A new open thread for the weekend…..the weather’s looking stormy and the BBC is on full-on Mission Implausible mode…get Corbyn elected (holding their noses)….so stay in the warm and hit the keyboard with the bias…only a few days left to the election and the BBC is going all out flooding the airwaves with bias such as Boris ‘says no tax rises’ and then showing a clip of him actually saying ‘no planned tax rises’…that’s a big big difference…I am guessing the BBC will go for broke and become more blatant thinking that Corbyn will square it with Ofcom, packed to the gills as it is with people who look like they may well be on-side for the BBC anyway…and if the Tories win? Well never mind, they’re too afraid to tackle the BBC….it’s a win win for the Beeboids….they have nothing to lose and everything to win…list the bias here….
Weekend Open Thread
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Our leaders with their finger’s on the pulse as always:
Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour leader, said on Twitter: “Brutal and shocking incidents reported in London. My thoughts are with the victims and their families. Thank you to the emergency services.”
Sky News have reported a statement from prime minister Theresa May: “The terrible incident in London is being treated as a potential act of terrorism.”
Tim Farron, the Lib Dem leader, said: “Tonight’s horrific incidents in London remind us how much we owe our emergency services. My thoughts and prayers with everyone affected.”
I think a more intelligent response would be “We are now seeing the inevitable result of Islam being allowed to take over our country unchallenged by PC leftist idiots. We’d best get used to this as there’s lots more to come.”.
BBC don’t quote nuttall
PS I note his previous tweet
saying how the BBC set the top prior to his R4 Any Questions show last night
Audience warm up question on Any Questions in Runcorn last night started with ‘as a Guardian reading vegetarian…’ How very Runcorn I thought
Don’t worry Andrew Marr is busy phoning round the mosques to see who he can get on in the morning . Still least we got a concert in Manchester tomorrow which is just so great according to the BBC shows how strong and united we all are. And what does that twat Lineker have to say about all this or is he too busy on another tax avoidance scam
Does Ch4 have breakfast news today?
You’d have thought the terrorists would have been appeased with LBC sacking Katie Hopkins
The time BBC staff spent on that story shows they thought it a huge priority .. DNMI
Will all these incidents be recorded as “hate crimes” ?
Will Al Beeb blame them on Brexit?
The Stranger within my Gate
The Stranger within my gate,
He may be true or kind,
But he does not talk my talk–
I cannot feel his mind
I see the face and the eyes and mouth
But not the soul behind.
The men of my own stock,
They may do ill or well,
But they tell the lies I am wonted to,
They are used to the lies I tell;
And we do not need interpreters
When we go to buy and sell.
The stranger within my gates
He may be evil or good
But I cannot tell what powers control,
What reasons sway his mood;
Nor when the Gods of his far-off land
Shall repossess his blood.
The men of my own stock,
Bitter bad they may be,
But at least they hear the things I hear
And see the things I see;
And whatever I think of them and their likes,
They think of the likes of me.
This was my father’s belief
And this is also mine:
Let all the corn be of one sheaf
And all the grapes be of one vine
Ere our children’s teeth are set on edge
By bitter bread and wine.
Rudyard Kipling
My hero who would turn in his mausoleum if he saw what was happening in Turkey and the world today.
My hero would turn in his mausoleum if he saw what is happening in Turkey and the world today.
Arrest that man, he’s telling the truth:
‘Islam, this absurd theology of an immoral Bedouin, is a rotting corpse which poisons our lives’ – Ataturk.
Witness calls into BBC with London ‘attack’ account: Suspects “were shouting this is for Allah.”
Witness Erick Siguenza told BBC News
Sun Mail report 7 dead
joshdcaplan tweets a lot of info/videos
Dramatic video of witness who saw police open fire
Get down get down video
that Sun report is most detailed, Ive seen.
Most dramatic is where the attackers with belt cannisters and knives try to take a pub
and then police shoot them and a bystander
“I was in the Wheatsheaf pub. The doors were locked by the bar staff. Three men with big hunting knives were outside.”
“They were trying to get in the pub but the doors were locked. They were smashing the windows.
“I saw at least one man stabbed in the chest about five times.
“Armed police turned up, I saw them shoot at least two of the guys in front of me.
“They had four to five silver canisters attached to themselves and police just opened fire.
“They fired at least 20 times. One of the guys in the pub took a bullet in the head. I think he’s dead.”
mmmm [scratches head] sort of sounds like a war zone.
Are you taking notice of this PM May? Do you believe Muslims are at war with us yet?
The guardian reports:
This is Claire Phipps picking up the live blog.
