Looks like the police are taking some action against Muslim extremists who all too often get away with it….of course it’s not just the police who look down on the white, working class like Tommy Robinson…the BBC does as well….he has the same views as many more well spoken anti-Sharia campaigners, such as Peter Tatchell, but gets nowhere near the respect….even Polly Toynbee is a supporter of ‘One Law for All’...don’t see the BBC calling her a racist or a fascist do we?
Who the feck is Polly Toynbee?
Best you don’t know.. trust me!
A slight correction to the above statement copied here
‘the police who look down on the white, working class like Tommy Robinson…the BBC does as well….he has the same views as many more well spoken anti-Sharia campaigners, such as Peter Tatchell, but gets nowhere near the respect’
Peter Tatchell is a gay campaigner but he is not a campaigner against sharia and has declined to speak at a Gays Against Sharia Rally.
Tommy’s absolutely correct, the police are now doing their job only because he is a reporter for Rebel Media.
I hope they continue to be more afraid of him than they are of muslims.
I’m sorry, but yet again you’ve all been fooled by the state flashing a little bit of authority and showing the public in very highly publicised raids that they actually are capable of arresting Muslims instead of enforcing political correctness.
They could of course have been conducting these raids for months, but they only do so when the horse has bolted. The fact they are able to conduct these raids with such speed after the event indicate that they had information prior to the Manchester attack but failed to act on it.
An arrest is one thing bringing realistic charges which stick, and gaining a realistic sentence is another.
Anyone in government can put on a good show – don’t forget that.
Thanks for reminding us about this.
Yes ‘Thoughful’ the police have apparently arrested lot’s of people over the Manchester slayings, however it is charges and sentences we are after, anything less is nothing, just window dressing.
It’s really all a bit late in the day in the big scheme of things to start arresting people after the horrific event, they knew who these people were before the event. I personally despise the inactivity of the police and any arrests that result in charges will not get praise from me, their job is to ‘prevent crime’ that is what we pay them for. Rather like our politicians the police have blood on their hands, it will never wash away.
There seem to be two possibilities here. Either the police already knew where these terrorists were, or they rapidly found out once they made the first arrests.
If the former is the case, there should be swift prosecutions. Of the senior officers involved.
Just thinking of songs they should have sung in Manchester.
If you tolerate this then your children will be next :
The future teaches you to be alone
The present to be afraid and cold
“So if I can shoot rabbits then I can shoot fascists.”
Bullets for your brain today
But we’ll forget it all again
Monuments put from pen to paper
Turns me into a gutless wonder.
And if you tolerate this then your children will be next
And if you tolerate this then your children will be next
Will be next, Will be next, Will be next.
Gravity keeps my head down
Or is it maybe shame
At being so young and being so vain.
Holes in your head today
But I’m a pacifist
I’ve walked La Ramblas but not with real intent.
And if you tolerate this then your children will be next
And if you tolerate this then your children will be next
Will be next, Will be next, Will be next.
“And on the street tonight
An old man plays with newspaper cuttings of his glory days.”
And if you tolerate this then your children will be next
And if you tolerate this then your children will be next
Will be next, will be next, will be next.
And manic street preachers is quite apt…but they are a bunch of lefties! Quelle surprise.
I have been a follower of Tommy for quite a few months and its good for his videos to start going viral because yes he is quite choice with the words he uses but he still shows us the stuff the BIAS BBC and Channel 4 do not show us.
About the Manchester Attacks I personally don’t think ‘Don’t Look Back In Anger’ should have been sung as its low-key saying that you shouldn’t be angry at Muslims as not all are bad, but where was the patriotism or are we British people not allowed that? Instead we should have had Winston Churchill -esque quotes where are proud to be British.
‘Don’t Look Back In Anger’
Muslims must get away with murder! How could anyone NOT be angry?
Regressive liberals are people who have lost there souls.
among other things.
I mean “Their”
From the Jo Cox Foundation, bless ‘er.
The Highland Rebel
This confirms my view that the teaching profession is a menace to our children.
The premise of this argument is wrong – Moslem terrorist do not want to kill us because they believe we treat them unfairly; they killed children who had no idea of treating them unfairly
Perhaps the tecahers might teach a few history lessons, based on facts, rather than the crap their Marxist lecturers taught them at Yoony
“It is part of the “British Values” agenda that is being forced on schools by Ofsted and the educational establishment.
Far too many lefties indoctrinated by the left at university – with Saudi money to promote extreme Islam means that they are leaving and entering the civil service where they wreak their destructive idiocy on what ever area they are responsible for.
Compare the appeasing of Islamic extremism with the treatment of football fans. In 2004 my son’s photo appeared in the local press as a “football thug”. It was taken while he was waiting for a train. The match was just before Euro 2004 and the police had targets for Banning Orders. My son stood watching a stone throwing contest between fans. He was “kettled” with other fans of all ages. He was filmed as “part of the crowd”. He didn’t get within 50 m of opposition fans.
He went to the police to help with their enquiries and was charged with affray, swabbed for DNA and hit with an instant Banning Order. This meant he had to hand in his passport. He had to report to a police station every other Saturday for over 3 years. Travel to the USA was virtually impossible.
All for standing with his hands in his pockets.
Indeed and Tommy Robinson can be arrested for taking photos.
Back in the day we could stop people travelling from NI to mainland. Nowadays we let back killers from Syria and Libya.