A new open thread for the weekend…..the weather’s looking stormy and the BBC is on full-on Mission Implausible mode…get Corbyn elected (holding their noses)….so stay in the warm and hit the keyboard with the bias…only a few days left to the election and the BBC is going all out flooding the airwaves with bias such as Boris ‘says no tax rises’ and then showing a clip of him actually saying ‘no planned tax rises’…that’s a big big difference…I am guessing the BBC will go for broke and become more blatant thinking that Corbyn will square it with Ofcom, packed to the gills as it is with people who look like they may well be on-side for the BBC anyway…and if the Tories win? Well never mind, they’re too afraid to tackle the BBC….it’s a win win for the Beeboids….they have nothing to lose and everything to win…list the bias here….
Weekend Open Thread
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Not BBC but Sky…
Owen Jones long Sky News interview at 15:40 today about the terror attacks last night. He moaned about Theressa May “shouldn’t be scoring political points” and “as a minister she was OK standing outside No.10 saying we stand together but she shouldn’t be saying anything more as campaigning has been stopped”.
Owen then explained he supports Labour and then spent a good 5 minutes scoring political points against Tories on behalf of Labour…. whilst campaigning has been stopped.
You couldn’t make this crap up. One rule for the Left many other rules for the Right.
Never make the mistake of assuming that the Left will seek to be intellectually consistent. The only thing which is consistent is their narcissism. Take the example of that American comedian who made a video in which she held up what was meant to look like the severed head of Donald Trump. When people said that was disgusting and cancelled various gigs (costing her money) you have to understand that she really meant it when she said that she was the victim.
Kathy Griffin never expected anyone to take her to task for her Trump beheading stunt. This sums up the perpetually virtuous left; they’ve had 30 years to publicly act out their cognitive dissonance without fear of criticism, never mind rebuke. Things are changing now – slowly, but they are changing.
Griffin’s startled, incoherent response to being attacked for her naked stupidity and offensive behaviour is revealing. Let’s hope we see more – much more – of a push back against these morons.
You can’t blame her for being surprised at the reaction. After all, this is the woman who said she was “happy to deliver a beat down” to 11-year-old Barron Trump, and got away with it.
She really seems to be a particularly unpleasant piece of shit in a sea of faeces.
Wild, interesting choice of word: “The only thing which is consistent is their narcissism.”
Think you have a very good point there. It has just awoken me to something I have seen – collectively – on other forums but could not or was struggling to understand and put into words.
You’ve got it in one.
Two men hiding under the table during the terrorist attack in London.
One shouts about Muslim fxxxing cxxnts. The other accuses him of Islamophobia. Shut up its not muslims
Says it all about Britain today
Brilliant, GWF.
Surprised the snowflake guy didn’t lecture his “idiot” pal on how enriching Muslims are to the cultures of every country to which they are invited. All while they are hoping muslims wont slice their throats.
BBC Points of view. Two viewers ask why the BBC is so biased towards the Tory Party. You could not make it up !
Oh, but they DO make it up! It’s a strategy of course. To keep pulling the BBC leftwards. Not that they have to pull very hard. Always remember that if Paul Mason was a BBC editor, there’s likely many others of his ilk there.
“Two viewers ask why the BBC is so biased towards the Tory Party.”
Strange , to date I have not seen one post on this site to that effect despite a number of appeals for some ?
Not even one from Maxi ?
A sobering Worldwide perspective of the problem no one likes to mention much less debate –
And, the phase we are in at the present moment before descending, irreversibly into oblivion –
Images shown of those arrested in Barking – 3 women, one in the full regalia and the others wearing headscarves. Integration ? that’s a dirty word now.
(the block of flats shown look quite luxurious, and not the type you would expect those shown to afford – clearly a better class of council housing than anything I’ve ever come across !)
I thought that just I’d update on the MEND crowdfunding effort for last week’s victims before it disappears into the back catalogue of islamic barbarism. After all the obligatory remembrance/support concert is tonight (BBC World News coverage is making me puke right now).
Yep..a whole 211 “muslims” have made a donation..though I bet half of those were virtue signalling non-muslims judging by all the “anonymous” donations!
Nearly £16,000 has been raised! Speaks volumes!! How many “ropers” are in UK? ..significantly more than 211 sadly. Will there be a London version I wonder?
Then it’s rinse and repeat I would imagine..where next ?..Cardiff? Southampton? Reading? Bristol?
sorry gotta go..just saw Corbyn’s comments..need the loo fast…both ends.
More meaningless virtue signalling.
Poor Donald Trump having to deal with opponents like this
This has got to be a joke!
Either she is taking the piss or she is insane. If the latter, she needs medical help.
Medical help, Grant. She needs taking to the vet for her last visit.
“Our inaction on climate and heathcare has pushed them to this”
heathcare!!?..thought that was the 1970’s..didn’t he also take UK into the EEC?..had a boat..amongst other things!
MW – “A member of the Democratic Party, she is the most senior of the 12 black women currently serving in the United States Congress, is a member and former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus”
What a stupid bint! (no gender bias intended).
“Muslim brothers and sisters”?? ..I don’t f*cking think so baby!..no relation to me.
I’m sure I saw someone on the web refer to her as a “twunt”? I have never heard of one of those..a twite yes..it’s a bird..but I have no idea what a “twunt” means but the person who said it seemed totally convinced!..maybe she is?..anyone?
Yes, she is a fruitcake but a dangerous one. She also courts controversy on the race relations front. Hard to believe the LA people voted for her, or maybe not.
