Loony Corbyn and repulsive Flabbott, and still the gap between the parties narrows. Has this country gone stark raving mad?
The mere act of poking her back in the day renders him unfit to govern, how could you trust a man with such little discernment?
Or would you prefer softie Sharia Teresa the Appeaser. The Muslim/Saudi lover. The woman who watered down stop and search. A weak Home Secretary.
I agree Charlie, the choice is easy as ex terrorist supporter Corbyn should be in jail for treason. The families of murdered soldiers, citizens must be very angry with Corbyn in supporting the disgusting IRA. What is more, he has a beard, and as my old Gran used to say, never trust a man with a beard as they usually have something to hide and are generally very lazy people. (I wonder what my old gran would say of the Muzzies today)
Not much of a choice though! I see Amber Rudd is the best representative in tonight’s BBC television debate.
Stand by for Victoria and Abdul starring Judi Dench as Quesn Victoria and a Mohamidan toy boy who stood with her at the heart of the empire.
Film also includes the great actor Eddie Izzard as something.
There you have it awards galore for this BBC co- financed and produced piece of propaganda.
From Wikipedia
On June 17, 2016, it was reported Judi Dench would play Queen Victoria (reprising her role from the 1997 film Mrs Brown) in the film Victoria and Abdul, based on the book of same name by Shrabani Basu. Stephen Frears would direct the film.[1] On August 5, 2016, it was announced that Ali Fazal had joined the film to play Abdul Karim, while the film would be co-producing by Working Title Films and BBC Films, and would be co-financing by BBC and Focus Features.[2] Focus would also handle the domestic distribution rights while Universal Pictures International would handle all the other countries. Script was written by Lee Hall and producers would be Beeban Kidron, Tracey Seaward, Tim Bevan, and Eric Fellner, while the other cast included Eddie Izzard, Michael Gambon, Tim Pigott-Smith, and Adeel Akhtar.[
That would leave Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom as the supporters of the fraud. And the United States, Russia, India and China, on the side of sanity.
Canada, France, Germany and Italy have morons in charge, while Japan and the United Kingdom have low IQ careerists in charge, leaders who follow the popular tide of events. (Example: Remainer to Brexiteer)
Unlike Trump, I don’t think Theresa May has ever met an Atmospheric Physicist or Solar Astronomer. So would never think of creating “Red Teams” of causational Climate Scientists, to take on the left-wing environmental activist thugs who dominate the administration of politicized Climate Institutions.
Also, Farage does not seem to be up to scratch on the science as much as Trump. He failed to explain to a LBC phone in guest, that UKIP policy describes man-made Climate change as having no basis in science, not natural Climate Change. UKIP like Mensa seems to have a lot of people with knowledge of Atmospheric Physics and Solar Astronomy, despite the BBC’s science Censorship policy.
Also, I read an idiotic article about a Met Office computer generated prediction, presumably still using positive feedback?
We have 0.76 Kevin for the 200 years up to 1997 (before adjustments) , zero Kelvin from 1997 to 2017 (excluding secret adjustments), then the Met Office prediction has 4.6 Kelvin from 2017 to 2050 (excluding the next Hale Magnetic Cycle prediction of a reduction of at least 1 Kelvin)
But I couldn’t vote UKIP in my constituency, only Labour, LibDem, Green, Tory and Yorkshire First. So I voted for the Yorkshire National Party, as the Tories are guaranteed to win, even with a Labour landslide.
I note that the Met Office now have a Kray, one of only 3 in the UK – HMRC and GCHQ being the others. It just proves the old analysts’ acronym of G.I.G.O.(Garbage in Garbage Out). In the case of the Met I prefer the normally used version of CICO (Cr*p etc.).
The extremely well funded bBC runs what it claims to be a so called News-service. The supporters of the bBC openily deride the Daily Mail and yet of late the bBC has become even worse for reporting gossip and crap instead of the news. Here is the current headlines from the bBC. How many actual news stories can you see?
Out of 13 listed, I count…5.
Also regards the bbC coverage of the blast in Kabul. anybody else noticed how the bBC always down plays the number of people killed when the murderer is a Muslim. Dozens killed, when the figure being banded about is between 80 and 90 and we all know that a load from the 360 injured will unfortunately pass away.