Here is a brief recap of what we know so far:
Police have declared two incidents in the capital – in London Bridge and Borough Market – as acts of terrorism.
On London Bridge a van was driven, apparently deliberately, into pedestrians.
At Borough Market there are reports of multiple stabbings.
A third incident, a stabbing at Vauxhall, is not thought to be connected, police have said.
It is not yet known if there are fatalities, or how many people have been hurt, but there are “multiple casualties”, according to the Metropolitan police.
We will keep you updated with all developments on the live blog. reports:
Here is how the bBC reports the same story:
London attacks: What we know so far
British Transport Police confirmed at 23:15 that there were “a number” of casualties and said there was an “incident that possibly involved a van and a knife”.
Pheww. The PM is going to chair a COBRA committee meeting. That’s us safe then.
Of course, their main concern will be that Muslims don’t get scowled at in the normal heinous Islamophobic attacks we’re all sick of hearing about.
I wonder what happened to the “German community” during WWII? Surely we didn’t “undermine our values” and introduce internment? No doubt teutonophobia and its avoidance was on everyone’s mind and caused much hand wringing and soul searching.
They were arrested and took to the Isle of Man till the war was over.
I wonder if these new newspaper revelations after this evil attack will damage Labour:
‘We need, without looking defensive, to seal down the Trident thing’: Labour’s election campaign in crisis as bombshell leaked tape reveals Jeremy Corbyn thinks it would be ‘bonkers’ to ever use Britain’s nuclear deterrent
Revealed: Jeremy Corbyn called for Hamas to be removed from banned terror list
Revealed: Jeremy Corbyn’s transport minister promises to ‘seize’ any chance to keep Britain in EU
What time is little Sadiq holding the vigil in Trafalgar square? See it looks like they were suicide bombers from the photos got canisters strapped to them and all taped up trousers and shouting this is for Allah – still we must not jump to any conclusions it was not the ROP – oh and they got beards too and one of them was in a long flowing dress with a beard
Looking to me like multiple pub restaurants were attacked maybe 3 or 4
..Could it be t
there were 3 in the van pus another 7-10 attackers ?
Sun say 5
4 explosions confirmed as police controlled ones
“A third huge explosion was heard at 1:28am near The Shard in London Bridge as multiple fire engines are parked outside.”
LBC now saying boom like concrete dropped and nearby police not worried.
Photo emeres of pub attacker wearing something like suicide vest
A certain irony to this, in that I got the url on your post via my email, and on clicking found I was blocked.
Manchester had the Bee, so what symbol will be created for a London tattoo I wonder ?? And if I hear that bloody word ‘solidarity’ tomorrow by all and sundry, I’ll throw my empty Southern Comfort bottle at the tele !!!
According to Owen Jones, love will conquer all.
After a nice cup of tea and a lift behind a moped home.
Brissles, I wonder if this will catch on, like collecting Pokemon cards or something.
All the virtue signalling snowflakes can get their bee tattoo, then whatever the London tattoo will be and so on, one for each atrocity.
They can gather together in their safe spaces and have a good cry then after a bit of virtue speak to show each other how good they are they can compare the virtue tattoos. The winner being the one with the most symbols of Muslim atrocities.
My suggestion for a start of cleansing the uk of this cancer: ban all halal food.
Agree on the halal food, and yes this ‘tattoo thing’ could become a badge of honour as to how sympathetic you are.
r5 Live 2am news listed what every party leader said about the attack
…Im not interested
I’m not interested..that’s pretty much my response to everything! Not only to any outpourings from the mainstream media, or our excuses-for-politicians, but for a lot of modern life in general.
If people keep voting for more of the same insanity, then let them live in an asylum. I’m finding it hard to care, we’ve become (apart from a few with eyes to see) a nation of feminised, hand-wringing, emoting blithering idiots.
I may,
Totally agree. If the people in the UK and across Europe keep voting for these liberal fools, who seem determined to Islamify Europe, then its their funeral. It seems the feminised handwringing , as you aptly describe it , is so ingrained in most people that no amount of terror and death can shake them free of it. If they can’t see where all this is leading to they must be stupid beyond belief or have been brainwashed into suicidal acceptence.
I may,
Thinking about my reaction to multiculturalism , mass immigration and Muslim terror over the past twenty years I have gone through various stages. Forboding was my first reaction, I had always been sceptical that mixing cultures would have a good outcome because it never had before anywhere in the world. I lived in Scotland then and there were very few migrants and no threat.
Then I moved to Yorkshire and was astonished and dismayed to see what had happened in the twenty years that I been away. Many of the towns were completely taken over by Muslims and looked like a foreign land. I became fearful and angry that this
could have happened without the consent of the British people.
