We all know that the government will do nothing following the Manchester attack. Yet in 1987, after Hungerford, they banned self-loading rifles. In 1996, after Dunblane, they banned pistols. In each case, these were the actions of one deranged man. The thousands of other people who legally owned these guns were law abiding and sane. They did not support them in any way, yet they were scapegoated and had their property taken.
Contrast this to islam, where we know the holy book commands violence against the kuffar, and where we know that large percentages agree with sharia law. It is a violent cult within our midst, and yet it remains inviolate.
My modest proposal is that islam poses far greater threats to us than peaceful gun owners do, yet the former are fawned on by government, and the latter are treated like the enemy within. It is time for the restrictions put on gun owners to be applied to muslims.
Thus, each mosque will have to register with and be approved by the Home Office. It must have a board of management who are registered with the local police, and who are responsible for the safe running of the mosque. They must be people of good character, with no criminal record. All members of the mosque must be registered, and a record must be kept of their mosque attendence, which must be sent to the police. All preachers must be registered and security vetted. Anyone who fails is not allowed to preach.
The practise of islam will only be allowed in these registered and controlled mosques. No private or unofficial mosques are allowed. No unlicensed preaching is allowed. The mosques must be open at all times to police inspection. And an overriding condition for Home Office approval for a mosque must be the acceptance that in Britain, British law is supreme, and no other types of law are allowed. This means sharia.
These conditions may sound strict, but they are no worse than those applied to rifle clubs, which in my experience are attended by the most peaceful and law abiding people you could ever hope to meet. The danger islam poses to this country is immense, and yet no comparative steps are planned.
Left to myself, I would ban the cult of islam and deport anyone who wished to practise it. However, I realise that this is not yet practical politics. My modest proposals would serve to control islam and prevent its unofficial and unlicensed spread. In the face of a national emergency, they are the very least any responsible government would put forward.
I read that the Conservative lead in the polls has fallen from 24% to 5%. Theresa May might consider that if she actually showed leadership and resolve at a time of national danger, people might decide she was worth voting for.
Well, I wanted these ideas to be modest and workable. Following the deranged actions of one man, this sort of regime was imposed on every rifle club in Britain. It is irksome and unfair, when no-one else in any club agrees with the actions of the mad man, but we were constantly told to put up with it because it might “save even one life”.
If that is the case, the proven threat to life posed by uncontrolled islam demands a similar system of control. It would not amount to a ban, but a recognition that this cult harbours and produces dangerous and murderous people, in a way that no peaceful rifle club has ever done. The peaceful people are placed under onerous restrictions, whereas the cult which has brought terror and death to our country, not once but many times, continues without restriction, and indeed with the government fawning over it and calling it a “religion of peace”.
My proposals are the very minimum required which might get to grip with this problem. The fact that the government could impose them happily on law abiding and decent British people, but would not conceive of doing the same to a foreign death cult, proves that they will never have the moral courage to tackle this problem and defend us. We expect our government to protect us, and they are too cowardly to do so. Epic fail Mrs May. Epic fail.
The population has been deprived of the right to defend itself by the almost total ban on legal firearms. We now have to rely on the goodwill and capability of the police and security services, which we can increasingly see are not up to the job.
The real threat is not Jihad terrorism but the existential threat of Muslim population becoming a majority in 50 years or less.
When that happens, there will be no moderate Muslims – all of them will vote for full Sharia. Moderate Muslims exist only as long as Muslims are a minority to beguile the clueless Westerner.
We dont ever seem to learn the lesson. One does not have to go back in history too far. The West destabilised Egypt, fostering “Arab Spring” and “democracy”. The predictable result was the Muslim Brotherhood, and fast track destruction of churches and Christians in Egypt. Ditto Syria and Libya.
Egypt was headed the way of Sudan till the army threw the elected Muslim Brotherhood out of office. The army showed no mercy- shoot to kill, and arrest to execute, despite pleas for restraint from the West, and the international HQ of the MB in London. The last, as usual put out women as their spokespersons, as a front to show that they do not subjugate women (Keep this in mind when you see Muslim women spokespersons for Islam).
Egypt is now quiet, and settling down. Egyptian leaders, just as Syrian and Iraqi leaders know “something” about their Muslim populations, which we don’t. I wonder what that is. And it is because we don’t know what that is, is why I fear that when Muslims are a majority, we will not know what to do. It will be the end. And that is why we have to reverse Muslim immigration. The re-tasking of NATO is good.
Its so sad it has come to this. Attending concerts or festivals, traveling by air, or even walking in London, Paris or any major city in the West, has become a dangerous activity.
Islam is destroying the very heart of Western culture and civilisation. And they are not even a majority yet.
You are quite right. In a democracy, if you get a majority of muslims, you get an islamic state. This is why the Egyptian Army had to step in and take over. General al Sisi is a hero to me, a patriot who will not allow islamic nonsense to destroy Egypt. Sadly, the Turkish Army was not up to the job, with the result that Turkey is on the fast track to islamic government.
In this country, given first past the post, and a turnout of about 75% at best, the government is often only elected by about 25% of the people. So if muslims ever get to 25% of the population, and vote as a bloc, they will rule. And unless the Army saves us, that will be the last election we ever have.
RiC, “So if muslims ever get to 25% of the population, atnd vote as a bloc, they will rule. And unless the Army saves us, that will be the last election we ever have.”
You make an important point.
Strictly speaking, I think voting as a human activity is Haram under the Qu’oran. However, it is mandated in democratic elections that are not ruled by an Islamic Government, ie. in the UK, for example, for Muslims to vote for the candidate and their Party that is doing the least harm in the eyes of Allah. (Information courtesy of a web-site for 21st Century Islam.) Or to put it another way, to vote for the candidate mostly likely to please Allah.
So, you can see how prior to an Election, a Muslim voter might be open to ‘guidance’ from the Imam in a particular constituency as to who to vote for and be given a ‘dispensation’ to do so.
No doubt, candidates in many parts of the country will be aware of that and it may affect their public utterances. Andy Burnham was so definite the other day about Salman Abedi not being a Muslim that it sounded like a Fatwah to me.
I have been reading your various posts today and agree with everything that you have said. The future does indeed look bleak but no one in power has the courage to do anything about it , even supposing they can see , understand and accept what is right in front of their nose. Your sensible suggestions are far too bold for them to contemplate. The same goes for most other countries, only the east Europeans are willing to take a stand and they are being castigated for it.
A few days ago someone posted a video of NIgel Farage taking on the MSM and a particularly offensive German TV big wig said that populists were using fear of Islamisation of Europe to whip up support but that there was no possibility of Europe becoming Islamic , it was all a lie. Where on earth do these people live? Certainly not in the UK or France or Sweden or Holland or Belgium , where the process of Islamification is well underway. The Germans of course for some baffling reason have chosen to throw themselves on the same funeral pyre.
Manchester was shocking but not a surprise. But those who have their Teddy bears and candles out and who are hash tagging like crazy should reflect that not only will thre be r many more equally awful attacks but also that within a generation or two there won’t be any pop concerts at all , because Islam isn’t keen on them. Everyone’s life is already changing because of our growing Muslim population, slowly but surely the changes will become more and more at odds with our way of life and when it is too late the people will wake up and say , ‘ this is horrible, who let happen to us’, the answer of course is , all of our leaders from Major onwards let it happen and the likes of Blair promoted it. Of course , we ultimately get the leaders we vote for. Corbyn will accelerate the process enormously.
I am worried that the bomber in Manchester was not the actual bomb maker. If he is still at large, then more bombs are a real possibility. This weekend in Manchester we are having the annual city games, right in the centre of town. They are going ahead because we “must not let the terrorists win”. I imagine security will be intense, but the crowds of people must be an obvious target.
We have been brought to this dire situation by the decisions of our governments. All we ask from them is that they act to undo some of the damage they have done, but that is apparently beyond them. As Mark Steyn says, “where is the happy ending in all this?” I can’t see one.
Interesting you mention Farage and the journalist from Deutsche Welle, as yesterday I was watching a ZDF hatchet job on populism called “Wo die Populisten regieren”. The evils of populism are an absolute obsession with the German BBCs. They see Trump as the main threat to their utopian EU fantasies. Le Pen is, of course, in league with the devil and they are ecstatic about the Macron victory. Particular venom was reserved for Orban. The Germans are seething because Orban takes all the EU cash he can and uses it to finance his own pet “populist” projects which piss on EU values. He used EU cash to rewrite Hungarian school books. The EU is depicted as a German sow with other less independently minded EU states shown as piglets suckling on its teats. The Hungarian piglet stands alone and proud. Strangely, there was nothing about Brexit, although I did miss the first part of the programme.
“if you get a majority of muslims, you get an islamic state”
45 Likes, but it’s still Tosh
Both Malaysia and Indonesia are majority Muslim and NOT Islamic states ,
tho in each one of the smaller substates Kelantan, Aceh are more like Islamic states and practice strong sharia.
More than half the developing world Muslims would probably jump at the chance if there was a way of escaping Islam and living as a non Muslim free to drink beer and stop praying etc, but in their own country they play along if they have to.
Maybe 30% do believe, but still aren’t real by the book Muslims. And a smaller percentage are more fundamentalist.
You have to give the ethnic Muslims living in the west a chance to live normally and push them in with the fundamentalists.
I’m talking about girls that don’t want to wear headscarves etc, but aren’t free to say so.
A further point: the muslims we have here are not in any great number from Malaysia or Indonesia. They are mostly from Pakistan/Bangladesh and the Middle East/North Africa. So if we ever get to a muslim critical mass of the population, say 30%, the islam we will be getting is the sort which prevails in those areas. In other words, sharia law, death for blasphemy and dhimmitude for the infidels.
There may be places where a more civilized form of islam exists, but we won’t be getting it.
““if you get a majority of muslims, you get an islamic state”
45 Likes, but it’s still Tosh
Both Malaysia and Indonesia are majority Muslim and NOT Islamic states ,”
You’re assuming that what works for Malaysia and Indonesia would work for Europe. That’s a big assumption.
If our current capacity for appeasement is anything to go by, we would become an Islamic state for all practical purposes (but perhaps not officially) long before Muslims became a sizeable majority.
As Rob in Cheshire says, I’d rather not risk it.
I didn’t ask for it and I totally reject it. It simply doesn’t belong here. We need less primitive superstition, not more, IMO.
I regard Islamic terrorism as a red herring, devised to distract the real threat – the massive demographic growth rate of Muslims by immigration, family unification and a high birth rate.
When Islam is dominant, as it surely will be unless something dramatic or a miracle happens, Christians and non-Muslims will get the same treatment that Christians in the once Christian ME face on a regular basis – regular pogroms, rapes, kidnap of young girls, church burning, ministers decapitated etc. I see no reason why it will be different in the West. The French have a foretaste already -which I predicted to my friends on France more then two decades ago – to their disbelief. Not so anymore.
The opportunity, freedom and availability to attend cultural and artistic festivals is a key of civilisation. Without which civilisation stops. By putting fear in the hearts of people to attend concerts and festivals, Islam is destroying Western civiliastion, even when Muslims are no where near a majority.
Islam is a destroyer of civilisations. Moderate or radical is no matter, as moderates too believe in the Koran.
Islam is a destroyer of civilisations, radical or moderate Islam makes no difference.
NCBBC, I think the current real threat is our own government.
The 3 main parties all will do nothing about the Muslim problem.
UKIP is too disorganised although the manifesto is a start and Suzanne Evans did a good job on yesterday’s daily politics.
If a government really wanted to do something about them lot, they could.
The truth is, they are happy as things are and ordinary people being vaporised is a price worth paying.
Then they can say ‘their thoughts and prayers are with…..’ and the other usual worn out slogans they keep repeating after each atrocity. And all the ones coming down the line.
Muslims are only doing what muslims do, they don’t know any better. They are sub intelligent and very backward. Easily brainwashed.
Our politicians know what they are doing. That’s worse than young simple muslings letting themselves off after being sold a fairy tale.
Emmanuel Goldstein – How apt that I should write to you, Emmanuel Goldstein on
The Great Multicultural World War
Post WWII, nationalism got a bad name, and as a consequence, multiculturalism gained momentum. It was argued, that a multicultural nation could never be united, and thus pose a threat to its neighbours, as Germany did. So far so good. Yugoslavia in the fifties, was considered a paragon of nations, with Christians, Orthodox and Catholic, Protestants, and Muslims, got along in harmony and peace. But the reality was different. Step away from the propaganda, a deadly brew was seething and boiling within in rivalry and hatred..
It all came to an end in the First Multicultural War, as Yugoslavia exploded into its constituent religious and racial parts – mainly religious.
In the last few years, wife and I have avoided Italy, France and Germany, as seeing hijabs in the thousands every day, and what it presaged, was too distressing. So we have been visiting Eastern Europe, particularly the Christian parts of the the former Yugoslavia.
What struck us was the peace and harmony of these states. They are of one religion, either Orthodox or Catholic. Talking with them on the issues, specially after their very strong moonshine liquor we were invited to, was educational. Many of the ones we spoke to, were not church going, but insisted that they were Catholic. It was clear that they were asserting that the underlying and undergirding culture of their nation was Christian, and Western. For politicians, media and pollsters, the public was asserting that there was no room for any other cultural tradition. It was a warning. No more multicultism.
The nations were happy and peaceful. Even as foreigners, unable to speak or understand the language, we felt safe, no matter the area or the time.
Now consider Western Europe, particularly England. We discarded our Christian heritage as some kind of old garment to be chucked into the recycle can, and then adopted the new religion of Multiculturalism with gusto. Islam stepped into this space. Never in history of Islamic conquests, has a nation discarded its spiritual past, allowing Islam to enter without a fight. In fact, such is our stupidity, we welcomed Islam. And Islam behaved in the manner a victorious conqueror does – raping native girls by the tens of thousands, which the defeated nation then tried to hide for decades.
What do we do now? First, watch “Civilisation” by Kenneth Clarke – Four DVD set for just £12.
Kenneth Clark correctly identifies the source of our civilisation, no matter what we get from our Greco-Roman past. That “past” would be past, were it not for a small band of Christian monks, who resurrected them, and then built Western civilisation. The great Gothic cathedrals of France and England, and even Germany, and the music, art, scientific and engineering theory, and the political and philosophic discourse that followed, are testimony to that leap of civilisation, that has no equal. It was as Kenneth Clark states” a close run thing”. Civilisation is always a close run thing, for the ways to barbarism are many.
We need to assert our Christian culture with vigour, in the face of BBC love of Islam and hatred of Christianity – it does not matter if one is a practising Christian, just as it is in the former Yugoslavia, or Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, and Slovakia. Let politicians know that appeasing Islam will hurt them. Note the way Labour is appealing to the Muslim vote – Burman with his ploy that the bomber was not a Muslim, and Corbyn laying the blame on our interventions in the ME.
Your 50 year thing is very optimistic . If you do the “most popular boys name ” once upon a time it was “john” now it’s “mo” sorry ” Mohammed ” . Do you need any more of a warning than that ? Religion of Peace – remember .
I know 50 is too optimistic. But if I wrote 30, as is most likely the time for Muslims to form a majority in parliament, then it would lead to a defeatist spirit.
I have been writing similar posts since 9/11, on LGF first, then on Dhimmi and Jihad Watch, under my old net name.
Our English Bill of Rights gives us the right to bear arms. Unfortunately, it is qualified by the words ” within the law”, which is possibly how traitor Beliar was able to confiscate them. But I am surprised no one has challenged the government’s right to take our weapons off us, by citing our Bill of Rights.
Unfortunately, the British legal system isn’t as confined by the constitution as is, say, its US equivalent – and even in the USA it seems there is more or less infinite room to wriggle.
The right to bear arms is a good case in point but it isn’t the only one and stuffing of our judiciary with Left wing lawyers has meant an ever greater disregard for laws made in Parliament. Another thing to thank the traitor Blair for.
The actions of Blair were indeed unconstitutional. The Bill of Rights is the bedrock of our constitution, and cannot be repealed because it is the basis of the 1689 constitutional settlement.
So Blair ignored it. And what happened? Nothing. Would any judge have had the backbone to find against him? I doubt it. And so the long march to tyranny continues. Once we had freedom of speech, now we have controls on “hate speech”, which only ever apply to people like Katie Hopkins, who has been terminated by LBC for daring to have a controversial opinion.
We live in a left wing tyranny, and one day soon, we may live in a sharia one.
And the event that conveniently precipitated the removal of said weapons, the Dunblane massacre, had a 100 year D notice slapped on it by that same Blair, lifted I think in 2005 at the request of the families. Anyone would think he had something to hide!
Only part lifted Toobi. The sections covering Firearm Certificate vetting, renewal, security, criminal and medical records along with relationships with senior police officers and, possible, Masonic connections are still embargoed.
I remember a tale circulating at the time, B that a second person had been spotted at the school, someone who was never called to the inquest. Hamilton was also supposed to have put two bullets into his head, which were dug out of the wall, six inches above the skirting board. Another name mentioned was a local labour MP who went onto head NATO. All perfectly explainable but the fact that Blair and labour were involved and the excessive D notice, I wouldn’t believe Blair if he told me Monday followed Sunday.
Think it was the Conservatives who ‘took the guns away€’ but that doesn’t matter. Major & Blair a year ago appeared to be easy bedfellows and, not only that, were prepared – effectively – to encourage terrorists to start up their activities in the event of a Leave vote in the EU Ref. To my mind, that fell foul of the UK’s anti-terror laws. Perhaps I should have made a complaint to the Chief Constable of Northern Ireland?
Both should be on trial for that, if nothing else.
You are right. The rifle ban came under Mrs Thatcher. John Major banned full bore pistols, and then Blair made shameless political capital out of the tragedy, and banned .22 pistols as well. He had a woman from the Snowdrop anti-gun campaign address the Labour conference. It was gut wrenching and sickening, but he was more than happy to make thousands of law abiding people pay for the actions of one deranged man. When it comes to islam, clearly the same rules do not apply.
When someone who is a muslim kills in the name of islam, it is never anything to do with islam.
Good analogy RIC.
And doubtless seeing as you`re so close to things in Manchester , in some capactity or other( I myself am a Manc as well) well worthy of some thought.
The Koran as a gun-well, why not in some way. But being a Christian I reckon it may well be ona par with our regulation of atomic power or chemical weapons. Alan Partridge Himself( PBUH) said that “God Is A Gas”. Which puts him pretty much as good as the Bishop Of Manchester or Noel-Wesley-Gallagher and his fucking hymns!
Islam as fireworks with chemical weapon potential…going nuclear?…got my whole sermon here haven`t I?
Any reasonable person can see that islam is dangerous, and needs to be controlled. It is far more dangerous than a .22 rifle, but no-one seems to think that the rifle should not be subject to controls.
In reality, islam is far more dangerous than any gun. islam has destroyed societies for centuries without guns. It is destroying ours from within. The fact that even modest levels of control are not being discussed by our political class proves to me that they are all cowards who will lead us to disaster.
