Ridiculous letter in the Times from Faisal Sheikh (made up name ?)
“How do you know thousands of Muslims are not taking to the streets ” to protest this terrorism ?
“we don’t all have beards and we wear jeans”
Lobster – I’ve written here in the last few days wondering out loud whether vast number of muslims in Blighty have organised a peace march or an ” eight year old girls matter “( forgive me for intruding or using grief – I really don’t mean too) .
But al Beeb did cover a march yesterday – I nearly choked on the humble pie I was about to eat when the al Beeb camera pulled out a bit and showed not the biggest march – mainly chaps with beards – about 50 at the most – which is why it didn’t get covered much. Bet the camera man / editor got told off for not getting in closer to make up the numbers.
It was the same after 7/7. An enormous silence. I suppose there’s some religious thing they can rely on or they’ve all gone to the Had or whatever they call it.
Remember – we won’t be divided – right?
PS – if anyone is a real anorak and playing election bulls–t bingo I nominate the word “transformational” a Labour favourite at the moment – much loved by ms Angela Raynor ~this weeks shadow educashun secretary and Now embraced by nobby ‘I’ll give you the number in a minute ‘ Corbin
Jeremy Corbyn giving a speech on something he clearly knows little about – which appears to be any subject he turns his gob to !
“Ethnic minority unemployment is double that of white”
Well no shit Sherlock! When your religion and culture means your wife is forbidden from work and is to be used as nothing other than a baby factory then half the ethnic populace is bound to be economically inactive.
“Ethnic minorities are more likely to be in poverty”
See above for one of the reasons, when you could have two wages coming in but make an active choice to only have one, then poverty is a lifestyle choice.
On top of that a magistrate friends tells me that every single taxi driver he gets in front of him earns just one pound less than the level needed to claim benefits and the level for ‘relative’ poverty is set just around the level which triggers benefits.
Then there are the hoards of drug dealers who claim to be unemployed and looking for work, but are making a very nice living in the black economy.
That is why ethnic minorities are seemingly unemployed and in so called poverty which isn’t poverty.
And taking time off work FIVE times a day to pray. Perhaps Marxi Corbie should have declared that any pay lost for prayer time, the State will make up.
Sexism : “night court sittings will drive women out of law”
Gov plans to extens courts to ending time of 6pm, Civil 7pm, 8:30pm magistrates .
Surely it’s mad to claim sexism… If women are equal, then childcare is equal…… #PoshBubble
..Plenty of women already work late ..bar, shop workers, never mind those in 24 /365 jobs like engineers/police
one of the biggest problems the Fascists have is their meaningless words and all it takes to expose the naked emperor is to ask what these words actually mean, and how they know when they have achieved them.
So what is ‘equality’ and what does Corbyn define it as – how will he know when he has realised his goal?
Trouble is that all of his party disagree about this equality of what? Opportunity, or outcome, and why should the undeserving receive as much as the deserving?
It’s basically Communism wrapped up as political correctness.
…Only Labour can be trusted to unlock the talent of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people…….
Well that might be harder than imagined. Channel hopping the afternoon dross of quizzes, general knowledge (and some questions are pathetically easy with 3 choice of answers) seems to beat most of the e/m who participate, and get blown out in the first round.
” …Only Labour can be trusted to unlock the talent of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people……”
I wonder why the talent wasn’t unlocked between 1997 and 2010 then.
9pm Tonight on C4 Grayson Tranvestite Perry has prog about his Brexit artwork
The two man sized vases – “one for the Leavers and one for the Remainers – are presented as one work called Matching Pair.”
“features portraits of the people who responded to Perry’s appeal to contribute.
Additionally the Remain pot includes the late MP Jo Cox, the campaigner Gina Miller, Gary Lineker, Barack Obama, Gandhi, Shakespeare and logos for Waitrose and the NHS.
Unsurprisingly Nigel Farage appears on the Leave pot alongside Winston Churchill, the Queen, Francis Drake and Cadbury’s.
Commonalities representing Britishness and British values are found on both pots, including: bacon and eggs, the local pub, walking the dog, family, David Bowie and Marmite.”
Moreover, that the smaller remain pot costs a good deal more to reflect the wealth of remainers like Gina Miller, Linekar, Geldof, Hesletine …etc, as these people will miss out on all that dosh stolen from the poorest in Europe and handed to them through CAP.
That’s true but Hitchins had a classic warning about how how media narrative constructors using opinion polls
” the unending tyranny of the opinion polls, which many media systems now use as a substitute for news and as a means of creating stories rather than reporting them. ” from his 2010 slate article
I think Perry, just like Eddie Izzard, abuses a spurious transvestite image as an attention seeking device – it’s replacement therapy for inadequacy. Like Heseltine’s hair, Geldoff’s BO and Bono’s glasses, it masks a void in their humanity.
Surely Shakespeare at least should be on the Brexit side. At no time was he an EU poet, he was English then British after 1603. His Henry V speeches should knock any thought of him representing anti-Britishness and pro-EU countries as Perry thinks. It’s just that he wanted Shakespeare to be on his team.
It’s like a Man United fan picking his all-time favourite United team and an Arsenal fan doing the same for his team, and the United fan choosing Thierry Henry just because he would have loved him to have played for United.
I see it’s just been announced that Ariana Grande is holding a concert at Old Trafford the BBC breathlessly announce. Mere days after the atrocity. Isn’t she a resilient and strong girl? And, the advertising material shown on the BBC news shows us that, “The proceeds will BENEFIT the victims and families………”. (my capitals emphasise). Yes, that’s right, BENEFIT rather than donating ‘All’ the proceeds. So, in my cynicism it seems an event to make massive amounts of money and worldwide kudos for………..Ariana and, along the way, I suspect a small percentage (we won’t be told how much) of the takings will be donated (sorry, “benefit”) the dead, survivors and their families. Life goes on and the BBC are anxious to relegate the islamic atrocity to a sideline as quickly as possible.
Saw Grayosn Perrys Channel 4 effort to create a “Brexit” and a “EUrinal” vase earlier. And much as we can call him out on his bias, the programme did its job.
His Remainiacs were entltied, self regarding poncey hypocrites…unable to do anything but indoctrinate their kids to go on arty marches like Kim Jon Un. And make it all about them and their pampered posey tribe and narcissists.
Whereas the Leavers were honest roughnecks who were angry at years of betrayal and some sens of history. We could be something better than this, their grandparents had fought for us and we`d not easily bin it for the consciences of the Islington lotus eaters.
A revealing autopsy between the REAL people of England, and the publicly funded dream weaving weirdies who live near Stewart Lee and Grayson himself. Worth a watch-not perfect,but Graysons aware of his hypocrisy enough to make him fairish.
She should have gone and seen those kids in hospital – entering by a side door and avoiding the paparazzi wouldn’t have been hard, and she would have been far better thought of.
I totally agree . Piers Morgan called her out on it for flying straight back to Florida and now she is coming back with a group of publicity seekers before the dead are even buried .
They may well collect cash for the bereaved but its not all about money .No amount of money would compensate for my kids being taken in that way.
I really despair of what this country is becoming.A period of reflection and respect for the dead might be in order. But money and pop culture comes before everything.
No doubt the BBC will be there for maximum publicity .Sick.
How exactly does this “benefit” victims’ families?
Your 8-year-old daughter gets blown to bits, and someone gives you a cheque for $5,000. Does that make you feel better? It’s also uncannily close to the mediaeval idea of “blood money”, known in Islam as ‘diya’.
These peoples’ lives have been torn apart irreparably. Giving them money seems like a cruel reminder of what they have lost.
I would bet that it will benefit Labour during the election. I am sure the Labour Mayor of Manchester will be there opening his gob in favour of the peaceful community within Manchester
This little section probably needs a thread of its own.
The fact that Ariane, Coldplay and chums can cavort around the Arena once more is grotesque, irresponsible and stupid. Yes, the fairy dust, the saccharine and the Emotional Fascism images of the pink balloons will get 24/7 coverage. But the Muslims have already drawn their own conclusion.
One global porn conglomerate have their brains way too close to their arses.
Just over a week ago, 28 Coptic Christians were murdered on their way to a church trip to a local monastery. Same time as the Manchester atrocity.
But there`ll be no wanton deliberate repeat of the Coptic trip…because it`s pretty clear what the results would be , and this “provocation” would serve no purpose to the worlds media anyway.
The Islamic Caliphate will be as repulsed as we are over this lazy fatuous, overweening guff of a gig(and , being Mancs and Scousers-I`ll be very surprised if anybody pays, they`ll all have been at the gig or worked in the emergency services!-joke!)
As the Muslims say-if you leave raw meat or patries out uncovered-well, expect the flies to swarm all over them.
This is both raw meat-hardly mopped up yet-and baklava pastis-and the pop tarts are now being offered up uncovered.
With extra honey dripping and saccharine gloop poured on top in full view of the medias biggest jumbotrons.From the safety of Lords Harvey Goldsmith and Tony Hall no doubt.
Were I a Muslim nutter at Al Azhar…I`d see how the Copts were covered by the media here-contrast it with the likes of Katy Perry and her sugar snacks? And I`d know which of these gets worldwide attention. Their next choice of target is suddenly made all the easier.
Reminds me of Attenborough-where the lambs trapped in a pen get picked off by the buzzards for fun-and the stupid ewes look blankly at David, maybe sadly for a second too-and then continue to graze and think that their lambs were but a dream and leaves a bit more grazing and room for them anyway.
Even I think this a stupid provocation…so God knows what the long term scholarly caliphate types will think of this needless child sacrifice-and all to get Gary Barlow or Gary Neville onto our screens once more.
In a little noted item yesterday, Erdogan banned the use of Arena in describing the football stadia of Fenerbache and Galatasaray-unislamic concept, imported empty badge braggings, no role in Turkey.
Coming very soon here…unless your Emirates or Etihad for now,
“They blow us up, we sing Imagine” – Douglas Murray.
We simply show the caliphate we are weak; worse than that, we show teenage Muslim losers across the UK that we are weak, and devoid even of seeing the value of defending our own people.
ISIS, which actually believes in something (brutal and mediaeval though it be) starts to look to them like an attractive alternative.
For all those who harbour doubts about how strong and stable the government is about dealing with the growing Muslim enclaves in England, the news of the collapse of the Trojan Horse, disciplinary hearing against 5 teachers will come as no surprise . The Dept of Education totally messed up by not revealing the source of witness statements and so the hearing collapsed on a technicality . Back to the classroom they go!
Muslim schools, taking advantage of the academy system and in effect encouraging extreme religious practices and trying to cut off young Muslims from wider society are pernicious . No competent government would allow them . It was only private individuals who revealed Trojan Horse. Both the government and Ofstead have been useless .
Can we expect any other outcome EE?
The Muslims no longer need to lobby to get Islam as its preferred faith system in any school (let`s call them madrassas shall we?).
The liberal Left have left schools wide open for this, and it`s about the only area of life that Muslims will care about( apart from law).
That we ourselves know nothing of our faith-let alone any means of teaching it, even choosing what matters from it-is our fault alone. Muslims, at least take their education seriously, and note the self loathing and ignorance that we provide for our few kids rattling around in Blairs bistros.
No-don`t blame Muslims for this-they will teach things, our flaccid unions and academies gave up when there was no EU prizes or emails to Obama any more.
They want to win this war-much as the Left want desperately to win the cultural war.
As long as they know we know the nature of this fight,and we`re not the BBC or Nicky Morgan-like in our abject indifference to what we`re seeing.
At least Muslms wouldn`t give Woodhead, Balls or Blunkett any role, except of their fat heads.
Re the MEND crowdfunding appeal – “muslims for Manchester victims” – Shazad Amin – “Weʼre raising £100,000 to distribute to families of those affected by the tragic events in the Manchester Arena attack.”
After only one week or so a massive 205 (mainly anonymous..bless’em all though.. innit!) donors have contributed a whopping £15,695 to the fund.
Sheer class!…you gotta give it give it to them muslims when it comes to supporting kafir families killed by their own spawn!
That’s equivalent to a stunning £193.76 for every one of the 22 families whose relative died and the 59 families whose relative was mutilated – and it’s enough money for each family affected to be able to fund the BBC Licence fee for about 16 months of top class viewing! Isn’t charity simply fantastic..I just wonder what the next one from MEND will be for?..but whatever it is I know it will be supported with the same degree of generosity and human kindness…yes..just the same.
Usually if Islam has something to do with anything charitable there s a sizable backhander for erm Allah s work.
Seeing as their vent is political power, who knows
extremist Abu Eesa Niamatullah?
hate preacher Haitham al-Haddad?
Surprised the BBC are not championing this as an amazing example of generous largesse.
They are, of course, an organisation very much in favour of a financial bung to atone for individual malfeasance under the corporate banner, if quietly added to the unique funding special budget of the licence fee, along with propping up dodgy pension investments for the right kind of oldies, like Mark Byford and Alan Yentob.
There is a slight difference though, as the BBC perps tend to get promoted rather than hosed off the ceiling.
This Ariane Rehash-only with extra gummy bears, and chances to blag freebies and go on the baksheesh market-is not going to end well.
