If they protesting, we can be sure the right ones are being arrested. They protest both out of support and out of fear, for if they are not seen to be protesting they are in danger from the vicious fanatics themselves.
Europe can no longer “completely depend” on the US and UK following the election of President Trump and Brexit, German Chancellor Angela Merkel says. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-40078183
She’s saying EUROPE can no longer rely on, the 2 nations that have saved Europe from the Germans. Twice !
By ”Europe” she means Germany. She doesn’t care in the slightest about Poles or Hungarians or Spaniards or Greeks or Italians. Her actions have proven that.
And you can add the French to that list – as they will inevitably discover when their economy collapses and their German friends don’t answer the phone.
Yes @Joe, I didn’t forget, the past, but after the war Russia turned against Europe.
I could say
Germany : Country which forcibly seized control of Europe twice,
now seeks to drive gap between Europe and the 2 of the 3 countries which rescued it before.
USSR was Hitler’s ally until he insanely thought he could go one better than Napoleon. The USSR had no choice but to repel the Nazis. But I agree that without them we could well have perished.
The USA only entered the war (vs Japan) when Hawaii was attacked. They dragged their heels about declaring war on Germany.
Whereas Britain declared war on Germany in support of our European allies, principally Poland. We were the only one of the then major powers that had not been directly attacked by the Germans or Japanese, we put ourselves in jeopardy to help others.
Hitler allegedly did not ever want to fight Britain, hoping to form an alliance after conquering Europe..
I’m all for polite diplomatic relations with our neighbours, but being in a mutual defence club with Germany, and to a lesser extent France is mad. They hate our guts (think of all those old wars)! And now we’re (supposedly) leaving the EU they’ll despise us even more.
I think the UK defence budget is pretty pathetic, but in EU land Trump is right – they’ve been taking the piss for too long.
They’re just out for themselves. That includes the USA and yes, Russia. Special relationship? For specific purposes maybe, but generally? No.
I think it’s naive in the extreme to regard other countries as friends. They rarely are. The UK has been gullible for decades. The nearest thing we had were Canada, Australia and New Zealand and we foolishly thought that France and Germany could take their place.
“The nearest thing we had”
I was living in Munich at the time of the Falklands war. The German press referred to it as an “Operettenkrieg” i.e. Pinaforeesque.
When I was sitting reading the Telegraph in Marienplatz, I had an Australian come up to me, ask me if I was British and tell me “I’m glad you’re going to teach that bastard Gautieri a lesson” He was a WWII vet. Even more bizarrely, two Vietnam vets approached me and said “We are proud that the British Lion is baring its teeth again”. Amazing – Americans and Australians who were less embarrassed about being pro-British than the majority of Brits. No doubt, Corbyn was railing against British imperialism and warcrimes or asking for a gandhian type international peace congress. The BBC worldservice for once proved quite useful as a work colleague used it to track the progress of the Task Force on a map in his office. Only British, Canadian and American work-colleagues wanted the up date every morning.
Germans also say that Brexit is just a deluded attempt to relive past imperial glories
“We are proud that the British Lion is baring its teeth again”. Amazing – Americans and Australians who were less embarrassed about being pro-British than the majority of Brits. *
A few years back, a Sgts Mess I belonged to adopted an Old peoples home. We would visit the old folks, garden, clean up and generally help out. One Christmas we offered to help out with their Christmas dinner, (setting up, serving the food, washing up etc) anyway My mate and I (Both staffies at the time) in uniform were shocked when this old geezer apologised for what his country had done to mine.
Tony (my mate) replied “Err ****** was born here, he’s British.
The brainwashing by the left has resulted where people like me can only be seen as victims of white people. The fact that I was in the British army, thus showing where my loyalty lies simply could not be comprehended by these people.
“Germans also say that Brexit is just a deluded attempt to relive past imperial glories”
We relive past glories?
Germans should make up their minds whether or not references to the past are acceptable. Let’s face it, plenty of scope so far as Germany is concerned.
Passing Radio4 is like passing a lunatic in a cell muttering the same things to themselves
Just now in the Mark Tully was introducing Howard Jacobson and his book “Pussy”
And Jacobson is projecting as he makes out LibMob are paragons of the truth and everyone else liars.
..WTF only a few days ago R4 gave Jacobson his own 15min slot to ramble about his book sneering at Trump.
“Mark Tully seeks truth in a post-truth world. He considers how to recognise what is true among a cacophony of conjecture and, in the company of author Howard Jacobson, how fiction might lead us to truth.”
Now R5 Nolan keeps saying “after Labour closed the gap in the polls”
..thats a false narrative ..there is quite a gap on ALL polls.
Quite right Taffman, and who is the iconic figure chosen to symbolise the very best of what our nation lost last in last Monday’s act of war against us?
A self-obsessed, attention seeking, homosexual who was addicted to Coronation Street.
Al Shubtill
“A self-obsessed, attention seeking, homosexual who was addicted to Coronation Street.”
Well that choice will certainly ‘put the willies up em’!
Yes, it would be nice to hear insensitive comments more often. No matter what happens it’s a BBC tic to always ask whether the “tone” has been got right. Choose some anodyne, euphemistic word or phrase to describe “unpleasantness” and you are well on the way to making the unpleasant “nice” or “pretty”. Pretty things aren’t a problem – then there’s no need to be tough on “unpleasantness”, tough on the causes of “unpleasnatness”. Joke O’Burn on the Daily Politics does it really well. “ToooOOOne”. You’ve got to get the modulation right. A soupçon of a po-face is also helpful. All persons of refinement agree. Muslim terrorism? NoooOhh. It’s an “opportunity to feel community solidarity” All those candles and pink balloons. It’s all reeeeeally pretty, sweetie!
It has to be said that many of our ancestors were exploited and died needlessly cos of a naive patriotism.
Though many helped justice thru heroic deeds , it would also have been better if commanders knew soldiers were going to always go along with foolish plans, when it would be better to wait for a better plan tomorrow.
