A new open thread for the weekend…..the weather’s looking stormy and the BBC is on full-on Mission Implausible mode…get Corbyn elected (holding their noses)….so stay in the warm and hit the keyboard with the bias…only a few days left to the election and the BBC is going all out flooding the airwaves with bias such as Boris ‘says no tax rises’ and then showing a clip of him actually saying ‘no planned tax rises’…that’s a big big difference…I am guessing the BBC will go for broke and become more blatant thinking that Corbyn will square it with Ofcom, packed to the gills as it is with people who look like they may well be on-side for the BBC anyway…and if the Tories win? Well never mind, they’re too afraid to tackle the BBC….it’s a win win for the Beeboids….they have nothing to lose and everything to win…list the bias here….
Weekend Open Thread
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Bit late but Any Questions yesterday and today .
A woman with such archness in her voice asked the usual about is she welcome here working in the NHS since the referendum . Usual platitudes given by most of the panel except Paul Nuttall making sense . At the end of the panelists comments Dimbleby , who talks more than anyone , asked her opinion .
By God you could feel the venom from her vocals . Turns out she is German and might not stay .
With such poison within her I would rather be treated by Mengele than her .
Well she can just feck off then. Problem solved.
I still don’t understand how importing medics from other countries is a morally correct thing to do. It’s depriving other countries of their medics. There are plenty of students who would wish to be doctors in Blighty and we should train our own. Then we wouldn’t have to listen to al Beeb for ever chirping on about the need to import even more immigrants to run the NHS . The sooner the ‘free movement ‘ part of the EU treaty is ditched the better.
The liberal media just LOVE these hard cases-whether real, contrived or simply untrue.
I mean-how many personal cases that don`t fit the normal stste distributions could YOU confect if you wanted Channel 5 or Eshter Rantzen to do an episode about your hard luck story-and the ineffective response from the (inevitably Tory) council or government spokeman.
When Corbyn had been filleted as a white feather ponce last night over Trident-and that dopey woman followed up with ” why are we talking about all this murder”-I think I finally saw that there are two worlds…those who care about their grandkids, and those who see a long neck at Corbyns money tree before it all collapses into Caracas.
This entitled generation will finish us, hopefully Islam will cull them and we shall be elsewhere.
Only such a collection of cretins would EVER give a stuff about May not signing an EU letter over Paris…imagine Suez?…Hiroshima?…Falklands?..and none being valid unless some worthless foreskin like Juncker sends you permission to do it( or says he`s sad that you`re doing it).
We`re leaving the EU-Trump won`t give a damn about the EU, and he`s right to do so.
Back in the 90s we imported a good number of German junior Doctors. From my experience they were the third rate ones that the Germans were happy to lose.
Gaxvil – Like this one?
I remember seeing someone on QT doing the same thing. She’s lived here 30 odd years or so but didn’t like that the questionnaire to gain citizenship was so long. If it ain’t worth your effort then don’t bother love.
Absolutely no need to panic on the GE or even get slightly distressed. Bubbly on ice for about 6:30am next Friday, and that’s not a first for Scrobs’ normal celebrations…
The BBC know full well that the money is on a Conservative majority, and that the minority parties like the Greens and the Lib Dems will probably vanish from the ‘limelight’. Rumour has it that Farron will lose his seat, and they’ll all finish up like the nineteen fifties with a couple of seats from somewhere up near Iceland
Just hold on, worry less and look forward to Friday morning, when we’ll all hear the sombre notes of despair from W1A.
Enjoy the panic from the bbbc during next week, and hear the pain…
Election night is about the only time you ever see a politician show humanity ( I mean on the podium – not in studios). The idea of seeing Farron and the Cable not getting their seat would be worth the stay up. I will ice a bottle of fizz and pop it whatever the outcome. The idea of a second election this year as a result of a hung parliament would almost be beyond belief but we re in strange times and a good few voters still vote as part of a tribe. Let’s hope the weather holds up
Cartoon for the week (on Trump and Paris)
Something a bit different. Dr. Jordan Peterson seems to be a sensible man. He has produced many good videos on YouTube that contain a lot of good advice as to how to live our lives – sensible things like fix your local problems before you worry about fixing the world, (clean your room!).
Following his recommendation I have been working through Stephen Hicks’s book which describes the ideas of some of the thoughts of the philosophers that have influenced the world. I must admit that philosophy has been of little interest to me, ancient Greeks wasted their time in the sun debating whether hares were faster than tortoises etc. In more modern times their ‘work’ appeared to be just as useless.
However what was new to me was how influential these daft, pointless ideas have been throughout history. Indeed it goes someway to explaining why our ‘snowflakes’, the ‘baby elite’ can, i-phone in hand, declare that there is no truth, that the sexes are optional and that witch doctorism is just as valid as ‘colonial’ science that keeps bugs at bay and aircraft in the air.
It probably explains Corbyn and his mates too. It certainly explains why ‘the left’ is pals with Islam.
He is more than just a sensible man – he is a hero for common sense who has therefore been targeted for destruction by the SJW types.
He came to prominence last year for opposing Bill C16 (this is in Canada) which forces you to refer to transgender people by whatever pronoun they deem appropriate on the day (zee and zer, stupid things like that). It is a criminal offence of harassment not to comply.
