I’m worried. it’s not my fault, it really isn’t. It’s the incessant amount of coverage the latest outrage in Manchester has received. 22 entirely innocent, mainly young, people going to a pop concert massacred.
On top of that I’ve been reading about the industrial scale rape of under age white girls in some of our towns and cities. Can you believe they got away with it for so long? The police, media and the authorities all knew about it but didn’t lift a finger because (understandably) they didn’t want to be thought of as “racist.” Being a racist is the greatest sin known to modern man. And Nick Griffin, who tried to blow the whistle on this vile aberration, nearly got 7 years in chokey. The BBC, the police and The Crown Prosecution Service were all in cahoots. Makes you feel proud to be British, doesn’t it?
And then to make my plight even worse I saw a piece on TV (not the BBC, of course) about FGM. and how a certain religion treats its women.
What on earth was I doing? Why was I reading and watching this stuff? It’s insane. No good can come of it.
I could feel great waves of irrational Islamophobia sweeping over me. God, it was awful. A sort of anguished, impotent rage.
Quickly I dashed out and bought The Guardian (there seemed to be plenty left over) and spent the day in a darkened room reading about the horrible Donald Trump, the horrors of global warming and listening to Radio 4. I had an hour of James O’Brien on LBC and then followed Lilly Allen and Charlotte Church on Twitter.
My word that was a close shave… I thought for one awful moment I might be a… “racist.” And that’s far worse than being a rapist of young girls or a suicide bomber!
I just caught the end of Newshite on BBC2 tonight. The boss eyed Evan Davis presenter was interviewing a Muslim man and a leftie journalist by a late night vigil.
Evan Davis to the journalist, “how is the Muslim community feeling about the recent events?”
Journalist, “well they haven’t had much time to think about it yet.”
Davis, “[smiling] I know it’s only been 48 hours”
In between this utter shite of an interview the Muslim man kept speaking out in cliché such as “the true spirit of Manchester will shine through”.
The end credits had some bloke crying with a hajib wearing Muslim woman near his face trying to speak to him to make it appear like she is trying to comfort him. The scene then cuts to a close up of a message saying “Our thoughts and prayers are with Manchester – from the Syrian community”
Time we put Newsnight out of it’s misery. Utterly appalling drivel tonight. Embarrassing and puerile. We had some academic( where do they find these people? ) in a tweed suit come out with that most irrelevant of equivallences. That we are more likely to be killed in a road crash than be a terrorist victim. How does he think the parents must feel hearing that sort of garbage on our so called world class national broadcaster?
The rest of the show just dreadful. I was offended Evan really offended so STFU from now on.
Gollum Davis, the Al BBC … home of misfits,
Davis, Marr, Gompertz, Douchet, etc
Did they repeat their Didsbury Mosque report, yep the building originally the Albert Park Methodist Chapel, which opened for worship in 1883, but in 1962 the church closed and was later converted to a Mosque, where after the worse acting since “Crossroads” after all the platitudes … the reporter was disdainfully ignored, when asking about Abedi worshipping there?.
Trouble is the far left bloody do gooders will go into complete melt down at the thought of the authorities getting tough with these scumbags, there no better than pond life, sorry pond life i’m doing you an injustice
I would like these Marxists lefties to go to these families who have lost there beautiful children and loved ones and explain to them why we shouldn’t get tough with these monsters…of cause the cowardly idiots wont.
The BBC/Guardian often spout that nonsense argument, running along the lines of, ‘more people die from cycling around their bathrooms every morning than are killed by terrorists’.
No doubt Evan was quick to point out we do all we can to reduce fatalities on the road: tighter safety laws, tougher driving tests and safer car designs. In other words, we acknowledge there is a problem and then we seek to remedy it.
So, what are we doing to limit people who hate us and our way of life, from coming into the country?
BBC4 Tonight markmiodownik prog on SuperElements pretty dumbed down CBBC stuff
Then he went nutty speaking in 2 things
– #1 Speaking in holy terms about WindFarms
(no they are crap cos SUBSIDIES mean each megawatt they produce costs you 3 times what it would from a coal/gas power station, but it more like 4 times by the time you add in the extra infrastructure costs they cause and the way their intermittency screws up the network )
– #2 He did a FAKENEWS item on Phosphorus running out : That’s the “known reserves fallacy” that mining expert Tim Worstall explained 4 years ago https://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2013/06/27/there-is-no-phosphorus-shortage-stop-designing-damn-fool-systems-to-recycle-it/#7851cbf1e463
By coincidence both those causes are connected to Jeremy “Big Green Hedgefund” Grantham who invented Peak Phosphorus theory and also funds Climate Change alarmism at UK universities
During the IRA bombings we endured during the 70’s, not once did I ever hear on the news, that Ireland was standing shoulder to shoulder with us, or messages of solidarity from countries in Europe, vigils or container loads of flowers being laid. Funny how all this handwringing has become the ‘norm’ since the influx of Muslims have crept into Europe.
Just wondered whether a brief interlude from Manchester might be welcome, especially as it’s nothing to do with the religion of peace.
According to a brief item on R4’s midnight news, Taiwan’s constitutional court has decreed that the state’s ban on gay marriage violates principles of equality. The ruling has been acclaimed by many. But not everyone’s happy, the reporter said: ‘a Christian pastor’ (no less) was dismayed at the news.
Nor is it likely to be welcomed in the wider region, he concluded. A gay couple in the Indonesian province of Aceh have just been caned for having consensual sex. (Eighty-three strokes each, according to a non-BBC, news-agency source.)
Which is decidedly odd. I mean, I assume Aceh is secular. After all, if the religious objections of a Taiwanese priest are important enough for the reporter to mention, then any religious principles behind the punishment in Indonesia would be similarly worth mentioning. But sadly Wikipedia’s closed at the moment, so I can’t check which religion fully—oh, I don’t know—say 98.19% of the population of Aceh follow. And whether it’s the insanely violent one.
R4 “Today”, Humphrys talking to former Met Police Commissioner Blair about the leaks of information about the Manchester atrocity to the New York Times. He laughingly suggests that on this occasion it is not President Trump to blame.
Wouldn’t it be more pertinent to refer to the epidemic of leaks from the US Intelligence Community to the New York Times & the Washington Post, targeting Trump, much to his annoyance & frustration? The idea that Trump will accept a dressing down from May on the subject is ridiculous, given what Trump himself is having to endure from leakers.
6 am news, Today this morning. First two stories: those nasty Americans (read Trump) leak information about the bomb detonated in Manchester. Treeza is in double teapot mode apparently. Next: those nasty people in UKIP launch the party’s manifesto despite the other parties still observing the suspension of campaigning until tomorrow. How dare they! Well done BBC, in this week of mayhem and soldiers on the streets, and a looming existential crisis for the UK as we know it within a generation or two, these are obviously the stories that the public need, and want to know about!
Are there any of you with youngsters of school leaving age who aren’t quite sure what career they want to go into?
Then, as Baldrick used to say, I have a cunning plan.
Taking into account both our immigration policy (is there one?) and our pathetically passive response to mass murder and carnage on our streets. Considering the impotent hand winging; the endless platitudes, the feeble excuses and our total refusal to face the stark reality of our situation.
Then my friends I have got some advice for these jobless youngsters that will see them become absolutely minted.
And they must tell customers to take the wrapper off the bunch of flowers before laying at the scene. Really annoys me and mrs g to see just a sea of ceiiophane!
Yes Jeff, like being an Undertaker is a career with guaranteed income (have never known a poor funeral director), then floristry must come a close second.
I also find it odd that the actions of one bomber (albeit part of a network), has resulted in this massive eruption of Keystone Cops action on the part of police and security services, and European intel has come to light that there is a huge network to be infiltrated. Right, this appears to be quite serious, so what have this lot being doing before Monday’s atrocity ? Suddenly they start battering doors down and making arrests in a show of ‘doing something’ , so why wasn’t all this done last week for instance. I find it hard to understand that our security services are able to spring into action hours after the bombing, and funny how they suddenly have loads of intelligence at their disposal, which they clearly didn’t know about – but its come easily to light that the bomber is part of a group of young radicalised men in Manchester. How many more ‘groups’ are in existence I wonder.
I’ve told my children to train for a career other countries want ie Teacher, Nurse, or a Trade Electrician etc..they will then have a chance to flee to safety Australia, New Zealand, USA or Canada..I feel we have 5 to 10 years to do something in this country or face total Islamification..
EmersonV……I am sorry to narrow the field but Australia while it has much stricter controls may not be the paradise you imagine. As for Canada for get it. Fabulous country but not the way it’s going.