Yet when somebody claims that the US/UK/Israel bombed their granny, why the bBC vastly inflates the figure and reports that falsehood faster than you can utter ‘Allah ackba’
When you watch the news they do that impressive sweep of their hi-tec studios, with hundreds of clever-looking journalists tapping away at computers. What are they actually doing? Just cut and pasting from Buzzfeed and gossip sites? If it were a private company investors would kick off and tell them to start doing their jobs properly. They are unaccountable which is why they are so useless and out of control. The number of key issues they simply refuse to report on is astounding. I am confident I could do a better job on their website on my own.
Beeb Brother
When you watch the news they do that impressive sweep of their hi-tec studios, with hundreds of clever-looking journalists tapping away at computers. What are they actually doing?
Searching the net for rent boys and kiddie porn sites – research of course
I think we can agree that Abedi (I object to C4 news calling him ‘Salman’) was one of the biggest wastes of space ever to walk this planet. But the time for name-calling has gone. The time for action is upon us.
This morning the BBC lead the news
………. “NHS to face double cost of Returning Ex-pats”
..oh scary scary
Until you take notice of what the numbers were
“A report says that treating Britains abroad in EU costs the NHS £500m”
..If on Brexit they come home it will cost the NHS £1bn
#1 Made up numbers
#2 They are small £500m is nothing £140bn/yr NHS
#3 When the NHS sends money abroad the salaries get spent in that country
#4 If it does spend MORE money treating the people here..then that money goes into OUR local economy.
..Em anyway expats aren’t supposed to use the E111, its only for genuine holiday makers.
This morning the BBC lead the news
………. “NHS to face double cost of Returning Ex-pats”
..oh scary scary
Until you take notice of what the numbers were
“A report says that treating Britains abroad in EU costs the NHS £500m”
..If on Brexit they come home it will cost the NHS £1bn
#1 Made up numbers
#2 They are small £500m is nothing £140bn/yr NHS
#3 When the NHS sends money abroad the salaries get spent in that country
#4 If it does spend MORE money treating the people here..then that money goes into OUR local economy.
..Em anyway expats aren’t supposed to use the E111, its only for genuine holiday makers.
How the bBC lies for its Islamic masters: Kabul bomb: Diplomatic zone attack kills dozens A powerful vehicle bomb has hit the diplomatic area of the Afghan capital, Kabul, killing at least 80 people and injuring 350.
It struck near Zanbaq Square in the heavily fortified zone, with civilians said to be the main casualties…The bomb went off at about 08:25 local time (03:55 GMT) during rush hour at the diplomatic quarter….The BBC’s Harun Najafizada in Kabul says questions are already being asked about how the vehicle could have penetrated such a heavily fortified area, with its 3m (10ft) high blast walls, to carry out the deadliest attack in the capital in years….I have taken this route many times. This is one of the most heavily fortified areas of Kabul – the so-called Green Zone. There is a boom gate. Every vehicle is stopped and IDs are checked. But the stricter the security, the more insurgents find loopholes and adapt. It is very difficult to say that such attacks will be prevented. They happen in the most secure places on Earth.
Note this bBC insert: “Spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said the group condemned untargeted attacks that caused civilian casualties”.
So the bBC informs the great unwashed that security was breeched. Thus supporting Labours policy of pulling out of every Islamic country in the world (Including Bradford,Tower Hamlets, Luton,Blackburn) Think I’m kidding:
Only Labour can be trusted to unlock the talent of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people. pic.twitter.com/St1TldsyVB
Meanwhile Resolute support (NATO) in Kabul have issued this statement which pisses all over the bBCs claim that that all powerful Islamic terrorists breeched security. (They simply detonated it outside the area) Note how they point out the lie that the likes of the taliban never ever target…civilians. Yet according to the bBC they don’t.
My favourite was when a survey showed that an astonishing 24% of ROPers approved of murder for cartoons of the prophet, they reported it as: ‘Majority do not approve of murder for cartoons.’
Corbyn thinks ‘UK is so RICH in resource we can borrow, borrow, borrow’
Corbyn thinks ‘UK is so POOR in manpower we have to open the floodgates to migrants’
I bet there are counties like Japan and Korea which get along fine , without giving easy citizenships to heaps of foreigners.