I don’t go to Manchester much these days. I used to go regularly, but now I find Piccadilly Gardens to be a disgrace, and most of the modern buildings being thrown up are banal. Moving the Cenotaph in St Peter’s Square just to accomodate a new tram stop made my blood boil. Gary Neville’s proposals for two huge towers to dominate Albert Square and the Town Hall are just the last straw. The City Council clearly does not care about Manchester, so why should I?
Rob wrote: The practise of islam will only be allowed in these registered and controlled mosques. No private or unofficial mosques are allowed. No unlicensed preaching is allowed. The mosques must be open at all times to police inspection. And an overriding condition for Home Office approval for a mosque must be the acceptance that in Britain, British law is supreme, and no other types of law are allowed. This means sharia.
Unfortunately, the problem of an ever growing Muslim population remains, and politicians will always run to appease it. Why? Because elections are won or lost in the marginals.
We have no hope now of restoring our peace without war. This will be the second Multicultural war, after the first Yugoslav one. The former Christian states of Yugoslavia are now at peace within. But they left it too late, and the consequence was partition, with Islam getting a foothold in Europe. If we leave it too long, Muslim population will be so large, that England will be partitioned too. So too France. It has been this way – Greece was partitioned, India too, both with great slaughter.
After 9/11 and much thought, Pres Bush, and PM Blair followed, set the West on a path of war with Muslim nations, invading and destabilising one Muslim state after another, even friendly states like Egypt, knowing full well that Western Muslims will retaliate at home. Acceptable collateral damage in war, they would argue. In the fullness of time, such a war will polarise populations – non-Muslims vs Muslims.
So far the war has been undeclared, but Pres Trump is on the way to re-task NATO. That will be a full declaration. Then follows the natural path of war – separation of populations in war with each other.
I have believed this to be the strategy. Pres Bush declared in an unguarded moment, that the strategic policy accepted by NATO, was a “crusade” lasting 50 years or so. He quickly walked back the “crusade” bit, but not the rest. I believe this is the path we are on. If we win, its quite likely, that in historic hindsight, Pres Bush and PM Blair will be vindicated .
If we win this war, then it will also mean defeat of Islam in war. Islam is a religion of war and conquest. A catastrophic defeat in war, and its confinement to Islamic regions, will mean that Allah’s promise of victory, and continued expansion into Kaffir lands, will have been wrong. Only such a catastrophic defeat will see the end of Islam. In war.
Watch the show. This is a Fifty year War of Religions, or the Second Multicultural war, or The Final Crusade.
The modern West has never shied away from a direct challenge to its supremacy in arms- particularly an act of war. 9/11 was a direct challenge to this supremacy.
The question that remains is whether we can win without sacrificing one of our central tenets – tolerance of the intolerant. So far we are trying not to. I hope we can.
In a few years the UK will be part of the caliphate.
But it’s not all bad: wimmin like Ali-Baba-Brown and Flabbott will be hoisted into burkas (if they can find sufficiently robust hoists) and firmly told to shut-up. So we won’t have to see or hear them any more. Ahh, peace at last.
News-shite will look something like below.
Oh, and sadly the cadaverous diseased-looking Evan Davis will be thrown off a high place. Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
“What I would give to see Charles Martell, Prince Sobieski, Vlad and Valette in modern day West.”
Our governments have ensured that anyone like them would be locked up without delay. Nothing must be done to offend or impede the people who are going to take over our country and crush us.
This is surely without precedent in history, and proves that our ruling class is decadent beyond belief. No country can survive with people like this in charge.
BBC wants to , “move things on” this morning, so its GE17
For one thing that, party before country, May power grab, opportunist, unnecessary, and needless early election needs to be shelved, for 6 months, and FFS don t let that devious snake who conned you out of the fixed term act, make political gain out of it. Maybe then the parties (including Tories) will properly prepare … ITS NOT NECCESSARY NOW
Act in unity now …. do what no one in Europe is doing, take decisive pro active steps for our security,
let our nation lead … FOR our nation, not for this slimy politicians to disgracefully gain out of it.
Round up the enormous number on the watchlist, if you ve got to spend on them do it in a secure facility.
We re safer then
… CCTV in every mosque as a matter of public policy with external link, proper scrutiny on mosques anyway
… Ban Sharia, and any outward expression of it outright, it is the seat of all the problems, May should have done this already anyway.
… Ban madrassa schools, and stop any school mosque visits for small children, and older unless objective fact about Islam its founder is relayed – no facts, no visit, it should be public policy to teach objective facts about Islam in every school anyway, that would allow children to question Islam with clarity
The time is now, concerted unity government action, get that festering Westminster swamp to really do its job
… our security, lead, set an example to Europe or …
WHAT! … what will it take?
122 children next time?, 1022? maybe 10,022
after the government cowardice and appeasement over Islamic child rape gangs … THE TIME IS NOW!
Scrap the Election, ACT in unity be proactive, with the people not patronise them, show our people we mean business
with their security, and send an unequivocal message to Europe … and Islam
more of the same?, its just not good enough.
So it begins …
“LBC and Katie Hopkins have agreed that Katie will leave LBC effective immediately”
and there is an terror attack attempted in Europe virtually every week.
Talking last night to a man in the pub and it’s inevitably the Islamic attack in Manchester.
Remember that most peoples window on the world is provided by the MSM and they don’t have time to do any research as to whether the information they are being fed is in any way accurate.
It was a confused picture of reality that he presented me with. He felt sorry for the Muslims after the attack, because they were associated with it, but when asked to provide a single incident where something adverse had happened to them he was unable to do so.
The one thing that I really did find jaw droppingly incredible was that he thought the guy was a Jihadi, and that Jihad was a separate religion all on its own ! a kind of a sect removed from but still part of Islam, and that it was the people linking the two who had got it wrong.
I got all the usual ‘not all like that’ and ‘but haven’t we killed lots of people in the past’? (in other words its perfectly acceptable for British people to be slaughtered).
This is the real effect of the BBCs bias. People confused and fed false facts about the reality of the situation, mean they are subdued, and cannot reach a rational conclusion about what has happened in the UK.
This is the real effects of the BBCs bias and Left Wing Fascism.
Small measures like monitoring mosques is now too late.
“Radical” Islam is the enemy, and has to be declared as one This will happen if and when NATO re-tasks and makes “radical” Islam as an enemy. Then all the restrictions on immigration to NATO countries come into place, just they were for Warsaw pact countries. I’m glad to see that Pres Trump has requested NATO to re-task to that effect.
If this new strategy leads to a cold or hot war, it will polarise populations. War does that in the most effective way. Polarised populations then move to the place where they are most comfortable. Christians in the ME, already displaced, will move to the West in a major way. Muslims the other way. With a bit of luck, we will have avoided a future worse then death – an Islamic West.
That’s like saying the bogeyman is the real enemy, because you cannot detect people who are radicalised. The vast majority of their fellow Muslims refuse to report them, and a sizable minority sympathise with the attacks even if they don’t actually carry them out.
Then there are the people who are already here who are more typical Muslim who become prepared to carry out the acts of Jihad (lets not use the word ‘radicalised’ it’s as bad as moderate Muslims.) How do you detect them and at what point do you consider them a sufficient threat?
Tabari 9:69 “Killing Unbelievers is a small matter to us” The words of Muhammad, prophet of Islam.
We need to quote more of these statements to people of the Left.
As I have said many times before, expose the ideology and you expose the Nazi Left.-Anti semite Chakrabarti, racist Diane Abbott, Goebbels like figure Owen Jones. Modern day Nazi’s all of them.
Ask the Left to justify this islamic statement, their beliefs need to better challenged than they currently are. The politically correct pro muslim BBC won’t. Too reverential.
By the way has anyone heard an intelligent Imam speak because I haven’t. Those on the BBC The Big Question seem pretty thick to me.
Could someone name one?
Final rant. Any society which needs a Community Leader is a failed society. One that has refused to integrated yet seeks privilige from its host. Sack all community Leaders. It’s a non job.
Wronged, imam tawhidi, an Australian imam who seems to be talking some sense. It’s a shame that there isn’t an Imam here saying the same things as him.
Brave lad-is he a Shia?
In any event, he`ll be in far more danger than most of us. And clowns like the BBC are safest of all, in that Islam knows its role in softening the nation up for the coming Caliphate.
When ever someone argues about moderates in Islam or moderate Islam, one should ask which bits of the Koran or Hadiths does the moderate Muslim not agree with.
i am not sure that i understand in which way islamism is considered ‘left’. also, i do not understand why people seem to think that corbyn and not may is the one who makes things easier for islam in its ‘submit and convert’ worldwide crusade. there is no difference between the attitude of the two main parties. where is the difference? maybe the labour party publicly states what the tories do not state. but ultimately they are both globalist common purpose multicultural one world order supporters. corbyn does it in his leftie suit. may does it in her pearls and business suit. or am i living in a parallel reality?
matahari, I dont normally speak to BBC trolls but I will make this an exception.
You asked ‘ i do not understand why people seem to think that corbyn and not may is the one who makes things easier for islam in its ‘submit and convert’ worldwide crusade. ‘
Tere sharia May is a modern day Neville Chamberlain, a weak and pathetic apologist to the Muslim community.
The disgustung abuse of slaughtering animals in the production of Halaal food should have been banned.
The British pro Isis soldiers who left our shores should have had their passports taken away
Prime Minister May should have outlawed Sharia courts
PM May should stop the vast sponsorship of Saudi money entering our universities, Saudi Arabia are now our universities second largest of provider of funds
She should have stopped the Saudi Wahabbi funding of mosques in retaliation to Saudi not taking in refugees from a neighbouring state.
PM should have stopped the sponsorship of Saudi funded clerics from going into mosques and schools.
Our weak Prime Minister is guilty of all of the above. She sleeps while Rome burns.
She is pro muslim at the expense of maintaining British values.
God help us when she negogiates with the EU on our behalf. She is worse than useless.
I’d have Nigel Farage negotiating our exit from the EU any day of the week.
Does anyone disagree?
The Left are (in the main) the apologists of the hateful religion of Islam as well you know.
But matahari answer my question,
Tabari 9:69 “Killing Unbelievers is a small matter to us” The words of Muhammad, prophet of Islam.
Is this comment from the Qu’ran acceptable in our society or should Muslims who agree with Mohammed’ s statement be arrested for hate speech?
I can give you lots more hateful statements from Mohammed matahari, and if you agree with them you could end up with a life sentence for hate speech!
The Left love hate speech. Am I being converted?
Not apologists, wronged, they just share the same goals, the destruction of the west and they think that they will be able to control the ensuing chaos. They will think wrong!
Not difficult matahari this one.
Think of Nasser, Gadhaffi, Saddam and Al Bashir…all of who were that Third Way fusion of Communism/Socialism and Islam.
Blair and A.C Grayling themselvers used that “Third Way” description-without any Muslim history, but it`s there if you want it.
Which was New Labour.
Now then, now then…how does Islam and the Left coalesce into the Devils Brew that we now have?
1. Dystopian
2. Utopia and Millenarial fantasisings based on human effort and destroying the fainthearts or the oppostion.
3. Hatred of America and capitalism
4. Hatred of Jews and Israel( now that kibbutzes were seen to work, the Left has no further interest)
5. Blind naked barbarism, terror, camps and killings…the totalitarian and totalising scorched earth tactics and endless sect segmentations and slaughter of the former leaders in search of perfectabilty here on earth.
6, Hatred and fear of Christians< Jews and people of peace who oppose them.
Could go on…but will you learn any more if I do?
ChrisH – to expand on your comment about kibbutzim working. They certainly worked because the people in them were driven by more than self-interest. These people had a vision and most had left behind something evil and they wanted to create something new and dynamic, something for their people and their children. They were also united by the fact that they were surrounded by enemies and needed to work to a common goal to survive. It’s the only form of communism ever tried that has worked.
In all other forms, the people don’t share the vision, or at least not many do after the first executions. They may be enthusiastic at first but once the commissars start behaving like little dictators and the top pigs, like Stalin, foster the cult of personality everything changes. If communism/socialism could be introduced without violence and dictatorship then it might have a chance.
However, where the kibbutzim system eventually fell down was that after decades of striving to make the desert bloom (and it did) younger kibbutzniks looked out to the rest of Israel and saw a prosperous, European-style democracy where people owned their own homes and cars and colour TVs. Suddenly the kibbutz collective life was not enough for most people and they left. The kibbutzim themselves also had to change.
The moral is that capitalism trumps all forms of socialism/communism despite however well intentioned and well-run the particular system is. People want their modern goods and an easy life.
matahari: “i am not sure that i understand in which way islamism is considered ‘left’.”
Is it not considered ‘left’ because it is highly socialised & intergrated within, in a similar way to Judaism? That comparison will fail of course once you reach the outer edges of Judaism, ie. Liberal & Reform Judaism. Contrast both with Christianity, especially Protestant, evangelical Christianity which is highly individualised and said to be ‘right’. (Some would say it is right, too, ha ha!) Even mainstream and liberal Anglicanism is highly conservative (note the small ‘c’) and individualistic and that will pertain even into the Roman inclined CoE as well as Roman Catholicism itself. Under the RC banner it is up to the individual to maintain their compliance with the seven ‘pillars’, oops, seven sacraments and confess their failings to their Priest.
However, the other aspects of Islam is probably of the ‘right’, in that it is highly controlling, highly prescriptive, highly regimented which of course is a tendency of the ‘left’ evidenced now in Momentum, evidenced in the past in Militant, Socialist Workers Party, etc.. Back to that highly bit; we might be tempted to label that ‘right’ but it is really ‘left’.
Except like in some aspects of Judaism, in the outer reaches, where Islam is a mere badge of past tradition and the allegiance is weak, the one who has it hardly practises their faith.
I wonder if the BBC in the interests of that legendary BBC support for facts, the truth and balance will the BBC do a series for the childern just how islam was really spread around the world with peace and love this Sikh will be happy to volunteer his services free of change to advise the BBC as to the reality of islam and us Sikhs when islam turned up in india, As I am sure that any Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, Christians and others here on Biased BBC would volunteer to advise the BBC on what really happened to their respective communities when thay had the missfortune to meet islam. Being as the BBC now really stands for Broadcasting for the British Caliphate I wont be expecting any called from W1A or Wood Lane soon.
As someone with access to the nasty Left and their machinations, can tell you that they have things called “38 Degree Issues”. These are the NHS, climate changy t`ings, education and (now) social care. Brexit also is a bandwagon that drops shit along the way for that red rose of theirs.
In short-these rolled emails and petitions comprise the BBC agenda 24/7…comfort blankets for the progressos. Echo chambers, howling feedback and Der Starmer kinda press packs. So nobody need do any active journalism-it`s all been pre-chewed and thought out for you, and it`s flat pack assembly of idiot plywood in Potemkin prefabrication.
But Manchester came out of a clear blue sky for them.
In which case, they demand control of events, gatekeeping rights to control the narrative-and the ultimate deterrent of theirs when they`re buggered…which is “clear the streets” and howl away at Trump or Nigel/Katie or whoever.
They have their 38 Degrees…we OUGHT by now to be getting the full specturm cover and comedy ready to take them on.
Islam is but a flag of convenience for them-if you don`t know your bible, but DO know your Grand National winners…then might I suggest that you`re exactly where they want you?
38 Degrees is run by David Babbs, who was formerly Head of Activism at “Friends of the Earth“. I know of Astronomers, Atmospheric Physicists and Meteorologists who have been persecuted by these ignorant morons. “Friends of the Earth” are “Enemies of Causational Climate Science”
Also, 38 Degrees called for its email membership to “defend the corporation from political interference“
As they agreed with this suggestion, the Tories had the right to give the BBC total independence from government interference, by removing government control over financing and charter obligations.
Banning the BBC from using adverts, including the current use of propaganda adverts and adverts for BBC programs, as well as banning Murdoch or any other popular right-wing media organisation from buying the BBC, would also please 38 Degrees, while at the same time, finish off the BBC.
“In short-these rolled emails and petitions comprise the BBC agenda 24/7…comfort blankets for the progressos. Echo chambers, howling feedback and Der Starmer kinda press packs. So nobody need do any active journalism-it`s all been pre-chewed and thought out for you, and it`s flat pack assembly of idiot plywood in Potemkin prefabrication.”
BBC Manchester attack: Question Time debates ‘Didsbury Mosque’ leaflet
A Question Time audience member has claimed he was handed an anti-Western leaflet at Didsbury Mosque in Manchester. The mosque was previously attended by the father of Salman Ramadan Abedi, the man who carried out Monday’s bomb attack.
However, an attendee of the mosque who was also in the audience said the mosque had a “multi-cultural community” and said the leaflet was “not official”.
The mosque condemned the attack on Wednesday, saying
wait for it
………. “cowardice has no place in our society”? – this guy at the wrong meeting?
The bbC promotes how this was a prank , how he has an autistic spectrum disorder, how his lawyer had pleaded with the judge for “mercy” that the “unique” student had “learned his lesson”. How his mother claims her son was “just a vulnerable little boy who needs help, not prison” and that “He just made a smoke bomb and the prank went wrong,
Funny how they leave out his fascination with weapons , with Islam, how when he was arrested he was carrying a Koran and and how that so called smoke bomb he left on the tube, was packed full of ball bearings.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islamic terrorism.
Ahh the old ‘autistic spectrum’ excuse. Didn’t the Beed and media endlessly spout this crap when Gary McKinnon was trying to find excuses to get out of deportation after hacking into a range of US govt websites because he was looking for aliens.
He should have been deported and won an Oscar for his endless Rain Man impressions that certainly didn’t fool me.
Yes and this characters mother still defends him . She was commenting today and sounded like she should be inside as well. MSM left out the bit about the Koran and referred to him as a former choir boy ( Orwell would laugh)
Reading your post has just set of my Taqiyya, Tawriya, Maruna and Kitman alarms
#1 Taqiyya ie use of tacital lies and deciet to spread islam
#2 Tawriya ie deciet by ambiguity
#3 Maruna ie temporary suspension of islam to appear as moderate muslims
#4 Kitman ie deceit by ommission or withholding key information
If anyone knows the arabic for conning gulliable leftards and gulliable [or teasonious] broadcasters like the BBC, Channel 4 and Al-Guardian please let me know
Good scholarship-Orwell would be proud of you re creating the Koranic distinctions.
I have three copies of the Koran-old school, then a fundi primer version from Shepherds Bush Market, and now I`ve got the KSA version-the one you always see at demos, c/o the Wahhabists in Saudi who beautifully provide them for us all.
I see how their redrafts have gone since the 70s…and they`re right to up the language and change the meanings as they see our elitist pussy willows on the media and in office(not in power thank God though).
Keep posting JosF…there`s a Bill Warner Cyber Museum of Islam here isn`t there?
