to cancel the street parties then. I guess it would have been so much better to be killed by a, ‘self employed’ terrorist.
Lucy Powell for Labour on Daily Politics refuses to ascribe the bombing to Islam, denies any hotbeds of Islamist activity in Manchester, is worried about pointing the finger, thinks it’s down to deranged individuals. All sane Britons not in thrall to Islam in her constituency should remember this drivel when voting on 8 June.
Unfortunately it’s a central Manchester constituency and they’re almost as brain dead as they are in Salford. She could tell them she was going to torture them to death and sell their kids into sexual slavery and they’re so thick they’d still vote for her !
Ha yes saw that. Remember – politician first – human being second . All the candidates are dreaming of another 5?years of expenses and taxpayers money. She can’t upset her voters can she ? Brillo gave her a pass
Even Douglas Murray seemed unusually lacking in ideas. Of course, he acquiesced in Neil’s ” millions of peace-loving Muslims in the UK” line and once you have done that you have lost the argument. But as a statement it is not true nor relevant. Large numbers of muslims may not actually be committing acts of violence, but they may be enabling violence tacitly supporting violence or simply keeping their heads down.
It is clear that countries like Japan are not bothered with muslim terrorism because there are so few muslims. Even conceding Neil’s point, there is no need to put up with the catastrophic disadvantages of a violent Muslim minority, hostile to the way of life of the indigenous population, if it can conceal itself amongst a larger more benign muslim population. No one would eat at the restaurant which produced the best food in the world if there was even a one in a million chance of fatal food poisoning. Closing down the restaurant may be a loss, but at least no one would be killed. I don’t think it is unreasonable to expect that people should be able to lead their daily lives without this additional risk of murder. Neil seemed to be suggesting this himself, but then dismissed it. The official line seems to be stoic acceptance as if muslim terrorism were a natural phenomenon like an earthquake.
I see Sky News is now giving us the nauseating spectacle of a muslim woman in a union-jack nijab invoking allah the merciful as part of some perverse remembrance farce in Manchester. The media are simply diligent herdsmen calming the kuffar cattle as they are led to halal slaughter.
Just a mad idea.
Instead of a bBBC crew asking the family of one of the Manchester victims “how do you feel?”, why don’t they ask them “how enriched do you feel?”
Vine on radio 2 today and yesterday no comments open on Facebook, they know the abuse he’s gonna get, he had a Scottish bloke on a few minutes ago saying all the suspects that are on watchlists need locking up till we know what’s going on, I totally agree. Vine asked “should the bomber be locked up for chanting the Koran inArabic in the street?”, I would say yes because it is inciting hatred, if I burned a Koran in the street I would be locked up or even killed.
Yet another bomber who is the British born child of Libyan refugees. And they want us to take in more and more refugees ? what about the kids of those already here that are in primary and secondary schools – odds are that they are bombers-in-waiting . This is an ongoing scenario that has no end.
I mentioned the ex SAS man interviewed on Sky, earlier on. He pulled no punches, and said that enough is enough, and all radicals should be returned home. To which he was asked “what if they are British born?” – Put them in jail he said. He followed it up by saying that the interviewer (Colin Brazier) should ask the parents of those dead children what they think. Brazier clearly was agitated by the belligerent replies of this ex soldier, but such a change to listen to someone who didn’t spout the ‘solidarity’ message.
This hasn’t hit the press yet, but given a little mischief making on my part I’m sure it will.
In the run up to the Mayoral election, Shadow Home Secretary Andy Burham met with extremist Muslim group MEND and made moves for Muslims to bypass the Police reporting crimes and terror suspicions. He has also attempted to have the governments anti Islamic terror program ‘prevent’ neutered.
MEND is recognised as a front organisation for Islamic extremism and has openly been pushing for the UK to allow Muslims to travel to Syria to fight for ISIS there. The suicide bomber Abedi had reportedly travelled to Syria, joined ISIS, been trained and returned to the UK.
Mentioned by Douglas Murray just now on DP. Plus Burnhams call for end of Prevent and nothing to replace it. Shameless bid for Muslim votes. After Monday Burnham should be ashamed rather than grandstanding in Central Manchester with the other liberal idiots like the local bishop and of all people Bercow.
Yep … somewhat old news, and have built close links with BOTH PARTIES.
Now … are they working for both these parties, … or just like Tory Warsi the one Islam,
This has to be front and foremost, as soon as one of these “snakeoilers” gets any leverage.
You only have to just scratch beneath the surface … every time its the same
I suspect, if I was a Jihadi Laddie, I would get rather pissed off that all my clearly Islamic actions were described by Infidel idiots without any knowledge of the Islamic faith on TV that this was ‘nothing to do with Islam’
Having a chat with my wife , who is even angrier than I am about this, and she said that she did understand that we run the risk of tarnishing everyone with the same brush. But our leaders are so at pains to be polite and keep everyone happy that they’re doing the exact opposite and not tarnishing ANYONE with a brush.
The time is now, concerted government action now … or just think WHAT! will it take?
and troops? … give me a break! … YES! if they are immediately proactive, in a concerted effort
to make the seed change a government public policy. to round up the seemingly endless watch list
draining our resources, if you ve gotta spend on them do it at a secure facility, their the ones planning mass murder not us, then denationalise, and deport
Our concern is public safety, it is useless having them standing around at a shopping centre, or at a theatre, or a theme park, or a cinema … or, or, or.
For shills like Amber Dudd, or Liar May … Real security is pro active not reactive, and yes I know, there may be trouble even a riot, but face facts … that’s coming anyway.
Do it with the public, not show apathy and appeasement to the public.
Maybe we judge them too harshly, E, it took Europeans a few thousand years and the creation of the EU (school sylabus) before we stopped, I think, knocking lumps out of each other. I’m sure everything will be just fine and dandy in a a similar sort of timescale if we just take the trouble to undertand them, where they are coming from and the hardships they have faced in the places they have left behind.
Altogether now, Kum ba yah…etc.
When are you going to realise that all leaders of all parties have decided to sacrifice us, our values, our culture and our children to their common purpose globalist multicultural melting pot? A one world order in which they thrive under protection and perks paid by us and we obey and labour all under a poorer version of a dubai style islamic law? Shortly important figures of the establishment will publicly convert. Systems will favour a muslim lifestyle etc. Ultimately our children’s children will live in a majority muslim world and once parliaments are taken over through elections they will legislate accordingly.
True embolden, but then Christianity was represented by warrior kings and backed by a militant and resolute church – not today’s LiberaCE (Geddit? I’ll claim the rights anyway) and a Marxist pope.
The trouble is the Christian values have been eroded as more and more people choose no faith so there isn’t much of a resistance. Only yesterday after the Manchester bombing the presenters on talk radio were making comparisons between Muslim violence and the “Christian violence in the bible”
As an atheist, although brought up a Christian, I clearly remember the distinction between the Old and New Testaments of the Bible..
The OT was all about the tribe of Israel (the Jews) and their trials and tribulations, involving violence and retribution.
The NT was all about Christ and his teachings that very rarely advocated any violence beyond driving the money changers from the temple.
When is the Koran going to have a new non-violent testament?
It is exactly because it was no longer effective to control and submit our western world through what is arguably a dying christianity that globalists decided that the best option was to substitute the population with a greatest number easily manipulated and subjugated under this alternative credo. They don’t care if their granddaughters will have to wear the veil. They have bodyguards and safe wealthy lives nowadays and privilege to bestow on their offsprings for tomorrow. We, the deplorables, no longer easily controlled must put up or disappear.
News-shite yesterday: the increasingly cadaveric looking Evan Davis and their security ‘expert’ using that old beebistan trick of ‘some people are concerned’ / ‘some people online are saying’ that by putting troops on the streets May is ‘exploiting’ the situation, ‘milking it for all its worth’…
So 22 dead and rising, dozens injured, intel of more possible attacks, and this snowflake and his studio chums worry about troops on streets.
I’d rather have those troops protect me than these limp wristed wonkers.
Some people are saying you’re all a bunch of c*nts.
I cant help thinking that all this ‘show’ of the military and extra police on the streets, is just a bit of theatre. Any potential bomber is hardly going to stroll down the street with a bag full of nails knowing he’s likely to be stopped and searched before reaching his target. No, they’ll wait until the security level has downgraded and then they’ll strike. Well, at least I know what a policeman looks like now, as living in the country I’m more likely to see a Rose Coloured Starling than a Boy in Blue.
Some people are saying that Cameron is now considering converting to the Muslim faith. He has said “Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around.”
Also, some people are saying that Cameron, as a Muslim terrorist, is planning an attack, in revenge for the use of the deeply offensive term “Islamic” or “Islamist“, instead of “Muslim” terrorist. He said “We must be careful about the language we use” “Many Muslims are deeply offended by the use of the word “Islamic” or “Islamist” to describe the terrorist threat we face today”
Some people are saying that Cameron should be arrested and executed for terrorism, blasphemy, gay marriage, treason and attacking Islamic nations.
Posted also on: ‘Our Fault’ –
Emir Khan of the caliphate of Londonistan has it right, his approach is, ‘get used to it’. That’s a really responsible approach is it not? On that basis, cast your mind forward into the future when bombings, murder and terrorism become the norm in the UK. What, 5 or 10 years away? Not difficult to imagine on current trends, what with a Bradford “man” (another taxi driver would you believe) travelling to Glasgow and killing another muslim [ ] I don’t rate a Christian’s chances on that basis. Never mind, I resume my line of thought: eventually, the British population rise up, become armed and start killing muzzies on sight on the basis that ‘I kill him before he kills me’. Lebanon Mark 2. For the next 30 or 40 years that maybe a workable option but once the critical mass is in favour of the muslim that will be the end of the British. We’re talking sedition, social unrest at such a magnitude that the Government will not be able to control it. Within the latter, I suspect that many of the security services would fight shy of either taking a side or what is more likely, joining the Brits. Just what islam wnats: a permanent state of war per the Quaran. Apocalyptic maybe, far-fetched? I don’t think so – we all have a breaking point when the cherished “fairness” of the Brit is abused just that little too much. Watch SSGB to get the picture of what happens if nothing changes.