Juncker “Europe doesn’t need the English language”
Funny ..TGV has been officialy renamed
withe the fleet now called “in-Oui” ..and the sub-brand called Oui-go
The Times
The bBC, and exposing its hatred for the US president
Comic Kathy Griffin posts a picture of a beheaded Donald trump.
This is the bBC which has a so called code of conduct which would never in a month of Sundays show a ISIS thug holding up a bloodied head. Yet it has no problem doing that when the imaginary victim is…Donald trump. Not only that but Griffin now realising that she has not only crossed the line,(By losing paid contracts) but may face charges of inciting violence against the POTUS. Has now posted an apology, that she had crossed the line and for people to take down that offensive picture: Take note bBC https://twitter.com/kathygriffin/status/869703678550171648
Yet not only does the bbC not lead with that and post the offending picture (Which i can only presume that they thought was funny) but they lead with this headline: Trump says comic’s decapitation stunt ‘sick’
Not only that, but the bBC then tries to accuse President Trump of being a hypocrite by ending with this: Mr Trump had hosted a controversial musician who called for former President Barack Obama to be killed.
Ted Nugent had said President Obama should be “tried for treason and hung”, called him a “subhuman mongrel” and invited him to “suck on my machine-gun”. Mr Trump welcomed Nugent to the White House in April.
Err bBC, speaking to somebody isn’t the same of airing a picture of a decapitated man
The bBC which while claiming to be child friendly (Saville etc..) has no problem airing a picture of a a supposed decapitated head and then blames the victim.
I have made this point before. A public rebuke of the BBC for its hostility to President Trump is required from our Prime Minister. Or does her silence indicate her support for the BBC’s anti Trump agenda?
We certainly cannot explain her silence as a mark of respect for freedom of speech
I have to disagree, as the image was & remains offensive, and I object to you posting it here, you can see how other people would also find it objectionable?
What is worse is that the media has said she has apologised when she has steadfastly refused to. In fact she has made apologies to just about everyone including my cat, but she has not apologised to her victim.
The smart thing would have been to blur the head a bit more, which is what RT does on TV.
That BBC image is too gory, but other media have an even more gory image.
1 hour later the page was stealth edited https://www.newssniffer.co.uk/articles/1390940/diff/1/2
with the title being changed to “Kathy Griffin: CNN drops comic after ‘sick’ Trump stunt”
and the sick photo moved from the top of the page to further down
“When you consider some of the atrocities happening in the world today, a photo opportunity like this is simply wrong and makes you wonder about the mental health of a person who did it,” she said in a statement, according to NBC News.
But still keep a lot of narrative construction
The last paragraph begins by by taking the p*ss by giving the most ridiculous example of a a sponsor dropping her
\\Squatty Potty …Chief executive Bobby Edwards said in a statement: “We have acted swiftly and decisively to demonstrate our commitment to a culture of decency, civility, and tolerance.”//
And the last line “Take away” is used to spin the story to point at Trump for inviting Nugent.
FFS You don’t make jokes about beheadings , there are victims families sitting at home watching TV and suddenly they see on twitter or TV holding up a bloodied head.
..That is not at all funny.
..Shouldnt she be sued for causing PTSD ?
Breibart explain : CNN has no problem employing lefty sickos, it’s just that advertisers fleeing, meant they had to signal they were punishing her a little.
Cock-up on the telephony front. The speed-dialling producer of the Media Show (R4, 4.30pm) has unaccountably brought Jon Snow and James O’Brien together to talk about election broadcasting. The Jon Snow who emoted touchingly over the death of Martin McGuinness, and the James O’Brien who starts visibly twitching when he has to interview anyone to the right of Arthur Scargill.
That’ll be just-about-right across the spectrum of the BBC’s broadcasting, then, and not actually (but which would be politically more interesting) within the programme.
Yep, Channel 4 tampon peddling red socked fop meets beardy depressive to sneer. That`ll then be seen as “balanced broadcasting”.
As if Channel 4 and the BBC are not both cheeks of the same arse, lubed and ready for whatever Islam or Mexican druglords will require them to bend for.
ITV yesterday presumably thought it “balanced” to report Corbyns meltdown with Osborne using the Standard to slag off May.
Well done media…balance it is then.
Didn`t we used to have rules on all this-or are we now to be forced to see the political as akin to the personal…editorials as mere opinions and kite-flying?