Then as terror across Europe increased and in the UK rapes on an industrial scale took place with the authorities trying to cover them up , I got even angrier. This anger increased as I saw the authorities turning against white Brits and making concessions to the Muslims. I was at boiling point.
Then even more terror attacks took place , some here in the UK. The people lit their candles, grabbed their teddy ears, hash tagged, tattooed themselves. The politicians dragged out their threadbare platitudes about nothing to do with Islam etc etc., and astonishingly claimed that forcing mass immigration on the Europeans against their will, was showing Leadership. And yet the people of Europe still voted for these evil fools. So in dismay I thought, well bugger it, if you dumb bastards out there can’t see where these clowns are leading you, I can’t be bothered to be angry anymore. Instead , and I don’t like to admit it, I just shrug my shoulders at the death and injuries and think well if you can’t be bothered to defend yourselves and your families , there is no point in me boiling over in anger.
Imagine the media reaction, especially the BBC cubicle gardens, if any policeman pulled a Marine A and went for the least worst option to try and ensure that those in the area were safe from a possible detonation?
Actually, I would imagine the police were operating under the Kratos rules for dealing with terrorists, which mandates them to kill them by headshots rather than try and arrest them, if it is thought they have bombs.
Commissioner Cressida Dick is very familiar with this, as she was in charge of the operation when Jean Charles de Menezes was killed in a botched operation. Good job she didn’t take any responsibility for that, or she might never have reached the top job.
Sgt Blackman was just doing his job, killing terrorists. That is what we sent him to Afghanistan to do. I’d have given him a medal, and sent the fat arsed lawyers and judges who tried him out to Helmand for a few weeks to see how they liked it.
What are the chances of Mrs May announcing tomorrow that a great big internment camp is to be built, to contain the suspected 3000 (or is it 20,000?) unstable Norwegians in our midst? Currently thousands to one I’d say.
Chances of me having to sit through another bloody minute’s silence at work on Monday – a dead certainty by the looks of it (pardon the pun). I’m sure the hacks at The Guardian and BBC are already rehashing their ‘fear of a backlash against the community’ stories – they are hardly ever out of print nowadays.
What are the chances of Mrs May announcing tomorrow that a great big internment camp is to be built, to contain the suspected 3000 (or is it 20,000?) unstable Norwegians in our midst? Currently thousands to one I’d say.
Never going to happen. The only thing that may change the mind of the British Government is if the British people rise up and attack Muslims across the land. Then it will be Non Muslims interned. Only problem here is I have brown skin and look like a packy.
The backlash template seems to be held back this time.
Either to fully get the ducks in a row or because it is sinking in it really doesn’t play well.
Especially after crying lone wolf once too often.
But all they need is one to get through. Certain media the other side of the Mason Dickwad line are pushing right wing conspiracies.
And like certain tinkers torching their own wheelie bins and running to Tell Mama, if someone doesn’t deliver they have their own Taqqywood crews in place.
The Mason Dickwad line. A fine description, well said.
Never forget members of the security services have their own views. I suspect they will be exactly the same as the average ‘Joe Soap’. It is only a matter of time before someone steps in to arrest this decline and relieve the elite current leadership. Tick-tok, tick-toc………….
Copy and paste. That’s all they need to do now.
It’s all sounding so familiar, the same old shite recycled. NTDWI etc.
At least the virtue signallers can keep the union flag on their Facebook avatar and they only need to replace Manchester with London.
It could have been worse.
Imagine them having to change from the union flag to say the Belgian flag, how inconvenient.
Maybe the BBC can thank the Muslims for being considerate and saving the snowflakes some time which could be better used virtue signalling and crying in safe spaces.
I think tourist adverts for London still depict London as a hideously white paradise with traditional London bobbies with truncheons and Beefeaters guarding the Queen.
Despite adverts breaking the Trade Descriptions Act, by not including images of ethnic minorities or police with Machine Guns. I think the message to tourists is do not go to London because you could be:
(1) Run over by an Islamist
(2) Knifed by an Islamist
(3) Blown up by an Islamist
But if not, then at least the fear of multicultural London, could mean you are:
(5) Arrested for Islamophobia
But if you can succeed in not showing any fear, you could be Machine Gunned by the Police if you look a bit Mediterranean, but turn out to be Brazilian or a Christian North Mediterranean, rather than an Islamic South Mediterranean type.
The message is avoid London if you look White, Mediterranean, Jewish or Chinese. But its OK if you look like a Muslim, behave like a BBC W1A type, or dress like Jeremy Corbyn.
