Andrew Neil playing at voice of the nation speaks about Manchester.
He makes some sensible points about the lack of serious political discussion about what to do, and criticises the banal cliches we have been hearing, and he calls for a mature debate.
Well thank you Neil, and fuck you too. You have had many people across your desk eager to make a contribution to the debate. People like Tommy Robinson who got your sneering dismissive treatment and joined the ranks of demonized Islamophobes.
Perhaps if you want a debate then play your part and don’t yell Katie Hopkins down when she speaks of no go areas where she, like thousands of parents, would not venture with their children.
Perhaps you might allow peope to step outside the BBC and the Politicans bubble and discuss the possibility that the problem is not merely a cancer affecting a tiny minority among an otherwise virtuous Moslem community who want to share our values, but admit voices which are drawing attention to a clash of cultures. Too much for you eh.
Come on Neil – you and your BBC, stop pandering to Islamic PR men like of Owen Jones, the Guardianisas, and that never ending supply of Moslem apologists, and play the role of an unbiased presenter in this debate
Ultimately Andrew Neil knows what side his bread is buttered on or (more accurately) who pays the gigantic salary which enables the purchasing of said bread and butter.
Neil straddles an awkward camel. I too have seen how he treats REAL patriots like Hopkins and Robinson on his show. I saw him twist and blunt even Suzanne Evans relatively lame manifesto and performance the other day.
Clearly he`s a hare and hounds bloke-yes, he`s as good as the BBC get-but at heart, still Murdochs gofer who throws Israeli spies like Vanunu overboard in the quest for ratings.
Amoral and a toad…but-as I say-a veritable fount of truth and honour compared to all other BBC staff.
Were he to get Corburn off his show as co-quisling, it could do him some good.
I well remember just after he abused Tommy in that infamous ‘interview’ that he took a lot of flak on twitter.
His parting shot at the critics was that he would do just the same for sn islamist.
You know what!?….we are still waiting for that one…talk sure is cheap.
I lived with, “it’s only a tiny minority” for years from the Government. It was not until a Select Committee was formed to look into that issue solely that it discovered that abuse was widespread and abuse was commonplace. A complete and immediate Government volte face took place. All the utterances of, a tiny minority, are nonsense and just demonstrate how far the elite in this country are determined to remain removed from reality. As someone on this site said previously, any other vote other that UKIP (which will probably be a wasted vote) in the coming election will be a vote for the extinction of the British cos all the others simply love islam.
Worth watching the video in the Cambridge News report of the party. Cops are clearly after anyone who offends the Jihadists. Make no mistake, we are the people our cops are gunning for
Obviously not much crime occuring on Cambridge plod’s patch if the can afford dispatch so many officers to what, if anything, was a civil matter when the noise complaint was made.
The law applied without fear, favour or prejudice?
The time is coming when clowns like these will have decide whose side they are on!
I really thought it was a set up and fake news. Impossible to credit the behaviour of the police.
There is something very wrong now in this country and we all have every reason to be fearful. Fearful of attacks from terrorists and fearful of our own elite .
This is not good and to be honest i had not anticipated this rapid descent into near anarchy.
The only factor I can see that accounts for the definite hardening of the elite’s attitude is that they were taken aback by brexit..
I always thought May is plan B .
Wasn’t it Cambridgeshire Police who hounded Tommy Robinson and his family out of a pub in Cambridge a while back? Oh no! My mistake it was out of the whole f*****g city!
I just can’t wait to see the wan faces of the bbbc’s second/third team, some lightweights plonked in as the others wanted to stay away! I bet they all have rearranged the ‘swingometer’ crap stuff to make it all seem less important. Amazing what graphics can (can’t ) do!
One thing they can’t do is make beeboids smile when liebour fails to get their key seats. That’s when the cameras go into overdrive, and they all panic. Marvellous!
As a hundred plus seat majority for The Conservatives is forecast, there’ll be one of them humming and haaing and muttering that only ninety-nine seats is a devastating blow, and we all need another general election,…
Err, ducky…?
You’re supposed to be a presenter, not a ‘guru’, you’re not really up to it are you sweetheart…
Not being full of humour following 22 dead and 80 injured plus the grieving – I thought I’d give that dreadful smug Have i got news and The News Quiz a go. I’m surprised al beeb ran them . I made 15 minutes on each before my ears gave up. I’m surprised the news quiz hasn’t been reported to the people who ensure that elections are fair and balanced. How can albeeb allow four socialist ‘ funny’ people ‘ and a smug lefty chair type roll out pro Corbyn poison for 30 minutes?
Every time I expose myself to this bias I please myself that I don’t pay their wages through the f ing licence tax .
BBC News Reports – Manchester attack: Hate crime ‘doubles’ after incident, (not terrorist mass murder BBC?)
“racist taunts and graffiti are among a significant rise in hate crimes reported to Greater Manchester Police following Monday’s attack, the BBC can reveal.
The force said the number of such reports had doubled to 56 on Wednesday, from the 28 reported on Monday.
Chief Constable Ian Hopkins said the force was “monitoring” the situation”.
Former Chief Crown Prosecutor Nazir “Islam nothing to do with Islamic child rape gangs” Afzal
said the attacker was … wait for it
“a criminal, and not represented by any community”. Mr Afzal, who is also head of the Police and Crime Commissioners Association, said: “It is disappointing, but it happens every time”
. .. WHAT? that Muslim groups, and apologists, bull up the dubious erm “hate” stats to claim victimhood?
A doubling of hate crimes i.e. an extra 28 reported after the Manchester bombing, works out 1.27 hate crimes for every dead person killed by the Manchester Muslim terrorist.
Hardly a “right wing” backlash that the liberal warn about is it?
A report of an alleged “hate” crime is just that, an allegation. Let’s do the counting when convictions for these so-called crimes have been achieved.
I bet few of the 28 will lead to a trial and that none will result in a conviction.
The tories could have released a manifesto equalling the diaries of Anne frank and the Beeb would still have ripped it to pieces. Keunsberg and the gang were like Baying wolves that day with edited footage of them going after mp’s and organised protests outside with the ringleaders telling them when and where to start shouting. There main target is brexit and they will sell their souls to stop it. And it’s been like that everyday since. The labour manifesto is being ignored even their flagships of privatisation are uncosted and nobody is digging into it. Brillo is the only one to do so. With a light grilling of Barry gardener on daily politics last week revealing it to be pie in the sky but no front page headlines or round the clock coverage just constant Tory attacks.
Yesterday I noticed a big change and not just the Beeb but sky and others as wellas wel. Both were out in force from 7am going big on corbyns speech. The speech was leaked the day before but there was very little criticism of it with lots of leading questions being asked of various representatives in that square, but a little digging on google these were not ordinary representatives but political activists and labour wonks all singing from the same hymn sheet. Friday was going to be corbyns day and nothing or no one was going to stop just stank of collusion with all networks as it was corbyns turn for the Brillo treatment that day it seems they were doing their best to sanitise him and not mention his ira Hamas and hezbolah connections. May has been out of the country at the g7 in Sicily but the coverage we did get was of trump smears and attacks on May but very little or no footage of her. Sky had Beth rigby breathlessly running after tusk asking him would he deal with jezza if he got in and when she got the answer she wanted ran away smiling. This pro Corbyn coverage ran until midnight and as mentioned above no remarks or questioning on his Brillo interview
Lbc this morning had Andrew castle doing his level best to big up Corbyn and telling us he was prime ministerial in his speech yesterday but zero mention of the Brillo interview. He came a cropper when talking to Kim Howells who blamed Manchester on Islam and basically said jezza was an idiot. It was when Howells brought up the ira castle ended the chat saying he had ran out of Time with nearly 3 hours to go. The ira jezza connection is verboten. When he came back he went straight into the prime ministerial crap again but again came a cropper when a telegraph journo who was doing the papers rubbished jezzas speech. Cue another ad break and changed the subject. For a so called journo he just wasn’t listening. He had an agenda and was sticking to it. When that failed he just went to trump bashing. I’ve been out all day so I don’t know what the rest are like or if the sanitise Corbyn campaign is continuing. It’s sickening to watch and listen to and with Katie Hopkins getting sacked yesterday the left are on a high but the big massive hairy dirty mammoth in the room is not going away and all the tea lights and hugs in the world will not stop that.
For those who are unaware of Dr Kim Howells, his knowledge is first class about identifying the problems we face with the religion of peace and what to do about it. Although he was a Labour MP, he has the common sense of Nigel Farage .
Message to Al Beeb, its duty officers, researchers and Maxinconey, ………….
“You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”
I initially assumed the offending parody must be the Bob Rivers song ‘Osama got run over by a reindeer’ (made years before Bin Laden was killed). Now I’ve checked the link, though, it seems I was wrong.
Just in case anyone shares my black and tasteless sense of humour, I’ve posted two verses of the Rivers song lyrics below. (The song is up on YouTube – surprisingly, given its Islamophobic content. I hope Mr Rivers has bodyguards.)
Osama got run over by a reindeer
Right outside his cave on Christmas Eve,
Some folks say there’s no such thing as Santa,
But now even the Taliban believe.
Al Qaeda found him Christmas morning,
Face down on that mountain pass,
There were hoof marks on his turban
And a broken reindeer antler up his oh-ho-ho-ho.
but they are enjoying giving us great detail about the death of some poor folk defending Muslims from harassment in Oregon, the perpetrator being a white supremacist (or they wouldn’t even have given the article a second glance)
Respect to these grieving people for bravely speaking out, against the pressure to put up and shut up. I hope it’s sign of the worm turning.
OMG! They want to preserve their country!
A piece on the BBC website by Moscow correspondent and Eurovision Song Content fan, Steve Rosenberg. Ostensibly it is about the adoration of St Nicholas in Russia, and also a sly dig at Vladimir Putin. But the agenda is given away with this comment: “So, today, the authorities here are constructing a new ideology for Russia – it’s a mixture of nationalism and patriotism, conservatism and loyalty to the state – and all of it underpinned by religious belief.”
No, Mr Rosenberg, that is not a new ideology for Russia – that is the traditional ideology of Russia, and indeed the ideology of most European countries until about a century ago. But it is the antithesis of modern globalist thinking, which is why the media and politicians constantly portray Russia as The Enemy.
“Mr Corbyn says Tory cuts have undermined security and is pledging to recruit an extra 10,000 police and more security staff if Labour wins power.”
I wonder how much that will cost? So does Diane Abacus !
….you can imagine if Labour get in and Diane Abbott’s gets the chancellors role.. you can imagine her stood in Downing street trying to work out what door has 10 on it and what door has 11 on it…
Let’s hope that if God forbid Labour are in power she is so confused that she can’t find the door to no. 11.
Just had an alarming thought; Jezza in no.10, Abacus in no. 11; is there a connecting door between bedrooms?
Given a few days to think about it, suddenly Pinky and Perky (aka Treezer and the Marxist Corbyn) have declared they will do more to prevent terrorism in the UK. Really. For the Marxist that means engaging more security personnel whilst now refusing to tell the public that a Liebour Government would resume the Blair imposition of mass immigration (‘cos we like muslims) and Jaw, Jaw, Jaw is preferable to War, war, war. I suggest the public, out of the taxpayers pocket, should pay the cost of forcibly sending both Treezer and Corbyn to the Middle East with instructions not to return until they have altered the course of islam. Yeah, that islam: the one that has been in place and unchanged since the 7th Century. Oh, and by the way, stop off on the way to meet Terry Waite to ask for advice after all, he’s another one that believed (past tense) in Jaw, Jaw, Jaw……..
And Treezer the Appeaser? In typical British fashion, form a committee to consider the matter (Nero fashion). Neither can bring themselves to even utter the word ‘islam’ which is at the very root of all the problems – Worldwide never mind about the UK.
Meanwhile, the first feature on the BBC’s ‘Sunday’ programme is an interview with two Manchester ‘lads’ – You’ve got it – one with a plain ol British name and, and, and, a ‘Mohammed’. No let up on the BBC’s brainwashing then?
… we go again…reporter on breakfast TV says Labour must be delighted with the latest poll showing only 6 point lead…. What about the other polls showing a 10, 12, and 14 point lead…
I switched on R4 this morning to hear that a police van was parked outside Didsbury mosque
At last, I thought, some form of effective action is being taken against this nest of muslim vipers.
How wrong could I have bee?. Hate crimes had been committed. Threats had been made. It was plod performing its prime objective – shielding muslims from any criticism for their, at best, indifference to muslim terrorism.
It got worse
Some woman vicar when asked about the tragedy ( muslim atrocies are never described as atrocities, we are supposed to think they are some kind of natural phenomenon an accident waiting to happen).
Her main concern was the safety of a muslim neighbour.
It got even worse
Some imam prattling on about how merciful the prophet was.
Apparently, he diverted a cavalry charge (muslim tough love?) to protect a bitch (no not a kuffar woman) and her litter of puppies.
Who can believe this crap?
As Douglas Murray says, we have been reduced to being “weepy mourners at our own funeral”
I’d give it just 2 or 3 more UK terror attacks before we hear liberals say Muslims have the right to practise their religion and bombing and sex with kids is part of that religion. If you don’t like it then don’t go, or let your daughters go, outside of your own home.
ID, I thought what the Imam said was very strange.
Are not dogs considered unclean in Islam?
It may have been a wonderful moment for those soulless creatures but no doubt the cavalry swerve still ended in the death of many humans in the city of Mecca.
You finished with an excellent quote. A very true word.
The BBC is very subjective with it’s positive discrimination and diversity agenda.
I know that one can appear to be paranoid towards the BBC. But when one sees
for example even at the FA Cup final two pictures on the BBC website , one with two
women attending the final and two men , ALL of whom are ethnic and then we hear and
read nothing of the ethnicity and religion of the Islamic scum murdering terrorist and
basically so far as the BBC is concerned the” event” in Manchester is just a continuation
of the Chelsea Flower Show. What ID has just written is so right. But I expect that we
wont be seeing too much of Douglas Murray right now on the BBC if the embedded
fifth columnists hierarchy at the BBC get their way. It makes me sick that I have to
pay a license fee to an enemy of the state!
BBC1 at 10am today has The Big Questions asking ‘can white people be victims of racism?’.
I think we know what the audience will look like and the answers that will be given. Wouldn’t surprise me if they have the corpse of Darkus Howe in a chair.
I think without him the show wouldn’t exist now.
It used to be funny a while back but now it’s just another far left BBC propaganda pile of rubbish.
My UKIP vote is sent in now.
What a pair of useless politicians we have to choose for the next pm.
May who had a 20 percent lead BECAUSE THE PEOPLE WANT BREXIT has managed to get it down to single figures with an uncosted terrible manifesto attacking old people (who all vote)
Corbyn who is living in la la land promising everything to everybody.
None of the two are worthy.
May, a remainer, talks a good talk but never delivers.
Corbyn is plain daft.
May will get in because we want Brexit and for no other reason.
The next election will be nothing like this one and I just hope UKIP have got themselves sorted out by then, maybe with Anne Marie Waters as leader.
Same applies to Private Eye. Hislop has been radicalised by his contacts at BBBC, the magazine is now a travesty. Even the crossword has several clues each issue referring to President Trump.
No UKIP candidate in my constituency, stood aside for a Brexit supporting Conservative. He is unfortunately not very conservative though.
If you have a Conservative PPC on your doorstep then ask them why it is that Theresa May is planning to introduce Sharia Law into the UK and why this is not in the Manifesto.
If they don’t know about this – or worse deny it you can point them to this article in the Independent:
Unfortunately owing to the website being crap I can’t copy & paste text which means a lot of lazy people won’t bother to click on the link and will remain ignorant of what is being planned for them! To you I say, don’t say you weren’t warned because you were and just couldn’t be bothered.
There can be no other explanation for the biased way May has constituted this panel, that she is under the instruction of Islamic states such as Saudi because no unbiased political leader would ever risk such a move which was clearly not in the UKs interests.
I have no problem pasting text. Here is a section from your linked article:
“Women’s rights groups initially welcomed the move as a rare opportunity for the state to examine the resurgence of Islamism via sharia courts and its impact on gender equality.
But Ms Namazie, who set up the campaign One Law For All, said they now fear the review, which states it will “seek out best practice among sharia councils” could lead to their endorsement.
She said: “Far from examining the connections between religious fundamentalism and women’s rights, the narrow remit of the inquiry will render it a whitewash. It seems more geared to rubberstamping the courts than defending women’s rights.”
Their concerns were detailed in a letter published this week on the website Open Democracy.”
It’s the first three paragraphs which are important Lucy the ones where May has biased the outcome with terms of reference and a panel of Islamists.
I did manage to copy this:
Theresa May’s review of Sharia courts has been branded a “whitewash” before it has even begun, with more than 200 individuals and human rights groups signing an open letter urging her to dismantle the panel chosen to oversee the inquiry.
They claim that by appointing an Islamic scholar as chair and placing two imams in advisory roles, the panel’s ability to make an impartial assessment of how religious arbitration is used to the detriment of women’s rights will be seriously compromised.