Peterson objected on several grounds: 1) that this was enshrining anti-scientific nonsense in law 2) it would harm transgender people, most of whom just want to be left alone and 3) that it was an egregious infringement on free speech. (I recommend watching Peterson’t testimony to the Canadian senate on this)
As a result, the university where he teaches sent him letters telling him to stop talking about this (even to discuss it is illegal, apparently), and the SJW types mounted their typical noisy campaigns.
Thus far, he has managed to weather the storm, but they haven’t finished with him.
He is a beacon of hope in the nihilistic chaos that the Left wants to drown us in, and I recommend his work strongly. It’s entertaining as well as thought-provoking.
A bit more on Peterson, for those who are interested.
Late last year, his grant application was turned down for the first time, despite him being one of the most respected psychologists in the world (taught at Harvard, loads of publications, successful clinical practice, 150 million YouTube views).
Somebody set up a crowd-funding site and they raised $180,000 in donations in one month. A giant FU to the university.
He now puts his videos up through an organisation called Patreon, where you can not only watch the material, but also sponsor the person making them with a small sum each month. Peterson’s patr(e)onage has now reached almost $40,000 per month.
I don’t think the SJW types are going to let it rest. With Peterson promoting reality, dialogue, individuality, common sense and truth, he is a natural enemy of the BBC, too.
This is worth a read. An article about the BBC’s handling of Tommy Robinson and the ‘Asian’ grooming gangs. I can also recall the Paxman interview – and it doesn’t look good for the BBC.
BBC – EDL Liverpool
“The demonstration was confined to a side street before officers moved protesters towards Lime Street station.
Twelve people were arrested for various offences under the Public Order Act.
(who … was arrested?)
Deputy Chief Constable Carl Foulkes, said following “increasing animosity between both groups the decision was made to disperse those involved”.
(So … once again no protest allowed … thug tactics win).
“He said the decision was made “in the interests of the safety of those working, living and visiting the city centre.
“At some points members of the left wing were seen to throw darts and flares were also activated.”
(… Do they mean Hope Not Soap?, Antifa?, the UAF the erm Far Left, surely quick enough to spout far right aren t you BBC?)
The EDL group said the protest, involving hundreds of people, was being held to highlight a number of issues, including Islamic terrorism. Members from branches including Coventry and the North East of England waved St George’s flags.”
How the bBC promotes Corbyn as the one the Armed forces can trust
General election 2017: Corbyn defence vow after Trident grilling
“Jeremy Corbyn has vowed to keep the UK safe after facing questions about whether he would use nuclear weapons. The Labour leader said he would “invest properly” in the armed forces, promising more ships for the Royal Navy and aircraft for the RAF…He said he would, and added: “We will invest properly in our police service, we will invest properly in our armed services, the numbers in the armed services have gone down, the navy are crying out for more ships, the air force are crying out for more surveillance aircraft”.
I noticed this earlier on, when the Guardian reported it. I did like the part about more ships and more surveillance aircraft. To be honest the UK does require more ships, the Tories (and Labour) have cut, and cut our armed forced to the bone. But hang on. What’s this the RN has planned:
Type 26 Global Combat Ship (GCS).
In the 2010 Strategic Defence and Security Review a replacement programme was authorized for the Navy’s current fleet of thirteen Type 23 frigates. The replacement, known as the Type 26 Global Combat Ship (GCS). It is planned that two variants of the class would be built: five general purpose frigates and eight anti-submarine warfare frigates. According to the current timeline, construction will begin in 2016, with the first Type 26 frigate commissioning in 2021 and the last commissioning in the mid-2030s. Eight Type 26 frigates will be built initially.
Type 31 General Purpose Frigate (GPFF)
The five remaining ships will be covered by a new class of lighter, flexible general purpose frigate, known as the Type 31 General Purpose Frigate (GPFF). According to the Strategic Defence and Security Review 2015, the lower cost of these frigates could lead to the Royal Navy acquiring more than five of them, thus increasing its numbers of frigates and destroyers.
Offshore patrol vessels
In November 2013 it was announced that to sustain the UK shipbuilding base, and for defence-related reasons, three new offshore patrol vessels (OPVs) with Merlin-capable flight-decks are to be built. In August 2014, BAE Systems was awarded a £348 million contract to design and build the new class. The vessels will be significantly larger than the River class and will be built on the Clyde in Scotland, with an in-service date of 2017. It is envisaged that they will be used for constabulary duties such as counter-terrorism, counter-piracy and anti-smuggling operations. The vessels will be named, HMS Forth, HMS Medway and HMS Trent..The latest Strategic Defence and Security Review 2015 stated that two more OPVs will be procured, with the new vessels later receiving the names Tamar and Spey.
Royal Fleet Auxiliary
Four 37,000-ton Tide-class fast fleet tankers are currently being built in South Korea by Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering for the Royal Fleet Auxiliary under the first phase of the Military Afloat Reach and Sustainability (MARS) project. The ships will provide fuel, food, fresh water and other supplies to Royal Navy warships, and are projected to enter service at a rate of about one ship every four or five months from September 2016.
The Strategic Defence and Security Review 2015 confirmed that three new large MARS Solid Support Ships would be acquired for the Royal Fleet Auxiliary, to replace the single-hulled RFA Fort Victoria, which entered service in 1994, and RFA Fort Rosalie and RFA Fort Austin (both dating from the late 1970s). The ships are expected to enter service in the mid 2020s
We have new attack submarines ordered by the Tories, we have new Nuke subs ordered by the Tories. We have new minesweepers ordered by the Tories. In fact the only new ships that Labour ordered whilst in power (1997-2010) were the two new carriers and what f-ing white elephants they are. (They don’t have catapults, which totally wastes their size and power projection capabilities) and the original 3 river class offshore patrol boats.(plus 1 more in 2005) But the Navy never owned them, under Labour the RN leased them on a five-year, £60 million contract from the builder VT. It was the Tories who bought them outright in 2012. since then they have ordered 5 more (of a bigger design)

Here is what the RN will look like in 2020:
It will be the second largest Navy in Europe after the French Navy and that isn’t by much.
Airforce next
A frequent complaint within the RN was that there weren’t enough people to man the existing fleet. That is one reason why each new generation of ships needs a smaller crew than the ships they replace.
I guess Corbyn’s mates in ISIS could make up the numbers for his ships!
Part 2
“The air force are crying out for more surveillance aircraft.”
Currently the UK has the biggest fleet of surveillance aircraft and UAVs in Europe.
Royal Airforce holdings
6 x Beechcraft Shadow R1 (with 2 more on order)
7 x Boeing E-3 Sentry
3x RC-135W Rivet Joint
6x General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper
5x Raytheon Sentinel
On order:
10x Protector UAV (the next generation Reaper)
48x F-35B Lightning II.
9 x Boeing P-8 Poseidon (The new Nimrod)
On top of that the Army operates 54 Watchkeeper UAVs ordered by labour. Built on the Israeli Elbit Hermes 450 (exactly the same) except that as Labour ordered it, it has no capability to carry weapons.
That mindset from Labour was perfectly exemplified by how when in power they decided out of all the countries that fly the Typhoon to get rid of its 27mm cannon as it could hurt somebody. First of all they tried to just get rid of it. Didn’t work as the aircraft was designed to fly with the gun, then they tried filling the gun space with concrete (I kid you not), they then settled after years of trying , to just leave the gun in place , but not issue any rounds.
France has seven ISTAR craft 4 AWACs, 3 UAV
Germany has 1 UAV (Global hawk)
Italy has 3with 4 on order
Spain has 11 with the 3 reapers been the newest the rest are over 50 years old.
The thing about the British armed forces is the teeth arms are very well supported in supply and ISTAR. (Intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance)
You’d think that the so called defence experts at the bBC would have been able to mention just that, in regards to Corbyn and his bombastic claims.
Pounce, the Biased BBC is waiting only for a Liebour government to take power, so they can announce the massive investment in our armed forces.
Here’s a statement the implications of which are mind boggling from Hilary Clinton:
“I set up my campaign and we have our own data operation. I get the nomination. So I’m now the nominee of the Democratic Party. I inherit nothing from the Democratic Party,” Clinton said during an interview at Recode’s Code Conference on Wednesday. “I mean it was bankrupt, it was on the verge of insolvency, its data was mediocre to poor, nonexistent, wrong. I had to inject money into it — the DNC — to keep it going.”
So, after 8 years of Obama the DNC is bankrupt? what on earth has he been doing with the parties money? Especially with all the fabulously wealthy luvvies who must have just been pouring donations into it?
Then there is the issue of a political dynasty who claimed they were broke on leaving the white house, where has the money come from to be able to prop up the DNC?
Unless Hilary isn’t telling the truth of course?
But then there’s the ruckus she’s caused accusing her own data suppliers of getting it wrong and losing her the election ! To which they replied:
Andrew Therriault, who previously worked as the DNC’s director of data science and left halfway through 2016, called the remarks “fucking bullshit” .
Nice to see the left isn’t being ‘divisive’ isn’t it?
Nothing on the BBC about this which was only posted yesterday
Entirely OT, but did anyone else see that the papers have been running a story telling us that “Jeremy Corbyn claims that even his cat is a Socialist”.
Interesting comparison. One spends most of it’s life asleep on the sofa, depending entirely on other people to feed it and keep a roof over it’s head . . . . the other one’s a cat.
But his brother thinks that climate change is a load of bull. He hates the Jews too-but he really ought to have been brought up re Paris.Piers( but what else) Corbyn is correct on “climate change”-but the media seem to have decided to keep him out of things.
If only the Tories still had a Tebbit or a Ridley to drill Labour for the scum they are-Oliver Letwin and Damien Green scare nobody.
Oh dear, somebody in a white van has mounted the pavement on Tower bridge and run over a lot of people.
Oh and before I sign off,
Islam is a religion of peace” and the people who carry out evil acts in the name of Islam are not Muslims. Tomorrow I will be standing in Trafalgar square offering hugs to people.
Just thought , I’d beat the bBC to that.
Pounce ,
BBC Website “Van hits pedestrians “,
Sadly the case.
It is like a sick version of Groundhog Day, down to the now inevitable BBC ‘reporting’ filter and bizarre subbing techniques.
I have just bailed Twitter, where the facts seem too horrible to contemplate. However sanctimonious instructions on how to respond as a priority over concern for victims from too many media types is difficult to resist responding to, so I think an early night wishing well those again likely sacrificed on the altar of PC is the least worst option.
Hi Grant, nice to have you back
If only there were no … “vans”, if they banned these terrible … “vans”
it would never have happened
Thank you.
Nice to be back on the site. I was offline in Gambia. Not sure about the UK though. Most deveopments seem quite depressing. Great sense of optimism now in Gambia as the New Gambia moves forward. I just hope the people are not disappointed.
Naughty, bad van! Well,it appears someone was arrested, so let’s hope we’ll get to hear what his intention / strategy is.
Grant….Good to have you back again. Some of us have really missed you.
Pounce ,
BBC Website “Van hits pedestrians “,
Probably not the best time for me to say this Grant, with more carnage going on in my home city it seems, but it’s good to see you back.
Many thanks.
BREAKING: Car ploughs into ’15-20′ people on London Bridge

#LondonBridge #londonattack
She said police were shooting. “We had to run. There was loads of shooting.”
Mail long report
A cab driver told LBC that three men jumped out of the van.
He said: ‘They just had these long blades, about 12 inches long. They just went randomly along Borough High Street stabbing people.
BBC : Police searching for 3 suspects who may be armed
It’s those bloody Norwegian Christians again, bastards.
Undoubtedly someone who is mentally ill.
Nothing to see here, move on.
Vote Corbyn for multi-culti heaven, starts right here.
“Mentally ill” was so 2016. The buzz words for 2017 is “they are trying to divide communities”.
Personally I would go for “man’s blood sugar levels crashed due to fasting and he lost control of the van”.
Another vehicle gone berserk in London this time, London bridge again, bout time they made that bridge pedestrian only, that will sort out the traffic accidents there, no more distracted muslim L plate drivers.
Daily Mail are reporting this:
One witness said she saw three people with what appeared to be their throats cut on London Bridge. Others said they saw three men jump out of the van, suspected to be a B&Q vehicle, and began ‘randomly stabbing people’ along Borough High Street with 12-inch long knives.
A cab driver told LBC that three men jumped out of the van.He said: ‘They just had these long blades, about 12 inches long. They just went randomly along Borough High Street stabbing people.’A young girl got stabbed in the chest, she was laying there – it’s so sad.’I thought, ‘I’m gonna try and hit him, I’m gonna try and knock him down’. I spun the cab round, I was about to ram one of them, but he side-stepped and three police officers came running towards them with their batons drawn.’I was shouting at everybody, just get away from the area, stay back, just run the other way. There were a good few hundred people out there.’ ‘He’s veered across the road towards the right hand of where Southwark Cathedral is and rammed it where the steps are.’He just rammed it towards them, wedged it in between the lamppost and the steps and so he’s hit people there.’They’ve jumped out of the van and started stabbing people randomly. There was a scattering of people.’
…or in other words “part and parcel of living in a big city”?
Yes, the Emir of London will have to wear his black tie, despite it being a Christian symbol, when he puts on his serious face and tells us that none of this had anything to do with islam, which is a religion of peace. Strange then, that so many of its believers seem to be homicidal maniacs, but there you go.
May the latest victims of this deranged death cult rest in peace. And may our useless dhimmi government finally grow a backbone and actually do something to control the spread of the islamic cult.
BBC Bias by Omission?
Real news, real stories
R Kassam – his twitter
The question that really needs answering on #craigmackinlay is WHAT DID THERESA MAY KNOW AND WHEN
… her staffers were allegedly involved?
Sooner, than having to look at crap meaningless BBC “gotcha” moments hyped out of all proportion,
Just how did fifteen separate police forces, how did 29 Tory MPs who to failed to declare thousands of pounds spent on their election campaigns in marginal seats, all became one conveniently manageable damage limitation case
… we may never know
All just in time for the May needless, party before country election too
This is the real news BBC, not a virtue signalling, celeb weepathon pop concert
How MI5/6 helped the Manchester bomber in and out of Libya.
How the government knew Salman Abedi was fighting in Libya as a 16 year old. Theresa May was Home Secretary.
He had returned from a three-week trip to Libya shortly before Manchester, and Liar May and No10 had intel on him, the imminent threat ,… and someone in No10 made the decision not to act.
Yet tax-dodging non dom guru Crosby has all the clones going round saying that a member of the Privy Council loves terrorists, and making fake attack ads it is a disgrace
Additional, as if anything else is needed.
“The evidence points to the LIFG being seen by the UK as a proxy militia to promote its foreign policy objectives.
Whitehall also saw Qatar as a proxy to provide boots on the ground in Libya in 2011, even as it empowered Hardline Islamist groups.
Both David Cameron, then Prime Minister, and Theresa May – who was Home Secretary in 2011 when Libyan radicals were encouraged to fight Qadafi – clearly have serious questions to answer.
An independent public enquiry is urgently needed”.
Meanwhile, it continues
13 lone wolves get picked up today,
and another incident on London Bridge
LBC are reporting
A car has reportedly mounted the pavement on London Bridge before a stabbing attack, according to witnesses. Witnesses said a white van veered off the road before hitting pedestrians. Police have confirmed they are dealing with an incident and asked people to avoid the area. Armed police have been seen at the scene and the bridge is closed in both directions. Will Heaven was at the scene shortly afterwards and wrote on Twitter that he had seen casualties – one on the pavement and one on the edge of the road. He told Sky News: “It was about 10.15pm I was in the back of an Uber cab driving over London Bridge…there was somebody down on the pavement with a small crowd around them clearly very concerned. “It looked like someone had collapsed. We drove a bit further and noticed there was another person on the right hand side of the bridge who was also not on the pavement but in the road itself,. “Suddenly the penny dropped something quite serious was happening. “Suddenly the traffic came to standstill. The driver said something bad is happening here. “We could hear sirens coming and the suddenly ahead of us we noticed another casualty in the road.” He added that “it did not look like an accident”, adding it was clear that police “thought they were responding to something far more serious than a road traffic accident”. Reuters reported a witness saying she had seen people with “apparent knife wounds” on London Bridge. A witness told Sky that he had seen a man lying on the ground who “looked in a bad way” and managed to flag down one of the police vans “whizzing past”. “Officers jumped out and started tending to the guy on the floor and about three of them also started running towards the London Bridge area.” London Ambulance have said: “We’re responding to this incident and more information will follow when we have it.” Tony Murphy, who is ex-military, lives near the scene and said: “About half an hour ago there was tremendous gunfire that started. “I thought at first it was fireworks. “That was the first instance and only afterwards the emergency started but the whole incident started with gunfire it was significant gunfire, it went on for 10 minutes.” Sky News Home Affairs Editor Mark White said there were reports of multiple injuries and some of these are serious. He added: “Certainly reports we’re getting suggest that this may be terror related but that is not being confirmed by police at this stage. “However it is being declared a major incident. “London Bridge would have been very busy with pedestrians at this time of night.” London Transport say London Bridge station is also closed.
“Certainly reports we’re getting suggest that this may be terror related …”. No, you don’t say.
Check this out……………
Shocked witnesses say a white van veered off the road and struck “15 or 20” people after 10pm. There are also unconfirmed reports of stabbings and gunfire – with one witness telling Reuters she saw three people whose throats were cut.
And check out the bbc version, …. disgustingly sanitised.
Sounds as if the Norweigens piled into Southwark Tavern after the Bridge incident
“This Ramadan, let us celebrate the way in which this
festival of peace, reflection and religious devotion brings people closer together.
And let us all say to Muslims here in Britain and across the world, Ramadan Kareem”
T May.
When is the Al BBC Ramadan “puff piece” series with Nadiya on?.
30,939 – Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks just since 9/11
Ramadan Bombathon total …………………….
After tonight you could just scream at No10 for not acting, not listening, not looking at all the examples just from across the water, from the glaring reality of what s needed.
and cry for the poor victims
their families,
and their loved ones
Deja Vue?
R Spencer : Why is Ramadan Full of Jihad Terror.
“Witness Ibrahim was walking along the bridge and saw a van ‘mount the kerb and start running over pedestrians’.
“He thinks there were two people involved – driver and one who jumped out and started stabbing people.”
Looks like we might have two concurrent attacks now?
Eyewitness speaking on R5 Live
“I saw people running”
“I saw a man calmly stab a man 3 times ”
” he had a long blade”
“dark skinned, red tracksuit”
“he walked boldly away another guy with him ..towards the Southark Tavern ”
“People from the pub threw tables”
“then I heard shots”
sounds to me like good guys shot at them
10 minutes ago from the BBC on Facebook:
“It’s reported that people have been hurt after a van hit the pavement”
There really seems little value in relying on the BBC any more.
We really must have urgent Van and pavement controls introduced.
More strong bollards as well….. Why not? It’s activity after all……..
Oh, a piano might help.
Unless something is done these ‘incidents’ will become daily and will only warrant the briefest media mention.
More lambs, more slaughter.
Too true, Gax.
Expel them. All.
We must be running out of colours to light buildings up in and hashtags by now. At what point will it dawn on sufficient numbers of the population that they aren’t working?
Aye Liberal ones, and they will still beg for more after another candlelit vigil.
Maybe get that american chick to tweet a few numbers down in london, raise money for the families, its only right.
Lets hope no muslims are in fear over the next few days, careful what you think.
I’m listening to LBC. Because of this I know that a van mounted the pavement on London Bridge. running over 20 people, then 3 middle eastern men with 122 knives got out and started stabbing people all the way down to the Wheatsheaf at Borough market. Currently armed police have surrounded a building.
BBC is telling me that there has been an incident.
Fox (whom the left hate) are reporting this
bBC Fucking hopeless.
Hang on, the bBC are catching up and are now reporting this
There are reports of a number of casualties after an incident that possibly involved a vehicle and a knife in the London Bridge area,
“A” knife eh?
We must introduce urgent legislation banning all metal cutlery.
For plastic or paper (beware paper cuts mind).
Well at least it shouldn’t be too hard for people to swap out their I love Manchester Facebook profile pic for an I love London one.
We only have ourselves to blame. Society for allowing this creeping insidious religion into our midst and also for not vocally supporting those that dared to attempt to stand against it.
And the authorities for deliberately ignoring or worse still adding to this problem by giving these people the protective PC cover to hinder efforts to expose them.
Well it’s happened again . And all the candle lights and balloons didn’t stop it. How do Burnham and Kahn feel now? Nothing to do with Islam . Part and parcel of living in a city . Are they going to repeat these pearls of wisdom again ?
What are the government going to do? Do the conservatives really feel that a commission is the answer ? As for Corbyn, he’s beneath contempt . Are 39 per cent really going to vote for that apologist of terror ?
Internment , revolking of passports, instant deportation, closing of mosques, closing off Saudi money. When is someone in authority going to start putting genuine Britons first ?
I not soon – very soon – then the army needs to take stock of it’s oath to defend the Nation.
Maybe we’ll find out that they recently came back from Syria or Libya. A Trump like travel ban would have been really handy wouldn’t it?
But of course, it won’t change us. We’ll have to endure security checks everywhere, soldiers on the streets, transport delays and a shortage of teddies because they are being tied to railings but it won’t change our lives.
When are people going to wake up to the fact that if we value our western lives and our western values and our western freedoms, we have to defend them. And if that means some people are prohibited from their choices, if some people have to contend with being offended or embarrassed at the other followers of their religion – then so be it.
PS Will the GE campaigning have to stop again?
Even at this early stage of the “incident”, the BBC are priming the emotional incontinence pumps.
“Even during horrendous events like this,.,.. acts of kindness… people looking out for each other”
Apologies for “bad language” from police shouting for people to take cover in a restaurant clip” These people are fucking deluded. The “muslim community” must be laughiing itself silly.
“When is someone in authority going to start putting genuine Britons first?”.
I suspect when the highly confidential government “eyes only” social surveys tell them that sales of pitchforks and rope are rising sharply.
Or similar.
Part of those surveys WILL include close scrutiny of all sites like this.
Good. Unfortunately, repression of opinion will be their first instinct. It won’t work ultimately but there we are.
Suspicious package found in the van. Driver was shot dead at scene. Police statement confirming this in the morning. #LondonBridge
Slug and Lettuce-incident maybe shit
Police officially announce 3 incidents
#1 22:08 they respond to London Bridge
#2 Borough market Stabbings – police fired shots
#3 Vauxhall incident
Witness saw person shouting from Southwark pub “my friends been stabbed
and another walking wounded but ambulance staff were already busy with others on floor.
Nolan sounds surprised that someone has died
An hour after it kicked off the bBC are now reporting:
Three men with ’12 inch blades’
Posted at
An eyewitness told LBC radio what he saw tonight. The taxi driver said: “A van came from London Bridge itself, went between the traffic light system and rammed it towards the steps. It knocked loads of people down. “Then three men got out with long blades, 12 inches long and went randomly along Borough High Street stabbing people at random.”
Yes, Corbyn is entirely right – he’s a very sensible man.
I would support the police being issued with no more than teddy-bear firing weapons. Anything more would be very, very dangerous. Perhaps un-manned drones could be used to drop hash-tags on terrorist attacks.
Yes, that should do it Jeremy.
Well highlighted. Hopefully the police were following Corbyn’s comfort level and shooting objects above the terrorists in the hope they would fall and oh so gently knock them out for questioning later over tea and sandwiches.
Corbyn is a joke and the BBC should be ashamed of themselves for so virulently promoting such a hopeless loony left fool.
Corbyn is not just a joke , he is a very stupid, evil scumbag.
“God gave me a tail to keep off the flies. But I’d rather have had no tail and no flies.” Benjamin the Donkey, “Animal Farm”
Lets hope the ”approach” has been highly productive tonight.
Manxman wrote:
Lets hope the ”approach” has been highly productive tonight.
Before the Spanish election in 2004 Muslims murdered 192 people . The Spanish people in response voted in a leftwing government which pulled its troops out of Iraq.
who do you think Muslims want to win the election. Let me guess a Labour leader who supports Hamas,Hezb-allah and Al Q. Who has openly stated he will recognise Palestine and boycott Israel. Who has said he will open the door to more Muslims. Who will bring all our troops back. (Knowing Labour, including those ISIS thugs from Syria)
Not trying to be funny but are we reaching a critical point where vigils, remembrance concerts etc are now overlapping with new terror attacks?
i.e. is the Ariana Grande concert tomorrow just for the Manchester bombing and we can expect another concert to be announced for tonights terror attacks?
Maybe they’ll be able to have a moments silence for the London attack.
Ridiculous isn’t it. A charity concert in rememberance of an attack that will have to acknowledge another subsequent attack.
Still at least Katy Perry could use her set to remind the audience of the need for everyone to love each other and promote her idiotic ‘no borders’ policy.
Not only that but will we see the election campaign is delayed again as a mark of respect? It only just started again.
All got to be, ” done and dusted” in Manchester within a week!
… 22 kids killed! children! how many maimed (shakes head) still in hospital!
get the hashtag, have a concert, and come on, move on … this is all politically motivated.
By that margin, tea light s tomorrow … they ll get a concert Monday
… never mind that, move along
This political behaviour, by No10 is simply shameful
Liar May wants her vanity project, needless, power grab election
… cmon move it
I see the bBC security expert is in work:
No shit sherlock. Remind me never to work alongside you.
Hmm, lets see,
Saturday night out
Dead innocents
“Terrorism suspected…”
This costs 4 f*cking BILLION??
The Beeb only employ the most astute experts.
Chas N Dave will do a few numbers.
maybe “1 male arrested”
LBC “Vauxhall tube stn reopened”
that makes it sound like the police have contained incident or that was a false alarm
Any guesses why the Police are suspecting a man in traditional Muslim dress?
Why are the police backing away? That’s what they did in the London riots to no effect. They are handing control of the streets to the terrorists
It looks Mr Mohammed has a rucksack in his hands so the Police are probably assuming he is a suicide bomber so they back away to save their own life.
Time to engage these ‘losers’ and not run, duck and cover!
It’s like bloody Beirut in Londonistan at the moment..
Yes, the most sensible media comment after the Manchester atrocity was from a muslim? neighbour of the suicide bomber “I don’t know what’s going on – it’s like the Middle East”. As Philips’ book “Londonistan” makes clear, terrorists from all over the Middle East have been allowed to entrench themsevles in London since the 1980’s. London was a centre of the Arabic press and numerous publications promoting various forms of muslim terrorism.. The French and Saudis made extradition requests for known terrorists, but the judiciary were unwilling to do so for various “human rights” reasons. This was decades ago and now we are having a mini-Mumbai in London.
Tabs, nearly an hour later & none of the MSM are showing that footage.
Terror attacks like this need some serious equipment to fight back like this:
Now THIS is serious equipment.
“My mate Kevin walked into Southwark Tavern around 30 seconds before the lad was stabbed in the doorway earlier”
“Man in red hoodie armed with large knife stabbed a man at the Southwark Tavern, then gunshots: eyewitness.”
“I’ve seen one lad stabbed in Southwark taven and one older guy badly stabbed outside it about 20’mins ago. I have left now”
LBC now : Crowds in tears been screened by police as they filed out of Mexican restaurant where some one was stabbed
LBC Reporter “no one walking away want s to speak to the press”
..guess they think the press are appeasers
seems the people had just walked past dead bodies
is it going to turn out to be 20-30 dead ??
May should have kept the troops in place. Still, she knew best…
DS wrote:
May should have kept the troops in place. Still, she knew best…
The troops only protected parliament. Can’t have a fucking MP getting hurt can we?
Just for the record here is a screen dump of the current bBC news website:

I’ve left my time stamp on in the bottom corner.
Here is what the DM are reporting:
The bBC are beyond hopeless.
BBC live feed http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-40147014
Nolan on R5 isn’t bad
“Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has tweeted his thanks to the emergency services and called the events “brutal and shocking””
“Nolan on R5 isn’t bad”.
Then it’s off to the re-education camp I guess……
I bet it wasn’t a WHITE van man!
5Live witness telling how he saw the van careering down “threw a girl into air”
“saw it smash into bus-stop then back of bus I think”
Next I heard gun shots from direction of Borough market
(that seems to be longblade bloke being shot by police)
Long report of taxi driver witnessing the guys after they jumped out of van and started running and stabbing
he tried to run ONE down ..sidestepped
— text : “He said all three were of Mediterranean appearance” (news-speak ?)
Police now asking us to move away from Monument Station once again. #London #LondonBridge
The current regime is failing to protect the nation. That is it’s prime duty. Our police and security are doing their best and do not deserve any blame . The blame is with our politicians and elites. Our useless lugenpresse and our weak moulders of public opinion. The nation knows no higher law than that of loyalty .
In wartime no regime survives unless it does it’s utmost to defend the nation and the people. This is not happening.
At such a juncture we the people must consider our position carefully.
We must demand and expect total loyalty from everyone. This is second nature to most of us and to those who are unfamiliar with what that concept means to us in Britain then it is imperative that they learn and fast.
No doubt our elite will try to silence us now. That will be an error.
I hope our soldiers whose oath of loyalty is to our Queen are watching events closely.
Solid post Dave . We don’t take to kindly to being attacked in our own Country. Nobody is listening to us the indigenous Brits anymore. I cannot vote for any of this shower of sht anymore. The BBC is beyond parody in it’s coverage again tonight .Feels like civil war is coming
Actually I think all those who vote for the left have to take some blame as well. It is their mindless idiocy that has led to the tories taking up the left-wing PC mindblock as well.
“The blame is with our politicians and elites”.
In the privacy of their own effective armed ring of steel they know it too.
They also know we know they know.
I feel sorry for the people of London who did not vote for this twat. As for the ones who did, they have only got themselves to blame.
Apparently Sadiq Khan is livid……a diesel van on London Bridge!
I haven’t posted before but follow the debates and discussion on this site on a daily basis,continually impressed by the knowledge of many who comment, challenged by the ideas of some, and becoming more and more incredulous and frustrated by the mindset of the BBC that is revealed and reviled.
I’m watching the coverage of the London Bridge incident on various channels at the minute, described at one point on Sky as ‘ a road traffic accident ‘, and the BBC are as limited and vague as ever. ‘5-6 people knocked over. Police have confirmed there is more than one fatality. ‘? For people paid to communicate why are they so bad at it, monotone, deliberate, stilted.
I sincerely hope that fatalities there will be are few and that they get the bastards, preferably dead.
A programme I saw this afternoon, my main reason for posting, has been gnawing at me since. I happened to come across the Asian Network Election Debate from Birmingham University (the token was Leanne Wood for some reason) on the News Channel on 503. Asian seemed to mean Muslim/ Middle Eastern/ Pakistani with a couple of Sikhs thrown in to take the bad look off it.
When discussing a rise in hate crime against Muslims since the Manchester bombing (unsubstantiated and pathetically mundane examples were spouted ) the presenter/ mediator Nomia Iqbal, agreed that there had been a rise in anti-Asian hate crime incidents and that these included ‘mosques being bombed’. This remark was made so flippantly and so casually that no notice was taken of it, as if the bombing of mosques was a common occurence and an everyday challenge to the beseiged Asian community.