Twunt – combination of twat and c*nt, reserved only for the very worst examples of humankind you encounter.
‘ta..’bout right then!..”twunt”..has a “ring” to it !..
or is that a whole other can of worms?
I’m happy to expose some of the more idiotic critics of Trump but this appears to be fake. I can’t see this on Maxine’s actual Twitter plus the address is VVaters as opposed to Waters.
Interesting interview with a guy involved with the police and special forces. He was asked about a ‘shoot to kill policy’ his answer was contemptuous. If you shoot anyone then with todays weaponry there’s an almost certain chance you are going to kill them. One the bullet enters the body there is no knowing where it will exit, nor the path it will take.
I would therefore suggest the following.
At the next attack the armed police merely contain the Muslim attackers without shooting them
Both Jeremy Corbyn and Dianne Abbott are rushed to the scene to talk some liberal ‘sense’ into them.
At close quarters naturally with the armed Police still instructed to contain and not to shoot regardless of what action the Muslims take against the two Labour nutters.
Somehow I think Corbyns surrenderism will be very short lived when he gets up close and personal with end of a knife and someone only too happy to stick it in him.
Hmm highly predictable – ‘Why did they shoot them dead? They deserve a trial and it’s all our own fault’ etc.
Well, they had their trial, decided on police suicide and yes, it is our own fault for letting them in the country and indulging them to the n’th degree. We then give air time to various armchair leaders/nut jobs and SJWs.
Here is a video of a pepper spray made in Switzerland, and available all over Europe to anyone over the age of 18 you can even buy them in petrol stations. The effects last a couple of hours, but it is more than capable of completely disabling an attacker during that period. There are no other lasting effects.
Of course the UK is the only country in Europe where the people are not allowed to defend themselves and their property. This device is classed as a ‘firearm’ although it clearly isn’t, and so screwed up are we that the stuff it contains is actually stronger than the weedy stuff in the Police issue which is the weakest on the market, and doesn’t really work.
We should certainly be allowed to buy and keep these devices in our homes in case of home invasion, and perhaps on our person at times of need such as a critical threat warning. If just one person had one of these last night, then there might be a lot more people alive this morning, and the murderers would be in Police custody being interrogated.
Ask your MP why we have to die so s/he can feel safe, and yes I know it could be used for crime, but every criminal who wants a gun can get one, and this could still carry a similar firearms penalty for misuse.
Ay caramba!
Thoughtful we can’t have devices like that freely available to the hoi-polloi. Ye gods think what a UKIP supporter might do with one! It’s bad enough responding to all the ‘dirty looks’ enormities reported by Tell Mama.
I read an interesting comment on Breitbart about the citizens that fought back against the invaders in London last night. He pointed out that it can only take one person standing up against an assailant for others to join in. We should, if possible, mount an aggressive defence in these situations (rather than cower under tables as per official advice); a chair is a good weapon against a knifeman as it can be used to defend oneself but also seriously injure or even kill an opponent and it is important to shout ‘Get them!’ etc to gain psychological advantage. Of course, it’s easier said than done but last night showed there were people able to do it.
Yes, pepper spray is a good idea in some situations, but getting near to an assailant who thinks he’s Errol Flynn with a sword, there’s no chance !
Yes, my comments should not be taken as an encouragement to have a go at Jihadis – the best defence is to get as far away as possible, but if there is absolutely no alternative and we can’t escape, we have to be prepared to use lethal force against these people.
If the stories are true, Briss, it would be hard enough getting near an Errol Flynn sporting an erection, never mind a sword.
Ooooooer Toobi, you’ve read those articles too eh ?
Mrs Wan has 🙁
His Robin Hood tights had three legs, Briss?
The original Tasmanian devil!
I don’t like the idea of pepper spray. We live in a windy country. If you are down wind of the spray you can inadvertently spray yourself & in the seconds you have to make a decision to spray there is no guarantee you’ll be in the right position. I’m also not keen that it is designed for use at close range. By the time a would-be attacker is that close……..
6:20pm a couple of Tricks by R4 News
#1 They were disingenuos about Trump criticising Trump
“Trump appeared to criticise Sadiq Khan”
…”appeared” no ..he DID criticise SK
R4 reporter repeated the claim “Trump appeared to criticise Sadiq Khan” continued saying something like “In fact Mr Khan was saying that people should not be worried by the increased police presence”
…. BBC R4 must have known that Trump was not referring to today’s Sadiq tweet but rather one when Sadiq said terrorism is normal in a big city.
” A spokesman for Mr Khan said Mr Khan Has ‘More Important Things To Do’ Than Respond To ‘Ill-Informed’ Trump Tweet”
#2 ..Then 6:26pm they chose to feature a victim they chose to feature a boy called Emir Eden sharing a sofa with Dean of Southwark having difficulty in getting home on hi way back home from a family gathering to break the Ramadam fast.
speaking in tears “Islam is a religion of peace and communities and not breaking them up”
..sure the bombers ddon’t normally want that !
Direct link http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08skry8#playt26m
typo : #1 They were disingenuous about Trump criticising Sadiq
I liked the huddle of muslims that “spontaneously” turned up in slightly toned down ISIS uniform to show solidarity or something. Simply adding insult to injury.
BBC News – “London Bridge will never fall down” and “I love London” are just some of the slogans being shared alongside the
hashtag #prayersforLondon
Jim Crozier from south-east London wrote: “I am going to a concert in central London tonight. I am not afraid to go. I will not be put off. #staystronglondon #LondonAttacks. #prayersforLondon
… So here we go … today we already get the “just part of living in a big city” crowd
… how very politically convenient, for the media to just tow the line
Looks like they ve forgotten the 22 dead children, already … how many maimed and injured?
