A new open thread for the weekend…..the weather’s looking stormy and the BBC is on full-on Mission Implausible mode…get Corbyn elected (holding their noses)….so stay in the warm and hit the keyboard with the bias…only a few days left to the election and the BBC is going all out flooding the airwaves with bias such as Boris ‘says no tax rises’ and then showing a clip of him actually saying ‘no planned tax rises’…that’s a big big difference…I am guessing the BBC will go for broke and become more blatant thinking that Corbyn will square it with Ofcom, packed to the gills as it is with people who look like they may well be on-side for the BBC anyway…and if the Tories win? Well never mind, they’re too afraid to tackle the BBC….it’s a win win for the Beeboids….they have nothing to lose and everything to win…list the bias here….
Weekend Open Thread
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Three down, 22,997 to go…… https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/huge-scale-of-terror-threat-revealed-uk-home-to-23-000-jihadists-3zvn58mhq
What happened to the muslim community passing over information to the Police?
All said and done, the intelligence is as bad as anywhere else in Europe. And that’s certainly not to blame the Police. They’ll get the blame anyway. To the arithmetic now.
If, as seems, one islamist kills say, a dozen and maims, say, 20, umm….thats a total of 32 per islamist. Let me see, that’s, 22997 x 32 = 735,904 people left to go. But the knowing politicians like the Emir of Londonistan, say, get used to it, its only to be expected in a large international city. So, I can only conclude:
Coming to a city or town near you soon.
Is this tweet from Owen Jones to be taken literally?
What can you expect from this PR worker for Islam and active supporter of the state funded pro Islamic UAF
Coming to Salford Keys vey soon?
maybe without the students
Maybe aiming at different ‘threats’?
Really important this Kaiser, thanks.
Venezuela is a massive parallel, no wonder the idiot Left are sterring clear of it.
Ditto, Greece, Cyprus and the coming crash in Italy. But none of this is ever on Eurovision News like that of the BBC. The Left are in real trouble once we start to take back our media outlets. Because presentation and news massage is all that they have to massage and control the nations lives and priorities.
But the smell from under the floorboards is rising fast.
Cressida “strap-on” Dick is now hogging the BBC telling us what a great job they are doing and “to be vigilant”.
I’m sure the Emir is saying similar .
Now Mr Dick tells us to remain calm, not over react and carry on with our normal lives. Same old story. What exactly is normal in the midst of this Muslim War?
Andrew Marr is repeating the same message… “don’t be cowed and carry on as normal”.
I assume that means carry on being run over, stabbed and blown up?
I wonder if he still jollies to work in that noddy car, or now has something more substantive?
Still, W1A has barriers, security and a bunker.
Not exactly normal, but still nice.
Give him a bucket of water and a scrubbing brush, send him to London Bridge, rub his nose in the ‘diversity’ and then ask him whether he’s carrying on ‘as normal’.
Newsflash Marr and Cressida – we will not let them kill our kids and attack us in our pubs – anger is rising in this Country
This is islam and the Middle East. The likes of Sadam, Gadaffi and currently Assad all kept the lid on islam. Very well. But the meddling West principally in the form of Bush and Blair et seq. had to impose “democracy and Human Rights”. When these islamists are welcomed in to the West, Germany the rest of Europe and the UK, they are like small children in a sweet shop. Young girls abound and everything else is for the taking. My company, that which sent me to live and work in the Middle East, provided me with copious information on the culture shock I was about to experience to at least prepare me. These so-called, textbook liberal/lefty ‘sociologists’ have no idea that the reverse of that is equally true. It is they that are children in the sweetshop and from therein, they will continue experimenting with our lives.
Desert Island Dicks-one and all of them.
Like others hereabouts I’m concerned over the implications of the timing of this latest terror attack
Will the minutes’s silence for this one now clash with the benefit gig for the last one and the street vigil for the next one?
We soon won’t be able to speak we’ll be having so many minutes silences .
We wonder, after another disruption to political campaigning and following this morning’s emergency Cobra meeting, will the PM call for a suspension of Ramadan?
Treezer will appoint a “Minute’s Silence Co-ordinator ” to ensure there are no clashes and it will put the fear of God into the terrorists.
Scotland has yet to experience an attack since the election was called.
This is due either to it being a de facto One Party State with nasty enforcers c/o the SNP. Or it`s because Nicola has a ” Resilience Committee” all ready to plait those platitudes at a moments notice.
Maybe if Theresa rebadged and rebranded her COBRA Committe as the Ministry of Resilience-then we`d all be safer.
Above is a Jon Gaunt post/rave (apologies for not stating what it was)
Here is Col. Richard Kemp on LBC
Later today Theresa May will announce extra SAS security around teddy bear, paper lantern and candle factories. Apparently stocks are getting dangerously low across Europe.
Emergency supplies of Post-It Notes, Sharpies, and “Imagine” CDs are being set up at secret locations around the country.
Action at last!
Soon London spivs will be selling candles and teddy bears on the black market,as supplies run short
Hope so. Better than killing people or living on welfare.
Those foolish enough to buy them deserve to be ripped off.
Rerun of Only Fools and Horses here isn`t there? How come “Reginald Perrin isn`t rerun on Freeview?
That useless son in law of his surely grew into Corbyn.
And Tom was right-the balloon is going up now.
Oh-and where IS “Citizen Smith”? by the way?
Can’t wait for Douglas Murray to be interviewed – which Channel will be brave enough ?