I remember another technique the Saudi funded Wahhabism were encouraged to do was to infiltrate enemy institutions and occupy key positions to undermine non muslims . Any method can be used and dispensation is given to act like a westerner – lead a western way of life to deceive .
They’ve had quite a while to infiltrate and the damage is being done
As he says, we don’t doubt it when medical students tell us why they want to be doctors, why do we doubt why jihadists want to be martyrs? The comments of a ‘Western’ (really) Finnish woman and the loss of her son are particularly worth hearing.
The bBBC ‘news’ is leading on Corbyn’s mad notion that Muslims kill us because of British foreign policy.
Someone should ask him about Kosovo, Blair’s first war, where our forces intervened to protect Muslims from Serbian ‘ethnic cleansing’. The peaceful ones responded with 9/11 and numerous other murders. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2017-40053427
It has always been Corbyn’s line that Britain is the root of all evil. He shared the IRA/Sinn Fein view that it was the ongoing British occupation of Northern Ireland that was responsible for all the violence during the Troubles. It was a classic anti-imperialist anti-colonialst strruggle and Britain was the imperialist power. Corbyn follows the logic of his ideology and supports the IRA. If Corbyn becomes PM, he will be in a difficult ideological postion an anti-imperialist in charge of what he sees as an imperialist power. Perhaps he will assassinate himself. Corbyn was also awarded the Gandhi Foundation’s International peace prize in 2013.
He shares Gandhi’s dislike of Britain. Gandhi thought that the British brought the Blitz on themselves because they bombed Germany first. There seems to be some logic in this, but not if you realise that if you attack an enemy, they can also counterattack. It’s not kharma working itself out. Benn also thought WWII was a war between imperialists. He had no inclination to fight for his own country, a bourgeois concept, until Hitler attacked Stalin. He then joined the RAF as the war was then anti-fascist. These are the usual leftist delusions.
“Gandhi thought that the British brought the Blitz on themselves because they bombed Germany first. ”
Did Gandhi really believe that? The Germans bombed Britain well before we retaliated and our bombing of Berlin was in response to their bombing of London (albeit in error).
If the “half-naked fakir” had given it a little more thought, he would have realised that the bombing of Guernica by Germany’s Condor Legion in 1937 might have provided some indication of what the rest of Europe was in for.
Gandhi was an unrealistic idiot. His campaign for Indian independence only led to partition and a million deaths. A more gradual approach to self-government could have led to a peaceful independence, but it might have taken 20 years, and he would not have lived to see it. As it was, he barely lived to see Indian independence, as he was assassinated by a Hindu nationalist within the year, another victim of the sectarian hatred he had helped to stir up.
Gandhi believed a lot of things. His 1940 letter to Hitler below, shows you where Mahatma Corbyn gets his ideas from.
Dear friend,
That I address you as a friend is no formality. I own no foes. My business in life has been for the past 33 years to enlist the friendship of the whole of humanity by befriending mankind, irrespective of race, colour or creed.
I hope you will have the time and desire to know how a good portion of humanity who have view living under the influence of that doctrine of universal friendship view your action. We have no doubt about your bravery or devotion to your fatherland, nor do we believe that you are the monster described by your opponents. But your own writings and pronouncements and those of your friends and admirers leave no room for doubt that many of your acts are monstrous and unbecoming of human dignity, especially in the estimation of men like me who believe in universal friendliness. Such are your humiliation of Czechoslovakia, the rape of Poland and the swallowing of Denmark. I am aware that your view of life regards such spoliations as virtuous acts. But we have been taught from childhood to regard them as acts degrading humanity. Hence we cannot possibly wish success to your arms.
But ours is a unique position. We resist British Imperialism no less than Nazism. If there is a difference, it is in degree. One-fifth of the human race has been brought under the British heel by means that will not bear scrutiny. Our resistance to it does not mean harm to the British people. We seek to convert them, not to defeat them on the battle-field. Ours is an unarmed revolt against the British rule. But whether we convert them or not, we are determined to make their rule impossible by non-violent non-co-operation. It is a method in its nature indefensible. It is based on the knowledge that no spoliator can compass his end without a certain degree of co-operation, willing or compulsory, of the victim. Our rulers may have our land and bodies but not our souls. They can have the former only by complete destruction of every Indian—man, woman and child. That all may not rise to that degree of heroism and that a fair amount of frightfulness can bend the back of revolt is true but the argument would be beside the point. For, if a fair number of men and women be found in India who would be prepared without any ill will against the spoliators to lay down their lives rather than bend the knee to them, they would have shown the way to freedom from the tyranny of violence. I ask you to believe me when I say that you will find an unexpected number of such men and women in India. They have been having that training for the past 20 years.
We have been trying for the past half a century to throw off the British rule. The movement of independence has been never so strong as now. The most powerful political organization, I mean the Indian National Congress, is trying to achieve this end. We have attained a very fair measure of success through non-violent effort. We were groping for the right means to combat the most organized violence in the world which the British power represents. You have challenged it. It remains to be seen which is the better organized, the German or the British. We know what the British heel means for us and the non-European races of the world. But we would never wish to end the British rule with German aid. We have found in non-violence a force which, if organized, can without doubt match itself against a combination of all the most violent forces in the world. In non-violent technique, as I have said, there is no such thing as defeat. It is all ‘do or die’ without killing or hurting. It can be used practically without money and obviously without the aid of science of destruction which you have brought to such perfection. It is a marvel to me that you do not see that it is nobody’s monopoly. If not the British, some other power will certainly improve upon your method and beat you with your own weapon. You are leaving no legacy to your people of which they would feel proud. They cannot take pride in a recital of cruel deed, however skilfully planned. I, therefore, appeal to you in the name of humanity to stop the war. You will lose nothing by referring all the matters of dispute between you and Great Britain to an international tribunal of your joint choice. If you attain success in the war, it will not prove that you were in the right. It will only prove that your power of destruction was greater. Whereas an award by an impartial tribunal will show as far as it is humanly possible which party was in the right.
You know that not long ago I made an appeal to every Briton to accept my method of non-violent resistance. I did it because the British know me as a friend though a rebel. I am a stranger to you and your people. I have not the courage to make you the appeal I made to every Briton. Not that it would not apply to you with the same force as to the British. But my present proposal is much simple because much more practical and familiar.
During this season when the hearts of the peoples of Europe yearn for peace, we have suspended even our own peaceful struggle. Is it too much to ask you to make an effort for peace during a time which may mean nothing to you personally but which must mean much to the millions of Europeans whose dumb cry for peace I hear, for my ears are attended to hearing the dumb millions? I had intended to address a joint appeal to you and Signor Mussolini, whom I had the privilege of meeting when I was in Rome during my visit to England as a delegate to the Round Table Conference. I hope that he will take this as addressed to him also with the necessary changes.
Good to know that the UK has got it’s priorities right.
The only person to lose their job over the Manchester bombing is a commentator that dared to reference the need to tackle Islam terrorism but used some ‘special’ words that can seemingly never be used again.
I’m sure the SJW’s will feel very proud of the positive action and scalp that they have obtained. I’m sure it offers much comfort to the parents of the slaughtered children.
But let’s face it, if we are allocating blame, every politician and civil servant who has facilitated large scale Third World immigration over the last five or six decades, creating the unintegrated “multicultural” breeding grounds up and down the country, should be in prison.
It got worse under Blair but the process was already well established.
Frankly, I don’t think there’s anything to be said about Manchester that hasn’t been said already. The accusers and excusers are repeating themselves. The damage is done. It will have to take its course and it’s going to be nasty.
Our leadership, our government, our institutions, THE BBC are in effect all part of the terror movement.
On top of the unchecked immigration they have forced on us & capitulation to Muslim demands,
by refusing to name the enemy they are creating a constant fear among the populace.
A fear that ANYBODY might lash out in an act of terror at any time. ANYBODY. It could be the English
lad next door, John Smith. Because he is white & a nominal Christian he is likely to be a neo-NAZI.
Be afraid. Be very afraid of EVERYONE. Don’t focus your attention on one group in particular.
Just live in TERROR. Carry On. Don’t suspect Muslims.
Pray for Manchester? Indeed we must-because Peter White is unable to get an audible message in regard of the Mancunian trams on his app, let alone read out on the loudspeaker.
Let`s hope that the jihadists can create a quieter bomb so blind media crash test dummies at the BBC do not find their travelling experience to be lessened by noises off from the nations sports stadia and pop arenas.
This piece of self serving crap was on You and Yours just now( In Touch is another grievance seeking piece of polenta for the BBC). And now finally I see the benefit of moving all those segways, pods and deviant hacks all up to Media City.
They`re all out on the streets now measuring degrees of elevation( no greater than 38 degrees natcho) for the blagged disability ramps , so they can snitch to the EU for fines and quango sniffiness for the “disabled scootering communards. Let`s hope B`rum don`t take the bait and let Channel 4 infest THEIR great city like we did.
Imagine Channel 4s deviant class and linen suits if something similar happened at their old NEC?
I`d scruff up Broad Street too, given the medias interest in shiny things for their Muslim mates to readjust, so the rubble points towards Mecca.
Pray For Manchester eh?…as the BBC whores “Slide Way” less in anger, more in gratitude at a good end of month expenses account.
Today, i thought I’d deviate from my recent behaviour and listen to the BBC’s World at One. Shut it off immediately when Baroness Chakrofarty began speaking. To that point, it consisted of listening to three members of the public, presumably stopped in the street at random, informing the listener that we will vote Liebour. “People like us” is the presumptive connection and in those more persuasive opinions, overriding anything the following Lord West and the MP from Plymouth, Mercer, an ex-military man had to say. From when I listened to the programme the last time, last week, I would put it now at level 8 in terms of the emphasis on Liebour rather than the Conservatives. Last week in my opinion it was at level 6 in pro Liebour bias. I should expect it to rise to level 9 out of 10 shortly across all BBC News. That’s why I will no longer listen to the BBC News.
If you listened on, you would have heard them say that they had tried hard to get a Conservative voter for their vox pop, but they could not find one. That’s right, it was literally impossible for the BBC to find a single person who was not supporting Jeremy Corbyn. I hate to say it, but the people they did find also sounded a bit thick to me. Could there be any correlation do you think?
@G from another forum
\\This was on the World at One a little while ago.
Interviewer: “So, will you be voting for Mr Corbyn?”
Member of Public: “No!”
Interviewer: “Why not?”
MOP: “Because he’s a knob”//
They didn’t give the date
Well today seems to be make jezza palatable for the public day not just on the Beeb but all over. Woke up to global news giving me the impression that jezza is the pm as he is the only one mentioned about some speech. Sky were bringing on activist after activist being fed leading questions in that square in Manchester and always coming back to Corbyn and how he’s a man of peace. All through the morning one question kept being asked ‘ does he have a point’. It just stank of coordination and collusion to sanitise his image. Once his speech finished very little questioning of it. The only one I have heard going against it was Ian Collins from lbc on the daily politics. And he was up against coburn doing her best to help corbyn. May is in Sicily at the g7 but from the coverage you would hardly know it. Let’s not forget that tonight is jezzas turn in front of Brillo and I am hoping he tears into him like he did with May on Monday.bit will be very telling if he doesn’t. It looks like the media are colluding to try and get jezza past the post and I feel the real goal is to stop brexit.
… The BBC think the voting British public are thick and we will believe there continued left wing luvvie duvvie bullshit and that it will have an influence on us …but we are not thick and anybody with a little bit of savvie can see past the BBC ‘s and for that matter Corbyn’s waffle and lies…
There were 2 polls out last night but all we are hearing about from the BBC and not surprisingly is the YouGov poll giving the Conservatives only a 5 point lead. What about the other poll giving the Conservatives 11 point lead.
As we all know YouGov is run and owned by Peter Kellner who’s wife is a Labour Baroness who served in the Blair government and of course, they are very impartial..!!!!
Wedding photo, bride flanked by two bridesmaids?
I’ve actually seen a minibus full of these nazgul climb out of the bus in Grasmere and pose for a group photo!
No sorry-pretty clear to all of us in the Blackbag Fashion Industry that it is NOT Aqsa in the centre of the lovely wedding photo above.
I should know-I was with her on the riotous hen party in Blackpool, and my gender fluid boy Lizzie is one of the flower girls-the one on the right with the shaved Adams apple, since you ask.
Note the mistletoe above all their heads. The tattoed leather boys of Munich had a great night with us all.
It really does highlight the lunacy that we have allowed us to descend into when an article has a lead picture that shows us absolutely nothing. It’s just laughable ‘here’s some material to accompany the feature’.
BBC – abandons bold move to take on Netflix & Amazon Prime, thru online BoxedSet selling portal BBCprime .
BBC Store is closing in Nov https://store.bbc.com/
Three men charged in Rotherham child sex abuse inquiry
The crimes are alleged to have taken place in the town between 2003 and 2006, the National Crime Agency said.
#BbcReportOnceThenBury #JustLocalNews http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-40051104
BTW Tommy just retweeted Re His contempt case
“BREAKING: Reporting Restrictions have just been lifted.
Full video coming tonight explaining exactly what happened on @TheRebelTV”
Had Nigel Farage not left UKIP to their own devices, and the abysmal battle for leadership, and associated backstabbing not taken place, I suspect that UKIP could have been in with a better-than fighting chance to at least win seats, if not clinch the election, now. How things pan out, when you’re not expecting it, and what a sad waste.
Goat – agreed – definitely a waste but I think Nigel was pretty much forced out rather than just pissing off to go partying with Trump. Since Farage left all the drama concerning UKIPS seemingly endless problems with electing a suitable leader illustrates just what he was against. I am just surprised he had not gone before.
4:30pm R4 Stats show
– Can security services follow everyone known to them?
– Chances of ending up in a care home
– Stop sneak access by ministers to stats pre-publishing.
“The attack on Manchester Arena took place exactly four years since the killing of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich. Back in 2013 we broadcast an interview with the former Head of MI5, Dame Stella Rimmington, about the difficulties of monitoring people who have been flagged up to the services. We are re-broadcasting that interview.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08r320w
Just had an email from the Taxpayers’ Alliance, informing me that election campaigning is set to recommence after the horrific Manchester bombing. Watching the bloody bBBC I din’t realise it had stopped for one party in particular!
I can only hope these three coppers are just stupid twats who think this is some sort of islamic thumbs up. It actually means “one god, one prophet and one mosque”, in other words one religion for the whole world. It is the symbol of Isis, and if they are too thick or ignorant to know that, they should be re-educated fast.
No wonder the muslim has got a shit eating grin, he proably can’t believe his luck that thick dhimmis like these three are meant to protect us from the next islamic atrocity.
I’ve had mates stopped from taking photos with plod in the frame, Thoughtful and section 43 of the Terrorism Act cited as a reason for ordering the photos deletion. (plod told to swivel and to come back with a court order). This image obviouly taken by a friend of the RoPer, probably another RoPer. The conclusion drawn that it must only be white lads who get harrased by the camera shy boys in blue, who then use the aboive act as a reason for the stop. Maybe they just need to wear pyjamas when lining up their shots.
What would the Font of Truth say if plod were giving nazi salutes next to someone in
a nazi uniform. The Big Beard really is having a laugh in every sense of the phrase.
The three stooges will be surprised to see themselves starring on some ISIS propaganda site.
Community policing the eyes and ears of the security forces my arse.The only eyes and ears on tne ground these days are body parts lying around after a muslim suicide bombing.
Ths Font of Truth have also just announced the traditional “spike in hate crime” that follows the latest “mass casualty hate crime” perpetrated by muslims
4:55pm R4 Refugee ex-Calais on Radio 4’s “history of the nation” show
Assad and Helen – Isolation versus Privacy
A former volunteer at the Calais Jungle catches up with the young Sudanese friend she made there, in the village he was dispersed to with 45 other refugees.
They mean it’s surprising what you end up listening to ..when BBC-SJW push it down your throat”
…Woman alledged that no one knows their neighbours.
Em ..I took a mango round this morning
El Beeb teatime newz moving on to the inevitable security forces being the problem of the muzzie attacks .
Tory funding etc, under-manned blah blah.
Scummy bastards.
Anybody hear the Lefty World at One today. BBC announcer absolutely in an orgasmic ecstasy and absolutely creaming himself over the sacking of Katie Hopkins from LBC. “Even LBC own journalists were critical of Katy” we were breathlessly told by the announcer. cue James (arrogant twat) obrian with a few lines telling us how unpleasant it was having to share a studio with her.
I dont know whether she had just had a few wines too many or was just bloody angry about Manchester, apparently she had “tweeted” words to the effect that it was time we found a “final solution” to the current Muslim problem.
I am sure Aunty and her liberal multy kulty friends would tell us that the followers of the “religion of peace” would never think or say anything similar about us. (A few of them even demonstrated some of their “peace” to us all last week in Manchester).
However I was certainly a bit disappointed in Katy because
1, It was a bloody stupid thing to say – And whilst I personally have nothing but mistrust and dislike for Islam and would be quite happy to wave goodbye to most of them and their enriching ways – using that particular term has implications that link directly to the Holocaust and I certainly think that anyone with half a brain would find that completely unacceptable.
2, She of all people should have realised that every-time she even farts there is some SJW worthy listening to pick and pull pieces of her apart to prove that she is (and us also by association ) are all waycists. Fortunately as the Brexit vote proved after the murder of St Jo. Most people in this country are sick and tired of these left wing guilt trips so I reckon that most of the lefty brickbats on this issue will bounce off .
I am sure the BBC will try and pick this one up and run with it. But I suspect that as ever they will overplay their hand. And most people will realise just because one broadcaster has made one stupid remark it does not de-value the majority of what Katy has been saying over the last few years. As at the end of the day we all now have the evidence of our own eyes and ears.
Its a shame because I really like Katy and think that on the whole she talks good sense – However she appears to have made a huge balls up this time and as any future mainstream media coverage is concerned will probably now become an “untouchable”
They are playing a dangerous game. Firstly Kelvin McKenzie, now Katie Hopkins. Both on the flimsiest of pretexts-and both dismissed by nominally-independent media that are not the usual liberal BBC scum.
It`s not as if Katie or Kelvin, let alone Tommy or Geert are going anywhere-we know who and where they are, and no amount of smotherings from the liberal soft Tory quislings will shut down their righteous indignation. Even when crass or stupid.
Because we`re SICK of the consensual mush and the platitudes.
The code of the liberal scum says nothing to us, we`ll still seek out Katie-and the way that things are going, we`ll be getting far worse than these democrats.
It was an orchestrated campaign, led by Owen Jones amonst others, who refused to appear on LBC and asked others to do the same, whilst KH remained on LBC’s books.
Since when has anyone from the left given a thought or consideration to the feelings of Jewish people and by extension, Israel.
Faux outrage and a stick to beat KH with, silly girl!