… Hey! we ll light the candle and stand silent, but come on you know
… been there done that, Westminster Bridge, Manchester etc
Sooooo folks … not so many candles, nowhere near as long standing, because well, to be honest,
its all getting, well a bit …”old” now.
So its … “just part of living in a big city” but ,very, very carefully nobody says it.
Here s just about the most perfectly politically convenient cartoon … ever, hyped to the hilt
(only needs Amber Dudd to say “have a cup of tea”)
Oh …. and all politicians needed to halt political activity out of respect for those killed, and their families, for the day
Apart from Theresa May, that is because none of her four-point plan outlined today are immediate steps, and linking to the manifesto? and linking Brexit trade deal to UK-EU cooperation on C&S
… most of those maimed are not of hospital from last week, never mind last night.
But, never miss that camera opportunity eh, her craven obsession with grasping more power is above anything, so political capital is paramount,
spin it right, could give her an edge etc.
It is nauseating, she s politicised a tragedy in her speech
Anyway the 12 Muslims arrested in connection with London Islamic mass murder, one had even “lectured people on the Qur’an”
Is that the “perverted” Quran? Liar May, or is it Quran of “the truth”?
Theresa May says “far too much tolerance of extremism in our country,” and that “when it comes to taking on extremism and terrorism things need to change.”
Then she just repeats the same false and failed analysis, that the jihad “is a perversion of Islam.”
Her refusal to identify the motivating ideology behind these jihad attacks means that she will never confront this enemy properly, and never deal with the real source of the incitement to violence.
And so for all her … “tough” talk, she is doomed to failure.
R Spencer
“They want to divide us but we must stand together.”
Yep, that makes us a better target for them to plough into.
Who exactly are ‘we’ , is it the white indigenous population , or is is it the rag bag of people who currently occupy the UK? Those politicians who have been in power since the war bear responsibility for the current parlours position of our country. Liberal ( in its true sense) democracy works between homogeneous groups but not between disparate groups. This awful and highly dangerous social experiment of mixing groups , i.e diversity , mass migration , has been proven to be a disaster as many wise men predicted. Step forward Enoch Powell, now is the time to stop all migration of aliens and to start to remove any migrants and their second and third generation offspring who pose eventhe merest hint of threat to us. It won’t happen offcourse and we will continue on the road to hell.
Can anyone please tell me why it is that having invited known terrorists like Abu Hamza into Britain, and terror groups like Al Mujaharoon to operate here, in such numbers that Britain became known as ‘Londonistan’. Why is it that Tony BLiar and his triumvirate of Evil (Mandelson & Campbell) are not being tried for manslaughter in court?
The first home grown Islamist attack was the 2005 7/7 attacks and the number has expanded exponentially since then.
Although Abu Hamza et al might not themselves have undertaken these attacks, their actions in influencing other Muslims to take part themselves is culpability. Any civil servant involved in allowing in so called ‘hate preachers’ into the country should also be prosecuted and also banned from working in the public sector ever again.
I await nothing happening with unbaited breath.
There is a discussion right now on talk radio 03444991000
Presented asking is it about time people accepted that Islam IS the problem?
They are carrying out jihad in the name of Islam they call themselves ‘Islamic State’ etc
Someone please go on and explain that the Quran commands them to kill it is written in the scriptures. I am not well spoken or well versed in these issues but I do understand what’s going on
Can’t get through and they only seem to want calls from the ignorant & ill informed.
Speaking of which, they had some ‘security consultant and psychologist ‘ named Mike Yardley who referred to ‘idiots’ who were trying to create division for their own agenda by blaming Islam. Seems to me he was the idiot
Ps Thoughtful thanks for trying
Richard Angells….
The post placed on the BBC news site by Buzzfeed saying how the wonderful Richard Angell paid his bill from last night cos he didn’t pay it in the confusion has now been removed..I wonder if my email had an effect…
Yet again the beebistan manage to find an interviewee (a victim’s mum) who, still in shock, manages to trot out the pc liberal beeboid line that “they claim to do this in the name of God but all religions say “Thou shalt not kill” (better re-read your koran sweetie, specially the bits where it says Kill the Infidel) and if they weren’t using religion as an excuse it would be something else”. In other words, Nothing to do with Islam.
I don’t know about you but if my child had just been injured by the bastards I wouldn’t be discussing forgiveness and multifaith theology.
I suspect either they searched high and low till they found someone who would spout the on-message, right-on, beeb line, or they groomed her. Same on Sky where they found a victim to trot out the usual ‘we mustn’t let them divide us, cos that’s what they want’ crap.
Mustn’t give in to hate? I say a little hate goes a long way.
As far as the bible is concerned, Charlie, the original commandment was not “thou shalt not kill” but, “thou shalt not murder” a bit of a subtle and deliberate change, supposedly “mistranslated” by pacifist, bedetting ancestors of what evolved into Liberal Democrats, either in the middle ages or Victorian times. As told to me by an ex WWII padre, who had seen more than his fair share of the commandment being broken during his career.
That would have been the woman on TV
…and I thought ..’You stupid woman ,you do understand the Koran and Old Testament are different ?’
That was one of my switch on bingos today with BBC1
The other 2 times I switched the TV on , Tim Farron , Corbyn were on screen in middle of talking
. . . and relax. Harun Rashid, Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Britain, has spoken:
Today’s attack makes us all angry, it makes me angry. And we want to do something about it. That is why we agree with the Prime Minister that things must change. Enough is enough. We are ready to have those difficult conversations, as equal citizens with an equal stake in this fight.
