Uncle ‘Joe’: Listen kids…I’ll give you free tuition, pay off your debts, give you houses, great jobs and a super-model partner [colour of your choice] and all your dreams will come true…and the oldies will pay for it…do I get your vote guys?
Young Hopefuls: Yey!!!!!!
Did Corbyn have ‘youth on his side’ as he claims? The BBC certainly thinks so but you’d be hard pushed to get the reasons why…such as massive bribery….Panorama decided it was revenge for Brexit…before deciding that Corbyn ‘won’ because he offered hope, change, no more austerity [such as it isn’t]….curiously no mention of those massive bribes on tuition fees.
Brendan O’Neill spots what might be the problem for those young people angry at the DUP, could the same problem explain why Corbyn got their vote…they don’t actually know anything about him or his policies….maybe they should have Googled him or, God forbid, read the Mail or the Telegraph….
One protester’s comment summed up the flimsiness of the fury. ‘I didn’t know who the DUP were, I had to Google them,’ he said. From Googling a party to railing against it in the space of minutes: the modern mindset summed up.
Is this another example of those young who make their educated and informed decisions and vote for Corbyn based on blissful ignorance [Corbyn who? Yeah man you get my vote…now where’s the cash?]…protesting the EDl, who weren’t at the meet, and against Tommy Robinson…but not knowing who he is…
Similarly those who hate the DUP for their religious bigotry support Corbyn and his Muslim friends….Muslims who have even more extreme views on the same subjects as the DUP….
Much like that cult leader of the “the family of god” who sends out is own female beauties to “fish” for members! This weasel of a leader hadn’t been seen commenting in public for 20 yrs or so who also had a white beard and who surrounded himself with very pretty long haired females!
The Film is on NETFLIX! I’ve just watched it! vile things they do and believe!
I think st Corbin of Islington s next stage will be to use his alleged popularity to push through the end of Trident and withdrawal from NATO which are two of the aims his gang have long desired. The way the fools who voted for him last week are at the moment he could probably pull it off by telling them he’d use the money for universal pay or some other pie in the sky dream. Please let me be wrong.
The BBC decided Corbyn won?!!! What planet are they living on? He’s 64 seats short of a majority. Has anybody ever noticed that the left are absolutely brilliant at self-deception?
The left have never been any good at the facts, truth or economics just good at promising gulliable people lots of free trinkets that ever never materialise or come with a hefty hiden bill that usually has to be paid for by someone else
Didn’t Corbyn lose the election because Theresa May screwed her policies up and then hid away?
I’m really struggling with this point, because all around the Internet (and the BBC) they’re telling me that Corbyn won…
Am I going mad??????
You just have to accept the alternative universe that the BBC live in which includes:
1. Corbyn won
2. UK politics has never ever seen anything like this before
3. Theresa May has had the worst election result ever
4. All the Brexit voters voted for a soft Brexit.
5. Islam is peaceful
Didn’t we see this just last year when Farage pulled off the mother of all surprises…
BBC didn’t seem to like that one too much, but it’s all forgotten now, as Comrade Corbyn has become Al Beebs messiah..
Problem is that at the moment alt reality is leading the way. the kids seem to approve of Corbin as a messiah who is going to take all their debts away. Classic group think. They don’t care about the finer points such as who is gonna pay for it and apart from Brillo no one is going to ask awkward questions. Al Beeb stays signed up to Corbin world because they know they would never be adversely affected by a Marxist regime – as well as the right on types who run the thing who were probably bought up with the anti Thatcher narrative .
On the upside – at least we know that a Corbin government wouldn’t last more than a year. But the pain in that time would be breathtaking .
Damn. I should have posted this here and not on a thread a few days old.
Robinson must have read your comment…as I might evidence in the next post…
‘Nick Robinson…clever chap eh? Apparently Corbynmania is ‘religious fervour’, the Followers believe in the ‘good book’… Labour’s manifesto [yeah…made up fantastical drivel…..feeding the 5000 with a few loaves and a couple of small fish…. water into wine…very Corbyn-like] Corbyn is taking them to the ‘promised land’ [is Robinson taking the piss…..a man accused of anti-Semitism and Robinson gives us a Jewish iconic theme to explain him?]…he then calls him ‘JC’ in a knowing, smartarse way….genius.’
Its easy to vote for free stuff when you don’t pay tax. The BBC are a prime example of taking tax payers for granted so what would they know about it.
The real scandal is the pretence that all can go to university then get the job of their dreams. For most its not worth the debt and they would be far better off getting into work and getting on the job training leading to promotion and a career.
Many years ago I remarked to a manager at an engineering firm that it was debatable if it was worth getting an engineering degree. Surprisingly he agreed.
He then said that new engineering graduates were effectively competing with the existing ‘top designers’ as to pay and position. His son however had been encouraged to join the company at the age of sixteen, when he had been competing against married women ‘who were only in it for pin-money’. As a result he soon became foreman and by the time he reached the age of the graduate recruits he was production manager!
That was in the days when only 10% of school leavers went to university and an engineering degree virtually guaranteed a job. Goodness knows how today’s Doctors of Burger Flipping get on!