Once again I’m in the US, and my usual morning news-channel surfing appears to indicate that our fragrant BBC heroine, Katty Kay, is a more-than-regular seat-warmer on MSNBC’s main early ‘news’ show, ‘Morning Joe’. No surprise, really, since this so-called ‘news’ programme is a vitriolic Trump hate-fest every day, into which she slots like she was born to it. However, as she usually is, she’s introduced as a BBC ‘reporter’. She’s clearly not a reporter, but a commentator, who also hates President Trump – bear witness her ‘First 100 days’ programme recently on the BBC.
But, of course, being British, she’s obviously (well at least as far as Joe and his cohorts are concerned), clearly well-qualified to comment on the recent events in Manchester. Just about the first words she utters are straight down the line of ‘Britain just has to get used to these atrocities….’.
Don’t you just love the BBC’s patriotic position, which is being broadcast around the world ?
Having listened to the politicians for the last day and a half I’ve decided that they are so contemptuous of the public that they see us as herbivores whose role is to be preyed on by the islamic carnivores. Their priority is to keep us quietly grazing until the last of us is killed. The carnivores have been killing the young and the females, but I think that the males have finally noticed what’s going on.
At least one German politician, Schäuble, is on record saying that the influx from Syria will protect “Europe from inbreeding and degeneration”. The contempt for the indigenous population seems established amonst the elites in Germany and Britain. Schäuble will be disappointed if the new arrivals continue to marry their cousins.
The authorities, through the media, are eager to encourage the general public to be emotionally incontinent, to indulge in meaningless rituals, act passively rather than feel any rage or anger. If Hitler had heard that the inhabitants of Coventry were lighting candles, weeping and wailing and wondering why the nazis hated them so much, he would have thought the war was half won already.
A very good point indeed and one that needed to be made. The protection of the women and children always devolves to the men in the last resort. That is the way of the world and always has been. There is a fine passage in the Iliad where Hector returns bloodied to his wife and child and she realises that only his strength stands between her freedom and death or slavery. She is carrying his son who is terrified of his father’s war armour and Hector takes off his helmet to calm him.
This is the way of our world and always will be. A feminised society tries to pretend that things can change. They never can and never will.
The elite is afraid of our men . It is why it is panicking.
Denis Doherty vexes himself greatly, about the lack of women candidates in the election, the inference being that it is horrible smelly men who leave the loo seat up who are keeping women out of politics.
Had he troubled himself to look up the reasons, he could have relaxed. For some reason women don’t want to be candidates.
Here is the summary from one US study:
“This difference does not arise from disparities in abilities, risk aversion, or beliefs, but rather from the specific competitive and strategic context of campaigns and elections. Thus, we find evidence that women are election averse, whereas men are not.”
American journal of Political Science:
Of course, you could always have ‘women only’ choices for constituencies but self-section leads to you to having a small sample to choose from. Just look at the joyous celebration of democracy that leads to us to having a shadow cabinet containing the multifaceted abilities of Emily Thornberry, Jess Philips, Diane Abbot, Rebecca Long-Baily and Dawn Butler.
Theresa is running out of time (postal ballot) to convince us that she is going to take firm and decisive action to honour the country and the lives destroyed.
Otherwise it’s plan A and UKIP. It may be a wasted vote but at least I won’t be contributing to our extinction.
I would like readers of this page to please bear in mind there is almost certainly no justification for the murder of innocent children in Islam or any of its holy books.
Therefore I wonder if Abedi set out to deliberately injury and kill children or whether it was a random target which did not deliver the intended victims – adult Khuffar.
Bearing this in mind, it is easy for other Muslim authorities to condemn this attack – but would they have actually stopped Abedi if they had not known his intended target was Haram? Would they have been so quick to condemn if the target was something the regarded as legitimate? I do not recall such easy and quick condemnation following previous attacks.
Of course someone on these pages might feel I have the Islamic interpretation incorrect, if so then do feel free to enlighten us all, but even Robert Spencer has not issued a justification for this slaughter.
Easy to condemn after the event and its aftermath – a shame they didn’t feel so inclined BEFORE they knew who the victims would be.
which has extensive coverage of the of Quranic calls for violence against unbelievers, including the historic precedent of clearing the city of Mecca of unbelievers (age immaterial)….subsequent history includes a number of episodes in which populations of “unbelievers” were driven out, converted, or were taken into slavery.
whilst Islam can be interpreted, there seem little real doubt that the interpretation propagated by IS and its affiliates are valid within some Islamic schools of jurisprudence, this theme is well covered with evidence from Islamic scholarship in “the way of the Strangers: encounters with the Islamic State” by Graeme Wood, a book I recommend.
The key word is “innocent”. For a nazi a jewish child is not innocent. The Bolsheviks murdered the children of the tsar as they were “class enemies”. Christians believe in original sin, so no child is born free of guilt.
If you are a muslim woman you are guilty of adultery if you are raped. The idea of a guilty victim is an interesting concept.
Christ, we may not expect Muslims to stand up and condemn terror, we are expected to bribe, court, accommodate and generally fawn over in order to maybe, just maybe persuade them not to kill us. They’ve had plenty of time to show willing – ENOUGH.
Lovely Lovely economic migrants
An Iranian refugee is now at Cannes after winning a competition to make a pop video of Elton John’s Rocket Man
Prior to being in the UK he used to live in the Calais Jungle.
Tweet shows link
Y'all, Eltons Rocketman has been remade with a refugee in the role and it's beautiful.
Islam doesn t delineate like that T … house of islam/house of war, infidel kaffir/muslim,.
Be nice to think there is care for non muslim innocent children, the fact is, in Islam there isn t.
1/. In Islam no infidel is innocent
2/. Have you heard of Islamic child rape gangs?, attacks on Jewish children?, how about the growing prevalence of muslim gang attacks on our school children as they leave school for home?.
In 1991, a Palestinian couple in America was convicted of stabbing their daughter to death for being too Westernized. A family friend came to their defence, excoriating the jury for not understanding the “culture”, claiming that the father was merely following “the religion” and saying that the couple had to “discipline their daughter or lose respect.”.
In 2011, unrepentant Palestinian terrorists, responsible for the brutal murders of civilians, women and children explicitly in the name of Allah were treated to a luxurious “holy pilgrimage” to Mecca by the Saudi king – without a single Muslim voice raised in protest.
The most prestigious Islamic university in the world today is Cairo’s al-Azhar. While the university is very quick to condemn secular Muslims who critique the religion, it has never condemned ISIS as a group of infidels(non Islamic) despite horrific carnage , rape, mass murder, enslavement, horrific torture in the name of Allah.
When asked why, the university’s Grand Imam, Ahmed al-Tayeb explained: ” Al Azhar cannot accuse any [Muslim] of being a kaffir [infidel], as long as he believes in Allah and the Last Day … even if he commits every atrocity.
Remember T that is Islam, important to note that the problem is not bad people,(some just are) but bad, very bad ideology
that is all consuming.
R4 Media show is now quoting “alleged election bias in the MSM”
..Their Twitter chart shows only print media NOT BBC
Their own graphic features Corbyn and Labour Banner.
Amols big question “Do you perceive an anti-Corbyn bias”
Why am i not surprised by this question from the ex editor of the independent. The beeb has this clown on the fast track to stardom. Caught a bit of chris evans this morning who was bigging up brian cox and his science tour and how many tickets he had sold. Another labour and EU loving champagne socialist getting rich with the help of the beeb.
I want to thank all the members who post here, some videos, opinions and graphics are very informative. Tip of the hat to the website too. It’s a go-to place always and especially in times like this for the “real” news.
Peter Rhodes’s column in the Wolverhampton Express & Star always raises a smile. His first item today makes me wonder if he sometimes comments here at Biased BBC.
Couple of news items that haven’t been reported…….
Lorry drivers at Calais are being stoned again, as hundreds surge towards the moving lorries. Over 700 migrants are now congregated again in the area.
Police arrest a man at Stanstead for terrorist activities as he was about to board a plane to Turkey for onward journey to Syria.
All those in Manchester (who all look under 50) congregating for the vigils, and raising their arms in ‘solidarity’ , I wonder if they’ve ever run the gauntlet at Calais; and again wonder if a family member of theirs had been blown up whether they would feel so accommodating to their Muslim neighbours.
So the army is now on the streets – but to fight or protect? They are after all trained to fight not protect and who exactly will they be fighting, or protecting? The excuse that they are there just to back up the police is a lame one.
You will have noticed they (the army) seem to be mostly employed in London at government buildings, at the Houses of parliament and of course in Downing Street. It would appear they are not protecting little girls in Manchester, or Bradford, or Luton, or Oxford, as we might have hoped.
So if they are not protecting us or our children who are they protecting? After all the protection of us or our children has just not been a priority, and it has not been for years. If that fact has not hit us all squarely in the face by now then god help us it never will.
Nor are they (the army) setting out to fight an enemy it seems. After all whilst no one in the government or the media, especially the dear old BBC, dare mention their name we all know who the enemy is and there has been a multitude of opportunities to fight them, especially when one of their own, Lee Rigby, was murdered. So they are not on the streets to fight the un-named enemy who is raping and murdering us and our children, are they?
It seems they are protecting not only our political masters but our new religious masters. Those that we cannot defy or criticise on pain of imprisonment. A bit like the intimidation and imprisonment of poor single mothers that the BBC is so proficient at.
So if the game is to protect THEM then who will the army be set to fight?
I hope the penny has dropped by now. If our army is on the streets to protect THEM, then the ones they (the government) are frightened of and the ones they will set them (the army) to fight – are us, YOU AND ME.
Let us just hope that when our young troops are asked to pull the trigger on their own folks, their own family members in the streets of our country, those people who are at their wits end and who would rather then die than have their children abused and killed any more, that those troops then refuse to obey their and our political masters orders and stand with us and our children.
An unlikely scenario? I Remember clearly when our troops were sent to Northern Ireland, they were sent to protect Catholics from, so called, Protestant intimidation and were greeted by the Catholics with flowers and kisses. But who did the army end up fighting for years? The Catholics.
Remember it is a single shout that turns a peaceful vigil of hundreds of angry people, and people are very angry, into a riot of thousands. That is how close we are. So what is next, meetings of over ten people are banned, a 9 p.m. curfew in our cities?
When an army is put on the streets of its own country it is not good news, it is very, very bad news. We are on a very rocky and unknown path. God help us all.
When an army is put on the streets of its own country it is not good news, it is very, very bad news. We are on a very rocky and unknown path. God help us all.
