A taster……
“In modern Britain everyone seems petrified to officially say what we all say in private”
“Aiming his anger at Sadiq Khan, he went on – ‘Sadiq Khan says London is united with Manchester, but he does not condemn Islamic State, who have claimed responsibility.”
“Manchester mayor Andy Burnham says the attack is the work of an ‘extremist’. An extreme what? An extreme rabbit ? “
Morrissey certainly speaks for Manchester better than any blow-in fop like Scouser Burnham. Would the Scousers have voted in a manc…like to think they`d not. Still some city pride you see.
Do like Morrissey, most of the time. Like Grayson Perry, he does come up with some uncomfotable truths for his own side…whcih is rare in the Lefty liberal class.
I knew someone who used to beat Morrissey up at school…not saying that`s good, but bet there`d be a book in Celebrity Bullies.
Kushner ‘discussed secret line to Moscow’ – US media reports
More copy and paste journalism from the bbc who appear to have become a UK subsidiary of the US media. 6 months since Trump was elected, 6 months of smears, leaks and general sour grapes but not a single arrest, not a single law suit. Amazing. The bbc just takes it all like mother’s milk.
One day they will run out of apostrophes and be forced to find some facts.
Having a back channel to Moscow is absolutely par for the course. All administrations since President Kennedy have known that the State Department leaks like a sieve, and cannot be trusted when really secret communications are required. There is nothing wrong or even unusual for the transition team to look into setting up such a back channel.
I know this, the State Department knows this and the MSM must know it. They are the willing participants in a smear operation, and they wonder why they get shouted down at news conferences? It’s because you have forfeited your right to be treated as impartial journalists, you fools.
It was one of the most alarming interviews I have ever seen.Corbyns habitual lying is disgraceful, denying to say he would commit to Trident, denying support for the IRA when the physical facts prove otherwise, blaming the UK for bringing terror to the streets, it went on and on..
I may being over sensetive here but it puts the fear of God into me if the likes of Corbyn’s,Abbott, McDonnell and the rest of his gang get elected.
Where is the coverage on the news channels regarding this alarming interview and it’s content….
Am I the only one that found this interview shocking, I must have led a sheltered life..
Yesterday … the needless, manipulated GE17 hit a new low
Liar May, D Davis, J Cleverly, Murdoch rags all confect political capital out of the Manchester mass murders
to smear J Corbyn … and that is what it is, given airtime on the Al BBC what s new
First day back on this needless election after a terror atrocity eh … classy
They’re falling apart on this they attempt disgraceful tenuous links to smear … because they have no coherent strategy, condemn terrorism but cannot recognize the connection with, A Islam, B previous involvement, the latter although in no way equitable, is simply a fact
Boris Johnson said the same thing about the 7/7 bombings, so why is this suddenly controversial for Corbyn to say?
Davis was simply laughable on AQs yesterday, (Brexit?? shakes head), Cleverly utterly skewered and filleted … utterly clueless on 5Live News, (they repeat this B/S that much they believe it).
On the Neil interview if y
Not shocking dafydd.
Was a serial Lefty apologist and troublemaker in the 80s, a Green pest in the early 90s too.
These people are now one and the same progressing liars and insouciant truth deniers, trained in superior positions and to look cow-eyed at the camera, whilst their monkeys take your number plate outside, Very dangerous people…would put McDonnell as probably the exemplar of plausible denial as his goons fix your emails for you.
We need to fry the snakes head here in scorn, mockery and endless double standards getting loudly proclaimed…abuse and threats work better that “debate”-because they now shout over you and can call up public sector fellow-dossers with access to the icepicks at County Stores.
No-they need threats, since they actually physically derive ALL possible income from their nastiness-the “nice people” never want power and violence as do they.
After Thatchers death-we really ought to know what we`re facing…and both of their faces need attention in that if they fuck with us-we`ll more than deal with them later too!
Where`s my Nasty Party when I need it?
See you at Tolpuddle then.
Re Peter Grimes below too.
PS-agreed re your views on Trump trashing by Webb and Sopel–glad YOU too see the evil rationale behind these tiresome, contrived drive bys. If only they could detonate themselves off the airwaves, showing some courage and self-sacrificing conviction. But no-prep school fees and polenta don`t come cheap-unlike their abuse of Mr President.
Toady programme 8.10ish this morning. Sopel sneering, as only he can, at Trump’s attempts to extract more money from our EU ‘friends’ to meet their NATO commitments, commitments honoured more in the breach than in the spirit.
I can’t remember Al Beeb criticising Macaroon’s blatant rudeness in deliberately swerving away from Trump to greet Doktor Meerkat and other lesser dignitaries first. Nor ever a query from Al Beeb as to WHY our EU/NATO ‘friends’ don’t pay their way and are happy for the US, us and, all too rarely, France, to be the main contributors. Never a query as to how much more these non-payers, Germany particularly, can do to advantage themselves because of their failure to pay for their own protection.
Then again, would I ever expect Al Beeb to make deep enquiry of anyone’s motives other than the Tories, Trump or UKIP.
One minor point, Peter, on NATO subs, IIRC Germany did pay their way up until 1990 but were granted an exemption to help pay for re-unification of their country post-fall of Berlin Wall.
BTW, EU Leavers are always accused of wanting to return to the past (unlike EU enthusiasts who constantly live in it) but would not a return to 1990 be blissful?
We have not only squandered the ‘peace dividend’ since then but have also created a massive terrorist ‘overdraft’.
That’s fine, but every DMark/€ that Germany diverted to their eastern provinces was designed to increase their (Germany’s) prosperity and competitiveness whilst we paid for their defence. And it has been exacerbated by the EU.
Agreed. It was a slightly stupid proposition and supposition that ‘we let Germany off’ in that should the Ruskies invade, they – in western Germany – can sacrifice East Germany as a buffer zone.
The fact is that we knew that the Russians were not going to invade. The Russians were a busted flush back then and all NATO spending should have been dialled back with the money returned to the taxpayers* and not kept by wasteful Government who squandered it. In fact, they even taxed us more (in the UK via supposedly AGW related Fuel Duties) so that in the mid to late-90s Clinton and Blair could waste vast amounts of fossil fuel flying round the globe to patrol a supposed ‘no-fly-zone’ over Iraq.
That achieved a lot!
(* BTW, had that strategy been followed, I wonder if the whole EU might have been in a rather more robust state economically? Perhaps 2007-2009 Bank crash and recession might have been avoided altogether?)
I too noted quite a bit of ignorant sniggering between the likes of Macron, Merkel and some other bland suited blokes as Trump spoke. Noted too that the camera kept returning to these clowns as well-as if they were making their points in pictures. Some kind of Eurovision set up.
But hey-I wasn`t watching-I was listening. If only these clowns had been-but no matter.
I heard-they`ll be learning the hard way. But ignorant, thick and boorish?
Well what else would pipsqueaks like Macron and little Justin be?
What else would failed boors like Merkel do?
Why is this dereliction of dutes by nations a surprise? ALL nations promise huge contrbutions to each new crisis appeal and then fail to make anything like those promised contributions, and sometimes even nothing – ask any NGO.
I have written to the BBC to help them with a terrible quandary they are in. I think I have found a good euphemism for them .
We have the “so called Islamic state.” But right now there is no term for the scum Islamic murdering terrorists. The BBC is going out of their way not to mention the word Islamic when referring to the atrocities. I Just watched “Newswatch” with Samira
Ahmed and this was just about the most dumb downed episodes I have seen. I suppose the plethora of ethnic presenters
at the BBC have to be protected from being upset if the word Islamic is mentioned.
So I suggest the euphemism of ” Non Muslim terrorist attacks.” to be used to describe any more attacks by Muhammed
and the gang. What do you think? Is this a good get out for the BBC?
Foscari, good idea! There is probably a technical term for doing this but take the acronym MatG for Muhammed and the gang and call it Matgee. Sounds a bit Indian (as in Hindu/Sikh), so they will probably like that as it blames all people from ‘South Asia’ (more correctly either western Asia or central Asia) and deflects some blame from ….. .
The same Libtard / Leftie / Beeboids who squeal ‘something must be done’ whenever some insane muslim regime or faction (and they’re ALL insane) turns on its own people or its neighbours (sometimes for believing the wrong set of fairy tales), killing, torturing and mutilating them mercilessly (so much for the ROP) while some grandstanding beeboid ‘reporter’ posing in a bulletproof jacket sends out pictures of dead babies – those same sentimental virtue signalling idiots are then the first to denounce our foreign policy and blame our involvement in those ghastly wars for terrorist attacks in UK.
Most ‘interventions’ have been disastrous.
From now on foreign policy should be based solely on national interest. And if no national interest is served, we do precisely nothing.
P.S. Same should apply to the criminal waste that is ‘overseas aid’.
“Fact Check” on UKIP Manifesto – https://fullfact.org/event/2017/May/25
Excellent graphical representations of the imbalance of sums spent on the population as a result of the Barnett Formula. Bear this in mind when you hear, no doubt, of what the SNP propose spending on the Scots – the money will come from the English only.
UKIP Manifesto overall, core assertions – cannot be faulted. Will we hear this news on the BBC? Nobody hold their breath……..
Not BBC bias but a question asked and not answered and not re-asked. John Humphrys was interviewing Ed Husain, a former Muslim extremist and founder of the Quilliam Foundation. John asked him what changed him. Interestingly, Ed did not answer the question. He had an opportunity to testify to personal change. John did not spot that and re-ask the question.
BBC’s Jon Sopel tells us today that he and other media reporters can only report on the itinerary of President Trump’s recent foray out the White House. Starved of any salacious ‘news’ they are. Shame. Further down the pecking order this means that we cannot highlight the anti-Trump venom that exists for the current POTUS by the BBC. Perhaps, starved or US Presidential ‘News’, Sopel should be reassigned to study and report on Merkel’s criminal policies instead?
“There has been a rise in Islamaphobic ‘attacks’ since the bombing on Monday night. The Muslim community has had to face this. After Jo Cox was murdered, the white English community were not blamed for her death.”
No but I seem to remember that all of UKIP WAS blamed (its leader especially was named) and that the despicable Polly Toynbee accused all potential Leave voters in the following week’s Referendum of, in effect, being behind her death. Nobody available on the BBC to stand up for them – then or now – but then it does seem that the BBC and the Guardian are joined at the hip and therefore subscribe to those views.
They are not really meant to have a view at the BBC. They should be strictly neutral..
This is their problem isn`t it?
We were.
Blamed and reviled, day in and day out.
White trashy leaving fascists who killed Coxy.
And it was less than a year ago, so we`ll know what the BBC and the broadsheets, lefties and Remainiacs were saying. We KNOW what they did-they weaponised a pointless death of a lefty nomark, albeit someones loved one…so this in no way condones the evil done to her and those who really knew and loved her. As opposed to using her corpse to shut us down.
The murder of Cox was on a par with the murder of Alex Zito way back-a nutter off his meds, unable to get his pills the night before. Doubtless because the Batley polyclinic had shut up shop to campaign for the unions in making us stay in the EU a few hours early. Or maybe he overused his tablets and lost the cycle of self-medication. Who knows? The local library would also have had remainers sticking up posters-doubtless , the staff emplyed would have been doing the same to keep Jo in the EU.