Has Naga Munchetty fallen even more deeply in love with herself – or in her recent absence has the viewer forgotten quite how smug is the presenting style of this full-of-herself dolly dimwit. How on earth has the BBC discovered a beta male – with which to pair our Naga – more lightweight, more testosterone-deficient and with so little gravitas he must be wearing lead-lined boots to keep himself anchored to the red sofa. What more annoyingly entitled anti-Brexit guest than Nick Clegg! With a slice of toast in my left hand, I have to park my morning mug of tea from my right in order to form the approriate hand gesture Clegg deserves – for the ultimate Europhile only the international sign of the wanker is sufficient. The unprincipled Clegg talks of some pan-EU security database – we will apparently forgo – the git. And when Clegg tells the Beeb pair what question they should ask the up-coming Tory – you just know they will take dear Nick’s advice. I’m fuming. Some light relief comes along from BBC London : park Herons are ‘too lazy to migrate’. God alone knows what the BBC are trying to tell us here. Someone is feeding the birds too much curried rice. They get fat and lazy and don’t fly off to meet feathered mates from other Heron colonies. Stuck at home they have a small gene pool consisting of just their own pond and in a few generations present birth defects. This bizarre legend can surely be read two ways? By the way, we’re paying for this BBC crapola.
Yes, how do the ravings of a confirmed liar and loser -one who reduced his party from 52 to 8-in the space of five years, once we`ve seen him in action-POSSIBLY constitute a “news headline” for mainstream coverage by the BBC? This musing clambers over the dead in Manchester in order to keep us in the EU. So Clegg gets his pension and new post as Gauleiter of Atlantic Airstrip Nine.
Wonder why the BBC seem keen to tell us though?…oh I`m sure I`ll figure out their subtleties one day.
Indeed ASI, the air of privileged gratitude with which the Nagging Munchkin signed out Clegg (another term for a horse-fly by the way – equally annoying and poisonous) was significantly vomitable.
al Beeb today editors have developed a new propaganda technique demonstrated today,,,,
With 5 minutes left in the programme you bring a Mandelson type slimy labour spokesman on as an apologist for terrorist supporting Corbin and his girlfriend Diane ‘sums and hair doo’ Abbot and let them go on about their message without proper challenge or balance and then stop them when the 9 o’clock pips come along. Clever of al Beeb.
Having heard the Janner car crash, I failed to get the radio off for Sarah Montagues oh-so-necessary passing on of Merkels gossip-via Katya Adler of course so Monty herself can`t be accused of being a fey fishwife with no fish to sell us.
Apparently Merkel fears that both the UK and USA cannot be reiled upon.
Er-would rather hope so sarah, seeing that I`m British and love the USA. And despise Merkels version of the EU; your slaverings around the velveteen pixieboots of Caroline Lucas.
But-as ever-the UK and USA seem to be “in the dock” with Judge Sarah Montessori presiding. Didn`t stick around for the gossip though-put my curlers in, slippers and housecoat on and went outside to gossip with fellow lefty euncuhs over our wives knickers and nighties flying free on the lines.
If only I`d set it up so I could make a noose…but that`s what the BBC seem to think they`re for, takes Angela, Srah and Katya to gut us all, as we think they`re something other than fat fishwives and hells harpies.
As our last Saint Phil Lynott of Dublin sang-“Don`t believe a Word”.
And now Start the Week has Coilim Tobin on-some unfunny Celtic queen on the Dara O Briain trail to BBC hearts and payrolls…this poltroon paddy isn`t fit to be called Irish, in comparison to Mr Lynott.
They can’t rely on our/US money and troops to defend them is what she really means.
Yet another deficit they will have to face up to.
Al Beeb will doubtless continue to spin/false news Brexit as being a threat to our security but we have said that we want to continue close cooperation on security; if our EU ‘friends’ want to go it alone it will be their loss – we can broadly protect ourselves.
Yes I noticed that
8:45 statement by Katia Adler the official spokesman for Chancellor Merkel
… and very recently a BBC employee (maybe she still is ?)
8:55 An unannounced commercial for the Labour Party
The Diane Abbott …
“Don’t ask me about old policies ..I used to have a big afro and I don’t now.
.. Yeh well you used to have black skin and you still have
… Likewise Corbyn hasn’t changed his woolly liberal genes”
Oh dear-poor John Humphries. Obviously sent out as nightwatchman to cover the BBCs arse over their role in hounding Greville Janner.
That nasty little case has fallen apart, Humph rather hopes that the noble Lords angry, lucid daughter will settle for the Green Room croissant and that two minutes fame in “speaking nation unto nation” just after 8.30.
Oh dear-Laura seemed inclined to be taking up with the compo culture-and BBC share prices have yet to factor in the Cliff Richard outlays that we`ll soon be stumped for.
And now Janner-and all those Labour MPs like Tom Watson, both in the Commons-and(more promisingly) in lefty organs we all know of-might need to get their affairs in order if Lauras anger finds expression with our learned friends.
Maybe they should have waited for Kaufman-who seems to have less in the way of relatives with legal knowledge.Certainly, far more scope for that rainbow palate that the BBC usually celebrate…but he didn`t have Alzheimers at the end did he?
Ah but Jenner was for Israel-Kaufman, far from so. The BBC would rather we not dig too deep into Kaufman, I`m sure.
Poor Humph returnes to the pavilion knowing that this isn`t done-he`ll be making the news again before too long, given that Humphs blandishments, hopes for reconciliation and settlement seem futile.
Go for their throats, you Janners.
I see the ‘Blame-Game’ is up and running. MI5 are being challenged (I don’t know whether the department is being ‘investigated’) to say why they didn’t deal with the threat of Abedi five years ago. The ‘blame’ argument should be in reverse i.e. to those only responsible. The question then becomes, what lover of islam in the Government of the day let Abedi into the UK and why?
Don’t blame the ONLY Government department that stands in our defence and has done on hundreds (maybe thousands) of successful occasions. Typical of the shitty politicians we have. They’re just as bad as the likes of Abedi et al.
Recent QT: the sadly challenged Andy Burnham’s answer to muslim terrorists murdering our children? “We must be more careful with language… we mustn’t call it Islamic or muslim terrorism… the bbc should stop referring to ‘so-called Islamic State’, they should say Daesh, etc etc…”
Yes Andy, let’s cover up the glaringly obvious and hugely significant fact that they’re muslims EVEN MORE than we already do; that should stop ’em.
Moron. It’s that kind of denial that got us into this mess in the first place.
Just to annoy Andy, let me explain once more: it’s ISLAMIC terrorism, committed by MUSLIMS, following the KORAN and other MUSLIM so-called ‘scriptures’, often radicalised by their MUSLIM imams, in MUSLIM mosques, often instructed and directed by the MUSLIM fanatics in ISLAMIC STATE.
