Oh dear…the sanctimonious BBC crisp muncher has been through some taxing times it seems…from Guido:
Gary Lineker Tax Scheme Loses Court Bid
Gary Lineker is among a group of celebrities who have lost a court bid to overturn a £700 million tax bill. The achingly right-on footballer turned self-appointed current affairs expert claimed the press were pursuing a “vendetta” against him over his involvement in the Ingenious film investment scheme, where tax reliefs were claimed on artificial movie losses. It was all media lies, Gary insisted…
Seems the courts do not agree. HMRC argued that the scheme was an aggressive kind of tax avoidance and yesterday a tax tribunal judge ruled the tax relief claims were not “allowable deductions”. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer bloke.
That should wipe the cheesy grin off his face! (Or should that be cheese-and-oniony grin?)
O/T but have we heard from Grant on here lately? I know he was going back to Africa, but I don’t think I’ve seen any comments from him. I hope he’s OK.
Give the man a break. He was just building up some capital to use to fund the erection of some housing at the far edge of one of estates in which to house migrants/refugees. Cruelly, the government has snatched it away.
Damn those austerity mongers in HMRC, going after those with the broadest shoulders.
Seems that he has a very large chip on his shoulder when it comes to paying taxes. But when the chips are down will he pay?.
HMRC not his flavor of the month,costs him a packet i’ll bet.
This case came about as a result of the insane complexity of the British tax system. Because the luvvies all love Labour, the last (the really last, I hope) Labour government came forward with a special tax wheeze aimed at helping the British film industry.
Obviously, the next thing that happened, which was always going to happen in the real world as opposed to the Westminster Village, was that tax advisers realised they could use this wheeze to help their wealthy clients legally avoid tax.
For several years all was well, until George Osborne decided “tax avoidance” was wrong, even though it is legal. He therefore came up with a weird legal concept of “aggressive tax avoidance”, which was declared to be wrong, although not exactly illegal.
In this case, the film industry tax dodge, which was set up specifically to get people to invest in the film industry by giving them special tax relief, has now been deemed by a court to be aggressive tax avoidance, and therefore its participants will have to pay all their back taxes, plus interest.
Put like this, I find I have some sympathy for the people who used this form of “tax planning”. It was in accordance with the law, until George Osborne had a hissy fit and decided it wasn’t. However, when we find out that a smug leftist like Gary Lineker was part of it, a man who berates the rest of us for refusing to take bearded children into our country, but who avoids paying the taxes needed to support this wave of bogus asylum seekers, then I have to say it would take a heart of stone not to laugh.
The joke’s on you Gary.
too right Rob, I dont think anyone is really to bothered of people taking advantage of the “rules”, i have a bike on cycle scheme myself
but the sheer hypocrisy of the jug eared cunt and the likes , who exhort everyone on PAYE to be more generous with their small lump of hard earned, whilst diligently avoiding paying their share from their massive wads really does stick in everyones craw.
All of them should be named and shamed
I am in total agreement with your post. Everything that you say about Linaeker is equally true of many , many other celebs and luvvies. If those of us who spent all their working lives on PAYE had been able to practise the degree of tax evasion that this lot have , then the whole of the welfare state would have collapsed. Perhaps that would have been a good thing. But the stench of hypocrisy emenating from these celebs who avoid tax whilst at the same urging measures that require ever greater taxes , makes me sick. They should be ruthlessly exposed and held up to ridicule.
guess where jug ears new house will be
You might say the HMRC have hit a crisp one right in his onion bag!
Ha ha… done to a crisp!
Gary Lineker is among a group of celebrities who have lost a court bid to overturn a £700 million tax bill. The achingly right-on footballer turned self-appointed current affairs expert claimed the press were pursuing a “vendetta” against him over his involvement in the Ingenious film investment scheme, where tax reliefs were claimed on artificial movie losses. It was all media lies, Gary insisted…
Reminds me of Mel Books “The Producers”.
I have been a tax payer on PAYE for some 47 years, I like many others in this country had no choice in the matter or tips on how to avoid paying tax, so why should the likes of Liniker ,,Carr,,Branson,,and Phillip Green et all get away with out paying their fare share, the luvvies and leftists the same people who bleat on about how we should be putting our hands in our pockets to help so called child refugees who smoke and have beards come to this country, I don’t see them opening their houses and offering rooms and lodging to them ,,,,,,,, time HMRC invested a lot more of them, after all they have been aided by the leftist loving BBC for far to long
The list of footballers and celebrteees who were part of this scam – sorry tax avoidance scheme – is testimony to how rotten things can in this country. I wonder if al Beeb – funded by the taxes these characters were trying to avoid – will put them on a ‘ do not employ list ‘ . Otherwise there will be no punishment other than repayment of the taxes due and hopefully the huge fees the tax barristers would spin the avoidance scheme charged.
Mind you – they’ll probably take it to appeal and try it on again.