Of course, the night itself will be trouble free-but Islam isn`t working on a 24/7 news cycle…and their worst have far better history and memory than our ADHD goldfish at the BBC and in Popworld.
It`s a provocation-and instead of doing the REAL work to get Islam dealt with at its core, we get yet another offer of pornographic party bags, posturing sexist attitude from the Lotus Eating Gated Community with a night spare and some backwash benefits. Think Adam Ant at Live Aid 1985.
No-this is trouble, yet more diabetic fizz in the face of a serious and cold threat at our softest spots.
These people do nothing but celebrate-and don`t let a few deaths of kids stop the rush to the celebrity buffet by the Overclass. As long as the velevet ropes won`t show the bloodstains soon to follow eh?
Makes me heave.
‘‘It’s about time we started honouring those people involved in the armed struggle. It was the bombs and bullets and sacrifice made by the likes of Bobby Sands that brought Britain to the negotiating table. The peace we have now is due to the action of the IRA. Because of the bravery of the IRA and people like Bobby Sands, we now have a peace process.’’….
….i spent 4 years in total doing various tours serving in Ireland during my time in the Army and to discover that people like McDonnell and Corbyn were in cahoots with the Republicans truly breaks my heart. I wonder how the families of those killed must feel..
I have no idea why the Conservatives dont publicise these statements. They truly are appalling and there are plenty out there
BBC News – Boy, 16, attacked with knife in Manchester ‘hate crime’
A bit hush hush BBC?
“A 16-year-old boy has been attacked with a knife at a leisure centre in what police are calling a hate crime.
A man approached him from behind and pushed him to the floor at the Arcadia Sports Centre in Levenshulme, Manchester at about 20:45 BST on Thursday, police said. The boy was cut on his arms but managed to run away. The man returned to the reception and left with another man”
. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-40076243
“MI5 has revealed that there are as many as 23,000 jihad terrorists on the streets of Britain today. That’s an army. And Britain is indeed at war. But this is not just a problem that Prime Minister Theresa May has the responsibility to solve.
It is also a problem that she and her colleagues have created.
This Britain of troops on the streets and high tension over another imminent jihad attack is the Britain that Theresa May and her ilk have chosen. This is the Britain of the policies that she and her predecessors, David Cameron,Gordon Brown, and Tony Blair have followed for years. They now have the Britain they have made. In getting to today’s traumatized, bloodied, nervous, frightened Britain, they followed a multi-pronged strategy. One chief element of this strategy was to demonize and marginalize anyone who spoke too clearly about the motivating ideology behind jihad terrorism.
For years, May and her cohorts have hounded, stigmatized, and demonized foes of jihad terror, falsely claiming that they represent a “far-right” equivalent to jihad terrorists, while appeasing and accommodating Muslim groups in Britain, many of which were by no stretch of the imagination “moderate,” and allowing numerous jihad preachers to operate without hindrance. Meanwhile, Britain has a steadily lengthening record of admitting jihad preachers without a moment of hesitation. Syed Muzaffar Shah Qadri’s preaching of hatred and jihad violence was so hardline that he was banned from preaching in Pakistan, but the UK Home Office welcomed him into Britain.”
R Spencer http://www.breitbart.com/london/2017/05/30/spencer-theresa-mays-tories-targeted-critics-islam-rather-terrorists-robert-spencer/
“When the BBC convened a meeting of non-specialists to decide that ‘the science was settled’ on climate change, they established a subject about which they no longer needed to be neutral. That has become a bridgehead from which they can attack the Tories without needing maintain neutrality. If they can move from here to announcing that ‘the science is settled’ on the Tory party – well, job done”
If the writer of this post cannot see that the BBC is anything but neutral on its political reporting and doesn’t need any further pretence because no one is pulling them up about it, then it is no surprise that we see the BBC unafraid to be as biased as it pleases.
One good thing on the page is a nice link to the names and the positions of all the attendees at the secret BBC 28 gate meeting which can be accessed here:
Newsnight / Newsbeat Generation gap. More one sided hilariously pitches young and old against each other in the usual lopsided BBc stylee. The usual complete bollocxs from BBc trying to make it look like over 60s have just had a bloody good laugh. Seems a lot of the 60 year olds are kissing arse. When we get to housing they dance around the subject until the UKIP representative mentions immigration then there is a sharp intake of breath. Seems that none of the 60+ group think that immigration isn’t too high. Err is that representative. One of the youngsters tells us her future has been stolen by older people . Well whoop whoop my future was stolen in 1975 when the country voted to stay in what was a completely different beast the EEC. Another informs us that she has never faced racism until BREXIT she later informs us we should vote for Corebin. Still I did swear at the TV a lot. Complete utter biased wank as usual from the uniquely funded BBc.
Didn`t watch-but do know that Channel 4 were running the same meme with Krishan up in Wolverhampton.
I do wonder who sets up these daily narratives, given that Alastair Campbell and Peter Mandelson no longer have their Excalibur Grids firing down at Millbank Towers. But clearly this popping at the young old divide crap( as if they`re not our grandkids, we`re not their parents etc) is intended to creata that long sought “harmony” that Brexit was meant to have shattered. In other words-they want civil war between the generations and Russell Brand for Leader.
Sorry-we KNOW how to fight, not just dissolve into a puddle of tears when the latte comes in a long glass.
Stuff Kirsty-Guru Murky and the liberal blobsters.
“One of the youngsters tells us her future has been stolen by older people”
Someone should tell her that if we don’t cure the liberal disease her future will probably be as a sex-slave & baby machine for a fat, old, bearded fellow.
My answer – a) Mr Corbyn has told us to modify our foreign policy and not interfere with the affairs of these countries
b) Mrs May has ring fenced Foreign Aid, so no money left, sorry
c) they have lots of oil rich neighbours
Sorry if I sound callous and harsh, but there is a limit to how generous you can feel as millions of so called refugees head into Europe/UK, and we are attacked from within by extremists of their prevailing religion.
@ToobiWan May 29, 2017 at 10:32 am brought up a 11th February 2017 Cardiff Media School report
Report reveals biased BBC has “high dependency” on the Conservatives for statistics.
Do the Welsh get a different wersion of the BBC compared to the rest of the UK? Some “interesting” comments.
The actual report is dated August 2016
The Evolve article dwells on this quote is uses to get its title
“And Conservative politicians represented nearly three-quarters (73%) of these statistical references.”
All that means is that on air Tory politicians actually “statistical references” (whether correct or not)
..whereas Labour/Green/Lib DO not generally come out with numbers but rather stick with vague promises ..and “I’ll get back to you with the numbers”
I have come across something that indicates the British Council is also working to oppose what they call populism (i.e. democracy) and protectionism. Basically it seems they are pushing an “internationalisat” political agenda with an open border policy. They are employing non-British citizens to help push that agenda.
Bianka Stege (British Council director of education & society for EU region): Cities must reap international benefits to stave off populism & protectionism. Internationalisation is a long-term goal of ours where both universities & cities are deliberately creating an attractive & open environment to live & to work. Internationalisation approaches must be much wider & much more nuanced … including hosting of cross cultural events and education.[paraphrased]
If someone has a linkedln account – please access Bianka Stege’s linkedln page [https://linkedin.com/in/bianka-stege-b506398] & cut & paste her past employment and education in a reply comment. Thanks
Some stories the bBBC just won’t let go of.
Portland victim: ‘Without them we would be dead’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-40098224
I am shocked that two blokes who kindly defended these girls were viciously murdered, by a probable psychopath, but the BBC is desperate to use this story as an example of a terrible anti Muslim hate crime, which it is not.
I can’t access the video attached to it, interestingly.
The desperation of BBC and others is revealed in all its naked narrative. It was a brutal murder, so focussing on the minor ‘hate’ aspect directed less lethally elsewhere first seems bizarre.
Also it seems Mr. Trump was low on the loon’s favoured reading list too, so Katty Kay will likely need to spin up a ‘questions being asked’ headline to get around that.
I note the posts above about Muslims not protesting the terror attack. Its not happening here with a very large Muslim community.Nobody is protesting it.Nil Nada.
What we have had increasingly is the local Iman talking to the local online press. His words on this occasion for calm among ALL faiths as we go into Ramadam and for ALL faiths to abide by the law.
As you can imagine I was spitting feathers and left an appropriate strong comment. I refuse to be lectured about something so completely owned by Muslims .Call out your extremists and drive them out as Trump said .Some hope.
Hitting the streets in some communities living in fear of being sussed is very much like BBC editorial integrity; there is only enough time and space for certain topics to motivate them.
I thought the mass emoting after the Westminster attack was pathetic and useless; I almost vomited when the Beeb gleefully reported on people of all faiths holding hands along the Westminster Bridge.
How that has changed this time around – some people have got a tattoo to remember the tragedy! Grrrrrr! That might even tickle a bit and is permanent! Imagine if a terrorist were making a bomb then he saw someone with the tattoo; he would feel so unified that he would convert to believing in anything and everything and just hug and hold hands with everyone forever.
As the plod begin to release without charge in dribs and drabs those they hauled in with their PR-based fake dragnet…
The BBC are clearly delighted that the murderous act of terror story has transformed into a big celebrity gig
Brexit Fears – this morning the Nuffield Trust want us to fret that all the ex-pat pensioners in Spain will need to come back here to the NHS – a figure of 190,000 is banded around – of course there’s never any remote chance that our own international health service would baulk at servicing the third of a million annual net influx to these crowded isles.
Our Louise Minchin, bless her, inadvertently gives the BBC pro-Corbyn game away:
“Later we’ll be hearing from one Jeremy Corbyn supporter, and one not so much”
BBC script writers couldn’t quite bring themselves to say opponent. Sounds about right – one outright Corbynista and one perhaps not convinced but certainly not against the nice cuddly well-meaning lefty chap who is now a little more pro-EU than he used to be.
Dateline 2027…
Abdul El-Twatti, Britain’s new Home Secretary, has ordered the police to check all people questioned or arrested for tattoos of Bees. Defending the move, he stated that the ruling council was not against the sporting of tattoos as such, which he accepted was a traditional practice of the Dhimmi population. However, the bee had a particularly sinister connotation and could be evidence of Islamophobia, which carries the death penalty.
Does make things a bit easier for those trying to manage the population. And the latest generation of plod under Sheik HoSec Abbott are not required to be great with long numbers, so emojis seems a step forward.
Tattoos on limbs was once all the rage, if with more dubious historical context.
BBC ‘News’ Daily summary email has an interesting title headline:
‘What will Brexit cost the NHS?’
See, it’s just a question. Totally legit in such a form.
Oh, but hold on a sec…
By Justin Parkinson
Brexit expat retirees ‘may cost NHS millions’
What will UK pensioners living abroad do after Brexit? A report by the Nuffield Trust suggests that tens of thousands will come home to use the NHS , raising the cost of healthcare paid for by the UK government to £1bn a year. It says a new deal needs to be reached with other European countries to keep pressure off the health service.
What is this? A ‘report’…. that ‘suggests’…. all under the BBC favoured ‘may’ disclaimer.
How very BBC. How very unique.
Also, folk who paid in coming back to use the NHS seem despicable compared to those who have paid in zippy being greeted by Yvette Cooper at her free B&B with the #refugeeswelcome hashtag, as Lilly Allen blubs with joy at a health tourist from Nigeria squirting out her quads as hubby demands a bigger house in Kensignton.
Car crash radio on the BBC R4 TODAY Programme 6.30 – 7.30am, as good as anything from Diane Abbott. Listen again if you didn’t catch it first time: great for a cheery laugh or laughs early this morning.
“We are talking about the NHS this morning.”
“No, we are not; we’re talking about the NHS in England.”
“Health is devolved around the UK.”
“So, in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland it is running well?”
“Er .. ”
“Demand is too great.”
“We don’t have enough doctors and nurses.”
“We need more immigrants.”
“But demand is too great?”
“It’s old people, it’s their fault.”
“Immigrants don’t get old, don’t get sick?”
“No. They are all under eighteen and stay that way.”
“Not qualified doctors and nurses, then, ready to work straight away in the NHS?”
“Er … “
I’m sure Richard P will correct me if I’m wrong; but as I understand physics the larger the mass of a body the greater its gravitational pull. Portillo looks like he’ll have trouble reaching escape velocity.
Alternative astronomical terminology was deleted in the interest of good taste.
Talk on SKY and the BBC this morning about a “report” saying that ex-pats returning to Britain from Spain will cost the NHS £1bn/year.
OK to discuss some arrivals but not others, and apparently only old white people use the NHS. Sure, expats from Spain might be older, but it’s also less likely that they’ll be filling maternity wards and schools with excessive numbers of kids.
If May has any sense (yes, I know), if ex-pats are forced out of Spain, it will be balanced by the removal of EU citizens from the UK. I wouldn’t count on it though – wouldn’t be “nice”, would it?
Morning. BBc Breakfast and here we go The Nuffield Trust reckons the NHS will need loads more resources if pensioners return to the country after BREXIT. No mention of course how much resources are taken up by the migrants already here. Stop immigration. start repatriation.
