As I posted earlier this guy is an arrogant shit and on top of that it is proof beyond doubt of the CBB manipulation of news and opinion. They claim that they are balanced and within their charter guidelines.
If we can’t deal with the Islamic debacle surely we can at least get some of the CBB scum to answer and explain themselves to a Royal Commission.
>Mohammed Ullah, Muslim chaplain at University of Manchester, said that he had heard reports of a Muslim girl being spat at and another Muslim person being told to “go home”.
#Random Muslim with Victoria Derbyshire June 2016
Found that cos seems someone on May27th has already checked his twitter account before it was deleted/hidden
Thank goodness for social media … he would not be exposed like this otherwise
He s a univ chaplain, who talks islamofauxbia at every opportunity … (shakes head)
Jeez @Tabs Looks like Mohammed Ullah is the equivalent of Mr Wong in Chinese or Mr Park in Korean.
The last 2 on your list are the same man/incident so you list 4 different Mohammed Ullah, and our #RandomMuslim must be another unconvicted one.
I caught the back end of Victoria Derbyshire’s show this Monday morning.
The half hour I managed was certainly very much left wing biased.
The usual applause for anything labour, silence for UKIP after a constantly interrupted attempt to speak by Suzanne Evans as well as being talked over by thornberry.
Someone mentioned nurses going to foodbanks, no one mentioned nurses starting pay of £21,652 minimum, more in Scotland and thousands more in London.
During the shortage of houses and too few being built, no one mentioned the reason why we need all the extra houses.
We all know why.
What an awful choice we have for the next pm.
Corbyn is plain useless and would be a disaster.
May, who will get in because Brexit is too important to let corbyn negotiate it and will only be elected because she is more for Brexit than corbyn.
I have no faith in her but the alternative is even worse.
Two useless candidates where the choice is to hope we get the least worst.
Does May wear a hijab when meeting Muslims, in Britain too? She should take a lesson from Melania Trump- no head covering, even in Saudi Arabia. And the Saudis were impressed, and a bit scared too.
Treezer has a stock of hijabs as required by an appointee of the Saudis
Here she is getting tough with the community leaders. The piece from Churchill is abridged. I am sure genuine quotes from Churchill might get you done for hate speech.
I am baffled as to why its considered ‘appropriate’ for women ‘dignitaries’ and middle east British journalists to wear a headscarf when meeting or reporting on Islam. Some call it respect for another faith, but there are many (too many) Muslim doctors in our NHS and no white British woman would even consider wearing a headscarf at a consultation. There’d be a bloody uproar if it was imposed upon. There’s the saying ‘when in Rome’, but the Islamic community plough their own furrow regardless of where they are.
If our wimmin have to dress the way the locals do when in Arab countries out of respect to them, then surely logic would mean that Arab wimmin dress as ours do when they come to our country, also out of respect.
At the moment it appears that we have to do what they want in their places and they do what they want in ours.
Win win for them lot.
By the way, did anyone see ‘Lawrence of Asia’ on the tv yesterday.
The truth is that these Arab c…s have zero respect. I have said to myself over and over again that the first thing I would do if going to an Arab country is research what I should do, how I should behave to show respect. I’m surrounded by these women in their sweaty top to toe clothing and it boils me with rage. I see it as an insult and a threat because it shoves their f…..g Islamic ideology in my face. It goes for the men too, their beards and the name Mohammed or Mohamed, I don’t care how you bloody spell it. Everything that they expect and demand from us, they would never never allow if the situation were reveresed. I’ve had a gut full of the whole rotten lousy mess. Screw the CBB, screw the politicians and screw Islam. Oh dear me another moodswing. Quite a strong one.
Further to my post above. I had recent surgery carried out by a Muslim surgeon (and was excellent), it did strike me though, on first and subsequent meetings with him he shied away from shaking my hand. (Being in business most of my life and being of that generation – its what we did !) At first I thought ‘how rude’, but I then realised it was because I was a woman. Was it because we were alone in the consulting room I wondered, because he clearly had no qualms at touching and carving me up when on the operating table !!
Is he saying Ramadam? In any event the idea that it is a time when mosques are open to all is not quite right. Tommy Robinson had been turned away from Didsbury mosque yesterday and posted on You Tube about it. Maybe others who live near Didsbury mosque and are not quite so identifiable as Tommy Robinson could test the proposition and report back?
Just a reminder chaps, you do not have to wear a headscarf but it’s a good idea to wash your feet beforehand and wear a decent pair of socks. You will be expected to remove your shoes.
A while ago I posted something from the viewpoint of Muslim women in Indonesia. Maybe our Politicians should see who they are respecting before putting on the PC show .
“Not all Muslims believe that it is a compulsory to wear a headscarf. There are a lot of interpretations about the obligation to wear headscarf for women.Even if they believe it is a compulsory, people still have their rights to live their lives in many ways. When the religion tells you to not lie, some people still lie. It’s also applicable in the case of hijab.
The traditional clothing in Indonesia is without a headscarf. This is how people have lived for ages before the spreading of Islam. When Islam came to Indonesia, the Islamic traditions mixed with the native cultures because the imams who spread Islam in Indonesia do not impose to eliminate the existed traditions at that time.
It is not imposed by the government or any other ‘formal’ institution. Usually, Indonesian women wear headscarf because they want to do so, or their families ask them to wear it. In my case, I wear headscarf because I want to do it. The same thing like why other people want to wear a jeans or a t-shirt. My mother doesn’t wear a headscarf because she doesn’t want to. We believe that religion is voluntary; it shouldn’t be imposed to others.”
I also remember an example of PC gone mad in Dubai.
I was returning from Kuwait at Christmas and had a 15hr stopover in Dubai so I went into the town. In one of the main malls is a Bloomingdales department store. It had Christmas type decorations with “Happy Holidays” but not a word mentioning Christmas. Three shops down was a locally owned toy store. In the window the had a message “Merry Christmas to all our Christian customers”.
This reinforced my opinion on those that get offended on behalf of others without actually asking them is the are offended.
Gb – I’ve never understood this ‘ notional person ‘ who might be upset by something ( like the term Christmas) so people self censor as part of PC. The whole concept seems so confused.
The same with the idea that organisations such as police – must reflect the society in which they work be cause they’ll understand the ‘community ‘ . This makes an assumption that people in a ‘community ‘ are all the same. Same class politics wealth age you names it.
The future ( if there is one) will look back at out times and say “How could they?”
Of course the offence thing only works one way, often towards a certain group. We are not hearing any change of Ramadan, Eid etc to incorporate other beliefs, but Easter, Christmas etc have to be renamed to avoid offence?? and exclusion?? Get real!
Round here, they all get the real terms by which we were brought up, so Easter, Christmas, even Whitsun and our term for the Autumn, get aired all the time.
I’m afraid it’s living in those awful communities where they all congregate for some reason or other, and try and imagine being dead.
Admittedly, we live in a peaceful Kent village, so have nothing to do with the squalor other unfortunates have to deal with.
I too live in a village, but slowly (very slowly) it is starting to change from 20 years ago when I first moved here. My fellow neighbours were mainly ‘white flighters’, but as they say, it only takes one or two to move in first, followed by a housing estate and its goodnight nurse! The ‘white flighters’ are on the move again. Hmmmmmm give it time and we’ll soon see the Shetland Isles being overpopulated !!!
We have around 60,000 English here, you have no idea how i used to resent our culture being taken over by ”foreigners” .. visitors 200,000 a year were great, but turning our countryside into a white kit-house infested mess was soul destroying.
But what can you do ?, ………………….. i’ll tell you, make money out of them, thats what you do, it helps ease the destruction of your surroundings.
A while ago I posted something from the viewpoint of Muslim women in Indonesia. Maybe our Politicians should see who they are respecting before putting on the PC show .
“Not all Muslims believe that it is a compulsory to wear a headscarf. There are a lot of interpretations about the obligation to wear headscarf for women.Even if they believe it is a compulsory, people still have their rights to live their lives in many ways. When the religion tells you to not lie, some people still lie. It’s also applicable in the case of hijab.
The traditional clothing in Indonesia is without a headscarf. This is how people have lived for ages before the spreading of Islam. When Islam came to Indonesia, the Islamic traditions mixed with the native cultures because the imams who spread Islam in Indonesia do not impose to eliminate the existed traditions at that time.
It is not imposed by the government or any other ‘formal’ institution. Usually, Indonesian women wear headscarf because they want to do so, or their families ask them to wear it. In my case, I wear headscarf because I want to do it. The same thing like why other people want to wear a jeans or a t-shirt. My mother doesn’t wear a headscarf because she doesn’t want to. We believe that religion is voluntary; it shouldn’t be imposed to others.”
I also remember an example of PC gone mad in Dubai.
I was returning from Kuwait at Christmas and had a 15hr stopover in Dubai so I went into the town. In one of the main malls is a Bloomingdales department store. It had Christmas type decorations with “Happy Holidays” but not a word mentioning Christmas. Three shops down was a locally owned toy store. In the window the had a message “Merry Christmas to all our Christian customers”.
This reinforced my opinion on those that get offended on behalf of others without actually asking them is the are offended.
Not entirely related to BBC bias, but just taking the opportunity to encourage you to check out John Gaunt’s show, if you wish to hear guests, callers and opinions from every spectrum, that the controlled media wouldn’t dare give a platform to.
The BBC will never change, so it’s up to us to change who we listen to.
How many times have you seen a rabid Muslim been allowed to vent his spleen on the bBC:
1,10,100 times?
Here is how the Muslim Council of Britain reacted when Douglas Murray was allowed to speak on the Sunday Politics Show:
How much do you want to bet the bBC will take note.
“In his subsequent interview, Mr Murray asserted that what we needed was ‘less Islam’. He was not sufficiently challenged on this point”.
what we needed was ‘less Islam’ … a statement of perfect clarity,
who wants more Islam? WHO? … outside of Cameron/May/Westminster and the Al BBC?
Ask the ordinary non Islamic people of Manchester, or Rotherham, or Rochdale, or anywhere
this aggressive, insidious, cult of separation and supremacism resides.
“As a recent survey by the YouGov-Cambridge Programme shows, a striking 55 per cent of British voters currently think “there is a fundamental clash between Islam and the values of British society”,
compared with just 22 per cent – little over one in five – who say Islam and British values are “generally compatible”.
Among Tory supporters, this gap increases to 68 per cent who say “clash” versus 17 per cent who think “compatible”.
Ukip supporters look almost unanimous on the issue (89 per cent “clash” versus 4 per cent “compatible”) Half of Labour supporters take the negative view (48 per cent “clash” versus 27 per cent “compatible”)
and Lib Dems are divided (38 per cent “clash” versus 39 per cent “compatible).
“The majority of Britons questioned in a survey believe Islam is not compatible with British values.
The poll also found almost a third of those asked believe Islam is a violent religion and promotes acts of violence in the UK”.
These stats are welcome and encouraging, thank you.
In France there is an even greater % , a significant majority, who feel that French culture and Islam are incompatible, yet a majority still voted for Macron rather than Le Pen. In the UK some folks who I expect agree on the incompatibllity issue are likely to vote the Islamophilic Corbyn and for the party that is largely responsible for landing us in this dreadful situation. Why do some people who apparently do see the danger of Islam vote for politician who don’t see it and actively encourage it? It’s a curious phenomenon.
But perhaps the people have not been lulled into the complacent deep sleep that I feared after all. Perhaps a majority have had the Islamic nightmare and have awoken with the realisation that action is urgently needed. But in the UK they have no one to turn to and get behind with their support. Also I expect it is one thing to be able say you think Islam is a problem in a survey but another to openly support any politician who dared to make a public stand on this issue. Anyone who sought to lead those people who think that there is already way too much Islam in our country, would be vilified , attacked , hung out to dry and certainly imprisoned by the authorities with the BBC leading the assault. Their families would also be targeted.
The political establishment and the media are either in thrall to Islam or are scared of confronting it. But if nothing is done soon we will be past the point of no return, if we haven’t already passed it, on the road to an Islamic Europe. In the UK we have no one with the courage of Wilders, Le Penn, Orban etc and our only hope of salvation lies with the voters in those countries who do have such courageous politicians , getting them into power and keeping them there. Then our craven leaders in the UK might just start to confront the threat rather than pander to it.
‘….yet a majority still voted for Macron…’
Knowing how manipulative and single-minded the EU are when it comes to deciding things in their favour, I’d say adding the word ‘apparently’ would not be amiss. Geert Wilders knows the situation, I’m sure.
The MCB runs a mile to debate Robert Spencer, even on radio. But Muslims managed to stop Robert Spencer coming to Britain. Jihadists though have no such problem.
Its so sad it has come to this. Attending concerts or festivals, traveling by air, or even walking in London, Rome, Paris or any major city in the West, has become a dangerous activity. This spirit is the very heart of Western civilisation.
Islam is destroying this very heart of Western culture and civilisation. And they are a mere 10% at most of the population at the moment.
What in the next decade? The monuments may be still there, but will there be anything spiritual left to destroy. Would the monuments be like the pyramids – the structure is standing, but the spirit that made the people attend the concerts, will have died.
“Separation” is the only answer, to not only safeguard our civilisation, but to prevent attacks within.
“hugely controversial” ??? on Islam .. not outside the BBC, MSM, or No10.
… mainstream and growing, to the public, for Islam … “the parties over”
Mass Murdering Children? … the last straw ( No10 couldn t hide it )
The government is going to get it, anger isn t going away, its growing
… unless proactive steps are taken?
Expect much more MSM Islamowhining, and more of Liar Mays political policing
Islamic child rape gangs? if social media was around eh
NCBBC … this ones for you 😀
The last time R Spencer was on the BBC,
Nihal tried to set him up as an Islamofauxbe,
by bringing an Imam in on their conversation
In a single-sect muslim majority country, honour killings and other forms of violence
sanctioned by the koran predominate. I don’t think this every gets classified as terrorism.
There are terrorist attacks on non-muslim minorities, should they not have already been eliminated.
In multi-sect muslim majority countries you have muslim terrorist bombings, mass shootings, etc. on rival muslim sects and muslim terrorist attacks on nonmuslims.
In non-muslim countries with the lowest muslim populations, you get the fewest muslim terror attacks.
Japan, Poland, Hungary, for example. Have there been any muslim terror attacks in Japan? The only case that comes to mind are two students from Hokkaido university who went to Syria to fight for ISIS. They were converted by a japanese professor who had converted many years previously.
It just goes to show how ridiculous the idea of “radicalisation” via the internet is. Millions of japanese have full access to ISIS propaganda on the internet, yet none have been “radicalised” or, as we should say, become fervent converts. I suppose there are millions of Indian nonmuslims who could be reached by ISIS propaganda. If it was just a random process, due to some psychological pathology, you would expect, at least a couple of thousand Indian converts to have gone off to Syria to fight for ISIS.
You can’t be a murdering muslim unless you are born muslim or become a muslim convert.
In essence, it is a cult encouraging perpetual war, either on the kuffar, non believer or itself. Wherever islam is, war prevails. War is synonymous with islam. It is totally indivisible. Hence the lack of interest of muslims resident in the civilised world to atrocities carried out in their cult’s name because it has been and is and will remain the fundamental feature of islam so we have to (?) get used to it because it is the norm for them. So the likes of Emir Khan of Londonistan et al. has ‘get used to it’ right.
Oh, and by the way, Saudi Arabia finances more terrorism worldwide than Iran. Bin Laden? One of the richest Saudi families – Who ploughs millions of Dollars into Europe to build mosques? Who is a major financier of universities and mosques in the UK? Who invests £60 Billion in the UK? Who massively ($117 billion) underwrites the US Debt? Who is behind the scenes manipulating US Politics – ? Political influence in the UK? Deep secret. (but our gut instincts should be followed…….).
I imagine that if the truth be told, some of our political elite are already converts to islam thanks to Saudi Arabia. That’s why the UK turns, pretty well, a blind-eye to the growth of islam in the UK.
‘If there is anything we muslims can do to combat this we should proactively look into it.’