There will be jobs in domestic service and lots of nannies will be required. Honestly I feel terribly sad for the children. Even the most basic jobs are hard to get and as robots become more sophisticated things will get harder. Add millions more invaders and it just doesn’t compute.
And it just underlines what most of us here have been saying for ages – we are led by an arrogant elite of despicable cowards whos slavish loyalty to the liberal pro migration agenda transcends everything including our culture, freedoms and the future safety of our own.
I am afraid these days when I here these mealy mouthed pro muslim migration apologists such as Merkel. Clegg, Timmy, Schama, Khan, Geldorf, Allen and that confused old twat Corbyn and his pet toad Jabbot all I can do is swear. I am afraid these shits are not good for my blood pressure.
As for Theresa – The Daily Mail tries to kid us we are getting Britannia but I am afraid the evidence points to the fact that what we are really getting is Neville Chamberlain in a frock.
It’s not looking good right now for our longest serving Home Secretary is it? Terrorists plots and arrests all over the place … on whose watch did all this build up?
Not bbc but channel 5. The wright stuff has gina millar for the morning in the studio and christine hamilton is in the studio. Wright is a rabid remainer. Starts in a few minutes
GM “This is election is a total waste of time and money, there is no need for it”
“It only benefits the Conservatiives”
..Like her legal case was useful.. 30 mins in parliament and it was all over in a predictable vote
Wright was going down the throat of hamilton when she was explaining it was just brexit. Then the twat has a topic about delaying the election and millars labour loyalties came shining through. We ere also treated to two ethnic ‘tory’ voters who dont seem to like the tories
Now Gina is totally misrepresenting Trump
“In the election he said he would abolish NATO, now he says he loves it”
..The woman is a loose cannon who lives in a fantasy universe.
Apparently she gets hate mail ..I wonder why ?
And she never shuts up shouting ..is that why the hedgefund MEN chose her to front their campaign ?
shes a liar but wright is letting here away with it bigtime. Hes only interested in corbyn and getting him to no 10. Trump bashing is part of the course with this show as wright loves calling him a racist and a bigot. The pics of the evidence appears in the new york times, now who runs the new york time but our old friend mark thompson. I see no evidence yet that the yanks released this. It could be from our side and using it to attack trump.
Nicky Campbell wouldn’t call it a “Islamist terror” attack
Parody account Dianne Abacus tweets to Campbell
\\quoting from @bbc5live this morning
‘..what UKIP would call Islamic terror’
That’s precisely what it is. What do u call it? //
Nicky Campbell (Verified account)
\\Balance. Some would say Islamist terror. I acknowledged their definition.//
“That’s not balance. Despite the targeting of children in this latest attack, BBC & C4 quickly shift agenda to protect feelings of Muslims.”
BTW NC tweeted this yesterday
“Watching the news tell us about the victims named so far. Their lives, their loves.
I only wish there was a hell for that bastard to go to”
7:55am R5 – Press accused of harassment
“Man whose brother when missing in Manchester was contacted by 50 journalists”
Press Gazette guy was on ..seemed unsympathetic.
* Surely there should be a procedure to avoid harassing victims
eg all media go via ONE pool reporter or deal via police PR dept *
A Hillborough victim’s brother told of how the press camped outside the family house and the pack trailed her 17 year old walking to college asking questions all the way.
Someone tweeted R5
“re media interviews, look at yourselves with yesterday’s attempted interview with that little girls best friend-shocking ~5.30pm”
The classic problem of too many journos, too much TV time to fill, and not enough news to go round.
“Let’s talk now to Mrs Ada Smith who was in a shop in Preston buying some tea bags when the bomb went off. Mrs Smith, what are thoughts on this terrible tragedy that has killed so many young children?”
On another topic.
Biased BBC webshite has an article about the appalling service of West African airlines. It is quicker to go to neighbouring African countries via e.g. Belgium. Airline links with former colonial powers are still better than between neighbouring countries http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-39979814
But as usual there is no critique. The tinpot dictatorships, rampant corruption, total lack of professional government gets no comment at all.
But I suppose it would be racist to be critical of these black African countries. After all, these countries have only had 50 years of independence to get their houses in order, so I suppose the white colonial supremacist explanation for incompetence still has lots of mileage. The bBBC will no doubt be keen to keep that one going………
Sluff – It’s strange how countries such as Germany, Japan and South Korea managed to bring themselves back from devastation in a broadly similar time period.
Unfortunately GWF, net migration figures are probably just a chimera. If 10 indigenous Brits leave the UK and 11 foreigners migrate here the net migration figure is just 1 even though a larger proportion of foreigners have entered the country.
This way of assessing migration numbers is onlY used because it is a good way of presenting the information in a softer less threatening way.
More smoke and mirrors by a corrupt Government that does not give a toss about its own people.
You are so right. If 10 million indigenous Britons leave the UK, and 990,000 immigrants settle here, then net migration is minus 10,000. Trebles all round!
However Britain is made up of the physical land mass AND the people. Change the composition of the population significantly, and it’s no longer Britain.
Funny how the BBC carries No Comment from the NYT on why they used leaked photos
Yet journalists are good at harassing the man on the street.. and Trump.
No BBC helicopters?
No Cliff Richard blurring of investiagtions and interfering with police procedures?
Bloody Americans simply don`t know HOW to get the police to do their bidding for the evening news do they?
Utter hypocrisy-and the likes of Burnham and Khan are in clover re Labours election now with this endless publicity for their inertia and carpet bagging.
Burnhams a Scouser-what does HE know about the Spirit of Manchester?
And I doubt that many of the dead are from Manchester-a fair few surely drove in from York, Carlisle and the like to watch the concert.
So all the sporting guff re “doing this for Manchester” is pretty bloody galling sentiment.
Body surfing for Islam ought to be an Olympic Sport.
All those Man Utd. footballers emoting about their “home town”. Not many really have that much connection to Manchester, it’s just another job on the gravy train. Even Rooney’s a scouser.
Yes suddenly the media is sensitive about Manchester
\\ I don’t recall such faux outrage when every last single one of the controlled media outlets
were shamelessly ramming a picture of a dead boy on a beach down our throats
24/7 to guilt trip us into accepting an invasion…. especially you so called BBC //
Tomorrow Belongs to Me…wonder how North Korea, Goebbels and Stalin would purr at this monoculture crap where one the Jesuits might have had a chance to teach something useful.
Continual message that ‘Manchester is open for business’
well, judging by the amount of people in the town centre for the one minute’s silence, one would imagine that all the shops, offices and factories were all closed for the day ! Why is no-one at work at 11.00 am ? they cant all be on an early lunch.
A minutes silence out respect for the families loss, for the responders, not a lot to ask is it?
Its WHAT IS DONE NOW! that counts … for one thing that, party before country, Liar May opportunism, unnecessary, needless early election needs to be shelved, for 6 months, and FFS don t let that devious snake make political gain out of it.
Act in unity now …. do what no one in Europe is doing, take decisive pro active steps for our security, let our nation lead … FOR our nation, not for this slimy politicians to disgracefully gain out of it.
The time is now, concerted unity government action, get that festering Westminster swamp to really do its job
our security, lead, set an example to Europe or …
WHAT! what will it take?
122 children next time?, 1022? – after the government cowardice and appeasement over Islamic child rape gangs … THE TIME IS NOW!
Scrap the Election, ACT in unity proactive, with the people not patronise them
Meanwhile … the bomb unit is sent to a Manchester college
Listening now to From Our Own Correspondent where the BBC dissect the meeting between Pope Francis and Donald Trump.
Christopher Lambs piece is weak, but better than some Jon Sopel type who was on the telly earlier.
Apparently the Pope treated Trump like he was at a job interview and Trump was a Uriah-Heep suck up in the presence of the Pope…so said Sopel.
Appalling junk, don`t beleive a word of it.
The Pope wants to change the Vatican in the full face of resistance from HIS swamp of cardinals in the Curia. Very much like Trump is trying to do in the USA.
So they`ve got plenty in common-and Trump has already shown that his bible knowledge exceeds Pope Prius…the bible never ONCE mentions a bridge, never once asks the Jews to bring in the Canaanites again to cut their throats.
They Pope thinks that it does. Trump at least knows that “walls” are scriptural notions, unlike his opponents.
Let`s hope that those American creeps who dig up Trump stuff to hound him are now getting the evils from Amber Rudd and Freinds of Chelsea Manning. But I doubt it-this is basically a turf war regarding the management of fake news, the selective dripping of saccharine and soundbites/screengrabs.
it is NOT the job of anybody but the BBC and the fuzzy end of the Fuzz and spooks to tell the British People how to respond, how to process the information.