That way ends with Goebbels and Friesler…and we`re way too close to this now.
A Pennsylvania man was arrested at President Donald Trump’s Washington hotel early on Wednesday after police found an assault rifle, a handgun and 90 rounds of ammunition in his car, authorities said.
Brian Moles, 43, of Edinboro, was taken into custody inside the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House, the Metropolitan Police Department said in a charging document.
I played a bit of Far Cry 3, the game isn’t that old but I was always struck why that game didn’t get the typical SJW opprobrium at the time. Maybe it has retrospectively I dunno – but the stock ‘baddie’ is a thickly accented Caribbean – of whom you slaughter hundreds throughout the campaign.
Compare that with the latest Metal Gear game – partly set in Africa, where the baddies are mostly villainous Afrikaaners.
Just walked in on the biased BBC election debate. 4 socialist parties and 2 non socialist so plenty of ganging up on Rudd and Nuttall. The audience was allegedly balanced – maybe 4-2 in favour of lefties? Cheering, applause and whooping for everything Corbyn says. And not from one sixth of the audience !
Despite all the hype and scaremongering I retain confidence in the English and Welsh people to give all these leftie parties the kicking they deserve despite the BBC’s best efforts . Apart from biased audience selection , why allow left wing nationalists into a debate like this so as to skew the whole thing ?
the BBC election debate ….. unless my ears deceive me the audience doesn’t seem very balanced unless conservative and ukip voters are all mutes perhaps
and its just a shouting slanging match, really poor quality
…if its a BBC organised event 60% will be far left..plus the usual infiltrators who say the are UKIP or Tory but realy Labour.
Watching the debate on BBC, shit,its just a pathetic slagging match… All the leftie parties are making a serious effort to gang up on the Tories and UKIP, they must have got together before this pile of shit debate and planned there attack.
…well,well well..in all my years of watching these TV debates this has to be the most biased audience ive ever seen,the BBC have surpassed themselves this time…..this realy is a fucking scandal
You can see why May stayed away.
at least Nuttall has put daylight between ukip and everyone else
“Islamic Terrorism” the horror that cant be named (except by UKIP)
cant believe the SNP idiot actually went back as far a brevik, seems according to the SNP there has only been 3 terror attacks brevik manchester and St JO
and now the berk is complaining about the paris agreement when the SNP,s only asset is oil
This is a few views so far from the public regarding this pile of shit of a debate……
Ian Lloyd emails: “It took a few minutes, but the debate, as I knew it would, has descended into a shouting match.”
Simon Armitage says: “A rabble pool managed. I am none the wiser but really bored.”
Another viewer writes: “This is depressing viewing. Demeaning and lacking in dignity and mutual respect and the audience appears bias. Still an undecided voter.”
Ian in Ashford writes: “I’m sorry BBC but the “Leaders” debate this evening so far is poorly, very poorly, moderated – it’s a bun fight – I’m glad Mrs May has decided not to attend because this debate serves no purpose and, in my opinion, shows out politicians at their worst.
John Grosvenor writes: “Politicians have forgotten that the British people voted to leave the EU, Not the MPs, They should be listening to the British Public it’s not about them but about Britain’s that believe in this country. It’s time for Britain to become strong and independent again.”
I dont think the debate went the way the beeb had wanted it to go. Rudda and nuttall came out on top with the othere still fighting the referendum last year and descending into a mess. Jezza will be regretting this tomorrow and the beeb will be disappearing it pretty quick.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news TTK Won’t give MPs a vote on military action in Ukraine – come on – let’s get this…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Come on come on – there’s got to be a council out there ‘banning shrove Tuesday ‘ because it clashes…
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
Loony Corbyn and repulsive Flabbott, and still the gap between the parties narrows. Has this country gone stark raving mad?
The mere act of poking her back in the day renders him unfit to govern, how could you trust a man with such little discernment?
Or would you prefer softie Sharia Teresa the Appeaser. The Muslim/Saudi lover. The woman who watered down stop and search. A weak Home Secretary.
I agree Charlie, the choice is easy as ex terrorist supporter Corbyn should be in jail for treason. The families of murdered soldiers, citizens must be very angry with Corbyn in supporting the disgusting IRA. What is more, he has a beard, and as my old Gran used to say, never trust a man with a beard as they usually have something to hide and are generally very lazy people. (I wonder what my old gran would say of the Muzzies today)
Not much of a choice though! I see Amber Rudd is the best representative in tonight’s BBC television debate.