Yes but you are assuming the army has any clear orders at all. I’m sure they are purely deployed on the streets to ‘inspire confidence’. It’s quite possible they don’t even have live ammunition (to avoid accidents).
I think it’s purely a pointless charade to make it look as if the government is doing something. If this is the best the COBRA meeting can come up with, God help us all.
I am not assuming anything regarding the army’s orders, other than what I am told and that is that they are there to back up the police. But things can change, as they did in Northern Ireland.
Also look around the world to see those countries with armies on the streets and ask yourself if they are places you want to live?
I will repeat, if you think the army is on the streets to protect us the people, then pigs will undoubtedly fly across your sky this evening bringing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh as well as the usual 70 virgins (with bags over their heads).
Well I think they are there purely for show, to cover up for the fact that the government (and the entire political class and media) are unable to honestly name the enemy and hence have absolutely no plan to counter the threat.
I fail to see how more armed police are really going to deter suicide bombers. They certainly are not going to worry about being shot. All a suicide bomber has to do is get into a crowd. Job done.
It is a pointless charade, they are there to protect the government’s image, that’s all.
“they are there to protect the government’s image, that’s all.”
I agree. I had the same thoughts except that I don’t think it’s pointless. I think it’s because the election is coming up & the government who is desperate to be re-elected wants to be seen to be ‘doing’ something.
The Army are there to release the police to spend time preventing further atrocities – allegedly.
Looks to me as though the Army are protecting the “Special Ones” as a priority over us the plebs.
In a few years time, when the Army is fully deployed in the UK saving police time, who is going to defend the UK from external enemies?
They can’t help themselves: the Moslems that is. I watched the press conference outside Didsbury Mosque this afternoon relayed in its entirety by the BBC. I have no argument with that. It’s what a news organisation should do. However, condemning the murders and urging any Moslem who could help them to go to the police, was not enough. The elders of the Mosque couldn’t just leave it there.
As well as condemning the act, the elders sought to dissociate the mosque from Salman Abedi completely. We were treated to the denial that he “worked” at the Mosque. I haven’t come across any source which alleged this (although I guess on the fringes of social media someone actually wrote that he did). Interestingly and significantly though, and in a textbook application of taqiyya (dissimulation in the interests of the faith) having brought up the subject (of a connection between Abedi and Didsbury Mosque), the spokesman didn’t mention – let alone deny – that Abedi worshipped at the Mosque (his father was a muezzin there). So much for dissociation. This was followed by, what has become, the obligatory whine of “official” Islam concerning the “real” victims. Apparently entirely gratuitous manifestations of anti-Moslem feeling (in word against individuals and deed against mosques) were occuring. These, it was claimed, were doubtless “hate crimes” and must be reported to the police as such. The elders then retired into the mosque refusing to take questions.
Frankly, the elders did themselves little good here. They should have realised that “less is more”. A short, sincere condemnation plus a plea that the mosque’s members should do all they could to help the police would have been quite sufficient. However, it’s never enough because, in the end, it’s we kaffirs who are guilty and the Moslems – except for the perps themselves (and even then . . . .) – are as pure as driven snow (and, if you don’t believe me here’s a book which says so). Again, not an example of BBC bias although the elders’ major point concerning denial of Abedi’s working connection with the mosque was noted by the BBC journalist commenting on the statement.
I think we did stand in solidarity in 1940, but in rather different and more effective ways, including
Internment of those thought likely to be fifth columnists.
No tea lights or teddies or cellophane wrapped florist’s bunches though, just a steely resolve to get the enemy defeated at whatever cost.
Do we have the leaders now to invoke that spirit? I am afraid that we don’t.
Yes, RM its staggering that during the War we faced and fought the enemy with a pre-historic telephone system, an intelligence service that didn’t have the digital equipment we have now, and a few hundred boats off the SE coast. Oh, and of course not lighting the 3rd cigarette in the blackout ! Families were losing family members every day and certainly no money available to be spent on flowers let alone teddies. No counselling, just a spirit of gathering up your loincloth and getting on with it !
Sadly you’re right, we don’t have the leaders from any party with enough balls to call tougher measures – probably hampered by the Human Rights Act dictated by Brussels.
Also of course, rightly or wrongly, Germans were the enemy. It did not matter if they were Nazi, it did not matter if they wore uniforms, it did not matter what their personal beliefs were, they were the enemy and they and their appalling behaviour towards their fellow man had to be both punished and, more significantly, eradicated. And it was, and today’s Germans acknowledge the fact, an immense catharsis but one that was vitally necessary for the sake of humanity.
Now why can’t the ‘authorities’ see all those parallels in the world’s most peaceful religion?
Anybody able or willing to tell the dopey Bishops that “vigils” are intended to pre-empt Christan landmark events like Easter and Christmas. They are NOT memorial services with portashrines and teddy bears.
Any chance of the church checking that book of theirs and telling the rest of us about the hell that Burnham, Shakrabhati and muslinic psychopaths are heading for if they cause yet ONE child to die unnecessarily-let alone a number neaer 22.
The Army isn’t diverse enough (yet) to engage with the terrorists in a meaningful yet peaceful way. Now if only we would elect Dustybyn next month, he could train the troops in peaceful non-confrontational ways of engaging with our enemies that didn’t cause (them) any casualties (or offence).
The solution is in our hands. You know it makes sense.
“The lorry driver, a 60-year-old West Midlands man, has been arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving.”
Reports AlBeeb, hours after the event (the details, at least).
Probably breathing a sigh of relief at the “60”.
Because it is not just Muslims who get the AlBeeb “lighter than a feather” reporting.
Another group who are invisible to BBC radar (strange given broadcasting history), are those named Florin East-European-Romani who regularly flatten cars full of British people while driving a 40 tonne lorry, at excessive speeds, with no licence, no insurance, bald tyres, their feet on the dashboard and the tablet in their hand tuned to the pornography channel.
And if they are not quick witted enough to high tail it back to Vlad the Impaler territory PDQ, they will receive a slap on the wrist from some judge (why do we pay these ****ers?).
Which sentence will be reported by the BBC on Channel 666666 at 3am in accordance with customary standards viz a) stand for the National Anthem b) the Test card, c) the light in the middle of your screen disappears, d) The report.
I am going out now, the doctors will have to wait till next time.
I’d like to know just *how* you would get 6 adults in a Nissan Micra, they are not the biggest cars. I struggled to get 4 adults in my Vauxhall Corsa which is around the same size…….
It will be interesting to see what their names are when they are released to the public.
Part two of ?
So a car load, and I mean a car load, of East Europeans get squashed. Per ALBeeb.
In fact the same Europeans who were on the Axis side in WW2. Not mentioned by AlBeeb, yet, they usually ascribe everything to the Third Reich (good for business, diverts attention from Mao and co).
Driver arrested, still being questioned, not yet named, I wonder why?
Anyway, let us (the MSM) give this story pre-eminence, for as long as it takes, until people only remember how loveable Muslims always were, are, and will be in the future.
To ensure this is what people will remember, we (the MSM) are going to tell them 24/7/365 for as long as necessary.
This is Blair’s terrible legacy. We certainly had our noses rubbed in diversity on Monday.
Thanks to his vile Human Rights Act, which protects only lawyers and wrongdoers, it would be impossible to do something drastic like round up anyone who has been to Syria and imprison them. The pendulum has swung so far in the favour of the individual over the state that we have bedlam. The second we tried any measure remotely commensurate with the gravity of this situation any persons of interest would instantly have an army of parasite lawyers tying our hands and demanding they be released.
Thus lawyers make millions in preventing child rapists from being deported as to do so would violate their right to family life – never mind all the families they have ruined. We even paid a million in compensation for wrongful arrest to someone who subsequently blew himself up for Isis.
The European Convention of Human Rights came about after the Second Worls War to prevent the likes of Hitler being able to tyrannise their people. It was not meant to protect criminals.
What these toerags choose to overlook, BB is para 2 in Article 8 of the ECHR, viz;
Article 8 – Right to respect for private and family life
1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.
2. There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
Obiously, according to the legal parasites, having and keeping those amongst us who wish us dead, raped, etc., in no way contravenes Section 8 para 2 of the ECHR,otherwise, those who do fall foul of this ruling would be on the next flight out so fast, their sandals wouldn’t touch the floor!
I think that the relevant word in para 2, Thoughtful, is except and if the hundreds of “persons of interest”, currently on watch lists or not as events have proved, are not deemed to be a threat to national security, why are they under surveillance in the first place?
If they are a threat to national security, public safety, etc., and are of dual or foreign nationality, why, under the terms of paragraph 2, are they still in the country ?
Apologies if I keep bringing your attention to trivial matters. (Trivial by comparison to suicide bombings )
But It’ s a signal nonetheless.
The Trump women declined to submit to the Islamic dress code in their recent Saudi engagement.
BUT this:
Melania and Ivanka Trump wore black veils to meet Pope Francis on Wednesday, following the traditional
dress code for private papal audiences at the Vatican.
Today I had a really bizarre phone conversation with a friend of mine. The conversation came round to the BBc . “The BBc are anti-Labour” he said. After a short pause I said “Have you watched Question Time?”. His response was “apart from the last time it’s always pro-Tory”. “We must be watching different programs” I replied. So I’m now trying to get my head round how any one thinks the BBc is anti-Labour.
According to Mrs Mole, Laura Kuennsberg stitched up Dustybyn once by editing an interview so that he was giving answers to the “wrong” question. I think the Two Ronnies used to do a comedy sketch on the same lines. I haven’t seen this slur of Dustybyn’s integrity myself, but Mrs Mole, a devout Corbynista is outraged and believes the same as your friend.
Personally I think many of the BBBC’s lefty staff are opposed to Dustybyn because they know in their hearts that as Donald says, he is a loser. Even their ingrained support for anyone who is not Tory/UKIP cannot prevent the mask slipping occasionally.
So perhaps the BBBC are a little bit anti-Corbyn rather than anti-Labour?
Think you have that right, RM, because under a Corbyn-led Labour Party the BBC Presenters, News readers, Executives, etc., who earn more than most in the UK – very definitely a small proprotion of the 1% – will be personally paying a lot more in tax.
@Dave666 @Mole bet your friends read the Guardian
The PR tricksters write an EMOTIONAL article leaving out half the info
in order to construct the narrative “The BBc are anti-Labour”
thus your friends get emotionally triggered.
