Brussels – thanks for linking that.
Leo McKinstry is one of the best mainstream journalists writing today, he is particularly sharp about Islam; Third world immigration and the effect of both on Britain and the Rest of the West.
Biased BBC bemoaning the nett migration of ‘only’ 248,000 down 80,000 in 2016.
But elsewhere, new house bulid starts are running at about 160,000 per annum, up from 145,000.
So the story is that we are finally building homes for existing UK citizens , after years of ‘standing still’, in effect building them for immigrants.
Simple arithmetic, but clearly way too complicated for the biased comment.
Join the dots, a game the bBBC editors play very selectively, if at all.
Anyone watching the 6 o’clock news would have seen, thanks to clever editing, the discomfiture and exposure of UKIP. Anyone watching Daily Politics earlier in the day would have seen a very different situation, not least the exposure and discomfiture of Laura Kuenssberg and the splendid performance of Suzanne Evans against a spiteful Andrew Neil and obtuse John Prescott. And before that, the thuggish John Pienaar used weasel words to present President Trump as ineffectual and Teresa May irrelevant. He’s a clever guy – shame he’s such an arsehole.
Later, with luck, we’ll enjoy the chocolate tones of Fergal Keane, flown back specially for the occasion – hold Mr Keane’s suite, he’ll be back shortly – to bring a tear to our cheeks. They seem to save him for the late evening news, probably hoping that tiredness will allow the contradictory sugared rubbish he spouts to send us into dreamless slumber.
a bit off topic..but what a tart Gary Lineker turned out to be..had to laugh at this..have a look, and a laugh, at this his expense:
(expecting posts in his defence from LCFC fans ….but guys ..deep down you know he’s a total tosser who sold out long ago.)
bought & read that book as soon as it came out..some family members somewhat amused I thought..implied I was (unnecessarliy) obsessed with what was going on in UK with islam….there ya go!
Pertolate – I get the same response from my family. I suppose (unless you live in Luton or Tower Hamlets) Most of us Brits have not until now felt directly some of these wonderful aspects of being enriched. However unfortunately I suspect it will take more than just this one incident to really wake people up – but whether even then people will have the drive to do something about it – I just dont know.
Unfortunately we have had the best part of seventy years worth of liberals telling us our society is greedy, selfish, wrong and immoral and so I suppose by implication so are we all. It is almost like people think that we have to put up with this shit as some sort of punishment.
But unless people do finally sort their shit out and start demanding some real action from our leaders, then we have lots of exotic and enriching new ways to look forward to. Certainly the outrageous attempt by the Emir of London to try and get people to accept this sort evil act as normal tells me everything about the the direction of travel of society. If we dont start fronting up to Islam and return it back to its proper place as a medieval set of beliefs embraced by the wicked and the ignorant only.
I have just seen the Lib Dumbs Party political broadcast on BBC. Minor Fart talking about Manchester
“Muslim cabbies giving people free rides.” Outpouring of love” Yadda Yadda!
He is making it sound like that Jihadist Muslim bomber did us a favour.
It’s a flipping insult to people who are already devastated.
How could ANYONE possibly want to vote for that $hit?
UKIP believe politicians have,over the past few years been cowards.
Music to my ears.
I completely agree with everything in the UKIP manifesto, although I might only give Foreign Aid on an ‘as and when’ basis. Hard to disagree with any of it really.
My only complaint today, with regards to the UKIP delivery, was that Paul Nuttall asked the people in the press room to be quiet and show some respect.
Respect! Show respect to a piece of lowlife anti British left scum like Kuentsberg. I don’t think so Mr Nuttall.
The barracking was great and should have been made to go on for a lot longer.
Mr Nuttall should have said, right then, we have had one question from the media arm of the traiterous Labour Party, namely the anti British BBC.
I would like you,Ms Kuentsberg, to ask another question , then another and then another and receive a constant tirade of barracking. So much so, that the side of her sneering mouth from which she talks goes into a spasm of lockjaw.
Now that is what I would call how to deliver a UKIP manifesto.
Well done today UKIP. The only party that thinks of its people first.
A very sensible manifesto that is radical, but only in the sense that it proposes common-sense policies that are beyond the pale for the hopeless mainstream parties.
I guess all the Kipperailty on are welcoming the Kipper manifesto , well not me , I would not vote for them anyhow ,as Essex is an Outta County , & we voted Out , which, apart from Clacton, is a True Blue County. The part of the manifesto on pubs , has left me , my local landlords ,their customers, & definitely Mr Wetherspoon ,along with Camra, hopping mad . I have been in Camra for over 30 years ! In the 80s, we got all day opening Mon to Sat. In the 90s, we got all day Sunday opening. In 2003 we got further evening extensions from Blair. Now the Kipper lot , want more Pubs closed , opening times curtailed ! Absolutely ridiculous , this is a bastion of Hideously White People , some who might of supported UKIP ! Not any more ,as an ardent Camra supporter , the Kipper manifesto , & the Idiots who wrote it, can just Fuck Off into oblivion ! I am hopping mad , & I am glad, they ain`t got a chance,any more !
Well, I don’t know about want more pubs closed, because they seem to be closing on their own through lack of patronage ! I remember the days when we all went ‘down the pub’ from Friday night including lunchtimes through to Sunday night – and I’m not talking city centre pubs , but unless food is being served, most pubs are mainly deserted, which is why many landlords try all manner of attraction to entice customers. In the early 80’s I belonged to 3 pub darts teams, in the era when the sport was huge, but times change, the young now tend to drink before they go out so don’t spend as much money, – unheard of years ago.
Well that is really stunning news. Essexman is not going to vote Ukip! Quel suprise! I will need trauma counselling after that news!
Come off it mate, you were even prepared to sing the praises of the utterly useless ungulate Cameron!
Despite being a staunch kipper, I am prepared to be critical of the party at times as my posts will show. However, I have just read the manifesto and it is very well written and well thought out.
After all the depressing news recently this has bolstered my morale.
It is so good it will intensely annoy the goons at the BBC. That’s a bonus.
Racism runs through everything at the bBBC. Wanting to get away from their endless parading of weepies hugging each other about ‘Manchester’, I thought I’d watch Eggheads. Sadly, the contestants were five DJs from the Asian Network, all young racists. Jeremy Vain pretended to be a great fan of the Network and the questions were biassed in their favour, the first round on the subject of music being all about rappers.
It’s OK, you missed them being thrashed in the end by the massed brains of the whiteys on the Eggheads team. Oh dear, never mind.
You also missed the heartwarming spectacle of the most edgy one of the Asian 5 calling JV “blud”. He looked so embarrassed! I thought he was going to get up and jive a la Strictly.
Channel 4 News upset at the imposition of Sharia justice in Indonesia. These media lefty intellectuals appear to lack the imagination to appreciate that their enthusiasm for mass muslim immigration into the UK will create a similar future for this country.
What a pathetic bunch of candle holding, teddy kissing, cowardly,- look at me aren’t I a wonderful human being, virtue signalling nobodies these people are.
They make me sick.
Also if one parent , just one parent says the revolting words of disdain to their child’s memory,
– I forgive the killer of my child. My old catapult will be used on next doors constantly crapping cat, who I call Mohammed.
I will take the consequences from my neighbour, he’s a wealthy lefty and I shall demand he forgive me.
“What a pathetic bunch of candle holding, teddy kissing, cowardly,- look at me aren’t I a wonderful human being, virtue signalling nobodies these people are.”
simply “puke fodder”..sheeple! ( disrespect to sheep).
“What a pathetic bunch of candle holding, teddy kissing, cowardly,- look at me aren’t I a wonderful human being, virtue signalling nobodies these people are.”
simply “puke fodder”..sheeple! ( disrespect to sheep).
The more perceptive in our society realise that something changed this week. All the signs had been there for years but sometimes it takes just one event to crystallise things . The mark of a civilised society must be freedom of citizens to pursue their lives in peace and free from threats , intimidation and violence . This week we lost those hallmarks of civilisation . Children and mothers are blown to pieces , armed police board our trains, soldiers guard our important buildings . People say they will never go to a concert again .
Why can’t the media recognise all this, see that emoting over vigils and tales of individual horror and grief are simply not enough? We are at war with Islam, nothing less. Our citizens are entitled to expect our governnent to prosecute that war on every level necessary, starting with an honest recognition of those whom we are at war with and who have been allowed to settle amongst us.