No wonder the Queen prefers to live in Windsor, supports Brexit and has permanently snubbed the BBC for ITV.
They should have big traffic like signs saying: WARNING, MUSLIMS.
A BBC buffoon on BBC NEWs is now telling us that reports of “normal” incidents that occur at weekends can get conflated with terror attacks. London night life must be even more exciting than I thought if beheadings and eviscerations are par for the course
Spot on. This is vibrant enrichment as practised in Paris, Nice, Berlin, Brussels , Manchester and half a hundred other cities across the world. It is only just over a year ago that Cameron assured us that the reason that there had been no attacks in the UK was because we were the most successful multiracial society on earth! He said this whilst knowing that the security services were foiling lethal plot after lethal plot. The whole aim of all politicians is to keep us , white Brits, calm and keep on with our Christian value of turning the other cheek no matter how many of us are killed. In my view this is why the Tories put up with the BBC , they need it to keep dosing us with sedatives. Of course this policy is lunatic and will only result in eventual Islamification but having created this entirely avoidable problem in the first place the politicians can’t admit the truth and do something positive about it. But no matter how bad May is , Corbyn will give Muslims a free hand and things will be much , much worse. In fact I suspect that Labour may not be too upset about the latest attacks because they may see them as a way to undermine the Tories supposedly strong suit of security.
“Multiracial”? Its only one race that follow a particular cult.
So it’s candles and teddy bear time again!
All I can say is that it would be more appropriate for flaming torches and pitchforks.
Some questions spring to mind that should be asked publicly.
Who invited these people in?
What are they doing about their mistake?
What charges will they face for creating this mess then denying the obvious truth?
When will they be held to account?
Radio Devon this morning after breaking the news played us a rendition of ‘What The World Needs Now Is Love Sweet Love’, so no ‘flaming torches and pitchforks’ allowed.
So the bBC at 0318 is reporting this:
More than one person has died in a terrorist incident in central London which is still ongoing, the Metropolitan Police has said.Police and ambulances were alerted to reports a van hit people on London Bridge shortly after 22:00 BST. Armed officers went to nearby Borough Market where they were responding to reports of stabbings in the area which is known for its restaurants and bars. London Ambulance Service said at least 20 people have been taken to hospital. A number of people were treated at the scene for less serious injuries.
Meanwhile the DM is reporting this:
Two Jihadi terrorists are on the run after three are gunned down: Gang of five knifemen kill seven and hurt 20 after mowing down revellers in van and then going on stabbing frenzy at nearby bars
The bBC, simply isn’t fir for purpose.
The bBC, simply isn’t fit for purpose.
That rather depends on what you think the purpose of the BBC actually is. If it is to provide a never ending stream of globalist, islamist, multicultural, interventionist and nation-undermining propaganda on behalf of those in power and behind the scenes, then it is absolutely 100% fit for purpose.
Spot on. That is exactly what it is for.
Ordinary people are being slaughtered like sheep in Britain’s cities and we are helpless to stop it. The gutters are literally running with blood just as Powell predicted. It doesn’t matter one jot which of the two clowns gets the keys to No 10 next Thursday, they will do nothing beyond wringing their hands and mouthing Orwellian twaddle. Our so-called broadcast media are apologists and traitors. To hell with the whole bloody lot of them.
I wonder if these are the same sheep(le) who wanted independence for London in the wake of the brexit vote.
Yet another attack on British culture….a few drinks with friends after a hard week at work. This does not ‘fit’ with their Islamic viewpoint so they seek to destroy it, or as our leaders will say, ‘enrich it’. They will now put extra police or army soldiers on duty at Westminster, Whitehall and Downing St to protect our freedom. Ordinary Joe Public must be told to go out and show sympathy for the Muslim community who have nothing whatsoever with this tragic accident.
It makes one realise why all of these surveillance tactics are put in place and all of our freedoms steadily eroded….so the powers that be can monitor our response to these atrocities and feel our collars when our thoughts turn to vengeance!
“Yet another attack on British culture….a few drinks with friends after a hard week at work.”
I was in Borough Market just over a week ago. Bought some British salamis from an enterprising young man (“Cannon & Cannon”) who is taking on the French, Italians and Spanish. Excellent stuff. But will he be there next week if people start avoiding the place?
I know this is extremely trivial compared with the loss of life and critical injury in London and Manchester. The point I am making is that these Muslim murderers are chipping away at our freedoms and way of life, one little bit at a time. That, of course, is their intention.