VOTE any party who will name ISLAM as the problem
do not vote any party that WILL or HAS as surrendered to TERRORISM
Read all abahht it! read all abahht it! Your own copy to love and cherish – ‘Sharia Law for Non-Muslims’ – https://www.politicalislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/PDF-Downloads/Sharia_Law_for_Non-Muslims.pdf
Why doesn’t Nigel announce he is standing somewhere he will get in with a landslide
He`s far more dangerous out of the fetid Commons.
Very much our Father Jack Hackett-pongs stinks and outrage wherever, whenever he crops up at Channel 4 and the BBC.
If you love somebody set him free( Gospel of Sting)
BBC wheels on Steptoe and asks him if this attack wil affect how people vote! Priorities eh?
Time we did the same though. 22 people killed in Manchester-and we get tonights “Love Parade” shown live on the BBC.
Only 7 killed in London thus far-so imagine only a third of tonights “stars and slebz” being able to appear at our “Send Jezz Your Love” free gig at Slimbridge Wetlands Arena next Thursday, event starting at 7am, stopping at 10pm sharp. Postal votes to the BBC “John Noakes Memorial Garden Fund” with 100,000 Forints for my Hungarian holiday. Only worth a fiver that!
Billy Bragg and Jimmy Somerville, Paul Weller and Jeremy Hardy to host.
Let`s hope that there IS an event by the Shard by Thursday with the above pop stars going unplugged by Charing Cross station tonight. Or else they simply don`t care-and I`ll cry.
Every time an attack like this happens we hear the usual tired responses, that not all Muslims are like this (true or they’d be fighting us every day), yet irrelevant, and that it’s only a tiny minority. This unfortunately isn’t true.
As I have posted too much money from Saudi Arabia is finding its way into the wrong hands (i.e. our politicians) but much of it is also going to fund Jihad via intolerant versions of Islam – Salafism and Wahabism. Nearly every single Islamic attacker comes from a background of one of these two ideologies.
This BTW is the ideology of the Jilbab (not the Burka) we do not need to ban the face covering, we need to ban the ideology behind it !
Here is an overview of Salafism and why it is driving everything wrong in our country today:
Some who have observed trends in the Salafist movement have divided Salafis into three groups – purists, activists, and jihadis. Purists focus on education and missionary work to solidify the tawhid; activists focus on political reform and re-establishing a caliphate through the means of evolution, but not violence (sometimes called Salafist activism); and jihadists share similar political goals as the politicians, but engage in violent Jihad (sometimes called Salafi jihadism and/or Qutbism).
If we do not ban these two extremist ideologies then we will never get to grips with Islamic violence, Sharia courts, Media Jihad, and everything we see which we dislike in Islam.
Our politicians do nothing but talk about moderate Muslims seemingly oblivious to the fact that it is relatively easy to sort the sheep from the goats.
The countries which have banned Salafism all appear to be Muslim countries who have a better understanding of the danger it poses to the wider community.
I have little faith our corrupt and pathetic political leaders will do anything to lessen the threat. Theresa May is no better than Jeremy Corbyn when it comes to terrorism despite what she claims. The woman has about as much steel and backbone as her traitorous predecessor David Cameron.
Don’t support banning the Burka, support banning the ideology behind it Salafism and Wahabism.
Re the argument that not all moslems support terror.
If there is rat shit on the table you remove the entire meal
You would be better served by killing the rat !
Noted John Sergeant mention in passing on BH, about the gap closing between Tory and Labour in the polls. This apparently happened some time ago, but no specifics given.
Which reminded me that we`re not getting those figures any more are we?
Who else can remember a recent poll getting publicity for “how many seats May will win by if this poll is correct”?
No-The Reamers and Rimmanics now know that the bookies have called it.
And no amount of propping up the dead mangy Corbyn corpse will do it.
“That surge” was online fiddled, probably via Cambridge or Bath Universities Student Bars.
Those spontaneous devotions in front of Kuennsberg as he walks amongst his Momentum dungnuts are media confections copied from the late Bernie Sanders(PBUH).
Imagine now that the Left will try yo get the election called off-Sadiq Khan has a hangnail, that kinda thing.
Ah well-landslide due-but this is a lucky escape, portents for five years or less are NOT good.
The BBC only give us figures if it suits the Remoaners pulling Corbyns beard.
They too are as economically illiterate as their beloved Party.
What we really need now is an absolutely pointless gesture; maybe a singalong with some talentless and tuneless airhead popette (Lilly?)
Perhaps a few celeb’s and politicians talking inanely about “unity” and “diversity” and “togetherness”.
Someone is sure to tell us that this outrage will only make us stronger.
And what will really put this to bed is a massive heap of rotting flowers festering away on London Bridge.
Well, the terrorists have been quite thoughtful this time, conducting their atrocities in the vicinity of Borough Market. So, no need to increase our carbon footprint. Good of ’em, eh?
Oh, and the final “cherry on the cake” moment will happen, I’m sure, in a few days; Tiny Tim Farron will appear, choking back the tears and relate an horrendous tale about an “Asian” taxi driver / postman /baker who someone looked at a bit cross eyed. Tim will lecture us about hate crimes and intolerance and we’ll all go to bed and look forward to the next mass murder on our streets.
These attacks are becoming ever more regular. They’re coming fast and furious and our political “leaders” (Theresa Maybe and Jezza, the terrorist’s friend Corbyn) have shown themselves to be absolutely and utterly useless.
Until next time folks.
It won’t be long…
I just saw (I think) Baroness Warsi on Preston on Sunday. She was suggesting that “we” need to re-educate those returning from Syria. Surely that should be ‘not to let them back into the UK’?
No-one in their right mind would suggest training American Pit Bull dogs to be less aggressive then putting several into children’s primary schools. Common sense would tell you it’s going to end up badly for some of those children.
