Nothing to write home about on the Paxman interviews with May and Corbyn….only thing of note was that Paxman was rubbish and illustrates why he hung up his boots at Newsnight…should not come out of retirement really.
He asked May a daft question at the start of her interview and then kept on with it for an age….had she changed her mind on Brexit? Complete waste of time as whichever way she voted she is now obliged and duty bound to carry out the wishes of the people, that is Brexit….should we only have a PM who wants Brexit or is Paxman saying she should ignore the referendum based solely upon her own vote and beliefs? Are we in a one woman dictatorship? Paxman seems to think so.
Quizzing May on immigration he quotes Osborne after his recent attack on May calling limits on immigration ‘economically illiterate’….Paxman, as Osborne himself does, ignores the fact that the policy to cut immigration to ’10’s of thousands’ was done when he was Chancellor and in fact he was boasting about cutting immigration in a party speech in 2013….and note the ‘never again’ on uncontrolled immigration….unless he wants a big job in Brussels it seems….
And an open-door immigration policy meant those running the economy
didn’t care. There was always an uncontrolled supply of low-skilled
labour from abroad. Well, never again.We’ve capped benefits and our work programme is getting people into
jobs. We’ve cut immigration by a third.
2015 election and still Chancellor…and still selling the Tories as a low immigration Party…
Keep an ambition of delivering annual net migration in the tens of thousands, not the hundreds of thousands.
As I post this Guido has also come up with an Osborne quote on the immigration 10’s of thousands figure….now economically illiterate but once a grand ambition…
“I think it is achievable… It’s an ambition we intend to reach… In the manifesto that the country voted on last year, we set it out as an ambition. I believe it is an ambition we will achieve.”
Paxman failed entirely to grip Corbyn whose stock answer is no answer just a rambling monologue with the Pavlovian trigger-words peppered throughout…peace, justice, equality, a fairer society…yadda yadda yadda. He did this with the audience questions as well…his last ‘answer’ on whether he would press the button on a nuke completely avoided the answer…he just wanted a nuclear free world and would do whatever he could to achieve that and bring peace to us all…but would he press the button?…and if not why spend billions upon Trident?
Emma Barnett, so often my go to person if I need to fill space here, has actually done some good work…skewering Corbyn ala Abbott as Paxman never did…he had absolutely no idea what his policy on child-care would cost…despite this being its big announcement…Corbyn’s best guess?….’It will obviously cost a lot’.
Of course he has no idea either how much any of his massive ‘investment’ on infrastructure will cost…not the amount he will have to borrow, nor I suppose the interest payments we must add to that. I suspect he has no idea what anything will cost as the IFS has said Labour is bascially lying about the costs…and borrowing will be the biggest amount ever in peace-time….scary perhaps as borrowing is alrready massive and interst costs something like £40 bn per year…more than the defence budget.
And on that interest…Corbyn wants to nationalise and borrow….because, he says, that will stop the profits going to the evil internatinal corporates and they can be reinvested in our country….so who does he think will lend him that money and where will the interest payments go? From and to all those evil international corporates….and who does he think already pays for the massive investment in the rail system now? Those corporates….who use the profits to invest in this country.
Sorry, not BBC Bias, but something Paxo can boost. He is finished as a presenter.
Quote of the day on Guido:
Paul Mason tells Emma Barnett he is furious that a BBC journalist could editorialise. Yes, Paul Mason.
“You repeatedly editorialised in a way no trained BBC journalist would, dropping in your own views / unsubstantiated claims.”
Arf. Still, Katzie may still have some from the Paxo fund to lure a pro like Paul back.
GW wrote:
Paul Mason tells Emma Barnett he is furious that a BBC journalist could editorialise.
Its funny you should mention Emma Barnett as she destroyed Corbyn I quote:
EB: How much will it cost?
JC: Er, it will cost, er. It will obviously cost a lot, we accept that.
EB: You presumany have the figures?
JC: Yes, I do.
