I think it is today when an important and critical decision is to be released by the ECHR concerning two criminals who the UK is trying to deport. I recall one being Jamaican and other I don’t remember (but not from the Religion of Peace). As a critical decision, I would expect our Worlds Finest to tell us what the outcome is and particularly for the implications for the future. But I won’t hold my breath………….
On the BBC website is the article entitled “Who was behind the jihadist attacks on Europe and North America?” Naturally, enlightened as I now am by reading this website, I read it with sceptical eyes.
The most obvious omission was that nowhere could I find the word Muslim and amusingly the article concluded saying “It is hoped that knowing more about the attacks and the people who carried them out will help us all have a more informed debate about what action is needed”. It’s behind that elephant in the corner FFS.
They say, “A few attacks hit iconic targets…” A few? Interesting choice of words. Surely “some” is more appropriate but maybe that doesn’t downplay the attacks enough
“We looked at attacks motivated by jihadist ideology”. Not following the instructions of their prophet then.
“Attacks motivated by other ideologies – such as the murder of Jo Cox – are not included in this study”. We have Godwin’s Law, apparently we now have Cox’s Law (and I thought the motive for her murder was his mental health, not ideology)
“However, the number of attackers who were illegally in a country or who arrived as refugees is small”. Of course it is, doesn’t fit the narrative
Once aware it doesn’t take much to see bias everywhere in the BBC
We have information and statistics. This experiment has been running far too long and needs a different approach. “Gradual Diversity ala Douglas Murray” vs “Disruptive/Dangerous Diversity ala Merkel”?
Need to get the BBC to add figures and stop using terms like “few,small,decrease,slight increase, compare to”. If they have used a report then state it. This is about language again.
But even when facts are available this is the response …. sigh …
“…however, there have been some errm tabloids and some errrm news that has gone out, as we are all aware that has been misinformation. Things such as Birmingham is the Jihadist capital of the England, that’s not helpful unless it’s backed up by evidence..(shrugs head as Douglas injects with …)”
“It is … it’s not actually the capital but the second capital (39) , London (117) is the capital. (for UK Jihadists)”
TWATO, and an appalling use of the tower block fire by Harriet Harperson to claim the deaths were the fault of the Tory government because of cost cutting. She hasn’t even waited for a report by the fire brigade or even early thoughts of experts involved. The interviewer Martha Karney did not interrupt to tell her that there was no hard facts as yet, and what Harperson was saying was pure conjecture. She even went so far as to say that the contractors who completed the modernisation had failed to do it correctly and also that there hadn’t been a fire inspection which is in contradiction to what a councillor said earlier.
I would have thought that claiming the fire and all of the consequential loss to life & property being down to the contractors was hugely libellous, and if I was one of the directors I would be issuing the BBC and Harperson with legal notices that unless the firefighters report specifically blamed them the company would be suing both of them for libel.
Harriet-but who else?
Thought she was Labour MP for Peckham, not North Kensington-but that`s no longer the point to the BBC.
Of course Harman is only doing what a Jo Cox surfing bird would do. Millie Dowler no longer in vogue, so of COURSE she`ll spout chocolate to all media invitations. Why though-and how come-do we get Harman to speak about it?
Why not Anna Soubry as usual-or does the Chomsky Pie Chart(or Professor Nod), suggest an ex PIE houri in a pink van might be the answer to Junckers wishes?
Utterly distasteful. But it`s what BBCLabour were created to do.
Of course they have been subtly blaming the government since the early hours.Fire and Policing is devolved to the London Assembly and mayor I believe.and housing to local authority .
Cuts to fire brigade are a non starter because the response as with the terror attack was first rate .The LA may have a part to play in restricting funding .It remains to be see.im sure they will play the cuts to LA budget card.
The fire precautions don’t appear to have been any good which may be a bigger issue in the end.
Yahoo news is already spinning wildly, with stories of heroic Muslims up early for Ramadan telling people to get out of the building. I have no doubt there were many heroic people of all faiths and none involved, as there would be in any London disaster. But they are so desperate to paint Muslims in particular in a good light that it is laughable.
Cramer, I recall being a car driver in Saudi Arabia. I was warned to avoid accidents with muslims as a westerner, I would be blamed for the accident in any event. In islam, nothing happens without the consent/instigation of Allah. Perhaps allah willed the fire?
Sam Delaney on talk radio live from Notting Hill banging on about how everyone has pulled together blah blah.
Why is it never about the victims who have died?
Roy “F**k You! I’m Millwall” Larner showed us that we can defend ourselves and family (at a risk of course) rather than run. But what kind of message is that to the public?
BBC webpage story about Roy: “Islam” text x 0
Independent webpage story about Roy: “Islam” text x 4
Mirror webpage story about Roy: “Islam” text x 0
The Sun webpage story about Roy: “Islam” text x 0
What would Roy do on the Costa Concordia cruise ship crash?
a) Men pushed past women and children to reach lifeboats (see news reports)
b) Help the women and children onto boats
I noted this before in previous link, the BBC still has no updates using the BBC site search.
According to the BBC Lilly Allen is offering accommodation to victims of the fire. I am sure they can share her home with the migrants she has already homed.
I hope the hundreds to whom she offers shelter in her humble abode don’t go overboard with the inevitable commemorative candles. The consequences could be dire
On Sunday, I personally witnessed the BBC following Tweets from Hope Not Hate, informing us all that it was the EDL in Manchester……Now they’re blaming the police, because it seems that Comrade Nick Lowles is a far too important ally to blame in any way..
BBC retractions policy ???
That’s seems to be an apology email sent to some complainers
…. But by rights the retraction should appear in same way the false claim was made
As far as I can ascertain, Greater Manchester police didn’t make reference to the EDL until way after the BBC had reported it as fact…Only hard left Trotsky groups such as Hope Not Hate were calling this an EDL march, which therefore shows succinctly where BBC newsrooms go for their on-line information.
If someone made an anonymous complaint against a Muslim would the BBC report it ???
But with White people they take a different attitude.
Some people made some ANONYMOUS racism complaints against white coaches.
Internal inquiry found no case.
So someone leaks it to BBC who report using “sources say”
“Chief O’Hallorhan (Steve McQueen): [sighs] Architects.
Doug Roberts (Paul Newman): Yeah, it’s all our fault.
Chief O’Hallorhan: Now, you know there’s no sure way for us to fight a fire in anything over the seventh
floor, but you guys just keep building ’em as high as you can.
Hmmm…… Labour MP for the area, “This kind of thing should not happen in 21st Century London”.
That would be fires like this and a couple of other things that you would never mention mate.
If you find that due to positive discrimination, more and more council officers are people from Dacca or Karachi or Lagos, then you may well find that the standards of governance will tend to be more like you find in those places, whatever the law might say.
I have some experience of this in a local planning matter. The planning officer and the applicant were members of the same community, and various “mistakes” were made and documents “lost”, so that planning permission was given when it should not have been. Oh yes, I got an apology from the council for these unfortunate “mistakes”, much use that is to me.
It is clear that our cities are being taken over by people from the Third World, and our local councils are undergoing a similar transformation. So my comment is valid. When you import the population from the Third World, our cities will become part of the Third World. It would be madness to expect any other outcome.
“21st Century London increasingly resembles Lagos or Mogadishu” Parts of it do, a lot of it doesn’t. A lot of it has become more European – in a good way because French expats, for instance, are educated and generally well qualified. Relatively few third world immigrants leave their ghettos because they have little reason to do so. They have no interest whatsoever in history or the cultural life of the city in much the same way as Bradford’s long-standing mostly Pakistani immigrants have little interest in York, Harrogate or the Dales. I’m surprised that Bradford’s Alhambra Theatre and St George’s Hall survive. I wonder how long for. London is lucky in having a huge number of commuters who effectively change its population, and also millions of international visitors. Places like Bradford do not have that buffer.
Northerners banging on endlessly about London becomes extremely tedious. I know because I grew up with it.
Lastly, so far as corruption is concerned, I suggest you Google John Poulson. Not the only instance.
Poulson – that the best you can come up with?
How about Rackman or King John?
Anyhow, it’s in no way a difficult concept:-
Water on dry sand and it soaks in. More water and you arrive at quicksand. More water and it resembles a sea and if you ain’t very lucky – under you go.
Jo – I think the reason that the Alhambra Theatre and St George’s Hall in Bradford currently survive, is due to those whites who will “commute” from surrounding areas to watch plays and attend concerts; as time goes by and the “enrichment” gets a little too…er…enriching, then these folk will “commute” to theatres and concert venues elsewhere.
It is appalling what happened to Bradford in the second half of the 20th century, what used to be a great; proud; industrial; Yorkshire city has been turned to cr@p.
Pretend Tory : @Anna_Soubry tweeted accusing Tory if looking at porn on his phone.
Then she deleted it when it turned out to be a tweet from an Art History group showing showgirls playing chess.
“Is this the first parliament where everyone thinks they’re a winner when in fact we’re all losers except DUP?” – Anna Soubry Twitter Comment before deletion.
So when her party wins she calls them all losers, would she rather NOT have power to act in the peoples interests?
In other news from Anna Soubry, she asks “Who will clean our toilets (after Brexit)?”. Err, our own children as they are tasked with low end jobs and move to better jobs.
(sorry, can’t find video link, think it was on Question Time)
We are told automation is going to take over very many jobs. It might be a good idea not to import half a million people a year to do jobs which won’t be there in a few years.
Rob, this is so true. I think the Government are short sighted in this respect. Amazon Ltd have already automated many warehouses (sorry no statistics) and drones are going to change things drastically in the near future (I guess within one year). We never take into account the rate of change – which happens quickly once a technology is adopted and reproduced with accuracy.
Also see Virtual Reality (train in virtual worlds, operate machines from your armchair), 3D Printers (that can print themselves – my mind explodes), Drones (deliver things, military attacks – death by a thousand cuts), Raspberry Pi (home grown electronic kits for the young), Big data (manipulating large sets for statistics), Open Data (accessing country data).
Japanese firm to open world’s first robot-run farm : half of all jobs in Japan could be performed by robots by 2035. [Guardian Article]
The big challenge for all of us, young and old is to understand it.
Watch “CARL SAGAN – A Way of Thinking” for a better explanation of where we are heading.
I`ll know that the Tories are , once more ,serious about winning an election to change things rather than just to manage the mess; when the likes of Anna Soubry, Ken Clarke, Nicky Morgan and all the rest of the moaners have been “deselected”. Momentum are well ahead of us on this one. Moaning traitors should not be in the Tory Party. That`s what the Liberal Dhimmitwats are for.
Historys recycling bin for politics.
Are any Tories bothered enough to do this-or are they content to get the termites eating through what remains of their shed.
And let Labour send us down the toilet.
I really don’t think MPs should be looking at tweets and using their mobile phones in the Chamber. I think that was another “reform” that the poison dwarf introduced.
“Italian nurse whose English was so bad a colleague had to use MIME to show her what to do is struck off.” – DM Headline.
So we now have to learn MIME to get medical care? Can we also introduce “interpretive dances” for those who can’t MIME?