Like all the other ‘facts’ about immigrants not being a drain on the public purse, it is all lies. Migration Watch commissioned research which, in summary concluded,
“The main findings can be summarised as follows. Whereas the fiscal cost of the UK-born population amounted to nearly £88bn in 2014/15, EEA immigrants cost £1.2bn and non-EEA immigrants cost £15.6bn, a net cost of £16.8bn. Looking at recent immigrants, i.e. those who came during 2001 and subsequently, the net fiscal cost was £6.2bn, comprised of recent A10 immigrants costing £2.8bn, other recently arrived European immigrants contributing £2.8bn and recent non-European immigrants costing £6.2bn.”
Report – https://www.migrationwatchuk.org/briefing-paper/document/381
But what about use of the NHS? Common sense tells anyone with a reasonable level of intelligence that importing 350,000 people a year, year on year, will have an impact. Yet, we are led to believe it is all the fault of the OAP. Same for housing. I don’t know whether any reputable body/organisation has done any work on the NHS but I have little doubt that if some organisation like Migration Watch carried out research they would prove what we all know (at least the sensible non-lying ones) already.
G – the impact on the NHS by a lot of these non- European immigrants must be enormous. I would think that a very high proportion of them will have a lifetime of untreated conditions to be attended to at our expense.
Not just non-EU migrants. There was a massive rush to the health system in general when we allowed in Bulgarians and Romanians. The current figures show that there has been a small exodus of nationals from the main EU countries right now. But, but, there is a large increase in the non-skilled (“Doctors, nurses and engineers” remember) from guess which? – Bulgaria and Romania
Yes Dave ,and the Eastern European heavy smoking and drinking time bomb does not bode well for the future NHS either.
We recently had to tell an Eatern European man about spitting every morning outside our front gate .Its regular and all along the Steet ,major coughing and spitting. .The guy is approx 35 -40 and always smoking. That is a serious cough at his age.
Some cultures havent caught up with the health problems associated with smoking and the NHS is going to have to deal with it.
Am not an Arsenal fan (do admire A.W., though, especially his managerial style & respect his success) but the sport segment on the TOADY Programme at 7.30am was hilarious. Rob Sport, Gary’s brother, had some no-mark contributor on who was obviously an expert on Arsenal FC.
The BBC love Labour, may not like Jeremy Corbyn quuite sooo mucchhh but seem to really, absolutely, totally and unremittingly hate Arsene Wenger for some peculiar reason. The no-mark contributor had not been smart enough to turn on his smartphone and check either Wenger’s record as Arsenal Manager or what the fans were saying on Saturday evening and Sunday morning past.
I can understand high-paid Beeboids being a bit nervous of Corbyn’s ‘tax & spend’ manifesto, especially if they cannot get into legal tax avoidance schemes in time, but why maintain a long-running campaign against Arsene Wenger? They have been trying to get him sacked from before Christmas 2016! Or even during the last weeks of the previous season. Why?
Are they all, to a man (or woman), Chelsea fans at the BBC?
Poor Paddy, developing memory problems, already? He was – effectively, his Party anyway – in Government 2010-2015 while this was going on. He has to take some collective responsibility, if his assessment is correct, for the state of the UK that he refers to now.
The LibDems are known for their present day illiberalism. Is that what Paddy really had in mind?
Apparently, in the 1930s it was quite the thing for second rate politicians to shag their secretaries and be caught with their pants down – is this the sort of parallel he is thinking of?
I saw this article on BBC News website and I started to wonder how they would label Jack Monroe’s gender. For those who don’t know Jack, he/she is famous for not eating for 3 days.
Even though the BBC like to push their gender-neutral bollox on us in this case they refer to “Jack” (the one who didn’t eat for 3 days) as a she all the way through. Even the Wikipedia page on Jack (who didn’t eat for 3 days) refers to it both as a she and a he.
Has the BBC slipped up here or does their own agenda change like the wind?
P.S. I should point out that Jack Monroe once didn’t eat for 3 days – just in case the message hasn’t been rammed down our throats enough.
“I used to be a 999 call-handler. I got pregnant with my son, and when I went back to work I couldn’t work the shift patterns any more. I ended up in a shoddy personal situation – I didn’t eat for three days in a row to feed my child. I started to write about being a single mum on the dole and it seemed to strike a chord with people. Then I got offered a recipe book deal and life went stratospheric” Jack Monroe
So am I to believe the her employer didn’t offer flexible working hours for her?
I don’t know about her employer but I do know that the fact she got pregnant and there is no mention of the father and she struggled on benefits is all the fault of the Tories and no one else.
As I recall, she/he/it also became a journalist for the Guardian. She’s also been on the panel on Question Time or Any Questions (or both) as an expert on poverty which I remember annoying me because of Dimbleby’s fawning over her, and her predictably unoriginal lefty opinions.
Was it not usual for journalists to learn their trade over many years, usually involving a one year course in Journalism at a university, and similarly for cooks who undergo long years training in kitchens?
This self important little t**t now seems to be making money out of being offended.
Is that the Jack Monroe that once didn’t eat for 3 days? Is it another Jack Monroe that once didn’t eat for 3 days? Is this some sort of subliminal reference to Ramadam by the BBC? But this aside, surely if we don’t know whether he or she is the appropriate personal pronoun we should simply say ‘it’?
Fascinating segment on the TODAY programme at about 8.42am. At long last, they actually talk to an Actuary. Something they could have done years ago since they first started mindlessly parroting “We are all living longer.”.
Life expectancy improvements are tailing off in England and Wales. John Humphrys should be e-mailed immediately. He is famous for telling anyone under 25 years of age that they will live to 130!
The BBC talk a shed load of rubbish about averages of lots of things, life expectancy being one of them. They have the resources to talk to experts in this field – instantly and at any time – but it has taken them about a decade and a half, or more, to get around to this.
I wonder if they will actually remember what they have been told? Will they cross check it with other Actuaries? They can sometimes be similar to economists: get two Actuaries in a room and you may have three points of view. Will BBC News & Current Affairs ‘bookmark’ this item and refer to it in future? Or will they completely forget it and go on parroting on air “We are all living longer.”?
My money – Actuaries everywhere please note – is on that last option.
Life expectancy is something politicians and the BBC always fail to understand. There is a huge difference between mean average dying age and human being longevity.
One only has to look at historical figures to see that human longevity has changed very little over hundreds if not thousands of years. i.e. Confucius lived over 2000 years ago and died aged 72, Galileo Galilei died 400 years ago aged 77 etc.
As of late, it is unusual for me to watch any declared “political” programme but, having moved to Wales less than 18 months ago, I thought it prudent to watch the Liebour Broadcasting Company’s programme: ‘Wales Leaders Debate’ in Cardiff with Huw Edwards. Having done the washing up early in preparation, I anticipated watching the whole programme until 2200 hrs. I endured 35 mins of the programme. Why? Well, the first negative signs came with Edwards introduction when he referred to, the “specially selected audience”. He wasn’t kidding. The first stage was a minute each to the panellists to outline their party’s vision. The imbalance of the audience was blatantly obvious on the hand-clapping after each panellist took their minute turn. I estimated that, of the 200 or so, “specially selected” audience, two maybe three of the audience clapped after the Conservative had his say. His minute, I thought, was lucid, factual and cohesive. Needless to say Liebour, and Plaid was oversubscribed as far as handclapping went. Next, the questions. It was then obvious that the few Asians present would be given preference including a woman wearing a black bag on her head and a Dick Turpin facial covering. The Asians seemed to enjoy the status quo where everything is deteriorating for the white British in preference to islam and one even stated that the Quaran does not contain any (ANY) hate verses. Off button on the remote.
No different to what has happened to Tommy Robinson. It seems that the message from Treesa’s government is to stamp out all dissent whoever & where ever it comes from.
It appears that some unknown far left fascist anti Trump American has had a vile photo taken of her holding the Presidents decapitated head in a pose resembling an Islamic slaughter.
She has apparently refused to apologise for this although you would never know it given the hoo hah from the media. She’s has begged forgiveness from everyone save from the victim of her hate which to me is no apology at all.
Taking this one stage further onto something which doesn’t seem to have been widely reported on is the reaching out by ISIS (yes the Muslim group in Syria) to the Left wing all around the world who are now so truly fucked up in their thinking that ISIS see them as a viable partner !
Thoughtful, she apologised quite quickly on being pointed at. However, it would appear from another video showing her preparation for this stunt that the apology was probably part of the plan. She got people to notice her and got the vile hard-alt-left to “big her up”. The apology therefore appears to be totally fake.
She’s has begged forgiveness from everyone save from the victim of her hate which to me is no apology at all.
If someone does something to you which is unpleasant, and then tells everyone how sorry they are, but refuses to apologise to you, then it isn’t an apology, and they aren’t really sorry at all.
I am a political anorak and tune in every day to the Daily Politics. I am getting increasingly frustrated with Jo Coburn. She ask questions that go on for days, she interrupts, particularly Conservatives. Yesterday she let Barry Gardiner witter on and constantly interrupted Michael Gove, whose opinion I wanted to hear.
Sometimes I wonder who the devil she thinks is watching as she explains IFS, OBR and other in intricate detail. She is patronising and gets on my nerves. She is also clearly biased, but then who isn’t on the BBC
Melinda, Think ‘The Joker’ graduated Summa Cum Laude from the James Naughtie School of Broadcasting.
Grad thesis was on ‘Silent Broadcasting in Television’ and it is said that that was when she developed the ‘Disapproving Prune’ look.
Barry Gardiner has been at the JNSoBroadcasting for evening classes in filibustering. Unfortunately, he’s now addicted and will take any opportunity in any public forum to talk as boringly as possible for as long as possible. It’s a delight to see someone dedicated to his art in quite that way. Not quite so good to listen to, although the voice has a strange hypnotic quality to it, mostly at the soporific level, where he has been known to score 11 out of ten.
About time YouGov was renamed WeGovStupid after yet more blatant attempts to manipulate and distort reality. Along with just about every political dialogue currently on screen, of which there are many and on any channel save perhaps RT, the inexorable promotion of Corbyn in tandem with the denigration and diminution of all things ‘Tory’ is as frightening, and frightful, as any Orwellian projection.
Ally this with headlines like: ‘Dramatic dip in Sterling on latest poll figures…’ (The pound has currently dropped a staggering 0.46% against the dollar, signalling imminent collapse, of course, but hey, only nerds check boring facts) and the level of misinformation, dare I call it fake news, opens a new low in media presentation, led as usual by our noble BBroadCaster.
All the polls are showing movement away from the Tories away towards Labour, not just YouGov which as it happens is a Tory organisation:
Stephan Shakespeare, the firm’s CEO as of 2017, once stood as a Conservative candidate for Colchester; he was also a Conservative Party pollster.
Nadim Zahawi another Tory was its founder !
ICMs poll shows a 12 point lead, yet when this is configured using YouGov’s weighting the Tory lead drops to only 3 points!
Since the last GE when Milliband lost, the pollsters have been refining their polling to deliver more accurate results, and don’t forget that forecasting elections is not a part of their business, it’s a kind of advertising at how accurate their services are so they can then sell them to the buyers. Politicing would see the death of any pollster if they indulged in it.
The truth is that May is a hopeless apparatchik bereft of policies of her own, without any passion for anything, and without fire in her belly.
Corbyn on the other hand is a conviction politician and believes deeply in the policies his party have.
May’s lack of political direction have allowed the greed monsters in the Tory party to run riot, and she has failed to rein them in. Who on earth thought it would be a good idea to stop free school dinners? What a miserly mean thing to do. It must save the government pennies, yet they appear like Scrooge in his counting house.
The only reason hopeless May deserves to win is because the alternative is so awful – and that is no basis to elect the leader of this country.
I can believe the polls. In my limited experience I am running into friends who have never held any strong political opinions and they are stating their intention to vote Labour because Jeremy is friendly, approachable, whereas May is seen as a liar and unapproachable.
I think she has wrecked the idea of a Tory landslide and we could be heading for a hung parliament.
I am voting UKIP and hope that kippers drop the belief that voting for Treezer is the only way to get Brexit. A hung Parliament with a few Kippers and a new leader is worth going for
Lots of Tories have founded companies and many stay on the board to pick up their benefits. Having people like Roger Parry and Peter Bazalgette to help run things suggests a rather less than ‘True Blue’ outlook on life.
Anyone catch the emotional blackmail eco-propaganda on Womans Hour ?
#BBCdontDoScience Proper science reporting means not just bringing on “a scientist” to assert
, but bringing on a challenger so we can see how robust the asserters claims are.
The narrative construction device WH used : was to pretend they were monitoring ONE child’s air quality on the walk to school
..That way they could play audio of the child Ester making all kinds of assertions ..and then justify not challenging them.
The WH prog blurb
“Air pollution is a major environmental health problem.
How does breathing dirty air impact on children and what – if anything – can parents do to help their children?
We hear from Dr Ben Barratt a lecturer in Environmental Research at King’s College London
and Dr Abigail Whitehouse, clinical research fellow at Queen Mary’s Blizard Institute.”