I think the families of those murdered last night can take comfort that their victims were the straw that broke the . . . After all:
7/7/05: insufficient; not yet ready;
21/7/05 attempts: insufficient; not yet ready;
Tiger Tiger nightclub car-bombing attempts: insufficient; not yet ready;
Glasgow Airport: insufficient; not yet ready;
Lee Rigby: insufficient; not yet ready;
Abid Nasser’s plan to blow up the Arndale and Piccadilly Gardens: insufficient; not yet ready;
Operation Pitsford: insufficient; not yet ready;
Westminster Bridge and the Palace of Westminster: insufficient; not yet ready;
Manchester: insufficient; not yet ready;
London Bridge and Borough Market: doh! Yeah, enough is enough. We are ready to have those difficult conversat—
And that’s only the edited lowlights. No doubt everyone has a favourite just-not-quite-sufficient, in-our-own-time atrocity.
I heard that they decapitated a pregnant woman is that true? If so we are entering a whole different ball game
I have just got back from the pub we are entering a whole different ball game anyway I am not honouring a minutes silence anymore – fk the mudslimes
There must be no flowers,no candles no vigils. To me such things are not right now.
A period of silence is required while we in the shires think what to do
I really fear that if a shire town is attacked then that will be it and then anything can happen. Then as always it will be the duty of the men to protect and keep safe their children and women. The police are cannot protect us all.
We cannot accept the current situation and it seems as if the media and political classes cannot grasp this.
This is not France or Germany but England .
Dave S, I’m not sure the terrorists would target the shires. If they tried it round my way they would stick out a mile – the only ‘dark’ people are the family that own the curry house. Also, the citizens of my town are farmers, fishermen, gamekeepers etc with a ‘robust’ attitude and access to firearms. I do not own a shotgun but my neighbour does and he could be ready with it faster than it would take the police to arrive. I think the invaders like to stay in places that they know and can be invisible in, and where they know the populace will not fight back because they are ‘snowflakes’.
“I do not own a shotgun”
Cranmer, you might want to re-think that one.
Most, in the shires, own several shotguns and have loads of ammunition. Plenty for the neighbours to borrow.
Well if that is the case then surely the death toll is +1
they will hide that, just like they have hidden the true monstrosity of bataclan
Corbyn is in Carlisle this evening making a campaign speech and of course slagging of May over police numbers….
Correct me if I’m wrong but I was under the impression that campaigning was on hold today as a mark of respect for the sad events in London last night…
What a shit..
Well he is not going to win is he . The problem we have is she is going to win – I am not voting for the first time in my life I am 51 – I am writing none of the above
People sacrificed there lives in two world wars to give you an opportunity to vote..
You never know your vote could make a difference .
Hopefully people will see Corbyn for what he is…an opportunist, liar, a IRA smpothiser , PLO supporter ect ect ect
May is a liar, she s suppressing that Saudi report The Saudi Arabia government threatened to allow more Terror Attacks on London if Arms Sales were halted. Her despicable hypocrisy condemning terrorism when she made £4.1bn selling arms to Saudi to commit terrorism! on Yemini s then used our foreign aid budget to give assistance.
She allowed more Saudi influence in the UK, whilst lining her and her cronies own pockets
This IS the real terrorism news.
How MI5/6 helped the Manchester bomber in and out of Libya.
How the government knew Salman Abedi was fighting in Libya as a 16 year old. Theresa May was Home Secretary.
He had returned from a three-week trip to Libya shortly before Manchester
and Liar May and No10 had intel on him, the imminent threat ,… and someone in No10 made the decision not to act.
Yet we get, tax-dodging non dom guru Lynton “no morals/no scruples” Crosby has all the clones going round saying that a member of the Privy Council loves terrorists, and shamefully making fake attack ads… it is a disgrace
Why doesn t that beneath contempt sh-tbag, just f-ck off back to Aus, they have a growing Islamic problem over there he needs to help cover over, and spin.
Additional, (as if anything else is needed).
“The evidence points to the LIFG being seen by the UK as a proxy militia to promote its foreign policy objectives.
Whitehall also saw Qatar as a proxy to provide boots on the ground in Libya in 2011, even as it empowered Hardline Islamist groups.
Both David Cameron, then Prime Minister, and Theresa May – who was Home Secretary in 2011 when Libyan radicals were encouraged to fight Qadafi – clearly have serious questions to answer.
An independent public enquiry is urgently needed”.
Safety first?
Full of inuendo and no actual fact…..
But with Corbyn and his side kick McDonnell we have actual documents , intelligence, and film to prove there relationships with the world’s terror groups.
They are complete bastards and should be prosecuted…
Hold campaigning? Liar started with her politicising tragedy this morning, as none of her four-point plan outlined today are immediate steps, and linking to the manifesto? and linking Brexit trade deal to UK-EU cooperation on C&S
… most of those maimed are not of hospital from last week yet
never mind last night.
She is totally despicable, beneath contempt
Never mind eh … get with the beat yeah! one love #prayforlondon etc.
She s determined in her craven obsession to con the public to give her more power, before the all the Tory “chickens come home to roost” over their mismanagement, and utter incompetence, in this needless election
She ll be blaming Brexit as the next “scapegoat” for their failings
…..I take it you don’t like May and I certainly despise Corbyn.
No matter who said what and and who is right and who is wrong I just think as a mark of respect nobody should have campaigned today.