Bloody hypocrites the lot of them
It was an orchestrated campaign, led by Owen Jones amonst others, who refused to appear on LBC and asked others to do the same, whilst KH remained on LBC’s books.
Since when has anyone from the left given a thought or consideration to the feelings of Jewish people and by extension, Israel.
Faux outrage and a stick to beat KH with, silly girl!
Bloody hypocrites the lot of them
Don’t you think the fact that her employer is Jewish Ashley Tabor played any part ii this then?
On the contrary,when you don’t say what you want to say you have given in.
The most Katy is ‘guilty’ of is a bit of mild tautology, if I wanted to ‘fix’ something I would hope that it stayed fixed. A solution that isn’t ‘final’ isn’t a solution as it means you still have to find the ‘fix’.
These pathetic attempts at controlling speech and ultimately thought are just straws on the proverbial camel’s back.
For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it has no stalk; the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up.
She just says it like it is, no bullshit, just facts.
She’ll be back. O’brien is such a lefty tosser, he’s been found out months ago. All he does is moan on and can’t really hold a conversation together, he’s a crap ‘commentator’ even though he thinks he can.
Not a very good presenter, but there again, if a lefty gets hold of a studio mike, what’s to stop them rabbiting on and thinking they’re important!
@Oaknash Don’t be daft do you think the BBC is going to give you the full context of the tweet ?
Every time there’s an Islamic terrorist attack you can’t just keep sending Philip Schofield to light candles and “sing we are united” each time..
Rather we need a LASTING solution to stop these attacks coming up.
You’d have to be pretty twisted to think she meant “genocide of Muslims” by “final solution”
Instead of just a “proper solution” like facing up to the problem of dogmatic Islamic texts calling for violence.
And then it was corrected within the hour to “True solution” 7:24am, 8:22am
Looks to me both or one of the parties wanted an easy way out of the contract
(LBC/Global is headed by ex head of the Labour Party)
KTHopkins tweeted 1:04pm
“Super exciting announcement next week. Will keep you posted”
“I am the Jesus of the Outspoken.
I may be crucified for my sins (see sex in field).
But I will rise again.”
A show on Talkradio ,no doubt. Are the Kippers on here going to be voting for Mary Creagh , in that constituency , as Kipper High Command has directed ? She is a Remoaner , the Conservative is a Brexiter ! Camra NEC , are going to fuck Ukip, for suggesting , more pubs need to close , & we need to go back to pre 1988 licencing hours ! Think Mr Wetherspoon , will put the final nail in the Kipper coffin , as he is a Brexiter too . They have lost it now !
More bBBC local news. ‘Depraved’ men guilty of teen gang rape in Ramsgate
Rafiullah Hamidy, 24, of High Street, Herne Bay; Shershah Muslimyar, 20, of Hovenden Close, Canterbury; Tamin Rahmani, 37, of Northwood Road, Ramsgate; and Hamid Mohamadi, 18, formerly of Boughton Aluph, Ashford, raped the girl. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-40062428
I am amazed that after the avalanche of recent court cases involving RoPERS which displayed their malevolent sexual proclivities, how ANY young British women or girls would do anything other than get away from them as quickly as possible in such a situation.
This is another distressing example of an indigenous female learning, in the harshest possible way, of the consequences of interacting with Muslim men.
I was staggered by this Sir ASG. Having family connections with Rotherham it was bad enough to learn of the depravity there, but discovering it happening at the other end of the country in my home town of Ramsgate was unbelievable. It does tend to make one feel murderous and no mistake.
MSM are desperate to keep the lid on to save muslims from being attacked by the population . It’s a shame they won’t admit what they are doing. Easy example s daily politics today – took 12 minutes for the word islam or Muslim to be mentioned. These are non words now example 2 – itv news to night . 23 Coptic christians slaughtered – but only mentioned ” by extremists”. This filtration is a disgrace to Blighty. The likes of Orwell who saw it from the soviets would readily recognise what’s going on
Channel 5 news also informs us that masked MILITANTS have held up a bus, in Egypt, carrying Coptic Christian men women and children and machinegunned them to death. Religion of peace strikes again. Who was it who recently said you cannot solve a problem if you refuse to identify it?
Ironically, it was a Labour politician (Lord West) who had to give the BBC (and its pal Corbyn) a history lesson on WATO today, by pointing out that Islamic terrorism began before Bliar’s forays into overseas wars.
What has been chilling today have been the BBC’s vox pops with members of the public bleating the Labour party/BBC line about British involvement in ‘overseas wars’ with an almost complete lack of understanding of cause and effect.
Note the Newsbeat Story focuses on a girl who is westernised and who clearly is only taking a cultural attachment to Islam. A good Muslim would have to take the veil – but of course we don’t get any of that from the BBC.
It should also be noted that Ramadan and Islam is taught in schools as part of an on-going “multicultural awareness programme”. There is a cultural divide between under 40s and over 40s and it is simply down to what people are taught in schools and what they are bombarded with by the liberal media. It is the under 40s that might result in a Corbyn led Labour government and would be accepting of Islamised regions of England and Wales.
And just when you think that the media can`t get any lower? Watched the last few minutes of ITV news, where some school choir were doing an Ariane Grande song-with money going to the victims.
22 pink balloons fly by.
And a montage of the grief images to win awards as compiled over this fine week for the armchair emotoer, the lazy media grievers, Utterly despicable-the dead not even buried, let alone given their due…just a backdrop for shallow emoters, self absorbed selfie junkies and mawkish voyeurs and paps. Islam must be rejoicing at the end of any backbone or any brain, let alone a fist or some guts, Just tattooes, graffiti artists and some more publishing moolah for Ariane Grande.
My view is that all the UK broadcast media are just as bad.
@AFNeil apart, the so -called bbc is dead from the neck up. I’m not afraid here to admit I have been thinking wrongly about one bloke on itv. I’ve spent years detesting Piers Morgan ever since his letting the share tipsters take the rap for insider dealing when he profited from the viglen share episode. Subsequently, he fucked off to the states and pushed against their gun laws. All misguided.
Oh….and of course he dodged the phone tapping rap too.
When I heard Susanna Reid was on the itv brekkie sofa, with him, I thought oh for fuck sake how much worse could it be.
However, he is a real pioneer, he is saying stuff you’ll never hear on aljabeeba, never. Guests dont get to sit there virtue signalling unchallenged. And whats more his attitude is spreading amongst the team there….a real pioneer.
Small beginnings maybe, but things ARE moving.
Only one man alone is currently employed by the British hating Islamic Al Beeb, that isnt a spineless, death cult appeasing, British hating, man hating, straight hating, white hating traitor (say it as it is people…fuck em)…Andrew Neil.
Andrew Neil interviews Commie ‘Terrorists comfort woman’ Corbyn is on Islamic Al Beeb one, and Brillo destroys the deadly lies and deceit that has been peddled and propagated for the last few decades by the rest of the Islam loving Dhimmis currently part of the terrorist organization ‘the so-called BBC’ and its go to Jihadi militants they use to help spread these lies.
You have to watch this interview. Magnificent Andrew Neil. God bless you for being brave enough to go against your traitorous bastards than control that vile organization you work for.
However BBC news is downplaying the interview. It was way down the sequence of reports and fleetingly covered. His failure to answer key questions on Trident, NATO,borrowing and lack of support from his own MPs got no mention. Corbyn’s earlier speech was reported as ‘ Corbyn wants to step up expenditure on security’. Hardly the essence of his speech, blaming Britain’s foreign policy for Islamic terrorism.
A little off-topic I know, but one thing just occurred to me: We have been waiting for 50 years for a Manchester child killer to finally die. But as soon as he does so we get another one within a week.
On the left side of the balance you have genuine psychos like Brady and his mates but even when you add in Sutcliffe the balance of harm tips to the the right side where the Pakistani grooming gangs and Islamic terrorist boys.
This is very good, three of my favourites in discussion about the Manchester Muslim terrorist attack: Nigel Farage; Tucker Carlson and Mark Steyn – it’s just a shame it isn’t them for sixty minutes instead of just eight.
Unfortunately Nigel is chameleon-like here. This is for foreign comsumption. He will go onto LBC, not back Katie Hopkins and play the bluff bar room cove and fail to learn the REAL lessons of Manchester. He doesn`t know Islam well enough and tows the cultural relativist line.
He needs to listen to Tommy Robinson, and learn some big lessons from the mighty Seb Gorka who (to be fair) he`s just mentioned.
Mark Steyn needs a passport for this country-and where is Ted Malloch?
Mark sounds very angry and that is good. He chooses his words carefully as he always does and his charges could not be more serious in what we call a free society. That our elite is deliberately lying to us in order to keep us quiet and is quite prepared to sacrifice some of us rather than confront reality and actually tell the truth about the crisis facing the West.
In the end he calls them out as Stalinist and totalitarian which is exactly right.
i watched the news on all channels tonight and found it strange. Almost as if there is a script that is being followed. That at all costs the story must be positive. Police and soldiers in control. Normal life resumed and the outpourings of emotion carefully choreographed to be so positive.
I do not wish to cause distress to anyone involved but where is the anger? Real anger I mean that I am sure many will feel .
All of us are now at risk both from killers and our own elites. This blog is off script and so a danger to the PTB.
The killers are merciless. We need to think of our own survival now. Of our children and grandchildren.
For all of us can do simple things. Stay always alert. Avoid cities if you can and public places. If at an event make sure you know how to get out fast and make sure those you are responsible for know the same and arrange a safer rendezvous. Ignore those who decry this and remember that anything that gives you a slight edge is better than the alternative.
After this week our lives are not going to be the same again. We must grasp this and act accordingly.
It looks as if our elites are not prepared to face reality . We must and will for the sake of our children.
Finally ignore the BBC and it’s fellow travellers. There is no reason now to listen to it.
The crazy thing is that after a week like the one which we’ve just endured in our country, that all the curry houses; kebab s**tholes; “pizza” places; taxis etc etc will all be still being fully supported by the sheeple.
British people need to STOP supporting Muslim businesses. Don’t give them your money.
Mark Steyn has several times asked the question, which is valid and essential for any project or plan, ‘What is the end point? Where do we want to be?’. That is something that none of our media ask or our politicians answer.
Our politicians have created the Islam/Muslim problem. It was a ‘foreign’ problem in the past but they have imported it into our homelands and seek to ‘normalise’ this alien culture here – they are almost happy to announce a terrorist as ‘home grown’. The IRA were cousins but Irish, this new lot are ‘British’ so get used to it, terrorism is a new ‘British value’.
Either they see everday terrorism as the end point, ‘the price for living in the UK’ or they think that any new Muslim immigrant wil instantly adopt ‘Moderate Islam’, a sort of Mosque of England, weddings and funerals variety, rather than the hard core ‘catholic’ half-a-dozen masses per week equivalent, Mosque of Mecca version that they had at home.
But it won’t happen. A first-generation immigrant might just go for Islam-lite but the chances are great that the children will see the parents as betraying the faith and will go ‘hard-core’, the hijab etc. being worn as a badge of that defiance. We have seen that behaviour elsewhere, the most republican of ‘Irish’ lived in Boston, USA, often even of protestant stock!
So thanks to our idiot politicians we now have more active Muslim terrorists on the UK mainland than we ever had Irish. The support base is probably ten times the size and growing. It is far less integrated than the Irish community in the UK was and it has the advantage of the use of languages that the natives don’t understand. An Irish club would never get away with posting ‘Kill The British’ above its doors – who knows what adorns the streets of Birmingham, Bradford or Bolton?
Never mind. Keep our heads in the sand while our politicians continue to work to bury us up to our backsides and beyond. And don’t forget, while the Irish terrorist valued his life Nick Clegg’s ‘New Britons’ see a martyr’s death as a fast-track to eternal paradise.
Liar May, D Davis, Murdoch rags all confect political capital out of the Manchester mass murders
to smear J Corbyn … what s new
First day back on this needless election after a terror atrocity eh … classy
BBC gives front page headline to a little girls twitter comment really ? . I wonder who manufactured this
BBC hides away the headline of a man on question time producing evidence that the mosque the attacker worshipped at was handing out hate speech to visitors saying are values have no place in the west any more The BBC is pushing its own narrative yet again . Lets remind are accuse the UK of war crimes and justify the murder of are children . Its a clear swipe at any government measure to tackle extreme Islam and enable terrorism .
Friday night on Newsnight is always their low point of a serially low week.
Reckon they just leave a steaming pile in the atrium before heading off to their boyfriends in the Cotswolds, their drug stashes in Acton.
What other reason would there be for their fifteen minutes of fake news and confections re the demise of Trump-Russians, Nixon, impeaching, McCain…how many times has THIS package run now then?
Desperate crap, no evidence much as was the case on January 21st. Fake, flake no contrived news-yet here it is again like a curled up shit sandwich on a sushi carousel. Gives Emily trime to ring home I expect.
Only hope that Triump uses this “leak” from the New York Times to REALLY finish off thie drippy leaky 24/7 war of attrition against Trump.
Be great to see the rag closed down for breaching state secrets and their hacks in handcuffs alongside BBC fellow-travellers. Only hope he`s got the venom and scorn to get them back-and it`d be hard for the BBC scum to say he`s not wrong to get the scum.
Come on Donald-let`s see some blood please.
Patience please, its coming, and its big. Indeed, as I was informed last week, and was reported in the Daily Mail. Internet hacker Kim Dotcom said he was involved in releasing the Democratic National Committee’s emails to Wikileaks, along with murdered staffer Seth Rich. And if Congress includes the Seth Rich case into their Russia probe, he will give written testimony with evidence that Seth Rich was the Wikileaks source. Wikileaks have denied that the Russians provided the emails.
On Sunday, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said “We have this very strange story here of this young man who worked for the DNC who was apparently assassinated at four in the morning having given Wikileaks something like 23,000, I’m sorry, 53,000 emails and 17,000 attachments,’ ‘Nobody’s investigating that, and what does that tell you about what was going on, because it turns out it wasn’t the Russians, it was this young guy who, I suspect, who was disgusted by the corruption of the Democratic National Committee, He’s been killed, and apparently nothing serious has been done to investigate his murder. So, I’d like to see how [former FBI director Robert] Mueller is going to define what his assignment is?”
There is also evidence that high ranking current and former Democratic Party officials are in a panic over legal action against a private detective Rod Wheeler who was initially employed by the Rich family. It looks like the Rich family have now been given free legal help by the Clinton goons who fear that the Rich family will now realise they are being used as useful idiots by the Clinton’s and the Democratic Party. The good news is that this is causing the goons to back off from pushing for Impeachment of Trump, presumably because Trump can now blackmail the swamp.
Also I found out that BBC types have inferior intellectual abilities due to physical and mental weakness, and the use of marijuana. As well as findings that they may not have a colonial guilt complex, but a combination of marijuana, plus the addition of a dysfunctional upbringing were a parent liked a Man or Women, more than their Mother or Father. The marijuana and the dysfunctional upbringing combining to make them white middle-class masochists and social sadists with very poor judgment of what is reality, and what is not reality.
Also, it seems the BBC is making OFCOM angry by holding back evidence of a massive increase in complaints.
I hope you’re right about the Trump stuff, not hearing any of that over here. He needs to pull a rabbit out of the hat to shut the f ers up, especially as Hilliary has reared her made up face again.
Don’t understand your paragraph about marijuana tho.
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A new weekend. Will it be any different from the last one – not on the bBBC
Maybe someone could ask a politician if the cost of the security services monitoring 3,500 muslim suspects is money better spent than on the NHS ?
Except that it’s now known to be 23,000 muslim suspects not 3,500…
We all know that the government will do nothing following the Manchester attack. Yet in 1987, after Hungerford, they banned self-loading rifles. In 1996, after Dunblane, they banned pistols. In each case, these were the actions of one deranged man. The thousands of other people who legally owned these guns were law abiding and sane. They did not support them in any way, yet they were scapegoated and had their property taken.
Contrast this to islam, where we know the holy book commands violence against the kuffar, and where we know that large percentages agree with sharia law. It is a violent cult within our midst, and yet it remains inviolate.
My modest proposal is that islam poses far greater threats to us than peaceful gun owners do, yet the former are fawned on by government, and the latter are treated like the enemy within. It is time for the restrictions put on gun owners to be applied to muslims.
Thus, each mosque will have to register with and be approved by the Home Office. It must have a board of management who are registered with the local police, and who are responsible for the safe running of the mosque. They must be people of good character, with no criminal record. All members of the mosque must be registered, and a record must be kept of their mosque attendence, which must be sent to the police. All preachers must be registered and security vetted. Anyone who fails is not allowed to preach.
The practise of islam will only be allowed in these registered and controlled mosques. No private or unofficial mosques are allowed. No unlicensed preaching is allowed. The mosques must be open at all times to police inspection. And an overriding condition for Home Office approval for a mosque must be the acceptance that in Britain, British law is supreme, and no other types of law are allowed. This means sharia.
These conditions may sound strict, but they are no worse than those applied to rifle clubs, which in my experience are attended by the most peaceful and law abiding people you could ever hope to meet. The danger islam poses to this country is immense, and yet no comparative steps are planned.
Left to myself, I would ban the cult of islam and deport anyone who wished to practise it. However, I realise that this is not yet practical politics. My modest proposals would serve to control islam and prevent its unofficial and unlicensed spread. In the face of a national emergency, they are the very least any responsible government would put forward.
I read that the Conservative lead in the polls has fallen from 24% to 5%. Theresa May might consider that if she actually showed leadership and resolve at a time of national danger, people might decide she was worth voting for.
These conditions may sound strict – too liberal imo.
Well, I wanted these ideas to be modest and workable. Following the deranged actions of one man, this sort of regime was imposed on every rifle club in Britain. It is irksome and unfair, when no-one else in any club agrees with the actions of the mad man, but we were constantly told to put up with it because it might “save even one life”.
If that is the case, the proven threat to life posed by uncontrolled islam demands a similar system of control. It would not amount to a ban, but a recognition that this cult harbours and produces dangerous and murderous people, in a way that no peaceful rifle club has ever done. The peaceful people are placed under onerous restrictions, whereas the cult which has brought terror and death to our country, not once but many times, continues without restriction, and indeed with the government fawning over it and calling it a “religion of peace”.
My proposals are the very minimum required which might get to grip with this problem. The fact that the government could impose them happily on law abiding and decent British people, but would not conceive of doing the same to a foreign death cult, proves that they will never have the moral courage to tackle this problem and defend us. We expect our government to protect us, and they are too cowardly to do so. Epic fail Mrs May. Epic fail.
Sound ideas there.
The population has been deprived of the right to defend itself by the almost total ban on legal firearms. We now have to rely on the goodwill and capability of the police and security services, which we can increasingly see are not up to the job.
Rob IC , I see the latest poll has the Green Party at 1%. That’s strange. You’d think open borders would be a huge vote winner.
Anyway I think the Greens’ collapsing vote is pushing up Corbyn’s mob in the polls. It can’t go much further.