Claim “Walking to school exposes you to less pollution than driving”
* dingaling ! complex claims made lightly
eg not all school journeys are in traffic jams or In dense cities
– What type of pollution ?
– “exposed to” ≠ “harm done” .eg cyclist breathing in far faster, than driver
The BBC and its executives and presenters, I think, may be hoping that instead of taxing their income and capital gains more highly, Jeremy Corbyn in Government would instead relent and switch the tax to road fuels as Labour did in 1997-2010. The BBC high earners can then enjoy an easy low tax ride into the sunset of a very comfortable retirement somewhere warm. The rest of us will be left to shiver, longing for a bit of AGW.
News night last night hit one of it regular lows these days with wark and the gang from radio 1 looking for and finding of course division everywhere between the young and old. Its all old peoples fault and basically vote labour whatever you do. Dominic raab from the tories need not have shown up as wark would bark a question and shout down raab if he answered. If not her it was the activists that were shouting him down. The look of hate on some of them would power a small power station. Bartley from the greens was also there but there was no mention of his involvement in a failed anti brexit bid in the irish courts. Just painted as some righteous individual. Torsten bell from the resolution foundation was also there but no mention of his involvement with miliband and the fabled ed stone. Ukip had a coloured guy in who brought up the elephant in the room immigration. you could tell they wanted to shout racist but couldnt. The activists in the room and there was many were pretending to be normal joe soaps but they were wheeling out statistics like an actuary on speed and only regurgitating labour talking points. The message being hammered home was old people are evil and vote labour. Channel 4 was doing the same thing on their program earlier with a show loaded with activists. They ahave given up the neutrality and are fighting tooth and nail for corbyn. The target is brexit and they are willing to sell their grubby souls to stop it and if that means getting a terrorist supporting scumbag and and his brownshirts into no 10 then so be it
Today its full on anti brexit and anti tory mode from the beeb bigging up a nuffieled trust report on the nhs on the same morning that corbyn is giving another speech on the nhs. Yesterdays car crash and treatment of emma barnett gone down the plughole never to be seen again. No mention at all of sean spicer telling the assembled media in the white house a few home truths about their lies and calling out the beeb or that idiot lefty comedian and the pic with the dons head in blood.
Seeing press releases ‘raw’ one often gains insights into just how much ‘news’ is PR, and that is even before editorial integrity filters kick in. This was a fun one:
And now Jeremy has decided to appear in a 7-way electoral stunt featuring all the major party leaders. And who will represent Treesa – who, as we all recognise through frequent implication, hasn’t got the bottle to stick up for herself – why, it’s that gawky and overbearing yet impressively calm, measured and skilful orator Amber Rudd.
Sweet Jesus Christ, if that’s not capitulation I don’t recognise the word. I think I said – well, no, I know I said – a few weeks ago that it would suit the Conservatives to scrape back in, meaning that the mandate for Brexit would have to be re-examined. QED as the intelligentsia might once have said.
He was on Sky … “I don’t know what she’s doing this evening… but erm, I invite her to debate”:
She could still get there, you know, but won’t … The appalling Tory/Her record is indefensible.
Oh and later, as A Dudd appears to be the cut out
… He s almost laughing at her cowardice now
.@Theresa_May, come & debate me. Any time. Any place.
Britain deserves to see the only two people who could be the next Prime Minister debate
Amber Rudd was credited as “Aristocracy Co-Ordinator” in “Four Weddings and a Funeral”. I think she should have stuck to that, as politics clearly is not her forte.
I hate to say it, but Catweazle has turned the tables on Theresa May, who just looks weak for failing to turn up, and stupid for sending Amber Rudd in her place.
Yet More BBC Bias … this time on the music front, a new tune No1 on the download list, top ten trending on Youtube
one and a quarter million views and rising already, the chart show won t play it, across its music it won t play it citing its “impartiality”
… but by refusing to … showing it IS partial
we ll see if the Al BBCs “reverse Midas touch” works, its due to go top ten this week
Regards the V-IED attack in Kabul today. The bBC is screaming out that it penetrated the green zone security. Analysis: Waheed Massoud, BBC Afghan service I have taken this route many times. This is one of the most heavily fortified areas of Kabul – the so-called Green Zone. There is a boom gate. Every vehicle is stopped and IDs are checked. But the stricter the security, the more insurgents find loopholes and adapt. It is very difficult to say that such attacks will be prevented. They happen in the most secure places on Earth.
The BBC’s Harun Najafizada in Kabul says questions are already being asked about how the vehicle could have penetrated such a heavily fortified area, with its 3m (10ft) high blast walls, to carry out the deadliest attack in the capital in years http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-40102903
Now its been confirmed that the blast happened in Zanbaq Square. Here is a picture from the bbC:
Here is another picture from the bBC regards the border of the Green zone, where I have poined out where Zanbag square is. Right on the edge of the green zone. NATO has this to say: The NATO-led Resolute Support (RS) mission in Kabul said Afghan security forces had prevented the vehicle from entering the heavily protected Green Zone that houses many foreign embassies as well as its headquarters, suggesting it may not have reached its intended target.
So whilst this was a huge bomb attack, it didn’t penetrate the security zone as reported by the Cock suckers (CS) at the bBC. Now why would the bBC lie about that seeing as they have people on the ground. Could it be simply to promote the view that nowhere is safe from Islam and that we should pull out of every Islamic country in the world as the Labour leader is stating.
in other words, could this be nothing more than a surreptitious plug for labour as only the CS at the buggering British children can do.
Can somebody please explain why so many people are screaming out that the sky is falling in over media reports that Labour are closing the gap. If you are so worried why don’t you vote in which to ensure that Corbyn doesn’t get in.
Instead all I see is hods of people complaining about how bad the Tories are selling themselves. Is this what years of PC crap has done, that instead of fighting you simply lie down and cry. Not only that but you actually revel in promoting your “woe is me stance.” Jesus ‘H’ Christ, even the French aren’t as pessimistic as you fing lot.
You know Pounce the polls are notoriously fickle, and really only show trends, with factors like careful selection
orchestration … oh unless
its Corbyn of course – citing the polls, BBC the polls say, Tories the polls say, The Red Tories of the PLP the polls say
the toilet paper of the Murdoch rags the polls say … and yet, now don t believe the polls.
A strange thing.
I’ve stated from the very beginning that I suspect May of wanting the UK to remain in the EU by deceit. This is a stance supported by the CS of the media. Yet I know how I will vote. (Tory) Simply so as not to let Abbot shagger in. I’ve been shot at, blown up, beaten up, but I’ve kept fighting , which makes me fail to understand how so many people are willing to throw their cards in simply because they aren’t hearing what they want to hear.
Liar May – Deceit, hmmm
Ah Come on bud, she s only a Tory mate … can t change their nature
There are many many Tory “chickens coming home to roost” over their utter failure and incompetence real soon buddy, that’s part of the reason why its GE17 called now, despite them lying about it
… they need a new scapegoat ….. Brexit calling!
Then again they could always collude and fiddle 15 seats, like last time.
“Extensive Media bias against Jeremy Corbyn shows how politicised reporting has become”
The BBC Trust recently upheld a complaint against the BBC’s political editor Laura Kuenssberg, ruling that one of her early reports on Jeremy Corbyn breached accuracy and impartiality guidelines
These are just studies and reports though, The first thing to emphasise is that when Corbyn is given the opportunity to speak, he is able to resonate with millions of people, almost immediately … and despite all of the drip drip propaganda, is astute, and formidable in debate,(remember he s wiped the floor with half the cabinet before now) … but that’s the rub keeping him away from the TV ,smear him with no opportunity for recourse
Labour’s manifesto policies around redistribution, investment in public services, and indeed evening the appalling injustice for the poorest, old and vulnerable from the last 7 years, surprise surprise is actually popular with voters.
That’s why the neoliberal Westminster cabal have done everything to get rid of him, the Blairs, the Camerons, the Mandy s, the Mays, the Osbornes, the Campbells … the cosy LibLabCon that hold our nation to ransom, with their contempt, and utter utter, incompetence.
But this is a needless unwarranted, election … Liar May called it and so … he gets the airtime
Corbyn’s policies are dependent on raising Corporation Tax, the most optional tax going and go it will to other ‘partners’ in Europe who offer a lower rate. Corbyn is pro-terrorist, anti-patriotic, anti-EU and anti-Trident. His party claims to be ant-terrorist, patriotic, pro-EU and pro-Trident. Therefore Corbyn is either a lousy leader or a liar.
But then none of this has got anything to do with BBC bias. Whether we like a politician or not is not the purpose of this site. The questions to be asked are whether the BBC reports subjects impartially and objectively or are they pursuing an agenda of selective reporting and uncritical promotion of certain opinions?
Hi there Idiot,
“Corbyn’s policies are dependent on raising Corporation Tax, the most optional tax going and go it will to other ‘partners’ in Europe who offer a lower rate. Corbyn is pro-terrorist, anti-patriotic, anti-EU and anti-Trident. His party claims to be ant-terrorist, patriotic, pro-EU and pro-Trident. Therefore Corbyn is either a lousy leader or a liar”.
Oh and erm …
“none of this has got anything to do with BBC bias”
tomoMar 4, 12:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://youtu.be/HOJS3qQlVjE I doubt that a single main party dumbass in Westminster has watched this. What a contrast to Kamala…….
diggMar 4, 12:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The police president of The Black Police Association has complained because a tweet he made has been flagged as offensive…
Guest WhoMar 4, 12:45 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://thegrayzone.substack.com/p/un-demands-answers-from-uk-on-terror? Big pow wow between Starmer and Davie on this one. “Stick with saying nothing?” “Yup”
moggiemooMar 4, 12:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 You should also start adding UK Terror ‘can’t find to watch’ List.
GMar 4, 12:32 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC – “A German Man”. A German man can be a naturalised German ex Arab…….. Just saying.
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 12:28 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Wimmin to have to pay a £10k stud fee. https://nsfa.org.uk/ Well they can do it with horses, can’t they? Any…
tomoMar 4, 12:26 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We should see *who* curated that list of “inspirational mums” – and they should be confronted on their choices. [img]https://i.ibb.co/fdvtrW3L/1737579521368.jpg[/img]…
Page 4 Times : Science report says hadning out free condoms to kids DOES cause pregnancies.
“Teenage pregnancies have declined because of government cuts to spending on sex education, according to a new study ”
I’d say teenage pregnancies have fallen since the constant social media obsession on mobile phones – no time for sex anymore.
Ridiculous letter in the Times from Faisal Sheikh (made up name ?)
“How do you know thousands of Muslims are not taking to the streets ” to protest this terrorism ?
“we don’t all have beards and we wear jeans”
Surely if they were taking to the streets, the BBC would be having orgasms and we would never hear of anything else.
Lobster – I’ve written here in the last few days wondering out loud whether vast number of muslims in Blighty have organised a peace march or an ” eight year old girls matter “( forgive me for intruding or using grief – I really don’t mean too) .
But al Beeb did cover a march yesterday – I nearly choked on the humble pie I was about to eat when the al Beeb camera pulled out a bit and showed not the biggest march – mainly chaps with beards – about 50 at the most – which is why it didn’t get covered much. Bet the camera man / editor got told off for not getting in closer to make up the numbers.
It was the same after 7/7. An enormous silence. I suppose there’s some religious thing they can rely on or they’ve all gone to the Had or whatever they call it.
Remember – we won’t be divided – right?
PS – if anyone is a real anorak and playing election bulls–t bingo I nominate the word “transformational” a Labour favourite at the moment – much loved by ms Angela Raynor ~this weeks shadow educashun secretary and Now embraced by nobby ‘I’ll give you the number in a minute ‘ Corbin
Jeremy Corbyn giving a speech on something he clearly knows little about – which appears to be any subject he turns his gob to !
“Ethnic minority unemployment is double that of white”
Well no shit Sherlock! When your religion and culture means your wife is forbidden from work and is to be used as nothing other than a baby factory then half the ethnic populace is bound to be economically inactive.
“Ethnic minorities are more likely to be in poverty”
See above for one of the reasons, when you could have two wages coming in but make an active choice to only have one, then poverty is a lifestyle choice.
On top of that a magistrate friends tells me that every single taxi driver he gets in front of him earns just one pound less than the level needed to claim benefits and the level for ‘relative’ poverty is set just around the level which triggers benefits.
Then there are the hoards of drug dealers who claim to be unemployed and looking for work, but are making a very nice living in the black economy.
That is why ethnic minorities are seemingly unemployed and in so called poverty which isn’t poverty.
And taking time off work FIVE times a day to pray. Perhaps Marxi Corbie should have declared that any pay lost for prayer time, the State will make up.
And the unemployment rate in the Chinese community is?
And the top performing “communities” in education are?
Sexism : “night court sittings will drive women out of law”
Gov plans to extens courts to ending time of 6pm, Civil 7pm, 8:30pm magistrates .