So we were all there-no “terrorist” at all, but who ever saw the Lefies as anything other that grief thieves and martyr makers in their cookie dusters. Horst Wessel, Harvey Milk, Pavlik Morosov and the Manchester 22 now…let alone, those long leases on the likes of the Dowler family and their poor kid Millie. This is the Left..this is the BBC.
No-I was there, and know what they were doing in using a worthless unknown Labour suit as a sandbag to cover their evil tracks to keep us in the EU.
Cheap grace. At all expenses other than their own.
Jonathan Zito, if you mean the man fatally stabbed through the eye on the London Underground by schizophrenic Christopher Clunis. I remember how shocking that crime was 25 years ago – now, with the unspeakable events of this week we are encouraged just to carry on as normal – the acceptable response seems only to be one of sentimentality.
The bBBC has to look half way around the world for an example of so called anti Muslim hate crime:
Portland deaths: Two stabbed trying to stop anti-Muslim abuse http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-40070319
Very sad that two people lost their lives, but another poorly written propaganda article. The police Say he was yelling a lot of things including what could be characterised as hate speech. No mention of possible mental illness. The fact that he stabbed two interveners might indicate this? And…the women who were being verbally abused left before police could speak to them. All taking place in the libtard hotbed Oregon.
So, the UK is ‘home to 23,000 Jihadists’ (Times).
Add to that those the police don’t know about, plus family and mosque-mates in-the-know, associates, well-wishers, fellow-travellers, supporters…
Starts to sound less like lone wolves and isolated nut-jobs, and more like… an army?
Charlie Martel
Its about time our ‘Tweezer’ and her Tory government took up the adage of ‘know your enemy’.
Their first duty is to defend the nation not to appease. Start with the offending broadcaster.
I wonder if the imam at the Didsbury mosque is now one of the 23000? After seeing him lined up in civvies condemning the bombing we now see him in military fatigues in Libya. The man on question time who was given such short shrift by Dimbleby was undoubtedly truthful and sensible in his assessment of this mosque. The fact is that we cannot guess how many active, potential and supportive jihadis there are in this country. So many Muslims lie about their religion and their attitude to non Muslims and to violence. I would imagine that the slime pool from which future bombers and murderers will emerge is well above 23000.
The fact is that the police and MI5 cannot cope with the scale of this problem. If we go on as we are and just peddle the BBCs message of hope and love, accept Corbyn’s lies about our foreign policy and tell people to carry on as normal while armed police patrol Scarborough beach, many more will be killed and we are in effect being interned ourselves . Or we can intern the worst of the 23000, start a deportation process for the whole lot over time, close down any mosque with even remote terror associations and regulate any practice of Islam in the UK – for a start. And please let’s not allow any more Muslims from war zones into the country commencing now.
Why poor old Scarborough ? are there boat loads of migrants slipping ashore at the dead of night there then ? They should try putting a wire netting fence around the coastline of Kent, where dinghies are being found and abandoned after they’ve crossed the Channel, instead.
Re Corbyns lies
Does military intervention increase the terror threat? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40061551
Poor article. Author supports Corbyn. Labour = good, Tory = bad. Then at end of the article, which of course only references Islamic terrorism and no comment made about that curious fact, the author mentions that: countries which have not intervened in affairs of Muslim countries still have terrorist attacks, and that there were attacks before foreign interventions. So argument is disproved.
The Today team R4 was being unusually mendacious this morning.
The parade muslim prosecutor from up north was lecturing us about “hate criming” the community from which muslim terrorists come. No one blames white people for the murder of Cox, because her murderer was white. No one ever claimed that. What was jumped on was the murderer supposedly shouting “Britain first”. Brexiteers, because they want an independent Britain, were accused of creating the atmosphere in which this murder was possible, post-Brexit spike in ” hate crime” etc. . Britain has been accused of being “a racist country” for decades. No one has ever said stop calling Britain racist, as it will make thosel white Britons who are not racist, racist. It has always puzzled me why millions of immigrants are so eager to settle in racist Britain. Surely, there are more welcoming places to go.
No one blames christians for the KKK and its burning crosses. But homosexuals are always blaming christianity for the persecution of homosexuals. Didn’t one old grand pouffe de theatre tear pages from the bible on stage? He should try that with the koran. I don’t see the usual suspects making fine distinctions between christists and christians.
Ah yes, the Grayson Perry Paradox.
Ta ID.
Like Morrissey-a reflex lefty idiot who gets well paid to get his cake and eat it too. But -every so often-his worn turns and bites less-thinking members of his adopted tribe-and gets hated too. Like Greer,Dawkins and Tatchell-and always delcious to watch.
Here is Perry from the Times 19/11/07
“I will not attack Islamism in my art for the very real reason that I might get my throat cut if I do”
And here he is a few sentences later.
“With my usual religious targets in art,I think I know what they are, But Islam is amorphous, what is the threshold?So I play it safe all the time, because even an innocuous image of mine might trigger a really violent reaction”.
See what he did there-what the Times did too? They abrogated Perrys Meccan sura with their Medinan “upgrade”.
They`re cutural slaves themselves now-People of the Book, so Islam will now leave them alone.
Has Perry got a burqa handy?…oh, and by the way Cairo will have to decide if the “Radio Times” actually IS a book…sure as hell these clowns don`t know the Talmud, let alone the Gospels. But who does these days?
Poor, not particularly witty, recycled claptrap, in my opinion. And the old Bentley story? The car is more likely to belong to a working class footballer these days.
It’s a bit rich to imply that the US does not have a class system, in view of the divisions highlighted by the recent Presidential election.
It is likely that most countries have a class system
But there are distinctive aspects of the British class system which are highlighted here.
The main point is how certain aspects of the class system, the style of interviewing and disparaging working class people, n is widely seen in the UK media. The ex SAS man was making a valid point which was being obstructed with these affectations of superior class based knowledge.
The video clearly displays an aspect of media bias of the kind you see in the BBC.
One other thought occurred to me (at the risk of labouring the point). Class certainly plays a part in the attitude to the former SAS trooper, in the same way that it plays a part in the MSM’s attitude to people like Tommy Robinson. So far as our armed forces are concerned though, class is far from the only issue. The Left, and trendy liberals in the media generally, have little empathy with military folk of any rank. They’re either oiks or blimps, whose job is waging war and killing people.
He WAS correct on one point though, the continual backdrop of the flowers and balloons for crying out loud, and Sky reporter Colin Brazier always comes across as holier than thou.
I was asked by a friend if I could send him the link to the online free Quaran in English where I obtained mine some years ago. Just tracked it down and sent but it occurred to me, other cult (of peace) watchers might also appreciate their own copy to read and cherish…….
So, this is it still hot from the King Fahd Mecca printing works –
If you have trouble downloading it, I’m sure that the King Fahd School in London would be only too pleased to send a copy – http://www.thekfa.org.uk/wp/
Thanks, I’ll pass.
Remember though that if you do download it, and then subsequently delete it, you may be considered to have offended the prophet.
On second thoughts…
There’s some context missing there
Amol First tweeted
10am Fri : Katie Hopkins to leave LBC
Obvs I tweet this out of immense frustration, but also people should know @BBCNews’s credibility comes with costs
* I had Katie Hopkins scoop yesterday.
Phoned @LBC. Useless response. Needed 2nd source.
BBC rules mean I couldn’t do it. One of those things *
Sorry Amol is nuts it’s not a scoop resources should be used for , cos it makes no difference to me if I find KTHopkins was fired on Friday or 24 hours later.
#2 Amol thinks BBC has credibility ? ROFL
#3 Note Amol never tweeted the context why they fired her, so seems he’s lying by omission
Victory for little boy Owen Jones who threatened to boycott LBC if they did not sack her.
Now Owen is with his pals in the pro Islamic UAF supporting a counter demo to the one organized by Gays Against Sharia – who are meeting on the anniversary of the Orlando massacre that upset Owen so much that he walked out of the SKY studios.Now he opposes the gays who are marching in memory of gays slaughtered in Orlando.
Family of telephone fraudsters targetting the elderly, have assets seized
Atif Mohammed from Glasgow.
Same page
A witch shop which was vandalised
.. are claiming they need special treatment cos it’s a hatecrime against their religion.
As I put on the 8.10 toast this morning-heard Justin Webbs introduction to a piece with Jon Sopel in regard of grading Trumps visit over here .
Reader-am proud to say that as soon as he said what would be coming, I baled out pronto…so never heard it. But need I? Course not, who but themselves give a flying fart about what the BBCs opinion on Trumps talks to NATO or OIS etc would be.
We KNOW what Webb and Sopel say…but why are they allowed airtime at our expense to lie aloud and “make assessment” of Trumps talks.
Heard both of Trumps speeches live -brilliant and direct, Daniel in the Lions Den stuff, rictus grins from those made to hear it.
Who the hell are Soapy Webb to “evaluate” what I heard with my own ears? Especially as the do Blue Peter cut and pastes to trash Trump and create Islamic Revolution and Ungoverneable Lefties like themselves.
No-I heard Trump.
As opposed to spitballs and blotting paper inkpats sent from the sniggering nannies boys lighting each others flatus at the back of the prep school dorm like Soapy Webb Minors.
But we`re paying for this crap-school fees are way too high and these scumticks are pissing our largesse and blood donations up the walls. Wake up Britain!
When two millionare fakirs like Webb and Soapy are let vent on things neither knows squat about-and we let them, more fool us innit?
HOW DARE the BBC “ASSESS” the performance of the elected head of a friendly sovereign nation who never even set foot on these shores…who the fuck do the BBC think they are?…expect a seat at the U.N for these sappy limpdix if we don NOT do the world a favour and scuttle the bastards.
The Devil is indeed in such trash pieces as this on our wankship called Toady.
In a way that sneering, mendacious muslim who has appeared – by one of the BBCs perennial coincidences – in QT and Big Question audiences, news interviews and all points east, along with a couple of threads on here, has done us a favour. Doesn’t he perfectly personify islam? Can’t you see the bastard, arse in the air five times a day, at one with his god, sniggering at the number of kuffars he has personally duped, deceived and dumped on? And all tax free, too.
And our answer? That’ll be the ‘heavily armed police’, notebooks at the ready for potential hate crimes, strutting around looking hard, while wondering what the compo and sick leave might be for stress related shock if they were forced into the deeply anti-social experience of firing a gun. Sheesh! What a nation we have become, and in such a short space of time.
you want more then … how about this “beauty”
After any erm “far right” attack he ll be there smiling, holding Mein Kampf?
He s s doing it now with Mein Koranf,
why doesn t he just hold one finger up … and be done with it!
@Nog you image didn’t show ..here they are
If the URL end in jpg you have to use the image-button
but if it’s a normal tweet beginning http://www.twitter.com ..then you just paste the URL here
Just as the BBC becomes infected with attitudes from the Canary (the vile pro Corbynista publication) so to the Times
pg 31 has a vile piece sneering at UKIP and Nuttall
And when I check, I find the writer’s not some Labour nitwit
bu the actual Times Political Editor
“The Times Red Box with Matt Chorley Intelligent political discussion. Integrity all the way through.”
He begins “Whatever happened to the racist rabble-rousers? A terrorist attack carried out by someone with a warped vision of Islam should be rich pickings for far-right extremists to whip up some hate.
Instead we have Ukip’s Paul Nuttall, a man who would struggle to whip up a trifle.”