Then we have the political class who created the environment in which we lost so much our civilisation and citizens no longer feel safe.UKIP have been pilloried by all TV channels today for saying something unremarkable and obvious. Theresa May is part of that political class. She was at the heart of security and immigration policy from 2010. The bomber seems to have travelled to Libya, Syria and even Germany on her watch. His father was a Libyan jihadist . Those who fought Gadhaffi were not pro western democrats as her boss Cameron stupidly claimed. Our intelligence services must have known that . So why was the bombers father let into the UK? One could go on and on. When will a convincing political leader from a leading party emerge who lives in the real world and will court unpopularity with the liberal elite by speaking the truth and leading the fight back in this war ?
England because the MSM have nailed their frothy, multikulty, liberal anti waycism colours to the mast for years and have been making a bloody good living on it.
Do you think that they will admit they have been wrong all the time and put all that easy money and media reputations at risk? Nope me neither.
As for the political class they are just two sides of the same liberal coin and they have also done well talking bollocks and forcing us to accept destructive migration policies which we have had no say in. Unfortunately just like journalism, conventional politics is self selecting in that you only get on if you say and do the “right” fashionable things. Hence the likes of May and Merkel are quite at ease covering up the rape of schoolkids and youngsters and not punishing those who were complicit in the cover ups (which still go on) and yet those who protest against such things are labelled as waycists and in some case have had their lives destroyed by the state apparatus.
As for UKIP I feel in some ways they blew it when they couldnt get their head around acting in a disciplined manner and eventually forced out Farage who I consider one of the most perceptive, able, enlightened and straight talking politicians of our generation.
I think eventually someone will emerge from the shadows to force through the changes we need – but unfortunately I do not think it will be Nuttall who although decent and well meaning does not seem to possess the sharpness, tough hide and combative debating skills that are needed when you are taking on the whole of the state and the media.
Who ever it is it will certainly not be from Lib/Lab or the Cons whilst there a few decent politicians out there at the end of the day party loyalty comes first and especially at election time. May deserves to be pilloried for her still “relaxed” attitude to muslim migration yet all we currently hear from the Tory part is the gentle rustle of tumbleweed as no-one wants to appear out of step with the leaderene at this time.
– Lets hope we do not have to wait too long for a decent leader who is unafraid to say what needs to be said and lets hope UKIP can get their act together soon as I think we have never needed them so much!
I think someone in al beeb has got to Brillo after seeing two successive days of Daily Politics. I remember his rightful rant after a France ? Attack a while ago but now he seemed lost and confused and striking out today at UKIP.
Later al beeb in the PM programme gave one John Crace ( Guardian journo) 5 minutes to rant against the UKIP manisto in a truly unbalanced and biased way .
The editors and producers in al beeb are distracting us away from justifiable anger against wahabi Islam and channelling it into nice stories about nurses and the queen and all coming together. Sooner or later that propaganda will fail because another enemy son of a refugee will come up with an attack worse than killing 8 year old girls , mums and dads. I shudder.
Rule number 1 – never turn a tragedy into a party political broadcast
Rule number 2 – never try and make out your party political broadcast isn’t a party political broadcast.
Tim Farron, words escape me. You have added a new dimension to buffoonery. You make Boris look good.
‘We are Manchester’ ? – are you fµcking sure?
Muslim terrorists blow us up
cue media to deflect and deny
cue ‘community leaders’ to speak about solidarity
cue prime minister to say it won’t change our ‘way of life’ when, in reality, it has become our ‘way of life’.
cue some ‘head-in-the-sand’ liberal in total denial (Tim, this is you)
cue candlelit vigil where nobody knows what the fµck has happened to our country
cue ‘and now for the rest of the news’
Yesterday TV Channel now
Oswald Mosely was a Labour minister and socialist
(the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster)
(First elected as Independent Unionist member then sat on the Conservative benches
\\He crossed the floor to the Labour benches in 1924 where his radicalism was better served, or so he thought at the time. His passion for social justice eventually brought him into conflict with some cabinet colleagues in Ramsay MacDonald’s government who found his proposals for dealing with unemployment too “socialistic”. //)
..a surprise to me “He was considered a potential Labour Prime Minister,”
Could tonight’s QT audience be on a par with the memorable gathering to discuss 9/11? You remember, when the US ambassador was reduced to tears by the shrieks and jibes of valued muslim multicultural members?
Could the BBC be that insensitive?
Any bets?
I realise now what’s missing from al beebs coverage of the Manchester mass murders- it’s the coverage of thousands of Muslim men and women – you know – the peace loving ones – marching in solidarity with the dead, injured and grieving. Perhaps The One Show, today , world at one, pm , world tonight et al can do outside broadcasts to cover it .
I won’t hold my breath. If there is a mass March and I don’t know of it I’ll happily eat humble pie.
I never thought the BBC would stoop so low as to use the murder of British children as a excuse to attack Donald trump but that’s what’s happening.
Country faced is worst massacre in a long time . And the past 2 days BBC headline on its news page is more concerned about leaks of information from America . Trying to shift focus on the Donald trump and the US . And deflect attention from the fact that the UK is under attack from a section of its own society. Its become apparent to most people that the BBC is an enabler of terrorism in the UK.
Agree, but why would this surprise you? You know what they’re like. What I find offensive from these c*ocksuckers, is that for the last 3 months, them and their c*nt friends in the Guardian, have been laughing their ass*s off at all the leaks aimed at the White House, but now, have the effin audacity to be outraged. I detest them!
The troops are out on the streets, DS, to free up the police and allow them to get on with the important work of trawling social media and fielding calls from the real victims in all this who are suffering hate speech and dirty looks.
Rawhide..sung by Frankie Laine:
Move ’em on, head ’em up
Head ’em up, move ’em on
Move ’em on, head ’em up, rawhide
Cut ’em out, ride ’em in
Ride ’em in, cut ’em out
Cut ’em out, ride ’em in, rawhide
Keep movin’, movin’, movin’
Though they’re disapprovin’
Keep them dogies movin’, rawhide
Don’t try to understand ’em
Just rope ’em, throw, and brand ’em
Soon we’ll be livin’ high and wide
Move ’em on, head ’em up
Head ’em up, move ’em on
Move ’em on, head ’em up, rawhide
Cut ’em out, ride ’em in
Ride ’em in, cut ’em out
Cut ’em out, ride ’em in, rawhide
Twitter : Janice Atkinson calls for death penalty for terrorist offences
Twitter tw*t reports that as
“Ex Ukipper Janice Atkinson wants the death penalty for suicide bombers ! ha ha !”
LibMob seals retweet like crazy and clap clap clap
Coming up on News Night a chat with Jeremy about how to deal with radical Islam. This is a complete joke. The CCB are as guilty as the bombers and the shites are going to discuss the problem with a man whose keen to keep em coming in. It’s not radical Islam it’s ISLAM and dealing with it! Well for a start close off the CBB news division. Kick the lot out and padlock the door. Then ban Muslims from entering the UK. There problem solved. It should be that simple but it’s never going to happen. For God’s sake would someone please get me a triple G&T! Hurry…….
“We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.”
Muammar Gaddafi Speech (10 April 2006), quoted in New York Sun (6 September 2009)
ITV 10:50pm one of the segments will be
“Just days after his inauguration, President Trump asked what the hell is going on in in Chicago? In the windy city, the murder rate has surged in the past few years. Penny Marshall discovers that solving Chicago’s gun crime problem is a complex and highly divisive issue”
BBC Question Time from Salford in Greater Manchester. On the panel are
clueless corrupt compromised and irritated home secretary Amber Dudd,
mayor of Greater Manchester Andy “links to MEND” Burnham,
anti-extremism campaigner Sara, “ALL types of extremism” Khan
Head of the Police and Crime Commissioners Association
Nazir “religion nothing to do with Islamic child gang rapes” Afzal,
and … peace campaigner Colin Parry (to talk about the IRA again?).
Why even bother, … an opportunity to debate relevant prescient issues
… with a bunch of compromised incompetents,
Fit in the usual anti Corbyn plant, and smear, business as usual.
just embarrassing garbage
Amber Dudd : It’s not about police numbers, rejects criticism of cuts to police budgets, which some warn have affected on-the-ground intelligence thus possible extremism
… the arrogance of Tories eh, even when reality smacks them in the face, they still lie, and the former Liar May
… a disgraceful liability
Lucy…. relative to your comments, here is a paragraphs taken from Leo McKinstry (D/Express), whose link I’ve attached at the top of the page.
