Only on the BBC. A muslim woman in full niqab explains why we need integration. BBC lap it up. The BBC is a MENACE, an enabler and a real and present danger to our society.
Muslim in London, “Muslims must do more 2 integrate and terrorists are dividing us”, whilst wearing a full face Niqab. Couldn’t make this up
— Paul ? (@PaulGAtletico) June 4, 2017
Would be Prime Minister Corbyn has spend his political career voting AGAINST anti terrorist legislation. He has spent his political career condemning “shoot to kill”. But now, four days ahead of an election, he suggests he supports it. What an unspeakable liar.
Oh, and one last thing, over this horrific weekend, the women who would be in charge of our security if Labour were to be elected, Diane Abbott, has not been seen on ANY TV or Radio channel. Why? I am told Labour advisers realise that she is a media disaster so best keep her away. Yet she IS Shadow Home Secretary and would be in control of Policing from next Monday. As it is, she is in hiding.
It feels as if they [BBC] are mocking us. Mocking our grief.
Somebody, please pull the plug on this institution of hate!
Lucy, I agree completely. This vile tax payer funded (not from me) obsolete organisation must be closed as part of our response to these terror atrocities by Muslims from the religion of peace. Their propaganda is contributing to the advancement of Islam in this country. The government combined with the stupid brain dead socialists are enough without adding the power of the CBB into the mix. Shut them down immediately pending a full investigation into their biased, fake and harmful broadcasting practices.
All right thinking people should read “The Strange Death of Europe (Immigration, Identity and Islam)” by Douglas Murray. He tells it like it is. How our politicians (particularly Tony Blair) have aided and abetted open door muslim immigration. How the MSM has colluded. How the public’s voice against it has been suppressed by screaming racist at them. How we are censored/fined/locked up for even raising the problem while muslims can spew their hatred with impunity.
We should stop anymore muslim immigration, deport the suspected terrorists and actively make the muslims here integrate in our society.
Murray is an editor of the Spectator.
A VERY good book. I’m currently reading it on my KIndle. It should be de rigueur material for everyone on this site (and everywhere else, too).
May well be good, but I myself would reference “Europe, Islam and The West” by Christopher Caldwell.
Available via the library service of the South West in England.
Can`t imagine that Murray will improve on the historical basis os how France, Germany and Britain all tried different ways to establish, control and respond to Islam from post 45 colonial history right up to the banlieus and Tensta madness of Stockholm as we now see it. Murray surely used the book, will certainly read it.
Michale Burleighs good on terrorism too…those Angry Brigade years of the late 60s, early 70s created our New Left culture and the end of the BBCs commitment to independence.
Start with Lord Reith, end with Jon Snow
“Beyond parody” is indeed the description of the Archcunter of Bishopbury’s performance on R4’s Today programme this morning. He seemed to be channelling Lord Longford who was convinced against all the evidence that Myra was a “good person” and that Ann West who swore to kill Myra, if she was released, was the “villain of the piece”. Myra was on her way to heaven, while Ann, because she could not forgive, to hell.The Archcunter is deeply concerned that hateful words might be spoken unto the hijabbed and Big Bearded ones, after the latest carnage. This would, according to the ACB, be a victory for the terrorists. Who can follow the logic of holy fools? Welby seems to have totally forgotten the butchery of christians by muslims all over the world. Obsessive compulsive forgiveness syndrome seems to be the pathology of the age. It really is a BBC tour de force to get relatives of victims to spout the “islam really is the religion of peace” line. We feel no hate, we feel no anger, they will not divide us. We are zombies.
Also beyond parody was a representative of the MCB explaining on the World Service that “Muslims were the real victims” of terrorism. This was because the terrorists killed muslims during their operations and muslim parents lost their sons and daughters when they blew themselves up or were killed.
Sky News was also asking a representative from for advice on “deradicalisation”
Dilly Hussain, an editor, responds to Majiid Nawaz’s comments on “Bedford’s Quiz a Muslim” 17/11/15
with “After all, how can any muslim take the rantings of a married man who frequents strip clubs, inappropriately touches female dancers whilst under the influence of alcohol during Ramadan seriously?”
David Vance is a “Zionist, islamophobe”.
What would count as successful “deradicalisation”?. Another CAGE moment?
You just couldn’t make it up!
That’s a CBB reporter dressed up!
CR, I agree with your ban on Muslim immigration but not on making them integrate. Having to actively make them!
They should be thrilled to have the opportunity to be here. Get them out. All of them.
“A muslim woman in full niqab explains why we need integration.”
Hint: lose the bag.
Abbott is probably holed up in Greggs somewhere, but why aren’t the Conservatives demanding to know where the Shadow Home Secretary is?
Can always tell there`s confederacy of dunces pulling our strings when they rush from event to process failures(as described by thenmselves). This is simple.
