I don’t know if you watched BBC Question Time last night. This was the panel.
It had one key message.
The death of our children doesn’t matter.
The death of their parents doesn’t matter.
The hurt feelings of Muslims REALLY matters.
A new low for the abysmal BBC.
Excellent article & analysis.
Totally agree.
There is no way I could bring myself to watch this farce.
The totally unrepresentative make up of this panel was as disgraceful as it was inevitable.
Its amazing just what you can find on the Question time twitter site:
The BBC is in full Pro-Islam mode. The wounded are are still in hospital, fighting for their lives. The dead children are are being mourned, and all the BBC care about is the feelings of Muslims.
I watched a Muslim woman recounting the horror of being a Muslim in Britain. The BBC presenter was in full sympathy.
As for Corbyn, he has it backwards – our interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq are a consequence of 9/11.
But never mind. What is interesting is Pres Trump has asked NATO to designate terrorism as one if its main enemies. Great news. If NATO agrees to the American request, then I see the same restrictions on immigration etc come into place as they were for Warsaw pact countries.
This is what I have been hoping for a long time. The re-tasking of NATO will change not only the way we view Muslim countries, but strict immigration from these countries can be put in place, as they were against Warsaw pact countries, without the agro of parliamentary approval in every NATO country.
Far more significant than anything any of the panel or audience offered were the texts. Overwhelmingly critical, overwhelmingly angry and overwhelmingly demanding that something positive must be done.
Quite what the Textmeister was doing, allowing such genuine public opinion to be aired in such high numbers poses a problematic question for the BBC. It’s almost as though someone has realised that the British public are at the critical stage, not the risk of another outrage – that’s expected, and that too is part of the problem.
BBC Question Time from Salford in Greater Manchester. On the panel are
clueless corrupt compromised and irritated home secretary Amber Dudd,
mayor of Greater Manchester Andy “links to MEND” Burnham,
anti-extremism campaigner Sara, “ALL types of extremism” Khan
Head of the Police and Crime Commissioners Association
Nazir “religion nothing to do with Islamic child gang rapes” Afzal,
and … peace campaigner Colin Parry (to talk about the IRA again?).
Why even bother, … an opportunity to debate relevant prescient issues
… with a bunch of compromised incompetents,
Fit in the usual anti Corbyn plant, and smear, business as usual.
just embarrassing garbage
Amber Dudd : It’s not about police numbers, rejects criticism of cuts to police budgets, which some warn have affected on-the-ground intelligence thus possible extremism
… the arrogance of Tories eh, even when reality smacks them in the face, they still lie, and of course the former Home secretary failure Liar May she of police slashed, border force slashed, fire service slashed, coastal security slashed, our national security structure slashed, massive increases in immigration, criminal cuts to our NHS frontline
… a disgraceful liability
Couple of Islamic plants too, on QT tonight … (at 23″ 10)
remember this guy? … yep!, surprise surprise!
(just scratch beneath the surface)
An ugly religion breeds ugly people, seems to be a truism.
By the way, it was heartening to hear UKIP members booing Miss Kuentsberg at the UKIP Manifesto press conference. Long may it continue and be applied to all the traitors in our midst.
I don’t think 1400 years of inbreeding helps.
I also agree about the Ukip manifesto launch. Reporters think they are something special, but when they ask offensive and crass questions, why should they expect to be listened to in respectful silence?
I saw Bishop Jon Snow doing a piece to camera on a sort of podium in St Peter’s Square on Wednesday evening. Obviously, he could not be a ground level with the plebs. Also, he was protected by crowd control barriers. Nothing like mixing with the little people is there? The things you see when you don’t have a pound of ripe tomatoes handy.
“The things you see when you don’t have a pound of ripe tomatoes handy.”
……..or as my dead father, Fleet Air Arm (Anti- submarine patrol – Norway campaign, Battle of the Atlantic, two Murmask convoys + D Day) used to say.
The sights you see when you haven’t got a gun.
An ugly religion breeds ugly people, seems to be a truism.
What is in the mind is reflected in the face.
It is why portraits were made. To paint the inner person on a canvas.
I could just stomach it until they got to the Muslim father that said his daughter was called “a terrorist” by school children. Amber Rudd then started going on about it being a hate crime – it’s children calling each other names ffs!
