Sky News is saying that sniffer dogs are going to be sent in to find remains in Grenfell towers.
Strange there has been no uproar from the RoP at this act of defilement.
I have done a bit of training with sniffer dosg, teaching them to find bodies. They have to be taught with substances which smell like a human body, and that is usually a mixture or human hair and pork.
Heard this live.
Plenty of police and minders there to keep the plebs away from St Sadiq.
Good for him to get some of his Momentum medicine
“Will you apologise to Jeremy Corbyn?” being only one of the shouty twaddle lines we heard.
Some black media star said to “leave it out-some things are more important than Corbyn”. Oh dear-reeducation time.
Brought to mind how Putins goons dealt with that poor mum whose son had just died on “The Kursk”in 1999.
Type 2 diabetes syringes for all Labours minders, but less insulin, more novocaine.
Just been listening to PM which has announced the results of the fastest public inquiry ever held.
The Grenfell Tower fire was caused by the Theresa May.
One nasty, highly partial opinion piece. So much for balance and impartiality.
Earlier in the day we had a Guardian hack telling us it was all about being poor, with another mate joining in to say it was part of the ‘class war’. Sure the ‘poor’ all live 15 to a room, a single toilet to a street and get their water from a typhoid pump. Actually they probably do now in parts of London, but they aren’t ‘our’ poor, they are Nick Clegg’s.
It’s the same with any stabbing or shooting by the RoPers, Jim, the police, within a few hours, can come up with a psychiatric evaluation, which could take weeks, as to the perps mental state and motive at the time of the attack. Bloody clever is our plod!
This morning Treezer announced that a proper inquiry would be conducted – as opposed to an improper one? Now she has just announced that a full inquiry will take place.
What is the difference between an inquiry and a full inquiry? Both whitewash the big shots, but a full inquiry takes longer and costs more.
Meanwhile the BBC are blaming ToriKutz and greedy Tories.
Can someone tell the Tories something the BBC know. The next election campaign is in full swing and the BBC are backing Labour. The Tories need to dump Treezer fast.
Jimmy Savile DID get as far as Roundhay Park in Leeds as well as Glencoe in Scotland.
They ARE the British Ballsup Cartel after all.
That said, West London is where all their drugs, boys and mosques are I`d imagine.
I was trying to work out how many “reporters” they had there. At one stage Hugh couldn’t remember the title of one of them. with words or similar of “our correspondent for eeerrrr””.
It’s easy for them because the al beeboids all live in west London . I feel sorry that all those politicians coming into London from the west will have to see the husk of a tower block until its knocked down and replaced by the Joyce Grenfell mosque .
Or they could use the overseas aid budget to rebuild it.
With the BBC being occupied with the recent terrible events in London, they cherry pick what to report or not.
These two left wing attacks took place this week.
Congressman Steve Scalise, the No. 3 Republican in the US House of Representatives, was in critical condition on Wednesday night after he and three others were shot as they practised for a charity baseball game.
He was shot by James Hodgkinson, 66, from Belleville, Illinois. Hodgkinson had posted anti-Trump messages on his social media accounts and campaigned on behalf of Mr Sanders, the Left-wing Senator who ran for the Democratic presidential nomination.
He was a member of several anti-Republican groups on Facebook including “The Road to Hell Is Paved With Republicans”, “Terminate The Republican Party”, and “Donald Trump is not my President”.He described Mr Trump as a “traitor” in one post, and wrote “it’s time to destroy Trump & Co”
Well none of this was deemed worth reporting or very little.
This is another
– A top candidate for France’s right-wing Republicans, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, was left unconscious Thursday after a clash with a protestor while out campaigning for this weekend’s legislative elections in Paris.
Kosciusko-Morizet, widely known by her initials NKM, was insulted by a man while visiting a market in central Paris and then lost her balance when he tried to throw her campaign leaflets in her face, an AFP journalist at the scene said. After falling, she blacked out for several minutes possibly after hitting her head, before being revived by emergency services. Her aggressor, a middle-aged man in a shirt and chinos, left the scene immediately.
I bet if was perpetrated by the right on leftists it wouldn’t have gone unreported
Although it`s always great to see Tucker and Mark, I`m inclined to be more alarmed than they are.
After Cameron 2015, Breixt and Trump last year?
I think it`s time to stop indulging the left.
They`ve not had to argue for over 40 years now. As far as they are concerned “the politics is settled”.
And their very salaries, fame and approval from the hive is ALL that their empty angry lives seem to be dedicated to.
The “right” needs to stop sittting on the slab and start to run with the momentum that Nigel and Donald gave us.
They need to grasp the scale of what we nearly chucked away last week-because we preferred to cruise in Corbyn class, instead of getting dirty, angry and sweaty in the engine room.
To be fair to Islam-THEY see the need, and we act like uncovered meat for them.
The Right needs to want the future, as much and even more than the presumptous nasty and gutless left. And tell Islam where the left live.
Doesn`t seem that way today. Seems they`re happy to carve us up instead between them.
Alicia, the first thing to be addressed is that you don’t fight the enemy on the battleground of her choosing, (couldn’t resist playing the game!). The so-called ‘right’, i.e. the sensible realists are not of the ‘right’. Left and right are the internationalist and nationalist extremes of communal socialism, where the individual is subject to the will of the leaders.
The national socialists got a bad press in WW2, especially after killing some six million of their own citizens. The international socialists, (communists), were on the winning side so got to write the history and hide the tens of millions that they killed off. They gave themselves the brand name ‘left’ and called everyone else ‘right’, linking them with the socialists with the image problem. A neat trick.
There was a time when a ‘liberal’, think freedom, a ‘democrat’, think individual voter, and a ‘conservative’, think retaining the best of the past, were defenders of free speech, free thought, rationality and responsibility. Sadly they have all given up those values, (poor Farron discovers that his liberals aren’t). They all try and position themselves on the communal socialist axis. Mrs. May ever fearful of being called ‘nasty’, (you are wasting your time dear), lurches Corbyn-wards, “I’m more internationist socialist than you”, and the sensible realists say, “Who the hell do we vote for? The parties are all the same.”
