Ms. Hirsi Ali contends that the West has made a colossal mistake by its obsession with “terror” in the years since 9/11. “In focusing only on acts of violence,” she says, “we’ve ignored the Islamist ideology underlying those acts. By not fighting a war of ideas against political Islam—or ‘Islamism’—and against those who spread that ideology in our midst, we’ve committed a blunder.” Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Islam’s Most Eloquent Apostate
Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi… it is only to Middle East audiences that the Brotherhood’s spiritual leader, the Sheikh of the Mujahideen, unveils his prophetic dream. Europe, as he sees it, is Islam’s next frontier. John Ware on Panorama in 2006
The BBC is up to its old tricks as it allows Hindus to be called Nazi terrorists and Muslims the terrified victims….if you’re a poor Hindu you can at least get some satisfaction in life by beating one of the ‘untouchable’ Dalits or a Muslim to death….apparently that is the Hindu government’s message to the people of India.
The BBC has vigorously and relentlessly maintained the fiction that Islam is the religion of peace when all the evidence, including what is written in black and white in the Koran, shows without doubt that it is a ‘religion’ that propagates violence, a ‘religion’ that is in fact more about conquest and colonisation than the spiritual.
The BBC is less concerned to take account of the sensibilities, or the truth, of the practitioners when considering Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism or Judaism.
We are told that for Christians ‘The womb is a weapon’, all the little children being Christian warriors in the making prepared to fight to make the world Christian.
We are told that Buddhists have no problem with violence... ‘If you have a strong sense of the overriding moral superiority of your worldview, then the need to protect and advance it can seem the most important duty of all….So, historically, Buddhism has been no more a religion of peace than Christianity.’
Hundus are nationalists not unlike Hitler [never mind the Muslims were going to fight for Hitler if we didn’t give them independence…ie Pakistan…the BBC always portrays them as heroically sacrificing themselves for Britain…not true…it was political and religious self-interest] and as terrorists.
Israel is a woeful mistake of history misread, Christianity a fraud….in the BBC’s ‘The Bible’s Buried Secrets’ we are lead to believe that the Jewish Bible is a fraud, a politically motivated invention….Israel is based upon a lie…
Did King David’s Empire Exist?
The Hebrew Bible is built on shifting sands….it describes how David united the tribes of Israel and made Jerusalem his capital….modern archaeology is challenging the accuracy of the Bible …and this has huge implications for the region…and the world….David’s legacy is ammunition in an ideological war.
‘Ammunition in an ideological war’. Go figure. Think the BBC will ever say that about the Koran?
The BBC is famously not shy about trying to destroy Christianity declaring this programme to be…’a radical revision which rocks the foundation of monotheism to its core and challenges what its past means to its faith today.’
Adam and Eve?….their story has devastated the world…’their story has had a devastating effect on history,….human nature being cast as fundamentally bad.…The real story about Eden is too important to ignore. What’s at stake is the authority of scripture…if Adam and Eve were not real it would undermine faith.‘
Such is the BBC way with religions other than Islam.
Today we had another example as Mishal Husain presided over a chat with Indian novelist Arundhati Roy.
Talking of Kashmir with the impression given that she was only referring to the Indian presence there [Pakistan is as guilty or more so of state sponsored terrorism there and inside India] we heard that there is terror abroad, people killed, tortured and incarcerated [hence you understand this is government violence] and that the ‘air is seeded with terror as people live under the boot [of Indian government] for 20 years.‘
We are told now is the time of ‘Hindu pride’, the idea of a Hindu Nation, Hinduism is akin to Nazism and that even if you are poor, but Hindu, you can get some satisfaction in life by beating one of the ‘untouchable’ Dalits or a Muslim to death.
Interestingly the BBC has provided us with a separate clip of the interview...with those somewhat controversial bits missing…funny that…Mishal Husain, a Muslim, raised absolutely no objection during the interview to the terms used and sensationalist narrative being peddled…but someone has seen fit to edit them out…wonder why.
Speak like that about a confirmed Muslim terrorist and you’d guarantee the BBC presenter would jump in to make some emolient remark trying to downplay things and explain about the mass murderer’s tough life and mental health issues.
Where are the lawyers?
Surely Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs & Buddhists could put forth the argument that they should be exempt
[on religious grounds] from paying the licence tax. Due to BBC’s hostile stance toward their respective faiths
and it’s shameless, aggressive promotion of Islam.
They are against everything the West stands for – reason, dialogue, education, freedom of speech, individualism, Christianity and democracy.
I began that sentence thinking I was writing about ISIS, but by the end realised I was writing about the BBC.
“I began that sentence thinking I was writing about ISIS, but by the end realised I was writing about the BBC.”
Spot-on RB, this sums the BBC up perfectly.
Rick B
Very good.