The farce continued into a maximum Muslim victim debate with one audience plant saying “how can we stop Islamophobia?”. I was screaming at the top of my voice “stop blowing us up then!”
I couldn’t bear to watch it either but that whiny statement of ‘how can we stop Islamaphobia ‘ would have led to me kicking the TV off the stand!
What a shame someone couldn’t have piped up with ‘well we don’t seem to suffer from Hinduphobia or Sikhophobia so maybe Islam could take a moment to look at itself to question why it is so feared and disliked.
very well put Payne..wish I’d heard someone say “we don’t seem to suffer from Hinduphobia or Sikhophobia so maybe Islam could take a moment to look at itself ! just like you.
You’ll feel much better back at the Grauniad.
Over to you Taffman.
A new troll!
I ask politely and kindly what your view is on where all of this is going to end?
Is there a “happy ending”? Can you envisage a point where the currently mythical “backlash” becomes all too real? (I personally can without advocacy before you say so). Should we continue to tolerate intolerance?
And what is this British Islam that Muslim Taqqiya merchants like Sara Khan, tell us will solve the problem of Islam?
Do we have German, British, French, American Hinduism?
Its a very strange that an obvious lie is swallowed by people who should know better.
I havent yet forced myself to watch this weeks QT, but interestingly the Beeb puts this clip on its website. The man asking the question nails them perfectly with his end quote “What more do you want”
Dimbleby was trying so hard to shut him up. ” We don’t know who gave it to him”, the fact it was handed out at the Mosque and had their heading on it did not figure in his logic. Just watching BBC local news – a Muslim crying with Andy Burnham saying ” This is not Islam. Islam is about Peace and Love for everyone”.
He obviously has not read the Quoran then.
bBBC Northwest Tonight has visited Didsbury mosque where the imams claim that people sneak into their mosque and leave leaflets. But they’re nothing to do with them, of course.
I saw it. A shameless piece of taqiyya, which was of course not challenged.
It’s just bad luck that all these terrorists attend mosques and think they are muslims, when it turns out that they aren’t. Who’d have bad luck like that?
“Behind every Islamic terrorist is an Imam.”
Oriana Fallaci “The Rage And The Pride”.
Or the life and times of Mohammed – made famous in the best selling pirate brigand book of all time – The Hadiths.
Its so sad it has come to this. Attending concerts or festivals, traveling by air, or even walking in London, Paris or any major city in the West, has become a dangerous activity.
Islam is destroying the very heart of Western culture and civilisation. And they are a mere 10% at most of the population at the moment.
I have to say that the debate was not entirely one sided in my view. But apart from the white englishman producing the anti western leaflet from Didsbury mosque there was no critical point of view emerging from the non muslim members of the panel or audience. The only criticsisms came from a young muslim woman in the audience, who was concerned about wahabism being taught in mosques and the Saudi influence / money used to perpetuate this. This view was opposed by other muslims in the audience but actually supported by Nazar Afzal who denied that money was involved but agreed that the teachings were of concern. Sara Khan (to be fair) also highlighted problems and concerns with ultra conservative islamic views.
My only gripe (apart from the muslim apologists) were the views from the non muslim british in the audience and notably on the panel. Andy (gis us a job) Burnham was conspicuously concerned about not upsetting his voting muslim community and at the end of the day (in answer to the first question i.e. what is going to be done to prevent further atrocities?) was about as much use as a chocolate teapot. He reminded me of the mayor in Jaws 1
The general flavour however was in standard BBC mode of lets all hold hands and look for other reasons as to why these atrocities happen.
Burnham is a useful little Dhimmi; once the Caliphate is achieved in the UK he’ll be dispensed with in the same summary fashion as countless other useful idiots.
And they will confiscate his eye liner.
Where does he buy his false eyelashes?
The Public need to know.
“He reminded me of the mayor in Jaws 1”
Hole in one.
It’s alright for you, we in Greater Manchester??? have got Burnham as the Mayor of Greater Manchester. What have we done to deserve this? I’m from Yorkshire and have little time for these no good boyos conning their way into a position highly paid by the People. I would bet he has a full equally highly paid staff, chaufeur and all the trappings. The only way for us now is down, increasing Council taxes and all the latest cultural marxism on tap.