It is this kind of liberal thinking that has got us into this mess. Just keep giving more and more chances to Islam in the hope that one day they will love us back.
And I saw Emily Thornberry who stonewalled fellow lefty Peston re her partys response.
Red on Red stonewall…bet there`ll be trouble in the Red Room after.
Great embarrassing Lefty TV…as if Ceausescu had failed to highlight his Radio Times in December 89, apart from “The Snowman”.
Labour Caliphatian cocksuckles.
All got to be, ” done and dusted” in Manchester within a week!
… 22 kids killed! children! how many maimed (shakes head) still in hospital!
get the hashtag, have a concert, and come on, move on … this is all politically motivated.
By that margin, tea light s tomorrow … they ll get a concert Monday
… never mind that, move along
This political behaviour, by No10 is simply shameful
Liar May wants her vanity project, needless, power grab election
… cmon move it people, she ll take a pious morally bankrupt (and of course totally self serving) stance
Oh She s on Al BBC right now … ” these attacks are not connected” OH THERESA!
They are “a perversion of Islam, a perversion of the truth” … oh Theresa! (shakes head)
We need to, going to really regulate the internet … oh Theresa! (shakes head)
Some waffle about ideology … yes!, Its political, its insidious, its called Islam
Things need to change, she ll put things in place to change, things can t stay the same … ya da ya da!
… Here s the “money shot” folks
“But … the election” … my vanity project, my needless pocket lining plan .
.. “will continue”
Thank you and goodnight, (exit stage left)
… What will it take
The message the British government sent to the people during WW II
Today the message appears to be not even keep calm & carry on, but oppose your freedom being taken away & we will fight you the people with all our might !
hey up teresa the appeaser has just said enough is enough, we will fight extremism, and it the internet’s fault
I fully expect tommy robinson to be arrested within the hour and this site to be shut by thursday
“A perversion of Islam”
Ask any ordinary person, (I know I know, she simply won t meet them), who wants more of the erm
“non perverted” variety of Islam?
… WHO?
… outside of Cameron/May/Westminster and the Al BBC?
Ask the ordinary non Islamic people of Manchester, London, or Rotherham, or Rochdale, or anywhere
this aggressive, insidious, cult of separation and supremacism resides. That’s the non perverted Islam variety.
“As a recent survey by the YouGov-Cambridge Programme shows, a striking 55 per cent of British voters currently think “there is a fundamental clash between Islam and the values of British society”,
compared with just 22 per cent – little over one in five – who say Islam and British values are “generally compatible”.
Among Tory supporters, this gap increases to 68 per cent who say “clash” versus 17 per cent who think “compatible”.
Ukip supporters look almost unanimous on the issue (89 per cent “clash” versus 4 per cent “compatible”) Half of Labour supporters take the negative view (48 per cent “clash” versus 27 per cent “compatible”)
and Lib Dems are divided (38 per cent “clash” versus 39 per cent “compatible).
Click to access Islam%20and%20British%20values.pdf
“The majority of Britons questioned in a survey believe Islam is not compatible with British values.
The poll also found almost a third of those asked believe Islam is a violent religion and promotes acts of violence in the UK”.
“a perversion of Islam, a perversion of the truth” ? says Liar May
… absolutely deceit factually, absolutely deceit objectively, absolutely deceit statistically
… where the hell ….. How can you speak so deliberately ill informing the public.
How ridiculous the idea of “radicalisation” via the internet is. Millions of us here, have full access to ISIS, Islamic preachers on the internet, yet none of us have been “radicalised” or, as we should say, become converts to Allah, the same elsewhere.
If it was just a random process, due to some internet pathology, you would expect, at least a few thousand of us ordinary folks to have gone off to Syria to fight for ISIS, or Al Quaida
We have all seen ISIS video s none of us not one have rushed out and mown down people, or beheaded some little old lady up the road
You can’t be a Islamic mass murderer, unless you are born into Islam or become a Islamic convert, or take in the eternal unchanging message of Allah/Mohamhead (same thing) in the Quran
The problem is Islam, its victim mentality, and inherent mandated violence, the issue is Islam its fascism, Islam s scripture mandates
… That’s islam, not islamism
(now … just imagine if they surveyed us, this week?)
Why do the BBC persist isn describing this as “what police describe as a terrorist incident”. Or some other such weasly variation on the same thing. Is it no longer good enough if the police call it such?
Or do we need Anjem, or Miss Dianne to “confirm” what the “unpleasantless” or ongoing managerial difficulty that would appear to be emerging”?
I would take issue with the use of the word ‘terrorist’, because a terrorist has a set of demands and uses violence to achieve those objectives.
Islamic Jihad on the other hand has no other objective than to slaughter as many Khuffar as possible. There is no further objective than that.
Conquest is their object. The establishment of the Caliphate. The enslavement – or murder – of unbelievers.
Their objectives are very clear – it’s all in their instruction manual.
Good point thoughtful. Asymmetric terror, at best. But if you`ve no other agenda other than making your world look like Mogadishu at Ramadan during Friday prayers(and forcing the rest of us to live with same)-then I suppose that`s a demand.
Time to lop the head of the snake off as someone says here elsewhere.
Mays landslide Friday morning.
Public beheading of 70 jihadists in Charing Cross/Regents Park Friday lunchtime after a national day of prayer at St Pauls. Surely we`ll get far more that 70 to volunteer if we`re quick about it. Grapes await!
Yes, we should be dealing with the imminent threat first, but our politicians do not have the balls for it.
Quite agree, Obi. They are quite open about their objective and it is in the Koran.
