BBC criticised over comparison of Anjem Choudary with Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi
Mark Easton, the corporation’s Home Editor, criticised Government plans to clamp down on fanatics and questioned what Mandela and Gandhi would think of attempts to silence Choudary.
Theresa May says ‘enough is enough’…
Speaking in Downing Street after a meeting of the government’s emergency Cobra committee, the prime minister said the country “cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are”.
“We believe we are experiencing a new trend in the threat we face as terrorism breeds terrorism,” she said.
Mrs May promised to step up efforts to combat Islamist ideology and work with other countries to prevent the internet being a “safe space” for terrorists.
She said there was “too much tolerance of extremism in our country” and while it would involve “some difficult and embarrassing conversations”, that must change.
“It’s time to say enough is enough,” she added.
We’ve heard it all before with Cameron promising to crack down on non-violent extremism…but what did he mean by that? Muslim conservatism? In a Western liberal, progressive democracy that would be the case.
From the Telegraph:
It is false, misguided political correctness that is part of the problem. We need more than mourning in response to the threats that we face. This is not business as usual. The dead never get to carry on as normal.
However the May response is better than the Corbyn cobblers as he put the blame everywhere but where it really should be as he blamed British foreign policy and cuts to the police…never mind Labour were proposing a further 10% cut to the police budget in the 2015 election on top of the 20% the Coalition had already made.
So let’s deal with that ‘foreign policy’ myth to start with. Muslims don’t like ‘British’ foreign policy…they say it is a non-Muslim country attacking Muslim countries…so where do their loyalties lie…to Islam first or Britain? Clearly it is Islam first. Then you might ask is this defence of Islam ‘Islamic’? Islam demands Muslims ‘defend’ Islam from attack…hence if Muslims believe ‘Islam’ is under attack, as they do, helped by the narrative pushed by the BBC amongst others, then those inclined to take up arms will do so as part of a religious war….a Jihad…their religious obligation. So yes it is ‘Islamic’.
Then there is the big lie central to all that…that we are attacking ‘Islam’…it’s a powerful propaganda tool used to great effect…but it’s a lie…when we went into Iraq the Muslim activists deployed that argument and encouraged Muslims to join up and fight Jihad in Iraq against the ‘foreign invaders’, ie non-Muslim invaders. Apparently it was OK for these foreign, non-Iraqi, Jihadis to invade Iraq and turn it into a wasteland just on the basis that they were themselves Muslim….never mind most Iraqis hated them. Iraqis rather like their country and its borders despite what the BBC tells you about Iraq being a colonial imposition on the Middle East….yet another of the BBC’s dangerous narratives that feed the Jihadi propaganda machine.
Then consider Syria and the very same Jihadis. When we failed to intervene in Syria due to Ed Miliband’s betrayal and cowardice this was remarkably presented by the Jihadis as the West betraying Muslims and thus became another narrative used to recruit more Jihadis…thus we have gone from the West’s intervention and deposing of a hated dictator being anti-Muslim to not intervening in the deposing of a hated dictator being anti-Muslim….and all the time in the background is the BBC’s narrative, which is essentially the extremist’s one. It was a narrative that of course led to politicians like Miliband having backbone failure as they pandered and appeased the Islamist discourse of Muslim anger and ‘warnings’ of radicalisation all caused by Western intervention.
The BBC has been at the heart of the problem in this country covering up for, excusing and indeed promoting the Jihadi cause. Let’s not forget its constant platforms for Cage, MPACUK, the MCB and numerous other Islamists and Islamist causes such as Guantanamo Bay, the undermining of the Prevent programme, and the unquestioning support for disgraced lawyer Phil Shiner’s ‘ambulance chasing’ which did so much damage to the British Forces’ reputation and put so many soldiers through the mill.
When May says there is…“too much tolerance of extremism in our country” and while it would involve “some difficult and embarrassing conversations”, that must change.’….she might want to start having a close look at the BBC’s output and consider if it recklessly published material likely to induce or encourage others to take the road to terrorism… Philip Hammond says...’Apologists for terror must take some blame’.…The Terrorism Act 2006:
Encouragement of terrorism
(1)This section applies to a statement that is likely to be understood by some or all of the members of the public to whom it is published as a direct or indirect encouragement or other inducement to them to the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism or Convention offences.
(2)A person commits an offence if—
(a)he publishes a statement to which this section applies or causes another to publish such a statement; and
(b)at the time he publishes it or causes it to be published, he—
(i)intends members of the public to be directly or indirectly encouraged or otherwise induced by the statement to commit, prepare or instigate acts of terrorism or Convention offences; or
(ii)is reckless as to whether members of the public will be directly or indirectly encouraged or otherwise induced by the statement to commit, prepare or instigate such acts or offences.