How very DARE the US do this-I mean, it`s not as if the BBC don`t get involved in Flroda, Boston attacks to fuel the flames and get in the way of the REAL news-providers is it?
THe Americans have possibly prevented the BBC from tipping off the mosques, stopped Prevent from strategially placing the press releases as they`d been intending.
Makes no odds whatseoever-these cultural Clouseaus at Media City and Boyer St have to get out of their lazeeboys…that`s all.
As our National Broadcaster, the BBC should be leading the debate as regards our response to the Manchester Islamic Terrorist Atrocity (M.I.T.A.).
But they are not.
To mount a surveillance operation requires high level authority with adequate justification as to the risk posed by the suspect.
Shouldn’t this be enough to justify internment? Why put children at risk of mutilation and death?
A muffled little half-snigger half-harumph from our BBC gal Jane Hill just now
This small tick – well known to poker players as a ‘tell’ – comes in acknowledgement of another BBC reporter’s statement:
“you never can predict what President Trump is going to say”
Our Jane’s small – perhaps involuntary – expression of amusement and distain of course betrays the BBC office culture of anti-Trumpism – an office culture which the corporation will deny until the cows come home.
This kind of institutional bias should have no place in a supposedly balanced national broadcaster.
Susanne Evans given a really hostile interview by Andrew Neil on DP. I know the guys tough on mealy mouthed politicians , which I support, but this was of a different order . He even peddled the lie that there’s no link between immigration and the atrocities we now live with. Evans kept her cool well. Meanwhile just what sort of effective immigration and border control policies do the other parties have? Please remind me! UKIP have been consistent and prescient on these issues. Shame they seem to be imploding just now.
I hope the release of UKIP’s eminently sensible manifesto will open some people’s eyes and highlight just how weak and backsliding Theresa May’s leadership really is.
Her performance on the leader’s debate with Andrew Neil was cringe-worthy. It made Gordon Brown and David Cameron look like masters of the universe.
BBC News Channel are treating the apparent US ‘leaks’ of British Police information concerning the Manchester bombing as the main BBC news line. Well, it’s a safe one for the BBC to run with – who is going to be offended – only Yanks.
Our top Manchester cop decides to turn the emotional screw by telling us that the families of victims have been distressed by this matter. Yeah, of all the peoples of the world the families will really be cursing Americans right now.
We are told pictures have been published in the New York Times – remind me which former BBC DG now edits that newspaper?
AISI, I think people are missing the real story with this leak. It’s not about leaks of Manchester crime scene photos per se. It’s about disaffected democrats/liberals in the US making a statement to Trump saying you might be in Europe but we’ll be here when you get back. I would go as far as saying these people would seek to drive a wedge between the US and UK just to further their narrow-minded, sore loser crusade.
Wonderful moment when La Kuenssberg was shouted down by her fellow journalists at Paul Nuttall’s manifesto speech – it gives a clear and significant insight into the increasing distain with which the BBC is seen by its peers. And a superb performance also from Suzanne Evans against a belligerent and petty Andrew Neil on Daily Politics.
In the present circumstances this could signal a real resurgence of UKIP – but that, sad but true, will only increase Corbyn’s chances and reduce the effectiveness of May’s majority.
But, as a contributor here yesterday offered (I paraphrase), ‘voting for UKIP may be a wasted vote but I’m sure not voting for people who want to exterminate me’. For one who, for the very first time, intended to abstain, it is a logically sound option, ‘warts ‘n all’.
If that Manchester Police spokesman tells us this investigation is ‘fast moving’ once more, I may scream.
I’m afraid I’m not too impressed with this late-in-the-day dragnet.
Didn’t the plod haul in roughly eight individuals following the recent Westminster terror act? Only to quietly release one and all without charge? Can’t help but think the trumpeting of arrest numbers has more to do with PR than investigation.
As for this refugee family we took into our country – I did enjoy the words of the witness quoted in the Telegraph yesterday:
The bomber’s family hung a ‘hugh Iraqi* flag out of their window – I didn’t think anything of it?’
*Possibly this was a Libyan flag – the witness was evidently no expert in Arab vexillology. They thought it might have been something to do with ‘football, or some local protest’
Islām is the verbal noun of Form IV of the root, and means “submission” or “surrender”.
Muslim, the word for an adherent of Islam, is the active participle of the same verb form, and means “one who submits” or “one who surrenders”. .. to Allah, and as Islam teaches it is to be for the whole world.
Its aim is literally to enslave the whole world. for Allah.
As this Muslim doesn t even know that .. no need to go any further
Mahmoud to Nigel: ‘If you look back to Islam and Spain, Islam reached the shores of Europe in Spain and that was a beacon of light for the entirety of Europe which led to the reformation and the renaissance when Europe was in the dark ages.’
I think it’s time for Nigel (and anyone else who wants to be in a position to nail the lie about the Islamic ‘beacon of light’ for a dark ages Europe) to include in their reading Daniel Fernando Morera’s ‘The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: Muslims, Christians, and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain’. Morera’s book provides a documented record of how a brutal Islamic incursion, across North Africa and into Spain, destroyed a newly nascent Visigothic and Christian civilisation. Christians who wouldn’t convert, flee or pay the ‘jizya’ tax were slaughtered. The ‘Islamic enlightenment’ that Mahmoud talks to Nigel about was, for the most part, provided by the remaining dhimmified Christian communities, now under Islamic servitude, who had, nevertheless, retained the traditions and knowledge of, and the ability to understand and translate, Greek and Latin literature including mathematical and architectural works. Islam didn’t provide a beacon of light, it snuffed it out.
Nigel was also toeing the official line about interring muslim terrorists. Apparently interment in Northern Ireland was a “recruiting sergeant” for terrorism. Did he think that loyalists/protestants would start blowing up targets in Britain at that tine because of interment. . Obviously not. The idea is ridiculous. So all he is saying is that anti-British supporters of the IRA, the nationalists and catholics fought back when potential IRA killers were locked up. That is what you would expect. But the muslim community in Britain is supposed to be pro-British and against terrorism. Without realising it, Nigel is only confirming what we already know – the muslim community in Britain is an enemy of Britain. Nigel has gone down a lot in my estimation for that stupidity.
I`m afraid the whole political class are in denial over Islam.
Farage is a religious wind tunnel , as are Nuttall and ALL the politicos, save for a Caroline Cox or a Lord Carey.
None of them have even the basis constructs of religious , theological language or paradigms-just a “love is never having to say you`re sorry” needlepoint c/o Christian Aid 1984.
If the elite refuse to relearn some former Christian syntax like judgment, hell and just war…then they`ll be needing Hudd, takfir, kitman and Sharia.
Am tired of telling everybody this-if those clowns prefer to learn the roster of FA Cup winners since 1965 instead of the verses of the sword or a biblical/gospel line or two…it`s their funeral.
I personally don`t want that cretinous player of Imagine at my graveside…and knowing why Islam does what it does is well worth doing
Stephen Gately or Ariane Grande?…let`s fill our heads before we`re made to fill our pants eh?
Our latest “home grown and / or “lone wolf” suicide bomber has recently returned from a little holiday in Libya. Well, be fair we all need a break.
it was a only a few short weeks ago that almost all of our politicians and the media, headed by the Beeb and the equally repulsive Channel 4, were queuing up to condemn Donald Trump for his “Islamophobic” attitude towards allowing people from certain charming countries being allowed into the US.
Particularly virulent were Tiny Tim Farron and the very peculiar Carolyn Lucas. The beautiful Diane Abbott and Comrade Corbyn wanted The Donald banned from the country.
So, let’s think about this. We allow in all the trash from deeply dangerous and suspect countries and ban the president of our greatest ally.
Do you think it’s sunk in yet?
I agree Belty, its horrendous timing, but UKIP could gain more support now by those who believe enough IS enough; and the continuous rhetoric of unity, solidarity, standing together, being shoved down the nation’s throats on a daily basis could have the opposite effect. We may have Muslim neighbours, who appear to be ‘very nice people’, BUT will we ever really trust them ? their inoffensive teenage children – are they all that they really seem ? Sorry, but you may take the Muslim out of Asia or Africa, but you’ll never take the 3rd world way of life out of the Muslim. Refugees ? I’d rather take in a dozen feral dogs from the street of Libya, at least they can be taught how to behave and eventually give you love in return.
Talking of dogs, I once saw a video on YouTube of some Arabic speaking kids dowsing a puppy with some flammable fluid and setting fire to it. Hideous. But according to mad mo they’re evil you see, especially the black ones. Ah the religion of peace, never stops giving.
Talking of dogs. We have seen the cover up of Moslem child abuse, but there is a cover up of dog fighting which is on the increase and guess who are promoting this cultural enrichment?