Unbelieveably Worrying!!!
Stand by for Victoria and Abdul starring Judi Dench as Quesn Victoria and a Mohamidan toy boy who stood with her at the heart of the empire.
Film also includes the great actor Eddie Izzard as something.
There you have it awards galore for this BBC co- financed and produced piece of propaganda.
From Wikipedia
On June 17, 2016, it was reported Judi Dench would play Queen Victoria (reprising her role from the 1997 film Mrs Brown) in the film Victoria and Abdul, based on the book of same name by Shrabani Basu. Stephen Frears would direct the film.[1] On August 5, 2016, it was announced that Ali Fazal had joined the film to play Abdul Karim, while the film would be co-producing by Working Title Films and BBC Films, and would be co-financing by BBC and Focus Features.[2] Focus would also handle the domestic distribution rights while Universal Pictures International would handle all the other countries. Script was written by Lee Hall and producers would be Beeban Kidron, Tracey Seaward, Tim Bevan, and Eric Fellner, while the other cast included Eddie Izzard, Michael Gambon, Tim Pigott-Smith, and Adeel Akhtar.[
Didn’t you know that Queen Victoria was a Muslim
Labour film by epic film maker Ken Loach
Look at the sad face on that repulsive hate filled scumbag Mcdonnell. Absolutely unreal
Jailed as result of Sun investigation
Smuggling gang made £1.2m from illegal migrants
Named : Moabdul Gaffar #MuslimMorality
Given that the mainstream press are such liars, and purveyors of fakery, can this be true?
Well, it does seem to feature here, as well:
That would leave Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom as the supporters of the fraud. And the United States, Russia, India and China, on the side of sanity.
Canada, France, Germany and Italy have morons in charge, while Japan and the United Kingdom have low IQ careerists in charge, leaders who follow the popular tide of events. (Example: Remainer to Brexiteer)
Unlike Trump, I don’t think Theresa May has ever met an Atmospheric Physicist or Solar Astronomer. So would never think of creating “Red Teams” of causational Climate Scientists, to take on the left-wing environmental activist thugs who dominate the administration of politicized Climate Institutions.
Also, Farage does not seem to be up to scratch on the science as much as Trump. He failed to explain to a LBC phone in guest, that UKIP policy describes man-made Climate change as having no basis in science, not natural Climate Change. UKIP like Mensa seems to have a lot of people with knowledge of Atmospheric Physics and Solar Astronomy, despite the BBC’s science Censorship policy.
Also, I read an idiotic article about a Met Office computer generated prediction, presumably still using positive feedback?
We have 0.76 Kevin for the 200 years up to 1997 (before adjustments) , zero Kelvin from 1997 to 2017 (excluding secret adjustments), then the Met Office prediction has 4.6 Kelvin from 2017 to 2050 (excluding the next Hale Magnetic Cycle prediction of a reduction of at least 1 Kelvin)
But I couldn’t vote UKIP in my constituency, only Labour, LibDem, Green, Tory and Yorkshire First. So I voted for the Yorkshire National Party, as the Tories are guaranteed to win, even with a Labour landslide.
I note that the Met Office now have a Kray, one of only 3 in the UK – HMRC and GCHQ being the others. It just proves the old analysts’ acronym of G.I.G.O.(Garbage in Garbage Out). In the case of the Met I prefer the normally used version of CICO (Cr*p etc.).
The extremely well funded bBC runs what it claims to be a so called News-service. The supporters of the bBC openily deride the Daily Mail and yet of late the bBC has become even worse for reporting gossip and crap instead of the news. Here is the current headlines from the bBC. How many actual news stories can you see?

Out of 13 listed, I count…5.
Also regards the bbC coverage of the blast in Kabul. anybody else noticed how the bBC always down plays the number of people killed when the murderer is a Muslim. Dozens killed, when the figure being banded about is between 80 and 90 and we all know that a load from the 360 injured will unfortunately pass away.