BBC News – Ariana Grande cancels concerts
BBC News – Fundraising effort tops £1.5m
BBC News – Manchester united in grief
BBC News – Mum explains Manchester terror to kids
More about “troops on the street” which streets?
by the Embassies?, Downing street?, the Palace?, the billionaires row?
Keep calm, carry on (Amber Dudd) as she gets security to open the armoured cars door.
Didn`t Theresa may that this attack would not change the way we`d be carrying on.
Next thing?
1. End to election campaigning
2. Grande cancels London and goes home.
3. Take That cancel their coming tour
4. Soldiers stationed where our betters might get attacked…so they say.
Hmm…carry on eh?…seems to me that this collective funk and nervous breakdown only shows how chickenshit we`ve become in the political elite.
Blair and John Reid used to put tanks around Heathrow before THEIR by-elections as I recall.
Tomorrow campaigning for the election re-starts and I thought it might be a good idea to raise the mood somewhat and look at some of the products Amazon are selling for fans of Jeremy.
For just £8.99 you can be the proud owner of The Corbyn Colouring Book (red pencil not included):
Ready the pencil-cases, arm yourselves with crayons, and prepare for revolution. The Corbyn Colouring Book* has arrived.
Page after page of glorious line-drawings depicts The Leader in a variety of settings instructional, inspiring, decorative and occasionally downright silly. You just add the colours. (Red preferred, but not obligatory.)
*Also available as an ebook (the only thing more pointless than The Pop-Up Communist Manifesto).
Or for £5.45 you can have your very own Let’s dress Jeremy! : The Corbyn Cut Out book.
Since his election as Leader of the Opposition Jeremy Corbyn has been frequently criticized by the media as being a bit of a scruff.
Help counteract his critics by dressing your very own Corbyn cut outs.
Love him or loathe him, friend or foe, you will love dressing Jeremy as famous figures such as:
• Elvis • Batman • Bob Dylan • Dr Who and more…
If this is too much for your budget, then you could always spend just £1 for a cardboard cut out face mask of the hero:
Or for the Laydee in your life, for the very reasonable price of £15 you can buy her this sexy pair of knickers with Jeremy’s face printed on the crotch !
There are hundreds of products available, and if Jeremy doesn’t win this time they can all be reused come October at Halloween to frighten the kiddies !
Wonder if they`re absorbent on one side at least?
Would make great and cheap incontinence pads for my ladies at the care home.
Only need a pair of velcro sunglasses and we`d finally have leak-free solutions.
Off for my break now , enjoy yours!
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MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 2018 … in a country where Islam is 5% of population and Christianity is the dominate religion …. Home Office,…
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JohnCMar 4, 10:09 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I suspect the EU have arranged this to bring the UK back closer to the EU in everybodies eyes. I…
AlthepalerpMar 4, 09:57 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Zelensky blew it. Trump was right, he has no cards. he was bluffing. Now Ukraine will pay the price.
Sam Kriss, a prominent pro-Corbyn journalist for Vice has tweeted “it’s good that we’ve got soldiers on the streets now because it means I won’t have to go all the way to the base to burn poppies at them”
If you leave a rasher of bacon outside a mosque you get arrested and sent to prison but this man walks free, spouting his foul, anti-British hate.
What a strange, Harriet Harman type of world we live in.
It’s not the Muslims who are the enemy – It’s SOCIALISTS!!!
How about Both?
Yes its completely disgusting how the minority are more supported by OUR UK Government more than us (freedom of speech). These people coming from Syria and war torn places are not Refugees, they are economic migrants as they travel through so many countries to get to here so if they were that bad off they would get help at the first place possible? Thats what I would have done in that position. 3/4 of MUSLIM WOMEN do not work in this country and 1/4 of MUSLIM MEN do not work costing £8.6 Billion a year(according to an article in the Telegraph). So what are these people doing here about leeching off the taxes paid by hard working British people. We need a points based system where we are able to get people who will benefit our country both socially but economically. Therefore we can cut costs on overpaid jobs like interpreturers and but that towards the NHS. Also we should make non British citizens pay for healthcare and operations. What are your thoughts?
Saw that. What a piece he is,
Holds s the Quran aloft in Parliament
“So long as there is THIS book!, there will be no peace in the world”
Then – William Ewart Gladstone (1809–1898) was Prime Minister of Great Britain four times: 1868–74, 1880–85, 1886 and 1892–94. He called the Qur’an an “accursed book” and once held it up during a session of Parliament, declaring: “So long as there is this book there will be no peace in the world.”
Now – An Islamic reading room is being set up at the library Gladstone founded near his home in North Wales. In this BBC audio report, Gladstone’s great grandson Christopher Parish and Professor Richard Aldous, head of history at University College Dublin, tie themselves into knots trying to come up with a reason why Gladstone would have approved of this particular reading room
Muslim responsible for Manchester jihad attack identified as Salman Abedi, a mass murderer known to authorities but “not thought to pose immediate threat”
Liar May vows to “defeat the ideology that fuels this violence,” while simultaneously refusing to name what it is
“so you will never defeat this ideology, since you refuse even to admit that it exists, much less formulate effective ways to counter it. You will never comprehend these warped and twisted minds, because you refuse to admit that they’re warped and twisted because of religious teachings that you insist are wholly benign.
And so you will be overwhelmingly elected, and you will continue to lead your country to ruin.”
R Spencer
Meanwhile, the Al BBC News … News of a terrorist attack is always frightening, but for parents there is the added dilemma of what to say to their children.
Should I shield them from the news? Is it best just to turn the television off? Will the images they see traumatise them?
Or should I tell my child exactly what’s happened?
Talk about the news -The advice from professionals is that talking about these issues is sometimes better than avoiding them.
The BBC has deftly removed the mass murderer his Islamic imperative way out of the news
Then – Sir Winston Churchill on Islam:
“The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property—either as a child, a wife, or a concubine—must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it.
… No stronger retrograde force exists in the world”
Now – D Cameron on Islam (“Asian “as per usual used instead of Islamic)
Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around.”
‘We must be careful about the language we use,’ he writes. ‘Many Muslims … are deeply offended by the use of the word “Islamic” or “Islamist” to describe the terrorist threat we face today
Now – Theresa May says ‘Islamist’ Westminster Attack was ‘Not Islamic’ , appoints duplicitous Islamists to Sharia Law review committee, insisted that “what a woman wears is a woman’s choice” when quizzed about the issue. Her remarks follow moves in a string of countries including Germany, France, Austria and Belgium to ban the wearing of full-face veils in public. May described bans on veils as “divisive” ?????? when asked about the moves at Prime Minister’s Questions in the Commons
Britain’s Theresa May in the U.S.: Islam is Peaceful, Globalism Good, and Climate Change a Priority
Here she is looking pious and reciting Quran for apologists, no compulsion in religion
Punishing apostasy by death (or imprisonment, for females)?, and the institutionalized discrimination against religious minorities under Islamic rule that is sometimes referred to as “dhimmiitude.”?
Islamic law explicitly prohibits non-Muslims from sharing their faith and even includes the extortion of money from them in the form of a tax called the jizya. ?
Those who refuse to pay this arbitrary amount are put to death. If this isn’t compulsion, then what is?
oh Theresa, what were you thinking?……..
…..not the words of your religious leader…” I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me”.
Take any group of people ; they can be teachers , nurses , lorry drivers , trade unionists , Catholic , Protestant , Sikh , Muslim , travellers , remainers , City of London workers , the under 25s , the over sixties , lawyers , carers , single parents , computer workers , any single group will do .
Give more time and consideration to the special group’s needs or aspirations .
Tell then they are a bit special
Speak directly to self appointed leaders
Adapt policies slightly to accommodate the special group
Speak to the self appointed leaders again who praise you , guardedly because they want more .
Adapt more policies to the favoured group , get more guarded praise from most of the self appointed leaders , although other self appointed will start condemning because you haven’t gone far enough .
Tell the rest of the country how beneficial the special group and the new policies are .
Get other groups to talk about dialogue with the special group .
Explain away some of the special groups more extreme acts and personages .
Adapt more policies . The self appointed now expect it as a right .
Have a go at any individual who doesn’t think the special group should be special
Keep saying how good the special group is to the rest of the country , but privately have doubts .
Keep meeting the self appointed , who claim victimisation from the state and individuals .
Make laws against victimisation . Witch hunt individuals who don’t buy into the policies .
Start hiding from the general public some of the baser things the special group is doing .
Keep turning a blind eye while you can .
Eventually deal with certain practises , asking the self appointed to police it .
Keep explaining away the worse aspects of the special group .
Privately wish the special group would go away , tell everyone how welcome they are .
Come to a fork in the road , crush the special group or succumb to their way .
At first it’s only the big mouths of the special group who you speak to , but others in the special group see how special they’ve become . They think ” well XxxxxX told the government , and got his way . Imagine if we all did . So more of the special group join in with demands , win more , and the process rolls on faster .
So right – it’s like grooming and all it’s done is get us to where we are.
For Muslims, this process confirms it is the will of Allah.
I so wish the BBC and their brethren could be dragged from their safe little enclaves and forced to view the dead and maimed and then explain to the relatives their actions in their reporting.
I’d settle for sending them to the centre of the muslim faith – Saudi Arabia for 6 months to get the feel of what’s to come in the UK and the West in General unless, of course it is stopped, dead in its tracks! (dream on ZZZZZzzzzzzzz)
True – I’d settle for them shutting the F up.
Frank Gardner went to Saudi Arabia. Didn’t go well by all accounts so it is probably a case of once bitten…
A la Auschwitz – where the German populace was made to view the actions of their leaders.
Pretty sure Dimbles will be getting the BBC helo to Salford tonight, unless it turns out the our kids have also been handed a few Stingers too.
Yesterday at 13.31pm Sky News reported that IS had claimed responsibility for the attack.
Almost 24hrs later and the BBC have still not reported it.
Sky obviously reported it then moved on so as to not give too much attention to the terrorists. Obviously the BBC are doing everything to detach it from Islam.
The photos being used by the BBC are once again crass beyond belief.
A Sikh taxi driver and Musilms laying candles and flowers at the vigil. Were there no white people who gave their all in the hour of need or who layed flowers?.
