The last post mentioned a few of Corbyn’s past guilty ‘secrets’… seems the BBC wants them to remain a secret judging by this complete whitewash of his political career from Newsnight….produced by Stephen Bush…a left-winger from the New Statesman. The ‘in-depth’ film skirts rapidly around Corbyn’s support for the IRA proclaiming he was right to do so, it dodges completely his support for Islamist terrorists which in light of recent events must be somewhat less than honest. It doesn’t mention his cheerleading for the failed socialist paradise that is Venezuela, nor the fact he was under surveillance by the security services for 20 years….Marxism wasn’t mentioned once, the unions weren’t mentioned, no mention that he wanted to disband NATO, disband MI5, disband the Army. Incredible when he is now essentially basing his election campaign on being the man who will make us safe from terrorism. Nearly all the speakers are pro-Corbyn and are there to defend him or themselves.
Anti-Semitism flourishing under his rule? Never happened did it? Can’t have because it’s not in the film.
This film is an astonishingly dishonest hagiography that is fully intended to deceive anyone watching into thinking Corbyn is harmless, principled and intent solely on reforming Parliament so that ‘the people’ regain control….the film concentrates almost totally on internal politics of the Labour Party rather than what Corbyn intends for the country.
Just bias or political corruption by the BBC, an attempt to swing the election by painting a completely false picture of one candidate?
Lord Hall Hall should be sacked and jailed for rigging an election.
Note the film has disabled the comments…no surprise there….I doubt the reaction would be good.
This video is no better…What do you want to vote for…Tory insincerity or Labour incompetence? So the Tories are dishonest and untrustworthy…Labour may, that’s may, be incompetent…but you know what….they may muddle through…as in Venezuela?….good old labour supporitng Evan Davis….no doubt ex-Newsnight Corbyn supporter Paul Mason has been bending a few ears of his old chums…..
I wouldn’t worry – the only people that watch Newsnight are the same bunch of Islington luvvies. It’s just a more convenient WhatsApp for them
The Stephen Bush profile though very narrow in scope was rather interesting as it shows that Corbyn is not interested in practical politics only some pure Marxist vision and taking us back to year zero by whatever means. This makes him the most dangerous potential PM ever and it is flabbergasting that the Conservative Party are not shouting this from the roof tops.
I have a feeling that PM May has made one eck of a mistake by calling this election! I fear a Trump affect but for the worse.
Worryingly, in my opinion, Corbyn just might gain downing st because of his promise of £10 an hour by 2021 and cancelling tuition fees!
It is very worrying but I have just about given up hope, if Corbyn and his bunch of dangerous clowns do get in then I am just going to sit back and watch the carnage,and say, “I told you so”, it probably won’t affect me, though I am worried for my children.
Wild Bill, the last Labour governments only got elected because of the (then) charisma of Blair and a strictly enforced appeal to the centre ground plus an artificially engineered boom. The current Labour party cannot come up with any of those things. If by some miracle Corbyn was elected, the country would be run into the ground within months. In a way it might be a good thing as it could lead to a proper Tory or even UKIP government being elected.
Wild Bill – I live in Scotland and if Corbyn gets elected I may consider voting for Scottish Independence. He’s more insane than Krankie.
I think that Scotland could hold the key in this election, Scronker, if, as we are led to believe South of the wall, that all is not well in SNP land, who do disgruntled and disillusioned SNP voters vote for? The SNP have done a Stirling (see what I did here 🙂 ) job in keeping Scottish Labour out of Westminster. The last thing the UK wants is a resurgent Labour in Scotland.
Corbyn claims he was working for “peace” in Northern Ireland. Apparently the way to do this was to meet Sinn Fein/IRA at every opportunity, invite them to the House of Commons after they had tried to assassinate the Prime Minister, support their every action, refuse (to this day) to condemn their acts of terrorism, and refuse to meet or have anything to do with Unionists.
What a peacemaker the man was. The only thing you have to know about Corbyn is this: if there is anything which protects or supports Britain, then he is against it.
Corbyn was trying to bring about peace in Northern Ireland in exactly the same way Oswald Mosely was trying to bring about peace in Europe before and during WW2, by supporting those who would force their intentions on others by use of violence and terrorism.
Corbyn thinks that the way to deal with an arsonist is not to support the fire brigade in trying to extinguish the fire and save the building but to assist and encourage the arsonist to add more fuel on the grounds that doing so the building will be destroyed far more quickly and the fire would then cease to be a problem because it would quickly burn itself out.
Some people might be of the opinion that assisting the fire to burn itself out more quickly is an acceptable solution but to do so when there are people still in the building burning to death encouraging the arsonist to add more fuel is bordering on the criminal. Those people and organisations who deliberately hide such behaviour from view or act as apologists for the despicable activities of the arsonist are no better than that arsonist and are just as bad as the person actively aiding and encouraging the arsonist.
And we all know which organisation has a blatant history of behaving like that, especially when such activities are beneficial to that organisation’s own politically biased agenda.