Yet when somebody claims that the US/UK/Israel bombed their granny, why the bBC vastly inflates the figure and reports that falsehood faster than you can utter ‘Allah ackba’
The not fit for purpose bBC
When you watch the news they do that impressive sweep of their hi-tec studios, with hundreds of clever-looking journalists tapping away at computers. What are they actually doing? Just cut and pasting from Buzzfeed and gossip sites? If it were a private company investors would kick off and tell them to start doing their jobs properly. They are unaccountable which is why they are so useless and out of control. The number of key issues they simply refuse to report on is astounding. I am confident I could do a better job on their website on my own.
Beeb Brother
When you watch the news they do that impressive sweep of their hi-tec studios, with hundreds of clever-looking journalists tapping away at computers. What are they actually doing?
Searching the net for rent boys and kiddie porn sites – research of course
I think we can agree that Abedi (I object to C4 news calling him ‘Salman’) was one of the biggest wastes of space ever to walk this planet. But the time for name-calling has gone. The time for action is upon us.
Closing down Didsbury mosque would be a start.
Truth…. or … Narrative
the game most popular with BBC producers who usually go for CONSTRUCTING exciting narrative ..rather than Truth
This morning the BBC lead the news
………. “NHS to face double cost of Returning Ex-pats”
..oh scary scary
Until you take notice of what the numbers were
“A report says that treating Britains abroad in EU costs the NHS £500m”
..If on Brexit they come home it will cost the NHS £1bn
#1 Made up numbers
#2 They are small £500m is nothing £140bn/yr NHS
#3 When the NHS sends money abroad the salaries get spent in that country
#4 If it does spend MORE money treating the people here..then that money goes into OUR local economy.
..Em anyway expats aren’t supposed to use the E111, its only for genuine holiday makers.
This morning the BBC lead the news
………. “NHS to face double cost of Returning Ex-pats”
..oh scary scary
Until you take notice of what the numbers were
“A report says that treating Britains abroad in EU costs the NHS £500m”
..If on Brexit they come home it will cost the NHS £1bn
#1 Made up numbers
#2 They are small £500m is nothing £140bn/yr NHS
#3 When the NHS sends money abroad the salaries get spent in that country
#4 If it does spend MORE money treating the people here..then that money goes into OUR local economy.
..Em anyway expats aren’t supposed to use the E111, its only for genuine holiday makers.
how come our wonderous NHS full of underpaid food bank users, cost twice as much??
How the bBC lies for its Islamic masters:
Kabul bomb: Diplomatic zone attack kills dozens
A powerful vehicle bomb has hit the diplomatic area of the Afghan capital, Kabul, killing at least 80 people and injuring 350.
It struck near Zanbaq Square in the heavily fortified zone, with civilians said to be the main casualties…The bomb went off at about 08:25 local time (03:55 GMT) during rush hour at the diplomatic quarter….The BBC’s Harun Najafizada in Kabul says questions are already being asked about how the vehicle could have penetrated such a heavily fortified area, with its 3m (10ft) high blast walls, to carry out the deadliest attack in the capital in years….I have taken this route many times. This is one of the most heavily fortified areas of Kabul – the so-called Green Zone. There is a boom gate. Every vehicle is stopped and IDs are checked. But the stricter the security, the more insurgents find loopholes and adapt. It is very difficult to say that such attacks will be prevented. They happen in the most secure places on Earth.
Note this bBC insert:
“Spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said the group condemned untargeted attacks that caused civilian casualties”.
So the bBC informs the great unwashed that security was breeched. Thus supporting Labours policy of pulling out of every Islamic country in the world (Including Bradford,Tower Hamlets, Luton,Blackburn) Think I’m kidding:
Meanwhile Resolute support (NATO) in Kabul have issued this statement which pisses all over the bBCs claim that that all powerful Islamic terrorists breeched security. (They simply detonated it outside the area) Note how they point out the lie that the likes of the taliban never ever target…civilians. Yet according to the bBC they don’t.
The bBC, we lie about how people die.
My favourite was when a survey showed that an astonishing 24% of ROPers approved of murder for cartoons of the prophet, they reported it as: ‘Majority do not approve of murder for cartoons.’
See, ‘views were split’.
Narrative : Paxman sessions were important
Truth : only 2.9m watched …8.5m were watching some dumb talent show on the other side.
If only …
Corbyn thinks ‘UK is so RICH in resource we can borrow, borrow, borrow’
Corbyn thinks ‘UK is so POOR in manpower we have to open the floodgates to migrants’
I bet there are counties like Japan and Korea which get along fine , without giving easy citizenships to heaps of foreigners.