In the rawness of their unimaginable grief I suspect such pc images are the last thing many of the bereaved want to see knowing, as we all do, where this terror is coming from.
The narrative the BBC are trying to push of “love” and “we are one” is hollow beyond words.
As gaxvil says, the BBC should be dragged and made to see face to face what they’re defending
The root of this is Islam and it needs to be dealt with.
End of.
Amber Rudd used the get out, “well the IS would claim responsibility wouldn’t they?” on Today.
Total denial, total refusal to face up to what is happening.
A real Neville Chamberlain moment for our times.
An ex SAS man currently on Sky telling it how it is – and how refreshing !
Bumped into a very short, very tanned old boy walking our dogs today, and got chatting.
Turned out he was in the Paras in the 70s. Seems he will not be voting Labour or Lib Dem. And Treezer looking iffy for him too. Guessing it’s the Greens for him then.
Look, Islam is, a dangerous ideology, our grandfathers knew it and acted on it.
What s with this religion of peace crap, this a post 9/11 bullshine course?
It hasn t changed, will not change … our politician s have the resources at hand, scrap the self serving, party before country, breakneck political elites election, there is no need for it.
Act in unity now …. do what no one in Europe is doing, take decisive pro active steps for our security, let our nation
lead FOR our nation, not politicians disgraceful self servitude.
The BBC have brought us “fake news”, “fake analysis” and now they are bringing us “fake Blitz spirit”.
The BBC’s Positive Stereotype Generation Unit should not have taken those WWII films showing the general public pitching in to clean up after a German bombing raid as a template. The women in headscarves with mops and buckets were not Muslims. Parading a bewildering number of muslimas wearing niqabs, no matter how floral, will not create the “good muslim” stereotype the BBC want because the public see the niqab and burka as the uniform of female Jihadists. I think it was Marius Goring who took on the role of the cultivated “good German” in those old films in which the powers-that-be were trying to wean the postwar public off the idea that every German was a nazi. He would not have been very convincing if he had worn a stahlhelm as a prop -even if someone had painted it with pretty flowers. It’s also not very effective to have model muslimas claiming that they are totally baffled by Muslim terrorism. This evokes memories of Germans claiming not to have noticed the death camp on their doorsteps.
See Breitbart runs a story about a Nottingham law firm who are using delaying tactics to prevent the deportation of 4 convicted muslim men over the Rochdale debauchery.
Checked BBC Uk news to see if they were running the story………….I couldn’t find anything.
Irrespective of which stories they choose to highlight and on the assumption that the Breitbart story is correct the it only serves to highlight that the UK has a mighty big pond to drain. Someone had better step up soon.
Lawyers and whores.
I think it’s a bit unfair to whores to mention them in the same breath as lawyers. Think of the girls’ reputations.
Yes, I apologise.
s.trubble, when I heard the name of the firm of solicitors, Burton and Burton, I expected it to be run by well meaning white liberals. But it looks like Burton and Burton have long since gone for a Burton. The Law Society website shows all eleven employees to have Muslim names.
Lawyers, eh? Bet plenty spare from the legal aid kitty to pass a few quid to the victims’ appeal. Or… not.
Manchester attack: US leaks about bomber irritating – Rudd
Home Secretary Amber Rudd has said she is irritated with the US for releasing information about the Manchester bomber before UK police would have liked.
Ms Rudd said the British had wanted to control the flow of information to “keep the element of surprise”.
What was the surprise supposed to be? “….and the terrorist was……[drum roll]……Reverend John Smith from the Cotswolds” ?
There is no surprise ever – It’s always Islam every time.
Have they given up with the, ‘lone wolf’ thing? I guess they’ll have to cancel the street parties then. I guess it would have been so much better to be killed by a, ‘self employed’ terrorist.
Certainly looking hard to sustain.
Suspect they are moving on to a bus load of mentally ill guys on an outing, like in ‘One Flew Over Jeremy Corbyn’s Nest’.
They were probably hoping they could wait until public attention was back on the election before quietly divulging such information.
Oh you mustn’t say that – it’s race hate…
Lucy Powell for Labour on Daily Politics refuses to ascribe the bombing to Islam, denies any hotbeds of Islamist activity in Manchester, is worried about pointing the finger, thinks it’s down to deranged individuals. All sane Britons not in thrall to Islam in her constituency should remember this drivel when voting on 8 June.
Unfortunately it’s a central Manchester constituency and they’re almost as brain dead as they are in Salford. She could tell them she was going to torture them to death and sell their kids into sexual slavery and they’re so thick they’d still vote for her !
Ha yes saw that. Remember – politician first – human being second . All the candidates are dreaming of another 5?years of expenses and taxpayers money. She can’t upset her voters can she ? Brillo gave her a pass
Even Douglas Murray seemed unusually lacking in ideas. Of course, he acquiesced in Neil’s ” millions of peace-loving Muslims in the UK” line and once you have done that you have lost the argument. But as a statement it is not true nor relevant. Large numbers of muslims may not actually be committing acts of violence, but they may be enabling violence tacitly supporting violence or simply keeping their heads down.
It is clear that countries like Japan are not bothered with muslim terrorism because there are so few muslims. Even conceding Neil’s point, there is no need to put up with the catastrophic disadvantages of a violent Muslim minority, hostile to the way of life of the indigenous population, if it can conceal itself amongst a larger more benign muslim population. No one would eat at the restaurant which produced the best food in the world if there was even a one in a million chance of fatal food poisoning. Closing down the restaurant may be a loss, but at least no one would be killed. I don’t think it is unreasonable to expect that people should be able to lead their daily lives without this additional risk of murder. Neil seemed to be suggesting this himself, but then dismissed it. The official line seems to be stoic acceptance as if muslim terrorism were a natural phenomenon like an earthquake.
I see Sky News is now giving us the nauseating spectacle of a muslim woman in a union-jack nijab invoking allah the merciful as part of some perverse remembrance farce in Manchester. The media are simply diligent herdsmen calming the kuffar cattle as they are led to halal slaughter.
Just a mad idea.
Instead of a bBBC crew asking the family of one of the Manchester victims “how do you feel?”, why don’t they ask them “how enriched do you feel?”
Vine on radio 2 today and yesterday no comments open on Facebook, they know the abuse he’s gonna get, he had a Scottish bloke on a few minutes ago saying all the suspects that are on watchlists need locking up till we know what’s going on, I totally agree. Vine asked “should the bomber be locked up for chanting the Koran inArabic in the street?”, I would say yes because it is inciting hatred, if I burned a Koran in the street I would be locked up or even killed.
Yet another bomber who is the British born child of Libyan refugees. And they want us to take in more and more refugees ? what about the kids of those already here that are in primary and secondary schools – odds are that they are bombers-in-waiting . This is an ongoing scenario that has no end.
I mentioned the ex SAS man interviewed on Sky, earlier on. He pulled no punches, and said that enough is enough, and all radicals should be returned home. To which he was asked “what if they are British born?” – Put them in jail he said. He followed it up by saying that the interviewer (Colin Brazier) should ask the parents of those dead children what they think. Brazier clearly was agitated by the belligerent replies of this ex soldier, but such a change to listen to someone who didn’t spout the ‘solidarity’ message.
Brissles, thanks for mentioning this in your post.
Thanks Al, I didn’t know how to download the interview, but glad you were able to find it.
This hasn’t hit the press yet, but given a little mischief making on my part I’m sure it will.
In the run up to the Mayoral election, Shadow Home Secretary Andy Burham met with extremist Muslim group MEND and made moves for Muslims to bypass the Police reporting crimes and terror suspicions. He has also attempted to have the governments anti Islamic terror program ‘prevent’ neutered.
MEND is recognised as a front organisation for Islamic extremism and has openly been pushing for the UK to allow Muslims to travel to Syria to fight for ISIS there. The suicide bomber Abedi had reportedly travelled to Syria, joined ISIS, been trained and returned to the UK.
The manipulation of parliamentary candidates through the corrupt bankrupt democratic process is evidenced in this Andrew Gilligan article.
The fact that Manchester Mayor is meeting with Islamic extremist groups is an alarming development in an already alarming story
Mentioned by Douglas Murray just now on DP. Plus Burnhams call for end of Prevent and nothing to replace it. Shameless bid for Muslim votes. After Monday Burnham should be ashamed rather than grandstanding in Central Manchester with the other liberal idiots like the local bishop and of all people Bercow.
Fucking Hell! Pardon my French.
Yep … somewhat old news, and have built close links with BOTH PARTIES.
Now … are they working for both these parties, … or just like Tory Warsi the one Islam,
This has to be front and foremost, as soon as one of these “snakeoilers” gets any leverage.
You only have to just scratch beneath the surface … every time its the same
I suspect, if I was a Jihadi Laddie, I would get rather pissed off that all my clearly Islamic actions were described by Infidel idiots without any knowledge of the Islamic faith on TV that this was ‘nothing to do with Islam’
Having a chat with my wife , who is even angrier than I am about this, and she said that she did understand that we run the risk of tarnishing everyone with the same brush. But our leaders are so at pains to be polite and keep everyone happy that they’re doing the exact opposite and not tarnishing ANYONE with a brush.
Just a quiet word and not wanting to make you look silly, but it’s tarring with the same brush as you cannot ‘tarnish’ something with a brush.
I know that, but she said tarnish and I wasn’t about to argue!
They are doing an awful lot of whitewashing with that brush they disallow to us alleged “tarnishers”
Woowich better to tarnish with the brush than to sweep it under the carpet.
Anybody know why the bBC has kept this story about a Muslim armed with an axe and baseball bat at a vigil for Manchester somewhat low key?

JMaybe the BBC haven’t managed to find a picture of a man in Birmingham with white hands to photoshop it with yet?
The religion of peace
…But she fights back – go girl!
No doubt she’ll be done for assault / islamophobia / racism / hate crime.
The time is now, concerted government action now … or just think WHAT! will it take?
and troops? … give me a break! … YES! if they are immediately proactive, in a concerted effort
to make the seed change a government public policy. to round up the seemingly endless watch list
draining our resources, if you ve gotta spend on them do it at a secure facility, their the ones planning mass murder not us, then denationalise, and deport
Our concern is public safety, it is useless having them standing around at a shopping centre, or at a theatre, or a theme park, or a cinema … or, or, or.
