Al beeb is calling Abu Mohamed -‘jack letts’ he is formerly from oxford but now a member of ISIS in Syria . Nice middle class mummy and daddy want him home as does al beeb . I can’t understand , since he is now in a Kurdish prison , that such an enemy hasn’t been killed. Enough is enough – as some one recently said . Or did they?
‘Abu Mohamed -‘jack letts’ he is formerly from oxford but now a member of ISIS in Syria’
That’s one hell of a gap year.
I suppose he’s just another one of these Corbynista millennials the BBC are so keen for us to look to for our political future. Give 16-year-olds the vote – what could go wrong?
Ugh, why put on a pro left rant by Alexei Sayle on Radio 4? After he was saying how nice Communists are & how nasty the Conservatives I was obliged to switch off. The drip drip pro left message is relentless now.
How could you even start listening to a champagne Marxist like him. I’m sure he pays paye to fund his blessed NHS and isn’t a one man company paying himself dividends at a lower tax rate. right. If I’m wrong – happy to apologise but must do a wiki and see a bit more about him. He s one of the great al Beeb ‘anti s’ –
Anti government – anti Britain – but pro bank balance .
I was a hostage. The radio was on & I was not paying much attention (a defence strategy now), but the manic ranting of this goon woke me up & I had to listen for a while in absolute disbelief that such a bigot could get air time.
Ha ha ok cranbrook – good defence . Don’t let it happen again. As penance – no – now show – news quiz or other smug albeeb lefty propaganda dressed up as ‘ comedy’ for you. !!
Phil should have an immediate visit from Social Services with a cooling drink, a nice piece of cake and a choir of ‘concerned citizens’ raging about evil Tories; all followed by a tailored benefit from the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the post by the end of the week.
I have a suggestion for that latter item: how about a 10% or 20% cut in the Licence Fee?
Up2,please don’t report me for a hate crime. I’m like Jeremy and against all hate – except in his case Hamas friends, sin vein IRA friends and other selected terrorists. ( I know I can’t spell sin vein but I would wish too). That probably another hate crime eh?
Don’t need to say how much I hate that British treasure that is al Beeb.
“The recent terror attacks in London have affected Muslims in the same manner as all other citizens of the city and terrorists do not discriminate between Muslims and non-Muslims in their attacks. Targeting of Londoners on the basis of their faith was unacceptable.
These views were expressed by Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick, in an interview with a local media outlet, on Sunday.”
Liar Mays political policing?
Or how about Liar Mays “unacceptable content” on the internet, she ll be concerned about Islamofauxbia no doubt
or erm ,”online hate” in her upcoming meeting.
“Given the frequency of fake anti-Muslim hate crimes, this claim must be received with skepticism.
“The terrorists seek to divide us and we must not let them do that. London is a fantastic, diverse, integrated city and that that’s the way it needs to continue.”
Actually, the terrorists don’t really care if we’re united or divided. The objective of jihad terror attacks is to weaken, and ultimately destroy, the Infidel state, so that it can be replaced by a Sharia government. When Cressida Dick vows that she is not going to let the terrorists divide us, she means that she is not going to confront their motivating ideology, since the Muslim community in London doesn’t want her to do so. So in reality, when she says that she is not going to let the terrorists divide us, she means that she is going to follow a course of action that will weaken London’s response to jihad terror, and enable jihadis to act more freely”
R Spencer
Well … at least, the MSM don t have to worry, their too busy faking protests
A media studies masterclass. On a par with Tommy Robinson on Al Jazeera, Hillarys rallies, Camerons Hebdo walkabout in Paris.
Oh-and Wanstead last week, Lee Rigbys butchers speech in 2013.
These “behind the scenes” street theatre set ups are priceless, let`s never forget the work done to create these lies.
I sense that Merkel is a brothel madame hoping to get our kids to be her pole dancers for Wahabbi oil or payment in kind. The EU and Islamic hegemony.
Everything that the BBC is telling me is intended to create their halal-compliant and licensed brothels.
Dick is a total liar. The man in the car on Waterloo bridge was “zig-zagging” – eyewitnesses said he made sure he only hit white people. The attack on Borough Market – unlikely to find a Muslim person in a pub at 11pm on a Friday, but if they were then they would be ‘Haram’. And in Manchester, the profile of Arianna Grande fans is very “white teenage girls”. I cannot find any evidence that any Muslim people died in any of the above attacks. Except the terrorists, of course. Happy to be proven wrong if I am in error.
Anybody watching anything on the BBC over the past week would know only that the DUP is against gays and abortion. According to BBC coverage the only policies DUP have are those employees of the Beeb find objectionable.
The average member often public is still entirely in the dark about what this coalition might actually mean politically.
OK for the Respect Party or Sharia4London to hold these views though. DUP though are far better re getting rid of the BBC License. Now THAT should be getting larger coverage. But no rival channels mention it at all.
Very cosy cartel isn`t it?
Al beebus REALLY don’t like the idea that the Conservatives are going into “coalition” with the DUP; from their reaction you’d think Theresa was linking up with the Westboro Baptist Church.
LOL my elderly mother (who gets all her news from the BBC) said to me ‘All they tell you on the BBC about the DUP is that they don’t like gay marriage.’ She normally implicitly believes everything on the Beeb, bless her, she’s of that generation, but even she’s started to notice bias now!
This morning (Tuesday), I was unfortunate enough to hear Harriet Harman being interviewed on the Today programme by Sarah Montague. Compare and contrast to last week’s interview with Boris by Mishal Hussein. Hattie was allowed to speak, virtually uninterrupted – just occasionally Sarah would finish the odd sentence for her. Now is it because Sarah Montague (also known as Lady Brooke) is such an excellent interviewer that she could hold Hattie to account without being aggressive and confrontational, or indeed to tell her guest to stop talking – or is it because Mishal is not really up to the job. Perhaps the question needs to be left as rhetorical otherwise your answers might make the site as rude as those on Guido.
Yes, and a day or two ago I listened to Montague interviewing (i.e. having a cosy friendly chat) with another Labour politician, and suggesting the Labour Party should encourage the seven Sinn Fein MPs to take their seats in the Commons. She and Hussein are the most partisan of all.
Our ‘friends ‘ in the EU are pushing their latest protectionist scam and of course ‘our’ BBC is straight in there doing the anti-Brexit line again, ‘London could lose EU euro clearing role‘.
That would be like American Express being the only place that you could convert pounds into dollars and Barclays being the only place that you could convert dollars into pounds. What then would American Express do with its pounds and Barclays do with its dollars?
I would imagine that such a proposition goes WTO rules – there are higher authorities than the EU, and the BBC.
Since Friday I have noticed a cranking up of anti Tory rhetoric in the BBC. Every move the Tories are trying to do are met with a sort of smug mockery that it is all in vain. Every negative possibility the centre of attention, even if the possibility is just an outcome amongst many – & some of the many outcomes just might work – yet does the BBC suggest any favourable coverage of these? No of course not! Whilst the Conservatives are struggling with an obligation of forming an administration (& with the figures there is no reason why they should fail as long as they design a Queen’s Speech that will satisfy the DUP & Scottish Tories) the BBC is doing its best to chuck spanners in the works whilst Corbyn gets a free ride & just gloats.
You have more patience than me .i cannot listen or watch most BBC programmes these days .Mishal Hussein is over promoted way beyond her ability due to the BBCs diversity targets in my opinion .Add that to her obvious bias and she is a complete turn off.
She was appalling during the debate ,just not up to the task.Will they move her .i very much doubt it.
The only heartening thing about this extreme anti Conservative rhetoric is that more and more people are noticing and switching off. The BBC should remember the large number of people who voted Tory and with all those who voted Brexit which means that part of the population are not watching or watching and getting angry with the national broadcaster. The BBC is heading for viewing figures similar to the Guardian readership numbers.
Just watching Kamal Ahmed reporting on inflation. Funny how he isn’t mentioning the public sector workers with mortgages who are paying the lowest rate of interest on their loans and have been for some time, giving them more money to pay for other things.
I believe the media including the BBC carefully planned its response to the election. The ‘narrative’ now is that Corbyn was the rightful victor but was somehow fiddled out of it by the evil Tories and the even more evil terrorist DUP, that Mrs May is ‘clinging to power’ etc. I believe if May had won with a decisive majority, the narrative would have been that the electorate were somehow ‘misled’ or ‘misinformed’ as with Brexit.
How the heck does Jon Snow get away with this ignorant aerating. You`d think he was the Un Secretary General as he berates the Tories for daring to ask the people for a vote to help us get out of the EU. That was Camerons crime, now it`s Mays sin for which she`s expected to grovel to Markel and Snow. Outrageous, no clearer sign that the media are way too big for their wimkle pickers.
Snows career arc is as good an indicator of the death of British journalism as I know.
Detestable shit, note he`d not argue with Rees Mogg without one of his labour lefties minding his handbag.
From a true Ancient Brit – Well Done Jacob Rees-Mogg!
You should have been selected as the PM not that useless closet ‘remainer’ and a failed Home Secretary.
“The Eloi” (Yes , check it out – H G Wells ) voted for Corbyn .
Snowy has plenty of money in the bank so he can treat our lives as his amusement .
Confession- I was prejudiced against mr Rees -Mogg but now you see a good politician but a man out of his time . Unlike the al beeboid woman in the earlier clip and Mr Snow – Jacob chooses every word carefully, does not do soundbites and doesn’t get upset. Very few politicians of any colour ( sorry bout your illness Diana ) are like this but al beeb and c4 know this so try to poke fun at him. He normally rips them a new one – as I believe the yanks say.
Snow comes across as embittered, arrogant and hot headed in that interview. Mr Mogg by contrast does not try to pretend all is well – but he makes the important distinction between the good of the country and the good of his party. To the likes of Snow, party is more important than country, it seems.
I fantasise about an interview that is, ‘free, fair, impartial, adult, not divisive and while not overly promoting the interests of the country well-being of the people, doesn’t seek to drag it into the sewer.
Agreed Gaxvil – we would all be better if those exceptional orators were promoted, rather than the vacuous and empty ones. I almost gave up on US politics until I found a politician called Trey Gowdy, the whole speech is great the link below is the best bit. Enjoy.
“I’m not asking you to be Reagan, I’m not asking you to be Lincoln. I’m just asking you to live a quiet life of conviction and virtue. And actually live out what you profess to believe. If you can do that, you’ll be a leader, you’ll be persuasive. Your generation will get this Country headed back in the direction you want it to be in.” – Trey Gowdy @14:15
Magnificent MarkyMark.
Must remember to stop insulting the BBC , the Remainiacs and Islam. Trey speaks wonderfully of a new world, but we`re in the ditch-and humour and comedy inevitably turn nasty at our overlords partial humbug. But a fantastic speech.
