The Telegraph reports that after what looks like a terrorist attack in London the BBC has been told that the attackers shouted ‘This is for Allah’…
The Telegraph has reported that an eye witness on London Bridge told the BBC he saw three men stabbing people indiscriminately, shouting “this is for Allah”.
The BBC of course haven’t actually put that revelation in any of their reports as far as I can see, that live feed aside….nor is there a single description of the attackers….other than there being possiby three, male and with long knives…that’s despite a BBC reporter actually being at the scene on the bridge at the time of the attack and seeing one shirtless man being arrested…so ethnic origins highly visible? She reports one of the victims near her was a French girl…and yet cannot even start to suggest the possible profile of the attackers?
BBC reporter Holly Jones, who was on the bridge, said a van driven by a man was “probably travelling at about 50 miles an hour” before it hit a number of people.
“He swerved right round me and then hit about five or six people. He hit about two people in front of me and then three behind,” Ms Jones told the BBC News Channel.
“I’d say there are about four severely injured people. They all have paramedics assisting them at the moment.”
She said the van, which was travelling from the direction of central London, headed towards the south side of the river.
Ms Jones later reported seeing a man being arrested by police. She said he was handcuffed and had his shirt off.
She said a French woman was among the injured.
Stewgreen links us to LBC which reports this…
“He said all three were of Mediterranean appearance”
Let’s hope, if this is ‘Islamic’, that some of those ‘Uncle Toms’ in the Muslim community that Sadiq Khan complained about give the police some good information [bit late of course]…but hey…who’d want to be labelled an ‘Uncle Tom’ in the Muslim community by the most powerful Muslim politician in London? Life’s too short…and likely to be shorter.
Thanks to Mice Height for this:
I said it earlier on and I will say it again. This stinks of an Islamic attempt in which to change the government. Corbyn has stated he will change foreign policy in which to appease Muslims. He is Islamic terrorist friendly. He is against all our friends (NATO/US/India /Israel) He has stated he will recognise Palestine and start to sanction Israel.
Muslims did this to Spain in 2004 and got their way. I’ll wouldn’t put it past the followers of the religion of peace to carry out another attack before the election, in which to do so again.
Perhaps Pounce, but it could also go the other way, with people voting for the law and order party as opposed to the friend-of-terrorists party.
Hey, I know, vote for the liberal party…..Have a sick-bag handy.
Yes, Charlie M, it could well go the other way but that does not alter the fact that having succeeded in causing a change of government in Spain they could well be attempting to create the same outcome here.
The possibility that their aims could well backfire is irrelevant. All that would mean is that the original intention, and their terrorism aimed at creating that end, still remained the same but simply failed to work.
That does not mean, however, that they will not persist in attempting that aim time and time again even if the fail nine times out of ten. That is the nature of the terrorist mentality. It doesn’t matter how many times they fail all that matters is that sometimes they have a success.
Look at how easy it was for Momentum’s entryists to take over Labour:
How easy would it be for Islamists to do the same, and then force a leadership contest when there is already a Labour PM, giving them power without need of the electorate?
After Manchester the odious Newshite was accusing May of ‘milking the situation’ when she increased the threat level to Severe and put troops on the streets. So there was no real threat, you cnuts?
Off with their heads for consistently siding with our enemies.
No doubt the leftie BBC will as normal focus on what they refer to as real news, when a few British people start insulting the Muslims, not the victims of this attack by the so called religion of peace..
As long as 24 hours? Nope. Here’s the Met’s shiny new fully diverse commissioner, Ms Dick crawling out from beneath her rock to say first and foremost:
“The last thing we need is people over-reacting or taking out their frustrations on people in other communities or in their own communities.”
No further words needed really…
Never was there a more aptly named Commissioner.
Well our ex- police chief was called Dudley Butt.
Theres room for lateral thinking in that name.
If they had worked together it would have been Dick And Butt.
Sunday. The Lords Day. May those murdered last night rest in peace and those fighting for life get peace.
The MSM might have trouble spinning this out to three dead Muslim terrorists were suffering from mental illness .
I wonder if the identity of these monsters will be made public by the election – which cannot be cancelled .
Sooner of later there will be a backlash .
Scanned both al beeb and al sky and they are making this more normal . Which is sick. Maybe they haven’t the staff.
It was a white van that attacked the pedestrians. BBC like to attribute crimes to vehicles.