For shills like Amber Dudd, or Liar May … Real security is pro active not reactive, and yes I know, there may be trouble even a riot, but face facts … that’s coming anyway.
Do it with the public, not show apathy and appeasement to the public.
You can take the boy out of the jungle but you can’t take the jungle out of the boy.
I hope this isn’t racist.
Not so much jungle in Somalia….but other than that…. carry on 😉
Maybe we judge them too harshly, E, it took Europeans a few thousand years and the creation of the EU (school sylabus) before we stopped, I think, knocking lumps out of each other. I’m sure everything will be just fine and dandy in a a similar sort of timescale if we just take the trouble to undertand them, where they are coming from and the hardships they have faced in the places they have left behind.
Altogether now, Kum ba yah…etc.
Oh they are so grateful to their host countries for giving them a safe home aren’t they.
When are you going to realise that all leaders of all parties have decided to sacrifice us, our values, our culture and our children to their common purpose globalist multicultural melting pot? A one world order in which they thrive under protection and perks paid by us and we obey and labour all under a poorer version of a dubai style islamic law? Shortly important figures of the establishment will publicly convert. Systems will favour a muslim lifestyle etc. Ultimately our children’s children will live in a majority muslim world and once parliaments are taken over through elections they will legislate accordingly.
Centuries of Islamic rule did not obliterate Christian resistance in Spain, Greece, Rumania, Hungary, Serbia, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon or Syria.
They won`t succeed here either. get a grip.
True embolden, but then Christianity was represented by warrior kings and backed by a militant and resolute church – not today’s LiberaCE (Geddit? I’ll claim the rights anyway) and a Marxist pope.
The trouble is the Christian values have been eroded as more and more people choose no faith so there isn’t much of a resistance. Only yesterday after the Manchester bombing the presenters on talk radio were making comparisons between Muslim violence and the “Christian violence in the bible”
As an atheist, although brought up a Christian, I clearly remember the distinction between the Old and New Testaments of the Bible..
The OT was all about the tribe of Israel (the Jews) and their trials and tribulations, involving violence and retribution.
The NT was all about Christ and his teachings that very rarely advocated any violence beyond driving the money changers from the temple.
When is the Koran going to have a new non-violent testament?
Restroom Mole,
When PIGS fly!

It is exactly because it was no longer effective to control and submit our western world through what is arguably a dying christianity that globalists decided that the best option was to substitute the population with a greatest number easily manipulated and subjugated under this alternative credo. They don’t care if their granddaughters will have to wear the veil. They have bodyguards and safe wealthy lives nowadays and privilege to bestow on their offsprings for tomorrow. We, the deplorables, no longer easily controlled must put up or disappear.
News-shite yesterday: the increasingly cadaveric looking Evan Davis and their security ‘expert’ using that old beebistan trick of ‘some people are concerned’ / ‘some people online are saying’ that by putting troops on the streets May is ‘exploiting’ the situation, ‘milking it for all its worth’…
So 22 dead and rising, dozens injured, intel of more possible attacks, and this snowflake and his studio chums worry about troops on streets.
I’d rather have those troops protect me than these limp wristed wonkers.
Some people are saying you’re all a bunch of c*nts.
Putting troops on the streets will free up cops so they can concentrate on monitoring Islamophobic tweets which might contribute to the backlash
May knows what she is doing
I cant help thinking that all this ‘show’ of the military and extra police on the streets, is just a bit of theatre. Any potential bomber is hardly going to stroll down the street with a bag full of nails knowing he’s likely to be stopped and searched before reaching his target. No, they’ll wait until the security level has downgraded and then they’ll strike. Well, at least I know what a policeman looks like now, as living in the country I’m more likely to see a Rose Coloured Starling than a Boy in Blue.
“May knows what she is doing” – Really? I don’t think so.
The troops are there, in my opinion, to protect “moderate Muslims”
Some people are saying that Cameron is now considering converting to the Muslim faith. He has said “Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around.”
Also, some people are saying that Cameron, as a Muslim terrorist, is planning an attack, in revenge for the use of the deeply offensive term “Islamic” or “Islamist“, instead of “Muslim” terrorist. He said “We must be careful about the language we use” “Many Muslims are deeply offended by the use of the word “Islamic” or “Islamist” to describe the terrorist threat we face today”
Some people are saying that Cameron should be arrested and executed for terrorism, blasphemy, gay marriage, treason and attacking Islamic nations.
Posted also on: ‘Our Fault’ –
Emir Khan of the caliphate of Londonistan has it right, his approach is, ‘get used to it’. That’s a really responsible approach is it not? On that basis, cast your mind forward into the future when bombings, murder and terrorism become the norm in the UK. What, 5 or 10 years away? Not difficult to imagine on current trends, what with a Bradford “man” (another taxi driver would you believe) travelling to Glasgow and killing another muslim [ ] I don’t rate a Christian’s chances on that basis. Never mind, I resume my line of thought: eventually, the British population rise up, become armed and start killing muzzies on sight on the basis that ‘I kill him before he kills me’. Lebanon Mark 2. For the next 30 or 40 years that maybe a workable option but once the critical mass is in favour of the muslim that will be the end of the British. We’re talking sedition, social unrest at such a magnitude that the Government will not be able to control it. Within the latter, I suspect that many of the security services would fight shy of either taking a side or what is more likely, joining the Brits. Just what islam wnats: a permanent state of war per the Quaran. Apocalyptic maybe, far-fetched? I don’t think so – we all have a breaking point when the cherished “fairness” of the Brit is abused just that little too much. Watch SSGB to get the picture of what happens if nothing changes.
Once again I’m in the US, and my usual morning news-channel surfing appears to indicate that our fragrant BBC heroine, Katty Kay, is a more-than-regular seat-warmer on MSNBC’s main early ‘news’ show, ‘Morning Joe’. No surprise, really, since this so-called ‘news’ programme is a vitriolic Trump hate-fest every day, into which she slots like she was born to it. However, as she usually is, she’s introduced as a BBC ‘reporter’. She’s clearly not a reporter, but a commentator, who also hates President Trump – bear witness her ‘First 100 days’ programme recently on the BBC.
But, of course, being British, she’s obviously (well at least as far as Joe and his cohorts are concerned), clearly well-qualified to comment on the recent events in Manchester. Just about the first words she utters are straight down the line of ‘Britain just has to get used to these atrocities….’.
Don’t you just love the BBC’s patriotic position, which is being broadcast around the world ?
Having listened to the politicians for the last day and a half I’ve decided that they are so contemptuous of the public that they see us as herbivores whose role is to be preyed on by the islamic carnivores. Their priority is to keep us quietly grazing until the last of us is killed. The carnivores have been killing the young and the females, but I think that the males have finally noticed what’s going on.
At least one German politician, Schäuble, is on record saying that the influx from Syria will protect “Europe from inbreeding and degeneration”. The contempt for the indigenous population seems established amonst the elites in Germany and Britain. Schäuble will be disappointed if the new arrivals continue to marry their cousins.
The authorities, through the media, are eager to encourage the general public to be emotionally incontinent, to indulge in meaningless rituals, act passively rather than feel any rage or anger. If Hitler had heard that the inhabitants of Coventry were lighting candles, weeping and wailing and wondering why the nazis hated them so much, he would have thought the war was half won already.
A very good point indeed and one that needed to be made. The protection of the women and children always devolves to the men in the last resort. That is the way of the world and always has been. There is a fine passage in the Iliad where Hector returns bloodied to his wife and child and she realises that only his strength stands between her freedom and death or slavery. She is carrying his son who is terrified of his father’s war armour and Hector takes off his helmet to calm him.
This is the way of our world and always will be. A feminised society tries to pretend that things can change. They never can and never will.
The elite is afraid of our men . It is why it is panicking.
General election: Why 7.5m people can’t vote for a woman
Denis Doherty vexes himself greatly, about the lack of women candidates in the election, the inference being that it is horrible smelly men who leave the loo seat up who are keeping women out of politics.
Had he troubled himself to look up the reasons, he could have relaxed. For some reason women don’t want to be candidates.
Here is the summary from one US study:
“This difference does not arise from disparities in abilities, risk aversion, or beliefs, but rather from the specific competitive and strategic context of campaigns and elections. Thus, we find evidence that women are election averse, whereas men are not.”
American journal of Political Science:
Of course, you could always have ‘women only’ choices for constituencies but self-section leads to you to having a small sample to choose from. Just look at the joyous celebration of democracy that leads to us to having a shadow cabinet containing the multifaceted abilities of Emily Thornberry, Jess Philips, Diane Abbot, Rebecca Long-Baily and Dawn Butler.
You appear to have overlooked Jack Dromey on your all-wimmin short lists.
You will know when the BBC feels it has won the propaganda war when HYS returns.
Theresa is running out of time (postal ballot) to convince us that she is going to take firm and decisive action to honour the country and the lives destroyed.
Otherwise it’s plan A and UKIP. It may be a wasted vote but at least I won’t be contributing to our extinction.
All for it.
My ukip postal vote went in today.
I would like readers of this page to please bear in mind there is almost certainly no justification for the murder of innocent children in Islam or any of its holy books.
Therefore I wonder if Abedi set out to deliberately injury and kill children or whether it was a random target which did not deliver the intended victims – adult Khuffar.
Bearing this in mind, it is easy for other Muslim authorities to condemn this attack – but would they have actually stopped Abedi if they had not known his intended target was Haram? Would they have been so quick to condemn if the target was something the regarded as legitimate? I do not recall such easy and quick condemnation following previous attacks.
Of course someone on these pages might feel I have the Islamic interpretation incorrect, if so then do feel free to enlighten us all, but even Robert Spencer has not issued a justification for this slaughter.
Easy to condemn after the event and its aftermath – a shame they didn’t feel so inclined BEFORE they knew who the victims would be.
Thoughtful, may I suggest you take a look at, then look for the page entitled ” what does Islam teach about violence?”
which has extensive coverage of the of Quranic calls for violence against unbelievers, including the historic precedent of clearing the city of Mecca of unbelievers (age immaterial)….subsequent history includes a number of episodes in which populations of “unbelievers” were driven out, converted, or were taken into slavery.
whilst Islam can be interpreted, there seem little real doubt that the interpretation propagated by IS and its affiliates are valid within some Islamic schools of jurisprudence, this theme is well covered with evidence from Islamic scholarship in “the way of the Strangers: encounters with the Islamic State” by Graeme Wood, a book I recommend.