Think of the families..
There should be no campaigning Daf … and we need to sort this issue out imminently
Needless election … we had the fixed term act delaying it is no issue.
How many children, how many killed,, maimed,, the families terrorised.
Lose the vanity project, and May, for once, just once do something for our nations people
Nobody could argue with that Daf, but what if there was another attack tonight, or tomorrow night ? there would be no campaigning at all before Polling Day. On the other hand, that might not be such a bad idea.
Ah dafydd.
Corbyn clearly said that campaigning “nationally” would be on hold.
His imagined train ride on a ram packed commuter cattle wagon up to Carlisle however took place during the day-which technically ends at dusk with a few minutes extra seeing its the north.
And Carlisle(as well as all surrounding areas between Gretna and Carnforth) is a “local” or a “regional” campaign-so cannot therefore be national.
Corbyn therefore more than fulfilled this first of his “Promises to the Nation”.
And Momentum will be disappointed at your impertinence.
I am now heading over to appear in the Handmaids Tale, keep an eye out for me and the rest of the Chicks For Corbyn.
Momentum. !!!! I had better start sleeping with one eye open
Manchester enjoying Robbie Screeching “Manchester were stro…ong…”
Wonder if we’ll get a concert when the terrorists come to my town?
I’d pay not to have a concert. As my Mum used to say “I’ll give you a bob to sing in the next street ” !!!!
Look at the one eyed symbology in this report from the BBC. Very suspect. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-40151788
As quoted by that ex BBC bloke on this site – the BBC have always hated this country and all it stands for.
Were they impartial we might hear them occasionally talking up the country – that’s their country by the way.
Same goes for the vast majority of the entire UK Media
Quite when people are going to realise this , if ever?
Jon Sneermeister Sopel, (BBC interviewing BBC) takes up 3 minutes of telly time giving us his superior opinion about………
what? Donald Trump. How dare Trump talk back to the Grand Mufti of Londonistan?
Sopel registering plenty of disgust in his voice as he attacked Pr Trump for saying what at least half the population of the UK must be thinking.
There was a time when journalists and presenters just gave us the news, not give us their opinion like they do now.
So Sopel uses the death & misery of Muslim terrorist victims as a platform to bash the POTUS (who makes perfect sense)
What a guy!
The only side Jon Sopel is on is whoever will give him his next promotion. Hint, you may pay his wages but it won’t be you.
Earlier on Fox – ex Director of the FBI (NOT Comey) – disdainful and disgusted by our Islamic Mayor – standing joke over there.
Not a very tall standing joke, Gaxvil 🙂
I always thought that little Khan was a nothing-man ..an opportunist lying little weasel (no disrespect to Mustellidae in general) but I didn’t realise how dangerous he was until today!
and I see someone else has already made their mind up on this little oik:
..and that was written before the London attacks by the ropers on their ramadanakillathon challenge.
I quote “Nominated by: Sixdog Vomit
Khan is a cunt.
Muslim mayor…..fuckin’ joke.
Cunt might have been born in London, but as the saying goes…..just because you were born in a stable doesn’t mean you’re a horse
Nominated by: JR Cuntley
Sadiq Khan is a cunt…
It’s going to be interesting when there is another terrorist attack on London: and they wheel out Khan as Mayor to make a statement… I wonder how he will do the ‘nothing to do with Islam’ and ‘we musn’t offend them’ bullshit? Because – rest assured – that is what the cunt will do…
That cunt, Khan, his Labour Council, and his toadying to every muslim and foreign cunt will do more long-term to damage to London than Hitler and his blitz ever did..
Nominated by: Norman”
I think they’re too kind to this low-life piece of excrement..but hey!
Don’t swear mate
..we’re grownups, but what happens is that the blocking software on public wifi and libraries picks up on bad language ..and adds this site to the banned list.
Can this be, ‘Evil, sexist, racist, megalomaniac, …………’ Trump?
Oh and despite the wonderful (puke!) concert for Manchester tonight the tally remains at a staggering £15995 on the Muslimathon challenge to raise money for victims of islamic barbarity..move along ABSOLUTELY nothing to see here.https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/muslims-for-manchester-victims
Only 211 “muslims” donated to this!.. and I bet half of the so-called “muslims” donating were virtue-signalling british non-muslims.
Draw your own conclusions as to how much the Muslim community cares about the Kuffar dead…a maximum of 211 from the at least the whole of the UK. Now had that response from the muslims been like the one for P.C. Keith Palmer (£736,134 from 34574 supporters)..then I might have had some limited respect for them.
Muslims are obliged to be charitable, one of the five pillars if Islam. However, Zakrat (alms) is only given to other Muslims; not sure there were many at the Manchester show that night
exactly…very well targeted attack..no muzkill!
The majority of Zakat revenue (surprise!) goes to fund terrorist entities like HAMAS.
The Islamic world is happy to let Western ‘humanitarian’ organisations pay for needy Muslims.
I have just put the bins out outside the house, I noticed a car coming up the road revving and swerving a little I waited at the gate, when the car swerved towards me & there was a big bearded Muslim giving a silly grin at me and sounding his horn. The implication of this is a disgrace given what has just happened.
I’ve now been waiting for an answer from the political correctness enforcement squad for 20 minutes I guess when they prioritised my call it was the lowest level possible. I bet Muslims don’t have to wait half an hour to report whitey.
spot on mate.
“when the car swerved towards me & there was a big bearded Muslim giving a silly grin at me and sounding his horn. The implication of this is a disgrace given what has just happened.”