“In February an alarming study by Austrian military intelligence, an agency of the Austrian armed forces, predicted that growing unemployment and poverty in Africa mean that over the next three years there could be as many as 15 million migrants seeking to enter Europe…….
and we are the ferry service bringing them across.
Today I heard reporters accuse UKIP of taking advantage of the Manchester terrorist incident.
Cos they were first to resume campaigning, after postponing their manifesto launch for 2 days
– Yet 7pm The Libs launched a Party Election Broadcast which actually used the Manchester Incident for political gain
“Tim Farron fronting #LibDem video on BBC.
5 minutes of him talking about the Manchester terror attack.
So called party ‘election broadcast’?”
“Tim Farron election broadcast.
Spoke about 22 children killed in Manchester. Adults and children died. Shocking gaff.”
Don t worry Liar May will be taking full political advantage of the mass murders from
tomorrow, in the needless party before country/power grab election.
Good article worth checking on the the press “ambush” b the MSM on UKIP
I will probably now be voting UKIP even though they have no chance of winning .
I have realised that the press and the Government are absolutely desperate to still any dissenting voices on migration as they are shit scared of the truth getting out. May basically represents no change to this crazy immigration policy despite all her words.
At the end of the day there now appears very little point in voting Tory as we will still end up at the same destination with Theresa as if we had voted in Corbyn – we would just get here a little slower.
So I may as well follow my heart despite some reservations about Nutall – But at least he seems a decent guy who definitely speaks the truth (which these days seems a rare thing in politic)s.
Worse, On Sky News, Faisal Islam appeared to say Corbyn was correct, just that this wasn’t the right time to say it.
So, would Jeremy Corbyn and Faisal Islam care to explain why Muslims are murdering people in countries that have not involved themselves in Islamic countries, such as Belgium, Sweden, Thailand, China …bah! the list is way too long. Or why there are so many casualties from Islamic bombers in countries that are already Islamic, such as Pakistan and Bangladesh?
Andy Burnham being grilled on his opposition to the Prevent strategy. He says it targets Muslims unfairly.
Dimbledore asks if Prevent only applies to the Muslim community and Rudd said no, there is also radicalisation on the right. (Muslim equal left then?) Burnham agrees and then wades in with how a good friend of his, Jo Cox (applause) was murdered by a radicalised right winger. Utter tw@t!
Also, not many manc accents in evidence amongst the questioners.
The bastard just got another plug in for the sainted Jo!
Supported the Soviet Union, Castro, Chavez, Yasser Araft and were apologists for the IRA and Hamas. They were, as Barack Obama might put it, on the WRONG side of history … and the wrong side of common sense and decency for that matter.
The BBC supported ‘clean’ diesel cars over petrol, which now kill over 30,000 people a year and cause brain and lung problems for thousands of children. Totally predictable.
They supported the theory of ‘forcing’, the science term for man made global warming, even after the world cooled at the end of the twentieth century.
They supported putting up power prices to stop people using electricity – and it worked, over 40,000 people die from the cold in the UK every year, because they can no longer afford to heat their houses.
They supported the EU and the Euro which have left an entire continent in austerity. Italy, Spain and Portugal are now poorer than they were following the 2008 crash.
They supported Gordon Brown, Ed Miliband, Remain and Hillary …again on the WROING side of history. But worse, couldn’t understand when their side lost. After all everyone they speak to agrees with the BBC/Guardian.
They opposed grammar schools when just about all Guardian/Observer writers and many BBC upper managers along with leading members of the Labour party send their own kids to them.
And so it goes on. Has this 4.5 billion quid a year organisation ever been right on anything?
4 Million ROP’er marching to London shouting ‘Not In Our Name’ lol good one taffy
it would appear realistically more of them objected to trump getting elected than 22 people getting blown in to tiny pieces so small it takes 3 days to identify them
their main concern now appears to be that there may be a backlash coming and they want some protection
there is more chance of a 4 million strong liberal white idiot march demanding all muslim crimes are covered up
to save them from any criticism
Some good news to lighten the mood after the mass murder this week in Manchester.
The full quota of LBGT characters has been established in hospital so-called”drama” Holby City! Yes, the departure of Dom’s domestic abusing boyfriend left a big hole (ooh er!) but now we have a new character, transferred at very little cost from Casualty. He was heterosexual but is now possibly homosexual having fallen for the brother of the woman he jilted at the altar. Of course he may even be bi-sexual, which ticks another box.
Oh, the man he fancies is black, and he is white, just to spice things up even more.
So forget all your troubles, be happy and revel in the brave new world of love and diversity according to the BBBC.
I switched off after they lunged towards each other for the obligatory gay kiss. Did you punish yourself by watching till the end? Is Lofty “confused” about his sexuality? If so, we know which orientation will win.
I did watch it all, it’s car crash TV now. I think Lofty may become the resident bisexual, as those have been under-represented, along with heterosexuals
QT was just words mostly meaningless .The only time it approached reality was when, unexpectedly, a man produced the leaflet from Didsbury mosque. Dimbleby tried so very hard to close him down as they all did. An unfortunate reality injected into a virtual signalling virtual show.
What are they so scared of? Us – the abandoned people of old England. You can smell the fear almost .
TI think we could tell that qt was going to be a continuous outpouring of malodorous shite because Dimblebore had his “serious” face on at the beginning of the programme. I think he must imagine he is being sodomised with foreign object to fake the earnest “nation facing major crisis” look. He did look genuinely crushed and crestfallen when he announced the referendum victory though. I fantasise about a surprise UKIP GE victory and the prospect of witnessing Dimblebore’s head exploding live on the BBC’s election night dronathon.
Heard one of the reporters on Look North talking about how one of the girls from Yorkshire, murdered by the human rubbish in Manchester was: “In the wrong place at the wrong time.”
She was exactly where she should have been at precisely the right time.
The Islamic vermin who killed her, was in the wrong place at any time that he was in our country.
‘In the wrong place at the wrong time’! That might be appropriate if someone had been hit on the head by a meteorite. The level of journalism is plummeting to new depths.
If you think the country is safe under the Treezer vote Tory if not, vote UKIP.
If you think Treezer will get rid of the TV Poll Tax , vote Tory if not, vote UKIP.
Being , hopefully , a fair person – I really do look for it as I always listen to the false doctrine “that albeeb must be doing something good because it’s attacked from left and right” . The normal right bias accusation seems to be the reporting of Corbin and the other marxists running the Labour Party .
The problem the lefties have with this is that reporting about Corbin is not false. He has a long record of undermining Blighty which I remember back to the seventies with his shameful support for the IRA. People forget though .
I hope others have realised as I have done, how the feckers at the BBC have turned this story concerning the Islamic terrorist bombing at Manchester into an anti-trump story – with headline after headline concerning this so called leak of information (photos) to the New York Times. With various headlines and breaking news of the past 36 hours:
These are just some of the headline stories the BBC feckers have been pumping out in the last 36 hours in order to change the focus from the fact refugees accepted into Britain from Libya became a terrorist cell for Islamic State.
Of course the brainwashing starts at primary school with empathy for refugees week . This story reached the BBC because the 4 to 11 year olds got confused and thought they were being kidnapped or that their parents had been murdered and many burst into tears …and have been traumatised for life:
“You might not see your parents again … children at Newington Church of England Primary School in Sittingbourne were aged between four and 11 and received the news in Friday assembly. The scenario had not been discussed with parents or senior staff first, the school admitted. It said the exercise was part of a week of learning about refugees. In a statement, the school said: “We intended to provide a scenario that would enable the children to empathise with those we were raising money for.”
I had to dig deep into the bowels of the BBC website to find this story which is not being headlined on any of the main news pages:
“Fairy lights bomb plot: Zahid Hussain guilty of terror preparation: A man who planned to target a railway line with a homemade bomb of fairy lights & a pressure cooker has been found guilty of preparing for an act of terrorism. Zahid Hussain, 29, filled the appliance with shrapnel & made “improvised igniters” from the festive decorations. CCTV shown to the jury in Birmingham showed him climbing down a storm drain yards from the West Coast Mainline . He became radicalised reading books & websites in his bedroom. …”
I suppose there are no prizes for guessing which book radicalised him …
I have no idea which book may have given him the true nature of authentic Islam radicalised him. But I wonder if one of the websites that helped radicalised him was the BBC, with its constant anti-Western and Muslims-are-victims narratives?
