A few days ago I asked ‘Who was right? Who is the real ‘enemy of the State’?’ Was it Tommy Robinson or Lord Hall and his pro-Islam propaganda machine in light of the attack in Manchester and the BBC’s belated ‘exposure’ of the rapes and abuse in Rochdale? The BBC film about Rochdale was a shameless attempt to rewrite history and to pretend that the BBC had been at the forefront of exposing such abuse when the truth is that it was one of the guilty organisations that knew what was going on and refused to bring it into the open because of the race and religion of the abusers. How many girls became victims because BBC journalists stood silent and turned their eyes away? And now they seek credit and applause for their ‘brave’ examination of the issues.
David Sedgwick [H/T DaveS in the comments] gives the lie to that BBC narrative showing that it contemptuously dismissed Tommy Robinson’s claims about Muslim grooming gangs….
Shooting the Messenger: The BBC’s ‘Asian’ Grooming Gangs
It wasn’t that long ago – five years – when in his role as anchor for BBC2’s Newsnight programme, Jeremy Paxman became very sniffy with a certain studio guest named Tommy Robinson. “You are seriously suggesting that young white girls are being sexually exploited by what you say are gangs of Muslim men? Is that what you are suggesting? Seriously?”
“Yes,” replied his guest, to which Paxman looked aghast. How could this racist, xenophobe suggest such rot? Sexual grooming of under-age white girls? How utterly absurd. The BBC weren’t having any of that. Had Robinson cared to cast his hostile gaze on the streets of Notting Hill he would have seen a thriving ‘multi-cultural’ paradise, where every creed and colour came together to produce a ‘vibrant’ Liberal fantasy land. Grooming? What grooming?
And here it is, the real BBC way of dealing with the issue of Muslim grooming gangs…shoot the messenger….and note this interview was in 2011 and Paxman opens with stating that ‘Tommy Robinson’ is a pseudonym and his actual name is Stephen Lennon…so why did Andrew Neil make such a fuss claiming that Tommy Robinson was hiding his real name for nefarious reasons in 2013 as Neil quizzed Robinson with questions provided by the Islamist Mehdi Hasan?
Neil, in a breath taking example of investigative journalism goes on to ‘reveal’ Robinson’s real name…or that of his long lost father, telling him…
‘We did find your birth certificate….you changed your name because it concealed for some time your BNP past….you were hiding your BNP membership.’
As David Sedgwick says:
If Tommy Robinson or any of the several thousand young girls who have been (and continue to be) victims of this abuse are waiting for an apology from the national broadcaster, they’d be advised not to hold their breaths.
Ironic that this shows how in 2011 albeeb in the form of paxman( who I think was on the list of Celebs in the outlawed tax avoided scheme published by the mail ) minimised the threat from Islam .
11 minutes of smug paxman didn’t break Tommy but you wouldn’t see Tommy anywhere near a BBC studio – even now – post Manchester. But sooner or later Tommy and other non Muslims fearful of what is happening will have to be heard.and something done about it. [ not a czar or royal commission or green paper ].
I think this blog should look at the list of people who are members of that scheme and their relationship to Al Beeb. This is because they take the moral high ground but when it comes to it they are avoiding paying their fair share of taxes – you know – for the many – not the few . Right?
Gramscians are the real enemy . Without them you wouldn’t have an Islamist enemy in our midst .
Point to note.
This fucking Tory government hands over £17 billion a year to people who simply want to kill us.
Meanwhile the Police have to deal wit 20% budget cuts
Go figure.
“David Sedgwick [H/T DaveS in the comments] gives the lie to that BBC narrative showing that it contemptuously dismissed Tommy Robinson’s claims about Muslim grooming gangs….
[Jeremy Paxman became very sniffy with a certain studio guest named Tommy Robinson. “You are seriously suggesting that young white girls are being sexually exploited by what you say are gangs of Muslim men? Is that what you are suggesting? Seriously?”, “Yes,” replied his guest, to which Paxman looked aghast.]
And here it is, the real BBC way of dealing with the issue of Muslim grooming gangs…shoot the messenger….”
Let me walk you through this nice and slowly, Alan.
David Sedgwick is lying.
Jeremy Paxman did not say what David Sedgwick quoted him as saying.
It’s complete fiction.
You even posted a video which proves that David Sedgwick is lying.
But still you repeat his lies…
You’re a clown, Alan.
hey maxi see you friends went driving in London last night
ps note to all our mad muzzie friends Salford Keys dudes, thats where you can make the most impact on the news
You’re a Gramscian and that’s no lie .
Identify Maxincony which assertion Tommy Robinson made in that interview is incorrect, and come back and we might have a debate. As for the denial that girls are being sexually exploited by Muslim gangs, you are right to say that Paxman in that interview does not deny it, but it has got as bad as it has precisely because it was denied or excused or ignored (albeit it not in this interview). Are you denying this? Are you denying that Leftist Political Correctness played no role? Again, go off and read a bit about it, then come back and we can have a debate about it.
Maxincony, I post here because I think that Al Beeb is Biased.
Why do you post here? What’s your motivation?
You never answered me the last time I posed those questions.
MaxiCrony the useful Muzzie again. Beating us with red herrings.
Tens of thousands of white female children have been raped by the scum from hell.
The BBC knew about it.
The BBC sat on the news, for years, hoping it would go away, a la Savile.
Meanwhile excoriating those who tell uncomfortable truths.
The BBC “programme” “disclosing” the “truth” is, as expected, a disgrace.
Can this Maxi…. organism be banned please?
Its only purpose is the glorification and justification of the activites of the nastiest organisation in history.
Maxincontinence practices ‘fart and dart’ trolling – he makes an aggressive accusation then disappears. It’s possible he is some sort of duty troll, perhaps for the BBC, and has a lot of sites to cover, which is why he doesn’t hang around.
Nick Griffin deserves praise for exposing the Muslim rape gangs about a decade ago, he was of course vilified by the media and indeed it must never ever be forgotten that the BBC tried entrapment of Nick Griffin with the aim of getting him sent to prison for his exposure of this horrendous rape epidemic.
The BBC is a traitorous organization and now needs to be shut down.
Many people knew of gang rapes of tens of thousands of young girls by Muslims going back to 2000. That’s 17 years ago.
maxincony..a quisling and a traitor..for sure! Is there a day of reckoning coming maxi?