A BBC that tells us that the extremists are kind, clever, angry and idealistic….and of course victims themselves of a tyrannical British state….that tells us the Trojan Horse plot is a hoax, a result of racism, paranoia and Islamophobia [thus encouraging Muslim victim mentality], or that Jews should expect to be attacked for the ‘crimes’ Israel commits in Gaza, and that Muslim extremists will one day be seen as Churchill, Mandela and Gandhi-like figures….not to mention the highly, highly damaging narrative about Western intervention, not just in Iraq in 2003 but the BBC line that ‘Skyes-Picot’ ‘carved up the Middle East’ and is the cause of all the problems we have now…along with the creation of Israel…this is a narrative we have just had from the BBC’s finest, its Middle East editor, Jeremy Bowen…and it’s completely false, a great big shining lie that is in itself the cause of much of what goes on in the Middle East today…not to mention on the streets of Europe.
If the Prime Minister wants to change the conversation she has to start with the news organisation that spreads the biggest lies, the most malignant, toxic but influential pro-Islamist propaganda, the most murderous untruths.
The BBC is dangerous. A very good case can be made that people die on the streets of Britain because of its lies.
I hope that this latest attack will prompt the majority of people in this country to recognise and accept that it is our culture, our history, our democracy and most of all our liberty that are under direct attack from these Moslem terrorists aided and abetted by the BBC. The government must take firm action against the BBC in light of their continuing activities in support of our enemies. If they do not they will be derelict in their duty towards us.
Saw this article on one of the blogs I follow and thought I would share:
Successive governments have been derelict in their duty to the people since Maggie. British politicians, with a few exceptions, are a disgrace. I would not expect much from these toads.
The primary duty of a state is to protect its citizens. Nothing else. Not policing alleged hate speech, not giving moral support to drug addicts, not investigating idiotic microaggressions. But to provide security to those who pay taxes. If and when a state fails to do that, the citizens take up arms themselves. And you can take it from me, you don’t want to see that in your country.
Good point, well said. Someone should tell our government.
Good write up, good read,.
The time is upon us, will it just be more fine words from our elite, then back to the slaughter, i think so, i said last week your Army and its generals taking control of the country and mass internment is the only hope now, how ‘British’ are your Armed forces ?, are they full of common purpose graduates, if so your last line of hope is gone.
In my experience, most senior officers of staff rank are basically politicians in uniform, and most middle ranking officers are toadying lackies determined to climb the greasy pole regardless of who they sh1t on.
I wouldn’t count on a military coup, IMHO.
Most coups d’etat are by middle-ranking officers, one notable exception being the Greek generals – which didn’t go too well. Neguib and Nasser were both colonels, for example.
Most of the “leaders of men” (with some notable exceptions) I encountered were wastes of rations; can’t see them giving up heir careers to join the revolution….
Of course the bBC is in hock with Islamic terrorism. I mean have you seen them mention this tweet from the US President:
and I came across that on this forces news article:
Trump Slams ‘Politically Correct’ London Mayor After Terror Attack
The Labour Mayor of Manchester Andy Burnham opposes the “Prevent” strategy, and the Labour Mayor of London Sadiq Khan says we just have to get used to acts of terrorism. The people who voted for them have blood on their hands in my opinion.
Burnham said the Manchester bomber was not a Moslem. So that’s all right then.
May is at it again ” This is a perversion of Islam”. NO IT IS NOT !!!!! Why does she not read the Quoran ?
They are doing what their revolting little pervert Mohamed did and instructed his followers and their successors to do.
So where is ‘peace’ in the Quoran ? Where is the ‘peace’ displayed by Islamic countries ? The original verses of the Quoran were written (actually he could not read or write) by Mohamed when he started his ‘religion’ in Mecca. They were mostly taken from the Bible and the Tora, from the established religions at the time. Those verses did contain some peaceful passages, but as Mohamed grew in confidence and then went on to make war, rape and pillage in Medina, the verses become hateful and violent. He stated that the most recent verses supersede and take preference over previous verses. So Jews are Apes and Pigs. Women can be beaten by their husbands if they refuse sex or prepare a meal which is not up to his standards. etc etc. and while the ‘Left’ can’t say a word against them, the so called ‘Right’ (May etc) are too frightened to.