5 Live eventually raise the topic of Uncontrolled Immigration
Only after they have found a black ex-soldier guy who makes the point, it stops him getting a job
hang on they’ve abandoned and gone to the street in Croydon.
..where there are official Labour Party people vs members of the public.
…but there are no Con/Lib/UKIP Party people there.
We’ve tried singing Kumbaya and Imagine – didn’t work. We’ve tried hugging a muzzie and pretending we’re ‘united’ and won’t be ‘divided’ – didn’t work. We’ve tried not looking back in anger – didn’t work.
Here’s an idea: how about we get angry for a change? Really, really angry.
Listening now to three cultured paddies using big words and chewing EU patties for the amusement of the cultural flaneurs and fops at the Hay Festival.
A wordy Glastonbury free gig for the BBC Outdoor Broadcasts, ideal for thick retiring teachers to meet Alan Johnson for themsleves as far as I can figure from the flatus and gift guff I`m hearing on Stop the World/Start the Week.
Utter crap-but oh those paddies-we sent them crap spuds, they send us potato faces like Toibin, Tubridy and those EU eunuchs from RTE and Eurovision.
And who knows-start as Johnny Logan, end up as Graham Norton. The Oirish Dream in 2017. Fuck off colonising EU and colonise metrosexual paddies..get big in Ireland, you`re just Nick Cleggs with a Baileys tribute.
Utter shit this-I pine for the days when we came not to Hay but to Cheltenham and bet the farm on our new novels…er…
Well right at the end There was a brief about Yazidis.
“the psychologist Jan Kizilhan explains how a history of trauma and genocide has been woven into the story of his Yazidi community.”
R4 Toady was truly on form this morning . Traitorous hypocrite Clegg pushing his usual anti Brexit line because we will lose some 2015 EU agreement on security. Yet even Der Fuhrerin Merkel has said security cooperation will continue after Brexit! We then get slimy gutless Burnham criticising lack of community policing and continuing to try to capitalise personally on the Manchester bombing. Of course he couldn’t find a link between community policing and the bombing. Would such officers have strolled into Didsbury Mosque and detained the jihadist imam, the distributor of anti Western leaflets and the bomber? I doubt it! Then at 8.55 some pro Labour piece on the election.
Was anything favourable to the Conservatives broadcast this morning?
England _ I spotted the final 5 minute free Labour Party broadcast too. A new bias technique perhaps? No challenge – no other side of the argument. Must look at who the editors were for that one.
Suggest you repost on the start the week section otherwise it will get lost
Yep @EnglandExpects Yes I noticed that
8:45 statement by Katia Adler the official spokesman for Chancellor Merkel
… and very recently a BBC employee (maybe she still is ?)
8:55 An unannounced commercial for the Labour Party
The Diane Abbott …
“Don’t ask me about old policies ..I used to have a big afro and I don’t now.
.. Yeh well you used to have black skin and you still have
… Likewise Corbyn hasn’t changed his woolly liberal genes”
(Reposted cos it didn’t show under the right comment )
I’ve never ever watched Victoria Derbyshire until today and I clearly say I will never do so again.
Format was an audience debate talking about the election. Huge proportion of the audience are of the obese-walking-stick-mentally-ill types. When asked who they would vote for the answer is always Labour just for their own benefits/social care.
One obese-suicidal type ranted on about how “they are dying” and “anyone who votes Tory will be complicit in their deaths”. A Tory MP had a turn to reply started to defend Torys but V.D. told him to turn around and talk directly to the obese woman rather than the cameras. The obese woman’s views were taken as totally factual and not challenged.
Complete load of %&$! Almost identical to BBC1 Question Time carefully selected audiences.
This VD Debate could be used as a pathetic template for BBC bias. Scandalous does not begin to describe the construction and politics of the audience but for one shining example, after Dominic Raab’s constantly interrupted comments on policing, the lone supporter clapping was as embarrassing as it was revealing. And with contributions from the thuggish Emily Thornberry and oily John Nicolson, things got worse.
The BBC’s presentation of political comment transcends anti-democratic bias and goes beyond the childishly partisan, it is truly evil – and will end in very much more than tears.
Wow that’s a sly spin from VD’s tweetteam
…. “The majority of * OUR * cross-party panel of voters says yes”
…………….OUR = our specially selected panel
..which doesn’t represent voters on the streets
……….. who MOSTLY say “get on with it !”
That’s why it called the daily dose of VD, it is what it is, would you want it?
… no, me neither.
On policing Liar Mays baby she s behind the cuts, also border force the same, passport controls, fire service, our sea perimeter patrol boats the same, cuts in defence services … all while allowing year-on-year -on year record immigration, all on her watch … a record of being a utter failure in her decisions and her devious uncosted manifesto is a disaster for the nation. A sly turncoat her one consistency is obsession with power, to self serve her cronies.
Brexit … don t allow her and her “clown car”, anywhere near it … she s screwing our nation, our people already
Ah Peter Martin has a name for this BBC Trick #WeFiles
Peter 19 October 2015
I created the hashtag #wefiles for pieces that presume to project personal or institutional views onto the public at large.
Many do it, but I have noticed mostly the BBC, Graun and Indy,
often attempting a degree of separation by posing as a question.
This government is not going to deliver Brexit. May is Remain Plan B.
Amber Amber promises to stick on as Germany’s lackey.
Come on UKIP. Get after the votes, it is not too late to go for a handful of MPs boldly committed to independence and dump the belief that May will deliver Brexit.
Anyone who doubts this please note the sustained campaign from the BBC to remain. They know, the establishment know, that Brexit is not on their agenda.
G.W.F. I’m inclined to agree with you, i.e. why would May introduce such a controversial measure in the Tory manifesto as the dementia tax? it’s almost as if they want to lose votes, which would obviously produce a reduced majority or even worse a hung parliament. This as we know would diminish the possibility of a real Brexit. It’s almost as if May is deliberately looking for a ‘soft’ Brexit …………..
“why would May introduce such a controversial measure in the Tory manifesto ”
Tory Arrogance – She s power obsessed … Her, Her two advisors, and L Crosby running the No10 show.
Why?, Fallon, Hammond, A Dudd , Boris etc sheesh!, their even more incompetent than she is,
and only succeed in lining their own pockets, at our expense.