The Times is if course left wing these days. I wouldn’t go near it for impartiality . If this chinless
clown is its political editor then the rag is even worse than I thought. When has there ever been a ‘far right’ reaction to the various Muslim atrocities? Who are these far right types, exactly ? It’s a myth.
Mrs Mole thinks I am far right. Never used violence on anyone in my life, except within the rules on the rugby field.
Current developments could change my behaviour though.
@EE not no it can’t be put in a Left-box, like the BBC it has it’s own particular agenda
I’m shocked by the way the Times mixes proper news with comment which seems t be ADVERTS for businesses and causes
eg..fanatical about Electric cars and Sadiq’s dieselsRpaedos campaign, yet not really showing an interest in mothers in third world kitchens who die at 35 due to cooking indoors over wood/dung fires
The one question the BBC never asks is “Where are all the fatwahs?”
Westerners insulting the prophet can expect to be farwahised by some mullah somewhere.
Everyone seems to have forgotten the Rushdie affair grand ayattollahs and ayatollahs falling over themselves to issue fatwahs. Rushie escaped with his life, but a devout muslim stabbed his Japaneses translator to desth.
If jihadists are adhdrents of a “perversion of Islam”, where are all the fatwahs?
That would be a great way for the scholars at the great Islamic universities, the mullahs and muftis, ayatolahs and imams to show how much they reject this insult to true muslims.
Of course, there will be no “muslim excommunication” for “islamists” performing acts of terrorism, because “islamists” are faithful to the tenets of islam.
If you want to see the concentrated, condensed and refined 22 carat ‘Progressive Left – See Hillary speaking at her old University. You would have to go a long way to top the levels of, derangement, venom, delusion and hypocrisy!
Liar May Re Manchester attack:
Terrorism threat now reduced from critical … nothing to see
you can trust that as much as only one case out of fifteen for Tory campaign fraud … nothing to see
… and how politically convenient
How about the Didsbury mosque, the whole situation totally manipulated, with plods help
This is the same mosque, according to the bint on QT that welcomes all comers, religions, men, women, etc., all are welcome to come and see what goes on.
This is the same mosque, according to the bint on QT that knew nothing about the literature highlighted by another on QT and said that people are always wandering in and leaving stuff lying around. This excuse backed by the mosque, saying that people wander in all the time and they have little control over who does. Some times of day, you would have difficulty seeing anyone in (from) the mosque at all.
She even dismissed the suggestion of the involvement of Saudi money and preachers as a myth, until being corrected by her “coconut” (Brown on the outside, white on the inside. RoPers name for him but it isn’t hate speech when the hate comes from RoPers) co religionist on the panel.
Received a questionnaire from Labour:-
Q: How do you think Labour would pave the streets?
With :-
A – Gold
B – Platinum
C – The bodies of your children
The BBC have deemed that the Manchester atrocity is not to feature as a source of any “comedy” in their News Quiz.
Miles Jupp said this at the start with a metaphorical black armband doubling as a gag/blindfold.
Listen BBC.
It is NOT about you, believe it or not.
We won`t laugh at the wickedness or those poor griveing people. But we laugh at you and your reporting. But you refuse to allow for this, as you wrap yourselves in blooded shrouds to escape your own culpability, idiocy and double dealings for Islam and Labour.
To name but one case.
How come the EU say that the Manchester attack was one on “our European Youth”. No-it was an attack on kids in a country that is leaving you all, how do you claim these victims as European remaining victims for yourselves?
Any comedy here?
I`d say so-the BBC assuming heroic spokeman victim bragging rights. If that`s not Janet Webb like comedy hypocrisy then what is?
But the BBC will NOT be laughed any more than the nastiest ayatollah.
But it needs to be.
On the One O Clock News or BBC suit in Moss Side tells us that he now has the names of those that the police arrested…by asking “members of the public and neighbours”. As opposed to waiting for the police to inform them presumably. How is that any different from what the New York Times did earlier in the week then?
I`m afraid that the BBC see themselves as a separate source of lawful authority following their licensed embedding with SYP over Cliff Richard in 2014.
A State within a State.
Do wonder if their “gumshoe enquiries” independent of GMP are any source of worry to anybody. Can only imagine their info is bought at the price of a few tins of Red Stripe, or a contact at the childrens home.
D Davis, J Cleverly, Murdoch rags all confect political capital out of the Manchester mass murders
to smear J Corbyn … and that is what it is … given airtime on the Al BBC what s new
Iain drunken Smith, was squealing exactly the same projection smears, on LBC today, almost hysterical
made himself look a complete idiot, even Tory quare Iain Dale couldn t reason with him.
Cleverly shot himself in both feet repeatedly for the same B/S yesterday on 5 Live.
Davis on AQs bumbling around after being faced with facts from Oakenshott of all people
again desperate for projection, to smear, and Liar May never stops
In that case, the cartoon s is simply a reflection of Liar May and co s ridiculous behaviour
The Times has been turning to the left for a while now. I started noticing this when all these stories about the British military started coming out without any substance behind them.
NATO spending
British army would mutiny if Corby wins
British army not fir for war
Russia can outgun British troops,
Britain’s military standing would not suffer after Brexit
This is depths of the No10 treachery to our nations people, from Camoron, Liar May and co.
“Government sources have confessed that there are at least 23,000 jihadists in Britain – more than seven times higher than previously revealed.
Until recently, the public had been led to believe there were around 3,000 known jihadists in Britain, with 500 being subject to active investigations led by MI5.
Whitehall officials have now disclosed that a further 20,000 individuals have been identified as posing a “residual risk”
…. The rushed, needless election? self serving vanity project?
here is the No1 issue our priority, vital national security
For one thing that, party before country, May power grab, opportunist, unnecessary, and needless early election needs to be shelved, for 6 months, and FFS don t let that devious snake who conned you out of the fixed term act, make political gain out of it.
Maybe then the parties (including Tories) will properly prepare … ITS NOT NECCESSARY NOW
Act in unity now …. do what no one in Europe is doing, take decisive pro active steps for our security,
let our nation lead … FOR our nation, not for this slimy politicians to disgracefully gain out of it.
Round up the enormous number on the watchlist, if you ve got to spend on them do it in a secure facility.
We re safer then
… CCTV in every mosque as a matter of public policy with external link, proper scrutiny on mosques anyway
… Ban Sharia, and any outward expression of it outright, it is the seat of all the problems, May should have done this already anyway.
… Ban madrassa schools, and stop any school mosque visits for small children, and older unless objective fact about Islam its founder is relayed – no facts, no visit, it should be public policy to teach objective facts about Islam in every school anyway, that would allow children to question Islam with clarity
The time is now, concerted unity government action, get that festering Westminster swamp to really do its job
… our security, lead, set an example to Europe or …
WHAT! … what will it take?
122 children next time?, 1022? maybe 10,022
after the government cowardice and appeasement over Islamic child rape gangs … THE TIME IS NOW!
Scrap the Election, ACT in unity be proactive, with the people not patronise them, show our people we mean business with their security, and send an unequivocal message to Europe
… and Islam
Friends, there is hope: Douglas Murray’s excellent “The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam” is high on various bestseller lists. People are waking up. The scales are falling. The worm is turning. Though not, of course, the worms at beebistan.
As an indication of how good it is, The Grauniad loathed it!
It seems that our politicians and the BBC agree that the problem of terror can be resolved by tackling the radicals and living in peace with the peaceful moslems
Gadaffi video someone just showed me. Maybe it’s fake, cos speaking in Arabic, Russian TV speaking over him and the subtitles making a dramatic claim,
The video appeared on YouTube 26 Oct 2015, but there are earlier interesting stories. “Gaddafi planned to flood Europe with migrants as final revenge
People-traffickers were ordered to step up exodus 13 September 2011″
Then there is an article dated 5th of May 5 months before Gadaffi died
“On April 29, …, he delivered a speech on Libyan national TV.”
“the words, which being snatched out of the context, may be assessed as a warning or even menace to Italy.”
It then quotes words similar to the video but less dramatic
“Now I have to say something to NATO. You are bombing a wall that was deterring criminals of Al-Qaeda.
The wall blocking the avalanche of African migration to Europe.
Because this wall is named Libya”
This is way to close to home for me. I usually go here with Mr BCW on a Saturday to do a bit of shopping, and have a wander round the market. We haven’t gone today because we are going to Bescot Market tomorrow.
So even a small town in the Black Country is no longer safe, it’s a bad, bad world we live in. I shall definitely be very aware of what is going on around me tomorrow,
ETA: I wonder if this will be mentioned on the Midlands Today bulletin around 4pm or whether it will just be nice happy pictures from today’s Pride. We decided in the end not to go, but my friend has come home for the weekend and we will be catching up with each others news at least.
Well ahh wench, it really is worrying, especially some parts of Walsall, and indeed Wolverhampton
Where is the security issue over growing sharia influence in the West Mids? as well as all the other problems with it?.
There is a perfect opportunity now, to stop this madness, but by appointing an Islamic scholar as chair and placing two imams in advisory roles, by Sharia May the panel on the Sharia review has no ability to make an impartial assessment on women’s rights, security etc, and of course will be seriously compromised.
The “narrow remit” of the review, has a totally misplaced focus on seeking out “best practice” among sharia councils rather than harsh scrutiny, questioning why they are not banned with immediate effect.?
IE a total whitewash
I did enjoy watching the gobby snowflake with the afro getting taken down. Whislt the ethical lattes drinkers are complaining here is the press release from the police: We’re aware of a video posted on Facebook which shows officers detaining and arresting a number of people in Taunton. While we welcome and expect public scrutiny when officers are out serving our communities, we also ask people not to jump to conclusions without knowing the full facts. At 5.29pm today we responded to a report a woman was being assaulted in Victoria Park.On arrival a large group of young people refused to co-operate with officers and five people between the ages of 15 and 34 were subsequently detained on suspicion of affray. The 18-year-old assault victim we were originally called to assist is currently in hospital receiving treatment for a number of injuries. An investigation is now underway and we’d ask people not to speculate while it takes place. Body worn video was worn by officers during the incident and will be reviewed as part of the inquiry. We expect the highest level of professionalism and diligence from all our officers and staff when on duty. https://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/newsroom/2017/05/statement-on-facebook-video-of-arrests-in-taunton/
This is what you get when you can’t discipline the little shits. When they emerge into the real world and find that things aren’t going well for them and wonder why everything seems so difficult, they are too stupid to realise that it’s their attitude causing their misery.
A cunning plan has been devised to get around the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate.
Professor Peter Boghossian and mathematician Dr James Lindsay have produced a scientific paper on the “conceptual penis” as a “gender-performative, highly fluid social construct” that is “the conceptual driver behind much of climate change”.
Also, Professor Mark Carey published a paper arguing that “a critical but overlooked aspect of the human dimensions of glaciers and global change research is the relationship between gender and glaciers” and introducing “feminist glaciology” to the scientific equation.
Drugs help Students and Environ-Mental BBC types to believe the above crap.
Still waiting for the Islamic ruling about whether it is polite or not to blow women up before you blow yourself to smithereens.
Or do men inevitably go to Paradise first with the more saintly, chaste and virginal women following tied to camels and a good few steps back?
I would also like to know if all those poor women and children killed at Ariane Grandes concert would be the correct ages to be taken as wives in paradise…and would the more puritan suicide bombers get first dibs in choosing their mates.