Europe has not got where it is today without effort. Millions have died trying to improve our lot. Some of it helped, some less so, but it’s been a difficult ride. Now we seem to be giving our inheritance away to savages who don’t know what civilisation is.
Politicians say (from their ring of steel) we must carry on and not give in. But we are – apart from the cost of monitoring and policing people who should not be here, people must be thinking twice about where they go and, in particular, where they allow their children to go.
Do I resent this? You bet I do. Don’t think I’m alone either.
Was it true that Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn both sent out Happy Ramadan greetings? Well this is the response you get!
Appeasers both.
At least we have two heroes. The taxi driver who tried to run the terrorists down and the chap in the restaurant who was throwing chairs and bottles at them. Well done, I say. No doubt they will have been reported to ‘Tell Mama’ for Islamaphobia by now. Good luck with the trial chaps.
How long before the PM (or some other ignoramous) says “This has nothing to do with Islam”?
A certainty and before noon today.
Let’s not jump to conclusions, there could be a perfectly innocent explanation for a van ploughing into Saturday night revellers and tanned men stabbing people at random. One thing we know for certain, THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM.
On behalf of the Beebistan I would like to extend my sympathies to the families of those murdered by the police and the muslim community at large who will now face an islamophobic backlash. I trust the beebistan will investigate the police’s over-reaction to what might just be a case of bad driving.
And I hope May won’t ‘milk this situation’ for political gain as News-shite accused her of doing after Manchester.
Yes apparently it was a B&Q hire van and they had just bought knives to do some DIY before they were ambushed by police after the driver lost concentration due to fasting.oh wait hope the BBC don’t jump on that and use my version of events …..
Oops just reported myself hope I don’t “face the wrath of blue thunder helicopter”!
The BBC, MCB and Metropolitan Police are highly irresponsible. They should issue a press release before a so-called attack takes place, explaining that the killing is peaceful, nothing to do with Islam and warning against the inevitable tsunami of Islamophobic hate crimes that will follow it – especially the imaginary ones, which are so damaging to community cohesion. Advance notice would also enable snowflakes and SJWs to attend the so-called attack, thereby showing their solidarity with the Muslim community and opposition to British foreign policy, which is what causes these things. If the event was publicised several days in advance, it would give sufficient time for people to think of suitable hashtags, stock up on candles and for the authorities to arrange for buildings to be lit up, police overtime booked etc.
Spot on Ian – is there any chance we could maybe change the order round how about we have the candlelit vigil the day before the attack?
Oh flags are at half-mast at Downing Street that makes it much better – sheeeeesh
The home of democracy is having an awful job trying to hold a General Election we keep having to postpone campaigning as our capital city is a war-zone – I might move to Kabul for a quieter life
Did anyone see how many libtard idiots were virtue signalling and in denial last night on twitter?..”ooh please don’t announce that it’s terrorism before you have the facts..you could upset our poor Muslim friends is it not bad enough that they are suffering hunger pains c/o Ramadan”
How much more of this will it take before the sheeple wake up and start fighting back or at least hold our politicians to account!
So this is what London voted for all those die hard remainers.
London voted REMAIN
…London voted to remain in chaos
They also voted in a mayor who follows the “peaceful” religion. How’s that going then …..?
Not a great link to pursue.
Jon Snow went there.
Didn’t end well.
So let me get this right Muhammed , Mohammed and Ahmed (three lovely blokes who were family men at the local mosque and wanted to be doctors) hired their van, sharpened their machetes and thought for a wheeze they would strap false canisters to them with wires and PRETEND they were suicide bombers? Why would they bother strapping fakes canisters to themselves?
If it walks like a suicide bomber …. it is a suicide bomber – I think we are being fed lies
Nana Munchrugger reporting a van driven by a man.It wasn’t Charlie ‘ poodlehead’ Stayt was it Nana adjusting his make-up and losing control
Great so Central London is now a NO GO area well done BBC, Theresa , Little Sadiq and Amber where do you want me to keep paying my extortionate taxes too ?
Maybe they were so hungry due to Ramadan, that they mistook the B&Q van for a BBQ van, hid a few tinnies down their jackets, grabbed their barbecue knives and went to raid a halal butchers. Unfortunately, they lost control of the van due to lack of concentration at the thought of their imminent feast, and were then brutally murdered by over zealous islamophobic police?
The next thing will be bbc reporters with those sticks that go ‘paph’ like in Men in Black who will wipe the memory of witnesses and just claim it was swamp gas or some other bullshit.
Nothing to see here, no muslim terrorists, move along please.