“I’ve been unable to poo for 2 weeks.” – coming soon in MIME and Interpretive Dance via the NHS.
Checkout the following report (unverified) “Lost in Translation | 2020HEALTH” by Dr Samantha Gan (05.02.2012):
* In total the NHS has spent £64.4 million on translation services in the last three financial years. (£20million a year)
* London Trusts comprised only 15% of the Trusts surveyed, but were responsible for 31% of the total spend. (London drains the money)
* 45% of Trusts could not break down the cost of written translation. (They have no idea where the money goes)
It gets better:
In Nov 2011, it was reported that the Ministry of Justice spent over £100 million in six years on translation costs. The news was perplexing, particularly at a time when the Ministry is cutting its budget by £2 billion and has closed 142 courts across the country.
In conclusion – It goes without saying that a system with finite resources will eventually be unable to cope with this almost infinite demand.
Looking on the bright side, the Supreme Court have just ruled that ‘deportation before appeal’ – an astute move agreed in 2015 – is in ‘breach of the various deportees’ ‘uman rites. So add several million to the legal aid bill and, by coincidence, make another raft of lawyers dedicated to justice and freedom even richer. Cue report from Fergal, or Orla, soon.
I wonder if anyone in the Labour Camp makes any connection between the current suppression of wages and all the bills for translators, legal aid, social assistance, equalising society, egalitarian society, multi-racial, multi-ethnic multiplication and the ongoing financial disaster that continues to be Tax Credits.
If you have a law you disagree with you can change it. Unless you can’t talk about the law or what is happening (Hate Crime/Hate Incident + offensive Jokes/Islamophobia/Anti-Semitism/Canada’s M-103/Facebook Pakistan) then you can’t even discuss it or think about changing it … ahh, now I see how it works, thanks for pointing that out to me Beltane.
Happy thoughts only from now on, I promise.
There is a very serious problem here. Most medical journals are published in English . A medical student with little understanding of English will have difficulty in amassing enough knowledge to qualify.
Not to worry, I’ve heard from a guy, who spoke to a cleaner, who talked to a man, who might have spoken to a Prime Minister that Jean-Claude Juncker says English is ‘losing importance’ after Brexit as UK ‘abandons’ Europe.
MIME is the new liberating new language of the future it would seem!
The Mohamdam Al-Quds Day March to be held in the city of London this Sunday, 18th June. The march, which celebrates the last Friday of Ramadamalinglong is also used to express support for terrorist organizations and anti Jewish movements such as Hezbollah. I understand that Jews in London will organize a counter demonstration.
How will the BBC present it?
The left, which includes, Jeremy Corbyn’s pals in Stop the War, are supporting the Mohamidans, but as the left always takes credit for supporting Jews in the battle of Cable Street, should they rather be supporting the Jews against their would be oppressors.
Perhaps the BBC could consult with Mishal the token Moslem
Checked out the “THE SHAMI CHAKRABARTI INQUIRY” which starts with “While we celebrate our diversity,…” end withs “The Party should increase the ethnic diversity of its staff.”.
An errant missile strike, a mega earthquake, followed by a huge tsunami, and a shower of larger cosmic particles might go a long way to improving things, eventually.
Sorry, I disagree with this approach. When you use the word ‘ban’ you have instantly created a barrier and in this case applied it to a group of people – where they pull out the Joker Card. We are all equal before the law is the best approach and bringing discussion into the light.
Could I suggest it should be no face coverings due to the following reasons:
* Identification – someone can steal your identity and use it for malicious intent.
* In nurseries children need to see expressions to learn how to interact with people, a smile can bring instant warmth to a sad child
* An easy way of hiding physical abuse from an abusive partner – this should always be reported
Plus to shed light on the history of face coverings. From Wiki – “During Pre-Islamic times the Assyrian law clearly depicted within their written regulation who was allowed to veil. Those women who were family to ‘seigniors’ had to veil as well as those who were previously prostitutes but now married.”
“Islam will fail once the women under Islam realise they can be free.
The Hijab, pregnancy, lack of education are ways to stop this, but imagine what will happen when 50% of the Islamist population drags Islam into the light.” – Sebastian Gorka.
I would suggest an area that they can be corralled in, rather like Naturists, that are ‘banned’ for the sake of decency being allowed to wander the streets and Waitrose in their birthday suits. Naturists have their own camps and sites where they can behave how they please without offending anyone, so perhaps a Niqab centre where they’re all bumping into one another without irritating the rest of us might not be a bad idea !
My daughter asked a while back if I’d ever seen a ghost. I said no initially. But then I thought about the ladies going about dressed in full body coverings …
Don’t ban any of their stupid practices. Just allow sensible British people to take the piss out of them and show them how ridiculous they are. If we just laughed at them in the streets, told children about the funny woman in a bin bag.
We use ‘Health Improvement’ rather than ‘Ban’. Once we use ban the other person can take the moral high ground and you never recover. To ban is to stop, remove freedom, never allow again, to hate it so much.
So instead “To improve health of women we are saying no to full coverings? (can’t NOT want to improve health) It has been found that covering up increases the chances of rickets (lack of vitamin D from sunshine) which can affect children’s health via breast feeding (citation needed).”
Ah, so by disagreeing you don’t want women to be healthy? You don’t want children to have a chance in life. Once you are cornered by the using the word ‘ban’ it’s hard to get out. Use of language with a moral high ground is how people win arguments and get people who can’t reason to side with them.
Such as “Gradual Diversity ala Douglas Murray” vs “Disruptive/Dangerous Diversity ala Merkel”.
Has anyone been able to make sense of the new TV licence rules regarding the use of iplayer? I can’t find a clear statement of what is covered anywhere.
Back in the days of the Wireless Telegraphy Act a licence was required for each household that operated a TV at that address. You were allowed to use a portable TV away from home, provided it was fed from an internal battery. At the time that was a near impossiblity as the TVs used too much power and the batteries were too big. Now of course every tablet or mobile phone is powered by an internal battery.
Move forward to today. The millionaire ‘Asian’ businessman only needs one free TV licence for his mansion as his aged granny lives there too. Toynbee’s favoured single-mums on benefits also need a licence, but they pay for it. However does Sadiq need another licence for his smart phone in the car or his laptop in the hotel? Does Sharon need one to catch up with Eastenders down the pub? What about Muhamed or Wayne when they are away from the bosom of the family?
In part I ask the question because looking through the BBC’s ‘My Account’ process, (where presumably the ‘yoof’ can be fed with 100% partial material), we are told that the data will be shared with TV Licencing. Different IP address leads to knock on the door? All very ‘big brother’.
I think for those stupid enough to pay al beeb salaries via the TV tax you need a licence to watch the al player – the tories changed the law when they renewed the f ing charter instead of selling al beeb to a like minded broadcaster like jazy zera .
Clearly, following the change to the law, one needs an licence to legally watch iPlayer content.
The question is how that applies to what are essentially mobile devices and therefore not necessarily operated in the premises to which the licence has been issued.
The BBC’s desire to ‘personalise’ content online is worrying for many reasons.
I neither have a TV licence for my house or a BBC account but that doesn’t stop me asking the questions and I can’t be the only one that would like a clear answer. Becoming a TV recluse isn’t the answer for everyone.
I’ve scoured the BBC website about the shooting of the US Congressman, but I can’t find any reference to the fact that the shooter was a Bernie Sanders supporter who was singling out Republicans.
Surely the BBC aren’t trying to deceive people. Are they?
I mean after the Jo Cox murder we had wall to wall references to Brexit from the BBC. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/06/14/shots-fired-republican-party-baseball-practice-near-washington/
There was a programme on the BBC about Jo Cox last night. As I understand it we are coming up to the anniversary of her murder. My guess is that if it was Nigel Farage who had been assassinated the BBC would have treated it differently. Indeed I doubt there would have been a programme about it a year later. At least not one that mourned his passing.
Flags at half-mast at every local authority town hall, compulsory wailing and gnashing of teeth for the 12-30 year olds, a call for revenge on all old white men everywhere?
I see that Tim Farron has just stepped down as LibDem leader. I’m sure everybody on here will miss him greatly!
I suppose he was challenged by a Fish Finger, and now he’s had his chips! I’ll get me coat ……
A song by the Undertones seems to sum up his ethos. With an single change.
Little mummy’s boy
He wasn’t very old
Though he was very small
He did what he was told
Timmy Timmy
Timmy Timmy, oh
Timmy Timmy
Poor little Timmy wouldn’t let go
He’d stay awake at night
Lying in his bed
No one ever listened
To a single word he said
Timmy Timmy
Timmy Timmy, oh
Timmy Timmy
Poor little Timmy wouldn’t let go
Silly boy
Silly boy
Silly boy
Such a silly boy
There’s a plaice and thyme for that .
Remember your bible . The peace of cod that surpasses all understanding . That is why Tim Farron was like a fish out of water .
Hot news.
Little Timmy Faron is resigning.
But ….read on……
He cites the difficulty of reconciling his Christian faith with the demands of his political job. He opposes homosexuality but has to remain quiet- not politically correct to do otherwise.
He feels persecuted because of his Christian faith. How very ironic.
I wonder if readers can think of any other groups who like to persecute Christians and Christian cultures?
What a shame little Timmy could not join the dots………
Quite simply the Greatest Leader that this country never had.
A statesman-like Parliamentarian who commanded the House with his rapier like wit and repartee.
We shall not see his like again in our lifetimes.
Believe there`s now a vacancy for the current empty post of Norman Scotts dog.
“Smell my spaniel”….not too far from Churchills speeches in wartime now is it?
“He cites the difficulty of reconciling his Christian faith with the demands of his political job. He opposes homosexuality but has to remain quiet-”
..maybe he’ll join the government via relocation to the DUP?
All I can say is hopefully we’ll never hear from him again, but no doubt some charity or NGO somewhere will find poor Timmy a home (and a humungous pension). These people are special you see. I’ll give him some dues if he did actually resign on principles, but null points for climbing to the top of the Lib-dems tree and not realising they’re also just another bunch of society-destroying SJWs. There’s a new church on the block Tim, your one is old hat now.
This burnt out block of flats obviously housed the poor from all corners of the world and was in the most expensive part of London. The Daily Mail reports that only a few years ago there had been calls for the block to be rebuilt as it was not fit for purpose. Just who did those complaining think was going to pay for it? It was public housing so I guess on the subsidised rents they were paying it would have taken many years to cover the cost. This is not meant to excuse the many deaths this fire has caused but it highlights the cost (including these people’s lives) of bringing more of the world’s poor into the capital.
….housed the poor from all corners of the world and was in the most expensive part of London…..
Exactly why is that ??? Wouldn’t wish this lot on any other area of the country, but how come they are always found housing in the capital, yet most of us struggle to find the train fare to London. Social housing never seems to be a problem there, yet elsewhere its a bidding system, points system and other hoops to jump before you’re even considered ! – unless of course you cant speak English, you’re a 25 year old ‘child’, or you’re name’s Mohammed – and then they want re-housing to London !!!!