If you click on the quiz link there is a small message saying “we collect data for use later”. At the end of the lecture quiz you can find out more and the info says the BBC use a company called Riddle to collect Google analytics. They suggest you check out Riddle’s privacy policy and they provide a link for that.
A very prominent bit of the Riddle Privacy Policy says: IMPORTANT – Our policy in regards to children
Our Websites and Services are NOT intended for children under the age of 13. Children under the age of 13 should not use our Services. If you are under 13, please do not use our Website or Services or send any information about yourself to Riddle.
They also collect your name, photo, your posts and your friends posts, your gender and your birthday.
Nice one BBC as CBeebies is for toddlers to Primary school users.
What BBC breaking the law/their_charter that’s totally unknown !
OK they do it dozens of times per day.
Here’s a screenshot combined image of BBC page and privacy paragraph it links to
The RiddleCorp guy tried to tell me the AGE rule applies only to BBC not the end user
Well BBC can’t point people towards a privacy page which applies to them and not the customer.
THe BBC page say the data privacy is responsibility of Riddle “The BBC has no control over, and is not responsible for, how third parties use the personal information that they collect.”
Missing question
Name a man with the middle name Ramadan recently deceased in Manchester
….ans Salman Ramadan Abedi
\\Having a hard time pitching to CBBC my new cartoon
“Mo-Ham-Head ……the pig who saved Ramadan”.
…… Bloody cowardly lefties.//
The liberals will soon be downplaying terrorism by saying that deaths are far lower than from road accidents. Of course, deaths from domestic violence are also far lower than road accidents, but they don’t make the same comparison.
Surely this couldn’t be because domestic violence can be blamed on men – a group liberals are always criticising – whereas most terrorism is caused by a group that liberals love?
6:45am We just had the Ramadan Message on BBC Radio Humberside from Abed Khan
“Muslims along withing all other faiths condemn the attack in Manchester
adding something like “Shedding blood of innocent people against ideology of Islam & Qur’an”
It would have sounded much better if the bloke hadn’t sounded like he was reading from a script in a language he wasn’t fluent in.
The news across BBC stations has gone back to being led by “Jeremy Corbyn says”
“UKIP are first to go back to campaigning after the attack”
Others have said this, but aren’t we told that “this will not change us”? People are seriously calling for the GE to be postponed, let alone campaigning be halted for a few days. What is that if not “changing us”.
UKIP should be applauded for “not letting this change us” surely?
I believe that as a current member of the EU, the UK is a signatory of the Lisbon Treaty. Which allows General Elections to be suspended in the event of ‘circumstances’. What is it they say: ‘Sometimes to protect democracy, we have to suspend democracy’.
Nick Robinson, in the 7-8am hour of the TODAY Programme today puts his Conservative past, his links (and his voting inclinations?) on hold in order to campaign out in Essex against the Conservative Party’s policy on Grammar Schools.
BBC Balance? Sort of.
If you are a Labour supporter and voter who believes the BBC is biased in favour of the Tories.
If you look at the educational background of al Beeb today presenters- see if you can find one who went to a comprehensive – I think personal disclosure is relevant to allow listeners to have a fair assessment of what they say-
On that- I won’t be a hypocrite- I passed the 11 plus but the then labour government / council closed the local grammar schools.
Forgive my own use of English as I’m becoming lazy as I age .
A team of 7 men and no women – that’s 7 WHITE men so that is pure evil in BBC land.
In comparison the British Muslim Council has RULES saying you MUST be Muslim to be a member but that’s OK with the BBC as that’s already “diverse” enough.
Quick fact check is it PR or news ?
(BTW comments are open on the BBC article) *
Who said \\Council’s all-male cabinet ‘new low for diversity’// ??
\\ERS Cymru director Jess Blair said:
“The Vale of Glamorgan council’s failure to have any women on their cabinet is a new low for diversity.//
That’s JESSICA Blair
probably the same “Jess Blair – Campaigns Officer at University of Essex Feminist Society” 2013
OK Where did he say that ?
Not on their website
The cabinet news came 23 hours ago and she Tweeted
*slams head on desk*
So I’m guessing that after she tweeted the feminazi network pushed it and the BBC phoned her up
Of course it’s a CHERRY PICK cos in any random sample some cabinets will be average and others will reflect an extreme
Woman’s Hour now doing lack of women candidates in Wales
* eg “I witnessed situations similar to this recently.
On Tuesday the refuse collectors were all men
and yesterday I saw an all male road maintenance crew.
Where is the diversity?”
Apologies if written elsewhere.
Could not bear to watch QT but astonishingly on bBBC website is a clip where a guy reads out a rabid anti-western leaflet he got from Didsbury Mosque. Muslim woman contradicts him as expected but what is most notable is Dimbleby’s fast out of the blocks attempt to shut the guy up, and then discredit his evidence, his message being definitely NOT part of the approved narrative.
Al Beeb at their finest.
I have had many dealings with Poles over the years, and a fine bunch they are on the whole: honest, church-going, hard working, and law-abiding. An asset to this country. They cannot believe what we have allowed to happen to a country they once admired, and many are returning home. Home to their hideously white, hideously mono-cultural country, hideously free of muslim terrorists, paedo rape gangs, knifings, bombings and shootings and street crime of all sorts.
My concern is that immigration from such countries that make a real contribution to the UK will indeed fall while that from 3rd world countries, which are nothing but a drain on resources, will continue to rise. Allowing the government to say, ‘See? Net immigration is falling as promised’, while the invaders continue to pour in, as any real, useful, selection would be ‘racist’.
On top of which so many now have ‘family’ here, the flood is nigh unstoppable.
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news TTK Won’t give MPs a vote on military action in Ukraine – come on – let’s get this…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Come on come on – there’s got to be a council out there ‘banning shrove Tuesday ‘ because it clashes…
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Would you fight for this country?” “No, I’m from Brazil.” What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Everything we have written about on here, is succinctly put by Leo McKinstry in his Daily Express column today, do read it ……
Brussels – thanks for linking that.
Leo McKinstry is one of the best mainstream journalists writing today, he is particularly sharp about Islam; Third world immigration and the effect of both on Britain and the Rest of the West.
Biased BBC bemoaning the nett migration of ‘only’ 248,000 down 80,000 in 2016.
But elsewhere, new house bulid starts are running at about 160,000 per annum, up from 145,000.
So the story is that we are finally building homes for existing UK citizens , after years of ‘standing still’, in effect building them for immigrants.
Simple arithmetic, but clearly way too complicated for the biased comment.
Join the dots, a game the bBBC editors play very selectively, if at all.
Anyone watching the 6 o’clock news would have seen, thanks to clever editing, the discomfiture and exposure of UKIP. Anyone watching Daily Politics earlier in the day would have seen a very different situation, not least the exposure and discomfiture of Laura Kuenssberg and the splendid performance of Suzanne Evans against a spiteful Andrew Neil and obtuse John Prescott. And before that, the thuggish John Pienaar used weasel words to present President Trump as ineffectual and Teresa May irrelevant. He’s a clever guy – shame he’s such an arsehole.
Later, with luck, we’ll enjoy the chocolate tones of Fergal Keane, flown back specially for the occasion – hold Mr Keane’s suite, he’ll be back shortly – to bring a tear to our cheeks. They seem to save him for the late evening news, probably hoping that tiredness will allow the contradictory sugared rubbish he spouts to send us into dreamless slumber.
a bit off topic..but what a tart Gary Lineker turned out to be..had to laugh at this..have a look, and a laugh, at this his expense:
(expecting posts in his defence from LCFC fans ….but guys ..deep down you know he’s a total tosser who sold out long ago.)
Flicking channels and noticed that The One Show looks different tonight, just can’t put my finger on why though.
From Melanie Phillips on Facebook
“In 2006 I published my book Londonistan ..”
bought & read that book as soon as it came out..some family members somewhat amused I thought..implied I was (unnecessarliy) obsessed with what was going on in UK with islam….there ya go!
Pertolate – I get the same response from my family. I suppose (unless you live in Luton or Tower Hamlets) Most of us Brits have not until now felt directly some of these wonderful aspects of being enriched. However unfortunately I suspect it will take more than just this one incident to really wake people up – but whether even then people will have the drive to do something about it – I just dont know.
Unfortunately we have had the best part of seventy years worth of liberals telling us our society is greedy, selfish, wrong and immoral and so I suppose by implication so are we all. It is almost like people think that we have to put up with this shit as some sort of punishment.