All I got was Harold Wilson and Roy Clarke from Last Of The Summer Wine by way of convocation speeches…my eldest sadly only got the gay writer from Doctor Who( Russell T Davies?).
I was driving today and just noticed that it was the top of the hour. I thought I’ll just have a listen to the Radio 4 News at one and find out the latest (why don’t I ever learn?) with Martha Carney. The programme was running the usual pro eu, anti tory, anti brexit bullshit but then we had a promised item to come – How are the family of Jo Cox managing as it is 12 months since she was murdered…….
This really did make my hackles rise. So when can I expect a news item telling me about how the family of Lee Rigby (a far more important individual) are struggling to get through their lives.
They just continue the same narrative day after day after day after day.
I didn’t hear the item as I quickly pressed the off button.
How about the BBC telling us how the families of the 22 dead in Manchester are coping, knowing the mortal remains of their loved ones had to be scraped off the floor and shovelled into a sack?
Seditious? The BBC has been seditious for decades.
Not as long as their Master, also known as The British Labour Party, though.
Known as, but they have played the part (very well) of the International Labour Party almost since their inception.
There have been some noble, and honourable, members of the BLP. Not many though, 95% are internationalusts. [internationalusts was a keyboard error but stet]
The only time the BLP, a group of Marxist, Stalin lovers, Soviet admirers, Soviet sympathisers and actual Soviet agents has ever been “British” in its outlook, let alone in its beliefs was in WW2.
The BLP had nothing to say about the 20 million (or was it 30 million) Russians murdered by Lenin and his successors. The peccadilloes of Mao, Kim il sung, Pol Pot et al were met with the normal BLP silence.
But late in 1941 when the Wehrmacht advanced almost unopposed towards Moscow and it looked as though the “motherland” would crumble, the BLP sprang into action. On with the Union Flag underwear and unending screams for a “second front now”. After 1945 it was business as usual.
Same in the USA, Joseph McCarthy who is villified, exposed real Communist traitors, but the BBC version, is as ever, nothing like “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth”.
SS “Hateful Lefties”, a keel made from hate and historical perversion. The superstructure more lies and mass murder. God destroy this disgusting ship and all the filth who sail in her.
… add two former Prime Ministers to that list, one of whom was doing it again yesterday, courtesy of the BBC, effectively inciting terrorists to become active in Northern Ireland while also doing his bit to make the UK’s position over leaving the EU as bad as humanly possible.
Why doesn’t the BBC create a documentary called, ‘Death of Soldier Lee Rigby – Killed By Far Right Islamics’.
He was a soldier. Of more value to the UK than any Labour MP or BBC manager. Here BBC reports Theresa May has come to agreement with Macron of all people on cracking down on ‘extremists’. This is the action May promised in the wake of the London Bridge atrocity. Not quite the way it was reported at the time. Apparently ‘enough is enough’ refered to the ‘far-right’ blowing the gaffe. BBC treats May like a human in the report. Guess they like what they hear. Always a bad sign.
I wouldn t trust that pair to “crack” an egg, Islamic extremists internet crackdown? or
Liar Mays extremists, ie
Tommy Robinson, AMWaters, how about Micheal Savage, how about Robert Spencer, you know any of those
that don t accept the wilful ignorance and lunacy of her dangerous, laughable, “perversion of the great faith” crap.
Isnt that Muslim standing in front of the fence with his finger in the air the same one who had his photo taken with the coppers recently posted on here?
See BBC use the “hide the spin in the link” trick.
look what words appear in the Twitter link
….. “Jo Cox: Death of an MP. The story of the horrific murder of Yorkshire MP Jo Cox by white supremacist Thomas Mair.”
I thought I read that Mair wanted to make a statement in court but the Judge would not give him permission. I watched the whole programme and think it could have been subtitled Jo Cox: Death of an MP: The Case for the Prosecution. The subtext, it was even explicitly stated by a rather wet policeman, was that Brexit had caused the hateful atmosphere that contributed to the murder. The copper also suggested that Mair was just like Islamic terrorists. The homage was interspersed with shots of Nigel Farage constantly making a false comparison between him and St Jo. It was one of the most disgusting programmes I have ever seen on the BBC (although I do gradually steer clear altogether). Something that particularly rankles with me about Jo Cox was when she joined in to counter protest against the fishermen’s protest on the Thames, along with the oafish Geldof. MPs are often faced with protests, and unless they are threatening or out of control, I believe they should listen courteously to what the protesters have to say. For Cox to join in an attempt to drown out the fishermen’s voice – and who would deny they have had a raw deal over the EU – was simply wrong. Brendan treated it all as a bit of a laugh. Contemptible figure. I wonder if they would have stayed together if she had lived.
Thanks miker,
It comes to something when one self censors ones self ( me ) by choosing not to watch it. I need to watch my blood pressure even though I like to be as objective as possible in watching al Beeb use drama to push its lefty agenda.
I bet they are already casting the tower block fire even though the fire isn’t out yet and blaming T May for starting the bloody fire.
I will always remember the morning after that boat protest for the almost tangible sense of panic in both the establishment and of the course the Beeb. They thought they had the referendum stitched up but knew in an instant how bad the boat protest looked and suddenly realised what was was about to happen. The murder of Jo Cox always seem very convenient and I must admit I thought it would be the end of the leave vote but thankfully the British public weren’t that easily fooled.
Incidentally doesn’t anyone find the medias almost total lack of interest in Mair to be odd ? How did a man leaving no digital trace suddenly become “radicalised” ? Where did a man with no criminal record who did odd jobs for his neighbours get a gun from ?
The tolerance and indulgence shown towards Islamism by people like the, divisive dimwits, such as, Scott Boardman and Nicola Grant has killed many a will kill many more.
Sick inducing bias by the disgusting biased BBC.
For some reason, the bBBC 10pm news has a feature about fhe appalling state of Venezuela.
Malnutrition among children, people chasing bin lorries to find food.
Two massive issues with this.
1. Why now? This has been known for months so it isn’t news. Surely it was not put on ice until after the UK election? LOL.
2. The report mentioned the oil riches but managed to say absolutely nothing about the nirvana socialist government in charge.
In other words a prima face example of socialism under Corbyn has been conveniently kicked into the long grass until after the election.
Bias. Proven.
The left BBC/Guardian axis of stupidity is very fond of Venezuela. Corbyn has praised it I believe. of course they held back the reports. The BBC is openly committed to overthrowing our elected government by any means.
The same in the USA. Progressives will not accept any set back to their agenda.
President Trump and brexit were not supposed to happen .
Dave S,
“The BBC is openly committed to overthrowing our elected government by any means.”. I’m not quite sure about that. Seems to me that the BBC would much prefer a World of absolute chaos, murder, mayhem, and insurrection. Just what it is like in the Middle East principally. If you follow their trends of propaganda, it suggests that their predominantly multikulti employees are each given their individual ‘head’ to construct a scenario which is then broadcast without much comment or scrutiny. Hence the views of a number of foreign nationals masquerade as, ‘British News’. ‘Multikulti’ news in effect.
Repost : Drip Drip Drip
7:15pm BBC News Channel in Paris “After Mrs Mays calamitous election result”
…FFS talk about Narrative building..It was hardly calamitous she won, got a record percentage but didn’t get the high target she set ..Losing overall would have been the calamity.
Abbott now saying that Type 2 diabetes is the cause of all her woes and led to her shocking performances in the election campaign. Now this is of course an illness with potentially very serious repercussions if not brought under control, but I don’t think its symptoms include plucking figures out of thin air and pretending to have read reports that you haven’t even bothered to glance at.
Next time she’s on some al beeb political show she’ll turn up in a wheel chair and she’ll get an even easier time . The al beeboids and al c4 journos will cry for her getting such a nasty time from the like of us and the ‘ tory’ press.
Wonder if she ll give her appearance money (£700?) to a diabetes charity, spend it on a family bucket of pay her kids private school fees???
Trump is having the same trouble from the Left and media – infantile reasoning and utter derangement. All very entertaining but of absolutely zero value to the man or woman on the street. Self indulgent, toys out of cot tantrums and nay saying do nothing to solve the real problems.
Democrats – you are not in power.
Labour Party – you are not in power.
BBC/MSM – you are not in power.
It would greatly assist our respective countries if you would accept that.
Macron is the BBCs new Obama. Quite how Monsieur Macron can suddenly speak for all 27 EU members let alone the EU Commission isnt a question the Beeb bother’s with.
Anyone permitted to share their opinions on the BBC must first have passed a test in the SJW game, the rules of which are:
1. Identify an area of human activity
2. Note a distribution of success
3. Identify winners and losers
4. Claim that the losers are losing only because they are oppressed by the winners
5. Claim allegiance with the losers
6. Feel secure in your comprehensive explanation of the world
7. Revel in your moral superiority
8. Target your resentment towards your newly discovered enemies
9. Repeat. Forever. Everywhere.
It works for anything from climate change to Islamic terrorism.
I wish Freud were alive to sit down with these SJW lunatics and explain what goes on in their heads. They are addicted to that buzz of feeling good about themselves for fighting supposed injustice, even when the facts are against them. Whenever a BBC employee mentions ‘hate crime’ or ‘institutional racism’ they do so with such palpable relish. Imagine if that new disabled MP were abused by someone from the ‘far right’? For an entire week the news would just be BBC employees masturbating in a circle.
Unfortunately, most of the SJW types have been taught post-modernisim, a philosophy of intense resentment, which has left them feeling hopeless, empty and useless.
As a defence mechanism, they identify the source of their misery as being outside in the world, in injustice, racism, Islamophobia etc etc.
Unfortunately, the problem is largely within their own wretched selves.
Also, control of the language or word. I now suggest we use the terms “Gradual Diversity” and “Disruptive Diversity”. Later on we will swap “Disruptive” for “Dangerous” or “Destructive” or “Dire”. By breaking into two, you force people to want to say the nice “Gradual” rather than “Disruptive/Dangerous/Destructive”.
That is phase one. Phase two is to associate people with the above.
“I’d prefer Gradual Diversity as suggested by Douglas Murray, rather than Disruptive Diversity produced by Merkel”.
Phase three is use the more negative words!
This works, and has been in practice with “Brexit”:
“Soft Brexit” – nice and soft and associated with gentle people who support it.
“Hard Brexit” – hard and sudden associated with harsh people. This became “Extreme” later.
Just to remind you…
“Gradual Diversity ala Douglas Murray” vs “Disruptive/Dangerous Diversity ala Merkel”.
I’ve only just come to the realisation that language and history are the most important things we have, have every had along with the freedom to use that language and distribute ideas.
The following video links breaks my heart to watch, but alas is how I used to be be say 1 year ago.
“So you don’t think there are passages in the Koran that encourage the murder of gay people?” “No there isn’t. Have you read the Koran?” – Girls response
… then later response ….
“I can’t be arsed…(mumbles, giggles, walks off, learns nothing)”
Now, you could say that this is not representative of society or her group. But on the flip side everyone that she knows and associates with possibly have the same thoughts.