Could it be that a new series of The Apprentice is looking iffy?
Are you joking all you see on BBC and SKY news is rallies of @jeremycorbyn being applauded by students who have fallen for his no fee BS https://t.co/QMawVIG7Rx
Good old Channel 4 and their parade of “challenged” continuity/continonce announcers eh?
We`ve struggled through the gay nutjobs, the trans beaver squeezers and the gangsta grimy Muslim on stolen drugs …all of who get patted on the head whilst telling us that fuckall is on-because it`s Channel 4 and half of Snows lint monkeys are trapped in Faro or Tuscany today-so no-one`s watching.
But todays was a good `un-clearly some trained gombeen with too many lips, not enough brain and a mum at Mumsnet holding his Reliant Robin.
He tells me that there`s a new funky urban , rad and edgy Grange Hil/Waterloo Road drama coming up with all mannner of issues for us to mull over. Not compulsory attendance, forced OFSTED breakdowns and paeods in the sports academy though. And CERTAINLY no discussion of taking kids out of crap drama shows in term time…what WOULD the worlds favourite airline then do to trap loads of parents and hold them hostage as they reboot the ZX Spectrum 81 eh?
My point-our divvy mate says it`s called “Acne Bridge” this school of their imaginings!
Guess the Clearasil now comes in suitable shades for all skin tones, that the feather boas will do for ties in those difficult areas where the spots get boilie-and that both Muslims and Whitey can agree that anti-acne prejudice is a common hate crime…and needs loads of money charities, helplines, research and former victims and survivors to spout endlessly on. About how damaged they still are when the face steamers went to solar panels.
Acne Bridge…remember to watch it! Think it`s on the 9 O clock Spot!
PS-why the heck do all media news bunnies and liars all seem to be able-bodied? Apart from Frank and Gary, Peter and a few others-all have legs and senses not needed to point at a weather map or sit telling porkies.
Get those able bodied goons out of telly, let the disabled have tramlines between all Media City and Channel 4 stations of truth telling.
Give the jobs to the spax…the more disabled and needy ,the better.
Might end the food bank and You and Yours urban myths sections anyway.
More rights in the media for Spotty Stammerers…they might them have to THINK about what they are unable to say in one go-and would cost the advertisers loads in wasted air time…
Why, I for one, have no faith whatsoever in the Conservatives “policy” of reducing immigration to the, “tens of thousands”. Not 500 or so jihadists but > 20,000.
The 2017 election Conservative Manifesto – “We will ensure Britain remains a place of sanctuary for refugees and asylum seekers.” That’s the other half of the immigration figures – ‘Non-EU’, for which no effort has been made to reduce. It goes on:
“Integrating divided communities
Britain is one of the world’s most successful multi-racial, multi-cultural, multi-religious societies. We are proud of our diversity, and the cultural and economic enrichment it brings.
The enjoyment and pride we take in our diversity should not cause us to ignore the fact that in too many parts of our country, we have communities that are divided, often along racial or religious lines. To address this, we will bring forward a new integration strategy (see the existing ones!! – https://www.gov.uk/government/policies/community-integration) which will seek to help people in more isolated communities to engage with the wider world, help women in particular into the workplace, and teach more people to speak English. We will work with schools to make sure that those with intakes from one predominant racial, cultural or religious background teach their students about pluralistic, British values and help them to get to know people with different ways of life.”
It could be a Brian Rix farce.
So, there we are then, “successful” and cultural and economic “enrichment” by integration. Our enjoyment and pride in our “diversity” cos’ we love it – apparently.
With the utmost respect for those caught up in last weeks Manchester slaughter, I’d like to suggest amendment to the Manifesto viz.
Due to our love of multicultural diversity and the cultural enrichment it brings, we look forward to the next ‘event’ when a person(s) of whatever gender they themselves decide, will again cherish their integration and cause havoc and distress with the slaughter of more citizens. We will of course, look forward to the coming together of mourners after the event and we would expect to see yet another vast demonstration of muslim sympathy in a further procession of (dare I?) “tens of thousands” of muslim sympathisers in the streets.
There, that’s made me feel more “integrated” already!
I jest of course. He was marked the instant his lips moved and the BBC did not immediately ‘deal with it’*.
As some have commented, them inviting him on at all may have seen a few sharp, unrecorded if not forgotten words in the the back corridors behind Frankie Howerd.
Yep, a sinister continuation of the nasty left taking down anyone who has a coherent argument against their ridiculous ideology – blasphemy and censorship. No free speech anymore. And it is spreading…May’s push for the internet to combat Jihadism – censorship. Milo, Ann Coulter, Bill O’Reilly, Katie Hopkins, and now probably Douglas Murray, Sean Hannity and on it goes. I bet they really hate Murray for his bestselling book – bet there’s pressure to get that taken down from shelves.
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MarkyMarkMar 4, 17:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “A psychotic Nigerian armed robber and crack cocaine dealer has been spared deportation because he would be considered “possessed” in…
@Thoughtful typo ??
Maybe you meant this ?
But NOT yet to properly confirmed
@AtheistDefenceL says
“Someone burns a quran, Muslims all over the World riot.
… A Muslim burns our kids, we sing kumbaya.”
If they protesting, we can be sure the right ones are being arrested. They protest both out of support and out of fear, for if they are not seen to be protesting they are in danger from the vicious fanatics themselves.
Europe can no longer “completely depend” on the US and UK following the election of President Trump and Brexit, German Chancellor Angela Merkel says.
She’s saying EUROPE can no longer rely on, the 2 nations that have saved Europe from the Germans. Twice !
“Germany has already succeeded in being master of EUSSR , the Kalegri Plan is succeeding at full speed.”
By ”Europe” she means Germany. She doesn’t care in the slightest about Poles or Hungarians or Spaniards or Greeks or Italians. Her actions have proven that.
And you can add the French to that list – as they will inevitably discover when their economy collapses and their German friends don’t answer the phone.
Don’t forget the USSR’s contribution.
Yes, I know Stalin was dodgy, but credit where credit’s due.
Yes @Joe, I didn’t forget, the past, but after the war Russia turned against Europe.
I could say
Germany : Country which forcibly seized control of Europe twice,
now seeks to drive gap between Europe and the 2 of the 3 countries which rescued it before.