Why is London Mayor Khan invited to the Downing Street COBRA meetings?
Is this appropriate? (To use a Left Wing weaselly word).
Has the BBC anything to say?
Yep! I think the erm “stable door” policy is going to be introduced
Citizen Khan, he weasels himself into everywhere doesn t he
Was Sayeeda there? … watch all 23 000 24/7 that are on the watchlist, (hand -forehead -slap)
I just think it’s a shame that BAME folks were not allowed to be present in the audience at the One Love concert. Not very inclusive of the organisers.
Why is London Mayor Khan invited to the Downing Street COBRA meetings?
like Churchill inviting Goebbels in to the bunker imo!
Goebbels would probably have been more trustworthy.
Lol !! …like Churchill inviting Goebbels in to the bunker imo!……
…Goebbels would probably have been more trustworthy…….
I love this site, the humour is terrific !
>Lobster..His father Fritz was a factory clerk..sound familiar?!
“”Four police officers who tried to stop the attack were among those injured – including a policeman who tackled one of the terrorists while armed only with his baton.””
Dover Sentry,
Thank you for posting. Hats off to the policemen for their bravery,
I would vote tomorrow to arm them properly with guns.
I would vote to arm them with pepper spray:
I would recommend Pump action shotguns, ‘riot guns’ in American.
They can also stop a vehicle.
Watching BBC News over tea-time, they were reporting from near the scene of the crimes with the Shard on display in the background. The Shard, I kept thinking. The Qatari -owned Shard.
Jihad operatives attack us on our streets while the MSM bombards our lives with Pro-Islamic propaganda.
And the rich Salafist-funding Arabs buy up London & our universities. What could go wrong?
The Shard was developed by Sellar Property Group on behalf of LBQ Ltd and is jointly owned by Sellar Property and the State of Qatar. And there it stood dominating the background while the BBC ‘covered’ the London Bridge jihad attacks.
I don’t think it was intentional [this time] on the part of Beeby but I couldn’t help but make the connection.
How many ways are we being literally sold out to globalist dominion?
From last year- http://www.londonlovesbusiness.com/property/residential-property/10-events-that-prove-qatar-is-officially-buying-up-all-of-london/12134.article
10 events that prove Qatar is officially buying up ALL OF LONDON
“This is one of the best explanations of the Muslim terrorist situation I have ever read. His references to past history are accurate and clear. Not long, easy to understand, and well worth the read. The author of this email is Dr Emanuel Tanya, a well-known and well-respected psychiatrist. A man, whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War II, owned a number of large industries and estates.
When asked how many German people were true Nazis, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism. ‘Very few people were true Nazis,’ he said, ‘but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end of the world had come.’ My family lost everything. I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories.
‘We are told again and again by ‘experts’ and ‘talking heads’ that Islam is a religion of peace and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. ‘Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the spectre of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam. ‘The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. It is the fanatics who march. It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars worldwide. ‘It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or honour-kill. It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. It is the fanatics who teach their young to kill and to become suicide bombers.
‘The hard quantifiable fact is that the peaceful majority, the ‘silent majority,’ is cowed and extraneous. ‘Communist Russia was comprised of Russians who just wanted to live in peace, yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20 million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant.
‘China ‘s huge population was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed to kill a staggering 70 million people.
‘The average Japanese individual prior to World War II was not a warmongering sadist. Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way across South East Asia in an orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of 12 million Chinese civilians; most killed by sword, shovel, and bayonet.
And who can forget Rwanda, which collapsed into butchery? Could it not be said that the majority of Rwandans were ‘peace loving?
‘History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt. Yet for all our powers of reason, we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points: peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence. Peace-loving Muslims will become our Enemy if they don’t speak up. Like my friend from Germany, they will awaken one day and find that the fanatics own them and the end of their world will have begun. ‘Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs, Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late.
‘Now Islamic prayers have been introduced in Toronto and other public schools in Ontario, and, yes, in Ottawa, too, while the Lord’s Prayer was removed (due to being so offensive? The Islamic way may be peaceful for the time being in our country until the fanatics move in. ‘In Australia, and indeed in many countries around the world, many of the most commonly consumed food items have the halal emblem on them. Just look at the back of some of the most popular chocolate bars, and at other food items in your local supermarket. Food on aircraft have the halal emblem just to appease the privileged minority who are now rapidly expanding within the nation’s shores. ‘In the U.K, the Muslim communities refuse to integrate and there are now dozens of “no-go” zones within major cities across the country that the police force dare not intrude upon. Sharia law prevails there, because the Muslim community in those areas refuse to acknowledge British law. ‘As for us who watch it all unfold, we must pay attention to the only group that counts – the fanatics who threaten our way of life.’
‘Lastly, anyone who doubts that this issue is not serious and just deletes this email without sending it on, is contributing to the passiveness that allows the problems to expand. Extend yourself a bit and send this on. Let us hope that thousands world-wide read this, think about it, and send it on before it’s too late, and we are silenced because we were silent!!”
“…..and we are silenced because we were silent!!”. We are silent because the law says we must. The law has strangled us over the decades.
G – I have posted before a line that a friend of mine used:
“We aren’t the silent majority, but the SILENCED majority.”
You are quite correct that it is the law which has (in part) done so, combined with the collusion of the political and media elites to stifle fair discourse on the effects and problems of immigration and Islam in our country.
‘Enough is enough’ says Treezer displaying her fondness for tautology. On the other important issue of the day we had ‘Brexit is brexit’, and after the Westminster attack she more or less said, Islam is not Islam – although I cannot recall the exact expression.