“enough is enough, we will fight extremism”
Which does tend to indicate that they haven’t been fighting in before these attacks.
Which does tend to indicate that they haven’t been fighting in before these attacks.
Indeed they have not. We know full well from cabinet records and the personal memoirs of politicans in the 1970s, that with regards to Northern Ireland there was an implicit policy of ‘acceptable levels of civilian casualities’. Provided most of the killing was restricted to Ireland itself and the IRA limited themselves to the occasional ‘spectacular’ on the mainland, they really weren’t that bothered. It was only the Brighton bombing that finally shook them out of that complacency, and even then they did not pursue the vigourous military campaign that could have wiped out the gunmen in a matter of days.
Why arent videos like these coming back to bite these idiots
I live in fear of extreme Amish terrorists I tell thee!
A pregnant woman was beheaded
This has not been reported in the media.
There’s only half a tweet on twitter
“I can’t find ur RT about the London woman who had her throat cut and was probably beheaded.
Met police of London trying 2 hideit”
I have the info by word of mouth, it was second hand but reliable source originating from an emergency service eyewitness.
She was described as ‘visibly pregnant’.
Just switched on the TV to get a brief update. Bad mistake.
BBC interviewing terribly excited man outside Guys Hospital, speaking as though he’s just looked out of his bedroom window and seen Santa Claus landing on the roof.
People have died, you fuckwit, and others are probably fighting for their lives as we speak.
Only the MSM could find someone like this.
Probably this was the incident about which the BBC claimed an eyewitness was ‘too traumatised to go into detail’.
No that incident was someone looking at a Muslim person in a funny way. i.e. the made up backlash-nazi-islamophobia-hate-crime-.
Look, on a day like this I know it’s not easy to look on the bright side, but…
Try to think of it this way.
3 down, only 22997 to go…
Watch out for the following
1. Andrew Niel’s passionate criticism of the evil terrorists who are not representative of Islam
2. Treezer May’s condemnation of the cowards who do not represent Islam,which is a religion of peace, and her determination to crackdown on extremism on the internet. That’s shut up Rebel Media and Tommy Robinson
3. All political leaders describing the tragedy/incident/ killing/deaths as an attack on our democracy which will not succeed because we will carry on as normal.
4. Shut down on reports of moslem pedo gang trials, which might contribute to the backlash.
5. Extensive coverage of good moslems who responded to the London incident who at the same time are suffering from insults by people who ought to be bloody grateful that some moslems are not delighted with the deaths of our people.
6. British foreign policy is reported in the Guardian/BBC as the ultimate cause.
7. Interviews with the families of the killers who express surprise and disbelief.
8. MI5 knew for at least a year that these killers were preparing to strike.
A little point from the PMs speech which should be pointed out.
It took 8 mins from the first call to the police to the shooting dead of the 3 islamic terrorists.
No one on this forum will be surprised at this item in the times today:
Desperate to get on the BBC’s Question Time and perhaps embark on a career as a media pundit? Times reader David Stoneman has the answer.
He applied many times for a place in the audience, making clear that he was a middle-aged, middle-class professional who had always voted Conservative. Rebuffed without even an acknowledgment every time.
So next he stated on the application that he was “a militant trade unionist train driver who wanted fracking banned”. Immediate email from the Beeb, followed by imploring phone calls. He was even asked on to another BBC debate show he hadn’t applied for.
In the times comment section beneath it:
Martin bell
This is how it works with Question Time. Someone in the BBC contacts the Labour Party regional organisers who email members giving them the phone number to call. I’m a Labour member (22 years) in the South West and that’s how I ended up in the Torquay QT, except I made the mistake of wearing a suit and tie and was only invited to put a supplementary question about the armed forces.
Mr Kipling:
We recently attended a broadcast of BBC R4 Any Questions and although the Home Counties audience was reasonably balanced, we were amazed at just how biased the selection of audience questions was. Every single one that got through had an anti-Tory spin.
Pleased to see the BBC News Channel are bringing us the full wide range of political responses:
For the LibDems Little Tim Platitudes, for Labour fiesty Yvette Cooper-Balls Platitudes and for the Tories Iain Duncan-Platitudes
Look forward to the view from north of the border with Nicola Plaid-Platitudes
Suppose there`s no chance of them calling off that Pop Poppet Event of theirs tonight is there?
Course not-Radio 2s playlist is already predicated on all performer snd prancing pervs tonight showing up to squat, twerk, lip sych. sip lick and otherwise show the fuzzy wuzzies that “I kiss a Burqa”…or “More Fireworks Please Abdul” are our weapons to deal with their Coming Caliphuck. “Caliphation Girls” “Caliphucihation”…with aplogies to Perry and Flea etc.
Noted that the Greens were off their faces this morning.
Slow out of those emoticon blocks-as if Natalie Bennett was still in charge!
Paddy O Connell had to pester them I`m sure, before some drug-addled bot fresh from killing beagles last night was available to send a hennaed falafel. Oh dear-anyone would think that the Greens don`t care!
Think we`re yet to hear from New Zealand -and, as ever-no Twitter cliches from Pakistan or Saudi Arabia as yet. Does nobody care?
We need a world map now to light up the worlds hugs for London Bridge.
(venue of course, very very variable).
Here is half of the PMs speech
Last night, our country fell victim to a brutal terrorist attack once again. As a result I have just chaired a meeting of the government’s emergency committee and I want to update you with the latest information about the attack.
Shortly before 10:10 yesterday evening, the Metropolitan Police received reports that a white van had struck pedestrians on London Bridge. It continued to drive from London Bridge to Borough Market, where 3 terrorists left the van and attacked innocent and unarmed civilians with blades and knives.