But unless people do finally sort their shit out and start demanding some real action from our leaders, then we have lots of exotic and enriching new ways to look forward to. Certainly the outrageous attempt by the Emir of London to try and get people to accept this sort evil act as normal tells me everything about the the direction of travel of society. If we dont start fronting up to Islam and return it back to its proper place as a medieval set of beliefs embraced by the wicked and the ignorant only.
I have just seen the Lib Dumbs Party political broadcast on BBC. Minor Fart talking about Manchester
“Muslim cabbies giving people free rides.” Outpouring of love” Yadda Yadda!
He is making it sound like that Jihadist Muslim bomber did us a favour.
It’s a flipping insult to people who are already devastated.
How could ANYONE possibly want to vote for that $hit?
That’s modern education for you,
Meanwhile Her Maj The Queen is visiting with some of the survivors in hospital.
UKIP believe politicians have,over the past few years been cowards.
Music to my ears.
I completely agree with everything in the UKIP manifesto, although I might only give Foreign Aid on an ‘as and when’ basis. Hard to disagree with any of it really.
My only complaint today, with regards to the UKIP delivery, was that Paul Nuttall asked the people in the press room to be quiet and show some respect.
Respect! Show respect to a piece of lowlife anti British left scum like Kuentsberg. I don’t think so Mr Nuttall.
The barracking was great and should have been made to go on for a lot longer.
Mr Nuttall should have said, right then, we have had one question from the media arm of the traiterous Labour Party, namely the anti British BBC.
I would like you,Ms Kuentsberg, to ask another question , then another and then another and receive a constant tirade of barracking. So much so, that the side of her sneering mouth from which she talks goes into a spasm of lockjaw.
Now that is what I would call how to deliver a UKIP manifesto.
Well done today UKIP. The only party that thinks of its people first.
A very sensible manifesto that is radical, but only in the sense that it proposes common-sense policies that are beyond the pale for the hopeless mainstream parties.
I commend it to the country, as they say.
I guess all the Kipperailty on are welcoming the Kipper manifesto , well not me , I would not vote for them anyhow ,as Essex is an Outta County , & we voted Out , which, apart from Clacton, is a True Blue County. The part of the manifesto on pubs , has left me , my local landlords ,their customers, & definitely Mr Wetherspoon ,along with Camra, hopping mad . I have been in Camra for over 30 years ! In the 80s, we got all day opening Mon to Sat. In the 90s, we got all day Sunday opening. In 2003 we got further evening extensions from Blair. Now the Kipper lot , want more Pubs closed , opening times curtailed ! Absolutely ridiculous , this is a bastion of Hideously White People , some who might of supported UKIP ! Not any more ,as an ardent Camra supporter , the Kipper manifesto , & the Idiots who wrote it, can just Fuck Off into oblivion ! I am hopping mad , & I am glad, they ain`t got a chance,any more !
So you are a one issue man then?
Well, I don’t know about want more pubs closed, because they seem to be closing on their own through lack of patronage ! I remember the days when we all went ‘down the pub’ from Friday night including lunchtimes through to Sunday night – and I’m not talking city centre pubs , but unless food is being served, most pubs are mainly deserted, which is why many landlords try all manner of attraction to entice customers. In the early 80’s I belonged to 3 pub darts teams, in the era when the sport was huge, but times change, the young now tend to drink before they go out so don’t spend as much money, – unheard of years ago.
Well that is really stunning news. Essexman is not going to vote Ukip! Quel suprise! I will need trauma counselling after that news!
Come off it mate, you were even prepared to sing the praises of the utterly useless ungulate Cameron!
Despite being a staunch kipper, I am prepared to be critical of the party at times as my posts will show. However, I have just read the manifesto and it is very well written and well thought out.
After all the depressing news recently this has bolstered my morale.
It is so good it will intensely annoy the goons at the BBC. That’s a bonus.
Racism runs through everything at the bBBC. Wanting to get away from their endless parading of weepies hugging each other about ‘Manchester’, I thought I’d watch Eggheads. Sadly, the contestants were five DJs from the Asian Network, all young racists. Jeremy Vain pretended to be a great fan of the Network and the questions were biassed in their favour, the first round on the subject of music being all about rappers.
Sir A.
It’s OK, you missed them being thrashed in the end by the massed brains of the whiteys on the Eggheads team. Oh dear, never mind.
You also missed the heartwarming spectacle of the most edgy one of the Asian 5 calling JV “blud”. He looked so embarrassed! I thought he was going to get up and jive a la Strictly.
Channel 4 News upset at the imposition of Sharia justice in Indonesia. These media lefty intellectuals appear to lack the imagination to appreciate that their enthusiasm for mass muslim immigration into the UK will create a similar future for this country.
Vigil sing Don’t Look Back In Anger.
…and these people get to vote!!!!
What a pathetic bunch of candle holding, teddy kissing, cowardly,- look at me aren’t I a wonderful human being, virtue signalling nobodies these people are.
They make me sick.
Also if one parent , just one parent says the revolting words of disdain to their child’s memory,
– I forgive the killer of my child. My old catapult will be used on next doors constantly crapping cat, who I call Mohammed.
I will take the consequences from my neighbour, he’s a wealthy lefty and I shall demand he forgive me.
“What a pathetic bunch of candle holding, teddy kissing, cowardly,- look at me aren’t I a wonderful human being, virtue signalling nobodies these people are.”
simply “puke fodder”..sheeple! ( disrespect to sheep).
“What a pathetic bunch of candle holding, teddy kissing, cowardly,- look at me aren’t I a wonderful human being, virtue signalling nobodies these people are.”
simply “puke fodder”..sheeple! ( disrespect to sheep).
The more perceptive in our society realise that something changed this week. All the signs had been there for years but sometimes it takes just one event to crystallise things . The mark of a civilised society must be freedom of citizens to pursue their lives in peace and free from threats , intimidation and violence . This week we lost those hallmarks of civilisation . Children and mothers are blown to pieces , armed police board our trains, soldiers guard our important buildings . People say they will never go to a concert again .
Why can’t the media recognise all this, see that emoting over vigils and tales of individual horror and grief are simply not enough? We are at war with Islam, nothing less. Our citizens are entitled to expect our governnent to prosecute that war on every level necessary, starting with an honest recognition of those whom we are at war with and who have been allowed to settle amongst us.
Then we have the political class who created the environment in which we lost so much our civilisation and citizens no longer feel safe.UKIP have been pilloried by all TV channels today for saying something unremarkable and obvious. Theresa May is part of that political class. She was at the heart of security and immigration policy from 2010. The bomber seems to have travelled to Libya, Syria and even Germany on her watch. His father was a Libyan jihadist . Those who fought Gadhaffi were not pro western democrats as her boss Cameron stupidly claimed. Our intelligence services must have known that . So why was the bombers father let into the UK? One could go on and on. When will a convincing political leader from a leading party emerge who lives in the real world and will court unpopularity with the liberal elite by speaking the truth and leading the fight back in this war ?
England because the MSM have nailed their frothy, multikulty, liberal anti waycism colours to the mast for years and have been making a bloody good living on it.
Do you think that they will admit they have been wrong all the time and put all that easy money and media reputations at risk? Nope me neither.
As for the political class they are just two sides of the same liberal coin and they have also done well talking bollocks and forcing us to accept destructive migration policies which we have had no say in. Unfortunately just like journalism, conventional politics is self selecting in that you only get on if you say and do the “right” fashionable things. Hence the likes of May and Merkel are quite at ease covering up the rape of schoolkids and youngsters and not punishing those who were complicit in the cover ups (which still go on) and yet those who protest against such things are labelled as waycists and in some case have had their lives destroyed by the state apparatus.
As for UKIP I feel in some ways they blew it when they couldnt get their head around acting in a disciplined manner and eventually forced out Farage who I consider one of the most perceptive, able, enlightened and straight talking politicians of our generation.
I think eventually someone will emerge from the shadows to force through the changes we need – but unfortunately I do not think it will be Nuttall who although decent and well meaning does not seem to possess the sharpness, tough hide and combative debating skills that are needed when you are taking on the whole of the state and the media.
Who ever it is it will certainly not be from Lib/Lab or the Cons whilst there a few decent politicians out there at the end of the day party loyalty comes first and especially at election time. May deserves to be pilloried for her still “relaxed” attitude to muslim migration yet all we currently hear from the Tory part is the gentle rustle of tumbleweed as no-one wants to appear out of step with the leaderene at this time.