What a good idea. How about a bomb? Or a lorry, they seem to work. Always a knife or two……
Or a fatwa from a religious authority representing “true” islam. Anyone who insults the prophet usually needs 24/7 police protection or ends up murdered, yet adherents of a perversion of islam cause no reaction, when they reside amongst the “good” Muslims of say, Molenbeek or Manchester.
They probably will take note and grovel because they will neither know (or could make an educated guess) at the BBC at which eastern European countries have a significant Muslim population and will certainly not be bothered to go and do some research. They will probably just ‘ban’ Douglas Murray from the BBC instead.
He could have been a little more careful with his language, perhaps, although in a clip that I saw on here, he was just emphasising the eastern European countries that had had little or no trouble with Muslim terrorism as being Poland, the Czech republic and Hungary. Poland’s population alone dwarfs the total populations of the majority Muslim countries of Albania and Kosovo and Bosnia added together and that total of their populations would have a significant non-Muslim element. Bosnia is only half Muslim, for example.
I saw the Murray piece and thought it was excellent.
We do need less Islam, we need Islam to be mocked in the same way that Scientology or Christianity is and we need to be reminded that Islam in it’s current form is simply not compatible with the West.
I note that You and Yours are trawling for “your stories” in regard of “social care”. This is for tomorrow-so let that imagination soar, and phone in to Auntie Winnie for a bitchfest-then expect local BBC outlets to collate the biggest “hard cases” and feed them to Dianne and Lady Nugee…”all in the best possible taste” of course.
Be good to collate this new found interest in “social care” on all BBC platforms and news shows…seems to have been a non-issue since Dilnot…but hey, that was before the Tories slipped up over the subject.
Timeline graph required-but we all KNOW what the BBC are trawling for. Tomorrows headlines and Labours battleplans until June 8th. But why are we being made to fund their research and weapons?
I myself might find an old lady called Jennifer and return to the battle of Jennifers ear.Lie through her deaf aid for Labours BBC local newsdesks..and then reveal that I can lie better than they can.
Until then, let`s be aware of the lazy lying lollards of the Left using old folk for a few days until they can think of another shade of shit to spout. As for security and the end of any army and police under Corbyn, and too many Muslims in Slough or Boston?…well You and Yours will not be looking at any of THAT..will they?
I know that a few of you faint hearted types are still worried about terrorist attacks. There’s no need to be. Put your minds at rest!
There was a piece on the BBC news last night from Manchester. There were loads of folks mostly white and mainly youngsters and they seem to think they’ve got it licked.
Firstly you get a group together in the street and you then start singing about “togetherness” and “unity” and then someone preaches about “inclusiveness” for an hour and tells us not to be “judgemental.” .Simples!
After that, you converge en mass on a tattoo parlour and have a bee tattooed on a part of your anatomy; anywhere you fancy. I’m not overly keen on tattoos but if it’s going to stop terrorism…
They then interviewed a lion hearted young fellow (really this chap made you proud to be British, the old bulldog spirit!) who was courageously undergoing this procedure. It was informative. He said, “Yeh, it’s like for…” he seemed a little confused, perhaps it was the cannabis, but he gamely continued. “It’s like a symbol like….um, it symbolises…” I thought he had reached an impasse before his face brightened and he almost shouted, “UNITY!”
So, there you have it. Bit of singing. Bit of preaching. Tattoo of an insect on your arm. Job done!
I’m seriously considering having a giant tarantula tattooed on my Arris. Not only will I be helping to stop terrorism it’ll be a nice little treat for the missus.
No need to thank me…
BBC News headlines out to Moss Side-line us all with a whole Range of Whallies pointing fingers at M15
But you suggest any actual move against the X-1,000 persons of interest on our watch lists who have not yet broken the law in any explosive way and you’ll have an entire heap of liberal ire down on your head.
Channel 4 has a licence to grill and Snow, Jon Snow’s liberal panties are pinko not starched a millennium before his fantasy distopian namesake started his neverending night’s watch defending our liberal walls from horrors and barbarians – or not
Golden moment from the neighbour who said “We knew they were Libyans, but we took their parcels in….”
Hey, Ethel, that man next door has been on bloody ebay again – look at this thing, cluttering up our hallway – too big for his letterbox and postmarked Benghazi…
Ah, I hear the sound of the English suburbs
And to think, John Noaks not yet peacefully at rest under a rosebush
We all know how they manipulate audiences on programmes like Question Time, but I am increasingly beginning to wonder if supposedly random callers in to programmes like Five Live could be stooges. A woman was on the day after Manchester saying how the rise of the far right must have alienated the bomber – surely that was just too on-message and 99.99% of people would not think like that.
After Trump and Brexit I think of the Beeb less as Auntie and more of the Schizophrenic, violent uncle who had just been sectioned. They are out of control; a dazed boxer on the ropes swinging wildly.
As we have troops on the street I am sure the liberal tyrants like the BBC will be implementing equally extreme measures to maintain their power. The gap between the real world and the fantasy utopia they try to project is becoming farcically wide – like 1984 on stilts. They tell us what news is fake? Who do they think they are, the Ministry of Truth?
‘callers in to programmes like Five Live could be stooges’
It’s more than possible and I wouldn’t put it past them
However, the BBC audience is self-selecting. As they pump out the left-liberal diet so those with conservative views are increasingly alienated and switch off.
That’s my conclusion too. Probably a bit of self-selection by the tealight brigade combined with the BBC’s ‘researchers’ acting as a filter to exclude anyone with unapproved views.
BBC appear to be in full on error mode, supposedly just like a BA IT system at Heathrow, this weekend. Cannot remember which programme removed Sunbury on Thames in Surrey from west (or west-south-west, if you want to be picky) London and shifted it into Sarf London. Think it may have been BBC’s R4 Sunday programme.
Then today, the radio news broadcasts are now carrying news of the death of John Noakes. He is described as the longest serving presenter of BBC 1 TV’s Blue Peter. Except, I don’t think he was. Valerie Singleton has that honour, does she not? John Noakes was definitely the longest serving male presenter. Funny that the BBC in full Womens Liberation-mode should get that one wrong.
Then there is the current relief from Jeremy Bowen’s self and PA-serving memoir: Bettany Hughes is back with voice in good fettle to discover what we should do with our time, between 1.45pm and 1.49pm on weekdays. Unfortunately she talks to a scientist, Carlo Ravelli, and asks about time in space but is not sharp enough to point out that the scientist does not really know what he is talking about. Bettany, a historian from tertiary education MUST have done SOME science at secondary level and know that we measure time by the rotation of our planet, although some quartz crystals can be quite helpful in this. Maybe the ones in her wristwatch or the BBC studio clock were a bit loose?
What should we do with our time?
Probably not listening to BBC Radio or, at least, not believing what you hear on BBC Radio would be a good start.
I must go and weed the compost heap or something similar. A far more productive use of Bank Holiday weekend time.
What Peter of the BBC house journal does not realise is that once I become of an age where the BBC licence is supposedly a gift, I would not feel terribly inspired to accept it. Assuming the BBC exists at all.
Despite today’s fashionably mawkish songs, silences and candles there can be nobility in the Christian response, and no better illustration than ‘A Song for Marion’ repeated tonight on BBC2 and well worth watching. The harrowing story of one victim of the 7/7 tube bomb, it is a lesson in humanity, culminating in the beauty of a funeral service that puts the ululating garbage of islam into proper perspective. Perhaps the most surprising aspect is that it was conceived and created by the BBC.
Some years ago I visited the Blue Mosque in Istanbul, supposedly a triumph of Islamic spiritual architecture. It was before today’s commonplace atrocities and my attitude to muslims had not crystalised – and yet even then I saw it simply as a vast and very, very empty space, a visual metaphor for a religion with no real meaning, only its messages of subjugation, hatred and negativity.
Likewise the extremely large mosque in Casablanca. A King’s ransom to build, while much of the population live in abject poverty; reminded me of the opulence of the churches in the Catholic faith eg South America, whilst the congregation scratch around to put food on the table. Religion at its best.
As a science expert, it would be fascinating to discover from Rog the Dodge quite what it takes for a mutated BBC gene to be identified, much less excised, in the name of impartiality.
BBC News – Manchester today
Manchester Attack -(note – not Islamic mass murder?, not Islamic Terror murders? BBC?)
Blindfolded Muslim man offers hugs
A blindfolded Muslim man has offered hugs to passers-by in Manchester city centre in … social experiment.
… hope he wasn t wearing a coat , just slightly too big for him.
BBC News – Manchester attack: Hate crime ‘doubles’ after incident
BBC News – “We feel the same upset and anger.” Muslims in peace walk
“A man said he joined to walk to show … “We re suffering as well as everybody else in Manchester, and throughout the world”.
BBC News – A gathering of imams took place at 15:00 in St Ann’s Square, Manchester
… Not for Liar May, sorry folks “haven t you had a cup of tea” ?
she wants a power grab, every time I think she s hit the bottom of the barrel
… what s that scraping?
Kelly, it is “too soon” to restart campaigning.
“I think it’s become all about this. I think it’s become all about religion and I think they should hold off a bit longer.
“It’s become too personal.”
Donna agrees that people are”just not ready”.
“People are still reeling from all this. It’s the last thing on anybody’s mind.
“People have died. People are angry about it, they’re making the wrong choices because they’re angry.
James and Danielle Yates arrived in Manchester from the West Midlands alongside more than 100 other bikers to “pay tribute” to the victims of the attack.
James, 35, said it felt “very soon” to start campaigning again.
John, There are other things to be doing than thinking about politics at the minute.
“I don’t think it’ll change anything in the election campaign, [but] let people get over it a bit first.
…as a mark of respect Corbyn lays wreath on the grave of the Palestinian terrorists who planned and led the attack at the Munich Olympics killing 11 Israeli athletes…
In the Nineties, the hold of religion on UK Muslims was reinforced and inflamed by Islamist migrants from the Arab world. “Londonistan” became a hotbed of fundamentalist preachers and terrorists, plotting attacks in France and the Middle East. This influx of Islamist radicals feels no gratitude or loyalty. For second-generation British Arabs like Salman Abedi, Britain is a running dog of the great American Satan and its Jewish client state and is therefore a legitimate target.
Is British foreign policy, as the Corbynites claim, really a cause of terrorism? No doubt British involvement in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya figures prominently in propaganda. But there isn’t a shred of evidence to suggest that British withdrawal from such conflict zones would make an iota of difference to the enemy within.
The tolerance, secularism and liberalism that have allowed entry to such Islamist groups makes Britain a target, whatever its foreign policy. The diverse populations of cities such as London, Manchester and Birmingham are the product of a millennium in which Britain was the most culturally curious, adventurous and welcoming country in the world. The Islamist vipers in our bosom are the inevitable price of being both a global player and a tolerant, open society. No change in foreign policy can alter that reality.
One of the many problems is that people who are not directly affected by these horrors forget quickly . Yes they are upset, yes they are sad , yes something must be done- but then ” I’ve got my life to lead – not really my problem”. The end result of this is for Islamic terrorists to up the ante – bigger bombs – more dead .-al beeb is more than complicit in this .
Too many people afraid of upsetting the ‘ community’. What fools we are
Most of the societal problems which Britain and the West face are not complicated to solve, though to implement and execute those solutions will be difficult.
The remedy to the existential problem of Islam in Britain and on the Continent is this:
Every single Muslim should be expelled from every single European country: no exceptions.
The current governments of Britain and the West would see this as utterly indefensible as a strategy and completely beyond the pale.
In the next twenty years or so that will change, along with many of the policies of the parties which make up these governments; if they do not, then new parties will arise to replace them and form governments.
On a different note, it is not easy to go against your own community by pointing out things they don’t want to hear. Friends don’t want to invite you over anymore as you “spoil ” the party. Being outspoken and going “against the flow” though, has never been more necessary than it is today because of years of brainwashing from the BBC. Sometime it is simpler just to send them a short youtube eg to counter Jeremy Bowen’s history of the Middle East and hope they watch it.
The problem is, when it comes to my liberal “friends” If I try to put forward the idea that Jews deserve to exist harassment-free on this planet. They usually end up calling me a liar & a neo-nazi.
The problem is, when it comes to my liberal “friends” If I try to put forward the idea that Jews deserve to exist harassment-free on this planet. They usually end up calling me a liar & a neo-nazi.
Yes L and L, its always a tough call when trying to talk about this with friends. I love my friends dearly, but, I’ve discovered that A) most don’t have an opinion one way or t’other, B) don’t have enough knowledge to debate the problem, or C) have a ‘live and let live as long as it doesn’t interfere with my life’ attitude
Fight fire with fire.
Any Muslim would understand us being provoked into executing ten of them for every one of ours…I do mean the known Islamic convictions, not the majority of decent people trying to be Muslims.
Failing that-surely sending fifty of them back for every conviction we get would also sens a message that we`ve had enough. And decent Muslims would then have to decide whether they`re with us-or with them.
Until we get serious, Islam will only do what Islam is ordained to do. Why complain at a tarantula as your betters stuff one in your tupperware box and sends you down the mines?
“…decent Muslims would then have to decide whether they`re with us-or with them” – very slight alterationn: “…decent Muslims would then have to decide whether they`re with us-or with the Quaran”. That’s the problem and I know from experience what the muslims will choose and it sure ‘aint us………..
Good point G.
But the noose is round their necks more than ours. So give them wriggle room.
I`d say that they need to accept that the likes of Bill Warenr, Robert Spencer, Ayaan Hirsi Ali and all our friends of a similar bent have a bit of scholarship and the best of intentions. And are worth a study-and some proof of their dealing with the evidence, of say a Tom Holland(who is NOT anti-Islam, just a historian).If then they choose to stick with Anjem and the MCB-then they`re with “them” and we`ll have to get them out as jihadists.
Clegg on BBC news saying that if they do not get their way on Brexit, we will not have the same intelligence links with the EU. They wheel that trougher tosser out all the time. They juxtaposed it with images of terror victims. Give us what we want or more people are likely to die. Shameless.
It was the US that gave us the intel on Abedi, that someone in No10 made the explicit decision not to act on.
It wasn t Interplod.
I mean their useless Interpol have told us, it is “indisputable” that up to 5000 Islamic State (ISIS) fighters have entered Europe posing as war-ravaged refugees and they WILL target Britain
… yep early in 2016
Lobbie, I get the impression that Cleggie is a bit desperate perhaps because Tim Farron might be going a little cool on completely reversing Brexit should the LDems have any governmental clout after 8th June.
He’s trying anything and everything to get everyone to think ‘Leave the EU now? No. Bad idea now. Turn around. Stay.’. The BBC appear to be willing collaborators in his mission.
Unfortunately for Cleggie, if one Poll is to be believed (caution – it’s an Opinion Poll) that appeared in The Daily Telegraph (caution – they are broadly Leave supporters) about a third of those who voted Remain now want out of the EU for one reason or another.
That possibility, as you rightly surmise, has fried his brain or what little he had left after 2010-2015.
The “millions” of uses of the EU database – is that the UK registering people or information i.e. is the majority ‘one-way’ from the UK to Europe. I’ll have a small bet that it is. Say no more.
Today is the anniversary of the Restoration, on the 29th May 1660, called Oak-apple Day; let us all hope, for the sake of all Britons living and those yet to be born, that there is a “Restoration” of sane leadership to this country before too long.
I remember being told by my parents that Oak Apple day was still celebrated in schools in the 30s and 40s. Oh how this country has changed! Kids today don’t know much history and certainly not that of their own country .
Very true. The reality is that very few people under 50 know anything at all about our history. It is as if year zero was around 1939.
The majority of teachers are semi literate and should be kept away from children. I do not only blame them. The infiltration of Gramscian ideas from the 60s onwards and a dereliction of duty by parents and grandparents have been major factors.
Spot on Dave S. The teachers (that I remember) in the 50’s and 60’s, looked and dressed as old as our parents did, so we didn’t dare backchat them. From what I’ve seen today, there appears to be little difference in age and dress between the teacher and the 6th Former ! and its laughable to expect respect and discipline from a teacher who dresses like a hobo and has a nose-stud – yes I do know of one like that.