Signatories include Gita Sahgal, the director of Centre for Secular Space and a former head of Amnesty International’s gender unit, the playwright Julia Pascal and the Iranian-born human rights activist, Maryam Namazie.
However I am unable to copy & paste any more than that.
Anne Marie Waters’ site gives a list of publications one of which is by the Parliamentary Assembly of The Council Of Europe (Oct 2016) entitled ‘Compatibility of Sharia law with the European Convention on Human Rights …’.
Section 4.3 ‘Islamic courts in the UK’ says
“… on 26 May 2016 the then Home Secretary Theresa May, who is now Prime Minister, launched an independent review by a panel of experts into the compatibility of Sharia law with the law in England and Wales. This Sharia law review, chaired by Professor Mona Siddiqui, is to be completed by 2017.”
Compatibility?? I have been unable to find out whether this ‘review’ has been completed (it seems not?).
We’ll be inundated today by politicians of all (acceptable) hues lecturing us about “tolerance” and “inclusiveness” and “unity.” Any number of sensitive talking heads will tell us how feel and how they wept and how much they admire the stoicism of the bereaved. Here we go again, it’s Ground Hog Day.
I don’t know about you but I really hanker for a mainstream political figure to simply stand tall and tell it as it is.
Just cut through the crap and the cliches and be honest. We are in very, very deep shit!
The whole of Europe is facing a cultural plague. This new manifestation of evil is akin to Nazism, but without any (that I can see) acknowledgement or resistance. Indeed, those few brave few souls that gamely attempt to illustrate our predicament are attacked, ostracised and even, in the case of Katie Hopkins, find that they’ve lost their jobs.
There was a play on Radio 4 yesterday (yes I know I shouldn’t) written by Daniel Defoe, all about the Black Death that swept through Europe during the Middle Ages. I could see certain parallels (I’m pushing it!) with our present predicament. These poor sods had no idea how to deal with their illnesses and agues, but at least they were stout hearted enough to acknowledge that they had a problem. They weren’t in a state of denial.
In our case we all know what the problem is but we do everything we can to ignore it. It’s like going to the doctor with clear plague-like symptoms and the quack telling you that all you have is a heavy cold. “No, nothing to worry about, Jeff. It’s quite usual to have blinding headaches and a rash when you get the sniffles.” “You’re vomiting and coughing up blood?” “well, take two asprin, drink plenty of fluids and spend a couple of days in bed. You’ll be as right as rain.”
I don’t want to labour my medical metaphor too much, but..(I’m going to!) It seems to me that we’ve been following our present political prescription for a heck of a long time and the symptoms are getting a whole lot worse.
What started as a headache is now a blinding migraine. Our slight temperature is now a fever. we’re shivering, aching and confined to bed. I’m beginning to think this doctor has made a false diagnosis.
Any chance of a second opinion?
Jeff, your Plague metaphor has literary precedent: Camus wrote La Peste as a metaphor for the invasion by Nazis.
Same applies today, just different invaders.
“We will not be divided”. Hang on, precisely what ‘binds’ us to the cult devotees of islam that we should be in any way concerned with being, ‘divided’ from? Tell me.
How come the BBC North American Correspondent – Little Johnny Sopel is on the Marr couch – didn’t PRESIDENT TRUMP just arrive back at the White House? We all know you you are not allowed in BBC
Johnny is spouting weeks old bullcrap ‘ Comey – Nutjob’ Kushner can point Russia out on a map. These guys really have nothing don’t they.
Then the woman on the couch says something about ‘ just what we need more machismo in World leaders’ referring to Trump sarcastically — er yes love that is exactly what we need 22 people lost their lives going to a pop concert we want action no more balloons
Now we have Leanne Wood (no clue what she was talking about) and next we move to Caroline Lucas why does anyone care what her policy is – is she credible? she should be in a nuthouse
Oh dear Marr is like a comedy show
And the star turn is Dianne Abbot she should be a home secretary apparently because she worked there once – what as a cleaner?
Lol even Marr nailing her to the post apparently she voted against Al Quaeda being described as a terror organisation think one of the others on the list she voted as not linked to terror was the jihad brothers for jihad . Think Marr has just destroyed her the BBC won’t be happy
Having watched the car crash interviews that Dianne Abbot has given of late, I believe she is ill. Having worked in the psychiatric dept for many years of my local hospital, the signs are there to see. If Labour wins and she becomes (for real) our Home Secretary then it really doesn’t bear thinking about. The sad demise of Charles Kennedy struggled with his demons for many years before the public became aware of his ‘issues’, and clearly Abbot struggles to give breathless replies and when challenged doesn’t appear to be ‘in the moment’.
Think you have a fair point .its not a cultural thing. I think she is just becoming more eccentric in her ‘thought process’ -if you can call it that. The maths car crash interview over police numbers was a clue but the identification for a murder organisation (iRA) and her hair do 35 years ago is not a sane one.
Spose she’ll use the ” I did a lot of interviews” excuse again.
I can only guess she needs the appearance money for going on al Beeb to pay for her kids private school fees.
Surely now the Labour Party will put her in a darkened room with a gag on until 9 June? Personally that will be a pity even though I choke on me pop corn when she speaks and she loses a few more thousand deluded labour voters.
I mean – just image that creature as a Home Secretary.
According to Corbyn and his fellow Marxists at beebistan, Manchester is the result of our foreign policy interventions in the Middle East (some of which those same Lefties were screaming for at the time).
So what about the Brussels bombings, Corby boy? Was that because of the massive Belgian army involvement in the M.E?
Or the terror attacks in Sweden over the years (which you probably haven’t heard of, they manage to keep theirs quiet by making it a crime to report). Was that the result of neutral Sweden’s secret military ops in the ME? Or peace-loving Buddhist Thailand? Or the Philippines, another military Superpower with a massive army in the ME. Or Pakistan, a muslim country experiencing near daily atrocities. India? The genocide of the Yazidis? The Kurds? The fanatical hatred of Jews. The persecution of Christians in most muslim countries and by ISIS especially: would that be because of the Pope’s policies in the ME? (The same idiot Pope whose main policy seems to be “Open your doors to ever more of the invaders”).
Etc etc, the list is endless.
My point is, there’s always an excuse. Same with sex crimes: in Germany and Sweden, it’s because the savages are new arrivals and aren’t familiar with our quaint Western ways yet. (What, we’re not supposed to rape your women? We didn’t know, why didn’t you TELL us??)
But in Rochdale, Rotherham (or should that be Roger’em?) and a hundred other towns in UK, the perps were long-established 2nd or 3rd generations, who knew our ways all too well, including how to woo underage girls (vodka and a few good slaps, according to Three Girls). So what’s the excuse there? Marginalisation, exclusion, deprivation.
Excuses, always excuses. Different ones for each new muslim atrocity.
Superb, Charlie! It’s not so very long ago our politicians bent over backwards to appease Adolf Hitler and his cold hearted brutes. It was cowardice camouflaged as tolerance. There are strong echoes.
Sadly, this time I don’t see any sign of a contemporary Winston Churchill on the horizon.
Guest – Ha ha. Two possibilities: either Trump has hitherto unreported linguistic skills and is fluent in Italian.
Or he can’t bear to listen to any more Eurodrivel.
THEN YOU KNOW WHAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN!, this rushed, needless election should be delayed for 6 mnths
and proactive measures implemented, stop spending enormous amounts of manpower/money following around the enormous watchlist
Round them up, save a fortune, secure facility.
This is depths of the No10 treachery to our nations people, from Camoron, Liar May and co.
“Government sources have confessed that there are at least 23,000 jihadists in Britain – more than seven times higher than previously revealed.
Until recently, the public had been led to believe there were around 3,000 known jihadists in Britain, with 500 being subject to active investigations led by MI5.
Whitehall officials have now disclosed that a further 20,000 individuals have been identified as posing a “residual risk”
…. The party before country? self serving vanity project?
here is the No1 issue our priority, vital national security
FFS don t let that devious snake who conned you out of the fixed term act, make political gain out of it.
She s deflecting, playing politics, already moved on
6mnths – Maybe then the parties (including Tories) will properly prepare … ITS NOT NECCESSARY NOW ANYWAY
Act in unity now …. do what no one in Europe is doing, take decisive pro active steps for our security,
let our nation lead … FOR our nation, not for this slimy politicians to disgracefully gain out of it.
Round up the watchlist, if you ve got to spend on them do it in a secure facility.
We re ALL safer then
… CCTV in every mosque as a matter of public policy with external link, proper scrutiny on mosques anyway
… Ban Sharia, and any outward expression of it outright, it is the seat of all the problems, May should have done this already anyway.
… Ban madrassa schools, and stop any school mosque visits for small children, and older unless objective fact about Islam its founder is relayed – no facts, no visit, it should be public policy to teach objective facts about Islam in every school anyway, that would allow children to question Islam with clarity
The time is now, concerted unity government action, get that festering Westminster swamp to really do its job
… our security, lead, set an example to Europe or …
WHAT! … what will it take?
122 children next time?, 1022? maybe 10,022
after the government cowardice and appeasement over Islamic child rape gangs … THE TIME IS NOW!
You get this … MSM yes, BUT politically motivated, the political decision that 22 dead children, all the injured?
for Liar May, Amber Dudd No10 and co … merely a sideline, she wants her bloodied hands on more power.
F-ck our peoples concerns now, and she WILL,
OH YES SHE WILL! … f-ck you ALL! every single one later
BBC News Reports – Manchester attack: Hate crime ‘doubles’ after incident, (not terrorist mass murder BBC?)
“racist taunts and graffiti are among a significant rise in hate crimes reported to Greater Manchester Police following Monday’s attack, the BBC can reveal.
The force said the number of such reports had doubled to 56 on Wednesday, from the 28 reported on Monday.
Chief Constable Ian Hopkins said the force was “monitoring” the situation”.
Former Chief Crown Prosecutor Nazir “Islam nothing to do with Islamic child rape gangs” Afzal
said the attacker was … wait for it
“a criminal, and not represented by any community”. Mr Afzal, who is also head of the Police and Crime Commissioners Association, said: “It is disappointing, but it happens every time”
. .. WHAT? that Muslim groups, and apologists, the political police to bull up the dubious erm “hate” stats to claim victimhood?
“….20,000 individuals have been identified as posing a “residual risk”. – That few? the risk is solely with islam and its cult devotees – a ‘few’ more that 20,000.
that would be a pro active implementation, immediate measure, it shows
A/. you mean business
B/. a wake up call from the weepy wankerism, that shows no mettle, no lead to our people
no positivity
C/. shows that OUR security is paramount, not just the politician s, the royals, the embassies the billionaires.
D/. shows that politicians work for us, their No1 Concern is our security not their own grasping self interest
Ah, the “he isn’t a real muslim” argument. The hypocrisy and double-standards of the BBC, MSM and Establishment are breathtaking. On one hand, they are constantly telling us that people can self-identify themselves as any gender they want (e.g. Bradley Manning, Bruce Jenner, 8-year old boy going to school wearing a dress). They are also looking to extend this principle of denying biological reality to race (e.g. Rachel Dolezal). But, when it comes to someone self-identifying themselves as a Muslim… well, no, that doesn’t work at all, you can only be a Muslim if a BBC spokesman, tame/lying Iman or ignorant government minister says you are one.
Here’s a mystery: if you were to base your view of world affairs on what the beebistan and other msm tell you (big mistake), you’d think Trump was universally hated, mocked, despised and reviled, right? A figure of ridicule at best.
Yet he was elected by 63 million Americans, nearly half the electorate; surveys show huge numbers support many of his policies, especially on islam, immigration and domestic US policies – jobs for Americans etc; a recent book supporting him called ‘Big Agenda: President Trump’s Plan to Save America’ was an instant bestseller.
So at least half of America and large numbers worldwide take him seriously, respect him and his policies, in many cases are passionate admirers and supporters.
Yet, to come back to my point, this fact isn’t reflected in any of the msm, including I’m sorry to say the ‘highbrow’ right-leaning press, who gleefully join in the sneering.
Apart form being extremely insulting to half the US population, it’s also extremely elitist (it was them rednecks what voted for him, ha ha), a huge snobbery (look how sophisticated and clever we are); and just plain distortion. Misinformation, perhaps not in facts, but in tone.
Fake News, you might say.
Spot on Charlie it was all rednecks in the US
Just as it was all thicko’s in the UK. for Brexit – well most people I know who voted Brexit are hard working intelligent people – so what they say is deflection and bllx
Hasn’t supped him pulling the women 🙂
Ol Roger Harribin must be on life support this weekend waiting for President Trump to pull the Paris Cord
What Climate change is not real? what are the British Bedwetting Corporation going to do now
My heart goes out to all of the 22, their families and all of the families who will be affected by life changing injuries. Why was there not one representative from them on QT this week. The bBBC should be utterly ashamed. I’ve given up complaining as I just receive the bog standard response.
We need a strong leader but unfortunately there isn’t one out there apart from Nigel who would get my vote.
It’s an extremely sad situation for the Manchester victims and we shouldn’t have to be living in fear of the ‘next time’ a similar atrocity happens.
The anger inside me and I am sure a lot of us is immense.
Yes, it’s understandable, that cry for strong and stable leadership. It’s understandable that what western civilisation cries out for is a benign Hitler/Stalin/Mao/PolPot, someone who has the strength of character and charisma to weld a force for good against evil, a world-wide movement to expunge the cancer from our midst and bring the civil back into civilisation.
Understandable but wrong. What we need is a honest accountant.
We need someone who, while perfectly capable of feeling quite upset by the sight of a child with two screws and a ball bearing in her liver, and a lower limb hanging by two sinews, looks beyond the emotion and does his figures.
We need a man, or a woman – no need for sexism here – who can cost up the additional and immense strains on the economy of vastly increased security and policing. Someone who can cut through the red tape and clarify the increase per capita for every journey of whatever nature, every hospital visit, every queue, every waiting list, every rent rise, every network failure and every inconvenience to affect everyday life and what the cumulative effect of all these is having on the economy.
It might just mean that some entrenched beliefs, on the intrinsic merits for example, of a diverse society might need examination. But if, as a result and naming no names, one particular rationale, mind-set, behaviour pattern, ethnic group or religious attitude should be found to be more specifically responsible than any other – get the taxman and Capita involved. Problem sorted.
But we’re not allowed to feel anger Pull, we’re ordered to sing Don’t Look Back in Anger, hug a muzzie and ask his forgiveness for whatever we’ve done that drove him to murder. You haven’t been paying attention to beebistan / Corbyn, obviously.
Charlie of course you are, all of us are, every person to a man is,
now a positive, proactive channel for that needs to happen, a single focused
national reaction … away from shameful, deceitful petty party political gain.
I don’t think UKIP, with or without Nigel are the answer to the problem of Islam in Britain.
The manifesto which they launched last week contained the “1 In – 1 Out” immigration policy.
That policy will still lead to Britons becoming a minority in their own country.
The vast majority of those leaving will be indigenous folk who’ve had enough and are leaving for greener / safer pastures or other whites going back home or moving elsewhere; the majority of those coming in will be from the Third World, in all likelihood mainly Muslim, coming to suckle in perpetuity at the welfare and benefit teats.
There is one thing to recommend a Corbyn/Labour vote. At least with him we’d soon have a Venezuela style economic meltdown, so no money in the kitty for any welfare – and our freeloading guests will finally have to seek pastures new elsewhere in the EU.
More than once I saw Right wingers half-seriously suggesting we should have voted for Miliband, on the basis that he would have reduced the country to a ruin within one term and thus ensured Marxism was banished from these islands forever.
I have to say that whatever Wooden Ed would have achieved in the ruination stakes, Corbyn and his rump of leftover 1970s/80s Militant Tendency types would manage in half the time.
Given that I think May is going to deliberately sabotage Brexit, it’s almost tempting to pull the temple down around our ears.
Perhaps not, but I think the valuable role UKIP can play is to finally enable the conversation to take place – and even then the massed ranks of the far Left try to shut UKIP down with their infantile bleating about ‘racism’.
We have to get this issue on the agenda. At the moment it is one of those subjects one cannot even raise in ‘polite society’ and that has to change. Nigel Farage is very wishy washy on islam and immigration. I suspect that is because he knows that the full scale bombardment he received over Brexit would be as nothing were he to start on the immigration problem in a way that would satisfy most UKIP supporters.
Luckily there is a UKIP candidate standing in my constituency so that’s where my vote is going. As mad as the fools in the mainstream parties have become, I’m not yet ready to inflict years of Labour insanity on my fellow citizens!
Likewise. Heaven only knows how I would vote if we didn’t have a UKIP candidate.
Mind you, yesterday I met the UKIP candidate for a nearby constituency. She was pretty grotesque and it made me wonder how close to the bottom of the barrel the remains of the party are now scraping.
“Nigel Farage is very wishy washy on islam and immigration. I suspect that is because he knows that the full scale bombardment he received over Brexit would be as nothing were he to start on the immigration problem in a way that would satisfy most UKIP supporters.”
I think Nigel decided to stay focused on Brexit and took the view that anything else would be a distraction from the main battle. We have to get out of the EU before we can decide what sort of country we want Britain to be. We’ve now won the referendum but it still has to be delivered so he playing the role of “king over the water” as an MEP.