My Mum was born in Rotherham, she went on the housing list in 1944, the year before she married. She was married for almost 62 years, died 5 years ago,………. and was still waiting to get the letter; could she be the longest waiting applicant ever ????
Local government has always been bent. She clearly wasn’t friends with the right people. If she’d joined the Labour Party she might have found things changed as if by magic.
How is Jeremy Corbyn linked in any way to the national story of the fire in North Kensington?
I fail to see what the hell HE has to say about it, being of any use whatsoever. Funnily enough, we don`t need the blather of the weirdy beardo by way of “comfort to the nation”.
But BBC and the Labour Party seem to require us to hear it.
Don`t remember this amount of grief flecked nonsense getting created on the hoof with Ronan Point, Kings Cross or other national tragedies of old. And certainly never remember the likes of Wilsonor Kinnock getting free rides in the hearses to emote and gain a few political screengrabs to tip the Tories out at every turn of events. Of COURSE it needs a good look, the law will do what`s needed. But political barbecues for the BBCs pet causes?
Grief thieving heartless crisis joyrides at our expense.
Just sick of them.
I was talking about Ronan Point today at work. They all stared at me blankly – I wonder why? If I was 13 they weren’t even embryos!
This is a terrible disaster but I feel that this was an accident waiting to happen. Most of the eye witnesses and tenants are not white British, if any. One man ‘interviewed’ kept his eyes down and would not look at the reporter. An illegal maybe?
I just thought that maybe there was an electrical fault with an appliance – maybe? Especially as there are a lot of unscrupulous dodgy dealer ‘friends’ to the tenants?
The egregious Mark Easton desperately trying to push these events into a Guardian reader editorial about have and have not Britain and Tory neglect. Even by BBC standards using these tragic deaths to promote their political bigotry is disgusting. Just how low will the BBC sink?
Just caught the first minute of C4 news.
Jon Snow is trying the same angle to push the nasty Tories agenda.
Absolutely despicable of course, but they all have form.
My local BBC news has a report about new women MPs. Now the 2 new women MPs in my area happen to both be Labour. Excuse for a one sided report where the word Conservative isn’t mentioned. Now I know sometimes all the local news programmes have the same story tailored for their region. Now did someone nationally think this story up to use as another one to promote Corbyn’s crew or was it just the feminists ? As one of the women had been a teacher, gave a wonderful excuse to show a young woman praising aforementioned MP as a role model. To be honest they then started to praise the other and I switched off.
I noticed that as well in my local news. It was like Labour Party PR. It was Labour Party PR. I have never seen the BBC celebrate a Conservative becoming a new MP. The election is over and they are still promoting the Labour Party. It would be more honest if they promoted themselves as BBC Labour.
I mentioned that BBC Radio Lincs have 10 MPs in their area but by far their favourite is new Lincoln MP who ex Nurse and probably ex-female.
Today they still tweeted about her twice
but they did also mention her predecessor twice
and mentioned the skegness Tory once
The new MP for Lincoln @KarenLeeMP is seeking an urgent meeting with health managers over the future of the city's NHS Walk in Centre. pic.twitter.com/2uCPYFvaUo
— BBC Radio Lincolnshire (@BBCRadioLincs) June 14, 2017
Tim Farron leaving due to his Christian faith and his consequent inability to deal with questions on his views of gay sex.
Interesting, I wonder what Sadiq Khan, Khalid Mahmood, Tulip Sadiq, Shabana Mahmood, Rushanara Ali, Yasmin Qureshi, Tulip Siddiq and Naz Shah think about gay sex with reference to their religious teachings.
Odd, no one pesters them about such details. Wonder why.
The real reason of course is that he was a hopeless leader. I watched his interview with Andrew Neil and it became almost comic towards the end. It was hard to have a rational conversation with him. If he carried on as leader he would have been off to the funny farm in the end. Diane Abbot also had a bad election. Neither blame themselves of course.
Yes sad that Timmy won’t be the spokesman for his outfit any more. He was entertaining and worth a chuckle and popcorn . He should have just come clean about his beliefs and not become sport for the msm.
As for the views of Muslim MPs – MSM won’t go after non whites cos they are frightened. Like hearing and Islamic comedy on al beeb. You’ll never hear it . Can you image an Islamic “father ted”?
The MSM just can’t divorce tragedy and politics . BBC reporter asks local if the tower block fire ‘answers’ the bombings in London Bridge and Manchester Muslim outrages. The Home Editor whines on about the diversity and poverty of the area. No doubt all the failings that will be eventually be discovered will be a nasty capitalist plot by Tories in K&C council. Or will Corbyn’s instant politicisation of the tragedy ( its about spending cuts) prevail?
C4 reports home in on ‘Muslim aid ‘ charity workers . Interesting comment – some people rescued could only speak Arabic.
Meanwhile the thought that mass migration has turned North Kensington into a third world annexe will not be mentioned. Would the council have knocked down such monstrosities if they didn’t have to house thousands of migrants?
I can’t remember where but today I read that we “crammed our Muslims” into the tower block.
OUR Muslims? As usual the meeja must paint Muslims as the only real victims. And Britons are villains.
I guess they think we are cruel for not housing hundreds of thousands of Muslim invaders in detached country houses.
Nevermind that the avalanche of third-world Muslims into the UK has driven much of the native low-income population out of both social housing & affordable private rental accommodation.
Just how far do we have to go? How much do we have to give up?
Shall we decapitate ourselves to save the poor Muslims from having to strain themselves with mass beheadings?
Michael Buerk seems an OK bloke
“No one knows how many people under 25 voted ”
Is how he just opened the R4 prog
and continued
“but the accepted narrative is that young people in their droves voted for Corbyn”
Exactly what I thought ..I’ve neverseen any proper evidence that young people did make a difference in the election, but the media just grabbed that narrative as if it was accepted proof.
They did this on Brexit then it turned out it was just a guess cos of course the ballot is secret
With climate climate and the BBC once alone with them they often seem to whisper “all my mates believe his stuff, but not me” as if we have ended a none free age,
Did 25% or 33% watched a particular Momentum video as alleged on R4 Media show.
I understand from my ‘councillor’ brother when I queried this multiple registering, and it seems that there can be many registrations in varying districts for one person, but if they are caught voting more than once, its a jail sentence. I replied ‘only if you’re caught’ !
G.W.F I am a Tolkien fan and enjoy good science fiction. I also write surreal plays. I have a vivid imagination, I’m often told. But I have to tell you. No, I cannot imagine any Tory MP taking that sort of step or anything remotely requiring that sort of intestinal fortitude.
The only real thing that counts in this election is those 25 seats in England that flipped from Conservative to Labour.
Does anyone know why ?
Was it cos
#1 the sitting MP was a remainer in a Brexit area ?
#2 the sitting MP was a Brexiteer in a remainer area ?
#3 Was it product of this tactical vote against the Conservatives working ?
#4 Were they towns now loaded with students , who voted Labour ?
One thing that does not really count is the overall percentages, cos that get skewed when people don’t bother to vote cos their area is a stronghold seat.
I suspect Corbyn’s 40% number all come from seats like Diane Abbotts were there was kind of racist vote by BME/immigrants meaning those seats the winner got 75%-80% of the total votes.
The BBC like to have their hands up the back of youth.
They have no evidence for the idea that the young were so thick as to vote for dream catching blowback like Corbyn.
Likely that they did of course-as Muslims probably did too.
But the BBC need to stop making it all up in advance.
Break the habit oif a lifetime though.
On a totally unrelated note, I’ve just booked my summer holiday. I’m going to Poland. I’m looking forward to visiting and supporting the economy of a noble country that supported us in WW2 and which has consistently refused to bend the knee to foreign overlords.
I am thinking of moving there while I can!..I have friends there and there are relatively few ropers there as far as I can ascertain..hurrah!! It could be the future..massive brit immigration into Poland eh!?..what comes around!!…I love irony..don’t you mate?
The Red Button says words to the effect that “Cameron and Clarke call for a soft Brexit”. What else would they say?…have they ever said anything else-and why is this news?
Over 80% of Parliament went into the election promising us a clean Brexit.
So that is all we want, why would serial gripweed like Clarke and Cameron be indulged?
Those who didn`t promise us a clean Brexit got hammered, one of their quisling fronts indeed is now replacing its air freshener as we speak.
Why would Cameron or Clarke be asking this?
For party advantage?
For the EU Pension?
To get on the BBC Red Button?
Be nice to know how this musing is slopped out and then becomes a newsbite.
And on this point, what business has Ruth Davidson the Korean kick-boxer demanding assurances from the Government, and threatening to separate the Scotch Tories from the national party?
OK so 48% voted Remain and they have the bbc , sky, C4 and pretty much the entire media. 52%., I think that’s more than 48% given the modern math, voted Leave so how come the views of the majority don’t get a look in?
The bBC keeps hinting along the lines that Labour are the Governing party in the UK. Here’s a few facts on exactly how well they did when compared to past elections where Labour actually won more seats:
1979 GE: Labour 269 Seats :James Callaghan resigned
1992 GE: Labour 271 Seats :Neil Kinnock resigned.
2017 GE: Labour 262 Seats :Jeremy Corbyn . “I won, I won. I won.”
What with sub-standard housing, racism, Islamophobia and our collapsing economy, will we be able to attract sufficient foreigners in the future?
Panorama Special maybe?
The things is HateNotHope Burnham & Manchester TUC judge people by the colour,
If you are a RED that’s OK with them, you are one of the tribe.
But if you are not RED you are therefore not one of their tribe, you are the enemy to be sneered and spat at .
You can show Burhnham all the reason and videos you like, it won’t make any difference cos he has no tolerance to people not in his tribe.
I hope it’s OK if I post this here. I received this communication( from mailing list I am on) via email today.
It is BBC bias related.
The BBC and other media have been vilifying the DUP over the past few days for believing in traditional marriage.
This follows last week’s election outcome which is likely to see the Democratic Unionist Party (the largest party in Northern Ireland) give support to the minority Conservative Government.
There has been a sustained attack on DUP MPs simply because they are socially conservative. Two issues are always quoted – their opposition to same-sex marriage and abortion.
The BBC in particular has seemed far more interested in pursuing this than asking about the DUP’s policy on Brexit or the economy. Even if, like C4M, you are not party political, I expect you are outraged by the media’s actions.
John Humphrys laughed on Monday morning when a former DUP assembly member explained they are a compassionate party. Humphrys immediately claimed that “most people” think their stance is “intolerant”, citing opposition to same-sex marriage as an example. And yesterday, the BBC reproduced a long series of satirists’ cartoons lampooning the DUP.
In response to the whole controversy, Roman Catholic commentator Dr Tim Stanley (who does not support the DUP in general) defended the DUP’s right to hold religious beliefs and argued “it has become politically toxic to be a Christian”.
The freedom to advocate traditional marriage in politics is under siege. Marriage supporters must speak out now and hold the BBC to account.
Funded by your licence fee, the BBC is acting with massive liberal bias. It is flagrantly breaching its Royal Charter which says the first purpose of the BBC is “to provide impartial news and information” and output “championing freedom of expression”.