Surely it’s mad to claim sexism… If women are equal, then childcare is equal…… #PoshBubble
..Plenty of women already work late ..bar, shop workers, never mind those in 24 /365 jobs like engineers/police
The article in Mondays Times seems a newsvert, cos the petition has been around months ago 5 weeks ago it had 2K sigs, today 3K
Oxford students now have to take exam on BME Asian/Indian history as part of decolonizing the curriculum
most newspapers cover
Is the bBBC pushing this? It’s right up their street: racism and pro-Corbyn.
one of the biggest problems the Fascists have is their meaningless words and all it takes to expose the naked emperor is to ask what these words actually mean, and how they know when they have achieved them.
So what is ‘equality’ and what does Corbyn define it as – how will he know when he has realised his goal?
Trouble is that all of his party disagree about this equality of what? Opportunity, or outcome, and why should the undeserving receive as much as the deserving?
It’s basically Communism wrapped up as political correctness.
Equality is such a simple concept…..wake up at the back…
It means I can run as fast as Usain Bolt….only last week….oh…..err……hang on..
Shit! I cant.
Wheres my equality.
…Only Labour can be trusted to unlock the talent of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people…….
Well that might be harder than imagined. Channel hopping the afternoon dross of quizzes, general knowledge (and some questions are pathetically easy with 3 choice of answers) seems to beat most of the e/m who participate, and get blown out in the first round.
” …Only Labour can be trusted to unlock the talent of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people……”
I wonder why the talent wasn’t unlocked between 1997 and 2010 then.
Yes…97 to 2010, they couldnt do that….they were too busy reopening the mines Thatcher closed eh?
“Only Labour can be trusted to unlock the talent of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people”
The magic didn’t work for David Lammy, did it? The locks are well and truly secure in his case.
Not working too well for Diane Abbott either.
On the other hand, with a few exceptions, Asian talent seems to emerge without assistance.
He’s talking about positive discrimination on a large scale. Be afraid, be very afraid.
9pm Tonight on C4 Grayson Tranvestite Perry has prog about his Brexit artwork
The two man sized vases – “one for the Leavers and one for the Remainers – are presented as one work called Matching Pair.”
“features portraits of the people who responded to Perry’s appeal to contribute.
Additionally the Remain pot includes the late MP Jo Cox, the campaigner Gina Miller, Gary Lineker, Barack Obama, Gandhi, Shakespeare and logos for Waitrose and the NHS.
Unsurprisingly Nigel Farage appears on the Leave pot alongside Winston Churchill, the Queen, Francis Drake and Cadbury’s.
Commonalities representing Britishness and British values are found on both pots, including: bacon and eggs, the local pub, walking the dog, family, David Bowie and Marmite.”
Thank God there’s pork in there somewhere.
I hope the vase for Brexit is 60% larger than that for remain, to reflect the UK’s present views.
“… the public think Brexit should go ahead by 69% to 21%”
Moreover, that the smaller remain pot costs a good deal more to reflect the wealth of remainers like Gina Miller, Linekar, Geldof, Hesletine …etc, as these people will miss out on all that dosh stolen from the poorest in Europe and handed to them through CAP.
That’s true but Hitchins had a classic warning about how how media narrative constructors using opinion polls
” the unending tyranny of the opinion polls, which many media systems now use as a substitute for news and as a means of creating stories rather than reporting them. ” from his 2010 slate article
I think Perry, just like Eddie Izzard, abuses a spurious transvestite image as an attention seeking device – it’s replacement therapy for inadequacy. Like Heseltine’s hair, Geldoff’s BO and Bono’s glasses, it masks a void in their humanity.
Surely Shakespeare at least should be on the Brexit side. At no time was he an EU poet, he was English then British after 1603. His Henry V speeches should knock any thought of him representing anti-Britishness and pro-EU countries as Perry thinks. It’s just that he wanted Shakespeare to be on his team.
It’s like a Man United fan picking his all-time favourite United team and an Arsenal fan doing the same for his team, and the United fan choosing Thierry Henry just because he would have loved him to have played for United.
I see it’s just been announced that Ariana Grande is holding a concert at Old Trafford the BBC breathlessly announce. Mere days after the atrocity. Isn’t she a resilient and strong girl? And, the advertising material shown on the BBC news shows us that, “The proceeds will BENEFIT the victims and families………”. (my capitals emphasise). Yes, that’s right, BENEFIT rather than donating ‘All’ the proceeds. So, in my cynicism it seems an event to make massive amounts of money and worldwide kudos for………..Ariana and, along the way, I suspect a small percentage (we won’t be told how much) of the takings will be donated (sorry, “benefit”) the dead, survivors and their families. Life goes on and the BBC are anxious to relegate the islamic atrocity to a sideline as quickly as possible.
My error: “Emirates” Old Trafford…………. Forgive me, where’s the “Emirates”? isn’t that an islamic part of the World?
Real people just call it Old Trafford cricket ground. Apart from the MSM I don’t know anyone who calls it Emirates Old Trafford.
We used to simply call it Warwick Road!
Saw Grayosn Perrys Channel 4 effort to create a “Brexit” and a “EUrinal” vase earlier. And much as we can call him out on his bias, the programme did its job.
His Remainiacs were entltied, self regarding poncey hypocrites…unable to do anything but indoctrinate their kids to go on arty marches like Kim Jon Un. And make it all about them and their pampered posey tribe and narcissists.
Whereas the Leavers were honest roughnecks who were angry at years of betrayal and some sens of history. We could be something better than this, their grandparents had fought for us and we`d not easily bin it for the consciences of the Islington lotus eaters.
A revealing autopsy between the REAL people of England, and the publicly funded dream weaving weirdies who live near Stewart Lee and Grayson himself. Worth a watch-not perfect,but Graysons aware of his hypocrisy enough to make him fairish.
She should have gone and seen those kids in hospital – entering by a side door and avoiding the paparazzi wouldn’t have been hard, and she would have been far better thought of.
I totally agree . Piers Morgan called her out on it for flying straight back to Florida and now she is coming back with a group of publicity seekers before the dead are even buried .
They may well collect cash for the bereaved but its not all about money .No amount of money would compensate for my kids being taken in that way.
I really despair of what this country is becoming.A period of reflection and respect for the dead might be in order. But money and pop culture comes before everything.
No doubt the BBC will be there for maximum publicity .Sick.
How exactly does this “benefit” victims’ families?
Your 8-year-old daughter gets blown to bits, and someone gives you a cheque for $5,000. Does that make you feel better? It’s also uncannily close to the mediaeval idea of “blood money”, known in Islam as ‘diya’.
These peoples’ lives have been torn apart irreparably. Giving them money seems like a cruel reminder of what they have lost.
I would bet that it will benefit Labour during the election. I am sure the Labour Mayor of Manchester will be there opening his gob in favour of the peaceful community within Manchester
This little section probably needs a thread of its own.
The fact that Ariane, Coldplay and chums can cavort around the Arena once more is grotesque, irresponsible and stupid. Yes, the fairy dust, the saccharine and the Emotional Fascism images of the pink balloons will get 24/7 coverage. But the Muslims have already drawn their own conclusion.
One global porn conglomerate have their brains way too close to their arses.
Just over a week ago, 28 Coptic Christians were murdered on their way to a church trip to a local monastery. Same time as the Manchester atrocity.
But there`ll be no wanton deliberate repeat of the Coptic trip…because it`s pretty clear what the results would be , and this “provocation” would serve no purpose to the worlds media anyway.
The Islamic Caliphate will be as repulsed as we are over this lazy fatuous, overweening guff of a gig(and , being Mancs and Scousers-I`ll be very surprised if anybody pays, they`ll all have been at the gig or worked in the emergency services!-joke!)
As the Muslims say-if you leave raw meat or patries out uncovered-well, expect the flies to swarm all over them.
This is both raw meat-hardly mopped up yet-and baklava pastis-and the pop tarts are now being offered up uncovered.
With extra honey dripping and saccharine gloop poured on top in full view of the medias biggest jumbotrons.From the safety of Lords Harvey Goldsmith and Tony Hall no doubt.
Were I a Muslim nutter at Al Azhar…I`d see how the Copts were covered by the media here-contrast it with the likes of Katy Perry and her sugar snacks? And I`d know which of these gets worldwide attention. Their next choice of target is suddenly made all the easier.
Reminds me of Attenborough-where the lambs trapped in a pen get picked off by the buzzards for fun-and the stupid ewes look blankly at David, maybe sadly for a second too-and then continue to graze and think that their lambs were but a dream and leaves a bit more grazing and room for them anyway.
Even I think this a stupid provocation…so God knows what the long term scholarly caliphate types will think of this needless child sacrifice-and all to get Gary Barlow or Gary Neville onto our screens once more.
In a little noted item yesterday, Erdogan banned the use of Arena in describing the football stadia of Fenerbache and Galatasaray-unislamic concept, imported empty badge braggings, no role in Turkey.
Coming very soon here…unless your Emirates or Etihad for now,
“They blow us up, we sing Imagine” – Douglas Murray.
We simply show the caliphate we are weak; worse than that, we show teenage Muslim losers across the UK that we are weak, and devoid even of seeing the value of defending our own people.
ISIS, which actually believes in something (brutal and mediaeval though it be) starts to look to them like an attractive alternative.
My cartoon with just a week to go until we can finally get back to Theresa May being Prime Minister (and the BBC blaming it all on Russia)
What a talent-all the better for being moderate and thoughtful!
For all those who harbour doubts about how strong and stable the government is about dealing with the growing Muslim enclaves in England, the news of the collapse of the Trojan Horse, disciplinary hearing against 5 teachers will come as no surprise . The Dept of Education totally messed up by not revealing the source of witness statements and so the hearing collapsed on a technicality . Back to the classroom they go!
Muslim schools, taking advantage of the academy system and in effect encouraging extreme religious practices and trying to cut off young Muslims from wider society are pernicious . No competent government would allow them . It was only private individuals who revealed Trojan Horse. Both the government and Ofstead have been useless .
Can we expect any other outcome EE?
The Muslims no longer need to lobby to get Islam as its preferred faith system in any school (let`s call them madrassas shall we?).
The liberal Left have left schools wide open for this, and it`s about the only area of life that Muslims will care about( apart from law).
That we ourselves know nothing of our faith-let alone any means of teaching it, even choosing what matters from it-is our fault alone. Muslims, at least take their education seriously, and note the self loathing and ignorance that we provide for our few kids rattling around in Blairs bistros.
No-don`t blame Muslims for this-they will teach things, our flaccid unions and academies gave up when there was no EU prizes or emails to Obama any more.
They want to win this war-much as the Left want desperately to win the cultural war.
As long as they know we know the nature of this fight,and we`re not the BBC or Nicky Morgan-like in our abject indifference to what we`re seeing.
At least Muslms wouldn`t give Woodhead, Balls or Blunkett any role, except of their fat heads.
EE all true..
#but instead of ofstead use ofsted..issa acronym innit!
Saudi money………….
BBC website has a video about the latest vandalising of the Little Mermaid statue in Copenhagen(http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-europe-40098366/denmark-s-little-mermaid-statue-painted-red-in-anti-whaling-protest) and treating it entirely as a joke. That’s their level nowadays. If someone was to vandalise a statue of one of their SJW heroes I think we would see a very different reaction from them.
Re the MEND crowdfunding appeal – “muslims for Manchester victims” – Shazad Amin – “Weʼre raising £100,000 to distribute to families of those affected by the tragic events in the Manchester Arena attack.”
After only one week or so a massive 205 (mainly anonymous..bless’em all though.. innit!) donors have contributed a whopping £15,695 to the fund.
Sheer class!…you gotta give it give it to them muslims when it comes to supporting kafir families killed by their own spawn!
That’s equivalent to a stunning £193.76 for every one of the 22 families whose relative died and the 59 families whose relative was mutilated – and it’s enough money for each family affected to be able to fund the BBC Licence fee for about 16 months of top class viewing! Isn’t charity simply fantastic..I just wonder what the next one from MEND will be for?..but whatever it is I know it will be supported with the same degree of generosity and human kindness…yes..just the same.
The response speaks volumes!!
Yes, well, it would have been more but they’re not allowed to include any interest on the capital donated.
Usually if Islam has something to do with anything charitable there s a sizable backhander for erm Allah s work.
Seeing as their vent is political power, who knows
extremist Abu Eesa Niamatullah?
hate preacher Haitham al-Haddad?
Surprised the BBC are not championing this as an amazing example of generous largesse.
They are, of course, an organisation very much in favour of a financial bung to atone for individual malfeasance under the corporate banner, if quietly added to the unique funding special budget of the licence fee, along with propping up dodgy pension investments for the right kind of oldies, like Mark Byford and Alan Yentob.
There is a slight difference though, as the BBC perps tend to get promoted rather than hosed off the ceiling.
This Ariane Rehash-only with extra gummy bears, and chances to blag freebies and go on the baksheesh market-is not going to end well.
Of course, the night itself will be trouble free-but Islam isn`t working on a 24/7 news cycle…and their worst have far better history and memory than our ADHD goldfish at the BBC and in Popworld.
It`s a provocation-and instead of doing the REAL work to get Islam dealt with at its core, we get yet another offer of pornographic party bags, posturing sexist attitude from the Lotus Eating Gated Community with a night spare and some backwash benefits. Think Adam Ant at Live Aid 1985.
No-this is trouble, yet more diabetic fizz in the face of a serious and cold threat at our softest spots.
