If the BBC saw the above they would surely be outraged and fill the airwaves with tales of Far-Right hate speech as they did after Brexit….question is would they if it was done by one, or many, of Corbyn’s stormtrooper supporters?
Barnett asked Corbyn today if he knew what the cost of his childcare policy would be…he didn’t know….apparently this was akin to the Jewish Barnett bombing Muslim children in a Gaza hospital…or so it would seem judging by the Fuerhious abuse she has received for having the nerve to ask the Leader a simple question that he should have been able to answer without problem….Guido reveals…
Corbynistas Send Emma Barnett Anti-Semitic Abuse
Back in 2014 Barnett herself revealed the truth about the New Europe and the Left’s response…
Where is the hand-wringing from the liberal Left about this new wave of anti-Semitism? To Mira Bar-Hillel, and others, I’d say this: British Jews aren’t scared to talk to each other about the situation in Israel. We’re becoming scared to talk at all.
The BBC has been very quiet on this, reluctant to dig too far into those anti-Semites in the labour Party itself and not ascribing the real cause of the rise in anti-Semitism that is sweeping Europe again…Barnett in her Telegraph piece was not so shy….
Many [Jews} are just scared – scared not just about events in Gaza, but events in Europe. These include reports about gangs of Muslims chanting “death to Jews” on the streets of France, and attacking synagogues and setting fire to Jewish-owned stores. Eighteen people were subsequently arrested in the suburb of Sarcelles, just outside Paris, where this particular outpouring of violence happened. The stunned local mayor says the Jewish community is now living in fear.
Anti-Semitism is on the rise in Germany, too. In Essen, 14 people have just been arrested, accused of plotting an attack on a synagogue. Protesters at a rally in Berlin turned on two Israeli tourists (identifiable by the man’s skull-cap) so viciously that they had to be protected by the police. The city’s authorities have also had to ban pro-Gaza protesters from chanting anti-Semitic slogans and are investigating a sermon last week by Abu Bilal Ismail calling on worshippers at Berlin’s Al-Nur mosque to murder Jews. Jews, not Israelis.
The situation is so bad that the foreign ministers of Germany, France and Italy have issued a joint statement condemning the rise in anti-Semitic protests and violence in response to the Gaza conflict – and saying they will do everything possible to combat it. “Anti-Semitic rhetoric and hostility against Jews, attacks on people of Jewish belief and synagogues have no place in our societies,” they felt compelled publicly to state.
Perhaps Douglas Murray s right…..immigration is once again the problem.
A poll out this morning reveals that just 13% of the Jewish community is considering voting Labour in the election.
Not hard to see why.
13%? A slight rounding error, perhaps, but it suggests that only 8 people were interviewed and one was a self-hater who’ll be voting Labour…
Absolutely brilliant takedown of old Steptoe and his anti-Semitic goons. No wonder they`re angry-Emma surely wasn`t meant to have been there, Jane or Dame Jenni would normally have buffed their baps and spread their cushions wide for this casualty of Social care in the Community gone rancid. But hats off to Emma-who`s given us our Gillian Duffy moment for 2017.
Corbyn also stiffed at Mumsnet after, nicking the peak freams before scooting off with no answers.
Hope his SureStart skip has room for both a ball pool and a chiller for his dead wasted body. can`t make up my mind whether he needs a nursery or a sunset home for bewildered old lefties like himself.
Well done Emma-that`s one to the Semites, as well as one for we gals.
But the BBC will lock this up-if Corbyn can run over their cameramen, he can dodge the gallows for being thick and nasty too.
But Emma could only do her job-and unusually for a Beeboid, she did it well.
PS.Need I add that the BBC are referring to this as a “stumble” as Corbyn “struggles” with the data.
As opposed to the “catastrophe” that Mays social care policy as deemed by the BBCs headline writers.
The left are constantly twisting otherwise normal words into curses. Like they do with Trump. Trump Supporter.
TRUMP SUPPORTER!!! (with a pointing finger & much foaming at the mouth.)
From the tweets above it’s ZIONIST!! Which translates as ‘you filthy nazi bastard how dare you support Israel! ‘
They seem to think they can turn people into the monsters they want us to be if they register enough SNEER behind the word.
Labour’s little secret ? The rise of Corbyn has legitimised the virulent anti Semitism now routine in academia and in the corbynistas.
Has everyone forgotten the so called enquiry presided over by the enobled Lady whats her name?
On every level Corbyn is unfit for office., A disgrace to the labour party and to all of us who value freedom. As is obvious May must be elected however dubious she is on matters conservative. Corbyn will unleash the true vileness at the heart of his brand of leftery. it must not happen.
I`m guessing that the Left have chosen the anti-politics path. Very much an Alice in Wonderland economic model from Caracas, alongside the Marxist jackboot shameless insouciance and stupidity of people who`ll take power via unions and the Internet( none of that election stuff that keeps getting it wrong for them). I would laugh-but the Left have absolutely no sense of humour and it`s left to Emma Barnett to reveal the idiot entitlement and virtue of Corbyn and his goons.
Trump won with only a Twitter account-so Corbyn reckons that he too might get in on the anti-politics schtick.
The utter shamelessness and brazen idiocy of Corbyn and Abbott is salutary-and dangerous if we get anything like a plausible lying fascist, who DOES know some facts and can master an Ipad.
Captain Haddock and his fish fingers…won`t always be funny, some of what i`m seeing is as far removed from politcs as I`ve ever seen.
The BBC have got to go-they only feed this Narcissinazi crap.
Comparing somebody of Jewish origin to a pig? Isn’t that a highly offensive hate crime? It’s certainly not Kosher.
If you think that is an exaggeration can you imagine the outrage if the comparison had been between a Muslim and a pig? Wouldn’t that be immediately seized on as a perfect example of Islamophobia by the usual suspects? One thing is certain, it’s certainly not Halal.
And don’t fall for anybody coming up with the excuse that the comparison is probably unintentional, accidental even or any other descriptions to excuse such a vile comparison. There is certainly no way of claiming that anybody making such a comparison wasn’t aware that the comparison is highly offensive to both Jews and Muslims.
Would anybody have any doubt what a persons intensions were if they left a pig’s head on the doorstep of a synagogue or a mosque? I very much doubt it and Paula Distilo when she made the deliberately offensive comparison between Emma Barnett to Miss Piggy.
It seems only those who support the Leftists and their fellow travellers are allowed to get away with Hate Speech yet the hypocrites are always the first to scream, point and complain the moment there is a hint of a possibility that anybody else has done so and, more often than not, the bBBC are the ones in the lead yet conveniently bury their heads when it is somebody who complies with their politically motivated agenda.