Juncker “Europe doesn’t need the English language”
Funny ..TGV has been officialy renamed
withe the fleet now called “in-Oui” ..and the sub-brand called Oui-go
The Times
The bBC, and exposing its hatred for the US president
Comic Kathy Griffin posts a picture of a beheaded Donald trump.

This is the bBC which has a so called code of conduct which would never in a month of Sundays show a ISIS thug holding up a bloodied head. Yet it has no problem doing that when the imaginary victim is…Donald trump. Not only that but Griffin now realising that she has not only crossed the line,(By losing paid contracts) but may face charges of inciting violence against the POTUS. Has now posted an apology, that she had crossed the line and for people to take down that offensive picture: Take note bBC
Yet not only does the bbC not lead with that and post the offending picture (Which i can only presume that they thought was funny) but they lead with this headline:
Trump says comic’s decapitation stunt ‘sick’
Not only that, but the bBC then tries to accuse President Trump of being a hypocrite by ending with this:
Mr Trump had hosted a controversial musician who called for former President Barack Obama to be killed.
Ted Nugent had said President Obama should be “tried for treason and hung”, called him a “subhuman mongrel” and invited him to “suck on my machine-gun”. Mr Trump welcomed Nugent to the White House in April.
Err bBC, speaking to somebody isn’t the same of airing a picture of a decapitated man
The bBC which while claiming to be child friendly (Saville etc..) has no problem airing a picture of a a supposed decapitated head and then blames the victim.
I have made this point before. A public rebuke of the BBC for its hostility to President Trump is required from our Prime Minister. Or does her silence indicate her support for the BBC’s anti Trump agenda?
We certainly cannot explain her silence as a mark of respect for freedom of speech
I have to disagree, as the image was & remains offensive, and I object to you posting it here, you can see how other people would also find it objectionable?
What is worse is that the media has said she has apologised when she has steadfastly refused to. In fact she has made apologies to just about everyone including my cat, but she has not apologised to her victim.
The smart thing would have been to blur the head a bit more, which is what RT does on TV.
That BBC image is too gory, but other media have an even more gory image.
No lose for the BBC. Classic one degree of separation at every stage.
1 hour later the page was stealth edited
with the title being changed to “Kathy Griffin: CNN drops comic after ‘sick’ Trump stunt”
and the sick photo moved from the top of the page to further down
and took out a quote (maybe it wasn’t true ?)
But still keep a lot of narrative construction
The last paragraph begins by by taking the p*ss by giving the most ridiculous example of a a sponsor dropping her
\\Squatty Potty …Chief executive Bobby Edwards said in a statement: “We have acted swiftly and decisively to demonstrate our commitment to a culture of decency, civility, and tolerance.”//
And the last line “Take away” is used to spin the story to point at Trump for inviting Nugent.
FFS You don’t make jokes about beheadings , there are victims families sitting at home watching TV and suddenly they see on twitter or TV holding up a bloodied head.
..That is not at all funny.
..Shouldnt she be sued for causing PTSD ?
Breibart explain : CNN has no problem employing lefty sickos, it’s just that advertisers fleeing, meant they had to signal they were punishing her a little.
Any chance of Amber Rudd getting into a taxi with Jeremy Corbyn tonight! Jeremy might accept just to annoy Boris.
Man arrested at Trump’s Washington hotel after guns found in car
Man arrested at Trump’s Washington hotel after guns found in car
Cock-up on the telephony front. The speed-dialling producer of the Media Show (R4, 4.30pm) has unaccountably brought Jon Snow and James O’Brien together to talk about election broadcasting. The Jon Snow who emoted touchingly over the death of Martin McGuinness, and the James O’Brien who starts visibly twitching when he has to interview anyone to the right of Arthur Scargill.
That’ll be just-about-right across the spectrum of the BBC’s broadcasting, then, and not actually (but which would be politically more interesting) within the programme.
Yep, Channel 4 tampon peddling red socked fop meets beardy depressive to sneer. That`ll then be seen as “balanced broadcasting”.
As if Channel 4 and the BBC are not both cheeks of the same arse, lubed and ready for whatever Islam or Mexican druglords will require them to bend for.