EB: So how much will it cost?
JC: I’ll give you the figure in a moment.
EB: You don’t know it.
JC: Er…
EB: You’re logging into your iPad here. You’re announcing a major policy. and you don’t know how much it will cost?
JC: Can I give you the exact figure in a moment?
EB: You’re holding your manifesto, you’re flicking through it, you’ve got an iPad there, you’ve had a phone call while you’re in here, and yet you don’t know how much it’s going to cost.
JC: Can we come back go that in a moment?
EB: This is a policy you’re launching this morning.
JC: I think what is important for voters to understand is that if we don’t invest in our children they do less well in primary school. less well in secondary school. less will in the future.
EB: But you don’t know the cost?
JC: I want to give you an accurate figure.
EB: This is a very expensive policy. Mr Corbyn. I’m going to help you out with the figures. Would you like to hear how much it’s going to cost?
JC: What we think is, it’s important to invest for the whole community and collect the money back through taxation on the principle of universalism.
EB: Would you like to know how much your policy is going to cost, Mr Corbyn?
JC: What is your estimate of it?
EB: Well. it‘s actually from Angela Rayner, your shadow education secretary. £2.7billion, and then £4.8billion. With half
a billion to reverse the cuts to the Sure Start scheme. Does that sound about right?
JC: It does sound correct…
and here is how the bBC reports the above:
Jeremy Corbyn struggles over cost of childcare policy
Jeremy Corbyn was unable to put a cost on Labour’s plan for free childcare for 1.3m youngsters during an interview with BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour. “It will cost… it will obviously cost a lot to do so, we accept that,” he said, when quizzed about the figures by Emma Barnett….BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg said that Mr Corbyn’s performances had been getting better during the election campaign, soit was “astonishing he was not across the figures for the childcare policy” his party was campaigning on today
The bBC , the official propaganda arm for the labour party
And here is how Mr. Corbyn’s groupies’ actions are going down with the less compliant end of the media community:
Be interesting how the various BBC spokespersons, from Nick Robinson’s tweets to CECUO respond, and how quickly.
Two things:
1. Emma Barnett had the temerity to ask questions on a policy that Corbyn wanted to talk about, even launch, today. She was perfectly within her rights and the question itself wasn’t hard for anyone who had prepared properly. Labour hierarchy keep being caught out this way and whilst the policy discussion itself has come in for criticism, the entire 18min interview (which I listened to courtesy of Guido) is an unmitigated disaster.
2. Paxman last night was a disaster. Full of sneering, posturing, leaning back in the chair arms crossed “that was a good question, what are you going to say to that” kind of smugness towards both candidates. Plane rude and really obnoxious, he should be put out to grass.
Two things:
1. Emma Barnett had the temerity to ask questions on a policy that Corbyn wanted to talk about, even launch, today. She was perfectly within her rights and the question itself wasn’t hard for anyone who had prepared properly. Labour hierarchy keep being caught out this way and whilst the policy discussion itself has come in for criticism, the entire 18min interview (which I listened to courtesy of Guido) is an unmitigated disaster.
2. Paxman last night was a disaster. Full of sneering, posturing, leaning back in the chair arms crossed “that was a good question, what are you going to say to that” kind of smugness towards both candidates. Plane rude and really obnoxious, he should be put out to grass.
I quite agree that Paxman disappointed. He seems to think rudeness is enough to get him through, and it isn’t. His questions to Theresa May were pointless, and he couldn’t even land a glove on Corbyn.
Corbyn’s uselessness only came to light today when he could not remember how much the flagship policy he was launching would cost. He is utterly clueless and out of his depth. Emma Barnett is no forensic interviewer, but just asking him how much it would cost had him stumped.
The anti-semitic abuse she is now receiving on Twitter just shows how vile the Left is. At heart they remain people who would consign their class enemies to the Gulag without a second thought. Utter scum.
If you think he was obnoxious and biased last night, wait until he shouts at Sturgeon.