I look forward to more “Gradual Diversity ala Douglas Murray” rather than “Disruptive Diversity ala Merkel”.
“To a muslim, there is only one book.”
Yes, and it is total bollox, mostly nasty bollox, sometimes hilarious bollox.
Composed by a madman, for children, of all ages.
When I was in Bosnia (GV) we employed the locals on the camp (cleaning etc) after we had eaten, they were allowed to follow us in which to feed them and ensure there was very little food waste. I can assure you they had no problem eating pork. Just like that Muslim chef a few years ago who took the MET to court over him having to cook it. He lost when it came out in the wash he liked nothing more than a bacon roll first thing every morning.
I’ve been out of the country for a week and mercifully was able to avoid the BBC. I’m not at all suprised that contributors to this site are reporting an even higher level of anti- Tory and anti-Brexit propaganda from the BBC since the GE. I for one cannot stand the thought of listening to this for the next x years ( however long this government lasts ). Forgetting Comrade Corbyn for a moment, one annoying aspect of the GE result is the resurgence of the Tory Remainers and their deceitful line that the election result somehow vindicates a so called soft Brexit i.e. not really leaving the EU. The political establishment just never gives up on trying to reverse the democratic result of the referendum .
The attitude of the bulk of the Tory Party to Remain probably also explains their total and abject failure to deal with the BBC. Not a mention of the subject in the Tory Death Wish Manifesto. Yet when combined with the Momentum mastery of social media , the BBC must explain why 70 per cent of young people voted for Corbyn. Do these Tory MPs want Corbyn or a similar labour leader to win the next election? Perhaps the DUP who wanted action on the BBC will give them some backbone , but I’m not hopeful.
The key fact is that we have a remain parliament and a leave electorate.
Pre-GE, there were a succession of remain MPs trotting out “I voted remain, but now respect the will of the people… ” on the media. Our glorious “representative” parliamentary system has now positioned itself as the sole arbiter on the negotiations. There will be no 2nd referendum which could “go wrong”. The BBC will prattle on about a “Brexit acceptable to everyone” but this is a logical impossibility as some wish to remain in the EU. The number of oxymorons the public is supposed to believe in is inceasing exponentially.
“Diversity is strength”, “Defeat is victory”, “The majority is the minority”, “Leaving the EU means staying in the EU”. “Respect the will of the people, by ignoring it”. Who knows, under the Great Leader, Corbyn who won the recent GE, Comrade Abbot might do for mathematics what Comrade Lysenko did for genetics.
I’m sure those promoted to vote Remain would have included the undecided into their result. Leavers are inclusive and like to include everyone – especially those who couldn’t be bothered to vote.
Let me know if I’ve passed the Abbott test or not?
Just to repeat: “Leave EU + Happy Either Way”@65%
“… it works (Democracy) because of the wisdom of crowds, and lots of people who believed in the wisdom of crowds until they lost, suddenly only believed in the wisdom of themselves.”
– Jacob Rees Mogg
World Service news reporting on refugees detained off shore of the Australian mainland, are to be given compensation in a financial settlement arranged before the final case went to court. I’m wondering how much the lawyers get. The social justice warriors will be gleeful but not so the hard working Australian tax payer. There was no mention of the actual payout figures.
Lawyers always win. The Human Rights Act was their greatest triumph, enabling them to find wrongdoing anywhere and everywhere. The greater the law, the greater the injustice.
We all chat in bed with our partners about how it’s going at work – you could just imagine Cherie and Tony.
Cherie: I have not got enough work at the moment. What should I do?
Tony: I could introduce a law not only enabling lawyers to see wrongdoing pretty much anywhere, but also make it a human right for everyone to have free access to a lawyer – even if you are inciting murder and your fees will cost the taxpayer millions.
Now that’s a good husband. I just tell my girlfriend to get to bed earlier when she is having trouble at work!
My Dad was diagnosed in his early sixties. Told to manage his diet and keep strict control of alcohol intake. Which he did. Half a pint of beer was one unit. Seldom drank more than that. Kept trim and in control for decades more.
Perhaps the country dodged another bullet had she moved from shadow to actual health minister.
The very fact that Abbott has decided to use her diabetes as the excuse for her excruciating media appearances, says a great deal about her lack of judgement. This excuse just adds to the well-deserved derision that has been heaped on her. Better would have been to keep quiet, and even better to have stated apologetically that she had not briefed herself properly before the interviews. Not that the BBC will question her excuse, or point out that many thousands of people with that medical condition continue to be successful in demanding careers where knowledge and intelligence are prerequisites.
Theresa May has type 1. The diabetic community must be living in fear of associations being made. That said, TM has not sought to use it in excuse. Abbott is toast, lots of toast, covered in butter, and jam. Lots of jam.
“Fat chance”…nice one Mrs B!
She surely has Type 2000 Diabetes, given how thick she is.
Ah well-a wide load Blue Badge on its way,
Good career move, all we now need is a reinforced chaise longue, so Starmer, Snow and the NHS shills can carry her around from BBC studio to Guardian magazine profiles…with possibly a sugar free pastry or two, or else an elephant syringe full of halal-insulin(none of that piggy stuff mind you).
Is this the “ailment” that recent quacks say is due to pigging out and lack of exercise? Jeremy Vine mooted this on his show a few weeks ago, sense he`ll not be going back to that can of worms.
As for May heroically carrying on despite her having the real diabetes option-well expect no chaise longues and faux attacks of the vapours when she`s rumbled.
Is it the good diabetes, like good AIDs…or the bad one caused by liefestyle choices…did she catch it off a pillion or a pillock? So many questions, so much comedy for Radio 4 huh?
I myselef could get Type 2 if I get much more saccharine crap on Jo Cox(Pee Be Upon Her)
The Sugar Loaf Mountain has got still more bitter.
Type 2 can be kept under wraps by diet and exercise. Which you would do if you really wanted to live a healthy life. Yet the fact remains that Muslims and Blacks who suffer the most from it, feel that taking meds and remaining fat as fuck is the way to go.
Morning all.
There has been a terrible fire in a tower block in West London. It all looks really dreadful.
The pictures make this clear.
But the biased BBC news is just one long emoting, speculating “fill-up-the-space” piece.
Useless Hussein on radio was asking the leader of the local council questions which will only be revealed by an investigation. Cretinous.
And the on-site reporters are telling us incessantly how traumatised everyone is. Meanwhile because of this story there is effectively a news blackout about everything else.
How about just reporting the facts and cut out the soap opera crap? We can work out how devastating it is for ourselves. Cut the emoting.
I bet they are just itching to blame the fire on Tory cuts.
Just appalling professional judgement. Yours for only £4bn a year.
PS to my amazement Alison Graham writes about the ‘professionalism’ of this approach referencing Mark Easton in next week’s Radio Times, page 41, a recommended read, especially now,
I heard that dreadful woman Mishal H basically accusing the councillor of negligence when absolutely no factual information was available. She was so condescending and I’m sure believes herself to be a very important person. For Mishal and her colleagues, it’s not about quality news but about their own status. They believe themselves to be stars worthy of status and respect.
So true and if you look or listen back to older interviewers you just don’t get that. Maybe because they’re paid so much they think they must be worthy?
London tower block fire. I turned on BBC news at 9.28 am and heard the BBC interview a local resident who said that as Mayor Boris Johnson had cut back on the number of fire stations in London.
We can see where the BBC are taking this story
9:20 R5 Sadiq Khan was on (9:54 They play the tape again )
I thought it was inappropriate as I am sure the fire services have a professional PR team
I’d rather they did the job rather than some politician, putting his oar in… All he can do is get his info from th same PR team …he should not even be on the site ..he should leave it to the professionals.
Disaster porn : I find this kind of live coverage ..and it’s endless speculation distasteful.
(technical term is a “boy in a well ” event ..cos you just keep reporting “oh the boys still down the well (fires still burning) etc.
Yes stew – it’s got a posh term like vicarious grief or something like it. Turn tele for disaster , feel sad – look in to book – loose wimin on other channel. Change change feel happy. Repeat . Disaster porn – Great term but truly sick eh?
‘How traumatised were you’
‘What were you feeling’
‘How are others feeling’
Oh how I wish someone would answer ….. ‘well actually I’m fine, I’m just off to a party, d’yer wanna come?’
Where do they get these reporters from ? how in God’s name do they expect people to ‘feel’ after they’ve lost their homes and loved ones. Such puerile questioning.
The BBC like to start with those emotional questions but then after a few hours they do longer and longer interviews (to fill time) and ask stupid questions to unqualified members of the public like “do you think we need a rethink about how tall we build tower blocks?”
A couple of years ago on my local BBC news their was a village that had a few thatched house fires over the years and the BBC interviewer asked a resident “do you think we need to stop building houses with thatched rooves?”
Further to the above comments.. I wrote to the BBC about journalistic behaviour when shouting like fishwives to politicians in the street. At NO time did I mention “strong and stable government” or Theresa May. Here is their reply……..
…………….We’re sorry that you were unhappy with Laura Kuenssberg calling out “Is this strong and stable, Prime Minister?” to Theresa May.
Theresa May and the Conservatives had made “strong and stable” their slogan during the election campaign, with regards to the type of leadership and government they could offer. The phrase was repeatedly used by the Prime Minister and other Conservatives representatives to such an extent that it was parodied by some commentators. In light of the unexpected outcome of the general election, which has resulted in a hung parliament and the Conservatives losing their majority, this was a legitimate question to ask.
We appreciate that you don’t like the style of calling out questions to politicians, but this is normal journalistic practice, which is used to challenge them on difficult issues……….
I’m still baffled as to their reply, as my letter had nothing to do with the election, but the general behaviour of their journalists !!!!
Very impressed with the London Fire Brigade Commissioner, Dany Cotton, she’s articulate, speaks with authority, and clearly doesn’t suffer fools easily. (now we are waiting to hear Sadiq Khan speak…… groan)
Further to my comment above, its noticeable when she’s interviewed that she’s never interrupted. She gives all the information in a firm manner without hesitation – so refreshing. I’m a fan !
One useful bit of info among all the disaster porn.
“We were on the phone to my mate on the 13th floor, who’d been told to stay in the flat ..but in the end he decided to run down the firestairs carrying his mum, he was almost asphyxiated” So if they made it down there is some hope that other people have done too.
In other news employment rose , and inflation fell (That’s what they actually just said)
So what is the underlying story with the fire, the explosion that started it, the ”fridge” that just ”blew-up” whats the real story here guys, bomb factory mis-hap arson, terrorist attack, or simply a fire that spread at warp speed ?.
Guessing the media and authorities will be steering clear of letterboxes until the activists have been vetted for applause or opprobrium based on hue and cry potential.