Please complain to the BBC today using its online complaints form or by telephoning: 03700 100 222. Letters should be posted to BBC Complaints, PO Box 1922, Darlington, DL3 0UR.
Tips for what to say
Please be polite but firm.
Say that the BBC is guilty of bias in its recent coverage of the DUP’s beliefs.
Say that the BBC is breaching its Royal Charter requirement to be impartial.
Using your own words, you may wish to include one or two of the following points:
Say that millions of people in the UK oppose same-sex marriage and this view is worthy of respect in a democratic society.
Say that the BBC is using its dominant media position to suppress free speech about the definition of marriage.
Say that the BBC has completely failed to provide any coverage presenting your beliefs in a positive light.
Point out that the fourth purpose in the BBC’s Royal Charter is “to reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all of the United Kingdom’s nations and regions”. Many people in Northern Ireland, from both sides of the community, support the DUP’s social policies.
It’s time to speak out now in defence of marriage. You may also want to send a copy of your complaint to a local or national newspaper.
What’s worse…not supporting gay marriage, or throwing gays off buildings?
Are the BBC opposing Islam? For that matter are all the lefty libtards protesting about that one?
The BBC’s constant attacks on the DUP that I have been hearing on Radio 4 have demonstrated their age related memory loss.
There is a strange and total disconnect between what the BBC have been saying about the DUP in the last four days and what they were saying about them at the time of the death of Martin McGuinness only a few weeks before.
How could a political Party ‘unreform’ itself so quickly?
And without the media, especially the BBC, drawing this ‘unreforming’ to our attention in the interim?
Oh how cute Imam and Rabi holding up matching placards to show how “together” they are and neither of them eat bacon sandwiches. It’s a photo shop opportunity if ever I saw one!
“They come from two different Yorkshire communities, but exactly as
… (wait for it) … Jo Cox MP once told Parliament, they have so much more in common than that which divides them. Imam Qari Asim MBE and Rabbi Esther Hugenholtz have taken part in a moving video using messages held up on cue cards that reveal just how much they have in common.”
Yeah right! … why no female imam then ?, now is she going to the Al Quds March?
Boom Boom had this been a Muslim I think.
Don`t they blow up quickly these days?
Best joke of the week on this site, thanks to whoever left it with us!
“Well, that’s a relief. The British police are to be congratulated, and we all owe them a debt of gratitude, for getting riffraff like this off the streets and into jail where they belong, before more innocent Qur’ans are harmed.
After all, twenty-two people were recently murdered in Manchester and seven in London by Islamic jihadis who were incited to violence by the Qur’an,
but look! The “far-right” is just as much of a threat as the jihadis, as Britain’s “counter-extremism” Quilliam Foundation claims! Two Qur’ans were burned!
That’s what these arrests of Qur’an-burners are all about: shoring up that sagging narrative, and buttressing the claim that the racist, xenophobic “far-right” constitutes just as much of a threat to Britons as Islamic jihadis.
A couple of charred copies of a book of which literally billions of copies exist next to twenty-nine dead is a sad exercise in moral equivalence, but it’s all the British authorities have to work with, and so they’re running with it.”
R Spencer http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-bristol-35351583
So whilst the bBC (and others) point the finger of blame over the fire in London the last night at the government Labour demands answers over Grenfell Tower fire tragedy: “Labour MP Harriet Harman said she feared lessons had not been learned from a similar fire six years ago at the Lakanal House tower block in her Camberwell and Peckham constituency, which claimed six lives. She told BBC Radio 4’s the World At One programme: “Councils want to fit sprinklers in their tower blocks, but it comes down to money.
On cretinous Newsshite, gay Evan is running the ‘deprivation and poverty in rich West London’ angle.
Still when all the tower block immigrants get their vast compensation courtesy of the virtue-signalling class, that argument will go out the window, so to speak.
Not that many of them will realise it, since the English of many seems to be insufficient to hold down a good job. Strange, that. I assumed they would all have been doctors and engineers contributing hugely to the exchequer..
Can only imagine that North Kensington is near enough to White City/Shepherds Bush for former BBC staff to ruminate. Where they got their rent boys, cut drugs and serge sniffing experiences before they became the nations sweethearts.
Let`s hope nobody died chained up in one of those oh-so-rough tenements shall we?
I`d imagine there are plenty Beeboids who like this sorta thing.
I must say tonight’s Newsshite was a tour de force of multiple leftist, political axe-grinding.
“cohesion through diversity”, “anti-austerity”,”the hoi polloi not the few” – you name, you can find it.
Even a decorous release of anger and outrage, not thought seemly for a muslim terrorist atrocity.
Will the Caliph of London be proclaiming a tower block inferno is “part and parcel” of city life?
After all more people are killed by x, than fires in tower blocks.
Mus, correct. People used to dismiss Dave and Osborne as rich thickos who had never done a days work in their lives before entering politics. If I recall correctly, Osborne worked through school summer holidays as an older teen in the family business. Think he may have even done or helped to do the bookkeeping at one stage.
If so, probably one of the few Chancellors of the Exchequer that we have had who had actual bookkeeping experience.
It seems to me to be a case of the Suhoor meal causing this tower block tradegy. Yet nobody wants to point the finger at the Muslim’s possibly starting it. This is the meal eaten betweem 1am-2am which was around the time the fire started. Portable gas cookers are popular amoung the sittting on the floor folk, nearest thing to a barbie in a flat. Perhaps one got out of control & someone suggested they grab it & chuck it on the windowsill? That then ignited the cladding. There is another factor that might have fed the fire, the propping open of fire doors because so many people were going to & fro for their breaking the fast it was supposedly more convenient to keep them ajar.
Except, tipple & Brissles, I think subsequent interviews with locals have revealed the Grenfell House had a high proportion of Christians (or people nominally so) living there.
You might be onto something tipple – It seems the fire did start in a kitchen. Now who could possibly be cooking in the wee hours of the morning I wonder. Someone tired perhaps, careless and weak from fasting perhaps?
The media are falling over themselves praising those wonderful muslims for saving lives by being up early. Imagine if they’d CAUSED it by being up early. The msm would do everything in their power to supress that bit of news. Actually they wouldn’t have to: the police, fire brigade, local authorities and politicians will do it upstream of the msm. Still, sometimes these things seep out, like smoke under a door.
According to 5Live, Corbyn and Harman the West London fire is down to ‘The Tory Cuts’ and Islamic Relief (who share the same friends as Corbyn and are funded by DFID, the EU and UN – .and are completely ‘neutral’) are down there helping anyone regardless of race religion or creed.
JohnCFeb 24, 05:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Three years on, Ukraine’s extinction nightmare has returned https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cx2xngznyego The BBC’s extreme-Left fanatic Bowen is at it again. This time…
JohnCFeb 24, 03:22 Start the Week 24th February 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjzrjsyUZSc&ab_channel=ConservativeVibes Another video I spent longer watching than I intended.
ZephirFeb 24, 03:18 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Yes, I noticed this yesterday, all short sighted (in so many ways) and all wear the same stupid starmer glasses…..…
DeborahFeb 23, 23:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Reported tonight on GBNews that Stonewall is going to lose half its staff because of Trump’s stalling USAID. Until now,…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:27 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Bowen said the same thing in one of his articles. Clearly it’s part of ‘BBC Groupthink’ now. Trump should have…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC don’t seem bothered at all that Hamas murdered those young boys and their mother with their bare hands…
NiborFeb 23, 23:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sorry if already mentioned , But this “Trump wants to win the Nobel Peace prize ” ! Does he really…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Zelensky willing to give up presidency in exchange for Nato membership https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn9vx01evp9o Sometimes I read a BBC article and wonder…
I think it is today when an important and critical decision is to be released by the ECHR concerning two criminals who the UK is trying to deport. I recall one being Jamaican and other I don’t remember (but not from the Religion of Peace). As a critical decision, I would expect our Worlds Finest to tell us what the outcome is and particularly for the implications for the future. But I won’t hold my breath………….
And on it goes. The UN threatening the anti ISIS Coalition with War Crimes charges. Pots, kettles.
On the BBC website is the article entitled “Who was behind the jihadist attacks on Europe and North America?” Naturally, enlightened as I now am by reading this website, I read it with sceptical eyes.
The most obvious omission was that nowhere could I find the word Muslim and amusingly the article concluded saying “It is hoped that knowing more about the attacks and the people who carried them out will help us all have a more informed debate about what action is needed”. It’s behind that elephant in the corner FFS.
They say, “A few attacks hit iconic targets…” A few? Interesting choice of words. Surely “some” is more appropriate but maybe that doesn’t downplay the attacks enough
“We looked at attacks motivated by jihadist ideology”. Not following the instructions of their prophet then.
“Attacks motivated by other ideologies – such as the murder of Jo Cox – are not included in this study”. We have Godwin’s Law, apparently we now have Cox’s Law (and I thought the motive for her murder was his mental health, not ideology)
“However, the number of attackers who were illegally in a country or who arrived as refugees is small”. Of course it is, doesn’t fit the narrative
Once aware it doesn’t take much to see bias everywhere in the BBC
We have information and statistics. This experiment has been running far too long and needs a different approach. “Gradual Diversity ala Douglas Murray” vs “Disruptive/Dangerous Diversity ala Merkel”?
Need to get the BBC to add figures and stop using terms like “few,small,decrease,slight increase, compare to”. If they have used a report then state it. This is about language again.
But even when facts are available this is the response …. sigh …
“…however, there have been some errm tabloids and some errrm news that has gone out, as we are all aware that has been misinformation. Things such as Birmingham is the Jihadist capital of the England, that’s not helpful unless it’s backed up by evidence..(shrugs head as Douglas injects with …)”
“It is … it’s not actually the capital but the second capital (39) , London (117) is the capital. (for UK Jihadists)”
(( n.b. Add “#page=42” to end of PDF link to jump to the page. ))
Well it hasn’t taken the BBC long on the World at One to blame the government for the dreadful fire in London.
TWATO, and an appalling use of the tower block fire by Harriet Harperson to claim the deaths were the fault of the Tory government because of cost cutting. She hasn’t even waited for a report by the fire brigade or even early thoughts of experts involved. The interviewer Martha Karney did not interrupt to tell her that there was no hard facts as yet, and what Harperson was saying was pure conjecture. She even went so far as to say that the contractors who completed the modernisation had failed to do it correctly and also that there hadn’t been a fire inspection which is in contradiction to what a councillor said earlier.
I would have thought that claiming the fire and all of the consequential loss to life & property being down to the contractors was hugely libellous, and if I was one of the directors I would be issuing the BBC and Harperson with legal notices that unless the firefighters report specifically blamed them the company would be suing both of them for libel.
Harriet-but who else?
Thought she was Labour MP for Peckham, not North Kensington-but that`s no longer the point to the BBC.
Of course Harman is only doing what a Jo Cox surfing bird would do. Millie Dowler no longer in vogue, so of COURSE she`ll spout chocolate to all media invitations. Why though-and how come-do we get Harman to speak about it?