And they are, because they are stupid enough to fight on the ground of the evil, destructive, idiotic left’s choosing.
If each of us as individuals achieves, ‘society’ as a whole achieves. Society on its own cannot achieve. The communal socialist dream is that the leaders will direct the plebs to make more tractors. Is that really the dream of youth?
OK folks, what bigger picture conclusions can we draw since the GE? TM is leaden footed as is the Conservative Party overall . Social Media rules, the electorate have no memory of what happened other than since 2010. A terrorist and Marxist can get 40per cent of the vote. A terrorist and Marxist track record is irrelevant . People see a kindly old guy who campaigns well and relates to people. Who can’t agree with social justice and bashing the rich? Every event, fire, scandal, any need to commit British troops will play into Corbyns hands. Meanwhile McDonnell aims to get 1 million on the streets to foment revolution from below. The conservatives can only hope to hang on and expect things to get better. Not a reassuring strategy but what remains? The BBC aids and abets Corbyn. One more push and we are there, they think. So, a tough 5 years. It’s a fight for survival. Enemies can no longer be tolerated. End the BBC licence for starters.
“Not a reassuring strategy but what remains?” – islam lending them a hand……………
Come the coup, even at my age and awaiting another hip job, I’ll re-enlist again!!!!!!
A white bearded man appears with a big smile and a flash of red. The children go ecstatic. What’s in the large Government issue sack they all wonder? The children are told of the magic and wonder. How miracles happen and hearts are opened. Wonder is in the air. After such wonderful stories the children use their imaginations to guess what present they will receive.
They are all given a parcel in brown nondescript paper – can’t offend anyone can we children? They tear at the paper and they see a bland wooden toy – children it’s environmentally friendly and recyclable! They look around and they all have the same toy,even the boys and girls – let’s rejoice that we all the same but different and diverse.
He leaves in a dark limousine heading towards his palace drinking scotch thinking of all the good he has done today.
~ The End ~
p.s. Giving 16 year olds the vote, you might as well keep going – 8 year olds can put a cross in a box.
A bit like EU Immigration – when is enough a enough? So apparently ‘Enough is Enough’ when you run out of enough stuff to give away or enough useful people to build a society. That is enough.
As they continue to expertly advise us on the tower fire, the latest CBB outrage is how disgraceful this all is given that it’s happened in one of the wealthiest areas in London where people dig out their basements to create more space, while these poor souls have been living in sub standard accommodation for years. Exposed pipes, no sprinkler systems and a host of other third world living conditions, even before we get to the cladding. So according to this CBB cretin it’s the fault of the wealthy that this has happened. Actually I think it’s the taxes paid by the wealthy that helps support the residents of these towers through subsidised rents and other benefit payments. Everywhere in London is expensive to live and there are even social housing blocks in Mayfair. Prices to buy and to rent are crazy and this is in part due to large numbers of people flooding into an already well crowded city. The building had £10 million pounds worth of improvements, cladding being only part of the entire project. Whatever the condition was before the fire surely the 10 million must have left it looking more first world than third. Also the residents were living with fantastic transport links, Westfield shopping Centre and Hammersmith shopping also very close. Only about 4 or 5 tube stops to Paddington. It’s a bloody brilliant location and I’m sure it was far from the hell hole that some are trying to make it out to be. I hope that the building can be knocked down and re built for them. At the risk of opening my mouth too wide, I will also add that even if moved into a brand new tower many of the people affected would still find something to complain about. As for the CBB I wish they would just shut up.
Just had an email from my son, Threebi, in Munich, with an update on Tuesday’s sBahn shooting, in which his boss was shot in the leg. Turned out the shooter was a Bavarian born, American citizen. No names or pack drill as of yet.
” It’s a bloody brilliant location and I’m sure it was far from the hell hole that some are trying to make it out to be.” – Perhaps: “…..or, where they’ve come from, apparently…..”.
I’ve just been wondering how the CBB would report a fire if it were in an up market block of apartments in Knightsbridge. How much air time would they give it.
The BBC seems to be just one big Community Radio Channel.
Reminds me of two-way Family favourites, but the army personnel are not ours. But the BBC seems intent on getting us to care, to share to -well , give a monkeys.
I honestly would-but I know that they don`t. But want to signal their virtue and play at hospital radio.
Wish they`d just shut up, stop using it to get Corbyn into power.
But until they can find a link to the Brexit vote, imagine it`s all we`ll be hearing about.
Oh Martin, Immigration is so yesterday. Demographics is the future my friend. Find out yourself.
Go to the link below and type in the names John and Mohammed to see the future for boys.
Type in Amelia (Trustworthy, beautiful) and Sarah for girls.
The lyrics to, ‘Three Wheels On My Wagon’ – appropriate or not? Just replacing one or two choice words with ‘islam’, ‘bombs’ and ‘multicultural’ says it all.
Three wheels on my wagon
And I’m still rolling along
The Cherokees are chasing me
Arrows fly
Right on by
But I’m singing a happy song
I’m singing a higgity, haggity, hoggety, high
Pioneers, they never say die
A mile up the road there’s a hidden cave
And we can watch those Cherokees
Go galloping by
“George, they’re catching up to us!”
“Get back in the wagon woman!”
Two wheels on my wagon
And I’m still rolling along
Them Cherokees are after me
Flaming spears
Burn my ears
But I’m singing a happy song
I’m singing a higgity, haggity hoggety, high
Pioneers, they never say die
Half a mile up the road there’s a hidden cave
And we can watch those Cherokees
Go galloping by
“Duh, Paw? Are you sure this is the right road?”
“Will you hush up? You and your maps!”
“One BBC Radio 4 reporter on Today this morning revealed his unfamiliarity with the territory when he visited the badly damaged ground floor flats and was surprised and sad to see there were, ‘no paintings on the walls.’”
They really are in a bubble all of their own – champagne Socialists to a man.
Listen to Comey’s crafted words, they tell people what to think – ‘no doubt’, ‘fair’,’big deal’. Words are important.
“There’s no doubt, that ,it’s a fair judgement, it’s my judgement. that I was fired, because of the Russian investigation. I was fired in some way to change , or the endeavour was to change, the way the Russian investigation was being conducted. That is a very big deal.”