NONE of this is to mock the poor dead women and kids up there-they happen to be in heaven not paradise…where no Muslim bomber would ever go. But it IS to point out Islamic theological arguments that any white hating, woman hating ,joy hating twat for Allah would be happy to have with you.
Sure as hell the BBC see no scope to mock the reductio ad adsurdem piffle that I`m raising here-in any sane society , none of this would conceivably be anything but dark musings.
But in Raqqa 2017, Palmyra 2015…THESE will be coming questions if we don`t get a political class with something other than cotton wall balls in washing line speedos. where their pants ought to be.
Mishel Hussein to Blunkett, “But, soldiers on the street? People will be fwikened!” Hell, I’d be more than happy to see soldiers on our streets. Since the cut backs we just never see, even the occasional, fair weather cop anymore.
What is needed in addition to deporting jihadists, is a large scale mocking of this bonkers religion and all who follow it. I mean repeated laughter and jokes, so that anyone associated with it looks like a twerp.
I would like to hear the great Andrew Neil -defender of all things Islamic – taking the piss out of a Mayor London who believes in flying horses, a Satan who farts when he prays, and all the other bollox as well as their inhumanity.
I would like to see people interviewed by Mishail – not enough Jews killed – sneer back at her and remind her of the barmy beliefs which influence her interiews
But that would be racist.
My parents fought Nazis throughout the War and like others took the piss out of Hitler, and the man with one ball, and Goebbles with no balls, And we laughed at them whilst we interned them and eventually bombed the shit out of them
Start now.
islam is by any standards an absolutely retarded religion. It is a mixture of half-understood parts of the Bible, together with some of the pagan practices of Mecca, such as worshipping the moon and a meteorite, all devised by a 7th century version of Citizen Smith.
No sane person would give a toss about such a deranged pile of garbage, and that is why its followers resort to violence with such sickening regularity. Faced with a belief system which cannot be defended in any rational way, the path of violence and terror is really all they have.
islam advanced at the point of a sword, because if they had ever tried to win converts by explaining the religion, people would have rolled on the floor laughing. They really don’t like being laughed at, because somewhere, deep down, they must realise that the whole thing is insane and indefensible.
This is an interesting Polish view of the Islamic problems in Western Europe and why it is highly unlikely to see them replicated in Poland, despite the threats and pressure for enforced Third World immigration to Poland.
The response of the Poles to the murder of one of their own, carried out by a Muslim immigrant is sightly different to teddies; candles and flowers.
Talking to a couple of them recently, Charlie, they are not big on political correctness either.
It’s this abomination that is really destroying this country and the west as it was intended to do, ever since its creation in 1920’s Frankfurt.
The PC post-modernists have managed to combine nihilism with totalitarianism, a considerable feat, and then added a good dose of cult-like rules to it.
2 people Claim Robbo said this this morning
\\Nick Robinson just now on @BBCRadio4:
“No one can doubt that Jeremy Corbyn used to be a cheerleader for the IRA” – WTF?!!//
Well he retweeted this this afternoon
\\ Michael CrickVerified account @MichaelLCrick May 26
The personal abuse agst @bbclaurak by Ukip & Labour activists is unprecedented in an election, & outrageous. Corbyn & Nuttall shld stop it//
BTW I just found this quote from Ben Page of Ipsos MORI Feb 16
” the polls have a historic bias to Labour you will be delighted to hear!”
BTW Robbo just tweeted
“BBC staff don’t get given direction and almost all come to work every day trying to do their best to give impartial take on news”
Yep I reply
– BBCstaff come to work every day” reading t Guardian
So get manipulated by clever PR giving HALF t story
So put their finger on scale –
I think that Islamisists regard Europe as Paradise, but are then disappointed at all the ethnics in Inner City shitholes.
So then they regard Britain as Paradise, but are then disappointed by all the ethnics in Inner City shitholes.
So only then do they consider suicide as the root to Paradise.
I blame Bob Geldof. He gives them the impression that Britain is a hideously white paradise, and regards it as awfully cruel to force ethnics to live in appallingly awful foreign shitholes, teaming with millions of Wogs and Nigers, without any white people to look after them, give them jobs or feed them.
Ian Duncan Smith has just been interviewed on TV regarding Corbyn’s links with the IRA and has insisted
Corbyn owes all service men and women who served during the troubles an oppology and that includes the families who lost loved ones or were injured.
As an ex soldier myself who spent 4 years in total in Ireland doing various tours I find the idea that a potential leader of this country was in cahoots with the IRA disgraceful and sickening.
Corbyn and his Marxist mate McDonnell have something to hide. He says his only reason for talking to the IRA was to broker peace but that has proven to be a lie.People who were involved in the talks have recently made it quite clear he was not involved in any form of peace talks.
What did McDonnell once say ” the IRA must be commended for there bombing and shooting campaign because it brought the government to the negotiating table “, fucking outrageous. Both these men I believe have something to hide and if it’s found out that they were encouraging the IRA to continue with the troubles to better there political belives and needs then they should be prosecuted and sent to jail.
I genuinely believe both these men have blood on there hands either with there support for the IRA or Hamas..
1. Pirates of the Caribbean – “boring, same thing for the 5th film”
2. Baywatch the movie – “boring, OK if it was a TV special”
3. Finnish subtitled film about a Syrian refugee – “brilliant, it shows the amazing friendships that form between locals and refugees, perfect family viewing, highly recommended”
I think only the weather forecast is exempt from having the BBCs political viewpoint rammed down our throats.
I know the students inside Al Beeb think Corbyn is the Messiah (Islamic equivalent obviously) and can do no wrong, but the Tories are making it easy for the. Their election campaign is absolute crap.
No defence of the market economy, no attacks on Corbyn’s marxist economics, no attack on the pacifists, no mention of strong defence, sound money, managed migration etc etc. Corbyn has successfully moved the debate on from Brexit and the gullible and entitlement class just love the promises of billions of money tree goodies to be spent on them. May sounds underwhelming and neither strong nor stable. Meanwhile some of the Tory heavy hitters seem to be confined to barracks.
Have Corbyn’s buddies infiltrated the Tory election strategy department? It sure looks that way.
it does appear may doesnt actually want to win, she’s turned a 20 point lead into a 5 point one, considering the miserable state of all the opposition it really is remarkable
Just like last time , it suits the Conservatives to pretend it’s close
..that way their voters don’t stay at home.
They do seem clever at winning elections.
But crap at governing ..just another lefty make promises, give away money pay off your green biz pals government.
The media love that game too
“Pantomime journalism..
… he`s behind you !
..get real try dealing with the issues and the plans each party has for the future of this country”
On Twitter Labour plants are ramping up the fantasy that BBC is biased AGAINT Labour
“@afneil @bbclaurak @JPonpolitics @bbcnickrobinson Any chance you folks might giveus some fair & balanced coverage in the run-in to 8th June?”
…Wonder what the end game is ? …collusion emails being exposed ?
….it’s not the Conservatives who pretend it’s close it’s the media and the polls themselves.
One Poll by YouGov saying it’s only a 5 point lead sends the left wing media and press into overdrive.
On the night the YouGov poll came out there was another Poll giving the Conservatives an 11 point lead but that poll didn’t suit the left wing presses needs so they ignored it..
YouGov is owned by Peter Kellner who’s wife was a Baroness in the Labour party serving under Blair….!!!
The baroness in question, dafydd is the fragrant Catherine Margaret Ashton, Baroness Ashton of Upholland, ex High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and First Vice President of the European Commission. You may remember her for making independance overtures to the Ukraine on behalf of the expansionist EU. That turned out well, ISTR!
Followed by the 8pm comedy drama where the beautiful white girl marries the black kid, so the main cast is 50% black, just like the real everyday Britain in 2017.
… and they keep breaking into rap led by one of the black kids.
…BBC editorial policy ..”you can never have too much black”
BBC female reporter in the centre of Manchester among the flowers.
She interviews two wimmin who are there to give out ‘hugs’ to the crowd. One of them had given 200 hugs that morning against ‘hate’. (Hugs not Hate?).
The other woman spoke of the ‘events’ on Monday. Events? Does she mean that Islamic terrorist mass murder of children? Or was she referring to a carnival that we know nothing about??
AlthepalerpMar 4, 13:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Let us assume for a minute Russia invades Britain in a few years. Gen Z cant be bovered to fight,…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 13:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What pause in US military aid could mean for Ukraine https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ce8yz5dk82wo “could mean” – could? “it may be months” may?…
tomoMar 4, 12:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://youtu.be/HOJS3qQlVjE I doubt that a single main party dumbass in Westminster has watched this. What a contrast to Kamala…….
diggMar 4, 12:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The police president of The Black Police Association has complained because a tweet he made has been flagged as offensive…
Guest WhoMar 4, 12:45 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://thegrayzone.substack.com/p/un-demands-answers-from-uk-on-terror? Big pow wow between Starmer and Davie on this one. “Stick with saying nothing?” “Yup”
Singer Morrissey has been forthright in his views, resulting in him getting a pasting on Twatter….
A taster……
“In modern Britain everyone seems petrified to officially say what we all say in private”
“Aiming his anger at Sadiq Khan, he went on – ‘Sadiq Khan says London is united with Manchester, but he does not condemn Islamic State, who have claimed responsibility.”
“Manchester mayor Andy Burnham says the attack is the work of an ‘extremist’. An extreme what? An extreme rabbit ? “
I notice that comments are disabled for the article – that seems to be the norm for the Express whenever the “Peaceful Ones” are involved.
Morrissey certainly speaks for Manchester better than any blow-in fop like Scouser Burnham. Would the Scousers have voted in a manc…like to think they`d not. Still some city pride you see.
Do like Morrissey, most of the time. Like Grayson Perry, he does come up with some uncomfotable truths for his own side…whcih is rare in the Lefty liberal class.
I knew someone who used to beat Morrissey up at school…not saying that`s good, but bet there`d be a book in Celebrity Bullies.
Kushner ‘discussed secret line to Moscow’ – US media reports
More copy and paste journalism from the bbc who appear to have become a UK subsidiary of the US media. 6 months since Trump was elected, 6 months of smears, leaks and general sour grapes but not a single arrest, not a single law suit. Amazing. The bbc just takes it all like mother’s milk.
One day they will run out of apostrophes and be forced to find some facts.
“One day they will run out of apostrophes and be forced to find some facts.” – ‘Some say’……..
What the BBC ‘has learned’ could fill a book.
File under fiction.
Having a back channel to Moscow is absolutely par for the course. All administrations since President Kennedy have known that the State Department leaks like a sieve, and cannot be trusted when really secret communications are required. There is nothing wrong or even unusual for the transition team to look into setting up such a back channel.
I know this, the State Department knows this and the MSM must know it. They are the willing participants in a smear operation, and they wonder why they get shouted down at news conferences? It’s because you have forfeited your right to be treated as impartial journalists, you fools.
They will stop at nothing to get trump, and impede his progress in achieving any of his election promises along the way. The lies continue.
Corbyn’s interview with Andrew Neil….
It was one of the most alarming interviews I have ever seen.Corbyns habitual lying is disgraceful, denying to say he would commit to Trident, denying support for the IRA when the physical facts prove otherwise, blaming the UK for bringing terror to the streets, it went on and on..
I may being over sensetive here but it puts the fear of God into me if the likes of Corbyn’s,Abbott, McDonnell and the rest of his gang get elected.
Where is the coverage on the news channels regarding this alarming interview and it’s content….
Am I the only one that found this interview shocking, I must have led a sheltered life..