Er, so the fire was caused by warning notices being posted?. Bit of a misreading of their blog methinks but all the better to blame someone, preferably someone who can be sued for compensation. And the advice on the notice is as approved by the Fire Service for HMOs built to 2101 Building Reg standards – the tower was apparently refurbished to this standard (except, possibly, some non approved cladding it appears)
Its been reported that the corridors were full of detritus and that may have contributed on how fast it spread. That said , I wouldn’t put it past a follower of that peaceful lot to have set fire to the building in which to kill the kuffer.
BBC WS prog the Why Factor : Are you a numbers person?
10 minutes in a female ‘expert’ says “there is one group affected by this maths anxiety : women… it seems being more sensitive they are more quick to pick up on the anxiety of the teacher”
Typical : the first thing a sexism campaigner does is split society into 2 parts
This is wrong cos there may well be men who are super sensitive
and there may well be many women who don’t have maths anxiety.
What she will end up doing is marking women maths students less harshly than male ones.
“Enough is enough” May-4/6/17
Should have been followed with an action such as “And to show enough is enough we are taking a stand by taking the top 10% of our watch list and actioning them (meaningless word). The task force will be called ‘Ex-Extremism’. “.
Ah but the media shit-flies have moved on, the vigils are over. Mustn’t mention it anymore because, as you say, people will start to look for the follow up. For now, problem ‘solved’ ……………. until the next time. When our leaders and ‘betters’ won’t even name the evil – you can’t expect much. They could kill a hundred of us every week the response would be the same.
‘Mosques must police themselves’ and ‘We must call on Muslim communities to distance themselves from the extremists’ – Pathetic is hardly an adequate description.
“Enough is enough!” then May could have continued with “…for the eight people who were killed (read out name, age, has kids, has partner, nationality and aspirations for live) and the 48 who were injured (read out name, age, has kids, has partner, nationality and aspirations for live) we are taking 56 (8+48) tracked, and hostile to our nation, terrorists from our watch list and deporting them now, under the rule of law. We cannot bring the dead back, but we can honour them by reducing the chance of attacks on the living and the relatives of those lost.”
On a side note, I think the national news papers should show the pictures of all terrorist attack victims until 6 months go by without an attack happening.
A constant reminder of the fallen – who didn’t even choose the battle in which they died.
‘Enough is enough’ and so the cops chase offenders against that great religion of peace – pork throwers, hijab tuggers, people who play songs that mock bin laden, possessing a sharpened pencil near a mosque, and most recent is four visits from cops and threat of arrest to a shopkeeper who put up a sign ‘Don’t fund terrorism’.
Yes, ‘enough is enough’ means you can be arrested for objecting to terrorism.
Perhaps May and her political police are acting on her toy boy, Emir Khan’s advice to accept terror as part of city life – or be arrested
FFS the youth vote means NOTHING. Youths are rebellious, naïve and mostly ‘socialist’. As for pretending this is momentous? Pah!
You’re thinking you can change the World and when a scruffy man with a beard turns up, saying, you can and promises you paradise with cash in your pocket …………………………………..
Grooming is a crime Jeremy.
Stand by for a whole new quota system in media land being demanded, with Diane leading the Ab00tt seeking 1000% easy to see ladies of colour, and no Finns.
Venezuela has been mentioned – bbc WS Radio, “Brazil – What Went Wrong?”
Another ‘shining beacon’ that was going to beat us into the dust.
Corruption, insolvency, extreme poverty, public service workers not paid, no minimum retirement age and so on.
On WS now – A Syrian Surgeon who moved to Manchester to escape the terror. Then the bomb in the arena to remind him that Islam is a worldwide religion.
The cause of the fire is unknown.V B trying desperately to politicise it .However a resident said he got out but admitted the fire doors were propped open because of the coming and goings within the flats.
VB interviewed a very sensible fire prevention expert who was questioning why the fire and smoke was not compartmentalised by the fire doors .Residents should have half hour to get out .Also why the smoke was able to travel up the stair well.When was it last inspected etc.
V B was trying to lead him to the sprinkler issue but he stated there are probably many aspects and not to jump to conclusions.
Given the fantastic response by Fire brigade can’t see how the cuts spin can stand up although the left is trying.
There may be an issue for the LA to answer but not before the enquiry.
I could help but be struck by the fact that of all the people I have seen interviewed this morning, only one lady was white British. Just one. That is the face of demographic change.
A very good point. We may never know how many people were in the flats, or who they were. Some of the “tenants” might have a job explaining who they are and what they are doing in Britain, but I expect they will get a free pass from the Emir.
To take an upbeat view – we’ve always had immigration and way back we had invasion. It’s when it comes to annihilation and supplanting that people get twitchy.
On C4 News, Jon Snow bewails the state of Britain at the site of the inferno. “a tragedy that you might see in downtown Dacca”.
He needs glasses. It looked as if half of Dacca and many other thirdworld drivers of progress, were milling around him.
Well HE`D know wouldn`t he?
Snow , as we know has a “thing” about Sri Lanka. Same thing for our purposes huh?
Well remember Snow fishslapping the Sri Lanka High Commissioner on his show, offering there and then to head out to Columbo( just one more thing!) to show our Sri Lankan grunt just how bad things are in the houseboy industry, the spandex garment workers union or the bleaching effects of the tampon applicator industry.
Summat like that.
Can you get a “linen livered fop”?
I do believe that you can…pith off Jon!
BBC Reporting that the SAS are posing as Beggars……No it beggars belief that the Mirror and the BBC would give away operational tactics unless of course they wanted to warn somebody that the beggars may be highly armed soldiers…..surely not?
The Quote: SAS forces are posing as homeless people on the streets of the UK in a bid to combat terrorism, according to the Daily Mirror. It says they have orders to shoot anyone trying to carry out an attack similar to those in Manchester and London
BRISSLESMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 All out broadcasting on Islamic Eid – celebrating in Parliament no less too. Can we expect other religious festivals to…
tomoMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 we’ve too many of these types in the UK … [img][/img]
ZephirMar 31, 20:40 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Well, well, part 2: “Guardian editors helped fuel Southport riots by showing contempt for the white working class, peer claims…
tomoMar 31, 20:25 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Actually, quite a fair comparison [img][/img]
ScrobleneMar 31, 20:12 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps when the awful, corrupt EU gets its accounts signed off, (never done), they can pontificate, meanwhile normal British citizens…
ZephirMar 31, 20:10 Start the Week 31st March 2025 I would suspect a surfeit of Prosecco or whatever crap this lot consume.
Fedup2Mar 31, 20:07 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps she has adopted the US Democrat recent practice of swearing at public speeches to show ‘authenticity ‘ …. Apparently…
Rob in CheshireMar 31, 19:56 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Democracy is a system whereby the citizens can vote for anyone their betters allow them to.
Al beeb is calling Abu Mohamed -‘jack letts’ he is formerly from oxford but now a member of ISIS in Syria . Nice middle class mummy and daddy want him home as does al beeb . I can’t understand , since he is now in a Kurdish prison , that such an enemy hasn’t been killed. Enough is enough – as some one recently said . Or did they?
‘Abu Mohamed -‘jack letts’ he is formerly from oxford but now a member of ISIS in Syria’
That’s one hell of a gap year.
I suppose he’s just another one of these Corbynista millennials the BBC are so keen for us to look to for our political future. Give 16-year-olds the vote – what could go wrong?
Yeah just another one buying a single ticket to Turkey for his hols. Just pray the shit doesn’t survive to return to Blighty.
Ugh, why put on a pro left rant by Alexei Sayle on Radio 4? After he was saying how nice Communists are & how nasty the Conservatives I was obliged to switch off. The drip drip pro left message is relentless now.
How could you even start listening to a champagne Marxist like him. I’m sure he pays paye to fund his blessed NHS and isn’t a one man company paying himself dividends at a lower tax rate. right. If I’m wrong – happy to apologise but must do a wiki and see a bit more about him. He s one of the great al Beeb ‘anti s’ –
Anti government – anti Britain – but pro bank balance .
I was a hostage. The radio was on & I was not paying much attention (a defence strategy now), but the manic ranting of this goon woke me up & I had to listen for a while in absolute disbelief that such a bigot could get air time.
Ha ha ok cranbrook – good defence . Don’t let it happen again. As penance – no – now show – news quiz or other smug albeeb lefty propaganda dressed up as ‘ comedy’ for you. !!
I’m wised up enough to switch the radio off at 6.30pm every Friday Fedup.
Oi! Poor lad is a victim. Pay attention, Fedup!
Phil should have an immediate visit from Social Services with a cooling drink, a nice piece of cake and a choir of ‘concerned citizens’ raging about evil Tories; all followed by a tailored benefit from the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the post by the end of the week.
I have a suggestion for that latter item: how about a 10% or 20% cut in the Licence Fee?
Up2,please don’t report me for a hate crime. I’m like Jeremy and against all hate – except in his case Hamas friends, sin vein IRA friends and other selected terrorists. ( I know I can’t spell sin vein but I would wish too). That probably another hate crime eh?
Don’t need to say how much I hate that British treasure that is al Beeb.
Murderous, cowardly bastards or SF for short. Hope this helps 😉
Lovely ‘humour’ about shooting Boris Johnson at the end of Alexis Sayle’s show, much laughter from typical BBC audience.
“The recent terror attacks in London have affected Muslims in the same manner as all other citizens of the city and terrorists do not discriminate between Muslims and non-Muslims in their attacks. Targeting of Londoners on the basis of their faith was unacceptable.
These views were expressed by Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick, in an interview with a local media outlet, on Sunday.”
Liar Mays political policing?
Or how about Liar Mays “unacceptable content” on the internet, she ll be concerned about Islamofauxbia no doubt
or erm ,”online hate” in her upcoming meeting.
“Given the frequency of fake anti-Muslim hate crimes, this claim must be received with skepticism.
“The terrorists seek to divide us and we must not let them do that. London is a fantastic, diverse, integrated city and that that’s the way it needs to continue.”
Actually, the terrorists don’t really care if we’re united or divided. The objective of jihad terror attacks is to weaken, and ultimately destroy, the Infidel state, so that it can be replaced by a Sharia government. When Cressida Dick vows that she is not going to let the terrorists divide us, she means that she is not going to confront their motivating ideology, since the Muslim community in London doesn’t want her to do so. So in reality, when she says that she is not going to let the terrorists divide us, she means that she is going to follow a course of action that will weaken London’s response to jihad terror, and enable jihadis to act more freely”
R Spencer
Well … at least, the MSM don t have to worry, their too busy faking protests
or worse …
or much worse
A media studies masterclass. On a par with Tommy Robinson on Al Jazeera, Hillarys rallies, Camerons Hebdo walkabout in Paris.
Oh-and Wanstead last week, Lee Rigbys butchers speech in 2013.
These “behind the scenes” street theatre set ups are priceless, let`s never forget the work done to create these lies.
