The BBC rails against ‘fake news’ [despite it being the biggest provider of that delicacy…otherwise known as ‘tripe’] and more often than not associates it with Right-wing publications or social media sites happily ignoring the proliferation of Left-wing sites, and the Guardian…oh..not quite true…it in fact, far from ignoring them, promotes such sites as valuable providers of news from an alternative perspective…such as the hard-left Skwawkbox,
We’ve just mentioned Dimbleby moaning that Corbyn hasn’t had a fair deal from the Right-wing Press but what has he got to say about the Left or the ‘alt-left’…it’s out there but you’d hardly know it from the BBC’s lack of desire to investigate…from Buzzfeed…..
The Rise Of The Alt-Left British Media
They’ve been mocked, ignored, and dismissed as conspiracy mongers – but a small group of hyperpartisan British media outlets have quietly built enormous audiences on Facebook in the space of just two years with relentlessly pro-Corbyn coverage. But how will the British alt-left media cope with the election?
Just as the likes of Breitbart broke into the mainstream during the 2016 US presidential election by exploiting a lack of right-wing viral news, the 2017 general election is driving record traffic to the loose collection of alt-left British outlets that are positioning themselves as Corbyn’s outriders, jumping on stories without much of the nuance of outlets that remain rooted in mainstream reporting traditions.
What’s changed is that, according to analysis conducted by BuzzFeed News during the first two weeks of the election campaign, articles by Another Angry Voice and other similar alt-left media publications such as The Canary, Evolve Politics, and Skwawkbox are consistently and repeatedly going more viral than mainstream UK political journalism.
This election marks the tipping point following years of growth, where a core audience of millions of left-leaning readers are consuming such sites in isolation and obsessing over their completely distinct news agenda. Driven almost entirely by what shares well on Facebook, they barely register in the Twitter-dominated world of Westminster journalists, except when they’re occasionally mocked for their supposedly borderline-conspiracy interpretations of events. But there are common factors to their success: an unashamed role as a cheerleader for Jeremy Corbyn, producing openly slanted coverage in support of the Labour leader, all filtered through the prism of mainstream media criticism.
The BBC has heaped criticism upon ‘social media’ for swaying elections, frequently suggesting that the ‘Dark Arts’ have been used to subvert democracy…primarily because of course the BBC believes it’s responsible for Trump and Brexit….but we don’t see any such criticism for the same type of social media hype for Corbyn.
Any sign on the BBC of this attempt to smear The Sun?…
The Canary Deleted A False Viral Story About The Sun’s Coverage Of The Manchester Attack
The Canary has quietly deleted an article which alleged The Sun had ignored the victims of the Manchester terror attack by failing to put the incident on the front page of the newspaper – despite the fact that the paper’s first edition went to print 30 minutes before the attack took place.
There is no such thing as the Alt-Left — it is the Ctrl-Left.
I’d prefer Delete-Left.
Starts typically…
…then gets better.
I like it when BBC ‘reporters’ get on their high horses and use words like ‘impugn’.