This is very true. Teacher training (sic) was one of the first targets of the invasive Left. I watched contemporaries (already bad enough in some cases, having gone through the bad university courses that were starting to proliferate in the ’60s and ’70s ) undergoing this brainwashing and it was astonishing to see how they turned out.
Go back a bit further and many of my contemporaries went into teaching to get out of National Service – it was one of the few reasons regarded as acceptable at the time, to avoid the 2-year call up.
That was the point at which teaching largely lost its sense of vocation and became politicised – as it has shown ever since.
‘The force said a 23-year-old man was arrested in the coastal town by officers investigating last Monday’s suicide bombing.
The hairdresser of a man who lives at the flat, above a parade of shops in Brunswick Road, said he was training to be a pilot….He told me, but I can’t quite remember what he said, he was from Libya’
Pilot?? I hope this is setting off some alarm bells but I won’t hold my breath.
“In the Nineties, the hold of religion on UK Muslims was reinforced and inflamed by Islamist migrants from the Arab world. “Londonistan” became a hotbed of fundamentalist preachers and terrorists………..Is British foreign policy, as the Corbynites claim, really a cause of terrorism?
I’m still puzzled. Was it our 1980s arming of the muslim Afghans against the Christian Russians or our 1990s bombing of the Christian Serbs on behalf of the muslim Kosovans that so upset muslims they they have no alternative but to murder our children?
A thought –
I wonder if anyone has done an FOI on albeeb to show the religious beliefs of their employees ( or lack of belief in a god ) ?
I was thinking this because al beeb website says “tireless fighter against Catholic sex abuse”.
I can recall a headline about “tireless fighter for Muslim/Jewish/Protestant/Jedi sex abuse “. … maybe it’s only Catholics who do sex abuse eh?
The BBC’s relentless promotion of ‘Green’ politics (that is, Marxism wrapped up in a sugar coating of fluffy bunny nature worship) knows no bounds. Day after day, programmes on both its radio and television networks promote Green ideas, as if they were so axiomatic, so unexceptional that there is no possible reason for anyone to contest them.
You might suppose they would give it a rest during the election campaign when they are supposed to conceal their prejudices (no laughing at the back, please!) but, as former BBC inmate David Keighley reveals on Conservative Woman, the opposite is the case:
I think one think which is sinking in to peoples minds post Manchester is the appalling lack of action which Theresa the appears government has undertaken regarding our safety & Islamic terror since they came to power under Cameron.
They introduced several laws to control Islamic practice yet these were rarely implemented, giving the impression that they were enacted purely to fool the public into thinking something was being done, when in reality nothing was being done.
In the case of Jihadis returning from Syria and estimated 400 (that the government admits to) just one has been subject to TPIMS and I think the lack of prosecutions over FGM has been well documented.
On top of that we have the Home Office still allowing in so called hate preachers the latest one spelling out five ways to murder homosexuals, but have banned a Catholic priest who has been critical of Islam.
It is clear that the Tories do not have the civil service under any kind of control at all, or that they know what is going on and are turning a blind eye.
On the other hand given that the last time Labour were in power the evil triumvirate of Blair Mandelson, and Campbell knowingly allowed several terrorist groups in the UK, plus other terrorists to the extent that Britain became known as ‘Londonistan’. There is good reason to suppose, given Jeremy’s predilection for terrorists that if he is elected he will once again open London up to more overseas terrorists.
I do have a fairly low expectation of Paul Nuttall these days, so his interview with Andrew Neil earlier was not as bad as it might have been. But it`s probably better watched as a study in how not to interview by Neil. Repeats his cliches, quotes other candidates-then sticks to his 38 Degrees topics and refuses to leave them, once answered.
But not before accusing UKIp of being fixated on what he`d just been endlessly regurgitating by way of UKIPs “attention-seeking” policies. Neil really ought to do his homework, was shown up for the blowhard that he is.
Worse moment?
When he reprises the San Quayle/Lloyd Benson moment in 1988 or what have you?
“Senator-you`re no Jack Kennedy” Updated to Paul not being Nigel.
Pathetic Neil.
Reading the transcipt rather than watching the live interview gives a more concise version of Andrew Neil’s bias. He suggested that UKIP was irrelevant far more times than was necessary. I’ve lost a great deal of respect for the man in the last week or so, it’s as if he has sold his soul to the devil. I am not a UKIP supporter at this moment in time.
They still have support taffman – but not in the current political climate. IMHO UKIP, currently, are doing a very good impression of the ‘Muppet Show’.
Farage is a class act – the rest, on exposure to radical thought, come over as disorganised idiots.
I’m a UKIPper but will have to hold my nose and vote Conservative this time. UKIP look weak at the moment and are likely to get a quarter of the votes that they got last time and that only returned one seat. Our only hope for Brexit is May if she is as good as her word. Labour and the Liberal “Democrats” have no intention of allowing it to happen at all so a vote for them is to vote for Remain.
The party might be. Small parties have a rough time in the UK and tend to be fractious. May has stolen UKIP’s clothes or, more likely, she has just borrowed them. I think she’ll hand them back when she’s forced to admit that they don’t suit her.
However, the UKIP mindset is very much alive, and watching. Ukippers like me might lend their votes to the Conservatives to avoid the horrific prospect of Corbyn as PM, but we haven’t changed our priorities. I certainly don’t define myself as a Conservative voter.
I hope it is not too late for UKIP to make an impact in this election.
UKIP may not have acquired many MPs in the last election but they were able to claim they had
4 million voters. With their vote down this time – due to a belief that Treezer will give us Brexit – there will be no basis for a claim that UKIP’s demand for independence has support.
A vote for UKIP might not get you MPs but it adds to the weight of support for Brexit
Here’s Douglas Murray in conversation with Delingpole about his book ‘The strange death of Europe’.
It’s over an hour, but worth listening to, if only to hear Murray laying out his case without constant interruptions from journalists of MSM.
I shall buy this book, and order several extra copies to send to various acquaintances.
You might also find interesting, ‘The Diversity Illusion’ by Ed West (2013). Slightly dated now in terms of the accelerated growth of islam but nevertheless contains solid argument. A copy is in the House of Parliament library and, when I questioned the librarian, I was told that only one MP had withdrawn it to read. Say’s it all I’m afraid – we on our own.
Many thanks for this. Douglas Murray diagnoses the problem brilliantly and I have just bought his book thanks to your post. But even he, at least as far as the pod cast goes, isnt able to come up with any answers as how to stop our civilisation disappearing under the wave of Muslim migrants and those they give birth to in the next twenty years. As Delingpole said the outlook is bleak. Perhaps there are no civilised ways to deal with this existential threat and it will descend into a struggle between liberal democracy , or at least a more muscular version of it than we have seen in recent decades, and Islam.
I do hope that liberal elites , who are in my view solely responsible for this disaster, realise how much blood they have on their hands. But most of them will have passed on before the butchers bill needs to be paid.
The way to deal with it in my opinion is to open up Islam to the kind of mockery, ridicule and scrutiny that the likes of Scientology and Christianity have to contend with.
Church attendance in this country is falling and that’s because it’s hard to defend in the enlighted, internet age.
If comedians can laugh at Scientology, if we can make films about shameful actions by the Church (Philomena, Spotlight) then Islam has to become fair game as well.
There are so many practices and facets within Islam that are laughable, that one could have a field day but unfortunately we protect it (and the insidious evil that lies within) in an attempt to be PC and inclusive whilst not extending the same courtesy to other faiths.
It’s the perfect Trojan horse. They use the very values and PC freedoms that they have such scant regard for to protect their own game plan. It makes you question who is worse – them for exploiting our gullible stupidity or us?
As I often say. The main concern for Scientists and Intellectuals, is BBC Censorship, not fake news. But BBC fake news survives because of ignorance of the real news. Some of the news below has appeared in print in the Daily Mail, and now its appeared on RT.
The fake news about Russia and Trump has the following possible scenario. The Russians hacked the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and then sold the emails to Trumps team, paying the Russians with a cheque? The Trump team then gave the emails to Wikileaks, who released the emails during the election. Democrat voters where so disgusted by what was in the emails, that they voted for Trump. So Trump won. That would fit in with Wikileaks saying that they did not get the emails from the Russians. But then the scenario has now been destroyed by the fact that Wikileaks has said it received the emails from a 27 year old DNC staffer. This staffer is presumed to have been Seth Rich. Wikileaks do not reveal their sources, even if the source has been murdered. Although Assange has gone as far as he can by offering an $20,000 reward for information leading to a conviction, in Rich’s murder.
A new development has emerged regarding Kim Dotcom (Born Kim Schmitz)
offering to provide evidence that the emails were given to Wikileaks by himself and Seth Rich. The evidence is thought to involve the transfer of 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments, spanning from January 2015 to May 2016, transferred to Gavin MacFadyen, director of WikiLeaks in London, before May 21, and WikiLeaks started publishing DNC emails on July 22, 12 days after Rich was murdered. But for some reason, Congress does not seem to show any enthusiasm for evidence it is looking for, but not the evidence it wants.
Apparently, Congress does not need evidence to impeach Trump. Only a majority vote, which could be obtained by a McCarthyism inspired anti-Russian hysteria.
For the FBI to obtain evidence, the scenarios have four possible sources:
(1) Russia: Not possible, because its abroad.
(2) Wikileaks: Not possible, because its abroad.
(3) Trump: Can, but no evidence found after six months.
(4) DNC: Obviously the best source for any evidence of hacking or leaking. But bizarrely, the DNC wont allow the FBI to look for evidence of Russian hacking, for some unknown reason.
Also I am sure that the Clintons are intelligent enough to have no knowledge of any murders done for their benefit. So if the above story was to go Nuclear by being revealed by a Trump tweet. He should not distract the MSM morons, by mentioning any murder. And even if the MSM can stoke up the hysteria needed to impeach Trump, a President Pence and Bernie Sanders inspired investigation into the biggest corruption of democracy in American history, would probably be the only way to prevent a second American Civil War. The MSM/Swamp versus decent Trump/Sanders supporters.
He’s still not listening!
We voted out mainly because of immigration.
Perhaps its time to get rid of the Welsh Assembly. Its a drain on our resources which would be better spent on the NHS. The so called Welsh Government is a large, white, bureaucratic pachyderm.
Rule : When Libmob make an accusation, it mostly turns out that its THEY who are actually doing that
“like arsonists pretending to be firefighters”
Their narrative is “Trump and the Tory Party have mega-clever Facebook tricks to influence voters”
BUT what ONLY comes up In my R4 Facebook Group for me is Labour, Corbyn and Remainer groups being pushed at me (I have Adblock on)
I took 3 different sets of screenshots today, of the 9 images 4 were Corbyn, 3 Remain, and 1 Labour Party. and 1 from a Channel4 HateNotHope show
Here I have masked peoples comments, can you spot what Facebook recommends to me ? 2nd example 3rd example
Serves you right for staying logged in to FaceIDstealer.
Why do you bother with that nonsense. I have an account and get ‘welcomed back’ when I have need to contact someone I need to speak to. You might find me, but don’t expect a response.
Stew, it’s not nice but not a surprise. Look at the mega rich moron who invented it, and what he is suggesting at the moment (universal income) – as Greg Gutfield said, we don’t mind if you write everyone a cheque! It is just propaganda, and they are certainly filtering out stuff that they don’t approve of. Except jihadist material, strangely.
I am on the verge of giving up on it – joined to monitor my teenage son, but he is older now, and I am fed up to the back teeth of receiving old school mates’ labour propaganda. Have blocked many feeds.
BA should probably hire Radio1’s BigWE PR team, cos they managed to play down a death at the festival
It was stuck away at the end of the Radio Humberside news on Monday Morning
Whereas the Hull Daily Mail made more of it and thought the sudden unexplained death of a 21 year old on a bus going into the festival was more news worthy
I didn’t watch the TV leaders’ debate – but no matter, BBC TV crystallises it for me this morning “Theresa May defended her U-turn on Brexit” and Jeremy Corbyn it seems wants to tax big business a little to save our children from “super-sized classes” and from “going to school hungry”
Can’t help but notice the BBC is now in full-on save Corbyn mode
The BBC Breakfast sofa arrives in South Wales and every University don, every Dylan Thomas fan and every nice chap with a Polish bride they happen to bump into reassures us Corbyn’s Labour is resurgent and that people want back into the EU.
And it was crap reporting. Didn’t mention the Health and Safety executive will be investigating and almost certainly prosecuting the zoo for unsafe systems. The police involvement is just as coroners agents. Freak accident? I don’t think so.
The snowflakes who report dont understand the concept of safe systems of work, and risk assessing, negating hazard, or eliminating it.
As they’ve never had a proper job, or a decent education they think ‘accidents’ simply happen.
I hope the HSE take them to the cleaners.
Johnny Morris,
Humphrey Lestocq with Whirligig, Hank and Mexican Pete
Michael Bentine and the Bumblies
Mr Pastry
Hans & Lotte Hass
Armand & Michaela Dennis
and the first of the Soaps….. The Grove Family and the Appleyards
my favourites were Qatermass and the Pit, and A for Andromeda
A few years ago, I was in a junior school and saw a wall full of paintings that the children had done, depicting the jobs their father’s (those that knew of one) did. Several had a a title or description on them which informed the viewers as to the job being illustrated, several containing juvenile spelling mistakes which were left uncorrected. One of the paintings showed a fierman, up a ladder, squirting water on a blazing building and was labeled, “my dads a fireman”, or it had been untill some helpful adult, probably some NQT had crossed out the word man and written person it its place. Couldne’t even use the word fighter, too aggresive probably.
I confess I don’t usually sit watching the news doing a head count, but yesterday’s Manchester commemoration was quite startling I thought. Here we were again; the now obligatory mounds of flowers, candles, heart shaped balloons and the tear stained masses. But…as the cameras scanned the crowds it became uncomfortably clear that everyone there was white. How could this be? Why would this be?
I looked, I really did, trying to see some glimmer of the “unity” meme we keep being fed. I may have spotted one mixed race girl among the throng of weepers, but this event happened in one of the most culturally diverse and enriched cities in Britain. It’s spitting distance from Moss Side.
Well, it’s quite clear what’s happened here, isn’t it? Bloody Islamophobia has prevented those peace loving Muslims from attending. Otherwise, as we all know, they would have been there in their thousands!
I intend to pen an extremely angry letter to The Guardian and The BBC pointing to this outrage. Racism like this has to be exposed. This is a hate crime as far as I’m concerned.
I do hope you are all thoroughly ashamed of yourselves…
Even though it has reached a staggering total of £15,000 in just 8 days (which works out as an impressive £680 per victim) I’m sure it would have raised more but the racist whites must be running the banks and they have been making the credit card transactions fail on purpose.
Listening to the LBC this morning I have been stuck by the utter grasping greed of the baby boomer generation. They are concerned simply with how much the government will give them and care nothing about any of the other issues which concern everyone else.
Brexit is a non issue as is terrorism, despite the distinct possibility that the country might run out of cash & the end up with nothing.
Such a generation of selfish individuals prepared to make no one single sacrifice for the common good or the generation following. No wonder we now see the snowflake generation which is a product of continuing self obsession and personal entitlement.
I think you are seeing two things, The first is a generation brought up under a cradle to grave ‘welfare state’, who have been taught about the wonders of the magic money tree since birth.
However, the second is the perfectly reasonable reaction of people who have been taxed to hell and back all their working lives, wondering where the money went and why the pensions they paid for over and over again are not going to be there.
They’re not going to be there because of the stupid way they voted ! They went on strike after strike after strike and destroyed the countries manufacturing base. They vote to subsidise inefficient and obsolete factories just so they could maintain an illusion of full employment, and eventually after the devaluation of the pound (pound in your pocket) the country went bankrupt and the IMF had to be called in to bail us out. Things got so bad the UK was known as the sick man of Europe precisely because of the Baby Boomers bad attitudes.
They paid their taxes, but they also spent far more than they paid in, and they paid nowhere near enough for the gilt edge index linked pensions which they received often with an early retirement of just 55!