Why not Anna Soubry as usual-or does the Chomsky Pie Chart(or Professor Nod), suggest an ex PIE houri in a pink van might be the answer to Junckers wishes?
Utterly distasteful. But it`s what BBCLabour were created to do.
Of course they have been subtly blaming the government since the early hours.Fire and Policing is devolved to the London Assembly and mayor I believe.and housing to local authority .
Cuts to fire brigade are a non starter because the response as with the terror attack was first rate .The LA may have a part to play in restricting funding .It remains to be see.im sure they will play the cuts to LA budget card.
The fire precautions don’t appear to have been any good which may be a bigger issue in the end.
So why have they just spent 10 million refurbishing council flats ah yes it’s London isn’t it!
The tower was over 40 years old. That might have something to do with it.
I do hope in the wake of the fire in West London the Beeb warns against a backlash targetting the local and national funding Community
Yahoo news is already spinning wildly, with stories of heroic Muslims up early for Ramadan telling people to get out of the building. I have no doubt there were many heroic people of all faiths and none involved, as there would be in any London disaster. But they are so desperate to paint Muslims in particular in a good light that it is laughable.
Cramer, I recall being a car driver in Saudi Arabia. I was warned to avoid accidents with muslims as a westerner, I would be blamed for the accident in any event. In islam, nothing happens without the consent/instigation of Allah. Perhaps allah willed the fire?
G – So presumably Allah also willed it every time Israel knocked seven shades of shit out of them?
Absolutely, Lobbie – that’s the corollary of allah’s beneficent intervention at all times. Pity the muslims are too dense to see the negative side.
Sam Delaney on talk radio live from Notting Hill banging on about how everyone has pulled together blah blah.
Why is it never about the victims who have died?
Classic FM Global Tripe went straight to Jez and how ‘cuts’ were the cause. A bit premature, as Di might have said.
But still little or no mention of Roy Larner who, having been stabbed several times, fits the “hero” description somewhat better.
Roy “F**k You! I’m Millwall” Larner showed us that we can defend ourselves and family (at a risk of course) rather than run. But what kind of message is that to the public?
BBC webpage story about Roy: “Islam” text x 0
Independent webpage story about Roy: “Islam” text x 4
Mirror webpage story about Roy: “Islam” text x 0
The Sun webpage story about Roy: “Islam” text x 0
What would Roy do on the Costa Concordia cruise ship crash?
a) Men pushed past women and children to reach lifeboats (see news reports)
b) Help the women and children onto boats
I noted this before in previous link, the BBC still has no updates using the BBC site search.
Indeed he is a hero to tackle three terrorist with his fists.
The fire – bbc WS “Rescue work started as soon as the Fire Service arrived ……”
No wonder bbc journalism is the envy of the World.
Exploding fridge my ass.
My money is on some ramadan feast with a camping stove. Much the same way that saudi airliner brewed up some time back.
Seismic – I was thinking exactly the same thing when I first heard about the fire.
According to the BBC Lilly Allen is offering accommodation to victims of the fire. I am sure they can share her home with the migrants she has already homed.
Hope everything is screwed down Lil’.
She will be the only thing screwed down if she lets those f-ckers in.
Mind you, I think even they have standards!
I hope the hundreds to whom she offers shelter in her humble abode don’t go overboard with the inevitable commemorative candles. The consequences could be dire
She could move to a tower block for the event.
On Sunday, I personally witnessed the BBC following Tweets from Hope Not Hate, informing us all that it was the EDL in Manchester……Now they’re blaming the police, because it seems that Comrade Nick Lowles is a far too important ally to blame in any way..
BBC retractions policy ???
That’s seems to be an apology email sent to some complainers
…. But by rights the retraction should appear in same way the false claim was made
Yes. A NATIONAL APOLOGY is required. Mishal or Samira?
As far as I can ascertain, Greater Manchester police didn’t make reference to the EDL until way after the BBC had reported it as fact…Only hard left Trotsky groups such as Hope Not Hate were calling this an EDL march, which therefore shows succinctly where BBC newsrooms go for their on-line information.
Original deleted BBC tweet
They left others up.
Pet issue : Racism +”sources say”. : Bobsleigh
If someone made an anonymous complaint against a Muslim would the BBC report it ???
But with White people they take a different attitude.
Some people made some ANONYMOUS racism complaints against white coaches.
Internal inquiry found no case.
So someone leaks it to BBC who report using “sources say”
Steve McQueen got it right…………………
“Chief O’Hallorhan (Steve McQueen): [sighs] Architects.
Doug Roberts (Paul Newman): Yeah, it’s all our fault.
Chief O’Hallorhan: Now, you know there’s no sure way for us to fight a fire in anything over the seventh
floor, but you guys just keep building ’em as high as you can.
Hmmm…… Labour MP for the area, “This kind of thing should not happen in 21st Century London”.
That would be fires like this and a couple of other things that you would never mention mate.
“This kind of thing should not happen in 21st Century London”.
21st Century London increasingly resembles Lagos or Mogadishu, so I don’t see why not.
Yes yes yes, we get the message.
So do lots of places, unfortunately.
Has little to do with building standards.
If you find that due to positive discrimination, more and more council officers are people from Dacca or Karachi or Lagos, then you may well find that the standards of governance will tend to be more like you find in those places, whatever the law might say.
I have some experience of this in a local planning matter. The planning officer and the applicant were members of the same community, and various “mistakes” were made and documents “lost”, so that planning permission was given when it should not have been. Oh yes, I got an apology from the council for these unfortunate “mistakes”, much use that is to me.
It is clear that our cities are being taken over by people from the Third World, and our local councils are undergoing a similar transformation. So my comment is valid. When you import the population from the Third World, our cities will become part of the Third World. It would be madness to expect any other outcome.
A couple of points:
“21st Century London increasingly resembles Lagos or Mogadishu” Parts of it do, a lot of it doesn’t. A lot of it has become more European – in a good way because French expats, for instance, are educated and generally well qualified. Relatively few third world immigrants leave their ghettos because they have little reason to do so. They have no interest whatsoever in history or the cultural life of the city in much the same way as Bradford’s long-standing mostly Pakistani immigrants have little interest in York, Harrogate or the Dales. I’m surprised that Bradford’s Alhambra Theatre and St George’s Hall survive. I wonder how long for. London is lucky in having a huge number of commuters who effectively change its population, and also millions of international visitors. Places like Bradford do not have that buffer.
Northerners banging on endlessly about London becomes extremely tedious. I know because I grew up with it.
Lastly, so far as corruption is concerned, I suggest you Google John Poulson. Not the only instance.
Poulson – that the best you can come up with?
How about Rackman or King John?
Anyhow, it’s in no way a difficult concept:-
Water on dry sand and it soaks in. More water and you arrive at quicksand. More water and it resembles a sea and if you ain’t very lucky – under you go.
Jo – I think the reason that the Alhambra Theatre and St George’s Hall in Bradford currently survive, is due to those whites who will “commute” from surrounding areas to watch plays and attend concerts; as time goes by and the “enrichment” gets a little too…er…enriching, then these folk will “commute” to theatres and concert venues elsewhere.
It is appalling what happened to Bradford in the second half of the 20th century, what used to be a great; proud; industrial; Yorkshire city has been turned to cr@p.
Pretend Tory : @Anna_Soubry tweeted accusing Tory if looking at porn on his phone.
Then she deleted it when it turned out to be a tweet from an Art History group showing showgirls playing chess.
“Is this the first parliament where everyone thinks they’re a winner when in fact we’re all losers except DUP?” – Anna Soubry Twitter Comment before deletion.
So when her party wins she calls them all losers, would she rather NOT have power to act in the peoples interests?
In other news from Anna Soubry, she asks “Who will clean our toilets (after Brexit)?”. Err, our own children as they are tasked with low end jobs and move to better jobs.
(sorry, can’t find video link, think it was on Question Time)
Sounds suspiciously reminiscent of, ‘who’ll pick the cotton if they ban slavery?’
As it turned out, dirt poor, white folks picked the cotton.
We are told automation is going to take over very many jobs. It might be a good idea not to import half a million people a year to do jobs which won’t be there in a few years.
Rob, this is so true. I think the Government are short sighted in this respect. Amazon Ltd have already automated many warehouses (sorry no statistics) and drones are going to change things drastically in the near future (I guess within one year). We never take into account the rate of change – which happens quickly once a technology is adopted and reproduced with accuracy.
Also see Virtual Reality (train in virtual worlds, operate machines from your armchair), 3D Printers (that can print themselves – my mind explodes), Drones (deliver things, military attacks – death by a thousand cuts), Raspberry Pi (home grown electronic kits for the young), Big data (manipulating large sets for statistics), Open Data (accessing country data).
Japanese firm to open world’s first robot-run farm : half of all jobs in Japan could be performed by robots by 2035. [Guardian Article]
The big challenge for all of us, young and old is to understand it.
Watch “CARL SAGAN – A Way of Thinking” for a better explanation of where we are heading.
I`ll know that the Tories are , once more ,serious about winning an election to change things rather than just to manage the mess; when the likes of Anna Soubry, Ken Clarke, Nicky Morgan and all the rest of the moaners have been “deselected”. Momentum are well ahead of us on this one. Moaning traitors should not be in the Tory Party. That`s what the Liberal Dhimmitwats are for.
Historys recycling bin for politics.
Are any Tories bothered enough to do this-or are they content to get the termites eating through what remains of their shed.
And let Labour send us down the toilet.
I really don’t think MPs should be looking at tweets and using their mobile phones in the Chamber. I think that was another “reform” that the poison dwarf introduced.
As the great chess player and musician Philidor nearly said, “Porns are the life and soul of chess”.
(This was meant as a reply to Stew Green at 3:04, above; don’t know what happened …)
Times : Italian nurse struck off due to poor English in Notts
– numerous problematic incidents.
“Italian nurse whose English was so bad a colleague had to use MIME to show her what to do is struck off.” – DM Headline.
So we now have to learn MIME to get medical care? Can we also introduce “interpretive dances” for those who can’t MIME?
“I’ve been unable to poo for 2 weeks.” – coming soon in MIME and Interpretive Dance via the NHS.
Checkout the following report (unverified) “Lost in Translation | 2020HEALTH” by Dr Samantha Gan (05.02.2012):
* In total the NHS has spent £64.4 million on translation services in the last three financial years. (£20million a year)
* London Trusts comprised only 15% of the Trusts surveyed, but were responsible for 31% of the total spend. (London drains the money)
* 45% of Trusts could not break down the cost of written translation. (They have no idea where the money goes)
It gets better:
In Nov 2011, it was reported that the Ministry of Justice spent over £100 million in six years on translation costs. The news was perplexing, particularly at a time when the Ministry is cutting its budget by £2 billion and has closed 142 courts across the country.
In conclusion – It goes without saying that a system with finite resources will eventually be unable to cope with this almost infinite demand.