All 3 were wearing what appeared to be explosive vests, but the police have established that this clothing was fake and worn only to spread panic and fear.
As so often in such serious situations, the police responded with great courage and great speed. Armed officers from the Metropolitan Police and the City of London Police arrived at Borough Market within moments, and shot and killed the 3 suspects. The terrorists were confronted and shot by armed officers within 8 minutes of the police receiving the first emergency call.
Here’s the rest
Seven people have died as a result of the attack, in addition to the 3 suspects shot dead by the police. Forty-eight people are being treated in several hospitals across London. Many have life-threatening conditions.
On behalf of the people of London, and on behalf of the whole country, I want to thank and pay tribute to the professionalism and bravery of the police and the emergency services – and the courage of members of the public who defended themselves and others from the attackers. And our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and with their friends, families and loved ones.
This is, as we all know, the third terrorist attack Britain has experienced in the last 3 months. In March, a similar attack took place, just around the corner on Westminster Bridge. Two weeks ago, the Manchester Arena was attacked by a suicide bomber. And now London has been struck once more.
And at the same time, the security and intelligence agencies and police have disrupted 5 credible plots since the Westminster attack in March.
In terms of their planning and execution, the recent attacks are not connected. But we believe we are experiencing a new trend in the threat we face, as terrorism breeds terrorism, and perpetrators are inspired to attack not only on the basis of carefully-constructed plots after years of planning and training – and not even as lone attackers radicalised online – but by copying one another and often using the crudest of means of attack.
We cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are. Things need to change, and they need to change in 4 important ways.
First, while the recent attacks are not connected by common networks, they are connected in one important sense. They are bound together by the single, evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division, and promotes sectarianism. It is an ideology that claims our Western values of freedom, democracy and human rights are incompatible with the religion of Islam. It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam and a perversion of the truth.
Defeating this ideology is one of the great challenges of our time. But it cannot be defeated through military intervention alone. It will not be defeated through the maintenance of a permanent, defensive counter-terrorism operation, however skilful its leaders and practitioners. It will only be defeated when we turn people’s minds away from this violence – and make them understand that our values – pluralistic, British values – are superior to anything offered by the preachers and supporters of hate.
Second, we cannot allow this ideology the safe space it needs to breed. Yet that is precisely what the internet – and the big companies that provide internet-based services – provide. We need to work with allied, democratic governments to reach international agreements that regulate cyberspace to prevent the spread of extremism and terrorist planning. And we need to do everything we can at home to reduce the risks of extremism online.
Third, while we need to deprive the extremists of their safe spaces online, we must not forget about the safe spaces that continue to exist in the real world. Yes, that means taking military action to destroy ISIS in Iraq and Syria. But it also means taking action here at home. While we have made significant progress in recent years, there is – to be frank – far too much tolerance of extremism in our country.
So we need to become far more robust in identifying it and stamping it out – across the public sector and across society. That will require some difficult and often embarrassing conversations, but the whole of our country needs to come together to take on this extremism – and we need to live our lives not in a series of separated, segregated communities but as one truly United Kingdom.
Fourth, we have a robust counter-terrorism strategy that has proved successful over many years. But as the nature of the threat we face becomes more complex, more fragmented, more hidden, especially online, the strategy needs to keep up. So in light of what we are learning about the changing threat, we need to review Britain’s counter-terrorism strategy to make sure the police and security services have all the powers they need.
And if we need to increase the length of custodial sentences for terrorism-related offences, even apparently less serious offences, that is what we will do.
Since the emergence of the threat from Islamist-inspired terrorism, our country has made significant progress in disrupting plots and protecting the public. But it is time to say enough is enough. Everybody needs to go about their lives as they normally would. Our society should continue to function in accordance with our values. But when it comes to taking on extremism and terrorism, things need to change.
As a mark of respect the 2 political parties have suspended our national campaigns for today. But violence can never be allowed to disrupt the democratic process. So those campaigns will resume in full tomorrow. And the general election will go ahead as planned on Thursday.
As a country, our response must be as it has always been when we have been confronted by violence. We must come together, we must pull together, and united we will take on and defeat our enemies.
European Commission leader Jean-Claude Juncker said: “Following latest London incidents with horror. Thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. Please stay safe.”
You drunken buffoon, “the incidents” that you mention were attacks on innocent people by Islamic terrorists. Those tragically murdered and maimed in the name of Islam were already thinking they were staying safe because you told them that multi-culturalism was the way forward.
That moron Juncker makes it sound as if it was a case of multiple pick-pocketing. What a wanker.
BBC spinning for Corbyn
Last nights paper review
“Labour has accused the Conservatives of creating fake news after a video of Jeremy Corbyn went viral, the Guardian reports.
It says the clip features the Labour leader refusing to condemn the IRA, but omits him going on to condemn all bombing.”
Our dear leader was speaking on radio4 as I spoke
May says that the Tories won`t be campaiging today. Corbyn says that they won`t be campaigning “NATIONALLY”. Which allows Momentum to terrify old ladies and head to the uni campuses.
Typical Labour.
No BBC comment either.
Apparently “democracy must prevail”.
Unless it`s Jo Cox-in which case, no election, vote Labouyr and wait for Soros to clear the strrets for Juncker and Clinton. Fuck, fuck Labour.
Corbyn not campaigning? Just seen the traitorous old bastard on Sky moaning about “Tory Cutz” to Police and Intelligence services. If that’s not campaigning and scoring cheap political points then I don’t know what is. Lower than a snake’s belly to try and gain advantage from death and mutilation.