I sense that Merkel is a brothel madame hoping to get our kids to be her pole dancers for Wahabbi oil or payment in kind. The EU and Islamic hegemony.
Everything that the BBC is telling me is intended to create their halal-compliant and licensed brothels.
MEND lmao
Headline “Former EDL leader arrested for filming Muslims”
they forgot the nonce gang rapist bit
notice they claim no terrorism in bosnia or kosovo lol
they are lying fuckers
Dick is a total liar. The man in the car on Waterloo bridge was “zig-zagging” – eyewitnesses said he made sure he only hit white people. The attack on Borough Market – unlikely to find a Muslim person in a pub at 11pm on a Friday, but if they were then they would be ‘Haram’. And in Manchester, the profile of Arianna Grande fans is very “white teenage girls”. I cannot find any evidence that any Muslim people died in any of the above attacks. Except the terrorists, of course. Happy to be proven wrong if I am in error.
Anybody watching anything on the BBC over the past week would know only that the DUP is against gays and abortion. According to BBC coverage the only policies DUP have are those employees of the Beeb find objectionable.
The average member often public is still entirely in the dark about what this coalition might actually mean politically.
OK for the Respect Party or Sharia4London to hold these views though. DUP though are far better re getting rid of the BBC License. Now THAT should be getting larger coverage. But no rival channels mention it at all.
Very cosy cartel isn`t it?
Al beebus REALLY don’t like the idea that the Conservatives are going into “coalition” with the DUP; from their reaction you’d think Theresa was linking up with the Westboro Baptist Church.
LOL my elderly mother (who gets all her news from the BBC) said to me ‘All they tell you on the BBC about the DUP is that they don’t like gay marriage.’ She normally implicitly believes everything on the Beeb, bless her, she’s of that generation, but even she’s started to notice bias now!
This morning (Tuesday), I was unfortunate enough to hear Harriet Harman being interviewed on the Today programme by Sarah Montague. Compare and contrast to last week’s interview with Boris by Mishal Hussein. Hattie was allowed to speak, virtually uninterrupted – just occasionally Sarah would finish the odd sentence for her. Now is it because Sarah Montague (also known as Lady Brooke) is such an excellent interviewer that she could hold Hattie to account without being aggressive and confrontational, or indeed to tell her guest to stop talking – or is it because Mishal is not really up to the job. Perhaps the question needs to be left as rhetorical otherwise your answers might make the site as rude as those on Guido.
Yes, and a day or two ago I listened to Montague interviewing (i.e. having a cosy friendly chat) with another Labour politician, and suggesting the Labour Party should encourage the seven Sinn Fein MPs to take their seats in the Commons. She and Hussein are the most partisan of all.
The BBC have become the de facto official opposition. It gives the left the time to fully re-group and plan the next bankruptcy of the UK.
Our ‘friends ‘ in the EU are pushing their latest protectionist scam and of course ‘our’ BBC is straight in there doing the anti-Brexit line again, ‘London could lose EU euro clearing role‘.
That would be like American Express being the only place that you could convert pounds into dollars and Barclays being the only place that you could convert dollars into pounds. What then would American Express do with its pounds and Barclays do with its dollars?
I would imagine that such a proposition goes WTO rules – there are higher authorities than the EU, and the BBC.
Since Friday I have noticed a cranking up of anti Tory rhetoric in the BBC. Every move the Tories are trying to do are met with a sort of smug mockery that it is all in vain. Every negative possibility the centre of attention, even if the possibility is just an outcome amongst many – & some of the many outcomes just might work – yet does the BBC suggest any favourable coverage of these? No of course not! Whilst the Conservatives are struggling with an obligation of forming an administration (& with the figures there is no reason why they should fail as long as they design a Queen’s Speech that will satisfy the DUP & Scottish Tories) the BBC is doing its best to chuck spanners in the works whilst Corbyn gets a free ride & just gloats.
You have more patience than me .i cannot listen or watch most BBC programmes these days .Mishal Hussein is over promoted way beyond her ability due to the BBCs diversity targets in my opinion .Add that to her obvious bias and she is a complete turn off.
She was appalling during the debate ,just not up to the task.Will they move her .i very much doubt it.
The only heartening thing about this extreme anti Conservative rhetoric is that more and more people are noticing and switching off. The BBC should remember the large number of people who voted Tory and with all those who voted Brexit which means that part of the population are not watching or watching and getting angry with the national broadcaster. The BBC is heading for viewing figures similar to the Guardian readership numbers.
Just watching Kamal Ahmed reporting on inflation. Funny how he isn’t mentioning the public sector workers with mortgages who are paying the lowest rate of interest on their loans and have been for some time, giving them more money to pay for other things.
“The BBC is heading for viewing figures similar to the Guardian readership numbers.”
What are Newsnight’s viewing figures? They must be dire.
Ian Katz is also thinking of going for Mayor of Clarke County. Apparently.
Labour. The BBC. And the Guardian.
I believe the media including the BBC carefully planned its response to the election. The ‘narrative’ now is that Corbyn was the rightful victor but was somehow fiddled out of it by the evil Tories and the even more evil terrorist DUP, that Mrs May is ‘clinging to power’ etc. I believe if May had won with a decisive majority, the narrative would have been that the electorate were somehow ‘misled’ or ‘misinformed’ as with Brexit.
Why in the name of all that is holy, is this man not in the Cabinet?
Al – He would show them up for what they are, as he does when he makes Jon Snow look like the twat that he is.
How the heck does Jon Snow get away with this ignorant aerating. You`d think he was the Un Secretary General as he berates the Tories for daring to ask the people for a vote to help us get out of the EU. That was Camerons crime, now it`s Mays sin for which she`s expected to grovel to Markel and Snow. Outrageous, no clearer sign that the media are way too big for their wimkle pickers.
Snows career arc is as good an indicator of the death of British journalism as I know.
Detestable shit, note he`d not argue with Rees Mogg without one of his labour lefties minding his handbag.
I would smack him flush in the mouth if he leaned in with that smug clueless aggression with me, i would love to see him dropped.
Said it before – the arrogance of these, power without responsibility, pontificators always amazes.
From a true Ancient Brit – Well Done Jacob Rees-Mogg!
You should have been selected as the PM not that useless closet ‘remainer’ and a failed Home Secretary.
“The Eloi” (Yes , check it out – H G Wells ) voted for Corbyn .
Jon Snow got type 69 diabetes too?
He came across as mental.
A few rules for political reporting:
1) If Labour, try not to put Abbott, Thornbury, etc on camera.
2) if a Labour obsessed TV anchor, do not go on air live with JRM.
Snowy has plenty of money in the bank so he can treat our lives as his amusement .
Confession- I was prejudiced against mr Rees -Mogg but now you see a good politician but a man out of his time . Unlike the al beeboid woman in the earlier clip and Mr Snow – Jacob chooses every word carefully, does not do soundbites and doesn’t get upset. Very few politicians of any colour ( sorry bout your illness Diana ) are like this but al beeb and c4 know this so try to poke fun at him. He normally rips them a new one – as I believe the yanks say.
Snow comes across as embittered, arrogant and hot headed in that interview. Mr Mogg by contrast does not try to pretend all is well – but he makes the important distinction between the good of the country and the good of his party. To the likes of Snow, party is more important than country, it seems.
I fantasise about an interview that is, ‘free, fair, impartial, adult, not divisive and while not overly promoting the interests of the country well-being of the people, doesn’t seek to drag it into the sewer.
Agreed Gaxvil – we would all be better if those exceptional orators were promoted, rather than the vacuous and empty ones. I almost gave up on US politics until I found a politician called Trey Gowdy, the whole speech is great the link below is the best bit. Enjoy.
“I’m not asking you to be Reagan, I’m not asking you to be Lincoln. I’m just asking you to live a quiet life of conviction and virtue. And actually live out what you profess to believe. If you can do that, you’ll be a leader, you’ll be persuasive. Your generation will get this Country headed back in the direction you want it to be in.” – Trey Gowdy @14:15
Great stuff- South Carolina has a real gent there. Powerful and simple eh?
Magnificent MarkyMark.
Must remember to stop insulting the BBC , the Remainiacs and Islam. Trey speaks wonderfully of a new world, but we`re in the ditch-and humour and comedy inevitably turn nasty at our overlords partial humbug. But a fantastic speech.
All I got was Harold Wilson and Roy Clarke from Last Of The Summer Wine by way of convocation speeches…my eldest sadly only got the gay writer from Doctor Who( Russell T Davies?).
Well, she’s a twat – no surprise there then.
VD is not very good at her job. And the BBC has carefully selected an audience to conceal this. Also not very well.
I was driving today and just noticed that it was the top of the hour. I thought I’ll just have a listen to the Radio 4 News at one and find out the latest (why don’t I ever learn?) with Martha Carney. The programme was running the usual pro eu, anti tory, anti brexit bullshit but then we had a promised item to come – How are the family of Jo Cox managing as it is 12 months since she was murdered…….
This really did make my hackles rise. So when can I expect a news item telling me about how the family of Lee Rigby (a far more important individual) are struggling to get through their lives.
They just continue the same narrative day after day after day after day.
I didn’t hear the item as I quickly pressed the off button.
bbbc really are the worst
How about the BBC telling us how the families of the 22 dead in Manchester are coping, knowing the mortal remains of their loved ones had to be scraped off the floor and shovelled into a sack?
Cranmer…………Yes, absolutely.
I really do think that the bbbc are now at the point where they can be called seditious
Seditious? The BBC has been seditious for decades.
Not as long as their Master, also known as The British Labour Party, though.
Known as, but they have played the part (very well) of the International Labour Party almost since their inception.
There have been some noble, and honourable, members of the BLP. Not many though, 95% are internationalusts. [internationalusts was a keyboard error but stet]
The only time the BLP, a group of Marxist, Stalin lovers, Soviet admirers, Soviet sympathisers and actual Soviet agents has ever been “British” in its outlook, let alone in its beliefs was in WW2.
The BLP had nothing to say about the 20 million (or was it 30 million) Russians murdered by Lenin and his successors. The peccadilloes of Mao, Kim il sung, Pol Pot et al were met with the normal BLP silence.
But late in 1941 when the Wehrmacht advanced almost unopposed towards Moscow and it looked as though the “motherland” would crumble, the BLP sprang into action. On with the Union Flag underwear and unending screams for a “second front now”. After 1945 it was business as usual.
Same in the USA, Joseph McCarthy who is villified, exposed real Communist traitors, but the BBC version, is as ever, nothing like “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth”.
SS “Hateful Lefties”, a keel made from hate and historical perversion. The superstructure more lies and mass murder. God destroy this disgusting ship and all the filth who sail in her.
AEG, BBC seditious …
… add two former Prime Ministers to that list, one of whom was doing it again yesterday, courtesy of the BBC, effectively inciting terrorists to become active in Northern Ireland while also doing his bit to make the UK’s position over leaving the EU as bad as humanly possible.
