The video clip is biased, manipulated and typical of CBB behaviour. There is a huge difference between free movement of Europeans versus those from the religion of peace. I believe that Brexit has a lot to do but certainly not exclusively about protecting us from The Muslim invasions currently taking place. Protection of European citizens is one of crucial significance and it will be Brussels who will be the most difficult. As for those filmed feeling a bit offended, I think it’s about time you grew up. Oh by the way, the man who can’t eat his breakfast because he can see the newspaper headlines from his window, it looks as if it hasn’t done you any harm. Perhaps missing out dinner too might see a return to a more healthy weight.
Yes, Nibor, the constant mantra for decades has been “racist, prejudiced Britain”. Immiggrants must be very, very stupid indeed to choose “racist Britain” rather than, say, welcoming, open-hearted Germany, the world’s new moral superpower.
Before the referendum, the Today programme R4 showcased various ex-stankhovite Polish plumbers who were of the opinion that if lots of Poles left, the UK would collapse as most indigenous British workers were too stupid or too lazy to fill their places.
“[I]f you listen to Sunday (BBC Radio 4 from 7.10am approx) at about 7.20am Ed Stourton interviews Mary McAleese, a former President of Ireland. He, and she, take the opportunity to undermine the PM’s attempt to build a Parliamentary coalition with the DUP and then darken their name. Ironically, the former President explains and sort of complains about divisiveness and sectarianism, having indulged in a public broadcast in a good bit of it herself!”
That can’t be correct, because as we all know the BBC is politically neutral and would never do such a thing.
Add that to the Mishal Hussein travesty of an interview with Lord Trimble this morning, about which I posted earlier, and it’s impossible not to conclude there is an agenda at work here.
Where did they record that ? in a store room somewhere ? Well, I don’t supposed they came over here kicking and screaming, it was their choice, so if they want to play the victim then that’s their problem too. We’ve enough to worry about with that lot in Calais trying to get across, without having to deal with migrant Europeans crying into their bank accounts that we’ve kept topped up !! Easyjet have some cheap offers on flights, perhaps they ought to take advantage.
GWF, if you listen to Sunday (BBC Radio 4 from 7.10am approx) at about 7.20am Ed Stourton interviews Mary McAleese, a former President of Ireland. He, and she, take the opportunity to undermine the PM’s attempt to build a Parliamentary coalition with the DUP and then darken their name. Ironically, the former President explains and sort of complains about divisiveness and sectarianism, having indulged in a public broadcast in a good bit of it herself!
There is one thing about reporting news.
There is another about asking people to comment or for the BBC to comment in their own right and owning that comment.
It is quite another to apparently attempt to undermine something in our national life.
I have said it before and I will say it again. May (a remainer) has trashed Brexit in a most spectacularly clever manner. She might appear stupid but she’s not daft.
This entire election campaign has been the work of a select few in my opinion. We’ve heard about cliques, exclusions etc, where were all the Brexiteers?, it all makes sense. Nobody is that stupid. No manifesto is that suicidal. The whole thing is a very well-thought out and deliberate own goal which just happens to win the match.
Tories stuffed ?
Yes in the same fantasy universe that Corbyn has 318 seats and the combined ranks of sitting opposition has 314 seats even if you leave the DUP out of it.
If Corbyn did have 318 we’d be talking about his huge mandate and epic plans for the next 5 years.
Back to this real world ..I am not going to fall for the media fake narratives.
The Tories could lose a minibus full of MPs and they’d still govern
“The Tories could lose a minibus full of MPs and they’d still govern” (StewGreen)
Stew, for goodness sake don’t give the ‘Religion of Peace’ folk ideas – not with their track record! (Pun intended.)
Despite our disappointment in Mrs May’s government, I don’t think we want to see them embedded in the M25 with the tire marks of an Eddie Stobart across their backs!
An interesting question, Adam. It seems to me that the immediate inquests into the election consistently ignore one obvious statistic. The Tory vote of 42.4% is as good as Margaret Thatcher achieved. That doesn’t strike me as the core Tory vote having been so pissed off by the Tory manifesto that they’ve sat on their hands or voted against them. Regardless of the undoubted ineptitude of Theresa May’s campaign, their vote appears to have held up well.
No, to me the reason for the upset is Jeremy Corbyn’s unexpectedly high vote of 40.0%. And at this stage I don’t have a good explanation for that. If the Tory vote wasn’t put off, could the Tories have done anything to prevent opposition coalescing around Corbyn? Perhaps if Corbyn’s past connections with terrorists had been more widely pushed, anti-Tory sentiment could have been pushed to other parties, but I don’t think anyone wanted to listen to that. It was viewed by the faithful as a smear, much as many of us view accusations against Donald Trump, and therefore discounted. The fact that these connections are true is irrelevant. The Tories lost that game of persuasion, something Labour seems to have learned from Trump. (For more about persuasion, and how facts are irrelevant, check out Scott Adams’s blog.)
And if it’s a game of persuasion? Step forward the BBC, who are already trying to persuade us that the DUP are the equivalent of the IRA and, by extension, that half of the Northern Irish are bigots, racists and homophobes.
Roland, good points. After June last year, the membership of the LibDems rocketed upwards. That did not translate into votes. The suggestion that the Greens would benefit from the Brexit choice also did not materialise at the Ballot Box; they polled less than a completely collapsed UKIP.
Yep! the Labour party membership has rocketed since J Corbyn, of course that did not translate into votes
…no wait!
It has had another surge since the GE.
‘Join Labour’ searches have surged after Jeremy Corbyn electrifies country with shock result
The biggest jump came … after the exit poll was announced
The argument that Corbyn was very successful in getting the new youth vote out seems to make sense and the figures seem to back it up. As far as I’m aware, nobody (including the experts on this blog) predicted the success of this move. In fact I think quite a few people said that the young wouldn’t bother turning up. I might have said it myself, can’t remember.
Corbyn didn’t expect much and had nothing to lose by promising to spend other people’s money and, as he lost, but did better than expected, he can claim that his spending plans would have worked if only he had been given the chance. Do the more excitable critics of May realise how dangerous this is?
IMO, instead of wanting May hung drawn and quartered, those who really care about the future should focus on avoiding a second election later this year. Labour voters have been given (yes, by May) a taste of success. Labour has impetus. Corbyn is far more credible than he was, which means that a Labour vote is not perceived as a wasted vote. The Left and the new young voters see an opportunity. This might not last but it will survive for several months at least.
May didn’t see this coming and she should have but, let’s face it, did anyone else? Who predicted with any confidence that so many UKIP voters would back Labour, the worst party for immigration? Doesn’t make sense.
A change of PM at this stage will turn people away IMO, particularly if it’s done in haste and the Conservatives get it wrong. There is precedent for this. Avoiding a ruinous Labour majority later this year is more important than getting revenge on May. Her long term career is damaged, but this damage should not be allowed to extend to the rest of the country for the next 20+ years. That, IMO, is the risk we face.
The Tory party has to hold its nose and support Treezer for several months, at the very least until the EUSSR’s crazy demands have been fleshed out a bit more and publicised so that yoof can see how much they will lose by paying Danegeld.
The Tories don’t want to precipitate another election because they would be punished by voters pissed off with elections. If the Corbynutta’s precipitate another GE they are likely to be punished.
‘….at the very least until the EUSSR’s crazy demands have been fleshed out a bit more and publicised so that yoof can see how much they will lose by paying Danegeld.’
I wish that were true, Peter. In reality, the yoof of Britain have been led to believe they can have anything, always paid for by somebody else. I’ve never seen a generation so devoid of responsibility and common sense.
The youth vote went up in my constituancy, Adam beacuse the Labour MP inreased her majority, even without a UKIP candidate to dilute the vote, as in 2015, after she had told the students at the local “uni” (her alma mater) that they could not vote via Facebook, (like they thought in 2015) giving your choice a “like” but actually had to get their arse out of bed and get to a polling station!
Unfortunately the yoot did not read the small print on corbyn’s manifesto. When he said free tuition fees he was referring to proper degree courses. The following are excluded.
The history of the hijab (BA)
Bomb-making in the UK (BSc)
LGBT toilet design (BSc) (with special input from Bruce Springsteen)
The benefits of multi-culturalism (BA) (now reduced to a 1-day course after recent attacks)
“…so many UKIP voters would back Labour, the worst party for immigration? Doesn’t make sense.”
It makes a sort of sense. If they backed UKIP over the EU and the referendum, then when both parties committed themselves to carrying out the popular will, they might have gone back to Labour for quite other purposes, feeling that Brexit was in the bag (which, despite a lot of comments here, I think it still is). Also, a lot of Corbyn’s support may have come from people who knew he would lose; his own proposals for public spending depend on their not being put into practice..
“June, will be the end of May” I remember many laughing at that … we will have to see?
Enough is Enough’, well of any internet scrutiny, or of anyone wanting to scrutinize her shameless faux review of sharia, or of any protests by T Robinson/AMWaters/Jayda Fransen/Rebel, Media etc on free speech/expression, or of any more scrutiny of dodgy electoral expenses.
Oh and acting on “Terrorism”?,
hmmm well yes, just so long as it didn t impede in any way in the race to her erm “coronation”
No matter the dead children, the maimed, the grieving families, the vital need for immediate pro active steps.
…Just focus on party before country, grasping power eh?
They re still doing it … How very Tory
Anyway … where were we?
“enough is enough” she said … of erm “desecrations” of korans?
“Police have arrested two people on suspicion of racial hatred after … a video appeared online showing a man burning a copy of the Koran”. … sharia police then?
“This arrest is just another example of the British government’s exaggerated solicitude for Muslims, which stems from the false assumption that jihad violence is the result of the “marginalization” of Muslim communities. The May government has staked the future of Britain on the idea that being nice to Muslims, and moving swiftly and strongly against violations of Sharia blasphemy laws such as this, will end the jihad against Britain.
It will, of course, fail, as will May’s drastically weakened new government, and the entire British political class. The Sharia supremacism they have not only tolerated but encouraged will turn its full force upon its benefactors, and Britain will be awash in blood.”
R Spencer
You want more then …
Security is stepped up at Cambridge mosques after an early morning … bacon hate crime? sharia police?
“A Cambridgeshire police spokeswoman said: “We are aware of this incident and an investigation is underway. We will be carrying out extra patrols in the area of both Cambridge mosques”.
“TellMAMA, which monitors anti-Muslim attacks, said: “We have received information that worshippers at the Omar Faruque mosque in Kirkwood Road, Cambridge, came out from prayers to find strips of ham on the windscreens of four vehicles”.
“The monitoring group had a similar report from Cambridge in April when bacon was left on the handle of a Muslim man’s car who was returning from Parkside swimming pools with his 6-year-old niece when he discovered the pork product.”
Meanwhile A Greater Manchester Police spokesman said officers investigating an incident searched a house and discovered a suspicious item, which was ‘made safe’ after bomb disposal experts were urgently scrambled to the scene. The army unit is understood to have left the scene at around 7pm.
… nothing to see, move along
It does make me laugh about how Muslims faced with bacon is deemed worthy to be classed as a hate crime. It’s bacon FFS.. Muslims are only told not to eat it, nothing about touching it. It’s the same with alcohol . Regards dogs Muslims are told not to let dogs lick them that’s it. Yet they go out of their way whenever they go,near any of the above.
Now how many people have a child, did you clean their nappies during the first years of their life. Did you get their shit on your hands by accident, did you just wash it off and carry on. The same with dog owners. What about people who work in hospitals , old people’s homes , do they refuse claiming it’s against their faith . Just think if each and every Muslim simply picked up the bacon and binned it, people would lose interest. But no the liberal elites have to play the race card.
It does make me laugh about how Muslims faced with bacon is deemed worthy to be classed as a hate crime. It’s bacon FFS.. Muslims are only told not to eat it, nothing about touching it. It’s the same with alcohol . Regards dogs Muslims are told not to let dogs lick them that’s it. Yet they go out of their way whenever they go,near any of the above.
Now how many people have a child, did you clean their nappies during the first years of their life. Did you get their shit on your hands by accident, did you just wash it off and carry on. The same with dog owners. What about people who work in hospitals , old people’s homes , do they refuse claiming it’s against their faith . Just think if each and every Muslim simply picked up the bacon and binned it, people would lose interest. But no the liberal elites have to play the race card.
Pounce and Lucy – My understanding that originally in hotter climates pork went “off” rapidly so it made good sense not to eat it. But now it is now just another useful tool used by the Religion of Peace to show what special “victims” they all are and how whitey hates them so.
Jihadis blow up children and run over and stab pedestrians, we take revenge by leaving bacon on the door handles of mosques. Obviously bacon “crime ” is more serious as it is a “hate” crime, whereas killing kaffirs is merely following instructions from the koran. More of a religious duty than a “hate” crime methinks.
The state and police obviously agree judging by the amount of energy that has gone into dealing with “hate” crime whilst clerics preaching killing the kaffir have pretty much remained untouched in comparison. As usual the BBC, politicians and state apparatus keen to demonstrate their PC credentials have been more than willing participants in whipping up this “hate crime” bullshit in order to demonstrate their right on/Virtue signalling values. Meanwhile the killing goes on and no-one really wants to ask “Just where did these young men get these ideas?” Obviously nothing to do with Islam,
If dogs and pork products are so offensive to RoPers then suicide bombers should have their remains buried in either dog or pig shit.
Why not do this?
Wow, it could be an election winner
If you don’t mind the Koranic verses regarding pork being posted-
“He has forbidden you only dead animals, and blood, and the swine, and that which is slaughtered as a sacrifice for other than God.” (Quran 2:173)
(Quran 6:145) Tell them (O Muhammad!): ‘I do not find in what has been revealed to me anything forbidden for anyone who wants to eat unless it is carrion, outpoured blood and the flesh of swine, all of which is unclean; or that which is profane having been slaughtered in a name other than that of Allah.121 But whosoever is constrained to it by necessity – neither desiring to disobey nor exceeding the limit of necessity – your Lord is surely AllForgiving, All-Compassionate.
Mohammed was a religious plagiarist. (Or the writers of the Koran were.)
He took bits of many principles he heard rumours of from Jews & Christians and slapped them together into his new religion as an attempt to give it an aura of authenticity.
He threw in some directives about abstinence from pork & sodomy among other things. It helped to convince his followers that all the pillaging he commanded was a spiritual directive from God as well.
The law of Moshe (Moses) about unclean (to eat) animals are considerably more detailed than the couple of verses worked into the Koranic fable.
If you are at all familiar with the original, you recognise the forgery immediately. The Koran is a hastily thrown-together patchwork of ideas.
BTW ‘Not eating food sacrificed to idols’ is a Jewish & by derivation a Christian principle.
Which is why a Christian should abstain from eating Halal-slaughtered meat.
Though It isn’t a strict rule. The Apostle Paul wrote about it.
This moral guideline is not enforced much by Christians (or even known about) because for over a thousand years in the West it hasn’t been necessary to even mention it.
Until recently no one was sacrificing animals to false gods & trying to flog the meat as food to the general public. How times have regressed!
I’d love to hear Justin Welby give a sermon about that.
But when was the last time he read his Bible?
Slightly off topic – I don’t really comment on religious scriptures etc but I just come across the following quoted from another blog, in case it’s of interest. It was from Lawrence Auster’s website originally I believe. Starts here :
I’ve just read the fascinating third chapter of William Muir’s 1878 The Life of Mahomet, “The Belief of Mahomet in His Own Inspiration.” In the great tradition of 19th century scholarship, Muir is an author who sees both the trees and the forest. He works closely from the original sources, presenting the facts about Mahomet (I’ll use Muir’s old-fashioned spelling here) as we have them from the Moslem tradition, while also offering his own critical assessment of those facts. He has a highly articulated point of view about Mahomet that seems to me exceptionally insightful.
Muir shows how Mahomet became convinced, or claimed, that his own thoughts were Allah speaking to him, so that every sentence in the Koran, every single word, is believed to come directly from Allah. While Muir doesn’t deny Mahomet’s spiritual experiences that led to the writing of the Koran, he calls Mahomet’s claim of divine authorship a forgery, since he was falsely claiming that Allah was the author of the Koran rather than himself. By placing this divine imprimatur on his own thoughts, he made them impervious to analysis. To this day, it is virtually impossible for Moslems to think critically about the contents of the Koran.
After pointing out that Mahomet himself occasionally worried that it was genii who were speaking to him rather than Allah, Muir does something rather brilliant. He demonstrates, step by step, that Jesus’ responses to the three temptations of Satan were the exact opposite of Mahomet’s behavior. Whereas Jesus refused to use his divine powers for his personal advantage or for power, Mahomet often used his (false) claim of direct divine authorship of the Koran for purely personal ends (such as his various murders and marriages), and, of course, to make his religious teaching into an earthly, conquering, political force. In other words, Mahomet yielded to the temptations that Jesus rejected. Therefore, Muir concludes (and he calls this a suggestion rather than a dogma), if Mahomet was indeed inspired by a supernatural being, it was not God but someone else.
In this connection, Andrew Bostom in his research for his book on Islam has discovered and shared with me a remarkable Persian illustration of Muhammad at the massacre of the Koreizites, a Jewish tribe of Medina. It’s a famous episode in Muslim history. Muhammad, whose face is veiled, is seen sitting with his lieutenants in a kind of plaza while the killings, which he has ordered, proceed in front of him. The illustration is highly significant because it shows Muhammad “at work,” as it were. This is what he did as Prophet and founder of a religion. Nothing could bring out more clearly the world of difference between Muhammad and Jesus. While Jesus, innocent of sin, allowed himself to be executed for the sins of mankind, Muhammad ordered the mass executions of innocent men.