It is not only on here, Pull … its not only you, every person you speak to, is the same
Yet the abhorrent political gain PM, only see s power grab.
Cameron was an inept buffoon, she is all that and worse, she is a liar and a turncoat, more devious,
and spiteful.
Currently reading Douglas Murray’s book The Strange Death of Europe. An excellent, if depressing, account of the situation regarding mass immigration into Europe and highly recommended.
Except that he forgot to mention the amount of money being handed to our universities by the Saudi families (government) in return for promoting anti western culture. Therefore influencing young so called clever minds.
No wonder Labour are capturing the young brainwashed voters.
Can someone explain to me why Salford University is still open?
Salford University boastfully opposes all aspects of the governments anti extremism programme
It should under serious investigation with the Chancellor stood down with immediate efect.
Why are Hope not Hate NOT protesting outside Salford University?
Re Salford Uni.
Because DOCTOR John Cooper Clarke worked there I expect.
And so we`re talking real Red Plaque crap when the useless old cadaver pegs it.
To be fair though-like Beckham, Liam and Noel-he`s not been wringing out his tissues over the Twitter feeds like the younger Coronation St poppets and metros have been.
Sharia May is trying to do everything she can to win a wafer thin majority, to fuck yall over on Brexit and Muslim immigration.
She will will do nothing to curb the spread of the cancer public-ally, and all she can privately to encourage and protect the scum.
You guys are in real shit upto your necks, political Islam has the progressive movement in the palm of its hand, it permeates through every public institution via common purpose, the very people tasked to protect you, will do everything they can instead to protect your enemies, most of your political class are beyond redemption,.
You guys are going to have to fight alongside your troops in the end, i think only a coup can save your country now.
Maybe Trump via NATO making muzzies official enemies may finally break the grip political islam has on your elected but i doubt it, only the Queens lads can save yall now, her working class lads in boots and fatigues thats your only hope now, a coup and trials for the traitors.
“The FBI warned UK security chiefs that Manchester jihadi Salman Abedi was plotting an attack in Britain, an inside source has claimed. MI5 were warned in January by the U.S. intelligence service that Abedi was part of a North African terror cell planning to strike a political target in Britain according to the source”
Yet Manc Plod are “refusing to share” relevant info, ROFL! … and liability Amber Dudd is erm … “irritated”
… Again this is a political decision, straight from No10.
Was there “political gain” in doing squat? … looks like someone in No10 thinks so.
Alternatively, the murderous little piece of filth was just one of hundreds the FBI warned about. Which suggests 5 are either incompetent or undermanned. I hope it is only the latter.
I don’t think even the Tories are sufficiently evil to allow a bombing to take place so as to gain an electoral advantage. And even if they did, such a decision would have been leaked.
Well the plan was “absolute power” this time around … well wasn t it, plenty on here were loving it, revelling in the thought.
You know it means f-ck our people, f-ck our nation, the old the infirm, the poor and all that,
Still licking their lips for it though
… Absolute power corrupts absolutely … and we have the most underhand, deceitful, corrupt government ever already
He certainly did, in the pecking order of progressive political Is-sham enablers, Blair is the daddy, the most complete and utter twat, it is then Cameron, and Sharia May jockeying for silver and bronze.
Blair! … don t swear at me, an utterly despicable man, and his grasping wife
But you are off, Cameron/Osborne/May deceit, corruption, lies by a country mile
I’m sorry but I utterly refute that. Cameron et al are toddlers compared with Bliar. It is at his door that the current immigration problems must be laid and also our current financial woes. I have no time at all for Heathite Conservatives but Blair was a traitor of a much greater magnitude and surrounded himself with some of the worst politicians ever to have crawled into office.
Certainly Blairs effect on the current Tories is clear.
You`d be hard pressed to find any Tory who`d honestly set out how Blairs 1997 landslide has brought us to much of all this.
Gove etc-normally clever historical types have a blind spot, like whipped house slaves of “The Master”. Facy applauding THAT charlatan as he left the Commons-to be fair to Corbyn , I doubt that even he did that!
GC, although it it could be seen as following the precedent of Coventry in WW2, I think the advantage for May has actually been negative but I doubt that a politician from any of our political parties would pull such a heartless cynical stunt. Indeed, I suspect that if anyone in the security services received such an order it would be disobeyed unless there was some other massive strategic advantage to be gained, perhaps for wiping out many different terror networks in the UK at one stroke.
The public, last week, were aghast at the Conservative manifesto. Then came the Manchester atrocity. In the memory of most people, when the GE campaign really re-starts on Tuesday, people will have had more than a week of thinking ‘The Tories are a disaster.’.
The Conservative Party and its candidates will be down to just ten days to recover the situation, six days of which may be holiday for many.
Those five working days in which the Conservatives might have gone some way to retrieving the situation have been lost.
As a foot-shooting exercise on the part of No.10 and the PM’s backroom staff, that manifesto outdoes the Edstone by a considerable margin. In fact, I think as a situation, it is probably worse than the 1983 Labour manifesto. In addition, the PM has been almost invisible this week in the UK, partly due to the G7.
It might have been better to have sent the Foreign Secretary to Italy and for the PM to have demonstrated some leadership at home. (I suspect Boris Johnson’s political career may be over, but we’ll save that for another time; perhaps for post-Election result speculation.)
Strong and stable? This is now the inevitable conclusion (for many?) as a result of Manchester.
I entirely agree with your analysis. The Tories’ ineptitude seems to know no bounds. It’s time the ‘men in grey suits’ gave Crosby his marching orders and then set about rooting out the imbeciles responsible for that lamentable manifesto.
I don’t have much faith in politicos bit I cannot believe they would allow an atrocity for political gain, if only because in this day and age, everything leaks out sooner or later, and this would be political suicide, pardon the pun.
“The FBI warned UK security chiefs that Manchester jihadi Salman Abedi was plotting an attack in Britain, an inside source has claimed. MI5 were warned in January by the U.S. intelligence service that Abedi was part of a North African terror cell planning to strike a political target in Britain according to the source”
All the above, yet the bastard was still able to fly in and out of Europe and onto North Africa, just how the hell is this possible with so called no fly lists?
Mind you, considering the number of the “peaceful ones” employed at Manchester Airport it may be hardly surprising. I’ve been patted down by a bint in a niqab, (afer having to give my passport, etc., at check-in to someone who looked like he moonlighted as a müezzin) and given their tribal/religious loyalties, would she be inclined to blow the whistle on a dude in pyjamas, with an aversion to Gillette products and carrying a concealed Kalashnikov or similar?
And weren’t we told that the bomber’s father was in ‘airport security’? If that is true then the company responsible for employing him needs prosecuting for having put the public’s safety at great risk.
These are the sort of questions a properly run BBC would be pursuing, not counting tealights and platitudes.
theisland above.
May well be an MI6 dereliction of duty.
MI5 seem to be more like a toothless Sweeney, MI6 seem to be the REAL traitors in doing their Hitler/Von Papen highwire walks which won`t end well for us. As we`re finding out by the week.
And in spite of the BBC too.
Thanks to Charlie above for putting up the Murray/Khan piece on Sunday Politics.
Well worth a watch if only to see how obtuse, thick and divisive is Jo Coburn and her BBC agenda.
She simply doesn`t listen, then extrapolates just as Alan Partridge used to do on his comedy interviews.
Khan is a good as Islam gets-and her life will be in more danger than even Murrays if the likes of Coburn son`t stop paraphrasing and trapping interviewees in BBC cliches and false flags. Fake news 24/7.
Will pray for both these two-Coburn had better learn some manners before I include her on any list other than the slop bucket one.
Yes the useless Jo Co wilfully parodies Murray’s perfectly sensible points – no time to check, but doesn’t she say something like, ‘so what should we do, close down the universities?’
These libtards have blood on their hands. Children’s blood now. They should be held to account.
In some cases, closing down the universities is exactly what we should be doing. They were only ever a Blairite ruse to A/ lower youth unemployment, B/ suck-up to his supporters in the teaching profession and C/ ensure the greatest possible number of self-entitled, indoctrinated half-wits with degrees in interpretive dance.
The last two decent popes-before this green eejit of today-spoke of the Thanatos Culture of Europe and the European Union.
Greek concept…but this celebration of death is no better than crap over Greg Allmann or Chris Cornell. To have 69 years of life being squashed into a few bars of the Top Gear theme tune might seem quite a deal from the BBC( news headlines 8.10 this morning Radio 4)-but we surely to God are worth more than that.
The Left baled out over Rushdie in 1989-the Catholics did the same at Regensburg 2006. Hence our need for Trump to grow a pair and the likes of Tommy Robinson and Katie Hopkins to get some backing from us.
Thousands are now queuing up to have a ‘Manchester symbol’ (whatever that is) tattoo. What comes next I wonder.
Is this generational, this outpouring of “I need to do something” ?? This was catastrophic, no question, and this was terrorist driven, but I remember the events of 1966 in Aberfan when 116 children died, that was a time when the nation really did go into mourning for those little kiddies, and the scenes of Dads scrambling with their bare hands to get at their children will live with me forever. We didn’t need tattoos either to have it stay in our minds.
Tattoos every time there is a Muslim terrorist attack in the UK? There have been ten serious Islamic attacks in the last ten years, and many times that number foiled.
As the number is going to presumably increase, unless we do something about it, I trust the person has long arms to cope with all the inking necessary.
Corbyn and the Left would LOVE that.
To get a titan like Airey Neave getting scraped up by Prescotts reinforced platinum commode would be THE wish of todays Left and Progressives.
From Airey Neave to Jo Cox.
Such is the decline of people who become MPs over time.
But Cox-even in an urn-would be a better and more plausible candidate than anything dangling from Labours park bench as we see at present.
S`pose she`d be in the wrong recycling bin or contribute to global warming or be the wrong side of current smoking bans and waste regs.
….trust the person has long arms to cope with all the inking necessary……
Well that rules out Beckham then ! (psssssst….. huuuuge rumour doing the rounds that he’s had Botox , like his mate Ramsay – now an even bigger plonker than before)
Amber Amber Rudd is going to get tough with extremism, and use banning orders.
It would help if she was more specific about extremism.
Given the horrendous backlash against the peaceful ones, it could be that extremists are those who are not holding up banners proclaiming that bombing our children unites us.
I might suggest that you take a look at Amy Mek’s twitter feed, (she’s banned in France & Germany so she must be doing something right!).
There is a tweet with a video which I don’t appear able to find elsewhere and can’t post here (maybe someone else can?)
“To Those Engaging In Media Jihad, Continue & Step Up Your Activity During Ramadan”
Media Jihad? The video by News Channel 8 explains that the Muslim control of the media is so strong that the experts aren’t even able to train those expected to fight Jihad because of the cries of isms and phobias which terrify politicians.
“Theresa May is to appoint an anti-extremism czar to root out hate-mongers before they turn to terrorism”.
They will probably end up banning another “far right” group like National Action rather than focussing the effort on where it is needed. We will be in an endless cycle of banning the irrelevant rather than cause PC offence.
Yet more arrests in the ongoing Manchester attack investigation.
What I can’t understand is, if there is a large cell active in the area, and knowing that the net is closing in, why the hell haven’t they gone on the run to avoid arrest, ? It seems odd to me that they’re at home like sitting ducks waiting for the swat team to arrive. OR shall we see a flux of ‘released without charge’ news items in the next few days.
The article starts with:-
Naveed Yasin was stuck in traffic when he saw a van veering towards him, horn blaring. He did not take it personally and assumed the driver was suffering a bout of road rage.
Seconds later, the white, middle-aged van driver had lowered his window and was hurling obscenities at Yasin.
“You brown, P*** bastard,” he screamed. “Go back to your country, you terrorist. We don’t want you people here. F*** off!”
Mr Yasin decided this was so shocking that he needed to report it to the police and also Tell Mama. Oh yes, he also thought it appropriate to contact the national press and have his photo taken on a park bench in his surgeon’s scrubs.
Nowhere does he say that the actions of the Islamic terrorist in Manchester were a disgrace to Islam and an embarrassment to muslims everywhere.
I tried to phone the Sunday Times and tell them that a bunch of Pakistani youths had yelled at me, whilst walking through Oldham, “You white, English bastard,”. “Get out of our country. We don’t want you people here. F*** off!”……………..unfortunately I was told that they don’t print unsubstantiated stories!!
As I mentioned earlier, Liar Mays only concern is increasing her own power, she has a lot in the pipeline to line her and her cronies pockets, whilst screwing our nation
So … the political decision has been made to move on,(never mind the child victims) … that should ring alarm bells for everyone here, if it doesn t you re not paying attention.
As that happens, you get the political decision to minimise away the mass murder by promoting Islam as the victim too, in some disgusting politically driven media equivalence, you ll get more of these stories
The political decision to get Sharia Mays plod to come down hard … not on Islam itself , but anyone (even unknowingly) critical of Islam.
Its already happening and it will, ramp up …
seriously … people need to wake up
Third adoption.
It’s Ramadan.
How would you like to be operated on by a Muslim surgeon observing Ramadan in June. Possibly having eatern or drunk nothing for nearly 16 hours, low blood sugar level, interrupted sleep pattern for the short night hours they can eat.
As compared with say a surgeon from another religion, who has had a good night’s sleep, has had something to eat and drink and is ready to go.
I wonder if there are any statistics on surgical outcomes by religious obervance characteristics of surgeon?
There should be. People’s lives could depend on it.
The BBC should scrap the licence fee because it is “too old-fashioned”, the former Newsnight presenter Jeremy Paxman said yesterday.
Speaking at the Hay Festival, Paxman, who left the programme in 2014 after 25 years, said: “Look how the likes of Netflix and Amazon now take extraordinary amounts of money from huge numbers of people electronically. Why can’t the BBC wake up to this?”
At present everybody must pay the licence fee of £147 a year, even if only watching catch-up programmes on iPlayer. Those aged 75 and above are exempt.
Paxman, 67, said he wanted the BBC to survive not only because he hosts BBC2’s University Challenge but also because “the world would not be better off without it. But changes must be made. It has far too many bosses, and is big and lumbering.”
Unfortunately its not the BBC licence fee that needs scraping…………………..Its the BBC itself Unfit for purpose, Decades past its use by date and no longer comforms to the BBC charter
The impartial BBC is always complaining about the social media spreading isis propaganda.
It seems to forget its eagerness to circumvent the Sinn Fein media ban by providing voiceovers for Gerry Adams and others. However, the criticism of social media cannot be seen as disinterested as they are rival newsproviders with various degrees of fakeness.
As usual, a great piece by Rod Liddle this week. A section of which reproduced below:-
“Meanwhile, the liberal left is united in its horror and outrage at the week’s events. Not the Manchester bombing, but what other people said about the Manchester bombing. Their fury is directed at the likes of commentator Katie Hopkins and The Sun and anybody else who dares tiptoe away from the approved reaction. Which is to light a candle, mouth “hope not hate” and maybe join in a verse of Imagine. The Guardian writer Owen Jones has demanded that everything he doesn’t agree with be banned or boycotted, and petitions have been got up. If London is ever nuked by Islamists, Owen and co will be glowing in the debris, insisting the greatest crime was last week’s op ed in the Daily Mail.”
The reaction to the atrocity is very reminiscent of the emotional incontinence triggered by the death of Di.
The banality of the response is mindnumbing. One plod on LBC was overjoyed that “2000 teabags had been handed into the station”. This was another round of the “the community is coming together”, “we will not be divided” mantras. Every cloud has a silver lining. 22 people were brutally murdered, scores crippled and hundreds injured, but we got 2000 teabags out of it. Good for the candlemakers too. Maybe we should have more of these atrocity things to promote more selfless acts of taxi driving. I feel a bit left out because I have no muslim neighbours whom I can protect from backlashing nazi thugs – preferably laying down my life nobly in the process.
Some time ago Milo Yiannopolis was canned for an old video showing him appearing to condone Paedophilia. Although he said he was really referring to his own situation he had to go.
Shortly after Milo went, Tomi Lahren, a stunning rising star on right issues, was canned by her own boss for appearing to contradict herself on her stance on abortion.
The other day Katie Hopkins was sacked by LBC for clumsily using the term “final solution”. When it was pointed out to her, she acknowledged her mistake and apologised saying that she mis-spoke and only meant to completely resolve the terrorist problem.
Recently Bill O’Reilly was sacked from his flagship show on Fox for alleged sexual misdemeanours.
Now there’s a rumour that Sean Hannity, the host of an excellent show on Fox, has been sacked because he’s been pursuing the facts about the Setrh Rich murder and its possible connection to the DNC. This is still not confirmed.
I’m sure there have been more but these have escaped me at the moment.
Then along with the harassment Robinson gets even when sitting in a pub, watching football with his family, or getting arrested when hit by someone when surrounded by police and not even retaliating – as well as the Berkeley Police being told to stand down when the Antifa Fascists were about to attack the pro-Trump rally, it shows the left-wing crazies are getting a few wins and are playing very dirty. It also shows the support they are getting from on high. (Soros runs the USA).