These people do nothing but celebrate-and don`t let a few deaths of kids stop the rush to the celebrity buffet by the Overclass. As long as the velevet ropes won`t show the bloodstains soon to follow eh?
Makes me heave.
Labours John McDonnell statement made in 2003….
‘‘It’s about time we started honouring those people involved in the armed struggle. It was the bombs and bullets and sacrifice made by the likes of Bobby Sands that brought Britain to the negotiating table. The peace we have now is due to the action of the IRA. Because of the bravery of the IRA and people like Bobby Sands, we now have a peace process.’’….
This Bastard needs prosecuting…
Why don’t the Conservatives reproduce that statement on a nice big election poster?
Why don’t they fight to win?
….i spent 4 years in total doing various tours serving in Ireland during my time in the Army and to discover that people like McDonnell and Corbyn were in cahoots with the Republicans truly breaks my heart. I wonder how the families of those killed must feel..
I have no idea why the Conservatives dont publicise these statements. They truly are appalling and there are plenty out there
do they want too? i have to ask,
why didnt they wait till after the boundary changes?
why the stupid manifesto?
Be afraid
Dafydd…… that needs ‘twittering’ to all his followers.
Ive sent a copy of it in an email to his constituency office…
It is also a lie; they were losing and they knew it.
BBC News – Boy, 16, attacked with knife in Manchester ‘hate crime’
A bit hush hush BBC?
“A 16-year-old boy has been attacked with a knife at a leisure centre in what police are calling a hate crime.
A man approached him from behind and pushed him to the floor at the Arcadia Sports Centre in Levenshulme, Manchester at about 20:45 BST on Thursday, police said. The boy was cut on his arms but managed to run away. The man returned to the reception and left with another man”
. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-40076243
“MI5 has revealed that there are as many as 23,000 jihad terrorists on the streets of Britain today. That’s an army. And Britain is indeed at war. But this is not just a problem that Prime Minister Theresa May has the responsibility to solve.
It is also a problem that she and her colleagues have created.
This Britain of troops on the streets and high tension over another imminent jihad attack is the Britain that Theresa May and her ilk have chosen. This is the Britain of the policies that she and her predecessors, David Cameron,Gordon Brown, and Tony Blair have followed for years. They now have the Britain they have made. In getting to today’s traumatized, bloodied, nervous, frightened Britain, they followed a multi-pronged strategy. One chief element of this strategy was to demonize and marginalize anyone who spoke too clearly about the motivating ideology behind jihad terrorism.
For years, May and her cohorts have hounded, stigmatized, and demonized foes of jihad terror, falsely claiming that they represent a “far-right” equivalent to jihad terrorists, while appeasing and accommodating Muslim groups in Britain, many of which were by no stretch of the imagination “moderate,” and allowing numerous jihad preachers to operate without hindrance. Meanwhile, Britain has a steadily lengthening record of admitting jihad preachers without a moment of hesitation. Syed Muzaffar Shah Qadri’s preaching of hatred and jihad violence was so hardline that he was banned from preaching in Pakistan, but the UK Home Office welcomed him into Britain.”
R Spencer
BBC TV News this morning at about 08.12
Sofa male hosts a table on a Welsh beach (Llandudno) comprising Welsh representatives of the major parties.
Sofa male mentions the ‘events’ of Monday. The Lib Dem rep also refers to the ‘events’ of Monday.
The UKIP representative refers to ‘the barbaric and evil people trying to kill us’ as regards Monday.
Proof that the Tories are still unaware just how biased the BBC is:
“When the BBC convened a meeting of non-specialists to decide that ‘the science was settled’ on climate change, they established a subject about which they no longer needed to be neutral. That has become a bridgehead from which they can attack the Tories without needing maintain neutrality. If they can move from here to announcing that ‘the science is settled’ on the Tory party – well, job done”
If the writer of this post cannot see that the BBC is anything but neutral on its political reporting and doesn’t need any further pretence because no one is pulling them up about it, then it is no surprise that we see the BBC unafraid to be as biased as it pleases.
One good thing on the page is a nice link to the names and the positions of all the attendees at the secret BBC 28 gate meeting which can be accessed here:
Where do you find these Lucy?
Newsnight / Newsbeat Generation gap. More one sided hilariously pitches young and old against each other in the usual lopsided BBc stylee. The usual complete bollocxs from BBc trying to make it look like over 60s have just had a bloody good laugh. Seems a lot of the 60 year olds are kissing arse. When we get to housing they dance around the subject until the UKIP representative mentions immigration then there is a sharp intake of breath. Seems that none of the 60+ group think that immigration isn’t too high. Err is that representative. One of the youngsters tells us her future has been stolen by older people . Well whoop whoop my future was stolen in 1975 when the country voted to stay in what was a completely different beast the EEC. Another informs us that she has never faced racism until BREXIT she later informs us we should vote for Corebin. Still I did swear at the TV a lot. Complete utter biased wank as usual from the uniquely funded BBc.
Didn`t watch-but do know that Channel 4 were running the same meme with Krishan up in Wolverhampton.
I do wonder who sets up these daily narratives, given that Alastair Campbell and Peter Mandelson no longer have their Excalibur Grids firing down at Millbank Towers. But clearly this popping at the young old divide crap( as if they`re not our grandkids, we`re not their parents etc) is intended to creata that long sought “harmony” that Brexit was meant to have shattered. In other words-they want civil war between the generations and Russell Brand for Leader.
Sorry-we KNOW how to fight, not just dissolve into a puddle of tears when the latte comes in a long glass.
Stuff Kirsty-Guru Murky and the liberal blobsters.
“Stuff Kirsty-Guru Murky and the liberal blobsters.”
Chris, I prefer Andrew Breitbart’s quote: “Fuck you. It’s war”.
“One of the youngsters tells us her future has been stolen by older people”
Someone should tell her that if we don’t cure the liberal disease her future will probably be as a sex-slave & baby machine for a fat, old, bearded fellow.
When the dust settles, one of the bBBCs favourite subjects reappears – Yemen and its humanitarian crisis (dictated by the UN):
My answer – a) Mr Corbyn has told us to modify our foreign policy and not interfere with the affairs of these countries
b) Mrs May has ring fenced Foreign Aid, so no money left, sorry
c) they have lots of oil rich neighbours
Sorry if I sound callous and harsh, but there is a limit to how generous you can feel as millions of so called refugees head into Europe/UK, and we are attacked from within by extremists of their prevailing religion.
@ToobiWan May 29, 2017 at 10:32 am brought up a 11th February 2017 Cardiff Media School report
Report reveals biased BBC has “high dependency” on the Conservatives for statistics.
The actual report is dated August 2016
The Evolve article dwells on this quote is uses to get its title
“And Conservative politicians represented nearly three-quarters (73%) of these statistical references.”
All that means is that on air Tory politicians actually “statistical references” (whether correct or not)
..whereas Labour/Green/Lib DO not generally come out with numbers but rather stick with vague promises ..and “I’ll get back to you with the numbers”
but Newswatch had already warned us not to trust Cardiff Media School report, cos it’s a loonyverse centre allied to the BBC
Beyond the BBC:
I have come across something that indicates the British Council is also working to oppose what they call populism (i.e. democracy) and protectionism. Basically it seems they are pushing an “internationalisat” political agenda with an open border policy. They are employing non-British citizens to help push that agenda.
Bianka Stege (British Council director of education & society for EU region): Cities must reap international benefits to stave off populism & protectionism. Internationalisation is a long-term goal of ours where both universities & cities are deliberately creating an attractive & open environment to live & to work. Internationalisation approaches must be much wider & much more nuanced … including hosting of cross cultural events and education.[paraphrased]
Bianka Stege was interviewed during the British Council “Going Global” conference, and the release of the British Council commissioned study report: “Mutual influence? Universities, cities & the future of internationalisation” 2017
If someone has a linkedln account – please access Bianka Stege’s linkedln page [https://linkedin.com/in/bianka-stege-b506398] & cut & paste her past employment and education in a reply comment. Thanks
Good spot, BobotC. Interesting.
British Council using taxpayer £ms while doing this, too.
Perhaps Bianka should be asked how she can work for an organisation – the EU – that is, at the very least, highly protectionist?
I gather the EU used to be populist, er, no, popular, but that its popularity is waning and not just in the UK.
Some stories the bBBC just won’t let go of.
Portland victim: ‘Without them we would be dead’
I am shocked that two blokes who kindly defended these girls were viciously murdered, by a probable psychopath, but the BBC is desperate to use this story as an example of a terrible anti Muslim hate crime, which it is not.
I can’t access the video attached to it, interestingly.
The desperation of BBC and others is revealed in all its naked narrative. It was a brutal murder, so focussing on the minor ‘hate’ aspect directed less lethally elsewhere first seems bizarre.
Also it seems Mr. Trump was low on the loon’s favoured reading list too, so Katty Kay will likely need to spin up a ‘questions being asked’ headline to get around that.
I note the posts above about Muslims not protesting the terror attack. Its not happening here with a very large Muslim community.Nobody is protesting it.Nil Nada.
What we have had increasingly is the local Iman talking to the local online press. His words on this occasion for calm among ALL faiths as we go into Ramadam and for ALL faiths to abide by the law.
As you can imagine I was spitting feathers and left an appropriate strong comment. I refuse to be lectured about something so completely owned by Muslims .Call out your extremists and drive them out as Trump said .Some hope.
Hitting the streets in some communities living in fear of being sussed is very much like BBC editorial integrity; there is only enough time and space for certain topics to motivate them.
I thought the mass emoting after the Westminster attack was pathetic and useless; I almost vomited when the Beeb gleefully reported on people of all faiths holding hands along the Westminster Bridge.
How that has changed this time around – some people have got a tattoo to remember the tragedy! Grrrrrr! That might even tickle a bit and is permanent! Imagine if a terrorist were making a bomb then he saw someone with the tattoo; he would feel so unified that he would convert to believing in anything and everything and just hug and hold hands with everyone forever.
If you live in Manchester tattoos are a good idea. They will help police identify the body.
As the plod begin to release without charge in dribs and drabs those they hauled in with their PR-based fake dragnet…
The BBC are clearly delighted that the murderous act of terror story has transformed into a big celebrity gig
Brexit Fears – this morning the Nuffield Trust want us to fret that all the ex-pat pensioners in Spain will need to come back here to the NHS – a figure of 190,000 is banded around – of course there’s never any remote chance that our own international health service would baulk at servicing the third of a million annual net influx to these crowded isles.
Our Louise Minchin, bless her, inadvertently gives the BBC pro-Corbyn game away:
“Later we’ll be hearing from one Jeremy Corbyn supporter, and one not so much”
BBC script writers couldn’t quite bring themselves to say opponent. Sounds about right – one outright Corbynista and one perhaps not convinced but certainly not against the nice cuddly well-meaning lefty chap who is now a little more pro-EU than he used to be.
Dateline 2027…
Abdul El-Twatti, Britain’s new Home Secretary, has ordered the police to check all people questioned or arrested for tattoos of Bees. Defending the move, he stated that the ruling council was not against the sporting of tattoos as such, which he accepted was a traditional practice of the Dhimmi population. However, the bee had a particularly sinister connotation and could be evidence of Islamophobia, which carries the death penalty.
Does make things a bit easier for those trying to manage the population. And the latest generation of plod under Sheik HoSec Abbott are not required to be great with long numbers, so emojis seems a step forward.
Tattoos on limbs was once all the rage, if with more dubious historical context.
BBC ‘News’ Daily summary email has an interesting title headline:
‘What will Brexit cost the NHS?’
See, it’s just a question. Totally legit in such a form.
Oh, but hold on a sec…
By Justin Parkinson
Brexit expat retirees ‘may cost NHS millions’
What will UK pensioners living abroad do after Brexit? A report by the Nuffield Trust suggests that tens of thousands will come home to use the NHS , raising the cost of healthcare paid for by the UK government to £1bn a year. It says a new deal needs to be reached with other European countries to keep pressure off the health service.
What is this? A ‘report’…. that ‘suggests’…. all under the BBC favoured ‘may’ disclaimer.
How very BBC. How very unique.
Also, folk who paid in coming back to use the NHS seem despicable compared to those who have paid in zippy being greeted by Yvette Cooper at her free B&B with the #refugeeswelcome hashtag, as Lilly Allen blubs with joy at a health tourist from Nigeria squirting out her quads as hubby demands a bigger house in Kensignton.
Car crash radio on the BBC R4 TODAY Programme 6.30 – 7.30am, as good as anything from Diane Abbott. Listen again if you didn’t catch it first time: great for a cheery laugh or laughs early this morning.
“We are talking about the NHS this morning.”
“No, we are not; we’re talking about the NHS in England.”
“Health is devolved around the UK.”
“So, in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland it is running well?”
“Er .. ”
“Demand is too great.”
“We don’t have enough doctors and nurses.”
“We need more immigrants.”
“But demand is too great?”
“It’s old people, it’s their fault.”
“Immigrants don’t get old, don’t get sick?”
“No. They are all under eighteen and stay that way.”