We used to look after our elderly but the Baby Boomers refused to do that and began ‘granny dumping’ their parents for the state to care for, so I’m sorry they have to take the responsibility and pay for their care which the state should not be paying a penny towards. If you have no assets and aren’t working then it should be the offspring of the feckless who are forced to care for them.
So many no working non productive young women in this country who could easily be put to productive use caring for the elderly in return for their benefits.
hmmm what are we saying here ALL 60 to 85 year olds were useless feckless bastards who had everything for nothing and spent their lives on strike , or am i just not picking up on the irony
No Kaiser, but what I am saying is that the baby boomers do not appear able to recognise that their actions were disastrous, and that they need to now limit their expectations. They simply cannot expect me me me to the exclusion of everyone else.
Or maybe you think we should all vote Labour, give the baby boomers what they are demanding, and beggar the consequences ?
Yep, I’m a Baby Boomer, born just after the war. But just want to pick up on the ‘granny dumping’ quote.
Most of the BB generation had parents who DID NOT own their own homes for a start – unlike now where inherited wealth is the ‘norm’. Our parents did not get ‘welfare’, and to be on the dole was considered shameful. My own father had 2 jobs – working at the coal face of a mine, and playing semi-pro football on a Saturday. We did not have holidays, and lived in rented accommodation all their life. He paid his taxes and like most of his generation and mine, we lived hand to mouth each week. They saved up to give us kids presents at Christmas, and that was IT !
He suffered a stroke and because of his disabilities HAD to go into care, with the State taking all of his pension. Had it not been for me providing toiletries, his clothing and other essentials, life would have been pretty grim for him. I do not agree that those with property should subsidise those without when in care, BUT Dad did not drink/gamble his life away, so I take great exception for him to be called ‘Feckless’ by those who are pissed off at not getting a decent inheritance from their elderly parents.
My father died 2 years ago – WW2 Merchant Navy Atlantic Corridor 39-42, Far East 42-45. Torpedoed twice, shrapnel wounded once. No Navy pension after war despite limp.
Started several own businesses, brought up four kids, never asked for anything.
Despite warnings from myself and siblings, he refused to believe that the state could take his house or savings to pay for care that other people got for free.
Managed to make ends meet off renting his house and his savings whilst in a regular care home @ £1200 per month but everything dwindled when he developed full-blown Dementia and specialist home was then £2800 per month.
The Merchant Navy sailors were treated dreadfully. My cousin was a wireless operator and twice had his ship torpedoed. They had their pay stopped the day their ship was sunk, and didn’t get paid again until they had another ship. What a disgraceful way to treat people risking life and limb for their country.
Thinking of what they went through, and looking at the state of our country now, through the actions of an insane political class, makes my blood boil.
The sacrifices of the Merchant Navy during the war have largely been forgotten. I suppose sailing in a ship full of oil or explosives waiting to be torpedoed is not as glamorous as serving in the army or the RAF, but without those supplies the war would have been over in a month.
They were very brave men who were treated shamefully.
“A trustee of the Manchester Islamic Centre, also known as the Didsbury Mosque, told the Press Association it was “likely ” Salman Abedi had attended there.
Fawaz Haffar said while Abedi’s father used to perform the call for prayer at the mosque, one of his brothers had also been a “volunteer “there.
Mr Haffar described the mosque as moderate, modern and … liberal, and said he was a member of an organisation liaising with police”
The MSM still, not only the BBC peddling this “nothing to do with” narrative, the BBC News even has an interview with the “nothing to do with” father too, unbelievable
… Its a Salafist Mosque!, Ramadan Abedi, (who had studied the Quran in Saudi uh oh!), did the call to prayer. … helped out at the mosque with IT support and teaching children???, his other son the volunteer also taught IT and blasting the kids with Arabic!
… I take it that learning about the benefits of an open western culture, sooner the Sh-thole istan, was not on the agenda?
and what IT? opening the children s minds?, expanding their horizons?
… the mind boggles.
This has to be a political decision … thank goodness for social media.
and yet the Panorama program?
“Despite wide reports that Abedi was reported by Didsbury Mosque, the mosque confirmed to Panorama that … he was not”.
But Mr Haffar from the mosque said that one of the mosque’s imams did report three other suspected extremists a year ago … just let that sink in.
We’ve also been told that, Ramadan, was employed in airport security! If this was in the Manchester or anywhere in the UK, just what sort of vetting/background checks (and by whom) are made regarding a person’s suitability or not for employment? Makes one wonder just how many people with the same mind set are employed in positions where a great deal of damage could be done if they should be that way inclined
Also, if Albedi junior was on so many watch lists, FBI, MI5, etc., how did he manage to have little problem flying in and out of Europe and North Africa? What happened to the so called “no fly” lists?
Could daddy or “friends” at the airport have had something to do with it?
Radio Lincs now has the Labour candidate for South Holland on
named Wojciech Kowalewski and with a heavy seemingly Polish accent
Good luck to him, but are Labour serious by selecting a comparatively recent immigrant in a Brexit constituency ..just mentioned he lived in the village 11 years.
(Wonder if he is the retired footballer of the same name)
Ah well “Sitting Tory MP John Hayes, who was re-elected in 2015 with a 59.6 per cent”
Did anyone catch Nick Robinson doing an informal sit down with the public in a closed restaurant discussing May and Corbyn yesterday? I caught the very end of it on the BBC News Channel just before the top of the hour (about 4pm IIRC).
It ended with something like: Nick, “all of you here admire Corbyn for His greatness… say one word each to describe him”
One person need a bit more time to remember the script think.
“God like”
last person said “perfect” to which Robinson replied with a surprised big smile “perfect? perfect that’s interesting”
For anyone at the Al BBC/Liar May/Westminster Swamp … on the “nothing to do with” train over the mass murder of children in Manchester by Salafi Islamic scumbag Salman Abedi … after numerous other examples just recently, especially in Pakistan, Israel or the Islamic State
Oops apologies BBC … we have to say “so called” Islamic State, erm “the perversion”, that has erm “nothing to do with” etc
maybe we should just go back a while
Emma Barnett gets a good kicking in here. To be honest I don’t know much about her but she certainly took Corbyn to the cleaners today on Woman’s Hour. Details on Guido. Paxman on please note : this is what you should have been capable of doing last night .
Ah I was typing at the same time as you
Our Dear Leader – Corbyn was on Woman’s Hour
..LibMob are busy shouting that Emma Barnett was rude to him
…. Rather than celebrating anything he said in the interview.
Problems with Emma Barnett
#1 She is forced on us ..with the 3 Women’s Hour progs being on simultaneously : R4 , Barnett usually on R5 and VDerbyshire on BBC2
#2 EB is the epitome of MetroBubbleworld : her show is full of Right-On issues and virtue signalling stuff that normal people are not interested in.
#3 So Normally when she gets a non-LibMob guest , she plays all the nasty PR tricks, : outrageous accusations, putting word in their mouths, cutting them off, talking over them etc.
So from today’s moans it seems she didn’t do the normal OperationFreeRide4Labour, but gave him some of her sneering.
Goodness me. I am stunned. 1) I actually hadn’t realised just how inept at policy and putting it across Corbyn actually is. 2) The BBC giving anyone on the left a really hard, probing interview. It sounded like Nigel Farage in the firing line.
Paxo, sheesh! constant interruptions on the first, allowing filibustering on the second
(at least the crowd had a good laugh, as Liar dared to mention costing s, they heckled her deceit too)
… and what was that 5 mins of Paxo repeat at the end of that second interview, I thought the bloody tape had froze.
Even funnier is the shameful press gutter this morning, talk about wilful ignorance, it is laughable until you think of its supposed “pull”
… thank goodness for social media
Al BBCs Emma Barnett? oh yes, she will get another kicking too, on here if
…. IF a big IF Liar acquiesces to erm “grant” an interview.
Folks I wouldn t put the bunting out about one slip up on one of those costing s just yet, as they said
last night, at least he has some.
… Not up to it Paxo, ligging for a few quid were you … the cheques in the post.
Totally agree England – its 18 minutes of comedy . I think Corbin s tablets ran out after last night . I cannot believe any politician doing interviews in this campaign would go in without the numbers after d Abbot. When paxo tried a number question on t may last night she scored 10/10.
Corbyns staff must have expected ms Barnet to give him nice friendly questions and he could be that nice doddery old Marxist bloke who supports terrorist groups and spent his life undermining out country .
Please listen to the interview it’s so painful it’s funny .
This is the state of young people today. Full of hate, full of intolerance and determined to stamp out freedom of speech and freedom of thought. The future is bleak if this is all we have to look forward to !
I think the majority of young people have just forgotten or never learned to laugh at things.
When I look back to my teens (early to mid ’80’s), all I remember is us laughing and joking around, having fun and being outside with our friends, learning about life.
Not saying that some of us (I was one) who were politically aware, I was a member of CND during my teens and a great believer in socialism. Growing up, working and getting married softened many of my views, apart from the nuclear one which I am still against.
At 18, I would never been about to write the comment in the MEN, I just wouldn’t have even thought about it. If a bomb had gone off at a Duran Duran concert, my thoughts and those of my generation would’ve been with the families who have lost loved ones and the injured, not mentioning inclusion and all the current politically correct terms.
BCW… that’s because when you were growing up political correctness didn’t exist; and the term ‘offence’ usually meant a criminal act had been committed !! Strange how its ok for today’s generation to show off their t..ts and bums on selfies, and being generally degenerate, and then complain about the Baby Boomers behaving selfishly. Work that one out.
Wow Wow Wow
R4 #WatO just leading with Corbyn has Dianne Abbott moment
(I accidentally had the radio on, cos normally I know to avoid R4 News)
13:10 they are still talking about it
It’s incredible to me that over on the R4 FB discussion, LIbMobbers open 3 different threads right after the interview..and of the 30 comments none of them mentioned Corbyn’s stumbling , they only mentioned Emma Barnett being rude.
My guess is Alistair Campbell didn’t turn up to pull the strings whistle in the secret earpiece etc.
Thus Omninshambles
13:18 They have moved onto criticising May ..claiming shes made a gaff .. no substance it seems
Another Al BBC “gotcha” journo to be honest … that proves nothing essentially.
The press gutter will scrape a bit lower of course, (what s new), Those who did not listen, or won t to the interview will make hay. But, just like last night … if you were not watching, or seeing the reactions of others on social media, would be left with an entirely warped view of what happened on the show
Because not for the first time, the press gutter is doing all it can to prop up the May campaign.
and erm
Being “rude” 😀 … you gotta laugh, no issue for me,
Why so aggressive, who knows? AL Beeb policy? look forward to a Liar interview if that’s the way.
The best laugh was daring to mention economic competence … A Dudd didn t know salary of Police • Gove got immigration figures wrong, the bloody chancellor “walking dead” Hammond got cost of HS2 wrong , balls up on Nat Ins, they ve put us in 1.7 trillion of national debt
The Tories are an economic basket case, don’t know their policies, how many they’ll affect, or how much they’ll cost .. then again that’s never concerned them before.
One thing you can guarantee any of May’s “difficult decisions” will always make life difficult for the low paid, disabled, pensioners, NHS users, school pupils, students, vulnerable and the infirm.
On the World At One, Martha Kearney refers to the shambles at BA as a “catastrophe”.
Next item up is about the Manchester atrocity of last Monday-this was NOT a catastrophe…certainly not now after a week anyway. It was “perpetrated by a young man”.
But not a Muslim eh Martha?
Clearly there`s a downgrading going on-Mancheter will be an event by this time next week.
But any world that rewards Alastir Campbell, and forgets David Kelly in not mine-but that of the Overclass that run the BBC and its little chatty kathys like Martha Kearney.
Such items totally ignored by the BBC –
How long before this kind of news becomes commonplace in the UK. I imagine the Police and Security Services are pretty well pissed-off with the inability of the political class to curb the increase exponentially of islamic issues and its imposition on British lives.
The beauty of the BBC after their boys like Corbyn get a bashing is that they`ll have prepacked all todays news items earlier. Very Blue Peter. So hubby asks why I turn off Mishal as I hear an Irish accent talking to her before the 8am news. I tell him it`ll be either about Corbyn being the father of the Peace Agreement over there…or else some crap about Brexit and border walls or runs on the helicopter in Grosvenor Square clutching that Irish passport that Brexit made them apply for.
Got it banged to rights I did.
Think he`s finally knowing that we`re all attuned to this endless BBC silage and signage.
Or else I`m the new Mystic Meg.
JohnCMar 4, 10:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The answer to all these BBC headlines phrased as questions is always ‘No but we wish it was yes’.
JohnCMar 4, 10:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Nor is it Bowens place to directly call Trump a liar which he has done several times now when he…
vladMar 4, 10:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 In case we didn’t know that Hollywood was sick, they confirmed it last night with movies about a sex worker,…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 2018 … in a country where Islam is 5% of population and Christianity is the dominate religion …. Home Office,…
vladMar 4, 10:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Muslim Teacher Says Muslims MUST CONTROL THE WEST in 50 Years!” With Starmer, Khan and the BBC all rooting for…
Is he a BBC staffer? It worked well for Blue Peter phone-in competitions! 😉
Perhaps a Freedom of Information request to ascertain how much his fee is? That might put the cat among the pigeons.
Don’t think you get a fee for appearing in the audience of Question Time.
I swear that following Brexit and the election of Trump, there’s a highly contagious and undiagnosed ‘stupid’ disease spreading globally.
As I posted earlier this guy is an arrogant shit and on top of that it is proof beyond doubt of the CBB manipulation of news and opinion. They claim that they are balanced and within their charter guidelines.
If we can’t deal with the Islamic debacle surely we can at least get some of the CBB scum to answer and explain themselves to a Royal Commission.
Photo on QT appears in the Express and identifies the guy
“The Question Time audience member Mohammed Ullah, who works as a chaplain in the city’s university and campaigns against Islamophobia,”
He recently deleted a twitter account @muftiullahqc (or at least) hidden)
I pop that into Twitter and that shows me KTHopkins has already nobbled him
And someone has a new image of him on the BBC on “Votes to Leave” day
his Vimeo video
So who would you go to in Manchester if you wanted a quote saying “Hate crime” is rising ? (
>Mohammed Ullah, Muslim chaplain at University of Manchester, said that he had heard reports of a Muslim girl being spat at and another Muslim person being told to “go home”.
#Random Muslim with Victoria Derbyshire June 2016

Found that cos seems someone on May27th has already checked his twitter account before it was deleted/hidden
Thank goodness for social media … he would not be exposed like this otherwise
He s a univ chaplain, who talks islamofauxbia at every opportunity … (shakes head)
Is this the same “peaceful” man?
There are many more but I think I have made the point 🙁
Jeez @Tabs Looks like Mohammed Ullah is the equivalent of Mr Wong in Chinese or Mr Park in Korean.
The last 2 on your list are the same man/incident so you list 4 different Mohammed Ullah, and our #RandomMuslim must be another unconvicted one.
I caught the back end of Victoria Derbyshire’s show this Monday morning.
The half hour I managed was certainly very much left wing biased.
The usual applause for anything labour, silence for UKIP after a constantly interrupted attempt to speak by Suzanne Evans as well as being talked over by thornberry.
Someone mentioned nurses going to foodbanks, no one mentioned nurses starting pay of £21,652 minimum, more in Scotland and thousands more in London.
During the shortage of houses and too few being built, no one mentioned the reason why we need all the extra houses.
We all know why.
What an awful choice we have for the next pm.
Corbyn is plain useless and would be a disaster.
May, who will get in because Brexit is too important to let corbyn negotiate it and will only be elected because she is more for Brexit than corbyn.
I have no faith in her but the alternative is even worse.
Two useless candidates where the choice is to hope we get the least worst.
Does May wear a hijab when meeting Muslims, in Britain too? She should take a lesson from Melania Trump- no head covering, even in Saudi Arabia. And the Saudis were impressed, and a bit scared too.
Treezer has a stock of hijabs as required by an appointee of the Saudis
Here she is getting tough with the community leaders. The piece from Churchill is abridged. I am sure genuine quotes from Churchill might get you done for hate speech.