Things are going to get worse and very, very unpleasant. These interesting times are too interesting at the moment.
I am most uncomfortable about this. I see these right-wing spokespeople being taken down too. It has a very sinister feel about it. I hope it’s not true about Hannity but wouldn’t surprise me in the least. There must be a lot going on behind scenes – Trump is matey with some of these guys. On that front, haven’t seen Judge Jeanine on for a while.
Can someone please tell me why the BBC broadcasts in Africa and the rest of the third world?
Pretty sure they don’t pay a license fee.
What a waste of our money.
…The BBC broadcast in Africa because when they eventually arrive here as immigrants and eventually get residency they will have had so much left wing bullshit hammered down there throats they will automatically vote Labour…..a cunning plan
Not currently a main issue but……
A friend went into hospital a few days ago for an urgent piece of surgery. By noon on Saturday they were told they were OK to leave but needed the discharge paperwork signed by a doctor. So they waited….and waited….by about 6 pm they were being told that is was unlikely they would be released and to prepare for another night in the hospital.
But luckily the paperwork was signed at about 1930 hrs and they went home.
Key thing is , the same thing happened to me a few years ago. Ready to go, all done, just waiting for the discharge paperwork. After a couple of hours I wandered down the corridor to find a load of nurses and doctors joking around the work station. I remonstrated for some service and they were distinctly dischuffed that a patient would have the temerity to demand some action.
So the next time you hear Corbyn talking about bed blocking, queues in A and E, people on trollies in corridors, not enough beds, underfunding, ask yourself why doctors cannot be arsed to sign off well people asap. People who want to go home, have completed their treatment and told verbally all is OK.
It’s not an issue I expect the biased BBC to pick up. It really does not fit the narrative.
The earlier in the evening that the system records a bed as being available the more likely it is to be filled that night.
In the really busy hospitals (those with too few beds) staff don’t play games because they know that the admission pressures are such that any available bed will be filled no matter how late in the evening the previous patient is discharged.
It is an issue, I wonder if hospital staff like to portray themselves as stressed and overworked in order to get sympathy. I know it happened in the non-health public sector where I worked for many years.
Mrs Mole’s mother was in a London hospital recently after a mild heart attack. Her stay lasted 8 days. The day before her discharge we were told she would released into her daughter’s care after 8 am the next morning. We arrived around 10.30 am, as we had to travel across London.
She was not ready to leave, no discharge plan was in place, unresolved dispute about need to involve social services etc. Mrs M’s mother spent the whole day sitting in bed unwashed, unfed (by the hospital) until 4.30 pm. I won’t add the many other details that highlight the appalling lack of efficiency, the insane bureaucracy and absence of basic “customer care” but the key point for the NHS is that her bed in a specialist cardiac ward was effectively off limits to another patient for the best part of a day.
If they would only smarten up their act, so much more could be done with the same resources.
We had similar experiences to you with gaggles of various staff members chatting in groups in corridors for many minutes. I could see that some staff were working hard, but too many were freeloading. There was no management grip evident.
BBBC will never hear of or report on this, except to blame it on “bed-blockers” and hence transfer the blame to social services and other agencies. Or of course “Tory cuts”
Oh dear, you are simply not allowed to say such things…..didnt you know that the NHS is staffed by angels, most of whom are immigrants?
Without whom the NHS couldnt possibly cope?
Dear me…away with you to wash your mouth with carbolic soap.
The more that the NHS is regarded as sacrosanct, the more it will go downhill.
Thank you for a glimpse of reality.
The Manchester bombs seem to be helping the BBC and Labour.
As long as the coverage is over angels and heroic surgeons and first responders-but having to contend with Tory austerity in the meantime-then the BBCs cameras will point that way, the scripts will stay the same.
And-count the hijabs, the hugs and all amnner of EU staff and Muslims saving us from our silly tendency to trust in arena security and to let in any godless pervs who imagine virgins are best taken in pieces.
The Tories are thick…if they can`t pin all this on Labour from 2001, and chuck Dettol into the eyes of the Marxist creeps and green scum-then we`ll have to find some vehicle that will.
Well, the bBBC have more or less swept last week’s ‘incident’ under the carpet and replaced it with multiple pieces about hate crime. At least Sky is still paying respect to the victims and their families. The BBC are scum.
Sluff………wandered down the corridor to find a load of nurses and doctors joking around the work station…..
Nothing new I’m afraid. Years ago I was given a pre-med to dozify me before an op. Thing was, I was forgotten about, and Mum went off to find, as you say ” a load of nurses and doctors joking around the work station.” They ran around like headless chickens when Mum asked what the hell was going on.
Another instance…… at my local surgery its common practice to be told there are no appointments for 3 weeks, and yet wander into the waiting room at any time during the day and barely half a dozen patients waiting. WTF ???
Finally……. last week needed an ear syringe procedure only to be told by the same surgery ” sorry we are not doing that until further notice”…… WHAT ????? Because I wasn’t prepared to wait until the 12th of Never I was forced to go private. So, be prepared, if you ever need this doing. I was charged £50 PER EAR plus £200 Cons. Fee – not bad hourly rate for less than 10 minute procedure.
I just caught the BBC News Channel “Aviation Analyst” expert where he talked about the BA I.T. system failure. He said a company the size of BA shouldn’t have a power supply failure as redundancy should be built in….”they should have UPS…..Universal power supplies…….unlimited power supplies…..”
UPS actually stands for Uninterruptible Power Supply but hey, don’t ask me to be an expert – just use some idiot who Skypes in front of their bookcase at home and claim they are experts. Nice work if you can get on the BBC “experts to call list”.
Do you know Tabs…I was half way through your item, and the blood pressure was rising…UPS………….
Uni-bloody-versal thought I!
What bloody planet is this person….and of course….i read on…and you saw the obvious shit that the so-called expert was talking.
The tragedy here is that most at beeb wont know the real term.
It`s a given DC.
Listen to their sports coverage or their business stuff. Clueless, biased, sly and slithering for Castro or Sir Alex…or whoever esle is winning that day. Bunch of Hornbys and Monopoly fat hats, playing at business…and never played sports.
I just cannot believe the story now. It sounds too much of a coincidence and I do not believe in coincidences. Planes carry cargoes as well as passengers and this must always be a weak point in security.
The real reason behind this is more likely to be a credible terrorist threat targeted to the UK flag carrier airline, BA. Making the IT failure excuse protects profits (and prophets – can you see what I did there!) and it wouldn’t scare the public.
If we start seeing similar excuses such as a whole concert cancelled because a 100 watt bulb needs replacing in the gents toilets then it’s the new way of hiding the terror threats.
Is it just me, or has al Beebus not being making such a huge deal of Bombadam this year as it usually does?
Perhaps even those rancid; Progressive; turds that run the place realize that such propaganda may not be received terribly well in the light of…er…”recent events”?
Al, someone on here put up no less than 8 links to BBC web content, some of it aimed at children, all about Ramadam. Not a squeak so far as far as I can see about Ascension and Pentecost (both Jewish and Christian) although BBC Radio did quite a bit on Ascension a year or two ago. That was a pleasant and welcome surprise. There’s still time.
I was thinking more of their broadcast output, by now here in God’s Own County we would have been bombarded with little heartwarming vignettes via Look North (our local al Beebus cottage); which would have shown variations of: numerous, smiling Mohammedans preparing for Ramadamalinglong; British schoolchildren being “taught” about it and how schools and other institutions are “helping” Muzzies at those schools etc during this period of additional Islamic cobblers.
This year there has been no sign of such tedious, PC rubbish; though as you say there is still time. But I think that even al Beebus will understand the need to let the dust settle, or at least allow enough time for the blood and body parts to be cleared away before continuing the usual drip-drip feed of pro-Muslim drivel.
Haven’t been able to find any articles on contemporary news events with comments. Didn’t spend time digger deeper into the ‘puff’ pieces.
As far as Brexit was concerned, Lobbie, a few weeks back they were getting loads of comments that did not support the standard Guardian view. It provided a good measure of public opinion.
I have spent the past three months following the BBC website – regularly taking screen saves about once a day. What I can say is that the BBC has a number of agendas and biases. These biases are crude and not hidden. It is also found in the cbeebies (0-6 years), CBBC (7 to 13 years) and newsbeat (14 to 24 years) channels.
The fact that the BBC can be so blatant in their agenda and biases strongly suggest this is part of a much bigger issue – involving certain political discourses, changes in the law, the legal profession, education, the universities, impact of lobbyists. What I am saying is that I think this is part of a societal change. We have got here as part of a long process probably beginning in the 1950s (loss of British Empire and start of mass immigration into Britain for cheap labour) and has been continuing ever since with certain accelerations especially in the Blair government days. Now things seem to be changing more quickly with the advent of the social media (which the internet has made possible). There is a sharp generational divide.
Anyway these are my thoughts. I have yet to explore this site for all the information others have found. But my thoughts are that some of us have to look beyond the BBC to government policies, education, economics etc for the bigger picture.
Buzzwords to look out for: Internationalism, Human Rights, Diversity, Equality, Islamophobia, Fourth Wave Feminism, Globalisation
Be great to get some breakdowns BBBC.
My background includes maths and stats-and to get some collations would help in that we sometimes run after the stationary cars and miss other ,more symptomatic indicators of the low cunning and carefree bias/stupidity of the BBC.
Personally, I`d run some themed threads-I`m cold to “climate change” because my science is settled…but it`d be good to have my UEA rebuttals and Harrabins howlers in the one place.
I’ve got folders of screen saves and pdf prints. I probably will not have time to analyse them. What started out as curiosity became more systematic in approach – but I have had my fill of it now. But it has given me time to look over the website and get a feel of what is going on and to track down a few follow up hunches. This type of activity should be given to students in the form of student projects. My background is in science – and I wonder to myself what is going on within sociology studies departments and media studies departments in academia. But then again part of the problem lies in academia – especially in the non-STEM subjects.
It must be obvious even to the BBC that Corbyn ,Macdonald and Abbot are completely unfit for high office. Nothing to do with the policies currently on offer but their history is such that they cannot lead this country ever. They have no love for us or Britain and Corbyn in particular has so much history with terrorism of one sort or another that even to contemplate him as PM is absurd. Hence however much we dislike May we simply have to make sure Corbyn is defeated. Sometimes the safety of the nation demands that we do what must be done. From this follows that all discussions on policies are now pointless and must be ignored.
what make me more worried than the three laughable idots Corbyn ,Macdonald and Abbot
is that Sharia May is the best we can hope for to keep us safe from the savages, something she has spectacularly failed to even attempt to do in her time in government.
How many dead at the hands of muslims on her watch and what actions have happened???
Questions should be asked about Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill. If the manifesto was their doing, then there should be some serious sanctions applied.
I have had a funny gut feeling over the last week or so that the Conservative results on 8 June will be disastrous – not necessarily a loss but a majority of perhaps only 25 to 30 seats – and that May will no longer be PM, either immediately or perhaps within about a year or so.
I predicted that at the start of the campaign. The unexpected always happens at some time during elections, but I didn’t think it would be that Labour’s second-best weapon would be the Conservative Manifesto. (Their best weapon, of course, is the BBC and the other TV stations who hammer away daily for Labour).
Naff all on TV tonight ..and James bloody O’Brien is on LBC
The BBC even cancelled the Damilola repeat cos on Manchester causing schedule changes.
..No sign of a BBC Kriss Donald documentary that due to the BBC’s pro London bias ?
“No sign of a BBC Kriss Donald documentary that due to the BBC’s pro London bias ?”
Hardly. No shortage of attacks in London of the non-Lawrence variety. How often do you hear about:
PC Patrick Dunne
Richard Everitt
Leslie Watkinson
Frank Dempsey
PC Philip Walters
Thomas Kidd
Ted Howell
Danny Westmacott
Louie Wade
Brian Harvey
(Not a complete list by any means.)
Another possibility of course is that the BBC is preparing a whole series on black/brown-on-white attacks. With so much material it should run and run.
Reports on twitter of around 200 Pakis rioting on Wellgate Rotherham against the arrests of terrorism suspects in Manchester.
Unbelievable that they fell secure enough to do this given what they got up to not that long ago – but where are the reports in the press, and will this spread to other towns?
R4 9:30pm Prog about the lack of female engineers.
Almost everyone in the prog presenter and interviewees was female
‘We shouldn’t have to look abroad to cure this shortage of engineers when at the same time only 17% of British engineers and women’
“Ruth Sunderland visits businesses with innovative schemes aimed at reversing the trend, and meets students, teachers and industry leaders. Who will be the engineers of the future? ”
I guess NEXT WEEK they are having the prog about lack of male nurses and male primary school teachers
(they aren’t cos the series has finished for the summer)
Never heard anyone say that “We need a big drive for MALE NURSES”
..No it’s always “We need to bring in emigrant nurses”
Odd how no one is concerned at the fact Women outnumber men in 112 of 180 degree subjects, with females from poorer backgrounds 50% more likely to go to university than their male counterparts
No one sets up government bodies to investigate why over 60% of Law graduates or graduating doctors are female.
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news TTK Won’t give MPs a vote on military action in Ukraine – come on – let’s get this…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Come on come on – there’s got to be a council out there ‘banning shrove Tuesday ‘ because it clashes…
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
Andrew Neil playing at voice of the nation speaks about Manchester.
He makes some sensible points about the lack of serious political discussion about what to do, and criticises the banal cliches we have been hearing, and he calls for a mature debate.
Well thank you Neil, and fuck you too. You have had many people across your desk eager to make a contribution to the debate. People like Tommy Robinson who got your sneering dismissive treatment and joined the ranks of demonized Islamophobes.
Perhaps if you want a debate then play your part and don’t yell Katie Hopkins down when she speaks of no go areas where she, like thousands of parents, would not venture with their children.
Perhaps you might allow peope to step outside the BBC and the Politicans bubble and discuss the possibility that the problem is not merely a cancer affecting a tiny minority among an otherwise virtuous Moslem community who want to share our values, but admit voices which are drawing attention to a clash of cultures. Too much for you eh.
Come on Neil – you and your BBC, stop pandering to Islamic PR men like of Owen Jones, the Guardianisas, and that never ending supply of Moslem apologists, and play the role of an unbiased presenter in this debate
Ultimately Andrew Neil knows what side his bread is buttered on or (more accurately) who pays the gigantic salary which enables the purchasing of said bread and butter.
Neil straddles an awkward camel. I too have seen how he treats REAL patriots like Hopkins and Robinson on his show. I saw him twist and blunt even Suzanne Evans relatively lame manifesto and performance the other day.
Clearly he`s a hare and hounds bloke-yes, he`s as good as the BBC get-but at heart, still Murdochs gofer who throws Israeli spies like Vanunu overboard in the quest for ratings.
Amoral and a toad…but-as I say-a veritable fount of truth and honour compared to all other BBC staff.
Were he to get Corburn off his show as co-quisling, it could do him some good.
Long term response? Do you mean like a final solution?
I well remember just after he abused Tommy in that infamous ‘interview’ that he took a lot of flak on twitter.
His parting shot at the critics was that he would do just the same for sn islamist.
You know what!?….we are still waiting for that one…talk sure is cheap.
I lived with, “it’s only a tiny minority” for years from the Government. It was not until a Select Committee was formed to look into that issue solely that it discovered that abuse was widespread and abuse was commonplace. A complete and immediate Government volte face took place. All the utterances of, a tiny minority, are nonsense and just demonstrate how far the elite in this country are determined to remain removed from reality. As someone on this site said previously, any other vote other that UKIP (which will probably be a wasted vote) in the coming election will be a vote for the extinction of the British cos all the others simply love islam.
Correct on all points GWF.
Police deploy helicopter and confiscate karaoke machine, which is probably now under arrest, for playing a parody song about Bin Laden and offending WPC.
Any wonder our police farce are fast becoming a laughing stock?
Worth watching the video in the Cambridge News report of the party. Cops are clearly after anyone who offends the Jihadists. Make no mistake, we are the people our cops are gunning for
Obviously not much crime occuring on Cambridge plod’s patch if the can afford dispatch so many officers to what, if anything, was a civil matter when the noise complaint was made.
The law applied without fear, favour or prejudice?
The time is coming when clowns like these will have decide whose side they are on!
I really thought it was a set up and fake news. Impossible to credit the behaviour of the police.
There is something very wrong now in this country and we all have every reason to be fearful. Fearful of attacks from terrorists and fearful of our own elite .
This is not good and to be honest i had not anticipated this rapid descent into near anarchy.
The only factor I can see that accounts for the definite hardening of the elite’s attitude is that they were taken aback by brexit..
I always thought May is plan B .
Wasn’t it Cambridgeshire Police who hounded Tommy Robinson and his family out of a pub in Cambridge a while back? Oh no! My mistake it was out of the whole f*****g city!
Eleven days to popcorn.
I just can’t wait to see the wan faces of the bbbc’s second/third team, some lightweights plonked in as the others wanted to stay away! I bet they all have rearranged the ‘swingometer’ crap stuff to make it all seem less important. Amazing what graphics can (can’t ) do!