Has there ever been a politician with so little skill with language?
John Prescott?
Al Shubtill,
Thank you. Copied to email & sent.
This is very good from Mark Steyn.
STOP IMPORTING IT! No Kidding. Simples.
Why can’t we have a mainstream news outlet like this?
We just might, maybe if Murdoch is allowed to by out SKY.
CNN have just been caught generating a FAKE NEWS story about a protest by Muslims against the London attack, how many of the BBCs reports are just as staged?
Watch the shocking dishonesty here:
Apparently this might also have been shown on the BBC as real news when it clearly is not.
This says it all except when referring to, ‘the British’ – is that ordinary, decent people or the powers that be, the Media or the SJWs ?
By Todd Starnes Published June 04, 2017
Fox News :-
“London terror: You Can’t Destroy the Jihadists With Candlelight Vigils and Benefit Concert
The British have a decision to make: do they care more about multiculturalism and open borders or stopping Muslim jihadists from stabbing people and blowing up 8-year-old girls.
How much more blood must be spilled in the name of the “religion of peace?” How many more throats must be slashed? How many more little girls must be sacrificed to quench their bloodlust?
The godless savages will not stop until they have slaughtered every last infidel – gay, straight, Christian, Jew. That’s the cold, hard, politically incorrect truth.
You cannot win over the heart of the Muslim jihadists with candlelight vigils and benefit concerts.
Consider this eyewitness account as reported by the BBC:-
I saw these three Muslim guys run up and started stabbing this girl. They stabbed this girl maybe ten, 15 times. She was saying ‘help me, help me,’” the eyewitness said. “They were running up and saying, ‘This is for Allah.
Read more from ToddStarnes.com.”
Here is Katie Hopkins showing why she won’t be appearing on QT again anytime soon.
OFCOM may try and dodge around seeing her too…
see above where I beat you to it !
What was first prize?
What it demonstrates is the fear gripping the BBC and the media/political class. They do not know which way to turn and it shows.
History tells us that when this behaviour starts( a manipulation of reality) it is always the beginning of the end for the governing class. When that happens it will be very quick .
I would not care to predict more than a few days ahead at the moment.
I imagine the terror cells still operational in the UK, you know those made up by the remaining 22,957, will be emboldened by last nights efforts. Using a high tech rental van and some high tech kitchen knives they caused havoc murder and mayhem. Indeed, even the Union Jack is flying at half-mast over No. 10. Admittedly they died pretty damn quickly but, there, that’s the price to pay for an exulted position alongside Allah.
But the PM’s got a cunning plan. I’d never thought I would ever see a feather duster used in that manner. Apparently its all to do with those pesky ones with the “twisted ideology”. Surely, if you refer disrespectfully to the Quaran and its adherents in those terms, that’s “Islamophobic” isn’t it? Just saying.
My fond memory of a scene in Blackadder was when General Melchett said to Blackadder, “we have an unbelievably cunning plan which the Germans will never anticipate, its top secret”. “What’s that sir?” asked Blackadder. Melchett replied, “we are going to send the men over the top again tomorrow”………………. Blackadder replied, “Sir, have you ever visited the Planet Earth?” Wonderful humour. And that’s all the PM has, wonderful humour for thinking she can mastermind the integration of people that hate us because they are instructed to do so in their instruction manual – Cloud Cuckoo Land here we all come – yet again.
Thick BBC favourite Will.I.Am is dubbed Where.am.I after he greets the Manchester crowd with “what’s up London” and then encourages them all to make the ISIS sign (which the thicko snowflakes obligingly all did!).
At outbreak of two World Wars, did we have around 30,000 known, enemy suicidal assassins with a couple of million fervent supporters, all aided greatly by our laws, the establishment and Quisling citizens ?
Don’t think so. Even so, those of German decent were interred. Nothing has really changed since then, other than stupid people have fanatically followed a fantasy narrative of a multicultural paradise and woe betide anyone dares to criticise!
“Thought for today”
The Government and the media is full of apologists and appeasers.
Once again they are not listening to the people.
The people are getting very very, angry.
Al Beeb is begining to stand on thin ice .
Day 9
Stop importing terrorists – M Steyn
“No one likely to end up as Prime Minister or Home Secretary after this Thursday’s election seems minded to say that, never mind act on it.
Instead, we have the usual post-terrorist theatre: Congratulations for the speed of the emergency services, and sober anchormen announcing that Theresa May will be chairing a meeting of COBRA – as though a bunch of bureaucrats with a butch-sounding acronym has any clue about how to stop the corpse count from mounting.
The cynical strategy of British and Continental leaders is to get their citizens used to this.”
“The Islamic supremacists want to kill as many infidels by whatever means are to hand. Nor are statistics relevant: If you’ve lost your only child because she went to an Ariana Grande concert, that’s 100 per cent of your kids who are dead. When it comes to deceased loved ones, the only statistical pool that counts is your family, not the nation or the planet.
This is a heartless sophistry from, in large part, the very same people who supported the policies that imported these pathologies to the west. It seems, at a certain level, incredible that you can have two major terrorist attacks in Britain’s capital and second largest city in the days before a general election – and yet it will make no difference to Thursday night’s result. For who among the major parties is offering any alternative to the disastrous, destructive conventional wisdom?
outrageous that list doesn’t have a category for offensive tweets sent
..deaths aren’t a big deal as everyone dies sometime /sarc
DEFENDS and DISMISS used as spin words
When someone (usually Corbyb) says something about May/Trump, the BBC reports it as
…. “Trump DEFENDS”
Yet today when when Trump criticises Sadiq the BBC reports it as
“London attacks: Mayor Sadiq Khan DISMISSES Trump criticism”
‘has more important things to do’ than respond to Trump tweets
(ironically that means his PR team DID spend time responding to a Trump tweet)
Today Other media people Tweeted quoting the Mayor: “remains safest global city” and “Londoners would not be cowed by terrorism”.