I am baffled as to why its considered ‘appropriate’ for women ‘dignitaries’ and middle east British journalists to wear a headscarf when meeting or reporting on Islam. Some call it respect for another faith, but there are many (too many) Muslim doctors in our NHS and no white British woman would even consider wearing a headscarf at a consultation. There’d be a bloody uproar if it was imposed upon. There’s the saying ‘when in Rome’, but the Islamic community plough their own furrow regardless of where they are.
If our wimmin have to dress the way the locals do when in Arab countries out of respect to them, then surely logic would mean that Arab wimmin dress as ours do when they come to our country, also out of respect.
At the moment it appears that we have to do what they want in their places and they do what they want in ours.
Win win for them lot.
By the way, did anyone see ‘Lawrence of Asia’ on the tv yesterday.
The truth is that these Arab c…s have zero respect. I have said to myself over and over again that the first thing I would do if going to an Arab country is research what I should do, how I should behave to show respect. I’m surrounded by these women in their sweaty top to toe clothing and it boils me with rage. I see it as an insult and a threat because it shoves their f…..g Islamic ideology in my face. It goes for the men too, their beards and the name Mohammed or Mohamed, I don’t care how you bloody spell it. Everything that they expect and demand from us, they would never never allow if the situation were reveresed. I’ve had a gut full of the whole rotten lousy mess. Screw the CBB, screw the politicians and screw Islam. Oh dear me another moodswing. Quite a strong one.
Further to my post above. I had recent surgery carried out by a Muslim surgeon (and was excellent), it did strike me though, on first and subsequent meetings with him he shied away from shaking my hand. (Being in business most of my life and being of that generation – its what we did !) At first I thought ‘how rude’, but I then realised it was because I was a woman. Was it because we were alone in the consulting room I wondered, because he clearly had no qualms at touching and carving me up when on the operating table !!
Can’t wait until HIGNFY gets hold of this…
Along with hell freezing over if Ian and Paul treasure the chekky.
Is he saying Ramadam? In any event the idea that it is a time when mosques are open to all is not quite right. Tommy Robinson had been turned away from Didsbury mosque yesterday and posted on You Tube about it. Maybe others who live near Didsbury mosque and are not quite so identifiable as Tommy Robinson could test the proposition and report back?
Just a reminder chaps, you do not have to wear a headscarf but it’s a good idea to wash your feet beforehand and wear a decent pair of socks. You will be expected to remove your shoes.
A while ago I posted something from the viewpoint of Muslim women in Indonesia. Maybe our Politicians should see who they are respecting before putting on the PC show .
“Not all Muslims believe that it is a compulsory to wear a headscarf. There are a lot of interpretations about the obligation to wear headscarf for women.Even if they believe it is a compulsory, people still have their rights to live their lives in many ways. When the religion tells you to not lie, some people still lie. It’s also applicable in the case of hijab.
The traditional clothing in Indonesia is without a headscarf. This is how people have lived for ages before the spreading of Islam. When Islam came to Indonesia, the Islamic traditions mixed with the native cultures because the imams who spread Islam in Indonesia do not impose to eliminate the existed traditions at that time.
It is not imposed by the government or any other ‘formal’ institution. Usually, Indonesian women wear headscarf because they want to do so, or their families ask them to wear it. In my case, I wear headscarf because I want to do it. The same thing like why other people want to wear a jeans or a t-shirt. My mother doesn’t wear a headscarf because she doesn’t want to. We believe that religion is voluntary; it shouldn’t be imposed to others.”
I also remember an example of PC gone mad in Dubai.
I was returning from Kuwait at Christmas and had a 15hr stopover in Dubai so I went into the town. In one of the main malls is a Bloomingdales department store. It had Christmas type decorations with “Happy Holidays” but not a word mentioning Christmas. Three shops down was a locally owned toy store. In the window the had a message “Merry Christmas to all our Christian customers”.
This reinforced my opinion on those that get offended on behalf of others without actually asking them is the are offended.
Gb – I’ve never understood this ‘ notional person ‘ who might be upset by something ( like the term Christmas) so people self censor as part of PC. The whole concept seems so confused.
The same with the idea that organisations such as police – must reflect the society in which they work be cause they’ll understand the ‘community ‘ . This makes an assumption that people in a ‘community ‘ are all the same. Same class politics wealth age you names it.
The future ( if there is one) will look back at out times and say “How could they?”
Of course the offence thing only works one way, often towards a certain group. We are not hearing any change of Ramadan, Eid etc to incorporate other beliefs, but Easter, Christmas etc have to be renamed to avoid offence?? and exclusion?? Get real!
Never fear, Loobs!
Round here, they all get the real terms by which we were brought up, so Easter, Christmas, even Whitsun and our term for the Autumn, get aired all the time.
I’m afraid it’s living in those awful communities where they all congregate for some reason or other, and try and imagine being dead.
Admittedly, we live in a peaceful Kent village, so have nothing to do with the squalor other unfortunates have to deal with.
Smug? Me?
Yup – it was my choice.
They’ll catch up with you eventually.
Scro, how long will your peaceful Kent village remain that way?
I too live in a village, but slowly (very slowly) it is starting to change from 20 years ago when I first moved here. My fellow neighbours were mainly ‘white flighters’, but as they say, it only takes one or two to move in first, followed by a housing estate and its goodnight nurse! The ‘white flighters’ are on the move again. Hmmmmmm give it time and we’ll soon see the Shetland Isles being overpopulated !!!
You guys already out number us Manx 2 to 1.
We have around 60,000 English here, you have no idea how i used to resent our culture being taken over by ”foreigners” .. visitors 200,000 a year were great, but turning our countryside into a white kit-house infested mess was soul destroying.
But what can you do ?, ………………….. i’ll tell you, make money out of them, thats what you do, it helps ease the destruction of your surroundings.
Be thankful its only us English you have to worry about !
A while ago I posted something from the viewpoint of Muslim women in Indonesia. Maybe our Politicians should see who they are respecting before putting on the PC show .
“Not all Muslims believe that it is a compulsory to wear a headscarf. There are a lot of interpretations about the obligation to wear headscarf for women.Even if they believe it is a compulsory, people still have their rights to live their lives in many ways. When the religion tells you to not lie, some people still lie. It’s also applicable in the case of hijab.
The traditional clothing in Indonesia is without a headscarf. This is how people have lived for ages before the spreading of Islam. When Islam came to Indonesia, the Islamic traditions mixed with the native cultures because the imams who spread Islam in Indonesia do not impose to eliminate the existed traditions at that time.
It is not imposed by the government or any other ‘formal’ institution. Usually, Indonesian women wear headscarf because they want to do so, or their families ask them to wear it. In my case, I wear headscarf because I want to do it. The same thing like why other people want to wear a jeans or a t-shirt. My mother doesn’t wear a headscarf because she doesn’t want to. We believe that religion is voluntary; it shouldn’t be imposed to others.”
I also remember an example of PC gone mad in Dubai.
I was returning from Kuwait at Christmas and had a 15hr stopover in Dubai so I went into the town. In one of the main malls is a Bloomingdales department store. It had Christmas type decorations with “Happy Holidays” but not a word mentioning Christmas. Three shops down was a locally owned toy store. In the window the had a message “Merry Christmas to all our Christian customers”.
This reinforced my opinion on those that get offended on behalf of others without actually asking them is the are offended.
Not entirely related to BBC bias, but just taking the opportunity to encourage you to check out John Gaunt’s show, if you wish to hear guests, callers and opinions from every spectrum, that the controlled media wouldn’t dare give a platform to.
The BBC will never change, so it’s up to us to change who we listen to.
4 to 6pm weekdays here –
If you miss it, podcasts are here –
Videos concerning daily events on his Twitter page –
How many times have you seen a rabid Muslim been allowed to vent his spleen on the bBC:

1,10,100 times?
Here is how the Muslim Council of Britain reacted when Douglas Murray was allowed to speak on the Sunday Politics Show:
How much do you want to bet the bBC will take note.
For “hugely controversial” read “hugely knowledgeable”.
“In his subsequent interview, Mr Murray asserted that what we needed was ‘less Islam’. He was not sufficiently challenged on this point”.
what we needed was ‘less Islam’ … a statement of perfect clarity,
who wants more Islam? WHO? … outside of Cameron/May/Westminster and the Al BBC?
Ask the ordinary non Islamic people of Manchester, or Rotherham, or Rochdale, or anywhere
this aggressive, insidious, cult of separation and supremacism resides.
“As a recent survey by the YouGov-Cambridge Programme shows, a striking 55 per cent of British voters currently think “there is a fundamental clash between Islam and the values of British society”,
compared with just 22 per cent – little over one in five – who say Islam and British values are “generally compatible”.
Among Tory supporters, this gap increases to 68 per cent who say “clash” versus 17 per cent who think “compatible”.
Ukip supporters look almost unanimous on the issue (89 per cent “clash” versus 4 per cent “compatible”) Half of Labour supporters take the negative view (48 per cent “clash” versus 27 per cent “compatible”)
and Lib Dems are divided (38 per cent “clash” versus 39 per cent “compatible).
Click to access Islam%20and%20British%20values.pdf
“The majority of Britons questioned in a survey believe Islam is not compatible with British values.
The poll also found almost a third of those asked believe Islam is a violent religion and promotes acts of violence in the UK”.
(now … if they surveyed this week?)
These stats are welcome and encouraging, thank you.
In France there is an even greater % , a significant majority, who feel that French culture and Islam are incompatible, yet a majority still voted for Macron rather than Le Pen. In the UK some folks who I expect agree on the incompatibllity issue are likely to vote the Islamophilic Corbyn and for the party that is largely responsible for landing us in this dreadful situation. Why do some people who apparently do see the danger of Islam vote for politician who don’t see it and actively encourage it? It’s a curious phenomenon.
But perhaps the people have not been lulled into the complacent deep sleep that I feared after all. Perhaps a majority have had the Islamic nightmare and have awoken with the realisation that action is urgently needed. But in the UK they have no one to turn to and get behind with their support. Also I expect it is one thing to be able say you think Islam is a problem in a survey but another to openly support any politician who dared to make a public stand on this issue. Anyone who sought to lead those people who think that there is already way too much Islam in our country, would be vilified , attacked , hung out to dry and certainly imprisoned by the authorities with the BBC leading the assault. Their families would also be targeted.
The political establishment and the media are either in thrall to Islam or are scared of confronting it. But if nothing is done soon we will be past the point of no return, if we haven’t already passed it, on the road to an Islamic Europe. In the UK we have no one with the courage of Wilders, Le Penn, Orban etc and our only hope of salvation lies with the voters in those countries who do have such courageous politicians , getting them into power and keeping them there. Then our craven leaders in the UK might just start to confront the threat rather than pander to it.
‘….yet a majority still voted for Macron…’
Knowing how manipulative and single-minded the EU are when it comes to deciding things in their favour, I’d say adding the word ‘apparently’ would not be amiss. Geert Wilders knows the situation, I’m sure.
The MCB runs a mile to debate Robert Spencer, even on radio. But Muslims managed to stop Robert Spencer coming to Britain. Jihadists though have no such problem.
Its so sad it has come to this. Attending concerts or festivals, traveling by air, or even walking in London, Rome, Paris or any major city in the West, has become a dangerous activity. This spirit is the very heart of Western civilisation.
Islam is destroying this very heart of Western culture and civilisation. And they are a mere 10% at most of the population at the moment.
What in the next decade? The monuments may be still there, but will there be anything spiritual left to destroy. Would the monuments be like the pyramids – the structure is standing, but the spirit that made the people attend the concerts, will have died.
“Separation” is the only answer, to not only safeguard our civilisation, but to prevent attacks within.
“hugely controversial” ??? on Islam .. not outside the BBC, MSM, or No10.
… mainstream and growing, to the public, for Islam … “the parties over”
Mass Murdering Children? … the last straw ( No10 couldn t hide it )
The government is going to get it, anger isn t going away, its growing
… unless proactive steps are taken?
Expect much more MSM Islamowhining, and more of Liar Mays political policing
Islamic child rape gangs? if social media was around eh
NCBBC … this ones for you 😀
The last time R Spencer was on the BBC,
Nihal tried to set him up as an Islamofauxbe,
by bringing an Imam in on their conversation
Muslim logic is as twisted as their religion.
In a single-sect muslim majority country, honour killings and other forms of violence
sanctioned by the koran predominate. I don’t think this every gets classified as terrorism.
There are terrorist attacks on non-muslim minorities, should they not have already been eliminated.
In multi-sect muslim majority countries you have muslim terrorist bombings, mass shootings, etc. on rival muslim sects and muslim terrorist attacks on nonmuslims.
In non-muslim countries with the lowest muslim populations, you get the fewest muslim terror attacks.
Japan, Poland, Hungary, for example. Have there been any muslim terror attacks in Japan? The only case that comes to mind are two students from Hokkaido university who went to Syria to fight for ISIS. They were converted by a japanese professor who had converted many years previously.
It just goes to show how ridiculous the idea of “radicalisation” via the internet is. Millions of japanese have full access to ISIS propaganda on the internet, yet none have been “radicalised” or, as we should say, become fervent converts. I suppose there are millions of Indian nonmuslims who could be reached by ISIS propaganda. If it was just a random process, due to some psychological pathology, you would expect, at least a couple of thousand Indian converts to have gone off to Syria to fight for ISIS.
You can’t be a murdering muslim unless you are born muslim or become a muslim convert.
In essence, it is a cult encouraging perpetual war, either on the kuffar, non believer or itself. Wherever islam is, war prevails. War is synonymous with islam. It is totally indivisible. Hence the lack of interest of muslims resident in the civilised world to atrocities carried out in their cult’s name because it has been and is and will remain the fundamental feature of islam so we have to (?) get used to it because it is the norm for them. So the likes of Emir Khan of Londonistan et al. has ‘get used to it’ right.
Oh, and by the way, Saudi Arabia finances more terrorism worldwide than Iran. Bin Laden? One of the richest Saudi families – Who ploughs millions of Dollars into Europe to build mosques? Who is a major financier of universities and mosques in the UK? Who invests £60 Billion in the UK? Who massively ($117 billion) underwrites the US Debt? Who is behind the scenes manipulating US Politics – ? Political influence in the UK? Deep secret. (but our gut instincts should be followed…….).
I imagine that if the truth be told, some of our political elite are already converts to islam thanks to Saudi Arabia. That’s why the UK turns, pretty well, a blind-eye to the growth of islam in the UK.
‘If there is anything we muslims can do to combat this we should proactively look into it.’
What a good idea. How about a bomb? Or a lorry, they seem to work. Always a knife or two……
Or a fatwa from a religious authority representing “true” islam. Anyone who insults the prophet usually needs 24/7 police protection or ends up murdered, yet adherents of a perversion of islam cause no reaction, when they reside amongst the “good” Muslims of say, Molenbeek or Manchester.
Good post, Pounce. Thanks.
They probably will take note and grovel because they will neither know (or could make an educated guess) at the BBC at which eastern European countries have a significant Muslim population and will certainly not be bothered to go and do some research. They will probably just ‘ban’ Douglas Murray from the BBC instead.
He could have been a little more careful with his language, perhaps, although in a clip that I saw on here, he was just emphasising the eastern European countries that had had little or no trouble with Muslim terrorism as being Poland, the Czech republic and Hungary. Poland’s population alone dwarfs the total populations of the majority Muslim countries of Albania and Kosovo and Bosnia added together and that total of their populations would have a significant non-Muslim element. Bosnia is only half Muslim, for example.
Methinks Mr Khan doth protest too much.
I saw the Murray piece and thought it was excellent.
We do need less Islam, we need Islam to be mocked in the same way that Scientology or Christianity is and we need to be reminded that Islam in it’s current form is simply not compatible with the West.
Not a chance. The BBC is a defender of free speech. One of the reasons why its so important to our society.