One thing they can’t do is make beeboids smile when liebour fails to get their key seats. That’s when the cameras go into overdrive, and they all panic. Marvellous!
As a hundred plus seat majority for The Conservatives is forecast, there’ll be one of them humming and haaing and muttering that only ninety-nine seats is a devastating blow, and we all need another general election,…
Err, ducky…?
You’re supposed to be a presenter, not a ‘guru’, you’re not really up to it are you sweetheart…
(and that’s just the blokes…;0)
Not being full of humour following 22 dead and 80 injured plus the grieving – I thought I’d give that dreadful smug Have i got news and The News Quiz a go. I’m surprised al beeb ran them . I made 15 minutes on each before my ears gave up. I’m surprised the news quiz hasn’t been reported to the people who ensure that elections are fair and balanced. How can albeeb allow four socialist ‘ funny’ people ‘ and a smug lefty chair type roll out pro Corbyn poison for 30 minutes?
Every time I expose myself to this bias I please myself that I don’t pay their wages through the f ing licence tax .
BBC News Reports – Manchester attack: Hate crime ‘doubles’ after incident, (not terrorist mass murder BBC?)
“racist taunts and graffiti are among a significant rise in hate crimes reported to Greater Manchester Police following Monday’s attack, the BBC can reveal.
The force said the number of such reports had doubled to 56 on Wednesday, from the 28 reported on Monday.
Chief Constable Ian Hopkins said the force was “monitoring” the situation”.
Former Chief Crown Prosecutor Nazir “Islam nothing to do with Islamic child rape gangs” Afzal
said the attacker was … wait for it
“a criminal, and not represented by any community”. Mr Afzal, who is also head of the Police and Crime Commissioners Association, said: “It is disappointing, but it happens every time”
. .. WHAT? that Muslim groups, and apologists, bull up the dubious erm “hate” stats to claim victimhood?
This the same guy?
A doubling of hate crimes i.e. an extra 28 reported after the Manchester bombing, works out 1.27 hate crimes for every dead person killed by the Manchester Muslim terrorist.
Hardly a “right wing” backlash that the liberal warn about is it?
A report of an alleged “hate” crime is just that, an allegation. Let’s do the counting when convictions for these so-called crimes have been achieved.
I bet few of the 28 will lead to a trial and that none will result in a conviction.
Example of the ‘hate crimes’ reported: “A woman at a supermarket was told she should not be wearing her niqab – a face veil – in public”.
Now is that a crime or is it someone expressing a perfectly valid opinion?
Every time they blow us up?? Understandable really
The tories could have released a manifesto equalling the diaries of Anne frank and the Beeb would still have ripped it to pieces. Keunsberg and the gang were like Baying wolves that day with edited footage of them going after mp’s and organised protests outside with the ringleaders telling them when and where to start shouting. There main target is brexit and they will sell their souls to stop it. And it’s been like that everyday since. The labour manifesto is being ignored even their flagships of privatisation are uncosted and nobody is digging into it. Brillo is the only one to do so. With a light grilling of Barry gardener on daily politics last week revealing it to be pie in the sky but no front page headlines or round the clock coverage just constant Tory attacks.
Yesterday I noticed a big change and not just the Beeb but sky and others as wellas wel. Both were out in force from 7am going big on corbyns speech. The speech was leaked the day before but there was very little criticism of it with lots of leading questions being asked of various representatives in that square, but a little digging on google these were not ordinary representatives but political activists and labour wonks all singing from the same hymn sheet. Friday was going to be corbyns day and nothing or no one was going to stop just stank of collusion with all networks as it was corbyns turn for the Brillo treatment that day it seems they were doing their best to sanitise him and not mention his ira Hamas and hezbolah connections. May has been out of the country at the g7 in Sicily but the coverage we did get was of trump smears and attacks on May but very little or no footage of her. Sky had Beth rigby breathlessly running after tusk asking him would he deal with jezza if he got in and when she got the answer she wanted ran away smiling. This pro Corbyn coverage ran until midnight and as mentioned above no remarks or questioning on his Brillo interview
Lbc this morning had Andrew castle doing his level best to big up Corbyn and telling us he was prime ministerial in his speech yesterday but zero mention of the Brillo interview. He came a cropper when talking to Kim Howells who blamed Manchester on Islam and basically said jezza was an idiot. It was when Howells brought up the ira castle ended the chat saying he had ran out of Time with nearly 3 hours to go. The ira jezza connection is verboten. When he came back he went straight into the prime ministerial crap again but again came a cropper when a telegraph journo who was doing the papers rubbished jezzas speech. Cue another ad break and changed the subject. For a so called journo he just wasn’t listening. He had an agenda and was sticking to it. When that failed he just went to trump bashing. I’ve been out all day so I don’t know what the rest are like or if the sanitise Corbyn campaign is continuing. It’s sickening to watch and listen to and with Katie Hopkins getting sacked yesterday the left are on a high but the big massive hairy dirty mammoth in the room is not going away and all the tea lights and hugs in the world will not stop that.
For those who are unaware of Dr Kim Howells, his knowledge is first class about identifying the problems we face with the religion of peace and what to do about it. Although he was a Labour MP, he has the common sense of Nigel Farage .
Message to Al Beeb, its duty officers, researchers and Maxinconey, ………….
“You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”
Everyone has got it wrong you know, the army haven’t been put on the streets to protect us from the terrorist, its to protect the terrorist from us.
Apologies up previously
Police, call in helicopter and confiscate a karaoke machine? … artificially boosting the erm “hate” figures again?
Police swooped on a garden party where a song mocking the death of terrorist Osama bin Laden was played.
The force helicopter and 10 officers were immediately despatched to a home in Highdene Road
(the video explains a lot, like the Stazi)
Seems to be three scenario s possible here 1/. An Islamic plod or 2/. Deliberate, political policing 3/. Neighbours who know just mentioning Islam/offence gets immediate action.
Not much for the tune … the lyrics are a corker,
oh go on then, after all … it is Ramadan
All that attention, for a song?
I initially assumed the offending parody must be the Bob Rivers song ‘Osama got run over by a reindeer’ (made years before Bin Laden was killed). Now I’ve checked the link, though, it seems I was wrong.
Just in case anyone shares my black and tasteless sense of humour, I’ve posted two verses of the Rivers song lyrics below. (The song is up on YouTube – surprisingly, given its Islamophobic content. I hope Mr Rivers has bodyguards.)
Osama got run over by a reindeer
Right outside his cave on Christmas Eve,
Some folks say there’s no such thing as Santa,
But now even the Taliban believe.
Al Qaeda found him Christmas morning,
Face down on that mountain pass,
There were hoof marks on his turban
And a broken reindeer antler up his oh-ho-ho-ho.
Not on the bBBC yet
Manchester bombing victim’s family: Government must ‘open its eyes’
but they are enjoying giving us great detail about the death of some poor folk defending Muslims from harassment in Oregon, the perpetrator being a white supremacist (or they wouldn’t even have given the article a second glance)
Respect to these grieving people for bravely speaking out, against the pressure to put up and shut up. I hope it’s sign of the worm turning.
OMG! They want to preserve their country!
A piece on the BBC website by Moscow correspondent and Eurovision Song Content fan, Steve Rosenberg. Ostensibly it is about the adoration of St Nicholas in Russia, and also a sly dig at Vladimir Putin. But the agenda is given away with this comment:
“So, today, the authorities here are constructing a new ideology for Russia – it’s a mixture of nationalism and patriotism, conservatism and loyalty to the state – and all of it underpinned by religious belief.”
No, Mr Rosenberg, that is not a new ideology for Russia – that is the traditional ideology of Russia, and indeed the ideology of most European countries until about a century ago. But it is the antithesis of modern globalist thinking, which is why the media and politicians constantly portray Russia as The Enemy.
I.R. – Solid post.
“Mr Corbyn says Tory cuts have undermined security and is pledging to recruit an extra 10,000 police and more security staff if Labour wins power.”
I wonder how much that will cost? So does Diane Abacus !
I love the ‘Abacus’. Brilliant.
….you can imagine if Labour get in and Diane Abbott’s gets the chancellors role.. you can imagine her stood in Downing street trying to work out what door has 10 on it and what door has 11 on it…
Let’s hope that if God forbid Labour are in power she is so confused that she can’t find the door to no. 11.
Just had an alarming thought; Jezza in no.10, Abacus in no. 11; is there a connecting door between bedrooms?
Given a few days to think about it, suddenly Pinky and Perky (aka Treezer and the Marxist Corbyn) have declared they will do more to prevent terrorism in the UK. Really. For the Marxist that means engaging more security personnel whilst now refusing to tell the public that a Liebour Government would resume the Blair imposition of mass immigration (‘cos we like muslims) and Jaw, Jaw, Jaw is preferable to War, war, war. I suggest the public, out of the taxpayers pocket, should pay the cost of forcibly sending both Treezer and Corbyn to the Middle East with instructions not to return until they have altered the course of islam. Yeah, that islam: the one that has been in place and unchanged since the 7th Century. Oh, and by the way, stop off on the way to meet Terry Waite to ask for advice after all, he’s another one that believed (past tense) in Jaw, Jaw, Jaw……..
And Treezer the Appeaser? In typical British fashion, form a committee to consider the matter (Nero fashion). Neither can bring themselves to even utter the word ‘islam’ which is at the very root of all the problems – Worldwide never mind about the UK.
Meanwhile, the first feature on the BBC’s ‘Sunday’ programme is an interview with two Manchester ‘lads’ – You’ve got it – one with a plain ol British name and, and, and, a ‘Mohammed’. No let up on the BBC’s brainwashing then?
… we go again…reporter on breakfast TV says Labour must be delighted with the latest poll showing only 6 point lead…. What about the other polls showing a 10, 12, and 14 point lead…
I switched on R4 this morning to hear that a police van was parked outside Didsbury mosque
At last, I thought, some form of effective action is being taken against this nest of muslim vipers.
How wrong could I have bee?. Hate crimes had been committed. Threats had been made. It was plod performing its prime objective – shielding muslims from any criticism for their, at best, indifference to muslim terrorism.
It got worse
Some woman vicar when asked about the tragedy ( muslim atrocies are never described as atrocities, we are supposed to think they are some kind of natural phenomenon an accident waiting to happen).
Her main concern was the safety of a muslim neighbour.
It got even worse
Some imam prattling on about how merciful the prophet was.
Apparently, he diverted a cavalry charge (muslim tough love?) to protect a bitch (no not a kuffar woman) and her litter of puppies.
Who can believe this crap?
As Douglas Murray says, we have been reduced to being “weepy mourners at our own funeral”
I’d give it just 2 or 3 more UK terror attacks before we hear liberals say Muslims have the right to practise their religion and bombing and sex with kids is part of that religion. If you don’t like it then don’t go, or let your daughters go, outside of your own home.
ID, I thought what the Imam said was very strange.
Are not dogs considered unclean in Islam?
It may have been a wonderful moment for those soulless creatures but no doubt the cavalry swerve still ended in the death of many humans in the city of Mecca.
You finished with an excellent quote. A very true word.
The BBC is very subjective with it’s positive discrimination and diversity agenda.
I know that one can appear to be paranoid towards the BBC. But when one sees
for example even at the FA Cup final two pictures on the BBC website , one with two
women attending the final and two men , ALL of whom are ethnic and then we hear and
read nothing of the ethnicity and religion of the Islamic scum murdering terrorist and
basically so far as the BBC is concerned the” event” in Manchester is just a continuation
of the Chelsea Flower Show. What ID has just written is so right. But I expect that we
wont be seeing too much of Douglas Murray right now on the BBC if the embedded
fifth columnists hierarchy at the BBC get their way. It makes me sick that I have to
pay a license fee to an enemy of the state!
BBC1 at 10am today has The Big Questions asking ‘can white people be victims of racism?’.
I think we know what the audience will look like and the answers that will be given. Wouldn’t surprise me if they have the corpse of Darkus Howe in a chair.
Any white Saffers in the audience do you think?
I am certain that at least one of Abedi’s motivations was racial hatred.
Does Donald Trump get any royalties from HIGNFY.
I think without him the show wouldn’t exist now.
It used to be funny a while back but now it’s just another far left BBC propaganda pile of rubbish.
My UKIP vote is sent in now.
What a pair of useless politicians we have to choose for the next pm.
May who had a 20 percent lead BECAUSE THE PEOPLE WANT BREXIT has managed to get it down to single figures with an uncosted terrible manifesto attacking old people (who all vote)
Corbyn who is living in la la land promising everything to everybody.
None of the two are worthy.
May, a remainer, talks a good talk but never delivers.
Corbyn is plain daft.
May will get in because we want Brexit and for no other reason.
The next election will be nothing like this one and I just hope UKIP have got themselves sorted out by then, maybe with Anne Marie Waters as leader.
Same applies to Private Eye. Hislop has been radicalised by his contacts at BBBC, the magazine is now a travesty. Even the crossword has several clues each issue referring to President Trump.
No UKIP candidate in my constituency, stood aside for a Brexit supporting Conservative. He is unfortunately not very conservative though.
Rest – Hislop has been beebified.
That’s what you get keeping bad company: it rubs off on you like filth in a sewer.
He who pays the piper calls the tune.
A heads up for people this elections time.
If you have a Conservative PPC on your doorstep then ask them why it is that Theresa May is planning to introduce Sharia Law into the UK and why this is not in the Manifesto.
If they don’t know about this – or worse deny it you can point them to this article in the Independent:
Unfortunately owing to the website being crap I can’t copy & paste text which means a lot of lazy people won’t bother to click on the link and will remain ignorant of what is being planned for them! To you I say, don’t say you weren’t warned because you were and just couldn’t be bothered.
There can be no other explanation for the biased way May has constituted this panel, that she is under the instruction of Islamic states such as Saudi because no unbiased political leader would ever risk such a move which was clearly not in the UKs interests.
I have no problem pasting text. Here is a section from your linked article:
“Women’s rights groups initially welcomed the move as a rare opportunity for the state to examine the resurgence of Islamism via sharia courts and its impact on gender equality.
But Ms Namazie, who set up the campaign One Law For All, said they now fear the review, which states it will “seek out best practice among sharia councils” could lead to their endorsement.
She said: “Far from examining the connections between religious fundamentalism and women’s rights, the narrow remit of the inquiry will render it a whitewash. It seems more geared to rubberstamping the courts than defending women’s rights.”
Their concerns were detailed in a letter published this week on the website Open Democracy.”
I think this is the website referenced in the article:
It’s the first three paragraphs which are important Lucy the ones where May has biased the outcome with terms of reference and a panel of Islamists.
I did manage to copy this:
Theresa May’s review of Sharia courts has been branded a “whitewash” before it has even begun, with more than 200 individuals and human rights groups signing an open letter urging her to dismantle the panel chosen to oversee the inquiry.
They claim that by appointing an Islamic scholar as chair and placing two imams in advisory roles, the panel’s ability to make an impartial assessment of how religious arbitration is used to the detriment of women’s rights will be seriously compromised.
Signatories include Gita Sahgal, the director of Centre for Secular Space and a former head of Amnesty International’s gender unit, the playwright Julia Pascal and the Iranian-born human rights activist, Maryam Namazie.
However I am unable to copy & paste any more than that.
Thoughtful and Lucy – Thanks for these links.
Anne Marie Waters’ site gives a list of publications one of which is by the Parliamentary Assembly of The Council Of Europe (Oct 2016) entitled ‘Compatibility of Sharia law with the European Convention on Human Rights …’.
Section 4.3 ‘Islamic courts in the UK’ says
“… on 26 May 2016 the then Home Secretary Theresa May, who is now Prime Minister, launched an independent review by a panel of experts into the compatibility of Sharia law with the law in England and Wales. This Sharia law review, chaired by Professor Mona Siddiqui, is to be completed by 2017.”
Compatibility?? I have been unable to find out whether this ‘review’ has been completed (it seems not?).
Meanwhile, more common sense from Anne Marie
We’ll be inundated today by politicians of all (acceptable) hues lecturing us about “tolerance” and “inclusiveness” and “unity.” Any number of sensitive talking heads will tell us how feel and how they wept and how much they admire the stoicism of the bereaved. Here we go again, it’s Ground Hog Day.
I don’t know about you but I really hanker for a mainstream political figure to simply stand tall and tell it as it is.
Just cut through the crap and the cliches and be honest. We are in very, very deep shit!
The whole of Europe is facing a cultural plague. This new manifestation of evil is akin to Nazism, but without any (that I can see) acknowledgement or resistance. Indeed, those few brave few souls that gamely attempt to illustrate our predicament are attacked, ostracised and even, in the case of Katie Hopkins, find that they’ve lost their jobs.
There was a play on Radio 4 yesterday (yes I know I shouldn’t) written by Daniel Defoe, all about the Black Death that swept through Europe during the Middle Ages. I could see certain parallels (I’m pushing it!) with our present predicament. These poor sods had no idea how to deal with their illnesses and agues, but at least they were stout hearted enough to acknowledge that they had a problem. They weren’t in a state of denial.