The key word is “innocent”. For a nazi a jewish child is not innocent. The Bolsheviks murdered the children of the tsar as they were “class enemies”. Christians believe in original sin, so no child is born free of guilt.
If you are a muslim woman you are guilty of adultery if you are raped. The idea of a guilty victim is an interesting concept.
Christ, we may not expect Muslims to stand up and condemn terror, we are expected to bribe, court, accommodate and generally fawn over in order to maybe, just maybe persuade them not to kill us. They’ve had plenty of time to show willing – ENOUGH.
Lovely Lovely economic migrants
An Iranian refugee is now at Cannes after winning a competition to make a pop video of Elton John’s Rocket Man
Prior to being in the UK he used to live in the Calais Jungle.
Tweet shows link
Islam doesn t delineate like that T … house of islam/house of war, infidel kaffir/muslim,.
Be nice to think there is care for non muslim innocent children, the fact is, in Islam there isn t.
1/. In Islam no infidel is innocent
2/. Have you heard of Islamic child rape gangs?, attacks on Jewish children?, how about the growing prevalence of muslim gang attacks on our school children as they leave school for home?.
In 1991, a Palestinian couple in America was convicted of stabbing their daughter to death for being too Westernized. A family friend came to their defence, excoriating the jury for not understanding the “culture”, claiming that the father was merely following “the religion” and saying that the couple had to “discipline their daughter or lose respect.”.
In 2011, unrepentant Palestinian terrorists, responsible for the brutal murders of civilians, women and children explicitly in the name of Allah were treated to a luxurious “holy pilgrimage” to Mecca by the Saudi king – without a single Muslim voice raised in protest.
The most prestigious Islamic university in the world today is Cairo’s al-Azhar. While the university is very quick to condemn secular Muslims who critique the religion, it has never condemned ISIS as a group of infidels(non Islamic) despite horrific carnage , rape, mass murder, enslavement, horrific torture in the name of Allah.
When asked why, the university’s Grand Imam, Ahmed al-Tayeb explained: ” Al Azhar cannot accuse any [Muslim] of being a kaffir [infidel], as long as he believes in Allah and the Last Day … even if he commits every atrocity.
Remember T that is Islam, important to note that the problem is not bad people,(some just are) but bad, very bad ideology
that is all consuming.
R4 Media show is now quoting “alleged election bias in the MSM”

..Their Twitter chart shows only print media NOT BBC
Their own graphic features Corbyn and Labour Banner.
Amols big question “Do you perceive an anti-Corbyn bias”
Why am i not surprised by this question from the ex editor of the independent. The beeb has this clown on the fast track to stardom. Caught a bit of chris evans this morning who was bigging up brian cox and his science tour and how many tickets he had sold. Another labour and EU loving champagne socialist getting rich with the help of the beeb.
I want to thank all the members who post here, some videos, opinions and graphics are very informative. Tip of the hat to the website too. It’s a go-to place always and especially in times like this for the “real” news.
Peter Rhodes’s column in the Wolverhampton Express & Star always raises a smile. His first item today makes me wonder if he sometimes comments here at Biased BBC.
Tonight’s BBC Question Time should be a good and fair debate about the Manchester bombing judging by this photo of the panel during rehearsals.
Don’t give’em ideas, Tabs.
Is that Diane Abbott on QT again?!!
The one on the right hand side of the picture?
Not like her to start keeping a low profile.
No snuff they are all sitting around her mouth – I hope!
Is that a dementor from Harry Potter on the right?
Joking aside, I sincerely hope it isn’t the ghost of Christmas future…or Will it be Eid ?
Couple of news items that haven’t been reported…….
Lorry drivers at Calais are being stoned again, as hundreds surge towards the moving lorries. Over 700 migrants are now congregated again in the area.
Police arrest a man at Stanstead for terrorist activities as he was about to board a plane to Turkey for onward journey to Syria.
All those in Manchester (who all look under 50) congregating for the vigils, and raising their arms in ‘solidarity’ , I wonder if they’ve ever run the gauntlet at Calais; and again wonder if a family member of theirs had been blown up whether they would feel so accommodating to their Muslim neighbours.
So the army is now on the streets – but to fight or protect? They are after all trained to fight not protect and who exactly will they be fighting, or protecting? The excuse that they are there just to back up the police is a lame one.
You will have noticed they (the army) seem to be mostly employed in London at government buildings, at the Houses of parliament and of course in Downing Street. It would appear they are not protecting little girls in Manchester, or Bradford, or Luton, or Oxford, as we might have hoped.
So if they are not protecting us or our children who are they protecting? After all the protection of us or our children has just not been a priority, and it has not been for years. If that fact has not hit us all squarely in the face by now then god help us it never will.
Nor are they (the army) setting out to fight an enemy it seems. After all whilst no one in the government or the media, especially the dear old BBC, dare mention their name we all know who the enemy is and there has been a multitude of opportunities to fight them, especially when one of their own, Lee Rigby, was murdered. So they are not on the streets to fight the un-named enemy who is raping and murdering us and our children, are they?
It seems they are protecting not only our political masters but our new religious masters. Those that we cannot defy or criticise on pain of imprisonment. A bit like the intimidation and imprisonment of poor single mothers that the BBC is so proficient at.
So if the game is to protect THEM then who will the army be set to fight?
I hope the penny has dropped by now. If our army is on the streets to protect THEM, then the ones they (the government) are frightened of and the ones they will set them (the army) to fight – are us, YOU AND ME.
Let us just hope that when our young troops are asked to pull the trigger on their own folks, their own family members in the streets of our country, those people who are at their wits end and who would rather then die than have their children abused and killed any more, that those troops then refuse to obey their and our political masters orders and stand with us and our children.
An unlikely scenario? I Remember clearly when our troops were sent to Northern Ireland, they were sent to protect Catholics from, so called, Protestant intimidation and were greeted by the Catholics with flowers and kisses. But who did the army end up fighting for years? The Catholics.
Remember it is a single shout that turns a peaceful vigil of hundreds of angry people, and people are very angry, into a riot of thousands. That is how close we are. So what is next, meetings of over ten people are banned, a 9 p.m. curfew in our cities?
When an army is put on the streets of its own country it is not good news, it is very, very bad news. We are on a very rocky and unknown path. God help us all.
Yes but you are assuming the army has any clear orders at all. I’m sure they are purely deployed on the streets to ‘inspire confidence’. It’s quite possible they don’t even have live ammunition (to avoid accidents).
I think it’s purely a pointless charade to make it look as if the government is doing something. If this is the best the COBRA meeting can come up with, God help us all.
I am not assuming anything regarding the army’s orders, other than what I am told and that is that they are there to back up the police. But things can change, as they did in Northern Ireland.
Also look around the world to see those countries with armies on the streets and ask yourself if they are places you want to live?
I will repeat, if you think the army is on the streets to protect us the people, then pigs will undoubtedly fly across your sky this evening bringing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh as well as the usual 70 virgins (with bags over their heads).
Well I think they are there purely for show, to cover up for the fact that the government (and the entire political class and media) are unable to honestly name the enemy and hence have absolutely no plan to counter the threat.
I fail to see how more armed police are really going to deter suicide bombers. They certainly are not going to worry about being shot. All a suicide bomber has to do is get into a crowd. Job done.
It is a pointless charade, they are there to protect the government’s image, that’s all.
“they are there to protect the government’s image, that’s all.”
I agree. I had the same thoughts except that I don’t think it’s pointless. I think it’s because the election is coming up & the government who is desperate to be re-elected wants to be seen to be ‘doing’ something.
The army is there because the cops are too busy screening Twitter for Islamophobic comments in the predicted backlash
The Army are there to release the police to spend time preventing further atrocities – allegedly.
Looks to me as though the Army are protecting the “Special Ones” as a priority over us the plebs.
In a few years time, when the Army is fully deployed in the UK saving police time, who is going to defend the UK from external enemies?
Army on the streets can only mean we are at war.
They can’t help themselves: the Moslems that is. I watched the press conference outside Didsbury Mosque this afternoon relayed in its entirety by the BBC. I have no argument with that. It’s what a news organisation should do. However, condemning the murders and urging any Moslem who could help them to go to the police, was not enough. The elders of the Mosque couldn’t just leave it there.
As well as condemning the act, the elders sought to dissociate the mosque from Salman Abedi completely. We were treated to the denial that he “worked” at the Mosque. I haven’t come across any source which alleged this (although I guess on the fringes of social media someone actually wrote that he did). Interestingly and significantly though, and in a textbook application of taqiyya (dissimulation in the interests of the faith) having brought up the subject (of a connection between Abedi and Didsbury Mosque), the spokesman didn’t mention – let alone deny – that Abedi worshipped at the Mosque (his father was a muezzin there). So much for dissociation. This was followed by, what has become, the obligatory whine of “official” Islam concerning the “real” victims. Apparently entirely gratuitous manifestations of anti-Moslem feeling (in word against individuals and deed against mosques) were occuring. These, it was claimed, were doubtless “hate crimes” and must be reported to the police as such. The elders then retired into the mosque refusing to take questions.
Frankly, the elders did themselves little good here. They should have realised that “less is more”. A short, sincere condemnation plus a plea that the mosque’s members should do all they could to help the police would have been quite sufficient. However, it’s never enough because, in the end, it’s we kaffirs who are guilty and the Moslems – except for the perps themselves (and even then . . . .) – are as pure as driven snow (and, if you don’t believe me here’s a book which says so). Again, not an example of BBC bias although the elders’ major point concerning denial of Abedi’s working connection with the mosque was noted by the BBC journalist commenting on the statement.
Umbongo..good post.
p.s. love the drinks
Good versus evil.
Wake up…..
Are you listening politicians??!
Wasn’t it lucky that ‘standing in solidarity’ and ‘candle-lit vigils’ didn’t occur to those blitzed in 1940. Good target markers though….
I think we did stand in solidarity in 1940, but in rather different and more effective ways, including
Internment of those thought likely to be fifth columnists.
No tea lights or teddies or cellophane wrapped florist’s bunches though, just a steely resolve to get the enemy defeated at whatever cost.
Do we have the leaders now to invoke that spirit? I am afraid that we don’t.