– Lets hope we do not have to wait too long for a decent leader who is unafraid to say what needs to be said and lets hope UKIP can get their act together soon as I think we have never needed them so much!
I think someone in al beeb has got to Brillo after seeing two successive days of Daily Politics. I remember his rightful rant after a France ? Attack a while ago but now he seemed lost and confused and striking out today at UKIP.
Later al beeb in the PM programme gave one John Crace ( Guardian journo) 5 minutes to rant against the UKIP manisto in a truly unbalanced and biased way .
The editors and producers in al beeb are distracting us away from justifiable anger against wahabi Islam and channelling it into nice stories about nurses and the queen and all coming together. Sooner or later that propaganda will fail because another enemy son of a refugee will come up with an attack worse than killing 8 year old girls , mums and dads. I shudder.
An excellent post Al. So good I wish I’d written it.
Rule number 1 – never turn a tragedy into a party political broadcast
Rule number 2 – never try and make out your party political broadcast isn’t a party political broadcast.
Tim Farron, words escape me. You have added a new dimension to buffoonery. You make Boris look good.
‘We are Manchester’ ? – are you fµcking sure?
Muslim terrorists blow us up
cue media to deflect and deny
cue ‘community leaders’ to speak about solidarity
cue prime minister to say it won’t change our ‘way of life’ when, in reality, it has become our ‘way of life’.
cue some ‘head-in-the-sand’ liberal in total denial (Tim, this is you)
cue candlelit vigil where nobody knows what the fµck has happened to our country
cue ‘and now for the rest of the news’
Yesterday TV Channel now
Oswald Mosely was a Labour minister and socialist
(the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster)
(First elected as Independent Unionist member then sat on the Conservative benches
\\He crossed the floor to the Labour benches in 1924 where his radicalism was better served, or so he thought at the time. His passion for social justice eventually brought him into conflict with some cabinet colleagues in Ramsay MacDonald’s government who found his proposals for dealing with unemployment too “socialistic”. //)
..a surprise to me “He was considered a potential Labour Prime Minister,”
Most of the worst political tyrants come from the ‘Left’.
Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Adolf Hitler……..Tony Blair.
Not forgetting Pol Pot.
And I hear that the family that runs North Korea are really nasty, even worse than the Tories, Teresa.
Off topic, but relevant just the same. Wish some of the clowns in Westminster had this passion.
Could tonight’s QT audience be on a par with the memorable gathering to discuss 9/11? You remember, when the US ambassador was reduced to tears by the shrieks and jibes of valued muslim multicultural members?
Could the BBC be that insensitive?
Any bets?
The BBC will take the side of the victims – and we know who they are in this country
I realise now what’s missing from al beebs coverage of the Manchester mass murders- it’s the coverage of thousands of Muslim men and women – you know – the peace loving ones – marching in solidarity with the dead, injured and grieving. Perhaps The One Show, today , world at one, pm , world tonight et al can do outside broadcasts to cover it .
I won’t hold my breath. If there is a mass March and I don’t know of it I’ll happily eat humble pie.
I never thought the BBC would stoop so low as to use the murder of British children as a excuse to attack Donald trump but that’s what’s happening.
Country faced is worst massacre in a long time . And the past 2 days BBC headline on its news page is more concerned about leaks of information from America . Trying to shift focus on the Donald trump and the US . And deflect attention from the fact that the UK is under attack from a section of its own society. Its become apparent to most people that the BBC is an enabler of terrorism in the UK.
Agree, but why would this surprise you? You know what they’re like. What I find offensive from these c*ocksuckers, is that for the last 3 months, them and their c*nt friends in the Guardian, have been laughing their ass*s off at all the leaks aimed at the White House, but now, have the effin audacity to be outraged. I detest them!
Because of The Religion of Peace, we have soldiers on our streets.
Time for a name change, perhaps?
BBC, penny for your thoughts…
The troops are out on the streets, DS, to free up the police and allow them to get on with the important work of trawling social media and fielding calls from the real victims in all this who are suffering hate speech and dirty looks.
Rawhide..sung by Frankie Laine:
Move ’em on, head ’em up
Head ’em up, move ’em on
Move ’em on, head ’em up, rawhide
Cut ’em out, ride ’em in
Ride ’em in, cut ’em out
Cut ’em out, ride ’em in, rawhide
Keep movin’, movin’, movin’
Though they’re disapprovin’
Keep them dogies movin’, rawhide
Don’t try to understand ’em
Just rope ’em, throw, and brand ’em
Soon we’ll be livin’ high and wide
Move ’em on, head ’em up
Head ’em up, move ’em on
Move ’em on, head ’em up, rawhide
Cut ’em out, ride ’em in
Ride ’em in, cut ’em out
Cut ’em out, ride ’em in, rawhide
Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’
Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’
Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’
Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’
Read more: Frankie Laine – Rawhide Lyrics | MetroLyrics
Rawhide, I remember it very well.
I wish Clint Eastwood was our UKIP leader.
Question Time would be great, he would say-‘I know what your thinking punk…….’
Twitter : Janice Atkinson calls for death penalty for terrorist offences
Twitter tw*t reports that as
“Ex Ukipper Janice Atkinson wants the death penalty for suicide bombers ! ha ha !”
LibMob seals retweet like crazy and clap clap clap
All the bien-pensants (it’s French for morons) at the beebistan and grauniad having a laugh at photo of Trump smiling next to glum Pope.
Tres drole, ha ha ha.
One is a fool who wants to let in unlimited migrants, the other wants to keep them out.
I know which of the two I think is the clown.
BBC1 News at Ten headline read out…
“Trouble flares as UKIP imply Terresa May is responsible for the Manchester attack”
That’s strange as I saw and heared Laura Kuenssberg imply that connection and UKIP denied they implied that at all.
The BBC are lying through their teeth and treating the public as idiots.
Tabs – that headline enables the b.b.bastards to sling some mud in the direction of both.
We all know that when the biased BBC don’t like the news, they just mKe some up to fit the approved narrative.
Coming up on News Night a chat with Jeremy about how to deal with radical Islam. This is a complete joke. The CCB are as guilty as the bombers and the shites are going to discuss the problem with a man whose keen to keep em coming in. It’s not radical Islam it’s ISLAM and dealing with it! Well for a start close off the CBB news division. Kick the lot out and padlock the door. Then ban Muslims from entering the UK. There problem solved. It should be that simple but it’s never going to happen. For God’s sake would someone please get me a triple G&T! Hurry…….
The Sun : ‘BEYOND INAPPROPRIATE’ BBC presenter John Humphrys slammed for calling UKIP’s election campaign a ‘suicide mission’ three days after Manchester attack
“Appalled listeners tweeted incredulous responses as they questioned if they had heard correctly during Radio 4’s Today programme”
Who could have seen it coming???
“We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.”
Muammar Gaddafi Speech (10 April 2006), quoted in New York Sun (6 September 2009)
ITV 10:50pm one of the segments will be
“Just days after his inauguration, President Trump asked what the hell is going on in in Chicago? In the windy city, the murder rate has surged in the past few years. Penny Marshall discovers that solving Chicago’s gun crime problem is a complex and highly divisive issue”
BBC Question Time from Salford in Greater Manchester. On the panel are
clueless corrupt compromised and irritated home secretary Amber Dudd,
mayor of Greater Manchester Andy “links to MEND” Burnham,
anti-extremism campaigner Sara, “ALL types of extremism” Khan
Head of the Police and Crime Commissioners Association
Nazir “religion nothing to do with Islamic child gang rapes” Afzal,
and … peace campaigner Colin Parry (to talk about the IRA again?).
Why even bother, … an opportunity to debate relevant prescient issues
… with a bunch of compromised incompetents,
Fit in the usual anti Corbyn plant, and smear, business as usual.
just embarrassing garbage
Amber Dudd : It’s not about police numbers, rejects criticism of cuts to police budgets, which some warn have affected on-the-ground intelligence thus possible extremism
… the arrogance of Tories eh, even when reality smacks them in the face, they still lie, and the former Liar May
… a disgraceful liability
Couple of Islamic plants on QT tonight … (23″ 10)
remember this guy? … yep!, surprise surprise!
(just scratch beneath the surface)
The same guy was also on the Sunday morning Big Questions show. He must have the same direct line to the BBC as Brendan Cox does.
Lucy…. relative to your comments, here is a paragraphs taken from Leo McKinstry (D/Express), whose link I’ve attached at the top of the page.