In our case we all know what the problem is but we do everything we can to ignore it. It’s like going to the doctor with clear plague-like symptoms and the quack telling you that all you have is a heavy cold. “No, nothing to worry about, Jeff. It’s quite usual to have blinding headaches and a rash when you get the sniffles.” “You’re vomiting and coughing up blood?” “well, take two asprin, drink plenty of fluids and spend a couple of days in bed. You’ll be as right as rain.”
I don’t want to labour my medical metaphor too much, but..(I’m going to!) It seems to me that we’ve been following our present political prescription for a heck of a long time and the symptoms are getting a whole lot worse.
What started as a headache is now a blinding migraine. Our slight temperature is now a fever. we’re shivering, aching and confined to bed. I’m beginning to think this doctor has made a false diagnosis.
Any chance of a second opinion?
Jeff, your Plague metaphor has literary precedent: Camus wrote La Peste as a metaphor for the invasion by Nazis.
Same applies today, just different invaders.
“We will not be divided”. Hang on, precisely what ‘binds’ us to the cult devotees of islam that we should be in any way concerned with being, ‘divided’ from? Tell me.
How come the BBC North American Correspondent – Little Johnny Sopel is on the Marr couch – didn’t PRESIDENT TRUMP just arrive back at the White House? We all know you you are not allowed in BBC
Johnny is spouting weeks old bullcrap ‘ Comey – Nutjob’ Kushner can point Russia out on a map. These guys really have nothing don’t they.
Then the woman on the couch says something about ‘ just what we need more machismo in World leaders’ referring to Trump sarcastically — er yes love that is exactly what we need 22 people lost their lives going to a pop concert we want action no more balloons
Now we have Leanne Wood (no clue what she was talking about) and next we move to Caroline Lucas why does anyone care what her policy is – is she credible? she should be in a nuthouse
Oh dear Marr is like a comedy show
And the star turn is Dianne Abbot she should be a home secretary apparently because she worked there once – what as a cleaner?
Lol even Marr nailing her to the post apparently she voted against Al Quaeda being described as a terror organisation think one of the others on the list she voted as not linked to terror was the jihad brothers for jihad . Think Marr has just destroyed her the BBC won’t be happy
Having watched the car crash interviews that Dianne Abbot has given of late, I believe she is ill. Having worked in the psychiatric dept for many years of my local hospital, the signs are there to see. If Labour wins and she becomes (for real) our Home Secretary then it really doesn’t bear thinking about. The sad demise of Charles Kennedy struggled with his demons for many years before the public became aware of his ‘issues’, and clearly Abbot struggles to give breathless replies and when challenged doesn’t appear to be ‘in the moment’.
Think you have a fair point .its not a cultural thing. I think she is just becoming more eccentric in her ‘thought process’ -if you can call it that. The maths car crash interview over police numbers was a clue but the identification for a murder organisation (iRA) and her hair do 35 years ago is not a sane one.
Spose she’ll use the ” I did a lot of interviews” excuse again.
I can only guess she needs the appearance money for going on al Beeb to pay for her kids private school fees.
Surely now the Labour Party will put her in a darkened room with a gag on until 9 June? Personally that will be a pity even though I choke on me pop corn when she speaks and she loses a few more thousand deluded labour voters.
I mean – just image that creature as a Home Secretary.
According to Corbyn and his fellow Marxists at beebistan, Manchester is the result of our foreign policy interventions in the Middle East (some of which those same Lefties were screaming for at the time).
So what about the Brussels bombings, Corby boy? Was that because of the massive Belgian army involvement in the M.E?
Or the terror attacks in Sweden over the years (which you probably haven’t heard of, they manage to keep theirs quiet by making it a crime to report). Was that the result of neutral Sweden’s secret military ops in the ME? Or peace-loving Buddhist Thailand? Or the Philippines, another military Superpower with a massive army in the ME. Or Pakistan, a muslim country experiencing near daily atrocities. India? The genocide of the Yazidis? The Kurds? The fanatical hatred of Jews. The persecution of Christians in most muslim countries and by ISIS especially: would that be because of the Pope’s policies in the ME? (The same idiot Pope whose main policy seems to be “Open your doors to ever more of the invaders”).
Etc etc, the list is endless.
My point is, there’s always an excuse. Same with sex crimes: in Germany and Sweden, it’s because the savages are new arrivals and aren’t familiar with our quaint Western ways yet. (What, we’re not supposed to rape your women? We didn’t know, why didn’t you TELL us??)
But in Rochdale, Rotherham (or should that be Roger’em?) and a hundred other towns in UK, the perps were long-established 2nd or 3rd generations, who knew our ways all too well, including how to woo underage girls (vodka and a few good slaps, according to Three Girls). So what’s the excuse there? Marginalisation, exclusion, deprivation.
Excuses, always excuses. Different ones for each new muslim atrocity.
Sadly there is nobody who has the bottle to confront it…. We will always pander to the bloody tree hugging far left.
As usual we will be outraged for a period of time but as usual we will slip back into our mediocrity and hassle free lives.
How many more people will be slaughtered by these monsters before the gloves eventually come off…I dare say, many.
And God help us if Corbyn gets elected..
Superb, Charlie! It’s not so very long ago our politicians bent over backwards to appease Adolf Hitler and his cold hearted brutes. It was cowardice camouflaged as tolerance. There are strong echoes.
Sadly, this time I don’t see any sign of a contemporary Winston Churchill on the horizon.
Guest – Ha ha. Two possibilities: either Trump has hitherto unreported linguistic skills and is fluent in Italian.
Or he can’t bear to listen to any more Eurodrivel.
Or he doesn’t trust the translation.
FAKE NEWS by Landale he has grudgingly made this further tweet White House says that Donald Trump wears an ear piece in his right ear for translation
Does James Lansdale realise he is supposed to be employed as a BBC journo – not a Have I Got News For You comedian?
Seems to me far too many of his BBC colleagues are crossing that line.
THEN YOU KNOW WHAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN!, this rushed, needless election should be delayed for 6 mnths
and proactive measures implemented, stop spending enormous amounts of manpower/money following around the enormous watchlist
Round them up, save a fortune, secure facility.
This is depths of the No10 treachery to our nations people, from Camoron, Liar May and co.
“Government sources have confessed that there are at least 23,000 jihadists in Britain – more than seven times higher than previously revealed.
Until recently, the public had been led to believe there were around 3,000 known jihadists in Britain, with 500 being subject to active investigations led by MI5.
Whitehall officials have now disclosed that a further 20,000 individuals have been identified as posing a “residual risk”
…. The party before country? self serving vanity project?
here is the No1 issue our priority, vital national security
FFS don t let that devious snake who conned you out of the fixed term act, make political gain out of it.
She s deflecting, playing politics, already moved on
6mnths – Maybe then the parties (including Tories) will properly prepare … ITS NOT NECCESSARY NOW ANYWAY
Act in unity now …. do what no one in Europe is doing, take decisive pro active steps for our security,
let our nation lead … FOR our nation, not for this slimy politicians to disgracefully gain out of it.
Round up the watchlist, if you ve got to spend on them do it in a secure facility.
We re ALL safer then
… CCTV in every mosque as a matter of public policy with external link, proper scrutiny on mosques anyway
… Ban Sharia, and any outward expression of it outright, it is the seat of all the problems, May should have done this already anyway.
… Ban madrassa schools, and stop any school mosque visits for small children, and older unless objective fact about Islam its founder is relayed – no facts, no visit, it should be public policy to teach objective facts about Islam in every school anyway, that would allow children to question Islam with clarity
The time is now, concerted unity government action, get that festering Westminster swamp to really do its job
… our security, lead, set an example to Europe or …
WHAT! … what will it take?
122 children next time?, 1022? maybe 10,022
after the government cowardice and appeasement over Islamic child rape gangs … THE TIME IS NOW!
You get this … MSM yes, BUT politically motivated, the political decision that 22 dead children, all the injured?
for Liar May, Amber Dudd No10 and co … merely a sideline, she wants her bloodied hands on more power.
F-ck our peoples concerns now, and she WILL,
OH YES SHE WILL! … f-ck you ALL! every single one later
So on it trundles
BBC News – nothing to do with
Manchester mosque: Attacker not one of us
BBC News Reports – Manchester attack: Hate crime ‘doubles’ after incident, (not terrorist mass murder BBC?)
“racist taunts and graffiti are among a significant rise in hate crimes reported to Greater Manchester Police following Monday’s attack, the BBC can reveal.
The force said the number of such reports had doubled to 56 on Wednesday, from the 28 reported on Monday.
Chief Constable Ian Hopkins said the force was “monitoring” the situation”.
Former Chief Crown Prosecutor Nazir “Islam nothing to do with Islamic child rape gangs” Afzal
said the attacker was … wait for it
“a criminal, and not represented by any community”. Mr Afzal, who is also head of the Police and Crime Commissioners Association, said: “It is disappointing, but it happens every time”
. .. WHAT? that Muslim groups, and apologists, the political police to bull up the dubious erm “hate” stats to claim victimhood?
and LOOK! the very same guy as in the BBC Report
“….20,000 individuals have been identified as posing a “residual risk”. – That few? the risk is solely with islam and its cult devotees – a ‘few’ more that 20,000.
that would be a pro active implementation, immediate measure, it shows
A/. you mean business
B/. a wake up call from the weepy wankerism, that shows no mettle, no lead to our people
no positivity
C/. shows that OUR security is paramount, not just the politician s, the royals, the embassies the billionaires.
D/. shows that politicians work for us, their No1 Concern is our security not their own grasping self interest
G – 3 Million and rising.
Ah, the “he isn’t a real muslim” argument. The hypocrisy and double-standards of the BBC, MSM and Establishment are breathtaking. On one hand, they are constantly telling us that people can self-identify themselves as any gender they want (e.g. Bradley Manning, Bruce Jenner, 8-year old boy going to school wearing a dress). They are also looking to extend this principle of denying biological reality to race (e.g. Rachel Dolezal). But, when it comes to someone self-identifying themselves as a Muslim… well, no, that doesn’t work at all, you can only be a Muslim if a BBC spokesman, tame/lying Iman or ignorant government minister says you are one.
Here’s a mystery: if you were to base your view of world affairs on what the beebistan and other msm tell you (big mistake), you’d think Trump was universally hated, mocked, despised and reviled, right? A figure of ridicule at best.
Yet he was elected by 63 million Americans, nearly half the electorate; surveys show huge numbers support many of his policies, especially on islam, immigration and domestic US policies – jobs for Americans etc; a recent book supporting him called ‘Big Agenda: President Trump’s Plan to Save America’ was an instant bestseller.
So at least half of America and large numbers worldwide take him seriously, respect him and his policies, in many cases are passionate admirers and supporters.
Yet, to come back to my point, this fact isn’t reflected in any of the msm, including I’m sorry to say the ‘highbrow’ right-leaning press, who gleefully join in the sneering.
Apart form being extremely insulting to half the US population, it’s also extremely elitist (it was them rednecks what voted for him, ha ha), a huge snobbery (look how sophisticated and clever we are); and just plain distortion. Misinformation, perhaps not in facts, but in tone.
Fake News, you might say.
Spot on Charlie it was all rednecks in the US
Just as it was all thicko’s in the UK. for Brexit – well most people I know who voted Brexit are hard working intelligent people – so what they say is deflection and bllx
I think the real reason the msm/beebistan hate him is cos of his hair, which, let’s face it, is a bit odd 🙂
Hasn’t supped him pulling the women 🙂
Ol Roger Harribin must be on life support this weekend waiting for President Trump to pull the Paris Cord
What Climate change is not real? what are the British Bedwetting Corporation going to do now
My heart goes out to all of the 22, their families and all of the families who will be affected by life changing injuries. Why was there not one representative from them on QT this week. The bBBC should be utterly ashamed. I’ve given up complaining as I just receive the bog standard response.
We need a strong leader but unfortunately there isn’t one out there apart from Nigel who would get my vote.
It’s an extremely sad situation for the Manchester victims and we shouldn’t have to be living in fear of the ‘next time’ a similar atrocity happens.
The anger inside me and I am sure a lot of us is immense.
Yes, it’s understandable, that cry for strong and stable leadership. It’s understandable that what western civilisation cries out for is a benign Hitler/Stalin/Mao/PolPot, someone who has the strength of character and charisma to weld a force for good against evil, a world-wide movement to expunge the cancer from our midst and bring the civil back into civilisation.
Understandable but wrong. What we need is a honest accountant.
We need someone who, while perfectly capable of feeling quite upset by the sight of a child with two screws and a ball bearing in her liver, and a lower limb hanging by two sinews, looks beyond the emotion and does his figures.
We need a man, or a woman – no need for sexism here – who can cost up the additional and immense strains on the economy of vastly increased security and policing. Someone who can cut through the red tape and clarify the increase per capita for every journey of whatever nature, every hospital visit, every queue, every waiting list, every rent rise, every network failure and every inconvenience to affect everyday life and what the cumulative effect of all these is having on the economy.
It might just mean that some entrenched beliefs, on the intrinsic merits for example, of a diverse society might need examination. But if, as a result and naming no names, one particular rationale, mind-set, behaviour pattern, ethnic group or religious attitude should be found to be more specifically responsible than any other – get the taxman and Capita involved. Problem sorted.
oh … “strong and stable leadership” (shakes head).
But we’re not allowed to feel anger Pull, we’re ordered to sing Don’t Look Back in Anger, hug a muzzie and ask his forgiveness for whatever we’ve done that drove him to murder. You haven’t been paying attention to beebistan / Corbyn, obviously.
Charlie of course you are, all of us are, every person to a man is,
now a positive, proactive channel for that needs to happen, a single focused
national reaction … away from shameful, deceitful petty party political gain.
I ll give you a clue … it isn t tea lights,
I don’t think UKIP, with or without Nigel are the answer to the problem of Islam in Britain.
The manifesto which they launched last week contained the “1 In – 1 Out” immigration policy.
That policy will still lead to Britons becoming a minority in their own country.
The vast majority of those leaving will be indigenous folk who’ve had enough and are leaving for greener / safer pastures or other whites going back home or moving elsewhere; the majority of those coming in will be from the Third World, in all likelihood mainly Muslim, coming to suckle in perpetuity at the welfare and benefit teats.
You mean like this, Al?
Or like this?
There is one thing to recommend a Corbyn/Labour vote. At least with him we’d soon have a Venezuela style economic meltdown, so no money in the kitty for any welfare – and our freeloading guests will finally have to seek pastures new elsewhere in the EU.
More than once I saw Right wingers half-seriously suggesting we should have voted for Miliband, on the basis that he would have reduced the country to a ruin within one term and thus ensured Marxism was banished from these islands forever.
I have to say that whatever Wooden Ed would have achieved in the ruination stakes, Corbyn and his rump of leftover 1970s/80s Militant Tendency types would manage in half the time.
Given that I think May is going to deliberately sabotage Brexit, it’s almost tempting to pull the temple down around our ears.
Perhaps not, but I think the valuable role UKIP can play is to finally enable the conversation to take place – and even then the massed ranks of the far Left try to shut UKIP down with their infantile bleating about ‘racism’.
We have to get this issue on the agenda. At the moment it is one of those subjects one cannot even raise in ‘polite society’ and that has to change. Nigel Farage is very wishy washy on islam and immigration. I suspect that is because he knows that the full scale bombardment he received over Brexit would be as nothing were he to start on the immigration problem in a way that would satisfy most UKIP supporters.
Luckily there is a UKIP candidate standing in my constituency so that’s where my vote is going. As mad as the fools in the mainstream parties have become, I’m not yet ready to inflict years of Labour insanity on my fellow citizens!
Likewise. Heaven only knows how I would vote if we didn’t have a UKIP candidate.
Mind you, yesterday I met the UKIP candidate for a nearby constituency. She was pretty grotesque and it made me wonder how close to the bottom of the barrel the remains of the party are now scraping.
“Nigel Farage is very wishy washy on islam and immigration. I suspect that is because he knows that the full scale bombardment he received over Brexit would be as nothing were he to start on the immigration problem in a way that would satisfy most UKIP supporters.”
I think Nigel decided to stay focused on Brexit and took the view that anything else would be a distraction from the main battle. We have to get out of the EU before we can decide what sort of country we want Britain to be. We’ve now won the referendum but it still has to be delivered so he playing the role of “king over the water” as an MEP.
Well then … you know what do (please see above)
It is not only on here, Pull … its not only you, every person you speak to, is the same
Yet the abhorrent political gain PM, only see s power grab.
Cameron was an inept buffoon, she is all that and worse, she is a liar and a turncoat, more devious,
and spiteful.
Good monologue by Douglas Murray on the politics show.
Currently reading Douglas Murray’s book The Strange Death of Europe. An excellent, if depressing, account of the situation regarding mass immigration into Europe and highly recommended.
The good news Fred is that it’s a bestseller. People are waking up from beebislumber, they’re not swallowing the blue pills any more.
The Strange Death of Europe, Douglas Murray.
Agreed Brissles.
Except that he forgot to mention the amount of money being handed to our universities by the Saudi families (government) in return for promoting anti western culture. Therefore influencing young so called clever minds.