1. Donald Trumps Travel Ban to be used here immediately
2. Remove all security bollards around Parliament and the BBC etc-and apply that technology at our BORDERS-not at the latest place that the Muslims hit.
3. Remove all gated communities, make them as porosu ot Muslims as we are here.
4. Execute jihadists in a 1:10 ratio for all they`ve killed of ours-ease the prison crisis and send then to Allah-win win.
5. All families of jihadists to be deported by tribe, not by mere bloodline. There ARE good and innocent people saddled with this scum, and any state ought to be able to sift them-and be seen to do so with a rationale that satisfies both hud and sharia too(just this once!)
6. Remove the BBC and Jihad astroturf fellow hajjists from any public funding..that goes for universities too that are funded by jihad, greater or lesser.
7. Ban halal and refer to it as “so called Ramadan”…”so called British Broadcasting Camel” etc.
8. Intern the left and send them to Venezuela on a five year Peace Corp/Sandinista learning mission afterwards-and then let the rest of us create a NEW Party that hates the globalists, loves our country and insists on freedom and the rule of law.
I`m John Kerry-reporting for dootee as the first ever leader of The Nasty Party!
If you’ll include immediate closure of all mosques in Britain. You’ve got my vote.
“4. Execute jihadists in a 1:10 ratio . . .”
You are getting lazy, here are some more zeroes :-
000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000.
I think that solves the problem.
2. Remove all security bollards around Parliament and the BBC etc-and apply that technology at our BORDERS-not at the latest place that the Muslims hit.
3. Remove all gated communities, make them as porous to Muslims as we are here.
If we just did #2, the problem will be removed from this realm quick time.
ChrisH, I’m going to get this framed and hang it on my wall. Would you be willing to replace Amber as Home Secretary?
Another sign of a society collapsing is when the absurd is taken seriously. A woman dressed like that is a visible and very clear sign of non integration. It is absurd to suggest otherwise in a face to face society which ours has been from ,I assume, neolithic times .
Not much further needs to be said. I think I will re read Alice in Wonderland. It makes more sense.
Spot on Dave.
Gods comedy creations are all around us-and who dares laughs these days.
When they mocked Thatcher after her death-all bets were off, and we can say and what we like to screw the left with comedy and mockery. In fact , it`s just about the only way to see that they`ve still got a pulse or brain stem activity-and that we ourselves have still got our humanity and are not dreaming all this.
My top 5 “World Moments” where God gave up on the Left?(thinking big here!)
1. Hanging Chads-USA election 2000.
2. Colin Pullinger and The Beagle2004
3. Copenhagen Summit 2009-when they were all frozen ( and that Icebreaker in 2011?)
4. Hollandes open air drive to the Elysee 2012 in the downpour
5. Mandelas funeral and the sign language bloke 2012.
Would have included the Ed Stone 2015, Jo Cox 2016…but neither mattered one bit really.
Chris H, nice thread, if I may add some more:
– ‘Time’ or was it ‘Newsweek’ having to pulp thousands of copies because they’d pre-empted a Hilary Clinton win on the front page.
– Going back a bit, but Kinnock’s triumphant Nuremberg rally( ‘Well all righhhtttt!’ ) the night before he lost.
-Dimbleby’s face when the Brexit vote came through.
– any interview between Rees Mogg and a leftist
– Mrs May announcing that Parliament would vote on Brexit, thus outmanouevring Gina Miller.
The one that I really enjoyed was the pathetic behaviour of the bBBC whilst the count was being carried out during the US Presidential Elections. At such times I have a habit of flitting between TV News channels and on that occasion it proved very enlightening.
When a large number of the counts had been finalised and the number of Electors chosen for each candidate was becoming known the tendency of the bBBC to engage in Wishful Thinking became ludicrously obvious.
Fox News, the News Channel so detested by the bBBC, was giving details of the already known results with Trump having collected nearly 140 Electors and well ahead of Clinton and rapidly approaching the number required to win. At the same Time CNN had Trump somewhere in the 120s for Electors with Clinton a little behind. Meanwhile the bBBC were still clinging to their preferred version by ignoring the facts of what was happening and reporting that Clinton had somewhere just over 90 Electors with Trump trailing slightly behind her.
I know there is a time lag between information being transmitted from the US and it arriving here but the bBBC was either using pigeon post or living in it’s own little dream world and ignoring the reality. Even when Trump had obviously won the bBBC were still trying to invent ways that Clinton could still snatch a victory by dreaming up methods by which some of the Electors sent to vote for Trump might renege and vote for Clinton instead.
As with Brexit they simply did their best to ignore reality for as long as they possibly could in the hope that some fairy godmother might wave a magic wand and make it all vanish in a puff of smoke. In fact the bBBC are still trying their utmost to make that happen, aren’t they?
Dave S
Another absudity is that we are fighting a war with islam and pretending it is not taking place. The vanguard of the army is already here and C4 documents its presence as it rallies around the black flag of islam.