Some, outside of the M25, can still own rifles/shotguns for deer and vermin control. 6.00mm win & 7.62mm nato are still about
The real threat is not Jihad terrorism but the existential threat of Muslim population becoming a majority in 50 years or less.
When that happens, there will be no moderate Muslims – all of them will vote for full Sharia. Moderate Muslims exist only as long as Muslims are a minority to beguile the clueless Westerner.
We dont ever seem to learn the lesson. One does not have to go back in history too far. The West destabilised Egypt, fostering “Arab Spring” and “democracy”. The predictable result was the Muslim Brotherhood, and fast track destruction of churches and Christians in Egypt. Ditto Syria and Libya.
Egypt was headed the way of Sudan till the army threw the elected Muslim Brotherhood out of office. The army showed no mercy- shoot to kill, and arrest to execute, despite pleas for restraint from the West, and the international HQ of the MB in London. The last, as usual put out women as their spokespersons, as a front to show that they do not subjugate women (Keep this in mind when you see Muslim women spokespersons for Islam).
Egypt is now quiet, and settling down. Egyptian leaders, just as Syrian and Iraqi leaders know “something” about their Muslim populations, which we don’t. I wonder what that is. And it is because we don’t know what that is, is why I fear that when Muslims are a majority, we will not know what to do. It will be the end. And that is why we have to reverse Muslim immigration. The re-tasking of NATO is good.
Its so sad it has come to this. Attending concerts or festivals, traveling by air, or even walking in London, Paris or any major city in the West, has become a dangerous activity.
Islam is destroying the very heart of Western culture and civilisation. And they are not even a majority yet.
You are quite right. In a democracy, if you get a majority of muslims, you get an islamic state. This is why the Egyptian Army had to step in and take over. General al Sisi is a hero to me, a patriot who will not allow islamic nonsense to destroy Egypt. Sadly, the Turkish Army was not up to the job, with the result that Turkey is on the fast track to islamic government.
In this country, given first past the post, and a turnout of about 75% at best, the government is often only elected by about 25% of the people. So if muslims ever get to 25% of the population, and vote as a bloc, they will rule. And unless the Army saves us, that will be the last election we ever have.
It might come sooner than we think.
RiC, “So if muslims ever get to 25% of the population, atnd vote as a bloc, they will rule. And unless the Army saves us, that will be the last election we ever have.”
You make an important point.
Strictly speaking, I think voting as a human activity is Haram under the Qu’oran. However, it is mandated in democratic elections that are not ruled by an Islamic Government, ie. in the UK, for example, for Muslims to vote for the candidate and their Party that is doing the least harm in the eyes of Allah. (Information courtesy of a web-site for 21st Century Islam.) Or to put it another way, to vote for the candidate mostly likely to please Allah.
So, you can see how prior to an Election, a Muslim voter might be open to ‘guidance’ from the Imam in a particular constituency as to who to vote for and be given a ‘dispensation’ to do so.
No doubt, candidates in many parts of the country will be aware of that and it may affect their public utterances. Andy Burnham was so definite the other day about Salman Abedi not being a Muslim that it sounded like a Fatwah to me.
A military coup is the only option. Sooner rather than later.
I have been reading your various posts today and agree with everything that you have said. The future does indeed look bleak but no one in power has the courage to do anything about it , even supposing they can see , understand and accept what is right in front of their nose. Your sensible suggestions are far too bold for them to contemplate. The same goes for most other countries, only the east Europeans are willing to take a stand and they are being castigated for it.
A few days ago someone posted a video of NIgel Farage taking on the MSM and a particularly offensive German TV big wig said that populists were using fear of Islamisation of Europe to whip up support but that there was no possibility of Europe becoming Islamic , it was all a lie. Where on earth do these people live? Certainly not in the UK or France or Sweden or Holland or Belgium , where the process of Islamification is well underway. The Germans of course for some baffling reason have chosen to throw themselves on the same funeral pyre.
Manchester was shocking but not a surprise. But those who have their Teddy bears and candles out and who are hash tagging like crazy should reflect that not only will thre be r many more equally awful attacks but also that within a generation or two there won’t be any pop concerts at all , because Islam isn’t keen on them. Everyone’s life is already changing because of our growing Muslim population, slowly but surely the changes will become more and more at odds with our way of life and when it is too late the people will wake up and say , ‘ this is horrible, who let happen to us’, the answer of course is , all of our leaders from Major onwards let it happen and the likes of Blair promoted it. Of course , we ultimately get the leaders we vote for. Corbyn will accelerate the process enormously.
Thanks for your support.
I am worried that the bomber in Manchester was not the actual bomb maker. If he is still at large, then more bombs are a real possibility. This weekend in Manchester we are having the annual city games, right in the centre of town. They are going ahead because we “must not let the terrorists win”. I imagine security will be intense, but the crowds of people must be an obvious target.
We have been brought to this dire situation by the decisions of our governments. All we ask from them is that they act to undo some of the damage they have done, but that is apparently beyond them. As Mark Steyn says, “where is the happy ending in all this?” I can’t see one.
Interesting you mention Farage and the journalist from Deutsche Welle, as yesterday I was watching a ZDF hatchet job on populism called “Wo die Populisten regieren”. The evils of populism are an absolute obsession with the German BBCs. They see Trump as the main threat to their utopian EU fantasies. Le Pen is, of course, in league with the devil and they are ecstatic about the Macron victory. Particular venom was reserved for Orban. The Germans are seething because Orban takes all the EU cash he can and uses it to finance his own pet “populist” projects which piss on EU values. He used EU cash to rewrite Hungarian school books. The EU is depicted as a German sow with other less independently minded EU states shown as piglets suckling on its teats. The Hungarian piglet stands alone and proud. Strangely, there was nothing about Brexit, although I did miss the first part of the programme.
“if you get a majority of muslims, you get an islamic state”
45 Likes, but it’s still Tosh
Both Malaysia and Indonesia are majority Muslim and NOT Islamic states ,
tho in each one of the smaller substates Kelantan, Aceh are more like Islamic states and practice strong sharia.
More than half the developing world Muslims would probably jump at the chance if there was a way of escaping Islam and living as a non Muslim free to drink beer and stop praying etc, but in their own country they play along if they have to.
Maybe 30% do believe, but still aren’t real by the book Muslims. And a smaller percentage are more fundamentalist.
You have to give the ethnic Muslims living in the west a chance to live normally and push them in with the fundamentalists.
I’m talking about girls that don’t want to wear headscarves etc, but aren’t free to say so.
“if you get a majority of muslims, you get an islamic state”
45 Likes, but it’s still Tosh
You can take the risk if you want to, I would rather not.
Not that we have been asked.
Yeah, doubt exists…just what would we get…..
Then you have to ask yourself the question:
Just why did we begin this game of Russian roulette?
A further point: the muslims we have here are not in any great number from Malaysia or Indonesia. They are mostly from Pakistan/Bangladesh and the Middle East/North Africa. So if we ever get to a muslim critical mass of the population, say 30%, the islam we will be getting is the sort which prevails in those areas. In other words, sharia law, death for blasphemy and dhimmitude for the infidels.
There may be places where a more civilized form of islam exists, but we won’t be getting it.
““if you get a majority of muslims, you get an islamic state”
45 Likes, but it’s still Tosh
Both Malaysia and Indonesia are majority Muslim and NOT Islamic states ,”
You’re assuming that what works for Malaysia and Indonesia would work for Europe. That’s a big assumption.
If our current capacity for appeasement is anything to go by, we would become an Islamic state for all practical purposes (but perhaps not officially) long before Muslims became a sizeable majority.
As Rob in Cheshire says, I’d rather not risk it.
I didn’t ask for it and I totally reject it. It simply doesn’t belong here. We need less primitive superstition, not more, IMO.
I regard Islamic terrorism as a red herring, devised to distract the real threat – the massive demographic growth rate of Muslims by immigration, family unification and a high birth rate.
When Islam is dominant, as it surely will be unless something dramatic or a miracle happens, Christians and non-Muslims will get the same treatment that Christians in the once Christian ME face on a regular basis – regular pogroms, rapes, kidnap of young girls, church burning, ministers decapitated etc. I see no reason why it will be different in the West. The French have a foretaste already -which I predicted to my friends on France more then two decades ago – to their disbelief. Not so anymore.
The opportunity, freedom and availability to attend cultural and artistic festivals is a key of civilisation. Without which civilisation stops. By putting fear in the hearts of people to attend concerts and festivals, Islam is destroying Western civiliastion, even when Muslims are no where near a majority.
Islam is a destroyer of civilisations. Moderate or radical is no matter, as moderates too believe in the Koran.
Islam is a destroyer of civilisations, radical or moderate Islam makes no difference.
NCBBC, I think the current real threat is our own government.
The 3 main parties all will do nothing about the Muslim problem.
UKIP is too disorganised although the manifesto is a start and Suzanne Evans did a good job on yesterday’s daily politics.
If a government really wanted to do something about them lot, they could.
The truth is, they are happy as things are and ordinary people being vaporised is a price worth paying.
Then they can say ‘their thoughts and prayers are with…..’ and the other usual worn out slogans they keep repeating after each atrocity. And all the ones coming down the line.
Muslims are only doing what muslims do, they don’t know any better. They are sub intelligent and very backward. Easily brainwashed.
Our politicians know what they are doing. That’s worse than young simple muslings letting themselves off after being sold a fairy tale.
I managed about 10 minutes of qt.
Emmanuel Goldstein – How apt that I should write to you, Emmanuel Goldstein on
The Great Multicultural World War
Post WWII, nationalism got a bad name, and as a consequence, multiculturalism gained momentum. It was argued, that a multicultural nation could never be united, and thus pose a threat to its neighbours, as Germany did. So far so good. Yugoslavia in the fifties, was considered a paragon of nations, with Christians, Orthodox and Catholic, Protestants, and Muslims, got along in harmony and peace. But the reality was different. Step away from the propaganda, a deadly brew was seething and boiling within in rivalry and hatred..
It all came to an end in the First Multicultural War, as Yugoslavia exploded into its constituent religious and racial parts – mainly religious.
In the last few years, wife and I have avoided Italy, France and Germany, as seeing hijabs in the thousands every day, and what it presaged, was too distressing. So we have been visiting Eastern Europe, particularly the Christian parts of the the former Yugoslavia.
What struck us was the peace and harmony of these states. They are of one religion, either Orthodox or Catholic. Talking with them on the issues, specially after their very strong moonshine liquor we were invited to, was educational. Many of the ones we spoke to, were not church going, but insisted that they were Catholic. It was clear that they were asserting that the underlying and undergirding culture of their nation was Christian, and Western. For politicians, media and pollsters, the public was asserting that there was no room for any other cultural tradition. It was a warning. No more multicultism.
The nations were happy and peaceful. Even as foreigners, unable to speak or understand the language, we felt safe, no matter the area or the time.
Now consider Western Europe, particularly England. We discarded our Christian heritage as some kind of old garment to be chucked into the recycle can, and then adopted the new religion of Multiculturalism with gusto. Islam stepped into this space. Never in history of Islamic conquests, has a nation discarded its spiritual past, allowing Islam to enter without a fight. In fact, such is our stupidity, we welcomed Islam. And Islam behaved in the manner a victorious conqueror does – raping native girls by the tens of thousands, which the defeated nation then tried to hide for decades.
What do we do now? First, watch “Civilisation” by Kenneth Clarke – Four DVD set for just £12.
Kenneth Clark correctly identifies the source of our civilisation, no matter what we get from our Greco-Roman past. That “past” would be past, were it not for a small band of Christian monks, who resurrected them, and then built Western civilisation. The great Gothic cathedrals of France and England, and even Germany, and the music, art, scientific and engineering theory, and the political and philosophic discourse that followed, are testimony to that leap of civilisation, that has no equal. It was as Kenneth Clark states” a close run thing”. Civilisation is always a close run thing, for the ways to barbarism are many.
We need to assert our Christian culture with vigour, in the face of BBC love of Islam and hatred of Christianity – it does not matter if one is a practising Christian, just as it is in the former Yugoslavia, or Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, and Slovakia. Let politicians know that appeasing Islam will hurt them. Note the way Labour is appealing to the Muslim vote – Burman with his ploy that the bomber was not a Muslim, and Corbyn laying the blame on our interventions in the ME.
Your 50 year thing is very optimistic . If you do the “most popular boys name ” once upon a time it was “john” now it’s “mo” sorry ” Mohammed ” . Do you need any more of a warning than that ? Religion of Peace – remember .
I know 50 is too optimistic. But if I wrote 30, as is most likely the time for Muslims to form a majority in parliament, then it would lead to a defeatist spirit.
I have been writing similar posts since 9/11, on LGF first, then on Dhimmi and Jihad Watch, under my old net name.
Our English Bill of Rights gives us the right to bear arms. Unfortunately, it is qualified by the words ” within the law”, which is possibly how traitor Beliar was able to confiscate them. But I am surprised no one has challenged the government’s right to take our weapons off us, by citing our Bill of Rights.
Unfortunately, the British legal system isn’t as confined by the constitution as is, say, its US equivalent – and even in the USA it seems there is more or less infinite room to wriggle.
The right to bear arms is a good case in point but it isn’t the only one and stuffing of our judiciary with Left wing lawyers has meant an ever greater disregard for laws made in Parliament. Another thing to thank the traitor Blair for.
The actions of Blair were indeed unconstitutional. The Bill of Rights is the bedrock of our constitution, and cannot be repealed because it is the basis of the 1689 constitutional settlement.
So Blair ignored it. And what happened? Nothing. Would any judge have had the backbone to find against him? I doubt it. And so the long march to tyranny continues. Once we had freedom of speech, now we have controls on “hate speech”, which only ever apply to people like Katie Hopkins, who has been terminated by LBC for daring to have a controversial opinion.
We live in a left wing tyranny, and one day soon, we may live in a sharia one.
And the event that conveniently precipitated the removal of said weapons, the Dunblane massacre, had a 100 year D notice slapped on it by that same Blair, lifted I think in 2005 at the request of the families. Anyone would think he had something to hide!
Only part lifted Toobi. The sections covering Firearm Certificate vetting, renewal, security, criminal and medical records along with relationships with senior police officers and, possible, Masonic connections are still embargoed.
I remember a tale circulating at the time, B that a second person had been spotted at the school, someone who was never called to the inquest. Hamilton was also supposed to have put two bullets into his head, which were dug out of the wall, six inches above the skirting board. Another name mentioned was a local labour MP who went onto head NATO. All perfectly explainable but the fact that Blair and labour were involved and the excessive D notice, I wouldn’t believe Blair if he told me Monday followed Sunday.
Think it was the Conservatives who ‘took the guns away€’ but that doesn’t matter. Major & Blair a year ago appeared to be easy bedfellows and, not only that, were prepared – effectively – to encourage terrorists to start up their activities in the event of a Leave vote in the EU Ref. To my mind, that fell foul of the UK’s anti-terror laws. Perhaps I should have made a complaint to the Chief Constable of Northern Ireland?
Both should be on trial for that, if nothing else.
You are right. The rifle ban came under Mrs Thatcher. John Major banned full bore pistols, and then Blair made shameless political capital out of the tragedy, and banned .22 pistols as well. He had a woman from the Snowdrop anti-gun campaign address the Labour conference. It was gut wrenching and sickening, but he was more than happy to make thousands of law abiding people pay for the actions of one deranged man. When it comes to islam, clearly the same rules do not apply.
When someone who is a muslim kills in the name of islam, it is never anything to do with islam.
Good analogy RIC.
And doubtless seeing as you`re so close to things in Manchester , in some capactity or other( I myself am a Manc as well) well worthy of some thought.
The Koran as a gun-well, why not in some way. But being a Christian I reckon it may well be ona par with our regulation of atomic power or chemical weapons. Alan Partridge Himself( PBUH) said that “God Is A Gas”. Which puts him pretty much as good as the Bishop Of Manchester or Noel-Wesley-Gallagher and his fucking hymns!
Islam as fireworks with chemical weapon potential…going nuclear?…got my whole sermon here haven`t I?
Any reasonable person can see that islam is dangerous, and needs to be controlled. It is far more dangerous than a .22 rifle, but no-one seems to think that the rifle should not be subject to controls.
In reality, islam is far more dangerous than any gun. islam has destroyed societies for centuries without guns. It is destroying ours from within. The fact that even modest levels of control are not being discussed by our political class proves to me that they are all cowards who will lead us to disaster.
I don’t go to Manchester much these days. I used to go regularly, but now I find Piccadilly Gardens to be a disgrace, and most of the modern buildings being thrown up are banal. Moving the Cenotaph in St Peter’s Square just to accomodate a new tram stop made my blood boil. Gary Neville’s proposals for two huge towers to dominate Albert Square and the Town Hall are just the last straw. The City Council clearly does not care about Manchester, so why should I?
Rob wrote: The practise of islam will only be allowed in these registered and controlled mosques. No private or unofficial mosques are allowed. No unlicensed preaching is allowed. The mosques must be open at all times to police inspection. And an overriding condition for Home Office approval for a mosque must be the acceptance that in Britain, British law is supreme, and no other types of law are allowed. This means sharia.
Unfortunately, the problem of an ever growing Muslim population remains, and politicians will always run to appease it. Why? Because elections are won or lost in the marginals.
We have no hope now of restoring our peace without war. This will be the second Multicultural war, after the first Yugoslav one. The former Christian states of Yugoslavia are now at peace within. But they left it too late, and the consequence was partition, with Islam getting a foothold in Europe. If we leave it too long, Muslim population will be so large, that England will be partitioned too. So too France. It has been this way – Greece was partitioned, India too, both with great slaughter.
After 9/11 and much thought, Pres Bush, and PM Blair followed, set the West on a path of war with Muslim nations, invading and destabilising one Muslim state after another, even friendly states like Egypt, knowing full well that Western Muslims will retaliate at home. Acceptable collateral damage in war, they would argue. In the fullness of time, such a war will polarise populations – non-Muslims vs Muslims.
So far the war has been undeclared, but Pres Trump is on the way to re-task NATO. That will be a full declaration. Then follows the natural path of war – separation of populations in war with each other.
I have believed this to be the strategy. Pres Bush declared in an unguarded moment, that the strategic policy accepted by NATO, was a “crusade” lasting 50 years or so. He quickly walked back the “crusade” bit, but not the rest. I believe this is the path we are on. If we win, its quite likely, that in historic hindsight, Pres Bush and PM Blair will be vindicated .
If we win this war, then it will also mean defeat of Islam in war. Islam is a religion of war and conquest. A catastrophic defeat in war, and its confinement to Islamic regions, will mean that Allah’s promise of victory, and continued expansion into Kaffir lands, will have been wrong. Only such a catastrophic defeat will see the end of Islam. In war.
Watch the show. This is a Fifty year War of Religions, or the Second Multicultural war, or The Final Crusade.
In passing.