Yesterday … the needless, manipulated GE17 hit a new low
Liar May, D Davis, J Cleverly, Murdoch rags all confect political capital out of the Manchester mass murders
to smear J Corbyn … and that is what it is, given airtime on the Al BBC what s new
First day back on this needless election after a terror atrocity eh … classy
They’re falling apart on this they attempt disgraceful tenuous links to smear … because they have no coherent strategy, condemn terrorism but cannot recognize the connection with, A Islam, B previous involvement, the latter although in no way equitable, is simply a fact
Boris Johnson said the same thing about the 7/7 bombings, so why is this suddenly controversial for Corbyn to say?
Davis was simply laughable on AQs yesterday, (Brexit?? shakes head), Cleverly utterly skewered and filleted … utterly clueless on 5Live News, (they repeat this B/S that much they believe it).
On the Neil interview if y
Not shocking dafydd.
Was a serial Lefty apologist and troublemaker in the 80s, a Green pest in the early 90s too.
These people are now one and the same progressing liars and insouciant truth deniers, trained in superior positions and to look cow-eyed at the camera, whilst their monkeys take your number plate outside, Very dangerous people…would put McDonnell as probably the exemplar of plausible denial as his goons fix your emails for you.
We need to fry the snakes head here in scorn, mockery and endless double standards getting loudly proclaimed…abuse and threats work better that “debate”-because they now shout over you and can call up public sector fellow-dossers with access to the icepicks at County Stores.
No-they need threats, since they actually physically derive ALL possible income from their nastiness-the “nice people” never want power and violence as do they.
After Thatchers death-we really ought to know what we`re facing…and both of their faces need attention in that if they fuck with us-we`ll more than deal with them later too!
Where`s my Nasty Party when I need it?
See you at Tolpuddle then.
Re Peter Grimes below too.
PS-agreed re your views on Trump trashing by Webb and Sopel–glad YOU too see the evil rationale behind these tiresome, contrived drive bys. If only they could detonate themselves off the airwaves, showing some courage and self-sacrificing conviction. But no-prep school fees and polenta don`t come cheap-unlike their abuse of Mr President.
Toady programme 8.10ish this morning. Sopel sneering, as only he can, at Trump’s attempts to extract more money from our EU ‘friends’ to meet their NATO commitments, commitments honoured more in the breach than in the spirit.
I can’t remember Al Beeb criticising Macaroon’s blatant rudeness in deliberately swerving away from Trump to greet Doktor Meerkat and other lesser dignitaries first. Nor ever a query from Al Beeb as to WHY our EU/NATO ‘friends’ don’t pay their way and are happy for the US, us and, all too rarely, France, to be the main contributors. Never a query as to how much more these non-payers, Germany particularly, can do to advantage themselves because of their failure to pay for their own protection.
Then again, would I ever expect Al Beeb to make deep enquiry of anyone’s motives other than the Tories, Trump or UKIP.
Just read his Wiki entry. Am I at all surprised that he was chair of Labour students at the prestigious Southampton Poly?
One minor point, Peter, on NATO subs, IIRC Germany did pay their way up until 1990 but were granted an exemption to help pay for re-unification of their country post-fall of Berlin Wall.
BTW, EU Leavers are always accused of wanting to return to the past (unlike EU enthusiasts who constantly live in it) but would not a return to 1990 be blissful?
We have not only squandered the ‘peace dividend’ since then but have also created a massive terrorist ‘overdraft’.
That’s fine, but every DMark/€ that Germany diverted to their eastern provinces was designed to increase their (Germany’s) prosperity and competitiveness whilst we paid for their defence. And it has been exacerbated by the EU.
Agreed. It was a slightly stupid proposition and supposition that ‘we let Germany off’ in that should the Ruskies invade, they – in western Germany – can sacrifice East Germany as a buffer zone.
The fact is that we knew that the Russians were not going to invade. The Russians were a busted flush back then and all NATO spending should have been dialled back with the money returned to the taxpayers* and not kept by wasteful Government who squandered it. In fact, they even taxed us more (in the UK via supposedly AGW related Fuel Duties) so that in the mid to late-90s Clinton and Blair could waste vast amounts of fossil fuel flying round the globe to patrol a supposed ‘no-fly-zone’ over Iraq.
That achieved a lot!
(* BTW, had that strategy been followed, I wonder if the whole EU might have been in a rather more robust state economically? Perhaps 2007-2009 Bank crash and recession might have been avoided altogether?)
I too noted quite a bit of ignorant sniggering between the likes of Macron, Merkel and some other bland suited blokes as Trump spoke. Noted too that the camera kept returning to these clowns as well-as if they were making their points in pictures. Some kind of Eurovision set up.
But hey-I wasn`t watching-I was listening. If only these clowns had been-but no matter.
I heard-they`ll be learning the hard way. But ignorant, thick and boorish?
Well what else would pipsqueaks like Macron and little Justin be?
What else would failed boors like Merkel do?
Why is this dereliction of dutes by nations a surprise? ALL nations promise huge contrbutions to each new crisis appeal and then fail to make anything like those promised contributions, and sometimes even nothing – ask any NGO.
I have written to the BBC to help them with a terrible quandary they are in. I think I have found a good euphemism for them .
We have the “so called Islamic state.” But right now there is no term for the scum Islamic murdering terrorists. The BBC is going out of their way not to mention the word Islamic when referring to the atrocities. I Just watched “Newswatch” with Samira
Ahmed and this was just about the most dumb downed episodes I have seen. I suppose the plethora of ethnic presenters
at the BBC have to be protected from being upset if the word Islamic is mentioned.
So I suggest the euphemism of ” Non Muslim terrorist attacks.” to be used to describe any more attacks by Muhammed
and the gang. What do you think? Is this a good get out for the BBC?
Foscari, good idea! There is probably a technical term for doing this but take the acronym MatG for Muhammed and the gang and call it Matgee. Sounds a bit Indian (as in Hindu/Sikh), so they will probably like that as it blames all people from ‘South Asia’ (more correctly either western Asia or central Asia) and deflects some blame from ….. .
The same Libtard / Leftie / Beeboids who squeal ‘something must be done’ whenever some insane muslim regime or faction (and they’re ALL insane) turns on its own people or its neighbours (sometimes for believing the wrong set of fairy tales), killing, torturing and mutilating them mercilessly (so much for the ROP) while some grandstanding beeboid ‘reporter’ posing in a bulletproof jacket sends out pictures of dead babies – those same sentimental virtue signalling idiots are then the first to denounce our foreign policy and blame our involvement in those ghastly wars for terrorist attacks in UK.
Most ‘interventions’ have been disastrous.
From now on foreign policy should be based solely on national interest. And if no national interest is served, we do precisely nothing.
P.S. Same should apply to the criminal waste that is ‘overseas aid’.
“Fact Check” on UKIP Manifesto –
Excellent graphical representations of the imbalance of sums spent on the population as a result of the Barnett Formula. Bear this in mind when you hear, no doubt, of what the SNP propose spending on the Scots – the money will come from the English only.
UKIP Manifesto overall, core assertions – cannot be faulted. Will we hear this news on the BBC? Nobody hold their breath……..
Not BBC bias but a question asked and not answered and not re-asked. John Humphrys was interviewing Ed Husain, a former Muslim extremist and founder of the Quilliam Foundation. John asked him what changed him. Interestingly, Ed did not answer the question. He had an opportunity to testify to personal change. John did not spot that and re-ask the question.
BBC’s Jon Sopel tells us today that he and other media reporters can only report on the itinerary of President Trump’s recent foray out the White House. Starved of any salacious ‘news’ they are. Shame. Further down the pecking order this means that we cannot highlight the anti-Trump venom that exists for the current POTUS by the BBC. Perhaps, starved or US Presidential ‘News’, Sopel should be reassigned to study and report on Merkel’s criminal policies instead?
G, thought Sopel was quite witty in his TODAY item today. Perhaps he is at last getting over his banning order?
‘Free, fair, impartial’ but no parties, cocktails and jolly banter with Trump!
Can’t imagine why.
Broadcasting Beyond Contempt
Country in lockdown , army on the streets – show some balloons tells us Ariadne whatsherface is praying for the victims , show some more balloons
Have some moooslem bloke on to talk about the far right
BBC who are we being protected from ? just asking any ideas ? any particular group of people?
Trump’s son in law is allegedly maybe potentially being investigated because he once passed a Russian person in the street – oh give it up
Still on the plus side Trumpy has told the snowflakes climate change is bollox – oh dear oh dear
Highly objectionable BBC this morning.
“There has been a rise in Islamaphobic ‘attacks’ since the bombing on Monday night. The Muslim community has had to face this. After Jo Cox was murdered, the white English community were not blamed for her death.”
No but I seem to remember that all of UKIP WAS blamed (its leader especially was named) and that the despicable Polly Toynbee accused all potential Leave voters in the following week’s Referendum of, in effect, being behind her death. Nobody available on the BBC to stand up for them – then or now – but then it does seem that the BBC and the Guardian are joined at the hip and therefore subscribe to those views.
They are not really meant to have a view at the BBC. They should be strictly neutral..
Classic “whataboutery” for them to refer to the Cox murder. Don’t even respond to that.
Just ask questions like “was Abedi acting alone?”, “what was his motivation?”, “have there been similar attacks recently?” “who made them?” and so on.
This is their problem isn`t it?
We were.
Blamed and reviled, day in and day out.
White trashy leaving fascists who killed Coxy.
And it was less than a year ago, so we`ll know what the BBC and the broadsheets, lefties and Remainiacs were saying. We KNOW what they did-they weaponised a pointless death of a lefty nomark, albeit someones loved one…so this in no way condones the evil done to her and those who really knew and loved her. As opposed to using her corpse to shut us down.
The murder of Cox was on a par with the murder of Alex Zito way back-a nutter off his meds, unable to get his pills the night before. Doubtless because the Batley polyclinic had shut up shop to campaign for the unions in making us stay in the EU a few hours early. Or maybe he overused his tablets and lost the cycle of self-medication. Who knows? The local library would also have had remainers sticking up posters-doubtless , the staff emplyed would have been doing the same to keep Jo in the EU.
So we were all there-no “terrorist” at all, but who ever saw the Lefies as anything other that grief thieves and martyr makers in their cookie dusters. Horst Wessel, Harvey Milk, Pavlik Morosov and the Manchester 22 now…let alone, those long leases on the likes of the Dowler family and their poor kid Millie. This is the Left..this is the BBC.
No-I was there, and know what they were doing in using a worthless unknown Labour suit as a sandbag to cover their evil tracks to keep us in the EU.
Cheap grace. At all expenses other than their own.
Jonathan Zito, if you mean the man fatally stabbed through the eye on the London Underground by schizophrenic Christopher Clunis. I remember how shocking that crime was 25 years ago – now, with the unspeakable events of this week we are encouraged just to carry on as normal – the acceptable response seems only to be one of sentimentality.
The bBBC has to look half way around the world for an example of so called anti Muslim hate crime:
Portland deaths: Two stabbed trying to stop anti-Muslim abuse
Very sad that two people lost their lives, but another poorly written propaganda article. The police Say he was yelling a lot of things including what could be characterised as hate speech. No mention of possible mental illness. The fact that he stabbed two interveners might indicate this? And…the women who were being verbally abused left before police could speak to them. All taking place in the libtard hotbed Oregon.