USSR was Hitler’s ally until he insanely thought he could go one better than Napoleon. The USSR had no choice but to repel the Nazis. But I agree that without them we could well have perished.
The USA only entered the war (vs Japan) when Hawaii was attacked. They dragged their heels about declaring war on Germany.
Whereas Britain declared war on Germany in support of our European allies, principally Poland. We were the only one of the then major powers that had not been directly attacked by the Germans or Japanese, we put ourselves in jeopardy to help others.
Hitler allegedly did not ever want to fight Britain, hoping to form an alliance after conquering Europe..
“But I agree that without them we could well have perished.”
That’s the only point I’m making. Like them or not, they absorbed much of the force of the Third Reich.
“we put ourselves in jeopardy to help others.”
We did. Pity we couldn’t send Poland a bill to balance the one we received from the US.
I’m all for polite diplomatic relations with our neighbours, but being in a mutual defence club with Germany, and to a lesser extent France is mad. They hate our guts (think of all those old wars)! And now we’re (supposedly) leaving the EU they’ll despise us even more.
I think the UK defence budget is pretty pathetic, but in EU land Trump is right – they’ve been taking the piss for too long.
“They hate our guts”
They’re just out for themselves. That includes the USA and yes, Russia. Special relationship? For specific purposes maybe, but generally? No.
I think it’s naive in the extreme to regard other countries as friends. They rarely are. The UK has been gullible for decades. The nearest thing we had were Canada, Australia and New Zealand and we foolishly thought that France and Germany could take their place.
“The nearest thing we had”
I was living in Munich at the time of the Falklands war. The German press referred to it as an “Operettenkrieg” i.e. Pinaforeesque.
When I was sitting reading the Telegraph in Marienplatz, I had an Australian come up to me, ask me if I was British and tell me “I’m glad you’re going to teach that bastard Gautieri a lesson” He was a WWII vet. Even more bizarrely, two Vietnam vets approached me and said “We are proud that the British Lion is baring its teeth again”. Amazing – Americans and Australians who were less embarrassed about being pro-British than the majority of Brits. No doubt, Corbyn was railing against British imperialism and warcrimes or asking for a gandhian type international peace congress. The BBC worldservice for once proved quite useful as a work colleague used it to track the progress of the Task Force on a map in his office. Only British, Canadian and American work-colleagues wanted the up date every morning.
Germans also say that Brexit is just a deluded attempt to relive past imperial glories
“We are proud that the British Lion is baring its teeth again”. Amazing – Americans and Australians who were less embarrassed about being pro-British than the majority of Brits. *
A few years back, a Sgts Mess I belonged to adopted an Old peoples home. We would visit the old folks, garden, clean up and generally help out. One Christmas we offered to help out with their Christmas dinner, (setting up, serving the food, washing up etc) anyway My mate and I (Both staffies at the time) in uniform were shocked when this old geezer apologised for what his country had done to mine.
Tony (my mate) replied “Err ****** was born here, he’s British.
The brainwashing by the left has resulted where people like me can only be seen as victims of white people. The fact that I was in the British army, thus showing where my loyalty lies simply could not be comprehended by these people.
“Germans also say that Brexit is just a deluded attempt to relive past imperial glories”
We relive past glories?
Germans should make up their minds whether or not references to the past are acceptable. Let’s face it, plenty of scope so far as Germany is concerned.
We (or rather Ted Heath) screwed over the Commonwealth, particularly OZ and NZ when we joined the EEC.
We are lucky they still have any respect for anything the UK government does.
Passing Radio4 is like passing a lunatic in a cell muttering the same things to themselves
Just now in the Mark Tully was introducing Howard Jacobson and his book “Pussy”
And Jacobson is projecting as he makes out LibMob are paragons of the truth and everyone else liars.
..WTF only a few days ago R4 gave Jacobson his own 15min slot to ramble about his book sneering at Trump.
“Mark Tully seeks truth in a post-truth world. He considers how to recognise what is true among a cacophony of conjecture and, in the company of author Howard Jacobson, how fiction might lead us to truth.”
Now R5 Nolan keeps saying “after Labour closed the gap in the polls”
..thats a false narrative ..there is quite a gap on ALL polls.
I listened to that, too, Stew.
The music was quite pleasant.
At the beginning of WW1 when the nation was under threat, the youth of this great country flocked to its defence……….
Now the country is under threat again, the ‘Snowflake’ generation release balloons , hold vigils and has tattoos.
God help us ………….
Quite right Taffman, and who is the iconic figure chosen to symbolise the very best of what our nation lost last in last Monday’s act of war against us?
A self-obsessed, attention seeking, homosexual who was addicted to Coronation Street.
Al Shubtill
“A self-obsessed, attention seeking, homosexual who was addicted to Coronation Street.”
Well that choice will certainly ‘put the willies up em’!
Insensitive comment AS
Yes, it would be nice to hear insensitive comments more often. No matter what happens it’s a BBC tic to always ask whether the “tone” has been got right. Choose some anodyne, euphemistic word or phrase to describe “unpleasantness” and you are well on the way to making the unpleasant “nice” or “pretty”. Pretty things aren’t a problem – then there’s no need to be tough on “unpleasantness”, tough on the causes of “unpleasnatness”. Joke O’Burn on the Daily Politics does it really well. “ToooOOOne”. You’ve got to get the modulation right. A soupçon of a po-face is also helpful. All persons of refinement agree. Muslim terrorism? NoooOhh. It’s an “opportunity to feel community solidarity” All those candles and pink balloons. It’s all reeeeeally pretty, sweetie!
Whose parents feel pity for the bastard who blew him up!
Obviously chanelling Lord Longford
“Ann, why not come with me and visit Myra in prison. I’m sure you’ll find her charming. Most people do now.”
It has to be said that many of our ancestors were exploited and died needlessly cos of a naive patriotism.
Though many helped justice thru heroic deeds , it would also have been better if commanders knew soldiers were going to always go along with foolish plans, when it would be better to wait for a better plan tomorrow.
