Who was right…The EDL’s Tommy Robinson who argued we had to combat Islamic extremism or Lord Hall whose organisation worked relentlessly to cover up and excuse that extremism and present it as a ‘normal’ British way of life whilst vilifying and demonising Robinson?
Nothing ‘normal’ about this attack on the British way of life…..
These are some of the Muslim practices that the ‘moderate’ and most representative Muslim organisation in Britain, the MCB, demanded in 2007 that schools adopt in what turned out to be its ‘blueprint’ for the Trojan Horse plot…it’s based around blackmail…adopt Muslim practice or Muslims will become alienated and, left unspoken, the threat is…they will become radicalised….music is the devil’s work….Manchester was chosen because of its cultural implications…young people out freely enjoying themselves, boys and girls together enjoying a music concert…it’s not just violent extremists who object…..Muslims should not give up or compromise any of their beilefs or values…it is for the British to do that….
Failure to recognise and affirm, or even worse the creation of situations involving conflicts of belief or conscience is likely to have an alienating effect where pupils may feel that they are not valued and may give rise to inappropriate assumptions that in order to progress in society they will have to compromise or give up aspects of who they are, and their religious beliefs and values.
Schools are asked to respect these views and principles, which are held sincerely on the grounds of conscience, and to honour parents’ wishes by not placing pupils in situations of religious and moral compromise.
Whilst Muslims have no wish to constrain the freedom of others, they would urge schools to organise and manage physical education so that pupils can choose other acceptable forms of activity, for example, athletics, games, gymnastics, outdoor and adventurous activities and swimming within the curriculum.“All forms of music that may include the use of obscene and blasphemous language, encourage or promote immoral behaviour, arouse lustful feelings, encourage the consumption of intoxicants and drugs or contain unethical and un-Islamic lyrics would be considered objectionable. For this reason some Muslim parents may express concerns in the way music is taught in school and the extent to which their children may participate in it. Some Muslims may hold a very conservative attitude towards music and may seek to avoid it altogether, not wishing their children to participate in school music lessons. In such cases the school can show great understanding by providing alternative musical learning opportunities.”
It is also important, in schools where there are no Muslims, for all pupils to learn about Islam.
It is not permissible for Muslims to actively participate in non-Islamic acts of worship.
Girls should be covered except for their hands and faces, a concept known as ‘hijab’.
The most suitable sportswear for boys and girls that respects the requirements of Islamic
modesty is a tracksuit and in addition for girls a headscarf tied in a safe and secure manner.Any decision by Muslim pupils to manifest their religion by growing a beard should be respected by their school.
School makes arrangements for their Muslim pupils who wish to perform daily prayers in school.
School allocates a regular place for the daily prayers that fall within school time.
School ensures washing facilities are available, preferably in close proximity to the prayer area.
School builds or adapts a washing facility in the toilet areas where pupils can conveniently make ablution which includes washing of the feet.
Schools can recognise and celebrate the Eid festivals by highlighting the importance of the
message of Eid through collective worship and assemblies. Schools may want to share sweets amongst all children to mark this event. In addition, schools may make the normal school meals a special Eid meal for all the childrenSome sports involve physical contact with other team players, for example basketball and football. Most Muslim parents would find it objectionable for boys and girls to play such sports in mixedgender groups. Schools can respond positively to this concern by making sure that contact sports are always in single-gender groups.
Given the choice between mixed or single-sex swimming, Muslim parents would always opt for a wholly single-sex environment for swimming.
Dance is one of the activity areas of the national curriculum for physical education. Muslims
consider that most dance activities, as practised in the curriculum, are not consistent with
the Islamic requirements for modesty as they may involve sexual connotations and messages
when performed within mixed-gender groups or if performed in front of mixed audiences.Sex and relationship education (SRE) is taught in single-sex groups, by a teacher of the same gender.
The use of sexually explicit videos, pictures and objects are avoided as aids for the teaching of SRE.
School takes account of Muslim sensitivities and sensibilities with respect to sexual morality and includes Islamic moral perspectives when teaching SRE to Muslim pupils.
Schools should consider giving Muslim pupils the opportunity to study Arabic and/or
other languages relevant to their family background.
