The BBC can’t help itself….it just keeps on rolling with the anti-Western, anti-British narrative that serves up the endless stream of recruits to the Jihadi cause.
Jeremy Bowen was at it recently, blaming ‘duplicitous British’ actions after WWI for causing all the problems in the Middle East, and by extension the world, today…and of course the ‘catastrophic’ Iraq War gets a mention.
Humphrys blamed the intervention in Libya for Manchester, failing to mention it was a UN operation and that it carried out in order to stop a massacre [and yet the BBC goes on about Srebrenica and the non-intervention there]…and that if it hadn’t been done Libya would be far worse than it is now.
Then we have the long term BBC criticism of Prevent which we are told is failing, toxic brand as it stigmatises Muslims and alienates them. Never mind that narrative is driven by Muslim extremists who may have an interest in undermining a counter-radicalisation and terrorism programme.
Emma Barnett had on Labour’s Jackie Smith who was also of the opinion that Prevent was failing and that it was the government’s fault…she also said that Manchester was May’s fault as 20,000 police have been lost under the Tories and thus we don’t have the manpower to tackle the threat….blood on her hands! Kind of forgetting that Labour failed to stop 7/7 when they had more police officers…and fails to recognise that the government has ploughed billions into more intelligence and security staff and resources. Barnett went along with this ‘analysis’ and then added her own…apparently Brexit also caused Manchester….May has been so distracted by Brexit that she took her eye off the ball…and bang!!!! Blood on her hands. Perhaps she suggested, Amber Rudd should resign.
Did seem like a Labour-fest today…Burnham, Blunkett and Smith all getting plenty of airtime and using it to campaign in this campaign down-time…so much for respect.
Who needs all those Islamic State social media sites pumping out Jihadi propaganda when you’ve got the BBC doing it for you?
The downplaying of mass murder and the active promotion of those that do.
Nothing less than treacherous propaganda.
7am news, Friday’s Today programme starts as usual, ‘Labour will….’ . Corbyn’s speech today will blame the Conservative cuts for Manchester. Second story, Mrs May at the G7. No agenda that I can see, or can I?
Always amused / angered when al Beeb roll out a failed labour home sec like Jackie smith – the one who put in an 80p expenses claim for a bath plug and whose husband claimed public money for porn videos which led to her losing her job. Calibre of labour and albeeb I suppose .
Man on Question TIme says he was handed an anti western leaflet at the Manchester mosque that Islamic suicide bomber went to. Muslim and bBC go out of their way in which to cover it up:
Manchester attack: Question Time debates ‘Didsbury Mosque’ leaflet
And the man was hushed up by Dimbleby, shameless!
Dishonour is a far too simplistic word to use for the treacherous way the BBC is reporting the murderous scum ISLAMIC terrorist attack in Manchester. On You Tube there is one of the greatest pieces of oratory you are ever likely to hear by
Douglas Murray from the Cambridge Union on Iran and the bomb. Douglas Murray tells of the time when the father of a friend of his , who was a concentration camp holocaust survivor told his son that when somebody or an ideology tells you that they want to kill you, BELIEVE THEM!!
Hitler in Mein Kampf wanted the Jews dead, Muhammed in the Koran wanted EVERYBODY who would not submit to Islam dead. Around 15 % of MUSLIMS have at the very least sympathy to this doctrine. BBC instead of ” Broadcast News”
vacuous presenters and reporters either going on about flowers being laid to a chorus of Imagine. Go out and ask 100 Muslims and ask them what they really think about Salman Abedi. I expect that up to 15 would want to tell the BBC that they at least understood his motives. And they understood his motives because he was just carrying out what the KORAN told him to do !
The BBC hides behind it’s liberal fascist doctrine of “lets show how diverse we are by trying to find the reasons why these
NON Muslims do what they do. The perfect next Director General of the BBC would be Andy Burnham the Mayor of Manchester who stands for everything the BBC stands for in this Mancunian tragedy.