James Comey – testifying to Intelligence Senate Committee – 15.06.2017
As heard tonight on BBC’s 100 Days+, a the programme where presenters say please keep my job going for as long as possible, please, please, thank you Mr Trump for this opportunity to keep my job reporting about you, without you this show would not exist. Similar to Government overrun – set objective (100 days) then keep it rolling. Just call it the “Trump ‘degeneration’ Show”.
Over the last 50 years tower blocks have been the answer to housing shortages. Before this disaster we already had a housing shortage, the problem will be exacerbated by the continued ‘open door’ policy to the rest of the world. Is there no government that will listen to the majority of the people of this nation who call for the door to be shut ? – we are ‘full up’.
Watched BBC2 Springwatch earlier, Taff and that lefty get Packham was dripping about the loss of flower meadows and other wild life sites since the 1930’s (only 26K acres left) and what we could do about it. Set aside a bit of your lawn, etc. all the while, not a bloody peep about what the real reasons for the loss might be.
The bBC and it’s socialist agenda London fire: ‘The working class aren’t being listened to’ Maria Vigo has lived opposite Grenfell Tower for 11 years, and she’s upset. Not just with the fire that claimed so many lives in the block she can see from her kitchen window. She’s also upset with how expensive her local playgroup has become, and how the people of north Kensington can’t afford the properties in the area. But – most of all – she’s upset that she’s not being listened to. “There was a lot of anger on the school run this morning,” she says.”There’s a lot of separation between classes and people are telling me that it’s down to social cleansing.”
So Maria is complaining about social cleansing. looking at the vast majority of people from the tower block and the area, I’d say it was ethnic cleaning of the British People. But hey this is the bbC.
She continues: “They need to train us how to get out of buildings safely, not just put up a fire notice,” she says.
Really,you don’t have the intelligence to :
a) Ask the management
b) Ask the fire brigade (they are more than helpful)
3) Work out your own escape route. I know I bloody would.
Then she comes out with: “The council isn’t listening to us. We don’t want a pretty building. They should ask us ‘What do we need? or ‘What would we like? Maria also says a desire for profits is encroaching on the lives of working-class locals.'”
Err yer daft bat, the council doesn’t run the tower block, a private non for profit company does.
Have to laugh at this: “Properties are being built in this area that aren’t being bought by people in the local community.”
Local community, 90% of that so called local community aren’t local to Europe never mind London.
After a load of waffle the bBC prints a picture of Christina Simmons
Who states ” “I didn’t realise we had so many Eritreans and Somalians,
The msm dont seem to consider it abnormal that a great big tower block in central London seems to be inhabited by pretty much everyone on the planet except indigenous Londoners, without wanting to be disrespectful to the dead, do they not consider this a bit strange.
We are being told that fatalities might now reach 100+, if the authorities are not able to id most of these then is it not most likely they were non documented immigrants?
21:22 C4 Footage of East End market every person is basically Asian, until they finally find one white market trader.
The Brexiteer WifeSwap husband was born there “now I feel like a stranger in my own country.”
Of course such reality TV is planned and edited to wind the viewers up.
Prog opened with the German woman sneering at his Daily Express and saying it’s only good for the dog to pee on.
Twitteratii exploded when Brexit guy said foreigners come here and can get council houses/benefits
she said that is 100% not true.
So far all the Remainers are angry sneery pointy finger people ..who think they are nice and Brexiteers are bigots. But their self awareness is very low.
brexit campaign was basically the daily mail and sun and blokes talking crap down the pub #wifeswap
That is a bit extreme the Remainer woman is trying to house train the dog to wee on Nigel Farages face on the Daily Express.
..What kind of person would allow themselves to be shown as so bigoted ?
He put his foot down and refused to take his England flags down, she’s stormed out the house.
The statement the Remainer said that Foreigners don’t get accommodation has been proved false
The Remainer lady just explained how when homeless she and her daughter got in a shelter, the 7 foreigner families all got allocated housing before she did.
My God the final shot is the German woman walking into the house , seeing the pic of Nigel Farage and putting is straight into the Aga ..and we see the flames licking up Nigels face.
Now it could turn out that the German woman is an actress and that Channel 4 fixed the whole thing.
But run the empathy check of reversing roles
…We know if a non-LibMob person burnt the image of a LibMob hero ..we’d never hear the end of it.
What about Farages children watching their father’s photo being public burnt like that.
The very next prog has the anti-bailiff’s and a load of white people help Rekha Patel keep her house.
(she won in the end)
She ain’t no actress she’s a Green Party campaigner from Nottingham via Germany. Also tomorrow nights last leg on 4 is a cox special about bringing the country back together rammed with left wing remainer arseholes.
@KarieH I was massively shocked a Remain tweeters tonight
– You always expect TV reality shows to be manipulated and fake, but you can’t manipulate 300 Twitter accounts like that
#1 Most sensible people avoided the prog
#2 There was only about 30 Tweets fromBrexiteers, all calm and rational
#3 There were about 270 tweets from Remainers and I counted ONE that was tolerant
The others were all disgusting , they were an exact projection of what they accuse Brexiteers of
: intolerant + kneejerk hate, namecalling, sneering, patronising, arrogant, fully TRIBAL and NO HUMILITY
(is that what many remainers are really like ??)
“Brexit: UK and EU negotiations to start on Monday”
Its almost a year since we voted in the referendum get OUT of the EU. and we are still there!
I have the horrible feeling that May and her gang will come back from the ‘negotiations’ with an even worse deal than ‘Carmoron ‘.
I hope I am wrong or there will be a lot of unhappy people in this country.
Nigel Farage , get you party back on the road ………………
Shout with me taffman!
“Gradual Diversity ala Douglas Murray” vs “Disruptive Diversity ala Merkel”.