No wonder Labour are capturing the young brainwashed voters.
Can someone explain to me why Salford University is still open?
Salford University boastfully opposes all aspects of the governments anti extremism programme
It should under serious investigation with the Chancellor stood down with immediate efect.
Why are Hope not Hate NOT protesting outside Salford University?
Why are they not called Hate not Hope?
Re Salford Uni.
Because DOCTOR John Cooper Clarke worked there I expect.
And so we`re talking real Red Plaque crap when the useless old cadaver pegs it.
To be fair though-like Beckham, Liam and Noel-he`s not been wringing out his tissues over the Twitter feeds like the younger Coronation St poppets and metros have been.
Yes Brissels, a good monologue, and later debate.
I posted link below, here it is again:
Douglas Murray section kicks off at 11:28
Have we as a nation gone stark, raving mad?,s/uk/810115/school-children-told-respect-killers-teaching-aid-talking-about-terrorism
Link not working for some reason…………………..
Strange, G, a search for the page, using terrorism as a search term, brings up the page, with the same address as the original link.
Sharia May is trying to do everything she can to win a wafer thin majority, to fuck yall over on Brexit and Muslim immigration.
She will will do nothing to curb the spread of the cancer public-ally, and all she can privately to encourage and protect the scum.
You guys are in real shit upto your necks, political Islam has the progressive movement in the palm of its hand, it permeates through every public institution via common purpose, the very people tasked to protect you, will do everything they can instead to protect your enemies, most of your political class are beyond redemption,.
You guys are going to have to fight alongside your troops in the end, i think only a coup can save your country now.
Maybe Trump via NATO making muzzies official enemies may finally break the grip political islam has on your elected but i doubt it, only the Queens lads can save yall now, her working class lads in boots and fatigues thats your only hope now, a coup and trials for the traitors.
Who are MI5 protecting?
“The FBI warned UK security chiefs that Manchester jihadi Salman Abedi was plotting an attack in Britain, an inside source has claimed. MI5 were warned in January by the U.S. intelligence service that Abedi was part of a North African terror cell planning to strike a political target in Britain according to the source”
Yet Manc Plod are “refusing to share” relevant info, ROFL! … and liability Amber Dudd is erm … “irritated”
… Again this is a political decision, straight from No10.
Was there “political gain” in doing squat? … looks like someone in No10 thinks so.
Alternatively, the murderous little piece of filth was just one of hundreds the FBI warned about. Which suggests 5 are either incompetent or undermanned. I hope it is only the latter.
I don’t think even the Tories are sufficiently evil to allow a bombing to take place so as to gain an electoral advantage. And even if they did, such a decision would have been leaked.
Well the plan was “absolute power” this time around … well wasn t it, plenty on here were loving it, revelling in the thought.
You know it means f-ck our people, f-ck our nation, the old the infirm, the poor and all that,
Still licking their lips for it though
… Absolute power corrupts absolutely … and we have the most underhand, deceitful, corrupt government ever already
I think you are forgetting Blair.
He certainly did, in the pecking order of progressive political Is-sham enablers, Blair is the daddy, the most complete and utter twat, it is then Cameron, and Sharia May jockeying for silver and bronze.
Does that make Major and Heath into all-time losers or could one of them cause a shock with a fast run in on the infield lanes?
Blair! … don t swear at me, an utterly despicable man, and his grasping wife
But you are off, Cameron/Osborne/May deceit, corruption, lies by a country mile
I’m sorry but I utterly refute that. Cameron et al are toddlers compared with Bliar. It is at his door that the current immigration problems must be laid and also our current financial woes. I have no time at all for Heathite Conservatives but Blair was a traitor of a much greater magnitude and surrounded himself with some of the worst politicians ever to have crawled into office.
Certainly Blairs effect on the current Tories is clear.
You`d be hard pressed to find any Tory who`d honestly set out how Blairs 1997 landslide has brought us to much of all this.
Gove etc-normally clever historical types have a blind spot, like whipped house slaves of “The Master”. Facy applauding THAT charlatan as he left the Commons-to be fair to Corbyn , I doubt that even he did that!
Which one?
GC, although it it could be seen as following the precedent of Coventry in WW2, I think the advantage for May has actually been negative but I doubt that a politician from any of our political parties would pull such a heartless cynical stunt. Indeed, I suspect that if anyone in the security services received such an order it would be disobeyed unless there was some other massive strategic advantage to be gained, perhaps for wiping out many different terror networks in the UK at one stroke.
The public, last week, were aghast at the Conservative manifesto. Then came the Manchester atrocity. In the memory of most people, when the GE campaign really re-starts on Tuesday, people will have had more than a week of thinking ‘The Tories are a disaster.’.
The Conservative Party and its candidates will be down to just ten days to recover the situation, six days of which may be holiday for many.
Those five working days in which the Conservatives might have gone some way to retrieving the situation have been lost.
As a foot-shooting exercise on the part of No.10 and the PM’s backroom staff, that manifesto outdoes the Edstone by a considerable margin. In fact, I think as a situation, it is probably worse than the 1983 Labour manifesto. In addition, the PM has been almost invisible this week in the UK, partly due to the G7.
It might have been better to have sent the Foreign Secretary to Italy and for the PM to have demonstrated some leadership at home. (I suspect Boris Johnson’s political career may be over, but we’ll save that for another time; perhaps for post-Election result speculation.)
Strong and stable? This is now the inevitable conclusion (for many?) as a result of Manchester.
Absent without leave.
I entirely agree with your analysis. The Tories’ ineptitude seems to know no bounds. It’s time the ‘men in grey suits’ gave Crosby his marching orders and then set about rooting out the imbeciles responsible for that lamentable manifesto.
I don’t have much faith in politicos bit I cannot believe they would allow an atrocity for political gain, if only because in this day and age, everything leaks out sooner or later, and this would be political suicide, pardon the pun.
Somebody in No10 made the decision. not to act
“The FBI warned UK security chiefs that Manchester jihadi Salman Abedi was plotting an attack in Britain, an inside source has claimed. MI5 were warned in January by the U.S. intelligence service that Abedi was part of a North African terror cell planning to strike a political target in Britain according to the source”
All the above, yet the bastard was still able to fly in and out of Europe and onto North Africa, just how the hell is this possible with so called no fly lists?
Mind you, considering the number of the “peaceful ones” employed at Manchester Airport it may be hardly surprising. I’ve been patted down by a bint in a niqab, (afer having to give my passport, etc., at check-in to someone who looked like he moonlighted as a müezzin) and given their tribal/religious loyalties, would she be inclined to blow the whistle on a dude in pyjamas, with an aversion to Gillette products and carrying a concealed Kalashnikov or similar?
And weren’t we told that the bomber’s father was in ‘airport security’? If that is true then the company responsible for employing him needs prosecuting for having put the public’s safety at great risk.
These are the sort of questions a properly run BBC would be pursuing, not counting tealights and platitudes.
I’d heard that, GC, but I assumed the security work was in Libya.
Jesus wept!
theisland above.
May well be an MI6 dereliction of duty.
MI5 seem to be more like a toothless Sweeney, MI6 seem to be the REAL traitors in doing their Hitler/Von Papen highwire walks which won`t end well for us. As we`re finding out by the week.
And in spite of the BBC too.
The ever excellent Douglas Murray telling it like it is about islam / Manchester on the Sunday Politics.
Some extracts below, do watch the clip. Now here, at 11:28 mark.
“They blow us up; we sing Imagine…
Politicians refuse to acknowledge the source of the problem, and polite society remains silent, or dumb…
Eastern Europe doesn’t have an Islamic terrorist problem because it doesn’t have much of Islam…
France has the worst problem because it has the most Islam…
For the time being the game is to be as inoffensive as possible…”
Even Sara Khan is ok, at times.
‘Now Treezer, GROW SOME BALLS.’
Sharia May. Not a chance. Weak. Pathetic. Hopeless.
Still many times better than Corbyn though.
We’re not politically blessed are we?
We are not! And the one leader we might have had, Nigel Farage, seems to have sidelined himself.
Cometh the hour, cometh the mediocrity, in fact.
“they blow us up; we sing Imagine”
Once again Murray couldn’t have summed us up better. What a great slogan to put on T shirts !
Thanks to Charlie above for putting up the Murray/Khan piece on Sunday Politics.
Well worth a watch if only to see how obtuse, thick and divisive is Jo Coburn and her BBC agenda.
She simply doesn`t listen, then extrapolates just as Alan Partridge used to do on his comedy interviews.
Khan is a good as Islam gets-and her life will be in more danger than even Murrays if the likes of Coburn son`t stop paraphrasing and trapping interviewees in BBC cliches and false flags. Fake news 24/7.
Will pray for both these two-Coburn had better learn some manners before I include her on any list other than the slop bucket one.
Yes the useless Jo Co wilfully parodies Murray’s perfectly sensible points – no time to check, but doesn’t she say something like, ‘so what should we do, close down the universities?’
These libtards have blood on their hands. Children’s blood now. They should be held to account.
In some cases, closing down the universities is exactly what we should be doing. They were only ever a Blairite ruse to A/ lower youth unemployment, B/ suck-up to his supporters in the teaching profession and C/ ensure the greatest possible number of self-entitled, indoctrinated half-wits with degrees in interpretive dance.
Not too dissimilar to ChumbaWumba’s opus, Briss.
The responses of the parents of the deceased have been most odd. It seems as we’re being coached to celebrate death.
” It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.”
The last two decent popes-before this green eejit of today-spoke of the Thanatos Culture of Europe and the European Union.
Greek concept…but this celebration of death is no better than crap over Greg Allmann or Chris Cornell. To have 69 years of life being squashed into a few bars of the Top Gear theme tune might seem quite a deal from the BBC( news headlines 8.10 this morning Radio 4)-but we surely to God are worth more than that.
The Left baled out over Rushdie in 1989-the Catholics did the same at Regensburg 2006. Hence our need for Trump to grow a pair and the likes of Tommy Robinson and Katie Hopkins to get some backing from us.
It’s called cultural appropriation, GS! No prizes for guessing which “culture” is being appropriated.
Thousands are now queuing up to have a ‘Manchester symbol’ (whatever that is) tattoo. What comes next I wonder.
Is this generational, this outpouring of “I need to do something” ?? This was catastrophic, no question, and this was terrorist driven, but I remember the events of 1966 in Aberfan when 116 children died, that was a time when the nation really did go into mourning for those little kiddies, and the scenes of Dads scrambling with their bare hands to get at their children will live with me forever. We didn’t need tattoos either to have it stay in our minds.
I hate to say this, but if a tattoo per Islamic atrocity is fashionable there are going to be a lot of people covered in
Tattoos every time there is a Muslim terrorist attack in the UK? There have been ten serious Islamic attacks in the last ten years, and many times that number foiled.
As the number is going to presumably increase, unless we do something about it, I trust the person has long arms to cope with all the inking necessary.
This article says it all –
Yet still the ruling elite in Europe and the UK cannot even bring themselves to name islam as the problem. Perhaps an Airey Neave event might turn their minds?
Corbyn and the Left would LOVE that.
To get a titan like Airey Neave getting scraped up by Prescotts reinforced platinum commode would be THE wish of todays Left and Progressives.
From Airey Neave to Jo Cox.
Such is the decline of people who become MPs over time.
But Cox-even in an urn-would be a better and more plausible candidate than anything dangling from Labours park bench as we see at present.
S`pose she`d be in the wrong recycling bin or contribute to global warming or be the wrong side of current smoking bans and waste regs.
….trust the person has long arms to cope with all the inking necessary……
Well that rules out Beckham then ! (psssssst….. huuuuge rumour doing the rounds that he’s had Botox , like his mate Ramsay – now an even bigger plonker than before)
in many cultures, a tattoo is seen as a sign of slavery.
Well, judging by the fact that I rarely meet anyone now who DOESN’T possess a tattoo, then that’s pretty much most of the population !
Yes, they are ‘enslaved’ already. The Caliph – if and when ‘he’ arrives – can go round collecting payment.
Snuffy doesn’t have one and no intention of getting one. Collecting minor cancer and other small surgery scars is enough for me!
Ha ha. I would advise Hillary to stop whining.
Amber Amber Rudd is going to get tough with extremism, and use banning orders.
It would help if she was more specific about extremism.
Given the horrendous backlash against the peaceful ones, it could be that extremists are those who are not holding up banners proclaiming that bombing our children unites us.
I might suggest that you take a look at Amy Mek’s twitter feed, (she’s banned in France & Germany so she must be doing something right!).
There is a tweet with a video which I don’t appear able to find elsewhere and can’t post here (maybe someone else can?)
“To Those Engaging In Media Jihad, Continue & Step Up Your Activity During Ramadan”
Media Jihad? The video by News Channel 8 explains that the Muslim control of the media is so strong that the experts aren’t even able to train those expected to fight Jihad because of the cries of isms and phobias which terrify politicians.
More rubbish.
“Theresa May is to appoint an anti-extremism czar to root out hate-mongers before they turn to terrorism”.
“She believes passing more laws is not the answer and will launch an offensive to shout down the enemy within their own backyard.
The new Commission for Countering Extremism will be more proactive in promoting British values of fairness and tolerance.”
Surely emergency legislation passed ASAP by our own government is exactly what we DO need in order to carry out immediate mass deportations.
“Theresa May is to appoint an anti-extremism czar to root out hate-mongers before they turn to terrorism”.
They will probably end up banning another “far right” group like National Action rather than focussing the effort on where it is needed. We will be in an endless cycle of banning the irrelevant rather than cause PC offence.
Who is he/she? I’ll sign on immediately.
Yet more arrests in the ongoing Manchester attack investigation.
What I can’t understand is, if there is a large cell active in the area, and knowing that the net is closing in, why the hell haven’t they gone on the run to avoid arrest, ? It seems odd to me that they’re at home like sitting ducks waiting for the swat team to arrive. OR shall we see a flux of ‘released without charge’ news items in the next few days.
The Sunday Times (pay-walled) has an article by someone it describes as a “hero surgeon” who complains of having received racial abuse whilst driving.
The article starts with:-
Naveed Yasin was stuck in traffic when he saw a van veering towards him, horn blaring. He did not take it personally and assumed the driver was suffering a bout of road rage.
Seconds later, the white, middle-aged van driver had lowered his window and was hurling obscenities at Yasin.
“You brown, P*** bastard,” he screamed. “Go back to your country, you terrorist. We don’t want you people here. F*** off!”
Mr Yasin decided this was so shocking that he needed to report it to the police and also Tell Mama. Oh yes, he also thought it appropriate to contact the national press and have his photo taken on a park bench in his surgeon’s scrubs.
Nowhere does he say that the actions of the Islamic terrorist in Manchester were a disgrace to Islam and an embarrassment to muslims everywhere.
I tried to phone the Sunday Times and tell them that a bunch of Pakistani youths had yelled at me, whilst walking through Oldham, “You white, English bastard,”. “Get out of our country. We don’t want you people here. F*** off!”……………..unfortunately I was told that they don’t print unsubstantiated stories!!
Go figure as Donald Trump would say.
As I mentioned earlier, Liar Mays only concern is increasing her own power, she has a lot in the pipeline to line her and her cronies pockets, whilst screwing our nation
So … the political decision has been made to move on,(never mind the child victims) … that should ring alarm bells for everyone here, if it doesn t you re not paying attention.
As that happens, you get the political decision to minimise away the mass murder by promoting Islam as the victim too, in some disgusting politically driven media equivalence, you ll get more of these stories
The political decision to get Sharia Mays plod to come down hard … not on Islam itself , but anyone (even unknowingly) critical of Islam.
Its already happening and it will, ramp up …
seriously … people need to wake up
Third adoption.
It’s Ramadan.
How would you like to be operated on by a Muslim surgeon observing Ramadan in June. Possibly having eatern or drunk nothing for nearly 16 hours, low blood sugar level, interrupted sleep pattern for the short night hours they can eat.
As compared with say a surgeon from another religion, who has had a good night’s sleep, has had something to eat and drink and is ready to go.
I wonder if there are any statistics on surgical outcomes by religious obervance characteristics of surgeon?
There should be. People’s lives could depend on it.
Bloody Hell. One of them really is a surgeon.
Going by the photo, I would have said that was highly unlikely, and could be a completely false claim.
That van driver’s eyesight needs testing. That may explain the swerving over the road.
Jeremy Paxman – “The BBC should scrap the license fee”
The BBC should scrap the licence fee because it is “too old-fashioned”, the former Newsnight presenter Jeremy Paxman said yesterday.
Speaking at the Hay Festival, Paxman, who left the programme in 2014 after 25 years, said: “Look how the likes of Netflix and Amazon now take extraordinary amounts of money from huge numbers of people electronically. Why can’t the BBC wake up to this?”
At present everybody must pay the licence fee of £147 a year, even if only watching catch-up programmes on iPlayer. Those aged 75 and above are exempt.
Paxman, 67, said he wanted the BBC to survive not only because he hosts BBC2’s University Challenge but also because “the world would not be better off without it. But changes must be made. It has far too many bosses, and is big and lumbering.”