Getting back to William Muir’s remarkable biography, he quotes and comments on many passages from the Koran, making that book somewhat accessible to me for the first time, since whenever I have tried to read it on my own, I’ve been quickly overcome by a combination of boredom and revulsion. It occurs to me that the primitiveness of the Koran, the endless reiteration of the theme, “Either you follow Allah, or you are a piece of garbage and you are going to burn in hell,” is like taking the judgmental aspect of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures at its most judgmental, reworking it into the crudest possible form, and making that into the basis of an entire religion. And perhaps that is the reason Islam, unlike Judaism and Christianity, was so successful in winning over the Arabs: it appealed to their simple, fierce, tribal mentality in a way that Judaism and Christianity could not.
I believe the reason for religions banning pork consumption is pork tapeworm infection – when infected swine are consumed by humans, the larvae can lodge in the brain….
I suggest that the men should use two large stones, one in each hand to vigourously wringed out with a beating action, their testicles should they get wet or even do it anyway just to be on the safe side.
“Pounce and Lucy – My understanding that originally in hotter climates pork went “off” rapidly so it made good sense not to eat it. But now it is now just another useful tool used by the Religion of Peace to show what special “victims” they all are and how whitey hates them so”.
The real irony over what you can and can’t do due to the koran is that a load of it was copied from the Jews.:Pork, separate sinks, treatment of women, praying (Muslims used to pray towards Jerusalem, but that all changed when the Jews refused to convert and Mo fell out with them ).
Now you can understand why Muslims say that only a vetted Islamic scholar can research Islam
By the most amazing of coincidences, a spokes-entity from renowned non tabloid, entirely objective ‘news’ medium the Canary was gob of honour for BBC Newsnight.
Whether the odd fact that tabloids are embraced by their readership on a voluntary basis versus the uniquely compelled funding of the BBC, is unlikely to trouble Jon or his licence fee propped pension.
“Ed Sykes (pseudonym) is Global Editor and Sub-Editor at The Canary. His books on the Rojava Revolution in northern Syria are available in English, Spanish and German. His aim at The Canary is to amplify the voices of people in Britain and around the world who are fighting for peace, freedom and democracy.”
Fearless independent journalism. And a pseud. No wonder the BBC likes them.
The fight for peace will of course involve sacrifice and collateral, comrades.
Of course Trump won against a biased media both printed and TV. That is what scares MSM the most about Trump, he is not under their thumb, and they are not use to being out of control and having so little influence on the political leadership and the framing of political direction, dialogue and debate.
Where’s this STUNT* of claiming victory even though you lost by miles, come from ???
If you notice recently Labour’s campaign benefitted from huge PR nous probably brought in by Alistair Campbell.
LibMob have spend the year sneering at Trump
* Yet that stunt is straight out of Trump’s playbook
… Someone knows something in Labour if they’ve worked out Trump’s techniques work.
A lot of this get rid of TM is simply down to the media inventing a story in which to make them money. They don’t care whos in power they just want a story and if they fuck the country up with yet another vote then so be it. Me, I’m sick of all this back biting simply in which to sell a story. But then that’s the British media for you.
Yes Stew,
I’ve been saying that here for a while – do a Trump- promise the world, some might stick others will fail. Get elected- blame the other side for the stuff you can’t do. The labour bribery of students was masterful .
I hope David Davies is PM by the end of this week ( 3/1) I put a Euro-pound on it….
Is Abbot home sec again yet? Has she been to Lourdes?
I forgot to mention – on my deranged read of things Corbyn is unstoppable for the election before 2018 and will lead Blighty to a Brexit which isn’t – the worst of all worlds. He ll probably drop the pound without blinking to cement us in for ever. I think those fools advising May has cost Blighty a lot – oh yes – up goes the TV licence’ ” a bit more tax” as McDonald was heard to say throughout the campaign,
This Gavin Barwell sounds like an arch leftie, enemy of white Britian anti everything other than multiculturalism twat.
What the hell is Treeza doing appointing him as her right hand man unless she really is still a remainer doing everything she can to prevent us leaving the EU.
As always Nigel has his finger on the pulse.
Britain we’re getting nearly as stupid as the French. Like Turkeys voting for Christmas we are voting in politicians who actively want to see the once great country flooded with 3rd world scum.
Wake up England, wake the Fuck up.
BB – In a sense if we leave the EU or we don’t and whether Labour or the Conservatives gained power in this election, neither have little effect on the titanic problems future generations of Britons are going to have to deal with.
30% of children in primary schools in the UK now are non-white, many of those will be Muslim; yet our “Elite” don’t seem to think that is cause for concern and just ignore it. It isn’t good to be a racial minority within any country, but it is even worse to be shunted into minority status in your own country by the nefarious action and subsequent inaction of earlier generations of your fellow countrymen; who facilitated mass immigration from the Third World into our small island and then did nothing to stop or reverse it, when it became apparent that the social cost to our country and its society from this immigration was incalculable.
The number of young children going into primary education for the first time was up about 2.1%. But the alarming thing is that of this increase some 71% came from ethnic minorities.
So the position is not simply that ethnic minorities now account for one third of children in primary schools, but the year on year increase in numbers is 71% from ethnic minority backgrounds. At that rate of trend it will not be long before more than 50% of young children in primary school come from ethnic minorities. May be just about 8 to 12 years, say by about 2025 to 2030. Scary, hey!
The writing is well and truly on the wall, a fact which ought to be known from the fact that Mohamed is the most popular boy’s name not only in London but also country wide.
I consider that May has a real life line since the Tories will not risk a leadership contest which would then give rise to calls that the new PM should go to the country for a mandate. The Tories are aware that the electorate is suffering from election fever, and would not look kindly on another general election. Unless things go south, May will not be ousted for years.
May’s problem is that she has lost her political capital within her own party. She will find it difficult to control the party, and the party is split on Brexit, particularly between hard and soft. Torry rebellion by the wets will make it difficult to deliver a hard Brexit, and with her small majority any rebellion causes problems. Labour Brexiteers are likely to put party interests before the will of the people, so May probably cannot rely upon support from Labour.
May can re-ingratiate herself with the electorate if she does a good job as PM over the next couple of years. The best PR is always doing a good job.
I think that she really needs to come clean with the electorate, and say that there is only one form of Brexit and that is exit. This is what was voted; one cannot leave a train by keeping one foot in the carriage. The country has voted to leave the EU (gravy) train, and that inevitably means getting off the train, and exiting from each and every institution that goes to make up the EU (including the ECHR). Of course, she will endeavour to negotiate the best possible deal with the EU that will protect trade, jobs, the City, EU nationals, security etc, but this will not be staying in the single market or custom’s union, and no compromise will be made on the right to control migration.
She also needs to show strong leadership on the terrorism problem. Her ‘enough is enough’ speech was all talk. She had the opportunity to show real leadership by taking some immediate action but failed to do so. It is imperative that she now takes some firm action and demonstrates that she/the government are in control, and are on top of issues. A good start would be the immediate arrest of all the returned jihads. This needs to be done covertly, but once they have all been rounded up, she should make a public statement advising that they have all been arrested, and those that can be prosecuted of a crime will be, and those that cannot will be deported back to the Middle East and not allowed to re-enter the UK. At the same time she should announce that the security service have been instructed to review all 23,000 people on the watch list and to reassess their threat levels and she has made £X million available to the security service so that they can complete this immediate review.
She also needs to stimulate the economy, this will need to be done with Brexit. She should cut back foreign aid to say £3 billion freeing up £10 billion. £7 billion should be put into the NHS and £3billion into social care. The lefties and the BBC will not like the cut back to foreign aid, but the Tories can respond by saying ‘so you do not want £7 billion invested in the NHS’? This will make attack on the policy difficult. Personally, I consider throwing money at the NHS a waste, but rather than wasting money abroad, we are better to waste it in the UK, and we get something back from such an investment as well as goodwill from the electorate.
HS2 should be scrapped. that will free up £70 to £100 billion. Not all of that is government money (our money as tax payers), and instead investment diverted to localised infrastructure upgrades. It will also cut the UK borrowing requirements.
She should scrap the Climate Change Act and all green levies, and lets follow the US and exit the Paris Accord. This will put several hundred pounds in people’s pockets. She should announce that once Brexit is complete, and once we have regained the right to make our own rules, VAT on energy bills will be scrapped saving the typical householder about a further £100 per year.
Fast track fracking. This is the best stimulant to the economy, and if we can become energy independent, just like the US, it will free us from dependency to any other regime. This would have huge international and foreign policy implications. This will enable us to once more punch above our weight. Wouldn’t it be fun if we could export gas to the EU!!
Follow the DUP policy to scrap the BBC licence fee. Give the BBC 12 months to introduce either a subscription service or revenue by adverts. This will save householders a further £150 per year.
Of course, there are many other policies to pursue, but Brexit should be the main issue to get attention and she needs some hard nosed commercial negotiators (not politicians or civil servants) to negotiate a deal. JCB and Weathersppons were in favour of Brexit, so the government should employ their best commercial negotiators to get on the team.
SC2, some good points there. Everything the Conservatives and DUP do now needs to have a tactical element to it but also be achievable in a short time frame. That time frame is four to five months. Yes, that short a time frame.
Extra funding for the NHS will help nail Labour’s coffin.
A ‘temporary halt’ to Overseas Aid, maybe, to permit an investigation into use and abuse.
Scrapping the Licence Fee is not on. Neither is an immediate substantial reduction but calling Lord Hall for a chat at No.10 should be a priority and he can be asked why the Licence Fee has been effectively increased twice (scope & amount) when the BBC have made substantial savings (close to 40%? as reported by Lord Hall, autumn 2015?) which could & should have been passed on to the Licence Fee payer? He can be asked to now do that. This should be done with an obvious link to the tax increases that may be needed in future for the NHS.
Corbyn and his Party are riding a popular wave. Attacking the BBC will be unpopular with a majority of the people of Britain. It will energise the whole media and is unlikely to be supported by newspapers – all struggling for sales and survival – and some of whom are totally opposed to the Conservatives.
Forgot to mention re BBC in post above: Lord Hall should be gently, but firmly, asked to grant free TV Licences to anyone in full-time education, living apart from a generational family home, and to all those in receipt of the State Pension.
@Upsnuff “Extra funding for the NHS will help nail Labour’s coffin.”
No, the problem was the Tories were actually afraid to be Tory
Theresa the Appeaser was trying to please LibMob when they are never going to vote for her anyway
Be good if someone said
“We are not a socialist party.
We are going to get a grip on spending.”
Then set a date for ending handouts for old people like winter fuel allowance
..set a date for ending housing benefit.
“Sure we are going to take care of the bottom 10%,
but they have to do their bit , by turning up to litter picking days, sticking to drug rehabilitation plans etc.”
SS – Agree with everything you say but remember at the end of the day it is Theresa May you are dealing with. A woman of few ideas and little imagination. As soon as I heard she had appointed Gavin Barwell (the Farage hating remainer) as her Chief of staff it became obvious she has learned nothing and under pressure just reverts to type.
I am afraid she will just carry on like the lame duck she is trying to please everybody but in the end pleasing no-one. Just like the party she represents – she is arrogant and out of touch with the population as a whole, our only use has been to fuel the gravy train that has allowed these bastards to have been feeding off the fat of the land for generations.
Most people dont mind talented people getting on – it fact it is expected. However the tory party (just like the BBC) appears to have taken this to new heights. This elite has become a self serving and self selecting clique. Why has Saudi Arabia or City crooks never been taken on ? I think we know the answer to that one too.
Until the Tories start selecting people with a more “normal” background into Government rather than just the great the good and the privileged. ( our local MP is ex postie Scott Mann) Then the Conservatives will become
an increasing irrelevance allowing dangerous pipe dreamers like Corbyn to gain power.
I am not saying that anyone with a title should be barred from serving as an MP but merely that to truly represent us successfully you do need to have at least some influential people who know what it is like to have to struggle and have to deal with real issues, rather than just walking into a City job and cleaning up after University and buying a nice house in the Home Counties.
For the sake of our nation it is time for some honest debate about all of the issues. And I for one doubt the Tory party in its current state is capable of this.
“Until the Tories start selecting people with a more “normal” background into Government rather than just the great the good and the privileged. ( our local MP is ex postie Scott Mann)”
Agree, but that means we need an indoctrination-free state education system that works.
In my experience, even bright people who have been through the state education system just can’t organise their thoughts and speak. This is where private schools score. It’s a skill that comes with arguing and debating but such things are considered uncontrollable and therefore highly dangerous to many in the education system.
Dangerous Times? … for “the swamp”, I agree I have repeated on here so many times
Its essential … we have to drain the swamp,
Blame the manifesto, (stereotypical tory fare), blame the advisors, blame May,(and she s the best of a sorry bunch) … all the excuses pulled out of the air.
It is just so laughable still the arrogance of perceived “privilege” and folly of the Tories, they ll have to twist, scheme, lie, manipulate, and back stab. they ve got unlimited funds, millionaire connections
perhaps they ll have a meal with Mandleson, get the inside with Campbell?.
Still even now … they just don t get it,
drain the swamp is not just a yank sound bite over here
Without the Jocks, the Tories would be out … news travels slower up there I guess, come the next election believe me, they will disappear.
sanitycheck2, an excellent and thoughtful post. The standout line for me, however, is “one cannot leave a train by keeping one foot in the carriage”. We must all remember that for arguments with “Soft Brexiteers”, aka “Bremainers”, aka “Idiots”.
Sanity, excellent suggestions unfortunately Teresa is not a woman who will listen to, or accept good advice.
Two significant steps would have been following up on ‘Enough is Enough’ with some immediate action and a promise to the nation that we won’t be bullied by an arrogant EU leadership. Nigel Farage would be one of the logical choices for Brexit negotiations but after the insane Tory election campaign I would expect their ineptitude to continue.
BBC News – Hartlepool mosque trip cancelled amid parents’ safety fears
“A school trip to a mosque has been cancelled as some parents feared it might become a target for backlash in the wake of recent UK terror attacks.
However, other parents have said halting the planned visit was “shocking” and “disrespectful”.
Backlash?, fears? … UH OH!
To all teachers, education chiefs, and school councils implementing Islamic compliant study
, writing essays or letters of how you have converted to Islam, or mosque visits that children cannot abstain from, or wear the hijab for the day, drawing or reciting the shahada
When are Islamic children going to recite the torah in a synagogue trip for a day, How about them wear the Christian cross for a week as homework? no
What s that? … Not a good idea?
How about remove the hijab for a week, what it actually is, is wrapping a child s head in Sharia
… no … isn t that progressive
… And heres the best
How about Islamic children write letters to their parents telling them their converting to Christianity, or Judiasm? … as some Christian children were asked to do up north?
Do you know what that would mean for any child … a death sentence.
So … How dare you, how DARE you not give the facts, (not spin, not lies) about this dangerous ideology
to our impressionable children.
As teachers education chiefs, if you teach a subject, give homework assignments, on it
implement visits on it
… Should YOU, not be factually educated on it,
Should kids be taken out of school for Mosque visits?
Were we not recently and endlessly told by our beloved BBC that “a day out of school during term time damages a child’s education and puts their future prospects at risk.” ?
Here you are sir, mosque window cleaning/car washing service rolling out nationally. and sir look!
no chemicals! – using only pork based products,
first two weeks free
… We ll see you Friday
Thanks for your constant invitations for mosque visits, in the spirit of openness!
Nationally we start this week, here is our list of requirements.
Oh, as we know you are fasting … our bacon grill will be at the front door,
and the cold beer fridge will be plugged in facing Mecca, isn t diversity wonderful!
… see you Friday
All this talk of anti Muslim hate crime. What on earth would happen if a genuine atrocity was committed against a Muslim target, with actual deaths and maimings.
Putting bacon near a Mosque is a silly prank, it is not a hate crime.
Getting back to TM she got exactly what she deserved, the sheer stupidity of the Tory campaign was breathtaking, I voted UKIP as I live in a safe Tory seat, so I could afford to. Had I any suspicion that neighbouring Kensington would have turned Labour, I might have thought twice about registering a protest vote.
The Tories need to regain their sense of self preservation and quick.
The percentage May got was more than enough in previous years to get a huge majority (look at Blair/Thatcher’s %s) but they were in a 3 party system whereas the LibDems collapsed and Labour made this a 2 horse race. Plus the boundaries exacerbated the system because they haven’t been adjusted yet. Ironically, Conservative supporters should really be out there getting the LibDems back on their feet, making sure that the idiot voters like students return to the fold and thus allowing future elections to be a 3 way race where anything above 40% gives you a decent win
Were it not for Scotland voting in Conservative MPs, Corbyn would be your new Prime Minister. It was a good ‘back to reality’ moment for Sturgeon who has been living in a cloud where having (nearly) all the MPs mean that everyone likes your left wing nationalist tendencies. The SNP used to be far more right wing, they were called the tartan tories and that’s why their home turf was Aberdeen and the north east where even Salmond was outed when folks there looked at the Glasgow themed manifesto that the (now lefty) SNP put forward.
Yep! Krankieland at least had a modicum of social decency, still free tuition, and prescriptions
… and couldn t wait to shoot themselves in both feet by voting Tory … that won t last.
I always smile, didn t they get thrashed by Zaire in the World Cup, and yet draw with Brazil on the way out?
I always point out that
1) The fact that Scotland has a lower life expancy (as the English so like to mockingly point out) means that the pension bill is a lot lower and the NHS isn’t being ripped apart by long term geriatric care costs. Thus free prescriptions and other things are easily affordable
2) Scotland doesn’t have Ofsted, league tables or all that testing that England does. The money is spent on better schooling (hence why Scotland outperforms England on pretty much every school metric) and making university free.
University isn’t “free” if you come from any other part of the UK , SC, bit different if you come from an EU member one though. A bit “ironic” though how Brown managed to put the student loan bank in Glasgow!
“hence why Scotland outperforms England on pretty much every school metric”
Can you provide some evidence to back that up please?
My understanding is that Scotland’s position in world rankings is nothing to shout about and, according to some, declining.