So, the UK is ‘home to 23,000 Jihadists’ (Times).
Add to that those the police don’t know about, plus family and mosque-mates in-the-know, associates, well-wishers, fellow-travellers, supporters…
Starts to sound less like lone wolves and isolated nut-jobs, and more like… an army?
Charlie Martel
Its about time our ‘Tweezer’ and her Tory government took up the adage of ‘know your enemy’.
Their first duty is to defend the nation not to appease. Start with the offending broadcaster.
I wonder if the imam at the Didsbury mosque is now one of the 23000? After seeing him lined up in civvies condemning the bombing we now see him in military fatigues in Libya. The man on question time who was given such short shrift by Dimbleby was undoubtedly truthful and sensible in his assessment of this mosque. The fact is that we cannot guess how many active, potential and supportive jihadis there are in this country. So many Muslims lie about their religion and their attitude to non Muslims and to violence. I would imagine that the slime pool from which future bombers and murderers will emerge is well above 23000.
The fact is that the police and MI5 cannot cope with the scale of this problem. If we go on as we are and just peddle the BBCs message of hope and love, accept Corbyn’s lies about our foreign policy and tell people to carry on as normal while armed police patrol Scarborough beach, many more will be killed and we are in effect being interned ourselves . Or we can intern the worst of the 23000, start a deportation process for the whole lot over time, close down any mosque with even remote terror associations and regulate any practice of Islam in the UK – for a start. And please let’s not allow any more Muslims from war zones into the country commencing now.
….while armed police patrol Scarborough beach…….
Why poor old Scarborough ? are there boat loads of migrants slipping ashore at the dead of night there then ? They should try putting a wire netting fence around the coastline of Kent, where dinghies are being found and abandoned after they’ve crossed the Channel, instead.
Re Corbyns lies
Does military intervention increase the terror threat?
Poor article. Author supports Corbyn. Labour = good, Tory = bad. Then at end of the article, which of course only references Islamic terrorism and no comment made about that curious fact, the author mentions that: countries which have not intervened in affairs of Muslim countries still have terrorist attacks, and that there were attacks before foreign interventions. So argument is disproved.
The Today team R4 was being unusually mendacious this morning.
The parade muslim prosecutor from up north was lecturing us about “hate criming” the community from which muslim terrorists come. No one blames white people for the murder of Cox, because her murderer was white. No one ever claimed that. What was jumped on was the murderer supposedly shouting “Britain first”. Brexiteers, because they want an independent Britain, were accused of creating the atmosphere in which this murder was possible, post-Brexit spike in ” hate crime” etc. . Britain has been accused of being “a racist country” for decades. No one has ever said stop calling Britain racist, as it will make thosel white Britons who are not racist, racist. It has always puzzled me why millions of immigrants are so eager to settle in racist Britain. Surely, there are more welcoming places to go.
No one blames christians for the KKK and its burning crosses. But homosexuals are always blaming christianity for the persecution of homosexuals. Didn’t one old grand pouffe de theatre tear pages from the bible on stage? He should try that with the koran. I don’t see the usual suspects making fine distinctions between christists and christians.
‘This morning’?
Ah yes, the Grayson Perry Paradox.
Ta ID.
Like Morrissey-a reflex lefty idiot who gets well paid to get his cake and eat it too. But -every so often-his worn turns and bites less-thinking members of his adopted tribe-and gets hated too. Like Greer,Dawkins and Tatchell-and always delcious to watch.
Here is Perry from the Times 19/11/07
“I will not attack Islamism in my art for the very real reason that I might get my throat cut if I do”
And here he is a few sentences later.
“With my usual religious targets in art,I think I know what they are, But Islam is amorphous, what is the threshold?So I play it safe all the time, because even an innocuous image of mine might trigger a really violent reaction”.
See what he did there-what the Times did too? They abrogated Perrys Meccan sura with their Medinan “upgrade”.
They`re cutural slaves themselves now-People of the Book, so Islam will now leave them alone.
Has Perry got a burqa handy?…oh, and by the way Cairo will have to decide if the “Radio Times” actually IS a book…sure as hell these clowns don`t know the Talmud, let alone the Gospels. But who does these days?
The class system and the Manchester bombing
Poor, not particularly witty, recycled claptrap, in my opinion. And the old Bentley story? The car is more likely to belong to a working class footballer these days.
It’s a bit rich to imply that the US does not have a class system, in view of the divisions highlighted by the recent Presidential election.
It is likely that most countries have a class system
But there are distinctive aspects of the British class system which are highlighted here.
The main point is how certain aspects of the class system, the style of interviewing and disparaging working class people, n is widely seen in the UK media. The ex SAS man was making a valid point which was being obstructed with these affectations of superior class based knowledge.
The video clearly displays an aspect of media bias of the kind you see in the BBC.
Yes, I understand the point, but IMO it is made with cliches and a sledgehammer. He tries to be witty and fails – IMO.
Thanks, fair enough. Point accepted
One other thought occurred to me (at the risk of labouring the point). Class certainly plays a part in the attitude to the former SAS trooper, in the same way that it plays a part in the MSM’s attitude to people like Tommy Robinson. So far as our armed forces are concerned though, class is far from the only issue. The Left, and trendy liberals in the media generally, have little empathy with military folk of any rank. They’re either oiks or blimps, whose job is waging war and killing people.
He WAS correct on one point though, the continual backdrop of the flowers and balloons for crying out loud, and Sky reporter Colin Brazier always comes across as holier than thou.
I was asked by a friend if I could send him the link to the online free Quaran in English where I obtained mine some years ago. Just tracked it down and sent but it occurred to me, other cult (of peace) watchers might also appreciate their own copy to read and cherish…….
So, this is it still hot from the King Fahd Mecca printing works –
Click to access 6_PDFDownloadLinkFull.pdf
If you have trouble downloading it, I’m sure that the King Fahd School in London would be only too pleased to send a copy –
It’s a pity my printer won’t accept Andrex, G, too soft and fluffy for the rollers.
Thanks, I’ll pass.
Remember though that if you do download it, and then subsequently delete it, you may be considered to have offended the prophet.
On second thoughts…
BBC Amol proving tremendous value, impartially, sources close to the BBC have learned….
The BBC also has grades of reliability. Apparently.
There’s some context missing there
Amol First tweeted
Sorry Amol is nuts it’s not a scoop resources should be used for , cos it makes no difference to me if I find KTHopkins was fired on Friday or 24 hours later.
#2 Amol thinks BBC has credibility ? ROFL
#3 Note Amol never tweeted the context why they fired her, so seems he’s lying by omission
GW – Massive cheers, probably started by all the ex beebots infesting LBC
Victory for little boy Owen Jones who threatened to boycott LBC if they did not sack her.
Now Owen is with his pals in the pro Islamic UAF supporting a counter demo to the one organized by Gays Against Sharia – who are meeting on the anniversary of the Orlando massacre that upset Owen so much that he walked out of the SKY studios.Now he opposes the gays who are marching in memory of gays slaughtered in Orlando.
Little creep is a PR worker for Islam.
Times pg 3 : Blair connected to Chinese tycoon who’s in bribery scandal .
Family of telephone fraudsters targetting the elderly, have assets seized
Atif Mohammed from Glasgow.
Same page
A witch shop which was vandalised
.. are claiming they need special treatment cos it’s a hatecrime against their religion.
Producer of BBC Springwatch calls birdwatching the “preserve of bearded sociopaths”
#LibMobsFamousTolerance ..speaking at Hay Festival
Stew – think you”ll find something other than twitching to be the ‘preserve of bearded sociopaths’!!
As I put on the 8.10 toast this morning-heard Justin Webbs introduction to a piece with Jon Sopel in regard of grading Trumps visit over here .
Reader-am proud to say that as soon as he said what would be coming, I baled out pronto…so never heard it. But need I? Course not, who but themselves give a flying fart about what the BBCs opinion on Trumps talks to NATO or OIS etc would be.
We KNOW what Webb and Sopel say…but why are they allowed airtime at our expense to lie aloud and “make assessment” of Trumps talks.
Heard both of Trumps speeches live -brilliant and direct, Daniel in the Lions Den stuff, rictus grins from those made to hear it.
Who the hell are Soapy Webb to “evaluate” what I heard with my own ears? Especially as the do Blue Peter cut and pastes to trash Trump and create Islamic Revolution and Ungoverneable Lefties like themselves.
No-I heard Trump.
As opposed to spitballs and blotting paper inkpats sent from the sniggering nannies boys lighting each others flatus at the back of the prep school dorm like Soapy Webb Minors.
But we`re paying for this crap-school fees are way too high and these scumticks are pissing our largesse and blood donations up the walls. Wake up Britain!
When two millionare fakirs like Webb and Soapy are let vent on things neither knows squat about-and we let them, more fool us innit?
HOW DARE the BBC “ASSESS” the performance of the elected head of a friendly sovereign nation who never even set foot on these shores…who the fuck do the BBC think they are?…expect a seat at the U.N for these sappy limpdix if we don NOT do the world a favour and scuttle the bastards.
The Devil is indeed in such trash pieces as this on our wankship called Toady.
In a way that sneering, mendacious muslim who has appeared – by one of the BBCs perennial coincidences – in QT and Big Question audiences, news interviews and all points east, along with a couple of threads on here, has done us a favour. Doesn’t he perfectly personify islam? Can’t you see the bastard, arse in the air five times a day, at one with his god, sniggering at the number of kuffars he has personally duped, deceived and dumped on? And all tax free, too.
And our answer? That’ll be the ‘heavily armed police’, notebooks at the ready for potential hate crimes, strutting around looking hard, while wondering what the compo and sick leave might be for stress related shock if they were forced into the deeply anti-social experience of firing a gun. Sheesh! What a nation we have become, and in such a short space of time.
Worth repeating …
Like that (cross fingers) we are
you want more then … how about this “beauty”
After any erm “far right” attack he ll be there smiling, holding Mein Kampf?
He s s doing it now with Mein Koranf,
why doesn t he just hold one finger up … and be done with it!
Then again noggs, at least we have a wider choice of fingers in the west, one or two but both signalling the same message.
@Nog you image didn’t show ..here they are

If the URL end in jpg you have to use the image-button
but if it’s a normal tweet beginning http://www.twitter.com ..then you just paste the URL here
This photo is crying out for a ‘caption’ competition !
“we’ve only got to get the Royal family now and the UK is ours “
Prize giving at Common Purpose graduation ceremony, Stew.
Just as the BBC becomes infected with attitudes from the Canary (the vile pro Corbynista publication) so to the Times
pg 31 has a vile piece sneering at UKIP and Nuttall
And when I check, I find the writer’s not some Labour nitwit
bu the actual Times Political Editor
“The Times Red Box with Matt Chorley Intelligent political discussion. Integrity all the way through.”
He begins “Whatever happened to the racist rabble-rousers? A terrorist attack carried out by someone with a warped vision of Islam should be rich pickings for far-right extremists to whip up some hate.
Instead we have Ukip’s Paul Nuttall, a man who would struggle to whip up a trifle.”
That poor man is very unfortunate looking.
Suppose he blames the far right for his missing chin too
The Times is if course left wing these days. I wouldn’t go near it for impartiality . If this chinless
clown is its political editor then the rag is even worse than I thought. When has there ever been a ‘far right’ reaction to the various Muslim atrocities? Who are these far right types, exactly ? It’s a myth.
