Nick Robinson…clever chap eh? Apparently Corbynmania is ‘religious fervour’, the Followers believe in the ‘good book’… Labour’s manifesto [yeah…made up fantastical drivel…..feeding the 5000 with a few loaves and a couple of small fish…. water into wine…very Corbyn-like] Corbyn is taking them to the ‘promised land’ [is Robinson taking the piss…..a man accused of anti-Semitism and Robinson gives us a Jewish iconic theme to explain him?]…he then calls him ‘JC’ in a knowing, smartarse way….genius.
Panorama. As all too often it’s terrible.
It asks…
Election 2017: What Just Happened?
And the answer? Brexit. It was all about the Brexit….despite the fact that many people in the film said it was mostly about the economy, paying for care, fuel allowance, pensions, austerity…oh and the great unmentioned, which is odd when the film concentrated on the young so much…the Great Tuition Fee Freebee.
Who did the BBC bring on to comment from the Tories? Osborne, zealous Remainer who boasted that his Standard headline on the care u-turn destroyed the Tory campaign, Soubry…fervent Remainer, Heseltine, Fanatical Remainer, Gavin Barwell…rabid Remainer. Are you getting the idea that the BBC invited in people who would spin a certain pro-Remain, anti-Brexit narrative…oh and not to mention Tory comms chief, Katie Perrior , who resigned when the election was announced, so likelihood is she was going to be critcial of May…though you could question her judgement having said this last year…
With Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader the threat to the Tories is minimal – there is no need for Boris The Saviour.
The BBC kept insisting Brexit was the real reason for the Corbyn ‘win’ and yet other than those Tory Remainders gave no concrete evidence of that, in fact doing the opposite as said above…Len McCluskey and Corbyn both think it was just people saying ‘enough of austerity’. Remain voters in a Labour seat voted for Labour…the BBC thinks this is proof the country wants to end Brexit.
Odd ain’t it….the referendum vote that specifically asked one question, the EU in or out?, is constantly said to be irrelevant and invalid because we are told people didn’t know what they were voting for…they did not have a box on the ballot to ask ‘out of the Single Market?’ [even Humphrys peddled this as fact in an interview with David Davis and had to be corrected]…except of course they did…because the Single Market is part of the EU and they voted, knowing full well it meant leaving the Single Market as both sides stated this uncategorically again and again, to leave the EU as a whole. If you wanted to play the ‘they didn’t know and therefore we can’t do this’ game then they didn’t know that voting ‘out’ in the referendum would then mean gradual backsliding, qualifications and ‘accommodations’…they thought Brexit meant Brexit..thus we must leave completely on Soubry et al’s logic.
But now…now the election, which was about a myriad of issues, mostly the economy and austerity and then majorly terrorism and police funding, is said to be a vote on Brexit….Robinson tells us that ‘the people were angry about Brexit’. Funny how the terms of engagement change when it suits. May certainly wanted it to be about Brexit but it just didn’t happen…Brexit was very much an also ran issue…tuition fees, care costs and oh yes, ‘hope’, were much, much bigger issues and vote winners or losers.
The BBC happily ignores the polls that tell us even Remain voters want to get on with it and get it settled….this Panorama is peddling the idea that there must be an alternative, a ‘soft Brexit’…ie no Brexit.
You can take the boy out of the BBC, but…
Maybe Peston doesn’t read the Telegraph as the EU machine moves into gear and starts pumping out the anti-Brexit propaganda….
The door is still open for Britain to remain in the EU, Macron tells May
The BBC knows about doors. It leaves its politics at them.
What Schäuble also said, as reported in the Handelsblatt, was:
“I don’t think it very likely [that the British will reverse Brexit]. The British government has declared that it will continue on its Brexit course. We accept and respect the decision. The time will come when it will regret this decision. As history unfolds in the future, the British government will be back – but whether I will be around to see this is another matter”.
He’s 74.
The Handelsblatt has no difficulty in understanding that the Swiss solution, the Turkish solution and the EFTA solution are all at odds with regaining British sovreignty -what the referendum was all about.
Of course, HB doesn’t want Brexit, but at least it grasps what the British people voted for – unlike the BBC and the other usual suspects who pretend something else has happened. Schäuble also says that speculation about changes to the Brexit decision are not helpful.
I`m guessing that power is that ability to tell us one thing on one occasion, then reverse it and give us its mirror image on the next.
And then keep both positions separated and unconnected, segmented and discrete as and until they choose to revert.
Like homosexuality and Islam, skunk and mental illness…Hillarys popular vote( so she`s won) as opposed to Mays (she lost).
And now this.
The campaign had no substance, no argument whatsoever.
Just a grey wannabe president versus an old fantasist waving stolen monopoly money around his Nuremburg College campuses.
Let the media, Major and the like say what they like. They lost the Brexit vote last year, had no sell-by date, let alone a sell-out one.
As the Specials sang ” can`t go on much more -people getting angry”. And the BBC are really pushing their own ejector seat button with these endless provocations of theirs.
Need to look into Juncker and Soubrys bar bills. This stinks.
“And the answer? Brexit. It was all about the Brexit…. The BBC kept insisting Brexit was the real reason for the Corbyn ‘win’…”
Except that’s not actually true is it, Alan? You even inadvertently admit as much when you say;
“many people in the film said it was mostly about the economy, paying for care, fuel allowance, pensions, austerity…”
In fact the only time Robinson said Brexit might have had something to do with the result was when he stated;
“The Corbyn surge seemed to be based on a hunger for change. Not just change at home, change as well to Theresa May’s threat to leave the EU without a deal…. Corbyn was assembling a coalition of those opposed to the Tories, opposed to austerity, opposed to Brexit as well”
Thirty seconds of a half hour programme and not even remotely close to “Brexit. It was all about the Brexit”
“Robinson tells us that ‘the people were angry about Brexit’ ”.
Except nowhere in the programme does Robinson say this.
You just made that up.
Just another lie…
It is laughable that the Beeb and other individuals will label anyone that voted Leave as gullible, naïve fools easily led by a party bus slogan and NOT able to make a conscious educated decision yet considers that these very same people were all capable of making informed decisions in a general election 12 months later.
Have they grasped that the same people who voted in the referendum also voted in the GE!
“that these very same people were all capable of making informed decisions in a general election 12 months later.”
If there was a second Ref, I’m confident that the leave vote would be far far greater than the remain vote! Just look at what the “usual suspects” have threatened – in their rage and forgetfulness – the UK directly after and ever since the Euro Ref.