It will be 24 hours before the Moslem community is established as the real victims.
”The police may insult the muslim community, but WE will not” lord Hall.
From GWF’s linky, first paragraph.
Seven people have been killed in central London after three men drove a van into pedestrians on London Bridge and launched a knife attack on people enjoying a Saturday night out in pubs and restaurants around Borough Market.
Police have declared it a “terrorist incident”.
”Bastard Police” lord Hall.
In a 1947 interview Gandhi said: “Hitler killed five million Jews. It is the greatest crime of our time. But the Jews should have offered themselves to the butcher’s knife. They should have thrown themselves in the sea from cliffs… It would have aroused the world and the people of Germany… As it is they succumbed anyway in their millions.”
Gandhi would approve of us!
I’ve just looked at the BBC news page. Some very typical traits. The van did the attack. The occupants are described as young men. No mention of Mediterranean appearance as described elsewhere. No mention of shouts ‘ this is for Allah’. I also looked at a section entitled ‘what we know so far’ but it was equally sparse. Why should we pay a tax for this terrible news organisation?
“Mediterranean appearance” I don’t like that description any more than “Asian” rape gangs.
Were the attackers perhaps Italians?
Honestly, the more the BBC ignore the elephant in the room the more pathetic they look, if that’s possible.
I don’t know how they have the gall to call themselves “journalists”.
Stay with the Rebel Media. After the Appeaser had held her Cobra meeting expect heavy censorship and more lies from the BBC
Eyewitness says he saw “three MUSLIM guys with knives”
1m17s witness says “they were saying this is for Allah”
So that’s 2 different accounts
Here’s same shorter video Tweeted by OFFICIAL BBCnews
see 45s
What annoys me most about these terror attacks is the leftie fascists will shout down UKIP or any other party that suggests we need to fight Islamic terrorism. It is always “never the right time to talk about it” or “they are scoring political points out of a tragic situation”.
Of course when Jo Cox was killed it was the right time to talk about it and it was (and still is) a valid topic for political point scoring.
I just heard on BBC News that election campaigning has been put on hold yet again. Thanks to liberal left and virtue signallers Islam is already controlling us and our government.
Joe Cox was for more Muslim immigration, even as young White girls were being brutally gang raped by Muslims in the thousands in West Yorkshire.
Jo Cox as MP for Batley and Spen, NCBBC, the last thing she would want to be seen doing was alienating those who elected her.
I find the statement by the far-left bbc’s self styled reporter quite puzzling:
The van hit people in front of her, it hit people behind her, but swerved around her. That just doesn’t make sense, unless of course she knew the driver. Or maybe he knew she was from the bbc and therefore a supporter.
Given the BBC’s employment policy, John, the reporter’s niqab probably marked her out as a non kuffar and saved her life.
BBC online headlines.
“… three male attackers were shot dead by police…. then three men got out and stabbed people in nearby Borough Market. Police said the three men were wearing fake bomb vests.”
It’s those MEN again.
An altrrnative might be for British people to arm and defend themselves, because the Government are with the enemy
Met Police advice decoded into clear language
In self defence
What would the BBC do if it had been at a mosque with white men shouting this is for god whilst killing them. I bet they would dress in black whilst wall to wall coverage stating nasty White people etc.
Get it right. “Hideously” white man.
‘I think the BBC is hideously white,’ said Dyke on BBC Radio Scotland’s The Mix .” Jan 2001.
They’ve been at it some time now …..
” OK Positive discrimination and Diversity department we have a job on our hands at the BBC.
A’ishah you will be in charge. Get as many ethnic presenters and reporters on the streets , mostly women
if it is possible. I want to see the people of London laying flowers and holding hands and singing
” Imagine” where the collateral damage took place.
On no account must DOUGLAS MURRAY or MAAJID NAWAZ be interviewed. Get the Mayor of London
to tell everybody that these were non- Muslims and that Islam is a religion of peace. The more this
happens the better we will be at the BBC for getting our point of view over.”
Spare a thought for the poor victims in all this, F, they go to all the trouble, (like walking about, crossing a bridge, having a drink with mates, generally going about their business), of getting stabbed, run over or blown to bits, etc., and it turns out that the ones who did it aren’t even real muslims! just imagine how they must feel when they find this out? They go to all the this trouble to bring about the above result and even this does not warrent the attentions of genuine muslims. Just what is the world coming to?