Yes, RM its staggering that during the War we faced and fought the enemy with a pre-historic telephone system, an intelligence service that didn’t have the digital equipment we have now, and a few hundred boats off the SE coast. Oh, and of course not lighting the 3rd cigarette in the blackout ! Families were losing family members every day and certainly no money available to be spent on flowers let alone teddies. No counselling, just a spirit of gathering up your loincloth and getting on with it !
Sadly you’re right, we don’t have the leaders from any party with enough balls to call tougher measures – probably hampered by the Human Rights Act dictated by Brussels.
Also of course, rightly or wrongly, Germans were the enemy. It did not matter if they were Nazi, it did not matter if they wore uniforms, it did not matter what their personal beliefs were, they were the enemy and they and their appalling behaviour towards their fellow man had to be both punished and, more significantly, eradicated. And it was, and today’s Germans acknowledge the fact, an immense catharsis but one that was vitally necessary for the sake of humanity.
Now why can’t the ‘authorities’ see all those parallels in the world’s most peaceful religion?
Anybody able or willing to tell the dopey Bishops that “vigils” are intended to pre-empt Christan landmark events like Easter and Christmas. They are NOT memorial services with portashrines and teddy bears.
Any chance of the church checking that book of theirs and telling the rest of us about the hell that Burnham, Shakrabhati and muslinic psychopaths are heading for if they cause yet ONE child to die unnecessarily-let alone a number neaer 22.
I suspect that there will be another Islamic Terrorist atrocity here soon.
The Army can’t stop it. There are too many targets.
But the Army will of course be to blame along with the police and the security services when it happens. I can see the BBC headlines now.
The Army isn’t diverse enough (yet) to engage with the terrorists in a meaningful yet peaceful way. Now if only we would elect Dustybyn next month, he could train the troops in peaceful non-confrontational ways of engaging with our enemies that didn’t cause (them) any casualties (or offence).
The solution is in our hands. You know it makes sense.
“The lorry driver, a 60-year-old West Midlands man, has been arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving.”
Reports AlBeeb, hours after the event (the details, at least).
Probably breathing a sigh of relief at the “60”.
Because it is not just Muslims who get the AlBeeb “lighter than a feather” reporting.
Another group who are invisible to BBC radar (strange given broadcasting history), are those named Florin East-European-Romani who regularly flatten cars full of British people while driving a 40 tonne lorry, at excessive speeds, with no licence, no insurance, bald tyres, their feet on the dashboard and the tablet in their hand tuned to the pornography channel.
And if they are not quick witted enough to high tail it back to Vlad the Impaler territory PDQ, they will receive a slap on the wrist from some judge (why do we pay these ****ers?).
Which sentence will be reported by the BBC on Channel 666666 at 3am in accordance with customary standards viz a) stand for the National Anthem b) the Test card, c) the light in the middle of your screen disappears, d) The report.
I am going out now, the doctors will have to wait till next time.
Here’s a report of the accident
I think it’s interesting that there were six adults in a Nissan Micra …….
Lobbie…they couldn’t get in the Mini for the elephants.
I’d like to know just *how* you would get 6 adults in a Nissan Micra, they are not the biggest cars. I struggled to get 4 adults in my Vauxhall Corsa which is around the same size…….
It will be interesting to see what their names are when they are released to the public.
BCW – My thoughts exactly!
Micras all have 5 seat belts so the legal limit is 5 adults.
It would appear that the casualties were all Romanian.
Part two of ?
So a car load, and I mean a car load, of East Europeans get squashed. Per ALBeeb.
In fact the same Europeans who were on the Axis side in WW2. Not mentioned by AlBeeb, yet, they usually ascribe everything to the Third Reich (good for business, diverts attention from Mao and co).
Driver arrested, still being questioned, not yet named, I wonder why?
Anyway, let us (the MSM) give this story pre-eminence, for as long as it takes, until people only remember how loveable Muslims always were, are, and will be in the future.
To ensure this is what people will remember, we (the MSM) are going to tell them 24/7/365 for as long as necessary.
This is Blair’s terrible legacy. We certainly had our noses rubbed in diversity on Monday.
Thanks to his vile Human Rights Act, which protects only lawyers and wrongdoers, it would be impossible to do something drastic like round up anyone who has been to Syria and imprison them. The pendulum has swung so far in the favour of the individual over the state that we have bedlam. The second we tried any measure remotely commensurate with the gravity of this situation any persons of interest would instantly have an army of parasite lawyers tying our hands and demanding they be released.
Thus lawyers make millions in preventing child rapists from being deported as to do so would violate their right to family life – never mind all the families they have ruined. We even paid a million in compensation for wrongful arrest to someone who subsequently blew himself up for Isis.
The European Convention of Human Rights came about after the Second Worls War to prevent the likes of Hitler being able to tyrannise their people. It was not meant to protect criminals.
What these toerags choose to overlook, BB is para 2 in Article 8 of the ECHR, viz;
Article 8 – Right to respect for private and family life
1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.
2. There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
Obiously, according to the legal parasites, having and keeping those amongst us who wish us dead, raped, etc., in no way contravenes Section 8 para 2 of the ECHR,otherwise, those who do fall foul of this ruling would be on the next flight out so fast, their sandals wouldn’t touch the floor!
Section 8 is a proportionate right, and not an absolute one, so it does not carry the same weight as a right to life, or a right not to be tortured.
If you could prove that keeping someone in the country would lead directly to your death (or someone elses) then it would trump the article 8 right.
I think that the relevant word in para 2, Thoughtful, is except and if the hundreds of “persons of interest”, currently on watch lists or not as events have proved, are not deemed to be a threat to national security, why are they under surveillance in the first place?
If they are a threat to national security, public safety, etc., and are of dual or foreign nationality, why, under the terms of paragraph 2, are they still in the country ?
Immigration up year on year for the past 7 years?
Under Liar May utter failure as home secretary, now failure as PM
Blair … FFS Wake Up!
Manchester attack: US leaks about bomber irritating – Rudd
Amber Dudd eh! inept, devious … she s many things including irritating
Apologies if I keep bringing your attention to trivial matters. (Trivial by comparison to suicide bombings )
But It’ s a signal nonetheless.
The Trump women declined to submit to the Islamic dress code in their recent Saudi engagement.
BUT this:
Melania and Ivanka Trump wore black veils to meet Pope Francis on Wednesday, following the traditional
dress code for private papal audiences at the Vatican.
Today I had a really bizarre phone conversation with a friend of mine. The conversation came round to the BBc . “The BBc are anti-Labour” he said. After a short pause I said “Have you watched Question Time?”. His response was “apart from the last time it’s always pro-Tory”. “We must be watching different programs” I replied. So I’m now trying to get my head round how any one thinks the BBc is anti-Labour.
According to Mrs Mole, Laura Kuennsberg stitched up Dustybyn once by editing an interview so that he was giving answers to the “wrong” question. I think the Two Ronnies used to do a comedy sketch on the same lines. I haven’t seen this slur of Dustybyn’s integrity myself, but Mrs Mole, a devout Corbynista is outraged and believes the same as your friend.
Personally I think many of the BBBC’s lefty staff are opposed to Dustybyn because they know in their hearts that as Donald says, he is a loser. Even their ingrained support for anyone who is not Tory/UKIP cannot prevent the mask slipping occasionally.
So perhaps the BBBC are a little bit anti-Corbyn rather than anti-Labour?
Think you have that right, RM, because under a Corbyn-led Labour Party the BBC Presenters, News readers, Executives, etc., who earn more than most in the UK – very definitely a small proprotion of the 1% – will be personally paying a lot more in tax.
@Dave666 @Mole bet your friends read the Guardian
The PR tricksters write an EMOTIONAL article leaving out half the info
in order to construct the narrative “The BBc are anti-Labour”
thus your friends get emotionally triggered.
BBC News – Ariana Grande cancels concerts
BBC News – Fundraising effort tops £1.5m
BBC News – Manchester united in grief
BBC News – Mum explains Manchester terror to kids
More about “troops on the street” which streets?
by the Embassies?, Downing street?, the Palace?, the billionaires row?
Keep calm, carry on (Amber Dudd) as she gets security to open the armoured cars door.
Real Independent News
Didn`t Theresa may that this attack would not change the way we`d be carrying on.
Next thing?
1. End to election campaigning
2. Grande cancels London and goes home.
3. Take That cancel their coming tour
4. Soldiers stationed where our betters might get attacked…so they say.
Hmm…carry on eh?…seems to me that this collective funk and nervous breakdown only shows how chickenshit we`ve become in the political elite.
Blair and John Reid used to put tanks around Heathrow before THEIR by-elections as I recall.
Tomorrow campaigning for the election re-starts and I thought it might be a good idea to raise the mood somewhat and look at some of the products Amazon are selling for fans of Jeremy.
For just £8.99 you can be the proud owner of The Corbyn Colouring Book (red pencil not included):
Ready the pencil-cases, arm yourselves with crayons, and prepare for revolution. The Corbyn Colouring Book* has arrived.
Page after page of glorious line-drawings depicts The Leader in a variety of settings instructional, inspiring, decorative and occasionally downright silly. You just add the colours. (Red preferred, but not obligatory.)
*Also available as an ebook (the only thing more pointless than The Pop-Up Communist Manifesto).
Or for £5.45 you can have your very own Let’s dress Jeremy! : The Corbyn Cut Out book.
Since his election as Leader of the Opposition Jeremy Corbyn has been frequently criticized by the media as being a bit of a scruff.
Help counteract his critics by dressing your very own Corbyn cut outs.
Love him or loathe him, friend or foe, you will love dressing Jeremy as famous figures such as:
• Elvis • Batman • Bob Dylan • Dr Who and more…
If this is too much for your budget, then you could always spend just £1 for a cardboard cut out face mask of the hero:
Or for the Laydee in your life, for the very reasonable price of £15 you can buy her this sexy pair of knickers with Jeremy’s face printed on the crotch !
There are hundreds of products available, and if Jeremy doesn’t win this time they can all be reused come October at Halloween to frighten the kiddies !
“Jeremy’s face printed on the crotch !”
You mean where you normally find a fanny ?
Wonder if they`re absorbent on one side at least?
Would make great and cheap incontinence pads for my ladies at the care home.
Only need a pair of velcro sunglasses and we`d finally have leak-free solutions.
Off for my break now , enjoy yours!
Eat some bacon sarnies to earn your Boy Scout badge