“Not qualified doctors and nurses, then, ready to work straight away in the NHS?”
“Er … “
Someone mention car crash?
I’m sure Richard P will correct me if I’m wrong; but as I understand physics the larger the mass of a body the greater its gravitational pull. Portillo looks like he’ll have trouble reaching escape velocity.
Alternative astronomical terminology was deleted in the interest of good taste.
Talk on SKY and the BBC this morning about a “report” saying that ex-pats returning to Britain from Spain will cost the NHS £1bn/year.
OK to discuss some arrivals but not others, and apparently only old white people use the NHS. Sure, expats from Spain might be older, but it’s also less likely that they’ll be filling maternity wards and schools with excessive numbers of kids.
If May has any sense (yes, I know), if ex-pats are forced out of Spain, it will be balanced by the removal of EU citizens from the UK. I wouldn’t count on it though – wouldn’t be “nice”, would it?
It’s a certain category of non EU citizens that I’d like to see gone. But that won’t happen will it?
Morning. BBc Breakfast and here we go The Nuffield Trust reckons the NHS will need loads more resources if pensioners return to the country after BREXIT. No mention of course how much resources are taken up by the migrants already here. Stop immigration. start repatriation.
Like all the other ‘facts’ about immigrants not being a drain on the public purse, it is all lies. Migration Watch commissioned research which, in summary concluded,
“The main findings can be summarised as follows. Whereas the fiscal cost of the UK-born population amounted to nearly £88bn in 2014/15, EEA immigrants cost £1.2bn and non-EEA immigrants cost £15.6bn, a net cost of £16.8bn. Looking at recent immigrants, i.e. those who came during 2001 and subsequently, the net fiscal cost was £6.2bn, comprised of recent A10 immigrants costing £2.8bn, other recently arrived European immigrants contributing £2.8bn and recent non-European immigrants costing £6.2bn.”
Report – https://www.migrationwatchuk.org/briefing-paper/document/381
But what about use of the NHS? Common sense tells anyone with a reasonable level of intelligence that importing 350,000 people a year, year on year, will have an impact. Yet, we are led to believe it is all the fault of the OAP. Same for housing. I don’t know whether any reputable body/organisation has done any work on the NHS but I have little doubt that if some organisation like Migration Watch carried out research they would prove what we all know (at least the sensible non-lying ones) already.
G – the impact on the NHS by a lot of these non- European immigrants must be enormous. I would think that a very high proportion of them will have a lifetime of untreated conditions to be attended to at our expense.
Not just non-EU migrants. There was a massive rush to the health system in general when we allowed in Bulgarians and Romanians. The current figures show that there has been a small exodus of nationals from the main EU countries right now. But, but, there is a large increase in the non-skilled (“Doctors, nurses and engineers” remember) from guess which? – Bulgaria and Romania
dont forget to add the annual £9billion it costs just to keep an eye on our fifth columnists
and just how many are being looked after in our prisons, im guessing these costs are not included in the stats
What are you talking about? They are all doctors and nurses.
Yes Dave ,and the Eastern European heavy smoking and drinking time bomb does not bode well for the future NHS either.
We recently had to tell an Eatern European man about spitting every morning outside our front gate .Its regular and all along the Steet ,major coughing and spitting. .The guy is approx 35 -40 and always smoking. That is a serious cough at his age.
Some cultures havent caught up with the health problems associated with smoking and the NHS is going to have to deal with it.
Hospitals have to import doctors and nurses. Otherwise they wouldn’t be able to understand their patients.
Am not an Arsenal fan (do admire A.W., though, especially his managerial style & respect his success) but the sport segment on the TOADY Programme at 7.30am was hilarious. Rob Sport, Gary’s brother, had some no-mark contributor on who was obviously an expert on Arsenal FC.
The BBC love Labour, may not like Jeremy Corbyn quuite sooo mucchhh but seem to really, absolutely, totally and unremittingly hate Arsene Wenger for some peculiar reason. The no-mark contributor had not been smart enough to turn on his smartphone and check either Wenger’s record as Arsenal Manager or what the fans were saying on Saturday evening and Sunday morning past.
I can understand high-paid Beeboids being a bit nervous of Corbyn’s ‘tax & spend’ manifesto, especially if they cannot get into legal tax avoidance schemes in time, but why maintain a long-running campaign against Arsene Wenger? They have been trying to get him sacked from before Christmas 2016! Or even during the last weeks of the previous season. Why?
Are they all, to a man (or woman), Chelsea fans at the BBC?
Poor Paddy, developing memory problems, already? He was – effectively, his Party anyway – in Government 2010-2015 while this was going on. He has to take some collective responsibility, if his assessment is correct, for the state of the UK that he refers to now.
The LibDems are known for their present day illiberalism. Is that what Paddy really had in mind?
Apparently, in the 1930s it was quite the thing for second rate politicians to shag their secretaries and be caught with their pants down – is this the sort of parallel he is thinking of?
I saw this article on BBC News website and I started to wonder how they would label Jack Monroe’s gender. For those who don’t know Jack, he/she is famous for not eating for 3 days.
Election blind dates: Georgia Toffolo and Jack Monroe
Even though the BBC like to push their gender-neutral bollox on us in this case they refer to “Jack” (the one who didn’t eat for 3 days) as a she all the way through. Even the Wikipedia page on Jack (who didn’t eat for 3 days) refers to it both as a she and a he.
Has the BBC slipped up here or does their own agenda change like the wind?
P.S. I should point out that Jack Monroe once didn’t eat for 3 days – just in case the message hasn’t been rammed down our throats enough.
“I used to be a 999 call-handler. I got pregnant with my son, and when I went back to work I couldn’t work the shift patterns any more. I ended up in a shoddy personal situation – I didn’t eat for three days in a row to feed my child. I started to write about being a single mum on the dole and it seemed to strike a chord with people. Then I got offered a recipe book deal and life went stratospheric” Jack Monroe
So am I to believe the her employer didn’t offer flexible working hours for her?
I don’t know about her employer but I do know that the fact she got pregnant and there is no mention of the father and she struggled on benefits is all the fault of the Tories and no one else.
As I recall, she/he/it also became a journalist for the Guardian. She’s also been on the panel on Question Time or Any Questions (or both) as an expert on poverty which I remember annoying me because of Dimbleby’s fawning over her, and her predictably unoriginal lefty opinions.
Was it not usual for journalists to learn their trade over many years, usually involving a one year course in Journalism at a university, and similarly for cooks who undergo long years training in kitchens?
This self important little t**t now seems to be making money out of being offended.
She didn’t eat for three days, then got a cheap recipe book and all was well?
Is that the Jack Monroe that once didn’t eat for 3 days? Is it another Jack Monroe that once didn’t eat for 3 days? Is this some sort of subliminal reference to Ramadam by the BBC? But this aside, surely if we don’t know whether he or she is the appropriate personal pronoun we should simply say ‘it’?
I couldn’t imagine Thornberry or Abbott not eating for three days ……
DA could stop eating for a year and you wouldn’t notice the difference.
Did she win her bet ?
She is just like Jezzer Dustbyns hero, Bobby Sands…Except he lasted a bit longer than 3 days.
Fascinating segment on the TODAY programme at about 8.42am. At long last, they actually talk to an Actuary. Something they could have done years ago since they first started mindlessly parroting “We are all living longer.”.
Life expectancy improvements are tailing off in England and Wales. John Humphrys should be e-mailed immediately. He is famous for telling anyone under 25 years of age that they will live to 130!
The BBC talk a shed load of rubbish about averages of lots of things, life expectancy being one of them. They have the resources to talk to experts in this field – instantly and at any time – but it has taken them about a decade and a half, or more, to get around to this.
I wonder if they will actually remember what they have been told? Will they cross check it with other Actuaries? They can sometimes be similar to economists: get two Actuaries in a room and you may have three points of view. Will BBC News & Current Affairs ‘bookmark’ this item and refer to it in future? Or will they completely forget it and go on parroting on air “We are all living longer.”?
My money – Actuaries everywhere please note – is on that last option.
Life expectancy is something politicians and the BBC always fail to understand. There is a huge difference between mean average dying age and human being longevity.
One only has to look at historical figures to see that human longevity has changed very little over hundreds if not thousands of years. i.e. Confucius lived over 2000 years ago and died aged 72, Galileo Galilei died 400 years ago aged 77 etc.
As of late, it is unusual for me to watch any declared “political” programme but, having moved to Wales less than 18 months ago, I thought it prudent to watch the Liebour Broadcasting Company’s programme: ‘Wales Leaders Debate’ in Cardiff with Huw Edwards. Having done the washing up early in preparation, I anticipated watching the whole programme until 2200 hrs. I endured 35 mins of the programme. Why? Well, the first negative signs came with Edwards introduction when he referred to, the “specially selected audience”. He wasn’t kidding. The first stage was a minute each to the panellists to outline their party’s vision. The imbalance of the audience was blatantly obvious on the hand-clapping after each panellist took their minute turn. I estimated that, of the 200 or so, “specially selected” audience, two maybe three of the audience clapped after the Conservative had his say. His minute, I thought, was lucid, factual and cohesive. Needless to say Liebour, and Plaid was oversubscribed as far as handclapping went. Next, the questions. It was then obvious that the few Asians present would be given preference including a woman wearing a black bag on her head and a Dick Turpin facial covering. The Asians seemed to enjoy the status quo where everything is deteriorating for the white British in preference to islam and one even stated that the Quaran does not contain any (ANY) hate verses. Off button on the remote.
(Sorry, mistaken report)
The BBC seem to take pride in how ‘special’ their selection processes are.
They really shouldn’t..
Maybe their response would sound better in Welsh?
I wonder if the BBC will go near this at all, as it could backfire on the narrative badly…
Seems a dubious practice at best.
No different to what has happened to Tommy Robinson. It seems that the message from Treesa’s government is to stamp out all dissent whoever & where ever it comes from.
Well apparently, she had met with Caolan from Rebel Media and was erm
arrested, her driving licence was copied … as I understand no offence.
… Liar Mays Political Policing?
what a pity no decision made despite the intel from No10 about Salman Abedi
… yet with Anne Marie
It appears that some unknown far left fascist anti Trump American has had a vile photo taken of her holding the Presidents decapitated head in a pose resembling an Islamic slaughter.
She has apparently refused to apologise for this although you would never know it given the hoo hah from the media. She’s has begged forgiveness from everyone save from the victim of her hate which to me is no apology at all.
Taking this one stage further onto something which doesn’t seem to have been widely reported on is the reaching out by ISIS (yes the Muslim group in Syria) to the Left wing all around the world who are now so truly fucked up in their thinking that ISIS see them as a viable partner !
Thoughtful, she apologised quite quickly on being pointed at. However, it would appear from another video showing her preparation for this stunt that the apology was probably part of the plan. She got people to notice her and got the vile hard-alt-left to “big her up”. The apology therefore appears to be totally fake.
If you read the post again you will see this:
She’s has begged forgiveness from everyone save from the victim of her hate which to me is no apology at all.
If someone does something to you which is unpleasant, and then tells everyone how sorry they are, but refuses to apologise to you, then it isn’t an apology, and they aren’t really sorry at all.
I am a political anorak and tune in every day to the Daily Politics. I am getting increasingly frustrated with Jo Coburn. She ask questions that go on for days, she interrupts, particularly Conservatives. Yesterday she let Barry Gardiner witter on and constantly interrupted Michael Gove, whose opinion I wanted to hear.
Sometimes I wonder who the devil she thinks is watching as she explains IFS, OBR and other in intricate detail. She is patronising and gets on my nerves. She is also clearly biased, but then who isn’t on the BBC
Melinda, Think ‘The Joker’ graduated Summa Cum Laude from the James Naughtie School of Broadcasting.
Grad thesis was on ‘Silent Broadcasting in Television’ and it is said that that was when she developed the ‘Disapproving Prune’ look.
Barry Gardiner has been at the JNSoBroadcasting for evening classes in filibustering. Unfortunately, he’s now addicted and will take any opportunity in any public forum to talk as boringly as possible for as long as possible. It’s a delight to see someone dedicated to his art in quite that way. Not quite so good to listen to, although the voice has a strange hypnotic quality to it, mostly at the soporific level, where he has been known to score 11 out of ten.
About time YouGov was renamed WeGovStupid after yet more blatant attempts to manipulate and distort reality. Along with just about every political dialogue currently on screen, of which there are many and on any channel save perhaps RT, the inexorable promotion of Corbyn in tandem with the denigration and diminution of all things ‘Tory’ is as frightening, and frightful, as any Orwellian projection.
Ally this with headlines like: ‘Dramatic dip in Sterling on latest poll figures…’ (The pound has currently dropped a staggering 0.46% against the dollar, signalling imminent collapse, of course, but hey, only nerds check boring facts) and the level of misinformation, dare I call it fake news, opens a new low in media presentation, led as usual by our noble BBroadCaster.
All the polls are showing movement away from the Tories away towards Labour, not just YouGov which as it happens is a Tory organisation:
Stephan Shakespeare, the firm’s CEO as of 2017, once stood as a Conservative candidate for Colchester; he was also a Conservative Party pollster.