I expect nothing from Farron, Thornberry etc on how to fight this Muslim war. However Ian Duncan Smith is equally clueless. The PM’s 4 points are necessary but not sufficient to stop Muslim terror . They still don’t or won’t get it. Where is the politician who will seize the moment and exercise leadership in this war? Deportations en masse must start. I don’t want to fund these bastards to stay a few extra years in jail. Back to Peshawar, Kabul, Kashmir, Somalia they all need to go. 23000 for a start. End Muslim only schools, deport the hate preachers, turn the ghettos back to English looking and sounding areas. Close the Mosques, ban sharia and stop Saudi money.
None of these clowns has even seen the need to read the Koran.
Unlike Tommy Robinson(albeit whilst in prison)-Robert Spencer, Bill Warner, Douglas Murray, Ayaan Hirsi Ali and all the rest of our friends.
So -from May downwards-not one of them carries any theological weight with that fabled “Arab Street” of theirs. Unlike the thickest madrassa nut in his mums nightie from Al Azhar “Community College”. I myself am not blameless-but that sermon of Michael Adebowale, Michale Adebojamrag live of Sky News on May 22nd 2013 was all I needed to hear.
But later news bulletins from Sky cut it out-and the BBC never played it at all!
Lesson learned.
If you want to do that then you need to defeat a load of greedy politicians who will literally stop at nothing to get their hands on the oil money being offered in return to allow Jihad on our streets.
How can it be possible that any government minister can invite known terrorists into our country, and allow them to form terrorist movements, watch that grow into full blown war on our streets, and then not face any charges for having done it, and instead receive personal enrichment to the tune of around £130 million?
We are not protected enough from the deliberate treason of politicians in the UK. We can’t even have a damn inquiry over what happened because the ones following on from them are just as corrupt as the ones before!
And you can’t even have a say for fear of ‘upsetting’ people and being arrested.
This isn’t easy to watch but it is what the public should see before the “Muslim victim” narrative kicks in.
Lucy, that is heart wrenching and you are right, any one who wants to offer platitudes about the killings should watch this first.
I urge everyone to watch this . We are at war.
Meanwhile, back in Calais they are still congregating on the beaches, after being picked up by taxi on the Med – North Africa is emptying fast. That’s where the head of the serpent needs decapitating, but first stop the taxi service, if they drown they drown; never thought I’d ever say that, but its a tough world now.
It might be safer for us in Libya now.
I disagree.
While they do need to be stopped the Calais illegals are not the source, nor in any way linked with the recent Jihadi attacks. Let us not deflect attention away from the real threat of Middle Eastern funded terror through Salafist & Wahabist teaching.
That’s as may be Thoughtful, but only the other day I read of an instance where a lovely lady ‘took in’ one of the Calais migrants last year. At first he was grateful for all he was given, but then it didn’t take long for him to abuse her kindness after she fed and clothed him, gave him educational opportunities and lined him up for an apprenticeship. In return he stole from her purse, and became verbally abusive, in the end she had no alternative but to turf him out.
Ok he may not be linked with the recent attacks, but who knows what he may be involved in in the future. Those that did carry out the attacks certainly don’t have a UK heritage – either they or their parents/grandparents are from a third world culture, and we have been idiotic enough to give them the golden ticket of a British passport !
Agree Brissles.
Terrorism is not the only pathology they are responsible for.
Keep a viper running free in your home and you expect to get bitten some time. Keep a nest of vipers in your home………. You work out the rest!
Treezer declares: “We will stamp out this evil ideology” (shock and awe). I guess the islamicists will be quaking in their boots expecting the Inspectorate from the Benefits Agency to come calling.
Can we do a, ‘unison’ ? (no silly, not the public service union – that’s another ideology again). All get together and persuade the dim Treezer to watch our lips: I-S-L-A-M. Just to be sure Treezer let’s just do it again: I-S-L-A-M. Now, say, ‘Islam’ all joined up. What’s that? you can’t say it because it will offend your Wahhabi friends in Saudi Arabia? Shame on you! But here, here’s a copy of their Instruction Manual straight from the heart of their ideology, Mecca –
Click to access 6_PDFDownloadLinkFull.pdf
Whooho, whooho, (sounds of wind blowing through the rafters of No.10) lock all the doors and windows and station your personal security team at the front door and at any means of entry before settling down with a mug of cocoa to study the Manual patently for the first time. It is just like a fine wine. But in this case, it goes from bad to worse.
I hear that ‘Thought for the Day’ on BBC Toady programme tomorrow will be in full sympathy for the three islamicists slain by the evil Police. Will there be a passage from the Instruction Manual? May I suggest of one of the many this is currently appropriate –
Quran (2:216) – “Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.”
By the way, Archie of Canterbury, I think you ought to conduct this short Toady feature. About 10 to eight, is that ok?
ISIS Newspaper Days Before London Bridge: New UK Attack ‘Definitely Coming
BBC man Frank Gardner is afraid of the “Backlash”
You’ll love this… not because of the human rights of the possibly innocent victims of bigotry but because…. the ‘community leaders, many of them muslims, give us so many tip offs’.
Our Frankie How-weird admits we may find this ironic in the aftermath of this incident.
So pleased to see Common Purpose community cohesion planning is so robust.
Ironsides eh! … the old BBC security expert
Couldn t secure a bloody parking space,
(hmm won t mention the punchline)
To our dear readers, hope that s not erm disablerophobicist
(not my intention at all)
Apart from being stupid, I think Frank is suffering from a form of Stockholm syndrome. By the way, what are his qualifications for being ” security expert ” ?
