Farage slams "hysterical" attempt to link him with Putin regime by liberal elite unable to accept Brexit and Trump. https://t.co/4WKHWBNtsY
— Westmonster (@WestmonsterUK) June 1, 2017
More misinformation, guerilla war and the spreading of lies and half-truths..by the MSM….
The Guardian has started slinging mud at Farage….claiming he is a person of interest to US investigators in regard to Trump and Russia…one piece of ‘evidence’ the Guardian puts forward is his appeance on RT demanding to know if he was paid for such fraternising with the enemy [maybe he published highly secret and sensitive US intelligence supplied to him by someone who was quite possibly a Russian spy….did Snowden ever talk to Farage…or was he too busy peddling the secrets to the Guardian and BBC?]……
The spokesman also declined to comment on whether Farage had received compensation from the Russian state-backed media group RT for his media appearances.
RT, which has featured Farage about three times over the last 18 months, also declined to comment, citing confidentiality.
Oh…hang on…something’s wrong…..that’s not Farage…that’s….hmmm…surely that’s Corbyn….is he in the pay of the Russians too? Where will this betrayal stop? It’ll be David Dimbleby next on RT…..the Radio Times…..or maybe a Russian bath house in Moscow was the place for a clandestine meet with Ze Russkies….going to ‘talk business and cut deals with the big boys’…
It was a great honour to spend time with @realDonaldTrump. He was relaxed and full of good ideas. I'm confident he will be a good President. pic.twitter.com/kx8cGRHYPQ
— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) November 12, 2016
I do love how the likes of the bBC work.
Slander,slander and slander more.
I mean look how people openly speak of the Tory party as the nasty party. Yet when we look at the facts they have done less harm to the country than Labour has.
Corbyn as mentioned has actual links to:
Al Q
Dianne Abbot.
None who have a good word to say about the UK and only wish it ill.
and yet the media hound NF who is as pro British as you can get.
The bBC, we will support anybody who can destroy the UK and hate anybody who looks upon the Union flag with pride.
Nothing about the crispman being a tax evader , BBC employees havng sex outside with young adults.etc. If this had happened at any other organization it would be closed down straight away. BBC and Guardian traitors in our mist like another poster posted awhile back.