Nadim Zahawi another Tory was its founder !
ICMs poll shows a 12 point lead, yet when this is configured using YouGov’s weighting the Tory lead drops to only 3 points!
Since the last GE when Milliband lost, the pollsters have been refining their polling to deliver more accurate results, and don’t forget that forecasting elections is not a part of their business, it’s a kind of advertising at how accurate their services are so they can then sell them to the buyers. Politicing would see the death of any pollster if they indulged in it.
The truth is that May is a hopeless apparatchik bereft of policies of her own, without any passion for anything, and without fire in her belly.
Corbyn on the other hand is a conviction politician and believes deeply in the policies his party have.
May’s lack of political direction have allowed the greed monsters in the Tory party to run riot, and she has failed to rein them in. Who on earth thought it would be a good idea to stop free school dinners? What a miserly mean thing to do. It must save the government pennies, yet they appear like Scrooge in his counting house.
The only reason hopeless May deserves to win is because the alternative is so awful – and that is no basis to elect the leader of this country.
I can believe the polls. In my limited experience I am running into friends who have never held any strong political opinions and they are stating their intention to vote Labour because Jeremy is friendly, approachable, whereas May is seen as a liar and unapproachable.
I think she has wrecked the idea of a Tory landslide and we could be heading for a hung parliament.
I am voting UKIP and hope that kippers drop the belief that voting for Treezer is the only way to get Brexit. A hung Parliament with a few Kippers and a new leader is worth going for
Lots of Tories have founded companies and many stay on the board to pick up their benefits. Having people like Roger Parry and Peter Bazalgette to help run things suggests a rather less than ‘True Blue’ outlook on life.
Anyone catch the emotional blackmail eco-propaganda on Womans Hour ?
#BBCdontDoScience Proper science reporting means not just bringing on “a scientist” to assert
, but bringing on a challenger so we can see how robust the asserters claims are.
The narrative construction device WH used : was to pretend they were monitoring ONE child’s air quality on the walk to school
..That way they could play audio of the child Ester making all kinds of assertions ..and then justify not challenging them.
The WH prog blurb
“Air pollution is a major environmental health problem.
How does breathing dirty air impact on children and what – if anything – can parents do to help their children?
We hear from Dr Ben Barratt a lecturer in Environmental Research at King’s College London
and Dr Abigail Whitehouse, clinical research fellow at Queen Mary’s Blizard Institute.”
Claim “Walking to school exposes you to less pollution than driving”
* dingaling ! complex claims made lightly
eg not all school journeys are in traffic jams or In dense cities
– What type of pollution ?
– “exposed to” ≠ “harm done” .eg cyclist breathing in far faster, than driver
The BBC and its executives and presenters, I think, may be hoping that instead of taxing their income and capital gains more highly, Jeremy Corbyn in Government would instead relent and switch the tax to road fuels as Labour did in 1997-2010. The BBC high earners can then enjoy an easy low tax ride into the sunset of a very comfortable retirement somewhere warm. The rest of us will be left to shiver, longing for a bit of AGW.
News night last night hit one of it regular lows these days with wark and the gang from radio 1 looking for and finding of course division everywhere between the young and old. Its all old peoples fault and basically vote labour whatever you do. Dominic raab from the tories need not have shown up as wark would bark a question and shout down raab if he answered. If not her it was the activists that were shouting him down. The look of hate on some of them would power a small power station. Bartley from the greens was also there but there was no mention of his involvement in a failed anti brexit bid in the irish courts. Just painted as some righteous individual. Torsten bell from the resolution foundation was also there but no mention of his involvement with miliband and the fabled ed stone. Ukip had a coloured guy in who brought up the elephant in the room immigration. you could tell they wanted to shout racist but couldnt. The activists in the room and there was many were pretending to be normal joe soaps but they were wheeling out statistics like an actuary on speed and only regurgitating labour talking points. The message being hammered home was old people are evil and vote labour. Channel 4 was doing the same thing on their program earlier with a show loaded with activists. They ahave given up the neutrality and are fighting tooth and nail for corbyn. The target is brexit and they are willing to sell their grubby souls to stop it and if that means getting a terrorist supporting scumbag and and his brownshirts into no 10 then so be it
Today its full on anti brexit and anti tory mode from the beeb bigging up a nuffieled trust report on the nhs on the same morning that corbyn is giving another speech on the nhs. Yesterdays car crash and treatment of emma barnett gone down the plughole never to be seen again. No mention at all of sean spicer telling the assembled media in the white house a few home truths about their lies and calling out the beeb or that idiot lefty comedian and the pic with the dons head in blood.
Didn’t I see ‘impartial’ BBC Executive Liam Byrne as one of the experts on the panel?
Seeing press releases ‘raw’ one often gains insights into just how much ‘news’ is PR, and that is even before editorial integrity filters kick in. This was a fun one:
“BBC Presenter, Dan Walker guided viewers through the key voting predictions for the forthcoming elections”
One can only imagine. I wonder if Dan asked if they could get ‘Vote Labour’ to flash without being registered other than subconsciously?
And now Jeremy has decided to appear in a 7-way electoral stunt featuring all the major party leaders. And who will represent Treesa – who, as we all recognise through frequent implication, hasn’t got the bottle to stick up for herself – why, it’s that gawky and overbearing yet impressively calm, measured and skilful orator Amber Rudd.
Sweet Jesus Christ, if that’s not capitulation I don’t recognise the word. I think I said – well, no, I know I said – a few weeks ago that it would suit the Conservatives to scrape back in, meaning that the mandate for Brexit would have to be re-examined. QED as the intelligentsia might once have said.
He was on Sky … “I don’t know what she’s doing this evening… but erm, I invite her to debate”:
She could still get there, you know, but won’t … The appalling Tory/Her record is indefensible.
Oh and later, as A Dudd appears to be the cut out
… He s almost laughing at her cowardice now
.@Theresa_May, come & debate me. Any time. Any place.
Britain deserves to see the only two people who could be the next Prime Minister debate
Amber Rudd was credited as “Aristocracy Co-Ordinator” in “Four Weddings and a Funeral”. I think she should have stuck to that, as politics clearly is not her forte.
I hate to say it, but Catweazle has turned the tables on Theresa May, who just looks weak for failing to turn up, and stupid for sending Amber Rudd in her place.
Never feel guilty for telling the truth Rob. If only 95% of figures in ‘the public eye’ showed the same resolve. Or do I mean 99.9%?
Yet More BBC Bias … this time on the music front, a new tune No1 on the download list, top ten trending on Youtube
one and a quarter million views and rising already, the chart show won t play it, across its music it won t play it citing its “impartiality”
… but by refusing to … showing it IS partial
we ll see if the Al BBCs “reverse Midas touch” works, its due to go top ten this week
… probably No1 now, with the publicity
Regards the V-IED attack in Kabul today. The bBC is screaming out that it penetrated the green zone security.
Analysis: Waheed Massoud, BBC Afghan service
I have taken this route many times. This is one of the most heavily fortified areas of Kabul – the so-called Green Zone. There is a boom gate. Every vehicle is stopped and IDs are checked. But the stricter the security, the more insurgents find loopholes and adapt. It is very difficult to say that such attacks will be prevented. They happen in the most secure places on Earth.
The BBC’s Harun Najafizada in Kabul says questions are already being asked about how the vehicle could have penetrated such a heavily fortified area, with its 3m (10ft) high blast walls, to carry out the deadliest attack in the capital in years
Now its been confirmed that the blast happened in Zanbaq Square. Here is a picture from the bbC:

Here is another picture from the bBC regards the border of the Green zone, where I have poined out where Zanbag square is. Right on the edge of the green zone.
NATO has this to say:
The NATO-led Resolute Support (RS) mission in Kabul said Afghan security forces had prevented the vehicle from entering the heavily protected Green Zone that houses many foreign embassies as well as its headquarters, suggesting it may not have reached its intended target.
So whilst this was a huge bomb attack, it didn’t penetrate the security zone as reported by the Cock suckers (CS) at the bBC. Now why would the bBC lie about that seeing as they have people on the ground. Could it be simply to promote the view that nowhere is safe from Islam and that we should pull out of every Islamic country in the world as the Labour leader is stating.
in other words, could this be nothing more than a surreptitious plug for labour as only the CS at the buggering British children can do.
The bBC, we don’t bring you the news.
US husband splits from wife who raped him as boy
Strange that the BBC would use the word ‘rape’ in the headline to describe sex with a child – they don’t usually use that word.
Here are some examples of NOT using the word rape:
Rotherham grooming: Woman abused as a child goes public
Huddersfield child sex inquiry sees 29 in court
Fourth Oxford sex abuse gang member named
Rochdale sex grooming gang citizenship appeal fails
I just cannot work out why they use the word “rape” for some news reports and not for others!?!
Grooming is a more innocent word. My dogs love to be groomed, but then I never rape them
Can somebody please explain why so many people are screaming out that the sky is falling in over media reports that Labour are closing the gap. If you are so worried why don’t you vote in which to ensure that Corbyn doesn’t get in.
Instead all I see is hods of people complaining about how bad the Tories are selling themselves. Is this what years of PC crap has done, that instead of fighting you simply lie down and cry. Not only that but you actually revel in promoting your “woe is me stance.” Jesus ‘H’ Christ, even the French aren’t as pessimistic as you fing lot.
You know Pounce the polls are notoriously fickle, and really only show trends, with factors like careful selection
orchestration … oh unless
its Corbyn of course – citing the polls, BBC the polls say, Tories the polls say, The Red Tories of the PLP the polls say
the toilet paper of the Murdoch rags the polls say … and yet, now don t believe the polls.
A strange thing.
I’ve stated from the very beginning that I suspect May of wanting the UK to remain in the EU by deceit. This is a stance supported by the CS of the media. Yet I know how I will vote. (Tory) Simply so as not to let Abbot shagger in. I’ve been shot at, blown up, beaten up, but I’ve kept fighting , which makes me fail to understand how so many people are willing to throw their cards in simply because they aren’t hearing what they want to hear.
Liar May – Deceit, hmmm
Ah Come on bud, she s only a Tory mate … can t change their nature
There are many many Tory “chickens coming home to roost” over their utter failure and incompetence real soon buddy, that’s part of the reason why its GE17 called now, despite them lying about it
… they need a new scapegoat ….. Brexit calling!
Then again they could always collude and fiddle 15 seats, like last time.
Corbyn, McDonnell , Flabbot allied with Jimmy Krankie fuckin terrifies me
That half the country may vote for these cunts leaves me scratchin my head and my arse and wondering just how dim half the country is.
in fact change that
That anyone in the country may vote for these cunts leaves me scratchin my head and my arse
Wasn’t it Christopher Hitchens who said opinion polls are really just influence tools?
Media is biased against Corbyn, says Dimbletrot.
Nicely impartial. Views his own?
“Extensive Media bias against Jeremy Corbyn shows how politicised reporting has become”
The BBC Trust recently upheld a complaint against the BBC’s political editor Laura Kuenssberg, ruling that one of her early reports on Jeremy Corbyn breached accuracy and impartiality guidelines
These are just studies and reports though, The first thing to emphasise is that when Corbyn is given the opportunity to speak, he is able to resonate with millions of people, almost immediately … and despite all of the drip drip propaganda, is astute, and formidable in debate,(remember he s wiped the floor with half the cabinet before now) … but that’s the rub keeping him away from the TV ,smear him with no opportunity for recourse
Labour’s manifesto policies around redistribution, investment in public services, and indeed evening the appalling injustice for the poorest, old and vulnerable from the last 7 years, surprise surprise is actually popular with voters.
That’s why the neoliberal Westminster cabal have done everything to get rid of him, the Blairs, the Camerons, the Mandy s, the Mays, the Osbornes, the Campbells … the cosy LibLabCon that hold our nation to ransom, with their contempt, and utter utter, incompetence.
But this is a needless unwarranted, election … Liar May called it and so … he gets the airtime
Corbyn’s policies are dependent on raising Corporation Tax, the most optional tax going and go it will to other ‘partners’ in Europe who offer a lower rate. Corbyn is pro-terrorist, anti-patriotic, anti-EU and anti-Trident. His party claims to be ant-terrorist, patriotic, pro-EU and pro-Trident. Therefore Corbyn is either a lousy leader or a liar.
But then none of this has got anything to do with BBC bias. Whether we like a politician or not is not the purpose of this site. The questions to be asked are whether the BBC reports subjects impartially and objectively or are they pursuing an agenda of selective reporting and uncritical promotion of certain opinions?
Hi there Idiot,
“Corbyn’s policies are dependent on raising Corporation Tax, the most optional tax going and go it will to other ‘partners’ in Europe who offer a lower rate. Corbyn is pro-terrorist, anti-patriotic, anti-EU and anti-Trident. His party claims to be ant-terrorist, patriotic, pro-EU and pro-Trident. Therefore Corbyn is either a lousy leader or a liar”.
Oh and erm …
“none of this has got anything to do with BBC bias”
To be fair, the migrant holding the Smurf looks like a child migrant so is too young to understand right front wrong!
“I firmly believe that bacon has the potential to bring about world peace.”