The modern West has never shied away from a direct challenge to its supremacy in arms- particularly an act of war. 9/11 was a direct challenge to this supremacy.
The question that remains is whether we can win without sacrificing one of our central tenets – tolerance of the intolerant. So far we are trying not to. I hope we can.
In a few years the UK will be part of the caliphate.
But it’s not all bad: wimmin like Ali-Baba-Brown and Flabbott will be hoisted into burkas (if they can find sufficiently robust hoists) and firmly told to shut-up. So we won’t have to see or hear them any more. Ahh, peace at last.
News-shite will look something like below.
Oh, and sadly the cadaverous diseased-looking Evan Davis will be thrown off a high place. Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
Charles Martell
Too right. That future is not too far. Girls who are teenagers now, will be wearing the burqa and hijab.
You see a few advantages. So do I. Feminists will be put in their place. There will be no strong arm of Western man to protect them.
What I would give to see Charles Martell, Prince Sobieski, Vlad and Valette in modern day West.
God have mercy on us.
“What I would give to see Charles Martell, Prince Sobieski, Vlad and Valette in modern day West.”
Our governments have ensured that anyone like them would be locked up without delay. Nothing must be done to offend or impede the people who are going to take over our country and crush us.
This is surely without precedent in history, and proves that our ruling class is decadent beyond belief. No country can survive with people like this in charge.
BBC wants to , “move things on” this morning, so its GE17
For one thing that, party before country, May power grab, opportunist, unnecessary, and needless early election needs to be shelved, for 6 months, and FFS don t let that devious snake who conned you out of the fixed term act, make political gain out of it. Maybe then the parties (including Tories) will properly prepare … ITS NOT NECCESSARY NOW
Act in unity now …. do what no one in Europe is doing, take decisive pro active steps for our security,
let our nation lead … FOR our nation, not for this slimy politicians to disgracefully gain out of it.
Round up the enormous number on the watchlist, if you ve got to spend on them do it in a secure facility.
We re safer then
… CCTV in every mosque as a matter of public policy with external link, proper scrutiny on mosques anyway
… Ban Sharia, and any outward expression of it outright, it is the seat of all the problems, May should have done this already anyway.
… Ban madrassa schools, and stop any school mosque visits for small children, and older unless objective fact about Islam its founder is relayed – no facts, no visit, it should be public policy to teach objective facts about Islam in every school anyway, that would allow children to question Islam with clarity
The time is now, concerted unity government action, get that festering Westminster swamp to really do its job
… our security, lead, set an example to Europe or …
WHAT! … what will it take?
122 children next time?, 1022? maybe 10,022
after the government cowardice and appeasement over Islamic child rape gangs … THE TIME IS NOW!
Scrap the Election, ACT in unity be proactive, with the people not patronise them, show our people we mean business
with their security, and send an unequivocal message to Europe … and Islam
more of the same?, its just not good enough.
So it begins …
“LBC and Katie Hopkins have agreed that Katie will leave LBC effective immediately”
and there is an terror attack attempted in Europe virtually every week.
Talking last night to a man in the pub and it’s inevitably the Islamic attack in Manchester.
Remember that most peoples window on the world is provided by the MSM and they don’t have time to do any research as to whether the information they are being fed is in any way accurate.
It was a confused picture of reality that he presented me with. He felt sorry for the Muslims after the attack, because they were associated with it, but when asked to provide a single incident where something adverse had happened to them he was unable to do so.
The one thing that I really did find jaw droppingly incredible was that he thought the guy was a Jihadi, and that Jihad was a separate religion all on its own ! a kind of a sect removed from but still part of Islam, and that it was the people linking the two who had got it wrong.
I got all the usual ‘not all like that’ and ‘but haven’t we killed lots of people in the past’? (in other words its perfectly acceptable for British people to be slaughtered).
This is the real effect of the BBCs bias. People confused and fed false facts about the reality of the situation, mean they are subdued, and cannot reach a rational conclusion about what has happened in the UK.
This is the real effects of the BBCs bias and Left Wing Fascism.
Thoughtful, dare I ask how old this chap is ?
I would say he was in his mid 40s
Small measures like monitoring mosques is now too late.
“Radical” Islam is the enemy, and has to be declared as one This will happen if and when NATO re-tasks and makes “radical” Islam as an enemy. Then all the restrictions on immigration to NATO countries come into place, just they were for Warsaw pact countries. I’m glad to see that Pres Trump has requested NATO to re-task to that effect.
If this new strategy leads to a cold or hot war, it will polarise populations. War does that in the most effective way. Polarised populations then move to the place where they are most comfortable. Christians in the ME, already displaced, will move to the West in a major way. Muslims the other way. With a bit of luck, we will have avoided a future worse then death – an Islamic West.
That’s like saying the bogeyman is the real enemy, because you cannot detect people who are radicalised. The vast majority of their fellow Muslims refuse to report them, and a sizable minority sympathise with the attacks even if they don’t actually carry them out.
Then there are the people who are already here who are more typical Muslim who become prepared to carry out the acts of Jihad (lets not use the word ‘radicalised’ it’s as bad as moderate Muslims.) How do you detect them and at what point do you consider them a sufficient threat?
One has to use “radical” even though all Muslims know that Islam is Islam. There is no radical or moderate part of Islam – it is one word of Allah.
However it is a convenient fiction, that allows us to explain collateral damage. We are still in the MC PC stage.
Tabari 9:69 “Killing Unbelievers is a small matter to us” The words of Muhammad, prophet of Islam.
We need to quote more of these statements to people of the Left.
As I have said many times before, expose the ideology and you expose the Nazi Left.-Anti semite Chakrabarti, racist Diane Abbott, Goebbels like figure Owen Jones. Modern day Nazi’s all of them.
Ask the Left to justify this islamic statement, their beliefs need to better challenged than they currently are. The politically correct pro muslim BBC won’t. Too reverential.
By the way has anyone heard an intelligent Imam speak because I haven’t. Those on the BBC The Big Question seem pretty thick to me.
Could someone name one?
Final rant. Any society which needs a Community Leader is a failed society. One that has refused to integrated yet seeks privilige from its host. Sack all community Leaders. It’s a non job.
Ah, WE have community leaders in France – they’re called mayors.
I’m wondering if there’s any mileage in canvassing the few Brits there are around here, for our own community leader. No? I thought not…
Wronged, imam tawhidi, an Australian imam who seems to be talking some sense. It’s a shame that there isn’t an Imam here saying the same things as him.
Brave lad-is he a Shia?
In any event, he`ll be in far more danger than most of us. And clowns like the BBC are safest of all, in that Islam knows its role in softening the nation up for the coming Caliphate.
Does it matter what he says? He could be lying.
The reality is that unless the Koran is modified for good, a future generation can and will revoke any modifications undertaken in a period of stress.
Good post. Thanks.
When ever someone argues about moderates in Islam or moderate Islam, one should ask which bits of the Koran or Hadiths does the moderate Muslim not agree with.
i am not sure that i understand in which way islamism is considered ‘left’. also, i do not understand why people seem to think that corbyn and not may is the one who makes things easier for islam in its ‘submit and convert’ worldwide crusade. there is no difference between the attitude of the two main parties. where is the difference? maybe the labour party publicly states what the tories do not state. but ultimately they are both globalist common purpose multicultural one world order supporters. corbyn does it in his leftie suit. may does it in her pearls and business suit. or am i living in a parallel reality?
matahari, I dont normally speak to BBC trolls but I will make this an exception.
You asked ‘ i do not understand why people seem to think that corbyn and not may is the one who makes things easier for islam in its ‘submit and convert’ worldwide crusade. ‘
Tere sharia May is a modern day Neville Chamberlain, a weak and pathetic apologist to the Muslim community.
The disgustung abuse of slaughtering animals in the production of Halaal food should have been banned.
The British pro Isis soldiers who left our shores should have had their passports taken away
Prime Minister May should have outlawed Sharia courts
PM May should stop the vast sponsorship of Saudi money entering our universities, Saudi Arabia are now our universities second largest of provider of funds
She should have stopped the Saudi Wahabbi funding of mosques in retaliation to Saudi not taking in refugees from a neighbouring state.
PM should have stopped the sponsorship of Saudi funded clerics from going into mosques and schools.
Our weak Prime Minister is guilty of all of the above. She sleeps while Rome burns.
She is pro muslim at the expense of maintaining British values.
God help us when she negogiates with the EU on our behalf. She is worse than useless.
I’d have Nigel Farage negotiating our exit from the EU any day of the week.
Does anyone disagree?
I am not sure whom you are calling troll. But whoever that is it has nothing to do with the discussion. It is simply a diversion.
The Left are (in the main) the apologists of the hateful religion of Islam as well you know.
But matahari answer my question,
Tabari 9:69 “Killing Unbelievers is a small matter to us” The words of Muhammad, prophet of Islam.
Is this comment from the Qu’ran acceptable in our society or should Muslims who agree with Mohammed’ s statement be arrested for hate speech?
I can give you lots more hateful statements from Mohammed matahari, and if you agree with them you could end up with a life sentence for hate speech!
The Left love hate speech. Am I being converted?
Not apologists, wronged, they just share the same goals, the destruction of the west and they think that they will be able to control the ensuing chaos. They will think wrong!
As someone wiser once said, M, “they are but two cheeks on the same arse, the LibDems occupying the hole in the centre”
Not difficult matahari this one.
Think of Nasser, Gadhaffi, Saddam and Al Bashir…all of who were that Third Way fusion of Communism/Socialism and Islam.
Blair and A.C Grayling themselvers used that “Third Way” description-without any Muslim history, but it`s there if you want it.
Which was New Labour.
Now then, now then…how does Islam and the Left coalesce into the Devils Brew that we now have?
1. Dystopian
2. Utopia and Millenarial fantasisings based on human effort and destroying the fainthearts or the oppostion.
3. Hatred of America and capitalism
4. Hatred of Jews and Israel( now that kibbutzes were seen to work, the Left has no further interest)
5. Blind naked barbarism, terror, camps and killings…the totalitarian and totalising scorched earth tactics and endless sect segmentations and slaughter of the former leaders in search of perfectabilty here on earth.
6, Hatred and fear of Christians< Jews and people of peace who oppose them.
Could go on…but will you learn any more if I do?
ChrisH – to expand on your comment about kibbutzim working. They certainly worked because the people in them were driven by more than self-interest. These people had a vision and most had left behind something evil and they wanted to create something new and dynamic, something for their people and their children. They were also united by the fact that they were surrounded by enemies and needed to work to a common goal to survive. It’s the only form of communism ever tried that has worked.
In all other forms, the people don’t share the vision, or at least not many do after the first executions. They may be enthusiastic at first but once the commissars start behaving like little dictators and the top pigs, like Stalin, foster the cult of personality everything changes. If communism/socialism could be introduced without violence and dictatorship then it might have a chance.
However, where the kibbutzim system eventually fell down was that after decades of striving to make the desert bloom (and it did) younger kibbutzniks looked out to the rest of Israel and saw a prosperous, European-style democracy where people owned their own homes and cars and colour TVs. Suddenly the kibbutz collective life was not enough for most people and they left. The kibbutzim themselves also had to change.
The moral is that capitalism trumps all forms of socialism/communism despite however well intentioned and well-run the particular system is. People want their modern goods and an easy life.
matahari: “i am not sure that i understand in which way islamism is considered ‘left’.”
Is it not considered ‘left’ because it is highly socialised & intergrated within, in a similar way to Judaism? That comparison will fail of course once you reach the outer edges of Judaism, ie. Liberal & Reform Judaism. Contrast both with Christianity, especially Protestant, evangelical Christianity which is highly individualised and said to be ‘right’. (Some would say it is right, too, ha ha!) Even mainstream and liberal Anglicanism is highly conservative (note the small ‘c’) and individualistic and that will pertain even into the Roman inclined CoE as well as Roman Catholicism itself. Under the RC banner it is up to the individual to maintain their compliance with the seven ‘pillars’, oops, seven sacraments and confess their failings to their Priest.
However, the other aspects of Islam is probably of the ‘right’, in that it is highly controlling, highly prescriptive, highly regimented which of course is a tendency of the ‘left’ evidenced now in Momentum, evidenced in the past in Militant, Socialist Workers Party, etc.. Back to that highly bit; we might be tempted to label that ‘right’ but it is really ‘left’.
Except like in some aspects of Judaism, in the outer reaches, where Islam is a mere badge of past tradition and the allegiance is weak, the one who has it hardly practises their faith.
Does that help?
Here is the children s channel propaganda
Al BBC will have yet another Nadiya series, Ramadan later
BBC Children s channel – Hey its Ramadan kids, (don t mention the bombathon)
Yep! its quiz time drip, drip : enjoy while we collect data on you
I wonder if the BBC in the interests of that legendary BBC support for facts, the truth and balance will the BBC do a series for the childern just how islam was really spread around the world with peace and love this Sikh will be happy to volunteer his services free of change to advise the BBC as to the reality of islam and us Sikhs when islam turned up in india, As I am sure that any Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, Christians and others here on Biased BBC would volunteer to advise the BBC on what really happened to their respective communities when thay had the missfortune to meet islam. Being as the BBC now really stands for Broadcasting for the British Caliphate I wont be expecting any called from W1A or Wood Lane soon.
So it’s not just the BBC that is a wholly owned subsidiary of the fascist Left. I’ve just heard that Katie Hopkins has been sacked by LBC.
I do hope this miserable decision costs the rotten corpse of a broadcaster a lot of listeners.
As someone with access to the nasty Left and their machinations, can tell you that they have things called “38 Degree Issues”. These are the NHS, climate changy t`ings, education and (now) social care. Brexit also is a bandwagon that drops shit along the way for that red rose of theirs.
In short-these rolled emails and petitions comprise the BBC agenda 24/7…comfort blankets for the progressos. Echo chambers, howling feedback and Der Starmer kinda press packs. So nobody need do any active journalism-it`s all been pre-chewed and thought out for you, and it`s flat pack assembly of idiot plywood in Potemkin prefabrication.
But Manchester came out of a clear blue sky for them.
In which case, they demand control of events, gatekeeping rights to control the narrative-and the ultimate deterrent of theirs when they`re buggered…which is “clear the streets” and howl away at Trump or Nigel/Katie or whoever.
They have their 38 Degrees…we OUGHT by now to be getting the full specturm cover and comedy ready to take them on.
Islam is but a flag of convenience for them-if you don`t know your bible, but DO know your Grand National winners…then might I suggest that you`re exactly where they want you?
38 Degrees is run by David Babbs, who was formerly Head of Activism at “Friends of the Earth“. I know of Astronomers, Atmospheric Physicists and Meteorologists who have been persecuted by these ignorant morons. “Friends of the Earth” are “Enemies of Causational Climate Science”
Also, 38 Degrees called for its email membership to “defend the corporation from political interference“
As they agreed with this suggestion, the Tories had the right to give the BBC total independence from government interference, by removing government control over financing and charter obligations.
Banning the BBC from using adverts, including the current use of propaganda adverts and adverts for BBC programs, as well as banning Murdoch or any other popular right-wing media organisation from buying the BBC, would also please 38 Degrees, while at the same time, finish off the BBC.
chrisH, a wonderful turn of phrase –
“In short-these rolled emails and petitions comprise the BBC agenda 24/7…comfort blankets for the progressos. Echo chambers, howling feedback and Der Starmer kinda press packs. So nobody need do any active journalism-it`s all been pre-chewed and thought out for you, and it`s flat pack assembly of idiot plywood in Potemkin prefabrication.”
BBC Manchester attack: Question Time debates ‘Didsbury Mosque’ leaflet
A Question Time audience member has claimed he was handed an anti-Western leaflet at Didsbury Mosque in Manchester. The mosque was previously attended by the father of Salman Ramadan Abedi, the man who carried out Monday’s bomb attack.
However, an attendee of the mosque who was also in the audience said the mosque had a “multi-cultural community” and said the leaflet was “not official”.
The mosque condemned the attack on Wednesday, saying
wait for it
………. “cowardice has no place in our society”? – this guy at the wrong meeting?
aaah! anyway , nothing to do with
Manchester mosque: Attacker not one of us
How the bBC whitewashes Islamic hate crimes:

Damon Smith jailed for planting failed Tube bomb
The bbC promotes how this was a prank , how he has an autistic spectrum disorder, how his lawyer had pleaded with the judge for “mercy” that the “unique” student had “learned his lesson”. How his mother claims her son was “just a vulnerable little boy who needs help, not prison” and that “He just made a smoke bomb and the prank went wrong,
Funny how they leave out his fascination with weapons , with Islam, how when he was arrested he was carrying a Koran and and how that so called smoke bomb he left on the tube, was packed full of ball bearings.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islamic terrorism.
Ahh the old ‘autistic spectrum’ excuse. Didn’t the Beed and media endlessly spout this crap when Gary McKinnon was trying to find excuses to get out of deportation after hacking into a range of US govt websites because he was looking for aliens.
He should have been deported and won an Oscar for his endless Rain Man impressions that certainly didn’t fool me.
Yes and this characters mother still defends him . She was commenting today and sounded like she should be inside as well. MSM left out the bit about the Koran and referred to him as a former choir boy ( Orwell would laugh)
Reading your post has just set of my Taqiyya, Tawriya, Maruna and Kitman alarms
#1 Taqiyya ie use of tacital lies and deciet to spread islam
#2 Tawriya ie deciet by ambiguity
#3 Maruna ie temporary suspension of islam to appear as moderate muslims
#4 Kitman ie deceit by ommission or withholding key information
If anyone knows the arabic for conning gulliable leftards and gulliable [or teasonious] broadcasters like the BBC, Channel 4 and Al-Guardian please let me know
Good scholarship-Orwell would be proud of you re creating the Koranic distinctions.
I have three copies of the Koran-old school, then a fundi primer version from Shepherds Bush Market, and now I`ve got the KSA version-the one you always see at demos, c/o the Wahhabists in Saudi who beautifully provide them for us all.
I see how their redrafts have gone since the 70s…and they`re right to up the language and change the meanings as they see our elitist pussy willows on the media and in office(not in power thank God though).
Keep posting JosF…there`s a Bill Warner Cyber Museum of Islam here isn`t there?
I remember another technique the Saudi funded Wahhabism were encouraged to do was to infiltrate enemy institutions and occupy key positions to undermine non muslims . Any method can be used and dispensation is given to act like a westerner – lead a western way of life to deceive .
They’ve had quite a while to infiltrate and the damage is being done
Sam Harris allows ISIS to explain why ISIS/Jihadists exist:
What Do Jihadists Really Want? [49 mins]
As he says, we don’t doubt it when medical students tell us why they want to be doctors, why do we doubt why jihadists want to be martyrs? The comments of a ‘Western’ (really) Finnish woman and the loss of her son are particularly worth hearing.
Perhaps the BBC could ‘explain’ this to us?