The bBC champions the Abbot shaggier and his anti UK stance:
General election 2017: Corbyn links terror threat to wars abroad
UK foreign policy would change under a Labour government to one that “reduces rather than increases the threat” to the country, Jeremy Corbyn is to say. As election campaigning resumes after the attack in Manchester, the Labour leader will point to links between wars abroad and “terrorism here at home”. In a speech, Mr Corbyn will say the “war on terror is simply not working”.
Ah lets take the blame away from intolerant Islam and blame the victims. Maybe the bBC could explain the current situation in the Philippines (City taken over by ISIS), or the spate of terrorists attacks in Bangladesh, Thailand , Sweden, Germany, Dagestan ,Tunisia, CAR, Puntland, Denmark, Pakistan ,India,Burma, why if its all about Foreign policy would somebody like to explain Iraq and Syria? seeing as ISIS is a pure Islamic problem. What the bBC isn’t telling you is that ISIS is losing and its Islamic followers are spreading to the 4 corners of the earth. The bBC has even run stories of these poor children who just want to return home in which to wage’ Murder death kill’ and according to Labour and the bBC its our fault for them wanting to do so.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islamic terrorism.
Its so sad it has come to this. Attending concerts or festivals, traveling by air, or even walking in London, Paris or any major city in the West, has become a dangerous activity.
Islam is destroying the very heart of Western culture and civilisation. And they are a mere 10% at most of the population at the moment. In ten years time, the soul of the West will depart, leaving a walking zombie.
The Anatomy of an ‘Alan’ post.
I read Alan’s latest contribution to BiasedBBC with some interest. Could his multiple scattershot accusations of BBC Bias stand up to scrutiny?
So I investigated. It took some time due to the fact that Alan (intentionally or otherwise) didn’t cite his sources. But this is what I’ve found:
“Jeremy Bowen was at it recently, blaming ‘duplicitous British’ actions after WWI for causing all the problems in the Middle East, and by extension the world, today…”
What Jeremy Bowen actually said:
“The British (post WW1) were making contradictory promises to Arabs & Jews and setting them up for conflict.”
This is undisputed historical fact. Whether the British Government of the time did so ‘wilfully’ or with ‘the best of intentions’ is debatable.
Did Jeremy Bowen describe the policy as ‘duplicitous’?
Lie Number 1.
“Humphrys blamed the intervention in Libya for Manchester…”
What John Humphrys actually said:
Whilst discussing whether Libya had become a training ground for terrorists he asked Kwasi Kwarteng (Conservative MP) if he thought that was in any way caused by UK actions.
Did John Humphrys ‘blame the intervention in Libya for Manchester’?
Lie Number 2.
“Emma Barnett had on Labour’s Jackie Smith who was also of the opinion that Prevent was failing and that it was the government’s fault…”
What Jackie Smith actually said:
“I wouldn’t want people to necessarily go away with the idea that the system is fundamentally broken.”
Emma Barnett repeatedly pressed her to say Prevent wasn’t working and Smith repeatedly refused.
Lie Number 3.
“[Smith] also said that Manchester was May’s fault as 20,000 police have been lost under the Tories and thus we don’t have the manpower to tackle the threat…”
What Jackie Smith actually said:
“I think that [The Government] should question whether or not reducing Police numbers by 20,000 since 2010 has made the Police less able to engage in some of that community work….”
Did Jackie Smith say Manchester ‘was May’s fault’?
Lie Number 4.
“Barnett went along with this ‘analysis’ and then added her own…apparently Brexit also caused Manchester…”
Barnett asked Jackie Smith if she thought Brexit had caused the Government to take it’s attention away from terrorism.
Did she say; ‘Brexit caused Manchester’?
Lie Number 5.
Five outright lies in just one post. Well done Alan; keep up the good work!
All western commentators need to read the history of Islam. Islam has been attacking and invading their neighbours since the 7th century. They always blame the neighbours for them having to invade or attack them. Any chance this could be a fundamental tenet of the belief system of muslims?
sick to death of the bbc and the other educationally sub-normal media whinging on about how it is all our fault.
Corbyn, et al, are white-hating, traitors.
the pressure cooker is getting hotter and the political and media class had better start worrying…..