“Leave EU”+”Happy Either Way”@65% “Remain in EU”@35%
It’s tiring trying to imitate how the Far-Left roll 😉
Caught another fake interview by the BBC. Beeboid interviewing a bloke they describe as a “local resident” by the name of Piers Thompson who was slagging off the local council and demanding justice for the victims of Grenfell Towers. Very on message with the various Corbynistas who blame the government for the deaths. Then saw a piece of footage with Corbyn demanding the ” truth will out” about the tragedy, and who should be stood by the side of him wearing different clothes but the very same Piers Thompson. A quick Google check shows that Thompson is a local left wing activist and campaigner, along with his equally left wing wife, Tanya. Once again the BBC present us with a “concerned” local member of the public without telling us he’s a SJW and “community activist. The BBC really want calling out on this dishonesty.
I am shocked I tell you, shocked. The BBC presenting an activist as a member of the general public/disinterested expert. What next? Hostility towards anybody on the Right in politics?
That lad piers has been on the tv all day. At lunch time he was greeting his hero Corbyn just in time for the Beeb to film it and a black activist telling us that he is the one to save us. Later he showed up on sky news but with a different outfit. The place is crawling with left wing activists and they are all being paraded before the tv screens posing as normal members of the public. Channel 4 news earlier had the unelected politician known as lily Allen on blaming it all on the tories. Snow was lapping it all up until she brought up the fatality numbers and he ended the chat. All these guys are trying to incite hatred against the government and cause riots and the media are helping them.
Did hear some bloke shouting over Sadiq Khan that he`s not backed Corbyn-and Khan should be ashamed of himself, and will he apologise?
Usual shouty grandstand, hogging of the media news. Bet it was Piers, bet it was pre-staged, so the BBC would interview the passionate loudmouth for Corby.
And welcome to a special edition of More or Less.
The Grenfell Tower block has just finished an approx. £8 million + refurbishment.
And we know there were 120 flats.
That is a cost of £70,000 per flat !!!!!!! FFS.
I could re- build my house for that kind of money. How the hell do they justify this? Where does the money come from?
And we know that many of the residents are asylum seekers, Hijab wearing women (are they employed? Do they pay any tax?)
What a disgrace. This tragedy reveals a Redistribution of wealth on a massive scale, and all on the quiet.
This money should come out of the Overseas Aid Budget.
Wonder if they had CCTV to see the numbers leaving the flats? Quick head count and it might help to identify people to recompense them after this terrible tragedy.
As most in the media seem focused on John’s coup and Jeremy’s home invasion plans (kidding), has any enterprising journalist wIggled free of the latter’s rectum long enough to delve into the back story to the drafting of the fire regs, who drafted them, who oversaw them, who was in charge of implementation, etc? Is it possible there was more than one watch involved, and who failed.
I see the NGO petition brigade are already working up some awesome demands, and some good ideas they are too. Just a little vague on who is paying for some symbolic diversity icons to live in the heart of the most expensive real estate there is with no hint on actual contribution.
Maybe convert Hyde, Regent’s and other parks into nice little six up, six down detached des-reses with an acre of garden apiece, to satisfy whatever bonkers quotas they can dream up next?
It’s often about this time of night Nick Robinson seems to tweet after a few too many in the HoC bar, and then needs to furiously explain or back pedal. And….
Forget DUP. Forget Brexit. Biggest political risk facing PM now is the fire – if cuts/deregulation blamed. (Reminds me of Bush & Katrina)
Oh those poor migrants and others. Second night-and no homes.
Oh wait.
Don`t the BBC still have all that lovely space going nearby in White City?
Channel 4 always seem to have plenty floor space going free. Why not let them all stay there, and film it for a live reality show?
Cheap telly-and we might get some migratnts who could tell the truth and replace scum like Snow and Robinson.
Yes, he is backpedalling already – “IF” is the key word. More ‘some say’ rubbish – “it weren’t me guv, honest!”
Drip, drip propagandist. As impartial as a Corbyn poster.
Typical BBC agenda. The World Tonight (Radio 4, 22:00-22:45) was at it too, with over-concentration on what the BBC clearly hopes will be (or, rather, what it can turn into) Mrs May’s ‘Katrina’ moment; listen around 10-15 minutes in. There was a contrast at one point between Jesus Christ’s (sorry, Freudian slip! I meant Jeremy Corbyn’s) meet-the -people visit and Treeza’s meet-the-Fire-Brigade equivalent. To top it all off, there was Trump bashing too, though the US interviewee dealt with Coomarasamy (spelling?) pretty well.
I loathe the BBC viscerally and am seriously thinking of cancelling my £145.50 Telly Tax (sorry, I meant of course ‘TV Licence’) and soon, since I hardly watch anything now and prefer sites like this one.
Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi
It beats me why any of you posters on this site pay the Telly Poll Tax?
They have not got the manpower to prosecute all of the non-payers, the more the merrier.
Why don’t you just add one more to their work load?
I dont pay it, never have ever, its a British tax, and i am Manx, and if theres enough room in their collective rectal passage with all those heads up there, thats where they can stick their tax.
JohnCFeb 25, 02:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Remember this ? – from the ‘Centre for European Reform’ to try and interfere with the Brexit vote just one…
StewGreenFeb 24, 23:44 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Youtube pushed this video at me. He’s a young Youtuber so his stance is more mild than ours. He talks…
JohnCFeb 24, 23:15 Start the Week 24th February 2025 From my earlier video: Hits the topical nail on the head.
JohnCFeb 24, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 lol – and it was often a speedboat for 2 steelwork welders in Birmingham to share between them.
StewGreenFeb 24, 22:29 Start the Week 24th February 2025 quote : Two Tier Kier made inflammatory comments yesterday and now violence erupts outside a Reform Convention?? Are the Police…
FlotsamFeb 24, 22:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I can’t agree. I understand where you’re coming from, OK for the man on the street but not for the…
diggFeb 24, 22:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 There are lots of very evil people mentoring these children…. And they are always lefties….
Sky News is saying that sniffer dogs are going to be sent in to find remains in Grenfell towers.
Strange there has been no uproar from the RoP at this act of defilement.
I have done a bit of training with sniffer dosg, teaching them to find bodies. They have to be taught with substances which smell like a human body, and that is usually a mixture or human hair and pork.
An incredibly angry reaction towards the ‘useless’ London mayor plus the comments such as:
“He really is beyond useless to the point even Muslims and lefties see through his nonsense.”
Heard on the BBC though, they have carefully edited out all the angry voices accusing him.