ITV yesterday presumably thought it “balanced” to report Corbyns meltdown with Osborne using the Standard to slag off May.
Well done media…balance it is then.
Didn`t we used to have rules on all this-or are we now to be forced to see the political as akin to the personal…editorials as mere opinions and kite-flying?
That way ends with Goebbels and Friesler…and we`re way too close to this now.
Man arrested at Trump’s Washington hotel after guns found in car
A Pennsylvania man was arrested at President Donald Trump’s Washington hotel early on Wednesday after police found an assault rifle, a handgun and 90 rounds of ammunition in his car, authorities said.
Brian Moles, 43, of Edinboro, was taken into custody inside the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House, the Metropolitan Police Department said in a charging document.
Man arrested at Trump’s Washington hotel after guns found in car
Just think if this bloke was British the bBC would be claiming:
He has aspergers
He will be sent to Gitmo
He should serve his sentence in the Uk
OT, but as this gets house monitors worked up, I’ll allow it.
I played a bit of Far Cry 3, the game isn’t that old but I was always struck why that game didn’t get the typical SJW opprobrium at the time. Maybe it has retrospectively I dunno – but the stock ‘baddie’ is a thickly accented Caribbean – of whom you slaughter hundreds throughout the campaign.
Compare that with the latest Metal Gear game – partly set in Africa, where the baddies are mostly villainous Afrikaaners.
Just walked in on the biased BBC election debate. 4 socialist parties and 2 non socialist so plenty of ganging up on Rudd and Nuttall. The audience was allegedly balanced – maybe 4-2 in favour of lefties? Cheering, applause and whooping for everything Corbyn says. And not from one sixth of the audience !
Despite all the hype and scaremongering I retain confidence in the English and Welsh people to give all these leftie parties the kicking they deserve despite the BBC’s best efforts . Apart from biased audience selection , why allow left wing nationalists into a debate like this so as to skew the whole thing ?
the BBC election debate ….. unless my ears deceive me the audience doesn’t seem very balanced unless conservative and ukip voters are all mutes perhaps
and its just a shouting slanging match, really poor quality
The BBC surely wouldn’t have an unbalanced audience……..
…if its a BBC organised event 60% will be far left..plus the usual infiltrators who say the are UKIP or Tory but realy Labour.
Watching the debate on BBC, shit,its just a pathetic slagging match… All the leftie parties are making a serious effort to gang up on the Tories and UKIP, they must have got together before this pile of shit debate and planned there attack.
Bunch of bloody inbred’s
…well,well well..in all my years of watching these TV debates this has to be the most biased audience ive ever seen,the BBC have surpassed themselves this time…..this realy is a fucking scandal
You can see why May stayed away.
at least Nuttall has put daylight between ukip and everyone else
“Islamic Terrorism” the horror that cant be named (except by UKIP)
cant believe the SNP idiot actually went back as far a brevik, seems according to the SNP there has only been 3 terror attacks brevik manchester and St JO
and now the berk is complaining about the paris agreement when the SNP,s only asset is oil
Ethnic westerners are only logged as victims if it suits the leftist perspective. We are collateral, cannon fodder or sheep to be sheared otherwise.
This is a few views so far from the public regarding this pile of shit of a debate……
Ian Lloyd emails: “It took a few minutes, but the debate, as I knew it would, has descended into a shouting match.”
Simon Armitage says: “A rabble pool managed. I am none the wiser but really bored.”
Another viewer writes: “This is depressing viewing. Demeaning and lacking in dignity and mutual respect and the audience appears bias. Still an undecided voter.”
Ian in Ashford writes: “I’m sorry BBC but the “Leaders” debate this evening so far is poorly, very poorly, moderated – it’s a bun fight – I’m glad Mrs May has decided not to attend because this debate serves no purpose and, in my opinion, shows out politicians at their worst.
John Grosvenor writes: “Politicians have forgotten that the British people voted to leave the EU, Not the MPs, They should be listening to the British Public it’s not about them but about Britain’s that believe in this country. It’s time for Britain to become strong and independent again.”
…….May be be laughing her socks off
vote lefty for the muzzie not the jew
I dont think the debate went the way the beeb had wanted it to go. Rudda and nuttall came out on top with the othere still fighting the referendum last year and descending into a mess. Jezza will be regretting this tomorrow and the beeb will be disappearing it pretty quick.