“In February an alarming study by Austrian military intelligence, an agency of the Austrian armed forces, predicted that growing unemployment and poverty in Africa mean that over the next three years there could be as many as 15 million migrants seeking to enter Europe…….
and we are the ferry service bringing them across.
Today I heard reporters accuse UKIP of taking advantage of the Manchester terrorist incident.
Cos they were first to resume campaigning, after postponing their manifesto launch for 2 days
– Yet 7pm The Libs launched a Party Election Broadcast which actually used the Manchester Incident for political gain
“Tim Farron fronting #LibDem video on BBC.
5 minutes of him talking about the Manchester terror attack.
So called party ‘election broadcast’?”
“Tim Farron election broadcast.
Spoke about 22 children killed in Manchester. Adults and children died. Shocking gaff.”
Don t worry Liar May will be taking full political advantage of the mass murders from
tomorrow, in the needless party before country/power grab election.
Good article worth checking on the the press “ambush” b the MSM on UKIP
I will probably now be voting UKIP even though they have no chance of winning .
I have realised that the press and the Government are absolutely desperate to still any dissenting voices on migration as they are shit scared of the truth getting out. May basically represents no change to this crazy immigration policy despite all her words.
At the end of the day there now appears very little point in voting Tory as we will still end up at the same destination with Theresa as if we had voted in Corbyn – we would just get here a little slower.
So I may as well follow my heart despite some reservations about Nutall – But at least he seems a decent guy who definitely speaks the truth (which these days seems a rare thing in politic)s.
BBC Online News:
“”General election 2017: Corbyn links terror threat to wars abroad””
Wars abroad such as Iraq in 2003 which Corbyn refers to were in response to the Islamic 9/11 attack in 2001. Over 3,000 killed in the 9/11 attack.
The BBC and their Labour friends choose to ignore this. They also choose to ignore that the West has been fighting Islam for hundreds of years.
Why doesn’t the BBC challenge Corbyn’s statement? Oh, wait….silly me…I forgot that the BBC are the mouthpiece of Labour.
Sorry to the BBC for implying unfairly that they should be impartial.
Heard it Dover,
Worse, On Sky News, Faisal Islam appeared to say Corbyn was correct, just that this wasn’t the right time to say it.
So, would Jeremy Corbyn and Faisal Islam care to explain why Muslims are murdering people in countries that have not involved themselves in Islamic countries, such as Belgium, Sweden, Thailand, China …bah! the list is way too long. Or why there are so many casualties from Islamic bombers in countries that are already Islamic, such as Pakistan and Bangladesh?
Or isn’t this the right time to ask that?
qt is just a muzzie luv fest
Andy Burnham being grilled on his opposition to the Prevent strategy. He says it targets Muslims unfairly.
Dimbledore asks if Prevent only applies to the Muslim community and Rudd said no, there is also radicalisation on the right. (Muslim equal left then?) Burnham agrees and then wades in with how a good friend of his, Jo Cox (applause) was murdered by a radicalised right winger. Utter tw@t!
Also, not many manc accents in evidence amongst the questioners.
The bastard just got another plug in for the sainted Jo!
Just a thought …
The BBC / Guardian …
Supported the Soviet Union, Castro, Chavez, Yasser Araft and were apologists for the IRA and Hamas. They were, as Barack Obama might put it, on the WRONG side of history … and the wrong side of common sense and decency for that matter.
The BBC supported ‘clean’ diesel cars over petrol, which now kill over 30,000 people a year and cause brain and lung problems for thousands of children. Totally predictable.
They supported the theory of ‘forcing’, the science term for man made global warming, even after the world cooled at the end of the twentieth century.
They supported putting up power prices to stop people using electricity – and it worked, over 40,000 people die from the cold in the UK every year, because they can no longer afford to heat their houses.
They supported the EU and the Euro which have left an entire continent in austerity. Italy, Spain and Portugal are now poorer than they were following the 2008 crash.
They supported Gordon Brown, Ed Miliband, Remain and Hillary …again on the WROING side of history. But worse, couldn’t understand when their side lost. After all everyone they speak to agrees with the BBC/Guardian.
They opposed grammar schools when just about all Guardian/Observer writers and many BBC upper managers along with leading members of the Labour party send their own kids to them.
And so it goes on. Has this 4.5 billion quid a year organisation ever been right on anything?
Not letting Jimmy Savile get involved with Children In Need?
I look forward to 4 Million ROP’ers marching to London shouting ‘Not In Our Name’.
4 Million ROP’er marching to London shouting ‘Not In Our Name’ lol good one taffy
it would appear realistically more of them objected to trump getting elected than 22 people getting blown in to tiny pieces so small it takes 3 days to identify them
their main concern now appears to be that there may be a backlash coming and they want some protection
there is more chance of a 4 million strong liberal white idiot march demanding all muslim crimes are covered up
to save them from any criticism
Kaiser – I like forward to 4 million ROPers marching down to London, then on to Dover, and onwards South.
C4 news tonight referred to the Manchester bomber several times using only his first name.
Only because his first name wasn’t Mohammed.
Was the Leak ‘a set up’ to discredit the POTUS ?
“Manchester attack: Trump condemns media leaks”
and now breaking …………….
Some good news to lighten the mood after the mass murder this week in Manchester.
The full quota of LBGT characters has been established in hospital so-called”drama” Holby City! Yes, the departure of Dom’s domestic abusing boyfriend left a big hole (ooh er!) but now we have a new character, transferred at very little cost from Casualty. He was heterosexual but is now possibly homosexual having fallen for the brother of the woman he jilted at the altar. Of course he may even be bi-sexual, which ticks another box.
Oh, the man he fancies is black, and he is white, just to spice things up even more.
So forget all your troubles, be happy and revel in the brave new world of love and diversity according to the BBBC.
I switched off after they lunged towards each other for the obligatory gay kiss. Did you punish yourself by watching till the end? Is Lofty “confused” about his sexuality? If so, we know which orientation will win.
I did watch it all, it’s car crash TV now. I think Lofty may become the resident bisexual, as those have been under-represented, along with heterosexuals
Where’s Maxi ? 😀
probably building the missing bomb
QT was just words mostly meaningless .The only time it approached reality was when, unexpectedly, a man produced the leaflet from Didsbury mosque. Dimbleby tried so very hard to close him down as they all did. An unfortunate reality injected into a virtual signalling virtual show.
What are they so scared of? Us – the abandoned people of old England. You can smell the fear almost .
TI think we could tell that qt was going to be a continuous outpouring of malodorous shite because Dimblebore had his “serious” face on at the beginning of the programme. I think he must imagine he is being sodomised with foreign object to fake the earnest “nation facing major crisis” look. He did look genuinely crushed and crestfallen when he announced the referendum victory though. I fantasise about a surprise UKIP GE victory and the prospect of witnessing Dimblebore’s head exploding live on the BBC’s election night dronathon.
Heard one of the reporters on Look North talking about how one of the girls from Yorkshire, murdered by the human rubbish in Manchester was: “In the wrong place at the wrong time.”
She was exactly where she should have been at precisely the right time.
The Islamic vermin who killed her, was in the wrong place at any time that he was in our country.
Al Beeb is in the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time. It and its Telly Tax are out dated, get rid of both.
It is so important that we challenge this lie- wrong place wrong time. I will not allow it in my presence. Nor should any of us.
‘In the wrong place at the wrong time’! That might be appropriate if someone had been hit on the head by a meteorite. The level of journalism is plummeting to new depths.
If you think the country is safe under the Treezer vote Tory if not, vote UKIP.
If you think Treezer will get rid of the TV Poll Tax , vote Tory if not, vote UKIP.
I am voting Conservative , the Kipper idiots want to close pubs , curtail licencing hours , tossers. I am a Camra member , we are seething !
I think you have a drink problem?
Have a word with Maxicony , he will help you.?
You are on a site that pushes for extreme measures to rein in the BBC.
The only party committing to effective action in that regard is UKIP.
Is there anyone out there in the vast universe that has genuine evidence of Al Beeb’s right-wing bias ?
Being , hopefully , a fair person – I really do look for it as I always listen to the false doctrine “that albeeb must be doing something good because it’s attacked from left and right” . The normal right bias accusation seems to be the reporting of Corbin and the other marxists running the Labour Party .
The problem the lefties have with this is that reporting about Corbin is not false. He has a long record of undermining Blighty which I remember back to the seventies with his shameful support for the IRA. People forget though .