“Around 540,000 students across the world took part from the 35 member states of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and 37 “partner countries”. ”
“The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) for 2015 found Scotland has tumbled down league tables for maths, reading and science when compared to 34 other developed countries and the UK’s three other home nations.
Record low scores mean it no longer performs above the international average in any of the three core subject areas and the number of countries performing better than Scotland has increased in each report conducted since 2006, the year before the SNP came to office.
Overall, Scotland’s ranking has dropped from 11th to 23rd for reading since 2006, from 11th to 24th for maths and from 10th to 19 for science. A record number of nations are now doing better than Scotland, with the English education system boasting a significantly superior performance at science.
The proportion of Scottish children deemed to be performing below standard at science and reading has spiked since the survey was last conducted in 2012, with the scores of both boys and girls dropping significantly except among girls for maths.”
Not read the above so apologies if someone has already pointed this out: it was less than a year ago that a majority of Conservative Party MPs voted for Mrs May in a leadership ballot. Then, for some strange reason or reasons not yet fully known, many of those same Parliamentary Conservatives put pressure on Andrea Leadsom and Boris Johnson to stand down.
Listening to the 7am BBC News and reviewing the front pages of the newspapers, I find it most peculiar that the media’s memory extends back only nine months or so.
Well, someone once said that a week was a long time in politics.
‘BBC Weatherman Philip Avery Apologizes For Predicting Sunshine When It Rained’
‘It turns out that weather predictions aren’t simply churned out by thermometers, barometers, psychrometers and hygrometers and then pumped through an algorithm. There’s an element of human judgment, which means an element of human error.’
‘Such a public mea culpa from a weatherman is so unheard of that a quick Google search for other possible incidents brought up only a BBC presenter apologizing for calling a certain area of the the U.K. “nowheresville,” the BBC apologizing when that same weatherman made an obscene gesture while on camera…’
[Schafernaker – they are talking about you – see this childish Guardian report on the BBC’s weathermanboy]
But back to the grown ups… too fulsome or too regular the admission of fallibility might just tend to undermine our trust in certain grand meteorological theories and climate predictions…
‘Avery went on, “apologies to anyone who has had their next few hours ruined.”‘
Or, perhaps their livelihood and economy ruined – due to the widespread adherence to the dodgy science of global warming ?
We still wait for that rather more expensive mea culpa
If you want good weather you should vote labour.
Corbyn will promise you sunshine all day and rain only at night.
It will be paid for by increasing corporation tax and from the top 5% of tax payers.
Also, all students will get £30,000 if you vote in labour.
This will be paid for by increasing corporation tax and from the top 5% of tax payers.
Don’t forgot to vote Labour for love bombs of tolerance from Momentum supporters, world peace from the CND, and a rise in living standards from all the prosperity caused by reversing Tory cuts and increasing taxes under the guidance of a Chancellor of the Exchequer inspired by the hope not cuts Venezuelan model of economic change.
With Jeremy you at last have a leader who at last understands terrorism, and who unlike the Jews, will unite the formerly divided Red Sea, and who understands (as only the enlightened can) the diverse concerns and dilemmas of students who have to struggle through the plurality of Hate White Men and Anti-Thatcher Studies courses.
There seems to be an intriguing double standard manifesting itself in the protests coming from a number of our lefty luvvies. Not unusual, I know, but…
They accuse the DUP of being narrow minded, sexist, religious and racial bigots. Apparently these Northern Irish Protestants question evolution, are misogynistic, don’t allow same sex marriage or abortion and overall are a pretty frightful and intolerant bunch.
Hmmmm…I don’t think I like the sound of these protesters.
Beginning to sound a bit phobic to me…
I’m not religious so could do without the hellfire and brimstone stuff. Creationism sounds dubious but it seems harmless compared to what a lot of other parties believe- Eg ‘Diversity is good’, ‘NTDWI’, ‘The World will end if we leave the EU’.
I don’t believe in same sex marriage. There, I said it. In fact I don’t believe in any kind of marriage! Have a civil ceremony if you want one. I wouldn’t want to ban abortions but they should certainly be restricted.
So it follows that if the DUP fielded candidates in England they’d have my vote. I’d give the drumming, fifes and bowler hats a miss though.
Hence why they enjoy changing facts to suit their own agenda.
I’m surprised Corby hasn’t put in a ‘right to be forgotten’ request with Google to expunge from the records all his tea and sympathy meetings with various terrorists.
But then again, he doesn’t need to as the BBC seem to have a collective amnesia about this everytime they mention or speak with him.
Who said about slimy backroom deals with the DUP? … no one, nothing to any voter
plenty of smear and spite, about Labour and any association though, utterly despicable
The arrogance of Tories, taking their sheep for granted again.
Anyway, boundary changes first thing to get kicked into touch, and then ….
Look, the change has started, planned for after his second election win, you simply cannot have, cleaner “honest politics” by back room deals, with terrorist connected factions, when you have squealed like a stuck pig for 7 weeks about the same
From the Tory lie of “strong and stable” to “sly and slippery” the minute they lose their majority
In the BBC News – Tory chief whip in Belfast talks with DUP, so still the charade continues
The Tories are a disaster, and completely culpable even complicit in the terror mass murders we have had
… ever since they conned the public into giving them power the last time.
Apparently the Tory chief whip is meeting with the DUP in Belfast still in talks over possibly forming a government, that’s today!!
Yet the Tories, got that Liar May pairing out like a juiced up whippet, the other day, to race to see the queen,”hello playmates” … no majority, no integrity, and of course no scruples eh!
I just hope she dropped into the cash point first, because the DUP (even more than Tories if that’s possible) know all about dodgy dealings.
The Tories, and their toilet paper press have just spent entire campaign pointing finger and yelling IRA, IRA. at J Corbyn … 5 secs in and she’s in bed with DUP, as Tories turn to prop up their failure?
Yep! and that’s the party that collapsed the N.Ire. Government due to financial scandals and fraud, so should fit in perfectly with the Tory front bench, and their campaign shenanigans.
Let them send the “clown car” of May/Davis/Boris to the EU, the record of Tory failure will continue
Its almost laughable if it were not so serious … they ll simply sh-t the bed, for everyone else.
No doubt there will now be some slimy call for a unity EU approach now … after the clusterf-ck
bonehead style I ve had to watch from No10 so far.
Agreed this is just a holding pattern – the bookies have 11/10 on another General Election in 2017 and Boris at 2/1 for next leader of Conservatives – them is short odds .
All that really happened last week is that nothing has really changed none of the Political establishment are listening to the people – they are hoping we will all shut up and go quiet as is our famous balanced broadcaster. I was thinking the other day when the BBC news is on in the week they show shots of the newsroom with 100’s of people with hundreds of screens with so much coverage of the internet how do they manage to be so crap at news gathering
Well , never thought I would be pleased to hear the views of McDonnell but as reported by Guido he made clear on Peston that leaving the single market (& gaining control of our borders?) is an essential of implementing the referendum. As Guido says “Important message for those Remainers who are trying to use the election to overturn the referendum result, despite 580+ MPs being elected on pro-Brexit manifestos
That would include all the great & good of the BBC (“The World this Week” who I heard last night united in following the Remainers line.
As the BBC have somehow missed this out on their rolling summary of this days events I have emailed them to point it out. I’m sure they will include it now!
Ah yes, but dont’t forget that Evan ‘boss-eyed’ Davis admitted only the other day that the BBC boys don’t care about accusations of bias..
You see, any other government in the world with teeth (I.e. just Trump) would take these snivelling little wretches at the BBC to task, starting with dismantling the whole sorry sack of shites, but alas this is the UK government who have less backbone than a ragdoll.
The BBC have held back from bad news about May from several directions.
There was a large anti fox hunting demo – not reported.
There have been several non reported demos against her outside No 10.
Not that I support the Corbyn for PM brigade but it does seem that the BBC pull their punches when dealing with their girl. Until a better one comes along.
BBC Every day
Radio Lincs 10.15am
“Good to have our new local Lincoln MP …supporting our campaign”
Very chummy voice as he speaks about the regions only elected Labour MP amongst lots of Tories ,
and he’s talking about the stations CPR campaign (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation)
but I don’t recall him speaking chummily of the regions Tory MPs
Lets have a look at the local BBC reporters Twitter output
Yeh that’s very IMPARTIAL not
..same Chumminess with local Labour MP and feelings
Spot that Richard bacon retweet
(BTW the BBC Radio Lincolshire Twitter feed has put out 7 Tweets about The 1 Labour MP since 48 mins after the vote closed , they mentioned the regions 10 other MPs only twice between them
Ah-this unnecessary election meme of the lazy the thick and the Left. As stupid as saying that a teacher is giving an unnecessary teaching lesson. You`re a politician-aren`t elections what you do then?
This lefty meme came only when they lost the Brexit vote…how DARE you ask the plebs?
As opposed to the Scottish Referendum which was the right thing to do of course.
Yes, Mays put her party(and her career) in danger-but I`d have thought that “a gamble” would please the media…Nicola Sturgeon said that often enough, and we can see why SHE thought the election to be unnecessary now.
But I`m glad she gambled, ought to a hard Brexit now if we get tactical.
Off to a Blukip meeting tonight at Tim Martins pub…we need to get rid of Soubry, Rudd and Clarke for starters.
Bit of Blue Momentum required, templates drawn from Ulster 68-98.
Last weekend I mentioned how BBC Radio Lincolnshire news was reporting vile tweets coming out of a supposed Tory Twitter account in Lincoln as if they were genuine tweets
Why run radio newsstory
without highlighting account is either SPOOF or been hijacked ?
(It proved to a spoof)
A Twitter account claiming to be linked to the Lincolnshire Conservatives has been suspended after senior party members became aware of it.
— BBC Radio Lincolnshire (@BBCRadioLincs) June 2, 2017
The clear message being pumped out of the propaganda machine that is the BBC is that the people have rejected May’s “hard” Brexit. Of course this is utter claptrap, as they well know, but it suits them to promote this fable.
May was miles ahead in all the polls until she unleashed her gormless, suicidal manifesto, that read like a prolonged assault on most of her voters. Means testing for the fuel payment for pensioners (peanuts in revenue and a pain to administer!) Losing the triple lock on pensions and, of course, the astonishingly awful “dementia tax.”
At the same time giving billions of our hard earned cash in foreign aid.
I couldn’t care tuppence that this pathetic, robotic, half baked woman has buggered up her own career;
I do care passionately that she has jeopardised Brexit. What they’ll try to feed us now is a watered down version of what we voted for. Everything will be up for grabs. Border controls, freedom of movement, a points system on immigration.
The vultures are already circling and the BBC is throwing them pieces of meat. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve seen Anna Soubrey, looking particularly smug, on the Beeb. They’re all crawling back out from under their stones.
Theresa, was a dreadful home secretary and now she’ll go down as one of the worst prime minister we’ve ever had.
Still. on the bright side there’s…?
There was me thinking that 80% of the voters wanted Brexit.
Both parties stood on this manifesto commitment, and doubtless a far few UKIP voters up north gave Corbyn the nod on account of this.
The LibDems were the only option in England unless you wanted to waste your vote on Greens.
How did they do then?
Let the word go out.
80% of the electorate have voted for Brexit-whether you focus on jobs like Labour, or money like Tories…it`s STLL leaving in 2019.
Any other option-trouble assured.
When you look at the MP’s in both parties, there isn’t a single one I’d buy a second hand car from – in fact apart from those handful who regularly appear on the box, I have trouble naming any of them ! A lot different to those days when the big beasts of the Tory & Labour parties could be named without thinking about it.
In elections past, all the big guns would be interviewed, shown canvassing around the country – whether they were seen falling over or having eggs thrown at them, but we’ve only seen May and Corbyn as talking heads saying their bit. Definitely the worst campaign I can remember.
Brisseles David TC Davies has spoke up against Climate madness
and about Islamic problems.
Most MPs leave when he speaks, those remaining look thick and ill informed when they try to rebut him.
Rees Mogg and Lord Lawson speak well, but have the problem of being posh boys.
Corbyn was out and about. TV didn’t report it much, and the Tories don’t seem to have realised that there are many more ways to communicate that don’t involve TV, especially by the young. Corbyn’s team did. The Tories had better cotton on PDQ, because they may well be forced into an early election. Right now they really don’t want another election because Corbyn is on the crest of a wave of delusion and could well win. Which wouldn’t please too many on here other than nogginator.
“…when the big beasts of the Tory & Labour parties could be named without thinking about it.” ‘Fraid those are the ones that led to this sorry bunch that we’ve got now!
May is inept politically, but I won`t rely on the political class.
Whether May had walked it or not-Soubry would STILL have been all over the media, in one state of inebriation or another, Likewise the scum like Heseltine are back from under their stones, and Osborne is now getting a clear run. They`re polticians remember?
So-get the classical music on, discern who the REAL prophets and patriots are.
And do NOT take any kind of steer from the BBC and current IS sucking ups, current EU globalisations and gleeful Soros/Davos scum who run things.
Remember Brexit…remember Trump last year.
The EU will finish soon enough, the Union is more secure and we may even get a bit of theology on a confidence and supply basis.
Arlene will NOT be giving succour to Corbyn/Lefty IRA types.
And May-crap politician though she is- is STILL the only person who will get a deal on Brexit, she`s honourable in that I think.
If the MSM hate her that much-then we need to remember there`ll be bigger reasons for that than her poor communication skills or such.
May has clattered her party, but she was well-intentioned in wanting us out.
As for her refusing to sign that EU letter to Trump over that Paris Green crap? That ALONE is reason to back her.
Still needs to say sorry to Farage as well, and get the likes of Tebbit, Lawson Lilley and the Mighty Mogg into the lifeboat.
Generally agree, but I don’t share your confidence in Treezer. Time will tell and I hope you are right. How are the apple trees down there , these days . Hope for a bumper crop !
Theresa is just the anti-politician required maybe?
As I say-if all those hideous forces are against her, then a bit of gallantry and compassion is the British way.
If she really wants to survive, she`ll need to go beyond her backstabbers in the Tory Party, and their gofers and spitball wankstains in the Big Comics who chew what the BBC tell them.
Farage-Rees Mogg and a big apology to the country-and she could yet be the Churchill so feared and hated by Soros puppets like the media.
Michael Howard gets onto TWATO-speaks plenty sense too. How did HE get onto the BBC today then?
This year, I am mainly growing rhubarb Grant! Ooo arrr!
Definately agree with you on the Teezer Grant – Not to be trusted at any costs!
Sorry to piss on everyones strawberries but I am afraid as things currently stand and unless there is some sort of “game changer” come out of the blue brexit is probably dead in the water.
Fortunately Theresa is history now and hopefully she will shuffle off into well deserved obscurity. However I am now worried about who they will now elect. I think the press would like Bojo because he has always been “good press”
But even if the tories do elect him – I am afraid he will just be seen as another toff who believes in very little apart from power – and they would probably be right. In addition his commitment to controlling immigration has always been shaky. David Davies was once committed but he has also shown weakness regarding the single market and in fact there is currently no-one in the cabinet who I would trust.
Regarding Brexit in the medium and short term there is not a cats chance in hell of it happening (barring the sudden granting of Farage a safe seat as a Conservative and the whole root and branch reform of the Conservative party).
Both the DUP and the Scots Conservatives see remaining in the single market as essential and I would not be surprised if Theresa is more than willing to pay the blood ransom of signing up to “soft brexit” (which we all know means no brexit just to retain power and save some face.) And that is not even taking into account the large number of tory remainers who are currently strutting their stuff.
It was May wot lost it (even though technically she won) and it must have been a bitter sweet result for her – bitter because she has lost all political credibility and sweet because at heart she is a remainer. I am afraid she is typical of much of the political class who have become arrogant, detached and have demonstrated a degree of political cowardice over and above the call of duty.
And it was the kids wot won it. Voting in their droves for a man who promises milk and honey and no cost. Housing crisis? – No problem well just build some more.
Owe Uni fees after completing your David Beckham studies course? – Dont worry you wont have to pay anyway.
Economic migrants drowning in the med ? Dont worry they can come here!
So what exactly will the kids have won if they finally manage to get the bearded one into Downing street? I think it will be an overcrowded country with a greek style recession and a land where particularly in the cities women will no longer be safe to walk in the streets.
The only bright spark in all of is is that the EU will eventually implode anyway as it is unsustainable in all ways. And maybe we should now just look no further than that as there is really no-one (of any serious influence )in parliament who we can currently trust with this precious task.
I dearly hope I am wrong on this but fear I am not – we shall see!
Maybe you can see what and why Islam are here to do.
All that you say is true above Oaknash.
Just remember that the Left have long known how to bully on our streets for the Cause.
We also need to learn, I myself am looking at how the Republican Army morphed and went seamlessly from strategy to tactics and back again.
The tactics used by (what turns out now to be) good people like Roy Mason need to be looked at again. We had a range of military options that were tactical and fluid, with courage and an existential need NOT to hand this country over to Marxist Scum with a Wolfe Tones poster.
After Blackman, I doubt that we`ve got the same calibre of warrior any more-but it ought still to be be able to squash some self-immolating nutters hell bent on our girls and scaring us into their desert grief holes like Abu Dhabi or Levenshulme.
I reckon your right Chris (but I hope not). And I suspect that as is their way the majority of the “yoof” will be the very last to lift a finger to save their sorry existence.
I used have heated argument that politicians are politicians first – human beings second . They are self serving and always looking for the next job/ payout . We must always vote for the least worst .
Can’t help but notice BBC commentary relentlessly hammering Theresa May’s wounded premiership.
Of course as soon as Boris or anyone else were to be elevated to the position of PM the BBC could move to criticising their lack of electorial mandate. The hapless Corbyn would perhaps get a second run at an election but the likelihood of us ending up with a pro-EU leader – say Mrs Cooper-Balls or Chuckie or Keir Sturmer – grows ever closer within the crucial two year exit time period.
I recall the lefty slogan Casino Economy…. you know what they say about casinos, the house always wins.
