What magic is this? So glamorous…the new Jacqui Smith……
Apart from the BBC not seeming to get enough of Jacqui Smith at the moment what else was on Marr?
Marr’s paper review had the above mentioned Smith, and the Trump hating BBC journo Jon Sopel, and ex-BBC PR guru for the liberal ‘Tory’ pro-EU Cameron, Craig Oliver….so none likely to be onside for May…and indeed not…and of course Sopel just put the boot into Trump not forgetting a gratuitous dig about his ‘machoness’. Smith spent her time attacking May on social care so not really a paper review but a political broadcast on behalf of Labour from her.
Marr was on hand to help her with that as he promoted Corbyn’s message about Western intervention causing the deaths in Manchester saying…
‘And of course it has to be said Libya collapsed into a failed state on David Cameron’s watch. It was our intervention there that knocked out the Gaddafi regime and unfortunately left a failed state.’
…which led to an angry Libyan heritage man to bomb a pop concert targeting mostly young girls….all the Tories’ fault.
Except no…it bloody well wasn’t. Marr is so caught up in the BBC’s narrative of Western intervention that he can’t even read the news and put the facts together into a coherent whole.
Abedi’s family fled Libya to get away from Gaddafi…they returned to Libya along with Abedi to fight against Gaddafi with the help of that ‘Western intervention’….an intervention directed by the United Nations….action to prevent a massacre that if it had been allowed to happen the BBC would have been making outraged films about, using a Muslim extremist as the presenter just as they did with Srebrenica [and getting that completely wrong…failing to mention the Muslim fighters were killed because they had been massacring Christians in the surrounding villages] telling us how we had stood by as ‘Muslims’ were massacred once again.
So we helped to fulfil the wishes of Abedi and his family…Gaddafi gone. How then does this feed into the BBC’s narrative that Western intervention in Libya caused the bomb attack in Manchester?
Marr is talking complete rubbish, dangerous rubbish as he peddles what is not just Corbyn’s line but the terrorist line as well.
He goes on talking rubbish, highly partisan rubbish. Naturally he doesn’t criticise Corbyn for linking ‘Western intervention’ to terrorism, he himself did just that, he instead targets May and says it is inappropriate and tasteless for her to criticise Corbyn and his own very close ties to and support for terrorists…
‘It’s very difficult to accuse someone in the middle of an election after Manchester of supporting terrorism…it’s a matter of good taste, what’s appropriate and reasonable to say is hard for people to get right.’
Really? Really? Are you f**king kidding me? It’s bad taste to draw attention to the close links a man who wants to be Prime Minister has to terrorists? It is inappropriate to draw attention to the fact that he thinks the IRA were honourable freedom fighters, that he praises Islamic terrorists, that he wants to hold negotiations with ISIS? Is there no more appropriate time than after a terrorist attack to state the bleeding obvious about him and what he will do to the country and national security and to point out the absolute lies he tells as he grandstands with feigned outrage…outrage he never expressed towards the IRA or Hamas or Hezbollah as they tried to murder their way to victory?
Red Andy lives. Twenty two young people don’t any more. Part of the reason they don’t is the false narrative spread by the likes of Red Andy that excuses and cheerleads for the Islamic terrorists.
Corbyn is the most vile potential PM we have ever been presented with and of course its not just him that appeases and supports terrorists but his close circle as well. I’m sure MI5 have a brick thick file on him and there is plenty more to come out about this odious man before the election. The BBC probably have loads on him as well, but no “journalist” their is likely to be encouraged to go digging in the Beebs musty archives.
Glamorous? They’re having a laugh!
The Daily Mail described Smith as ‘glamorous’ but the comments beneath didn’t exactly agree with the editors. Suggestions that the word had been redefined were some of the politest.
For a Beeboid, their view from the rear is much the same and non-discriminatory.