May fancies herself the new Margaret Thatcher. She certainly falls well short. Can you imagine Maggie calling Islam ‘The Religion of Peace’. She would have recognize it for what it is and acted accordingly. Mosques would not have been allowed to be both a sanctuary and breeding ground for hate and terrorism.
Its time for an in depth expose of the Quoran, Islam and its teachings. Those brought up as Muslims who recognize the failings within in it should be protected from intimidation should they choose to reject Islam and adopt a life based on Western values and society and truly integrate.
Good article
Meanwhile over on YTube Tommy Robinson on Rebel Media uses many expletives and I agree with every one!
Muslims who believe in what the Koran teaches have to wage Jihad on the Kaffir state, or else they are apostate.
Without a lawful appointed caliph, Muslims cannot wage Jihad.
However, if Muslims are oppressed, then they have a justification for waging Jihad.
Just living in a non-muslim state, and having to obey non-Islamic law, is oppression of Muslims. This is therefore enough reason to attack non-muslims.
Most Muslims will not do the attacking, but almost all will support it, as they know that the Jihadis are obeying the .
wishes of allah. Why wont most muslims will not wage Jihad? The Demoraphic Jihad is the vital component, and that means they have to pretend to be moderate. If pressed, they will play the Taqiyya card.
Therefore, we have no alternative to but to Separate* from Islam before they become so huge a population, that Separation would mean Partition of the UK. This holds for the entire Western world.
* See Separation + Laurence Auster.
I would prefer to fuck them all off back to pakistan
partition will just lead to an AL-Barnett formula and they would just be launching constant rocket attacks out of their enclaves.
For some time now, politicians in the world, all of it , and the media, BBC chief among them, have been worried that News and Views had escaped their control. The internet was allowing people to reach other people with news, and now videos too. Thos was far too dangerous for the established state and media.
In the eighties/nineties, governments decided to control the Internet using “paedophilia” as an excuse. This did not work, as the web simply moved the dark web. Besides, there was too much opposition to the idea. The other reason was that Internet domain designation was controlled by the USA, where there was a strong constitutional clause for freedom of publications.
With Islamic terrorism in the forefront, Western governments now blame the Internet for “radicalisation”, as a means to control the Web. But there was no Internet before 1970, while Islamic terrorism has been a constant since 700AD. Yet they persist. Control of the “Truth” is too important.
The other reason is that Western governments too feel the need to blame the Internet and not themselves, for allowing Muslims to settle in the West. In fact, the last is the prime reason why we have a terrorism problem. For instance, Japan has no Islamic terror problem.
The Islamic terrorism will continue to grow as the Muslim population grows – which is fast. Eventually, we will have a Bosnia type civil war.
No other path I see but Separation.
I definitely tend to agree..but given that no government (barring a military coup) could ever countenance :
rounding up all the known nutters and their supporters (I’m including thousands of indigenous leftists here too)
stopping all immigration from from the relevant countries
forcing them to be conversos
corrupt politicos giving up that lovely middle eastern oil money
Noone wants a repeat of St Brice’s day or Mithridates’ act against the Romans. But where would we put all the ones we’ve homegrown? In the Hebrides maybe, wall off a select few London boroughs, buy a big chunk of Australian desert for them?
We have so tied ourselves into ‘international’ bodies like the UN , EU, human rights etc that we cannot effectively act to protect our citizens (and law-abiding immigrants) from harm. I think it’s odd that Israel can live with the condemnation of so called ‘harsh treatment’ to its neighbours, but if we tried it we’d probably get invaded, even by our ‘allies’.
Look at the conflict in Yugoslavia – the First Multicultural War.
The result of the war, is that the protagonists self-separated. With the exception of Bosnia, which has a Muslim problem, the rest are at peace within society. That is the nature of war.
Muslim populations are still not big enough, or been here for long enough to claim native rights. In 50 years, both will not be true.
I see this present terrorism as an opportunity from a fate worse then death.
Its nearly 24 hours are the latest Islamic mass murder. That means the al Beeb will be switching into ‘blame the authorities time’ . Security services, victimising muslims – all that nonsense.
Don’t worry – it won’t change our way of life – but I’m guessing that if all the old bill were carrying guns these 3 evil lumps of dog poo would have seen allah in less that 8 minutes . I know facts are few at the minute. HMG will have to do a bit of news management to release their identity.
Islamic terrorism, despite being horrendous, is not the real problem. In less then 50 years, Muslims will be a majority in the UK, and probably in Europe. Western civilisation will be stone dead by then, and in the coffin.
As it is, Western civilisation, is dying because of fear on the streets. Dying because of heavily armed troops in peacetime. Dying because of PCness and Thought Policing. Dying because, we as a free people, are subjected to humiliating searches at airports.