LAST WEEK DouglasKMurray on BBC TV
PM just been on making her statement from outside Downing Street.
Basically, nothing is going to happen except that this is being used as an opportunity to control internet content.
Same old rubbish.
As usual, May talks ok but just watch, nothing will happen.
Copy and paste politics.
Until the next atrocity.
EG, that’s what I had concluded; at least she used the word islamist but then spoiled it by saying essentially these muslim killers aren’t real muslims because islam doesn’t condone violence.
I’d have much preferred if she had said she intends to close down mosques where imams preach hatred and violence and those where known muslim killers have attended. In addition, she should announce that all foreign muslim preachers are to be expelled from our country and all prayers in mosques must be said in English. That’s not enough but it would be a start.
This concert tonight is-as I say-a provocation.
And-to a miserable Muslim death cultist-so was the European Cup Final last night.
As was-and is-any gathering of sluttish, druggist, gay, weirdo deviant tattooed sex freaks and fiends on their porn and credit cards, shoping for nothing, vacuous Allahless kaffir, kuffar and what have you.
Like Tiger Tiger a few years ago, like Bali. like Florida.
And like Nice and Stockholm. Munich and Westminster-bad driving for vans, wrong signage and sides of the road to drive on. And like Tokyo, Vienna, Buenos Aires, 7/7 and Paris, Glasgow-they don`t rate our transport hubs any more that they rate our football and pop events(yes, even for charity!). None of this is for discussion though is it?
These jihadists are IS football hooligans, no more than that.
Keep them out of your country-execute eleven of them for every one they kill of ours and send their families back to where they crept from(and give their houses to deserving Christians from those same countries).
And-to be fair to each nutter-they`ll get a street named after them back home, perpetuity on an IS video and a meal ticket of chick peas and sandwiches from Hamas /Hiz`bollah( as well as dying for a cause that no western kid of the same age could even THINK of being worth a risk).
No- once the Red Wedge get to remove the Jews, the Christ-then this landfill of Katy Perry and Luis Suarez, Chris Huhne and Emily Thrnberry is what you yourself will have to shovel away.
A Muslim nutter may be doing us a favour if we see this.
” Look John you don’t seem to get what I am saying, we here at POSITIVE DISCRIMINATION work very closely with the BBC Asian Network. I want the same approach as when they had the brilliant idea to ask what the punishment should be be for breaking the BLASPHEMY LAWS!! This is what I want here at Diversity and Positive Discrimination.. Honestly if we had been around 75 years ago the Second World War and Germany’s aims would of been so better understood.”
Owen Jones is a fool. He should be afraid. Fear is a natural survival mechanism. It leads to caution and It is nothing to do with being ‘cowed” but the fool thinks it is.
It is also an appalling thing to suggest when families have just lost loved ones that his- me me me – all the time is what matters.
I hope that this type of man is untypical of us.
You have hit the nail on the head. The weak Liberal Left have no survival instinct at all, no fight and no desire to protect the normal way of life.
What do you expect? It’s Ramadamakillathon time.
Oops, I meant the muslim’s Holy month that is supposed to make us all dewy eyed with admiration for their Piety.
Following this terrible event there is condemnation, on a massive scale, in the Guardian.
Example :-
“Adam Wagner, a British human rights barrister in said [sic]: “Message from London: political point scoring is the absolute, LAST thing we need right now.””
The terrible event, of course, is the President of the USA proposing some action intended to make US citizens safer.
Not one ‘ing word about the Muzzies.
Two groups of enemies, Western “Governments” and Muslims, no effort should be made to distinguish between the two, every effort should be made to extinguish them.
Only ONE BBC news summary page contains that phrase “this is for Allah”, but it’s buried deep down the page
Around 2 am the BBC insisted on putting on 2 Muslims as if they’d made a special effort to.
The first was a shopkeeper in Borough who’s been here 20 years , his English was quite difficult to understand.
all he could say was oh the customer ran away without the change.
Then they had a bloke called Hussein… similar he told us nothing.
Here is that “eye witness” recanting the Islamist shouts of “this is for Allah”…..He also openly tells of how he threw glasses at Muslims on a packed London street. Quick! “Tell Mamma”. This sort of blatant “Islamophobia” can not be tolerated….(sic)
Next phase of the new normality ….