He once shouted: ” dont shoot I’m a moslem”
That’s his qualification.
West Yorkshire Police investigating 179 child sex crimes and 165 suspects
Force says 100 young victims are now being supported in Keighley and Bradford
but Campaigners say that the true figure could be far, far higher than that ,
Another 3 Girls BBC? … No info on the Islamic imperative?, even slipping in the “poor me” narrative at the end?
Another erm “drama story” for you?
If they won t do it in “Drama” they definitely won t do it in news either.
Yet another political decision
and now … It doesn t even mention their misleading moniker “Asians” … if fact nothing, could be anyone.
I think there is one thing we can all agree on – that the BBC now have to be regarded as collaborators. By calculatedly playing down the threat, refusing to tell the truth about what is happening and doing everything within its power to prevent the British public reacting against islamic terrorism, it is a force not, as it would pretend, of moderation and reason, but of evil – an enemy in our midst.
Jesus H….
BBC News interviewing a Borough Market eye witness James Angell who was in a restaurant last night and who is so excited and a “me me me” person is embarrassing to watch. Some key quotes from him…
“I was in a lovely restaurant with friends and another friend from Sydney, we had a great time”
“it was a lovely restaurant and I need to go back and finish the meal… and pay for the one last night”
“I like to go out and flirt with handsome men…if that annoys them then I will do it more”
I cannot put into words how bad the interview was. It was like watching a 4 year old watching a children’s party magician and about to wet themselves with excitement.
It is a serious bit of piss poor judgement from the BBC to put an utter selfish arsehole like him on live TV.
I think he might be the one I commented on earlier.
There’s something very disturbing about his reaction.
How do we know he isn’t a paid actor?
Uniquely funded by us.
BBC are faking interviews again! Just watched an interview with a “witness” to the incident last night named as Richard Angell. He described being in the bar where the police entered and told everyone to lay on the floor. He then became almost ecstatic in his praise for Sadiq Khan, London life, Multicuturalism, Diversity and that terrorism will not change our way of life. He seemed very joyous and happy clappy which I thought inappropriate when seven people have been killed and nearly fifty gravely injured. Being suspicious of any BBC interview I checked the background of this Angell character and sure enough he comes back as a Director of Labour Progressive and is a Labour activist. The BBC obviously know this twat because his LinkedIn profile shows a screenshot of Angell giving a previous BBC interview. BBC being dishonest and allowing Angell to turn his interview into a Labour propaganda opportunity.
The BBC are the world leaders in fake news. I am surprised he was not a BBC employee !
Is the interview when the interviewee referred to being with a party of friends (including a pregnant woman from Australia I think) eating in a restaurant? Jane Hill concluded by thanking the interviewee very much, “……for more reasons than one….”. What did Jane Hill mean I wonder? Was it because the interviewee’s dishonest diatribe was so much in tune with their pro-multiculti narrative?
Yes he is the same person as I posted about just above. I thought he was called James Angell but that was my mistake.
Here is part of that interview
He must have been one of those random people the media wanted to interview…… nah…..this bloke lives on TV….
Hi Andy….
You really have to get that out to the wider public mate
It is a textbook BBC (and Labour Party – the two are more or less identical) strategy. Pretend that a Leftist activist is a politically disinterested member of the general public, and then give them a platform to deliver approved political messages.
It was appalling and insulting and obviously a set up. This will backfire on the BBC .
To be serious the BBC now is completely out of touch with us in what is still old England.
This BBC is our real swamp and needs to be drained and soon.
There is a post about Richard Angell on the BBC website how he has just paid his bill from last night, it was posted by Buzzfeed….. I have just sent Buzzfeed all the info regarding this idiot..
Let’s see what happens….f..k all
Could this be reported to ofcom as political bias? I saw him too and just put it down to him being a random Corbynista but clearly he was selected by Beeb corbyn supporter management.
I’ve already reported this to Ofcom. I suggest others do the same. The more the merrier.
Andy, what you have written needs to be ‘outed’ on Twitter – its disgusting, and needs to be seen by a wider audience.
I would, but I ‘m not registered on that organ. Probably be banned immediately if I was. I’ve no objection to anybody else passing it on, though. Check his LinkedIn profile and that interview should be on YouTube.
Even stranger his Twitter posts seem to have been deleted for the past 2 weeks.
Citizen Khan, odious man ever the ligger and
Liar Mays deliberate curtailing of the internet? wake up people before Thursday … more neo liberal control
don t let her sucker you in, its a G Election not a Referendum, “safe space on the internet” eh Liar?
Plenty of safe spaces in Bradford, Tower Hamlets, Newham, Small Heath, Luton, Dewsbury etc
… plenty of safe space in the Salafi, Deobandi, Wahabi and Mahoudi Mosques, their Madrassa s.
A collation of various European polls taken in 2006 (yep! 2006) showed that British Muslims have the most negative views of Westerners in the whole of Europe. Ironically, this was not reciprocated by British non-Muslims, who had, at the time, the most positive views of Muslims in Europe.
However, as with all statistics and polls, this has been graphically contradicted by more recent polls which show a increasingly negative attitude towards both Islam and Muslims
Things are changing today, Trident didn’t help anyone on London Bridge last night,(and its run by the Yanks anyway) … but 22,000 of our sacked Police & 1300 of our firearms police might have done
For the past 40 years to my knowledge the BBC has never said `the “so-called” Irish Republican Army has it?.
this is a political decision, only Islamic terrorism/mass murder gets this protection/obfuscation of the state broadcaster, why are they STILL! saying it today?
There’s not a great deal to be said really, other than of the victims, requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine.