Thus backing up Trump’s view that Sadiq is out of touch
I see many many Lib Mob on Twitter saying
\\this is the full quote “no reason to be alarmed by extra police presence in London this week.”//
Actually that not true cos firstly that is the wrong word order and the Speech is not just about extra police presence, it’s got stuff like ” remains safest global city”
It’s a rather long interview posted 7:22am Sunday
see Minute 3
The toothless COBRA ,meeting will be drinking mineral water, and implementing the “stable door” policy
Not a long one though, because Liar May has a lot of spinning and twisting of the tragedy to political advantage to do.
Utterly craven, self serving and showing such a callous disregard for the dead children, the maimed, the critically injured, the families its hard to fathom.
She met any of the public yet? from her bullet proof bubble? …. ducking and hiding, evading any scrutiny for her deliberate disasters as home secretary, making lame excuses and u turns in her utter disregard for the population she s lied, and still lying to as a incompetent PM.
… Beneath contempt.
so detached … so sanitised
BBC News – “London Bridge will never fall down” and “I love London” are just some of the slogans being shared alongside the
hashtag #prayersforLondon
Jim Crozier from south-east London wrote: “I am going to a concert in central London tonight. I am not afraid to go. I will not be put off. #staystronglondon #LondonAttacks. #prayersforLondon
… So here we go … today we already get the “just part of living in a big city” crowd
… how very politically convenient, for the media to just tow the line
Looks like they ve forgotten the 22 dead children, already … how many maimed and injured?
… Hey! we ll light the candle and stand silent, but come on you know
… been there done that, Westminster Bridge, Manchester etc
Sooooo folks … not so many candles, nowhere near as long standing, because well, to be honest,
its all getting, well a bit …”old” now.
So its … “just part of living in a big city” but ,very, very carefully nobody says it.
Here s just about the most perfectly politically convenient cartoon … ever, hyped to the hilt
(only needs Amber Dudd to say “have a cup of tea”)
Oh …. and all politicians needed to halt political activity out of respect for those killed, and their families, for the day
Apart from Theresa May, that is because none of her four-point plan outlined today are immediate steps, and linking to the manifesto? and linking Brexit trade deal to UK-EU cooperation on C&S
… most of those maimed are not of hospital from last week, never mind last night.
But, never miss that camera opportunity eh, her craven obsession with grasping more power is above anything, so political capital is paramount,
spin it right, could give her an edge etc.
It is nauseating, she s politicised a tragedy in her speech
An interesting thought from Dilbert creator Scott Adams.
“I also wonder why the families of terrorists are not being flooded with condolence messages from Muslim clerics saying they are sorry about their kid burning in Hell for eternity.”
Absolutely true
..If there were gangs of Christian terrorists , priest would be expressing sorrow to parents for their kids going to Hell.
Terrorism: Pot calls the Kettle Black.
In fairness, this does make it to the BBC, but overall the MSM is not giving it the coverage it deserves. Four countries – Egypt, Bahrain, UAE and, would you believe it, Saudi Arabia – have cut diplomatic and other ties with Qatar, claiming that it is “distabilising the region and backing IS”. Qatar is, of course, a major investor in the UK, with around £40 billion invested here. It owns Harrods, the Shard, a quarter of Sainsburys, the Olympic Village (thanks, Boris!) and has significantly more property in London than the Queen of England. In March, it announced plans for a further £5 billion investment in the UK (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-39410075). They also have the World Cup for 2022 (sorry Beeb – no women’s football planned and homosexuals are not welcome).
Sheer chutzpah from Saudi Arabia – presumably The Donald had a quiet word. But it will certainly help them if the world looks the other way whilst they set about dragging it into the 7th Century.
See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-40155829
IR, excellent post.
BBC breakfast full of bias and duplicity. Charlie ‘what a’ Stayte in control.
First of all we have Emily Thornbury the shadow foreign secretary who made plenty of party political gain from the London attack. Apparently police cuts are to blame and definitely not a clearly flawed religion. Blah, blah, blah, fast forward to the interview of the unfortunately-named Cressida Dick (no, I’m not even going to go there) the commissioner of the Met Police. One might be forgiven for thinking that this would be the ideal opportunity for the right charlie to discuss the same police resource / cuts issues raised by the poor Emily with the horse’s mouth. But no, apparently not, the right charlie, safe in the knowledge that the points have been scored, just ignored it.
Hmm, bias by omission ?
One look at 2 of our most senior policemen / women tells you all you need to know.
PC PCs who got their by box-ticking all the pc boxes.
Lord help us.
I don’t expect Clint Eastwood or Jason Statham, but without the uniform I could easily see him as an Archbishop of Canterbury or senior civil servant.
A superficial observation, I admit, but I believe that when you’re being threatened you don’t call a hairdresser.
But certainly a future, Lord?
I really hate to admit this but seeing those young girls at the Manchester “Look at Me” concert last night, I can’t get away from the fact that, at worst, there is nothing more dopey than a dopey teenage girl.
I forgot to add that my wife feels the same way.
Teenage boys, of course, have their own issues.