Has Naga Munchetty fallen even more deeply in love with herself – or in her recent absence has the viewer forgotten quite how smug is the presenting style of this full-of-herself dolly dimwit. How on earth has the BBC discovered a beta male – with which to pair our Naga – more lightweight, more testosterone-deficient and with so little gravitas he must be wearing lead-lined boots to keep himself anchored to the red sofa. What more annoyingly entitled anti-Brexit guest than Nick Clegg! With a slice of toast in my left hand, I have to park my morning mug of tea from my right in order to form the approriate hand gesture Clegg deserves – for the ultimate Europhile only the international sign of the wanker is sufficient. The unprincipled Clegg talks of some pan-EU security database – we will apparently forgo – the git. And when Clegg tells the Beeb pair what question they should ask the up-coming Tory – you just know they will take dear Nick’s advice. I’m fuming. Some light relief comes along from BBC London : park Herons are ‘too lazy to migrate’. God alone knows what the BBC are trying to tell us here. Someone is feeding the birds too much curried rice. They get fat and lazy and don’t fly off to meet feathered mates from other Heron colonies. Stuck at home they have a small gene pool consisting of just their own pond and in a few generations present birth defects. This bizarre legend can surely be read two ways? By the way, we’re paying for this BBC crapola.
Great post AsISeeIt
Yes, how do the ravings of a confirmed liar and loser -one who reduced his party from 52 to 8-in the space of five years, once we`ve seen him in action-POSSIBLY constitute a “news headline” for mainstream coverage by the BBC? This musing clambers over the dead in Manchester in order to keep us in the EU. So Clegg gets his pension and new post as Gauleiter of Atlantic Airstrip Nine.
Wonder why the BBC seem keen to tell us though?…oh I`m sure I`ll figure out their subtleties one day.
Indeed ASI, the air of privileged gratitude with which the Nagging Munchkin signed out Clegg (another term for a horse-fly by the way – equally annoying and poisonous) was significantly vomitable.
al Beeb today editors have developed a new propaganda technique demonstrated today,,,,
With 5 minutes left in the programme you bring a Mandelson type slimy labour spokesman on as an apologist for terrorist supporting Corbin and his girlfriend Diane ‘sums and hair doo’ Abbot and let them go on about their message without proper challenge or balance and then stop them when the 9 o’clock pips come along. Clever of al Beeb.
The scrofulous Barry Gardiner – like third-rate insurance agent – performs this role to perfection.
Having heard the Janner car crash, I failed to get the radio off for Sarah Montagues oh-so-necessary passing on of Merkels gossip-via Katya Adler of course so Monty herself can`t be accused of being a fey fishwife with no fish to sell us.
Apparently Merkel fears that both the UK and USA cannot be reiled upon.
Er-would rather hope so sarah, seeing that I`m British and love the USA. And despise Merkels version of the EU; your slaverings around the velveteen pixieboots of Caroline Lucas.
But-as ever-the UK and USA seem to be “in the dock” with Judge Sarah Montessori presiding. Didn`t stick around for the gossip though-put my curlers in, slippers and housecoat on and went outside to gossip with fellow lefty euncuhs over our wives knickers and nighties flying free on the lines.
If only I`d set it up so I could make a noose…but that`s what the BBC seem to think they`re for, takes Angela, Srah and Katya to gut us all, as we think they`re something other than fat fishwives and hells harpies.
As our last Saint Phil Lynott of Dublin sang-“Don`t believe a Word”.
And now Start the Week has Coilim Tobin on-some unfunny Celtic queen on the Dara O Briain trail to BBC hearts and payrolls…this poltroon paddy isn`t fit to be called Irish, in comparison to Mr Lynott.
They can’t rely on our/US money and troops to defend them is what she really means.
Yet another deficit they will have to face up to.
Al Beeb will doubtless continue to spin/false news Brexit as being a threat to our security but we have said that we want to continue close cooperation on security; if our EU ‘friends’ want to go it alone it will be their loss – we can broadly protect ourselves.
Yes I noticed that
8:45 statement by Katia Adler the official spokesman for Chancellor Merkel
… and very recently a BBC employee (maybe she still is ?)
8:55 An unannounced commercial for the Labour Party
The Diane Abbott …
“Don’t ask me about old policies ..I used to have a big afro and I don’t now.
.. Yeh well you used to have black skin and you still have
… Likewise Corbyn hasn’t changed his woolly liberal genes”
The eventual result is inevitable, but it has inspired me to find out who this lady is and more about the mission she was so uniquely funded upon…
Oh dear-poor John Humphries. Obviously sent out as nightwatchman to cover the BBCs arse over their role in hounding Greville Janner.
That nasty little case has fallen apart, Humph rather hopes that the noble Lords angry, lucid daughter will settle for the Green Room croissant and that two minutes fame in “speaking nation unto nation” just after 8.30.
Oh dear-Laura seemed inclined to be taking up with the compo culture-and BBC share prices have yet to factor in the Cliff Richard outlays that we`ll soon be stumped for.
And now Janner-and all those Labour MPs like Tom Watson, both in the Commons-and(more promisingly) in lefty organs we all know of-might need to get their affairs in order if Lauras anger finds expression with our learned friends.
Maybe they should have waited for Kaufman-who seems to have less in the way of relatives with legal knowledge.Certainly, far more scope for that rainbow palate that the BBC usually celebrate…but he didn`t have Alzheimers at the end did he?
Ah but Jenner was for Israel-Kaufman, far from so. The BBC would rather we not dig too deep into Kaufman, I`m sure.
Poor Humph returnes to the pavilion knowing that this isn`t done-he`ll be making the news again before too long, given that Humphs blandishments, hopes for reconciliation and settlement seem futile.
Go for their throats, you Janners.
Kaufman? you mean Gerald Kapo.
I see the ‘Blame-Game’ is up and running. MI5 are being challenged (I don’t know whether the department is being ‘investigated’) to say why they didn’t deal with the threat of Abedi five years ago. The ‘blame’ argument should be in reverse i.e. to those only responsible. The question then becomes, what lover of islam in the Government of the day let Abedi into the UK and why?
Don’t blame the ONLY Government department that stands in our defence and has done on hundreds (maybe thousands) of successful occasions. Typical of the shitty politicians we have. They’re just as bad as the likes of Abedi et al.
Recent QT: the sadly challenged Andy Burnham’s answer to muslim terrorists murdering our children? “We must be more careful with language… we mustn’t call it Islamic or muslim terrorism… the bbc should stop referring to ‘so-called Islamic State’, they should say Daesh, etc etc…”
Yes Andy, let’s cover up the glaringly obvious and hugely significant fact that they’re muslims EVEN MORE than we already do; that should stop ’em.