Looking on the bright side, the Supreme Court have just ruled that ‘deportation before appeal’ – an astute move agreed in 2015 – is in ‘breach of the various deportees’ ‘uman rites. So add several million to the legal aid bill and, by coincidence, make another raft of lawyers dedicated to justice and freedom even richer. Cue report from Fergal, or Orla, soon.
I wonder if anyone in the Labour Camp makes any connection between the current suppression of wages and all the bills for translators, legal aid, social assistance, equalising society, egalitarian society, multi-racial, multi-ethnic multiplication and the ongoing financial disaster that continues to be Tax Credits.
If you have a law you disagree with you can change it. Unless you can’t talk about the law or what is happening (Hate Crime/Hate Incident + offensive Jokes/Islamophobia/Anti-Semitism/Canada’s M-103/Facebook Pakistan) then you can’t even discuss it or think about changing it … ahh, now I see how it works, thanks for pointing that out to me Beltane.
Happy thoughts only from now on, I promise.
There is a very serious problem here. Most medical journals are published in English . A medical student with little understanding of English will have difficulty in amassing enough knowledge to qualify.
Not to worry, I’ve heard from a guy, who spoke to a cleaner, who talked to a man, who might have spoken to a Prime Minister that Jean-Claude Juncker says English is ‘losing importance’ after Brexit as UK ‘abandons’ Europe.
MIME is the new liberating new language of the future it would seem!
I am going now GWF, so my parting gift to you for today is this:
“This earth of ours is a loony bin made use of by some other planet.”
‘Hard Talk’ and ex HSBC advisor Stephen King says that, “Liberalism driven Globalism is over …”
Oooeerr Missus!
The Mohamdam Al-Quds Day March to be held in the city of London this Sunday, 18th June. The march, which celebrates the last Friday of Ramadamalinglong is also used to express support for terrorist organizations and anti Jewish movements such as Hezbollah. I understand that Jews in London will organize a counter demonstration.
How will the BBC present it?
The left, which includes, Jeremy Corbyn’s pals in Stop the War, are supporting the Mohamidans, but as the left always takes credit for supporting Jews in the battle of Cable Street, should they rather be supporting the Jews against their would be oppressors.
Perhaps the BBC could consult with Mishal the token Moslem
“Mishal the token Moslem”
As a Mishel, she lacks a guidance system.
Checked out the “THE SHAMI CHAKRABARTI INQUIRY” which starts with “While we celebrate our diversity,…” end withs “The Party should increase the ethnic diversity of its staff.”.
Sorry, I didn’t have the mental resources to be bothered to read it all.
“Gradual Diversity ala Douglas Murray” vs “Disruptive/Dangerous Diversity ala Merkel”.
This country so needs a wake up call but I think it will Inevitably involve the loss of many lives.
An errant missile strike, a mega earthquake, followed by a huge tsunami, and a shower of larger cosmic particles might go a long way to improving things, eventually.
Can’t you get your relative, mentioned in ‘Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy’, the enormous Mutant Star Goat to put in an appearance?
Next Week Milliband replacing Vine
( Week after supposed to be IDS)
His Twitter feed is foetid
Surely following the recent death of the much loved actor Peter Sallis, Wallace should be observing a respectful silence.
A man has tried to, in the words of one witness, “to kill as many Republican members as possible”.
Is it a hate crime if someone tries to kill Republicans?
Not only a right but a duty for, peaceful, anti-haters of the Democratic party of peace to kill all infidels – I mean Republicans.
Hint :
Sorry, I disagree with this approach. When you use the word ‘ban’ you have instantly created a barrier and in this case applied it to a group of people – where they pull out the Joker Card. We are all equal before the law is the best approach and bringing discussion into the light.
Could I suggest it should be no face coverings due to the following reasons:
* Identification – someone can steal your identity and use it for malicious intent.
* In nurseries children need to see expressions to learn how to interact with people, a smile can bring instant warmth to a sad child
* An easy way of hiding physical abuse from an abusive partner – this should always be reported
Plus to shed light on the history of face coverings. From Wiki – “During Pre-Islamic times the Assyrian law clearly depicted within their written regulation who was allowed to veil. Those women who were family to ‘seigniors’ had to veil as well as those who were previously prostitutes but now married.”
“Islam will fail once the women under Islam realise they can be free.
The Hijab, pregnancy, lack of education are ways to stop this, but imagine what will happen when 50% of the Islamist population drags Islam into the light.” – Sebastian Gorka.
I would suggest an area that they can be corralled in, rather like Naturists, that are ‘banned’ for the sake of decency being allowed to wander the streets and Waitrose in their birthday suits. Naturists have their own camps and sites where they can behave how they please without offending anyone, so perhaps a Niqab centre where they’re all bumping into one another without irritating the rest of us might not be a bad idea !
My daughter asked a while back if I’d ever seen a ghost. I said no initially. But then I thought about the ladies going about dressed in full body coverings …
Don’t ban any of their stupid practices. Just allow sensible British people to take the piss out of them and show them how ridiculous they are. If we just laughed at them in the streets, told children about the funny woman in a bin bag.
GWF – can you repost that again so I can like it again. Many thanks.
I don’t mind the veil so much as what’s in it. Can’t they ban that?
We use ‘Health Improvement’ rather than ‘Ban’. Once we use ban the other person can take the moral high ground and you never recover. To ban is to stop, remove freedom, never allow again, to hate it so much.
So instead “To improve health of women we are saying no to full coverings? (can’t NOT want to improve health) It has been found that covering up increases the chances of rickets (lack of vitamin D from sunshine) which can affect children’s health via breast feeding (citation needed).”
Ah, so by disagreeing you don’t want women to be healthy? You don’t want children to have a chance in life. Once you are cornered by the using the word ‘ban’ it’s hard to get out. Use of language with a moral high ground is how people win arguments and get people who can’t reason to side with them.
Such as “Gradual Diversity ala Douglas Murray” vs “Disruptive/Dangerous Diversity ala Merkel”.
Well the veil is so that they are not seen . Remember that when they’re on a zebra crossing .
Has anyone been able to make sense of the new TV licence rules regarding the use of iplayer? I can’t find a clear statement of what is covered anywhere.
Back in the days of the Wireless Telegraphy Act a licence was required for each household that operated a TV at that address. You were allowed to use a portable TV away from home, provided it was fed from an internal battery. At the time that was a near impossiblity as the TVs used too much power and the batteries were too big. Now of course every tablet or mobile phone is powered by an internal battery.
Move forward to today. The millionaire ‘Asian’ businessman only needs one free TV licence for his mansion as his aged granny lives there too. Toynbee’s favoured single-mums on benefits also need a licence, but they pay for it. However does Sadiq need another licence for his smart phone in the car or his laptop in the hotel? Does Sharon need one to catch up with Eastenders down the pub? What about Muhamed or Wayne when they are away from the bosom of the family?
In part I ask the question because looking through the BBC’s ‘My Account’ process, (where presumably the ‘yoof’ can be fed with 100% partial material), we are told that the data will be shared with TV Licencing. Different IP address leads to knock on the door? All very ‘big brother’.
Rules ?……………. do you really pay them to rub your nose in their liberal shite then ?.
I think for those stupid enough to pay al beeb salaries via the TV tax you need a licence to watch the al player – the tories changed the law when they renewed the f ing charter instead of selling al beeb to a like minded broadcaster like jazy zera .
Don’t pay . Don’t register .
Clearly, following the change to the law, one needs an licence to legally watch iPlayer content.
The question is how that applies to what are essentially mobile devices and therefore not necessarily operated in the premises to which the licence has been issued.
The BBC’s desire to ‘personalise’ content online is worrying for many reasons.
I neither have a TV licence for my house or a BBC account but that doesn’t stop me asking the questions and I can’t be the only one that would like a clear answer. Becoming a TV recluse isn’t the answer for everyone.
Are there any white news correspondents left on the BBC ??
You mean ‘hideously white’ don’t you Peter?
By the way your second name is Islamophobic, possibly a hate crime, better change it quick to Peter Halal before the Old Bill pay you a visit.
So someone finally took the beebistan’s advice and shot himself some Republicans.
Can the beeb be done for incitement? Oh no, I forgot, that only applies to the Far Right, not the Far Left Al Bibeera.
Can anyone help me out here.
I’ve scoured the BBC website about the shooting of the US Congressman, but I can’t find any reference to the fact that the shooter was a Bernie Sanders supporter who was singling out Republicans.
Surely the BBC aren’t trying to deceive people. Are they?
I mean after the Jo Cox murder we had wall to wall references to Brexit from the BBC.
TPO – you’re surely not suggesting the beebistan is outrageously biased and partisan are you?
Perish the thought.
TPO, you’ve just invoked Jo’s Law. Like Godwin’s Law but in any thread, regardless of subject, sooner or later someone will mention Jo Cox. Well done
There was a programme on the BBC about Jo Cox last night. As I understand it we are coming up to the anniversary of her murder. My guess is that if it was Nigel Farage who had been assassinated the BBC would have treated it differently. Indeed I doubt there would have been a programme about it a year later. At least not one that mourned his passing.
Jo cox hour – statue – bank holiday – mugs – motion picture – anything else?
Flags at half-mast at every local authority town hall, compulsory wailing and gnashing of teeth for the 12-30 year olds, a call for revenge on all old white men everywhere?
66 year old, well known anti Republican activist.
I see that Tim Farron has just stepped down as LibDem leader. I’m sure everybody on here will miss him greatly!
I suppose he was challenged by a Fish Finger, and now he’s had his chips! I’ll get me coat ……
A song by the Undertones seems to sum up his ethos. With an single change.
Little mummy’s boy
He wasn’t very old
Though he was very small
He did what he was told
Timmy Timmy
Timmy Timmy, oh
Timmy Timmy
Poor little Timmy wouldn’t let go
He’d stay awake at night
Lying in his bed
No one ever listened
To a single word he said
Timmy Timmy
Timmy Timmy, oh
Timmy Timmy
Poor little Timmy wouldn’t let go
Silly boy
Silly boy
Silly boy
Such a silly boy
A step in the right direction imo.
coming from a lobster you should respect fish fingers !!! I feel battered
There’s a plaice and thyme for that .
Remember your bible . The peace of cod that surpasses all understanding . That is why Tim Farron was like a fish out of water .
Hot news.
Little Timmy Faron is resigning.
But ….read on……
He cites the difficulty of reconciling his Christian faith with the demands of his political job. He opposes homosexuality but has to remain quiet- not politically correct to do otherwise.
He feels persecuted because of his Christian faith. How very ironic.
I wonder if readers can think of any other groups who like to persecute Christians and Christian cultures?
What a shame little Timmy could not join the dots………
Quite simply the Greatest Leader that this country never had.
A statesman-like Parliamentarian who commanded the House with his rapier like wit and repartee.
We shall not see his like again in our lifetimes.
Believe there`s now a vacancy for the current empty post of Norman Scotts dog.
“Smell my spaniel”….not too far from Churchills speeches in wartime now is it?
Too honest to lie about his views on homosexuality; not brave enough to publicly espouse them.
“He cites the difficulty of reconciling his Christian faith with the demands of his political job. He opposes homosexuality but has to remain quiet-”
..maybe he’ll join the government via relocation to the DUP?