This article appeared in 2012, but the increase continues.
Don’t expect the law to be enforced and the crime widely reported
I just saw the news – all media is reporting that the Manchester bomber flew to the UK via Dusseldorf in the last week. I am just wondering – how on earth does a known AlQaida operative get onto a commercial airline in Europe at this stage?? Surely this has to be stopped today!!
Of course, no-one from the Biased BBC asked such a pointed question, reporting the ‘news’ but enquiring mind set firmly to ‘off’.
It’s not surprising that that terrorists are criss-crossing Europe, and Germany in particular, with impunity.
There was panic recently in Germany when a Franco A was found to be living a double life as a Syrian refugee and as a lieutenant in the German army. He was a lieutenant first and was thought capable of rising much further through the ranks. The suspicion was that he was a neonazi and wanted to commit an atrocity to implicate refugees. He would have succeeded brilliantly as BAMF had certified him to be a bona fide Syrian refugee with right to remain etc. and so existed as a “real person” for all intents and puurposes for the German authorities. He was only discivered by chance when he was observed trying to hide a pistol at Vienna airport. The Germany army is now being purged to eliminate the neonazi cells that are supposed to be flourishing there. Amri, the Berlin truck driver also seems to have travelled all over Europe, a terrorist Grand Tour in fact, without anyone noticing. The whole affair is too complex too describe. There are even allegations that various police authorities forged documents to cover up their incompetence.
Around 4.12 . If it is a BBC graphic they have invented a new science, “Medicince”. If it is UKIP they need to run a spell check before creating a slide. I prefer to think it is the BBC as it shows their level of “professionalism”, lack of checking and arrogant hypocrisy. It is in line with the contempt they have with the public thinking they can throw up anything and the suckers will accept it.
gb123, The opening title ‘Manfesto launch’ could easily have been a BBC style conflation of ‘man’ and ‘infest’ but I fear it’s down to UKIP. With you on ‘Medicince’ though!
Re Newshite, and Didsbury Mosque report.
from yesterday
“Gollum Davis, the Al BBC … home of misfits,
Davis, Marr, Gompertz, Douchet, etc
Did they repeat their Didsbury Mosque report, yep the building originally the Albert Park Methodist Chapel, which opened for worship in 1883, but in 1962 the church closed and was later converted to a Mosque, where after the worse acting since “Crossroads” after all the platitudes … the reporter was disdainfully ignored, when asking about Abedi worshipping there?.”
This man deserves a medal,he speaks the truth.Thats why the powers at be hate him and will do everything to stop him even bending the law . Like the EX SAS officer said lock em up,deport its the only way. keep safe tommy
Al Beebistan has managed to track down a few muslims willing to go public in denouncing acts of terrorism.
None of them sounded very convincing to me, as if just going through the motions of saying what the dhimmis want them to say.
One Imam said something like ‘acts of terrorism have no place in our religion’ (he needs a refresher course on the koran which is full of calls to violence) ‘OR ANY OTHER RELIGION for that matter’. Thereby missing the whole point that other religions aren’t committing acts of terrorism. It’s only your lot squire.
Nigel on LBC talking about internment yesterday. Listen to the “Human Rights” student, who doesn’t want to live in a country where people are banged up when they have done nothing wrong. She obviously doesn’t mind living in a country where the chances of being scraped off a wall is becoming more of a probability though. From 30 mins. The previous caller is a Muslim ex met police opereative who blame all the problems on Tory cuts to the police “service”.
I had a listen to Anna the human rights student and I thought Nigel was very polite. As far as I am concerned she is a huge part of the problem another brainwashed snowflake. I can imagine her backing a Muslim terrorist whose just hacked someone to death. She’d be screaming about the human rights of the terrorist over that of the victim and family who are in shock. I think Anna has a lot of growing up to do.
She obviously has never read Section 8 paragraph 2 of the ECHR, Moonswing6.
I have never heard Nigel be anything but polite either, how the hell he manages it is a mystery as well, considering some of the hate and bile he has to contend with.
Is’nt it time for all the media to return to their tv studios ? The reporters are resorting to interviewing themselves, and there is much toing and froing between the flower display and outside the hospital. There is little to learn now as we’ve had saturation coverage, and watching the placing of yet more flowers that make the giver feel good, is milking this situation for all its worth.
Eddie Mair on PM in full interuption mode while UKIP tries to give answers about its manifesto.
He keeps insisting that ‘reducing the density of alcohol selling outlets’ equates to ‘fewer pubs’. No Eddie, six outlets in one street replaced by twelve outlets spread over twelve streets is reducing the local density and increasing the number of ‘pubs’.
Eddie Mair has got to be one of the most variable interviewers on the BBC, he can be quite good at putting people at ease one moment then the next it sounds like he is competing for the Paxman/Day award where the interviewee is only allowed two words before the first is challenged again and again. Unfortunately for UKIP they never seem to get a ‘friendly’ slot. He might just as well start by saying, “..and now for the racist, fascist nazi party, the so-called UKIP..”, you know you want to Eddie!
Trouble is that UKIP don`t want it badly enough.
Despite themsleves and their idiot blazers, they got good results in 2014/5-and enough to get us that referendum.
But a party that endlessly falls for a Kilroy Silk , Hamilton or a Carswell-whilst being unable to harness a Woolf, an Evans or an Ayling willbe no threat to the liberal poltroons on state funded manoevres like Mair.
No-UKIP need some thinkers and a few dirty bastards who want the state red boxes and ministerial cars as much as even the lowest form of lefty pondlife like Huhne or Umuma.
UKIP only need to demand Article 50, remind the Tories how shit they are, beard Corbyn re his IRA/Hamas and anti-Jewish maties…demand grammar schools and the end of the PaedoBBC.
And repeat it at EVERY opportunith, not merely saving it to be nice.
We don`t want Tim Rice and Corinthians…we want Nasty Nigel and Millwall.
AlthepalerpMar 4, 13:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Let us assume for a minute Russia invades Britain in a few years. Gen Z cant be bovered to fight,…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 13:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What pause in US military aid could mean for Ukraine https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ce8yz5dk82wo “could mean” – could? “it may be months” may?…
tomoMar 4, 12:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://youtu.be/HOJS3qQlVjE I doubt that a single main party dumbass in Westminster has watched this. What a contrast to Kamala…….
diggMar 4, 12:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The police president of The Black Police Association has complained because a tweet he made has been flagged as offensive…
Guest WhoMar 4, 12:45 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://thegrayzone.substack.com/p/un-demands-answers-from-uk-on-terror? Big pow wow between Starmer and Davie on this one. “Stick with saying nothing?” “Yup”
I’m worried. it’s not my fault, it really isn’t. It’s the incessant amount of coverage the latest outrage in Manchester has received. 22 entirely innocent, mainly young, people going to a pop concert massacred.
On top of that I’ve been reading about the industrial scale rape of under age white girls in some of our towns and cities. Can you believe they got away with it for so long? The police, media and the authorities all knew about it but didn’t lift a finger because (understandably) they didn’t want to be thought of as “racist.” Being a racist is the greatest sin known to modern man. And Nick Griffin, who tried to blow the whistle on this vile aberration, nearly got 7 years in chokey. The BBC, the police and The Crown Prosecution Service were all in cahoots. Makes you feel proud to be British, doesn’t it?
And then to make my plight even worse I saw a piece on TV (not the BBC, of course) about FGM. and how a certain religion treats its women.
What on earth was I doing? Why was I reading and watching this stuff? It’s insane. No good can come of it.
I could feel great waves of irrational Islamophobia sweeping over me. God, it was awful. A sort of anguished, impotent rage.
Quickly I dashed out and bought The Guardian (there seemed to be plenty left over) and spent the day in a darkened room reading about the horrible Donald Trump, the horrors of global warming and listening to Radio 4. I had an hour of James O’Brien on LBC and then followed Lilly Allen and Charlotte Church on Twitter.
My word that was a close shave… I thought for one awful moment I might be a… “racist.” And that’s far worse than being a rapist of young girls or a suicide bomber!
Phew, I feel much better now…
caller number 1 nails it even nige cant quite grasp it they all fuckin hate us
I just caught the end of Newshite on BBC2 tonight. The boss eyed Evan Davis presenter was interviewing a Muslim man and a leftie journalist by a late night vigil.
Evan Davis to the journalist, “how is the Muslim community feeling about the recent events?”
Journalist, “well they haven’t had much time to think about it yet.”
Davis, “[smiling] I know it’s only been 48 hours”
In between this utter shite of an interview the Muslim man kept speaking out in cliché such as “the true spirit of Manchester will shine through”.