BBC2 “Jo Cox: Death of a MP” on tonight.
The first 15 minutes has about 200 photos of Cox with Muslims and setting the story that the murderer is a lazy right wing nutter.
I kicked the TV over and stopped watching it
Why doesn’t the BBC create a documentary called, ‘Death of Soldier Lee Rigby – Killed By Far Right Islamics’.
He was a soldier. Of more value to the UK than any Labour MP or BBC manager. Here BBC reports Theresa May has come to agreement with Macron of all people on cracking down on ‘extremists’. This is the action May promised in the wake of the London Bridge atrocity. Not quite the way it was reported at the time. Apparently ‘enough is enough’ refered to the ‘far-right’ blowing the gaffe. BBC treats May like a human in the report. Guess they like what they hear. Always a bad sign.
Here’s some of the sort of hate speech she means:
I wouldn t trust that pair to “crack” an egg, Islamic extremists internet crackdown? or
Liar Mays extremists, ie
Tommy Robinson, AMWaters, how about Micheal Savage, how about Robert Spencer, you know any of those
that don t accept the wilful ignorance and lunacy of her dangerous, laughable, “perversion of the great faith” crap.
Alex – what a brilliant article by John Moloney, thanks for linking it here.
Isnt that Muslim standing in front of the fence with his finger in the air the same one who had his photo taken with the coppers recently posted on here?
Wonder if the JoCox doco is pure propaganda ?
Did they miss any context ?
See BBC use the “hide the spin in the link” trick.
look what words appear in the Twitter link
….. “Jo Cox: Death of an MP. The story of the horrific murder of Yorkshire MP Jo Cox by white supremacist Thomas Mair.”
But, But….at the end of the programme…a written message came up to the effect that Thomas Mair had never given an explanation of why he killed the MP.
so how do they know his motivation?
I thought I read that Mair wanted to make a statement in court but the Judge would not give him permission. I watched the whole programme and think it could have been subtitled Jo Cox: Death of an MP: The Case for the Prosecution. The subtext, it was even explicitly stated by a rather wet policeman, was that Brexit had caused the hateful atmosphere that contributed to the murder. The copper also suggested that Mair was just like Islamic terrorists. The homage was interspersed with shots of Nigel Farage constantly making a false comparison between him and St Jo. It was one of the most disgusting programmes I have ever seen on the BBC (although I do gradually steer clear altogether). Something that particularly rankles with me about Jo Cox was when she joined in to counter protest against the fishermen’s protest on the Thames, along with the oafish Geldof. MPs are often faced with protests, and unless they are threatening or out of control, I believe they should listen courteously to what the protesters have to say. For Cox to join in an attempt to drown out the fishermen’s voice – and who would deny they have had a raw deal over the EU – was simply wrong. Brendan treated it all as a bit of a laugh. Contemptible figure. I wonder if they would have stayed together if she had lived.
Thanks miker,
It comes to something when one self censors ones self ( me ) by choosing not to watch it. I need to watch my blood pressure even though I like to be as objective as possible in watching al Beeb use drama to push its lefty agenda.
I bet they are already casting the tower block fire even though the fire isn’t out yet and blaming T May for starting the bloody fire.
I will always remember the morning after that boat protest for the almost tangible sense of panic in both the establishment and of the course the Beeb. They thought they had the referendum stitched up but knew in an instant how bad the boat protest looked and suddenly realised what was was about to happen. The murder of Jo Cox always seem very convenient and I must admit I thought it would be the end of the leave vote but thankfully the British public weren’t that easily fooled.
Incidentally doesn’t anyone find the medias almost total lack of interest in Mair to be odd ? How did a man leaving no digital trace suddenly become “radicalised” ? Where did a man with no criminal record who did odd jobs for his neighbours get a gun from ?
Apart from stories like this – you have to think twice before donating to charities when you see the salaries, premises and ‘fact finding trips’.
The tolerance and indulgence shown towards Islamism by people like the, divisive dimwits, such as, Scott Boardman and Nicola Grant has killed many a will kill many more.
Sick inducing bias by the disgusting biased BBC.
For some reason, the bBBC 10pm news has a feature about fhe appalling state of Venezuela.
Malnutrition among children, people chasing bin lorries to find food.
Two massive issues with this.
1. Why now? This has been known for months so it isn’t news. Surely it was not put on ice until after the UK election? LOL.
2. The report mentioned the oil riches but managed to say absolutely nothing about the nirvana socialist government in charge.
In other words a prima face example of socialism under Corbyn has been conveniently kicked into the long grass until after the election.
Bias. Proven.
The left BBC/Guardian axis of stupidity is very fond of Venezuela. Corbyn has praised it I believe. of course they held back the reports. The BBC is openly committed to overthrowing our elected government by any means.
The same in the USA. Progressives will not accept any set back to their agenda.
President Trump and brexit were not supposed to happen .
Dave S,
“The BBC is openly committed to overthrowing our elected government by any means.”. I’m not quite sure about that. Seems to me that the BBC would much prefer a World of absolute chaos, murder, mayhem, and insurrection. Just what it is like in the Middle East principally. If you follow their trends of propaganda, it suggests that their predominantly multikulti employees are each given their individual ‘head’ to construct a scenario which is then broadcast without much comment or scrutiny. Hence the views of a number of foreign nationals masquerade as, ‘British News’. ‘Multikulti’ news in effect.
Repost : Drip Drip Drip
7:15pm BBC News Channel in Paris “After Mrs Mays calamitous election result”
…FFS talk about Narrative building..It was hardly calamitous she won, got a record percentage but didn’t get the high target she set ..Losing overall would have been the calamity.
I would have thought the BBC in Paris should be covering this and considering if there will be similar effects here.
@MarkyMark there are 2 other names in another story today in that Bradford paper today
Sad sad sad ..the authorities STILL failing victims
where TOLERANCE = Tolerating child rape
“Khan, 26, of Nashville Terrace, Fell Lane, Keighley, and Ali, also 26, of Catherine Street, Keighley, deny sexual assault and false imprisonment in the early hours of October 22 last year.”
Abbott now saying that Type 2 diabetes is the cause of all her woes and led to her shocking performances in the election campaign. Now this is of course an illness with potentially very serious repercussions if not brought under control, but I don’t think its symptoms include plucking figures out of thin air and pretending to have read reports that you haven’t even bothered to glance at.
Next time she’s on some al beeb political show she’ll turn up in a wheel chair and she’ll get an even easier time . The al beeboids and al c4 journos will cry for her getting such a nasty time from the like of us and the ‘ tory’ press.
Wonder if she ll give her appearance money (£700?) to a diabetes charity, spend it on a family bucket of pay her kids private school fees???
she will spend the £700 on pies like she normally does
The bbc is guilty of on going acts of sedition.
Trump is having the same trouble from the Left and media – infantile reasoning and utter derangement. All very entertaining but of absolutely zero value to the man or woman on the street. Self indulgent, toys out of cot tantrums and nay saying do nothing to solve the real problems.
Democrats – you are not in power.
Labour Party – you are not in power.
BBC/MSM – you are not in power.
It would greatly assist our respective countries if you would accept that.
“It would greatly assist our respective countries if you would all die” ?
I prefer my version.
I can’t find this covered by BBC News
Lucy shush! Don’t want to give people ideas and line pockets of sleaze bag lawyers.
Proof if ever there was that “they need us more than we need them”….……….
“Brexit: EU ‘open’ to change of heart, say France and Germany”
“Macron says EU door remains open to UK”
“Macron says EU door remains open to UK””. We’re slinking closer to it by the day. Any bets?
Macron is the BBCs new Obama. Quite how Monsieur Macron can suddenly speak for all 27 EU members let alone the EU Commission isnt a question the Beeb bother’s with.
Anyone permitted to share their opinions on the BBC must first have passed a test in the SJW game, the rules of which are:
1. Identify an area of human activity
2. Note a distribution of success
3. Identify winners and losers
4. Claim that the losers are losing only because they are oppressed by the winners
5. Claim allegiance with the losers
6. Feel secure in your comprehensive explanation of the world
7. Revel in your moral superiority
8. Target your resentment towards your newly discovered enemies
9. Repeat. Forever. Everywhere.
It works for anything from climate change to Islamic terrorism.
I wish Freud were alive to sit down with these SJW lunatics and explain what goes on in their heads. They are addicted to that buzz of feeling good about themselves for fighting supposed injustice, even when the facts are against them. Whenever a BBC employee mentions ‘hate crime’ or ‘institutional racism’ they do so with such palpable relish. Imagine if that new disabled MP were abused by someone from the ‘far right’? For an entire week the news would just be BBC employees masturbating in a circle.
Unfortunately, most of the SJW types have been taught post-modernisim, a philosophy of intense resentment, which has left them feeling hopeless, empty and useless.
As a defence mechanism, they identify the source of their misery as being outside in the world, in injustice, racism, Islamophobia etc etc.
Unfortunately, the problem is largely within their own wretched selves.
Also, control of the language or word. I now suggest we use the terms “Gradual Diversity” and “Disruptive Diversity”. Later on we will swap “Disruptive” for “Dangerous” or “Destructive” or “Dire”. By breaking into two, you force people to want to say the nice “Gradual” rather than “Disruptive/Dangerous/Destructive”.
That is phase one. Phase two is to associate people with the above.
“I’d prefer Gradual Diversity as suggested by Douglas Murray, rather than Disruptive Diversity produced by Merkel”.
Phase three is use the more negative words!
This works, and has been in practice with “Brexit”:
“Soft Brexit” – nice and soft and associated with gentle people who support it.
“Hard Brexit” – hard and sudden associated with harsh people. This became “Extreme” later.
Just to remind you…
“Gradual Diversity ala Douglas Murray” vs “Disruptive/Dangerous Diversity ala Merkel”.
Good post, MM.
Fight Orwellian control with some Orwellian discipline. 😉
I’ve only just come to the realisation that language and history are the most important things we have, have every had along with the freedom to use that language and distribute ideas.
The following video links breaks my heart to watch, but alas is how I used to be be say 1 year ago.
“So you don’t think there are passages in the Koran that encourage the murder of gay people?” “No there isn’t. Have you read the Koran?” – Girls response
… then later response ….
“I can’t be arsed…(mumbles, giggles, walks off, learns nothing)”
Now, you could say that this is not representative of society or her group. But on the flip side everyone that she knows and associates with possibly have the same thoughts.
I look forward to more “Gradual Diversity ala Douglas Murray” rather than “Disruptive Diversity ala Merkel”.
“Have you read the Koran?”
I’d rephrase that:
“Have you ever read a book?”
To a muslim, there is only one book.
“To a muslim, there is only one book.”
Yes, and it is total bollox, mostly nasty bollox, sometimes hilarious bollox.