Moron. It’s that kind of denial that got us into this mess in the first place.
Just to annoy Andy, let me explain once more: it’s ISLAMIC terrorism, committed by MUSLIMS, following the KORAN and other MUSLIM so-called ‘scriptures’, often radicalised by their MUSLIM imams, in MUSLIM mosques, often instructed and directed by the MUSLIM fanatics in ISLAMIC STATE.
If you can bear it, it’s about the 56 minute mark.
5 Live eventually raise the topic of Uncontrolled Immigration
Only after they have found a black ex-soldier guy who makes the point, it stops him getting a job
9-10am Your Call…General Election 2017 – has the past week changed anything for you?
?: 08085 909 693
?: 85058
hang on they’ve abandoned and gone to the street in Croydon.
..where there are official Labour Party people vs members of the public.
…but there are no Con/Lib/UKIP Party people there.
We’ve tried singing Kumbaya and Imagine – didn’t work. We’ve tried hugging a muzzie and pretending we’re ‘united’ and won’t be ‘divided’ – didn’t work. We’ve tried not looking back in anger – didn’t work.
Here’s an idea: how about we get angry for a change? Really, really angry.
Can we not do something about this self important, British hating, left wing bile machine please?
Listening now to three cultured paddies using big words and chewing EU patties for the amusement of the cultural flaneurs and fops at the Hay Festival.
A wordy Glastonbury free gig for the BBC Outdoor Broadcasts, ideal for thick retiring teachers to meet Alan Johnson for themsleves as far as I can figure from the flatus and gift guff I`m hearing on Stop the World/Start the Week.
Utter crap-but oh those paddies-we sent them crap spuds, they send us potato faces like Toibin, Tubridy and those EU eunuchs from RTE and Eurovision.
And who knows-start as Johnny Logan, end up as Graham Norton. The Oirish Dream in 2017. Fuck off colonising EU and colonise metrosexual paddies..get big in Ireland, you`re just Nick Cleggs with a Baileys tribute.
Utter shit this-I pine for the days when we came not to Hay but to Cheltenham and bet the farm on our new novels…er…
Well right at the end There was a brief about Yazidis.
“the psychologist Jan Kizilhan explains how a history of trauma and genocide has been woven into the story of his Yazidi community.”
A European ‘Leader’ –
Of a similar quality to what we have here.
“Who loves Jeremy Corbyn more”
…… is about about as close as @bbc5live gets to fair broadcasting”
Yep that’s what I hear
“Is Corbyn a great politician or a true saint ?”
R4 Toady was truly on form this morning . Traitorous hypocrite Clegg pushing his usual anti Brexit line because we will lose some 2015 EU agreement on security. Yet even Der Fuhrerin Merkel has said security cooperation will continue after Brexit! We then get slimy gutless Burnham criticising lack of community policing and continuing to try to capitalise personally on the Manchester bombing. Of course he couldn’t find a link between community policing and the bombing. Would such officers have strolled into Didsbury Mosque and detained the jihadist imam, the distributor of anti Western leaflets and the bomber? I doubt it! Then at 8.55 some pro Labour piece on the election.
Was anything favourable to the Conservatives broadcast this morning?
England _ I spotted the final 5 minute free Labour Party broadcast too. A new bias technique perhaps? No challenge – no other side of the argument. Must look at who the editors were for that one.
Suggest you repost on the start the week section otherwise it will get lost
Yep @EnglandExpects Yes I noticed that
8:45 statement by Katia Adler the official spokesman for Chancellor Merkel
… and very recently a BBC employee (maybe she still is ?)
8:55 An unannounced commercial for the Labour Party
The Diane Abbott …
“Don’t ask me about old policies ..I used to have a big afro and I don’t now.
.. Yeh well you used to have black skin and you still have
… Likewise Corbyn hasn’t changed his woolly liberal genes”
(Reposted cos it didn’t show under the right comment )
I’ve never ever watched Victoria Derbyshire until today and I clearly say I will never do so again.
Format was an audience debate talking about the election. Huge proportion of the audience are of the obese-walking-stick-mentally-ill types. When asked who they would vote for the answer is always Labour just for their own benefits/social care.
One obese-suicidal type ranted on about how “they are dying” and “anyone who votes Tory will be complicit in their deaths”. A Tory MP had a turn to reply started to defend Torys but V.D. told him to turn around and talk directly to the obese woman rather than the cameras. The obese woman’s views were taken as totally factual and not challenged.
Complete load of %&$! Almost identical to BBC1 Question Time carefully selected audiences.
This VD Debate could be used as a pathetic template for BBC bias. Scandalous does not begin to describe the construction and politics of the audience but for one shining example, after Dominic Raab’s constantly interrupted comments on policing, the lone supporter clapping was as embarrassing as it was revealing. And with contributions from the thuggish Emily Thornberry and oily John Nicolson, things got worse.
The BBC’s presentation of political comment transcends anti-democratic bias and goes beyond the childishly partisan, it is truly evil – and will end in very much more than tears.
Victoria’s special panel has spoken for the nation…
Wow that’s a sly spin from VD’s tweetteam
…. “The majority of * OUR * cross-party panel of voters says yes”
…………….OUR = our specially selected panel
..which doesn’t represent voters on the streets
……….. who MOSTLY say “get on with it !”
That’s why it called the daily dose of VD, it is what it is, would you want it?
… no, me neither.
On policing Liar Mays baby she s behind the cuts, also border force the same, passport controls, fire service, our sea perimeter patrol boats the same, cuts in defence services … all while allowing year-on-year -on year record immigration, all on her watch … a record of being a utter failure in her decisions and her devious uncosted manifesto is a disaster for the nation. A sly turncoat her one consistency is obsession with power, to self serve her cronies.
Brexit … don t allow her and her “clown car”, anywhere near it … she s screwing our nation, our people already
Ah Peter Martin has a name for this BBC Trick #WeFiles
This government is not going to deliver Brexit. May is Remain Plan B.
Amber Amber promises to stick on as Germany’s lackey.
Come on UKIP. Get after the votes, it is not too late to go for a handful of MPs boldly committed to independence and dump the belief that May will deliver Brexit.
Anyone who doubts this please note the sustained campaign from the BBC to remain. They know, the establishment know, that Brexit is not on their agenda.