The bBBC ‘news’ is leading on Corbyn’s mad notion that Muslims kill us because of British foreign policy.
Someone should ask him about Kosovo, Blair’s first war, where our forces intervened to protect Muslims from Serbian ‘ethnic cleansing’. The peaceful ones responded with 9/11 and numerous other murders.
Sir Arthur
It has always been Corbyn’s line that Britain is the root of all evil. He shared the IRA/Sinn Fein view that it was the ongoing British occupation of Northern Ireland that was responsible for all the violence during the Troubles. It was a classic anti-imperialist anti-colonialst strruggle and Britain was the imperialist power. Corbyn follows the logic of his ideology and supports the IRA. If Corbyn becomes PM, he will be in a difficult ideological postion an anti-imperialist in charge of what he sees as an imperialist power. Perhaps he will assassinate himself. Corbyn was also awarded the Gandhi Foundation’s International peace prize in 2013.
He shares Gandhi’s dislike of Britain. Gandhi thought that the British brought the Blitz on themselves because they bombed Germany first. There seems to be some logic in this, but not if you realise that if you attack an enemy, they can also counterattack. It’s not kharma working itself out. Benn also thought WWII was a war between imperialists. He had no inclination to fight for his own country, a bourgeois concept, until Hitler attacked Stalin. He then joined the RAF as the war was then anti-fascist. These are the usual leftist delusions.
“Gandhi thought that the British brought the Blitz on themselves because they bombed Germany first. ”
Did Gandhi really believe that? The Germans bombed Britain well before we retaliated and our bombing of Berlin was in response to their bombing of London (albeit in error).
If the “half-naked fakir” had given it a little more thought, he would have realised that the bombing of Guernica by Germany’s Condor Legion in 1937 might have provided some indication of what the rest of Europe was in for.
Or was Britain responsible for Guernica as well?
Gandhi was an unrealistic idiot. His campaign for Indian independence only led to partition and a million deaths. A more gradual approach to self-government could have led to a peaceful independence, but it might have taken 20 years, and he would not have lived to see it. As it was, he barely lived to see Indian independence, as he was assassinated by a Hindu nationalist within the year, another victim of the sectarian hatred he had helped to stir up.
Gandhi believed a lot of things. His 1940 letter to Hitler below, shows you where Mahatma Corbyn gets his ideas from.
Dear friend,
That I address you as a friend is no formality. I own no foes. My business in life has been for the past 33 years to enlist the friendship of the whole of humanity by befriending mankind, irrespective of race, colour or creed.
I hope you will have the time and desire to know how a good portion of humanity who have view living under the influence of that doctrine of universal friendship view your action. We have no doubt about your bravery or devotion to your fatherland, nor do we believe that you are the monster described by your opponents. But your own writings and pronouncements and those of your friends and admirers leave no room for doubt that many of your acts are monstrous and unbecoming of human dignity, especially in the estimation of men like me who believe in universal friendliness. Such are your humiliation of Czechoslovakia, the rape of Poland and the swallowing of Denmark. I am aware that your view of life regards such spoliations as virtuous acts. But we have been taught from childhood to regard them as acts degrading humanity. Hence we cannot possibly wish success to your arms.
But ours is a unique position. We resist British Imperialism no less than Nazism. If there is a difference, it is in degree. One-fifth of the human race has been brought under the British heel by means that will not bear scrutiny. Our resistance to it does not mean harm to the British people. We seek to convert them, not to defeat them on the battle-field. Ours is an unarmed revolt against the British rule. But whether we convert them or not, we are determined to make their rule impossible by non-violent non-co-operation. It is a method in its nature indefensible. It is based on the knowledge that no spoliator can compass his end without a certain degree of co-operation, willing or compulsory, of the victim. Our rulers may have our land and bodies but not our souls. They can have the former only by complete destruction of every Indian—man, woman and child. That all may not rise to that degree of heroism and that a fair amount of frightfulness can bend the back of revolt is true but the argument would be beside the point. For, if a fair number of men and women be found in India who would be prepared without any ill will against the spoliators to lay down their lives rather than bend the knee to them, they would have shown the way to freedom from the tyranny of violence. I ask you to believe me when I say that you will find an unexpected number of such men and women in India. They have been having that training for the past 20 years.
We have been trying for the past half a century to throw off the British rule. The movement of independence has been never so strong as now. The most powerful political organization, I mean the Indian National Congress, is trying to achieve this end. We have attained a very fair measure of success through non-violent effort. We were groping for the right means to combat the most organized violence in the world which the British power represents. You have challenged it. It remains to be seen which is the better organized, the German or the British. We know what the British heel means for us and the non-European races of the world. But we would never wish to end the British rule with German aid. We have found in non-violence a force which, if organized, can without doubt match itself against a combination of all the most violent forces in the world. In non-violent technique, as I have said, there is no such thing as defeat. It is all ‘do or die’ without killing or hurting. It can be used practically without money and obviously without the aid of science of destruction which you have brought to such perfection. It is a marvel to me that you do not see that it is nobody’s monopoly. If not the British, some other power will certainly improve upon your method and beat you with your own weapon. You are leaving no legacy to your people of which they would feel proud. They cannot take pride in a recital of cruel deed, however skilfully planned. I, therefore, appeal to you in the name of humanity to stop the war. You will lose nothing by referring all the matters of dispute between you and Great Britain to an international tribunal of your joint choice. If you attain success in the war, it will not prove that you were in the right. It will only prove that your power of destruction was greater. Whereas an award by an impartial tribunal will show as far as it is humanly possible which party was in the right.
You know that not long ago I made an appeal to every Briton to accept my method of non-violent resistance. I did it because the British know me as a friend though a rebel. I am a stranger to you and your people. I have not the courage to make you the appeal I made to every Briton. Not that it would not apply to you with the same force as to the British. But my present proposal is much simple because much more practical and familiar.
During this season when the hearts of the peoples of Europe yearn for peace, we have suspended even our own peaceful struggle. Is it too much to ask you to make an effort for peace during a time which may mean nothing to you personally but which must mean much to the millions of Europeans whose dumb cry for peace I hear, for my ears are attended to hearing the dumb millions? I had intended to address a joint appeal to you and Signor Mussolini, whom I had the privilege of meeting when I was in Rome during my visit to England as a delegate to the Round Table Conference. I hope that he will take this as addressed to him also with the necessary changes.
According to the bBBC, there are 12,000 to 18,000 needing deportation.
Good to know that the UK has got it’s priorities right.
The only person to lose their job over the Manchester bombing is a commentator that dared to reference the need to tackle Islam terrorism but used some ‘special’ words that can seemingly never be used again.
I’m sure the SJW’s will feel very proud of the positive action and scalp that they have obtained. I’m sure it offers much comfort to the parents of the slaughtered children.
But let’s face it, if we are allocating blame, every politician and civil servant who has facilitated large scale Third World immigration over the last five or six decades, creating the unintegrated “multicultural” breeding grounds up and down the country, should be in prison.
It got worse under Blair but the process was already well established.
Frankly, I don’t think there’s anything to be said about Manchester that hasn’t been said already. The accusers and excusers are repeating themselves. The damage is done. It will have to take its course and it’s going to be nasty.
Israelis must think we’re insane.
Our leadership, our government, our institutions, THE BBC are in effect all part of the terror movement.
On top of the unchecked immigration they have forced on us & capitulation to Muslim demands,
by refusing to name the enemy they are creating a constant fear among the populace.
A fear that ANYBODY might lash out in an act of terror at any time. ANYBODY. It could be the English
lad next door, John Smith. Because he is white & a nominal Christian he is likely to be a neo-NAZI.
Be afraid. Be very afraid of EVERYONE. Don’t focus your attention on one group in particular.
Just live in TERROR. Carry On. Don’t suspect Muslims.
Pray for Manchester? Indeed we must-because Peter White is unable to get an audible message in regard of the Mancunian trams on his app, let alone read out on the loudspeaker.
Let`s hope that the jihadists can create a quieter bomb so blind media crash test dummies at the BBC do not find their travelling experience to be lessened by noises off from the nations sports stadia and pop arenas.
This piece of self serving crap was on You and Yours just now( In Touch is another grievance seeking piece of polenta for the BBC). And now finally I see the benefit of moving all those segways, pods and deviant hacks all up to Media City.
They`re all out on the streets now measuring degrees of elevation( no greater than 38 degrees natcho) for the blagged disability ramps , so they can snitch to the EU for fines and quango sniffiness for the “disabled scootering communards. Let`s hope B`rum don`t take the bait and let Channel 4 infest THEIR great city like we did.
Imagine Channel 4s deviant class and linen suits if something similar happened at their old NEC?
I`d scruff up Broad Street too, given the medias interest in shiny things for their Muslim mates to readjust, so the rubble points towards Mecca.
Pray For Manchester eh?…as the BBC whores “Slide Way” less in anger, more in gratitude at a good end of month expenses account.
Today, i thought I’d deviate from my recent behaviour and listen to the BBC’s World at One. Shut it off immediately when Baroness Chakrofarty began speaking. To that point, it consisted of listening to three members of the public, presumably stopped in the street at random, informing the listener that we will vote Liebour. “People like us” is the presumptive connection and in those more persuasive opinions, overriding anything the following Lord West and the MP from Plymouth, Mercer, an ex-military man had to say. From when I listened to the programme the last time, last week, I would put it now at level 8 in terms of the emphasis on Liebour rather than the Conservatives. Last week in my opinion it was at level 6 in pro Liebour bias. I should expect it to rise to level 9 out of 10 shortly across all BBC News. That’s why I will no longer listen to the BBC News.
If you listened on, you would have heard them say that they had tried hard to get a Conservative voter for their vox pop, but they could not find one. That’s right, it was literally impossible for the BBC to find a single person who was not supporting Jeremy Corbyn. I hate to say it, but the people they did find also sounded a bit thick to me. Could there be any correlation do you think?
@G from another forum
\\This was on the World at One a little while ago.
Interviewer: “So, will you be voting for Mr Corbyn?”
Member of Public: “No!”
Interviewer: “Why not?”
MOP: “Because he’s a knob”//
They didn’t give the date
How the infantile bBC reports the news regards somebody who is suing them for…telling porkies:

and then they play the victim by crying he is asking too much
Let’s hope he continues to sue the BBC.
Well today seems to be make jezza palatable for the public day not just on the Beeb but all over. Woke up to global news giving me the impression that jezza is the pm as he is the only one mentioned about some speech. Sky were bringing on activist after activist being fed leading questions in that square in Manchester and always coming back to Corbyn and how he’s a man of peace. All through the morning one question kept being asked ‘ does he have a point’. It just stank of coordination and collusion to sanitise his image. Once his speech finished very little questioning of it. The only one I have heard going against it was Ian Collins from lbc on the daily politics. And he was up against coburn doing her best to help corbyn. May is in Sicily at the g7 but from the coverage you would hardly know it. Let’s not forget that tonight is jezzas turn in front of Brillo and I am hoping he tears into him like he did with May on Monday.bit will be very telling if he doesn’t. It looks like the media are colluding to try and get jezza past the post and I feel the real goal is to stop brexit.
… The BBC think the voting British public are thick and we will believe there continued left wing luvvie duvvie bullshit and that it will have an influence on us …but we are not thick and anybody with a little bit of savvie can see past the BBC ‘s and for that matter Corbyn’s waffle and lies…
There were 2 polls out last night but all we are hearing about from the BBC and not surprisingly is the YouGov poll giving the Conservatives only a 5 point lead. What about the other poll giving the Conservatives 11 point lead.
As we all know YouGov is run and owned by Peter Kellner who’s wife is a Labour Baroness who served in the Blair government and of course, they are very impartial..!!!!
While Corby and the bBC wax lyrical about British foreign policy and poor f-ing Islamic victims. The DT has this pertinent story:

How long before the bBC promote the view that these are innocent children who simply want to return home?
I bet all three are really Liverpudlian lads ‘avin a larf…
Calm down, calm down
Wedding photo, bride flanked by two bridesmaids?
I’ve actually seen a minibus full of these nazgul climb out of the bus in Grasmere and pose for a group photo!
No sorry-pretty clear to all of us in the Blackbag Fashion Industry that it is NOT Aqsa in the centre of the lovely wedding photo above.
I should know-I was with her on the riotous hen party in Blackpool, and my gender fluid boy Lizzie is one of the flower girls-the one on the right with the shaved Adams apple, since you ask.
Note the mistletoe above all their heads. The tattoed leather boys of Munich had a great night with us all.
They will surely appear on Wimmin’s Hour
Not Loose Women, GWF?
It really does highlight the lunacy that we have allowed us to descend into when an article has a lead picture that shows us absolutely nothing. It’s just laughable ‘here’s some material to accompany the feature’.
It will be an insult to all widows/widowers if they dare to claim Widows Benefit.
Sent “home” – Really I thought that they didnt want to live here and couldnt stand the site of us Kuffars !
I am sure that all of these “sisters” however will be able to stand the site of Kuffar money when it comes to paying the rent.
Bastards – we must be bloody stupid!
Should we look forward to ‘seeing’ (?) their faces on Bakeoff?
Tell me, what are you all going to do, after your new Prime Minister Corbyn is elected, at the head of the new Lab/Lib/othershite coalition? Eh?
BBC – abandons bold move to take on Netflix & Amazon Prime, thru online BoxedSet selling portal BBCprime .

BBC Store is closing in Nov
If ethnic Muslims are so well integrated
then how come there’s none in the 22 ?
were there any in the injured ?
Three men charged in Rotherham child sex abuse inquiry
The crimes are alleged to have taken place in the town between 2003 and 2006, the National Crime Agency said.
#BbcReportOnceThenBury #JustLocalNews
BTW Tommy just retweeted Re His contempt case
“BREAKING: Reporting Restrictions have just been lifted.
Full video coming tonight explaining exactly what happened on @TheRebelTV”
Had Nigel Farage not left UKIP to their own devices, and the abysmal battle for leadership, and associated backstabbing not taken place, I suspect that UKIP could have been in with a better-than fighting chance to at least win seats, if not clinch the election, now. How things pan out, when you’re not expecting it, and what a sad waste.
Goat – agreed – definitely a waste but I think Nigel was pretty much forced out rather than just pissing off to go partying with Trump. Since Farage left all the drama concerning UKIPS seemingly endless problems with electing a suitable leader illustrates just what he was against. I am just surprised he had not gone before.
4:30pm R4 Stats show
– Can security services follow everyone known to them?
– Chances of ending up in a care home
– Stop sneak access by ministers to stats pre-publishing.
“The attack on Manchester Arena took place exactly four years since the killing of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich. Back in 2013 we broadcast an interview with the former Head of MI5, Dame Stella Rimmington, about the difficulties of monitoring people who have been flagged up to the services. We are re-broadcasting that interview.”
Just had an email from the Taxpayers’ Alliance, informing me that election campaigning is set to recommence after the horrific Manchester bombing. Watching the bloody bBBC I din’t realise it had stopped for one party in particular!
Quite simply unbelievable and jaw droppingly ignorant.
I can only hope these three coppers are just stupid twats who think this is some sort of islamic thumbs up. It actually means “one god, one prophet and one mosque”, in other words one religion for the whole world. It is the symbol of Isis, and if they are too thick or ignorant to know that, they should be re-educated fast.
No wonder the muslim has got a shit eating grin, he proably can’t believe his luck that thick dhimmis like these three are meant to protect us from the next islamic atrocity.
“one god, one prophet and one mosque”
Strangely reminescent of “Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer”…?
He’s probably showing them which finger he’s gonna use on his detonator for the suicide vest he has on. He’s actually only 6 stone undressed.
Who needs to worry about police numbers when three of them can be so easily distracted for the chance of a politically correct selfie.
I’ve had mates stopped from taking photos with plod in the frame, Thoughtful and section 43 of the Terrorism Act cited as a reason for ordering the photos deletion. (plod told to swivel and to come back with a court order). This image obviouly taken by a friend of the RoPer, probably another RoPer. The conclusion drawn that it must only be white lads who get harrased by the camera shy boys in blue, who then use the aboive act as a reason for the stop. Maybe they just need to wear pyjamas when lining up their shots.
I think the Plod are holding the wrong finger up.
FFS ! – I wonder whether they had the photo taken in Manchester.
Still I bet Theresa was pleased with her boys reaching out into the community.
this is fuking disgusting, we all know what the isis sign is these three idiots should be sacked
For fuck’s sake!!!
What would the Font of Truth say if plod were giving nazi salutes next to someone in
a nazi uniform. The Big Beard really is having a laugh in every sense of the phrase.
The three stooges will be surprised to see themselves starring on some ISIS propaganda site.
Community policing the eyes and ears of the security forces my arse.The only eyes and ears on tne ground these days are body parts lying around after a muslim suicide bombing.
Ths Font of Truth have also just announced the traditional “spike in hate crime” that follows the latest “mass casualty hate crime” perpetrated by muslims
That fat copper on the left couldn’t catch Diane Abbott.
Don’t blame him, quite frankly…
4:55pm R4 Refugee ex-Calais on Radio 4’s “history of the nation” show
They mean it’s surprising what you end up listening to ..when BBC-SJW push it down your throat”
…Woman alledged that no one knows their neighbours.
Em ..I took a mango round this morning
El Beeb teatime newz moving on to the inevitable security forces being the problem of the muzzie attacks .
Tory funding etc, under-manned blah blah.
Scummy bastards.
Anybody hear the Lefty World at One today. BBC announcer absolutely in an orgasmic ecstasy and absolutely creaming himself over the sacking of Katie Hopkins from LBC. “Even LBC own journalists were critical of Katy” we were breathlessly told by the announcer. cue James (arrogant twat) obrian with a few lines telling us how unpleasant it was having to share a studio with her.
I dont know whether she had just had a few wines too many or was just bloody angry about Manchester, apparently she had “tweeted” words to the effect that it was time we found a “final solution” to the current Muslim problem.
I am sure Aunty and her liberal multy kulty friends would tell us that the followers of the “religion of peace” would never think or say anything similar about us. (A few of them even demonstrated some of their “peace” to us all last week in Manchester).
However I was certainly a bit disappointed in Katy because
1, It was a bloody stupid thing to say – And whilst I personally have nothing but mistrust and dislike for Islam and would be quite happy to wave goodbye to most of them and their enriching ways – using that particular term has implications that link directly to the Holocaust and I certainly think that anyone with half a brain would find that completely unacceptable.
2, She of all people should have realised that every-time she even farts there is some SJW worthy listening to pick and pull pieces of her apart to prove that she is (and us also by association ) are all waycists. Fortunately as the Brexit vote proved after the murder of St Jo. Most people in this country are sick and tired of these left wing guilt trips so I reckon that most of the lefty brickbats on this issue will bounce off .
I am sure the BBC will try and pick this one up and run with it. But I suspect that as ever they will overplay their hand. And most people will realise just because one broadcaster has made one stupid remark it does not de-value the majority of what Katy has been saying over the last few years. As at the end of the day we all now have the evidence of our own eyes and ears.