Cut by cut, Western civilisation is dying because our politicians allowed Muslims to settle in the West. We either reverse it, or face the fact that Western civilisation will be dead in 50 years or less.
NCBBC, as with all these projections, it relies on exponential growth of current trends. The last time Britain faced a major existential threat – in 1940 – similar things were said but the country rallied. We have not faced a major threat to our way of life since then, and have fallen into luxury and decadance, but this still could be reversed IF the country wakes up to the threat. A Bedouin death cult is no match for the glories of our Judeao-Christian-Classical heritage. Muslim population growth would not be an issue if we had sensible immigration laws. It may well be that the violence reaches a tipping point where a Le Pen or Wilders figure is elected; it is a slim chance but just possible.
NCBBC, as with all these projections, it relies on exponential growth of current trends.
Agreed. But why risk it when whatever gain may be minimal, but the loss total.
It is a double whammy with the BBC and the left in general. Not only do they support muslims and glorify Islam, they at the same time trash our culture; our culture of Western civilisation. They forget if Islam takes over they will be destroyed.
Still processing it all, up to and including Mrs. May’s rather extraordinary inference that what has gone before was sort of a ‘phoney slaughter’ phase. If she starts daily redrawing red lines in the sand one will know she has gone full Barry, and you never want to go full Barry. Well, unless you seek BBC uncritical adulation.
However, a few top of mind mullings, distinct but related to a degree.
First up there is this catch all voiced (action another thing entirely) pulpit thumper on the unacceptability (a prince amongst meaningless phrases, as almost inevitably deployed as a result of something being almost entrenched as opposed to not accepted) of ‘extremism’, backed by muttered threats to get out there in the dark, tanned and snow white web to ‘clamp down’.
Now, in the great scheme of things, I’d say what can be advised, taught, promoted or otherwise advocated online pales into insignificance if not addressing the kind of mind that can get turned by such stuff, and those who do it live, up close and personal. So before getting yet more of Police Scotland on twitter duty, how’s about first closing down places where impressionable young, vacant, disenfranchised psychotic minds get well and truly tuned, focussed and directed on their nihilistic way elsewhere? And by that I mean these burgeoning ‘places of worship’ above chippies where old blokes not too gifted in English are allowed to whisper dodgy thoughts in ears also kept toasty by a nice fluffy surrounding of curly locks.
Now I come to the flock, and see no reason not to resurrect the term ‘Flokkers’ to describe them.
For the life of me I cannot grasp how any human born and raised in the UK, and sent through its educational system, ends up thinking it’s entirely sensible to drive up to Glasgow Arrivals with a ticking set of gas canisters, or ‘honourable’ to covertly self-detonate around a set of kids at a pop concert or mow down people never met on bridges or try and saw the heads off random other folk. The term ‘cowardly’ is bandied about, but this seems a distraction. They certainly are not brave, given the targets and methods, and if the prospect of suicide is an ambition rather than fear.
So the notion of heroism, family and peer approval in the afterlife, needs nipping right in the bud. Hence I think Donald Trump was on the right track with ‘losers’. But it needs honing; these are sad, bad losers, and ‘bad’ not in the gang banger sense.
They have to be getting ‘radicalised’ mainly at home, but there is clearly some rewiring in the mix too to make these creeps susceptible to it. If any old fart had told me to go off and do their bidding, and no more TV, sneaking a bevvie or copping a feel ever again, I would as a young man been… ‘resistant’. Doubly so if it was my parents.
So tolerating cancerous ghettos is not going to improve matters, and rather clearly all daft re-education pipe dreams have had precisely the opposite effect.
Be it fear of god, Mum or Dad, that sees these easily programmed tools set on their one way paths dragging innocents down with them, then if that is what makes them respect the word of the law, then hit them with it back bigger and badder. And I mean bad in the Kill-o-Zap sense.
No more accommodation, and I do not mean that in the Yvette Cooper sense. Our house; Our rules. If diversity means getting used to hosing men, women and children off pavements or lobbies, I am prepared to view that as a failed ideal popped back in the drawer opened by Tony Blair and certain colleagues currently vying for power again with the unique support of the state propaganda machine.
I still think the best idea was one voiced on here.
Make it clear that any jihadis will be buried with pig carcasses and will therefore not get their ticket to their 72 virgins.
If the so called (oh I sound like the BBC now) moderate muslims claim that the terrorists are indeed NOT islamic, then they would not have a problem with this and the problem would be solved overnight.