Mrs Mole thinks I am far right. Never used violence on anyone in my life, except within the rules on the rugby field.
Current developments could change my behaviour though.
@EE not no it can’t be put in a Left-box, like the BBC it has it’s own particular agenda
I’m shocked by the way the Times mixes proper news with comment which seems t be ADVERTS for businesses and causes
eg..fanatical about Electric cars and Sadiq’s dieselsRpaedos campaign, yet not really showing an interest in mothers in third world kitchens who die at 35 due to cooking indoors over wood/dung fires
The one question the BBC never asks is “Where are all the fatwahs?”
Westerners insulting the prophet can expect to be farwahised by some mullah somewhere.
Everyone seems to have forgotten the Rushdie affair grand ayattollahs and ayatollahs falling over themselves to issue fatwahs. Rushie escaped with his life, but a devout muslim stabbed his Japaneses translator to desth.
If jihadists are adhdrents of a “perversion of Islam”, where are all the fatwahs?
That would be a great way for the scholars at the great Islamic universities, the mullahs and muftis, ayatolahs and imams to show how much they reject this insult to true muslims.
Of course, there will be no “muslim excommunication” for “islamists” performing acts of terrorism, because “islamists” are faithful to the tenets of islam.
If you want to see the concentrated, condensed and refined 22 carat ‘Progressive Left – See Hillary speaking at her old University. You would have to go a long way to top the levels of, derangement, venom, delusion and hypocrisy!
Liar May Re Manchester attack:
Terrorism threat now reduced from critical … nothing to see
you can trust that as much as only one case out of fifteen for Tory campaign fraud … nothing to see
… and how politically convenient
How about the Didsbury mosque, the whole situation totally manipulated, with plods help
This is the same mosque, according to the bint on QT that welcomes all comers, religions, men, women, etc., all are welcome to come and see what goes on.
This is the same mosque, according to the bint on QT that knew nothing about the literature highlighted by another on QT and said that people are always wandering in and leaving stuff lying around. This excuse backed by the mosque, saying that people wander in all the time and they have little control over who does. Some times of day, you would have difficulty seeing anyone in (from) the mosque at all.
She even dismissed the suggestion of the involvement of Saudi money and preachers as a myth, until being corrected by her “coconut” (Brown on the outside, white on the inside. RoPers name for him but it isn’t hate speech when the hate comes from RoPers) co religionist on the panel.
Received a questionnaire from Labour:-
Q: How do you think Labour would pave the streets?
With :-
A – Gold
B – Platinum
C – The bodies of your children
The BBC have deemed that the Manchester atrocity is not to feature as a source of any “comedy” in their News Quiz.
Miles Jupp said this at the start with a metaphorical black armband doubling as a gag/blindfold.
Listen BBC.
It is NOT about you, believe it or not.
We won`t laugh at the wickedness or those poor griveing people. But we laugh at you and your reporting. But you refuse to allow for this, as you wrap yourselves in blooded shrouds to escape your own culpability, idiocy and double dealings for Islam and Labour.
To name but one case.
How come the EU say that the Manchester attack was one on “our European Youth”. No-it was an attack on kids in a country that is leaving you all, how do you claim these victims as European remaining victims for yourselves?
Any comedy here?
I`d say so-the BBC assuming heroic spokeman victim bragging rights. If that`s not Janet Webb like comedy hypocrisy then what is?
But the BBC will NOT be laughed any more than the nastiest ayatollah.
But it needs to be.
Interesting analysis of where the POTUS’s appeal in relation to the banning outright of muslims entering the US is right now –
Concerning that the latest appeal fell on a panel of 10 who, apparently, decided on the basis of tribalism rather than the legal merits.
On the One O Clock News or BBC suit in Moss Side tells us that he now has the names of those that the police arrested…by asking “members of the public and neighbours”. As opposed to waiting for the police to inform them presumably. How is that any different from what the New York Times did earlier in the week then?
I`m afraid that the BBC see themselves as a separate source of lawful authority following their licensed embedding with SYP over Cliff Richard in 2014.
A State within a State.
Do wonder if their “gumshoe enquiries” independent of GMP are any source of worry to anybody. Can only imagine their info is bought at the price of a few tins of Red Stripe, or a contact at the childrens home.
He was probably in a hair pulling scrum with Kay Birley of Sky to reach the informative members of public first.
Does Kay have a daughter called Shirley?
Who likes the odd Curly Wurly and plays Hurley, EG?
“You can’t say that!”
Is it me or is The Times sliding ever lefter?
Sometimes you wonder whose side they’re on, especially Peter Brookes.
D Davis, J Cleverly, Murdoch rags all confect political capital out of the Manchester mass murders
to smear J Corbyn … and that is what it is … given airtime on the Al BBC what s new
Iain drunken Smith, was squealing exactly the same projection smears, on LBC today, almost hysterical
made himself look a complete idiot, even Tory quare Iain Dale couldn t reason with him.
Cleverly shot himself in both feet repeatedly for the same B/S yesterday on 5 Live.
Davis on AQs bumbling around after being faced with facts from Oakenshott of all people
again desperate for projection, to smear, and Liar May never stops
In that case, the cartoon s is simply a reflection of Liar May and co s ridiculous behaviour
The Times has been turning to the left for a while now. I started noticing this when all these stories about the British military started coming out without any substance behind them.
NATO spending
British army would mutiny if Corby wins
British army not fir for war
Russia can outgun British troops,
Britain’s military standing would not suffer after Brexit
This is depths of the No10 treachery to our nations people, from Camoron, Liar May and co.
“Government sources have confessed that there are at least 23,000 jihadists in Britain – more than seven times higher than previously revealed.
Until recently, the public had been led to believe there were around 3,000 known jihadists in Britain, with 500 being subject to active investigations led by MI5.
Whitehall officials have now disclosed that a further 20,000 individuals have been identified as posing a “residual risk”
…. The rushed, needless election? self serving vanity project?
here is the No1 issue our priority, vital national security
For one thing that, party before country, May power grab, opportunist, unnecessary, and needless early election needs to be shelved, for 6 months, and FFS don t let that devious snake who conned you out of the fixed term act, make political gain out of it.
Maybe then the parties (including Tories) will properly prepare … ITS NOT NECCESSARY NOW
Act in unity now …. do what no one in Europe is doing, take decisive pro active steps for our security,
let our nation lead … FOR our nation, not for this slimy politicians to disgracefully gain out of it.
Round up the enormous number on the watchlist, if you ve got to spend on them do it in a secure facility.
We re safer then
… CCTV in every mosque as a matter of public policy with external link, proper scrutiny on mosques anyway
… Ban Sharia, and any outward expression of it outright, it is the seat of all the problems, May should have done this already anyway.
… Ban madrassa schools, and stop any school mosque visits for small children, and older unless objective fact about Islam its founder is relayed – no facts, no visit, it should be public policy to teach objective facts about Islam in every school anyway, that would allow children to question Islam with clarity
The time is now, concerted unity government action, get that festering Westminster swamp to really do its job
… our security, lead, set an example to Europe or …
WHAT! … what will it take?
122 children next time?, 1022? maybe 10,022
after the government cowardice and appeasement over Islamic child rape gangs … THE TIME IS NOW!
Scrap the Election, ACT in unity be proactive, with the people not patronise them, show our people we mean business with their security, and send an unequivocal message to Europe
… and Islam
Friends, there is hope: Douglas Murray’s excellent “The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam” is high on various bestseller lists. People are waking up. The scales are falling. The worm is turning. Though not, of course, the worms at beebistan.
As an indication of how good it is, The Grauniad loathed it!
Future Home Secratary answering questions, or maybe not, on her “Britishness”.
Please Toobi, I’ve just had lunch.
In future please prefix links to Flabbott with a nausea alert.
It seems that our politicians and the BBC agree that the problem of terror can be resolved by tackling the radicals and living in peace with the peaceful moslems
Something kicked off today, but for the life in me I don’t know what, I wonder if the bBC can shed a light on the matter:
Ready for Ramadan?
Exams in Ramadan: What should I eat?
Ramadan Quiz
Anorexia stops me fasting for Ramadan
Ramadan advice; Manchester reflection
Quiz: How much do you know about Ramadan?
Saima welcomes Ramadan 2017
Can anybody spot what for the life in me I can’t recollect?
Gadaffi video someone just showed me. Maybe it’s fake, cos speaking in Arabic, Russian TV speaking over him and the subtitles making a dramatic claim,
The video appeared on YouTube 26 Oct 2015, but there are earlier interesting stories.
“Gaddafi planned to flood Europe with migrants as final revenge
People-traffickers were ordered to step up exodus 13 September 2011″
Then there is an article dated 5th of May 5 months before Gadaffi died
“On April 29, …, he delivered a speech on Libyan national TV.”
“the words, which being snatched out of the context, may be assessed as a warning or even menace to Italy.”
It then quotes words similar to the video but less dramatic
“Now I have to say something to NATO. You are bombing a wall that was deterring criminals of Al-Qaeda.
The wall blocking the avalanche of African migration to Europe.
Because this wall is named Libya”
I’m not even sure if they were not fake then.
This is way to close to home for me. I usually go here with Mr BCW on a Saturday to do a bit of shopping, and have a wander round the market. We haven’t gone today because we are going to Bescot Market tomorrow.
So even a small town in the Black Country is no longer safe, it’s a bad, bad world we live in. I shall definitely be very aware of what is going on around me tomorrow,
ETA: I wonder if this will be mentioned on the Midlands Today bulletin around 4pm or whether it will just be nice happy pictures from today’s Pride. We decided in the end not to go, but my friend has come home for the weekend and we will be catching up with each others news at least.
Well ahh wench, it really is worrying, especially some parts of Walsall, and indeed Wolverhampton
Where is the security issue over growing sharia influence in the West Mids? as well as all the other problems with it?.
There is a perfect opportunity now, to stop this madness, but by appointing an Islamic scholar as chair and placing two imams in advisory roles, by Sharia May the panel on the Sharia review has no ability to make an impartial assessment on women’s rights, security etc, and of course will be seriously compromised.
The “narrow remit” of the review, has a totally misplaced focus on seeking out “best practice” among sharia councils rather than harsh scrutiny, questioning why they are not banned with immediate effect.?
IE a total whitewash
“The man is in custody and his motives remain unclear however, we do not believe this to be related to any terror threat.” ‘kin amazing!
Feral rug rats pick a fight with the wrong Police:
I did enjoy watching the gobby snowflake with the afro getting taken down. Whislt the ethical lattes drinkers are complaining here is the press release from the police:
We’re aware of a video posted on Facebook which shows officers detaining and arresting a number of people in Taunton. While we welcome and expect public scrutiny when officers are out serving our communities, we also ask people not to jump to conclusions without knowing the full facts. At 5.29pm today we responded to a report a woman was being assaulted in Victoria Park.On arrival a large group of young people refused to co-operate with officers and five people between the ages of 15 and 34 were subsequently detained on suspicion of affray. The 18-year-old assault victim we were originally called to assist is currently in hospital receiving treatment for a number of injuries. An investigation is now underway and we’d ask people not to speculate while it takes place. Body worn video was worn by officers during the incident and will be reviewed as part of the inquiry. We expect the highest level of professionalism and diligence from all our officers and staff when on duty.
This is what you get when kids start from a position of complete lack respect for authority.