The end credits had some bloke crying with a hajib wearing Muslim woman near his face trying to speak to him to make it appear like she is trying to comfort him. The scene then cuts to a close up of a message saying “Our thoughts and prayers are with Manchester – from the Syrian community”
Dear BBC, go fcuk yourselves.
I wonder what the “Muslim community” REALLY think about Evan and his friends’ sexual proclivities?
Time we put Newsnight out of it’s misery. Utterly appalling drivel tonight. Embarrassing and puerile. We had some academic( where do they find these people? ) in a tweed suit come out with that most irrelevant of equivallences. That we are more likely to be killed in a road crash than be a terrorist victim. How does he think the parents must feel hearing that sort of garbage on our so called world class national broadcaster?
The rest of the show just dreadful. I was offended Evan really offended so STFU from now on.
Gollum Davis, the Al BBC … home of misfits,
Davis, Marr, Gompertz, Douchet, etc
Did they repeat their Didsbury Mosque report, yep the building originally the Albert Park Methodist Chapel, which opened for worship in 1883, but in 1962 the church closed and was later converted to a Mosque, where after the worse acting since “Crossroads” after all the platitudes … the reporter was disdainfully ignored, when asking about Abedi worshipping there?.
…Phil Campion, well said.
Trouble is the far left bloody do gooders will go into complete melt down at the thought of the authorities getting tough with these scumbags, there no better than pond life, sorry pond life i’m doing you an injustice
I would like these Marxists lefties to go to these families who have lost there beautiful children and loved ones and explain to them why we shouldn’t get tough with these monsters…of cause the cowardly idiots wont.
..for god sake, enough is enough..
The BBC/Guardian often spout that nonsense argument, running along the lines of, ‘more people die from cycling around their bathrooms every morning than are killed by terrorists’.
No doubt Evan was quick to point out we do all we can to reduce fatalities on the road: tighter safety laws, tougher driving tests and safer car designs. In other words, we acknowledge there is a problem and then we seek to remedy it.
So, what are we doing to limit people who hate us and our way of life, from coming into the country?
5 Live presenter getting V enthusiastic about caller telling him she is wearing her Union Jack hijab *
She is now reading her Muslim activist poem
*. not very nice for Muslim women who don’t want wear a hijab, but are forced to by MEN.
BBC4 Tonight markmiodownik prog on SuperElements pretty dumbed down CBBC stuff
Then he went nutty speaking in 2 things
– #1 Speaking in holy terms about WindFarms
(no they are crap cos SUBSIDIES mean each megawatt they produce costs you 3 times what it would from a coal/gas power station, but it more like 4 times by the time you add in the extra infrastructure costs they cause and the way their intermittency screws up the network )
– #2 He did a FAKENEWS item on Phosphorus running out : That’s the “known reserves fallacy” that mining expert Tim Worstall explained 4 years ago
By coincidence both those causes are connected to Jeremy “Big Green Hedgefund” Grantham who invented Peak Phosphorus theory and also funds Climate Change alarmism at UK universities
Over in China debate forums are full of a new term mocking bad thinking
They use baizuo (白左), or literally, the ‘white left’
apparently originating for the maniacs ranting against Trump on the internet etc.
Tucker Carlson did a piece last week
During the IRA bombings we endured during the 70’s, not once did I ever hear on the news, that Ireland was standing shoulder to shoulder with us, or messages of solidarity from countries in Europe, vigils or container loads of flowers being laid. Funny how all this handwringing has become the ‘norm’ since the influx of Muslims have crept into Europe.
Just wondered whether a brief interlude from Manchester might be welcome, especially as it’s nothing to do with the religion of peace.
According to a brief item on R4’s midnight news, Taiwan’s constitutional court has decreed that the state’s ban on gay marriage violates principles of equality. The ruling has been acclaimed by many. But not everyone’s happy, the reporter said: ‘a Christian pastor’ (no less) was dismayed at the news.
Nor is it likely to be welcomed in the wider region, he concluded. A gay couple in the Indonesian province of Aceh have just been caned for having consensual sex. (Eighty-three strokes each, according to a non-BBC, news-agency source.)
Which is decidedly odd. I mean, I assume Aceh is secular. After all, if the religious objections of a Taiwanese priest are important enough for the reporter to mention, then any religious principles behind the punishment in Indonesia would be similarly worth mentioning. But sadly Wikipedia’s closed at the moment, so I can’t check which religion fully—oh, I don’t know—say 98.19% of the population of Aceh follow. And whether it’s the insanely violent one.
R4 “Today”, Humphrys talking to former Met Police Commissioner Blair about the leaks of information about the Manchester atrocity to the New York Times. He laughingly suggests that on this occasion it is not President Trump to blame.
Wouldn’t it be more pertinent to refer to the epidemic of leaks from the US Intelligence Community to the New York Times & the Washington Post, targeting Trump, much to his annoyance & frustration? The idea that Trump will accept a dressing down from May on the subject is ridiculous, given what Trump himself is having to endure from leakers.
It’s so wonderful that this sorts of information is placed before the public. Government secrecy is no longer the prevailing approach.
6 am news, Today this morning. First two stories: those nasty Americans (read Trump) leak information about the bomb detonated in Manchester. Treeza is in double teapot mode apparently. Next: those nasty people in UKIP launch the party’s manifesto despite the other parties still observing the suspension of campaigning until tomorrow. How dare they! Well done BBC, in this week of mayhem and soldiers on the streets, and a looming existential crisis for the UK as we know it within a generation or two, these are obviously the stories that the public need, and want to know about!
Are there any of you with youngsters of school leaving age who aren’t quite sure what career they want to go into?
Then, as Baldrick used to say, I have a cunning plan.
Taking into account both our immigration policy (is there one?) and our pathetically passive response to mass murder and carnage on our streets. Considering the impotent hand winging; the endless platitudes, the feeble excuses and our total refusal to face the stark reality of our situation.
Then my friends I have got some advice for these jobless youngsters that will see them become absolutely minted.
Become a florist…
And they must tell customers to take the wrapper off the bunch of flowers before laying at the scene. Really annoys me and mrs g to see just a sea of ceiiophane!
Yes, Yes, Yes!
Yes Jeff, like being an Undertaker is a career with guaranteed income (have never known a poor funeral director), then floristry must come a close second.
I also find it odd that the actions of one bomber (albeit part of a network), has resulted in this massive eruption of Keystone Cops action on the part of police and security services, and European intel has come to light that there is a huge network to be infiltrated. Right, this appears to be quite serious, so what have this lot being doing before Monday’s atrocity ? Suddenly they start battering doors down and making arrests in a show of ‘doing something’ , so why wasn’t all this done last week for instance. I find it hard to understand that our security services are able to spring into action hours after the bombing, and funny how they suddenly have loads of intelligence at their disposal, which they clearly didn’t know about – but its come easily to light that the bomber is part of a group of young radicalised men in Manchester. How many more ‘groups’ are in existence I wonder.
…or a purveyor of tea-lights…
I’ve told my children to train for a career other countries want ie Teacher, Nurse, or a Trade Electrician etc..they will then have a chance to flee to safety Australia, New Zealand, USA or Canada..I feel we have 5 to 10 years to do something in this country or face total Islamification..
EmersonV……I am sorry to narrow the field but Australia while it has much stricter controls may not be the paradise you imagine. As for Canada for get it. Fabulous country but not the way it’s going.
There will be jobs in domestic service and lots of nannies will be required. Honestly I feel terribly sad for the children. Even the most basic jobs are hard to get and as robots become more sophisticated things will get harder. Add millions more invaders and it just doesn’t compute.
And the USA only has a respite because of Trump, we’ve got to fight for every quarter of an inch.
The best summary I’ve read for a long time –
No wonder ‘Jihad Watch’ has been rejected by Governments.
Excellent find G. It says it all – unfortunately!
And it just underlines what most of us here have been saying for ages – we are led by an arrogant elite of despicable cowards whos slavish loyalty to the liberal pro migration agenda transcends everything including our culture, freedoms and the future safety of our own.
I am afraid these days when I here these mealy mouthed pro muslim migration apologists such as Merkel. Clegg, Timmy, Schama, Khan, Geldorf, Allen and that confused old twat Corbyn and his pet toad Jabbot all I can do is swear. I am afraid these shits are not good for my blood pressure.
As for Theresa – The Daily Mail tries to kid us we are getting Britannia but I am afraid the evidence points to the fact that what we are really getting is Neville Chamberlain in a frock.
It’s not looking good right now for our longest serving Home Secretary is it? Terrorists plots and arrests all over the place … on whose watch did all this build up?