There will have to be some sort of final solution implemented to deal with our muslim infestation – and soon!
Ooh, you said rude words!
Pick up your P45 on your way out…
WE keep getting told by the likes of the bBC that these terrorists attacks will not change us:
Armed police on the streets, airports trains.
Airport security
Currency checks
So really we have changed and what has years of leftwing terrorist apologist resulted in our actual response:
I liked the bit when the Mohamidan says his daughter had been asked if she was a terrorist. Sympathy oozing out.
Then tosser Colin Parry aroused cheers when he said that the terrorists want to divide us.
No you fXXXing shit. They want to kill us. That is why our kids get nails blown into their heads whilst that BBC twat is concerned about his child being accused of terrorism.
If only we had a Home Secretary and PM who took the side of British people against Islam and Al Dimbletrot and co.
You know, I will not vote for Tory cowards and in a way it might not be a bad thing is Corbyn and his Dhimmis got in. People just might wake up and act
Well you do know of the most infamous statement ever made, “I’m hear from the government to help”. with apologies to Ronald Regan who first said it.
Point gladly accepted.
Basically, we don’t need Government help in dealing with this mad cult. We need the Government to get off our backs, allow us to speak up anywhere and denounce this cancer.t
Whilst the bBC goes well out of its way in which to promote this view that Muslims and not the 22 non-Muslims murdered the other night in Manchester are victims. Channel 4 went on the streets of Manchester in which to ask the lcoal Islamic population their views. Apparently the shit is hitting the fan over what this Muslim women was wearing a few days after that suicide atatck in public

Viewers criticise Muslim woman who spoke about ‘standing together’ while wearing a burka emblazoned with a pistol, grenade and a machine gun
The irony here being that she openly talks about being a proud Muslim, about Islamophobia and attacks on Muslims.
Naturally if somebody objected to her choice of clothing (well what is written on it) , days after 322 people have been murdered a few miles away, then the bBC would report this as a hate crime. Oh look there’s that ‘H’ word again.
Mind you, if you look at the image and the inset, you will see that the one is NOT a blown up (no pun intended) image of the other.
Still shows a pistol, hand grenade, knife and Assault weapon spelling LOVE. which worn days after than bombing a few miles away, shows a penchant for social provocation
Mind you – she’s a real corker – as her cousin can testify.
Did I hear the Ch4 shill refer to her as erm … Sid? goodness can they get transgender in on any story. 😀
…… Sorry! … I ll get me coat 😀
burkha hmmm
ps – seriously, how would you know… and like a busted clock victim narrative at the end.
And look at the state of what she/he/it is wearing, why would any sane person go out dressed like that?
“Does this dress make my bomb look big?”
They all look stinky.
Burqa spelling “Love” out using weapons and grenades? Banana Splits comedy glasses?
THIS is what Krishnan and Channel 4 think is “the serious voice of Muslims”?
These people-by which I mean Channel 4 -are taking the piss and mocking the dead.
The RADA trained goon who`s speaking is obviously John Cooper Clarkes idiot sister. Where IS the Good Doctor when we need him?..poncing around in Highgate then?
Mike Sweeney and Terry Christian-got to be a great gig there to bring the city together.
Best not hold it at the Arena though eh?
Its obviously Tommy ROBINSON!
If it is – lock him up. That is how security operates
It’s like a flipping comedy routine. “How does that make you feel”? (Who gives a ****)
She looks like Darth Vader in a parody Beatle T-shirt.
I did hear that it was supposed to be a symbol of Love triumphing over War or something like that… I actually don’t care about that as if that is the message, not many ‘ordinary’ people in the street would know that. I found it unbelievable that this person wasn’t challenged by the authorities. Sounded like a woman but the arms/hands/watch and rings looked very manlike to me. It was a blatant ‘fingers up’ salute to us Brits.
Why did the interviewer not ask her the relevance of the symbols ?
Surprised the totally loathsome Chuckmybutty was missing from the panel ?