The Bias continues.
Heard this live.
Plenty of police and minders there to keep the plebs away from St Sadiq.
Good for him to get some of his Momentum medicine
“Will you apologise to Jeremy Corbyn?” being only one of the shouty twaddle lines we heard.
Some black media star said to “leave it out-some things are more important than Corbyn”. Oh dear-reeducation time.
Brought to mind how Putins goons dealt with that poor mum whose son had just died on “The Kursk”in 1999.
Type 2 diabetes syringes for all Labours minders, but less insulin, more novocaine.
Just been listening to PM which has announced the results of the fastest public inquiry ever held.
The Grenfell Tower fire was caused by the Theresa May.
One nasty, highly partial opinion piece. So much for balance and impartiality.
Earlier in the day we had a Guardian hack telling us it was all about being poor, with another mate joining in to say it was part of the ‘class war’. Sure the ‘poor’ all live 15 to a room, a single toilet to a street and get their water from a typhoid pump. Actually they probably do now in parts of London, but they aren’t ‘our’ poor, they are Nick Clegg’s.
It’s the same with any stabbing or shooting by the RoPers, Jim, the police, within a few hours, can come up with a psychiatric evaluation, which could take weeks, as to the perps mental state and motive at the time of the attack. Bloody clever is our plod!
This morning Treezer announced that a proper inquiry would be conducted – as opposed to an improper one? Now she has just announced that a full inquiry will take place.
What is the difference between an inquiry and a full inquiry? Both whitewash the big shots, but a full inquiry takes longer and costs more.
Meanwhile the BBC are blaming ToriKutz and greedy Tories.
Can someone tell the Tories something the BBC know. The next election campaign is in full swing and the BBC are backing Labour. The Tories need to dump Treezer fast.
”’The Tories need to dump Treezer fast.”’
Or the appeaser needs to drop the BBC.
Does anyone know whether there is anything happening in the world outside West London?
The bBBC news editors clearly think not.
Jimmy Savile DID get as far as Roundhay Park in Leeds as well as Glencoe in Scotland.
They ARE the British Ballsup Cartel after all.
That said, West London is where all their drugs, boys and mosques are I`d imagine.
I was trying to work out how many “reporters” they had there. At one stage Hugh couldn’t remember the title of one of them. with words or similar of “our correspondent for eeerrrr””.
It’s easy for them because the al beeboids all live in west London . I feel sorry that all those politicians coming into London from the west will have to see the husk of a tower block until its knocked down and replaced by the Joyce Grenfell mosque .
Or they could use the overseas aid budget to rebuild it.
With the BBC being occupied with the recent terrible events in London, they cherry pick what to report or not.
These two left wing attacks took place this week.
Congressman Steve Scalise, the No. 3 Republican in the US House of Representatives, was in critical condition on Wednesday night after he and three others were shot as they practised for a charity baseball game.
He was shot by James Hodgkinson, 66, from Belleville, Illinois. Hodgkinson had posted anti-Trump messages on his social media accounts and campaigned on behalf of Mr Sanders, the Left-wing Senator who ran for the Democratic presidential nomination.
He was a member of several anti-Republican groups on Facebook including “The Road to Hell Is Paved With Republicans”, “Terminate The Republican Party”, and “Donald Trump is not my President”.He described Mr Trump as a “traitor” in one post, and wrote “it’s time to destroy Trump & Co”
Well none of this was deemed worth reporting or very little.
This is another
– A top candidate for France’s right-wing Republicans, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, was left unconscious Thursday after a clash with a protestor while out campaigning for this weekend’s legislative elections in Paris.
Kosciusko-Morizet, widely known by her initials NKM, was insulted by a man while visiting a market in central Paris and then lost her balance when he tried to throw her campaign leaflets in her face, an AFP journalist at the scene said. After falling, she blacked out for several minutes possibly after hitting her head, before being revived by emergency services. Her aggressor, a middle-aged man in a shirt and chinos, left the scene immediately.
I bet if was perpetrated by the right on leftists it wouldn’t have gone unreported
This is Tucker Carlson and Mark Steyn, discussing the attempted murder of Scalise and other Leftist violence.
Although it`s always great to see Tucker and Mark, I`m inclined to be more alarmed than they are.
After Cameron 2015, Breixt and Trump last year?
I think it`s time to stop indulging the left.
They`ve not had to argue for over 40 years now. As far as they are concerned “the politics is settled”.
And their very salaries, fame and approval from the hive is ALL that their empty angry lives seem to be dedicated to.
The “right” needs to stop sittting on the slab and start to run with the momentum that Nigel and Donald gave us.
They need to grasp the scale of what we nearly chucked away last week-because we preferred to cruise in Corbyn class, instead of getting dirty, angry and sweaty in the engine room.
To be fair to Islam-THEY see the need, and we act like uncovered meat for them.
The Right needs to want the future, as much and even more than the presumptous nasty and gutless left. And tell Islam where the left live.
Doesn`t seem that way today. Seems they`re happy to carve us up instead between them.
Alicia, the first thing to be addressed is that you don’t fight the enemy on the battleground of her choosing, (couldn’t resist playing the game!). The so-called ‘right’, i.e. the sensible realists are not of the ‘right’. Left and right are the internationalist and nationalist extremes of communal socialism, where the individual is subject to the will of the leaders.
The national socialists got a bad press in WW2, especially after killing some six million of their own citizens. The international socialists, (communists), were on the winning side so got to write the history and hide the tens of millions that they killed off. They gave themselves the brand name ‘left’ and called everyone else ‘right’, linking them with the socialists with the image problem. A neat trick.
There was a time when a ‘liberal’, think freedom, a ‘democrat’, think individual voter, and a ‘conservative’, think retaining the best of the past, were defenders of free speech, free thought, rationality and responsibility. Sadly they have all given up those values, (poor Farron discovers that his liberals aren’t). They all try and position themselves on the communal socialist axis. Mrs. May ever fearful of being called ‘nasty’, (you are wasting your time dear), lurches Corbyn-wards, “I’m more internationist socialist than you”, and the sensible realists say, “Who the hell do we vote for? The parties are all the same.”