Not bbc but channel 5. The wright stuff has gina millar for the morning in the studio and christine hamilton is in the studio. Wright is a rabid remainer. Starts in a few minutes
GM “This is election is a total waste of time and money, there is no need for it”
“It only benefits the Conservatiives”
..Like her legal case was useful.. 30 mins in parliament and it was all over in a predictable vote
Wright was going down the throat of hamilton when she was explaining it was just brexit. Then the twat has a topic about delaying the election and millars labour loyalties came shining through. We ere also treated to two ethnic ‘tory’ voters who dont seem to like the tories
Now Gina is totally misrepresenting Trump
“In the election he said he would abolish NATO, now he says he loves it”
..The woman is a loose cannon who lives in a fantasy universe.
Apparently she gets hate mail ..I wonder why ?
And she never shuts up shouting ..is that why the hedgefund MEN chose her to front their campaign ?
shes a liar but wright is letting here away with it bigtime. Hes only interested in corbyn and getting him to no 10. Trump bashing is part of the course with this show as wright loves calling him a racist and a bigot. The pics of the evidence appears in the new york times, now who runs the new york time but our old friend mark thompson. I see no evidence yet that the yanks released this. It could be from our side and using it to attack trump.
Nicky Campbell wouldn’t call it a “Islamist terror” attack
Parody account Dianne Abacus tweets to Campbell
\\quoting from @bbc5live this morning
‘..what UKIP would call Islamic terror’
That’s precisely what it is. What do u call it? //
Nicky Campbell (Verified account)
\\Balance. Some would say Islamist terror. I acknowledged their definition.//
“That’s not balance. Despite the targeting of children in this latest attack, BBC & C4 quickly shift agenda to protect feelings of Muslims.”
NC “When have we done that?”
Twitter thread
BTW NC tweeted this yesterday
“Watching the news tell us about the victims named so far. Their lives, their loves.
I only wish there was a hell for that bastard to go to”
7:55am R5 – Press accused of harassment
“Man whose brother when missing in Manchester was contacted by 50 journalists”
Press Gazette guy was on ..seemed unsympathetic.
* Surely there should be a procedure to avoid harassing victims
eg all media go via ONE pool reporter or deal via police PR dept *
A Hillborough victim’s brother told of how the press camped outside the family house and the pack trailed her 17 year old walking to college asking questions all the way.
Someone tweeted R5
“re media interviews, look at yourselves with yesterday’s attempted interview with that little girls best friend-shocking ~5.30pm”
The classic problem of too many journos, too much TV time to fill, and not enough news to go round.
“Let’s talk now to Mrs Ada Smith who was in a shop in Preston buying some tea bags when the bomb went off. Mrs Smith, what are thoughts on this terrible tragedy that has killed so many young children?”
BTW this site was unobtainable for some of us in the UK

about 1 hour from before 7:53am to 8:55am
..yet I see some of you guys were posting at 8:30am
Same in France, at one point I thought maybe the thought police had decided we were telling everyone too much. Paranoid Moi !!!!!!!
Could it be that the time displayed is UTC? I noticed it earlier, in France, too.
I used BST, the image uses UTC=GMT
On another topic.
Biased BBC webshite has an article about the appalling service of West African airlines. It is quicker to go to neighbouring African countries via e.g. Belgium. Airline links with former colonial powers are still better than between neighbouring countries
But as usual there is no critique. The tinpot dictatorships, rampant corruption, total lack of professional government gets no comment at all.
But I suppose it would be racist to be critical of these black African countries. After all, these countries have only had 50 years of independence to get their houses in order, so I suppose the white colonial supremacist explanation for incompetence still has lots of mileage. The bBBC will no doubt be keen to keep that one going………
Sluff – It’s strange how countries such as Germany, Japan and South Korea managed to bring themselves back from devastation in a broadly similar time period.
…just released, net migration down 84,000 last year, is the tide turning at last..
Pure supposition. Or invention…
…Pure supposition. Or invention….
Can we believe it?
Surprising how the figure drops just before an election.
Unfortunately GWF, net migration figures are probably just a chimera. If 10 indigenous Brits leave the UK and 11 foreigners migrate here the net migration figure is just 1 even though a larger proportion of foreigners have entered the country.
This way of assessing migration numbers is onlY used because it is a good way of presenting the information in a softer less threatening way.
More smoke and mirrors by a corrupt Government that does not give a toss about its own people.
You are so right. If 10 million indigenous Britons leave the UK, and 990,000 immigrants settle here, then net migration is minus 10,000. Trebles all round!
However Britain is made up of the physical land mass AND the people. Change the composition of the population significantly, and it’s no longer Britain.
They can control it when it suits them them, daffyd.
It’s probably Poles going home and being replaced by Pakistanis, Just what we want eh?
Net migration doesn’t give any useful indication of the real state of affairs.
A Blast from the past : Nick Reynolds of the BBC writing about visiting this site in 2007

summarised here : http://www.currybet.net/cbet_blog/2007/10/biased-bbc-blog-in-the-bbcs-ar.php
Funny how the BBC carries No Comment from the NYT on why they used leaked photos
Yet journalists are good at harassing the man on the street.. and Trump.
No BBC helicopters?
No Cliff Richard blurring of investiagtions and interfering with police procedures?
Bloody Americans simply don`t know HOW to get the police to do their bidding for the evening news do they?
Utter hypocrisy-and the likes of Burnham and Khan are in clover re Labours election now with this endless publicity for their inertia and carpet bagging.
Burnhams a Scouser-what does HE know about the Spirit of Manchester?
And I doubt that many of the dead are from Manchester-a fair few surely drove in from York, Carlisle and the like to watch the concert.
So all the sporting guff re “doing this for Manchester” is pretty bloody galling sentiment.
Body surfing for Islam ought to be an Olympic Sport.
All those Man Utd. footballers emoting about their “home town”. Not many really have that much connection to Manchester, it’s just another job on the gravy train. Even Rooney’s a scouser.
Yes suddenly the media is sensitive about Manchester
\\ I don’t recall such faux outrage when every last single one of the controlled media outlets
were shamelessly ramming a picture of a dead boy on a beach down our throats
24/7 to guilt trip us into accepting an invasion…. especially you so called BBC //
Sometimes Twitter is useful :It’s Refugee Week in schools
which led to this c*ck up with PTSD children
\\School leaves terrified pupils in tears after telling kids they were being taken from parents in refugee ‘role play’ //
Tomorrow Belongs to Me…wonder how North Korea, Goebbels and Stalin would purr at this monoculture crap where one the Jesuits might have had a chance to teach something useful.
And what traitor is behind this?
We need to know. And he needs to be stopped from spending our money on it.
Continual message that ‘Manchester is open for business’
well, judging by the amount of people in the town centre for the one minute’s silence, one would imagine that all the shops, offices and factories were all closed for the day ! Why is no-one at work at 11.00 am ? they cant all be on an early lunch.
A minutes silence out respect for the families loss, for the responders, not a lot to ask is it?
Its WHAT IS DONE NOW! that counts … for one thing that, party before country, Liar May opportunism, unnecessary, needless early election needs to be shelved, for 6 months, and FFS don t let that devious snake make political gain out of it.
Act in unity now …. do what no one in Europe is doing, take decisive pro active steps for our security, let our nation lead … FOR our nation, not for this slimy politicians to disgracefully gain out of it.
The time is now, concerted unity government action, get that festering Westminster swamp to really do its job
our security, lead, set an example to Europe or …
WHAT! what will it take?
122 children next time?, 1022? – after the government cowardice and appeasement over Islamic child rape gangs … THE TIME IS NOW!
Scrap the Election, ACT in unity proactive, with the people not patronise them
Meanwhile … the bomb unit is sent to a Manchester college
Listening now to From Our Own Correspondent where the BBC dissect the meeting between Pope Francis and Donald Trump.
Christopher Lambs piece is weak, but better than some Jon Sopel type who was on the telly earlier.
Apparently the Pope treated Trump like he was at a job interview and Trump was a Uriah-Heep suck up in the presence of the Pope…so said Sopel.
Appalling junk, don`t beleive a word of it.
The Pope wants to change the Vatican in the full face of resistance from HIS swamp of cardinals in the Curia. Very much like Trump is trying to do in the USA.
So they`ve got plenty in common-and Trump has already shown that his bible knowledge exceeds Pope Prius…the bible never ONCE mentions a bridge, never once asks the Jews to bring in the Canaanites again to cut their throats.
They Pope thinks that it does. Trump at least knows that “walls” are scriptural notions, unlike his opponents.