G.W.F. I’m inclined to agree with you, i.e. why would May introduce such a controversial measure in the Tory manifesto as the dementia tax? it’s almost as if they want to lose votes, which would obviously produce a reduced majority or even worse a hung parliament. This as we know would diminish the possibility of a real Brexit. It’s almost as if May is deliberately looking for a ‘soft’ Brexit …………..
“why would May introduce such a controversial measure in the Tory manifesto ”
Tory Arrogance – She s power obsessed … Her, Her two advisors, and L Crosby running the No10 show.
Why?, Fallon, Hammond, A Dudd , Boris etc sheesh!, their even more incompetent than she is,
and only succeed in lining their own pockets, at our expense.
Could it be that a new series of The Apprentice is looking iffy?
Clearly Evan will have no trouble preserving that BBC-inbred ‘impartiality’.
Ha I was looking at the same tweets as you

I just made graphics of the conversation
Fuller Conversation..includingthe tweets before from George Foulkes and Alistair Campbell
Do the Welsh get a different wersion of the BBC compared to the rest of the UK? Some “interesting” comments.
John Noakes RIP
..Hero of the old style BBC ? …Now he’d be at the back of the queue behind the diversity targets.
Good old Channel 4 and their parade of “challenged” continuity/continonce announcers eh?
We`ve struggled through the gay nutjobs, the trans beaver squeezers and the gangsta grimy Muslim on stolen drugs …all of who get patted on the head whilst telling us that fuckall is on-because it`s Channel 4 and half of Snows lint monkeys are trapped in Faro or Tuscany today-so no-one`s watching.
But todays was a good `un-clearly some trained gombeen with too many lips, not enough brain and a mum at Mumsnet holding his Reliant Robin.
He tells me that there`s a new funky urban , rad and edgy Grange Hil/Waterloo Road drama coming up with all mannner of issues for us to mull over. Not compulsory attendance, forced OFSTED breakdowns and paeods in the sports academy though. And CERTAINLY no discussion of taking kids out of crap drama shows in term time…what WOULD the worlds favourite airline then do to trap loads of parents and hold them hostage as they reboot the ZX Spectrum 81 eh?
My point-our divvy mate says it`s called “Acne Bridge” this school of their imaginings!
Guess the Clearasil now comes in suitable shades for all skin tones, that the feather boas will do for ties in those difficult areas where the spots get boilie-and that both Muslims and Whitey can agree that anti-acne prejudice is a common hate crime…and needs loads of money charities, helplines, research and former victims and survivors to spout endlessly on. About how damaged they still are when the face steamers went to solar panels.
Acne Bridge…remember to watch it! Think it`s on the 9 O clock Spot!
PS-why the heck do all media news bunnies and liars all seem to be able-bodied? Apart from Frank and Gary, Peter and a few others-all have legs and senses not needed to point at a weather map or sit telling porkies.
Get those able bodied goons out of telly, let the disabled have tramlines between all Media City and Channel 4 stations of truth telling.
Give the jobs to the spax…the more disabled and needy ,the better.
Might end the food bank and You and Yours urban myths sections anyway.
More rights in the media for Spotty Stammerers…they might them have to THINK about what they are unable to say in one go-and would cost the advertisers loads in wasted air time…
Andrew Norfolk in the Times
“Pakistani child-sex groomers
and Isis terrorists
share at least one attribute.
For them,
no 13-year-old non-Muslim girl is innocent.
…. Nor is she a child”
Fully available no pay wall
Why, I for one, have no faith whatsoever in the Conservatives “policy” of reducing immigration to the, “tens of thousands”. Not 500 or so jihadists but > 20,000.
The 2017 election Conservative Manifesto – “We will ensure Britain remains a place of sanctuary for refugees and asylum seekers.” That’s the other half of the immigration figures – ‘Non-EU’, for which no effort has been made to reduce. It goes on:
“Integrating divided communities
Britain is one of the world’s most successful multi-racial, multi-cultural, multi-religious societies. We are proud of our diversity, and the cultural and economic enrichment it brings.
The enjoyment and pride we take in our diversity should not cause us to ignore the fact that in too many parts of our country, we have communities that are divided, often along racial or religious lines. To address this, we will bring forward a new integration strategy (see the existing ones!! – https://www.gov.uk/government/policies/community-integration) which will seek to help people in more isolated communities to engage with the wider world, help women in particular into the workplace, and teach more people to speak English. We will work with schools to make sure that those with intakes from one predominant racial, cultural or religious background teach their students about pluralistic, British values and help them to get to know people with different ways of life.”
It could be a Brian Rix farce.
So, there we are then, “successful” and cultural and economic “enrichment” by integration. Our enjoyment and pride in our “diversity” cos’ we love it – apparently.
With the utmost respect for those caught up in last weeks Manchester slaughter, I’d like to suggest amendment to the Manifesto viz.
Due to our love of multicultural diversity and the cultural enrichment it brings, we look forward to the next ‘event’ when a person(s) of whatever gender they themselves decide, will again cherish their integration and cause havoc and distress with the slaughter of more citizens. We will of course, look forward to the coming together of mourners after the event and we would expect to see yet another vast demonstration of muslim sympathy in a further procession of (dare I?) “tens of thousands” of muslim sympathisers in the streets.
There, that’s made me feel more “integrated” already!
OK G, so do you have more faith in Albert Steptoe’s immigration policy then? Yes or No?
What kind of question is that? Do you want a, Ha, ha, or something else?
It is a very simple question isn’t it…………a Yes or a No? Or are you going to act like Abbapotomus or Thornberry and dodge it?
ITTB is continuing on its roll, though there is the slight possibility it has pulled a BBC/Malala with Douglas.
I jest of course. He was marked the instant his lips moved and the BBC did not immediately ‘deal with it’*.
As some have commented, them inviting him on at all may have seen a few sharp, unrecorded if not forgotten words in the the back corridors behind Frankie Howerd.
Yep, a sinister continuation of the nasty left taking down anyone who has a coherent argument against their ridiculous ideology – blasphemy and censorship. No free speech anymore. And it is spreading…May’s push for the internet to combat Jihadism – censorship. Milo, Ann Coulter, Bill O’Reilly, Katie Hopkins, and now probably Douglas Murray, Sean Hannity and on it goes. I bet they really hate Murray for his bestselling book – bet there’s pressure to get that taken down from shelves.