This is what you get when you can’t discipline the little shits. When they emerge into the real world and find that things aren’t going well for them and wonder why everything seems so difficult, they are too stupid to realise that it’s their attitude causing their misery.
Oh for a bit more police brutality.
(Which the b.b.bastards will pounce on of course)
Do you think they’d have done that to Muzzies?
A cunning plan has been devised to get around the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate.
Professor Peter Boghossian and mathematician Dr James Lindsay have produced a scientific paper on the “conceptual penis” as a “gender-performative, highly fluid social construct” that is “the conceptual driver behind much of climate change”.
Also, Professor Mark Carey published a paper arguing that “a critical but overlooked aspect of the human dimensions of glaciers and global change research is the relationship between gender and glaciers” and introducing “feminist glaciology” to the scientific equation.
Drugs help Students and Environ-Mental BBC types to believe the above crap.
Carey could have a point there, Richard, I’ve met a few female glaciers over the years. I’ll get my coat…..
Toobi – LOL! I suppose climate change could also explain the increasing numbers of snowflakes we keep seeing everywhere!
Correct, Lobby , “Winter is coming” to put it Starkly.
Maybe it’s the planets way of telling certain types to sod off back to warmer climes!
Still waiting for the Islamic ruling about whether it is polite or not to blow women up before you blow yourself to smithereens.
Or do men inevitably go to Paradise first with the more saintly, chaste and virginal women following tied to camels and a good few steps back?
I would also like to know if all those poor women and children killed at Ariane Grandes concert would be the correct ages to be taken as wives in paradise…and would the more puritan suicide bombers get first dibs in choosing their mates.
NONE of this is to mock the poor dead women and kids up there-they happen to be in heaven not paradise…where no Muslim bomber would ever go. But it IS to point out Islamic theological arguments that any white hating, woman hating ,joy hating twat for Allah would be happy to have with you.
Sure as hell the BBC see no scope to mock the reductio ad adsurdem piffle that I`m raising here-in any sane society , none of this would conceivably be anything but dark musings.
But in Raqqa 2017, Palmyra 2015…THESE will be coming questions if we don`t get a political class with something other than cotton wall balls in washing line speedos. where their pants ought to be.
Mishel Hussein to Blunkett, “But, soldiers on the street? People will be fwikened!” Hell, I’d be more than happy to see soldiers on our streets. Since the cut backs we just never see, even the occasional, fair weather cop anymore.
Send a few to Sarf London while you’re at it.
What is needed in addition to deporting jihadists, is a large scale mocking of this bonkers religion and all who follow it. I mean repeated laughter and jokes, so that anyone associated with it looks like a twerp.
I would like to hear the great Andrew Neil -defender of all things Islamic – taking the piss out of a Mayor London who believes in flying horses, a Satan who farts when he prays, and all the other bollox as well as their inhumanity.
I would like to see people interviewed by Mishail – not enough Jews killed – sneer back at her and remind her of the barmy beliefs which influence her interiews
But that would be racist.
My parents fought Nazis throughout the War and like others took the piss out of Hitler, and the man with one ball, and Goebbles with no balls, And we laughed at them whilst we interned them and eventually bombed the shit out of them
Start now.
I couldn’t agree more.
islam is by any standards an absolutely retarded religion. It is a mixture of half-understood parts of the Bible, together with some of the pagan practices of Mecca, such as worshipping the moon and a meteorite, all devised by a 7th century version of Citizen Smith.
No sane person would give a toss about such a deranged pile of garbage, and that is why its followers resort to violence with such sickening regularity. Faced with a belief system which cannot be defended in any rational way, the path of violence and terror is really all they have.
islam advanced at the point of a sword, because if they had ever tried to win converts by explaining the religion, people would have rolled on the floor laughing. They really don’t like being laughed at, because somewhere, deep down, they must realise that the whole thing is insane and indefensible.
This is an interesting Polish view of the Islamic problems in Western Europe and why it is highly unlikely to see them replicated in Poland, despite the threats and pressure for enforced Third World immigration to Poland.
The response of the Poles to the murder of one of their own, carried out by a Muslim immigrant is sightly different to teddies; candles and flowers.
The Poles still have balls.
And they DON’T have the beebistan.
And recent memories of foreign occupation, Charlie.
Yep. They’ve tasted invasion and enrichment twice last century.
Thanks, but no thanks.
Talking to a couple of them recently, Charlie, they are not big on political correctness either.
It’s this abomination that is really destroying this country and the west as it was intended to do, ever since its creation in 1920’s Frankfurt.
The PC post-modernists have managed to combine nihilism with totalitarianism, a considerable feat, and then added a good dose of cult-like rules to it.
Mighty Poland will not bow to Islam/EU. (above vid)
What a breath of fresh air and common sense.
Respect. Too late for the uk tho.
2 people Claim Robbo said this this morning
\\Nick Robinson just now on @BBCRadio4:
“No one can doubt that Jeremy Corbyn used to be a cheerleader for the IRA” – WTF?!!//
Well he retweeted this this afternoon
\\ Michael CrickVerified account @MichaelLCrick May 26
The personal abuse agst @bbclaurak by Ukip & Labour activists is unprecedented in an election, & outrageous. Corbyn & Nuttall shld stop it//
BTW I just found this quote from Ben Page of Ipsos MORI Feb 16
” the polls have a historic bias to Labour you will be delighted to hear!”
BTW Robbo just tweeted
“BBC staff don’t get given direction and almost all come to work every day trying to do their best to give impartial take on news”
Yep I reply
– BBCstaff come to work every day” reading t Guardian
So get manipulated by clever PR giving HALF t story
So put their finger on scale –
I think that Islamisists regard Europe as Paradise, but are then disappointed at all the ethnics in Inner City shitholes.
So then they regard Britain as Paradise, but are then disappointed by all the ethnics in Inner City shitholes.
So only then do they consider suicide as the root to Paradise.
I blame Bob Geldof. He gives them the impression that Britain is a hideously white paradise, and regards it as awfully cruel to force ethnics to live in appallingly awful foreign shitholes, teaming with millions of Wogs and Nigers, without any white people to look after them, give them jobs or feed them.
Ian Duncan Smith has just been interviewed on TV regarding Corbyn’s links with the IRA and has insisted
Corbyn owes all service men and women who served during the troubles an oppology and that includes the families who lost loved ones or were injured.
As an ex soldier myself who spent 4 years in total in Ireland doing various tours I find the idea that a potential leader of this country was in cahoots with the IRA disgraceful and sickening.
Corbyn and his Marxist mate McDonnell have something to hide. He says his only reason for talking to the IRA was to broker peace but that has proven to be a lie.People who were involved in the talks have recently made it quite clear he was not involved in any form of peace talks.
What did McDonnell once say ” the IRA must be commended for there bombing and shooting campaign because it brought the government to the negotiating table “, fucking outrageous. Both these men I believe have something to hide and if it’s found out that they were encouraging the IRA to continue with the troubles to better there political belives and needs then they should be prosecuted and sent to jail.
I genuinely believe both these men have blood on there hands either with there support for the IRA or Hamas..
Come on the Police dig deep and investigate…
Just saw the BBC News Channel film review…
1. Pirates of the Caribbean – “boring, same thing for the 5th film”
2. Baywatch the movie – “boring, OK if it was a TV special”
3. Finnish subtitled film about a Syrian refugee – “brilliant, it shows the amazing friendships that form between locals and refugees, perfect family viewing, highly recommended”
I think only the weather forecast is exempt from having the BBCs political viewpoint rammed down our throats.
Tabs – I don’t think it is exempt – remember Climate Change!
I know the students inside Al Beeb think Corbyn is the Messiah (Islamic equivalent obviously) and can do no wrong, but the Tories are making it easy for the. Their election campaign is absolute crap.
No defence of the market economy, no attacks on Corbyn’s marxist economics, no attack on the pacifists, no mention of strong defence, sound money, managed migration etc etc. Corbyn has successfully moved the debate on from Brexit and the gullible and entitlement class just love the promises of billions of money tree goodies to be spent on them. May sounds underwhelming and neither strong nor stable. Meanwhile some of the Tory heavy hitters seem to be confined to barracks.
Have Corbyn’s buddies infiltrated the Tory election strategy department? It sure looks that way.
Sluff ..
I wrote to them via an email recently asking them if they had Labour running there awful campaign….
No reply..!!!
it does appear may doesnt actually want to win, she’s turned a 20 point lead into a 5 point one, considering the miserable state of all the opposition it really is remarkable
2 polls just out 10 and 12 point lead for conservatives
Just like last time , it suits the Conservatives to pretend it’s close
..that way their voters don’t stay at home.
They do seem clever at winning elections.
But crap at governing ..just another lefty make promises, give away money pay off your green biz pals government.
The media love that game too
“Pantomime journalism..
… he`s behind you !
..get real try dealing with the issues and the plans each party has for the future of this country”
On Twitter Labour plants are ramping up the fantasy that BBC is biased AGAINT Labour
“@afneil @bbclaurak @JPonpolitics @bbcnickrobinson Any chance you folks might giveus some fair & balanced coverage in the run-in to 8th June?”
…Wonder what the end game is ? …collusion emails being exposed ?
….it’s not the Conservatives who pretend it’s close it’s the media and the polls themselves.
One Poll by YouGov saying it’s only a 5 point lead sends the left wing media and press into overdrive.
On the night the YouGov poll came out there was another Poll giving the Conservatives an 11 point lead but that poll didn’t suit the left wing presses needs so they ignored it..
YouGov is owned by Peter Kellner who’s wife was a Baroness in the Labour party serving under Blair….!!!
The baroness in question, dafydd is the fragrant Catherine Margaret Ashton, Baroness Ashton of Upholland, ex High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and First Vice President of the European Commission. You may remember her for making independance overtures to the Ukraine on behalf of the expansionist EU. That turned out well, ISTR!
Baroness Ashton…
Under secretary for Work and Pensions
Under Secretary for Education and Skills
Under Secretary for Constitutional Affairs
All the above for Blair and Brown
Also in her final job as High Representative for Foreign Affairs at the commission she courted controversy for being highly paid for doing nothing.
An interesting read in the Daily Telegraph..
You missed out “trougher par execellence”, dafydd.
She was pushed upstairs to the EU in 2008, earning £400k for doing SFA ,by one G Brown
CBBC now ..record attempt ..teams competing at using a small boy as a skipping rope
… Yeh, cos no bully kids at home are going to copy that.
Followed by the 8pm comedy drama where the beautiful white girl marries the black kid, so the main cast is 50% black, just like the real everyday Britain in 2017.
… and they keep breaking into rap led by one of the black kids.
…BBC editorial policy ..”you can never have too much black”
BBC TV 24 Hour News this afternoon:
BBC female reporter in the centre of Manchester among the flowers.
She interviews two wimmin who are there to give out ‘hugs’ to the crowd. One of them had given 200 hugs that morning against ‘hate’. (Hugs not Hate?).
The other woman spoke of the ‘events’ on Monday. Events? Does she mean that Islamic terrorist mass murder of children? Or was she referring to a carnival that we know nothing about??
I have noticed this use of ‘events’ . Just another example of a wilful refusal to face reality.
Anyone believe that BA flights worldwide are stopped cos of a computer problem ?
… Surely more likely terrorism threat.
Like Iberia are flying normally and it’s the same company.
Everyone I know thinks the same. Not that our world class BBc would question anything .