Let`s hope that those American creeps who dig up Trump stuff to hound him are now getting the evils from Amber Rudd and Freinds of Chelsea Manning. But I doubt it-this is basically a turf war regarding the management of fake news, the selective dripping of saccharine and soundbites/screengrabs.
it is NOT the job of anybody but the BBC and the fuzzy end of the Fuzz and spooks to tell the British People how to respond, how to process the information.
How very DARE the US do this-I mean, it`s not as if the BBC don`t get involved in Flroda, Boston attacks to fuel the flames and get in the way of the REAL news-providers is it?
THe Americans have possibly prevented the BBC from tipping off the mosques, stopped Prevent from strategially placing the press releases as they`d been intending.
Makes no odds whatseoever-these cultural Clouseaus at Media City and Boyer St have to get out of their lazeeboys…that`s all.
‘The evils from Amber Rudd’. What would that be, a signed photograph?
As our National Broadcaster, the BBC should be leading the debate as regards our response to the Manchester Islamic Terrorist Atrocity (M.I.T.A.).
But they are not.
To mount a surveillance operation requires high level authority with adequate justification as to the risk posed by the suspect.
Shouldn’t this be enough to justify internment? Why put children at risk of mutilation and death?
Over to you BBC.
A muffled little half-snigger half-harumph from our BBC gal Jane Hill just now
This small tick – well known to poker players as a ‘tell’ – comes in acknowledgement of another BBC reporter’s statement:
“you never can predict what President Trump is going to say”
Our Jane’s small – perhaps involuntary – expression of amusement and distain of course betrays the BBC office culture of anti-Trumpism – an office culture which the corporation will deny until the cows come home.
This kind of institutional bias should have no place in a supposedly balanced national broadcaster.
Susanne Evans given a really hostile interview by Andrew Neil on DP. I know the guys tough on mealy mouthed politicians , which I support, but this was of a different order . He even peddled the lie that there’s no link between immigration and the atrocities we now live with. Evans kept her cool well. Meanwhile just what sort of effective immigration and border control policies do the other parties have? Please remind me! UKIP have been consistent and prescient on these issues. Shame they seem to be imploding just now.
I hope the release of UKIP’s eminently sensible manifesto will open some people’s eyes and highlight just how weak and backsliding Theresa May’s leadership really is.
Her performance on the leader’s debate with Andrew Neil was cringe-worthy. It made Gordon Brown and David Cameron look like masters of the universe.
BBC News Channel are treating the apparent US ‘leaks’ of British Police information concerning the Manchester bombing as the main BBC news line. Well, it’s a safe one for the BBC to run with – who is going to be offended – only Yanks.
Our top Manchester cop decides to turn the emotional screw by telling us that the families of victims have been distressed by this matter. Yeah, of all the peoples of the world the families will really be cursing Americans right now.
We are told pictures have been published in the New York Times – remind me which former BBC DG now edits that newspaper?
AISI, I think people are missing the real story with this leak. It’s not about leaks of Manchester crime scene photos per se. It’s about disaffected democrats/liberals in the US making a statement to Trump saying you might be in Europe but we’ll be here when you get back. I would go as far as saying these people would seek to drive a wedge between the US and UK just to further their narrow-minded, sore loser crusade.
And, as if by magic, Will intelligence leaks sink US-UK relationship?
No sh!t sherlock, as if you didn’t know.
Wonderful moment when La Kuenssberg was shouted down by her fellow journalists at Paul Nuttall’s manifesto speech – it gives a clear and significant insight into the increasing distain with which the BBC is seen by its peers. And a superb performance also from Suzanne Evans against a belligerent and petty Andrew Neil on Daily Politics.
In the present circumstances this could signal a real resurgence of UKIP – but that, sad but true, will only increase Corbyn’s chances and reduce the effectiveness of May’s majority.
But, as a contributor here yesterday offered (I paraphrase), ‘voting for UKIP may be a wasted vote but I’m sure not voting for people who want to exterminate me’. For one who, for the very first time, intended to abstain, it is a logically sound option, ‘warts ‘n all’.
Seeing the news this morning I am convinced the BBC is our enemy.
The licence fee has become little more than a Dhimmi tax.
The UKIP manifesto pledges to abolish the BBC licence fee. What’s not to like?
Restroom Male
The Meeeja won’t like it.
Something to do with some local protest?
If that Manchester Police spokesman tells us this investigation is ‘fast moving’ once more, I may scream.
I’m afraid I’m not too impressed with this late-in-the-day dragnet.
Didn’t the plod haul in roughly eight individuals following the recent Westminster terror act? Only to quietly release one and all without charge? Can’t help but think the trumpeting of arrest numbers has more to do with PR than investigation.
As for this refugee family we took into our country – I did enjoy the words of the witness quoted in the Telegraph yesterday:
The bomber’s family hung a ‘hugh Iraqi* flag out of their window – I didn’t think anything of it?’
*Possibly this was a Libyan flag – the witness was evidently no expert in Arab vexillology. They thought it might have been something to do with ‘football, or some local protest’
I’m surprised Nigel swallowed this shi(i)te, listen how Islam, which means peace, doncha know, was a beacon of light in medieval europe (only two minutes)
Islām is the verbal noun of Form IV of the root, and means “submission” or “surrender”.
Muslim, the word for an adherent of Islam, is the active participle of the same verb form, and means “one who submits” or “one who surrenders”. .. to Allah, and as Islam teaches it is to be for the whole world.
Its aim is literally to enslave the whole world. for Allah.
As this Muslim doesn t even know that .. no need to go any further
Mahmoud to Nigel: ‘If you look back to Islam and Spain, Islam reached the shores of Europe in Spain and that was a beacon of light for the entirety of Europe which led to the reformation and the renaissance when Europe was in the dark ages.’
I think it’s time for Nigel (and anyone else who wants to be in a position to nail the lie about the Islamic ‘beacon of light’ for a dark ages Europe) to include in their reading Daniel Fernando Morera’s ‘The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: Muslims, Christians, and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain’. Morera’s book provides a documented record of how a brutal Islamic incursion, across North Africa and into Spain, destroyed a newly nascent Visigothic and Christian civilisation. Christians who wouldn’t convert, flee or pay the ‘jizya’ tax were slaughtered. The ‘Islamic enlightenment’ that Mahmoud talks to Nigel about was, for the most part, provided by the remaining dhimmified Christian communities, now under Islamic servitude, who had, nevertheless, retained the traditions and knowledge of, and the ability to understand and translate, Greek and Latin literature including mathematical and architectural works. Islam didn’t provide a beacon of light, it snuffed it out.
Nigel was also toeing the official line about interring muslim terrorists. Apparently interment in Northern Ireland was a “recruiting sergeant” for terrorism. Did he think that loyalists/protestants would start blowing up targets in Britain at that tine because of interment. . Obviously not. The idea is ridiculous. So all he is saying is that anti-British supporters of the IRA, the nationalists and catholics fought back when potential IRA killers were locked up. That is what you would expect. But the muslim community in Britain is supposed to be pro-British and against terrorism. Without realising it, Nigel is only confirming what we already know – the muslim community in Britain is an enemy of Britain. Nigel has gone down a lot in my estimation for that stupidity.
I`m afraid the whole political class are in denial over Islam.
Farage is a religious wind tunnel , as are Nuttall and ALL the politicos, save for a Caroline Cox or a Lord Carey.
None of them have even the basis constructs of religious , theological language or paradigms-just a “love is never having to say you`re sorry” needlepoint c/o Christian Aid 1984.
If the elite refuse to relearn some former Christian syntax like judgment, hell and just war…then they`ll be needing Hudd, takfir, kitman and Sharia.
Am tired of telling everybody this-if those clowns prefer to learn the roster of FA Cup winners since 1965 instead of the verses of the sword or a biblical/gospel line or two…it`s their funeral.
I personally don`t want that cretinous player of Imagine at my graveside…and knowing why Islam does what it does is well worth doing
Stephen Gately or Ariane Grande?…let`s fill our heads before we`re made to fill our pants eh?
Internment seemed to work for German and Italians in the UK at the start of WWII.
What’s May waiting for? The ISIS ambassador in London to “hand a note ” to her declaring war?
This is it . Now. Well actually it was 20 years ago, but now would be a good time to start putting things right
Our latest “home grown and / or “lone wolf” suicide bomber has recently returned from a little holiday in Libya. Well, be fair we all need a break.
it was a only a few short weeks ago that almost all of our politicians and the media, headed by the Beeb and the equally repulsive Channel 4, were queuing up to condemn Donald Trump for his “Islamophobic” attitude towards allowing people from certain charming countries being allowed into the US.
Particularly virulent were Tiny Tim Farron and the very peculiar Carolyn Lucas. The beautiful Diane Abbott and Comrade Corbyn wanted The Donald banned from the country.