Its a shame because I really like Katy and think that on the whole she talks good sense – However she appears to have made a huge balls up this time and as any future mainstream media coverage is concerned will probably now become an “untouchable”
They are playing a dangerous game. Firstly Kelvin McKenzie, now Katie Hopkins. Both on the flimsiest of pretexts-and both dismissed by nominally-independent media that are not the usual liberal BBC scum.
It`s not as if Katie or Kelvin, let alone Tommy or Geert are going anywhere-we know who and where they are, and no amount of smotherings from the liberal soft Tory quislings will shut down their righteous indignation. Even when crass or stupid.
Because we`re SICK of the consensual mush and the platitudes.
The code of the liberal scum says nothing to us, we`ll still seek out Katie-and the way that things are going, we`ll be getting far worse than these democrats.
It was an orchestrated campaign, led by Owen Jones amonst others, who refused to appear on LBC and asked others to do the same, whilst KH remained on LBC’s books.
Since when has anyone from the left given a thought or consideration to the feelings of Jewish people and by extension, Israel.
Faux outrage and a stick to beat KH with, silly girl!
Bloody hypocrites the lot of them
It was an orchestrated campaign, led by Owen Jones amonst others, who refused to appear on LBC and asked others to do the same, whilst KH remained on LBC’s books.
Since when has anyone from the left given a thought or consideration to the feelings of Jewish people and by extension, Israel.
Faux outrage and a stick to beat KH with, silly girl!
Bloody hypocrites the lot of them
Don’t you think the fact that her employer is Jewish Ashley Tabor played any part ii this then?
On the contrary,when you don’t say what you want to say you have given in.
The most Katy is ‘guilty’ of is a bit of mild tautology, if I wanted to ‘fix’ something I would hope that it stayed fixed. A solution that isn’t ‘final’ isn’t a solution as it means you still have to find the ‘fix’.
These pathetic attempts at controlling speech and ultimately thought are just straws on the proverbial camel’s back.
For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it has no stalk; the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up.
Katy has learned (too late) that there is one ethnic group around which one has to tip-toe even more carefully than the Muzzies.
I quite liked her, she was a poor man’s Ann Coulter – though I fear she may have, unintentionally, launched her career into oblivion.
Katy has learned (too late) that there is one ethnic group around which one has to tip-toe even more carefully than the Muzzies.
And which controls most broadcasting media.
I like Katy too.
She just says it like it is, no bullshit, just facts.
She’ll be back. O’brien is such a lefty tosser, he’s been found out months ago. All he does is moan on and can’t really hold a conversation together, he’s a crap ‘commentator’ even though he thinks he can.
Not a very good presenter, but there again, if a lefty gets hold of a studio mike, what’s to stop them rabbiting on and thinking they’re important!
@Oaknash Don’t be daft do you think the BBC is going to give you the full context of the tweet ?

Every time there’s an Islamic terrorist attack you can’t just keep sending Philip Schofield to light candles and “sing we are united” each time..
Rather we need a LASTING solution to stop these attacks coming up.
You’d have to be pretty twisted to think she meant “genocide of Muslims” by “final solution”
Instead of just a “proper solution” like facing up to the problem of dogmatic Islamic texts calling for violence.
And then it was corrected within the hour to “True solution” 7:24am, 8:22am
Looks to me both or one of the parties wanted an easy way out of the contract
(LBC/Global is headed by ex head of the Labour Party)
KTHopkins tweeted 1:04pm
“Super exciting announcement next week. Will keep you posted”
“I am the Jesus of the Outspoken.
I may be crucified for my sins (see sex in field).
But I will rise again.”
A show on Talkradio ,no doubt. Are the Kippers on here going to be voting for Mary Creagh , in that constituency , as Kipper High Command has directed ? She is a Remoaner , the Conservative is a Brexiter ! Camra NEC , are going to fuck Ukip, for suggesting , more pubs need to close , & we need to go back to pre 1988 licencing hours ! Think Mr Wetherspoon , will put the final nail in the Kipper coffin , as he is a Brexiter too . They have lost it now !
Maybe try alternating with a shandy or five?
How’s your pal Cameron doing? Haven’t heard much from him for a while.
As I posted yesterday, you have a drink problem, have a word with Maxincony, he will help you.
Shwm mae taffman.
Any idea which planet is Essex?
Shwm mae Rhif Saith
The planet Zog.
More bBBC local news.
‘Depraved’ men guilty of teen gang rape in Ramsgate
Rafiullah Hamidy, 24, of High Street, Herne Bay; Shershah Muslimyar, 20, of Hovenden Close, Canterbury; Tamin Rahmani, 37, of Northwood Road, Ramsgate; and Hamid Mohamadi, 18, formerly of Boughton Aluph, Ashford, raped the girl.
I am amazed that after the avalanche of recent court cases involving RoPERS which displayed their malevolent sexual proclivities, how ANY young British women or girls would do anything other than get away from them as quickly as possible in such a situation.
This is another distressing example of an indigenous female learning, in the harshest possible way, of the consequences of interacting with Muslim men.
I was staggered by this Sir ASG. Having family connections with Rotherham it was bad enough to learn of the depravity there, but discovering it happening at the other end of the country in my home town of Ramsgate was unbelievable. It does tend to make one feel murderous and no mistake.
MSM are desperate to keep the lid on to save muslims from being attacked by the population . It’s a shame they won’t admit what they are doing. Easy example s daily politics today – took 12 minutes for the word islam or Muslim to be mentioned. These are non words now example 2 – itv news to night . 23 Coptic christians slaughtered – but only mentioned ” by extremists”. This filtration is a disgrace to Blighty. The likes of Orwell who saw it from the soviets would readily recognise what’s going on
Wouldn’t it be nice if they came clean.
Channel 5 news also informs us that masked MILITANTS have held up a bus, in Egypt, carrying Coptic Christian men women and children and machinegunned them to death. Religion of peace strikes again. Who was it who recently said you cannot solve a problem if you refuse to identify it?
Was this massacre caused by Western Foreign Policy?
Corbyn and the BBC believe that Islamic Terrorism is caused by such policy.
Ironically, it was a Labour politician (Lord West) who had to give the BBC (and its pal Corbyn) a history lesson on WATO today, by pointing out that Islamic terrorism began before Bliar’s forays into overseas wars.
What has been chilling today have been the BBC’s vox pops with members of the public bleating the Labour party/BBC line about British involvement in ‘overseas wars’ with an almost complete lack of understanding of cause and effect.
BBC Ramadan Watch:
For 0 to 6 year olds: Cbeebies Ramadan Quiz:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/puzzles/ramadan-quiz: How Much Do You Know About Ramadan?
For 7 to 14 year olds: CBBC Ramadan Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Ramadan?
For 14 to 24 years olds: Newsbeat Sympathetic Story: Anorexia stops me fasting for Ramadan
Note the Newsbeat Story focuses on a girl who is westernised and who clearly is only taking a cultural attachment to Islam. A good Muslim would have to take the veil – but of course we don’t get any of that from the BBC.
It should also be noted that Ramadan and Islam is taught in schools as part of an on-going “multicultural awareness programme”. There is a cultural divide between under 40s and over 40s and it is simply down to what people are taught in schools and what they are bombarded with by the liberal media. It is the under 40s that might result in a Corbyn led Labour government and would be accepting of Islamised regions of England and Wales.
And just when you think that the media can`t get any lower? Watched the last few minutes of ITV news, where some school choir were doing an Ariane Grande song-with money going to the victims.
22 pink balloons fly by.
And a montage of the grief images to win awards as compiled over this fine week for the armchair emotoer, the lazy media grievers, Utterly despicable-the dead not even buried, let alone given their due…just a backdrop for shallow emoters, self absorbed selfie junkies and mawkish voyeurs and paps. Islam must be rejoicing at the end of any backbone or any brain, let alone a fist or some guts, Just tattooes, graffiti artists and some more publishing moolah for Ariane Grande.
My view is that all the UK broadcast media are just as bad.
@AFNeil apart, the so -called bbc is dead from the neck up. I’m not afraid here to admit I have been thinking wrongly about one bloke on itv. I’ve spent years detesting Piers Morgan ever since his letting the share tipsters take the rap for insider dealing when he profited from the viglen share episode. Subsequently, he fucked off to the states and pushed against their gun laws. All misguided.
Oh….and of course he dodged the phone tapping rap too.
When I heard Susanna Reid was on the itv brekkie sofa, with him, I thought oh for fuck sake how much worse could it be.
However, he is a real pioneer, he is saying stuff you’ll never hear on aljabeeba, never. Guests dont get to sit there virtue signalling unchallenged. And whats more his attitude is spreading amongst the team there….a real pioneer.
Small beginnings maybe, but things ARE moving.
Ariana Grande says she will hold a benefit concert in Manchester for the bombing victims.
How about holding it at Didsbury mosque?
Only one man alone is currently employed by the British hating Islamic Al Beeb, that isnt a spineless, death cult appeasing, British hating, man hating, straight hating, white hating traitor (say it as it is people…fuck em)…Andrew Neil.
Andrew Neil interviews Commie ‘Terrorists comfort woman’ Corbyn is on Islamic Al Beeb one, and Brillo destroys the deadly lies and deceit that has been peddled and propagated for the last few decades by the rest of the Islam loving Dhimmis currently part of the terrorist organization ‘the so-called BBC’ and its go to Jihadi militants they use to help spread these lies.
You have to watch this interview. Magnificent Andrew Neil. God bless you for being brave enough to go against your traitorous bastards than control that vile organization you work for.
However BBC news is downplaying the interview. It was way down the sequence of reports and fleetingly covered. His failure to answer key questions on Trident, NATO,borrowing and lack of support from his own MPs got no mention. Corbyn’s earlier speech was reported as ‘ Corbyn wants to step up expenditure on security’. Hardly the essence of his speech, blaming Britain’s foreign policy for Islamic terrorism.
A little off-topic I know, but one thing just occurred to me: We have been waiting for 50 years for a Manchester child killer to finally die. But as soon as he does so we get another one within a week.
On the left side of the balance you have genuine psychos like Brady and his mates but even when you add in Sutcliffe the balance of harm tips to the the right side where the Pakistani grooming gangs and Islamic terrorist boys.
Yep, this Muslim creep who did the Manchester murders is Brady x 5.
More Or Less could refine this for us I`m sure.
This is very good, three of my favourites in discussion about the Manchester Muslim terrorist attack: Nigel Farage; Tucker Carlson and Mark Steyn – it’s just a shame it isn’t them for sixty minutes instead of just eight.
Unfortunately Nigel is chameleon-like here. This is for foreign comsumption. He will go onto LBC, not back Katie Hopkins and play the bluff bar room cove and fail to learn the REAL lessons of Manchester. He doesn`t know Islam well enough and tows the cultural relativist line.
He needs to listen to Tommy Robinson, and learn some big lessons from the mighty Seb Gorka who (to be fair) he`s just mentioned.
Mark Steyn needs a passport for this country-and where is Ted Malloch?
IF he does different he too will lose his job at LBC
Mark sounds very angry and that is good. He chooses his words carefully as he always does and his charges could not be more serious in what we call a free society. That our elite is deliberately lying to us in order to keep us quiet and is quite prepared to sacrifice some of us rather than confront reality and actually tell the truth about the crisis facing the West.
In the end he calls them out as Stalinist and totalitarian which is exactly right.
i watched the news on all channels tonight and found it strange. Almost as if there is a script that is being followed. That at all costs the story must be positive. Police and soldiers in control. Normal life resumed and the outpourings of emotion carefully choreographed to be so positive.
I do not wish to cause distress to anyone involved but where is the anger? Real anger I mean that I am sure many will feel .
All of us are now at risk both from killers and our own elites. This blog is off script and so a danger to the PTB.
The killers are merciless. We need to think of our own survival now. Of our children and grandchildren.
For all of us can do simple things. Stay always alert. Avoid cities if you can and public places. If at an event make sure you know how to get out fast and make sure those you are responsible for know the same and arrange a safer rendezvous. Ignore those who decry this and remember that anything that gives you a slight edge is better than the alternative.
After this week our lives are not going to be the same again. We must grasp this and act accordingly.
It looks as if our elites are not prepared to face reality . We must and will for the sake of our children.
Finally ignore the BBC and it’s fellow travellers. There is no reason now to listen to it.
DS – solid post.
The crazy thing is that after a week like the one which we’ve just endured in our country, that all the curry houses; kebab s**tholes; “pizza” places; taxis etc etc will all be still being fully supported by the sheeple.
British people need to STOP supporting Muslim businesses. Don’t give them your money.
Mark Steyn has several times asked the question, which is valid and essential for any project or plan, ‘What is the end point? Where do we want to be?’. That is something that none of our media ask or our politicians answer.
Our politicians have created the Islam/Muslim problem. It was a ‘foreign’ problem in the past but they have imported it into our homelands and seek to ‘normalise’ this alien culture here – they are almost happy to announce a terrorist as ‘home grown’. The IRA were cousins but Irish, this new lot are ‘British’ so get used to it, terrorism is a new ‘British value’.
Either they see everday terrorism as the end point, ‘the price for living in the UK’ or they think that any new Muslim immigrant wil instantly adopt ‘Moderate Islam’, a sort of Mosque of England, weddings and funerals variety, rather than the hard core ‘catholic’ half-a-dozen masses per week equivalent, Mosque of Mecca version that they had at home.
But it won’t happen. A first-generation immigrant might just go for Islam-lite but the chances are great that the children will see the parents as betraying the faith and will go ‘hard-core’, the hijab etc. being worn as a badge of that defiance. We have seen that behaviour elsewhere, the most republican of ‘Irish’ lived in Boston, USA, often even of protestant stock!
So thanks to our idiot politicians we now have more active Muslim terrorists on the UK mainland than we ever had Irish. The support base is probably ten times the size and growing. It is far less integrated than the Irish community in the UK was and it has the advantage of the use of languages that the natives don’t understand. An Irish club would never get away with posting ‘Kill The British’ above its doors – who knows what adorns the streets of Birmingham, Bradford or Bolton?
Never mind. Keep our heads in the sand while our politicians continue to work to bury us up to our backsides and beyond. And don’t forget, while the Irish terrorist valued his life Nick Clegg’s ‘New Britons’ see a martyr’s death as a fast-track to eternal paradise.
Here is the children s channel propaganda
Al BBC will have yet another Nadiya series, Ramadan later
BBC Children s channel – Hey its Ramadan kids, (don t mention the bombathon)
Yep! its quiz time drip, drip : enjoy while we collect data on you
Ramadan begins today, Muslims want to please Allah/Mohamhead (same thing) more than ever
26 killed, 26 injured as gunmen fire on Coptic Christian convoy
Liar May, D Davis, Murdoch rags all confect political capital out of the Manchester mass murders
to smear J Corbyn … what s new
First day back on this needless election after a terror atrocity eh … classy
BBC gives front page headline to a little girls twitter comment really ? . I wonder who manufactured this
BBC hides away the headline of a man on question time producing evidence that the mosque the attacker worshipped at was handing out hate speech to visitors saying are values have no place in the west any more The BBC is pushing its own narrative yet again . Lets remind are accuse the UK of war crimes and justify the murder of are children . Its a clear swipe at any government measure to tackle extreme Islam and enable terrorism .
Theresa May says we are fighting terrorists, but terrorism is just the method of killing our enemy is using.
We are at war: http://john-moloney.blogspot.com/2017/05/war-war-not-jaw-jaw.html
Friday night on Newsnight is always their low point of a serially low week.
Reckon they just leave a steaming pile in the atrium before heading off to their boyfriends in the Cotswolds, their drug stashes in Acton.
What other reason would there be for their fifteen minutes of fake news and confections re the demise of Trump-Russians, Nixon, impeaching, McCain…how many times has THIS package run now then?
Desperate crap, no evidence much as was the case on January 21st. Fake, flake no contrived news-yet here it is again like a curled up shit sandwich on a sushi carousel. Gives Emily trime to ring home I expect.
Only hope that Triump uses this “leak” from the New York Times to REALLY finish off thie drippy leaky 24/7 war of attrition against Trump.
Be great to see the rag closed down for breaching state secrets and their hacks in handcuffs alongside BBC fellow-travellers. Only hope he`s got the venom and scorn to get them back-and it`d be hard for the BBC scum to say he`s not wrong to get the scum.
Come on Donald-let`s see some blood please.
The last information I had was that Evan (The Albert) hangs around Holland Park/Westbourne Grove.
AKA Tinsel Tits, #7.
Chwarae teg. I couldn’t supply evidence in court as to ‘The Albert’, but if I (unfortunately) met ‘him’ an assault charge may follow.
“Come on Donald-let`s see some blood please”
Patience please, its coming, and its big. Indeed, as I was informed last week, and was reported in the Daily Mail. Internet hacker Kim Dotcom said he was involved in releasing the Democratic National Committee’s emails to Wikileaks, along with murdered staffer Seth Rich. And if Congress includes the Seth Rich case into their Russia probe, he will give written testimony with evidence that Seth Rich was the Wikileaks source. Wikileaks have denied that the Russians provided the emails.
On Sunday, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said “We have this very strange story here of this young man who worked for the DNC who was apparently assassinated at four in the morning having given Wikileaks something like 23,000, I’m sorry, 53,000 emails and 17,000 attachments,’ ‘Nobody’s investigating that, and what does that tell you about what was going on, because it turns out it wasn’t the Russians, it was this young guy who, I suspect, who was disgusted by the corruption of the Democratic National Committee, He’s been killed, and apparently nothing serious has been done to investigate his murder. So, I’d like to see how [former FBI director Robert] Mueller is going to define what his assignment is?”
There is also evidence that high ranking current and former Democratic Party officials are in a panic over legal action against a private detective Rod Wheeler who was initially employed by the Rich family. It looks like the Rich family have now been given free legal help by the Clinton goons who fear that the Rich family will now realise they are being used as useful idiots by the Clinton’s and the Democratic Party. The good news is that this is causing the goons to back off from pushing for Impeachment of Trump, presumably because Trump can now blackmail the swamp.
Also I found out that BBC types have inferior intellectual abilities due to physical and mental weakness, and the use of marijuana. As well as findings that they may not have a colonial guilt complex, but a combination of marijuana, plus the addition of a dysfunctional upbringing were a parent liked a Man or Women, more than their Mother or Father. The marijuana and the dysfunctional upbringing combining to make them white middle-class masochists and social sadists with very poor judgment of what is reality, and what is not reality.
Also, it seems the BBC is making OFCOM angry by holding back evidence of a massive increase in complaints.
I hope you’re right about the Trump stuff, not hearing any of that over here. He needs to pull a rabbit out of the hat to shut the f ers up, especially as Hilliary has reared her made up face again.
Don’t understand your paragraph about marijuana tho.