I also was amazed at the Marr comment about Libya happening on Cameron’s watch. The BBC should be ashamed but of course it isn’t. Gadaffi’s fall was part of the Arab Spring by which nationalist Arab secular leaders were replaced by an even worse set of jihadists. All Western nations, not just the UK interpreted the Arab Spring wrongly, seeing elements of pro democracy pro Western movements in it. They couldn’t have been more wrong and we ended up with something worse than we had before .
Britain has compounded the error by letting in anti-Gadaffi jihadists long before the Arab Spring. The result was the likes of Ramadan Abedi and his scumbag son and his wide terrorist network. Every government since John Major’s can be blamed for this grotesque failure to protect the British people with Blair being most culpable and then being followed by Cameron.
To compound the insult, it seems to me that all these people seem to be living on the British welfare system. So many of those arrested since Monday seem to inhabit housing association properties and doubtless get housing benefit. The latest example is two brothers whose father works in the oil industry in the Middle East. Why should they and their mother be living in a housing association property? As students at our burgeoning number of Micky Mouse Universities who attract foreigners just to get bums on seats and more government money , those arrested no doubt get student loans which are just grants under another name if they fail to get decent jobs and in any case just skip the UK when it suits them. Abedi himself no doubt got a student loan, wasted two years at a university and then never got a meaningful job. How was such a person renting flats around Manchester in which to build bombs? In one instance his Muslim landlord was illegally subletting a flat he himself rented, no doubt he was on benefits too.
We are complete and utter mugs, allowing Muslims to worsen our housing crisis, live on our welfare state then blow us up.
And how do they afford all these trips back and forth to Libya? Or is there a special Muslim terrorist benefit?
Frequent winged horse mi… kilometres.
“Manchester suicide bomber used student loan and benefits to fund terror plot”
We live in an age of austerity, apparently.
He was getting student money for his Mickey Mouse course even though he dropped out. HMG doesn’t want to look at this and the higher educashun industry only cares about getting foreign students for the £££.
The asylum system needs to be changed too. The burden of proving someone is in need of asylum (in uk) should be with the applicant. As a result any asylum type in Europe can stay there.
EE: “All Western nations, not just the UK interpreted the Arab Spring wrongly, seeing elements of pro democracy pro Western movements in it.”
Not least of whom, St Obama of New York and his aide, St Hillary of all things Clinton.
Good post, EE. There are some very pressing questions to be answered.
What is particularly galling is that pretty much every one of the amateurs who post on this site could see exactly where it was going whilst our governments apparently couldn’t.
It’s so depressingly inevitable isn’t it? Benefits for watching jihad videos, free education -wasted money, social housing flat on housing benefit (while nothing is ever done about homeless white men). And he repays all this by mass-murder.
Will a petition help, will voting conservative help, will complaining help? No, too many of our fellow citizens have become like those Invasion of the Body Snatchers replacements.
We are living in a virtual anarcho-tyranny, we’re only useful to them for providing the tax to quicker facilitate our own demise.
Superb, EE!
Don’t suppose Andy asked a former Labour Home Sec about the current Labour Shadow for that post and her continuing impact on the Labour GE17 Campaign.
Thought not.
I noted on my Sunday politics watch that BBC journos are still slipping in the Labour slogan while ridiculing the Tory one. Impartial?
It’s typical of the bBBC to dig out has-beens like Jackboot Jacqui. She was the supreme example of incompetence in a government full of incompetent politicians who were promoted well beyond their levels of capability simply because they allowed their Party Leadership to preen themselves in public that all the right ‘Equality’ Boxes were being ticked.
If we think she was bad, imagine what Abbott would be like as Home Secretary!
If we think she was bad, imagine what Abbott would be like as Home Secretary!
You only have to look at Venezuela to see what a Labour victory entails.
Absolutely, Amound!
Smith was totally out of her depth, but I suppose parish councillors are similar… Dreadful record of failure, and stupid person to have in such an important position.
Sort of demonstrative of the dire blair years, with his old ‘mate’ brown trying his utmost to screw the economy too.
Bleak times.