Yes apparently Nick Robinson will be appearing court due to this highly offensive tweet
Not !
He then spent 14 tweets trying to appease the LeftMob PR people who kept pushing him.
I hope others have realised as I have done, how the feckers at the BBC have turned this story concerning the Islamic terrorist bombing at Manchester into an anti-trump story – with headline after headline concerning this so called leak of information (photos) to the New York Times. With various headlines and breaking news of the past 36 hours:
Will intelligence leaks sink US-UK relationship?
Manchester attack: US leaks about bomber irritating – Rudd
Manchester attack: Andy Burnham ‘troubled’ about US leaks
Manchester attack: Police not sharing information with US
UK PM: I Will Make Clear to President Trump, Intelligence Must Remain Secure
Britain stop sharing intelligent information with US after leaking Manchester blast news.
US government determined to find source of leaks
Bomb probe leaks troubling, says Trump (headline on BBC homepage)
These are just some of the headline stories the BBC feckers have been pumping out in the last 36 hours in order to change the focus from the fact refugees accepted into Britain from Libya became a terrorist cell for Islamic State.
Of course the brainwashing starts at primary school with empathy for refugees week . This story reached the BBC because the 4 to 11 year olds got confused and thought they were being kidnapped or that their parents had been murdered and many burst into tears …and have been traumatised for life:
“You might not see your parents again … children at Newington Church of England Primary School in Sittingbourne were aged between four and 11 and received the news in Friday assembly. The scenario had not been discussed with parents or senior staff first, the school admitted. It said the exercise was part of a week of learning about refugees. In a statement, the school said: “We intended to provide a scenario that would enable the children to empathise with those we were raising money for.”
I had to dig deep into the bowels of the BBC website to find this story which is not being headlined on any of the main news pages:
“Fairy lights bomb plot: Zahid Hussain guilty of terror preparation:
A man who planned to target a railway line with a homemade bomb of fairy lights & a pressure cooker has been found guilty of preparing for an act of terrorism. Zahid Hussain, 29, filled the appliance with shrapnel & made “improvised igniters” from the festive decorations. CCTV shown to the jury in Birmingham showed him climbing down a storm drain yards from the West Coast Mainline . He became radicalised reading books & websites in his bedroom. …”
I suppose there are no prizes for guessing which book radicalised him …
I have no idea which book may have
given him the true nature of authentic Islamradicalised him. But I wonder if one of the websites that helped radicalised him was the BBC, with its constant anti-Western and Muslims-are-victims narratives?And on cue the BBC ramming Ramadan onto our 0 to 6 year olds in their cbeebies channel:
Let’s celebrate Ramadan – quiz:
Links not working for me
Links work for me OK.
If you click on the quiz link there is a small message saying “we collect data for use later”. At the end of the
lecturequiz you can find out more and the info says the BBC use a company called Riddle to collect Google analytics. They suggest you check out Riddle’s privacy policy and they provide a link for that.A very prominent bit of the Riddle Privacy Policy says:
IMPORTANT – Our policy in regards to children
Our Websites and Services are NOT intended for children under the age of 13. Children under the age of 13 should not use our Services. If you are under 13, please do not use our Website or Services or send any information about yourself to Riddle.
They also collect your name, photo, your posts and your friends posts, your gender and your birthday.
Nice one BBC as CBeebies is for toddlers to Primary school users.
What BBC breaking the law/their_charter that’s totally unknown !
OK they do it dozens of times per day.
Here’s a screenshot combined image of BBC page and privacy paragraph it links to
The RiddleCorp guy tried to tell me the AGE rule applies only to BBC not the end user
Well BBC can’t point people towards a privacy page which applies to them and not the customer.
THe BBC page say the data privacy is responsibility of Riddle “The BBC has no control over, and is not responsible for, how third parties use the personal information that they collect.”
Missing question
Name a man with the middle name Ramadan recently deceased in Manchester
….ans Salman Ramadan Abedi
\\Having a hard time pitching to CBBC my new cartoon
“Mo-Ham-Head ……the pig who saved Ramadan”.
…… Bloody cowardly lefties.//
The liberals will soon be downplaying terrorism by saying that deaths are far lower than from road accidents. Of course, deaths from domestic violence are also far lower than road accidents, but they don’t make the same comparison.
Surely this couldn’t be because domestic violence can be blamed on men – a group liberals are always criticising – whereas most terrorism is caused by a group that liberals love?
6:45am We just had the Ramadan Message on BBC Radio Humberside from Abed Khan
“Muslims along withing all other faiths condemn the attack in Manchester
adding something like “Shedding blood of innocent people against ideology of Islam & Qur’an”
It would have sounded much better if the bloke hadn’t sounded like he was reading from a script in a language he wasn’t fluent in.
The news across BBC stations has gone back to being led by “Jeremy Corbyn says”
“UKIP are first to go back to campaigning after the attack”
Others have said this, but aren’t we told that “this will not change us”? People are seriously calling for the GE to be postponed, let alone campaigning be halted for a few days. What is that if not “changing us”.
UKIP should be applauded for “not letting this change us” surely?
I believe that as a current member of the EU, the UK is a signatory of the Lisbon Treaty. Which allows General Elections to be suspended in the event of ‘circumstances’. What is it they say: ‘Sometimes to protect democracy, we have to suspend democracy’.
Nick Robinson, in the 7-8am hour of the TODAY Programme today puts his Conservative past, his links (and his voting inclinations?) on hold in order to campaign out in Essex against the Conservative Party’s policy on Grammar Schools.
BBC Balance? Sort of.
If you are a Labour supporter and voter who believes the BBC is biased in favour of the Tories.
Impartial? At point of broadcast?
I think not.
If you look at the educational background of al Beeb today presenters- see if you can find one who went to a comprehensive – I think personal disclosure is relevant to allow listeners to have a fair assessment of what they say-
On that- I won’t be a hypocrite- I passed the 11 plus but the then labour government / council closed the local grammar schools.
Forgive my own use of English as I’m becoming lazy as I age .
Council’s all-male cabinet ‘new low for diversity’
A team of 7 men and no women – that’s 7 WHITE men so that is pure evil in BBC land.
In comparison the British Muslim Council has RULES saying you MUST be Muslim to be a member but that’s OK with the BBC as that’s already “diverse” enough.
Diversity simply means no white men. A fully black male cabinet would be praised by the beeb
Quick fact check is it PR or news ?
(BTW comments are open on the BBC article) *
Who said \\Council’s all-male cabinet ‘new low for diversity’// ??
\\ERS Cymru director Jess Blair said:
“The Vale of Glamorgan council’s failure to have any women on their cabinet is a new low for diversity.//
That’s JESSICA Blair
probably the same “Jess Blair – Campaigns Officer at University of Essex Feminist Society” 2013
OK Where did he say that ?
Not on their website
The cabinet news came 23 hours ago and she Tweeted
*slams head on desk*
So I’m guessing that after she tweeted the feminazi network pushed it and the BBC phoned her up
Of course it’s a CHERRY PICK cos in any random sample some cabinets will be average and others will reflect an extreme
Woman’s Hour now doing lack of women candidates in Wales
* eg “I witnessed situations similar to this recently.
On Tuesday the refuse collectors were all men
and yesterday I saw an all male road maintenance crew.
Where is the diversity?”
Apologies if written elsewhere.
Could not bear to watch QT but astonishingly on bBBC website is a clip where a guy reads out a rabid anti-western leaflet he got from Didsbury Mosque. Muslim woman contradicts him as expected but what is most notable is Dimbleby’s fast out of the blocks attempt to shut the guy up, and then discredit his evidence, his message being definitely NOT part of the approved narrative.
Al Beeb at their finest.
I have had many dealings with Poles over the years, and a fine bunch they are on the whole: honest, church-going, hard working, and law-abiding. An asset to this country. They cannot believe what we have allowed to happen to a country they once admired, and many are returning home. Home to their hideously white, hideously mono-cultural country, hideously free of muslim terrorists, paedo rape gangs, knifings, bombings and shootings and street crime of all sorts.
My concern is that immigration from such countries that make a real contribution to the UK will indeed fall while that from 3rd world countries, which are nothing but a drain on resources, will continue to rise. Allowing the government to say, ‘See? Net immigration is falling as promised’, while the invaders continue to pour in, as any real, useful, selection would be ‘racist’.
On top of which so many now have ‘family’ here, the flood is nigh unstoppable.