I note that You and Yours are trawling for “your stories” in regard of “social care”. This is for tomorrow-so let that imagination soar, and phone in to Auntie Winnie for a bitchfest-then expect local BBC outlets to collate the biggest “hard cases” and feed them to Dianne and Lady Nugee…”all in the best possible taste” of course.
Be good to collate this new found interest in “social care” on all BBC platforms and news shows…seems to have been a non-issue since Dilnot…but hey, that was before the Tories slipped up over the subject.
Timeline graph required-but we all KNOW what the BBC are trawling for. Tomorrows headlines and Labours battleplans until June 8th. But why are we being made to fund their research and weapons?
I myself might find an old lady called Jennifer and return to the battle of Jennifers ear.Lie through her deaf aid for Labours BBC local newsdesks..and then reveal that I can lie better than they can.
Until then, let`s be aware of the lazy lying lollards of the Left using old folk for a few days until they can think of another shade of shit to spout. As for security and the end of any army and police under Corbyn, and too many Muslims in Slough or Boston?…well You and Yours will not be looking at any of THAT..will they?
I know that a few of you faint hearted types are still worried about terrorist attacks. There’s no need to be. Put your minds at rest!
There was a piece on the BBC news last night from Manchester. There were loads of folks mostly white and mainly youngsters and they seem to think they’ve got it licked.
Firstly you get a group together in the street and you then start singing about “togetherness” and “unity” and then someone preaches about “inclusiveness” for an hour and tells us not to be “judgemental.” .Simples!
After that, you converge en mass on a tattoo parlour and have a bee tattooed on a part of your anatomy; anywhere you fancy. I’m not overly keen on tattoos but if it’s going to stop terrorism…
They then interviewed a lion hearted young fellow (really this chap made you proud to be British, the old bulldog spirit!) who was courageously undergoing this procedure. It was informative. He said, “Yeh, it’s like for…” he seemed a little confused, perhaps it was the cannabis, but he gamely continued. “It’s like a symbol like….um, it symbolises…” I thought he had reached an impasse before his face brightened and he almost shouted, “UNITY!”
So, there you have it. Bit of singing. Bit of preaching. Tattoo of an insect on your arm. Job done!
I’m seriously considering having a giant tarantula tattooed on my Arris. Not only will I be helping to stop terrorism it’ll be a nice little treat for the missus.
No need to thank me…
BBC News headlines out to Moss Side-line us all with a whole Range of Whallies pointing fingers at M15
But you suggest any actual move against the X-1,000 persons of interest on our watch lists who have not yet broken the law in any explosive way and you’ll have an entire heap of liberal ire down on your head.
Channel 4 has a licence to grill and Snow, Jon Snow’s liberal panties are pinko not starched a millennium before his fantasy distopian namesake started his neverending night’s watch defending our liberal walls from horrors and barbarians – or not
Golden moment from the neighbour who said “We knew they were Libyans, but we took their parcels in….”
Hey, Ethel, that man next door has been on bloody ebay again – look at this thing, cluttering up our hallway – too big for his letterbox and postmarked Benghazi…
Ah, I hear the sound of the English suburbs
And to think, John Noaks not yet peacefully at rest under a rosebush
We all know how they manipulate audiences on programmes like Question Time, but I am increasingly beginning to wonder if supposedly random callers in to programmes like Five Live could be stooges. A woman was on the day after Manchester saying how the rise of the far right must have alienated the bomber – surely that was just too on-message and 99.99% of people would not think like that.
After Trump and Brexit I think of the Beeb less as Auntie and more of the Schizophrenic, violent uncle who had just been sectioned. They are out of control; a dazed boxer on the ropes swinging wildly.
As we have troops on the street I am sure the liberal tyrants like the BBC will be implementing equally extreme measures to maintain their power. The gap between the real world and the fantasy utopia they try to project is becoming farcically wide – like 1984 on stilts. They tell us what news is fake? Who do they think they are, the Ministry of Truth?
‘callers in to programmes like Five Live could be stooges’
It’s more than possible and I wouldn’t put it past them
However, the BBC audience is self-selecting. As they pump out the left-liberal diet so those with conservative views are increasingly alienated and switch off.
That’s my conclusion too. Probably a bit of self-selection by the tealight brigade combined with the BBC’s ‘researchers’ acting as a filter to exclude anyone with unapproved views.
BBC appear to be in full on error mode, supposedly just like a BA IT system at Heathrow, this weekend. Cannot remember which programme removed Sunbury on Thames in Surrey from west (or west-south-west, if you want to be picky) London and shifted it into Sarf London. Think it may have been BBC’s R4 Sunday programme.
Then today, the radio news broadcasts are now carrying news of the death of John Noakes. He is described as the longest serving presenter of BBC 1 TV’s Blue Peter. Except, I don’t think he was. Valerie Singleton has that honour, does she not? John Noakes was definitely the longest serving male presenter. Funny that the BBC in full Womens Liberation-mode should get that one wrong.
Then there is the current relief from Jeremy Bowen’s self and PA-serving memoir: Bettany Hughes is back with voice in good fettle to discover what we should do with our time, between 1.45pm and 1.49pm on weekdays. Unfortunately she talks to a scientist, Carlo Ravelli, and asks about time in space but is not sharp enough to point out that the scientist does not really know what he is talking about. Bettany, a historian from tertiary education MUST have done SOME science at secondary level and know that we measure time by the rotation of our planet, although some quartz crystals can be quite helpful in this. Maybe the ones in her wristwatch or the BBC studio clock were a bit loose?
What should we do with our time?
Probably not listening to BBC Radio or, at least, not believing what you hear on BBC Radio would be a good start.
I must go and weed the compost heap or something similar. A far more productive use of Bank Holiday weekend time.
What Peter of the BBC house journal does not realise is that once I become of an age where the BBC licence is supposedly a gift, I would not feel terribly inspired to accept it. Assuming the BBC exists at all.
Despite today’s fashionably mawkish songs, silences and candles there can be nobility in the Christian response, and no better illustration than ‘A Song for Marion’ repeated tonight on BBC2 and well worth watching. The harrowing story of one victim of the 7/7 tube bomb, it is a lesson in humanity, culminating in the beauty of a funeral service that puts the ululating garbage of islam into proper perspective. Perhaps the most surprising aspect is that it was conceived and created by the BBC.
Some years ago I visited the Blue Mosque in Istanbul, supposedly a triumph of Islamic spiritual architecture. It was before today’s commonplace atrocities and my attitude to muslims had not crystalised – and yet even then I saw it simply as a vast and very, very empty space, a visual metaphor for a religion with no real meaning, only its messages of subjugation, hatred and negativity.
…. vast and very, very empty space…..
Likewise the extremely large mosque in Casablanca. A King’s ransom to build, while much of the population live in abject poverty; reminded me of the opulence of the churches in the Catholic faith eg South America, whilst the congregation scratch around to put food on the table. Religion at its best.
Also via the ever worthwhile ITTB:
As a science expert, it would be fascinating to discover from Rog the Dodge quite what it takes for a mutated BBC gene to be identified, much less excised, in the name of impartiality.
Expect the BBC to be all over this:
‘Inebriated’ British men arrested after pedestrians mowed down and baby injured in Spanish resort of Puerto Banus
Sorry Al BBC
… Its not working
BBC News – Manchester today
Manchester Attack -(note – not Islamic mass murder?, not Islamic Terror murders? BBC?)
Blindfolded Muslim man offers hugs
A blindfolded Muslim man has offered hugs to passers-by in Manchester city centre in … social experiment.
… hope he wasn t wearing a coat , just slightly too big for him.
BBC News – Manchester attack: Hate crime ‘doubles’ after incident
BBC News – “We feel the same upset and anger.” Muslims in peace walk
“A man said he joined to walk to show … “We re suffering as well as everybody else in Manchester, and throughout the world”.
BBC News – A gathering of imams took place at 15:00 in St Ann’s Square, Manchester
BBC News – Manchester attacks: Election campaigning is “too soon’
… Not for Liar May, sorry folks “haven t you had a cup of tea” ?
she wants a power grab, every time I think she s hit the bottom of the barrel
… what s that scraping?
Kelly, it is “too soon” to restart campaigning.
“I think it’s become all about this. I think it’s become all about religion and I think they should hold off a bit longer.
“It’s become too personal.”
Donna agrees that people are”just not ready”.
“People are still reeling from all this. It’s the last thing on anybody’s mind.
“People have died. People are angry about it, they’re making the wrong choices because they’re angry.
James and Danielle Yates arrived in Manchester from the West Midlands alongside more than 100 other bikers to “pay tribute” to the victims of the attack.
James, 35, said it felt “very soon” to start campaigning again.
John, There are other things to be doing than thinking about politics at the minute.
“I don’t think it’ll change anything in the election campaign, [but] let people get over it a bit first.
…as a mark of respect Corbyn lays wreath on the grave of the Palestinian terrorists who planned and led the attack at the Munich Olympics killing 11 Israeli athletes…
Our tolerance let Islamist enemy within thrive
In the Nineties, the hold of religion on UK Muslims was reinforced and inflamed by Islamist migrants from the Arab world. “Londonistan” became a hotbed of fundamentalist preachers and terrorists, plotting attacks in France and the Middle East. This influx of Islamist radicals feels no gratitude or loyalty. For second-generation British Arabs like Salman Abedi, Britain is a running dog of the great American Satan and its Jewish client state and is therefore a legitimate target.
Is British foreign policy, as the Corbynites claim, really a cause of terrorism? No doubt British involvement in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya figures prominently in propaganda. But there isn’t a shred of evidence to suggest that British withdrawal from such conflict zones would make an iota of difference to the enemy within.
The tolerance, secularism and liberalism that have allowed entry to such Islamist groups makes Britain a target, whatever its foreign policy. The diverse populations of cities such as London, Manchester and Birmingham are the product of a millennium in which Britain was the most culturally curious, adventurous and welcoming country in the world. The Islamist vipers in our bosom are the inevitable price of being both a global player and a tolerant, open society. No change in foreign policy can alter that reality.
I’m looking forward to seeing this on al Beebus sometime never.
Thanks for the post Al
One of the many problems is that people who are not directly affected by these horrors forget quickly . Yes they are upset, yes they are sad , yes something must be done- but then ” I’ve got my life to lead – not really my problem”. The end result of this is for Islamic terrorists to up the ante – bigger bombs – more dead .-al beeb is more than complicit in this .
Too many people afraid of upsetting the ‘ community’. What fools we are
Most of the societal problems which Britain and the West face are not complicated to solve, though to implement and execute those solutions will be difficult.
The remedy to the existential problem of Islam in Britain and on the Continent is this:
Every single Muslim should be expelled from every single European country: no exceptions.
The current governments of Britain and the West would see this as utterly indefensible as a strategy and completely beyond the pale.
In the next twenty years or so that will change, along with many of the policies of the parties which make up these governments; if they do not, then new parties will arise to replace them and form governments.
On a different note, it is not easy to go against your own community by pointing out things they don’t want to hear. Friends don’t want to invite you over anymore as you “spoil ” the party. Being outspoken and going “against the flow” though, has never been more necessary than it is today because of years of brainwashing from the BBC. Sometime it is simpler just to send them a short youtube eg to counter Jeremy Bowen’s history of the Middle East and hope they watch it.
Lynette, thank you for posting that.
The problem is, when it comes to my liberal “friends” If I try to put forward the idea that Jews deserve to exist harassment-free on this planet. They usually end up calling me a liar & a neo-nazi.
Lynette, thank you for posting that.
The problem is, when it comes to my liberal “friends” If I try to put forward the idea that Jews deserve to exist harassment-free on this planet. They usually end up calling me a liar & a neo-nazi.
Yes L and L, its always a tough call when trying to talk about this with friends. I love my friends dearly, but, I’ve discovered that A) most don’t have an opinion one way or t’other, B) don’t have enough knowledge to debate the problem, or C) have a ‘live and let live as long as it doesn’t interfere with my life’ attitude
Fight fire with fire.
Any Muslim would understand us being provoked into executing ten of them for every one of ours…I do mean the known Islamic convictions, not the majority of decent people trying to be Muslims.
Failing that-surely sending fifty of them back for every conviction we get would also sens a message that we`ve had enough. And decent Muslims would then have to decide whether they`re with us-or with them.
Until we get serious, Islam will only do what Islam is ordained to do. Why complain at a tarantula as your betters stuff one in your tupperware box and sends you down the mines?
“…decent Muslims would then have to decide whether they`re with us-or with them” – very slight alterationn: “…decent Muslims would then have to decide whether they`re with us-or with the Quaran”. That’s the problem and I know from experience what the muslims will choose and it sure ‘aint us………..
Good point G.
But the noose is round their necks more than ours. So give them wriggle room.
I`d say that they need to accept that the likes of Bill Warenr, Robert Spencer, Ayaan Hirsi Ali and all our friends of a similar bent have a bit of scholarship and the best of intentions. And are worth a study-and some proof of their dealing with the evidence, of say a Tom Holland(who is NOT anti-Islam, just a historian).If then they choose to stick with Anjem and the MCB-then they`re with “them” and we`ll have to get them out as jihadists.
I put most of this info up last week, after the BBC s proclaimations of peace etc , and erm shock, news conference at this
… yes Salafi mosque.
But I m really liking this guys newsfeed, real facts, real news and no B/S
Clegg on BBC news saying that if they do not get their way on Brexit, we will not have the same intelligence links with the EU. They wheel that trougher tosser out all the time. They juxtaposed it with images of terror victims. Give us what we want or more people are likely to die. Shameless.
And they have such a tremendous record for dealing with Islamic terrorism on the continent, haven’t they?
It was the US that gave us the intel on Abedi, that someone in No10 made the explicit decision not to act on.
It wasn t Interplod.
I mean their useless Interpol have told us, it is “indisputable” that up to 5000 Islamic State (ISIS) fighters have entered Europe posing as war-ravaged refugees and they WILL target Britain
… yep early in 2016
Beeb Brother – I don’t think that the words “Clegg” and “intelligence” go together very well.
Lobbie, I get the impression that Cleggie is a bit desperate perhaps because Tim Farron might be going a little cool on completely reversing Brexit should the LDems have any governmental clout after 8th June.
He’s trying anything and everything to get everyone to think ‘Leave the EU now? No. Bad idea now. Turn around. Stay.’. The BBC appear to be willing collaborators in his mission.
Unfortunately for Cleggie, if one Poll is to be believed (caution – it’s an Opinion Poll) that appeared in The Daily Telegraph (caution – they are broadly Leave supporters) about a third of those who voted Remain now want out of the EU for one reason or another.
That possibility, as you rightly surmise, has fried his brain or what little he had left after 2010-2015.
The “millions” of uses of the EU database – is that the UK registering people or information i.e. is the majority ‘one-way’ from the UK to Europe. I’ll have a small bet that it is. Say no more.
Today is the anniversary of the Restoration, on the 29th May 1660, called Oak-apple Day; let us all hope, for the sake of all Britons living and those yet to be born, that there is a “Restoration” of sane leadership to this country before too long.
I’m afraid we need more of an Oliver Cromwell than a Charles II.
GC – I would have either of them any day over all of the tergiversators who currently “lead” our country.
I remember being told by my parents that Oak Apple day was still celebrated in schools in the 30s and 40s. Oh how this country has changed! Kids today don’t know much history and certainly not that of their own country .
“Kids today don’t know much history and certainly not that of their own country .”
“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” George Orwell
Very true. The reality is that very few people under 50 know anything at all about our history. It is as if year zero was around 1939.
The majority of teachers are semi literate and should be kept away from children. I do not only blame them. The infiltration of Gramscian ideas from the 60s onwards and a dereliction of duty by parents and grandparents have been major factors.
Spot on Dave S. The teachers (that I remember) in the 50’s and 60’s, looked and dressed as old as our parents did, so we didn’t dare backchat them. From what I’ve seen today, there appears to be little difference in age and dress between the teacher and the 6th Former ! and its laughable to expect respect and discipline from a teacher who dresses like a hobo and has a nose-stud – yes I do know of one like that.
This is very true. Teacher training (sic) was one of the first targets of the invasive Left. I watched contemporaries (already bad enough in some cases, having gone through the bad university courses that were starting to proliferate in the ’60s and ’70s ) undergoing this brainwashing and it was astonishing to see how they turned out.