Citizen Khan has just told us the attackers were cowards. I would suggest that he has simply drawn from the liberal thesaurus of quickly needed sound bites. The attackers are not cowards, the real cowards are the people in power in our country who, instead of confronting the muslim problem, simply find eloquent way of avoiding it while all too aware of the ultimate destination of Islamification.
Quite right. And when has Khan ever shown bravery ? What a wanker.
Comments going well. Like the HYS threads the BBC used to risk.
“That’s a blockin'”
Cowards ?? I can’t make out the remark of ‘cowardly attack’. I always thought cowards shied away from confrontation and being hurt; they don’t exactly arm themselves to the teeth and go on the rampage flayling about with machetes !
Exactly. These people were not “cowards”, they were islamic warriors, fired with the spirit of hatred and blood lust which has been the reason for the expansion of islam since AD600. They were doing what their prophet, the perfect man, told them to do, killing unbelievers in the name of allah. Literally in the name of allah. A witness said they were shouting “this is for allah” as they murdered people.
So this is London in 2017. A muslim mayor practising taqiyya as his co-religionists slaughter people in the street. If someone had predicted that in 1968, well, I don’t know, he’d have been sacked from the Shadow Cabinet and called a racist.
Has anyone clocked the first BBC “Muslim-victim” spin report yet?
Lucy… I can’t be bothered waiting so I’ve just read a few from last time.
7:10 Radio 4 Faith prog
“Dr Ibrar Majid, the lead Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital speaks to the BBC’s religious affairs correspondent Martin Bashir about his role in treating the victims of the Manchester attack, and its impact on his Muslim faith.”
“Following President Trump’s announcement that the United States is to pull out of the 2015 Paris climate agreement, Emily Buchanan hears from the journalist Sarah Posner, on the religious reaction in the US; and from the former Bishop of Liverpool James Jones, who spent a decade trying to persuade US evangelicals to take climate change seriously.”
“The Church of England will discuss a proposal to offer a service to celebrate the renaming of people who have had a sex-change”
Seems live show made of recorded items
So began with Dean of Southwark Cathedral
Min 8:00 “Our church is where Sadiq chose to begin his mayoralty
We are committed to inclusion and diversity”
Min 9 moved onto recorded Manchester item
Min 38 They went live again with Harras raffiq of Quillian fdn
“it does look Islamic attack”
Min 41 mentioned new statement from Muslim Council of Britain.
“”These acts of violence were truly shocking…these people respect neither people nor faith.”
‘This should happen in month of Ramadan only goes to show these ppl neither respect life or faith’
Harras contradicted them saying no, the terror guys believe in Ramandam you do good deeds and their good deed is fighting Jihad
He said we have to come out of denial..and not say things like “these people are not Muslims”
Timing is crucial. Especially with good comedy. Ask Maxi.
There was a time when muslims would just slaughter sheep during ramadan, now we seem to be on the menu.
PS The liberal media are saying it’s election-related not ramadan. Yeh right.
5-Live now played a long clip of Mr Have-A-Go
saying “There was these 3 MUSLIM* guys , I shouted run, they were stabbing everyone shouting this is for Allah, I was throwing everything I could at them, the chair was fixed to floor”
ONLY A BBC news summary page contains that phrase “this is for Allah”, but it’s buried deep down the page
Around 2 am the BBC insisted on putting on 2 Muslims as if they’d made a special effort to.
The first was a shopkeeper in Borough who’s been here 20 years , his English was quite difficult to understand.
all he could say was oh the customer ran away without the change.
Then they had a bloke called Hussein… similar he told us nothing.
Now I think about it, neither condemned* or said “this is not my faith ” etc.
*(might of been in shock and not thought to )
Calm down everyone! A COBRA meeting has been called, so it will all be sorted out very soon.
Bit hard on the six dead and umpteen injured, but like the 22 in Manchester they were in the wrong place at the wrong time – ie: out enjoying themselves. Silly them.
In the meantime, avoid BBC and SKY like the plague, unless you want to replace your TV on Monday.
Bit hard on the Cobra too. But I guess they need to find a scapegoat .
May should change the name from COBRA to SLOTH.
I was thinking more OSTRICH
Deleted – post ended up in the wrong place.
Can’t really argue with most, but on a few points beg to differ.
Not feeling to inclined to bend over and think of England.
Looking at Milo’s feed and Tucker’s show, maybe the separation between the UK political media educational judicial enforcement establishment and that in the USA is not as different as implied.