All I can say is hopefully we’ll never hear from him again, but no doubt some charity or NGO somewhere will find poor Timmy a home (and a humungous pension). These people are special you see. I’ll give him some dues if he did actually resign on principles, but null points for climbing to the top of the Lib-dems tree and not realising they’re also just another bunch of society-destroying SJWs. There’s a new church on the block Tim, your one is old hat now.
Did any white British people live in that tower block?
Or is this area of London reserved only for Corbyn supporters?
All the news features only ethnic minorities- or should that be ethnic majorities in this case?
This burnt out block of flats obviously housed the poor from all corners of the world and was in the most expensive part of London. The Daily Mail reports that only a few years ago there had been calls for the block to be rebuilt as it was not fit for purpose. Just who did those complaining think was going to pay for it? It was public housing so I guess on the subsidised rents they were paying it would have taken many years to cover the cost. This is not meant to excuse the many deaths this fire has caused but it highlights the cost (including these people’s lives) of bringing more of the world’s poor into the capital.
….housed the poor from all corners of the world and was in the most expensive part of London…..
Exactly why is that ??? Wouldn’t wish this lot on any other area of the country, but how come they are always found housing in the capital, yet most of us struggle to find the train fare to London. Social housing never seems to be a problem there, yet elsewhere its a bidding system, points system and other hoops to jump before you’re even considered ! – unless of course you cant speak English, you’re a 25 year old ‘child’, or you’re name’s Mohammed – and then they want re-housing to London !!!!
My Mum was born in Rotherham, she went on the housing list in 1944, the year before she married. She was married for almost 62 years, died 5 years ago,………. and was still waiting to get the letter; could she be the longest waiting applicant ever ????
Local government has always been bent. She clearly wasn’t friends with the right people. If she’d joined the Labour Party she might have found things changed as if by magic.
How is Jeremy Corbyn linked in any way to the national story of the fire in North Kensington?
I fail to see what the hell HE has to say about it, being of any use whatsoever. Funnily enough, we don`t need the blather of the weirdy beardo by way of “comfort to the nation”.
But BBC and the Labour Party seem to require us to hear it.
Don`t remember this amount of grief flecked nonsense getting created on the hoof with Ronan Point, Kings Cross or other national tragedies of old. And certainly never remember the likes of Wilsonor Kinnock getting free rides in the hearses to emote and gain a few political screengrabs to tip the Tories out at every turn of events. Of COURSE it needs a good look, the law will do what`s needed. But political barbecues for the BBCs pet causes?
Grief thieving heartless crisis joyrides at our expense.
Just sick of them.
I was talking about Ronan Point today at work. They all stared at me blankly – I wonder why? If I was 13 they weren’t even embryos!
This is a terrible disaster but I feel that this was an accident waiting to happen. Most of the eye witnesses and tenants are not white British, if any. One man ‘interviewed’ kept his eyes down and would not look at the reporter. An illegal maybe?
I just thought that maybe there was an electrical fault with an appliance – maybe? Especially as there are a lot of unscrupulous dodgy dealer ‘friends’ to the tenants?
The egregious Mark Easton desperately trying to push these events into a Guardian reader editorial about have and have not Britain and Tory neglect. Even by BBC standards using these tragic deaths to promote their political bigotry is disgusting. Just how low will the BBC sink?
Am I just amazed he did not blame it on Brexit.
Just caught the first minute of C4 news.
Jon Snow is trying the same angle to push the nasty Tories agenda.
Absolutely despicable of course, but they all have form.
Jon Snow you say?
interesting tweet
My local BBC news has a report about new women MPs. Now the 2 new women MPs in my area happen to both be Labour. Excuse for a one sided report where the word Conservative isn’t mentioned. Now I know sometimes all the local news programmes have the same story tailored for their region. Now did someone nationally think this story up to use as another one to promote Corbyn’s crew or was it just the feminists ? As one of the women had been a teacher, gave a wonderful excuse to show a young woman praising aforementioned MP as a role model. To be honest they then started to praise the other and I switched off.
I noticed that as well in my local news. It was like Labour Party PR. It was Labour Party PR. I have never seen the BBC celebrate a Conservative becoming a new MP. The election is over and they are still promoting the Labour Party. It would be more honest if they promoted themselves as BBC Labour.
I mentioned that BBC Radio Lincs have 10 MPs in their area but by far their favourite is new Lincoln MP who ex Nurse and probably ex-female.
Today they still tweeted about her twice
but they did also mention her predecessor twice
and mentioned the skegness Tory once
Tim Farron leaving due to his Christian faith and his consequent inability to deal with questions on his views of gay sex.
Interesting, I wonder what Sadiq Khan, Khalid Mahmood, Tulip Sadiq, Shabana Mahmood, Rushanara Ali, Yasmin Qureshi, Tulip Siddiq and Naz Shah think about gay sex with reference to their religious teachings.
Odd, no one pesters them about such details. Wonder why.
The real reason of course is that he was a hopeless leader. I watched his interview with Andrew Neil and it became almost comic towards the end. It was hard to have a rational conversation with him. If he carried on as leader he would have been off to the funny farm in the end. Diane Abbot also had a bad election. Neither blame themselves of course.
Yes sad that Timmy won’t be the spokesman for his outfit any more. He was entertaining and worth a chuckle and popcorn . He should have just come clean about his beliefs and not become sport for the msm.
As for the views of Muslim MPs – MSM won’t go after non whites cos they are frightened. Like hearing and Islamic comedy on al beeb. You’ll never hear it . Can you image an Islamic “father ted”?
Just turning off al c4 news as it becomes a Muslim love in over the fire. Wouldn’t it be ironic if it turned out to be Islamic terrorism ?
Snowy went into one for the second night running . Clearly got issues and might want to go to Cuba or venezwala ( can’t be asked on the shpelling)
The MSM just can’t divorce tragedy and politics . BBC reporter asks local if the tower block fire ‘answers’ the bombings in London Bridge and Manchester Muslim outrages. The Home Editor whines on about the diversity and poverty of the area. No doubt all the failings that will be eventually be discovered will be a nasty capitalist plot by Tories in K&C council. Or will Corbyn’s instant politicisation of the tragedy ( its about spending cuts) prevail?
C4 reports home in on ‘Muslim aid ‘ charity workers . Interesting comment – some people rescued could only speak Arabic.
Meanwhile the thought that mass migration has turned North Kensington into a third world annexe will not be mentioned. Would the council have knocked down such monstrosities if they didn’t have to house thousands of migrants?
London isn’t my London any more. Absolutely shameful that my elderly relatives are frightened to leave their house.
I can’t remember where but today I read that we “crammed our Muslims” into the tower block.
OUR Muslims? As usual the meeja must paint Muslims as the only real victims. And Britons are villains.
I guess they think we are cruel for not housing hundreds of thousands of Muslim invaders in detached country houses.
Nevermind that the avalanche of third-world Muslims into the UK has driven much of the native low-income population out of both social housing & affordable private rental accommodation.
Just how far do we have to go? How much do we have to give up?
Shall we decapitate ourselves to save the poor Muslims from having to strain themselves with mass beheadings?
Michael Buerk seems an OK bloke
“No one knows how many people under 25 voted ”
Is how he just opened the R4 prog
and continued
“but the accepted narrative is that young people in their droves voted for Corbyn”
Exactly what I thought ..I’ve neverseen any proper evidence that young people did make a difference in the election, but the media just grabbed that narrative as if it was accepted proof.
They did this on Brexit then it turned out it was just a guess cos of course the ballot is secret
With climate climate and the BBC once alone with them they often seem to whisper “all my mates believe his stuff, but not me” as if we have ended a none free age,
Did 25% or 33% watched a particular Momentum video as alleged on R4 Media show.
Yes but students were encouraged to register twice (at Uni and home) so maybe voted twice? Who would/could Police this? The crime carries a £5k fine.
Momentum aka Derek Hatton’s Militant!
“students were encouraged to register twice (at Uni and home) so maybe voted twice?….The crime carries a £5k fine.”
The fines would be a way of students helping to fund the NHS. After all that is what the BBC said was preoccupying them.
I understand from my ‘councillor’ brother when I queried this multiple registering, and it seems that there can be many registrations in varying districts for one person, but if they are caught voting more than once, its a jail sentence. I replied ‘only if you’re caught’ !
I’ve heard the same. The Electoral Commission are utterly ‘not fit for purpose’.
I don’t believe anything will happen.
Brissles, Wronged
Just imagine if a defeated Tory candidate had the courage to demand an investigation
G.W.F I am a Tolkien fan and enjoy good science fiction. I also write surreal plays. I have a vivid imagination, I’m often told. But I have to tell you. No, I cannot imagine any Tory MP taking that sort of step or anything remotely requiring that sort of intestinal fortitude.
The only real thing that counts in this election is those 25 seats in England that flipped from Conservative to Labour.
Does anyone know why ?
Was it cos
#1 the sitting MP was a remainer in a Brexit area ?
#2 the sitting MP was a Brexiteer in a remainer area ?
#3 Was it product of this tactical vote against the Conservatives working ?
#4 Were they towns now loaded with students , who voted Labour ?
One thing that does not really count is the overall percentages, cos that get skewed when people don’t bother to vote cos their area is a stronghold seat.
I suspect Corbyn’s 40% number all come from seats like Diane Abbotts were there was kind of racist vote by BME/immigrants meaning those seats the winner got 75%-80% of the total votes.
The BBC like to have their hands up the back of youth.
They have no evidence for the idea that the young were so thick as to vote for dream catching blowback like Corbyn.
Likely that they did of course-as Muslims probably did too.
But the BBC need to stop making it all up in advance.
Break the habit oif a lifetime though.
On a totally unrelated note, I’ve just booked my summer holiday. I’m going to Poland. I’m looking forward to visiting and supporting the economy of a noble country that supported us in WW2 and which has consistently refused to bend the knee to foreign overlords.
I am thinking of moving there while I can!..I have friends there and there are relatively few ropers there as far as I can ascertain..hurrah!! It could be the future..massive brit immigration into Poland eh!?..what comes around!!…I love irony..don’t you mate?
Cranmer – are you Al Murray?
Just give it time. Der Frau er Merkel will send us all to a nice little holiday camp in Poland.
“Brexit was divisive”
…Em not it wasn’t there is a consensus that Brexit won and we should get on with it
Just the same as if had gone the other way…. winner gets their way ..that was the rule.
The Red Button says words to the effect that “Cameron and Clarke call for a soft Brexit”. What else would they say?…have they ever said anything else-and why is this news?
Over 80% of Parliament went into the election promising us a clean Brexit.
So that is all we want, why would serial gripweed like Clarke and Cameron be indulged?
Those who didn`t promise us a clean Brexit got hammered, one of their quisling fronts indeed is now replacing its air freshener as we speak.
Why would Cameron or Clarke be asking this?
For party advantage?
For the EU Pension?
To get on the BBC Red Button?
Be nice to know how this musing is slopped out and then becomes a newsbite.