Composed by a madman, for children, of all ages.
Original Headline : “Pub apology after Muslim customer was wrongly served pork in side dish”
New Headline : “Man reads book (Koran) and is now terrified of pork. Eats pork without any side effects!”
Was it explosive pork, was he maimed, killed, beheaded or enslaved?
No – thought not. It’s far, far worse.
When I was in Bosnia (GV) we employed the locals on the camp (cleaning etc) after we had eaten, they were allowed to follow us in which to feed them and ensure there was very little food waste. I can assure you they had no problem eating pork. Just like that Muslim chef a few years ago who took the MET to court over him having to cook it. He lost when it came out in the wash he liked nothing more than a bacon roll first thing every morning.
Funny enough the bBC reported his loss without mentioning exactly why he lost:
A muslim in a pub? Really.
They only complain when there’s a claim to be made.
Yes rick – and stay silent on news or facts which go against the al Beeb narrative. Or bury it at the bottom of a page for an hour.
I’ve been out of the country for a week and mercifully was able to avoid the BBC. I’m not at all suprised that contributors to this site are reporting an even higher level of anti- Tory and anti-Brexit propaganda from the BBC since the GE. I for one cannot stand the thought of listening to this for the next x years ( however long this government lasts ). Forgetting Comrade Corbyn for a moment, one annoying aspect of the GE result is the resurgence of the Tory Remainers and their deceitful line that the election result somehow vindicates a so called soft Brexit i.e. not really leaving the EU. The political establishment just never gives up on trying to reverse the democratic result of the referendum .
The attitude of the bulk of the Tory Party to Remain probably also explains their total and abject failure to deal with the BBC. Not a mention of the subject in the Tory Death Wish Manifesto. Yet when combined with the Momentum mastery of social media , the BBC must explain why 70 per cent of young people voted for Corbyn. Do these Tory MPs want Corbyn or a similar labour leader to win the next election? Perhaps the DUP who wanted action on the BBC will give them some backbone , but I’m not hopeful.
The key fact is that we have a remain parliament and a leave electorate.
Pre-GE, there were a succession of remain MPs trotting out “I voted remain, but now respect the will of the people… ” on the media. Our glorious “representative” parliamentary system has now positioned itself as the sole arbiter on the negotiations. There will be no 2nd referendum which could “go wrong”. The BBC will prattle on about a “Brexit acceptable to everyone” but this is a logical impossibility as some wish to remain in the EU. The number of oxymorons the public is supposed to believe in is inceasing exponentially.
“Diversity is strength”, “Defeat is victory”, “The majority is the minority”, “Leaving the EU means staying in the EU”. “Respect the will of the people, by ignoring it”. Who knows, under the Great Leader, Corbyn who won the recent GE, Comrade Abbot might do for mathematics what Comrade Lysenko did for genetics.
Hi ID, I’ve informed Katie Hopkins to stop lying about the Leave EU@52% which might sharpen some thoughts, it should be “Leave + Happy Either Way”@65%
Leave + Happy Either Way @65% (what an increase)
Remain @35% (what a decrease)
Let us calculate: “Total Votes” – “Remain” = 46,500,001 – 16,141,241 = 30,358,760
So Leave EU + Happy With Outcome = 30,358,760 / 46,500,001 = 0.652 * 100 = 65%,_2016
I’m sure those promoted to vote Remain would have included the undecided into their result. Leavers are inclusive and like to include everyone – especially those who couldn’t be bothered to vote.
Let me know if I’ve passed the Abbott test or not?
Just to repeat: “Leave EU + Happy Either Way”@65%
“… it works (Democracy) because of the wisdom of crowds, and lots of people who believed in the wisdom of crowds until they lost, suddenly only believed in the wisdom of themselves.”
– Jacob Rees Mogg
World Service news reporting on refugees detained off shore of the Australian mainland, are to be given compensation in a financial settlement arranged before the final case went to court. I’m wondering how much the lawyers get. The social justice warriors will be gleeful but not so the hard working Australian tax payer. There was no mention of the actual payout figures.
Lawyers always win. The Human Rights Act was their greatest triumph, enabling them to find wrongdoing anywhere and everywhere. The greater the law, the greater the injustice.
The Human Rights Act introduced by Blair? Err – wasn’t the fragrant Cherie a Human Rights lawyer? Pure coincidence , obviously …….
We all chat in bed with our partners about how it’s going at work – you could just imagine Cherie and Tony.
Cherie: I have not got enough work at the moment. What should I do?
Tony: I could introduce a law not only enabling lawyers to see wrongdoing pretty much anywhere, but also make it a human right for everyone to have free access to a lawyer – even if you are inciting murder and your fees will cost the taxpayer millions.
Now that’s a good husband. I just tell my girlfriend to get to bed earlier when she is having trouble at work!
Diane Abbott reveals she has type 2 diabetes
But that’s only an approximation, it’s about 2 but it might be 6.
My Dad was diagnosed in his early sixties. Told to manage his diet and keep strict control of alcohol intake. Which he did. Half a pint of beer was one unit. Seldom drank more than that. Kept trim and in control for decades more.
Perhaps the country dodged another bullet had she moved from shadow to actual health minister.
The very fact that Abbott has decided to use her diabetes as the excuse for her excruciating media appearances, says a great deal about her lack of judgement. This excuse just adds to the well-deserved derision that has been heaped on her. Better would have been to keep quiet, and even better to have stated apologetically that she had not briefed herself properly before the interviews. Not that the BBC will question her excuse, or point out that many thousands of people with that medical condition continue to be successful in demanding careers where knowledge and intelligence are prerequisites.
Theresa May has type 1. The diabetic community must be living in fear of associations being made. That said, TM has not sought to use it in excuse. Abbott is toast, lots of toast, covered in butter, and jam. Lots of jam.
“Abbott is toast”
But didn’t she increase her share of the vote to something ridiculous, 40k+ from memory?
That could be a problem for Corbyn if he wants to sideline her – that, and accusations of loyalty not reciprocated. I see the race card appearing.
I just think it is awful that DA was harrassed by evil Conservative, no actual Tory photographers from the Daily Mirror, the i and the Guardian.
Perhaps she’ll stop gate-crashing the free buffets at Westminster now (fat chance)..
“Fat chance”…nice one Mrs B!
She surely has Type 2000 Diabetes, given how thick she is.
Ah well-a wide load Blue Badge on its way,
Good career move, all we now need is a reinforced chaise longue, so Starmer, Snow and the NHS shills can carry her around from BBC studio to Guardian magazine profiles…with possibly a sugar free pastry or two, or else an elephant syringe full of halal-insulin(none of that piggy stuff mind you).
Is this the “ailment” that recent quacks say is due to pigging out and lack of exercise? Jeremy Vine mooted this on his show a few weeks ago, sense he`ll not be going back to that can of worms.
As for May heroically carrying on despite her having the real diabetes option-well expect no chaise longues and faux attacks of the vapours when she`s rumbled.
Is it the good diabetes, like good AIDs…or the bad one caused by liefestyle choices…did she catch it off a pillion or a pillock? So many questions, so much comedy for Radio 4 huh?
I myselef could get Type 2 if I get much more saccharine crap on Jo Cox(Pee Be Upon Her)
The Sugar Loaf Mountain has got still more bitter.
Diane Abbott reveals she has type 2 diabetes
Type 2 can be kept under wraps by diet and exercise. Which you would do if you really wanted to live a healthy life. Yet the fact remains that Muslims and Blacks who suffer the most from it, feel that taking meds and remaining fat as fuck is the way to go.
BBC News reporting that the tower block fire may have been discovered by and reported by the muslim community breaking Ramadan……..i give up.
Does this mean that they will be invited to a garden party at Buckingham Palace
Not long ago the BBC was asked a question on how much they lie through their teeth. Amazingly…
Trusted. And transparent.
Meanwhile, with all else going on, the BBC has…
Parents are sharing photos of their girls and boys being inspired by Wonder Woman.
Boys can be Wonder Woman too
Morning all.
There has been a terrible fire in a tower block in West London. It all looks really dreadful.
The pictures make this clear.
But the biased BBC news is just one long emoting, speculating “fill-up-the-space” piece.
Useless Hussein on radio was asking the leader of the local council questions which will only be revealed by an investigation. Cretinous.
And the on-site reporters are telling us incessantly how traumatised everyone is. Meanwhile because of this story there is effectively a news blackout about everything else.
How about just reporting the facts and cut out the soap opera crap? We can work out how devastating it is for ourselves. Cut the emoting.
I bet they are just itching to blame the fire on Tory cuts.
Just appalling professional judgement. Yours for only £4bn a year.
PS to my amazement Alison Graham writes about the ‘professionalism’ of this approach referencing Mark Easton in next week’s Radio Times, page 41, a recommended read, especially now,
This will be the period of ‘news’ where no one knows anything but has to say something.
Hence the BBC has a resident saying it ‘looked like a movie’.
Movies being based on….?
I’d have thought the BBC would be going for a possible right wing arson attack if they can find a Muslim resident to interview.
Having seen the pictures of the multi culti non British in the tower block, that will be pretty easy to do
I heard that dreadful woman Mishal H basically accusing the councillor of negligence when absolutely no factual information was available. She was so condescending and I’m sure believes herself to be a very important person. For Mishal and her colleagues, it’s not about quality news but about their own status. They believe themselves to be stars worthy of status and respect.
So true and if you look or listen back to older interviewers you just don’t get that. Maybe because they’re paid so much they think they must be worthy?
Seems he is moving into Harrabin territory.
Nice little sideline.
Also he has this long twitter thread today about Facebook banning “safe spaces”
This is becoming ridiculous (only Rashida, a local resident, not the BBC yet):
London Fire: Muslims awake due to Ramadan fast may have saved lives, says local resident
Forget fire alarms, get a Muslim !
(Sorry Halifax, just realised you’ve already reported this AND the fact that the BBC has picked it up)
BBC House journal:
“Online hate / Google and Facebook face penalties if they don’t stop propaganda”
Law of unintended consequences kicks in?
London tower block fire. I turned on BBC news at 9.28 am and heard the BBC interview a local resident who said that as Mayor Boris Johnson had cut back on the number of fire stations in London.
We can see where the BBC are taking this story
9:20 R5 Sadiq Khan was on (9:54 They play the tape again )
I thought it was inappropriate as I am sure the fire services have a professional PR team
I’d rather they did the job rather than some politician, putting his oar in… All he can do is get his info from th same PR team …he should not even be on the site ..he should leave it to the professionals.
Disaster porn : I find this kind of live coverage ..and it’s endless speculation distasteful.
(technical term is a “boy in a well ” event ..cos you just keep reporting “oh the boys still down the well (fires still burning) etc.
Yes stew – it’s got a posh term like vicarious grief or something like it. Turn tele for disaster , feel sad – look in to book – loose wimin on other channel. Change change feel happy. Repeat . Disaster porn – Great term but truly sick eh?