R4 7am News “six people have been killed in WHAT POLICE CALL a terrorist attack”
Conservatives suspend campaigning
Opinion polls : Mail Labour 1 point behind
Mirror has them 12 points behind on bigger survey
So they are blowing up our kids at concerts and slashing our throats outside our pubs. BBC reporters say we can’t stop this happening we just have to be careful and cautious . Theresa is probably going to lower the the threat level later – she has her finger on the pulse. I really think we should all write ‘ None of the above’ on our voting slips on Thursday this is insane.
Where is Cressida Dick isn’t she in charge of the Police Force in London ?
We keep getting the Assistant Commissioner who looks like he couldn’t find his backside with both hands
The establishment may be reaching the end of the public ‘fool me twice’ window.
Lock 13,
How such a useless policewoman as Dick could get the job beggars belief. She is probably on holiday or at a conference. Pobably better is she is not involved.
Hey Grant – yeh probably at an LGBT weekend
In these terrible times, let us remember the real victims, namely those poor young men murdered by our racist police simply for practising their religion and carrying out the orders of the their ‘prophet’. To the letter.
Sometimes I’m ashamed to be British.
Charlie, if the next government doesn’t get a grip on the Muslim War then people will act to fill the vacuum . We shouldn’t be ashamed to be British just because of our Muslim loving elite . This is not a technical security issue, it’s a war between incompatible cultures.
It’s becoming clear that effective leadership on this will eventually come from the streets, not from the House of Commons. And it will not be pretty.
I heard on Al Bibeera some muslims moaning that they can’t go out without someone ‘looking at them funny’, with the beeboid interviewer nodding sympathetically.
You on bbbc have no idea how painful it is to be looked at funny. Way more painful than being blown up, stabbed, shot or run over, or having your children murdered or maimed.
As the wise Lily Allen put it, sometimes I’m ashamed to be British.
Not so much now, but I spent most of my life overseas in certain cultures being looked at funny. Often the odd muttered phrase. Luckily managed to cope. And my car on the road and cutlery in the kitchen. Especially around Lent.
‘looking at them funny’
Happens all the time. Many years ago I knew an accountant who had to visit Toxteth occasionally (very occasionally!).
Not only did he never wear a shirt and tie, to avoid being looked at “funny”, he transferred all his paperwork to an old supermarket carrier bag. A briefcase was “unwise”.
BBC Bias by Omission?
Real news, real stories
R Kassam – his twitter
The question that really needs answering on #craigmackinlay is WHAT DID THERESA MAY KNOW AND WHEN
… her staffers were allegedly involved?
Sooner, than having to look at crap meaningless BBC “gotcha” moments hyped out of all proportion,
Just how did fifteen separate police forces, how did 29 Tory MPs who to failed to declare thousands of pounds spent on their election campaigns in marginal seats, all became one conveniently manageable damage limitation case
… we may never know
All just in time for the Liar May needless, party before country election too
This is the real news BBC, not a virtue signalling, celeb weepathon pop concert … not blaming a “bomb” for an “incident”
last week, or a bloody “van” for an “incident” last night
This IS the real news.
How MI5/6 helped the Manchester bomber in and out of Libya.
How the government knew Salman Abedi was fighting in Libya as a 16 year old. Theresa May was Home Secretary.
He had returned from a three-week trip to Libya shortly before Manchester
and Liar May and No10 had intel on him, the imminent threat ,… and someone in No10 made the decision not to act.
Yet we get, tax-dodging non dom guru Lynton “no morals/no scruples” Crosby has all the clones going round saying that a member of the Privy Council loves terrorists, and shamefully making fake attack ads… it is a disgrace
Why doesn t that beneath contempt sh-tbag, just f-ck off back to Aus, they have a growing Islamic problem over there he needs to help cover over, and spin.
Additional, (as if anything else is needed).
“The evidence points to the LIFG being seen by the UK as a proxy militia to promote its foreign policy objectives.
Whitehall also saw Qatar as a proxy to provide boots on the ground in Libya in 2011, even as it empowered Hardline Islamist groups.
Both David Cameron, then Prime Minister, and Theresa May – who was Home Secretary in 2011 when Libyan radicals were encouraged to fight Qadafi – clearly have serious questions to answer.
An independent public enquiry is urgently needed”.
Meanwhile, it continues
13 lone wolves get picked up yesterday,
and another incident on London Bridge, Borough Market, (Vauxhall)
I said last week, be proactive, not re active things are not going to get better, … vital national security action is required
The needless, vanity project election should have been scrapped for six months, a unity government act in the national interest … lead for our people, for Europe actually … and ACT!.