And they are, because they are stupid enough to fight on the ground of the evil, destructive, idiotic left’s choosing.
If each of us as individuals achieves, ‘society’ as a whole achieves. Society on its own cannot achieve. The communal socialist dream is that the leaders will direct the plebs to make more tractors. Is that really the dream of youth?
Excellent summary of the philosophical/intellectual side of the problem facing us and the West.
[He said] “The Road to Hell Is Paved With Republicans”, “Terminate The Republican Party”, and …wrote “it’s time to destroy Trump & Co”
He sounds as if he works for the BBC.
OK folks, what bigger picture conclusions can we draw since the GE? TM is leaden footed as is the Conservative Party overall . Social Media rules, the electorate have no memory of what happened other than since 2010. A terrorist and Marxist can get 40per cent of the vote. A terrorist and Marxist track record is irrelevant . People see a kindly old guy who campaigns well and relates to people. Who can’t agree with social justice and bashing the rich? Every event, fire, scandal, any need to commit British troops will play into Corbyns hands. Meanwhile McDonnell aims to get 1 million on the streets to foment revolution from below. The conservatives can only hope to hang on and expect things to get better. Not a reassuring strategy but what remains? The BBC aids and abets Corbyn. One more push and we are there, they think. So, a tough 5 years. It’s a fight for survival. Enemies can no longer be tolerated. End the BBC licence for starters.
“Not a reassuring strategy but what remains?” – islam lending them a hand……………
Come the coup, even at my age and awaiting another hip job, I’ll re-enlist again!!!!!!
A white bearded man appears with a big smile and a flash of red. The children go ecstatic. What’s in the large Government issue sack they all wonder? The children are told of the magic and wonder. How miracles happen and hearts are opened. Wonder is in the air. After such wonderful stories the children use their imaginations to guess what present they will receive.
They are all given a parcel in brown nondescript paper – can’t offend anyone can we children? They tear at the paper and they see a bland wooden toy – children it’s environmentally friendly and recyclable! They look around and they all have the same toy,even the boys and girls – let’s rejoice that we all the same but different and diverse.
He leaves in a dark limousine heading towards his palace drinking scotch thinking of all the good he has done today.
~ The End ~
p.s. Giving 16 year olds the vote, you might as well keep going – 8 year olds can put a cross in a box.
A bit like EU Immigration – when is enough a enough? So apparently ‘Enough is Enough’ when you run out of enough stuff to give away or enough useful people to build a society. That is enough.
The first identified victim of the tower block fire is Mohammed, a refugee from Syria.
Truly, London is another country.
Such a loss to Engineering. Or is it Brain Surgery or possibly Nuclear Physics?
Allah’s will.
The NHS will be in tatters.
As they continue to expertly advise us on the tower fire, the latest CBB outrage is how disgraceful this all is given that it’s happened in one of the wealthiest areas in London where people dig out their basements to create more space, while these poor souls have been living in sub standard accommodation for years. Exposed pipes, no sprinkler systems and a host of other third world living conditions, even before we get to the cladding. So according to this CBB cretin it’s the fault of the wealthy that this has happened. Actually I think it’s the taxes paid by the wealthy that helps support the residents of these towers through subsidised rents and other benefit payments. Everywhere in London is expensive to live and there are even social housing blocks in Mayfair. Prices to buy and to rent are crazy and this is in part due to large numbers of people flooding into an already well crowded city. The building had £10 million pounds worth of improvements, cladding being only part of the entire project. Whatever the condition was before the fire surely the 10 million must have left it looking more first world than third. Also the residents were living with fantastic transport links, Westfield shopping Centre and Hammersmith shopping also very close. Only about 4 or 5 tube stops to Paddington. It’s a bloody brilliant location and I’m sure it was far from the hell hole that some are trying to make it out to be. I hope that the building can be knocked down and re built for them. At the risk of opening my mouth too wide, I will also add that even if moved into a brand new tower many of the people affected would still find something to complain about. As for the CBB I wish they would just shut up.
Just had an email from my son, Threebi, in Munich, with an update on Tuesday’s sBahn shooting, in which his boss was shot in the leg. Turned out the shooter was a Bavarian born, American citizen. No names or pack drill as of yet.
” It’s a bloody brilliant location and I’m sure it was far from the hell hole that some are trying to make it out to be.” – Perhaps: “…..or, where they’ve come from, apparently…..”.
I’ve just been wondering how the CBB would report a fire if it were in an up market block of apartments in Knightsbridge. How much air time would they give it.
The BBC seems to be just one big Community Radio Channel.
Reminds me of two-way Family favourites, but the army personnel are not ours. But the BBC seems intent on getting us to care, to share to -well , give a monkeys.
I honestly would-but I know that they don`t. But want to signal their virtue and play at hospital radio.
Wish they`d just shut up, stop using it to get Corbyn into power.
But until they can find a link to the Brexit vote, imagine it`s all we`ll be hearing about.
I was wondering why an Ethiopian man was residing in the Kensington flats. There must be a good reason, but I can’t think what it is.
Apparently he was one of those child asylum seekers Lilly Allan apologised to.
Oh Martin, Immigration is so yesterday. Demographics is the future my friend. Find out yourself.
Go to the link below and type in the names John and Mohammed to see the future for boys.
Type in Amelia (Trustworthy, beautiful) and Sarah for girls.
Mark as a baby name petered out around 2002. Martin dropped in 1994 sorry to say. Peter (the rock) has eroded to nothing.
Oh, and I just found a special link for a special name …. so special it has it’s own page.
The lyrics to, ‘Three Wheels On My Wagon’ – appropriate or not? Just replacing one or two choice words with ‘islam’, ‘bombs’ and ‘multicultural’ says it all.
Three wheels on my wagon
And I’m still rolling along
The Cherokees are chasing me
Arrows fly
Right on by
But I’m singing a happy song
I’m singing a higgity, haggity, hoggety, high
Pioneers, they never say die
A mile up the road there’s a hidden cave
And we can watch those Cherokees
Go galloping by
“George, they’re catching up to us!”
“Get back in the wagon woman!”
Two wheels on my wagon
And I’m still rolling along
Them Cherokees are after me
Flaming spears
Burn my ears
But I’m singing a happy song
I’m singing a higgity, haggity hoggety, high
Pioneers, they never say die
Half a mile up the road there’s a hidden cave
And we can watch those Cherokees
Go galloping by
“Duh, Paw? Are you sure this is the right road?”
“Will you hush up? You and your maps!”
Taken from Conservative Woman:
“One BBC Radio 4 reporter on Today this morning revealed his unfamiliarity with the territory when he visited the badly damaged ground floor flats and was surprised and sad to see there were, ‘no paintings on the walls.’”
They really are in a bubble all of their own – champagne Socialists to a man.
I also bet there were no Waitrose bags next to the espresso machine on top of the AGA stove either.
He must have been aghast.
Listen to Comey’s crafted words, they tell people what to think – ‘no doubt’, ‘fair’,’big deal’. Words are important.
“There’s no doubt, that ,it’s a fair judgement, it’s my judgement. that I was fired, because of the Russian investigation. I was fired in some way to change , or the endeavour was to change, the way the Russian investigation was being conducted. That is a very big deal.”
James Comey – testifying to Intelligence Senate Committee – 15.06.2017
As heard tonight on BBC’s 100 Days+, a the programme where presenters say please keep my job going for as long as possible, please, please, thank you Mr Trump for this opportunity to keep my job reporting about you, without you this show would not exist. Similar to Government overrun – set objective (100 days) then keep it rolling. Just call it the “Trump ‘degeneration’ Show”.
Jon Snow confronted by angry mob at Grenfell Tower, couldn’t happen to a nicer bloke!
Over the last 50 years tower blocks have been the answer to housing shortages. Before this disaster we already had a housing shortage, the problem will be exacerbated by the continued ‘open door’ policy to the rest of the world. Is there no government that will listen to the majority of the people of this nation who call for the door to be shut ? – we are ‘full up’.
Watched BBC2 Springwatch earlier, Taff and that lefty get Packham was dripping about the loss of flower meadows and other wild life sites since the 1930’s (only 26K acres left) and what we could do about it. Set aside a bit of your lawn, etc. all the while, not a bloody peep about what the real reasons for the loss might be.
The bBC and it’s socialist agenda
London fire: ‘The working class aren’t being listened to’
Maria Vigo has lived opposite Grenfell Tower for 11 years, and she’s upset. Not just with the fire that claimed so many lives in the block she can see from her kitchen window. She’s also upset with how expensive her local playgroup has become, and how the people of north Kensington can’t afford the properties in the area. But – most of all – she’s upset that she’s not being listened to. “There was a lot of anger on the school run this morning,” she says.”There’s a lot of separation between classes and people are telling me that it’s down to social cleansing.”
So Maria is complaining about social cleansing. looking at the vast majority of people from the tower block and the area, I’d say it was ethnic cleaning of the British People. But hey this is the bbC.
She continues:
“They need to train us how to get out of buildings safely, not just put up a fire notice,” she says.
Really,you don’t have the intelligence to :
a) Ask the management
b) Ask the fire brigade (they are more than helpful)
3) Work out your own escape route. I know I bloody would.
Then she comes out with:
“The council isn’t listening to us. We don’t want a pretty building. They should ask us ‘What do we need? or ‘What would we like? Maria also says a desire for profits is encroaching on the lives of working-class locals.'”
Err yer daft bat, the council doesn’t run the tower block, a private non for profit company does.
Have to laugh at this:
“Properties are being built in this area that aren’t being bought by people in the local community.”
Local community, 90% of that so called local community aren’t local to Europe never mind London.
After a load of waffle the bBC prints a picture of Christina Simmons

Who states ”
“I didn’t realise we had so many Eritreans and Somalians,
Couldn’t make it up if you tried.
The msm dont seem to consider it abnormal that a great big tower block in central London seems to be inhabited by pretty much everyone on the planet except indigenous Londoners, without wanting to be disrespectful to the dead, do they not consider this a bit strange.
We are being told that fatalities might now reach 100+, if the authorities are not able to id most of these then is it not most likely they were non documented immigrants?
Englands Dreaming
“non documented immigrants”
Newspeak for Illegal immigrants .
That’s Kwiss Eubank!
21:22 C4 Footage of East End market every person is basically Asian, until they finally find one white market trader.
The Brexiteer WifeSwap husband was born there “now I feel like a stranger in my own country.”
Of course such reality TV is planned and edited to wind the viewers up.
Prog opened with the German woman sneering at his Daily Express and saying it’s only good for the dog to pee on.
Twitteratii exploded when Brexit guy said foreigners come here and can get council houses/benefits
she said that is 100% not true.
So far all the Remainers are angry sneery pointy finger people ..who think they are nice and Brexiteers are bigots. But their self awareness is very low.
That is a bit extreme the Remainer woman is trying to house train the dog to wee on Nigel Farages face on the Daily Express.
..What kind of person would allow themselves to be shown as so bigoted ?
He put his foot down and refused to take his England flags down, she’s stormed out the house.
The statement the Remainer said that Foreigners don’t get accommodation has been proved false
The Remainer lady just explained how when homeless she and her daughter got in a shelter, the 7 foreigner families all got allocated housing before she did.
My God the final shot is the German woman walking into the house , seeing the pic of Nigel Farage and putting is straight into the Aga ..and we see the flames licking up Nigels face.
Now it could turn out that the German woman is an actress and that Channel 4 fixed the whole thing.
But run the empathy check of reversing roles
…We know if a non-LibMob person burnt the image of a LibMob hero ..we’d never hear the end of it.
What about Farages children watching their father’s photo being public burnt like that.
The very next prog has the anti-bailiff’s and a load of white people help Rekha Patel keep her house.
(she won in the end)
But wot about desecrating the quaran?
She ain’t no actress she’s a Green Party campaigner from Nottingham via Germany. Also tomorrow nights last leg on 4 is a cox special about bringing the country back together rammed with left wing remainer arseholes.
@KarieH I was massively shocked a Remain tweeters tonight
– You always expect TV reality shows to be manipulated and fake, but you can’t manipulate 300 Twitter accounts like that
#1 Most sensible people avoided the prog
#2 There was only about 30 Tweets fromBrexiteers, all calm and rational
#3 There were about 270 tweets from Remainers and I counted ONE that was tolerant
The others were all disgusting , they were an exact projection of what they accuse Brexiteers of
: intolerant + kneejerk hate, namecalling, sneering, patronising, arrogant, fully TRIBAL and NO HUMILITY
(is that what many remainers are really like ??)
Expressing glee at a burning Farage

..Em that’s modern day witchburning
On the day before a mediafest about a politician that was murdered last year,
C4 gleefully ended a program by burning the image of counter-politician
What kind of morality do these people have ?
Almost none.
“Brexit: UK and EU negotiations to start on Monday”
Its almost a year since we voted in the referendum get OUT of the EU. and we are still there!
I have the horrible feeling that May and her gang will come back from the ‘negotiations’ with an even worse deal than ‘Carmoron ‘.
I hope I am wrong or there will be a lot of unhappy people in this country.
Nigel Farage , get you party back on the road ………………
Shout with me taffman!
“Gradual Diversity ala Douglas Murray” vs “Disruptive Diversity ala Merkel”.
“Leave EU”+”Happy Either Way”@65% “Remain in EU”@35%
It’s tiring trying to imitate how the Far-Left roll 😉
Will next edition of Wives Swap be with the wives of a fundamentalist Muslim
to swap with ….who ?
Caught another fake interview by the BBC. Beeboid interviewing a bloke they describe as a “local resident” by the name of Piers Thompson who was slagging off the local council and demanding justice for the victims of Grenfell Towers. Very on message with the various Corbynistas who blame the government for the deaths. Then saw a piece of footage with Corbyn demanding the ” truth will out” about the tragedy, and who should be stood by the side of him wearing different clothes but the very same Piers Thompson. A quick Google check shows that Thompson is a local left wing activist and campaigner, along with his equally left wing wife, Tanya. Once again the BBC present us with a “concerned” local member of the public without telling us he’s a SJW and “community activist. The BBC really want calling out on this dishonesty.
I am shocked I tell you, shocked. The BBC presenting an activist as a member of the general public/disinterested expert. What next? Hostility towards anybody on the Right in politics?
That lad piers has been on the tv all day. At lunch time he was greeting his hero Corbyn just in time for the Beeb to film it and a black activist telling us that he is the one to save us. Later he showed up on sky news but with a different outfit. The place is crawling with left wing activists and they are all being paraded before the tv screens posing as normal members of the public. Channel 4 news earlier had the unelected politician known as lily Allen on blaming it all on the tories. Snow was lapping it all up until she brought up the fatality numbers and he ended the chat. All these guys are trying to incite hatred against the government and cause riots and the media are helping them.
Did hear some bloke shouting over Sadiq Khan that he`s not backed Corbyn-and Khan should be ashamed of himself, and will he apologise?
Usual shouty grandstand, hogging of the media news. Bet it was Piers, bet it was pre-staged, so the BBC would interview the passionate loudmouth for Corby.
And welcome to a special edition of More or Less.
The Grenfell Tower block has just finished an approx. £8 million + refurbishment.
And we know there were 120 flats.
That is a cost of £70,000 per flat !!!!!!! FFS.
I could re- build my house for that kind of money. How the hell do they justify this? Where does the money come from?
And we know that many of the residents are asylum seekers, Hijab wearing women (are they employed? Do they pay any tax?)
What a disgrace. This tragedy reveals a Redistribution of wealth on a massive scale, and all on the quiet.
This money should come out of the Overseas Aid Budget.
Wonder if they had CCTV to see the numbers leaving the flats? Quick head count and it might help to identify people to recompense them after this terrible tragedy.
As most in the media seem focused on John’s coup and Jeremy’s home invasion plans (kidding), has any enterprising journalist wIggled free of the latter’s rectum long enough to delve into the back story to the drafting of the fire regs, who drafted them, who oversaw them, who was in charge of implementation, etc? Is it possible there was more than one watch involved, and who failed.
I see the NGO petition brigade are already working up some awesome demands, and some good ideas they are too. Just a little vague on who is paying for some symbolic diversity icons to live in the heart of the most expensive real estate there is with no hint on actual contribution.
Maybe convert Hyde, Regent’s and other parks into nice little six up, six down detached des-reses with an acre of garden apiece, to satisfy whatever bonkers quotas they can dream up next?
It’s often about this time of night Nick Robinson seems to tweet after a few too many in the HoC bar, and then needs to furiously explain or back pedal. And….
Oh those poor migrants and others. Second night-and no homes.
Oh wait.
Don`t the BBC still have all that lovely space going nearby in White City?
Channel 4 always seem to have plenty floor space going free. Why not let them all stay there, and film it for a live reality show?
Cheap telly-and we might get some migratnts who could tell the truth and replace scum like Snow and Robinson.
Yes, he is backpedalling already – “IF” is the key word. More ‘some say’ rubbish – “it weren’t me guv, honest!”
Drip, drip propagandist. As impartial as a Corbyn poster.
Typical BBC agenda. The World Tonight (Radio 4, 22:00-22:45) was at it too, with over-concentration on what the BBC clearly hopes will be (or, rather, what it can turn into) Mrs May’s ‘Katrina’ moment; listen around 10-15 minutes in. There was a contrast at one point between Jesus Christ’s (sorry, Freudian slip! I meant Jeremy Corbyn’s) meet-the -people visit and Treeza’s meet-the-Fire-Brigade equivalent. To top it all off, there was Trump bashing too, though the US interviewee dealt with Coomarasamy (spelling?) pretty well.
I loathe the BBC viscerally and am seriously thinking of cancelling my £145.50 Telly Tax (sorry, I meant of course ‘TV Licence’) and soon, since I hardly watch anything now and prefer sites like this one.
Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi
It beats me why any of you posters on this site pay the Telly Poll Tax?
They have not got the manpower to prosecute all of the non-payers, the more the merrier.
Why don’t you just add one more to their work load?
I dont pay it, never have ever, its a British tax, and i am Manx, and if theres enough room in their collective rectal passage with all those heads up there, thats where they can stick their tax.
Moghrey mie & Be lucky.