‘How traumatised were you’
‘What were you feeling’
‘How are others feeling’
Oh how I wish someone would answer ….. ‘well actually I’m fine, I’m just off to a party, d’yer wanna come?’
Where do they get these reporters from ? how in God’s name do they expect people to ‘feel’ after they’ve lost their homes and loved ones. Such puerile questioning.
The BBC like to start with those emotional questions but then after a few hours they do longer and longer interviews (to fill time) and ask stupid questions to unqualified members of the public like “do you think we need a rethink about how tall we build tower blocks?”
A couple of years ago on my local BBC news their was a village that had a few thatched house fires over the years and the BBC interviewer asked a resident “do you think we need to stop building houses with thatched rooves?”
Yes, the media are showing their true colours this morning. E.g. sky news
did you see people screaming?
did you see anyone jump?
Yup, the, oh so superior gutter media – retarded and adolescent as usual.
I think SKY is the worst.
Anything with pictures, all day, anything.
Further to the above comments.. I wrote to the BBC about journalistic behaviour when shouting like fishwives to politicians in the street. At NO time did I mention “strong and stable government” or Theresa May. Here is their reply……..
…………….We’re sorry that you were unhappy with Laura Kuenssberg calling out “Is this strong and stable, Prime Minister?” to Theresa May.
Theresa May and the Conservatives had made “strong and stable” their slogan during the election campaign, with regards to the type of leadership and government they could offer. The phrase was repeatedly used by the Prime Minister and other Conservatives representatives to such an extent that it was parodied by some commentators. In light of the unexpected outcome of the general election, which has resulted in a hung parliament and the Conservatives losing their majority, this was a legitimate question to ask.
We appreciate that you don’t like the style of calling out questions to politicians, but this is normal journalistic practice, which is used to challenge them on difficult issues……….
I’m still baffled as to their reply, as my letter had nothing to do with the election, but the general behaviour of their journalists !!!!
That’s meeja studies for you!
Very impressed with the London Fire Brigade Commissioner, Dany Cotton, she’s articulate, speaks with authority, and clearly doesn’t suffer fools easily. (now we are waiting to hear Sadiq Khan speak…… groan)
Further to my comment above, its noticeable when she’s interviewed that she’s never interrupted. She gives all the information in a firm manner without hesitation – so refreshing. I’m a fan !
Poor thing has health probs.
Well, we’ve known that for some time: mental health.
Yes black politicians get a harder time than whitey – just ask Farron
Taken 1 second after the pie fell out.
Is someone holding up a chocolate cake, or is Corbyn pleased to see her!
Are Trump’s US economy boasts correct?
Surely that should read “claims”, as it is it shows bias, doesn’t it?
One useful bit of info among all the disaster porn.
“We were on the phone to my mate on the 13th floor, who’d been told to stay in the flat ..but in the end he decided to run down the firestairs carrying his mum, he was almost asphyxiated” So if they made it down there is some hope that other people have done too.
In other news employment rose , and inflation fell (That’s what they actually just said)
The other news bit has been changed to “wages not rising as fast as inflation”
So what is the underlying story with the fire, the explosion that started it, the ”fridge” that just ”blew-up” whats the real story here guys, bomb factory mis-hap arson, terrorist attack, or simply a fire that spread at warp speed ?.
Uh oh.
Guessing the media and authorities will be steering clear of letterboxes until the activists have been vetted for applause or opprobrium based on hue and cry potential.
Er, so the fire was caused by warning notices being posted?. Bit of a misreading of their blog methinks but all the better to blame someone, preferably someone who can be sued for compensation. And the advice on the notice is as approved by the Fire Service for HMOs built to 2101 Building Reg standards – the tower was apparently refurbished to this standard (except, possibly, some non approved cladding it appears)
The Victoria Derbyshire team have put out a call for any thesaurus that can be spared.
So far a really nasty fire has been described as ‘like a war zone’, ‘like a horror movie’ and ‘like, er, like, a movie’.
Stocks of analogies are running out, along with her sad face and hug response reflex.
I’ve lost my thesaurus and now can’t find the words to describe how I feel .
Meth factory?
Its been reported that the corridors were full of detritus and that may have contributed on how fast it spread. That said , I wouldn’t put it past a follower of that peaceful lot to have set fire to the building in which to kill the kuffer.
We shall know soon. According to the BBC
‘May promises ‘proper investigation’ into fire’
Did she actually say a ‘proper investigation’ which suggests that some investigations are not proper?
‘Safe pair of hands’.
Maybe Shami? Or Nick Pollard?
BBC everyday sexism
BBC WS prog the Why Factor : Are you a numbers person?
10 minutes in a female ‘expert’ says “there is one group affected by this maths anxiety : women… it seems being more sensitive they are more quick to pick up on the anxiety of the teacher”
Typical : the first thing a sexism campaigner does is split society into 2 parts
This is wrong cos there may well be men who are super sensitive
and there may well be many women who don’t have maths anxiety.
What she will end up doing is marking women maths students less harshly than male ones.
R5 Emma Barnett is not airing Sadiq Khan : thank God
10:55am ….shes’s now got * Ken Livingstone* on the line
“Enough is enough” May-4/6/17
Should have been followed with an action such as “And to show enough is enough we are taking a stand by taking the top 10% of our watch list and actioning them (meaningless word). The task force will be called ‘Ex-Extremism’. “.
Ah but the media shit-flies have moved on, the vigils are over. Mustn’t mention it anymore because, as you say, people will start to look for the follow up. For now, problem ‘solved’ ……………. until the next time. When our leaders and ‘betters’ won’t even name the evil – you can’t expect much. They could kill a hundred of us every week the response would be the same.
‘Mosques must police themselves’ and ‘We must call on Muslim communities to distance themselves from the extremists’ – Pathetic is hardly an adequate description.
“Enough is enough!” then May could have continued with “…for the eight people who were killed (read out name, age, has kids, has partner, nationality and aspirations for live) and the 48 who were injured (read out name, age, has kids, has partner, nationality and aspirations for live) we are taking 56 (8+48) tracked, and hostile to our nation, terrorists from our watch list and deporting them now, under the rule of law. We cannot bring the dead back, but we can honour them by reducing the chance of attacks on the living and the relatives of those lost.”
On a side note, I think the national news papers should show the pictures of all terrorist attack victims until 6 months go by without an attack happening.
A constant reminder of the fallen – who didn’t even choose the battle in which they died.
‘Enough is enough’ and so the cops chase offenders against that great religion of peace – pork throwers, hijab tuggers, people who play songs that mock bin laden, possessing a sharpened pencil near a mosque, and most recent is four visits from cops and threat of arrest to a shopkeeper who put up a sign ‘Don’t fund terrorism’.
Yes, ‘enough is enough’ means you can be arrested for objecting to terrorism.
Perhaps May and her political police are acting on her toy boy, Emir Khan’s advice to accept terror as part of city life – or be arrested
8pm R4
FFS the youth vote means NOTHING. Youths are rebellious, naïve and mostly ‘socialist’. As for pretending this is momentous? Pah!
You’re thinking you can change the World and when a scruffy man with a beard turns up, saying, you can and promises you paradise with cash in your pocket …………………………………..
Grooming is a crime Jeremy.
R4 4pm Ethnicity and Sport
Discusses an African-Caribbean-founded football club in the East Midlands.
And book about them.
OT, but from the photo I am guessing this will please neither Greg Dyke, Surlenny or that bloke now ‘pursuing other interests’.
Stand by for a whole new quota system in media land being demanded, with Diane leading the Ab00tt seeking 1000% easy to see ladies of colour, and no Finns.
Venezuela has been mentioned – bbc WS Radio, “Brazil – What Went Wrong?”
Another ‘shining beacon’ that was going to beat us into the dust.
Corruption, insolvency, extreme poverty, public service workers not paid, no minimum retirement age and so on.
On WS now – A Syrian Surgeon who moved to Manchester to escape the terror. Then the bomb in the arena to remind him that Islam is a worldwide religion.
“…….to remind him that Islam is a worldwide religion”, OF PEACE don’t forget.
Don’t think that point was mentioned – strange?
The cause of the fire is unknown.V B trying desperately to politicise it .However a resident said he got out but admitted the fire doors were propped open because of the coming and goings within the flats.
VB interviewed a very sensible fire prevention expert who was questioning why the fire and smoke was not compartmentalised by the fire doors .Residents should have half hour to get out .Also why the smoke was able to travel up the stair well.When was it last inspected etc.
V B was trying to lead him to the sprinkler issue but he stated there are probably many aspects and not to jump to conclusions.
Given the fantastic response by Fire brigade can’t see how the cuts spin can stand up although the left is trying.
There may be an issue for the LA to answer but not before the enquiry.
I could help but be struck by the fact that of all the people I have seen interviewed this morning, only one lady was white British. Just one. That is the face of demographic change.
Given the prevalence of illegal sub-letting of council property the re-housing operation that is now needed should be interesting!
Any flats in Islington?
A very good point. We may never know how many people were in the flats, or who they were. Some of the “tenants” might have a job explaining who they are and what they are doing in Britain, but I expect they will get a free pass from the Emir.
To take an upbeat view – we’ve always had immigration and way back we had invasion. It’s when it comes to annihilation and supplanting that people get twitchy.
What we have now is an invasion, by the worst group in history, supported by the second worst.
“Demographic change?” I like the British understatement.
“demographic change”. – I’d call it ethnic cleansing.
On C4 News, Jon Snow bewails the state of Britain at the site of the inferno. “a tragedy that you might see in downtown Dacca”.
He needs glasses. It looked as if half of Dacca and many other thirdworld drivers of progress, were milling around him.
Got rubbish? Got rats.
Well HE`D know wouldn`t he?
Snow , as we know has a “thing” about Sri Lanka. Same thing for our purposes huh?
Well remember Snow fishslapping the Sri Lanka High Commissioner on his show, offering there and then to head out to Columbo( just one more thing!) to show our Sri Lankan grunt just how bad things are in the houseboy industry, the spandex garment workers union or the bleaching effects of the tampon applicator industry.
Summat like that.
Can you get a “linen livered fop”?
I do believe that you can…pith off Jon!
BBC Reporting that the SAS are posing as Beggars……No it beggars belief that the Mirror and the BBC would give away operational tactics unless of course they wanted to warn somebody that the beggars may be highly armed soldiers…..surely not?
The Quote: SAS forces are posing as homeless people on the streets of the UK in a bid to combat terrorism, according to the Daily Mirror. It says they have orders to shoot anyone trying to carry out an attack similar to those in Manchester and London
This is very old news. First ever book permitted by an undercover MI5 agent who dressed in rags he’d pissed on.
“Soldier Spy” by Tom Marcus.
I say, have your bbc, those who want it BUT just give us Fox NEWS UK. No one could object – surely?