Lord Hall and the culture and mindset he has inculcated, are far more of a threat to British public life than anything Tommy Robison has ever done…
The biggest danger to our culture and way of life over the past 20 to 30 years has come not from terrorist bombs, bullets or threats, none of those things, no matter how outrageous will change anything. The real threat has come from those among us who appease terrorist actions and are willing by way of legislation, laws and edict to declare we must change to accommodate zealots who adhere to a crazy religion and its mad scriptures. We have no hope unless our leaders face up to the reality of the situation, stop feeding us phoney stories, the joys of multiculturalism and everything is rosie, it is not. It is actually a complete disaster that has been imposed on us by irresponsible politicians who won’t admit there is a problem with a section of our society who will never fit in, they will never change but expect us to either by choice or force.
The other cold blooded issue is that neither labour or conservatives can jeopardise votes from Muslim ( especially the fraudulent Postal votes they employ to get their own elected ).
I don’t want to be a defeatist but the lack of immigration controls and denial of discussion about immigration in the last decades has led us to a situation where there are so many enemies within that the state cannot deal with them under current circumstances meaning more bombs and dead innocents – al Beeb or not.
Tommy Robinson is correct of course- but there is no one to hear him and the MSM would rather listen to immature mouthpieces of the left like Owen Jones to mirror their own multicultural views.
These horror events – 7/7 -Tunisia- Manchester – as others here have said – become ritualised . Acts of heroism – the missed terrorists – the coming together – the lessons will be learned – and yet to come for us 22 funerals will be forgotten . All that energy that was going to be put into prevention after 7/7 never happened . The political class – including its al beeb mouthpiece – could not find a way to control Islam without individual politicians losing their careers . So nothing happened .
Same old same old .
Oh yeah – set up a commission – have a review – have an all party something or other – a czar – a supremo – a minister – a cabinet committee- to not actually do anything
It seems to me that the British people are regarded as the enemy by our Government. “The State” does next to nothing nothing to protect us ( a State’s primary responsibility to its population) from those who seek to overthrow our culture & way of life . Perversely, their demands are pandered to and their violence & rapine excused away with mild condemnation & then forgotten about – blithely informing us that we “must get used to it” . Complicit in this betrayal , dereliction and mendacity are the MSM – lead by BBC.
Betrayal is a word I feel. Betrayed, let down, forgotten. Our country is just too nice, honest and decent to deal with a barbaric ideology. They are winning and we have allowed it.
The State is the hollowed out elite that is now the enemy , even though it doesn’t realise it !
For example the police ; is it the Police Force that protects us , or an anti insurrection body that keeps us in our place ? Ditto courts et al .
What historical figure does Tommy Robinson remind you of ?
Thinking Churchill in the wilderness years or Cromwell or maybe Watt Tyler.also saying “enough is enough”
I like the well meaning ” terrorists will not divide us” – well there is a division and the comments about the numbers of potential Islamic terrorists being unable to be controlled supports this.
I’m really surprised al beeb hasn’t pushed somber looking English speaking muslims at us day and night supporting the search for the terrorists . As usual the huge number of muslims in uk keep their heads down until they can shout out “hate crime ” when someone looks at their beard or clothing funny.
Imagine if Churchill were alive today, he would have been arrested, convicted and imprisoned for “Hate Crime” by now and ridiculed by gutless politicians, the BBC and so called celebrities as an extreme “Right Wing” nut. You can imagine the German horde’s massing in Calais waiting for the Luftwaffe to finish its job and “The Guardian” sending food parcels and blankets to keep them fit and warm while they wait with the BBC broadcasting “Songs of Praise” from Hermann Goering operations tent. Meanwhile the Queen and Prince Philip visit the East End where bombed out Yuppies sing “We can take it” waving pictures of frankfurters displaying their love and togetherness with the majority of the German peace loving people who they don’t blame for killing their kiss and kin. Meanwhile people who no one has ever heard of in the communities they purport to represent speak of their togetherness, strength and love of the UK’s diverse society and the benefits it brings. Just then a man steps forward and proclaims some of his best friends are Germans, they have natural rhythm and make really good dancers.
It’s worth remembering that the BBC played a significant role in silencing Churchill’s warnings about Hitler and the Nazis. History does, indeed, repeat itself – largely because the Left, which prefers feelings to facts, is incapable of learning from history.
As for Tommy Robinson, I’m in agreement with Fedup – Watt Tyler. Churchill was very ‘top drawer’ and while he could be muffled, he couldn’t be silenced. Tyler, sadly, ended up with his head on a spike -a fate I’m sure the Guardianistas would love to dish out to Mr Robinson.