Where have these mosques been bombed? In Britain? By non- Muslims? When? Is this what this community are being fed by the BBC. Admittedly a Wasp avoiding gardening isn’t their target audience but are they legitimising me as a target of hatred? Are Muslims in Britain being bombed? Are the white majority engaged in a campaign of racist terror against innocents?
If the BBC are puking out propaganda like this on a Saturday afternoon what sort of shit is being broadcast on the Asian Network at other times. This is really dangerous, irresponsible and wrong. Is this the Britain that is being presented to a global audience and the misinformation being peddled by these idiots?
An already existing false sense of persecution is being planted and further cultivated in the minds of the Muslim community by the facetious and negligent BBC, who are helping to open an easy gateway into more aggressive and, in Muslim minds, easily justified indoctrination and by a BBC who are helping to provide an easy excuse for violence like tonight. This needs to be stopped.
Changing times in Britain … with apologies to John Masefield (circa 1944)
Cargoes (1944)
Dirty British coaster with a salt-caked smoke stack
Butting through the Channel in the mad March days,
With a cargo of Tyne coal,
Road-rail, pig-lead,
Firewood, iron-ware, and cheap tin trays.
Britain (2017)
Dirty British Muslims with a blood-caked 4×4
Butting through Old London on a fine June day,
With a cargo of hatred,
Long knives, Filthy creed,
Intent on murdering Britons,
Wherever they might lay.
(with abject apologies to John Masefield)
I’m devastated. I’m gonna have to buy more candles.
No one heeds the warnings ………….
The government has not been listening .
And Enoch Powell pre-dated that warning by about 50 years.
At least it seems Donald Trump has our back. Can he do some kind of martial law or something I’d rather have him in charge of our Country.
It is time now for the British Lion to wake from its slumber.
Or maybe times for Saxons to awake:
“When he stands like an ox in the furrow – with his sullen set eyes on your own,
And grumbles, ‘This isn’t fair dealing,’ my son, leave the Saxon alone.”
I believe most people who subscribe to this site now have their sullen eyes set on their “rulers”.
One day these people will not just grumble about fair dealings,
*They will DEMAND fair dealing!”
“My son,” said the Norman Baron, “I am dying, and you will be heir
To all the broad acres in England that William gave me for share
When he conquered the Saxon at Hastings, and a nice little handful it is.
But before you go over to rule it I want you to understand this:–
“The Saxon is not like us Normans. His manners are not so polite.
But he never means anything serious till he talks about justice and right.
When he stands like an ox in the furrow – with his sullen set eyes on your own,
And grumbles, ‘This isn’t fair dealing,’ my son, leave the Saxon alone.
“You can horsewhip your Gascony archers, or torture your Picardy spears;
But don’t try that game on the Saxon; you’ll have the whole brood round your ears.
From the richest old Thane in the county to the poorest chained serf in the field,
They’ll be at you and on you like hornets, and, if you are wise, you will yield.
“But first you must master their language, their dialect, proverbs and songs.
Don’t trust any clerk to interpret when they come with the tale of their wrongs.
Let them know that you know what they’re saying; let them feel that you know what to say.
Yes, even when you want to go hunting, hear ’em out if it takes you all day.
They’ll drink every hour of the daylight and poach every hour of the dark.
It’s the sport not the rabbits they’re after (we’ve plenty of game in the park).
Don’t hang them or cut off their fingers. That’s wasteful as well as unkind,
For a hard-bitten, South-country poacher makes the best man- at-arms you can find.
“Appear with your wife and the children at their weddings and funerals and feasts.
Be polite but not friendly to Bishops; be good to all poor parish priests.
Say ‘we,’ ‘us’ and ‘ours’ when you’re talking, instead of ‘you fellows’ and ‘I.’
Chesterton knew what we know but our leaders do not know. That we are instinctively loyal to old England and have never ever needed to prove it to anyone. The best of our leaders like Churchill knew this so well .
The cultural marxists and their followers at the BBC have tried to destroy this by getting to the young. Like this country was some sort of game to them to be played with for their amusement. They have made some progress but all is not lost .
Like millions of us my family has always been loyal without qualification. We have never even thought about it. Millions of us are like this and this is our land and God help anyone who harms it .
We need and soon will demand new men and women who understand this. Many of us who understand this are getting old but the responsibility is ours .
I hope and believe that my people are at their best when it is necessary. It is always our way and it is why this country is the finest in the world.
… and WHY have hotels been evacuated? If there are mindless Muslim terrorists roaming London streets stabbing people what is the point of flooding the streets with people who are surely much safer indoors? Lock the hotel doors and only let people in who are recognised or who can be identified as staying there.
Was your last sentence a wry comment on a new immigration policy?
Why does Al Beeb always consult its ‘gardener’ during acts of terrorism ? – he just speaks the bleeding obvious ! He knows Bu@@er all about security .
He should stick to gardening .
Have all these terror attacks finally cracked Mr Brendan Cox?
Easy Brendan, sounds like you are succumbing to hate…
LBC guy said he saw people being carried away in police vans, cos ambulances overwhelmed
..as if there had been a second wave of attacks at 24:00″
nothing coorborates that
At 0025hrs 4/6/17 the incidents at #LondonBridge & #BoroughMarket were declared as terrorist incidents.
Vauxhall turns out to be a “normal everyday stabbing”