The vanguard might be 3000 or 20,000 strong but apparently nothing can be done until an act of violence is committed. The authorities pretend that these atrocities are esentially simple criminal acts, yet call out the army to deal with them. Even Thatcher claimed that the IRA were criminals yet they were treated as a state, when agreements were concluded with them.
ToNight AL-Beeb Look North ,,,, head lines not about local people injured in London or Manchester, NO the headline was about someone throwing stones though a mosque in Lincoln ,,followed by a interview with a Iman about how scared he is now,,,,, usual AL-Beeb appeasement to the Muslims
Don’t you feel just sorry for them, I mean, hope they didn’t smash any Mosque windows, have you seen the price of glass lately.
Well at least they’ll be able to use all the broken shards of glass in there next activity bomb making weekend.
Don’t you feel just sorry for them, I mean, hope they didn’t smash any Mosque windows, have you seen the price of glass lately.
Well at least they’ll be able to use all the broken shards of glass in there next activity bomb making weekend.
Breaking Up With Mr. Islam
Islam is peaceful. Just ask Rafiqi Islam, a loving husband, who told his wife that he had a present for her, blindfolded her to make it a surprise and then cut off her fingers. Then the rest of the Islam family mopped up the blood, while Mr. Islam threw her fingers into the trash, and after a few hours took her…
The proximate cause of this event was that Mrs. Islam wanted to continue her education and Mr. Islam being a good Emirati Muslim was not so fond of the idea.
This is the sort of thing that Mr. Islam does from time to time. Diners in London got a surprise from Mr. Islam, three of him, who began stabbing and slashing their way through some trendy nightspots. The blindfold had been slapped on them by their own government and their own media.
Worth reading.
If we dont have a peaceful divorce or Separation from Islam soon, then it will be a very violent, which by then will be far more difficult.
This is disconcerting.
The UK’s Libyan Jihadist Problem
Posted by Daniel Greenfield 8 Comments
There was a ticking time bomb in Manchester. The old manufacturing city had become a safe space for Libyan Islamic terrorists with the knowledge and complicity of British authorities.
Before being one of the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists, Osama bin Laden’s Libyan body double had been living in Manchester. Anas al-Libi, a Libyan Al Qaeda terrorist, had received political asylum in the UK. Two years after he masterminded the bombings of American embassies in Africa, Manchester police turned up what would become known as the Manchester Document in his possession.
“Explosives are the safest weapon for the holy warriors. They strike the enemy with sheer terror and fright,” the Al Qaeda manual advised.
Bloody Hands in Manchester
The link to the Daniel Greenfield is an excellent article and well written.
We gave Anjem Choudary the wonderful gift of free speech, and he told us all what Islam wants yet we decided not to listen.
“… they may say one thing to you in front of CNN, but I can assure you behind your backs in every Masjid* (Mosque) and Community Centre. They are standing with their Muslim brothers and sisters saying ‘we hope the Americans and British are pushed out of countries and we can implement the Sharia’. This is an Islamic obligation for us to support our brothers around the world. Our land is one. Our War is one. Our Peace is one. Our honour is one.” – Anjem Choudary
“..we will dominate this country (UK) brother and implement the beauty and perfection of the Sharia justice of Islam.”
– Anjem Choudary
Here is a suggestion from me with no idea on how to start it, not a solution to all the problems, but maybe a snowball from the mountain’s summit.
To stop the radicalisation of host Country Muslims may I suggest that the Muslim community with the help of its Koran knowledgeable Imams help by stating the laws of its host Country that bind it’s people together – thus helping fellow Muslims quickly integrate and understand what is required of them.
Read after each Mosque sermon (x5 a day) and prior to all Sharia Councils the laws of the land.
All everyone is equal before the law.
Marriage age is 18 and monogamous.
Domestic abuse is not tolerated, physical or mental – see Police if in doubt.
Child genital mutilation (male or female) is illegal – see Police if in doubt.
You are free to practice your religion of choice with the other 4000 religions in the world.
Wear what you like – with some restrictions on proving identity and entering buildings.
Women have an equal place in society – same rule of law.
Everyone is free to leave their religion, with no reprisals or threats.
You can talk about ideas that may offend yourself and your friends beliefs – it is the clash of ideas that generates new ones.
Using this approach we can then question people leaving the Mosque or Sharia Council to see if they were told the law of the land and if they understood them. So we can gauge if this process is working or not by spreading the knowledge needed.
Another alternative is Imams could video record and live stream all Mosque and Sharia Court sessions just
like we do in UK Parliament with translated transcripts.
As a follow on from the article you mentioned above, the lady is able to write, the man was still not charged 5 months later. This women is so brave.
Islam will fail once the women under Islam realise they can be free.
The Hijab, pregnancy, lack of education are ways to stop this, but imagine what will happen when 50% of the Islamist population drags Islam into the light. – Sebastian Gorka