David Dimbleby, the man who will be fronting the BBC’s election coverage and who presides over Question Time, has come out for Corbyn…telling us he’s had an unfair rap from the ‘Right-wing’ Press…curiously he doesn’t moan that May has had an unfair ‘Press’…especially from, er, the BBC.
David Dimbleby: Jeremy Corbyn has not had a fair deal at the hands of the press
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is more popular than the media make him out to be and hasn’t had a fair deal at the hands of the press, says Question Time host David Dimbleby.
“If the Conservative story is how Theresa May is the ‘brand leader’, the interesting thing is that a lot of Labour supporters really like and believe in the messages that Jeremy Corbyn is bringing across,” says Dimbleby in an interview in the new issue of Radio Times magazine.
“It’s not his MPs in the House of Commons necessarily, but there is a lot of support in the country. And I don’t think anyone could say that Corbyn has had a fair deal at the hands of the press, in a way that the Labour Party did when it was more to the centre.”
“My own prediction is that, contrary to the skepticism and lazy pessimism of the newspapers and the British media, it’s going to be a really fascinating night, and it will drive home some messages about our political system and the political appeal of different parties that no amount of polling or reading the papers will tell us.”
What exactly is unfair about the Press coverage? Is Corbyn not a proven terrorist supporter? Is he not a dyed-in-the-wool Marxist who, along with McDonnell and Abbott, will bring this country to its knees with unions freed from legal restraints and economic policies that owe more to 1970’s socialist dogma than real policies that will protect and build a prosperous nation…Corbyn, as with all socialists, will sacrifice people, their jobs, their families, their futures, to adhere to that dogma come what may…for Corbyn it’s not about the end result but the journey…and his chosen vehicle is hard-core ruinous socialism. Looks like Dimbleby is a fellow traveller on that journey. No surprise really.
What’s the worst that can happen?
Is this not an interesting example of the BBC as it always has been, at anyrate since the end of WW2. The top spot on an important occasion being held by a geriatric who only got a job there by nepotism. And Bumblebee and his brother together don’t make a broadcaster as good as their father was.
Dimbleby does not address the fact that the Parliamentary Labour Party, the people who see Corbyn at work every day, and know him a lot better than any of the £3 Citizen Smiths who elected him to the Labour leadership, overwhelmingly think he is useless and have no confidence in him.
The PLP know that Corbyn and his clique of McDonnell, Abbott and Lady Nugee, are a hard left conspiracy, of a type fought by previous Labour leaders such as Gaitskell and even Kinnock.
Dimbleby is meant to be a political analyst of great experience, so he must know this to be the case. Thus we can only conclude that he is sucking up to Corbyn in the hope that a Corbyn government would ensure the BBC keeps him on in his highly overpaid employment. Dimbleby is looking after number one, the way they all do.
He must indeed know this is the case, hence why he refers to it: ‘“It’s not his MPs in the House of Commons necessarily, ‘
How not mentioning it (he did) means ‘we can only conclude that he is sucking up to Corbyn in the hope that a Corbyn government would ensure the BBC keeps him on in his highly overpaid employment’ is not exactly a logical conclusion. Perhaps you might factor into your ‘conclusion’ that the BBC had its charter renewed until 2021 and that no government, Labour or otherwise, could dictate to the BBC whether they employ Dimbleby or not.
You make this too easy sometimes guys.
There must be another reason that Dimbleby is sucking up to Corbyn then. Any ideas?
Time the Dimblebys were booted off the tax payer gravy train ,Their whole life has been leeching of others .A bit like Corbyn. His whole career producing nothing but vile rants against Britain .
The pair of HRH Dimblebys are a case study in how the BBC operates. Daddy worked for al Beeb so they get a life long job too. Sitting on panel discussions like question time and any questions in that comfortable smug I’m alright jack and sounding like an extension of royalty.
Now one of them claims Corbin has had a biased press! Obviously memory loss over his past which no one wants to talk about.
On the upside HRH dimbleby senior s face at 4am on Brexit day was a picture. I thought he was going to fall of his perch or start sobbing. He was probably thinking about getting to his second homes in nice bits of France or Italy .
You can only hope that this exceptional example of public sector teat sucking is set to preside over a Tory landslide
of great magnitude. And with the outside cameras picking up his lonely walk to the top the Shard………………and off he goes!
Yes huw or naga can cover it as an outside broadcast with a helicopter and a phone in and a phone number for any one who has been affected by this programme.. da da da
David Dimbleby doesn’t ‘come out for Corbyn’ in the article though does he? Fake News Alan?
All the tings you say about Corbyn may well be true, still not really deniable that UK newspapers are weighted to the Right, and that they’ve attacked him much more than when the Labour Party was more to the centre.
Absolutely nothing in what he says suggests a favouritism of Dimbleby toward Corbyn. But then we’ve talked about your English comprehension skills before.
“It’s not his MPs in the House of Commons necessarily”
That is the phrase Dimbleby uses when Corbyn’s fellow MPs passed a vote of no confidence in him, and forced a second leadership election!
No, I suppose they don’t “necessarily” think a lot of the left wing nutter, do they? I am reminded of Hirohito’s statement to the Japanese people after the atomic bombs were dropped: “The war has developed, not necessarily to Japan’s advantage.” You don’t say!
It`s long been known that Labour supporters are economically more illiterate that other party supporters.
Their followers seem to think that the Government raise more than they spend-all other party supporters know that the opposite is true.
YouGov first saw this in 2013. Bet it`s FAR worse these days. Stands to reason-no private sector person, no proud and independent family would vote for a series of unemployed traitors who`ve never worked(except in some nebby union non-job). Yes, there ARE a few good teachers and NHS staff-but if any of them voted Labour, they`d have to be thick.
When you`ve given up on life or thinking for yourself-vote Labour and let them do your thinking for you.