The problem is that so many employers demand a degree for jobs that just don’t need one, so they feel they have no alternative but to go to university. It’s a cycle that needs broken somehow.
Roland – as an employer, the crappy degrees I think have been designed not as a measure of study and intellect, but simply illustrate if the person can stick something for 3-4 years and not drop out. The amount of applicants over the last 10 years who started yooni, but jacked it in to go off round the world on a ‘gap’, work in McDonalds or simply couldn’t be arsed is I reckon as high as 60-70%.
Deb – think the problem now is that al Beeb is so happy in the labour story that even if the tories tried to buy the kids off f by cancelling student debt and making university education free I think the genie is out of the bottle and they will vote Corbin whatever the circumstances because he is ‘ cool’ as opposed to a Marxist terrorist supporter down the years. Seems the past counts for nothing now.
Voting age needs to be raised to 25, or at least 21. I’m 30 and it didn’t take me long in the real world to come to my senses.
The way things are going I’d push the voting age up to 40, and only for people who wear old Etonian style Victorian frock coats, a top hat, like foxhunting – and sporting a monocle 🙂
You are quite the exception, young sir!
I agree, voting age should be 21, only contributors to the system eligible to vote and all voters required to produce ID at the polling station. Postal voting only in very rare exceptions.
I was talking to a new neighbour couple recently, who moved here from an enriched part of Manchester and I asked them about how they were going about voting. They said that they had voted by post and went on to tell me that when postal voting first became widespread, they’d had a knock on the door from a helpful Asian man who offered to help them fill out the form as they might find the process difficult. They declined, he wasn’t happy.
What I find worrying are the stories surfacing, that at some polling stations, the younger voters were furnished with multiple ballot papers. If so, postal voting fraud is small beer in comparison. I hope that it is not true as, otherwise, UK elections will be an utter sham.
They should abolish postal voting. It is so open to abuse. I appreciate that is why the Labour Party is so keen on it, but people need to have faith in the election system. The same goes the size of constituencies. Another area where the Labour Party (and the Liberals) are hostile to reform. There seems to be a pattern here. Expect a BBC Panorama about it soon – not!
I wondered for a moment who lowered the voting age to 18, and thought the BBC love the “youth vote” so much it must have been the Labour Party. I looked it up, and of course it was – entirely unconnected (strangely never mentioned by the BBC) with the fact that the “youth vote” generally support the Left. It is so unpredictable isn’t it what the BBC forget to mention.
So what proportion of 18-21 year olds pay any tax? Again, something the BBC strangely never mentions. The answer of course is very few of them. They are however (and so are their public sector teachers) keen it seems on voting for Parties who that argue that those who do pay tax should pay for their courses. It seems like high moral principles to me, it must be because the BBC keeps telling me that students voted Labour because they were worried about the NHS.
The video above is a great example of the lefts dumbing down of education over the last 40 years….the dippy bint is probably in meeja studies.
Since the day Treason May called a GE that wasn’t needed, for me I saw the very slow motion but inevitable panning out of events. Labour will be the next government, the promotion of Corbyn is relentless despite his past ( and present ) views, these are no longer deemed extreme they have now become mainstream, it is frightening the speed from which a year ago he was unelectable to now being in a very good position to be PM, Labour cannot and will not ditch him now.
Brexit is now in dire straits the EU even now saying we can change our minds if we want to, Tory Brexiteers now talk about a soft Brexit. It appears that 17.4 million people are now a sort of non people being totally marginalized by the media and government, notice how they never ever mention the 17.4 million voters!
At the time of Brexit and UKIPs 4 million votes, Trump and Le Pen, I was feeling optimistic but it seems to be slipping away. I see a Labour government in office a complete betrayal of Brexit, the POTUS has the biggest uphill fight imaginable even from his own party. The left are far more powerful than I ever imagined, maybe there is one piece of good out of all of this… at least we know who the enemy is now.
Our future now isn’t positive and seems to have overnight turned on a sixpence to be an absolute nightmare in waiting .
Is our country worthy saving I sometimes wonder when I look at the millions of stupid greedy people in it.
I really think that UKIP were onto something when talking about no fees for maths, science and engineering degrees.
I wouldn’t go so far as being free but I think 50% off would be a good step. It would certainly offer a nice indication of what the government or society thinks are useful degrees and what are vanity, time stalling degrees.
Payne by name
I wouldn’t go so far as being free but I think 50% off would be a good step. It would certainly offer a nice indication of what the government or society thinks are useful degrees and what are vanity, time stalling degrees.
Most of the other so called degrees are basically attenedence certificates and not worth the paper they are written on especially given the very low standard of students that do them and that the so called universities turn out nowadays
There seems to be some anecdotal evidence to suggest that some of today’s youth may have voted twice or three times in this election, having registered to vote in more than one location.
I have no way of checking the claims that I have read, but it does seem to be entirely plausible.
I have been trying to recall what evidence I had to provide of age when I registered my son to vote for the first time in 2015, but cannot recall. On that basis, there might not have been any such requirement at all, but maybe a more clued up reader here can remind me?
Either way, I sincerely hope that May sticks to her manifesto pledge to address voter fraud (including postal vote fraud) during the course of this Parliament.