Go back a bit further and many of my contemporaries went into teaching to get out of National Service – it was one of the few reasons regarded as acceptable at the time, to avoid the 2-year call up.
That was the point at which teaching largely lost its sense of vocation and became politicised – as it has shown ever since.
“The majority of teachers are semi literate and should be kept away from children.” – Never has a truer word ever been said.
And don’t forget this
In Yorkshire it was still celebrated in the early sixties
”Scientists find that smoking harms livers of unborn babies”
And as it’s something bad the stock image used shows a ‘white’ woman
Not bBBC but – anyone else worried about this?:
‘The force said a 23-year-old man was arrested in the coastal town by officers investigating last Monday’s suicide bombing.
The hairdresser of a man who lives at the flat, above a parade of shops in Brunswick Road, said he was training to be a pilot….He told me, but I can’t quite remember what he said, he was from Libya’
Pilot?? I hope this is setting off some alarm bells but I won’t hold my breath.
29 May 2017
”Thousands of drivers caught despite mobile crackdown”
Driving and using a phone is bad – cue a stock photo of a ‘white’ person…
“In the Nineties, the hold of religion on UK Muslims was reinforced and inflamed by Islamist migrants from the Arab world. “Londonistan” became a hotbed of fundamentalist preachers and terrorists………..Is British foreign policy, as the Corbynites claim, really a cause of terrorism?
I’m still puzzled. Was it our 1980s arming of the muslim Afghans against the Christian Russians or our 1990s bombing of the Christian Serbs on behalf of the muslim Kosovans that so upset muslims they they have no alternative but to murder our children?
you forgot the crusades …
“they they have no alternative but to murder our children?”
A 1400 year old tradition, in accordance with the Koran, their course book.
It’s also known as “Taking Over Countries for Dummies”. Available on Amazon and Kindle. Lots of pictures.
A thought –
I wonder if anyone has done an FOI on albeeb to show the religious beliefs of their employees ( or lack of belief in a god ) ?
I was thinking this because al beeb website says “tireless fighter against Catholic sex abuse”.
I can recall a headline about “tireless fighter for Muslim/Jewish/Protestant/Jedi sex abuse “. … maybe it’s only Catholics who do sex abuse eh?
The BBC’s relentless promotion of ‘Green’ politics (that is, Marxism wrapped up in a sugar coating of fluffy bunny nature worship) knows no bounds. Day after day, programmes on both its radio and television networks promote Green ideas, as if they were so axiomatic, so unexceptional that there is no possible reason for anyone to contest them.
You might suppose they would give it a rest during the election campaign when they are supposed to conceal their prejudices (no laughing at the back, please!) but, as former BBC inmate David Keighley reveals on Conservative Woman, the opposite is the case:
I think one think which is sinking in to peoples minds post Manchester is the appalling lack of action which Theresa the appears government has undertaken regarding our safety & Islamic terror since they came to power under Cameron.
They introduced several laws to control Islamic practice yet these were rarely implemented, giving the impression that they were enacted purely to fool the public into thinking something was being done, when in reality nothing was being done.
In the case of Jihadis returning from Syria and estimated 400 (that the government admits to) just one has been subject to TPIMS and I think the lack of prosecutions over FGM has been well documented.
On top of that we have the Home Office still allowing in so called hate preachers the latest one spelling out five ways to murder homosexuals, but have banned a Catholic priest who has been critical of Islam.
It is clear that the Tories do not have the civil service under any kind of control at all, or that they know what is going on and are turning a blind eye.
On the other hand given that the last time Labour were in power the evil triumvirate of Blair Mandelson, and Campbell knowingly allowed several terrorist groups in the UK, plus other terrorists to the extent that Britain became known as ‘Londonistan’. There is good reason to suppose, given Jeremy’s predilection for terrorists that if he is elected he will once again open London up to more overseas terrorists.
I do have a fairly low expectation of Paul Nuttall these days, so his interview with Andrew Neil earlier was not as bad as it might have been. But it`s probably better watched as a study in how not to interview by Neil. Repeats his cliches, quotes other candidates-then sticks to his 38 Degrees topics and refuses to leave them, once answered.
But not before accusing UKIp of being fixated on what he`d just been endlessly regurgitating by way of UKIPs “attention-seeking” policies. Neil really ought to do his homework, was shown up for the blowhard that he is.
Worse moment?
When he reprises the San Quayle/Lloyd Benson moment in 1988 or what have you?
“Senator-you`re no Jack Kennedy” Updated to Paul not being Nigel.
Pathetic Neil.
Reading the transcipt rather than watching the live interview gives a more concise version of Andrew Neil’s bias. He suggested that UKIP was irrelevant far more times than was necessary. I’ve lost a great deal of respect for the man in the last week or so, it’s as if he has sold his soul to the devil. I am not a UKIP supporter at this moment in time.
Despite their lack of MPs, UKIP got us the Brexit vote.
They are VERY relevant and long may they continue.
They still have support taffman – but not in the current political climate. IMHO UKIP, currently, are doing a very good impression of the ‘Muppet Show’.
Farage is a class act – the rest, on exposure to radical thought, come over as disorganised idiots.
PS. I voted for them in the last 3 elections.
What’s the alternative?
Labour and its un-electables ?
Damage limitation. UKIP are a ‘busted flush’. I don’t fancy UKSSR under Corbyn/Sturgeon.
Suggestions please taffman.
I’m a UKIPper but will have to hold my nose and vote Conservative this time. UKIP look weak at the moment and are likely to get a quarter of the votes that they got last time and that only returned one seat. Our only hope for Brexit is May if she is as good as her word. Labour and the Liberal “Democrats” have no intention of allowing it to happen at all so a vote for them is to vote for Remain.
“UKIP are a ‘busted flush’.”
The party might be. Small parties have a rough time in the UK and tend to be fractious. May has stolen UKIP’s clothes or, more likely, she has just borrowed them. I think she’ll hand them back when she’s forced to admit that they don’t suit her.
However, the UKIP mindset is very much alive, and watching. Ukippers like me might lend their votes to the Conservatives to avoid the horrific prospect of Corbyn as PM, but we haven’t changed our priorities. I certainly don’t define myself as a Conservative voter.
I hope it is not too late for UKIP to make an impact in this election.
UKIP may not have acquired many MPs in the last election but they were able to claim they had
4 million voters. With their vote down this time – due to a belief that Treezer will give us Brexit – there will be no basis for a claim that UKIP’s demand for independence has support.
A vote for UKIP might not get you MPs but it adds to the weight of support for Brexit
“I hope it is not too late for UKIP to make an impact in this election.”
It probably will, in a subtle way.
I think of UKIP as a movement more than a party.
Here’s Douglas Murray in conversation with Delingpole about his book ‘The strange death of Europe’.
It’s over an hour, but worth listening to, if only to hear Murray laying out his case without constant interruptions from journalists of MSM.
I shall buy this book, and order several extra copies to send to various acquaintances.
I’ve bought it for my Kindle – it is an excellent read, and so obviously correct. And the Dellers interview was very good, too.
I thoroughly recommend it.
You might also find interesting, ‘The Diversity Illusion’ by Ed West (2013). Slightly dated now in terms of the accelerated growth of islam but nevertheless contains solid argument. A copy is in the House of Parliament library and, when I questioned the librarian, I was told that only one MP had withdrawn it to read. Say’s it all I’m afraid – we on our own.
Many thanks for this. Douglas Murray diagnoses the problem brilliantly and I have just bought his book thanks to your post. But even he, at least as far as the pod cast goes, isnt able to come up with any answers as how to stop our civilisation disappearing under the wave of Muslim migrants and those they give birth to in the next twenty years. As Delingpole said the outlook is bleak. Perhaps there are no civilised ways to deal with this existential threat and it will descend into a struggle between liberal democracy , or at least a more muscular version of it than we have seen in recent decades, and Islam.
I do hope that liberal elites , who are in my view solely responsible for this disaster, realise how much blood they have on their hands. But most of them will have passed on before the butchers bill needs to be paid.
The way to deal with it in my opinion is to open up Islam to the kind of mockery, ridicule and scrutiny that the likes of Scientology and Christianity have to contend with.
Church attendance in this country is falling and that’s because it’s hard to defend in the enlighted, internet age.
If comedians can laugh at Scientology, if we can make films about shameful actions by the Church (Philomena, Spotlight) then Islam has to become fair game as well.
There are so many practices and facets within Islam that are laughable, that one could have a field day but unfortunately we protect it (and the insidious evil that lies within) in an attempt to be PC and inclusive whilst not extending the same courtesy to other faiths.
It’s the perfect Trojan horse. They use the very values and PC freedoms that they have such scant regard for to protect their own game plan. It makes you question who is worse – them for exploiting our gullible stupidity or us?
As I often say. The main concern for Scientists and Intellectuals, is BBC Censorship, not fake news. But BBC fake news survives because of ignorance of the real news. Some of the news below has appeared in print in the Daily Mail, and now its appeared on RT.
The fake news about Russia and Trump has the following possible scenario. The Russians hacked the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and then sold the emails to Trumps team, paying the Russians with a cheque? The Trump team then gave the emails to Wikileaks, who released the emails during the election. Democrat voters where so disgusted by what was in the emails, that they voted for Trump. So Trump won. That would fit in with Wikileaks saying that they did not get the emails from the Russians. But then the scenario has now been destroyed by the fact that Wikileaks has said it received the emails from a 27 year old DNC staffer. This staffer is presumed to have been Seth Rich. Wikileaks do not reveal their sources, even if the source has been murdered. Although Assange has gone as far as he can by offering an $20,000 reward for information leading to a conviction, in Rich’s murder.
A new development has emerged regarding Kim Dotcom (Born Kim Schmitz)
offering to provide evidence that the emails were given to Wikileaks by himself and Seth Rich. The evidence is thought to involve the transfer of 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments, spanning from January 2015 to May 2016, transferred to Gavin MacFadyen, director of WikiLeaks in London, before May 21, and WikiLeaks started publishing DNC emails on July 22, 12 days after Rich was murdered. But for some reason, Congress does not seem to show any enthusiasm for evidence it is looking for, but not the evidence it wants.
Apparently, Congress does not need evidence to impeach Trump. Only a majority vote, which could be obtained by a McCarthyism inspired anti-Russian hysteria.
For the FBI to obtain evidence, the scenarios have four possible sources:
(1) Russia: Not possible, because its abroad.
(2) Wikileaks: Not possible, because its abroad.
(3) Trump: Can, but no evidence found after six months.
(4) DNC: Obviously the best source for any evidence of hacking or leaking. But bizarrely, the DNC wont allow the FBI to look for evidence of Russian hacking, for some unknown reason.
Also I am sure that the Clintons are intelligent enough to have no knowledge of any murders done for their benefit. So if the above story was to go Nuclear by being revealed by a Trump tweet. He should not distract the MSM morons, by mentioning any murder. And even if the MSM can stoke up the hysteria needed to impeach Trump, a President Pence and Bernie Sanders inspired investigation into the biggest corruption of democracy in American history, would probably be the only way to prevent a second American Civil War. The MSM/Swamp versus decent Trump/Sanders supporters.
He’s still not listening!
We voted out mainly because of immigration.
Perhaps its time to get rid of the Welsh Assembly. Its a drain on our resources which would be better spent on the NHS. The so called Welsh Government is a large, white, bureaucratic pachyderm.
‘Our’ Carwyn makes the ‘Welsh Windbag’ sound like a philosopher.
This is aside from – Welsh Health Service, D-. Welsh Education D-. Investment into Wales Z-.
What is he, and the rest of the ‘no hopers’, doing to justify such very generous salaries and pensions??????????????
Rule : When Libmob make an accusation, it mostly turns out that its THEY who are actually doing that

“like arsonists pretending to be firefighters”
Their narrative is “Trump and the Tory Party have mega-clever Facebook tricks to influence voters”
BUT what ONLY comes up In my R4 Facebook Group for me is Labour, Corbyn and Remainer groups being pushed at me (I have Adblock on)
I took 3 different sets of screenshots today, of the 9 images 4 were Corbyn, 3 Remain, and 1 Labour Party. and 1 from a Channel4 HateNotHope show
Here I have masked peoples comments, can you spot what Facebook recommends to me ?
2nd example
3rd example
Serves you right for staying logged in to FaceIDstealer.
Why do you bother with that nonsense. I have an account and get ‘welcomed back’ when I have need to contact someone I need to speak to. You might find me, but don’t expect a response.
Labour PR are maybe setting up FaceBook Groups just for the purposes of advertising
..if that’s true , then the authorities should know about it .
Anyone seen any similar for Tories.Ukip or Brexit groups ?
Stew, it’s not nice but not a surprise. Look at the mega rich moron who invented it, and what he is suggesting at the moment (universal income) – as Greg Gutfield said, we don’t mind if you write everyone a cheque! It is just propaganda, and they are certainly filtering out stuff that they don’t approve of. Except jihadist material, strangely.
I am on the verge of giving up on it – joined to monitor my teenage son, but he is older now, and I am fed up to the back teeth of receiving old school mates’ labour propaganda. Have blocked many feeds.
BA should probably hire Radio1’s BigWE PR team, cos they managed to play down a death at the festival
It was stuck away at the end of the Radio Humberside news on Monday Morning
Whereas the Hull Daily Mail made more of it and thought the sudden unexplained death of a 21 year old on a bus going into the festival was more news worthy
OK if you have a million people, then maybe one twenty-something person does die spontaneously in a year, but it’s something to comment on.
Andrew Norfolk in the Times
“Pakistani child-sex groomers
and Isis terrorists
share at least one attribute.
For them,
no 13-year-old non-Muslim girl is innocent.
…. Nor is she a child”
Fully available no pay wall
BBC News Llareggub
I didn’t watch the TV leaders’ debate – but no matter, BBC TV crystallises it for me this morning “Theresa May defended her U-turn on Brexit” and Jeremy Corbyn it seems wants to tax big business a little to save our children from “super-sized classes” and from “going to school hungry”
Can’t help but notice the BBC is now in full-on save Corbyn mode
The BBC Breakfast sofa arrives in South Wales and every University don, every Dylan Thomas fan and every nice chap with a Polish bride they happen to bump into reassures us Corbyn’s Labour is resurgent and that people want back into the EU.
BBC News Buggerall
Wales, Dylan Thomas, getting it all backwards….?
Main headline on bbc news summary email today:
“Zoo-keeper killed in tiger incident named”
Was better on the tablet, Tiger Woods caught drink driving!
And it was crap reporting. Didn’t mention the Health and Safety executive will be investigating and almost certainly prosecuting the zoo for unsafe systems. The police involvement is just as coroners agents. Freak accident? I don’t think so.
The snowflakes who report dont understand the concept of safe systems of work, and risk assessing, negating hazard, or eliminating it.
As they’ve never had a proper job, or a decent education they think ‘accidents’ simply happen.
I hope the HSE take them to the cleaners.
I’ve noticed the BBC keep changing the “zoo keeper” to “zoo worker” and sometimes just use “employee of the zoo”.
Perhaps “zoo keeper” is too authoritarian and right wing and it’s not liberal sounding enough for them.
Lol @ tabs
Probably no room for this chap in the BBC today, elf & safety?
Ah, Johnny Morris – back in the days when the BBC found and developed people with genuine talent. I still miss his sly, whimsical humour.
Johnny Morris,
Humphrey Lestocq with Whirligig, Hank and Mexican Pete
Michael Bentine and the Bumblies
Mr Pastry
Hans & Lotte Hass
Armand & Michaela Dennis
and the first of the Soaps….. The Grove Family and the Appleyards
my favourites were Qatermass and the Pit, and A for Andromeda
those were the days.
A few years ago, I was in a junior school and saw a wall full of paintings that the children had done, depicting the jobs their father’s (those that knew of one) did. Several had a a title or description on them which informed the viewers as to the job being illustrated, several containing juvenile spelling mistakes which were left uncorrected. One of the paintings showed a fierman, up a ladder, squirting water on a blazing building and was labeled, “my dads a fireman”, or it had been untill some helpful adult, probably some NQT had crossed out the word man and written person it its place. Couldne’t even use the word fighter, too aggresive probably.