It looks like Treezer is ready to dump Brexit, or negotiate it so that we are effectively still in. Why appoint an arch remainer when fighting to mobilise a strong and stable Brexit team?
Get rid of the woman now
Just an idea. How about the Government giving free tuition for university degrees that we need like Science/Technology/Medicine. Other degrees you would have to pay for. It would help industry and may even clear out some of the lefties in the university.
I would imagine a vast majority of courses would be excluded (being useless ‘ologies’) and the University profit making… er sorry education system would probably collapse.
I had a lefty friend try and compare her MA in Interfaith Studies with my MSc in Engineering, I nearly spat my beer out.
Very few people are interested in STEM subjects because they are hard, it’s easier to get a BA(Hons) in Transgender Studies and then become a Primary school teacher.
Cant help but feel that all those colourful carnival whistle blowers who joyfully voted Labour – and couldn’t articulate why they did, is just a flash in the pan. If its another 5 years before the next GE then this lot will have left yuni, no doubt be in a good salaried job, and will think twice about having most of it taken in tax if Corbyn becomes PM. These students are so thick in living for the ‘now’ and being ‘right-on’ for their fellow human beings, that when it comes to them having families of their own in the future, they’ll think again about protecting the rights of others.
Those giving their forthright views on camera should be interviewed again in 5 -10 years time to see how they’ve changed.
Well remember the Dept of Education in 2002 trying to get extra teachers, by offering us all the “chance to hang out with Raj”.
This was before Savile of course, but now our tatttoed, drug-addled tranzy deviants will be happy enough to go onto break duties by gender-neutral loos as Blair and his unions would have wanted.
At least Trojan Horse schools wouldn`t let THAT happen to their grandkids-yet we do.
July 2016 “New PM, but she’s not elected …WE MUST have election now !”
June 2017 “She’s been elected PM (by 43% of public), but she MUST resign !”
NEXT : “New PM, but he/she’s not elected …WE MUST have election now”
and then what ??.. if the BBC don’t approve of that one they’ll be demanding another election,
Anyone see the usually good Brillo on the Sunday politics interviewing that old bag sourbry.
He went extremely easy on her.
She kept repeating that this election showed the people did not want a hard Brexit and was not challenged even after saying it quite a few times.
She comes out with the crap that … yes, we are leaving the eu but we want to stay in the single market and the customs union, more immigration and to all intents and purposes stay exactly as we are now, that is, fully IN the eu.
Also not challenged by O’Neill.
I just hope that an injection of 10 proper Conservatives will improve the conservatives there now and the sooner any old shite like sourbry goes the better.
Why doesn’t she just join the liberals, she’s no Tory.
The beauty of last years Referendum to leave the EU was its simplicity. One person-one vote. So my vote was equal to Mandelsons, Cleggs, Soubrys or Toynbees. No more and no less.
So if my fellow 52%(and rising once you cut out the London metropolitan bias, the Celtic blowlies like the Cybernats in Scotland) are NOT getting more than equal treatment in the Lords, Commons , media or BBC-then you can tell what that vote means to them. Fuckall.
If you factor in the months of endless lies, scares fiddled registrations and cheating-with full media lies added-then it`s a good deal more than 52% as well.
So to hear the BBC and the broadsheets try to ignore the 80% who voted for a hard clean Brexit as we`ve just done only shows how dangerously stupid and complacent they now are. I need no Osbornes or Mandelsons-didn`t vote for either. I want the right to get Soubry and Clarke out of the Tory Party and make them go to the LibDems/Smoking and Ginswill Party etc.
Until the BBC reflect the 52%?…that %2% really ought to back the DUP in getting rid of the BBC. My grandparents didn`t pay for Von Ribbentrops Brasso for his belt buckles in 1933, so why the hell am I paying for Soubrys damsons, Clarkes hush puppies or Mardells extra lunches in 2017?
How long will it be before the BBC calls the Golders Green fire a hate crime? Well, my money is on arson by close followers of you know who (peace be upon him – not).
I was reading a comment on one of the online papers about what the Conservatives need to have to become more relevant. It was along the lines of fewer elite cliques such as the Oxbridge/Eaton old boy’s network and more with real job experience. That reminded me of Norman Tebbit, working class parents, State school and RAF. I went on to Wikipedia and found this quote from him.
“Inside Britain there is a … threat from the Marxist collectivist totalitarians. … Just to state that fact is to be accused of ‘union-bashing’. … Such people are to be found in the Conservative, Liberal and Labour Parties. Their politics may be different but such people share the morality of Laval and Pétain … they are willing not only to tolerate evil, but to excuse it. … Both Jim Prior and Keith Joseph know that George Ward and Grunwick are not perfect, nor was Czechoslovakia perfect in 1938. But if Ward and Grunwick are destroyed by the red fascists, then, as in 1938, we will have to ask, whose turn is it next? Yes, it is like 1938. We can all see the evil, but the doctrine of appeasement is still to be heard.”
Seems to describe the present day situation with very few differences. Just replace union bashing with wasicts, xyzophobia, hate speech, etc. and voila.
Tebbit was much loved by his Civil Servants during his time at Trade. I have that from someone who was ‘inside’ for a while. That is often a good measure, although not always, of a Minister.
Subversion is what much of the work of those who are not Tebbits are about. Osborne is a clever guy, in my view, much sharper than Cameron. He (Osborne) should know that if you have to intervene in a ‘free market economy’ (in reality, a controlled market economy) other than creating a freedom, then the market is not working and you need to fix the fault not spend taxpayer money ameliorating it. (Not a lot of difference there with a Corbyn/McDonnell approach.) Example? Osborne’s intervention in the housing market.
Osborne, with his city regions, Mayors and Northern Powerhouse, was subverting the structure of the UK and increasing the tax drain on the economy. There is only one way that is going to go in future: expensively.
Quite why Osborne self-destructed during the EU Referendum instead of remaining more or less silent, I know not. I suspect he is hoping to be asked to pitch for the Party leadership at some point.
That’ll be fun to watch but it may be quite a wait.
The whole Theresa May thing is reminiscent of the Space Shuttle crash in 2003. The last thing on the cockpit voice recorder was ” ok go on then, let her have a go, what harm can she do?”
God bless all who perished in that disaster. It remains to be seen who will perish in this one. Cameron was many things but at least he knew when ‘enough is enough’. Did you see what I did there?
The prospect of a Labour Government reminds me of the Chaos Theory bloke in Jurassic Park II – “We’ve seen it before. First it’s the, Ooohh and the Ahhhh and then it’s all the running and the screaming”.
There will be much political talk in the coming weeks. Will Boris run? Will Theresa fall on her sword?? Interesting talk. And the Maybot is indeed a dead woman walking. But amidst all this chatter of who is in, who is out, let us not forget the most important issue facing the nation: ISLAM. It won’t get talked about much, except on these boards. Never forget that Islam is a force for evil in the world.
Did no one mention that to renationalise just the Water Companies it would cost around £800 billion. Then there’s rail, the Post, the Power Companies and so on at around several thousand billion. That’s before starting on infrastructure spending, benefit and wage rises, not to mention the ‘free stuff’ bonanza. No need to mention, unrestrained immigration and I’m sure strikes would make a big comeback. That really would make Brexit seem a walk in the park.
You needed to be a genius to achieve the kind of voting collapse we have witnessed.
This last election was a farce for me. I only had the tosser extrordinaire, Oliver Heald to vote for (Now Sir Oliver Heald – what, did he invent a cure for cancer or something?). My only other choices were limpdem, windmills green or communist labour…. There was NO UKIP man available.
Of course bbbc told me that UKIP were wiped out but they kept telling me this every 10 seconds….
gaxvil, McDonnell was incredibly vague on that and now you mention it, our beloved BBC did not really push him to be specific – on Radio 4 at least. The manifesto is no clearer.
At one point, they appeared to be planning renationalisations on a traditional ie. Soviet/Chinese/Cuban/s-eAsia basis, then it seemed it might be via a Golden Share that gave HMG control of the Board (that could have livened up Company shareholder meetings no end) or by buying a majority stake, I guess, at the point of a Parliamentary Bill or by actually intervening in the market.
For the railways, they were clear: it would be at no cost, Soviet-style, but at the end of the franchise as each one lapsed. That would have meant that at some point after a Labour Government took office, the market would have taken a view on the value of rail company shares and a well-known multi-billionaire Labour supporter may have found he was instantly no longer a multi-billionaire.
Water companies? Implication is again Soviet style, no compensation, it’s all transfered to the State. The thing is some of the ownership there appears to be a bit shadowy, in the hands of ‘funds’ and private banks. There is no doubt that life under a new Labour Government would be exciting. For a while. And empoverishing for the many not the few.
for months before the election radio 4 was full of lefties saying the old had to pay more , no more triple lock, means tested benefits , take their houses away and yet no conservatives mentioned it.
The dementia tax as it stands quadruples the amount protected from the money grubbing councils … tory comments???
Tuition fees are set by the leftie universities all charge the same all charge the max … tory comments????
labour claimed a costed manifesto … except the bits that obviously weren’t and the obvious holes in where the cash would actually come from
did may take a dive … the evidence suggests yes she did
when we see her pulling in osbourne type money after she leaves 10 ds it will become obvious
I’ve got to call a point of order on that one. I’m sorry to bang on about it, but despite the media narrative, there was no Conservative voting collapse. As I’ve said further up this thread, the Tories got as high a share of the vote as Maggie achieved. We need to analyse why so many fell for Corbyn’s pie-in-the-sky dreams, or at least didn’t care that they were unachievable, rather than what happened to the Tory vote.
Did you notice that when the media interviewed an ‘elderly’ voter, latter would normally refer to some policy or another that they liked or disliked. When the media interviewed the newly registered child voter, they referred to Corbyn, being, “such a nice genuine man”. Rarely a mention of any particular policy. They are in for a rude awakening at some stage.
Anyway, fact is, Liebour has played the new registrant card now. > 3 million registered during the period from when the election was called and 08/06. They can’t register again – if they bother. There’s only a trickle of new registrants to vote as they come of age. So, my reckoning correctly or incorrectly is, if a re-run is arranged, there will be a hardening of numbers, ‘our side’ so to speak. All those who voted UKIP, dedicated like me, will not vote Liebour but Conservative next time round. I will be interested to see the total numbers of voters that voted UKIP. I suggest that it would be those that would boost the ‘Blue’ vote. What’s left for Liebour and do their voters want to vote for a losing party again?
G, “There’s only a trickle of new registrants to vote as they come of age. So, my reckoning correctly or incorrectly is, if a re-run is arranged, there will be a hardening of numbers, ‘our side’ so to speak.”
Exactly. Look at the SNP for a bang-up-to-date example of this.
Corbyn will have to offer something more, too, next time. A fairly firm Brexit? To protect jobs? Socialists like ‘controls’, so might they seek ‘Migration Controls’? There would be lots of advantages to an incoming Labour Government from this.
Trump should bring his own forces to provide protection when he comes. Tell that little mohamidan mayor to leave his police in their offices responding to Tell Mama complaints.
A few hundred marines plus a few Navy Seals should be more than enough for Antifa and Treezer’s state funded UAF
GWF, some of the ugliest, meanest, nastiest looking guys with guns that I have ever seen were Brits from the SBS. They were on a rib on the Thames at the time.
The thought of one rib full of them going one way on the Thames and meeting another one full of US Navy SEALS coming the other way while the current US President visits our Parliament boggles the mind.
Anyone else notice that the Under 20 England World Cup Final wasn’t advertised on the BBC? As it happened it was televised on BBC 2 this afternoon but only after thousands of complaints from angry viewers. Football pundits tell us that it was an achievement that England got to the final let alone win it, beating Argentina, Guinea, South Korea, Costa Rica, Mexico, Italy and Venezuela to clinch the cup. It was England’s first appearance in the final of a global tournament since their World Cup victory 51 years ago. personally, I think it’s a disgrace that our national broadcaster couldn’t be bothered to televise the whole event let alone the final, and to then hastily broadcast it only after the insistence of the paying public. Let’s face it the BBC is quick enough to bang on about woman’s football!
The BBC have a problem here. One of the demonstrating groups is Gays Against Sharia, who are drawing attention to the anniversary of the Orlando massacre.
But the leftie gays, Tatchell et al, oppose Gays Against Sharia and denounce them as ‘far right’
‘Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants and Action for Trans Health say they will be countering the protest, “to show that people in the LGBT+ community will not allow the far right to co-opt LGBT+ rights as a weapon to oppress other minorities.”’
That’s right lefties, can’t allow the people who support throwing gays off roof tops to feel offended can we?
If you can look at this line-up & still tell yourself #BiasedBBC isn't a player in the operation that's under way, with a specific agenda…
— A Libertarian Rebel (@A_Liberty_Rebel) June 11, 2017
Theresa May and Damien Green, two ministers who did damn all to curb immigration, either from the EU or from other countries, even though EU and UK legislation could have been used to control both) and damn all to strengthen our border controls (which are still exiguous at most of our entry points) are now PM and Deputy PM – and Europhiles. And Lidlington, another rabid Europhile. And Gavin Barwell, another Europhile. And Hammond, another Europhile. With its interventionist, sub-socialist leanings, it’s virtually a Blairite government, and unless the DUP fiercely enforce a truly Conservative agenda, there is no hope. I fully expect a Labour government next time.
Martin, if the May administration is truly Blairite then surely Corbyn-led Labour will not get a look in and May will win again, albeit at 67 or 68 years of age versus an even older opponent?
I don’t welcome the prospect of a Blairite Government, btw, Tory or Labour.
Sorry I’m politiced out and watching my DVDS , have gone to Gerry Anderson for comfort, watching Captain Scarlet and thought of Lt Green had hysterical meltdown and reread. Right recovered now ……..who’s up for another round of voting fun……………need alcohol…….need alcohol I always felt sorry for Captain Black or is that me always liking the bad boys. Another G&T my lady ??? Yes Parker.
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The bBC has now taken to promoting the victim-hood status for EU citizens who can only be victims of the nasty British people:
Easy answer, if they don’t like this country and its people they know what to do.
yep its not your choice its ours , now fuck off you whining cunts
strange though why not some somalis, or a faux italian who couldn’t get into syria
Why did they come here in the first place ?
The video clip is biased, manipulated and typical of CBB behaviour. There is a huge difference between free movement of Europeans versus those from the religion of peace. I believe that Brexit has a lot to do but certainly not exclusively about protecting us from The Muslim invasions currently taking place. Protection of European citizens is one of crucial significance and it will be Brussels who will be the most difficult. As for those filmed feeling a bit offended, I think it’s about time you grew up. Oh by the way, the man who can’t eat his breakfast because he can see the newspaper headlines from his window, it looks as if it hasn’t done you any harm. Perhaps missing out dinner too might see a return to a more healthy weight.
Yes, Nibor, the constant mantra for decades has been “racist, prejudiced Britain”. Immiggrants must be very, very stupid indeed to choose “racist Britain” rather than, say, welcoming, open-hearted Germany, the world’s new moral superpower.
Before the referendum, the Today programme R4 showcased various ex-stankhovite Polish plumbers who were of the opinion that if lots of Poles left, the UK would collapse as most indigenous British workers were too stupid or too lazy to fill their places.
DUP want the BBC license scrapped as one of their MAIN conditions for propping up Tories – LOL YEEESSSS!!!!
I’ll vote for that.
I don’t know why the DUP think the BBC is biased against them. The BBC is politically neutral as we all know.
“[I]f you listen to Sunday (BBC Radio 4 from 7.10am approx) at about 7.20am Ed Stourton interviews Mary McAleese, a former President of Ireland. He, and she, take the opportunity to undermine the PM’s attempt to build a Parliamentary coalition with the DUP and then darken their name. Ironically, the former President explains and sort of complains about divisiveness and sectarianism, having indulged in a public broadcast in a good bit of it herself!”
That can’t be correct, because as we all know the BBC is politically neutral and would never do such a thing.
Add that to the Mishal Hussein travesty of an interview with Lord Trimble this morning, about which I posted earlier, and it’s impossible not to conclude there is an agenda at work here.
Where did they record that ? in a store room somewhere ? Well, I don’t supposed they came over here kicking and screaming, it was their choice, so if they want to play the victim then that’s their problem too. We’ve enough to worry about with that lot in Calais trying to get across, without having to deal with migrant Europeans crying into their bank accounts that we’ve kept topped up !! Easyjet have some cheap offers on flights, perhaps they ought to take advantage.
The BBC are aware that Brexit could disappear. Expect a torrent of this crap
GWF, if you listen to Sunday (BBC Radio 4 from 7.10am approx) at about 7.20am Ed Stourton interviews Mary McAleese, a former President of Ireland. He, and she, take the opportunity to undermine the PM’s attempt to build a Parliamentary coalition with the DUP and then darken their name. Ironically, the former President explains and sort of complains about divisiveness and sectarianism, having indulged in a public broadcast in a good bit of it herself!
There is one thing about reporting news.
There is another about asking people to comment or for the BBC to comment in their own right and owning that comment.
It is quite another to apparently attempt to undermine something in our national life.
I have said it before and I will say it again. May (a remainer) has trashed Brexit in a most spectacularly clever manner. She might appear stupid but she’s not daft.
This entire election campaign has been the work of a select few in my opinion. We’ve heard about cliques, exclusions etc, where were all the Brexiteers?, it all makes sense. Nobody is that stupid. No manifesto is that suicidal. The whole thing is a very well-thought out and deliberate own goal which just happens to win the match.
Tories stuffed ?
Yes in the same fantasy universe that Corbyn has 318 seats and the combined ranks of sitting opposition has 314 seats even if you leave the DUP out of it.
If Corbyn did have 318 we’d be talking about his huge mandate and epic plans for the next 5 years.
Back to this real world ..I am not going to fall for the media fake narratives.
The Tories could lose a minibus full of MPs and they’d still govern
“The Tories could lose a minibus full of MPs and they’d still govern” (StewGreen)
Stew, for goodness sake don’t give the ‘Religion of Peace’ folk ideas – not with their track record! (Pun intended.)
Despite our disappointment in Mrs May’s government, I don’t think we want to see them embedded in the M25 with the tire marks of an Eddie Stobart across their backs!
LOL! Welcome back, Helena.
There is nothing remarkable about election turnout
There is no evidence for a youth vote swing or turnout jump or anything.
So why are they saying this stuff.
We all know why. They want to stop Brexit.
An interesting question, Adam. It seems to me that the immediate inquests into the election consistently ignore one obvious statistic. The Tory vote of 42.4% is as good as Margaret Thatcher achieved. That doesn’t strike me as the core Tory vote having been so pissed off by the Tory manifesto that they’ve sat on their hands or voted against them. Regardless of the undoubted ineptitude of Theresa May’s campaign, their vote appears to have held up well.
No, to me the reason for the upset is Jeremy Corbyn’s unexpectedly high vote of 40.0%. And at this stage I don’t have a good explanation for that. If the Tory vote wasn’t put off, could the Tories have done anything to prevent opposition coalescing around Corbyn? Perhaps if Corbyn’s past connections with terrorists had been more widely pushed, anti-Tory sentiment could have been pushed to other parties, but I don’t think anyone wanted to listen to that. It was viewed by the faithful as a smear, much as many of us view accusations against Donald Trump, and therefore discounted. The fact that these connections are true is irrelevant. The Tories lost that game of persuasion, something Labour seems to have learned from Trump. (For more about persuasion, and how facts are irrelevant, check out Scott Adams’s blog.)
And if it’s a game of persuasion? Step forward the BBC, who are already trying to persuade us that the DUP are the equivalent of the IRA and, by extension, that half of the Northern Irish are bigots, racists and homophobes.
Roland, good points. After June last year, the membership of the LibDems rocketed upwards. That did not translate into votes. The suggestion that the Greens would benefit from the Brexit choice also did not materialise at the Ballot Box; they polled less than a completely collapsed UKIP.
Yep! the Labour party membership has rocketed since J Corbyn, of course that did not translate into votes
…no wait!
It has had another surge since the GE.
‘Join Labour’ searches have surged after Jeremy Corbyn electrifies country with shock result
The biggest jump came … after the exit poll was announced
Very well reasoned post.
The argument that Corbyn was very successful in getting the new youth vote out seems to make sense and the figures seem to back it up. As far as I’m aware, nobody (including the experts on this blog) predicted the success of this move. In fact I think quite a few people said that the young wouldn’t bother turning up. I might have said it myself, can’t remember.
Corbyn didn’t expect much and had nothing to lose by promising to spend other people’s money and, as he lost, but did better than expected, he can claim that his spending plans would have worked if only he had been given the chance. Do the more excitable critics of May realise how dangerous this is?
IMO, instead of wanting May hung drawn and quartered, those who really care about the future should focus on avoiding a second election later this year. Labour voters have been given (yes, by May) a taste of success. Labour has impetus. Corbyn is far more credible than he was, which means that a Labour vote is not perceived as a wasted vote. The Left and the new young voters see an opportunity. This might not last but it will survive for several months at least.
May didn’t see this coming and she should have but, let’s face it, did anyone else? Who predicted with any confidence that so many UKIP voters would back Labour, the worst party for immigration? Doesn’t make sense.
A change of PM at this stage will turn people away IMO, particularly if it’s done in haste and the Conservatives get it wrong. There is precedent for this. Avoiding a ruinous Labour majority later this year is more important than getting revenge on May. Her long term career is damaged, but this damage should not be allowed to extend to the rest of the country for the next 20+ years. That, IMO, is the risk we face.
The Tory party has to hold its nose and support Treezer for several months, at the very least until the EUSSR’s crazy demands have been fleshed out a bit more and publicised so that yoof can see how much they will lose by paying Danegeld.
The Tories don’t want to precipitate another election because they would be punished by voters pissed off with elections. If the Corbynutta’s precipitate another GE they are likely to be punished.
‘….at the very least until the EUSSR’s crazy demands have been fleshed out a bit more and publicised so that yoof can see how much they will lose by paying Danegeld.’
I wish that were true, Peter. In reality, the yoof of Britain have been led to believe they can have anything, always paid for by somebody else. I’ve never seen a generation so devoid of responsibility and common sense.
How do you know the Youth vote went up?
The main obvious change was the collapse in UKIP
The youth vote went up in my constituancy, Adam beacuse the Labour MP inreased her majority, even without a UKIP candidate to dilute the vote, as in 2015, after she had told the students at the local “uni” (her alma mater) that they could not vote via Facebook, (like they thought in 2015) giving your choice a “like” but actually had to get their arse out of bed and get to a polling station!
Unfortunately the yoot did not read the small print on corbyn’s manifesto. When he said free tuition fees he was referring to proper degree courses. The following are excluded.
The history of the hijab (BA)
Bomb-making in the UK (BSc)
LGBT toilet design (BSc) (with special input from Bruce Springsteen)
The benefits of multi-culturalism (BA) (now reduced to a 1-day course after recent attacks)
“…so many UKIP voters would back Labour, the worst party for immigration? Doesn’t make sense.”
It makes a sort of sense. If they backed UKIP over the EU and the referendum, then when both parties committed themselves to carrying out the popular will, they might have gone back to Labour for quite other purposes, feeling that Brexit was in the bag (which, despite a lot of comments here, I think it still is). Also, a lot of Corbyn’s support may have come from people who knew he would lose; his own proposals for public spending depend on their not being put into practice..
“June, will be the end of May” I remember many laughing at that … we will have to see?
Enough is Enough’, well of any internet scrutiny, or of anyone wanting to scrutinize her shameless faux review of sharia, or of any protests by T Robinson/AMWaters/Jayda Fransen/Rebel, Media etc on free speech/expression, or of any more scrutiny of dodgy electoral expenses.
Oh and acting on “Terrorism”?,
hmmm well yes, just so long as it didn t impede in any way in the race to her erm “coronation”
No matter the dead children, the maimed, the grieving families, the vital need for immediate pro active steps.
…Just focus on party before country, grasping power eh?
They re still doing it … How very Tory
Anyway … where were we?
“enough is enough” she said … of erm “desecrations” of korans?
“Police have arrested two people on suspicion of racial hatred after … a video appeared online showing a man burning a copy of the Koran”. … sharia police then?
So Plod, erm what “race is Islam again?, what “race” is a book?
“Two arrested over Facebook and YouTube video of Koran burning amid spate of race attacks in wake of London and Manchester terror attacks
“This arrest is just another example of the British government’s exaggerated solicitude for Muslims, which stems from the false assumption that jihad violence is the result of the “marginalization” of Muslim communities. The May government has staked the future of Britain on the idea that being nice to Muslims, and moving swiftly and strongly against violations of Sharia blasphemy laws such as this, will end the jihad against Britain.
It will, of course, fail, as will May’s drastically weakened new government, and the entire British political class. The Sharia supremacism they have not only tolerated but encouraged will turn its full force upon its benefactors, and Britain will be awash in blood.”
R Spencer
You want more then …
Security is stepped up at Cambridge mosques after an early morning … bacon hate crime? sharia police?
“A Cambridgeshire police spokeswoman said: “We are aware of this incident and an investigation is underway. We will be carrying out extra patrols in the area of both Cambridge mosques”.
“TellMAMA, which monitors anti-Muslim attacks, said: “We have received information that worshippers at the Omar Faruque mosque in Kirkwood Road, Cambridge, came out from prayers to find strips of ham on the windscreens of four vehicles”.
“The monitoring group had a similar report from Cambridge in April when bacon was left on the handle of a Muslim man’s car who was returning from Parkside swimming pools with his 6-year-old niece when he discovered the pork product.”
Meanwhile A Greater Manchester Police spokesman said officers investigating an incident searched a house and discovered a suspicious item, which was ‘made safe’ after bomb disposal experts were urgently scrambled to the scene. The army unit is understood to have left the scene at around 7pm.
… nothing to see, move along
so we have a defacto blasphemy law now do we???
So it would appear. Quite how that state of affairs would be improved in any shape or form were Corbyn moving into Number 10 eludes me.
It does make me laugh about how Muslims faced with bacon is deemed worthy to be classed as a hate crime. It’s bacon FFS.. Muslims are only told not to eat it, nothing about touching it. It’s the same with alcohol . Regards dogs Muslims are told not to let dogs lick them that’s it. Yet they go out of their way whenever they go,near any of the above.
Now how many people have a child, did you clean their nappies during the first years of their life. Did you get their shit on your hands by accident, did you just wash it off and carry on. The same with dog owners. What about people who work in hospitals , old people’s homes , do they refuse claiming it’s against their faith . Just think if each and every Muslim simply picked up the bacon and binned it, people would lose interest. But no the liberal elites have to play the race card.
It does make me laugh about how Muslims faced with bacon is deemed worthy to be classed as a hate crime. It’s bacon FFS.. Muslims are only told not to eat it, nothing about touching it. It’s the same with alcohol . Regards dogs Muslims are told not to let dogs lick them that’s it. Yet they go out of their way whenever they go,near any of the above.
Now how many people have a child, did you clean their nappies during the first years of their life. Did you get their shit on your hands by accident, did you just wash it off and carry on. The same with dog owners. What about people who work in hospitals , old people’s homes , do they refuse claiming it’s against their faith . Just think if each and every Muslim simply picked up the bacon and binned it, people would lose interest. But no the liberal elites have to play the race card.
No one has a right to be offended by bacon.
Except pigs.
Pounce and Lucy – My understanding that originally in hotter climates pork went “off” rapidly so it made good sense not to eat it. But now it is now just another useful tool used by the Religion of Peace to show what special “victims” they all are and how whitey hates them so.
Jihadis blow up children and run over and stab pedestrians, we take revenge by leaving bacon on the door handles of mosques. Obviously bacon “crime ” is more serious as it is a “hate” crime, whereas killing kaffirs is merely following instructions from the koran. More of a religious duty than a “hate” crime methinks.
The state and police obviously agree judging by the amount of energy that has gone into dealing with “hate” crime whilst clerics preaching killing the kaffir have pretty much remained untouched in comparison. As usual the BBC, politicians and state apparatus keen to demonstrate their PC credentials have been more than willing participants in whipping up this “hate crime” bullshit in order to demonstrate their right on/Virtue signalling values. Meanwhile the killing goes on and no-one really wants to ask “Just where did these young men get these ideas?” Obviously nothing to do with Islam,
If dogs and pork products are so offensive to RoPers then suicide bombers should have their remains buried in either dog or pig shit.
Why not do this?
Wow, it could be an election winner
If you don’t mind the Koranic verses regarding pork being posted-
“He has forbidden you only dead animals, and blood, and the swine, and that which is slaughtered as a sacrifice for other than God.” (Quran 2:173)
(Quran 6:145) Tell them (O Muhammad!): ‘I do not find in what has been revealed to me anything forbidden for anyone who wants to eat unless it is carrion, outpoured blood and the flesh of swine, all of which is unclean; or that which is profane having been slaughtered in a name other than that of Allah.121 But whosoever is constrained to it by necessity – neither desiring to disobey nor exceeding the limit of necessity – your Lord is surely AllForgiving, All-Compassionate.
Mohammed was a religious plagiarist. (Or the writers of the Koran were.)
He took bits of many principles he heard rumours of from Jews & Christians and slapped them together into his new religion as an attempt to give it an aura of authenticity.
He threw in some directives about abstinence from pork & sodomy among other things. It helped to convince his followers that all the pillaging he commanded was a spiritual directive from God as well.
The law of Moshe (Moses) about unclean (to eat) animals are considerably more detailed than the couple of verses worked into the Koranic fable.
If you are at all familiar with the original, you recognise the forgery immediately. The Koran is a hastily thrown-together patchwork of ideas.
BTW ‘Not eating food sacrificed to idols’ is a Jewish & by derivation a Christian principle.
Which is why a Christian should abstain from eating Halal-slaughtered meat.
Though It isn’t a strict rule. The Apostle Paul wrote about it.
This moral guideline is not enforced much by Christians (or even known about) because for over a thousand years in the West it hasn’t been necessary to even mention it.
Until recently no one was sacrificing animals to false gods & trying to flog the meat as food to the general public. How times have regressed!
I’d love to hear Justin Welby give a sermon about that.
But when was the last time he read his Bible?
Slightly off topic – I don’t really comment on religious scriptures etc but I just come across the following quoted from another blog, in case it’s of interest. It was from Lawrence Auster’s website originally I believe. Starts here :
I’ve just read the fascinating third chapter of William Muir’s 1878 The Life of Mahomet, “The Belief of Mahomet in His Own Inspiration.” In the great tradition of 19th century scholarship, Muir is an author who sees both the trees and the forest. He works closely from the original sources, presenting the facts about Mahomet (I’ll use Muir’s old-fashioned spelling here) as we have them from the Moslem tradition, while also offering his own critical assessment of those facts. He has a highly articulated point of view about Mahomet that seems to me exceptionally insightful.
Muir shows how Mahomet became convinced, or claimed, that his own thoughts were Allah speaking to him, so that every sentence in the Koran, every single word, is believed to come directly from Allah. While Muir doesn’t deny Mahomet’s spiritual experiences that led to the writing of the Koran, he calls Mahomet’s claim of divine authorship a forgery, since he was falsely claiming that Allah was the author of the Koran rather than himself. By placing this divine imprimatur on his own thoughts, he made them impervious to analysis. To this day, it is virtually impossible for Moslems to think critically about the contents of the Koran.
After pointing out that Mahomet himself occasionally worried that it was genii who were speaking to him rather than Allah, Muir does something rather brilliant. He demonstrates, step by step, that Jesus’ responses to the three temptations of Satan were the exact opposite of Mahomet’s behavior. Whereas Jesus refused to use his divine powers for his personal advantage or for power, Mahomet often used his (false) claim of direct divine authorship of the Koran for purely personal ends (such as his various murders and marriages), and, of course, to make his religious teaching into an earthly, conquering, political force. In other words, Mahomet yielded to the temptations that Jesus rejected. Therefore, Muir concludes (and he calls this a suggestion rather than a dogma), if Mahomet was indeed inspired by a supernatural being, it was not God but someone else.
In this connection, Andrew Bostom in his research for his book on Islam has discovered and shared with me a remarkable Persian illustration of Muhammad at the massacre of the Koreizites, a Jewish tribe of Medina. It’s a famous episode in Muslim history. Muhammad, whose face is veiled, is seen sitting with his lieutenants in a kind of plaza while the killings, which he has ordered, proceed in front of him. The illustration is highly significant because it shows Muhammad “at work,” as it were. This is what he did as Prophet and founder of a religion. Nothing could bring out more clearly the world of difference between Muhammad and Jesus. While Jesus, innocent of sin, allowed himself to be executed for the sins of mankind, Muhammad ordered the mass executions of innocent men.
Getting back to William Muir’s remarkable biography, he quotes and comments on many passages from the Koran, making that book somewhat accessible to me for the first time, since whenever I have tried to read it on my own, I’ve been quickly overcome by a combination of boredom and revulsion. It occurs to me that the primitiveness of the Koran, the endless reiteration of the theme, “Either you follow Allah, or you are a piece of garbage and you are going to burn in hell,” is like taking the judgmental aspect of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures at its most judgmental, reworking it into the crudest possible form, and making that into the basis of an entire religion. And perhaps that is the reason Islam, unlike Judaism and Christianity, was so successful in winning over the Arabs: it appealed to their simple, fierce, tribal mentality in a way that Judaism and Christianity could not.
That was done by General Pershing in the Philippines, apparently with great success.
I believe the reason for religions banning pork consumption is pork tapeworm infection – when infected swine are consumed by humans, the larvae can lodge in the brain….
Hot countries = meat going ‘off’ = creation of curries = shares of toilet rolls rocket
I thought they liked to use pebbles?
Muslim toilet etiquette:
20. Cleaning the private parts with stones and similar materials is an acceptable substitute for cleaning them with water.
It’s certainly aa comprehensive checklist, scarily so.
I suggest that the men should use two large stones, one in each hand to vigourously wringed out with a beating action, their testicles should they get wet or even do it anyway just to be on the safe side.
“Pounce and Lucy – My understanding that originally in hotter climates pork went “off” rapidly so it made good sense not to eat it. But now it is now just another useful tool used by the Religion of Peace to show what special “victims” they all are and how whitey hates them so”.
The real irony over what you can and can’t do due to the koran is that a load of it was copied from the Jews.:Pork, separate sinks, treatment of women, praying (Muslims used to pray towards Jerusalem, but that all changed when the Jews refused to convert and Mo fell out with them ).
Now you can understand why Muslims say that only a vetted Islamic scholar can research Islam
Surerly Pounce – you are not suggesting that a non vetted Islamic scholar might think that it is all a crock of second hand re-heated bullshit?
Im shocked !
Don’t forget this one either, Noggie.
By the most amazing of coincidences, a spokes-entity from renowned non tabloid, entirely objective ‘news’ medium the Canary was gob of honour for BBC Newsnight.
Whether the odd fact that tabloids are embraced by their readership on a voluntary basis versus the uniquely compelled funding of the BBC, is unlikely to trouble Jon or his licence fee propped pension.
From the ever worthy complement that is ITTB:
Which has several other excellent posts that justify a roam through its latest threads.
BBC editor ‘seems to be’ news.
“Ed Sykes (pseudonym) is Global Editor and Sub-Editor at The Canary. His books on the Rojava Revolution in northern Syria are available in English, Spanish and German. His aim at The Canary is to amplify the voices of people in Britain and around the world who are fighting for peace, freedom and democracy.”
Fearless independent journalism. And a pseud. No wonder the BBC likes them.
The fight for peace will of course involve sacrifice and collateral, comrades.
Of course Trump won against a biased media both printed and TV. That is what scares MSM the most about Trump, he is not under their thumb, and they are not use to being out of control and having so little influence on the political leadership and the framing of political direction, dialogue and debate.
Where’s this STUNT* of claiming victory even though you lost by miles, come from ???
If you notice recently Labour’s campaign benefitted from huge PR nous probably brought in by Alistair Campbell.
LibMob have spend the year sneering at Trump
* Yet that stunt is straight out of Trump’s playbook
… Someone knows something in Labour if they’ve worked out Trump’s techniques work.
A lot of this get rid of TM is simply down to the media inventing a story in which to make them money. They don’t care whos in power they just want a story and if they fuck the country up with yet another vote then so be it. Me, I’m sick of all this back biting simply in which to sell a story. But then that’s the British media for you.
Stew, Clinton, too, was claiming victory, based on something outside the parameter for that claim: the popular vote rather than the Electoral College.
Yes Stew,
I’ve been saying that here for a while – do a Trump- promise the world, some might stick others will fail. Get elected- blame the other side for the stuff you can’t do. The labour bribery of students was masterful .
I hope David Davies is PM by the end of this week ( 3/1) I put a Euro-pound on it….
Is Abbot home sec again yet? Has she been to Lourdes?
I forgot to mention – on my deranged read of things Corbyn is unstoppable for the election before 2018 and will lead Blighty to a Brexit which isn’t – the worst of all worlds. He ll probably drop the pound without blinking to cement us in for ever. I think those fools advising May has cost Blighty a lot – oh yes – up goes the TV licence’ ” a bit more tax” as McDonald was heard to say throughout the campaign,
This Gavin Barwell sounds like an arch leftie, enemy of white Britian anti everything other than multiculturalism twat.
What the hell is Treeza doing appointing him as her right hand man unless she really is still a remainer doing everything she can to prevent us leaving the EU.
As always Nigel has his finger on the pulse.
Britain we’re getting nearly as stupid as the French. Like Turkeys voting for Christmas we are voting in politicians who actively want to see the once great country flooded with 3rd world scum.
Wake up England, wake the Fuck up.
BB – In a sense if we leave the EU or we don’t and whether Labour or the Conservatives gained power in this election, neither have little effect on the titanic problems future generations of Britons are going to have to deal with.
30% of children in primary schools in the UK now are non-white, many of those will be Muslim; yet our “Elite” don’t seem to think that is cause for concern and just ignore it. It isn’t good to be a racial minority within any country, but it is even worse to be shunted into minority status in your own country by the nefarious action and subsequent inaction of earlier generations of your fellow countrymen; who facilitated mass immigration from the Third World into our small island and then did nothing to stop or reverse it, when it became apparent that the social cost to our country and its society from this immigration was incalculable.
30% ? That’s alarming!
Lucy, yes it is.
But did you read the trend?
The number of young children going into primary education for the first time was up about 2.1%. But the alarming thing is that of this increase some 71% came from ethnic minorities.
So the position is not simply that ethnic minorities now account for one third of children in primary schools, but the year on year increase in numbers is 71% from ethnic minority backgrounds. At that rate of trend it will not be long before more than 50% of young children in primary school come from ethnic minorities. May be just about 8 to 12 years, say by about 2025 to 2030. Scary, hey!
The writing is well and truly on the wall, a fact which ought to be known from the fact that Mohamed is the most popular boy’s name not only in London but also country wide.
Come on sanity – be nice – call them ‘mo’
I consider that May has a real life line since the Tories will not risk a leadership contest which would then give rise to calls that the new PM should go to the country for a mandate. The Tories are aware that the electorate is suffering from election fever, and would not look kindly on another general election. Unless things go south, May will not be ousted for years.
May’s problem is that she has lost her political capital within her own party. She will find it difficult to control the party, and the party is split on Brexit, particularly between hard and soft. Torry rebellion by the wets will make it difficult to deliver a hard Brexit, and with her small majority any rebellion causes problems. Labour Brexiteers are likely to put party interests before the will of the people, so May probably cannot rely upon support from Labour.
May can re-ingratiate herself with the electorate if she does a good job as PM over the next couple of years. The best PR is always doing a good job.
I think that she really needs to come clean with the electorate, and say that there is only one form of Brexit and that is exit. This is what was voted; one cannot leave a train by keeping one foot in the carriage. The country has voted to leave the EU (gravy) train, and that inevitably means getting off the train, and exiting from each and every institution that goes to make up the EU (including the ECHR). Of course, she will endeavour to negotiate the best possible deal with the EU that will protect trade, jobs, the City, EU nationals, security etc, but this will not be staying in the single market or custom’s union, and no compromise will be made on the right to control migration.
She also needs to show strong leadership on the terrorism problem. Her ‘enough is enough’ speech was all talk. She had the opportunity to show real leadership by taking some immediate action but failed to do so. It is imperative that she now takes some firm action and demonstrates that she/the government are in control, and are on top of issues. A good start would be the immediate arrest of all the returned jihads. This needs to be done covertly, but once they have all been rounded up, she should make a public statement advising that they have all been arrested, and those that can be prosecuted of a crime will be, and those that cannot will be deported back to the Middle East and not allowed to re-enter the UK. At the same time she should announce that the security service have been instructed to review all 23,000 people on the watch list and to reassess their threat levels and she has made £X million available to the security service so that they can complete this immediate review.
She also needs to stimulate the economy, this will need to be done with Brexit. She should cut back foreign aid to say £3 billion freeing up £10 billion. £7 billion should be put into the NHS and £3billion into social care. The lefties and the BBC will not like the cut back to foreign aid, but the Tories can respond by saying ‘so you do not want £7 billion invested in the NHS’? This will make attack on the policy difficult. Personally, I consider throwing money at the NHS a waste, but rather than wasting money abroad, we are better to waste it in the UK, and we get something back from such an investment as well as goodwill from the electorate.
HS2 should be scrapped. that will free up £70 to £100 billion. Not all of that is government money (our money as tax payers), and instead investment diverted to localised infrastructure upgrades. It will also cut the UK borrowing requirements.
She should scrap the Climate Change Act and all green levies, and lets follow the US and exit the Paris Accord. This will put several hundred pounds in people’s pockets. She should announce that once Brexit is complete, and once we have regained the right to make our own rules, VAT on energy bills will be scrapped saving the typical householder about a further £100 per year.
Fast track fracking. This is the best stimulant to the economy, and if we can become energy independent, just like the US, it will free us from dependency to any other regime. This would have huge international and foreign policy implications. This will enable us to once more punch above our weight. Wouldn’t it be fun if we could export gas to the EU!!
Follow the DUP policy to scrap the BBC licence fee. Give the BBC 12 months to introduce either a subscription service or revenue by adverts. This will save householders a further £150 per year.
Of course, there are many other policies to pursue, but Brexit should be the main issue to get attention and she needs some hard nosed commercial negotiators (not politicians or civil servants) to negotiate a deal. JCB and Weathersppons were in favour of Brexit, so the government should employ their best commercial negotiators to get on the team.
SC2, some good points there. Everything the Conservatives and DUP do now needs to have a tactical element to it but also be achievable in a short time frame. That time frame is four to five months. Yes, that short a time frame.
Extra funding for the NHS will help nail Labour’s coffin.
A ‘temporary halt’ to Overseas Aid, maybe, to permit an investigation into use and abuse.
Scrapping the Licence Fee is not on. Neither is an immediate substantial reduction but calling Lord Hall for a chat at No.10 should be a priority and he can be asked why the Licence Fee has been effectively increased twice (scope & amount) when the BBC have made substantial savings (close to 40%? as reported by Lord Hall, autumn 2015?) which could & should have been passed on to the Licence Fee payer? He can be asked to now do that. This should be done with an obvious link to the tax increases that may be needed in future for the NHS.
Corbyn and his Party are riding a popular wave. Attacking the BBC will be unpopular with a majority of the people of Britain. It will energise the whole media and is unlikely to be supported by newspapers – all struggling for sales and survival – and some of whom are totally opposed to the Conservatives.
Forgot to mention re BBC in post above: Lord Hall should be gently, but firmly, asked to grant free TV Licences to anyone in full-time education, living apart from a generational family home, and to all those in receipt of the State Pension.
@Upsnuff “Extra funding for the NHS will help nail Labour’s coffin.”
No, the problem was the Tories were actually afraid to be Tory
Theresa the Appeaser was trying to please LibMob when they are never going to vote for her anyway
Be good if someone said
SS – Agree with everything you say but remember at the end of the day it is Theresa May you are dealing with. A woman of few ideas and little imagination. As soon as I heard she had appointed Gavin Barwell (the Farage hating remainer) as her Chief of staff it became obvious she has learned nothing and under pressure just reverts to type.
I am afraid she will just carry on like the lame duck she is trying to please everybody but in the end pleasing no-one. Just like the party she represents – she is arrogant and out of touch with the population as a whole, our only use has been to fuel the gravy train that has allowed these bastards to have been feeding off the fat of the land for generations.
Most people dont mind talented people getting on – it fact it is expected. However the tory party (just like the BBC) appears to have taken this to new heights. This elite has become a self serving and self selecting clique. Why has Saudi Arabia or City crooks never been taken on ? I think we know the answer to that one too.
Until the Tories start selecting people with a more “normal” background into Government rather than just the great the good and the privileged. ( our local MP is ex postie Scott Mann) Then the Conservatives will become
an increasing irrelevance allowing dangerous pipe dreamers like Corbyn to gain power.
I am not saying that anyone with a title should be barred from serving as an MP but merely that to truly represent us successfully you do need to have at least some influential people who know what it is like to have to struggle and have to deal with real issues, rather than just walking into a City job and cleaning up after University and buying a nice house in the Home Counties.
For the sake of our nation it is time for some honest debate about all of the issues. And I for one doubt the Tory party in its current state is capable of this.
Dangerous times I think
“Until the Tories start selecting people with a more “normal” background into Government rather than just the great the good and the privileged. ( our local MP is ex postie Scott Mann)”
Agree, but that means we need an indoctrination-free state education system that works.
In my experience, even bright people who have been through the state education system just can’t organise their thoughts and speak. This is where private schools score. It’s a skill that comes with arguing and debating but such things are considered uncontrollable and therefore highly dangerous to many in the education system.
Dangerous Times? … for “the swamp”, I agree I have repeated on here so many times
Its essential … we have to drain the swamp,
Blame the manifesto, (stereotypical tory fare), blame the advisors, blame May,(and she s the best of a sorry bunch) … all the excuses pulled out of the air.
It is just so laughable still the arrogance of perceived “privilege” and folly of the Tories, they ll have to twist, scheme, lie, manipulate, and back stab. they ve got unlimited funds, millionaire connections
perhaps they ll have a meal with Mandleson, get the inside with Campbell?.
Still even now … they just don t get it,
drain the swamp is not just a yank sound bite over here
Without the Jocks, the Tories would be out … news travels slower up there I guess, come the next election believe me, they will disappear.
It was the abysmal odious SNP that swung it for the Tories here – not conservative policy.
sanitycheck2, an excellent and thoughtful post. The standout line for me, however, is “one cannot leave a train by keeping one foot in the carriage”. We must all remember that for arguments with “Soft Brexiteers”, aka “Bremainers”, aka “Idiots”.
She’ll never do any of those things. Her job is to keep her foot gently on the accelerator to oblivion by the looks of it.
Sanity, excellent suggestions unfortunately Teresa is not a woman who will listen to, or accept good advice.
Two significant steps would have been following up on ‘Enough is Enough’ with some immediate action and a promise to the nation that we won’t be bullied by an arrogant EU leadership. Nigel Farage would be one of the logical choices for Brexit negotiations but after the insane Tory election campaign I would expect their ineptitude to continue.
BBC News – Hartlepool mosque trip cancelled amid parents’ safety fears
“A school trip to a mosque has been cancelled as some parents feared it might become a target for backlash in the wake of recent UK terror attacks.
However, other parents have said halting the planned visit was “shocking” and “disrespectful”.
Backlash?, fears? … UH OH!
To all teachers, education chiefs, and school councils implementing Islamic compliant study
, writing essays or letters of how you have converted to Islam, or mosque visits that children cannot abstain from, or wear the hijab for the day, drawing or reciting the shahada
When are Islamic children going to recite the torah in a synagogue trip for a day, How about them wear the Christian cross for a week as homework? no
What s that? … Not a good idea?
How about remove the hijab for a week, what it actually is, is wrapping a child s head in Sharia
… no … isn t that progressive
… And heres the best
How about Islamic children write letters to their parents telling them their converting to Christianity, or Judiasm? … as some Christian children were asked to do up north?
Do you know what that would mean for any child … a death sentence.
So … How dare you, how DARE you not give the facts, (not spin, not lies) about this dangerous ideology
to our impressionable children.
As teachers education chiefs, if you teach a subject, give homework assignments, on it
implement visits on it
… Should YOU, not be factually educated on it,
I suspect the more canny parents saw their opportunity to object to their sprogs setting foot in that place, without the risk of being called racist.
noggin, great post.
Should kids be taken out of school for Mosque visits?
Were we not recently and endlessly told by our beloved BBC that “a day out of school during term time damages a child’s education and puts their future prospects at risk.” ?
Caption suggestions?
My three offerings:
1. Who put the ham in the Ramadamakillathon?
2. Tommy Robinson’s choice of disguise proves one of his rasher decisions
3. Furious shopper informs pork salesman that the name Tower Hamlets does not imply residents enjoy small bacon burgers
Here you are sir, mosque window cleaning/car washing service rolling out nationally. and sir look!
no chemicals! – using only pork based products,
first two weeks free
… We ll see you Friday
Thanks for your constant invitations for mosque visits, in the spirit of openness!
Nationally we start this week, here is our list of requirements.
Oh, as we know you are fasting … our bacon grill will be at the front door,
and the cold beer fridge will be plugged in facing Mecca, isn t diversity wonderful!
… see you Friday
David Camerons girlfriend goes public.
“Good morning sir! Will you sign our petition supporting the right to cover one’s face?”
“Fatima, what are you doing out of the house?”
In a recent survey, The results showed that the followers of ‘The Religion of Peace’, were found to be the happiest on the planet.’
“Oy Vey, you’re meshugga!”
“Hi, I’m campaigning for gay rights.”
” Sorry, here’s the Arabic version.”
All this talk of anti Muslim hate crime. What on earth would happen if a genuine atrocity was committed against a Muslim target, with actual deaths and maimings.
Putting bacon near a Mosque is a silly prank, it is not a hate crime.
Getting back to TM she got exactly what she deserved, the sheer stupidity of the Tory campaign was breathtaking, I voted UKIP as I live in a safe Tory seat, so I could afford to. Had I any suspicion that neighbouring Kensington would have turned Labour, I might have thought twice about registering a protest vote.
The Tories need to regain their sense of self preservation and quick.
Agreed about a silly prank, but a silly prank that leads to the perpatrator being crushed by the full weight of the state.
Other options were available.
Disgusting how this story has not been more widely investigated.
The percentage May got was more than enough in previous years to get a huge majority (look at Blair/Thatcher’s %s) but they were in a 3 party system whereas the LibDems collapsed and Labour made this a 2 horse race. Plus the boundaries exacerbated the system because they haven’t been adjusted yet. Ironically, Conservative supporters should really be out there getting the LibDems back on their feet, making sure that the idiot voters like students return to the fold and thus allowing future elections to be a 3 way race where anything above 40% gives you a decent win
My cartoon on those results
SC: What? Not suggesting Maggie May should grovel at the feet of The Wee Wacky Krankie to up the SNP vote?
Surely not!
Were it not for Scotland voting in Conservative MPs, Corbyn would be your new Prime Minister. It was a good ‘back to reality’ moment for Sturgeon who has been living in a cloud where having (nearly) all the MPs mean that everyone likes your left wing nationalist tendencies. The SNP used to be far more right wing, they were called the tartan tories and that’s why their home turf was Aberdeen and the north east where even Salmond was outed when folks there looked at the Glasgow themed manifesto that the (now lefty) SNP put forward.
Yep! Krankieland at least had a modicum of social decency, still free tuition, and prescriptions
… and couldn t wait to shoot themselves in both feet by voting Tory … that won t last.
I always smile, didn t they get thrashed by Zaire in the World Cup, and yet draw with Brazil on the way out?
I always point out that
1) The fact that Scotland has a lower life expancy (as the English so like to mockingly point out) means that the pension bill is a lot lower and the NHS isn’t being ripped apart by long term geriatric care costs. Thus free prescriptions and other things are easily affordable
2) Scotland doesn’t have Ofsted, league tables or all that testing that England does. The money is spent on better schooling (hence why Scotland outperforms England on pretty much every school metric) and making university free.
University isn’t “free” if you come from any other part of the UK , SC, bit different if you come from an EU member one though. A bit “ironic” though how Brown managed to put the student loan bank in Glasgow!
“hence why Scotland outperforms England on pretty much every school metric”
Can you provide some evidence to back that up please?
My understanding is that Scotland’s position in world rankings is nothing to shout about and, according to some, declining.
“Around 540,000 students across the world took part from the 35 member states of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and 37 “partner countries”. ”
“The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) for 2015 found Scotland has tumbled down league tables for maths, reading and science when compared to 34 other developed countries and the UK’s three other home nations.
Record low scores mean it no longer performs above the international average in any of the three core subject areas and the number of countries performing better than Scotland has increased in each report conducted since 2006, the year before the SNP came to office.
Overall, Scotland’s ranking has dropped from 11th to 23rd for reading since 2006, from 11th to 24th for maths and from 10th to 19 for science. A record number of nations are now doing better than Scotland, with the English education system boasting a significantly superior performance at science.
The proportion of Scottish children deemed to be performing below standard at science and reading has spiked since the survey was last conducted in 2012, with the scores of both boys and girls dropping significantly except among girls for maths.”