Who were these Muslim murderers ? Where did they come from with their families? Were they illegals ? False refugees? What mosque did they go too? How many supporters do they have?
Where are the Muslim leaders coming out in public and saying plainly THIS is WRONG ? There always seems a delay and even then a half hearted ” sorry” turn to foreign policy to support what their terrorists did.
And where is the shadow Home Secretary today? Why no comment? Lady nugee on this morning doing her serene act.
Sun Live Coverage is headlined
“8 MINUTES OF TERROR London Bridge attack – Three terrorists shot dead after shouting ‘this is for Allah’ as they killed seven and injured 48”
Modern day version of Dads Army Lance Corporal Jones and his Don’t panic – Don’t panic, whilst he runs around like a headless chicken
Cops thinking: there’s been a terrorist attack, I’ll roll my sleeves up, wear a pair of my favourite disposable blue latex gloves, and SCREEEEEEEEEEEAM
BBC staff advice manual saysGrab a Muslim to be kind to and you’ll win Liberal brownie points
LibMob Policy : Tolerate terrorism
……………………. Persecute the truth
The Guardian “London terror attack: what we know so far”
“The Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC) at MI5 headquarters has recommended not to raise the official threat level from severe to critical, suggesting that they believe no more terrorists are at large.”
ITAC are the only ****s who believe this.
“What we know so far”
What we know so far, after 1400 years of mass murder by the Islamic scum the only change is that, thanks to technology totally developed in the West, the Muzzies are better at killing than ever.
“What we know so far”
What we know so far is that there seems no end to the lies, the pretence, the inserting of heads into the sand, the looking away, the excusing the inexcusable.
MSM, especially AlBeeb and The Advertiser, nobody trusts or believes you, fake output by the bucketful, but no news.
Vote UKIP.
I’m so glad to get the advice from our leaders that I should carry on as normal because I was going to go to bed and never get up.
Like the rest of the population, it’s good to get this advice.
Manchester would have stopped, no busses, nobody going to work, no eating or drinking and so on without the excellent advice to carry on.
No wonder these people get so much of the money they love when they give us this advice which stops everybody from giving up.
I just hope everyone has heard this advice. All of those who were about to stop everything and basically just die off have been saved because we can carry on as normal.
Now I must also be vigilant (whatever that means) and look out for Muslims not carrying on as normal.
What do I do if I see one not acting normal? Smiling for example. If I report it, will I be arrested for some hate crime or other?
By the way, have all those arrested from the Manchester atrocity been released yet?
They have started arresting the usual dozen or so from the London atrocity now so we can see that our police are well on top of these situations.
An albeeb staff reporter – one Daniel Sandford- born oxford – educated at Maudlin college school and 3rd class degree in physics for uni Southampton [source wiki] stood outside new Scotland Yard at about 11am this morning and said that the public is losing confidence in the police because of these attacks. Now I don’t know the empirical basis on which he came to this on a Sunday morning in central London 12 hours after three Islamic terrorist had been sent to allah – but his comment registered with me affirming my bias against the bias of al Beeb.
There’ll be a lot of tough talk, candles, a whip round for the poor people directly affected ( for whom I offer non Islamic prayers) and then it’s added to the list and forgotten until al been tries to work out why there has been an increase in ‘hate’ crimes.
Fedup it seems Daniel makes things up as he goes along, see my post below.
At least the Police quickly shot the three jihadists.
That only leaves 22,997 who are known to the authorities.
I wonder why?
When I first read your post, I was skimming over quickly & I read it as-
At least the Police quickly shot the three journalists. 😉
With out wanting to repeat points made already here, I just want to comment on a BBC World Service report last night on the London murders. As part of the program we were treated to a report by Daniel Sandford, not really sure what the point of this was as Daniel rather than rehashing the facts decided to give us his own views and spin instead. For example he talked about the 12 suspects who have been arrested and said they probably were not criminals they just knew the killers – how does he know!!!!! And then he said about the “propaganda” that inspired the attack,…what!!!!! And finally that the police action that resulted in the death (thankfully) of the killers was a un-British way of dealing with these incidents. Thanks Daniel.
Then we were given an interview with the Dean of Southwark Cathedral, most of which I missed as my daughter was showing me a clip from BGT, but I heard enough to be told that Islam is “a religion of peace”, phew I was worried for a minute.