I confess I don’t usually sit watching the news doing a head count, but yesterday’s Manchester commemoration was quite startling I thought. Here we were again; the now obligatory mounds of flowers, candles, heart shaped balloons and the tear stained masses. But…as the cameras scanned the crowds it became uncomfortably clear that everyone there was white. How could this be? Why would this be?
I looked, I really did, trying to see some glimmer of the “unity” meme we keep being fed. I may have spotted one mixed race girl among the throng of weepers, but this event happened in one of the most culturally diverse and enriched cities in Britain. It’s spitting distance from Moss Side.
Well, it’s quite clear what’s happened here, isn’t it? Bloody Islamophobia has prevented those peace loving Muslims from attending. Otherwise, as we all know, they would have been there in their thousands!
I intend to pen an extremely angry letter to The Guardian and The BBC pointing to this outrage. Racism like this has to be exposed. This is a hate crime as far as I’m concerned.
I do hope you are all thoroughly ashamed of yourselves…
I agree.
It’s a similar situation to this online fund to raise money from Muslims to victims of Manchester:
Even though it has reached a staggering total of £15,000 in just 8 days (which works out as an impressive £680 per victim) I’m sure it would have raised more but the racist whites must be running the banks and they have been making the credit card transactions fail on purpose.
Listening to the LBC this morning I have been stuck by the utter grasping greed of the baby boomer generation. They are concerned simply with how much the government will give them and care nothing about any of the other issues which concern everyone else.
Brexit is a non issue as is terrorism, despite the distinct possibility that the country might run out of cash & the end up with nothing.
Such a generation of selfish individuals prepared to make no one single sacrifice for the common good or the generation following. No wonder we now see the snowflake generation which is a product of continuing self obsession and personal entitlement.
I think you are seeing two things, The first is a generation brought up under a cradle to grave ‘welfare state’, who have been taught about the wonders of the magic money tree since birth.
However, the second is the perfectly reasonable reaction of people who have been taxed to hell and back all their working lives, wondering where the money went and why the pensions they paid for over and over again are not going to be there.
They’re not going to be there because of the stupid way they voted ! They went on strike after strike after strike and destroyed the countries manufacturing base. They vote to subsidise inefficient and obsolete factories just so they could maintain an illusion of full employment, and eventually after the devaluation of the pound (pound in your pocket) the country went bankrupt and the IMF had to be called in to bail us out. Things got so bad the UK was known as the sick man of Europe precisely because of the Baby Boomers bad attitudes.
They paid their taxes, but they also spent far more than they paid in, and they paid nowhere near enough for the gilt edge index linked pensions which they received often with an early retirement of just 55!
We used to look after our elderly but the Baby Boomers refused to do that and began ‘granny dumping’ their parents for the state to care for, so I’m sorry they have to take the responsibility and pay for their care which the state should not be paying a penny towards. If you have no assets and aren’t working then it should be the offspring of the feckless who are forced to care for them.
So many no working non productive young women in this country who could easily be put to productive use caring for the elderly in return for their benefits.
Nurse, fetch the screens. It’s another case of ‘baby boomers stole my future’, I’m afraid.
hmmm what are we saying here ALL 60 to 85 year olds were useless feckless bastards who had everything for nothing and spent their lives on strike , or am i just not picking up on the irony
No Kaiser, but what I am saying is that the baby boomers do not appear able to recognise that their actions were disastrous, and that they need to now limit their expectations. They simply cannot expect me me me to the exclusion of everyone else.
Or maybe you think we should all vote Labour, give the baby boomers what they are demanding, and beggar the consequences ?
..Such a generation of selfish individuals ….
Yep, I’m a Baby Boomer, born just after the war. But just want to pick up on the ‘granny dumping’ quote.
Most of the BB generation had parents who DID NOT own their own homes for a start – unlike now where inherited wealth is the ‘norm’. Our parents did not get ‘welfare’, and to be on the dole was considered shameful. My own father had 2 jobs – working at the coal face of a mine, and playing semi-pro football on a Saturday. We did not have holidays, and lived in rented accommodation all their life. He paid his taxes and like most of his generation and mine, we lived hand to mouth each week. They saved up to give us kids presents at Christmas, and that was IT !
He suffered a stroke and because of his disabilities HAD to go into care, with the State taking all of his pension. Had it not been for me providing toiletries, his clothing and other essentials, life would have been pretty grim for him. I do not agree that those with property should subsidise those without when in care, BUT Dad did not drink/gamble his life away, so I take great exception for him to be called ‘Feckless’ by those who are pissed off at not getting a decent inheritance from their elderly parents.
My father died 2 years ago – WW2 Merchant Navy Atlantic Corridor 39-42, Far East 42-45. Torpedoed twice, shrapnel wounded once. No Navy pension after war despite limp.
Started several own businesses, brought up four kids, never asked for anything.
Despite warnings from myself and siblings, he refused to believe that the state could take his house or savings to pay for care that other people got for free.
Managed to make ends meet off renting his house and his savings whilst in a regular care home @ £1200 per month but everything dwindled when he developed full-blown Dementia and specialist home was then £2800 per month.
PS -he would be disgusted with the UK now.
The Merchant Navy sailors were treated dreadfully. My cousin was a wireless operator and twice had his ship torpedoed. They had their pay stopped the day their ship was sunk, and didn’t get paid again until they had another ship. What a disgraceful way to treat people risking life and limb for their country.
Thinking of what they went through, and looking at the state of our country now, through the actions of an insane political class, makes my blood boil.
Looking at the state of the country now, they shouldn’t have bothered.
Rob – my old man was Radio Officer too.
The sacrifices of the Merchant Navy during the war have largely been forgotten. I suppose sailing in a ship full of oil or explosives waiting to be torpedoed is not as glamorous as serving in the army or the RAF, but without those supplies the war would have been over in a month.
They were very brave men who were treated shamefully.
“A trustee of the Manchester Islamic Centre, also known as the Didsbury Mosque, told the Press Association it was “likely ” Salman Abedi had attended there.
Fawaz Haffar said while Abedi’s father used to perform the call for prayer at the mosque, one of his brothers had also been a “volunteer “there.
Mr Haffar described the mosque as moderate, modern and … liberal, and said he was a member of an organisation liaising with police”
The MSM still, not only the BBC peddling this “nothing to do with” narrative, the BBC News even has an interview with the “nothing to do with” father too, unbelievable
… Its a Salafist Mosque!, Ramadan Abedi, (who had studied the Quran in Saudi uh oh!), did the call to prayer. … helped out at the mosque with IT support and teaching children???, his other son the volunteer also taught IT and blasting the kids with Arabic!
… I take it that learning about the benefits of an open western culture, sooner the Sh-thole istan, was not on the agenda?
and what IT? opening the children s minds?, expanding their horizons?
… the mind boggles.
This has to be a political decision … thank goodness for social media.
and yet the Panorama program?
“Despite wide reports that Abedi was reported by Didsbury Mosque, the mosque confirmed to Panorama that … he was not”.
But Mr Haffar from the mosque said that one of the mosque’s imams did report three other suspected extremists a year ago … just let that sink in.
We’ve also been told that, Ramadan, was employed in airport security! If this was in the Manchester or anywhere in the UK, just what sort of vetting/background checks (and by whom) are made regarding a person’s suitability or not for employment? Makes one wonder just how many people with the same mind set are employed in positions where a great deal of damage could be done if they should be that way inclined
Also, if Albedi junior was on so many watch lists, FBI, MI5, etc., how did he manage to have little problem flying in and out of Europe and North Africa? What happened to the so called “no fly” lists?
Could daddy or “friends” at the airport have had something to do with it?
16 known jihadists lived within 2miles of didsbury mosque, just a coincidence?
Radio Lincs now has the Labour candidate for South Holland on
named Wojciech Kowalewski and with a heavy seemingly Polish accent
Good luck to him, but are Labour serious by selecting a comparatively recent immigrant in a Brexit constituency ..just mentioned he lived in the village 11 years.
(Wonder if he is the retired footballer of the same name)
Ah well “Sitting Tory MP John Hayes, who was re-elected in 2015 with a 59.6 per cent”
Did anyone catch Nick Robinson doing an informal sit down with the public in a closed restaurant discussing May and Corbyn yesterday? I caught the very end of it on the BBC News Channel just before the top of the hour (about 4pm IIRC).
It ended with something like: Nick, “all of you here admire Corbyn for His greatness… say one word each to describe him”
One person need a bit more time to
remember the scriptthink.“God like”
last person said “perfect” to which Robinson replied with a surprised big smile “perfect? perfect that’s interesting”
found it on iPlayer, starts at 24m30s
Was that a “closed restaurant” in a psychiatric hospital by any chance?
BBC canteen, AS?
For anyone at the Al BBC/Liar May/Westminster Swamp … on the “nothing to do with” train over the mass murder of children in Manchester by Salafi Islamic scumbag Salman Abedi … after numerous other examples just recently, especially in Pakistan, Israel or the Islamic State
Oops apologies BBC … we have to say “so called” Islamic State, erm “the perversion”, that has erm “nothing to do with” etc
maybe we should just go back a while
Emma Barnett gets a good kicking in here. To be honest I don’t know much about her but she certainly took Corbyn to the cleaners today on Woman’s Hour. Details on Guido. Paxman on please note : this is what you should have been capable of doing last night .
Ah I was typing at the same time as you
Our Dear Leader – Corbyn was on Woman’s Hour
..LibMob are busy shouting that Emma Barnett was rude to him
…. Rather than celebrating anything he said in the interview.
Problems with Emma Barnett
#1 She is forced on us ..with the 3 Women’s Hour progs being on simultaneously : R4 , Barnett usually on R5 and VDerbyshire on BBC2
#2 EB is the epitome of MetroBubbleworld : her show is full of Right-On issues and virtue signalling stuff that normal people are not interested in.
#3 So Normally when she gets a non-LibMob guest , she plays all the nasty PR tricks, : outrageous accusations, putting word in their mouths, cutting them off, talking over them etc.
So from today’s moans it seems she didn’t do the normal OperationFreeRide4Labour, but gave him some of her sneering.
Here is that car crash link
Goodness me. I am stunned. 1) I actually hadn’t realised just how inept at policy and putting it across Corbyn actually is. 2) The BBC giving anyone on the left a really hard, probing interview. It sounded like Nigel Farage in the firing line.
Paxo, sheesh! constant interruptions on the first, allowing filibustering on the second
(at least the crowd had a good laugh, as Liar dared to mention costing s, they heckled her deceit too)
… and what was that 5 mins of Paxo repeat at the end of that second interview, I thought the bloody tape had froze.
Even funnier is the shameful press gutter this morning, talk about wilful ignorance, it is laughable until you think of its supposed “pull”
… thank goodness for social media
Al BBCs Emma Barnett? oh yes, she will get another kicking too, on here if
…. IF a big IF Liar acquiesces to erm “grant” an interview.
Folks I wouldn t put the bunting out about one slip up on one of those costing s just yet, as they said
last night, at least he has some.
… Not up to it Paxo, ligging for a few quid were you … the cheques in the post.
Totally agree England – its 18 minutes of comedy . I think Corbin s tablets ran out after last night . I cannot believe any politician doing interviews in this campaign would go in without the numbers after d Abbot. When paxo tried a number question on t may last night she scored 10/10.
Corbyns staff must have expected ms Barnet to give him nice friendly questions and he could be that nice doddery old Marxist bloke who supports terrorist groups and spent his life undermining out country .
Please listen to the interview it’s so painful it’s funny .
This is the state of young people today. Full of hate, full of intolerance and determined to stamp out freedom of speech and freedom of thought. The future is bleak if this is all we have to look forward to !
I think the majority of young people have just forgotten or never learned to laugh at things.
When I look back to my teens (early to mid ’80’s), all I remember is us laughing and joking around, having fun and being outside with our friends, learning about life.
Not saying that some of us (I was one) who were politically aware, I was a member of CND during my teens and a great believer in socialism. Growing up, working and getting married softened many of my views, apart from the nuclear one which I am still against.
At 18, I would never been about to write the comment in the MEN, I just wouldn’t have even thought about it. If a bomb had gone off at a Duran Duran concert, my thoughts and those of my generation would’ve been with the families who have lost loved ones and the injured, not mentioning inclusion and all the current politically correct terms.
BCW… that’s because when you were growing up political correctness didn’t exist; and the term ‘offence’ usually meant a criminal act had been committed !! Strange how its ok for today’s generation to show off their t..ts and bums on selfies, and being generally degenerate, and then complain about the Baby Boomers behaving selfishly. Work that one out.
Brexit challenge by Jolyon Maugham abandoned.
Can’t find this on the Beeb website.
No mention of islam there then. Just a total disregard of the facts. She’s simply a brainless moron.
Wow Wow Wow
R4 #WatO just leading with Corbyn has Dianne Abbott moment
(I accidentally had the radio on, cos normally I know to avoid R4 News)
13:10 they are still talking about it
It’s incredible to me that over on the R4 FB discussion, LIbMobbers open 3 different threads right after the interview..and of the 30 comments none of them mentioned Corbyn’s stumbling , they only mentioned Emma Barnett being rude.
My guess is Alistair Campbell didn’t turn up to pull the strings whistle in the secret earpiece etc.
Thus Omninshambles
13:18 They have moved onto criticising May ..claiming shes made a gaff .. no substance it seems
I typed Corbyn Car Crash into Twitter ..quite a lot to read
The-i of all places has a summary or HateNotHope directed at EB
Another Al BBC “gotcha” journo to be honest … that proves nothing essentially.
The press gutter will scrape a bit lower of course, (what s new), Those who did not listen, or won t to the interview will make hay. But, just like last night … if you were not watching, or seeing the reactions of others on social media, would be left with an entirely warped view of what happened on the show
Because not for the first time, the press gutter is doing all it can to prop up the May campaign.
and erm
Being “rude” 😀 … you gotta laugh, no issue for me,
Why so aggressive, who knows? AL Beeb policy? look forward to a Liar interview if that’s the way.
The best laugh was daring to mention economic competence … A Dudd didn t know salary of Police • Gove got immigration figures wrong, the bloody chancellor “walking dead” Hammond got cost of HS2 wrong , balls up on Nat Ins, they ve put us in 1.7 trillion of national debt
The Tories are an economic basket case, don’t know their policies, how many they’ll affect, or how much they’ll cost .. then again that’s never concerned them before.
One thing you can guarantee any of May’s “difficult decisions” will always make life difficult for the low paid, disabled, pensioners, NHS users, school pupils, students, vulnerable and the infirm.
On the World At One, Martha Kearney refers to the shambles at BA as a “catastrophe”.
Next item up is about the Manchester atrocity of last Monday-this was NOT a catastrophe…certainly not now after a week anyway. It was “perpetrated by a young man”.
But not a Muslim eh Martha?
Clearly there`s a downgrading going on-Mancheter will be an event by this time next week.
But any world that rewards Alastir Campbell, and forgets David Kelly in not mine-but that of the Overclass that run the BBC and its little chatty kathys like Martha Kearney.
Such items totally ignored by the BBC –
How long before this kind of news becomes commonplace in the UK. I imagine the Police and Security Services are pretty well pissed-off with the inability of the political class to curb the increase exponentially of islamic issues and its imposition on British lives.
The beauty of the BBC after their boys like Corbyn get a bashing is that they`ll have prepacked all todays news items earlier. Very Blue Peter. So hubby asks why I turn off Mishal as I hear an Irish accent talking to her before the 8am news. I tell him it`ll be either about Corbyn being the father of the Peace Agreement over there…or else some crap about Brexit and border walls or runs on the helicopter in Grosvenor Square clutching that Irish passport that Brexit made them apply for.
Got it banged to rights I did.
Think he`s finally knowing that we`re all attuned to this endless BBC silage and signage.
Or else I`m the new Mystic Meg.