Naturally, if Mr Corbyn had been present when one of the three was heard to shout, “this is for Allah”, he could have engaged him in a ‘two-way meaningful debate’ as he did with the IRA (who he supported). Anyway, BBC, I’m responding to your, ‘submit suggestions’ request. Please describe the perpetrator as, ‘a white van armed with three knives’. There, that’ll make a change for you. And, by the way, add, “its nothing to do with islam” although that hackneyed expression is ignored by the public.
If only Kay Burley had been their to reprise her vital contribution post Tottenham riots.
None of this would have been allowed to happen.
Lady Nugee will probably say that it’s nothing to do with Islam – the perpetrators are white-van men. (She really hates them.)
BBC keeps referring to the fake suicide vests as “hoax suicide vests”. Are they trying to suggest this “incident” was a prank of some kind?
Meanwhile on LBC, Chris, ex Metplod, seems to be the first to invoke the traditional “spike in hate crime” handwringing. It must be avoided at all costs because “hate crime” would divert police resources from the terror incident. Nice to know Metplod has set the right priorities. Have all these people been lobotomised?
@muslimcouncil is now trending in United Kingdom

“These acts of violence were truly shocking and I condemn them in the strongest terms.”
But at around 7:50am on R4 Harras from Quilliam foundation contradicted them saying no, the terror guys believe in Ramandam you do good deeds and their good deed is fighting Jihad
He said we have to come out of denial..and not say things like “these people are not Muslims”
So bad timing then?
How inconsiderate.
Certainly popping a fly in the hummus to spoil the sundown party for the rest.
A few days ago they wrote this complaint
\\The Muslim Council of Britain has written to the BBC highlighting its concern that the BBC Sunday Politics programme chose to give airtime to Douglas Murray, a commentator known for his anti-Muslim and anti-Islamic views.
The letter from Harun Khan, Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain states:
“Whilst it is of course important to allow freedom of expression for those from a variety of standpoints, inaccuracy is in clear breach of the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines.”
… he falsely stated that “Eastern Europe does not have a problem with Islamic terrorism because it does not have much Islam.” In fact Eastern Europe is home to a number of Muslim majority countries.//
I suspect DM meant “Eastern European countries which are not totally dominated by Islam do not have much Islam” and didn’t mean to include the Muslim majority countries Turkey/Kosovo/Bosnia(51%)
Harras actually said that the terrorists were being “excommunicated” [ by the media??]. A strange turn of phrase. However, no muslim religious authority will ever accuse muslim terrorists of heresy. The simple fact is that they are not acting contrary to the tenets of the faith.
The greatest deed … as far as Islamic terrorists are concerned, their acts are done explicitly in the name of Allah and for the cause of Islam and for end result … Islamic rule, across the globe.
Now it was the MCB ITSELF that wrote a demand that D Murray should be castigated for saying ” less Islam to counter extremism” … here
It is the striving and motivation to go out and kill or be killed with rewards of booty …
Jihad defines as struggle, but the “greatest” clearly means fighting in the way of Allah,
and those Muslims who do … leaving home to perform Jihad will result in a reward greater than this world
no matter what one has done previously.
“We are forced by the Quran, in the Sura at-Tawba, and through many ayah in the Quran that that say we must fight them… Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you.”
Michael Adebolajo, explaining himself on video right after hacking an off-duty soldier to death on a London street while shouting praises to Allah. In court, he told a judge, “of course I did it for God.”
Could this attack be about stopping the election and brexit?
Well folks, here we go again.
Just heard that the threat level has been raised to “Stable Door”.
Oh, and before there is any unnecessary panic, and to put everyone’s mind at rest, Philip Schofield has just been seen striding bravely towards London Bridge.
Cometh the hour, cometh the man…
Ha! That set me thinking, isn’t it time the threat levels were revised completely?
How about:
1 RAF Northolt
2 Stable Door
3 Tiny Minority
4 Nothing to See
5 N/A since 1950
Commence Operation Schofield
lol like it Jeff – you couldn’t make this sht up
I am not sure If I am allowed to post this but here goes anyway..not for the fainthearted..or the BBC,Sky, etc…
Only if you want to see uncensored enrichment.
When are we allowed to get angry about this?
Why do I have to look over my shoulder every minute when I go to work Monday!!
Spanish/ Portuguese needed?
A great post. True news coverage as opposed to the filtered, sanitised, biased bullshit the bbc feeds us. Total chaos in London, this 8 minute response time that I keep hearing about on the liberal media that everyone seems so pleased about as if it’s some new NHS target to reach all victims of muslim terror within some arbitrary time limit.
So we arrive within 8 minutes to scrape up our citizens off the street. Whoopeedoo!
What have we become?
As they say in America, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
Of course there, the citizenry can, and do, defend themselves.
DV – video taken down.