And on this point, what business has Ruth Davidson the Korean kick-boxer demanding assurances from the Government, and threatening to separate the Scotch Tories from the national party?
OK so 48% voted Remain and they have the bbc , sky, C4 and pretty much the entire media. 52%., I think that’s more than 48% given the modern math, voted Leave so how come the views of the majority don’t get a look in?
The bBC keeps hinting along the lines that Labour are the Governing party in the UK. Here’s a few facts on exactly how well they did when compared to past elections where Labour actually won more seats:
1979 GE: Labour 269 Seats :James Callaghan resigned
1992 GE: Labour 271 Seats :Neil Kinnock resigned.
2017 GE: Labour 262 Seats :Jeremy Corbyn . “I won, I won. I won.”
What with sub-standard housing, racism, Islamophobia and our collapsing economy, will we be able to attract sufficient foreigners in the future?
Panorama Special maybe?
Maybe Dianne Abbott added up the votes for him!
This is very short and very good from Douglas Murray.
wake up everyone
now they are coming for your fundamental freedoms
not on the BBC I dont think?
The things is HateNotHope Burnham & Manchester TUC judge people by the colour,
If you are a RED that’s OK with them, you are one of the tribe.
But if you are not RED you are therefore not one of their tribe, you are the enemy to be sneered and spat at .
You can show Burhnham all the reason and videos you like, it won’t make any difference cos he has no tolerance to people not in his tribe.
I hope it’s OK if I post this here. I received this communication( from mailing list I am on) via email today.
It is BBC bias related.
The BBC and other media have been vilifying the DUP over the past few days for believing in traditional marriage.
This follows last week’s election outcome which is likely to see the Democratic Unionist Party (the largest party in Northern Ireland) give support to the minority Conservative Government.
There has been a sustained attack on DUP MPs simply because they are socially conservative. Two issues are always quoted – their opposition to same-sex marriage and abortion.
The BBC in particular has seemed far more interested in pursuing this than asking about the DUP’s policy on Brexit or the economy. Even if, like C4M, you are not party political, I expect you are outraged by the media’s actions.
John Humphrys laughed on Monday morning when a former DUP assembly member explained they are a compassionate party. Humphrys immediately claimed that “most people” think their stance is “intolerant”, citing opposition to same-sex marriage as an example. And yesterday, the BBC reproduced a long series of satirists’ cartoons lampooning the DUP.
In response to the whole controversy, Roman Catholic commentator Dr Tim Stanley (who does not support the DUP in general) defended the DUP’s right to hold religious beliefs and argued “it has become politically toxic to be a Christian”.
The freedom to advocate traditional marriage in politics is under siege. Marriage supporters must speak out now and hold the BBC to account.
Funded by your licence fee, the BBC is acting with massive liberal bias. It is flagrantly breaching its Royal Charter which says the first purpose of the BBC is “to provide impartial news and information” and output “championing freedom of expression”.
Please complain to the BBC today using its online complaints form or by telephoning: 03700 100 222. Letters should be posted to BBC Complaints, PO Box 1922, Darlington, DL3 0UR.
Tips for what to say
Please be polite but firm.
Say that the BBC is guilty of bias in its recent coverage of the DUP’s beliefs.
Say that the BBC is breaching its Royal Charter requirement to be impartial.
Using your own words, you may wish to include one or two of the following points:
Say that millions of people in the UK oppose same-sex marriage and this view is worthy of respect in a democratic society.
Say that the BBC is using its dominant media position to suppress free speech about the definition of marriage.
Say that the BBC has completely failed to provide any coverage presenting your beliefs in a positive light.
Point out that the fourth purpose in the BBC’s Royal Charter is “to reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all of the United Kingdom’s nations and regions”. Many people in Northern Ireland, from both sides of the community, support the DUP’s social policies.
It’s time to speak out now in defence of marriage. You may also want to send a copy of your complaint to a local or national newspaper.
What’s worse…not supporting gay marriage, or throwing gays off buildings?
Are the BBC opposing Islam? For that matter are all the lefty libtards protesting about that one?
Lucy, good post.
The BBC’s constant attacks on the DUP that I have been hearing on Radio 4 have demonstrated their age related memory loss.
There is a strange and total disconnect between what the BBC have been saying about the DUP in the last four days and what they were saying about them at the time of the death of Martin McGuinness only a few weeks before.
How could a political Party ‘unreform’ itself so quickly?
And without the media, especially the BBC, drawing this ‘unreforming’ to our attention in the interim?
Oh how cute Imam and Rabi holding up matching placards to show how “together” they are and neither of them eat bacon sandwiches. It’s a photo shop opportunity if ever I saw one!
“They come from two different Yorkshire communities, but exactly as
… (wait for it) … Jo Cox MP once told Parliament, they have so much more in common than that which divides them. Imam Qari Asim MBE and Rabbi Esther Hugenholtz have taken part in a moving video using messages held up on cue cards that reveal just how much they have in common.”
Yeah right! … why no female imam then ?, now is she going to the Al Quds March?
I see that A Burnham, will be approaching the Home Secretary to push for more political policing, that was A Dudd
who now … who knows?
A female rabbi? WOT? Is nothing sacred? No beard, no rabbi.
A Muslim Cleric who loves an uncovered Jewish woman? TAQIYYYYYA ANYONE?
Yep! … I went to a party the other day all the Jews there were topless
… no skullcaps! … bum bum!
Boom Boom had this been a Muslim I think.
Don`t they blow up quickly these days?
Best joke of the week on this site, thanks to whoever left it with us!
“Well, that’s a relief. The British police are to be congratulated, and we all owe them a debt of gratitude, for getting riffraff like this off the streets and into jail where they belong, before more innocent Qur’ans are harmed.
After all, twenty-two people were recently murdered in Manchester and seven in London by Islamic jihadis who were incited to violence by the Qur’an,
but look! The “far-right” is just as much of a threat as the jihadis, as Britain’s “counter-extremism” Quilliam Foundation claims! Two Qur’ans were burned!
That’s what these arrests of Qur’an-burners are all about: shoring up that sagging narrative, and buttressing the claim that the racist, xenophobic “far-right” constitutes just as much of a threat to Britons as Islamic jihadis.
A couple of charred copies of a book of which literally billions of copies exist next to twenty-nine dead is a sad exercise in moral equivalence, but it’s all the British authorities have to work with, and so they’re running with it.”
R Spencer
So whilst the bBC (and others) point the finger of blame over the fire in London the last night at the government
Labour demands answers over Grenfell Tower fire tragedy:
“Labour MP Harriet Harman said she feared lessons had not been learned from a similar fire six years ago at the Lakanal House tower block in her Camberwell and Peckham constituency, which claimed six lives. She told BBC Radio 4’s the World At One programme: “Councils want to fit sprinklers in their tower blocks, but it comes down to money.
The bBC conveniently leaves out the fact that the tower block is owned and run by a private company and not the council:
the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation
and whilst the bBC offers a wee video clip on why the fire burnt so fast (something about fire hoses only reaching 15m.) The Evening Standard offers a much more informative insight on what may have happened.
However al I see from the bBC is party politicising for the Labour party.
The bBC, we will lie when people die.
On cretinous Newsshite, gay Evan is running the ‘deprivation and poverty in rich West London’ angle.
Still when all the tower block immigrants get their vast compensation courtesy of the virtue-signalling class, that argument will go out the window, so to speak.
Not that many of them will realise it, since the English of many seems to be insufficient to hold down a good job. Strange, that. I assumed they would all have been doctors and engineers contributing hugely to the exchequer..
Can only imagine that North Kensington is near enough to White City/Shepherds Bush for former BBC staff to ruminate. Where they got their rent boys, cut drugs and serge sniffing experiences before they became the nations sweethearts.
Let`s hope nobody died chained up in one of those oh-so-rough tenements shall we?
I`d imagine there are plenty Beeboids who like this sorta thing.
I must say tonight’s Newsshite was a tour de force of multiple leftist, political axe-grinding.
“cohesion through diversity”, “anti-austerity”,”the hoi polloi not the few” – you name, you can find it.
Even a decorous release of anger and outrage, not thought seemly for a muslim terrorist atrocity.
Will the Caliph of London be proclaiming a tower block inferno is “part and parcel” of city life?
After all more people are killed by x, than fires in tower blocks.
Why should anyone listen to these two loosers?
Car moron
Cameron should have stuck to flogging cars and Osborne should have stuck to making biscuits.
Wasn’t Gideon Osborne’s family’s money made from wallpaper? Hence his Eton nickname ‘Oik’ because his family were in trade (how vulgar!)
Mus, correct. People used to dismiss Dave and Osborne as rich thickos who had never done a days work in their lives before entering politics. If I recall correctly, Osborne worked through school summer holidays as an older teen in the family business. Think he may have even done or helped to do the bookkeeping at one stage.
If so, probably one of the few Chancellors of the Exchequer that we have had who had actual bookkeeping experience.
As for the former PM, well …
It seems to me to be a case of the Suhoor meal causing this tower block tradegy. Yet nobody wants to point the finger at the Muslim’s possibly starting it. This is the meal eaten betweem 1am-2am which was around the time the fire started. Portable gas cookers are popular amoung the sittting on the floor folk, nearest thing to a barbie in a flat. Perhaps one got out of control & someone suggested they grab it & chuck it on the windowsill? That then ignited the cladding. There is another factor that might have fed the fire, the propping open of fire doors because so many people were going to & fro for their breaking the fast it was supposedly more convenient to keep them ajar.
Good comment tipple.
Except, tipple & Brissles, I think subsequent interviews with locals have revealed the Grenfell House had a high proportion of Christians (or people nominally so) living there.
You might be onto something tipple – It seems the fire did start in a kitchen. Now who could possibly be cooking in the wee hours of the morning I wonder. Someone tired perhaps, careless and weak from fasting perhaps?
The media are falling over themselves praising those wonderful muslims for saving lives by being up early. Imagine if they’d CAUSED it by being up early. The msm would do everything in their power to supress that bit of news. Actually they wouldn’t have to: the police, fire brigade, local authorities and politicians will do it upstream of the msm. Still, sometimes these things seep out, like smoke under a door.
Shouldn’t have spread though, should it?
I think we should all shut up until some real facts emerge otherwise we’re no better than the BBC we despise.
The ‘PC Brigade’ beat this guy who was probably their biggest ally.
An own goal if ever there was one? …..……http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-40281300
Yes, taffman, and did you hear the BBC R4 deception this morning? No mention of the truth of why Farron quit.
The finger was pointed firmly at the BBC and some other TV broadcasters by a colleague of Farron’s last night.
According to 5Live, Corbyn and Harman the West London fire is down to ‘The Tory Cuts’ and Islamic Relief (who share the same friends as Corbyn and are funded by DFID, the EU and UN – .and are completely ‘neutral’) are down there helping anyone regardless of race religion or creed.
Labour and their ilk aren’t going to like this bBC video
Maybe they should go down the poor/austerity path, though problems may arise here too…
Anybody ever seen a bBC ‘tomorrows newspapers’ article like this before: