Looks like we’re on overtime today so here’s another open thread to tide us over to the weekend when you can fill it with all those tales of BBC tears and temper tantrums as the Corbyn bandwagon goes off track big style [that may be tempting fate].
Looks like we’re on overtime today so here’s another open thread to tide us over to the weekend when you can fill it with all those tales of BBC tears and temper tantrums as the Corbyn bandwagon goes off track big style [that may be tempting fate].
The BBC is manoeuvring rapidly in its attempts to twist Comey’s testimony around. President Trump was not under investigation after all so the spotlight has miraculously been swung onto everything, anything, else he said. It is almost enough to distract you from the GE.
You can cheer yourself ups by reading Katty Kay’s twitter feed.
She seems less than happy.
With luck her colleagues in the corridors will be joining her in this soon.
She was sidelined from reporting this on Radio 4 at lunchtime, GW. That may add to her grumps.
\\Katty KayVerified account
Not a terrible day for Trump – Comey didn’t say POTUS obstructed justice, kept quiet on collusion, confirmed Trump not under investigation. //
For BBC that’s like saying “Trump won”
Scummy Kay just retweeted
\\”The President is not a liar” is almost as bad as Nixon’s “I am not a crook.”//
Should I call her Klassy Kay ? ironically
…. although I bet she still thinks that President Clinton ‘…did not have sexual relations with that woman…>
I think it is unfair for Clinton to be called on that. He asked for a list of what legally defined sexual relations and oral sex was not on the list, therefore he was perfectly entitled to deny any guilt.
Mail claiming that the BBC edited out the words Allah and Koran from the attack on the nursery worker. More evidence of them manipulating the news, but as Evan Davis tells us they no longer care, and without any oversight body why should they?
PJW has it, too:
The report on the text pages makes no mention of dress, ethnicity, religion or language – simply ‘three women attacked one woman and cut her hand.’ Pass along please, nothing to see here….
Oddly I can’t find this news item anywhere on the BBC “news” website. Currently (18:13) it’s neither in the “Sport” nor “Australia” sections. I wonder why.
No : “Saudi Arabia” football Australia “minute’s silence” on site:bbc.co.uk
but the story only appeared on the Mothership* 3 hours ago
……….. * The Guardian
“A spokesman for Football Federation Australia explained they were told a minute of silence was ‘not in keeping with Saudi culture’ ahead of the match.”
Bit of a paradigm shift in culture then.
Al Jazeera bring seriously hacked atm. Hope they take down all those smiley faces put up after the London attrocities.
Poor Diane, so unwell.
Out canvassing today in a £56,000 SUV
What a pity she wasn’t supporting British workers by using a Range Rover.
I used to enjoy listening to cricket on the radio. But I am afraid that the positive discrimination and diversity
“boys” at the BBC have even put their ten cents into this as well. I would of liked to know towards the end
of the Sri Lanka-India game if runs were being scored ,or if it was a dot ball. Several times the penultimate
commentator seemed to forget that his audience could not see what was going on! OK I did not expect to
hear that the bowlers was Holding the batsman’s Willey. But a single down to third man would have given me
some idea what the score was.. But I suppose it’s something I will have to put up with in the name of diversity.
And the BBC were probably shitting themselves every time Geoffrey Boycott opened his mouth.
I turn off now when Boycott comes on.
Yes. My beloved TMS has been trashed by the BBC in recent years, and I mourn its demise. It is not only ‘diversity and positive discrimination’, but the whole ethos has changed for the (much) worse because the present producers simply do not understand what made TMS so unique and wonderful. I have pointed out several times the obvious fact that because the listener (unlike the commentators) cannot see what is happening on the field, he relies absolutely on the commentator describing it as fully as possible. And the essential ingredient is ball-by-ball commentary, whereby every ball is described – how the bowler runs up, how he delivers, how the batsman plays it, where the ball goes in the field, where all the fielders are deployed, and so on. (Sir) Henry Blofeld is the only remaining commentator who does this. Otherwise, commentary has turned has turned into a gab-fest with verbal diarrhoea from Michael Vaughan or prolonged harangues from Geoff Boycott, with commentary on the match relegated to an after-thought. How often has a wicket been missed because they have been rabbeting on about something else >: very often. In my opinion, the only one of the new intake who is worthy of his place is Tuffers, who speaks sparingly, and often amusingly, and is a splendid foil to Henry or Aggers. But …. Graham Swann (so much stupidity and self regard), Ed Smith (largely ignoring his primary job of ball-by-ball commentary, and just wanting a 20 minute discussion), and now ‘Ebony’ (words fail me). I’d better stop, or this could go on for another page or two.
I watched Senator John McCain during the Senate committee hearings concerning James Comey. Senator McCain
seemed utterly confused to what was going on. He appeared to me that he needed to be in a care home.
You just have to remember that McCain really, really hates Trump. He is also a warmonger.
He makes lousy oven chips as well, Rob.
I used to have quite a bit of admiration for Senator McCain, and the life he had experienced… but his clear malevolence towards Mr Trump, and his obvious intent to thwart, if possible, any policies put forward by the President, is almost unbelievable. I believe he is now prepared to sacrifice the Republican Party as a whole in order to hurt Mr Trump in any way possible.
But Like Foscari, I too saw (albeit via replay) some of the questioning of Mr Comey by Senator McCain, and he did indeed appear to be totally confused at times, repeatedly mistakenly making reference to Mr Trump as Mr Comey, and apparently completely mixing up investigations into the Democrats and Ms Clinton with investigations into the Republicans and Mr Trump. He really should not be on this investigative committee.
BBC editorial integrity in all its sub-standard glory:
BBC News
Was the president trying to obstruct justice? Former FBI Director James Comey is asked.
LIVE coverage and analysis: http://bbc.in/2sGJubL
BBC News
“Lies, plain and simple”
Ex-FBI chief James Comey says the Trump administration “chose to defame” him and the FBI
LIVE coverage and analysis: http://bbc.in/2sGJubL
Between the two posts, and they were sequential, the BBC manages to create a weasel punt into a question, based on what a person asked a hostile witness, who is then “quoted”, all in a very BBC ‘order’.
Plus, what else… ‘analysis’. Doubtless from Katty and Tony hurling into dustbins.
And the question on the lips of every BBC studio news-reader (I refuse to call them reporters) to any and all of their newsreader mates, whether in the UK or abroad, is …’How much will Mr Comey’s testimony hurt Mr Trump…?’
Absolutely no attempt nowadays to cover up their naked hatred of the POTUS.
Project Veritas on RT now
18:20pm RT coverage of Comey is way better than BBC
highlighting the errors MSM media made
– Comey did confirm that Trump was right to say that Trump was not under investigation by FBI
– NYT had a big story, but Comey said it was all wrong
– However Comey said he felt Russians had influenced the election , but offered no evidence.
– There was no instruction to stop investigateion just “I hope you can sop this investigation of Comey”
The BBCNews/breaking twitter feeds have been obsessed with Comey all day
Press coference with Trump’s lawyer
– Comey broke the law
– He released to press friends details of dinner conversation with Trump
– His excuse was that he was responding to a Tweet
– But the dates don’t match, the NYT story based on Comey info, came the day before the tweet.
I don’t understand why we’ve had the full statement of Comey and all questions, “expert” analysis etc. all day on Sky and, I believe, the “B”BC when there is the little matter of an election being fought today closer to home, somewhere in Europe, in fact this very country. They’re so desperate for something tangible to fired against Trump they don’t even think a UK General Election is very important in their grand scheme of things.
Comey’s clever way of implying that Trump must be guilty despite admitting there being no evidence actually implicating him, and saying that he “believes” that Russia did interfere in their election but again saying there is no evidence is clearly him trying to get back at Trump. A gleeful looking “Democrat” earlier saying that Comey is a very trustworthy man made me smile with irony thinking how they said the complete opposite when they thought he damaged Clinton. Trump should not have said after he won that he didn’t want the Clintons to be pursued after all. If they had had the FBI investigating their blatantly illegal, murderous and treacherous activities that would be the main item of news not this fairy tale of Russian collusion against Clinton.
Coming 8:30 R4 What’s the future for UK Farming?
Radio Times printed edition says “Britain only produces 60% of its own food”
That’s lie of omission, cos the main thing is we send out wheat abroad for animal feed, whilst we import Canadian wheat for bread.
Anyway that claim no longer appears on BBC or RadioTimes website
Having spent a month in the U.S. with 24/7, wall-to-wall coverage of this stuff on all the news madia, and beyond, I watched some, but only towards the end, of the Comey testimony, so I may have grasped the wrong impression on some of the stuff purportedly entering the public arena.
Mr Comey has been lauded all over the place on the left-wing US media about his long-term devotion to making copious notes of all of his conversations, and all because he feared for his reputation. But, lo and behold, he now seems to be saying that this started only recently, after Mr Trump became the President-Elect. Let me guess – he never wrote any memos concerning Mr Obama nor Ms Clinton, despite the fact they went after his reputation concerning the secret Clinton server and other issues surrounding the Democrats that arose during his tenure, like Benghazi, etc., ….. well, well, well….who’d a thunk it ? Does this begin to sound suspiciously like another instance of the 30,000 missing e-mails (which never existed, you understand) about to arise ?
Mr Comey, former Director of the FBI, confesses to leaking apparently confidential documents to the politically left-wing media – through an intermediary of course, to hide his involvement – but there’s no great problem with that ‘collusion’ for Katty Kay on the follow-up ‘100+ Days’ review on BBC News. It begs the question, what other underhand tactics did Mr Comey get up to, and who’s really pulling his strings, and colluding with him in all of this ?
Mr Comey chose his words and phrases, and slyly coded innuendos, with great care – to the delight, admiration, and adulation of Katty Kay and her mates…but, of course, Mr Trump’s specific words, as reported by Mr Comey himself, regarding the investigation of Mr Lynch were clearly to be interpreted any way that fitted her agenda – and we all know what that is.
BBC – a byword for Blatant, Bloody Collusion.
The BBC is still impressing with its sub journalism…
“Lies, plain and simple” — The top moments from sacked FBI Director James Comey’s testimony
Katty and Tony’s picks?
I feel misled , Tonight’s narrative is “Will May have an overall majority ?”
So why have MSM being going a long with a narrative of Labour % is closing on Conservative %” ?
That never really mattered, what mattered is “did the Tories have enough seats to beat all other parties put together ?”
Hmm don’t like the Tories, but I don’t want any Libmob people involved in government, cos they will screw Brexit up etc.
Anyone else listen to BBC Trending ?
This weeks edition was about 4Chan
“Oh you see 4Chan was a non-political messageboard system, then it got highjacked by the far rightwing/white-supremicists”
.. Hang on, hang on is there any projection going on
Isn’t it the BBC Trending team that have high jacked the BBC World Service ?
They have come in with their super ‘right on’ prog which does the same pet issues every week : hijab, refugees
Conspiracy theories anti-Russian, anti-Brexit, anti-Trump.
Then they have their side-kick prog “People Fixing the world” “solutions for a better planet.
Seems clear to me that it’s The Trending team who have hijacked a BBC Service and are running bit as if it’s a LeftWing activist collective
Last episode : Travelling Without Male Consent
Yeh two week ago a Saudi woman trying to escape oppressive parents was re-kidnapped by Saudi security at Manila airport , but we didn’t bother to report it earlier cos attacking Trump is more important
A recent episode of People Fixing the World: Turning Goats into Water
An isolated village don’t have much water, they have a diesel pump on a hill
So Rich posh American Pakistani comes in to do good
She has a dream to pump water with solar panels, so raises money in the US
Of course you can’t just give the poor stuff, so she has them pay half
What she does is take goats in part exchange every month.
Then she keeps the goats until the Sacrifice Day : Eid al-Adha, then since the prices skyrocket and she sells the goats.
Well what she could have done far more economically, and ecologically (cos of the pollution caused in manufacturing panels)
Is helped the villagers run their Eid al-Adha own programme,
ie used her money to LEND to them buy diesel, thus keep the village in water
Then in the first year the village fatten their own goats and pay her the money back
Thus the village can’t spend the all goat profits (and run out of diesel etc.
Should actually be easy to set up a moped to pump water, that way you are using a standard easy to repair engine.
Oh dear! Oh dear! what a shambles. This is where consistently bad Governmental management shows up in a critical unconcealed way. No hiding it now.
My verdict? Five short points (for what they’re worth):
1. More than 622,000 names added to the Electoral Roll in the last 24 hours. 3 million names registered since the election was called – 2.5 million definite Labour Party members, probably more voting Labour – http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/election-uk-turnout-voters-registration-labour-tories-record-numbers-a7777931.html
Is this the Bliar legacy taking hold? It will be remembered that Bliar opened up the gates to the UK for anybody and everybody to take up residence on the belief that they would all vote Labour. Has that ‘loading the scales’ policy finally come to fruition?
2. Almost certainly most of those registering will be of foreign extract. Mozzies would particularly welcome a Labour control or heavy influence so their own long term plan for domination would remain unimpeded.
3. If the recent terrorism had any effect on the election results, it favoured Corbyn. I imagine that his supporters see Corbyn as being possible to obtain an amnesty from terrorist groups in view of this close and supportive connections with them.
4. If foregoing assumptions are correct, we can entirely forget the Brexit we want and kiss goodbye to any hope of controlling immigration.
5. The average UK dolt is far more obtuse than I discredit them for being.
BBC Hardtalk I see that they have a lefty on everyday and rarely a non-lefty
The last 7 progs
TODAY : Nicola Benyahia – Founder of anti-radicalisation service Families for Life
MONDAY US Democratic Party insider – Jake Sullivan
WEDNESDAY Civil Rights Activist – Rachel Dolezal
MONDAY US Politician – Bernie Sanders
LAST FRIDAY Head of UN Mission in South Sudan – David Shearer
WED 31 MAY 2017 Executive Editor of the New York Times – Dean Baquet
MON 29 MAY 2017 Sir Suma Chakrabarti – President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development