Not read the above so apologies if someone has already pointed this out: it was less than a year ago that a majority of Conservative Party MPs voted for Mrs May in a leadership ballot. Then, for some strange reason or reasons not yet fully known, many of those same Parliamentary Conservatives put pressure on Andrea Leadsom and Boris Johnson to stand down.
Listening to the 7am BBC News and reviewing the front pages of the newspapers, I find it most peculiar that the media’s memory extends back only nine months or so.
Well, someone once said that a week was a long time in politics.
And newspapers are tomorrows fish & chip wrappers, or used to be before H&S, U2S.
As RT’d by Paul Mason.
If Ian Katz does not commission a Kevin and Paul segment daily, there is no justice..
Nice to see Sinn Fein finally taking their seats.
They would be sitting next to Corbyn.
Speedy Di reviewing the papers (R4 @ 8.07am) tells me that Boris Johnson is considered gaff prone!
And Theresa May isn’t?
It is possible that Boris Johnson’s bid for power is what will keep Treezer in the job
This morning we have a rare word of candour from BBC weatherman Phil Avery:
“If you find a weatherman who will promise anything, he’s either a genius or a fool”
I begin to warm to our Philip, see this admission of error from 2012:
‘BBC Weatherman Philip Avery Apologizes For Predicting Sunshine When It Rained’
‘It turns out that weather predictions aren’t simply churned out by thermometers, barometers, psychrometers and hygrometers and then pumped through an algorithm. There’s an element of human judgment, which means an element of human error.’
‘Such a public mea culpa from a weatherman is so unheard of that a quick Google search for other possible incidents brought up only a BBC presenter apologizing for calling a certain area of the the U.K. “nowheresville,” the BBC apologizing when that same weatherman made an obscene gesture while on camera…’
[Schafernaker – they are talking about you – see this childish Guardian report on the BBC’s weathermanboy]
But back to the grown ups… too fulsome or too regular the admission of fallibility might just tend to undermine our trust in certain grand meteorological theories and climate predictions…
‘Avery went on, “apologies to anyone who has had their next few hours ruined.”‘
Or, perhaps their livelihood and economy ruined – due to the widespread adherence to the dodgy science of global warming ?
We still wait for that rather more expensive mea culpa
If you want good weather you should vote labour.
Corbyn will promise you sunshine all day and rain only at night.
It will be paid for by increasing corporation tax and from the top 5% of tax payers.
Also, all students will get £30,000 if you vote in labour.
This will be paid for by increasing corporation tax and from the top 5% of tax payers.
I could fill the page but you get the gist.
Don’t forgot to vote Labour for love bombs of tolerance from Momentum supporters, world peace from the CND, and a rise in living standards from all the prosperity caused by reversing Tory cuts and increasing taxes under the guidance of a Chancellor of the Exchequer inspired by the hope not cuts Venezuelan model of economic change.
With Jeremy you at last have a leader who at last understands terrorism, and who unlike the Jews, will unite the formerly divided Red Sea, and who understands (as only the enlightened can) the diverse concerns and dilemmas of students who have to struggle through the plurality of Hate White Men and Anti-Thatcher Studies courses.
How the CNN set up their “Muslim Protest” video, for the benefit of the BBC and other fake news outlets:
There seems to be an intriguing double standard manifesting itself in the protests coming from a number of our lefty luvvies. Not unusual, I know, but…
They accuse the DUP of being narrow minded, sexist, religious and racial bigots. Apparently these Northern Irish Protestants question evolution, are misogynistic, don’t allow same sex marriage or abortion and overall are a pretty frightful and intolerant bunch.
Hmmmm…I don’t think I like the sound of these protesters.
Beginning to sound a bit phobic to me…
I’m not religious so could do without the hellfire and brimstone stuff. Creationism sounds dubious but it seems harmless compared to what a lot of other parties believe- Eg ‘Diversity is good’, ‘NTDWI’, ‘The World will end if we leave the EU’.
I don’t believe in same sex marriage. There, I said it. In fact I don’t believe in any kind of marriage! Have a civil ceremony if you want one. I wouldn’t want to ban abortions but they should certainly be restricted.
So it follows that if the DUP fielded candidates in England they’d have my vote. I’d give the drumming, fifes and bowler hats a miss though.
9.59 and Pandy Marr hasn’t queried the Corbynutta on his bribes to yoof and where he hoped to raise the money.
Why am I unsurprised?
Corbyn moves in to full-on florid psychosis mode, again unchecked and unquestioned by the BBC:
‘Corbyn: I can still be PM’
Erm, no you can’t. And another thing, how can I put it…
You LOST the election!!
The left aren’t terribly good at cognitive thought.
Hence why they enjoy changing facts to suit their own agenda.
I’m surprised Corby hasn’t put in a ‘right to be forgotten’ request with Google to expunge from the records all his tea and sympathy meetings with various terrorists.
But then again, he doesn’t need to as the BBC seem to have a collective amnesia about this everytime they mention or speak with him.
Apparently, he said sorry in the Guardian so it’s all forgotten about…
…and lost it to… Theresa May. Despite the full support of the BBC PR machine.
Who said about slimy backroom deals with the DUP? … no one, nothing to any voter
plenty of smear and spite, about Labour and any association though, utterly despicable
The arrogance of Tories, taking their sheep for granted again.
Anyway, boundary changes first thing to get kicked into touch, and then ….
Look, the change has started, planned for after his second election win, you simply cannot have, cleaner “honest politics” by back room deals, with terrorist connected factions, when you have squealed like a stuck pig for 7 weeks about the same
From the Tory lie of “strong and stable” to “sly and slippery” the minute they lose their majority
In the BBC News – Tory chief whip in Belfast talks with DUP, so still the charade continues
The Tories are a disaster, and completely culpable even complicit in the terror mass murders we have had
… ever since they conned the public into giving them power the last time.
Apparently the Tory chief whip is meeting with the DUP in Belfast still in talks over possibly forming a government, that’s today!!
Yet the Tories, got that Liar May pairing out like a juiced up whippet, the other day, to race to see the queen,”hello playmates” … no majority, no integrity, and of course no scruples eh!
I just hope she dropped into the cash point first, because the DUP (even more than Tories if that’s possible) know all about dodgy dealings.
The Tories, and their toilet paper press have just spent entire campaign pointing finger and yelling IRA, IRA. at J Corbyn … 5 secs in and she’s in bed with DUP, as Tories turn to prop up their failure?
Yep! and that’s the party that collapsed the N.Ire. Government due to financial scandals and fraud, so should fit in perfectly with the Tory front bench, and their campaign shenanigans.
Let them send the “clown car” of May/Davis/Boris to the EU, the record of Tory failure will continue
Its almost laughable if it were not so serious … they ll simply sh-t the bed, for everyone else.
No doubt there will now be some slimy call for a unity EU approach now … after the clusterf-ck
bonehead style I ve had to watch from No10 so far.
Why is a seat loser brexit hater the new chief of staff though?
Because May clearly doesn’t want Brexit to happen and doesn’t even try to hide it anymore
She doesn’t learn from her mistakes, and therefore clearly doesn’t want to be PM anymore.
She’ll be gone within the next month
Agreed this is just a holding pattern – the bookies have 11/10 on another General Election in 2017 and Boris at 2/1 for next leader of Conservatives – them is short odds .
All that really happened last week is that nothing has really changed none of the Political establishment are listening to the people – they are hoping we will all shut up and go quiet as is our famous balanced broadcaster. I was thinking the other day when the BBC news is on in the week they show shots of the newsroom with 100’s of people with hundreds of screens with so much coverage of the internet how do they manage to be so crap at news gathering
Well , never thought I would be pleased to hear the views of McDonnell but as reported by Guido he made clear on Peston that leaving the single market (& gaining control of our borders?) is an essential of implementing the referendum. As Guido says “Important message for those Remainers who are trying to use the election to overturn the referendum result, despite 580+ MPs being elected on pro-Brexit manifestos
That would include all the great & good of the BBC (“The World this Week” who I heard last night united in following the Remainers line.
Agree 100%.
As the BBC have somehow missed this out on their rolling summary of this days events I have emailed them to point it out. I’m sure they will include it now!
Ah yes, but dont’t forget that Evan ‘boss-eyed’ Davis admitted only the other day that the BBC boys don’t care about accusations of bias..
You see, any other government in the world with teeth (I.e. just Trump) would take these snivelling little wretches at the BBC to task, starting with dismantling the whole sorry sack of shites, but alas this is the UK government who have less backbone than a ragdoll.
How about that. It’s actually up there now and very fairly reported.
Credit where it’s due
‘Enough is Enough’ said May a week ago. What has she done since?
And why haven’t the BBC taken her to task over this? They would over any other broken promise.
Now, let me think……
D the victims have been so callously disregarded by No10
… and now, so it appears
… the future ones too
The BBC have held back from bad news about May from several directions.
There was a large anti fox hunting demo – not reported.
There have been several non reported demos against her outside No 10.
Not that I support the Corbyn for PM brigade but it does seem that the BBC pull their punches when dealing with their girl. Until a better one comes along.
BBC Every day
Radio Lincs 10.15am
“Good to have our new local Lincoln MP …supporting our campaign”
Very chummy voice as he speaks about the regions only elected Labour MP amongst lots of Tories ,
and he’s talking about the stations CPR campaign (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation)
but I don’t recall him speaking chummily of the regions Tory MPs
Lets have a look at the local BBC reporters Twitter output

Yeh that’s very IMPARTIAL not
..same Chumminess with local Labour MP and feelings
Spot that Richard bacon retweet
(BTW the BBC Radio Lincolshire Twitter feed has put out 7 Tweets about The 1 Labour MP since 48 mins after the vote closed , they mentioned the regions 10 other MPs only twice between them
Ah-this unnecessary election meme of the lazy the thick and the Left. As stupid as saying that a teacher is giving an unnecessary teaching lesson. You`re a politician-aren`t elections what you do then?
This lefty meme came only when they lost the Brexit vote…how DARE you ask the plebs?
As opposed to the Scottish Referendum which was the right thing to do of course.
Yes, Mays put her party(and her career) in danger-but I`d have thought that “a gamble” would please the media…Nicola Sturgeon said that often enough, and we can see why SHE thought the election to be unnecessary now.
But I`m glad she gambled, ought to a hard Brexit now if we get tactical.
Off to a Blukip meeting tonight at Tim Martins pub…we need to get rid of Soubry, Rudd and Clarke for starters.
Bit of Blue Momentum required, templates drawn from Ulster 68-98.
Last weekend I mentioned how BBC Radio Lincolnshire news was reporting vile tweets coming out of a supposed Tory Twitter account in Lincoln as if they were genuine tweets
Why run radio newsstory
without highlighting account is either SPOOF or been hijacked ?
(It proved to a spoof)
* By playing along with that spoof account stunt BBC Lincs were clearly negligent in IMHO
and there is another spoof account still up aimed at William Wragg MP for Hazel Grove
Tweets by ConservativeAc2
BBC don’t appear to like the DUP who want to scrap the License fee.
The BBC don’t like the DUP, Barry, because they appear to be patriotic, pro British, in effect, everything the BBC is not!
The clear message being pumped out of the propaganda machine that is the BBC is that the people have rejected May’s “hard” Brexit. Of course this is utter claptrap, as they well know, but it suits them to promote this fable.
May was miles ahead in all the polls until she unleashed her gormless, suicidal manifesto, that read like a prolonged assault on most of her voters. Means testing for the fuel payment for pensioners (peanuts in revenue and a pain to administer!) Losing the triple lock on pensions and, of course, the astonishingly awful “dementia tax.”
At the same time giving billions of our hard earned cash in foreign aid.
I couldn’t care tuppence that this pathetic, robotic, half baked woman has buggered up her own career;
I do care passionately that she has jeopardised Brexit. What they’ll try to feed us now is a watered down version of what we voted for. Everything will be up for grabs. Border controls, freedom of movement, a points system on immigration.
The vultures are already circling and the BBC is throwing them pieces of meat. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve seen Anna Soubrey, looking particularly smug, on the Beeb. They’re all crawling back out from under their stones.
Theresa, was a dreadful home secretary and now she’ll go down as one of the worst prime minister we’ve ever had.
Still. on the bright side there’s…?
There was me thinking that 80% of the voters wanted Brexit.
Both parties stood on this manifesto commitment, and doubtless a far few UKIP voters up north gave Corbyn the nod on account of this.
The LibDems were the only option in England unless you wanted to waste your vote on Greens.
How did they do then?
Let the word go out.
80% of the electorate have voted for Brexit-whether you focus on jobs like Labour, or money like Tories…it`s STLL leaving in 2019.
Any other option-trouble assured.
Exactly. Keep reminding.
(Don’t know how to link to election night post June 10 7:39am)
Indeed. I also noticed the message being pumped out by BBC (and most of MSM) today. Brexiteers need to be getting the 84% message across.
When you look at the MP’s in both parties, there isn’t a single one I’d buy a second hand car from – in fact apart from those handful who regularly appear on the box, I have trouble naming any of them ! A lot different to those days when the big beasts of the Tory & Labour parties could be named without thinking about it.
In elections past, all the big guns would be interviewed, shown canvassing around the country – whether they were seen falling over or having eggs thrown at them, but we’ve only seen May and Corbyn as talking heads saying their bit. Definitely the worst campaign I can remember.
Brisseles David TC Davies has spoke up against Climate madness
and about Islamic problems.
Most MPs leave when he speaks, those remaining look thick and ill informed when they try to rebut him.
Rees Mogg and Lord Lawson speak well, but have the problem of being posh boys.
Corbyn was out and about. TV didn’t report it much, and the Tories don’t seem to have realised that there are many more ways to communicate that don’t involve TV, especially by the young. Corbyn’s team did. The Tories had better cotton on PDQ, because they may well be forced into an early election. Right now they really don’t want another election because Corbyn is on the crest of a wave of delusion and could well win. Which wouldn’t please too many on here other than nogginator.
“…when the big beasts of the Tory & Labour parties could be named without thinking about it.” ‘Fraid those are the ones that led to this sorry bunch that we’ve got now!
May is inept politically, but I won`t rely on the political class.
Whether May had walked it or not-Soubry would STILL have been all over the media, in one state of inebriation or another, Likewise the scum like Heseltine are back from under their stones, and Osborne is now getting a clear run. They`re polticians remember?
So-get the classical music on, discern who the REAL prophets and patriots are.
And do NOT take any kind of steer from the BBC and current IS sucking ups, current EU globalisations and gleeful Soros/Davos scum who run things.
Remember Brexit…remember Trump last year.
The EU will finish soon enough, the Union is more secure and we may even get a bit of theology on a confidence and supply basis.
Arlene will NOT be giving succour to Corbyn/Lefty IRA types.
And May-crap politician though she is- is STILL the only person who will get a deal on Brexit, she`s honourable in that I think.
If the MSM hate her that much-then we need to remember there`ll be bigger reasons for that than her poor communication skills or such.
May has clattered her party, but she was well-intentioned in wanting us out.
As for her refusing to sign that EU letter to Trump over that Paris Green crap? That ALONE is reason to back her.
Still needs to say sorry to Farage as well, and get the likes of Tebbit, Lawson Lilley and the Mighty Mogg into the lifeboat.
Generally agree, but I don’t share your confidence in Treezer. Time will tell and I hope you are right. How are the apple trees down there , these days . Hope for a bumper crop !
Theresa is just the anti-politician required maybe?
As I say-if all those hideous forces are against her, then a bit of gallantry and compassion is the British way.
If she really wants to survive, she`ll need to go beyond her backstabbers in the Tory Party, and their gofers and spitball wankstains in the Big Comics who chew what the BBC tell them.
Farage-Rees Mogg and a big apology to the country-and she could yet be the Churchill so feared and hated by Soros puppets like the media.
Michael Howard gets onto TWATO-speaks plenty sense too. How did HE get onto the BBC today then?
This year, I am mainly growing rhubarb Grant! Ooo arrr!
Definately agree with you on the Teezer Grant – Not to be trusted at any costs!
Sorry to piss on everyones strawberries but I am afraid as things currently stand and unless there is some sort of “game changer” come out of the blue brexit is probably dead in the water.
Fortunately Theresa is history now and hopefully she will shuffle off into well deserved obscurity. However I am now worried about who they will now elect. I think the press would like Bojo because he has always been “good press”
But even if the tories do elect him – I am afraid he will just be seen as another toff who believes in very little apart from power – and they would probably be right. In addition his commitment to controlling immigration has always been shaky. David Davies was once committed but he has also shown weakness regarding the single market and in fact there is currently no-one in the cabinet who I would trust.
Regarding Brexit in the medium and short term there is not a cats chance in hell of it happening (barring the sudden granting of Farage a safe seat as a Conservative and the whole root and branch reform of the Conservative party).
Both the DUP and the Scots Conservatives see remaining in the single market as essential and I would not be surprised if Theresa is more than willing to pay the blood ransom of signing up to “soft brexit” (which we all know means no brexit just to retain power and save some face.) And that is not even taking into account the large number of tory remainers who are currently strutting their stuff.
It was May wot lost it (even though technically she won) and it must have been a bitter sweet result for her – bitter because she has lost all political credibility and sweet because at heart she is a remainer. I am afraid she is typical of much of the political class who have become arrogant, detached and have demonstrated a degree of political cowardice over and above the call of duty.
And it was the kids wot won it. Voting in their droves for a man who promises milk and honey and no cost. Housing crisis? – No problem well just build some more.
Owe Uni fees after completing your David Beckham studies course? – Dont worry you wont have to pay anyway.
Economic migrants drowning in the med ? Dont worry they can come here!
So what exactly will the kids have won if they finally manage to get the bearded one into Downing street? I think it will be an overcrowded country with a greek style recession and a land where particularly in the cities women will no longer be safe to walk in the streets.
The only bright spark in all of is is that the EU will eventually implode anyway as it is unsustainable in all ways. And maybe we should now just look no further than that as there is really no-one (of any serious influence )in parliament who we can currently trust with this precious task.