I jusr watched a clip from You Tube titled ” Corbyn never supported the IRA” I believe it was from Dec 2015. Quentin Letts
a parliamentary sketch writer from the Daily Mai,l somebody I have had E Mail and telephone correspondence with and
whom I believe to be very honest. In fact he told me that he writes on topics he wants to write and not what Paul Dacre tells him .Anyway Letts was being heckled noisily by a large section of the “invited” audience. David Dimbleby for once was not cowered and said “are you all Jeremy Corbyn supportors?” A huge YES and cheering went up. The game, as if we needed to
know was up for the Trotskysist, Fifth Colomnist traitors who are embedded at the BBC who “help” pick the audience.
Last night it was more a question by the usual suspects of picking an appeasement panel of the usual suspects . NON Muslim . being the latest catch phrase. Where was Douglas Murray or Maajid Nawaz fromthe Quillian “think tank) ? Or in fac i anybody that can call a spade a spade, or a Muslim scum terrorist , a Muslim!
And meanwhile; 22 Egyptian Christians killed in Egypt today. A town took over in the Philippines that seems to be seeing heavy fighting.
It just looked like it was going to be a load of hand wringing, emotional pained faces and absolutely zero hard talk.
I had hoped that someone might have brought up the quote about Hope and it’s two beautiful daughters from Augustine of Hippo but I guess it would have been a bit too Christian and probably considered a hate crime towards any non Christians in the audience.
The twin sisters being tolerance and niceness as I recall.
So says my new version of Gussie of Hippie 1997 anyway.
On my high horse this morning.
After listening to BBC radio Newcastle I sent in this letter of complaint.
On Fri, 26/5/17, dav lar wrote:
To: bbcnewcastle.news@bbc.co.uk
Date: Friday, 26 May, 2017, 13:17
Dear sir
Whilst listening to the radio Newcastle Alfie and Anna show I must bring to your attention the false narrative spewed out by your host Ms. A Foster.
It is concerning her comments about the Manchester bombing and comparing it to a “so called bomb strike in Syria ” that apparently killed 62 children yesterday.
THIS DID NOT HAPPEN. Please would you inform this woman to check even the basic facts before she opens her mouth on air.
She does have “google ” I presume. If she had bothered to check the website of the Syrian Observatory Of Human Rights, (also another vile left wing pro Islam organisation) she would have found the facts. 35 People were killed by IS shelling and not by bombing as she incorrectly stated.
This kind of reporting is highly irresponsible as I am sure lots of people that listen to your programs will actually believe the rubbish that your presenters say.
Please inform this woman that she is in a responsible position to give the truth whilst on air. Not some second hand unverified story.
D. L.
They have not replied…..
Has anyone else noticed that the Muslim gentleman featured in the BBC “Breaking News” clip above, and who also appeared on QT last night, is also featured in the Channel 4 clip above? How can this possibly be a coincidence?
The BBC has a tried and tested formula for these staged events. Include a few causal uneducated racists in the crowd and a educated young Muslim woman who has been brainwashed from birth. Narrative is always the same , its nothing to do with Islam and in some way its are own lack of understanding that is the fault.
Must be hell on behind the scenes today at BBC HQ .The young Muslim woman with a free mind was never meant to happen. The man who blamed the Mosque and provided evidence that they had in fact being openly telling the community. That the values us as Britons have held for hundreds of years now no longer have a place in the west under there version of Islam was never meant to happen . And we all know what the Koran tells its followers must happen to those who oppose it .
Its no surprise that a event of young teenagers who in there eyes flaunt their sexuality was targeted . Its apparent that this mosque where the bomber father done the call to prayers was putting this poison in the mind of its flock. The scary thing is this message was handed out by a charity at the mosque on a open day . Now imagine what’s being said behind close doors when they invite a Inman from Egypt are Saudi to talk .
Mosque need to be closed down as well as the charity and all investigated . Ohh and what a classy touch that was by the BBC last night . Lets not finish the event on reflection of the dead and there family lets finish the debate on reflection of how poor Islam is the victim of this . Lets come together as are children are blown apart
bbc=5th column… proven… scum…they should be brought to book!
Ahh……”Out of context”……
Of course……
Already noted, but worth the repeat, especially as such things are clearly backfiring…
As to GMP, they appear to have decided to go to the bottom of the bomb crater and continue digging. To hit social media with every senior common purpose plod grovelling to minority community leaders is not playing well outside that bubble.
So busy he didn’t have time to get changed
Speaking of asking the BBC questions…
They really are the exemption that proves they rule.