Why does he look like he’s about to burst out laughing with the phrase ‘fooled ya’!
Unfortunately its not the BBC licence fee that needs scraping…………………..Its the BBC itself Unfit for purpose, Decades past its use by date and no longer comforms to the BBC charter
The impartial BBC is always complaining about the social media spreading isis propaganda.
It seems to forget its eagerness to circumvent the Sinn Fein media ban by providing voiceovers for Gerry Adams and others. However, the criticism of social media cannot be seen as disinterested as they are rival newsproviders with various degrees of fakeness.
As usual, a great piece by Rod Liddle this week. A section of which reproduced below:-
“Meanwhile, the liberal left is united in its horror and outrage at the week’s events. Not the Manchester bombing, but what other people said about the Manchester bombing. Their fury is directed at the likes of commentator Katie Hopkins and The Sun and anybody else who dares tiptoe away from the approved reaction. Which is to light a candle, mouth “hope not hate” and maybe join in a verse of Imagine. The Guardian writer Owen Jones has demanded that everything he doesn’t agree with be banned or boycotted, and petitions have been got up. If London is ever nuked by Islamists, Owen and co will be glowing in the debris, insisting the greatest crime was last week’s op ed in the Daily Mail.”
The reaction to the atrocity is very reminiscent of the emotional incontinence triggered by the death of Di.
The banality of the response is mindnumbing. One plod on LBC was overjoyed that “2000 teabags had been handed into the station”. This was another round of the “the community is coming together”, “we will not be divided” mantras. Every cloud has a silver lining. 22 people were brutally murdered, scores crippled and hundreds injured, but we got 2000 teabags out of it. Good for the candlemakers too. Maybe we should have more of these atrocity things to promote more selfless acts of taxi driving. I feel a bit left out because I have no muslim neighbours whom I can protect from backlashing nazi thugs – preferably laying down my life nobly in the process.
Some time ago Milo Yiannopolis was canned for an old video showing him appearing to condone Paedophilia. Although he said he was really referring to his own situation he had to go.
Shortly after Milo went, Tomi Lahren, a stunning rising star on right issues, was canned by her own boss for appearing to contradict herself on her stance on abortion.
The other day Katie Hopkins was sacked by LBC for clumsily using the term “final solution”. When it was pointed out to her, she acknowledged her mistake and apologised saying that she mis-spoke and only meant to completely resolve the terrorist problem.
Recently Bill O’Reilly was sacked from his flagship show on Fox for alleged sexual misdemeanours.
Now there’s a rumour that Sean Hannity, the host of an excellent show on Fox, has been sacked because he’s been pursuing the facts about the Setrh Rich murder and its possible connection to the DNC. This is still not confirmed.
I’m sure there have been more but these have escaped me at the moment.
Then along with the harassment Robinson gets even when sitting in a pub, watching football with his family, or getting arrested when hit by someone when surrounded by police and not even retaliating – as well as the Berkeley Police being told to stand down when the Antifa Fascists were about to attack the pro-Trump rally, it shows the left-wing crazies are getting a few wins and are playing very dirty. It also shows the support they are getting from on high. (Soros runs the USA).
Things are going to get worse and very, very unpleasant. These interesting times are too interesting at the moment.
I am most uncomfortable about this. I see these right-wing spokespeople being taken down too. It has a very sinister feel about it. I hope it’s not true about Hannity but wouldn’t surprise me in the least. There must be a lot going on behind scenes – Trump is matey with some of these guys. On that front, haven’t seen Judge Jeanine on for a while.
I think I saw that Judge Jeanine has also been sacked recently but I don’t know the reason. That’s one of the ones I forgot about.
Can someone please tell me why the BBC broadcasts in Africa and the rest of the third world?
Pretty sure they don’t pay a license fee.
What a waste of our money.
…The BBC broadcast in Africa because when they eventually arrive here as immigrants and eventually get residency they will have had so much left wing bullshit hammered down there throats they will automatically vote Labour…..a cunning plan
“What a waste of our money.”
Just like foreign aid.
Not currently a main issue but……
A friend went into hospital a few days ago for an urgent piece of surgery. By noon on Saturday they were told they were OK to leave but needed the discharge paperwork signed by a doctor. So they waited….and waited….by about 6 pm they were being told that is was unlikely they would be released and to prepare for another night in the hospital.
But luckily the paperwork was signed at about 1930 hrs and they went home.
Key thing is , the same thing happened to me a few years ago. Ready to go, all done, just waiting for the discharge paperwork. After a couple of hours I wandered down the corridor to find a load of nurses and doctors joking around the work station. I remonstrated for some service and they were distinctly dischuffed that a patient would have the temerity to demand some action.
So the next time you hear Corbyn talking about bed blocking, queues in A and E, people on trollies in corridors, not enough beds, underfunding, ask yourself why doctors cannot be arsed to sign off well people asap. People who want to go home, have completed their treatment and told verbally all is OK.
It’s not an issue I expect the biased BBC to pick up. It really does not fit the narrative.
The earlier in the evening that the system records a bed as being available the more likely it is to be filled that night.
In the really busy hospitals (those with too few beds) staff don’t play games because they know that the admission pressures are such that any available bed will be filled no matter how late in the evening the previous patient is discharged.
It is an issue, I wonder if hospital staff like to portray themselves as stressed and overworked in order to get sympathy. I know it happened in the non-health public sector where I worked for many years.
Mrs Mole’s mother was in a London hospital recently after a mild heart attack. Her stay lasted 8 days. The day before her discharge we were told she would released into her daughter’s care after 8 am the next morning. We arrived around 10.30 am, as we had to travel across London.
She was not ready to leave, no discharge plan was in place, unresolved dispute about need to involve social services etc. Mrs M’s mother spent the whole day sitting in bed unwashed, unfed (by the hospital) until 4.30 pm. I won’t add the many other details that highlight the appalling lack of efficiency, the insane bureaucracy and absence of basic “customer care” but the key point for the NHS is that her bed in a specialist cardiac ward was effectively off limits to another patient for the best part of a day.
If they would only smarten up their act, so much more could be done with the same resources.
We had similar experiences to you with gaggles of various staff members chatting in groups in corridors for many minutes. I could see that some staff were working hard, but too many were freeloading. There was no management grip evident.
BBBC will never hear of or report on this, except to blame it on “bed-blockers” and hence transfer the blame to social services and other agencies. Or of course “Tory cuts”
Oh dear, you are simply not allowed to say such things…..didnt you know that the NHS is staffed by angels, most of whom are immigrants?
Without whom the NHS couldnt possibly cope?
Dear me…away with you to wash your mouth with carbolic soap.
The more that the NHS is regarded as sacrosanct, the more it will go downhill.
Thank you for a glimpse of reality.
The Manchester bombs seem to be helping the BBC and Labour.
As long as the coverage is over angels and heroic surgeons and first responders-but having to contend with Tory austerity in the meantime-then the BBCs cameras will point that way, the scripts will stay the same.
And-count the hijabs, the hugs and all amnner of EU staff and Muslims saving us from our silly tendency to trust in arena security and to let in any godless pervs who imagine virgins are best taken in pieces.
The Tories are thick…if they can`t pin all this on Labour from 2001, and chuck Dettol into the eyes of the Marxist creeps and green scum-then we`ll have to find some vehicle that will.
Well, the bBBC have more or less swept last week’s ‘incident’ under the carpet and replaced it with multiple pieces about hate crime. At least Sky is still paying respect to the victims and their families. The BBC are scum.
That post probably falls fouls of the latest diktat on ‘extremism’ by the dumb duo, Rudd and May – a ‘hate crime’ against the NHS!
Sluff………wandered down the corridor to find a load of nurses and doctors joking around the work station…..
Nothing new I’m afraid. Years ago I was given a pre-med to dozify me before an op. Thing was, I was forgotten about, and Mum went off to find, as you say ” a load of nurses and doctors joking around the work station.” They ran around like headless chickens when Mum asked what the hell was going on.
Another instance…… at my local surgery its common practice to be told there are no appointments for 3 weeks, and yet wander into the waiting room at any time during the day and barely half a dozen patients waiting. WTF ???
Finally……. last week needed an ear syringe procedure only to be told by the same surgery ” sorry we are not doing that until further notice”…… WHAT ????? Because I wasn’t prepared to wait until the 12th of Never I was forced to go private. So, be prepared, if you ever need this doing. I was charged £50 PER EAR plus £200 Cons. Fee – not bad hourly rate for less than 10 minute procedure.
I just caught the BBC News Channel “Aviation Analyst” expert where he talked about the BA I.T. system failure. He said a company the size of BA shouldn’t have a power supply failure as redundancy should be built in….”they should have UPS…..Universal power supplies…….unlimited power supplies…..”
UPS actually stands for Uninterruptible Power Supply but hey, don’t ask me to be an expert – just use some idiot who Skypes in front of their bookcase at home and claim they are experts. Nice work if you can get on the BBC “experts to call list”.
Unlimited power supply. Isn’t that what the BBBC think they have, care of the licence fee?
Do you know Tabs…I was half way through your item, and the blood pressure was rising…UPS………….
Uni-bloody-versal thought I!
What bloody planet is this person….and of course….i read on…and you saw the obvious shit that the so-called expert was talking.
The tragedy here is that most at beeb wont know the real term.
It`s a given DC.
Listen to their sports coverage or their business stuff. Clueless, biased, sly and slithering for Castro or Sir Alex…or whoever esle is winning that day. Bunch of Hornbys and Monopoly fat hats, playing at business…and never played sports.
I just cannot believe the story now. It sounds too much of a coincidence and I do not believe in coincidences. Planes carry cargoes as well as passengers and this must always be a weak point in security.
The real reason behind this is more likely to be a credible terrorist threat targeted to the UK flag carrier airline, BA. Making the IT failure excuse protects profits (and prophets – can you see what I did there!) and it wouldn’t scare the public.
If we start seeing similar excuses such as a whole concert cancelled because a 100 watt bulb needs replacing in the gents toilets then it’s the new way of hiding the terror threats.
Whilst the bBC continues to paint Muslims as only victims. Here is a story of a real Muslim victim:
Mudassir kills his sister because he was denied the chance to marry a 10 year old.
I’m pretty sure that if the bBC did get round to covering it, they would place the blame with British foreign policy
Happy Ramdam everybody?
Is it just me, or has al Beebus not being making such a huge deal of Bombadam this year as it usually does?
Perhaps even those rancid; Progressive; turds that run the place realize that such propaganda may not be received terribly well in the light of…er…”recent events”?
Al, someone on here put up no less than 8 links to BBC web content, some of it aimed at children, all about Ramadam. Not a squeak so far as far as I can see about Ascension and Pentecost (both Jewish and Christian) although BBC Radio did quite a bit on Ascension a year or two ago. That was a pleasant and welcome surprise. There’s still time.
I was thinking more of their broadcast output, by now here in God’s Own County we would have been bombarded with little heartwarming vignettes via Look North (our local al Beebus cottage); which would have shown variations of: numerous, smiling Mohammedans preparing for Ramadamalinglong; British schoolchildren being “taught” about it and how schools and other institutions are “helping” Muzzies at those schools etc during this period of additional Islamic cobblers.
This year there has been no sign of such tedious, PC rubbish; though as you say there is still time. But I think that even al Beebus will understand the need to let the dust settle, or at least allow enough time for the blood and body parts to be cleared away before continuing the usual drip-drip feed of pro-Muslim drivel.
Has the Guardian now completely stopped public comments on its web content?
Anyone know?
They probably moderated so many comments it was hardly worth the bother.
Haven’t been able to find any articles on contemporary news events with comments. Didn’t spend time digger deeper into the ‘puff’ pieces.
As far as Brexit was concerned, Lobbie, a few weeks back they were getting loads of comments that did not support the standard Guardian view. It provided a good measure of public opinion.
I have spent the past three months following the BBC website – regularly taking screen saves about once a day. What I can say is that the BBC has a number of agendas and biases. These biases are crude and not hidden. It is also found in the cbeebies (0-6 years), CBBC (7 to 13 years) and newsbeat (14 to 24 years) channels.
The fact that the BBC can be so blatant in their agenda and biases strongly suggest this is part of a much bigger issue – involving certain political discourses, changes in the law, the legal profession, education, the universities, impact of lobbyists. What I am saying is that I think this is part of a societal change. We have got here as part of a long process probably beginning in the 1950s (loss of British Empire and start of mass immigration into Britain for cheap labour) and has been continuing ever since with certain accelerations especially in the Blair government days. Now things seem to be changing more quickly with the advent of the social media (which the internet has made possible). There is a sharp generational divide.
Anyway these are my thoughts. I have yet to explore this site for all the information others have found. But my thoughts are that some of us have to look beyond the BBC to government policies, education, economics etc for the bigger picture.
Buzzwords to look out for: Internationalism, Human Rights, Diversity, Equality, Islamophobia, Fourth Wave Feminism, Globalisation
Be great to get some breakdowns BBBC.
My background includes maths and stats-and to get some collations would help in that we sometimes run after the stationary cars and miss other ,more symptomatic indicators of the low cunning and carefree bias/stupidity of the BBC.
Personally, I`d run some themed threads-I`m cold to “climate change” because my science is settled…but it`d be good to have my UEA rebuttals and Harrabins howlers in the one place.
I’ve got folders of screen saves and pdf prints. I probably will not have time to analyse them. What started out as curiosity became more systematic in approach – but I have had my fill of it now. But it has given me time to look over the website and get a feel of what is going on and to track down a few follow up hunches. This type of activity should be given to students in the form of student projects. My background is in science – and I wonder to myself what is going on within sociology studies departments and media studies departments in academia. But then again part of the problem lies in academia – especially in the non-STEM subjects.
It must be obvious even to the BBC that Corbyn ,Macdonald and Abbot are completely unfit for high office. Nothing to do with the policies currently on offer but their history is such that they cannot lead this country ever. They have no love for us or Britain and Corbyn in particular has so much history with terrorism of one sort or another that even to contemplate him as PM is absurd. Hence however much we dislike May we simply have to make sure Corbyn is defeated. Sometimes the safety of the nation demands that we do what must be done. From this follows that all discussions on policies are now pointless and must be ignored.
what make me more worried than the three laughable idots Corbyn ,Macdonald and Abbot
is that Sharia May is the best we can hope for to keep us safe from the savages, something she has spectacularly failed to even attempt to do in her time in government.
How many dead at the hands of muslims on her watch and what actions have happened???
Questions should be asked about Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill. If the manifesto was their doing, then there should be some serious sanctions applied.
I have had a funny gut feeling over the last week or so that the Conservative results on 8 June will be disastrous – not necessarily a loss but a majority of perhaps only 25 to 30 seats – and that May will no longer be PM, either immediately or perhaps within about a year or so.
I predicted that at the start of the campaign. The unexpected always happens at some time during elections, but I didn’t think it would be that Labour’s second-best weapon would be the Conservative Manifesto. (Their best weapon, of course, is the BBC and the other TV stations who hammer away daily for Labour).
Naff all on TV tonight ..and James bloody O’Brien is on LBC
The BBC even cancelled the Damilola repeat cos on Manchester causing schedule changes.
..No sign of a BBC Kriss Donald documentary that due to the BBC’s pro London bias ?
“No sign of a BBC Kriss Donald documentary” – you’ve got more chance of finding a new galaxy.
“No sign of a BBC Kriss Donald documentary that due to the BBC’s pro London bias ?”
Hardly. No shortage of attacks in London of the non-Lawrence variety. How often do you hear about:
PC Patrick Dunne
Richard Everitt
Leslie Watkinson
Frank Dempsey
PC Philip Walters
Thomas Kidd
Ted Howell
Danny Westmacott
Louie Wade
Brian Harvey
(Not a complete list by any means.)
Another possibility of course is that the BBC is preparing a whole series on black/brown-on-white attacks. With so much material it should run and run.
Reports on twitter of around 200 Pakis rioting on Wellgate Rotherham against the arrests of terrorism suspects in Manchester.
Unbelievable that they fell secure enough to do this given what they got up to not that long ago – but where are the reports in the press, and will this spread to other towns?
R4 9:30pm Prog about the lack of female engineers.
Almost everyone in the prog presenter and interviewees was female
‘We shouldn’t have to look abroad to cure this shortage of engineers when at the same time only 17% of British engineers and women’
“Ruth Sunderland visits businesses with innovative schemes aimed at reversing the trend, and meets students, teachers and industry leaders. Who will be the engineers of the future? ”
I guess NEXT WEEK they are having the prog about lack of male nurses and male primary school teachers
(they aren’t cos the series has finished for the summer)
Never heard anyone say that “We need a big drive for MALE NURSES”
..No it’s always “We need to bring in emigrant nurses”
Odd how no one is concerned at the fact Women outnumber men in 112 of 180 degree subjects, with females from poorer backgrounds 50% more likely to go to university than their male counterparts
No one sets up government bodies to investigate why over 60% of Law graduates or graduating doctors are female.
Maybe the BBC will do a report on it.
Forget nurses, we desperately need more male teachers of the old school at all levels. Preferably ex army.
Thick skin essential.