I dearly hope I am wrong on this but fear I am not – we shall see!
Maybe you can see what and why Islam are here to do.
All that you say is true above Oaknash.
Just remember that the Left have long known how to bully on our streets for the Cause.
We also need to learn, I myself am looking at how the Republican Army morphed and went seamlessly from strategy to tactics and back again.
The tactics used by (what turns out now to be) good people like Roy Mason need to be looked at again. We had a range of military options that were tactical and fluid, with courage and an existential need NOT to hand this country over to Marxist Scum with a Wolfe Tones poster.
After Blackman, I doubt that we`ve got the same calibre of warrior any more-but it ought still to be be able to squash some self-immolating nutters hell bent on our girls and scaring us into their desert grief holes like Abu Dhabi or Levenshulme.
I reckon your right Chris (but I hope not). And I suspect that as is their way the majority of the “yoof” will be the very last to lift a finger to save their sorry existence.
I used have heated argument that politicians are politicians first – human beings second . They are self serving and always looking for the next job/ payout . We must always vote for the least worst .
Can’t help but notice BBC commentary relentlessly hammering Theresa May’s wounded premiership.
Of course as soon as Boris or anyone else were to be elevated to the position of PM the BBC could move to criticising their lack of electorial mandate. The hapless Corbyn would perhaps get a second run at an election but the likelihood of us ending up with a pro-EU leader – say Mrs Cooper-Balls or Chuckie or Keir Sturmer – grows ever closer within the crucial two year exit time period.
I recall the lefty slogan Casino Economy…. you know what they say about casinos, the house always wins.
Yes. The intended coup by the Blairites only temporarily halted.
It looks like Treezer is ready to dump Brexit, or negotiate it so that we are effectively still in. Why appoint an arch remainer when fighting to mobilise a strong and stable Brexit team?
Get rid of the woman now
Just an idea. How about the Government giving free tuition for university degrees that we need like Science/Technology/Medicine. Other degrees you would have to pay for. It would help industry and may even clear out some of the lefties in the university.
I would imagine a vast majority of courses would be excluded (being useless ‘ologies’) and the University profit making… er sorry education system would probably collapse.
I had a lefty friend try and compare her MA in Interfaith Studies with my MSc in Engineering, I nearly spat my beer out.
Very few people are interested in STEM subjects because they are hard, it’s easier to get a BA(Hons) in Transgender Studies and then become a Primary school teacher.
Perhaps it would be good if the University system in its present form did collapse and we replace it with something more fit for purpose.
As far as those that rule us are concerned, CS the university system is working out perfectly as intended.
Cant help but feel that all those colourful carnival whistle blowers who joyfully voted Labour – and couldn’t articulate why they did, is just a flash in the pan. If its another 5 years before the next GE then this lot will have left yuni, no doubt be in a good salaried job, and will think twice about having most of it taken in tax if Corbyn becomes PM. These students are so thick in living for the ‘now’ and being ‘right-on’ for their fellow human beings, that when it comes to them having families of their own in the future, they’ll think again about protecting the rights of others.
Those giving their forthright views on camera should be interviewed again in 5 -10 years time to see how they’ve changed.
Well remember the Dept of Education in 2002 trying to get extra teachers, by offering us all the “chance to hang out with Raj”.
This was before Savile of course, but now our tatttoed, drug-addled tranzy deviants will be happy enough to go onto break duties by gender-neutral loos as Blair and his unions would have wanted.
At least Trojan Horse schools wouldn`t let THAT happen to their grandkids-yet we do.
My bi sexual MP with the an increased majority has a degree in gender studies, D.A.P., I bet she enjoyed the home and course work!
That is in the UKIP manifesto Catsrule.
That is great to know. The Government should implement it.
See the contradictions in BBC LibMob thinking
July 2016 “New PM, but she’s not elected …WE MUST have election now !”
June 2017 “She’s been elected PM (by 43% of public), but she MUST resign !”
NEXT : “New PM, but he/she’s not elected …WE MUST have election now”
and then what ??.. if the BBC don’t approve of that one they’ll be demanding another election,
Anyone see the usually good Brillo on the Sunday politics interviewing that old bag sourbry.
He went extremely easy on her.
She kept repeating that this election showed the people did not want a hard Brexit and was not challenged even after saying it quite a few times.
She comes out with the crap that … yes, we are leaving the eu but we want to stay in the single market and the customs union, more immigration and to all intents and purposes stay exactly as we are now, that is, fully IN the eu.
Also not challenged by O’Neill.
I just hope that an injection of 10 proper Conservatives will improve the conservatives there now and the sooner any old shite like sourbry goes the better.
Why doesn’t she just join the liberals, she’s no Tory.
The beauty of last years Referendum to leave the EU was its simplicity. One person-one vote. So my vote was equal to Mandelsons, Cleggs, Soubrys or Toynbees. No more and no less.
So if my fellow 52%(and rising once you cut out the London metropolitan bias, the Celtic blowlies like the Cybernats in Scotland) are NOT getting more than equal treatment in the Lords, Commons , media or BBC-then you can tell what that vote means to them. Fuckall.
If you factor in the months of endless lies, scares fiddled registrations and cheating-with full media lies added-then it`s a good deal more than 52% as well.
So to hear the BBC and the broadsheets try to ignore the 80% who voted for a hard clean Brexit as we`ve just done only shows how dangerously stupid and complacent they now are. I need no Osbornes or Mandelsons-didn`t vote for either. I want the right to get Soubry and Clarke out of the Tory Party and make them go to the LibDems/Smoking and Ginswill Party etc.
Until the BBC reflect the 52%?…that %2% really ought to back the DUP in getting rid of the BBC. My grandparents didn`t pay for Von Ribbentrops Brasso for his belt buckles in 1933, so why the hell am I paying for Soubrys damsons, Clarkes hush puppies or Mardells extra lunches in 2017?
Classic ! I shall let the ” Celtic Blowlies ” past. As for the ” Ginswill Party “, when can I join ?
Will the boundary changes still hold??
arent they 3 weeks away?
Sadly I think boundary changes are now dead in the water. There was an article from a few weeks back that attempted to explain the situation. It is not particularly well written, and thus not crystal clear, but it does look as if there won’t be changes any time soon.
How long will it be before the BBC calls the Golders Green fire a hate crime? Well, my money is on arson by close followers of you know who (peace be upon him – not).
Golders Green voted marxist islamofascist, the results were remarkably quick
The fire affected a kosher business.
I was reading a comment on one of the online papers about what the Conservatives need to have to become more relevant. It was along the lines of fewer elite cliques such as the Oxbridge/Eaton old boy’s network and more with real job experience. That reminded me of Norman Tebbit, working class parents, State school and RAF. I went on to Wikipedia and found this quote from him.
“Inside Britain there is a … threat from the Marxist collectivist totalitarians. … Just to state that fact is to be accused of ‘union-bashing’. … Such people are to be found in the Conservative, Liberal and Labour Parties. Their politics may be different but such people share the morality of Laval and Pétain … they are willing not only to tolerate evil, but to excuse it. … Both Jim Prior and Keith Joseph know that George Ward and Grunwick are not perfect, nor was Czechoslovakia perfect in 1938. But if Ward and Grunwick are destroyed by the red fascists, then, as in 1938, we will have to ask, whose turn is it next? Yes, it is like 1938. We can all see the evil, but the doctrine of appeasement is still to be heard.”
Seems to describe the present day situation with very few differences. Just replace union bashing with wasicts, xyzophobia, hate speech, etc. and voila.
Tebbit was much loved by his Civil Servants during his time at Trade. I have that from someone who was ‘inside’ for a while. That is often a good measure, although not always, of a Minister.
Subversion is what much of the work of those who are not Tebbits are about. Osborne is a clever guy, in my view, much sharper than Cameron. He (Osborne) should know that if you have to intervene in a ‘free market economy’ (in reality, a controlled market economy) other than creating a freedom, then the market is not working and you need to fix the fault not spend taxpayer money ameliorating it. (Not a lot of difference there with a Corbyn/McDonnell approach.) Example? Osborne’s intervention in the housing market.
Osborne, with his city regions, Mayors and Northern Powerhouse, was subverting the structure of the UK and increasing the tax drain on the economy. There is only one way that is going to go in future: expensively.
Quite why Osborne self-destructed during the EU Referendum instead of remaining more or less silent, I know not. I suspect he is hoping to be asked to pitch for the Party leadership at some point.
That’ll be fun to watch but it may be quite a wait.
The whole Theresa May thing is reminiscent of the Space Shuttle crash in 2003. The last thing on the cockpit voice recorder was ” ok go on then, let her have a go, what harm can she do?”
God bless all who perished in that disaster. It remains to be seen who will perish in this one. Cameron was many things but at least he knew when ‘enough is enough’. Did you see what I did there?
The prospect of a Labour Government reminds me of the Chaos Theory bloke in Jurassic Park II – “We’ve seen it before. First it’s the, Ooohh and the Ahhhh and then it’s all the running and the screaming”.
Excellent analogy – dinosaurs being resurrected, kids getting excited.
No prizes for guessing who the bovine Brachiosaurus is.
There will be much political talk in the coming weeks. Will Boris run? Will Theresa fall on her sword?? Interesting talk. And the Maybot is indeed a dead woman walking. But amidst all this chatter of who is in, who is out, let us not forget the most important issue facing the nation: ISLAM. It won’t get talked about much, except on these boards. Never forget that Islam is a force for evil in the world.
Very true – anything that weakens the country makes it easier for Islam.
Did no one mention that to renationalise just the Water Companies it would cost around £800 billion. Then there’s rail, the Post, the Power Companies and so on at around several thousand billion. That’s before starting on infrastructure spending, benefit and wage rises, not to mention the ‘free stuff’ bonanza. No need to mention, unrestrained immigration and I’m sure strikes would make a big comeback. That really would make Brexit seem a walk in the park.
You needed to be a genius to achieve the kind of voting collapse we have witnessed.
More than ever we need UKIP V2.0 with Farage at the head.
This last election was a farce for me. I only had the tosser extrordinaire, Oliver Heald to vote for (Now Sir Oliver Heald – what, did he invent a cure for cancer or something?). My only other choices were limpdem, windmills green or communist labour…. There was NO UKIP man available.
Of course bbbc told me that UKIP were wiped out but they kept telling me this every 10 seconds….
Andrew Marr was a disgrace this morning……..
gaxvil, McDonnell was incredibly vague on that and now you mention it, our beloved BBC did not really push him to be specific – on Radio 4 at least. The manifesto is no clearer.
At one point, they appeared to be planning renationalisations on a traditional ie. Soviet/Chinese/Cuban/s-eAsia basis, then it seemed it might be via a Golden Share that gave HMG control of the Board (that could have livened up Company shareholder meetings no end) or by buying a majority stake, I guess, at the point of a Parliamentary Bill or by actually intervening in the market.
For the railways, they were clear: it would be at no cost, Soviet-style, but at the end of the franchise as each one lapsed. That would have meant that at some point after a Labour Government took office, the market would have taken a view on the value of rail company shares and a well-known multi-billionaire Labour supporter may have found he was instantly no longer a multi-billionaire.
Water companies? Implication is again Soviet style, no compensation, it’s all transfered to the State. The thing is some of the ownership there appears to be a bit shadowy, in the hands of ‘funds’ and private banks. There is no doubt that life under a new Labour Government would be exciting. For a while. And empoverishing for the many not the few.
None of which would be allowable whilst remaining a member of the EU, gax.
Now that, I find interesting. Again something May COULD have used in her campaign!
but she might have got a majority if she had, gax, not part of the plan.
Are any of them that clever? I’m still sticking with May the arrogant, naïve and incompetent.
Clever? No! I prefer May the lying, scheming, devious, EU remaining bitch, gax.
and yet no tory mentioned it
for months before the election radio 4 was full of lefties saying the old had to pay more , no more triple lock, means tested benefits , take their houses away and yet no conservatives mentioned it.
The dementia tax as it stands quadruples the amount protected from the money grubbing councils … tory comments???
Tuition fees are set by the leftie universities all charge the same all charge the max … tory comments????
labour claimed a costed manifesto … except the bits that obviously weren’t and the obvious holes in where the cash would actually come from
did may take a dive … the evidence suggests yes she did
when we see her pulling in osbourne type money after she leaves 10 ds it will become obvious
I’ve got to call a point of order on that one. I’m sorry to bang on about it, but despite the media narrative, there was no Conservative voting collapse. As I’ve said further up this thread, the Tories got as high a share of the vote as Maggie achieved. We need to analyse why so many fell for Corbyn’s pie-in-the-sky dreams, or at least didn’t care that they were unachievable, rather than what happened to the Tory vote.
Tories got highest vote share since 1983 42.4%
Labs highest since 2001 40%
Special dynamics apply ..a UKIP vote is a kind of Tory vote, many voters stay at home
both Tories and Lab took some of the Lib/SNP voteshare
Roland, you are correct and it was a very good analysis.
Did you notice that when the media interviewed an ‘elderly’ voter, latter would normally refer to some policy or another that they liked or disliked. When the media interviewed the newly registered child voter, they referred to Corbyn, being, “such a nice genuine man”. Rarely a mention of any particular policy. They are in for a rude awakening at some stage.
Anyway, fact is, Liebour has played the new registrant card now. > 3 million registered during the period from when the election was called and 08/06. They can’t register again – if they bother. There’s only a trickle of new registrants to vote as they come of age. So, my reckoning correctly or incorrectly is, if a re-run is arranged, there will be a hardening of numbers, ‘our side’ so to speak. All those who voted UKIP, dedicated like me, will not vote Liebour but Conservative next time round. I will be interested to see the total numbers of voters that voted UKIP. I suggest that it would be those that would boost the ‘Blue’ vote. What’s left for Liebour and do their voters want to vote for a losing party again?
G, “There’s only a trickle of new registrants to vote as they come of age. So, my reckoning correctly or incorrectly is, if a re-run is arranged, there will be a hardening of numbers, ‘our side’ so to speak.”
Exactly. Look at the SNP for a bang-up-to-date example of this.
Corbyn will have to offer something more, too, next time. A fairly firm Brexit? To protect jobs? Socialists like ‘controls’, so might they seek ‘Migration Controls’? There would be lots of advantages to an incoming Labour Government from this.
All terrific stuff- so glad I have you folks for genuine analysis.
Trump should bring his own forces to provide protection when he comes. Tell that little mohamidan mayor to leave his police in their offices responding to Tell Mama complaints.
A few hundred marines plus a few Navy Seals should be more than enough for Antifa and Treezer’s state funded UAF
GWF, some of the ugliest, meanest, nastiest looking guys with guns that I have ever seen were Brits from the SBS. They were on a rib on the Thames at the time.
The thought of one rib full of them going one way on the Thames and meeting another one full of US Navy SEALS coming the other way while the current US President visits our Parliament boggles the mind.
Oh Good, The President is coming.

‘They’re going to need a bigger green room’
I thought Billiards was played with two whites and a red, GW, not two reds and a black.
Amol great value on the DNA front again.
Maybe he and Jasmine should get a room.
Looks like there needs to be a rota system:
Bias by stealth!
Anyone else notice that the Under 20 England World Cup Final wasn’t advertised on the BBC? As it happened it was televised on BBC 2 this afternoon but only after thousands of complaints from angry viewers. Football pundits tell us that it was an achievement that England got to the final let alone win it, beating Argentina, Guinea, South Korea, Costa Rica, Mexico, Italy and Venezuela to clinch the cup. It was England’s first appearance in the final of a global tournament since their World Cup victory 51 years ago. personally, I think it’s a disgrace that our national broadcaster couldn’t be bothered to televise the whole event let alone the final, and to then hastily broadcast it only after the insistence of the paying public. Let’s face it the BBC is quick enough to bang on about woman’s football!
Trouble brewing in Manchester over anti Islam demonstrations
BBC silent
The BBC have a problem here. One of the demonstrating groups is Gays Against Sharia, who are drawing attention to the anniversary of the Orlando massacre.
But the leftie gays, Tatchell et al, oppose Gays Against Sharia and denounce them as ‘far right’
‘Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants and Action for Trans Health say they will be countering the protest, “to show that people in the LGBT+ community will not allow the far right to co-opt LGBT+ rights as a weapon to oppress other minorities.”’
That’s right lefties, can’t allow the people who support throwing gays off roof tops to feel offended can we?
this comment caught my eye
“They’ve been out of control for years. The problem is that every PM bases strategy around pleasing it instead of declaring all out war”
Everybody with teenage rebels take note:
On the BBC News front page right now.

Mr Green? Who is that? An extra from Reservoir Dogs?
Damian Green
And another, David Lidington as Justice Sec.
Theresa May and Damien Green, two ministers who did damn all to curb immigration, either from the EU or from other countries, even though EU and UK legislation could have been used to control both) and damn all to strengthen our border controls (which are still exiguous at most of our entry points) are now PM and Deputy PM – and Europhiles. And Lidlington, another rabid Europhile. And Gavin Barwell, another Europhile. And Hammond, another Europhile. With its interventionist, sub-socialist leanings, it’s virtually a Blairite government, and unless the DUP fiercely enforce a truly Conservative agenda, there is no hope. I fully expect a Labour government next time.
Martin, if the May administration is truly Blairite then surely Corbyn-led Labour will not get a look in and May will win again, albeit at 67 or 68 years of age versus an even older opponent?
I don’t welcome the prospect of a Blairite Government, btw, Tory or Labour.
@ Roland at 5.16pm
Sorry I’m politiced out and watching my DVDS , have gone to Gerry Anderson for comfort, watching Captain Scarlet and thought of Lt Green had hysterical meltdown and reread. Right recovered now ……..who’s up for another round of voting fun……………need alcohol…….need alcohol I always felt sorry for Captain Black or is that me always liking the bad boys. Another G&T my lady ??? Yes Parker.