I hold no hatred for the terrorists, any more than I would hate a mad dog. They simply need to be put down, immediately. As Barbara Woodhouse famously said, there’s no such thing as a bad dog, only a bad owner.
My real bitterness is for the ‘owners’ – the appeasing politicians and other leaders who have spent the last half-century systematically bringing this situation about.
This will sound terrible but I really hope the next attack involves a lot of such appeasers, and not ordinary innocent people.
It is the only way anything will be done about this; it will be the ‘roar of bombs’ that George Orwell said was necessary to rouse England from its slumber.
I hope that the killers strike at the heart of our establishment and tear out its rotten core. Sadly, I suspect the Islamists are clever enough to know that might badly backfire on them.
Top post, but I agree, the terrorists are not going to bite the hand that feeds them.
Good post Cranmer. I agree entirely.
Probably mentioned here already but I see Merkel is stating she stands by us “in the fight against all forms of terrorism”. So not specifically against Islamic terrorism then. It’s like Corbyn saying he denounces all violence when asked to specifically denounce IRA violence. (Scargill did the same in the eighties when asked to denounce violence by NUM members, often against other NUM members.) The appeasement continues unabated.
Exactly. Apart from Islamic terrorism, which other kind are we threatened by ?
My 10 year old, “What? All stand together so we can be stabbed?”
He knows, Trump, Brexit and Climate Change does not present an immediate danger to any of us.
He says killing is bad but if we don’t kill them or at least lock them up, they will kill us and returning ISIS fighters should be shot.
But heck, he’s only ten – what does he know?
Yes, still comatose targetted sheep, throats bared for the halal butcher. Penned in, silent and hog tied as needs be.
Seen plenty Attenborough re stupid antelopes getting picked off by big cats that worked together to get their fresh meat kill.
Rest of the antelope herd looking mildly surprised-even a bleat once in a while-before returning to grazing, lowing and back to “normality”. Sorry BBC-even antelope are not so stupid as to think a Katy Perry amplification will drown out the screams, not confuse a pitch full of teddy bears and balloons will give them camouflage from the next kill.
Same age as my little girl and she is pretty smart too. Well smarter than most Beeboids anyway.
“Well smarter than most Beeboids anyway.”
I doubt if she appreciates being damned by faint praise.
BBC thinking : “We must be united, not divided,
….. but if you say something we deem offensive on the BBC website we’ll contact your employer”
Remember their joy 8 days ago when LBC fired only presenter speaking out strongly against the terrorists : KTHopkins
United but not divided.
As if Trump and Brexit haven`t divided us. God know the media talk of nothing but. But in the face of Islam-well, let`s all agree to bow down and crouch towards Mecca and let The Islamic Greens stand their their bikes up, using our arses. Sorry Lefties-we`re divided.
We hate you and want you dead-so that our grandkids may yet get a house, job and have prospects in the land that our grandads and grannies fought for, were prepared to die for too.
Yep! latest buzz words, “must not let this sow division” Liar May at the last attack, Citizen Khan after this one
I think they mean … “we will NOT allow this to … control/silence, control/silence, control/silence, “
By “United”, they mean we should all have the same opinions as them. They are fascists.
United in what ?
A state of suicidal denial?
Complicity in the great lie?
United in what ?
A state of suicidal denial?
Complicity in the great lie?
Katie Hopkins on Fox News today:
“”We need to hear from May that 3,000 Jihadis will be rounded up”
‘Itzman’ over at Breitbart News comments made an interesting observation which I have cut and pasted here, I thought it was worth a read:
I’m sitting here watching the muppet show that is the main stream media, and the on-message message has definitely changed.
1/. The police simply shot them. That would have been unacceptable behaviour a year ago. Now no one gives a crap.
2/. The media didn’t mealy mouth about their religious orientation. Its straight out ‘Islamic terrorists’
3/. The prime minister makes a speech saying effectively ‘enough is enough: Radical Islam is the problem’. A year ago that would have been unthinkable from any politician, even UKIP.
4/. Instead of candles teddy bears and flowers, the MSM is featuring Citizens Who Stood and Fought.
Since I firmly believe that even if the atrocities are not actually organised, the MSM certainly is, and we are being prepped for a pretty hardline political response.
Of course the PM couldn’t resist the old chestnut about needing to regulate the Internet..
Well said Katie. No chance of course .
As the BBC website headlines “online solidarity” , the arrests begin. Almost predictably given the location of the attack, its in the East End. This was the home of those cockneys who told Hitler in 1940 and 1941 ” we can take it”. Not quite like online solidarity I’m afraid. Within a year we had started to take the war to the Germans in North Africa then Italy and Northern Europe. The East Enders have gone, to be replaced by a Bengali Republic until recently led by the most corrupt local politician in our history . Just how many Muslim terrorists and fellow travellers are in the East of London alone? Far too many for the security agencies. Let the deportations begin!
If any of them are under surveillance, that should be enough justification to intern them.
Soon we’ll be informed that the three Islamic Terrorists were on the police/MI5 ‘radar’. But there were insufficient resources to monitor both them and the other 3,000.
I think that’s 23, 000 on the watchlist Dover
all there or there abouts … Here s Sayeeda s pearls of wisdom
I caught an interview earlier in the week, can’t remember which one, been so many for some reason of late and a “security expert” stated that to watch one of these persons of interest takes 60 people! He also reckoned that the cost of all this benefit of diversity costs us £9 billion a year. Not sure if this figure applied to the earlier figure of those who walk freely amongst us, say 300+ or the later announced figure of 23K of the bastards, whose rights to a family life outweighs the lives of our kids!