So, let’s think about this. We allow in all the trash from deeply dangerous and suspect countries and ban the president of our greatest ally.
Do you think it’s sunk in yet?
I agree Belty, its horrendous timing, but UKIP could gain more support now by those who believe enough IS enough; and the continuous rhetoric of unity, solidarity, standing together, being shoved down the nation’s throats on a daily basis could have the opposite effect. We may have Muslim neighbours, who appear to be ‘very nice people’, BUT will we ever really trust them ? their inoffensive teenage children – are they all that they really seem ? Sorry, but you may take the Muslim out of Asia or Africa, but you’ll never take the 3rd world way of life out of the Muslim. Refugees ? I’d rather take in a dozen feral dogs from the street of Libya, at least they can be taught how to behave and eventually give you love in return.
Or, of course Brissles, cock their leg over your shoes and chew your child’s favourite toy to ribbons – much like their fellow Libyans.
Ha ! ha! dogs/puppies are the same the world over though – at least you can rely on that and know how to deal with it.
Talking of dogs, I once saw a video on YouTube of some Arabic speaking kids dowsing a puppy with some flammable fluid and setting fire to it. Hideous. But according to mad mo they’re evil you see, especially the black ones. Ah the religion of peace, never stops giving.
Talking of dogs. We have seen the cover up of Moslem child abuse, but there is a cover up of dog fighting which is on the increase and guess who are promoting this cultural enrichment?
This article appeared in 2012, but the increase continues.
Don’t expect the law to be enforced and the crime widely reported
I just saw the news – all media is reporting that the Manchester bomber flew to the UK via Dusseldorf in the last week. I am just wondering – how on earth does a known AlQaida operative get onto a commercial airline in Europe at this stage?? Surely this has to be stopped today!!
Of course, no-one from the Biased BBC asked such a pointed question, reporting the ‘news’ but enquiring mind set firmly to ‘off’.
It’s not surprising that that terrorists are criss-crossing Europe, and Germany in particular, with impunity.
There was panic recently in Germany when a Franco A was found to be living a double life as a Syrian refugee and as a lieutenant in the German army. He was a lieutenant first and was thought capable of rising much further through the ranks. The suspicion was that he was a neonazi and wanted to commit an atrocity to implicate refugees. He would have succeeded brilliantly as BAMF had certified him to be a bona fide Syrian refugee with right to remain etc. and so existed as a “real person” for all intents and puurposes for the German authorities. He was only discivered by chance when he was observed trying to hide a pistol at Vienna airport. The Germany army is now being purged to eliminate the neonazi cells that are supposed to be flourishing there. Amri, the Berlin truck driver also seems to have travelled all over Europe, a terrorist Grand Tour in fact, without anyone noticing. The whole affair is too complex too describe. There are even allegations that various police authorities forged documents to cover up their incompetence.
Yet if I have forgotten to put my aftershave in a clear plastic bag, all hell breaks loose.
Yet another non-muslim, non-Islamic inspired terrorist found guilty
from the article
He became radicalised reading books and websites in his bedroom.
What, books like the Quran maybe?
At 3m114s, “is that the BBC by any chance?” and the woman laughing her head off – made my day that has!
And here is Laura Kuenssberg ‘not quite reporting the true facts’
LK wouldn’t know the truth if it bit her in her gargoyle ass.
What part of ‘the BBC’s political editor, Laura Kuenssberg, was loudly heckled’ doesn’t she understand?
Around 4.12 . If it is a BBC graphic they have invented a new science, “Medicince”. If it is UKIP they need to run a spell check before creating a slide. I prefer to think it is the BBC as it shows their level of “professionalism”, lack of checking and arrogant hypocrisy. It is in line with the contempt they have with the public thinking they can throw up anything and the suckers will accept it.
gb123, The opening title ‘Manfesto launch’ could easily have been a BBC style conflation of ‘man’ and ‘infest’ but I fear it’s down to UKIP. With you on ‘Medicince’ though!
Re Newshite, and Didsbury Mosque report.
from yesterday
“Gollum Davis, the Al BBC … home of misfits,
Davis, Marr, Gompertz, Douchet, etc
Did they repeat their Didsbury Mosque report, yep the building originally the Albert Park Methodist Chapel, which opened for worship in 1883, but in 1962 the church closed and was later converted to a Mosque, where after the worse acting since “Crossroads” after all the platitudes … the reporter was disdainfully ignored, when asking about Abedi worshipping there?.”
Additional, (just scratch beneath the surface)
This man deserves a medal,he speaks the truth.Thats why the powers at be hate him and will do everything to stop him even bending the law . Like the EX SAS officer said lock em up,deport its the only way. keep safe tommy
Al Beebistan has managed to track down a few muslims willing to go public in denouncing acts of terrorism.
None of them sounded very convincing to me, as if just going through the motions of saying what the dhimmis want them to say.
One Imam said something like ‘acts of terrorism have no place in our religion’ (he needs a refresher course on the koran which is full of calls to violence) ‘OR ANY OTHER RELIGION for that matter’. Thereby missing the whole point that other religions aren’t committing acts of terrorism. It’s only your lot squire.
They have them on speed dial, Charlie.
Ch4 News, vying with BBC and Sky with its Islamonausea
apologist adherents
The stupid cow, Cousin It lookalike at 2:25 sounds like she’s a white bint!
And they have the nerve to talk about bloody integration!
Look carefully at the word ‘LOVE’ on her burka. That speaks volumes to me.
Beebiscum trying to blame Manchester security leaks on Trump.
Maybe so, or maybe that’s one of the reasons he’s been taking on his security services, much to the derision of beebistan.
Nigel on LBC talking about internment yesterday. Listen to the “Human Rights” student, who doesn’t want to live in a country where people are banged up when they have done nothing wrong. She obviously doesn’t mind living in a country where the chances of being scraped off a wall is becoming more of a probability though. From 30 mins. The previous caller is a Muslim ex met police opereative who blame all the problems on Tory cuts to the police “service”.
I had a listen to Anna the human rights student and I thought Nigel was very polite. As far as I am concerned she is a huge part of the problem another brainwashed snowflake. I can imagine her backing a Muslim terrorist whose just hacked someone to death. She’d be screaming about the human rights of the terrorist over that of the victim and family who are in shock. I think Anna has a lot of growing up to do.
She obviously has never read Section 8 paragraph 2 of the ECHR, Moonswing6.
I have never heard Nigel be anything but polite either, how the hell he manages it is a mystery as well, considering some of the hate and bile he has to contend with.
So what’s wrong with being angry. I’m bl**dy angry.
Before Three Girls there was “My Dangerous Loverboy”
A drama warning girls about on street grooming, designed to be shown in schools
Mirror claimed it was suppressed
That’ll show ’em we mean business, I bet they are really shaking in their sandals!
Yeah, we mean business.
Is’nt it time for all the media to return to their tv studios ? The reporters are resorting to interviewing themselves, and there is much toing and froing between the flower display and outside the hospital. There is little to learn now as we’ve had saturation coverage, and watching the placing of yet more flowers that make the giver feel good, is milking this situation for all its worth.
Eddie Mair on PM in full interuption mode while UKIP tries to give answers about its manifesto.
He keeps insisting that ‘reducing the density of alcohol selling outlets’ equates to ‘fewer pubs’. No Eddie, six outlets in one street replaced by twelve outlets spread over twelve streets is reducing the local density and increasing the number of ‘pubs’.
Eddie Mair has got to be one of the most variable interviewers on the BBC, he can be quite good at putting people at ease one moment then the next it sounds like he is competing for the Paxman/Day award where the interviewee is only allowed two words before the first is challenged again and again. Unfortunately for UKIP they never seem to get a ‘friendly’ slot. He might just as well start by saying, “..and now for the racist, fascist nazi party, the so-called UKIP..”, you know you want to Eddie!
Trouble is that UKIP don`t want it badly enough.
Despite themsleves and their idiot blazers, they got good results in 2014/5-and enough to get us that referendum.
But a party that endlessly falls for a Kilroy Silk , Hamilton or a Carswell-whilst being unable to harness a Woolf, an Evans or an Ayling willbe no threat to the liberal poltroons on state funded manoevres like Mair.
No-UKIP need some thinkers and a few dirty bastards who want the state red boxes and ministerial cars as much as even the lowest form of lefty pondlife like Huhne or Umuma.
UKIP only need to demand Article 50, remind the Tories how shit they are, beard Corbyn re his IRA/Hamas and anti-Jewish maties…demand grammar schools and the end of the PaedoBBC.
And repeat it at EVERY opportunith, not merely saving it to be nice.
We don`t want Tim Rice and Corinthians…we want Nasty Nigel and Millwall.